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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  May 13, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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have a great weekend, appreciate you coming on. >> thank you, charles. charles: salute to the american success, watermelon water, founded in 2013, they make secondary waters, cold-pressed juice, take a look. now lou dobbs. lou: good evening, everybody, i'm lou dobbs. support for donald trump continues to build, more money, more endorsements, more members of congress, joining up with the presumptive republican presidential nominee, and the candidate they expect to prevail in november. a new trump super pac says it's on track to raise 20 million dollars by july. influential mega donor sheldon adelson officially endorsed trump, telling other republicans to do the same, and especially elected officials. adelson at the same time implicitly telling them to shell out more than a few bucks as well. and today on capitol hill, a
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lot of elected officials and lawmakers meeting with the trump campaign, most of them quickly getting aboard the trump train. >> we are all coming together others we've always said most all the members have said they're going to support the republican nominee for president, that will be mr. sdprufrjs today, the room was overflowing. lou: the "weekly standard"'s fred barnes will be here to talk about the growing support for trump and why any conservative who would support hillary is an idiot. in politics, there are winners and sometimes there are a few really sore losers, and, yes, we're talking specifically about senator ted cruz, perhaps the sorest loser among a number of sore losers who battle trump for their party's nomination. cruz has increasingly assumed the tone of heir and most of whom have abandoned him. cruz came out with a bizarre,
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ominous warning for all trump supporters. >> everyone who is responsible for the rise of donald trump, they will bear that responsibility going forward, but there were more than a few players who played a disproportionate role in that rise. lou: katrina pierson, the trump campaign's national spokesperson will be here to give us insight and perhaps interpretation of the cruz remarks. and what appears to be a capitol hill embrace of the donald though it does appear senator cruz isn't quite one of them. also democrats and left wing enablers in the media, some think they've got a new issue. trump declined the honor of sharing his tax returns with his political opponents on a hostile national media. the head of the republican national committee today said so what? >> if he doesn't release his tax returns, i don't know if anyone cares or if it's going to have any effect because
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certainly all of these other decisions that he's made have only helped him. lou: we'll take up the left wing's growing obsession with all things trump and why he seems to never lose control of the narrative. tom shillue and tammy bruce among our guests tonight. top story -- the republican party coming around quickly in supporting donald trump, they're also backing that embrace with money and seems lots of it. with less than six months until the general election, trump is winning the support he needs to defeat the democrats in the fall. fox news senior national correspondent john roberts has our report. >> reporter: like moths to the flame, the afterglow of donald trump's d.c. visit drew record numbers to his campaign's weekly capitol hill outreach meeting. >> and today, the room was overflowing and most of the committee chairman are coming on board, so it's right where we wanted to be. >> reporter: trump now has the endorsement or support of 68 members of congress. still no word on what house
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speaker paul ryan will do, but trump supporters believe he will come on board. >> the sooner the better. >> reporter: in vegas hedge fund manager that steven mnuchin is set to bankroll. >> steve set a goal of a billion, we're going to do everything we can to get to the billion number. >> reporter: one of the guests, former cia director david petraeus went offscript. he took aim at trump's foreign policy in an op-ed writing when western politicians propose blanket discrimination against islam, they bolster the terrorists' propaganda. democrats are turning up the heat on trump over refusal to release tax returns until audit is complete. hillary clinton intimating they have something to hide. >> my husband and i have released 33 years of tax returns. we've got 8 years on our website right now.
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so you got to ask yourself why doesn't he want to release them? >> reporter: trump hopes to put the returns out before the election but bristled this morning when pressed for more. >> what is your fax rate? >> it's none of your business, i fight very hard to pay as little tax as possible. >> reporter: and in a hint of what lies ahead for trump, the "washington post" recycled audio recording from 25 years ago where trump appears to be playing his own pr person. >> what is your name again? >> starting to do tremendously well. >> reporter: despite the fact ex-wife marla maples identified the caller as trump, trump insisted it wasn't him. >> you're going so low as to talk about something that took place 25 years ago about whether or not i made a phone call? i guess you're saying under a presumed name. the answer is no, and let's get onto more current subjects. >> reporter: while we may never know if the voice on the recording is trump, he is now on the record as denying it.
