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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  April 29, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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[applause] then sheriff joe as you know from arizona endorsed trump. he knows what he's doing. he really knows. we've had so many incredible endorsements. now they're coming. i'll tell you, over the last two weeks, took place really even before that. people see what's happening. we have far more votes than anybody else. far more delegates than anybody else. we'll hit the number i think quite easily. because i watch, i watch the very dishonest media. they say, oh, cruz is -- he is not getting delegates. they say he is getting delegates. he is getting second, third, forth, fifth round. he won't be there. we'll win it on first round. we don't even compete for them. we're so far -- as of today we have 1001. we just broke the 1000 mark. [cheers and applause] we did fight hard actually in pennsylvania because in pennsylvania i won in a landslide. we got. we got over 60% of the vot when you have three people running.
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when you get 60% with two people, that is landslide. when you have three people and you get practically 60%. in the other states you know we had five, and, we did unbelievable numbers, up to 66%. and it's been amazing. we had rhode island and delaware and connecticut and maryland and pennsylvania. we did great. pennsylvania had little thing if you win you get 17. i did get 7:00 teen. the rest you have to fight for. what is this? take them out to dinner, i'm sure your lunch is here. they don't take them here. they take them to fancy restaurants and put them up in hotels. perhaps take them on yachts to take them on a cruise. it is not the right system. we have system it is supposed to be democracy and it's terrible. fortunate we have great republican leader in pennsylvania.
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he is really fair guy and really something. there is also a moral clause. i heard this for a couple of years with the delegates in pennsylvania, if you win, there is a moral obligation that you're supposed to vote for the one who wins. which sort of makes sense, right? you know, i refuse to say, in this room, because i say it outside and i get standing ovations. this is room i won't do it. it is a rigged system. it is a rigged system, okay? okay, it is horrible, horrible, disgusts system. [applause] you know i see this bernie sanders, i'm not a fan of bernie sanders by the way. i see he wins a lot, wins a lot. never had a chance of winning. he had streak he won 10 in row. every time you watch pundits, yeah, it's done, he is way behind. because they have a thing called superdelegates. ours is more sophisticated because you don't know how badly rigged it is. with superdelegate it is obvious.
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they hand her over a lot of superdelegates. and boy do we look forward to winning. if she is allowed to run. [cheers and applause] there is big question. i think she is being protected by democrats and she will be allowed to run and we'll see what happens. what we've done, we've really, we won new york with the 60, almost 62% of the vote. which was unprecedented. got almost 100% of the delegates or 95 delegates. we got almost all. [applause] next week we had the five and we won them all in landslides. and actually, "lyin' ted" -- and i think we have couple of fans but "lyin' ted" did not do too well in new york, folks. he is hovering around the 10% mark. you have to do better than if you will collect all the delegates on second ballot. how would you like to be in a position where in, we're in cleveland, we're having whole deal and it's going fine.
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for some reason, don't worry about it, we get it. i think we have it easily but for some reason it goes to second ballot? somebody on the second ballot because they wined and dined delegates who has five million less votes, because by time we finish, we're scheduled to do very well in california. i guess you've seen that. really well. [applause] really well. last poll i saw i'm at 49%. which is great. there is, 20s and a 19 or something. but we're doing well. i won't even say it because you have to go out and work. especially my people sitting in this section. they have to work. why don't we pretend we're tied, okay? that is a problem. i've seen it. all my life i dealt with poll tush shuns. somebody comes into my office. the best politicians come into my office. they say donald, how are you doing? i'm tied. he always says i'm tied and he will win by 25 points. he has to motivate himself saying tied. sometimes he says i'm losing donald but i'm going to win. but we have picked up so many votes over the last period of
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time. and in fact i was just watching the networks today. and they have a chart that i think it is already happened but, in the history of primaries, republican primaries i've gotten most votes in the history of the republican party. we haven't even hit some of the other states. ted did something, record-setting, never happened before in the history of the politics. he has no path to victory. it's impossible for him to win with the votes. the only way he can possibly win is if things go terribly wrong and he goes through the backdoor and he bought all of these delegates. i will never use the word bribe. i would never use a word like bribe. if he bribes delegates.
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but i don't call bribe. think if you're rnc, and reince is good man. jim, is a good man. did jim do a good job? where is jim? [applause] he did such a great job. he called me, said, mr. trump, would you do me a favor, would you take, maybe 10, 15 pictures? i said absolutely jim. i'm coming through dirt and mud and under fences. you all walked through the lobby. i go under fences. i'm coming through. i'm looking at myself. trying to get all the dust and everything off. the 20 people that he told me about turned out to be 6, 700 people? my handle. shaking hands taking picture. is. that's why he is good leader. good going. i hope they paid a lot of money, jim. [applause] in the history of the republican party there has never been anything like this.
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and then what ted did -- and yesterday in indiana which is incredible place with incredible people, bobby knight, the great bobby flyte -- knight endorsed me. how good is that he will be with me all sunday and monday. we're having a good time. he is winner. we need winners. our country doesn't win anymore. we have to win. we have to win. but cruz did something i've never seen because he picked a vice-presidential person, carly, he picked carly, and i like carly but you know, when she left she had no votes! jim was she one or was she zero? but she had no votes. maybe it's a good move. who knows. i will let you know in about a month, all right? i don't think so, but the worst move, was making a deal with kasich. so they make this deal. i get a call two days ago. from, a number of people.
