tv Cavuto Coast to Coast FOX Business April 25, 2016 12:00pm-2:01pm EDT
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was down 14040. right now, d down 110. outime is up. but neil cavo just getting in there he is. off you , neil, it'sours. neil: clearly the most on firing hvy event of the day is the appeals court ring to uphold tom brady fougame suspension. and we're all over it, stuart. thank you very much. stuart updated you. four-game suension reinsted appeals court has done ts by two to one vote reinstate the man over the deflated balls. now, a lot of it comest a time when either just get it er with, tom, sit out the first four games of e season for something that technicly hand the season before last. but it is very c clear that tom brady expects to keep fighting on here that he will likikely continue to apappeal that ruling. he's probably on his own on this regard. but, again, worscase scenario is he would miss the first four games of the se. the fall out on this is cong
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up. in the meantim this issue of collion and whether ted cruz anjohn kasich are trying t to secretly force theiray to get an outcome. so i thought would at least try to be technical about this and t the webster definion of collusion. this doesn quite meet it. collusion is a secre agreement, especiallfor frauduler treacherous purposesa conspiracy. it canlso be a secret undersnding between two or more persons to gain somhing illegally to agree fraud his orer rights or appear as adversaries in agrgreement. well, the onlyhat things reach th technical definition is theye doing it out in the open. it mht be obnoxious to some, it might be annoying to others, it might raise eyebws here. but it collusion? we'll ask ab whatat do o you think? >> well, i don't't think it's
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collioion because i don't think it's secrcretive. these guys h have been working togethther a all alolong, and we just f found out, that's cocollusion. but they're saying we haveve nothing left to lose, we'ree desperate, and thihis is what it's goingng to take. it's probably too latete. this is whwhat the never trump movement was a asking of kasich anand cruz two months ago, and they both refufused to do it. even kasich off talking popoints sayingng peoe should vote for him in indiana. i don't know if he's keeeeping up in the end of the bargaiain. but t it's an unprecedented historic a agreement. i don't think itit's colsion. it's desperation, and we'lll see e if it works. ststuart: yeah, no matter what you define it as, probably won't wowork. bubut the understanding is that governor kasich woululd opt out of competing or runnining heads now in indiana. that primary comoming up may 3rd wherere not polling as well is teted cruz. teted cruz won't compete in plplaces like oregon and
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nenew mexico may 17th and jujune 7th respectfully. bubut in the end if you're backing either of ththose candidates, is this goining to change the way you are likelely to v vote? > w well, it's probably not gointo w work fofor a lot of voters.. it's kind of a t tricky deal. but at the same time, , if you're supupportrtining kasich r cruzuz, and you've been following this race, you k know that they don'n't t have a mathematical path ththrorough te primary process. soso -- stuart: this is all about denying 1237 delegates. >> right. so -- neil: so convincnced he's not going to getet there that even if t they hold him one shy, they'll never be n nominated. >> my point is if you're a cruz or r kasich voter, you're hoping there will be a open convention and you mightht listen to o this as a means of providing that. if they don't,t, trump i is well on his wayay to getting a 1237 by june 7t7th and reading --
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wiwinning this out in ththe ope. so i think if you'rere following one of t those candidates and yoyou're supporting them and you know they can't win,n, you're hoping for a conventntn fight and maybe yoyou'llctually do ththis double step w witith the. neil: or it might acactutually help donald d trump. we'll see. >> right. true. neil: ab, great stuff asas alwaways. apprprececiate it. all right.t. congressman is up from the fine state off pepennsylvania. to him now on whether thihis is playing g fair biological. what do you think, congressman. >> well, it looks like a d ducu, walklks like a duck, q quacks le a duck, itit's probably a duck. it a absolutely is desperate, and i've never seen n anything like this, neil, where the establishment ititself is doing everything it can toto try to tatake down the front-runner who is millions s of votes ahehead d clearly the favorite chohoicicef the pepeople. why we wouldld want to -- a contested convention is beyondnd me. i think wewe hand the electi over to hillary clinton and the supre coururt pick.
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and i'm a baseball fan, ne. th's, like, wanting the second or third placee team whose 20ames behinind the first place to repsent y your team in n the world series. it doesn'take sense. neil: t there are has been a history wi this thing where liberaral candidates, for example, were trying tfind a a conssus candidate. in the beginng 196968 when bobby henry and carthy were competining -- no one dropped out. but the fact othe matter is we learned later on bby kennedy of course t assainateded. but my pointnts there is a history to whereandidates ach tout other, we could, you know, stop is duplication. but you're quiteight, , it has an unsavory feel to . i don't know iit's i illegal, but am it does have an unsavory feel. >> i t thinkt's ththrowing salt on the wounds with people wh are e clearly dissatisfied wh washingt. 70% of theeople e think the country isoing i in the wrong direion anand the other 25% are in wasngton. they're thwing salt in the
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wounds of american peoe sayiying not only your voice isn't heard, we knowore than you. this i't gooood for the party, and i do think it's ing to divide us. neil: something that worri me a ltle bit more is before the so-called pac betwtweecruz and kasich what goveor kasich was telling mwhen we were he liveve this past saturday aboutut the ee that he would have thatat -john kasich a at an ohio convention. i i want you to listen to this exchange. that would decide e on this issue are eieither trump or cruz delegates. do you thihink they're going to allow a rule that woul allllow you to -- on the ballot? >> well, that's, f first of all, that's false, neil.. we don't know how mamany -- what the percentatage you're going to on. ansecondly, because he is what? i've got friends that e going to be on the rules committewho don't buy that. neil: you knowhe numbers. convey count for roughly 70%. no. no. no. i'm saying wdon't know who's
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going on the rules committ yet, neil.l. and thirdly somedy could be nominated from the floor. and urthly for people -- that you know republic party has to be open. not shut and we don't even kn what the total legates are going to be. now, how wou you ever like toe -- il: i understand. your argument is good. the wayou poll in november is good. the way you are most electle caidates, that's good. but on t delegates that have been deced thus far, those two caidates who don't wantt to havyou anynywhere near them accot for the lion share of them. and the delegates have to cidede owhatever the rules committee timately decides to do. do you think, governor, that there's any chce in hell those delegas o are committed to this candidat want to see you in their sandbox? >> i thi there will be a en convention. i thk the rules committee will decide to have an on convention. because i don't think the
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publican party frankly wou look kindly on a thing that offers you a choice betwn trump and cruz and somehow kasich does get condered. because,ou know, neil, you n be nominated from the floor. it not like this is going to go away. but here's the thi that we have to ask ourselves. why would we pick somedy to run againshillary clinton who can't t n? what wou be the reason for ? wh-- why would we pick sobody who cononsistently los in every singleoll, whe divided the country, dividethe party for that matter. y would anybody do that? ne: all right. what do you think of tha congressman? i wanted to makeure we weren't t king it out of coext. what he'saying is i have friends, rul aade to be i like the guy. i li a the candidates,ut my point is that that wamore icky than any of t the so-called collusion stuff. >> well, you know,w, the talk is
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alwaways about what e party doeses and what they can n do ad the rules can be chahanged.. what thehey're leaving out is the american people.e. that's what's been m missing in ththis whole thing. the american p people are angry, neneil. they've been taking thatat anger out to the polls. and d here we are in washington, the paparty and the establblishment saying we don't liststen to you. we s still know better than you do. and mehow some way, right down to the last pit, we're going to try to chan ts so th's our- whoever is behihind door number tee and we don't kw who that is, mehow becomes ou nominee w do they ever believe that the e cr sporters and trump suppters and people, hundreds of thousands who ha changed parties argoing to liveve with that thinkinthat we'rgoing to just let the partor the people in washington decide who e nonee is. i just think it's cry. neil: congssman, thank you very, very mh. again, of whovernor kasich wants to see e is his name thrown io that pot whe they start.
