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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  June 1, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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the veracity of the claims we'll have to with showed judgment. thank you for being with us. see you tomorrow night. good night from new york. [♪] kennedy: hello and look at this hump day. i'm watching as the mainstream election is decided on the oldest divide, sex. the chasm between men and women. it's widening as donald trump and hillary clinton make gains with their chromosomal partners. don't base your choice on long-held beliefs. look inside your bathing suit.
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a quinnipiac shows a predictable gender gap. trump take it up with the boys and hillary clinton take it up with the ladies. >> if hillary clinton were a man i don't think she would get 5% of the vote. the only thing she has got going is the woman's card. and the beautiful thing is women don't like her. kennedy: 82% of millennials find hillary's fell snism down right laughable. educated ladies, they are falling prey to donald's charm. it turns out some of these skirt wearers are thinking for themselves. some may go rogue and vote for a libertarian candidate. the select acknowledges trump's
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dominance with white men, but they say the key to at race is the white women. >> where are the white women at? kennedy: hillary is so strong with blacks and hispanics donald will need more than the white fellas to defeat her traditional base. it's down right insulting to ask people to vote their gender. >> i cannot imagine anyone being more of an outsider than the first woman president. kennedy: think outsider the jail cell. women vote for hillary, men vote for trump and no one uses their brain to vote for their beliefs. it will be decided by a polarizing group that refuses to
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cling to anyone's column. on the show tonight. arthur aidala is here to say why the parents of the boy who fell into a gorilla habitat is under investigation. rapper fat joe is here to talk about his new single and who he hates in the 2016 election. i'm kennedy. in the end will 2016 be a gender showdown? let's ask my rust. resistant party panel. welcome back, sandra. sam morrell is here. and pete hegseth, fox news contributor and a fine gentleman and a scholar.
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a basketball player from princeton. it's a wonderful night to be alive and together. sandra, i'll start with you. as far as the gender war that we have -- who wins the gender war? sandra: did you see the quinnipiac poll? it asked who would you rather have a barbeque with. and it was donald trump. kennedy: i guess it's not surprising. he is a more intriguing person. sandra: but then you look at hillary clinton and who would you rather turn to in a personal crisis and they said hillary clinton over donald trump. on the economy donald trump polls number one. come batting isis. donald trump polls number one. kennedy: donald trump is right
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she does have problems with women, and they both have high unfavorable numbers. in this poll he has a 59% unfavorability. she has 57% unfavorability. who makes the better case? >> by default the numbers wrote say hillary clinton does. but women flee and shudder in a sense with hillary clinton. you don't get a lot of men saying i don't feel like i could be the traditional con city wentsy turning away -- constituency. she does have some vulnerabilities. her campaign said we are going to stop emphasizing first woman president. it's a default. everyone knows that. give me another reason to be for you. kennedy: did she stop issuing the woman card? the and materials supporters. 82% of young women under 30
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prefer sanders over hillary clinton. so who despises hillary clinton more. 20th century feminists or bernie. >> she deflates the way i debate with my girlfriend. i never had a [bleep] where i thought i should volunteer more. kennedy: i thought were going to vote for bernie sanders because he might buy you a suit. >> i found he plays basketball. kennedy: is that a hard moment when you wake up and realized bernie sanders is more athletic than you? >> it's a bummer. but he shoots like a peer. kennedy: that's how they did it in the 1800s.
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ken rerp bernie or thomas. california governor jerry brown endorsed hillary clinton in the lead-up to the big california primary june 7. bernie sanders is rallying environmentalists to his camp by calling for a ban on fracking. >> secretary clinton wants one way or another to regulate fracking. i think it is too late for regulating. i think fracking has got to be banned in america. >> i hate money, i hate cheap energy, and i want everyone to die, then i'll buy them coffins. kennedy: what is he going to replace fracking with? >> it doesn't matter, kennedy. he just has to say this is his plan. the endorsement by governor jerry brown wasn't an endorsement.
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it was like she is the less bad of the two. i think she referred to bernie sanders in his campaign as pretty impressive. but if you want to win you have to vote for hillary clinton. it was a tepid endorsement. kennedy: we go over a lot of the numbers from the primary in 1992. and even back then governor moon beam which is a stinky, dirty hippie who is governor of california again. he loves bernie sanders. he wants him on that wall. it pains him to endorse hillary clinton, doesn't it? >> it seemed more fear out of donald trump. talking about how trump thinks global warming is a hoax and how trump thinks stephen hawkings is faking it. and trump said woody allen is a good father now. i don't know.
