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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  June 29, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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to have been well received. >> i did a lot of research on the story. i came to the conclusion they are doing a great job. but trumis very much. now, here is the man, lou dobbs keeping it on fox business. lou: good evening, i'm lou dobbs, three amissionos today -- a amigos taking on donald trump, pushing, free trade, not really free trade, but, very costly trade. they call it free trade, a day after donald trump blasted free trade agreements such as nast acosting millions he said of american jobs. president obama and mexican president, and canada prime minister arguing that u.s. should embrace global
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implemenism. >> we can't disengage, we have to engage more. we're going to keep on pushing hard to shape a -- lou: we have technical problems with that. our machinery did not want to repeat what he said. that was not only dig at trump, that was referred to as anti-immigration demagogue. and trump was in banger, maine this afternoon. >> u.s. chamber of commerce is upset with me, they usually go the republican way, they are upset with my statements on
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trade, i said why would you be upset, i am for free trade, the problem with free trade, you need smart people making deals, and we don't have good deals. lou: trump last night took issue with failed leadership in the war against terrorist, hours after suicide bomber struck a turkey airport, killing front people in the attack more than 200 wounded, trump said he was determined to win the war against radical islamist terrorists. >> can you imagine them sitting around the table, eating dipper, talking about americans don't do waterboarding and yet we chop off heads. they probably think we're weak, we're stupid, we don't know what we're doing, we have no leadership. you know you have to fight fire with fire. lou: trump's comments in sharp contrast with those of obama administration secretary of state, john kerry.
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whoside said that -- today said that turkish attacks were a sign of islamic state desperation. >> yes, you could bomb an airport, and blow yourself up. that is the tragedy, if you are desperate and you know you are losing, you know you want to give you were your life -- you want to give up your life, then do some harm. >> john kerry, interested in the psychology of terrorists. among my guests, trump organization executive vice president eric trump with latest on the trump campaign, also former secret service of gary burn, he served in west wing in clinton administration and written a explosive new book, now a number one seller, depicting clinton suffering a crisis of character. we're learning that hillary's long time aid huma abedin
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said her e-mail interfered with clinton's ability to do her job. according to testimony abedin gave to watch dog group. >> top story, three amigos summit, president obama in ottawa meeting with leaders of canada and mexico, our neighbors hailing benefits of trade, with the united states. >> north american leaders summi summit. bears witness that isolated national efforts are insufficient. if we want favorable results. >> gratifying that once again we're able to come together as leaders of three truly great nations, to honor that friendship and deliver real results. lou: real results, those results benefit mexico and canada, the united states less so. the united states has an
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annual trade deficit, of sphai billion dollars with the two countries, largest 58 billion, last year with mexico. no mention of that today by president obama. or the thousands of factories and estimated million jobs that have moved to mexico, since nafta was signed by president bill clinton in 1993. donald trump of course is reminding us of that fact almost daily. a new fox news poll, tonight has clinton leading trump by 6 points, there are some incouraging numbers within the polls for trump with key voting blocks showing trump leading among white evangelicals christians, 66 to 18%, trump in front with men 46 to 36%, independence, trump leading clinton 39 to 31%, and clinton in front with women, 51 to 32%. joining us tonight, former reagan white house political
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director, republican strategist, fox news contributor ed rollin es. >> thank you. lou: this is against a disappointing report for clinton on the face of it but those numbers inc internally look encouraging. >> i would be very incouraged if i were -- encouraged if i were the trump people, the margin of error, very close. the key to this election will be republicans vote for republicans, and -- lou: those attack add ads not having a big impact on trump. >> no, at the end of the day, who'll decide the elect, "the independents," he is leading every poll, republicans will come home. moist are home already, most democrats go the other way too.
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but, parody of closeness and plurality of voters in america are independence if he can hold those and could popped thos-- hold those he will be strong. lou: women, and gain their support, and narrow that margin. an advantage that mrs. clinton has over him. >> critical thing is two fronts, economic front, where clearly people want jobs they think he is bring the jobs, 6, -- on te terrorism front, a lot of americans are concerned about that hillary offers the same old stuff, get together with muslim states and sit down and talk about this over and over again. donald trump said i will do whatever it is to stand them, i think -- stop them, that is what people want to hear, i think a lot of women who are concerned will move that way. we i worked for ronald reagan
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in 1980, we were behind jimmy carter at this point in time, and went on to win by a landslide. lou: a matter of a killer rabbit this president carter forestalled with a new paddle. >> the epi epitome of carter lack of leadership, you can't be afraid of rabbits or terrorists. lou: your reaction to attorney general loretta lynch, and president bill clinton meeting in phoenix, arizona. boarding one of the private aircraft of the two, talking a practice private -- a private meeting, how inapproppia that appears to be. >> that looks very inappropriate. after that benghazi came through, she will have a benghazi report soon. they will say we had a cup of coffee and talk about our grand kids is not believable.
