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tv   Bulls Bears  FOX Business  May 1, 2016 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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libertarian politicians will get out of our way. that's our show for tonight. good night until next time and . we're going to find them in nd . tucker's house, tomorrow right here on the show. >> don't miss it. capitalism? millennial saying no thanks. a new poll says a majority of young americans rejecting it. some here say because it is our political leaders keep bashing it. like this. >> when wealth is increasingly concentrated at the few at the top it is not only a moral challenge to us but drags down a count rice growth potential. >> wall street can never again be allowed to threaten mainstream. >> the agreed of wall street and corporate america is destroying the very fabric of our nation. >> hi everybody. i'm dag amc dowel. this is bulls and bears.
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your bulls and bears this week is these guys. welcome to everybody. john, young americans not embracing free markets. does that worry you about america's future? >> it does. i certainly understand why they worry about free markets. but our country was founded on this. founded on freedom. and you can't have economic freedom if you don't have political freedom and vice versa. and one of the problems that you have is that these millennial grew up in the financial crisis and right after the financial crisis, the government -- remember now, economic policy that is free is an economic agenda not a political agenda. and when that is free markets are allowed to run, that is not what happened in the financial crisis. what happened in the financial crisis was government intervention was the one that called this becoming a casino and the government turned on the banks. the government turned on business and now you see that in the millennial, looking at this
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saying hey wait a minute. they must be right. it is the free markets at fault and it is worrisome when you see that from such a large generation. >> does it worry you about the future of this country? because again t freedom to make our own decisions and start our own businesses and control our own money instead of the government. >> exactly. and it does worry me. you know, i think there is a couple of takeaways from this. one, the survey is a harbored survey which is laughable because that is one of the institutions that is probably benefitted the most from capitalism. do you think they got their zillion dollar endowment with a socialist country? no. the parents of all those students there made a fortune and they gave to it a harvard. same reason a lot of those gets in there a lot wept to private schools, elite educations, because their parents provided for. and -- saying the capitalism
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caused this whole financial crisis which john explained in nice detail. the other takeaway i had was you can't reject capitalism. capitalism is in our dna. people want to get ahead. they want to make a lot of money. they want to do good things, even if it is not financially. the whole point of the harvard students. they want to get as, rather than cs or ds there. the bottom line is there has been no great country, no great empire. no great society that's ever gotten ahead with socialism. every great country out there that's risen to preeminence has risen on the back of capitalism. >> one-third of young people in this study support socialism. what are they eating? you have to explain that. >> well as the millennial on this panel i think i have a few opinions about this one. listen it is not about socialism
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versus capitalism. >> actually that is what this segment is about. >> i'm not a socialist by i think there is a gray area, and a very large gray area here between the 1% of the 1% of 1% capitalism that i my generation is against versus complete socialism. you have the millennial under the age of 35 like myself who grew up in this nafta free trade era political world we live in today. where capitalism got out of control. it wasn't about supporting the american markets and american business and the middle class. about short-term profits for wall street for the 1% of the 1% of the 1%. and all of that us graduated college come out in debt, complete debt with expensive housing, high cost of living. we all have to move to the cities to find jobs and we just can't keep up. so it is a question of where are our priorities? are our national priorities in giving tax benefits to the wealthiest of the wealthy and the burden on the middle class
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for the next generation? because if that's the case we're not going to be moving forward. >> then you are people not supporting the very job creators, in word by bashing them but also indeed with the mountain of regulations that the white house has put on companies the last seven years. >> you could actually put other clips and the donald trump clips on free trade are really not. i'm sure capitalism when it falls --. i think what we just heard from the millennial. i like to say i'm a millennial too but i'm really not. is really what these surveys are saying. they don't know what they want. it sounds to me is kind of a selfish. it is not socialism what they want. or democratic socialism or communities. they want the goodies of capitalism. the whole foods. the apple store. the they don't want the government taking over that. they want to take from the very successful who made all of the money in this very merit okay us
