tv Stossel FOX Business April 24, 2016 1:00am-2:01am EDT
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>> these rules 0 "war on the ttle guy." incomprehensible to mis >> i havave no idea wh its i this boo and i'm a a constitutionawyer. >> the government dsds thousands of papayments ofewew rule >> tough reformrms to protect nserers. >> they say y we need me.e. >> there a certainimes we ould infringe on your freem. >> we have to depend on the federal government tprotect our cildren. but they keep passg more laws. now we'r're drorowning in red t. >> i can't eat the way i want, drink wer the way i want, can't poop the wayay i want.
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like a disease. likeke a mole. >> getet out of my life. this magician must have license for his rabbbbits? >> how is any normal human supposed too understandd this ad follow ththat. >> i don't't have that answer. >> the constitution saysys i hae a riright to bear arms. but where i i live, i can't d o this legally. >> can't we g rid of some of this? the good news is that some entrepreneurs cucut through the red tape.e. >> i chose to be a survir,r, not a victi >> so familieies have a better experience a i i can d drive a cab. >> welcome. >> all these people are combatan i in the "w o on the little guy."." > a certain amount of regulalation is good. the problblem is they don't st. >> i would be o out of busines >> with evevery phphone call the came more bureauctic red tape.
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>> our governmt adds ousands of new pagesf law every year. that's on top of the 1,000 pages they passed in ior >> this is just what you see re, just the fderal pa. stat, local gornments a add much more than th. if you want to get state, coty, and city laws, y need rent a b bigger building. >> this laer jeff rose helps littleuys deal with the red pe. >>his is an agendaf control for itits open sake. that's why r regulators dohat they do. >> come on. control for its o open -- its nn sake. they're not macveilan power frequents. >> i guess you haven't dedealt with very men bureaucts they like rul and live to enforce rules. >> undpaid government function areas. ii call them littlemperors. they jusfy their existencey creating regulation >> even marty the mosito is
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regular -- magician is regulated. >> thought how could be regulated. >> he can't getutut amore, too ba >> marty has entertained kids for 30 years and th like many ma. >> s he uses aabbit. >> yes! >> a birthday child will make the rabbit magic include --ly appear. >> i was signin autographs and taking pictureses. ddenly a badge washrown into a mix and the inspector saying, t me e your licen, license for a rabbit and she said fr now you cannotse your rabbit until you fil ou perwork, f fi out theli phoex,x, inspect yo home. i'mubjectct tourpris inspections of momenm.m. >> is nonot embarrassed. >> very serious.
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>> martytyas in violation of the animal welfare act. ten times reguleyrs h have shown up, unannounced at marty's house. >> cannot argue wi them. yo can't even talgically with them. >> she would love it if everybody said, said, did my fst one retire?nd i she said, no, goodnews, we increasesed r budget and we have more inspectors now. wewe can visit you more often. >> y you got this letter. deere dear members ofof our regulation community. sounds like a familyly. >> a c comnity i don't want too be a prt of. >> thehey actualally wanted a cocomphensive written didisaer plan detaililineveryy i wldld do with m my rabbit in event of a fire, flood, temperatures,ce storm. >> 20 0 poibleisasters they list. intentional attack. animals escape. tornado, hurricane, blizzard. the gernment calls t these common emergrgencies. >> thehe plan came i in at 30 p. >> you say to thesee people, coe
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on, this is ridiculous and they laugh and say, it is, butt we have to do thihis? they don't lugh ever. >> there's more. you're not doing y yo job if you're a regulatorrnless you add more off this stuff. >> that's why government grows new onee direction n and done shrirink america wawas cop received as sa seaa of lisch with anan island f government power. we're now a sea of govovernment power with ever shrinkingng islands of liberty. >> l let go to the sea of vernment power. e ke to show y you around.. >> you want a washington, dc tour? justst ten dollars. that's the capapitol behind m this iss the irsrs b buiing. oh, i can't tell y that. ththat's illegal. >> segs i the city, offers gu tours a aund washingt on segw. segs in theity in gett? one problem. >> this is illegal. >> it is illegal if you tal >> bill manene had an idea. tours by segway. >> b business grows tremendousl.