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lou: what in the world is you know this country to do waiting now almost a year, on the fbi to complete an investigation that began in ernest -- earnest reportedly 1 40 some odd agents involved. what do we do with presumptive nominee of democratic party under federal investigation, most saying on face of it all she has violated regulations put in place, therefore he is by she is breaking the laws. >> if the fbi director, and justice department, they will question her are ready, they have asked for the sessions. she claims she is busy, but this is very important to country, the quicker we get it done the better we will be and she will be if she does not get indicted. lou: she is very fortunate in so many ways.
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i am not director of the fbi, telling me you are bizy is not the answer i am most sympathetic with. >> they are prepared to question her. they know the facts and figures. >> all right ed rollins thank you. >> thank you. lou: coming right back there is much more ahead, among our guests here, eric trump, will kel us what the campaign -- tell us what campaign thinks new polls and what they are planning. >> obama's rant in canada about donald trump and populism, you want to hear what he has to say about that and much more. stay with us. >> former white house secret service officer eposes hillary clinton's character. >> mrs. clinton is not a leader, she is a very angry person all of the time, she is a dec tate -- dictator. reporter: gary byrne is joining me next. lou: this wild police chase in texas ends in a remarkable fashion, we show you what unfolds with the video next,
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lou: attorney general loretta lynch, tonight, under fire after meeting with president bill clinton earlier this week, as hillary clinton is
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under investigation by department of justice over her e-mail ca, scandal, yet the attorney general of united states claims their meeting was a crossing of paths. >> i did see president clinton at phoenix airport as i was leaving, he did speak with my husband and i on the plane there was now discussion of any pending -- or benghazi or state department e-mails. lou: you wonder if as a prosecutor she would have balked at what she just said. my next guest has written explosive new bestseller on his experience with the clintons "in the white house," joining us, gary byrne. disclosing his first hand
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experience with hillary, bill and how they operate. it is number one book on amazon, great to have you with us. congratulation on the book. i to want turn to clintons. you have stoifed i testified in the starr investigation, and subpoenaed in lie lewinsky scandal, why now? >> i was still an employees, after we were attacked in 9/11 i transferred over, a few years ago i decided it was time to about a year and a half ago to write my life's story, this is what i have done, my life, and it is just, unusual that it intersections with the clintons, but i spent 12 years at white house while they were there for 8, this is my life story, how it
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intertwined with them. lou: you write of hillary clinton, you describe her, as explosive. volcanic in her anger. and simply meu -- day in day out, how did all secret service officers and agents deal with a personality? >> you have to show up to work. and put your game face odo your job -- face on, do your job, that is what we did. that is what rest of uniform division did, put their game faces on and do your job. lou: you describe the anger, the actual violence of between the two, how frequent was it, and how bad was it? how did you contain it? >> well, this secret service
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does not contain it, it happens when a couple gets in an argument, they get in an argument, it is odd working in white house as uniform officer, and first lady is so angry because of an incident she comes over t oval office and berates president so loud we have to move over and close doors to keep more of staff from overhearing what is happening. lou: crisis of character, number one bestseller already. the lewinsky affair. as i said you were subpoenaed in that, how tough was it to respond to the investigation, yet honor your commitment to privacy of president and the first lady? >> it was incredibly hard, there were many groups of lawyers, secret service
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lawyer, justice department lawyers supposedly representing us, but there was no attorney-client privilege because we were all government employees, then government department, starr investigation that was investigating us, and every day rules changed it was incredible, i tried to explain to a friend of mine, a very seasoned lawyer, he rolled his eyes, he could not believe that secret service and collegclinton administration let people go through what he had to go through. lou: i have to ask with all affairs that bill clinton was apparently involved in allegedly, you talk about women approaching the white house, and having a cross check against the list. what are we to infer from all this? >> the way it was explained to me, i think you are referring to book in jogging list.
