tv Kennedy FOX Business May 31, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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in our online poll. 68% of you say crooked hillary is your favorite nickname for hillary clinton as the presumptive nominee. kennedy: i'm watching intrigue foam at the margins as unsettled voters are still grasping for better choices. bill kristol promised an independent option over the weekend. i couldn't help but wonder if he was talking about the presidential ticket of gary johnson and william weld in an election cycle where ask they can make an impact. >> the only cases in which the masses have escaped from the
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kind of grinding poverty you are talking about, the on cases in recorded history where they have had capitalism and free trade. >> give me liberty or give me death. >> that extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. >> i have a joke for you. the government in this town is excellent and uses our tax dollars efficiently. kennedy: after this weekend's libertarian convention in orlando, many people new to the issue saw this. >> you know i'm not messing libertarians. you go, gary johnson, look out bill wells.
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look out sean mccalfy. kennedy: the libertarians are supposed to be weird. what were you expecting? the romneys? the libertarian nominee and former new mexico governor gary johnson. >> if we discriminate on the basis of religion, to me that's doing harm to a big class of people. >> we have to bake the cake for the nazi wedding? >> that would be my contention, yes. kennedy: both he and his vp pick william weld could not clear the nod on the first round. frustrated independents couldn't tell a libertarian from a librarian.
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it's like being in a brothel with too many johns. you have two major party candidates and voters clamoring for a third-party option. can these newly minted libertarians keep the party intact and can they convince the koch brothers. much remains to be seen. but a strange election just got a little more weird. nice. on the show tonight. the governor himself gary johnson is here to respond to charges that he's a fringe candidate. judge napolitano explains why the i.g.'s report digged a holet of.
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i'm kennedy. kennedy: governor gary johnson has clinched the nomination of the libertarians. tonight dave smith is here, he's host of the gavin series. look at him go, also the host of the gavin mcinnis show and a tacky magazine contributor. how are you, little buddy. dave, i'm going to start with you. i know you were emotional about the proceedings this weekend as were a lot of libertarian purists. do you think the party compromised in nominating governor johnson and governor weld? >> yes, i do.
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this is the biggest opportunity the party had in its history. i don't know that gary johnson is going to inspire people the way ron paul did. when you talk about picking weld, an establishment republican who endorsed kasich. but the idea that he will be able to help me raise money. ron paul had no problem raising money and he did it by inspiring libertarians. kennedy: but they don't have ron paul this round. austin petersen won't. kennedy: ron paul had been on the national stage, he had already run for president and he was in the house of representees. >> austin petersen is only 35 years old. but the way rob paul rated money was by being completely
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uncompromising in the message and passionate and unapologetic. kennedy: did ron paul climb the highest mountain on every content in? no, he didn't. i'm a fan. i like this choice. i think it will be great for the libertarian party. before he was given the until nation he was polling 10%. the public is interested in a third party candidate and i think he's the best choice. >> you put any name on a poll with hillary clinton and donald trump they will get 10%. you could put the word "other." kennedy: is this the alternative almost half of the public is looking for? >> it's a fun game and unhealthy game. at some point we have to pull back and recognize that he vote not for trump is a vote for hillary. we should have this test every
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once in a while and say let's try out third party and push libertarian, then let's call in the bluffs and say go for trump because it's best for america. kennedy: they are now pulling more voters from hillary clinton than donald trump. >> it many a dangerous game you are playing. >> we have a businessman for you if you like the free market. >> you saw the guidancing around nude. it's a silly game. kennedy: david is right. it's the most consistent. it's pro freedom. your guy claims to be pro freedom with it many convenient for him. >> when you see libertarians you
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go, i'm brushing my teeth and twirling my hair. kennedy: you keep doing that. i'm going to talk about republicans stirring with rumors of a non-trump insurgents. there will be an independent candidate, an impressive one. prompting will trump to respond in kind. >> if they do an indy, assuming it's decent, which i don't think anyone with a reputation would do it because they would look like fools. but you lose the elect for the republicans, and thereof you lose the -- and therefor you lose the supreme court. >> the on two people who can financially do this would be bloomberger romney.