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and we have to do a pr statement. 11:45 in the evening. oh, mr. trump, what happened? they merged. who? kasich and cruz. i said they did? that's a good thing. it shows total weakness. it shows illegal collusion. you know in business you get put in jail. politics you can do anything you want, right? i said, but it shows such inepttude and such weakness. what's the deal? the deal is that cruz will take indiana and kasich, and now he is sitting there eating. you know he is eating. doing a news conference and piling pancakes into his mouth. i never saw anything like it. [laughter]. my son said, my little boy, baron, he said, daddy, that's disgusting. [laughter]. never saw a man eat like that. i never seen a man eat while doing a news conference. did you ever see him doing a news conference without eating?
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i've been doing this for nine months. i'm so honored. these two politicians been doing it sort of all their lives, right? kasich approved nafta. which by the way emptied out your state. i hate to tell you. emptied out every state. but kasich and cruz fine with chinese money manipulation. he is fine with that. can't let them do that devaluation of their money and currency absolutely killing not only this country, china, but many other place. can't allow it. you want to know why he wants to allow it? ask the donors, ask the special interests, ask the people. believe me i've seen deals that are made and these deals are -- the politicians are very smart, you would be amazed but a lot of people ask me how come they do these things? largely because of donors and special interests and i'm
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self-funding my campaign. that is a big, big difference. [applause] nobody is going to tell me what to do. but they formed this alliance and already like the next morning it's formed. everyone is talking. big deal, they formed. they formed it to be a guy politician for nine months. me. after it is formed it is all done. kasich announces no, i want people in indiana to vote for me. that wasn't supposed to be the deal. they were supposed to vote for cruz here and oregon. poll just came, i'm killing everybody in oregon. i'm killing them. >> [applause] >> which is an amazing place. but in a couple of other places that is kasich. so they're working the system. that is what i said, it is rigged right? rigged. so they're working the system. about 10 hours goes by. kasich announces essentially he is not doing the deal.
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kasich says there is no deal. how will they deal with china? how are they going to do it? [applause] so we have now a big, i think a big moment coming up in indiana and we feel very good about it. we'll see. i think that deal was such a disaster. as soons i heard it that is end for both of them. kasich has, he is 1 for 48 or 42. doesn't matter, whether, i guess it is 42. that includes islands. but he is-42. if you think about it, dr. ben carson who is incredible guy, endorsed me by the way. [applause] doing much better, ben was doing much better than kasich. if you think about it, chris christie was doing better. marco rubio has more delegates right now and he left a month ago. he still has more delegates.
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and other, others. these people could have hung in for much longer period of time and who knows. based on this theory. it's a little like a spoiled child. i don't care, mom. i'm staying here. i'm not leaving. no, it is like ridiculous what is going on. so bottom line is, he is tying in, which some people say it is good for me. i would love him to get out. but cruz will have to get out also because he doesn't have the votes. so, it's coming to an end. i think it will come to an end very soon. really, i speak to the people in this room, because, there has to be unity in our party. there has to be unity in our party. [applause] if there's not, if there's not unity, i mean really good, solidarity, unity, relationships, friendship, we have people like jim where they do such a good job all over the country.
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we have some great people. but there should be and there has to be unity. would that being said, could i win without it? i think so. they're going to vote for me. they're not voting -- jeb bush didn't support you. big deal. like i care. i heard him on television yesterday. low energy, very low energy. [laughter]. i heard him on television. i wouldn't say this, but i saw him on one of the shows yesterday. i do not consider him a conservative. folks, i'm a conservative but at this point who cares? we have to straighten out the country. give me a break. [cheers and applause] couple of the shows were saying that today. look, i am a conservative. i'm very conservative on a lot of things. i'm very conservative in trade. a lot of conservative, you know, geniuses that have absolutely -- they have high i.q. and no brain power, they sit back and they say, free trade. i say, free trade, i love free
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trade. the problem our leaders are not smart people or our leaders are taken care of by special interests, their lobbyists, all the people with the money, campaign people. and, we're not making good deals. and when you have china, with a 500 billion-dollars a year trade deficit and mexico with a trade deficit of $58 billion, i say we'll build the wall. it will cost $10 billion. easy to fpgure out we have a trade deficit with mexico, $58 billion, it is really, really easy. when i get off the debate stage a couple months ago, one of the folks came up. they said you're not really going to build a wall? >> yeah, actually, it is real easy. talk about china. 2,000 years ago they built a while, 13,000 miles long.