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as w stands now, and the rules now, qualify on the ball when they begin voting at the conventn. donald trump and tedruz. ballots if it comes tohat, one of t them will erge. but thenouave to ask the question thajohn kasich just what if one doesn't emer a and we go through this againnd again and again? in the meantime re on the tom brady suspenon. i guess season in waiting but now reinstat. at's the latest here, jo ling? >> hmay facehat four-game spension after all. judge has overturned a ruling from back september. cot saying he must serve his four-game suspension. and the recordirms the conclusision that the coissioner of the nfl properly exercised h broad discretion to evol the controversy. of coue this is over the allegations that tuma brady was sociated with using under inflated footballs in
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the afc chamonship game in 20. no if it does happen, the four gameshat brady would miss in e up coming season would be againin therizona cardinals, the miami dolphins, the houston, tasans, and the buffalo billso there you go. he m have to serve it as well. no stateme from his side. neil: they couldasily go 3-1. >> or 4. but i'a vikings fan. so everything's sad. neil: there is thahat. we'll keep you p posted. inhe meantimthere is this building get out of e way and move on. because of this.made bigig back when e team was made lly on this. i don't think what t team is thinng on this. but they might bthinking the's a start here and that you can't force is kind of ing onnyone. now an appea court hasaid, yeah, you ca if you appeal it, who do you appeal it too?
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it would be coulif it goes to the supme court. we have eight justices so and 4, that would stand. and i'm talking about thgs that frankly bore to tears. a little bit more after is i havlife.hma... ...onn on my long-term contro medicine. in my asthma treatmeith breo. once-daiaily breo prevents astha sysymptoms. brbreo is s for adults with asthma nonot well controlld on a long-g-term asthma control mecicine, like an inhaled rtrticosteroid. breo w won't replace a rescue inleler for sudden breathingng problems breopepens up airways brbr contains a type of medicine that increaseshe risk of death from asta problems and may ea thehe risk of hospitazation in childrennddolescents. breo is not for peop whose asthma is ll controlleled on a long-term asthma control dicine, ke an inhaled rticostero. once yr asthma is ll controll, ur doctotor will decide iyou
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switch to liberty mutual and you could save up to $509 call today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. . stuart: . neil: noa great start, the federal rerve will be meeting this week, an expeation a hike may not come this weekut one is expected at the june mting. that's what's gog to happen because the ecomy has been percolating enough a these gu, the traders on wall strt are scared stiff that. rememb it wasn't too long agthat they didn't see one coming at all this year. thiss why i keep telling you again and ain and again never accept the conseusus becae it's wrong. and people arefited on something that n ner hpened but i'm telling you you're
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listening to the oth business chann and losing money hand over firs come on. leme help you helpe. alright. in the meantime. nt to talk about with allelen west or former cocongssman. but first off, colonel, , i wantnted to get into this battte back and forth f for the repupublican nomination. d what some are calling a a inclusive act with j john kasich and ted cruz are comoming tother to work to bring downwn donald trump. what d do u think of it?? > wl, it's good to be wit you, neil. and i have to tell you t tha it's very y dioncerning. first and foremost, itit ds have t o opts of some symbols of desperation. and i think eveverne has the understanding g th it would appear that twtwo people that arare aming up together to defeat t theront-runner and the gop has to undnderand that because eyey d not own up to the promises that they m madin aceving the majority andhehe house, the majorority of the senate, lalargest majority since world is, they a areind of respsponble for the ri of
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donald trump. and you cannotot jt disregard the willll othe electorate and all of these -- neil: but t asou know congressman, t thecome around anand say, well, more than half didn't't support dononald trump. weepresent the final half. now, be ththat as it may. >> yeah. neil: let me just move o on here. >>eah. neil: they're ing to bee rapped for doing thihis,aybe even the suppoporters say too late. the e times considered such a strategy was a while a, , an they didn't. what do you think? >> a absutely right. i mean it was s a ile ago that th should have done this, and they didid not t take donald trump very seriousus a now theyey see themselves in this situation. but i think it's's a little bit dececeiving and d deitful to try to say t thamr. trump is not gathther 50% of the vote. because he was at the bebegiing in a field of contestants that was anywhere fr 13 to 14. neil: no, you'rere absolutely right?t? >> candidates other than themself. neil: you' right? >> so that's a a vy deceptive ththining. neil: we'l'll see what happens. in the meantime let me g go back
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my original subject and y you were kind enouougho indulge me on this political stuff. >> a always. neil: the presidenanotherr 250 forces to syriria. i guess the question i he is is it too little too late? and is the nasty a already out of the bottle? we've got, you know, isi sympathizers all over r th worlrld now. >> uh-h-hu you're e exaly right. anand, again, it comes back to those opoptics that we just taed about as seemingly despereration. look, there are twtwo rds in the military that websolutely and abjectly hate. it's called mission n creek. d d you'veve seen that with the obamama administration. two weekagago now sending 200 troops into iraqaq. now 're talklking about 250 to go into syria. thatututs the troop strength that we have over there at about 4,300. but at is coconcerning for me, neil, is just about a month ago, we had reports that syrian rebelels that were backed by the darartment of defense were fightining by syrian rebels
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that a b backed by the cia. soso we're going to send 250 troops into syria atat a time when the syrian army is reresuence based upon the airkov from the rurussian air force e as well as iran has forces t thehere. this is not the type of situation n you want to introduce our foforces into withouanany clear, stratetegic guidance. neil: colonel, a always great to see e you. thank yoyou for indulging these other questions. thank you. >> you've e got it. neil: we should d keep you up to date on this back and foforth with t ted cruruz and john kasich.. donald trump has just t tweeted out kasich just t announced that he wants the peoeople of indiana to vote fofor him. typical polilitician. can't make a deaeal work. well, there is that to donald trump's point of view rere that if you're going to sasay i'm going to dmphahasize one state where e my opponent is polling better, that is ted cruz. and ted cruz is going t to deemphasize other statates wre john kasich is d doing better.