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>> going too b up to ourur last year.. ut guys d.c. must take test andndet a govovernment cense to give tours. >> the you have been giviving tours. >> yes. >> you don't have a licse? are youu a bad person? >> i am not. >> she triried to get a lilicene but that's not eas >> i hadad to g get four personl rev reps, people i have nope over aear. a c criminal background check, passport photos. >> total cost, $200. >> t or thee weeks l later thhey sasaid i could signed up for a test date, and i took it a week d a half ago and i i failed b by five points.. >> after the interview she tried again, jumped through more hoops, p paid anotother $115. retotook the test, dinal did pass. >> i think trying to makak sure thatat people get a proper tour. >> we give them a proper tour. mean've passed a bar exa inow how too give a proper
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tour. >> off to the rit, washington, dc, and off to your le rginia and the pentagon. >> the ruleses are n about safety on seays, it's a what guides areowed to say. many new rules are lits on speech, john was told he had to get a licensnse for hiss advicee column. >> if john rosen is a criminal for giving advice inn his coelom then deaear abb was on a 50-year crime spree. >> this year i receed a letterr from attorney forr the kentucky ycychology licensing board, telling me that i was practiticg psychology witithout a license.. >> cease and desist. you're engaged in unlawful pracce opsychology. >> people all over the country are getting in trouble for giving advdvi without a cecens i represe a a blogger from north carolina whoasas giving out die tier advice over the internenet. he got in trolele. i represent t aa v w who was helpgg people overseas whoho hae no acss to veterinarian.
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ththat guy got in troububle. >> it is often the litittle guy whwho is the biesest victim of usive lawsws. > am i being arrested? >> you need to -- >> we neneed check you for weapons. >> these men had the nerve to offer home improrovements. >> arere you kidding me? >> no, sir. this is not a sting operation. >> because theseobob seekers did not put up thousas of dollars and take severall tests, government cracked down. bureaucrcracies at a state licensing g board offered jobs o people on craigslist who said, i seek work. but when the workersshowed up, this happen. >> califora's proud of ts.s. they post this video online at a time when unemploymt isis hi. our government attacks people o want to work.k. andd stops people from srting businesses. >> got started, someme now h hee eyey come.. >> s she w was told, yoyou n nea license to help people with
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taxes. >> free enterprise is at stakek. >> this manan, after selling t-shshirts here for r 30 years,w told, you must st this is just the rules from friday, december 16t it's tiny fine print. >> yep. every day is a another book, and youu have to know everything in here or you can go to jail? >>hat's right. and i'm a constitnal lawyer, and iave abtely no idea what is in these books. >> eachnd every o of this is incomprehendib to me. >> and unnececessary. i'm f flipping open thi book. this is the department of energy regulaon on the forma for dermining the enenergy efficiency of a commeral icemaker. somebody who runs bar or a restaurant can just g to the manufacter and sa gi men it'sr. if it works the maret will figure out what is theest
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icemaker. >> don't knee reviews -- >> don't need the federal government pting inincomprerehends able forormuls and require everybodyy to confom toto this bizarre standard. i kekeep getting more of this stuff. and it doesn't go away. it's like a d disease, likeke a mole. just eat through. slowly, and you don't exist anymore. >> the mexican gray wolf. the hubaback whale. the sea lion. the are endangered spees and need proteion. >> so the endangered species act seems le a good idealism want those animals procted. but theureaucrats always take a good ide and run t far with it >> it's ou job as abassador of the law to protect our nation's speaks fofor future
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generations. >> and so the governmement wants to use laland in lououisiana too protect one type of frog.. >> we're by kper the frag. >> actuallthe mississippi gopher frog. he call him kasp the ghost because none of thesese frogs le anywhere near ed's property. >> i looked it u on their web site, an found out t by their own pubtions, the frog has not beenen in the state of louna because our land is not suitable for it. >> this frog doesn't existst in this are >> it doesright now. it has historically. >> why ills it fair t impose this on this pooruy? >> that's a go queson. right now thare lesshan 100 of these frogs in t wild. previously thods. they ud to in louisiana, this land owner has five great pondnd inhis property.. >> the government went after the man's ld after bill snake's's group, the nter for biological