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so, in beginning of the lewinsky affair, i was in denial. i did not believe it was happening, agents kept telling me, gary, you don't know what happens on the road, you don't know what happens on the road, i did not go to travel trips, one day one agent described to he how when in the beginning president would go outside to jog, he first got there, that people would show up, usually women to go jogging with him, they started making list, they had to check their backgrounds. and president would say, he wanted to jog with them, they certainly inferred to me that list was used later on for him to meet the women. lou: and with all of this going on, and all of counter aterms you experience, ugliness, you have a very low opinion of hillary clinton, and her capacity to lead.
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which of the two did you find your symp-- sympathizing with most during your time with them. >> at first i felt -- i felt for first lady there was a lot of pressure on her, you know all stories, when they first got there, all stories from arkansas. you know a tried to alike you know i didn't believe them. but as time went on and i saw president's by a half -- behavior, and mrs. clinton, i came to a conclusion it was true. and things i saw, the first lady the way she acted and treated people, her staff, secret service, she -- to me is not somebody who is a leader. she very close to becoming president of the united states, and she is under investigation by fbi. like we moved in to a separate world, it is incredible, i do not understand how people could support her.
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lou: gary byrne thank you, we recommend "crisis of character " >> thank you, have a good night. reporter: breaking news, senate has just began final vote on a puerto rico bailout bill. there are now another votes for the bill to pass, go to president obama. just two days before the island is expected to fault on ay can debt payment, white house said that president will, sign it it is a bailout for puerto rico, it $70 billion of debt. be sure to vote in tonight's poll, our question, secretary of station kerry said that the attacks in turkey are a sign of desperation? -- cast your vote on lou dobbs
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. >> roll the video. there it is watch the dramatic moment, as houston police officer, who was on a helicopter attack els a robbery -- tackles a rob robbery suspect, takes him to the ground, this is the pilot, he can move as fast on ground as in air, it started as a car chase, that turned into a chase on foot. burglar continued to run despite being hit by police suv, sergeant was forced to wrestle and subdue the suspect until back up could arrive, suspect is now in custody, up next, donald trump firing back at chamber of cammers, he said -- chommerser. >> i want to bring jobs back, and money back. i want to get rid of the deficit.
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i want to start paying off debt. they are against it, they are saying how could donald do that? how could he jeopardize free trade? lou: that is the subject of my commentary next. >> a bit later, eric trump will join us, he talks about some of the fundraising issues, and and the polls that are remaining ever closer. stay with us. stay with us. we'll be right if you're taking multiple medications, does your mouth often feel dry? stay with us. we'll be right a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene, available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel. biotene can provide soothing relief
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sfx: loud poorly played electric guitar that sounds awful seriously, awful but a lot better than last week ♪rock guitar music ♪we weren't born to follow
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lou: a few thoughts on a looming trade war, not between nations, but between the chambers of commerce and donald trump. the u.s. chamber going after trump because he called for the american withdrawal from the ptt and declared he would
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renegotiate nafta. >> the trans-pacific partnership is another disaster. done and pushed by special interests who want to rape our country, just a continuing rape of our country. lou: trump taking the fight to twitter. the u.s. chamber must fight harder for the american worker. china and many others are taking advantage of the united states with our terrible trade packs. tweet number two. why would the u.s. chamber be upset by the fact i want to gorite better and stronger trade deals or i want penalties for cheaters? the chamber of commerce offered this considered somewhat tepid response. helping american workers means opening markets to american business, which will grow the u.s. economy and create u.s.