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and thenen to come back and say, well, did you still want t vote foror me? it doefeed d donald trump's naative that they're all hypocritical. and ththey're not very good deal makersrs at that. we'll see. and the latest on n the totom brady four-game suspensision. a courofof appeals have said it's back onon for the fir fourur games of this football season. but brian lmeaden n whether there's an appeal to the appeal. after this to warn of danger from virtually anywhere. it's's bn smashed and driven. it's perceptive enougho detect other vecles on the road. it's been shen and pummeled. it's iovative enough to brake itself, park itself d help you steer.
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. > welcome back to cavuto coast cocoast. i'm m uren simonetti with some media a news for you. the owner r of the usa today, local newspapape including the detrtroifree freedom of the prs, the des moines registerer makingublic 8155 million-dollarar b to buy tribunune. ththats the name behind the l.a. times, , thchicago tribune,e, the orlando
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sentininel baltimore suns, et cetera. so many papers here lookokinto combine. on this news, tribune e shes up more than 15% gannett shares up certaiy y higher too. they were both receceny spun f frfromroadcasting companies because e the broadcasting companies w wer lolook to lesson their exposure to the dedeclining nepaper r instry. now the newspaper are e lolookig for their r own survival in a rarapidly changing business and gannett see this in ththe cocombation. because they would h havthe advantage of s sca here. anand it begs the question is the print industry dead or dying? i lolooked at some data. backn 2009 the daily circulation for nenewspers was 44 milillion. last yeaear at went down to 41 million. ny people would have thougught that would h havbeen a steeper decline. you were just lookoking at some media a stks. many of them puttingng ian awome five days. all of that five dayays we can pull up that b boa again.
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ares at more than 14%. disney rididinthe jungle booed success,s, tt up more than 5% here. that's the recenperformance from many of tse names. neil, back to y. neil: all right. laur thank you ry, very much. i don't know wt to make of this whole, you knowtom bry four-game suspension someone just revealed me that tom brady apparentltlis a footba pyer. so wbrought ron kilmeade on this. the guy is a encyclopea on this. will he have to go through with it? >>ell, whad a judge a year ago saying the nfl orstepped their bance. the nfl shou not have spend him four games. m brady, you win again. not only the superow you caplay week one. so the nfl says okay. tt's fine. we e appealing to a higher court. th court had a hearing in march and today e we of thnfl draft all the heap is going to be back on the leue. they've decided on -- three-judge nel deciding that the nfl was right. that t evidence was
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compelng if not overwhelming that bradynew out the deflion of footballs at e before e the -- his game in the afc cmpionship game two years o. il: two years ago. >> yeah, two years a ago he consented to it and encourageded it.. four-game suspension is in play. neil: all righghso he's rolling the dice if he trieses to appeal l this appeal; right? >> yes. nelet's say another court, would be. know what court >> it would be s supme court. neil: do you t t the supreme court would even take this up? >> they haveotothing else to do. i hear they'y're very bod.d. but they leaveve at noon. neil: : ald revert to this ruling. but he would r risk k in appealg itnene wayr the other. that that fougame suspension is held and that could com down in the middle oa crucial seasonright? >> absutely. and we would have to waia year for ts decision. it's theeginng of the ason.
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ami, buffalo bills. neil: how would it bwith those ur teams? >> the new england priots win every game ty play, we n't know whathey're going to look like they'reoing to lookext year. but t you know you're going to get into t playoffs, i wouldn be that upset. neil: three or four ofhose games wiout him. >> rht. possibly. neil: literally justade that up. >> right the thing iyou sound so definite. and i believed it. i don't know if ople are called you that. bubut you brought up something else durg the break. and we were tainduring the breaks thiss a rarity. neil: here here. what's his ne again? u realize we were during a brea you are kilmea >> it's true. half italian, halfrish. thank you. he signed a ntract in the off seas from that cocontract he went from 9 millionon aear to 1 millio why woululd that be? so if yoyou're s suspended for four games w without p payn a 1 1 miion salary, you lose a lot less money than you dof you're in a 9 million sary.
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maybe he's gointo g that money bk in the future. neil: whdid he sign? >> thing is if you're a quarteack who has won so much and so rich and auper del wife, you might say winning is more important. peon manning has done that, michael jordanthe first is sign cavuto first d then whatever is , they get. because you're on a salary c as well. neil: i was gog say someing complementary about you. but -- >> thas it? >> she has n commented yet but she has in your getting raaded. >> she always doecause she's married to him. got to take his side. t to say tom, did you deflate -- neil: my wifuld take my si. >> she wouldake your sid certainly. to serve this against tter judgment and not let idrag on and on and on? >> i would say get rid of it now. i was shocked he appppealed it a year agogo. ifif he goes back and files agn, it willoooopetty.