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diversity, sueued sh and wildlife for not doing enough to protect kasperer he. > the g government can just a oh, is is a g goo spot?? >> technicical, yes, bubut that isisn'w i woould put it. they think t th wildd amerericas ol america. >>eoplee wa to protect dangered. >> absolutely. i didn't know theree were ninee million species, and that s some arare going to -- do all 4 milln ececieof beatles need too be preserved? whwhy do we need to preserve evy one. >> economic reasons, , ececologl rereasons, spiritual rains and these are godod's creatures. >> there's a limit how far w weo and i don'tretend to know where the line is. i sure as heck am goingo try to save a specieses. >> but some roofsadan unintended constancece. land officers know itself government finds an edangered will -- heir land they >> they can this lan out of commerce stop it fro being develod. >> this le a new response,
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called, shoot, shovel, and ot up. >> in r words, land owners see a endangngered speaks s on theieir lan sometimes shoots the thing and then b bury it, and tn ut up about it. >> t that waway you can keep usg your lan.. >> their job isoreserve endanger species shohouldn't thy preserve t these ing? >> thehey should but t fr can't live on our land. it needs the elelements. >> says you. >> says the fish and wdlife service. >> it's true to make anenew home for these frogs, the govevernment says hel have to chang his land. >> r remove all the trees, replt nenew trees, dig ponds that have to be mainintaineded and drained every six months, putt the frogs back on, brn the forest every year >> he wantedo build huses on the land. i got rezone for that. no problem sis sh and wildlife, we wo with land owners. they wouldn't agreebe interviewed out the complaint.
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instd they postedseo. >>e ar looking forward to working with willing lan oers in louisian >> they tellou how to cooperate. th hen't this handbook. >> it's an enormously complex,x, tetedious,, bureaucricic road m. >> 300 in pages,, unbelievably complelex. certaiainly cocouldn't have a le andalal with this. y you couldn't. >> this isan antonio. yes -this is s san ano. >> y yes- this is reasonable?e? >> yes, if ian understand it, they can understatand it. >> youou're an environmental lawyer. what about normamal people tryig to live their lives. i seeee why you lawyers love th. >> i would probably write defendlive but it does make sure the goverent commits itself to a process thatss transparent a fast. >> f >> er. >> telling someohey can't do someg with their own property to prect an animal that doesn't ext t there? everybody's definitionn of craz.
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>> the environmental rules are suppososed to preserve endangngd species. n nobody is going to disagree there isn't a core of legitimate government regulation out there. buon top of that core, which is small, there is a giant mountain of uselesess, li-crushin time-waste, pap nerang regulatn. >> how much money are you out. >> $34 million. >> they that's inconsequenal can my land be taken for know reason atll no amal atll anybody's lan anynywhere can be taken. don't build a garage or a ing t on it. don't even cut your grass. >> sall around america land owners, shoot, shovel, and then shut up about it >> comin up,he supreme court says i have a right to cay one of these, but will my city l me?
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when they thought ey should westart saving f retirement. then we asked meme older people when they actually did art saving. tand when we actually thendo i is one of the reasonse whtoo many of us aren' prepared for retirement. just start as early you can. it's going to pa off in the future. if we all start sasaving a little more toda we'll all be bter prepared tomorrow. prudential. bring your challenges. thank you. ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. i order b14. i get b14. no surprises. buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster white knuckle thrill ride. you're promised one speed. but do you consistently get it? you do with comcast business. it's reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping.
