tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business June 26, 2016 4:00am-5:01am EDT
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deserves to be told. i'm oliver north. good night. jooishgsz . tonight on "war stories" -- from stallen grad to berlin. >> the most intense fighting man kind has ever seen. >> russians trying to withstand stallen and fighting hitler. americans come to help with planes, trucks and spam and even join the front lines. >> all hell breaking loose. and they're chattering in russian. >> old russian boys said -- >> the untold story of the eastern front. that's just ahead on "war stories." >> good evening. i'm oliver north. welcome to "war stories." this is fort wayne wright in
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fairbanks, alaska. during world war ii, this base was part of a secret operation. aimed not at tokyo but berlin. in this very hangar hundreds of u.s. military aircraft flown from the lower 48 by americans were delivered to soviet pilots. all part of a global multi-billion dollar effort to that one goal. keeping russia in the war against hitler. the soviet union was an unlikely ally. churchill once described russia as a riddle wrapped inside a mystery inside an enigma. in europe, churchill and roosevelt agreed to deal with the brutal soviet dictator joseph stalin. tonight hear from american pilots who flew the treacherous route to this base, meet an american hero who fought with the red army and russians who defended their homeland against one dictator while living under the iron fist of another. it's the untold history of americans and russians in the
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titanic struggle of world war ii. berlin, may, 1945. the german capital in ruins. soviet red army soldiers celebrated at the feet of nazi, germany. together allied generals, eisenhower, montgomery and the soviets zukoff toured the vanquished third reich. >> the nazis began the bombing. the allies finished it. >> victory wasn't always certain. five years earlier, hitler was at the height of his power. after the success of its blitzkrieg against poland in 1939, hitler turned against france, holland and belgium. he ruled the european continent. >> what they have done is they have integrated that air power. that luftwafa into a team.
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the team that characterizes blitzkrieg. >> the author of numerous books on the front in world war ii. hitler tried to bring britain to its knees but prime minister winston churchill stood tough. >> we shall fight in the fields and streets. we shall never surrender. >> 1500 miles away stallen waited for hitler to invade the country. describe for us the relationship that the soviets had with the fascists in germany. >> stalin understood hitler's ultimate aim. >> published in 1927, hitler wrote when we speak of new territory we must think of russia. destiny itself points the way there. while hitler planned the soviet invasion, stalin was forming a cult around his own penalty.
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>> stalin was paranoid as most dictators are and allows no resistance to surface in the nation, real or imagined. >> born to a cobbler in 1879, joseph trained to be an orthodox priest but at age 20 he joined the then illegal communist party and changed his last name to stalin meaning man of steel. when they were slaughtered in the 1917 october revolution, vladimir lenin took control of russia. stalin began a rise to power by means of a reign of terror. in 1933, he forced the starvation of 7 million ukrainians and four years later began a series of ruthless purges. he would kill millions and oversee the creation of gulags, the slave labor camps in the country. >> we didn't know the truth of what was happening in the
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country. >> she was born in 1920 just after the revolution and grew up in moscow. >> it was a very quiet city, very seldom you would see cars passing along. mostly they were horses driving a carriage or tram was wonderful city. i loved it. >> her childhood friend -- >> she spoke so many foreign languages. we were all impressed by her. >> i also studied french. i went to an english school. i had three languages. >> the skills put her in the center of history. two other young russians would have their childhoods cut short by war. nickolai and miles south maria lived in the bred basket of the southern step. >> i was 15 years old. my friends and i played hooky and ran around the streets. we had a great time. >> i was studying literature in
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school. my grandfather lived in moscow an i planned on going there to become a teacher. >> but josef stalin was destroying lives in russia long before hitler. >> he continues to butcher off the aufrtss in his military. >> a blood letting designed to rid the military of all potential resistance. >> stalin's execution of his own army officers made hitler's plan to extend east easier and stalin tried to negotiate with hitler. >> he signed an agreement with hitler to create a buffer zone, poland, from stalin's standpoint in an attempt to deplay the inevitable. >> it took less than two years for hitler to break the agreement. early in the morning of june 22nd, 1941, the nazi war machine launched operation barbarossa, the invasion of the soviet