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and they said they are not interested. kennedy: bloomberg is not going to run. >> you will not win. whoever want to dedicate the next few months to being a big fat loser, go for it. >> purdue, the chicken man. kennedy: was kristol drunk tweeting about it? >> they can't accept the loss. we have got trump. get over it. all these republicans have to go well, it was fair and square and now all our eggs are in the trump basket. kennedy: what was kristol's point here? trump said bill kristol doesn't like me and predicted i wouldn't run and wouldn't get the nomination.
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>> they were surprised the iraqis were shooting at us when we got there. they get everything wrong, and this will be another one. kennedy: hillary clinton make a mad dash to keep bernie from a primary upset. governor gary john on joins us in studio. why the libertarian party is coming into its own. i'm mary ellen, and i quit smoking with chantix. i always came back to smoking. i was absolutely frustrated, absolutely. i did not think chantix would work as well as it did. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions
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kennedy: hillary clinton suspended a campaign event inen in * to double back to california in order to stop bernie sanders from winning the state's upcoming primary. the party panel is back. now, gavin, you say hillary clinton has entered a mine field in this election. >> her entire political career is a minefield. the only way she be make any progress, the only way she can keep plowing forward and beat bernie is to avoid, avoid, avoid. she has to avoid debates, she has to avoid benghazi, she has to avoid questions about any policy she has had to do, and she has to avoid accusing trump of womanizing because her
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husband is guilty of that. all see be say is i'm a open and, i'm a woman. kennedy: sanders says he need to win california baits' the big even chicago ladda. is he d it's the big even chicagenchilada.. >> her leaving jersey to go to california, pisss we off. she is not good on the debate settings. but she need to talk nicely to the ones bernie is winning. she doesn't need this win. >> i think she is better in intimate settings, like the most intimate. alone in a room. why why is it so hard for her to win? she should have everything.
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she was ahead in california by 20-30 points. >> it could be being a sociopath i can liar who has been on both sides of every issue makes it difficult to win a popularity contest. >> she is not good at being a woman and she is not good at being down with her hot sauce crap. she says, is it working right to their face? she doesn't know how to take the two demos who already love her. so the rest of the country is a complete loss. >> can't we celebrate the big losses? she would have been in new jersey, now she'll be even further from us. kennedy: let's say she is indicted. even if she is tried and convicted. she'll win the nomination and there is a chance she can win the general.
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>> plenty of gangsters can operate from jail. kennedy: bill, you have some more work to do. go ahead and take care of the economy. i have got martha stewart here. just making license plates. how about bernie with the golden state warrior pass. >> you know the basketball players make millions of dollars. don't you hate those people? >> how about the golden state warriors. i'm going to redistribute some of that talent to the high schools. >> let's get some more shrimps. >> bernie sanders is old enough that he remembers a time when people like bernie sanders played in the nba. kennedy: the party panel returns later because of the gorilla at
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cincinnati zoo. gary johnson and his running-mate william weld think they can get on to the debate stage. gary johnson joins me next. thank you. ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. i order b14. i get b14. no surprises. buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster white knuckle thrill ride. you're promised one speed. but do you consistently get it? you do with comcast business. it's reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $59.95 a month. comcast business. built for business.
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let's ask him. congratulations on getting the nod. >> for once i agree with donald trump. i'm a total fringe candidate. i'm a republican two-term governor in a democratic state. i supported gay rights and a woman's rice to choose. i espoused legalizing americana in 1999. immigration is a good thing, let's not build a fence across the border. let's not deport 11 million illegal immigrants. he's right. kennedy: in 2012 you were a beloved fringe icon. but this year you were more of a polarizing figure. why was it more difficult for you at the convention in orlando.