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and with the "washington post" deciding a 20-reporter team to look under every rock in trump's history, he'll likely be faced with more opportunities to respond to items from his past between now and november, lou? lou: john, thank you very much, john roberts. on the democratic side, party divisions growing as bernie sanders is build momentum before next week's kentucky showdown. democratic insiders growing increasingly worried that if clinton does clinch the nomination, she won't be able to stop trump. fox news senior political correspondent mike emanuel with our report. >> reporter: in north dakota, which votes in june, bernie sanders told enthusiastic supporters he needs their help to pull off a shocking upet. >> it is a very steep climb, but we have the chance to end the democratic nominating process with more delegates than secretary clinton. >> reporter: pressure is building on sanders to step aside.
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california democrat senator dianne feinstein told reporters about sanders and clinton, quote, it's harmful because you can't make the pivot the way she should and trump has made the pivot and is going at her. new york democrat steve israel is saying, quote -- and today in patterson, new jersey, former president bill clinton slammed sanders and donald trump while praising his wife. >> she's the only candidate left in the race in the primary or the general, that's got a record of getting things done with members of the other party. >> reporter: hillary clinton and sanders are heading for a showdown in kentucky. clinton is due to return sunday to drive african-american turnout after running ads and spending time there earlier this week. and sanders is expected to launch a two-day swing through the bluegrass state ahead of tuesday's primary and hoping to put pressure on party insiders. >> want to make sure that we
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defeat mr. trump and defeat him badly. we think our campaign is the strongest campaign. >> we'll be talking to the superdelegates who have come on board. secretary clinton before i was in the campaign. >> reporter: sanders staffers and volunteers are working on a plan b, if a political miracle doesn't happen. politico is first to report on a draft document proposing to build an independent organization focused on defeating trump -- . >> reporter: no surprise, a spokesman for the sanders campaign insists the candidate expects to win more delegates and is campaigning to win the nomination. he calls the draft plan totally irrelevant. lou? lou: mike, thank you very much, mike emanuel. hillary clinton's problems extend beyond the campaign to a new cash controversy involving
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her family's charitable foundation. according to a new report by the "wall street journal," which says the clinton global initiative arranged for a $2 million grant to go to a private energy company owned by friends of bill clinton back in 2010. the clinton foundation recently under fire for accepting millions of dollars from foreign governments while hillary clinton was secretary of state. the clinton global initiative in a response claims many clinton friends share the interest of cgi as opposed to a conflict of interest. $100 million from persian state nations. hillary clinton not conflicted about e-mail or fact security. she ignored both. now we're learning she refused to use a secure phone as well. on one occasion, clinton had trouble setting up a secure line. she e-mailed an aide --
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the revelations came from judicial watch, which is suing the state department to release more documents related to clinton's time as obama's secretary of state. the newly released documents also show clinton deliberately used an unsecure home server despite being fully aware of the security risks. we're coming right back with much more. jeff bezos using the "washington post" to attack donald trump. the gop presumptive presidential nominee isn't having any of it. >> he bought this paper for practically nothing, and he's using that as a tool for political power against me and against other people, and i'll tell you what, we can't let him get away with it. lou: bezos deployed a small army of "washington post" reporters to investigate trump. the "weekly standard"'s fred barnes joins us next. a train conductor racing to prepare passengers for a collision. we'll show you the video after
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these quick messages. stay with us, we're coming right back. [woodworker] i live in the fine details.