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union. 3 million german soldiers supported by over 800 luftwafa bombers and bombers announced a surprise attack with the blitzkrieg. just 200 miles from the front line, a rude awakening. >> in the morning, all of a sudden people started shouting around in the neighborhood. >> i was in town and suddenly i heard an announcement. >> we heard the radio saying that the germans have invaded the soviet union. there were big loudspeakers throughout the city and people would rush to that place and stand and the news was devastating. >> on day one, the red army lost 1,200 planes. one week, less than a tenth of their tanks remained. >> during the first 30 days of combat somewhere in the neighborhood of a million red
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army soldiers are fallen and captured. huge masses. >> in the vast countryside am19 million people he had no shortage of conscripts. >> the husbands and sons and fathers good-bye. there was a good poem put to music and it was called -- which is sacred war. it's became a farewell. ♪ >> i left moscow and was stationed with the troops defending the city. >> it wasn't only men who were called up. >> the army asked for 30 girls from my town to become radio operators. i immediately signed up. >> the first five months of the war, 6 million people were mobilized. >> feeling that music and speaking about the sacred war, we thought at first that they would win very easily. >> but in only three months, the germans encircled and two months
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later the german generals could see the spires of the moscow kremlin through their binoculars. across the atlantic, forced to abide by the neutrality act, the u.s. wasn't in the war but we were sending tons of supplies to a beleaguered great britain. joined in the fight by an even more desperate josef stalin. what is churchill's response? >> a realist leading a nation under siege. >> he was always anti-communist. anti-soviet. but he said that i'm prepared to be a an ally with the demon as long as we fight the germans. >> we will continue hand in hand like comrades and brothers until every vest and of the nazi regime has been beaten into the ground. >> we had no idea that it would tang us 1,418 days. >> with the soviet union on the brink of defeat, the u.s. joins
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when bar bahrossa begins, when's the response in the united states? >> the president was very interested in keeping russia in the war. >> retired major general alison was in war torn london. how did you end up going to russia? >> the president sent mr. hopkins to moscow and took myself with him. >> harry hopkins was president eisenhow eisenhower's closest adviser. he secretly flew to russia to offer aide to the soviets. >> we went to moscow an tried the find out from the russians what they really needed. >> with a nazis ravaging the country, the russians needed everything, food, arms and raw
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materials. >> finally it was agreed that we would send to russia. >> shifting crates over the north atlantic to the russian port but this initial aid to keep russia in the war was a gamble for roosevelt. >> vooz velt, the realist, says we must keep the soviet union in the war if we are to hope to defeat hitler. >> he anticipated later on we were going to be involved. >> four days 56 pearl harbor, germany declared war on the united states. the u.s. now faced a common enemy with britain and the soviet union. russia became our new ally. >> a new working agreement between two of the greatest nations in the world. >> but german u-boats made the run deadly. other supply routes were quickly established including ones to iran and iraq. >> supplies for soviet russia. landing at ports of iraq and iran. >> and to alaska. >> washington decided that the way to deliver airplanes was
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to -- for american pilots to fly them to alaska. >> it was named alison, the secret alaska siberia route. the plan called for american pilots to ferry planes from factories throughout the u.s. to great falls, montana. from there, the planes headed north across canada to ladd field in fairbanks, alaska. the pilots transferred to the soviets stationed right there at ladd field. >> da da and nyet was about the extent of our communicating. >> steve alison grew up on a ranch in southern california and joined the army right after pearl harbor and found himself in the cockpit. >> you got a taste of it. this is great. >> alaska, steve and other pie lots worked closely with the russians. >> they were fine follows. one thing we had in common, we both regularly take those aircraft up and down. >> also, ferrying planes for the russians were american women
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pilots. >> i had wanted to fly ever since i was a little girl. >> betty shay hailed from buffalo, new york, and started flying when he was 19 and loved flying over niagara falls. >> you could see a little bit of heaven, that was it. i loved it. >> betty was one over a thousand women air service pilots that signed up to help the war effort. >> they weren't a bunch of women. kitty cat and they wanted to fly. >> the women pilots ferried planes from factories to air bases across the country. within hours of installing the last rivet, betty and the others took off to deliver the planes. one of the largest airplane manufacturers was bell aircraft located right in betty's hometown of buffalo, new york. >> so i sent around the bell stuff since i began to fly. >> bell was manufacturing a fighter called the p-39.