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>> whether i'm in a democrat, republican or libertarian audience i say the same thing. with regard to upsetting people, i upset people in all categories, but i say the same thing every time. and what i say is pragmatically libertarian. you have to have your eye on the ball. less government, fiscally conservative, socially liberal. stop with military interventions that are making the world situation less safe, not more safe. >> if you are going to make a big impact with governor wells on this election. you are polling at 10%. you are going to need money. nicholas stalwart says you are reaching out to the koch brothers through back channels. what sort of inroads have you made and have you spoke weren't
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koch brothers about funding your campaign. >> i haven't spoken with the koch brothers ever. kennedy: are you interested in their support? >> i'm interested in anybody's support. in my entire career i have probably been directly or indirectly responsible for raising he 8 million. i think bill weld is a big part of this. i think it's amazing we are sitting in a position we are sitting in on several shun thousand dollars. kennedy: i haven't started making national inroads because you have a lot of independent sloartsd can't tell a libertarian from a librarian. and you have party purists who aren't enamored with the ticket. who do you appeal to, the disgruntled party purists.
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>> the americans who are libertarian and just don't not. i'm the nominee, bill weld is the 234078 knee. 30 million people want to know what libertarian means. i'll come back to the broad brush stroke. fiscally conservative socially liberal. kennedy: who do you have think you hurt more, hillary or trump? >> at the ends of the day it's equal from both sides. but from the polls where my name has appeared it's more from hillary than trump. having appeared in three national polls, 10%, 10% and 11%. since my name has appeared there have been 40 other national poll whereas my name hasn't appeared.
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key to going forward is to just be in the polls. i think our records, mine and bill weld's hold up under scrutiny. kennedy: will you hold up in one of those presidential dee baits with hillary clinton and donald trump? >> i think so. the opportunities unquestionably exists if my name will just appear in the polls, just how polarizing the two of them are. 50% of american registering to vote are registering as independent. kennedy: 40% of registered voters say a third party. are you not that third party? and will you be president? >> we'll be the only third party candidates on the ballot in all 50 states. if you had all the money in the world tomorrow i don't think you could get on the ballot. kennedy: that's why bill chris
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toll has not presented the independent ked was teasing over the weekend. congratulations on the nomination. you emerged the victor from orlando, so we'll see how your candidacy goes from here. here. ken report most irritating way to pay a speeding ticket. the "topical storm" is next. poor mouth breather. allergies? stuffy nose? can't sleep? take that. a breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. breathe right.
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asylum and allocator breeding ground. the allocators are getting huge. >> you have got to be kidding me. i think that's two guys in an allocator suit. kennedy: it might be two guys in an allocator suit. but more likely it's a giant reptile that could devour 9 or 10 cats. people are saying it looks like something from jurassic park that wandered on to a golf course. that t-rex won 14 consecutive majors. but then cheated on his wife and lost a ton of sponsorship deals.
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topic number 2. some of you say the president is lazy because you are racist. actually he's a big fan of work. the rhianna song work, you note one. ♪ work work work work work ♪ see me there there there there there ♪ kennedy: it's okay if the upon words you know to the song are work work work work work. >> work work work work work work. you put in work work work work work. you have got to learn. you hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt. no time to have you learn. kennedy: it many funny. i wonder if president trump will
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be such a driving wordsmith? probably not. topic number 3. when you get a stupid speeding ticket it can make you mad as double ht hockey sticks. a texas man told a municipal court clerk, don't tread on me and found a creative way to render payment to ceasar. >> you are in luck. i have the exact change. just mail me the receipt. i hate pennies. well done, bret and ders.
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he overpaid by $7.81. interesting fact. chipmunks are not a chip or munks. and they are not above sneaking into a bird feeder to pilfer seeds down their big fat gull the. >> what are you doing, miss sister. mister. >> that kind of gross. can you imagine fit was all pennies? it's sad. but even chipmunks get eating disorders. and a lot of them are emotionally co-dependent.
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>> thank you very much, i will come back tomorrow, i love you. topic number 5. kennedy: topic number 5 is taking the music world by storm again. wing an insane amount of award and having the most sought after concert tickets around. if you are lucky enough to go to an adele concert suck up every second and truly live in the moment >> can you still film me in the video camera because i'm really here in real life. kennedy: adele. learn how to focus. now we know not to record video at an adele concert.