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clearly the evidence -- does he reaeally want everyone to look at the e evidence? these e guysys disappeared with the football into the baththroom out of surveillance camera.a. theyey tweeted back -- texted back and forthth between this wholole investigation when they shouldn't have. he destroyoyed his phone rather than turn it over. so all of these things l led this judge to cocome to that conclusion and thehe second circuit. does he really want to revisitit thisisgain? neil: but one judgdge did not. >> yeah. but the jujudge -- the reas for h him not doing it seemems to be not because the evidence wasn't there, bauause they thought theouour games was s too much. ilil: interestining. yoyou're on fire, young man. with the radio sho sho the best-selling books. do you even n have time? >> i have timeme for neil cavuto calls s 12:15. tom brady. there must be importan what aut the you? neil: i ju wanted to talk toto you. they told me y you're up on this stuff, and youroved them right? >> sooner or l we're going to have nversation about -- gethis. soccer. youth soccer. that's how convinced. il: phenomen at this. >> right. so why don't you
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embrace it? you're pushing back on i why don't u embrace thetticism? neil: my sons are nderful ki but, oh, my god it's, like -- you know? >> you've got to supportouour children. ilil: you're great with themem because yorere coaching -- >> right. i know it's thehe world's mostst pop defame, and i'm excited my kids aren in gang. you should be excited ha de notn gangs. neil: i brina large beer. >> you do not bring beer t kids soccer games, do o you? il: no. [laughte a snapple. thank you ve m much. one of t g gneiss human beings here. but then again, we lookk around --- >> that geraldo and d geraldo's daughter works on ththe staff. she's liststening. neilinindeed. here's how you k know it's going to get n nastyn this sanders raceitith hillary clinton. monica's n name has come up. i'll just leleave it at that
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sosomehow that is okay. neil: she mentioned d the lewiny naname. a greatt a actress. it is seen now for p putting grt heat o on the campaign and the democrcratic race. particularly, r r hillary clinton. let's talk to joe trippi.i. bernie s sanders has said, you know, kind of scurried arounund this issue, it was handed to him. at does he do with it? >> i w would not do much if i ws him. remember,, neil, when he challenged hillary clinton saying she wasas unqualified. ththcampai got more strident.. more negative.e. that i is when his decline started. he started to diminish i in the w yoyo primaryry. i am not sure if this s is a
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strategygy. if it is, all signs w would poit will not help him in democratic party. prably will hurt him going in these five states tomrow. neil: for thisssue camep. do notnk he is going twin. they surure ahecko not want to see him bow out. not supporting hillary clinton. as you point out in the past that chang the closer you get to a convention and evything else. i understand that. thing to lose. what do you say? being at there is a strong group within his, you know, they'll foow him. want him to fight with evything he's got. the fas, the rest of the party looks at this. i ink they are willing to give him a we turn on how tough at hee got. i think what is happening is -
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it will be morclear after new york. the more strident he gets,he more he takes it to llary inton. thmore it wiwill be seen as didi the party. neil: no dow thath is bebeing ought up. >> doubletalk authity try to rarae itnce. doing the republican works for him. the decrat party starting to see this yea that only hurts bernie within the constients. wanting democrats, does not want to see a republican withinhe whit house. ideas do not s where this goes. neil: thank you veryuch. i appreciate it. >> always great toe e with you, neil
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neil: joe trippi. >> one of the best in th business. probably the best in the business. bill de blasi in a heap of troub. over campaign finances. charlilie sparino on what the fallout cocould b be. charlie: thankouou. the comrade. >> raising money f stateon? elecs. througthe mayor's oe. a total circumvention of campaign fance laws.
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neilyou say rules are rules are les. >> i do not a betty ken directl that. t that is a great question. runng g big new ykk city board of elections. it looks likike there is a legal stuff here. it is pretty bad. here is where it gets interesting. hillary clintoton was running fr the u.s. embassy. first, runnining against rudy gigiulnini. dropped out because he had lost eightancer. the guy running her campaign w s nonene oer tn mradade ll de blasio. if he is in troublble r campaign finances, particularly thihis scandal, it t is preretty bipartisan.. i have been telling a a lot of people how badad ts is.
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neilil: pushing other candidates to run againstst it. >> thehe u. attorney forhe southern disistrt. this is pretty bad. hillary clinton, showingng uto hiss inauguralal. >> whether he wowoulsupport her and all of that.t. >> he d support her. i want to make o other point. why would bernie sanders stain the race. i think that that ishehere we're going here. thiss s asuch as we have. >> personally that. >> he, persosonally, probably smokes pot e every day, or takes heroine because he is not goinig to win. he must be on something. >> passisionate about what he is doing. >> his passion is -- y yes.
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great g guys. they support socialism. >> wting to influence the plform. >> torrow night, right? >> all rig. the l has responded on this tom brady four-game suspension. we are pleased that e united states cou of appeals ruled today that they hahave propey exercisethe ahority. cases involving the tegrity of the ga. the authority has been cognized by many courts. and corpore into every agreent. the plers, i i guess. for years. the past 40 years. charlie: c can't ty ju leaeave him ale? his wife is gorgeous.
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u want to pay attention to apple. % of theheir revenue comes fro china. china just said, no more. itunesovies. we will see how it rcts to that facebook. they will be reportinghis week. venue of 5.26 million. stock down 56%. thisime lastear. checking energy ght now. exxomobil and chevron e trading down right n. weill go back to vu coast-to-coast. ♪
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>> d donald trump is expected to speak toto supporters they are. how he feels a about this. some call it a collusion deal. he h has already made it clear that one of the signees of that agreement is already abandoning. wanting to votote for him in indianana. go a ahead. meantime, president obama finishshing a european. addresessing climate changnge. one of the western wororld signature achievementnts. john coleman says this is not about siature achvevemements. this should be aboutut g getting politics and politicians out o f the climate debate.
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>> neil, good morning hello, erybobody i can assure youou, there is no significant man-mamadeeather, clclime chae, globabal warming gogoin on. neil: i hope that you are right. it changed to climate cnge. thatddresses e everything. you are in the minorit as you know. all of ese raise thihis. a real concern. you are ju missing it. >> the most poweul force on earth is, it is mon. glob warming climate change. a $20 llion a year industry.
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anindustry worldwide. it is hard for billion dollar a year indusy. you alluded toverybody agreeing. 97%. ththats totallmade up. that is not valid d at all. that is not vid. >> i think that it i ilose to 5050. you wanto research clite change. you have to takthe climate change as a disaster position or you do not get the money. money is powerfu researchg climate change and global warming.. only if ey will support the thry that it is a catatastrophic
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climate change. they need the monetoay the mortgage. pay the family. >> one of the things that they argue is thafew levels have been rising. ecaps are risin polar bears are swimmi more. how do you answer that in recorded history? >> fst of all, sincthe end the last ice a, the earth has en warming up naturally. raising the temperature quit few degrees. in t last 0 years since we were burning fossil fuel, th teerature on earth has hdly been cnged at all.
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as f the rise of the ocean, it is hardly ring a and all. for thmelting of t important and our societies, it is overla, causining a huge ocean rise, it is not risi at all. thei has been diminisng some. the i diminish. there e a lot more polar bears today than they were 2years ago. life is good. >> they have tbe great swimme. thank you ry, very much. >> you always hear one side. sometimes good to ar another.