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with natural barriers we only need a thousand miles. 2,000 years ago they can do 13,000. today they say you can't build a wall. it is so easy. i see beautiful precast plank, with good solid foundations. nice and high, make the ceiling look like a low ceiling. if anybody gets up there, man, how do we get down. see way they go every our little fences. these guys are amazing. climb over like it is not even there. go through it, over it, not going to happen with what we're going to do. we have to do it. we want people to come into our country but they have to come in legally folks, otherwise we don't have a country. [cheers and applause] so we have to get together as a party. it is a tougher road, presidency for the republicans. i don't know people talk about this but it really is. it's a tougher road for a republican than it is for a
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democrat. the road is tougher. it is not easy. you have to pick somebody that knows what is happening and i accept the position -- [inaudible]. i will bring into play states nobody else will bring. new york is big. i won it with landslide numbers. i beat everybody by 38 points or something like that, the second place! much more than that let's see if cruz got like 12, and if i got 62, does that mean i beat him like 50 points? then he will run and represent because he got those delegates to go on the second -- give me a break. so here's the thing. here's the thing. we bring new york into play. new york, no republican, except for me, no republican will go to new york to campaign, okay? no republican will go to michigan to campaign.
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republican will never beat hillary in florida. i will. you saw i won florida in a landslide. [applause] i'll win pennsylvania. most republicans will never win -- i don't think any republican can win pennsylvania. i'm going, they cover this now by the way the polls are coming out where i'm leading or even with hillary. hey, i had, i wrote this, look, i had this, listen to this. 55,000 negative ads as of 2 months ago. now it is up to exactly 60,000 negative ads. then i watched like kasich go -- david: donald trump in burlingame. i think we can keep picture up there. gerri willis joining us now. >> gerri willis, yeah. david: violent protest in southern california. it was violent, trump protesters, trump participants beat up by anti-trump protesters
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in southern california. >> 17 arrests at that event. david: seventeen arrests. bloody faces by trump's supporters. trying to orchestrate, same kind of confrontation for this. california gop is having convention. primary is not until june 7th this is their convention which a lot of delegates and potential delegates get together to hear all candidates. protesters were clearly trying to prevent donald trump and his supporters from getting in there. a lot of his supporters were already there. you about trump as you saw, possibly in the previous hour had to take a back way into the hotel at which the convention is taking place. but he managed to get in there. had to jump over a couple of hoops. walked through a couple of barriers. got inside and is speaking quite comfortably right now. >> lots of pushing and shoving. we've been watching this for some time. connell mcshane is outside of the event where trump is speaking. connell what are you seeing
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reporter: the proximity of the hotel people were getting concerned. just to give people a sense what it looks like, it is area where you drop off a guest or pull up to register if you weren't guest at hotel that was barry caught caded off with -- barricaded off with police barricades. prow terses started to pull the barricades towards them. we saw part of this live on "the intelligence report" before she went off air, they were pulling barricades towards them. police let them do it for a few minutes. not sure why. maybe they thought was all there would be to it. naturally what happened, the barricades became undone and unlinked. as soon as that happened, scream for protesters and rush to the hotel. things got a little bit dicey because donald trump's banquet
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room where you saw him speak there was only a few steps really, maybe a few hundred feet from the entrance to the hotel, down a staircase. they got very close before the local officials were able tothe. a few minutes ago while trump was speaking, backing into why we're in the hotel. while trump was speaking, we came through the police barricades, lance and myself. a group of local police officials came storming into the hotel. we followed them. they were at the side door. protesters made their way to the side door. that is close as you can get to the banquet room without being in the banquet room. they apparently needed reenforcement. they made their way over there to stop anybody from getting inside. we tried to get back outside to give update protesters terse. they secured the area. most likely until when mr. trump finishes. this speech is mix, what i can hear what we see at trump rally
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and what we see more serious speeches he said he would deliver. these protesters maybe not quite as violent as they were last night south of here in orange county. proximity of protesters to where the event was taking place would certainly have people nervous i would say. gerri: connell, i have to ask you, i watch this all day long, i wonder who are these protesters? are they professional? are they animated against trump and want to protest against him? who are they? reporter: a little bit of both. there are a lot of immigration activists from the signs. many chants are in spanish and upset with donald trump's immigration comment and proposed immigration policies. there is "black lives matter" component. we've seen it. shirts. that is part of it. you have to your professional looking proterse you see something like world trader event or anarchists, they have handkerchiefs tied and no sign
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of what they support or what they're against. david: one thing we've seen beside the signs is mexican flags. we're seeing a lot of mexican flags. reporter: yes. message is america first it may be counterproductive to have all those mexican flags? reporter: i know. this will be a big issue, as you know, david, june 7th california primary. donald trump spoke about it last night at the rally, even with protesters outside loud in orange county. he got into the immigration issue and build the wall chant he does have all of his rallies. more so, obviously i don't think it needs to be said in a state in different part of the country as immigration isn't front and center you will hear that until the 7th of june. these protesters knew that. probably more than 50% of the
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protesters here those upset with his immigration policies as -- david: by the way we're looking now at real broad shot. we've closed back in again. it appears there may be at most, a couple hundred protesters. how many, how does that contrast with the number of people inside, the number of delegates at convention? reporter: yeah, it is pretty crowd you had inside here as well. remember all three candidates will be speaking here. john kasich at dinner they're holding tonight. this is the lunch banquet pacific time. it is 20 after 1:00, whatever it is. donald trump is headliner at lunch. john kasich tonight. ted cruz tomorrow with his running mate carly fiorina. all campaigns have booths set up to top of stairs. there are booths at various campaigns. you have party groups, political action committees and the like. there is broad representation of republican party along with party donors. definitely a few hundred people
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on inside. to that point, david, we did see, i don't know if you showed video now, but we showed it earlier a little bit of interaction between the protesters and those attending event. best example of that a man wearing a suit and bright red, make america great trump hat was trying to get in here. he directly clashed against protesters. they were pushing and shoving man as he walked into the hotel. he got cornered against to shrubbery and pushed into shrubbery. people had to park their cars so far away they had to walk through the protesters. david: connell, to interrupt, we see donald trump leaving the conference hall right now. we don't know if he immediately will go outside. they may ask him to stay inside for a while, to avoid same kind of problems he had trying to get in. in fact we have video of that. explain exactly how that happened. looks as though he is jumping through a couple of barriers and everything to get in there?