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founder jeff bezos, he accused bezos of using the newspaper as a toy for political power. >> this is owned as a toy by jeff bezos who controls amazon. amazon is getting away with murder tax weiss, he's using the "washington post" for power so the politicians in washington don't tax amazon like they should be taxed. he thinks i would go after him for antitrust because he's got a huge antitrust problem because he's controlling so much. lou: and the post not the only entity of accused of unfair political power. facebook's mark zuckerberg says he'll meet with, quote, leading conservatives after allegations the social media site kept conservative news out of trending topics, managing the news in effect. zuckerberg didn't say who the conservatives might be. joining us the executive editor for the weekly standard and fox news contributor, fred
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barnes, good to have you here. start with the contra temp with trump and the "washington post," the "washington post" gleefully signing 20 reporters to trump. that seemed like an ignorant statement, didn't it? >> well, it's a lot of reporters. lou: yes, it is! >> but i'm not sure that jeff bezos has done anything that the "washington post" wouldn't have done anyway. there are a lot of liberal newspapers, lou, the post is one, the "new york times" is one, and they're not going to like donald trump. it's as simple as that. lou: do you want to go through the list of conservative newspapers in this country, fred? >> well, there's the "wall street journal," and i'm ready . lou: you ran out of an editorial page, not a newspaper. the fact is this thing with bezos, you know, how many do you think the post assigned to obama? how many have been assigned to clinton? i'm just curious.
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if you know, i'd like to hear. >> you know, there is a phenomenon going on a while, lou, called liberal bias. lou: well, i don't know why we should accept it any more warmly. this is just to me more of the same kind of ignorance. we've got propaganda outlets instead of news outlets and what bezos is doing to the post in my opinion, isun, absolutely appalling by comparison to the graham family and the way it ran it under the leadership of ben bradlee. this is not the same institution, nor is the "new york times" owned by carlos slim, in effect. there's quite a -- a mexican billionaire holding an editorial page there holding forth on the latinization of america, and open borders. it doesn't get much richer than that, does it? >> nope. you'd rather have americans running newspapers.
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but, look, lou, in the media, in the entertainment community, in the academia, liberals reign and they don't want to hear conservative voices. lou: yep, well, i guess it's game, set, match, but i'd like to think that we are on the, if you will, the penumbra of crossing over into better and brighter territory. let's turn to the gop embracing trump. >> okay. lou: rnc chair reince priebus today dismissing trump's taxes. i thought that was interesting, telling -- trump telling george stephanopoulos buzz off, none of it is your business. your reaction? >> i'm surprised that trump did that because he said earlier that he would release his taxes. i don't think it's probably going to hurt him. other candidates it might, but you know, the people that will complain about it are the people that weren't going to vote for trump in the first
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place. lou: the people who complain loudest will not have the leverage over him, and will pick through the most pristine returns. >> indeed. lou: it's laughable to watch. >> but he did say something they think most americans agree with. that is he said he paid as little tax as he legally could get away with. lou: sure, that's the american way. >> that's what most people do. lou: that's the american way. and most of us who can't manage beyond a certain number, we cry because of the w-2 form that will not allow us to take any deductions. your column this week tackling the hillary myth. this theme that's developing in some quarters of the republican elites that you know hillary will be a perfect kind of conservative choice rather than the, if you will, unpredictable, i think as they phrase it often, donald trump, you know, i almost thought you
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were writing that because the e-mail broke down in your office and you decided to send that to bill kristol for his consideration any. truth to that thought? >> [laughter] >> not a bit. but my point was that this idea that hillary is a conservative, that she's a hawk on foreign policy, that she just wants to be president with the same policies as her husband did in the 1990s, and, of course, she's lurched to the left along with the democratic party. she's a completely different person politically than her husband was in the 1990s. she's pretty hard left. lou: absolutely. and as we go forward here, do you think, last question for predictability, will paul ryan come to his senses in time to be of any good to his party, or is it to hell with everybody and let ham will be?