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peoplele either love or hate. you eier are in love with ththe apple watch and d where it religiously or it is sitting on your nightstand. i fifindhat i am much more active with it. >> goingng very low. all righght. you did it. >> what do you think? they have not brok oumbers for the watch. thre hidingomething. >> unless yoe a health enthiast. it will probab wora lot better d does not have all o of that. yoyou had twierer and foursquare and all t these other thihings. ththat is really what ma i it a
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agrereement. reviewing th decisio continuing to flit. sentially, they are saying, will revie this. not necearily opposed tohis. providence rhode island. one of the states up for grabs. they are being b on by repuicans. when trumppeaks, he willpeak their. talking nclusion on where his opponents try to rig the game in theiravor. >> hi there, neil. this is a burb of the washington, d.c.rea. john kasich is scheduled tbe here. they have madetops this mornin crcrews in indiana.
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bothere peppered with this question about thipact that formed lastight.. will ears the way in egon and new mexo. trying to make this a no big deal kind of thing. is jt boils d ted cruz used it momts ago on the atta a against him up trump. >> i do t see this as any big deal. other than e fact i wl not spend sources there. what is the big pill. hat. >> donald is a sore loser. >> i asked the ronc if they ve any problems with thislliance. the spokesperson told me, as they said from the begning, these campgns need to run them as thesee fit.
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what case ey can crews are trying to do. this is seven inndiana. that amounts to 1. neil: ted cruz. how he is doining on that. >> he is doioing pretty darn we. colulumbus i indiana. william mckinleyey was president when this placace opened. tatake a look on the numbers. sixty-five of 94 availablee degates over the weekend.. he took 19 out of 20 in maine. nnesota where marco rubibio cacaucus. hehe is doing well.
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it is in thehe eyes of the rigg. he h 47% of the found delegates. you cacan look at that eitheway you want to. in indiana, h had early voting going on for about a month.. a lot of people e have already cast their ballots. on track for a about 200,000. maybe some o of this, if you hae already cast your ballot foror john kasich, you cannot rereally pull it bacack. ted cruz hearing about 30-45 minutes. neil: mayay 3. is this s the case of collulusi?
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something too littttle, too lat. whether it i is all fine and god or not. >> it t end with you. whher it is a secrcret agreement. fraududulent purposes. aa c conspiracy. thth are openly trying to push this. is this something less t than cousion? a lot of trump pyers. the nameme of the game and politics. usg the rules to your advantage e so that you win. you win votes. yowiwin policy. ththere is nothing goingn here that has not gone on in campaignss going back asas lg as the republic. th is actualally how you win. byby forming coalitions.
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using them to o yo advantage as best you can. donald trumpmp has done that in his delega accumulation. neil: the only differencnce hehe is t tooittle too late. what do you think? >> it is quite possible. they have only said thatat ty would to this in three states. indiana, new mexico d oregon. to b be successful, they will absolutely have you do ts s in calilifoia. divide the state u up unty by county and all o of e same 53 counties. we have e absolutely no indicatn ththathey are doing that just yet. >> i am thininking they are not really into this.s. do you t think that i look at? vote foror the other guy. i do not lookk good.
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it will rarelyly work. >> is is very counteterintuitiv, neilil. therwas some d degree of collusioion ainst george h. w. bush. obviously, did not work. ththey annoued it. usually, going binind closed doors. it is vevery counterintutuitive. john kasich. really, very much the o oppite. neil: unless it is being presented, thehe best chce for my guy to make it to the finals. >> the boat isis so prerecious. i dodo not put a lot of openness ththatt will work for them. ultimately, this race e will be decided, i thihink, in indiana d california.
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neil: you think that t this will work? >> i think thahat it could work. everyone understanands that this is about the convention. indiana is a place whehererews can do better ththan people thi. >> i i am with davavid d did i k that i it is noteworthy in wisconsin that a lot of pepeople were convinced to vote foror cws over kasich. that is what happepened in india and poteially califofornia. neil: thank you very, vevery m . donald t trumpmp will be speakig ortly about all of this. something about lying ted d and ththe guy that is only 11 stata. >> one of my favorites here. a new englander and a d diehard patriots fan. very popular. tom m brady and the patriots. does not rececognize the obvious fact that tom m brady and the
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patriots are no good cheaters. [laughter] an appeals court has n come e to that conclusion. has s to go ahead and take back those wargames.s. what do yoyou think, joseph? >> i think that yoyou are beinga lilittle tough.. i am on n the phphone and you an the studio. how about t you say that to my face. > i would not do that. neil: i know your poinint of vi. do youou think you should just t this over with?? moveon and play. >> i tnk that ththat is where we are heading, n neil. i dedefifinitely think that he s tried to protect hisis plan.n. protecect s reputation. the organization. i really thihink, i do not know what he can do. i do not take that t the sreme court seems botheredy y anything like this. i do statand for justice.. eveven if he did do ananything,t
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was an equipipment violation. again, neil, i think t that the patriots are in organization and itas been proven ovever the past 10-fit teen yeaears. his systemem works. you know. probably prepared for r ththis t yearar. >> a year and a half. >>heaters neverr win. >> i do not wear four sur bowl rings to prove it. neil: donaltrump is mentioning this w whole thing. among her things that he is lking abo. bobby seager in th proximity. let's ke a listen. chair mac arotester there.
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get him t of here. >> thank you. so,his started, do not hurt them. do not hurt him. we have two be ver gtle. [lghter] alll right. where do these people comerom? in new york, we had me protesters. they are all paid fo nice people. theyad a couple of hundred. thmedia, most t dishonest people in the world. these people are probablmore dishonest than lion ted cr.. that is a lot. chair mac why are yo here? do le dona trump? actually, i . it was manufactured and maden
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china. they go, no, i do like him ite a bit. why are you here? well, i don't know. what do you think donald trump? i love them. i equal love. we are going to change things around. that wilbe good for everybody. at happens is, we are in maryla and pennsylvania. we went to delawar we arell over. i said what abourhe island. isis was yesteterday. [cheering] thes pfessionals paid a lot of money. they say, oh, no, th iskay. you are so popular up rhode island. at i is okay. [cheering and applause]
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get him out. >> prossionalgitators. th are put in there. they are nothing butrouble.e. actually believe that they d not lo our country. i will be nest with you. they do not love ourountry. u are dodoing so well in rhode island. set it u set it up. that was yesterday morning. my team has been so azing.