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kennedy: i think he said all those things. you are a one-man brain room. >> i'm paraphrasing. kennedy: you can take it to the bank. >> bernie sanders is on a crusade against california. he says disney doesn't pay their workers. can you imagine if walt disney were alive to see this? kennedy: they have these surpluses because of the tech industry, and wall treat. how important is california? >> it remains important kind of sort of. jerry braun was a defaultment. it wasn't an endorsement. on fracking he showed his lack of many. he's lunging toward the left wing as hard and fast as he can. california is writing its own future by pushing people out of
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that state. and they have some bases that continue to be their revenue buys. kennedy: they do. but those have eroded. whenever they have a surplus they continue to spend. when that money dries up, they run a deficit. and they run out of water. and people will start eating each other, especially the kids. arthur aidala break down the senate gorilla shooting. the new york police department has a new rule to make it kiernd, softer, gentler.
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kennedy: welcome back. we are going to talk some serious stuff. police are reportedly investigating the parents of the 4-year-old boy who fell into the gorilla pit at the cincinnati zoo. people are calling for the mother to be charged with child endangerment. so who is at fault? there is on one person to ask. arthur aidala looking sharp tonight. >> there are thing in this world that are just called accidents. sometime it's nobody's fault.
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kennedy: the first thing everyone want to do is rush to judgment and blame someone immediately. >> the mom is being defensive. saying i keep a tight watch on my kid it's a 3-year-old who scurried away. it's good that they are doing an investigation. if you see the mom ignoring the child and allowing the child to be in harm's way, maybe we have to do a further investigation. but if it's just a mom with a super athletic 3-year-old because this kid got over a bunch of barriers. maybe mommy didn't do anything wrong. the zoo, they had barbed wire, a wall, a moat.
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kennedy: you can't conceive of a child getting past those barriers. kennedy: what is the zoo liable for if the gorilla harms the child and paralyzes or kills the child. >> the director of the zoo who by definition is an animal lover. he said if we had to do it all over again the strength of that animal could have killed that child in a second. in less than a second. kennedy: the kid is not suppose to be in there. my guess is harambe hasn't had a lot of interaction with hyperactive 3-year-old children. >> though would you like to think the gorilla is going to do the right thing. you saw the way the gorilla is dragging the kid. kennedy: like a rag doll. >> the whole story sucks. i know it's not legal.
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but getting back to where we started. kennedy: maybe it many a bunch of bad events that happened at the same time. you can't undo it. there is nothing here that informs and changes policy. maybe they reinforce the gorilla. >> that's what you will see. more restrictive access to the gorillas. in this particular zoo there was an issue with polar bears. they got out. and they went back in. everyone is on high alert. every zoo around the country and probably the world is on high alert. and it's tragic that a gorilla died. it would have bench more tragic if a human being died. kennedy: that's absolutely right. there is a strata of life
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importantsy and we can't ignore that. there are animal rights activists who want to sue the zoo for violating the gorilla's rights. >> they are getting all kind of death threats, the mom and dad. we are all for the animals but we have to keep everything in perspective. >> there was an eyewitness standing there with the kid and the mom. the kid says i'm going into the moat with the gorilla, and the mom said no, you are not. >> when my son would say dad, i'm going to fly. kennedy: if i were at the zoo with my daughter who is now 10 but was 3, if she said i will ride the siberian tiger i would have believed her and i would have smothered her with my
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entire body. overprotective, maybe. but i know my child. >> this kid had to be super athlete toik get through everything he got through. i'm happy he's alive. kennedy: maybe he will get a full athletic scholarship somewhere. >> maybe he will be a veterinarian. >> that would be the circle of life. coming up. can a libertarian attracts independent and disaffected republicans and disaffected democrats? which leads to this night's trivia question. which country has the largest percentage of people who feel positive about their work? the answer is coming up later in the show. can a toothpaste do everything well?