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>> i think he has come to his senses, many, many years ago, and i think he's going to -- he and trump will announce that they agreed on the outlines of a tax reform plan and a military buildup and a regulatory relief initiative and a number of other things and then ryan will endorse trump and everybody will be happy. look, it serves them both well. lou: well, i think the view is now basically watching as we've been reporting on the movement of the entire republican conference on capitol hill. trump is going to be moving ahead. it's a question of whether or not ryan is left waving at the train as it passes by. >> but lou, ryan -- lou: you get the last word. >> i was going to say ryan helps trump. lou: yeah? when does that start? >> if he's on board, it makes it very difficult for the
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conservatives who are unhappy with trump are and talking about voting even for hillary. it makes it hard for them to get a third party campaign going when ryan's withdrawn. lou: we're back to bill kristol, aren't we? [laughter] >> fred, thank you so much. appreciate it. >> you're welcome. lou: i didn't want to leave you with just bill kristol, there it is. have a great weekend. be sure to vote in our poll tonight. here is the question -- cast your vote on twitter at lou dobbs news -- no, it's just lou dobbs. i get so confused with the social media sites. links to everything, twitter again, lou dobbs. a polish train driver
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risking his life for his passengers. watch as this driver sprints through the train, warning as he goes his passengers after spotting a stranded truck on the tracks ahead. those on board threw themselves to the ground just in time. no one seriously injured in large measure because of the driver's heroic actions. up next, what's at stake in the general election is articulated by donald trump. >> it's a movement toward common sense, a movement to get out of being the stupid leadership country, what we have in leadership right now, they call it the stupid leadership, they have no clue what they're doing. lou: the choices we face in this election is the subject of my commentary here next. much more straight ahead. stay with us.
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at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in. . lou: a few thoughts what is at stake in the november election, about much more than which
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party will be controlling the white house, that say major feature. senator jeff sessions says americans are facing a clear chase. whether we remain a nation that serves its own people or globalism which treats humans as interchangeable widgets in the world market. sessions is in my opinion absolutely right, this is the most important issue facing this country, whether nationalism or globalism will prevail. whether our government regards people as individuals and citizens or as mere consumers and taxpayers. trump has made it abundantly clear, he's on the side of individual freedom and nationalism. from his campaign slogan, make america great again, to his america first foreign policy. trump says he's a free trader but insists on fairness and mutuality on our trade agreements. trump's call for a wall is a promise to secure our borders,
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a call that takes on renewed importance as our border patrol is contending with yet again another surge of illegal immigrants. department of homeland security officials expect as many of 100,000 illegal immigrant children in that surge. last month during his first major foreign policy speech, the presumptive nominee vowed to stop at nothing to protect the interest of all americans. >> on trade, on immigration, on foreign policy, the jobs, incomes and security of the american worker will always be my first priority. no country has ever prospered that failed to put its own interests first. we will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism. lou: and with those words trump became the first presumptive nominee of either party to declare he will defend the sovereignty of the nation and the economic security of our
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working men and women and their families. in doing so, he is sure to put more blue and contested states in play for november, just as he's already promised he would to primary voters. this just may be a sign of things to come. our quotation of the evening, this one on the positive, on getting things done, from lyndon baines johnson who said -- we're coming right back. stay with us. donald trump shows little patience with abc's george stephanopoulos when asked about taxes. >> i fight very hard to pay as little tax as possible. >> what is your tax rate? >> it's none of your business. lou: liberals like stephanopoulos of apoplectic at trump's reaction, should anyone care about stephanopoulos, i mean? national spokesperson for the
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trump campaign katrina pierson joins me next. and a fiery car crash in california leaves a driver and his passenger in a scary position, but luckily he rose at the ready. we'll show you the video right after these quick messages. stay with us, we'll be right back. wh a mentturnromaic y pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines,