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how do we know that? because someone recorded adele yelling at someone recording adele. if you have any weird stories you want to see in the "topical storm," tweet me sat kennedynation. and on instagram. use #topicalstorm. katie couric apologizes for her apparent film editing to make gunk activists -- to make gun activists look stupid in her gun documentary. america, they don't call it travel season for nothing.
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question, if there are no background checks for gun purchasers, how do you prevent felons or terrorists from purchasing a gun? kennedy: we don't have an answer. but an audio recording and transcript show those interviews actually responded immediately and the director inserted that pause for dramatic effect. so she obviously failed to make some sort of point that she had to use dramatic for. what did she fail to say? >> she needed something to help her own narrative. this is a biased documentary. issue is with this editing, this is not a reality tv yous in a certain light. this is real people who are
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trying to make a point about begun rights. and they are not dumb. and they are being edited in a way that make it look that way. people have been on her for days and she wasn't giving an apology. kennedy: the story has grown outside of the gun rights community. >> she should apologize for that which she did. now forocumentary and her journalism career. but i did like "fed up," how fat this country is getting. kennedy: you love katie couric and want to marry her. >> i'm shallow and only because my attraction on looks. what did she do with sarah palin? what are the other details she didn't include. the fact that she came out and said i didn't do anything wrong. then she goes, okay, i'm sorry, it won't happen again.
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it reminds me of bernie wearing that shirt saying he's into that local basketball team. they are all just so overt about their deception that it shows how spoiled they have become. i'm just going to lie publicly. >> it shows you don't believe in the strength of your own case. >> what is she saying ultimately in the movie? over the holiday weekend a 4-year-old boy tumbled into the gorilla habitat. the zoom keeper shot the gorilla to protect the boy. activists are calling for justice for harambe. they are saying it's a murder. >> you try to shoot the gorilla and you accidentally shoot the kid? there is no ideal scenario here. if that were my 4-year-old in
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there, i would say shoot the gorilla. it's dragging my kid around. it's an animal. i get that it's endangered. but we are at the zoo and anything could happen. kennedy: what's the solution? >> probably a good should make it so it can't happen. but i'm surprised they didn't shoot him sooner. they let that go on for a while. he could have killed the kid. you know the great libertarian philosopher, he said that we should give animals rights as soon as they stand up and ask for them. i agree with that. kennedy: if you have a concept yourself and you are able to be recollection verential and being
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able to speak and illustrate your point. >> you are talking about that the zoo should have been better. if you go to the grand canyon, there is barely any fencing. it's all right there and it's up to the parent to make sure the kids don't go astray. i would wrap my body around my 4-year-old if we were near animals like that. >> heavily armed with aks. the 4-year-old said i'm going to play with that gorilla, and he made it happen. >> instead of being hailed as a hero, it's you could have done better. kennedy: people say they are speciesists and they value human
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but her camp maintains she on did the same thing her predecessors did. last week the inspector general's report said otherwise. so did judge napolitano. what are john padesta and john higgenlooper missing. >> the inspector general found that she violated the regulations that she disciplined employee of the state department tore violating. the use of a private server and expose hour of self emails including state secrets are a crime and cannot be called a mistake. john padesta is the general chairman of her campaign. for him to send that email to
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her more significant donors is telling. they are finally realizing they have a serious problem on their hand. how are they dealing with it? by comparing her to colin powell. secretary powell used gmail three times to respond to routine emails from his staff. kennedy: 22 emails are so secretive they can only be seen on closed system. >> she diverted 100% of her emails away from a government server on to her private server. of which 22 were top secret, of which 4 were this s.a.p. category which is beyond top secret and it in no way compares
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to what colin powell did. kennedy: in the i.g. report we see she was hacked. we see she was admonished and within six months the department told her if they had known they would have shut down the system in was no i.g. at the time. but as she was there the rules were changed and modified he she should have known better. >> if she went around the country saying it was allowed, we now know it wasn't allowed. if she said the f.b.i. is conducting security review, and director comey says we are not. somebody might say why didn't the inspector general find this sufficient when she was in office? because for the first time in the modern era the state department had anyone spector general in the four years she was secretary of state. she couldn't afford to have somebody on her back keeping her
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feet to the fire when she was violating and avoiding federal law. kennedy: given this report from the state department, it's pretty tough on her. is this foreshadowing what we'll see from the f.b.i.? the fact that they are not giving her political cover, what does it tell you? >> i think everything in that report the f.b.i. already knows about. there was only one thing that was new. this email did not come out in the emails that the state department released and it's an email from huma abedin to the i.t. people. apparently the super secret well guarded server at their house in chappaqua went down a couple times which meant she couldn't use her blackberry and the i.t. people said she with a bunch of blackberries she could use.