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>> well thing about trump when he landed at airport which isn't very far from here, hyatt regency is san francisco airport hotel, the protesters set up, two essentially sit-ins on either side of the road that leads up to the hotel. direct route for trump's motorcade was cut off. secret service had to get creative to come in back entrance. from where we were, i was on with cheryl at the time. we couldn't see it. we were at front of hotel. there was no option for mr. trump or anybody to come in the front. they went in entrance we couldn't see. from what i was told helicopter shots. he talked about it, first thing he said, wasn't exactly easiest entrance. david: he said felt like i was crossing border. kind of a way to turn it into it joke. reporter: yeah. that is the way he rolls. gerri: connell, just curious, we're watching these crowds, some of what we're seeing now,
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is footage shot some time ago. some of it is live. i'm wondering, are people, because trump has just wrapped are they aware of that. can they tell you from that where you are and are they more animated because of it if. reporter: they are more aware of it. only reason we know that people started milling around again. when we had came in they secured front entrance. lance you can though shempp. this is main lobby at hotel where people walk in and out. you see people milling around and coming back up. down to the left, down those stairs is where the banquet hall is. that is where trump wrapped up his speech. police officials going out the doors, yep, these police officers in riot gears going out the door that is the door we came in right? we tried to go back out there and wouldn't let us. looks like they're opening it up again. maybe we'll go south to take a look. last time we went out there, the protests really calmed down. they started doing what they do.
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they started singing and chanting but stopped direct physical confrontations with police in riot gear trying to block their way. gerri: you mentioned before all the republican candidates are gerri: you mentioned the republican candidates are coming through, dinners, lunches, breakfast. trump is the only one who gets this kind of welcome, my friend. and apparently the protesters pretty much tracking them down from southern california to northern california. do we have any idea what's going to happen next with the protesters, and what their game plan might be? >> i don't. in this state, in the city, especially, we're outside of san francisco. just consider this the area that surrounds san francisco. there's an obvious history of protests and personal organizing a protest near a one thing i can remember when we were covering new york primary, that donald trump for most part, with the exception of the republican gala, held at grand hyatt, similar event some ways to this, avoided manhattan. avoided new york city proper in that way. will he do it this time in big
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cities in california if i'm not sure. he has been able to hold many of his rallies outside of large metropolitan areas which makes it from logistical standpoint more difficult to organize protests. california is waiting for this. they haven't had heavily contested primary on republican side since 1964. david: forgive me for interrupting, connell, we're looking at pictures of donald trump leaving the back. he finished his speech at california convention. this is opening speech of the california convention. gerri: right center of your screen. david: there you see him with the red tie on. leaving way he came. we'll see him cross over a little grass barrier. then sort of jump up a little walkway. in order to get to the car. all done apparently, unbeknownst to the protesters. either that or they can't manage to get there. he retracing same route he used to get there, connell. >> the you have to give kudos
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secret service, police there, keeping this as tame as it is. i realize there was a lot of pushing and shoving and chanting and singing and drum-playing. at end of the day it was certainly more contained that than happened in >> reporter: the only thing i would add to that if i'm still on and can you hear me is when the protesters first tried to break through, let's see if they let us outside now, we were trying to break through the barriers. let me get out of everybody's way. when they first started to pull the barricades back towards them, the police officers didn't react, that allowed them to make the rush to the hotel. the subsequent rushes that they made towards the hotel.
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the reaction was much quicker and able to prevent them from getting out of hand. david: we were talking how easy it is for protesters to get access to california for places they may not be able to get access to in other places. we are more than a month away from the california primaries, presumably, donald trump is going to do a lot of events such as the one he just did, and one wonders if law enforcement, they did a good job in keeping him away from the protesters but whether they'll have the same luck as we go forward. >> that's amazing, he popped in here, gave a speech. popped back out. nothing happened to him, and you saw the crowd. amazing story. connell, thank you so much for covering this for us. we really appreciate it. and be safe my friend. david: we are very fortunate to have two former presidential candidates to talk about events that are going on here. former governor of the great state of arkansas mike
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huckabee, and steve forbes who had a campaign of his own, head of forbes media. mike, steve and i were talking about how this is reminiscent of 1968, i know you're not an old man but you probably remember 68 and the political riots in chicago, which ended up helping the conservative candidate richard nixon become president. of course, the political riots took place at the democratic convention in chicago, and here we have protests at the republican convention, but still, the benefit of cruz to the law and order-type candidate, i would think that is donald trump, wouldn't you? >> absolutely. i remember very well 1968, unfortunately, i'm not nearly as young as i look. [laughter] >> just for the record. it was an amazing time. i still remember the chant. the whole world's watching, and the whole world was watching.