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to way you can make a fortune today and [ slow down ] >> i'm going to agree. i think this boils down to a difference in terminology. capitalism and socialism have dictionary the definitions that of course we are different associations and images that come to mind. if you phrase the question differently to millennials and ask what they prefer in terms of economy? the vast magenta majority of millennial would prefer a free market economy. >> you still have politicians as pointed out on both sides on the right and left bashing companies. drug companies that make life-saving drugs. energy companies that are on their knees right now laying off 20,000 people just in the first quarter of this year. wall street, banks you name it and it's hurting america not
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just now but for years to come potentially? >> of course they are. because these morns are not going to blame theirselves. they are going blame the b income inequality. which is prosperous. government started this entire problem. the communicate reinvestment act made banks lend must be to people who couldn't afford to pay it back and because of that created the securitization market and created the casino. and the financial crisis came t the same people in charge dodd-frank said wait a minute, we're now going to fix it. they fixed it so much, credit was taken out of the market to such huge degree the recession continued. the millennials have seen this and the rhetoric from the politics blaming free markets saying it's really free markets when it is not free markets -- >> who lobbied to appeal glass steegal. who lobbied to over the mortgage
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industry? that was wall street. that was the free market trying to get things for free and take advantage of the american people. trickle down economics does not work. >> that is not true. >> oh -- >> -- means to go through. >> because they're lobbying. we now how washington works. they're told to have these ideas by the people who fund their campaigns. >>fy lobby the government for a billion dollars and they give it to me is that my fault or is that some moron in washington d.c.'s fault for actually giving me a billion dollars. >> i want -- i'll give her an example where she's kind of the hypocrite. i'm willing to get naomi not only went to good college but had good grades and probably was in the top 1% of the top 1% of her college. why doesn't she give some of her a's back to those less deserving students so everybody can be happy.
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no. >> -- [inaudible]. >> president of this and president of that and strive to get ahead -- >> -- complementing me or insulting me -- >> set up there to get ahead. make a name for herself. but now the people that have done the same thing in the financial world, she's willing to pull them down. it just doesn't make any sense to me. >> the freedom of capitalist society and the kind of markets we have is to reward people who work hard rather than treat everybody equally despite the type of work that they do and their talent. >> the problem. -- okay, first of all if we're going to bash naomi. i'd like to bash her too because she's too smart. but it rewards people more and more for brilliance, not just for hard work. so people who do work hard are angry and trump appeals to that and i understand that. but ultimately that selfish millennial feeling is they don't
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really believe in communism. they're trying to take care of their brothers. they don't want to live in a commune. they don't do that anymore. this group wants what we got in this country. but they want somebody else to pay for it. and it doesn't make sense. the government student loans. wall street doesn't even do those loans anymore. >> final word. i'll spend it with this, spreedom. thanks guys. before anti-trump protesters got noisy state officials were trying to silence trump in california. is this why he is registering across america? >> and bernie's -- message to me that will make message in -- [inaudible]. >> this week the president saying we need to keep letting in syrian refuges. but trump saying hit the pause button. who's got it right?
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we debate. you decide.
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>> we have no idea where these people are coming from. there is no documentation. there is no paperwork. we have to be smart. we have to be vigilant. a pause for recessmeassessment help us to prevent the next sbor san bernardino, or frankly much worse. >> saying we need to pause as president obama renews his commitment to bring in 10,000 syrian refuges. you say trump has it right. >> he does in this case. i don't see the problem with pausing if we county know what we don't know. everybody saying look we can trust the government. they have changed things around. they have new regulations. this is a government where the tsa failed 95% of the tests. where people tried to smuggle things in. set up people. they fail 95% of the time. how can we trust the government?
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ohio governor brownback of kansas really rejected taking in anymore refuges. he went to the obama administration and said give me documentation and proof these people have been vetted and the administration said no. all the governors should throw up their hands and say look, we are not going to do this until we have facts and figures and a thorough process that's been looked over. we don't have that right now. what is the problem with pausing? i don't see any. >> and here's fact. the u.s. government has said that isis has the ability to make fake syrian passports. >> true. but we do have a positive and we do have numbers. we over the past 15 years since we've been doing this. we have to go through a five step process, includes bio metrics. a very difficult u.n. process. and taking to the department of homeland security, department of defense. state department, cia and all this stuff and 18-24 months and just over 15% are admitted.