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say -- >> theajority of the people want sensle gun row diributions. >> sensible restctions. whatoes that mean? >> photocopies not accepted >> i tried t get a g license. they me it very har first, you must fill out this 17-page form. the fm says i must promise i know the definition of other weapon like switchblade notify, gravity knife,etalnuck knife, kung fu star. i just want a gunor safety. >> people tis threaten me beuse they don't like what i say on tv. >> i think they have too mh security now. >> after thi appearance, some said i shoulbe shot i the face. so when travel around tn, i'd like to have the optionof protecting myself. >> studidies show americans use gunsns every daday to stop crir. >> guns ofoften stop crimes. >> turns the tables on aknife wielding intruder.
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>> today laws in every state allolow adults to carry a concealeled gun. many feared this would lead tooa siege in gun crime but the opposite happened.d. >> vioiolence appears to be droppiping. >> yet some t towns likee chica, new w york city, l.a., make it nearly impossible for people to lelly carry y a gun.. >> this is 50 pages. who underststandsthis? >> it took hours and hours to fill out the forms we had to call thepolice partment six tim to clarify what qutions s meant. finall it was done. >> go ahead d and sign here a ai wiwill fill in the rest. >> then you have to goodod in peperson to police headquarters. here t they fingerprinted me, asasked me to list reasons why i shou b be allowed t to have a g, and then they charge me a $430pplitition fee. they saihehey'd get back to me at least tyy were politete. others t tell differenttory.
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>> they're rude fro the get-go. >> robert martinez s served in iraqaq and affghanistan. >> i have ten years ofmimilitary experience. >> i think a military ve could keep a handgun in his home for protection. but -- >> it's not so e easy. >> why do you want a gun permit. >> to protect my family. m martinez lives in newework city hsing project. >> a couple months ago aaan was beaten toeeath in frontt of my buildingng. >> hear shots go off and i is boom,oom, boom. >> the howth the would get a gun license. that t turned out to be an orde. >> have you theree at 9:00 when they open up at 10:00 and h have youiitting t there until almost 3:00 i in theafafternoon. > thehey serveded me within 0 minutes. >> it's john stossel c coming he to get a lenense -- > for you it was 9:00 in me morning until 2:00. >> yes. >> tide you get at the permit?? >> no. t their attitude is people don't need guns. we're the police. >>he police can't get there you haveter sho a tting the lottery than getting a copop on your street exactly h sameime you get in oblem.
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>> therocess itself was set up to be an orde. >> glen runs this web site which advis people on navigating t regulation. >> if you're ts expert, i wowoulthink it would be easy for you to get people guns. >> it's still an ordeal. it's beieing useas a weapon. to deter people from following through the process, whicich can take a longs a year. >> for me it took eight and a lf months. first th told me i had to return to police headquarte for anothern-personnterview. is time they demanded i pve an accusati against me had been trop. they said this headli was not enough. i was supposed to produce t iginal court documt. they ao told me i had the documents threats against me. fortately i could show them things like this.s. 52 days lateter they sent me a leletter rejecting my applicatin for a carry permit. they s said i could get a licene to keep a gunun in my apartment but i feelafe any apartment.
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i wantnt a permimit to carry whi might feel threatened.d. but i was told, y you failed t o demonstrate a specialeed.. the licse adviser tolde i wrong way.d for theermit the >> fends of the ling class, that's who get it. everne else you're out of luck. >> donald trump got a per notice carry a gun. so did howard stern and robert denear roy. >>hehe ronnyism wayay. many you have done work for sosomeone o o knows a senator. that's t aach. th'll get you in front of a and within two or tow days you'll have aermit. >> these individuals canord ay for secuty. my family can't. there's no waynell i'm going to lethis lie. >> when we return, the red tape keeps comi.