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it will be built. it will be built. believe me. it will go up fast. will be big. it wilbe high and song. it will help stop the drs from pouring into rhode iand where you have a big probl, and anhere else. one woman camep to me. mr. trump, we have a terribl terrible, terrible hern problem inew hampshire i say wh do you need heroine? they say that it is r single biest problem. said if i win, we will stop is problem from pooning ou youth. we will get it stopped.
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i do this. its almost like weust one new george bigeap. chr mac did you see the news today? did you see where theyanne together? if y collude in business,s,f you collud in business or in the stock mark, they put you in jail. and politics, because its a gged system, because it a corrtnterprise, you are allowed to collude. it shows how weak they are. it shows how empathetic they are. i tweeted tay. do not wor, i will give it up after i p president. let me tellou, i takes too
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longng time piticians. they are way b heintz. you add up old delegates, they are way behind. it takes two guys. long te politicians to try to get together a trynd beat trump. yet, they arway behind. i say to myself, that is prett d. i have oy been doing this for 10onths. i have n bn doing it for very long. i wanted ttalklk to you about one thing. i hed it last night at 1130. i sa, serve, weall i 11. he has won o racace in 41 states. one. okay. states.
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1441 very soon will be 1446 or r 47. he igoing nowhere. he has not had oneegegative ad yet. he igoing to collapspse like a rock. i will beat hillarylinton. i will be terse so badly. soadly. ted cr cannot beat her. got like no votes in new york. it is over, folks. his numbers in new you ok at his numbe all ov. it will be onef the greatest feats ever. as soon as t they stt putting up their gative ads. t hi out.
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it was all the delegates. normally, you would not ntion it. you ve to come out tomorrow to vote. the politicians willever do the j. they are bought anpaid for. justemember it. they will ver do theob. in my cases, they are incompetent. th are out right stupid. they are controlle they are controlled the people. campaign financing and probay lo of other this. are goioing tdo the job.
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we will bring jobsack to rhode island. chair mac will be hon i have bn doing this for eight or nine days. going around new yk state. taing to albany. all over the place. i could use e same. the johave been ripped out of ourountry. transpacific. thatill be, that is gng to be worse. u wch. worse than nafta. now you look at jo k said. did yosee him? he has a news conference. i have never seea human being eat in such a disgusting fashn. i'm alwa telling my you son i am always with mkids, all of them children, smler little bites.
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king a pancake in his mouth. it is disgustin do you want that for you president, i do not ring so? you know, theyaka dea they me a deal at 11, 1130 last night. the deal is done. he goes,ou know, i a am going to indiana. we have tremendous support in india. it is a grtlace. they are alloving to mexico. you kni look at it. i see kasich. he was one of thg pushes of nafta. it destroyed new england. destroyed rhode island. nafta s a disaster. now he wants transpacific hardener ship.
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a gup that you have never see before. you cannot let ihappen. ted cruz does not want to stop china from dave evaluatingts cancer and -- it's current state. using it to huhe united states and companies. ifou wt to let people go ahead and be valued and u want to leteople go ay, he e is bad for this cntry. hes bad for jobs in business. all right. bad. watch ted cr this mning. he is losing so badly. he is ke a basket case. he is stutteri. i want jobs. i want the enomy. i want t this and i want that. he just started sayi it. he doenot know anything about the economy
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he does not know anythg abt jobs. nothing past. all he is is that a y that will go down and sta a fibuster for a day or two. the guy a painn the [bleep] you know-- neil: dald trump also saying, governor kasichas had rob lumps. 1438. 1441. he found a wea st. you will see h thatoes. 1 a to see how we would be responng tohis.
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the two remaining esidential opponents. where there isoo little too la. a bigger argent. pa of the art of the deal politi now. i think it could btoo little o late. kasi coming out not too long ago. i think, probably, the establishmt, if you will, more than anything else.e. think about if rubio wld have gotten out before flori. ted cruz could have one. if jebush h would have gotten out earlier, maybrubio would haveone better. it is their ego. >> aot of that along the way. it keeps gng the mac scott walklk saw it
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early. maybe coming into it. it was ptty apparent. donald trump jum straight to the top of the chart it was their egos. the numb here is 1237. preventing from geing there. >> i don't kno it will be tough. i is a different mels of how trump gets the. the other one has do okay. it is really tough. tomorrow night, a huge nht tomorr night i think indiana is the key. if donald trump ns indna, it isll shehe wrote. if ted cruz wins,ore than a 50% shot at a brokered
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nvention. [lghr] neil: some of th same. that is disgusting. the deanor. [lauaughter] >> you do not there. charles payne. he is soood. connell mcshane and pennsylvia. i think 4:00 p.m. easter time. that is anotststate where he can ta apart the rules in place. thatl allow more than 50 delegates. whether he wins not. righ >> thais exactly rig. he has theead in the polls here. the other delegates. you can go tthe convention. it is real, really a strange statate. to events here after he leaves rhe island. a very interesng day for donnell trump. they got interestingp in
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rwick. re he is at a college campus west cer university. let's watch out trumstard things off. >> fst of f all, let's start by saying, leave tom br alone. ave him alone. leave him alone. is a great guy. coell: for all of those, we are hoping that mist trump would weigin on the tom brady suspension. the we havet. senator cruzan kash are working together to stop tmp. diana the first of them. here is what tru had to say about >> if you collude inusine, if you colluluden buness, or if you collude in the stock market they p you in jail, b in politics becausit's a
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rigged system, because it's a corrupt enterprise, in politics, you're allowed to collude. so they collude and actuay, i was happy. because shows how weak they are. shs how pthetic they are. [cheering] repoer: first nn-twitter coents from mr. ump on that particular issue, neil. when he mes here again, jst outside of filly, 25 miles from westcheste unersity, a younger crowd th used to. nuer of protestersare athering oside. has potential one of those ys. interestingne ahead of mr. trump ead ofa strong day tomorrow. neil: i think inntesting day for you, connell. thank y you very, very muuch connell mcshane, following team trump. meanwhile as the ralally contins in rhode island,eep inind rhode isisla 19 delegates, those could be very importatant delegates, he getsts overer 60%e could havellll theelelegates and might matter i a a schemef
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ththin. gop donors. anything go where the back and forth he contntinues to say this likely inch teded and talk -- lyin' ted, eaatis habits john kasich, thanank god there e no c cameras when i eat. should i give the money ife wi it all the. should holdout and go to cdonald's? afterhis. the e-e-class has 11 intelligentnt driverer-assist systems.