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david: and they still are. >> a genesis of richard nixon's message on the silent majority and their needs to be a law and order candidate. that's how he ran, and it was a very successful campaign because people were sick of watching their cities burn down and people who weren't contributing to america, tearing the whole place down. david: so steve, if we see continuation of these kinds of protests particularly if they're violent like we saw last night with trump supporters that were bloodied up, won't that accrue to the benefit of donald trump? >> it will, if he does what richard nixon, talking about 1968. richard nixon very cleverly and carefully appealed to people inclined to vote for remember george wallace, running as third-party candidate? very much a law and order candidate, and moderates on the republican and on the democratic side. so he appealed as a law and order candidate but did so very, very carefully, so he was
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able to get enough votes to win, but the amazing thing about 68, david, is the collapse of democratic support. in 64, they got 61% of the vote and 68 it was 42. david: how quickly political fortunes can change. mike, i was wondering about the mexican flags. i know it might be a small issue, but the fact is every time we've seen protesters, particularly in states like california, use the mexican flag to make a point, goes against their cause. we're seeing that mexican flag thing again here. >> i think it boosts donald trump's numbers. look, there's nothing that makes americans really more angry when they're struggling to get a job, struggling to make a paycheck that's as good as the one that they got ten years ago, and i know that a lot of the reason they're struggling is many of the jobs have gone to mexico, and you have people speaking spanish, running through the streets of america carrying the mexican flag for heaven's sakes, they couldn't be any dumber if they
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want to bring sympathy to their cause, they are absolutely missing that completely, and as a result, i do think that this helps to validate what donald trump has been saying about immigration being a real issue. gerri: i want to go to steve forbes but we'll go to john roberts actually at the event. steve forbes to you, on the idea of immigration and how important an issue it is. i was wondering whether some of these protesters today were professionals? is this one of the stage-managed, crafted protests by people who are backed by a lot of money? >> i think connell referred earlier to the fact that some of the protests you have the same characters showing up again and again, they disguise themselves with the handkerchiefs and the like, but these things are organized and you see them in the protests on campuses. they all seem to have the same script. that doesn't mean they don't have a core of support, but they certainly aren't spontaneous, let's rise up and
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raid them, go after the barriers. no, this is carefully organized and they're going to do it in california. the more they do it the more they help donald trump in california, which is the big primary on june 7th. they don't seem to mind that. they also i think, when you see the calm demeanor that trump had at the california convention which we heard most of, what is amazing is the calm way he handle it. if you're calm and others are rioting about you, people say, hmmm, maybe this guy is somebody we should look at. gerri: you make a very interesting point. panel. hang tight here. we're going to go to john roberts who's inside the event where trump was speaking. john? >> reporter: hey, gerri, good afternoon to you. donald trump just finished up a little while ago. he made light of the fact that protesters when they broke through the barricades disrupted his motorcade's arrival, he had to cross over barricades and go underneath fences, he felt like he was
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trying cross the border. and we saw donald trump had to exit via the same way. there's nothing new about protests at donald trump events. i've been to dozens of them, and for the most part there are protesters there. i was at the infamous chicago event where the protesters shut down his appearance at university of illinois at chicago, and really i think sort of emboldened every other like-minded protest group across the country. if i could say, the one issue that is somewhat troubling about all of this is the fact that the motorcade had to stop at a different location than was planned, and donald trump had to walk and traverse the barricades and go under fences to get into the hotel here near the san francisco airport because ever since ronald reagan was shot back in the early 1980s, the secret service has always made sure that they get their protectee, whether it be a president, a vice president or a dignitary or one
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of the presidential candidates, to the place where they're going to go inside without that person actually being exposed outside. in many places, they'll put up a tent into which they drive either the presidential limousine or the protectee's suv, the heavily armored chevy suburbans. for trump to be so exposed this afternoon, might not have presented immediate danger, it is very unusual and definitely is not in keeping with the typical protocol that the secret service follows, gerri. gerri: interesting, john, thank you for that. david: let's go back to steve and mike about that point. steve, shouldn't we be hearing more? of course, this is not organized. not organized by the democratic party per sne any way, shape, or form. they are mostly radical groups, very much on the fringe. should we hear more from democrats, the democratic party, condemning clearly and unequivocally these kinds of protests? >> yes, and that goes back to
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the first amendment. you can have a peaceable protest but quite another when you try to violently disrupt a rally, which is what happened to trump in chicago, and that was well organized. they knew what they were doing and wanted to disrupt the event and eventually they did. so i don't think that's going to happen anymore, but the point made about having trump out in the open, that's a very good point and highly unusual, and i think they're going to be better prepared in the future od of exposure. that shows their intelligence in san francisco is not what it should have been. they should have been prepared for that, especially after what happened last night. the secret service can move usually on a dime if some circumstance changes, but the fact they didn't do it here does lead to very real questions. david: by the way, i wanted to point out to viewers, what you're seeing on the left side of the screen is the caravan of donald trump. fortunately, they were close enough to a local airport to go there. i presume, producers can