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carolina. peoplele call him mountaiain ma. >> with h my own hands, buiuilt everything. when i movederee thehere wasn' a clearing, wasnsn't a building. >> over 20 years, his turtle island education center became popular. he t taught a thousand peoplee w live like ononeers. him to shut doheount told he hadn't gotten perm>> nathane county boards th oversees the buililding d department. >> p people said his camp wasas unsafe. we don necessarily know whether it's unsafe or not. >> the mountain mann told the county i inspectors, good away,o they cameack with lots of people.. >> the brought allll these differerent departrtments from e healthth department, taxax p pe, the fire marshal, this whole te, like ca- trucks far as you cld see sh up, blocked our driveway, can with ard guds and toer our home. >>oesn't it seem le overkill. >> not really. they merely had their pistols on ththe side. >> he had theeopportunity, mr. conway did, toooperate.
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>> that raid led to thi78 page report on what the mountain man must change. >> just more government overkill. >> w created thiseport in anticipati of litigation. >> a lot ofit just crazy. ey got a picture of our doghouse in there fora german shepherd, it's four fe long. they sai this is intern housing. i don' know if they tht we hadidgets. >> problems with h propty. >> unsafe ildings resting on a piece of rock.. > like a rock solid foundati? we h have been working with the healalth deptment everyy year fr ovover 20 years. they're telling mee i i can't le this way? this is tay ily. i can't eat the waway i want, drinkk watater, can't poop the y i wan can't sleep in the building the wayay want. a new bureaucrat camame in every yeyear, they p pertted every ya, and all a sudden it's ke complely unacceptable.
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>> every think there are too many rules. >> oh, yeah, i think that all thee time. but we don't invent thehe buildg codes, we're merely the enforcer. >> how is any human supposed to understandhat or follow that? >> i don't he the answer. they -- i don't have that answer. if y lk behind me, w have 24 statuteacks. i'm a laawyerer. i'm supposedto know all the atutes. builders oiously c't possibly knoall this but th are taught how toook th stf up. >> why don youou just do what they ask?? >> if we d do what they wantnt,e destroroy y th reason that w're ere. we want toto teach about primite nanatural living and they want s to haveve modern buildings. i'm not going to do what they want me to do. >> so wh will h happen to him? we'll geget back to that. first, what will happen n if i y to be a cab d driver? why should this be illegalal?
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that next. my school reununion's coming fa. could be bad could be a a blast. cacan't find a single thing toto wear. willll they be looking at my ha? won't t be the same without you bro.o. ♪ when it's go, the e new choice privileges gets you there faste and now, sy two times and you cacan earn a free night. bobook now at
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what if before i i could get my tv shshow i had to first get permission froro the competetit? if dan rat or e dooria saer said no, wouldn't be re. that makes sin. >>. bruner of kentucky assuhe could start a moving company without havi to get his competitors permissn, he startede. >> putn ad on craigslist, pickckup truck, and we were b by alall summer long. >> people wanted your svices. now in just a couple years, you have 3 emmployees, six trucks. >> over 30 now, cleancut youngng guys. that sell >> this cstomer is pleaseded.
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> it's been great. they show upp exactly on time. >> but r.j. soon learned tt pleasing customersis not enenough. he g a threatening letter from state regators. >> we need certificate of necessity sang tt there is room in e marketr us to erate. >>erficate of necessity. meanin >> the necessity withi the moving markin keucky for another ver. >> wha a busines has to prove it's needed? get a license? >> you essentily have to get permission from your own competititn first. >> tim's law firmook the case fo ee. >> when starbucks begant would have had to have gten permission from all the other coffee shops. >> tt's right, if you had to prove that ameri needed a new naonal chain of coffee shs, you couldn't prove that. >> no. >> turns out america did neneeda new e off coffee s shop.