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that's after all that bio metrics and interviews with family members. these people aren't coming over on -- >> two of the paris attackers came -- >> separate visa. >> doesn't matter there was -- >> different process. came in on boats. >> john? >> it's laughable. absolutely laughable. you can't talk about history when you are talk about somebody coming from a war zone where there is no bio metric data. i don't care if you have 1,000 government agencies. there is not a library card to go and check everybody's name on. everything's been blown up in these countries. and we're talking about doing something here to show the world we're doing something. 10,000? there are over 10 million people in syria over the displaced or refuges right now. we're doing this to show ourself to the world that we're doing something for no reason and we're putting ourself as risk. >> a pause wrong hadley?
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it's wrong at this point. the united states is one of if not the most compassionate country in the world and there are many americans who would love to help refuges in this way by welcoming them to our country. but we can help in other ways. and i hope we'll support the relief organizations and global charities out there. there are ways we can be compassionate while also honoring our own national security. >> it's wrong because it creates the false sense of security that we don't have to address all the other issues that trump correctly raised. the fact of the matter is in canada they have let in 26,921 syrian refuges. who's to stop them from walking across the border? they're going to come through
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canada. >> well jonas speaks to my point then. that is another thing we don't know or having thought of. i don't see the problem. in the review. hey people are getting through canada. what are we going to do about that? i don't see the push to rush forward with this? >> eric, whether do you have coming up? >> hi, the donald wants more dollars from nations who need our military might. should we force our allies either pay up or defend themselves? see you at 11:30. >> is the very latest report on
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president obama this week touting how his team helped save the economy after the financial crisis saying we probably managed this better than any other large economy on earth in our history. and you say history shows this president's performance is the worst in modern history. >> yeah. and hank -- was the one who put the --. president obama is going to be the only president that doesn't have 3% annual gdp growth of any year that he is in office. if we're at full unemployment. why is gdp not at 3%?
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--. you have seen a middle class that's been absolutely destroyed since the late 90s and the trend is continuing. >> hadley, nothing to crow about? >> nothing to crow about. and americans know that at home. they know they are struggling to pay off debts, health insurance premiums. they probably know someone out of work if they are not out of work themselves. the reality speaks for itself. most americans say we're on the wrong track and unfortunately they are right. >> i think we have revisionist history here. in 2008 we were losing 8 --. we went have 10% unemployment to 15 5%. in the longest growth period in history. 14.4 million jobs. i don't know what economy you guys are looking at but we have a completely different -- >> why is gopd at --
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>> you're apple picking here. you ear looking you are the the. >> no i'm not -- >> is it -- [ slow down ] >> jonas. it stinks. >> if i was president and i left and it was binger when i got in the economy. the bottom line is it is not as good as the past. because when you compare america now to the past it comes up short. if it compare america now to other countries over the last eight years it's looking a lot better than it did relative will i speaking in the eickeghties. >> the rebound should have been faster. >> it's not corporate earnings. it's not gdp. it's three things. do they have a job? are they making money? is their home worth anything? median household is down 4%. home values are down since he took office as is home ownership. and oh by the way, the poverty
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rate is up. that is what the economy is to people and in those terms it distinction. >> thanks guys. hadley and naomi. thanks. coming up how one what super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. super poligrip is part of my life now. it begins from the the second we're because, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned every day. using wellness to keep away illness. and believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. as a health services and innovation company
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>> glaxosmithkline. i done it. >> jonas. >> super good out of amazon this year. still good for the -- after they deployed the drone. up 15% for year. ♪ well before anti-trump protesters turned violent in the golden state. public officials tried blocking trump from even getting a chance to speak in the golden state. think about this. if you can't beat them, muzzle them? because before these trump protesters in california a number of top public officials there were doing their darnedest to make sure trump never got the chance to speak at all in california. at least not at a public facility. now bernie sanders or hillary clinton


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