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kennedy: well, hello. many republicans assume rand palms libertarian supporters will fall in line with the general election. but a lot of voters are opting for gary johnson over donald trump. and the super pac money has to follow. the president of free the people, you have a new pac at your disposal. what is that? >> we launched a pro gary johnson super pac called an alternate pac. this is for bernie sanders
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supporters and never trumpers and constitutional conservatives. they are look for somebody in this frustrating race who actually believes in the constitution. kennedy: these are disparate groups who don't have a lot in common. i know he upset a lot of pure libertarians in the runup to the convention this last weekend. can he unite them? >> i think he can. the new politics allows for a guy like gary johnson who is a constitutionalist. so he's attractive to conservatives on that front. but he's also a social moderate. he doesn't want to tell people what to do in their bedroom and he doesn't want to tell people not to smoke pot. and he says too many wars. let's think before we invade. that's attractive particularly to millennials. >> both those candidates turn
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off younger voters. the kind of voters who got into politics because of ron paul, gary johnson is not ron paul. that's a problem a lot of libertarians have with him. he wasn't a republican governor. he didn't become a republican governor until 4 years ago. i do agree with you there are enough voters out there looking for an alternative, hence the name of your pac. how do you get the money together to really make a difference and not just be as donald trump called it a fringe candidacy. >> behave to get gary to 15% so he can be on the maintain. i think we do that with philosophically motivated voters. some people who didn't think rand was pure enough are now taking a look at gary. we are looking at two different flavors of authoritarianism.
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>> and all the things we talked about night after night. and those are not the kind of candidate, like them or not, who service liberty. if you believe in a free society and one based on the idealism and principles of liberty, you cannot possibly vote for hillary clinton or donald trump. >> so you need an alternative. and you are not going to get something perfect. kennedy: have you reached out to the koch brothers? they have billions of dollars. they supposedly love liberty. >> i think that david koch could be attracted to a johnson-weld ticket. but show people that we are competitive. show people that gary johnson can perform on that main stage. kennedy: you think you are more attracted to that mainstream money. we'll see how this election goes.
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i know you have been in this game from he different position to continue the baseball metaphor. very good. we are coming to second base now. has a new form of music been invented to pacify ski scuba di? and say go odnight, mouthbreathers. breathe right. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. your insurance company won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says, "you picked the wrong insurance plan." no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car
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plus depreciation. liberty mutual insurance.
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kennedy: the best and weirdest news of the day just for you. topic number one. golf. it's a game of precision, skill and patience. you have to be properly positioned at all times to have a competitive advantage over your friends, especially if they areb a bunch of of kablging
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jackasses. [laughter] ken report best part is not mike's moistness. it's his friends. with friends like that who needs more. topic number two. nathan is hairless. no web's not the new national spokesperson for propecia. he has a special human.
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her name is grandma actually and she has an accordion, and she uses that squeeze box to turn her and nathan into living lsd. watch. [♪] kennedy: i like to think he's dancing. but i think he needs his anal glands expressed. these two are getting hitched because grandma actually is expecting twins and nathan has developed sciatica. last week the mom fell in love with the mom who purchased a chewbacca mask. remember her? [laughter] it's everyone
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favorites wookie. and chewbacca made his own video in kinds. watch this. oh, my god. he killed her and wore her face like a mask. that's terrific. call jodie foster. topic number four. a common complaint i hear about modern music is how come none of the bands play under water. a five-piece danish bands has taken up the challenge and they are the world's first submerged ensemble.
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so heavy. it's haunting. music is so important. it comes from specially designed instruments that function under water. the music makes very effective shark repellant and human repellant. the down side is it attracts whales during mating season. now here is the same song played on the i and so by phillip glass. [♪] oh, my god, chewbacca killed phillip glass and stole his piano. when will the madness stop. entered ins need love. so when shane fell in love he
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decided to propose. what better way than through a classic video game. >> the blocks specials out your name, i think. >> how did you do that? >> master gamer. it says pam. >> how did you do that? i don't want to break it. keep going. you have got to finish the game. >> oh, yes. kennedy: she said yes when the pressure was on and the cameras were rolling. but later that night she dumped him. if you have any weird stories
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you want to see in the "topical storm" you can tweet me @kennedynation and you can find me on instagram and use that adorable #topicalstorm. coming up. winter is coming and so is greg gutfeld. tonight's trivia question. the answer is coming up in moments. thousands of people came out today to run the race for retirement. so we asked them...