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♪ >>elcome back. i'm ling kent with your business headlines c coast to coast. gannett wants to buy tribu company, 12.25 a sharen cash. at is fty price tag. 63% higher than the closing price on frida e news is sending the stock in a big way. ibunowns "the l.a. times" d "chicago tribune." it says it is reviewing the proposal. big news in thgoogle plex. the search giant reportedl create anew in-house startup inbator called area 120. according to t information it uld be a place for googlers art new companies without receivg google, and potentlly receive google's investment money. na launching a program to build efficient ples. they will genete5% less pollution and half the fuel d lf as noisy as commercial
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planes are today. neil? neil: th i is interesting. >> i thought so totoo. neil: meantime we'e're still following g donaldldrump at a rally in warwick, rhode island. comments he has s been making ov the top. cacalling ted cruz lyin' ted. he advanced d to john kasich saying he is horrible eater. hehe puts a whole pancake in his mouth. thininking to myself, is thihis acting presidential? is this the kind of thing thesee new trump p operatives want to hear andee? not t what a lot of big donors n the republblican party like to hear. we have the prproducer, screenwrititer, hollywood donors having doubts. he is part of ththat group, i guess, cofounder of. back to some big issues mamaybe abe lincololn would not quite relate to right t now but you're worrd right? >> certainly if eatingabits, that wilbe on the front plate i would be verworried. i wouldn scocore well with that. i think that is wrisome.
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it is worrisome. 've certainly out in california we never really counte we've been behinby the time it gogot out here and everying was with. so finally we count and we do so at momenof deep division and inflamed tenons,ust inflamed. everything is flamed. neil: wherdo they go? where do guys li you, i'm sorry, lionel. whwhere do guys li you? i talked to jerry who is as g as republin as you can get. i will take he. i will vote for hillary clton. i think we need clesing process. i think donald trump nds to be beaten bly to send a message this is not who we a and i'm willing to suck th up. others like chriie todd whitman, former mayor, sorry,overnor of new jersey says much the sa. what do you think of tt? >>ell, with rpect to delfino, looking to hillar clinton cleansing agent i don't know about tha
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i don't thinth flies. d i could not imagine melf votingor her under any conditions. neil: what about nototing at all? i hear from moreho say they won't vote at all? >> well, you know, he is the problem,eil. americanctctions, our presidenal elections they're not essay qutions. in the end it is multipl choice. it is a, b, c, or none othe abov until you're fac witthat you can't really make a decision. on the basis of essay question iight dany number of things. but at thamoment -- we stand at hinge of hiory. i think we're l finally beginning tonderstand that the hinge y have closed, the door may have clod in 2012. beginning to wder whether or not that isn't thease. cleay this is a hinge in history. this is 18 in europe. it is, the 18 's in kansas. things will nobe the same ever
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ain. peggy onan writes of this with melancholy, after all, s is on the long sid whatever happs. but for me of us this is a great moment. this is a great opportity. it's a chance to steerhe car back on e road. neil: what if you cat, lionel? what if you can't, wh this caidate you can't? despite his huge appeal, it ghbebe limited in general electition. might become your barry goldwater anmight lead to landslide defeat wherehe senate itsf could turn? >> the rea fear, i don't think he will get that big of a pa. i think the pressure will come for him to, he canot win -- yes, here is the dl. let's say heets the nomination. as y know, neil, whehen someone gets that close to the presenency, like when, you wtt toto make a film, you get so clos y you get so close and you need extra little bit you start
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making cprpromises in order to geththat green light. okokay, i will take less moneyii will take lelesser star. yoststart making come he prizizes. the compromises pay y will demand of f him, whoilill be around you? is your secretary s state going to be john bolton or johkekerry or someone off that soft ilk? that is when we'll startrt to understand exactly who t this gy is. i don't think he w will be -- typically i think presididential candidates get a run a a the way to the endnd they're not reaeally demanding o is around you. they're rerting out -- i i don't think he wilget t that. he can't, you u know, he can't claim m toe a virgin in the brothel. he has been there. he kws, he is based his campai on that. i'm a worldly man. i knowhat is going on. come cleanith us now. who are your people anat do yostand for? we know it haso be more than hi i, and so wheni have to face
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the essay queson, rather the muiple choice question, hofully i will know who is around him. is it john boltonr john kerry types? my fr of trump is that he will gather around him people le kerry. he will gatherer around m the veryame people been his friends all his life in new york. when push mes to shove he will leave insurgency behind. some of us have been invved d in this for years. for years we've been ting to mount an insurgen. insurgency that could ght the course. and, you know, this was gototo be the bigigarty. now have uninvited guest and proceedings. over the neil: that's t te. >> he not going to get away, i dot think he can get away with quite like th i do n believe at end of the day anyone pof this for hillary clinton.bly vote if it is close enougossibly withhoheir vote. you know -- neil: you mighbe right. you might be right. ite a few say that you're
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right, tcould change. lionelel, thank you very much. good having you on. >> t thank you. neil: to lionenel's point, to lionelel's point how surround yourself w with, who would that be? would it be e also people that comment on other people's eaeatg habits. that s seals i it. i will not runun for any office. after this. lifefe behihind it. for those who've served and the families that have suprted them, offer our best service return. usaa we know what it mes to serve. get an insuranceuote and see why 92% of our membe plan to stay for life.
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right no but they're off the session lows. u cacan see the dow jones industrial average is do just what, about 60 pnts at this in let's look what is goingn with new home steals. in march, new home les were down 1.5%. new home pricing $288,00 that is wn 1.8% from a yearr ago as well. homebuilders stocks at lea taking hit on thissome of them at lst. lennars esessentially flat -- ththey're actually trading up. to bthers is trading down at this point.. xerox reportrted earngs earlier toda it was a bit oa disappointment fowall street. revenue came in at 1.28 llion, 22 cents a share werthe earnin. ar-over-year down from 4.4.7 billion or 24 cents a sha. they do intend to complete t thr separation by mid-july. we'l'll go back to "cavututo: coast to coast"t" afr this.