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>> competionon sts thiss out better. >> the consumer is in the driver's seat. >> the competition has veto popowe >> we're wrried about consumer appreciation. healthy companiesin kenentucky. >> he has his own moving business, kentucky, like hf the state, allows exxisting companies to protest new cocompition, and overer the past five years, 19 cmpmpans were preventeted om entering the moviving business beecae comp pt -- comtitito said the exisisting transportation servie is adequate. competetition would diminisish r revenue. >> affordable moving, all these her moving companies s, . we donon't wanan tolllow that. what gives them t the r right? 'r're t against new companieses coming in toto kentucky. >>es, you are. you don'tt want aoving company stealing y you business. >> we don't want thehe scenariof a licensed companyoing bankpt. >> but companies go bankrupt all the time. >> it's e end of the line for circuicity.
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>> ordrder borders wentt bellyp. art of what mkes competitionn work.. >> a town of 20,00000 people. would b be neficial to the consumumerto h have 15 moving compmpanies in that area? >> maybe how do you k kn? >> you'd havave companies that e not the position torovide a good service to the g genal public. the bureaucracy can'tececide whetethethere's a public needed for a new moving company,y, not even the movovin companies know that. they havave to try it a and fint by an expeperint. and thesee laws prrohit that ki o of experiment. >> wouldn't home d depot like to say, no, new hardwararetore in the neighborhood? you can't en.. wouldn't gm likeke to say that o toyota and honda? > i'm not s sure. i'm not ththe one that set the law.w. i'm just avding by the law. >>lso, he said, thelder moving companies wnt to protect consumerfrom shady operats.
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>> say i'm coming to pick up yoururture. i tell it's $80 an hour. then when i get toour new house iay, wel younow, willnly charge you 155 hahour. now we have te ternet wh people can find -- onsumers go for the cheapest price, john. >> lisa checked theweb be she hired r.j. it's somebody they did compan poorly, didn take c of their items, at wo certainly ring bel for me. >> had you h complaints from >> no, no complai in fact we are t top ranked moving company in thetate according to aie's li. >> startups create much of the job growth in ameri. >>ntrepreneurs are the wealth creators of r society, the enne of innovatio and progress and jobob coraction and wealth contraction. >> i assume if i wt to srt a business a moving company would be a good way ter. simple, just need trucks,ome strength, good compete.
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>> it should be. you by a truck, paint e word mor on the sidof it and you're i business, and if customers like your products a services they'll buy from you. i theve don' theyon't. >> the regulats are not just mean. shldn't there bebe some rule. >>e want a free market place. ife have an orderly market ace, who is doing the it shoululd be consumers who e ordering and the law stops them from doing at. not protect thehe public but to protect established businesses ainst ving to compete fairly. that violates liberties. these laws are outrageous and all oughto go. what's with ttupipidd
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>>what if i could ke some money dring my own car? d hehelp y you, too wouldn't tht bebe great? >> your lift has arveved. >> t thousands of people alreyy do that, thanks to new cell phonone technology that lets ordinary car ownersrs offer rids to peoplple. peoplele w who want too rid open application. this one is called "lift." others include "side car." they press bubutton and that flagags a nearby dririver. in t this case, me. >> we got one. >> lift makes i its drivers put
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this ridiculous mustache on our cacar. it's a marketing gimmick k but helps the person w whoantsts a pickup spot the car. i also have the passenger's phone number. >> your desestination is on the. >> and his name. >> tim?? >> unlike normrmal cabs, l lift drivers invite ctomers to get in ththe front seat. > welcome. >> welcome, ththank you. >> is this your firstst lift ri? >> my first lift, yes. >> where are you headed? >> tim signed up for lift because it's keepe than taxis. maybe 20% cheaper. >> i i have friends who used i t and arrived about it. >> hlis it that lift passengers sit in ont. ft's founder says tat makes for a frndlilier ride. >> you see the pink muststache the paassenger smiles, thehe drr smiles, you get in the front seatat, fistst bp and it's a new experirience of connececti with people in your community. yomeet someone with different political police oicers or different music tastes. cocompanies have been formedith