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>> everett long is author of "cobras over the tundra." >> the design was different than anything else that the americans flew. >> machine guns and they were quite maneuverable. russians loved them. ♪ >> so much so that russian officers traveled to the bell factory in buffalo and even visited betty's beloved niagara falls. they requested thousands of the p-39s and at bell the planes were prepared for the long trip to the russian front. >> had a red star identity i. >> the pilots pick up the air cobras. >> alone in the sky, betty headed west for over 1,600 miles on a 2-day trip to montana. >> we were on our own. it was hours until we got to great falls and the men took them to alaska. >> alaska was considered an
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overseas air base. women were not allowed to fly overseas. >> pilot steve alison flew the leg north of montana. nearly 2,000 miles over some of the most rugged, desolate terrain in north america. >> weather was the biggest adversa adversary. if you go down in the winter, your life span is very short. >> ladd field in fairbanks, alaska, temperatures reach 40 degrees below 0, built in 1939 to test cold weather equipment. >> it had hangars, big airstrip, of course. we turn the aircraft over and sign them off to the russians. >> from here, the russian pie lots would fly the 2,500 miles to siberia. while hitler wrecked havoc across the soviet union, this back door route to the russian front became a critical link in wartime aid to the soviets. >> never in my wildest dreams
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you guy's be good. i'll see you later [ bark ] [ bark ] bye. see ya pal. ever wonder what your pets do when you leave home? [ laughing ] aw you cutie pie. aw. aw. aw. aw. [ barking ] [ washing machine running ] party's on! know what your pets are up to with xfinity home. xfinity. the future of awesome. see the secret life of pets, in theaters july 8th.
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essentially what hitler decides to do in september is to isolate the city. >> when the germans began the blockade it was just horrible. i was hoping to get called up to fight. >> at 15, nickolai was too young. >> translator: so instead, i worked in the factories, carried bricks and cut steel. if you worked you got about 250 grams of bread a day instead of 150 everyone else got like my mother and sister. >> the civilian casualties had to be just horrific. >> there's a horrendous orders from hitler's headquarters essentially to starve the city out. >> hitler's evil plan was working. in november of 1941, 10,000 died of starvation. in december, 50,000. and by january of '42, with temperatures falling to 40 degrees below 0, the monthly toll reached a gruesome 120,000 dead. >> translator: my grandfather died of hunger in january
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and my mother and sister got really thin so i gave them some of my bread. >> 1 million civilians perished. >> what's also forgotten is that another million military men were lost in the battles. >> but they wouldn't give in. stalin sent the most capable general, 46-year-old to lead the city's defense. stalin told him before he left, quote, it is almost a hopeless situation. but zukoff inspired them to survive the two and a half-year siege. >> translator: we survived the blockade. we knew we weren't alone in this war. we knew that america and great britain was fighting with us. >> a key city further south. stalin gunshot grad. >> hitler understood the symbolics, the importance and had to take the city from the standpoint of stalin, he had to defend it. battle of wills between two national leaders.
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>> on june 28th, 1942, a million german soldiers attacked the red army's southern defenses in a drive to capture the important industrial city on the volga river. to the soviet soldiers and civilians in stalingrad, this is the hour of supreme trial. >> translator: the attack was terrifying. the germans surrounded us. we had to retreat. i got into a truck, a stud baker from the americans. they were helping us with supplies. >> average russian soldier's vocabulary is spam, studebaker. >> the machines are going to go. the germans kept attacking. bombing is brutal. they went after every single person.
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and our rockets started firing. and that gave us the ability to hold off the germans. we were trying to retreat become into stalingrad. >> stalingrad was the red army's last chance to dig in and repeal the german's 6th army. >> with the germans right behind us, we finally got out and fled right back into stalingrad. >> the germans call it the war of the rats. soldiers face to face fighting from house to house and door to door in the basements of a ruined city. that's next on "war stories." announcer: alvin and the chipmunks want to remind you--
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bacteria can hide in food and make you ill. wow! announcer: but you can keep bacteria from ruining your day with 4 simple steps: clean. i'm ready for the rinse cycle! announcer: separate. all: woah! announcer: cook. fire in the hole! announcer: and chill. chipmunk: we chipmunks are notoriously tidy. announcer: check your steps-- the roadchip to food safety starts at chipmunk: whoo! this is awesome!