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>> he has a news conference l the time when is eating. i have never see a human being eat in suca disgusting fashn. this guy take as pcake and he is shoving it inis mouth. it is sgusting. do you want that f your president? i don't thk so. neil: : first ought he had cameras on me th morning. no, hes talking about john kasics thatat keeping within t new presintial theme that dald trump's new people hireded, e urging him to
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take, a new poposte? let's ask former republican congreressman connieie mack froe fine state of flororid congressman whwhat do you think? >> i don't know,w, it seems lika lot t of show to me. whether n not h h is new w ton, doesn't sound like it. i don't know why hee would chane his tone w when doing as well as he i is in the polls. neil: that's's rht. ife dials back it could hurtrt him. >> there is people of exctation of people that support dodonald trump to be the guy they have e se out on the ststump now. neil: do they, all candidatetes, congreressman, have to change gears a little bit closer r they lolooko the nomination or beyond that to rally doubters. you u hear this old saw that, te democrcratic candidate will runo the middle, the reblican candidate ruining to the middle from the right a and that this s something he h has to n from to look and be seen i in the light
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that wouldld be presidentntia but he defied all of thehe stdard rules. maybe that doesn't couount for anhing. >> i don't kw w that the rules count anymorere. he is. i remembmberatching that first debate w whethey askeded, all te candidatat if ty would support who would ever the n nomee was. he wouould not. hehe is done you will not be ththe nominee of the papart but look, wherere is. it is really, seseems like the whole process is diffefere this cycle. all of the normsms tt you would exexpe are not there. so, will he cocome to the center he becomes the nominee? i mean, i i don't know how he ds thatat with so much of his persa is who he isis rht now. neil: i don'n't know if that is matter of vingng tthe center to your point. just a a matter of moving to bea palatable choice for peoplple wo might be repelled byby the messenger, not s so much his message which is lot of pepeop are repelled b by. it could hurt him.
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republicans s sahe will bring us down to huge defeaeat. we're worried thisis could be a shellacking in t the making. what do you ththink. >> i don't know. i i me, you know, seseems like,f i were a good p predictor of the ththin i would probably have a different job. neil: you u anand me both. >> i getet tired of hearing mysf say what i thihink is going to happen because it usuauall doesn't. neil: yeah.. you should become a tv a ancrman and ju r reathe prompt. >> there you go. neil: congressman, thanknk you veryry mh. always good having y you > thank you. neil: yoyou know, donald trump calls it collusion a andhat when businesses practice e th, they go to jail. when p policians, they merrily march h on is he e right? is this collusn n terthis. >> listen. replacaced. with new car replacementnt replacaced. we'll place the full value of your car plus depreciati.
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neil: all right. to some he might not be their cup tea but look at this race head-to-he nationally with polls justut. georgeashington university poll, show mrs. clintoleading mr. trump but by only three points. wasn'that long ago led by double digits. about a week ago i think. ether that is si of ingsgs to come, is anyons guess. how that parcels o in various states, anne's guess. but, it comes at a time whe the wind certainly at donald ump's back. he continues dng what donald trump does best, ripng his opnents. ishat going to coininue to work? melissfrancis here, gary kaltbaum here. melissa, some the of the latt rap, talking about john kasich's eating. its a way to go beyond saying lyin' ted. what did you think of that >> that's what wre all thking when we were watching john kasic well commented on it. as peoe are talking he is shing eggs in.
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i thought itas funny. personally not safto get betweeme and my breakfast i can relate to th he was pointi o outbvious, that is disgusting. who else would say that? only trump. ne: wondining said this sort of stuff, having said thee lyin' ted ststuf it is his signature sortrt of modus operandi, right, gary? if he were to dial it backck as some newirir telling him to do, he wouldld be helping and huhurting himself. what do you say? >> i think he is yellingt t his new his, hey, look at my numbers. seseems like anything he says, anythingng he does his numbers o up it kind of sort ododoesn't matter, alall i can tellou think small bitenonow, neil. i will chchange my eatingababits for gogood. ilil: apparently you have to chew your food. i never knew. >> bingo. neil: talk about the colsion thing. i was looking webster definition of collusion, it
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secret aeement, for fraudulent purposes, conspiracy. say wh you will abt the deal tween kasich and cruz, it pretty mucout the open. >> it isnd a couple of people made the pnt this normally goes on hi the scenes and it wouldn't know b theyut it out in the hope open. trump sayst belies deeration. it looikes that to the general publicthey're playing keep ay ball trying to throw it or his head back d forth between the diffent states and i don't know if that plays wl in the long run. neil: evf they're not doing anhing sordidid or illegal what he is saying, garys, they're dastardly despate and that willave the same effect at the polls when people go thereoh, those two gu are trying to take the ball away, toelissa's point? >>he happiest person in the room is donald trump rht now fowhat kasich and cruz did. they're making his point wheer
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is right or wrong, whether it's legal or illegal, hhas been rling for the last few weeks about how the elecon is being run. that each vote dsn't count. now you have two peoe doingg the pro wrestling tag-team tgo after him. >> right. >> this is act of deeration. we're getting downo the wire. theris a big one tomorrow. los like the poll numbers e y in dald trumump's favor. and they have no choe. they have to do someing different. and they came up with ts and i don't think it matterone bit righght now. il: melissa, when you talklk to republicanans who are worried he will leaem to big defeat and see a pollhows the race uld be comtitive nationay between these o? >> voterdon't care about down ballot cdidates. you know whamean? they'rlooking at top, what they'rvoting for. they're not inking in those rms. even when i e national polls likehis one, it doesn't mean a lot ght now. neil: rit. >> natiol election is a long time from now wh those two candides turn their guns on each other. it is not national race. it is elects tore e -- electorae
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state state. polls never mean o me. neiltakingway key argument by cruz and kasich he n't win, would go down to defeat in landslide. think, as melissa gary says one poll does not ve you a snshot but it does remind you maybe they're wrong? >> neil at ection time it is about mentum and about ssion. if youemember barack obama, the ssion was palpable and if that happens for dd trump, you could have a very good chce of being next president. all know right now at the people who do ve him and llow him, look at passion on daily basis, what we're seng. i'm sitting re just in orlando, florida, there ar signs all around houses for m. i don't see any for llary. i don't see any for kasich, or anany for cruz. neil: keep my fingers bendnd osed doors. >> small price. neil: stick aroundnd.
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neil: ware going to be all over this. five states. we will t onset as we are doing it. trish. apparently. dona trump would thinkou would eat them better than john kasich. teaming . blocking the front runner. i am trish regan. welcome, everyone,o the intelligence rept. blasting them fotheir plans to team up agnst m. watch this. >> if you coude in business or you colluded the sto market,
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