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helped trump would quote bear that responsibility going forward. cruz also blaming the national media for trump's success. joining us trump campaign national spokeswoman, katrina pierson. katrina, great to have you here. >> great to be here. lou: and it does look like things are starting to move rather significantly in washington, d.c. toward the trump candidacy. your perception? >> i'd have to agree with you. i'm sure you've seen we've had nine committee chairman at the house of representatives come out and support mr. trump. there have been other former members coming out and supporting mr. trump, at the end of the day, it's about november. lou: it is about november, and talking earlier here with fred barnes of the weekly standard who wrote a terrific column called the myth of hillary. there are the conservatives who maintain a myth that as conservatives they can't reach out to common sense
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conservative like mr. trump and instead they'll wait for hillary. he pretty much disabused them of the illusion they might cling to. your thoughts. >> i have to agreement we said from the beginning when mr. trump first announced and projected a commonsense agenda for the american people. and can you tell over time as what the media deemed the trump phenomenon people agree with him, and you can call it populism all you want, it is common sense, we have not had a leader of this country putting welfare and the needs of the people here first, and that's what america so desperately needs. lou: can you imagine if common sense gets contagious in washington, d.c.? the town would be upside down. cruz today blaming folks for supporting trump. i take it that there hasn't been an attempt to reach out to cruz and kind of bring him around on the part of donald
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trump, is that correct? >> to my knowledge, they have not spoken to each other at this point, but it's not -- i see a lot of the cruz conservatives essentially blaming the media, but even though mr. trump has been in the media a lot, it has not been positive. this is not the kind of attention that would help a candidate. this type of negative barrage, 24/7 for months usually ends a presidential candidate but not mr. trump. lou: yeah, it's strange. 17 candidates. donald trump went in and he was the only one left standing at the end of the day and you would think people would be tipping their hat doing what is traditional and conventional particularly since they presume to be conservatives and traditionalists. taxes, i was delighted when i saw donald trump tell george stephanopoulos his tax rate was none of his business. what has been the reaction? how do you judge the reaction
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of the national media on this? not the left and the campaign stuff. >> well, this is a tactic that the media will use, and your opponents will use talking about transparency and things that presidential candidates in the past have done, but again, mr. trump is not your typical standard politician or traditional presidential candidate, and when george stephanopoulos asked him that question, he said none of your business, basically you will find out when everybody else does. i think it's telling because honestly, how many times can you answer the exact same question over a period of months. >> well, i know that was a rhetorical question because the national media watching will think well, i'm going to keep asking. you know they will. >> right. lou: and he will put up with it as long as he wants to or as little as he wants to. we know that. katrina pierson, great to have you with us, thanks so much. >> good to be here, good to see you. lou: in california, three los angeles county sheriffs
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deputies and a good samaritan rescuing a driver after he crashed into a wall, then these fearless folks rushed in. broke the windows drug the driver to safety, the man in serious but stable condition thanks to the quick acting heroes. afterwards, one of the deputies just said it's our job, but not many people have got the guts to do that job, and we salute you. up next, speaker ryan not quite ready to endorse donald trump, though 68 of his colleagues are. trump has words of encouragement, real encouragement for the speaker's office. >> i think he's doing a good job, got not an easy job, i don't mind going through a slow process, it's a very big subject. we have a lot of things, and i think for the most part we agree on a lot of different items and we're getting there. lou: talking with sean hannity last night. will ryan get there?
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does it matter if he doesn't? the former head of the south carolina republican party van hipp joins us, he also has good council for the republican and national party and getting out the vote. stay with us. we'll be right back. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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lou: donald trump today receiving a big boost from congress winning endorsements from nine republican committee chairman in the house as katrina pierson just said, who say that any other outcome than a trump victory in november is a danger to the country. congressman chris collins, trump's first backer in the house, the congressman touting the move as an important step toward party unity. >> it's right where we wanted to be. we're going to work together to defeat hillary clinton and her liberal progressive socialist agenda that is not good for the future of america. we're all united. lou: joining us tonight, former chairman of the south carolina republican party, chairman of american defense international, van hipp. van, great to have you here. this thing is moving quickly after one little visit to washington, d.c. by donald trump, isn't it? >> boy, it sure is. don't forget the number of republicans who favor donald trump now have literally doubled in the last two weeks.