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...and everything autosyncs. those sales prove my sustainable designs are better for the environment and my bottom line. that's how i own it. >>announcer: forge train a mighty army! join players around the world! and win a war of strategy! vikings: war of clans play for free now! kennedy: welcome back. hillary clinton's former chief of staff cheryl mills testified part of the reason hillary clinton did not turn over her required state department emails is because she was super busy.
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she was distracted by benghazi at the time of her departure. you can't follow the rules when you are distracted, making sure people are safe and protected. i'm here with my party panel. sandra smith, pete hegseth. they were so busy they continues keep records they were legally responsible to keep. as per the orders they had signed. >> they were too busy botching benghazi to do our job. the irony of it, not tomorrow was that not anywhere near the plausible excuse. but they used the server to get rid of emails related to benghazi so the public couldn't see them. it's a non-defense, non-defense
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it covers up the real reason why they had to get rid of them to begin with. >> i guess that's why the whole setup was so brilliant. she used cheryl mills to go through the emails with her, then she claimed attorney-client privilege and wouldn't answer anything about the emails. >> it was 7 hours. and her lawyer who is the lawyer for all of hillary clinton's people basically interrupted constantly saying that is beyond the scope of the questioning we agreed to so she couldn't even answer the questions. after benghazi was over and she fell ill, cheryl mills said in the testimony, i can't remember if when we left office, i can't remember if we discussed how to store these emails securely. kennedy, it blows my mind. this is the secretary of state
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putting all of us at risk and she couldn't remember a conversation like that. i'm sure the jokes are to be had here. but it's deeply troubling. >> this is very house of cards. i can't -- 7 hours, cheryl mills in the testimony, that's brutal. kennedy: you said would you like 7 hours are cheryl mills. >> i said that. i had a 4-hour conversation, like an argument. that's painful. if i knew we were going to argue for four hours i wouldn't have blown my best material in the first hour. anything with multiple hours hurts me. kennedy: you needed david kendall interrupting her. >> the correct answer is i'm
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somewhere irand you are right. >> i'm sorry or you are right came out of that. >> i figure you women can fake an orgasm but you can't fake a good mood. >> earlier in the show i asked which country was highest in job satisfaction. the answer is india. they asked people in 15 countries they feel positive at work. italy, mexico, then chile and japan last with 44%. so people normally say india is a dump. this shows the people working are quite happy. >> it depend on how you look at it.
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it's not a rich country. but i love my life. i work from home, i'm my own boss, and i love my employer. i love being paid to be here. >> i'm not quite sure what this means, that they feel positive. does that mean they like their jobs and they would go there and saturday and sunday? kennedy: you love your job. >> there is virtue in work. there is gratitude with doing something of worth and of value. the opportunity to be on tv which is fantastic forther people. it's what ever occupation they go after. >> also doing something meaningful that you love. >> people who impugn capitalism
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don't understand the virtue of work. >> i like working with you tonight. kennedy: sandra is the funniest person to go to departments with. greg gutfeld on deck to discuss.
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kennedy: according to the new york post, new nypd rules require officers to better
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motivate feelings. i expect my guest greg gutfeld has his own feeling about the issue. host of the "greg gutfeld show" and so coast of "the five." >> it's about time. policing is so tough. get back on the sidewalk. my feelings get hurt. when cops try to do their job, it's a series of micro-aggressions against me. i think they should come with a campaign of chamomile tea. so when you are doing something like say you are -- let's say i'm publicly urinating and with graffiti everywhere.
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you just bring me some a. maybe to a little yoga with the transients. >> police have enough problems, and every day is like a russian roulette to them. when you are approaching a stranger on the street, you don't know what they are going to do. you have to think about your calming phrases? there are so many problems with the mentally ill. we don't have proper treatment for them. instead we leave them in prisons or put them on the streets. this is a solution created by a bureaucrat. kennedy: i don't feel i will be safer. and there are other times when
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bill bratton demonizes pot and want cops to say, you seem upset. >> he knows what works. and he knows to get what work through, he sprinkles a little left-wing nonsense on it. there was a shooting at a rap concert. people were complaining there was no frisking. a lot of activists that felt that way are against stop and frisk. kennedy: one more reason for young men and women not to be cops. it's one of the hardest jobs. >> that's where our money should go, to salaries. >> that and unicorns. speaking of a unicorn. kit harrington on "game of thrones" says he has bent victim of sexism. he says he does not like being
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reduced to a head of hair and pile of man meat. and i'll chat about it with our resident sex icon, greg gutfeld. is there a pretty boy sexism? >> this guy is a jackass. he believes he's being discriminated against because of his looks. there are 3 billion men who would gladly trade their plain looks for his and get the advantages he gets or time. we discriminate the plain and the ugly when it comes to sex, attention, jobs. we won't admit it, but we do. it cuts across all racial lines. if you take the head of the kkk and say beyonce wants to date you he would say, yes!