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the general was locked in a life and death struggle with stalin's red army. one of the russian soldiers inside stalingrad. >> we held the center of the city but almost no one was left. the germans bombed every day trying to destroy all the buildings. it was getting cold and we had no heat. >> this point in time hitler is exercising command and control personally. >> begins a long standing policy out this point. you will not withdraw. >> the ground is beginning to freeze. >> hitler and the generals believe it's a necessary condition to conduct the final drive. >> like so many before them, german soldiers began to die from the bitter ssian winter. their mercy louse bombing blasted the city to ruins. >> translator: nothing remained. there were only walls of the buildings. but we lived in basements. i can only describe it as hell. >> it was the most intense
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fighting man kind has ever seen. >> translator: we had no idea where the germans were. if you went inside a building, the germans would be in the basement. on the third floor, then the enemy one floor below. that's how we lived. right alongside the germans. >> cunning and deception was vital. it was the perfect setting for snipers. >> translator: yes, there were a lot of snipers. throughout the city. of course the most famous. >> the expert hunter as a boy. he was brought in to hunt germans. >> translator: i saw him a few times. he was a real siberian. a great hunter and an excellent sniper. >> he moved through the rubble for weeks. the germans called it rat e.n.krig. he killed 242 german soldiers,
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the most famous, a super sniper brought stalingrad to find the siber siberia. it was brought to the big screen in "enemy at the gates." >> translator: my brother fought with him. he proved himself a great sniper. >> russians are now getting airplanes from the united states. do they play any role in the defense of stalingrad. >> the overall increase of receipts of weaponry play a significant if not critical role of the ability of the red army to defend in 1942. >> translator: we knew that america and great britain were helping us. >> in stalingrad, hitler suffered his first major defeat. two massive thrusts to the north and south of the city encircled the remainder of the 6th army. >> turning points to russia. >> 22 german divisions encircles and the defenses are being shattered.
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>> 800,000 german soldiers died at stalingrad and a brutal day in february 1943, the general surrendered the remaining 110,000 troops. they looked more dead than alive. it was the beginning of the end for adolph hitler. >> i had no idea where i was. it was all mystique. they gave me a ticket and in one daytime i flew into teheran. >> 23-year-old didn't know she would be joining churchill, roosevelt and stalin in the most important meeting of the war to date. >> again, i had no idea why i was brought there. they said with your background of knowledge of languages, they took me into the intelligence. >> she was no stranger to soviet jengs. her father was an intelligence officer and her stepfather the man assigned to orchestrate the assassination of stalin's most bitter enemy. the extraordinary life is kroel
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kled in "inside russia." >> i was working at the press department at the embassy. i was translating the war bulletins from russian to english and they were distributed amongst the embassies. >> what was decided at teheran. >> they were miffed because we hadn't opened a second front, at least they considered we hadn't and pushing that issue of second front. >> november 28th, 1943. stalin played host at the embassy. >> it was an old mansion. it was very impressive. >> you are looking at actual film from day one of the conference. there, in the corner, is zoya. >> mr. roosevelt was already in. churchill was in and sitting at the table and i had no idea when stalin is coming. i had an urgent errand. i was rushing. i saw that the military standing at attention. i said, why should they stand at attention? and the door was open. and i rushed in to somebody's
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shoulder and i really pushed hard and to my amazement i saw it was the ranking officer was the highest in the country. >> zoya literally just run into josef stalin. >> i said to myself, now they're going to shoot me. so i will tell you, i was so frightened. the first feeling you had you were disappointed by his physical features. he was short. he was fragile. he had a lot of smallpox marks on his face. >> in teheran, he asked roosevelt for more supplies to fight the war. ships were moving car gunshot go and aircraft flying over the alaska. >> syria route. >> we're sending in massive amounts of material. >> the soviets received more
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material. >> at the closing dinner of the conference, stalin toasted the american aircraft and their pilots. zoya stayed in teheran to work as a translator for american and british troops delivering tons of supplies. >> they were safeguarding the route they took from the persian gulf up to the soviet union. >> but it wasn't all work all the time. amongst the g.i.s, she was regarded as a beautiful pin-up girl and the teheran conference was a high moment in u.s.-soviet relations. >> they put all their ideological differences aside. they had one aim in mind. the need to be together to fight the common enemy. >> coming up, the red army begins the race to berlin. with them, a young american from the 101st airborne who escaped a nazi prison camp. nazi prison camp. you'll meet him next.x÷x÷
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♪ nazi prison camp. you'll meet him next.x÷x÷ this is how you say it's going to be okay to someone who just lost everything. that, yes, we'll find you somewhere to stay and yes, your children will have breakfast. every 8 minutes the red cross responds to a disaster and makes this promise. help us keep it.