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so this thing has taken off, and i think it was john f. kennedy who said that victory has a thousand fathers and defeat as an orphan. i think republicans who did not support donald trump are waking up and realize this will be the most important election of our lifetime, and probably the last chance to keep the america that our founding fathers envisioned. lou: can you explain the phenomenon? and i get the neocon nonsense and everything else. bill kristol, ted cruz acting like petulant children rather than standing up and going to the aid of their party and nominee, and the nation. it doesn't make a lick of sense. >> i understand some of the folks are in the early stages of grief. lou: poor darlins, i'm tired of having to wipe the sniffling
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noses of our nation's strong, proud leaders. come on! >> and they need to realize, lou, that ronald reagan was right when he said my 80% friend is not my 20% enemy. again, this is the most important election of our lifetime, and i think we'll look back on this and we will ask that question, who was there in the front line and who was awol? lou: well, let's ask the important question of somebody who knows when it comes to getting out the vote, technology, and that's van hipp. how do they look? how does the national organization look? how is the trump campaign look, and how much are they focusing right now on getting the technology and getting the vote now the november? >> this needs to be a top priority of the trump campaign. i have an op-ed on, we talk about things that trump needs to do to maximize his victory over hillary clinton. word is that i've talked to several people, the data analytics, the get-out-the-vote
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technology platform is much improved in 2012, i don't know if it's good enough. that's why the trump people need to go in there and whatever needs to be augmented, augment it. and the innovativeness and ingenuity is not only with the big guys, the little guys, small business, the trump campaign needs to treat this as a priority and augment whatever they have to. lou, there are 90 million eligible voters who did not vote in 2012. lou: 90 million? >> 90 million. i get a kick out of pundits who say mitt romney got 93% of the republican vote. he got 93% of the republicans who showed up. the same amount as john mccain pretty much. he won the independents, what does that tell us? he did not turn out the republican base. donald trump, if he can turn out the republican base, with the new people, the forgotten americans, the silent majority and implement a real rust belt strategy, i'm telling you the teamsters union are looking hard at donald trump. there is a real pathway to
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victory. lou: well, i think donald trump has made it pretty clear, he'll be looking for everybody's votes, even mitt romney's, paul ryan's, he has had more forebearance by my inclination, most people tipping their hat to him. >> i said it last week on the show, lou, that trump needed to be magnanimous after indiana. when he talked to paul ryan and said i want you to be the convention chairman. this guy is magnanimous, gracious, i predict by the end of june, paul ryan will join bob dole and dick cheney and dan quayle on the trump train. lou: all right, from your lips to the republicans' ears. van hipp, thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thanks, lou. lou: strap on your seat belt for this next video. watch as a dash cam catches a
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runaway car flying through a busy intersection in kuwait, slamming into the side of the other car, the oncoming car. upon impact, the other car does go hurling over the median sitting at the red light. are you ready for this? no injuries. oops, let me update that. only minor injuries. that's almost the same as no injuries. amazing. up next, a bold prediction on the outcome of this year's presidential race from one of hollywood's biggest liberals. he will shock you, surprise and you do it in the most energetic, convincing and positive way, george clooney, ladies and gentlemen. >> there's not going to be a president donald trump. [laughter] >> that's not going to happen. it's not going to happen because we're not going to -- fear is not going to be something we're -- that's going to be what drives our country. lou: clooney convinced me heys very confident of what he's saying.
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did he you? we'll have trump's response, tammy bruce, tom shillue next. stay with us. equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like social media equals anti-social. hey guys, i want you to meet my fiancée, denise. hey. good to meet you dennis. ram trucks are reaching new heights when it comes to capability and efficiency. the ram heavy duty is the most capable full-sized pickup on the road today. and, the ram 1500 is the most fuel-efficient, full-sized pickup. ever. so what does that mean? it means ram trucks give you the best of both worlds. so go big. and go far. guts. glory. ram.