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and huma abedin said she doesn't want to use those. she had them read aloud to her rather than use the state department's system for fear she would be held accountable. kennedy: it's to shield her from the foia requests that got her into this situation in the first place. >> the long answer to your question, the new thing that come out is one that shows state of mind. willingness to avoid, willingness to evade responsibility. that will help the f.b.i. kennedy: you should be in charge of the world. coming up. kelly slater builds the perfect wave and mounts it with a surfboard. he will join me in the studio and surf right into your heart. stay here. ♪ ♪ (singing)
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kennedy: have you ever wished you could summon waves like the sea god poseidon? a machine can make artificial waves that are bert than the free rank alternative. watch. you created the wave machine which i'll never forget my husband running and screaming when he saw the video on instagram. he said this one of the most incredible inventions ever. was it beerch your frustration from having bad surf days growing up in cocoa beach or great empathy for inlanders. >> broth probably neither. the idea was planted in my head as a kid. then seeing the technology that
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give me more ideas is a got older. i started to explore it and realized it co-would be fun. i'm from florida and the waves are small and inconsistent. it would have been a dream. there is some footage of it there. we worked on this project for 10 years. i stole the scientists from usc and said you can womb work for us now. kennedy: you couldn't get anyone from ucla. kennedy: that's a beautiful wave. how long can you ride it for? >> for almost a minute. kennedy: in terms of the longer waves you can ride on the planet, how long is that? >> 2 minutes, but that's rare. most waves i grew up with riding are 5 seconds.
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a pipeline is a 5-second, 10-second long ride. but this wave -- we set up to just try to make the most perfect, flawless wave we could make. kennedy: i remember when you won your tenth championship. you have the model of the wave machine. people thought that you had a greater probability of getting an rf-4 wagon from quicksilver than making the wave machine. >> you know, its many just been there -- we have been work on it g. we decided northbound is going to build it for us. kennedy: are you going to build them in dubai and southern california and go to hurricane har sphwhoar. >> we have some plans but we are not disclosing. kennedy: you can tell me. >> the whole theme park thing is
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not exactly the direction we'll go. we want to focus on sort of -- it's an elite level wave it's a powerful, strong wave. kennedy: does it have to be? >> we can run the same wave down the lake at a slower pace on a much smaller scale. i had my girlfriend in there a couple weeks ago. the guy that lives on the property next door literally caught his first wave at 46 years old and he rode for almost a minute. we have a beginner part of it as well. kennedy: like once said, once you catch your first wave, you are a surfer. kelly slater, you are my personal champion. >> thank you. kennedy: he's like a michael jordan and tom brady and kelly hawk had a cool baby.
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you can always follow me on twitter and instagram @kennedynation. and email at thanks for being my dance partner. lawyer with an exotic object. >> maybe she was a spy. >> maybe. >> it becomes his son's strange inheritance. >> it is quite a stunning piece to look at. >> can he decode its past and unlock a fortune? >> it's the equivalent -- for us, as americans -- of owning something that may have been there with george washington. >> wow. >> "wow" is right. >> a small town, an ancient emperor, and a puzzle. >> it was a three-week auction, and nothing happened. >> nothing? no bids? >> you're thinking that "my gosh. this is terrible. oh, it's all out the window."
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