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by 1944, the alaska siberia route was in full swing. betty and steve alison were among the hundreds of pilots delivering thousands of air cobras to the russians. betty almost paid the ultimate price. in a p-39 over montana. >> i was about 20 minutes from great falls and it could going. i was trying to get it started. and it just wouldn't do it. weren't you afraid someone said. the answer to that is, no. and i actually waited a little too long to get out of the airplane. i bailed out to count to three and pull your rip cord. and so i swung once and came down outside of hobson, montana. i got out pretty late but safely.
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>> betty showed "war stories" what was left of her p-39. >> this is part of my airplane. it usually has montana dirt around it. i saved some of the dirt. >> to this day, betty believes there was a reason her enjoy failed. >> i think it was sabotaged. and the sign of safety said that it had impurities in the gasoline from niagara falls. >> meanwhile, steve alison was still flying dozens of p-39s to america's last frontier. >> the city of fairbanks wasn't very large but it was the end of the run as far as we were concerned. >> russian pilots as soon as they got into ladd field spent a lot of time in town. they had u.s.s doll with them. real good greenbacks. >> there was one time we went into the fairbanks to the local liquor establishment and two russian pilots came in. clerk behind the counter, he
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says, vodka? and the big old russian boy says, nyet. whiskey. whiskey. vodka, nyet. he didn't want any part of vodka. he had enough of that. he wanted some whiskey. >> the american made fighter planes took off for russia. >> 7,926 aircraft were transferred out of fairbanks. >> but the beginning of 1945 the russians were grinding the germans back to berlin. outside of warsaw, to land, the red army found an escaped american prisoner of war. >> only american that fought with the russian army we know of? >> yes. >> 21-year-old joe byerly was a long way from his home in mus coe gone, michigan. >> when you enlisted, how did you happen to choose the airborne? >> camp custer at that time. a sergeant came in and he said any of you men want to jump out
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of airplanes? and i says, i will. >> how did you pick up that nickname? >> first time i rode in an airplane i jumped out of it. first 40 times i rode in an airplane i jumped out of it. >> joe joined the 101 z airborne the screaming eagles. he parachuted into normandy on d-day. >> i estimated five seconds too soon and i landed on a church. >> joe landed safely only to be captured two days later. germans shipped him off to a p.o.w. camp. they put you on the 40 and 8. that's the size of the boxcar. >> they put 50 men in there. they locked us in for seven days and seven nights. and they unlocked the doors in germany. >> a big prisoner of war camp. is that where the mug shot is taken? >> that was when i was registered as a prisoner of war and then from there on september 17th, 1944, we were moved loaded
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in boxcars again and moved. we were the first americans in that camp. >> they move you east in spite of the fact that the german army is getting ready for the major attack to collapse the eastern front? >> yes. >> joe tried to escape three times. tell me about the last escape. >> we knew every afternoon there was a man came in there on a horse and wagon. he had three barrels. they were loaded when he came in and empty when he went out. we waited and got in the barrels and rode off. we took off down and scrubbed pines, zigzagging. the two guys escaped with me were killed. and i took off and i went ace for a couple of days and i could hear the guns coming and coming. >> the gun fire was coming from the red army under the command of zukoff charging toward berlin.
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>> i went into a farm yard and hit in a halo and waited two days. one night the russians came by. if i identify myself, i went down and, hands up. met a -- with that fortunately i was taken to the battalion commander who was a female. i told her that i wanted to go with my brothers, my comrades, and defeat the hitler-its. i figured that that was the quickest way home because they were going to berlin. i couldn't get to berlin on my own. >> how a russian general helps joe of the 101st airborne get
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now part of the soviet army? >> yeah. part of the soviet army. >> poland, january 1945. sitting in a soviet tank formation, american joe beyerle part of the red army soldiers racing toward berlin. >> this was the vanguard of the soviet army closing in on berlin. >> we were in the zugof front. >> soviet general zuhoff he are of leningrad was spearheading the drive. you had studebaker trucks. you were earn-made sherman tanks? >> yeah. dodge ton and a halves. >> survived the siege at leningrad and at 17 he signed up. >> translator: i wanted to go fight on the front. in poland, our tanks race forward but the germans still kept attacking.