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drivers and papassengers. >> t thank you, sir. >> have a good day. >> no cacash changed hands. papayment by crededit card onlyd ththe price is u to the papaenger. if he e depend like me hee could tetell his app to pay m me less. thenen hel have a t tougher time getting the next l lift ride. >> i'm'm going rate tim. give him five stars. >> that will make easier for him to hire the next l lift driver. >> on to the nexext one. >> welcomeme. give you a fist bump. have you used lift befefore? > i have. >>here are you going? >> why would shee feel safegett? >> every i've taken so far has been very nice.e. >> first ofll, not erybody can be a lift driver. my c had to pass inspection, and i had to ps a background check. but teal reassurae comes from the passengers and drivers' rating each other. you can see pictures ofthem and thehe c, they're their rating. >> you get bad ringscan't
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drive anymore. >> what if thepassenger is obnoxious. >> goes both ways. ratingon the drives and ratings on the passengers. >> people get res, i makeome money. great deal. who would obje to that? > taxi drivers, that's's who. >> cabbies lined up theirir cab, then let them sit,, in protest f car shahari apps u used in the city. >> new ideas l lik l lift make estatablished industry players gry. >> damamn right we are. itit'sur family. >> we have to pay big momone fr licensnses we have t toet f fierprinted. we hve to haave commercrc insurance, nk mustache has nothing. sidede c has nothing. >> welell,ot notothing. there is thatackground check. and the ratiting but lift driverss don't have to obey all the city's taxi rules. >> ty just don't complply with the l l. >> bill roush runs the biggest cab c company ilos anles. >>ou want to ban the competition. >> we're not trying ban the competition. whate would like is to
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competing th companies that foll the rules. but the lift cars have to et safety standards. >> whose safet standas? >> t state's. >> ty're lensed as private vecleses. there's noafety standards there. is is the hon system. actually it's something better than t hon system. >> ii'm checki my app and this driver s beenret seated by s passengers, that's not e honor system. that's the world policing him. >>hat's all after the fact. >> in washington, dc, bureaucrats got so upset with car sharing businesses theyid sting operationons. todaday, h however, d.c.ololeras services like lift. they became t too popular fofor regulators to strangle. there's no evence that regulateababs are safer. >> in new york, licensecab driver jumped a curb,hit a woman anddmitted, i shoul't be driving. at doesn'tcry out for less fety regulations,nd it actuallyries out for m mo
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vigorous enforcement ofhe safety regulations. >> of course relation kes it hard for outsiders to compete. >> most of the res thatist in the transportation industry aredesigned to prote existing transportaon protect existing transportation companies from >> in many cities no novative comompany dars ope in nashvill tennesse reaucrats demandhat every car service must charge at least $45 a ride. >> i have to char them $45 for gog frblocks. nobody's goining to ride for 4. >> it w all protectionism, to protect taxi industry. >>hen he ted metro live itas a great success, b the new $45 minimum ended that. we lost all o clientnd th went back taxis. >> he fought nashvilllle's les in court buthe bureaucrats n. whwowould they wt to protect existi business? >> because existg businesses
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e politicallyconnected. >> right. and in this town the hotel industry lobbied for a billthat makes it illegal for me to rent my own apartnt ♪ i dot want to live with theunrt. or wonder ether i should seek treatnt. i am ready. because todathere's harvoni. a revolutionarary treatment for thmost comommon type of chronic hepatitisis c. harvoni is p proven to cure up to 99% of p patients whve had no prior treatmenent. it's the one and only cucurehat's one ll, once a day for 12 week certain paents. can be curured wh just 8 weweeks of harvoni. wiwith harvoni, there's no interfrferon anand there are no complex regimemens. tetell your doctor if you have otother liver oridney problems,, hiv, or otother medical conditions, and about all ththe medicines u u take including herbal supplelements. taki a amiodarone with harvoni macacause a seserious owing of your heart rate. common side effeof harvoni may include tireess, headache and weaknesess. i amam rdy to put hep c behind m me.