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he's confusing lookism with sexism. everybody goes to hollywood because they have been told -- kennedy: they are the prettiest person. they go to hollywood and the great thing is 95% of the people there are rejected and emotion alley fragile. >> hence the porn industry. kennedy: i'm happier here. guess whose coming up? >> i'll bet it's rapper fat joe. he was in the green room. kennedy: he will be here to throw some shade on a particular presidential candidate. find out who in moments. maybe he hates bernie sanders. is it keeps the food out. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. super poligrip is part of my life now.
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the call just came in. she's about to arrive. and with her, a flood of potential patients. a deluge of digital records. x-rays, mris. all on account...of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, this hospital can be ready. giving them the agility to be flexible & reliable. because no one knows & like at&t.
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kennedy: nothing can stop him. that's fat joe's latest single "all the way up." the platinum artist joins me to discuss his music and how he's leaning in the 2016 election. rapper fat joe. you are not that fat. you look good. >> i'm trying to stay way from the carbs. work out. same old, same old. carbs are the enemy. kennedy: i lost 17 pound in december cutting out dairy. >> i have a friend who loves gluten and he can still drink at night and he still looks good. so certain things you have got to cut out. kennedy: maybe that's why i do it. what was it like hearing that song at yankee stadium for the first time. >> it was amazing. i group five minutes from there. it was an honor.
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i'm a big yankee fan. i remember sneaking in yankee stadium. i used to sneak in through the back. it's amazing. kennedy: do you like the new stadium? >> i love the new stadium. i remember going to yankee stadium feeling like we are in a magical place. we were in the "game of thrones" *. outside the stadium it was the "game of thrones" *. kennedy: you have been an outspoken anti-fan of donald trump. like you he's from new york and he's a businessman. he wants to be successful. >> i don't think i'm an anti-outspoken fan of donald trump. i do appreciate that he's funding his own campaign. i do appreciate that he speaks his mind. i do appreciate a lot of what he's bring together table.
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the only thing i disagree with is when he talks to people in a certain way. disrespectful to the women or speaks to minorities or latinos. that because i swear i would have been waving the donald trump flag around town. kennedy: he respects his success and he wants to encourage people to be successful. he's a wish and he doesn't want to lose. you have all the plus with donald trump. what's scared to me is the way -- the whole thing is not president like the way he talks to people. what he was doing to reporters yesterday, he's crazy. kennedy: he got rattled a couple times. >> it looked like wwe. i thought donald is about to swing on a reporter. kennedy: this whole presidential
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cycle is like a wrestling match. he's the villain. who are you voting for? >> i like versions of all of them. i love bill. kennedy: who is really going to be the president. >> i hope so. i like certain things about bernie. people caught on relate with bernie. had bernie been exposed from the beginning he would probably be winning. i walk around the streets and if you say something about bernie you may get beat up. kennedy: he may win california. he tightened that race so much. >> people love him. kennedy: i'm so glad you came by. i'm a big fan of your music. fat joe. >> we are all the way up? kennedy: turn it up. thanks so much for being here.
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much success. continue. thank you for watching the show tonight. you can follow me on twitter and instagram @kennedynation. and email i wish you wild success as well. good night. >> he turned that creativity on animal rights, and it was unbelievable. >> one dog he rescues is off-the-charts dangerous. >> if it's a scale from 1 to 10, columbo's a 12. >> when the hollywood owner dies, columbo becomes their strange -- and expensive -- inheritance. >> acupuncture for a dog? i know we're in los angeles, but really? [ dog growls ] >> is it all worth it? >> your kids could get hurt. you're willing to take the risk. >> we made a commitment to healing dogs and showing other families how to do it. >> welcome to the weird world of pet inheritance. >> so, are you leaving your home to the birds? [ bird squawks ]


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