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correctly, i presume that's where the trump plane is and taking off to wherever from that location. but they were only about at most five minutes away from that airport at that time. gerri, go ahead. gerri: following up on david's point what should democrats do? should they have a role in denouncing this kind of violence, this harsh protest. if you remember last night in southern california, fairgrounds officials there, they originally wanted to cut trump off. they didn't want him to speak at all, right? and a lot of people are saying that's the wrong thing, that adds fuel to the fire. governor huckabee, what do you say to that? do you think local officials in southern california were make things worse, not better? >> well, i think we need to realize somebody is paying for all this. i remember being at a couple of the last conventions and talking to police officers who were involved in both security as well as some of the intelligence about who was protesting. here's what they told us. they said these are the same
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people that protest all over the world. they go to a g7, to a g20, they go to wherever the president is going to be, they go to wherever there's going to be a lot of cameras and they're the same people. now the question is who pays for all the travel? the hotels? the meals? the cars? travel is not cheap, and this is a rent-a-mob. somebody is renting this mob to show up at event after event and if you're wondering why aren't there more protests, i'm guessing some of the people renting the mob might be people who have a vested interest in make the republican candidate look bad. david: renting the mob. interesting phrase. steve, we all remember ronald reagan when he was campaigning at one point when they tried to cut off his mic when he was campaigning, he said i paid for this microphone. a lot of the events we have to remind the viewers are paid for by either in this case the republican party or some case the candidates themselves, so
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these are private, when you see people being removed forcibly, protesters from a campaign rally because they're getting out of control and trying to shut it down, it's because the candidate very often paid for the campaign rally. >> it's true, and even if it's in a public arena, police for example in new york will have space areas where protesters can go, but you have to remain in that certain area, and i hope after what's happened in california, the police will in other parts of the country be better prepared and work with the secret service so you can contain these things. fact the police in burlingame moved the barriers back as you reported earlier, that was an invitation. david: steve, we can see the trump plane. it took a circuitous route to get there, they had to go around the runway, there is the trump plane, nice to have a plane stamped with your name on it. nice to get you from here to
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there. hotel is two miles away from the airport. john roberts said he could see the hotel from the airport. that was a very fortunate -- gerri: talk about barnstorming, talk about barnstorming, in, out, speech, done. david: i'm sure it makes mike huckabee very jealous, he didn't have that luxury when he was campaigning. >> uh, no. gerri: go right ahead, governor. >> no, i didn't have that luxury, it would have been nice. then i didn't have that many people protesting either. so, look, donald trump has touched a nerve with a lot of people, and i think people are afraid that he is going to win and he's going to change the dynamics, he's going to be a disrupter, and frankly, a good kind of disrupter to the status quo. not only to the political donor class that needs some disruption but i think he's going to be a disrupter to the people who have said, you know, i'm going to sit back, not necessarily going to work,
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somebody is going to take care of all my needs. he's saying we're done with that. gerri: steve, i just want to get to you on this question because one of the comments that people have had who are protesting donald trump is they say they don't like his language. his language which breaks people apart, sets people against each other. well, my friend on that score, you could say president obama sometime does the same thing. is that the right thing to saying about donald trump? is this why these folks should be protesting him because of his language? >> can you protest if you find the language offensive and some of it has been, and provocative. some of it has been, but that doesn't justify violence and trying to disrupt a meeting on your part, and that's where i think the other side is make a mistake by trying to do these disruptions, and again, if trump maintains a calm demeanor, doesn't say, i feel like punching them in the face or any of that kind of stuff,
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then they're going to hurt themselves more than they hurt him. david: mike huckabee, correct me if i'm wrong, you have not yet officially endorsed donald trump. sounds like you're getting as closa you could possibly get without endorsing him. when does an endorsement come out from you? >> well, i've said all along, i didn't really intend to make an endorsement in the primary. that's for the voters to decide. that i'm going support our nominee, i've been very defensive of trump and continue to be and will continue to be because i feel like a lot of people have said, oh, it would be terrible. i think it's great that millions have come into our party that have never voted for a republican before. we can't win the general election if all we have is a narrow slice of republicans. we've got to get democrats and independents and he's pulled a lot of people. already getting more votes at this point of the process than either mitt romney or john mccain received all the way through the convention when they won the nomination. gerri: let's go to connell
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mcshane on the scene of the protests now. connell? >> reporter: so, they've made their way around to the side of the hotel now. we've made our way on top of the parking garage to give you a different vantage point because these protesters not quite going away. some of them have. the remaining elements the mexican flag and immigration activists are set up on the side. goal, if there is a goal is to do a couple of things. number one to block the entrances and exits, and they've been fairly effective at that. so much so to john roberts' earlier point they've been able to affect the way a presidential candidate donald trump was able to enter the venue. john was right about this, you would normally never see something like this happen with the secret service protection like mr. trump does. people attending the event now and trying to exit, they're making it difficult on them. you can see this is not a large contingent of protesters, they've done this before and