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who's they? >> i thinks isheir offic >> victoria dn't know much about this apartment because i belongs strangers and she and her mom justrived. they're from floda but tey waed t to visit new york c for a few ys. and ey prefer to stay in a me. >> a lot bter than being in a hotel by far. ing in the city with a child is mch more convenient becse not only a his breakfas amazing -- >> altair long renovated his apartment thenecid to try t make some extra neyenting his tra space to tourists. >> i just love meeting new peoplend from all different partof the woworld. >> that's w he makes his breakfast part of th al. he advertises on air bnb whi stands f air bed and breakft, trendy loft, steps from times square, 49. this neighborhd th's per than a hotel. us julieie liked the pictures on the website and commentsfrom prevus guests like "the
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apartment is cozy. felt like a home away fom home." >> not only are we able to use the fridge, weave a microve, fresesh hot ffee. >> i'll ma it. >> jul likes staying i homes because this way her karr gets to learn a ltle about how differt people live. >> mess comfortable. >> the room-rama websisite the run by geo and tao. shand her husband cread it becausth travel alot. >> there must be thoan of apartments able w inspect.t. >> how might they rnt their home when they travel? why not just go to craigslist. >> because on raist,t, you don't know who youe dealin with. we dealt wi peopleho just ver showed up,eople who refused to pay in advae cause they didn't know who we were. >> how do i know i'm n going to g some guest who isgoing to trashhe place? >> there are reviews the te. everytng is very transparent for both sides. >> the review the internet feedback, thisrout o sourcing is what makes esedeas wk. th knew that alistair is a
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good host. istair knew less aut them. >> most gsts don't have as many views. on i g theheir name, ill try to do a facebook searn them, but generally i'v had really good luck >> he's ppy, they'rehappy and this wonderful new busine where strangers wit cocomplementary needs find each other keeps ggrowing. so, of course, politicians crack down. thisis politician got a law pasd that bans anyonone from renting ththeir own apartment to anyone for a time p period of less thaa fu montnt if you do, y y're anllegal hotel d you can be fine up to $25,000. the hotel industry suprts the law, to ptect tourists, they say. >> they lk into a situation thatnot safe, not clean. >> really? when we asked for names of complainan, her office didn't provide any. >> there are people begging legiators for the laws to be
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ovturned. >> despi all the laws sometimes entrreneurs and their customers still win. room for re website listis are up since new york's law pass ed. liam like alistair make some money,people li the hocktons ve s some moand they have an experience theyouldn't have. >> it amazg, great, easy, fun. he cheaper taxi services survive. th regula pounce and the business grows. >> ye the businesisowing credibly fast. we've had peopleayay multiple s that lift has tored their faith in humani. >> lift a decar are n in more than aozen cities. the mountain man refused to close his camp. then his passionate supporters got north carolina' legislature to change the law to exempt primitive camps. soun like e bill was written just forhim.
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>>t wawritten just for hi >>nd they fixed it so that he was pretty much exempt. >> the mountain man tehes kids agn, and the seguewayay tours continue. rj keeps moving people while he fights inn court. >> look a that, verybody. matter can keep his mag show alive. ere's a laep ending here. >> yes. >> afteris styade headlines the govement backed off. marty no longer musthave a disaster plan for his rabbit. >> with a little mic and a rabbbbit, if a least fornow have a stay inhe rule. >> but you had toave such dramat story on the front ge. most victi of big govererent suffer in silence, but these people fought ack. >> he's regulators really lieve that they're makg the world a bter place whenf you listen t all these stories, we are making th world abetter plac >> some may ner win, but it's great that they fight. >> good to be in a room with thismount of people. goodo be heretogeth, we're not the ly ones. >> they are theood news.
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but the bad news is there and state capitols everre they keep addin moreed tae. they should stop, but they > fox new reporting in jer , n new jersey. right over there is lower manhattanhehe tn tours of the world trade center oe stood. 15 of the 19 hijackers led or moved to e state of new je. a decade after the aks the again.ade center is risg new buildings will be finished in about two year time but the remains incplete to this day. on that fatefulning 3,000 pe died in new rk. athe pentagon in
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