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>> though on the defensive, 2 million soldiers were fighting to the death. >> caught in a draw and i was about the fifth tank back. came to a halt. >> 50 miles from berlin, a squadron of germans attacked. >> all hell breaking loose in and they're chattering in russian. i was blowing off the tank. i woke up in a russian hospital. i had a groin wound and i was in the knee and several other places. >> hospital idesed over a week, joe could never have imagined what would happen next. >> one morning in the ward this little short man kind of pudgy came in and was marshal zukoff. i recommendsed him. he went from bed to bed. got to me. he wanted to know how i got to where i was, i told him i was captured and i had escaped. did say through the interpreter,
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is there anything i can do for you? and i said, yes. i do not have any identification. he didn't say anything. and the next day the interpreter came back with an envelope and he says, it's a passport. it will get you anyplace you want to go. two days later i took off. i got on a hospital train and a couple weeks later e end up in moscow. anyway, we end up at the embassy. i go up toward the marine guard and i said i came from the eastern front. i was wounded. i want to turn myself in to the american. >> after 30 days of fighting with the russians, joe was on the home to america. he told his story in the book "the simple sounds of freedom." for seven days in early february 1945, the big three met at yal that, a soviet resort on the black sea. again in the center of history,
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25-year-old zoya was there the day they divided the world. >> in that wonderful big room were the fireplace and roundtable and discussion took place. >> germmy would be occupied. >> it was an important to stalin politically to have the conference in yalta? >> absolutely. he understood there were people who would like to get rid of him. all paranoids are, he is suspicious. >> even towards zoya. >> probably they didn't trust me too much because i was too friendly with the americans to the first time in teheran. >> goodwill among the allies quickly dissipating. and the 63-year-old president roosevelt was falling ill. >> i have seen those eyes and i was mesmerized. it was absolutely clear in his mind but i saw that he was suffering. >> yalta would be his last meeting with churchill and stalin. he'd not live to see victory in europe nor the collapse of the
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anti-hitler alliance. may 1945. as american and british troops invaded germany from the west, the red army ruthlessly pounded hitler's capital from the west. nickolai entered the city on the front lines. >> translator: the street fighting was just horrible. fire was coming from every window. germans had a famous -- defending the city. >> the red army suffered almost 400,000 casualties in the final battle for berlin but it was a small fraction of the 20 million soviet people already dead from the war. >> translator: the germans started to come out of their homes and they hung white flags from every window. >> adolph hitler committed suicide and the thousand-year reich was vanquished. together, american and russian soldiers celebrated the great victory. and around the world, it was the
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same. from times square to london to moscow. >> everybody in the street kissed everybody. >> the russians, the americans and the british turned the tide of what could have been disaster worldwide. >> over $10 billion in aid from the united states to russia. but the celebration of victory was short lived. by 1947, stalin was showing his true intentions. now in control of eastern europe, he ruthlessly established puppet communist dictatorships throughout the region. >> goose stepping in the baltic and iron curtain descended across the continent. >> there's more ahead on "war stories."
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hitler-ites. >> the men and women that served in world war ii faced adversity with extraordinary courage. >> many tragedies but this is my land. i love it. >> we understood it was an important role to get aircraft to them. >> this plaque dedicated 50 years after the exchange of aircraft began here at ladd field recommendses a new relationship between the united states and russia. >> translator: i just hope that america and russia can always be allies. >> global struggle to defeat the axis powers in world war ii was the bloodiest encounter in mankind's deadliest century. democracies with dictatorship less than two years after the end of the war, the soviets were our adversaries. today, the soldiers and airmen who use hangar 1 are the inhe t inheriters of a great legacy. those that kept an alliance
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today to defeat an evil axis. theirs is a war story that deserves to be told. i'm oliver north. good night. . >> thank you so much! >> she's the democratic nominee.obably our next preside. so what will president hillary clinton do? >> hillary clinton is going to make america great again. >> her fans love her. >> she's very well qualified and she has experience in getting things done. john: getting what done, exactly? >> what different that the point does it make? john: she's eager to go to war. >> we came, we saw, we died. john: she's eager to spend money on other people. >> get the costs of child care down. john: very interested in making money for her friends.
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