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know how to block exits and entrances. if you are trying to get to your car, they're making it difficult. a donald trump event does have a number of protesters. last night probably more violence than today. point i was making earlier is the proximity and the ability to affect the operation of this event which makes these anti-trump protesters unique compared to other parts of the country. david: connell, we have a couple other candidates speaking, the convention is not over. what is the schedule for the rest of the evening? >> reporter: so john kasich, the governor of ohio, will speak at the dinner. here's the thing about the conventi, it was supposed to be a fairly ho-hum event. i was going to use boring. supposed to be run of the mill event. kasich was supposed to speak and ted cruz scheduled to speak tomorrow. so was carly fiorina even before it was announced she would be ted cruz's running mate. they'll be here tomorrow. what took it up a notch is mr. trump confirmed he would be the lunchtime speaker, that's
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when things got a little more interesting and there was more, what should i say? more energy. david: i guess what i'm asking is -- >> reporter: kasich will be here tonight. david: were all of the protesters there just for trump or will they stay there for the long-term and protest the other candidates? >> reporter: i don't know the answer to that directly, david, but i think it's fair to say because many dispersed this was an anti-trump protest more so than anti-conservative or anti-republican protest. most all the signs, the chanting had something directly to do with donald trump, whether it be immigration or the general dump trump or get rid of trump type of chant. mostly about trump. david: connell, we'll come back to you as events warrant. gerri: steve, i wanted to ask you a question, you were talking about how trump needs to remain calm, and that's the key to his winning in a situation like we've seen here. he did go on the attack in his each and did go after carly,
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and he did go after ted cruz. can he maintain that level of rhetoric throughout the summer as we close in on november, the kind of stuff he's become famous for in the kind of stuff that his supporters frankly expect? >> well, you've got a situation where have you 20-30% of the electorate that is very dissatisfied with the democratic prospective nominee hillary clinton and donald trump. one is how do you turn down the temperature so the people not on your side will say maybe i should consider voting for this man or woman, and what he put out there in terms of substance, fleshing out some of the things you've been using sound bites on when people say hey, that's a great idea. one of the debates you're going to get is on trade. 45% tariff on chinese imports, equivalent to 45% sales tax. a real debate on that which you haven't had so far, on the tax code. trump has interesting ideas there but he has to flesh those
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out in terms of what ronald reagan did in 1980. people want a little more substance because they have doubts about both candidates. david: by the way, if they want substance, listen to forbes on fox at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow morning eastern time. steve and i are going to be there to talk about the substantive questions. mike, there's another question, mike huckabee. so many of the folks who have been in the conservative movement for decades are at each other's throats, not literally but figuratively speaking. families are torn apart because of the animosity towards trump, for him or against him, et cetera, will all of the animosity calm down after the convention? is there a way to bring back the relationships that have been cleaved in half in cases, sometimes even family relationships? >> well, in every primary, there's a lot of raw feelings that happen. david: but there's been nothing -- i think it's fair to say
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there's been nothing like we've seen over the past six months? >> truly nothing divisive like this, however, when they look around and decide what they do is come together or watch hillary become the president, i think republicans will come together fchl they don't, they're not real republicans. when i hear somebody say, i am not going to vote for trump, i'm going to vote for hillary. write that person's name down, they're not a republican. if you honestly think can you vote for hillary against a republican, you're not a republican, quit pretending you are. when i hear people say the leaders of the party might not go for, it they're not the leaders of the party. there's an old saying, if you're in front of something and think you're a leader and nobody is following you, you're not a leader, you're out for a walk. some of the folks are out taking a walk and need to get in the game and be a follower because they're not a leader. david: steve, quickly, can i have you answer the same question? >> the key is trump making
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outreach, meeting with people at convention, after the convention, showing that he's putting out that olive branch, and again coming up with substantive proposals. a leader has to reach out to those who didn't support him, and good leaders know how to do that. that's what he must demonstrate after the convention if he wins the nomination, which it looks like he's going to do. david: we were fortunate to have two leaders, mike huckabee, steve forbes, good to see you both. gerri: another panel, natalie andrews of the "wall street journal," ford o'connell, former john mccain campaign director and capri kafaro joins us now. ford, start with you, interesting idea brought up about the kind of divisiveness this campaign has introduced and how some people appear to be willing to cross party lines. ford, do you have a problem with that or do you think this is such a landmark election that things are so in tumult
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right now, whether you're talking about politicians or talking about the economy, that it makes sense that there's a lot of concern and worry and people moving from one party to another? >> i think there is a lot of concern and worry and people don't really like the democratic party or the republican party, and i will say this, the base of the republican party can come together, if trump can show he's competitive with hillary clinton in the general election. establishment politics whether it's democratic or republican, has got to go away, change to a new course, put america first. david: natalie, we just heard from donald trump. it was kind of a -- i don't know if it was a shortened speech. didn't go on as long as most of his speeches, but he talked about hillary clinton, and we're beginning to get more and more a theme how he's going to go against hillary clinton if he is the nominee. let's play a clip of what he said about hillary and get you to respond. >> i look forward to beating