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lou: george clooney among a growing list of hollywood stars injecting themselves into politics and promoting their views. "money monster" is supposed to
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bomb at the box office, based on a limited showing. he made this prediction. >> trump is actually a result in many ways of the fact that much of the news programs didn't foul and ask tough questions. that's the truth. it was easy because your numbers go up. all these cable news numbers. 24 hours news doesn't mean you more news, it just means you get the same news more. lou: so bitter and certain of yourself. clooney is no cary grants, and in a show support, let's turn to who else but rnc chairman reince priebus about the actor's declaration earlier today. >> i think he said he was going to move to can today the last time a republican won the white house and he's still living in california. he can say all he wants about
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tough questions. but i don't think anyone can say donald trump hasn't availed himself to more media interviews than any candidate i can remember. lou: washingn tis comn nightammbruc theost d ey tomhill, grt to have you both here. i love that serious analysis on the part of reince priebus of george clooney. but did you see that? he was not very self-you a sured. >> d he was in the very self-assured. when you have people who look down, look away. there is a confidence issue and the concern you are not being entirely honest, and you are even sure about what it is you are saying. don't all of us want somebody to pretend to be someone else for a living to tell us what to do?
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lou: i don't mind hearing this opinion. it's easily dismissed. particularly the way he presented it. that doesn't work. >> he guaranteed donald trump won't be the president of the united states because fear won't win. i think nothing can help trump more than the hollywood elitists coming out against trump. >> johnny depp lives in france now and edward scissors hands. the last president of the united states because it will all end. lou: you couldn't understand a doggone word the man said. >> he has been traumatized ever since his dog didn't get into australia. lou: he smuggled him in. reince priebus is supporting his candidate, dismissing -- i love the idea all these actors,
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particularly the entertainers and the folks you guys deal with on occasion, they all promise to go somewhere else. what if we had a law where you had to go to wherever you said if so and so is he atlantic or not elected. wouldn't it be great? they would have to be deported. >> i think reince priebus will get along great with trump. he has the same style as trump. he's kind of politically incorrect. he's a little bit sarcastic. when he first came on the scene as republican chairman he would ruffle some feathers. then he got nicer. but now i think he and trump will get along just fine. lou: reince is a smart guy. he has had a tough job and he had his tail kicked for months -- 17 guys working on you. that's pretty good. >> i like your idea about
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deporting the hollywood stars, not to their choice. we can have a spin wheel and whatever country it hand on like tajikistan they would have to go. >> they spend oh much of their -- they spend so much time abroad anyway. lou: francois hollande and 70% taxes. >> they are worried about not sleeping in the lincoln bedroom. their association with politicians seems to give them some reason to live. people need to think about who they are separate from the system. with their own confidence and ability to make a difference. and they will lose that without the system. lou: facebook and mark zuckerberg trying to convince conservatives he's not tilting
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the game. do you think he can work his way out of this mess he's got his way into? >> we all know where he stand. he got mad when someone wrote on the blackboard all lives matter. he sent out a memo saying facebook employees, this is facebook, all lives do not matter here. i think we know where he stand. but he will have to backtrack. he's called for a meeting with prominent conservatives. i have been waiting by my phone all day and he hasn't called me. >> he hasn't called me. >> who are these prominent conservatives? lou: my guess is he won't pick the a-team. you know what i mean? but you are the a-team. we thank you for being with us. >> it's fun to watch all this. currying around of the hoity-toity smart set.
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i love it. lou: in our online poll, 75% of you say democrats are far more divide than republicans, poor thing. thanks for being with us. good night from new york. [♪] >> announcer: this show has never been solely about investment. we talked about anything that affected people and their money. from will, nevada, the new "wall street week." gary: welcome to "wall street week."


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