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her. do we look forward to winning? [ applause ] >> do we look forward to winning? if she's allowed to run. that's the question. i personally think she's being protected by the democrats. david: natalie, of course, bernie sanders famously said i don't care about the damn e-mails, she got a free pass on that in the primary with bernie. she's not going to get a free pass from donald. how badly is that going to hurt her? >> i don't know if it will be the e-mails, i think trump's going to bring everything he has against hillary and i think hillary -- i think it will definitely be an interesting race, if it's donald trump versus hillary clinton. i think that's where things are definitely going. david: is the e-mail controversy, and even supporters of hillary admit it has hurt her in the likability, the trustworthiness, et cetera, polls, if you have a candidate going day after day after day on the e-mails themselves, how
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will that affect her campaign, specificallyo, mails? >> i don't think it will be the e-mails that come up. it's the day to day. you have the women's card issue that came up and they're riling -- it seems like e-mails that was months ago, and you're going to have the day-to-day issues. >> i disagree. gerri: go right ahead, capri, jump in here? >> i disagree. i think donald trump is going to bring up the e-mails. this is an issue of veracity, this is part of the clinton narrative whether it's bill clinton or hillary clinton, that there's a lot of questions surrounding their honesty, and i think that donald trump will throw everything in the kitchen sink at hillary clinton, and that is absolutely going to include the e-mails, he does bring it up frequently as you heard on the clip, we're not sure if she's going to be able to run. i don't know if the democrats are protecting her, i think the
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e-mail issue is going to be important. david: by the way, i was going to say that was a d next to capri's name for democrat. >> i call it like i see it. >> i have to admit the democrats are protecting her. >> i don't think so. >> debbie wasserman schultz has done everything she can for hillary clinton to win this. >> trump is talking about the fbi protecting her. >> she's going to get everything thrown against her -- donald trump is going to throw everything against her. it will stick? that's a different story. >> you are absolutely right. we have understand hillary is a weak campaigner and the question for donald trump is do i want to become more likable or drag hillary clinton in the mud with me and say hey, we're unlikable, who are people going to stand for you? are offering establishment politics and machine politics, i'm offering a fresh look to look at things, whether it's with donors, how we do business and foreign energy. >> we're dealing with both. >> we're dealing with candidates here that both have high unfavorable scores and
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their unfavorable scores are rising which makes for an interesting election. gerri: absolutely true. >> i think will only get worse. will there are protests as protests go against donald trump? will the protesters go toward hillary or where will they go? they're looking for a candidate. gerri: capri, let me interrupt this wonderful conversation and debate, let me ask you this, is hillary ready for donald trump? >> there's a lot of bluster around the fact that the hillary campaign as well as democrats at large continue to say we are so excited to run against donald trump because he has such high negat women and minorities and with the hispanic latino population, he's the ideal candidate to run gaevenlts internally, there is a different narrative going on. there is a lot of reservation and fear, because let's face it, donald trump has picked off all of his adversaries one by one by one, there were 17, now three standing and one at the
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end of the day, and i think hillary clinton recognizes at least privately that it's not going to be as easy as they think to run against donald trump. david: ford, hang on a second, capri recognizes as a democrat they've got some problems, that they need to, if they don't address them, i'm not sure capri would go over to the donald trump side, but who knows? let me ask you, can you think of occasion or instance or possibility because of problems with hillary clinton's candidacy or her positions, you might vote for donald trump? >> you know, it's tough, i feel strongly about women's reproductive rights and collective bargaining, there are reasons i'm a democrat and recognize the weaknesses, there are a lot of democrats and saw this in ohio that will cross over because they do see there are questions around hillary
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clinton. >> i can answer a question here? that is that trump has really unique product. he has an einstein-esque media iq and understands the message of the times. ted cruz will be more of a conventional candidate, where hillary clinton is going to walk out there and say war on women, despise minorities, hate the poor, rinse, wash and repeat. because donald trump is unpredictable he has a chance to win here. gerri: ford, let me interrupt you. people will say wow, when it comes down to it, people will go with somebody they know and seen in action and trump is not that person. >> i totally disagree with that possibility. whether it's democrat or republican for the last 50 years and people are tired of the fact that it's going to go along, get along, same as can be and may not agree with trump, may not like trump. they are sure he's going to do something and isn't beholden to
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anyone. he has to learn in general election about tone and rhetoric. david: natalie? they keep pushing people toward their candidate on each side of the party. -- republicans, democrats. david: natalie andrews, ford o'connell, capri cafaro. what a day it has been. protest against donald trump, forcing him to go into the campaign in a way he didn't expect to get there. this is the convention in california. the prior ma irry is not until june 7th. if this is any indication of the
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campaigning -- >> "risk & reward" starts right now. [laughter] >> my wife called, said there are helicopters following you. we did. we went under a fence and through a fence and, oh, boy, felt like i was crossing the border. they said mr. trump, would be really much easier sir if you just didn't speak today and jess left to go back immediately to indiana. i said, i know, we can't let these people down, right? do we agree? deirdre: that was donald trump, moments ago speaking in california. this is "risk & reward." i'm deirdre bolton. police officers in riot gear faced off with protesters in front of the hyatt regency san fan airport hotel. some activists broke through barriers and rushed the building where trump spoke. leaving that very same event donald trump's motorcade had to take an alternative route.


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