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jobs. the problem there, folks, is the chamber spent more time opening our economy to those foreign labor markets and production markets. china comes to minds. well, trump's remarks are on point and his remarks are accurate. the chamber has an absolutely disastrous record on the issues open borders, illegal. the chamber of commerce is the most powerful business lobby and lobbies hard for the multi-national corporations it represents. multi-nationals that shipped production and plants to countries with lower
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environmental standards and cheap labor. they decline to bring back to america more than $2 trillion that if invested here would create millions of new jobs. they ship their plants, they ship hair plants, and they keep their profits overseas. since nafta was enacted our trade deficit has grown five fold. while the number of manufacturing jobs has fallen by 5%. the chamber of commerce has a terrific opportunity to stand up for america and stand up and around national interest is business. what do you think the odds are we'll ever hear that from the chamber. well, maybe just maybe, done
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already will be persuasive if not as a republican nominee, perhaps as president of the united states. that might be very helpful. our quotation of the evening from winston churchill who said, quote, some people regard private enterprise as a predatory tiger to be shot. others look on it as a cow they can milk. not enough people see it as a healthy horse, pulling a sturdy wagon. end quote. donald trump promising to create jobs and strengthen the economy for everybody. >> if she really wanted to bring those jobs back, she is so overrated, she couldn't do it anyway. lou: eric trump joins us next with the latest on the campaign and these latest polls. this man creates software, used by this bank, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong,
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to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this vice president, this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. they all have insurance crafted personally for them. not just coverage, craftsmanship. not just insured. chubb insured.
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lou: a new fox news national poll showing hillary clinton leading donald trump by 6 points. a quinnipiac poll showing the race too close to call. joining me to discuss these latest polls, paul the latest
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from the campaign. the son of the presumptive republican nominee, eric trump. great to have you. how does it feel? you have got points, you have got 6 points, and tonight's fox news follow, your reaction. >> she is not happy. quinnipiac we are coming back by leaps and bounds and i think we are going to pass her. you look at the amount of money we are raising on line. it's staggering. she is doing hundreds of ads in the swing states and we haven't started. as i walked here tonight, the number of people who grabbed me on the street and said, tell your far it -- many more independents are coming over to the republican party than the democratic party. lou: that has to be of great comport to the trump campaign to see independents breaking the
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way they are in nearly every poll. independents are where these contests are won. >> if you look at the primary. the democratic vote in the primary was down by 40% and the republican vote was up by 60%. there is little enthusiasm on the democratic side. and the republican party has raised more money than the democratic party this year. lou: are you going to push hard? the smaller donations go out to the grassroots. it calls for the co engagement f people who participate. >> i sent an email out and we raised $2.5 million just in that test email.
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small amounts relatively speaking, but the numbersth of were incredible. people want our country back. you saw what happens with brexit last week. people want this country back. we want to take back our nation. you certainly feel that force. lou: your father has made much of that. the brexit is an analog for what is happening in this country. the pushback from obama and hillary clinton. trying to say that this outsider election, this anti-election started here but ended at our shores coming back across the atlantic it's amazing how frightening that apparently is to the establishment, to the white house and the democratic campaign. >> when you have the uk, our greatest ally in the world, and the president says that they are going to get in the back of the line if they leave the eu.
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now frightening is that? under hillary's watch at the state department, $6 billion goes missing. how do you lose $6 billion. we are building the bridge just north of here. that's a $3.5 billion project. they effectively lost two of these bridges while hillary clinton was in the state department. you have to say who is running our government. and the whole while she is giving speeches to wall street. she made $143 million while she is secretary of state. this is the incompetence running our government. lou: they keep finding things. they found quite a few emails, more than 30,000 have gone missing. we finds that more weren't delivered. so those are technically missing, too by the hundreds. so she apparently has some trouble.
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>> she is certified that she handed over all these emails, and now there are 400-500 that just appear that were never turned over. this is the problem, that she is above the law, and it's so sad for our nation. lou: it's also curious beyond reason why there has not been a greater reaction on the part of the public and the national media. but then we have the anti-trump conference going on in ottawa, the three amigos making much of -- the president tried to confiscate populism from your father and take it term back for himself. he couldn't decide it was populism, scepticism, nativism. he was running out of isms. >> my father is running on americanism. he wants to put this country first again. we haven't put this country first in a long time.
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we lost a third of our manufacturing since 2000. our national deficit is at $19 trillion. we no longer educate our children well. our roads and bridges and infrastructures are falling apart. we have an $80 billion trade deficit with mexico. we don't make anything. we don't produce anything. this is the state of our country and my father wants to put mayor today first. our message is americanism. lou: i think that's a trend worthy of continuing. eric, thank you. eric trump. well, roll video. watch as this motorcyclist is thrown over his handle bars. that's a roll of float mattresses crashing into that giant foam that fell off the
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boat. the man sent rolling down the street. luckily he escaped the collision without serious injury. up next donald trump says he wants to be the next jobs president. >> hillary is never going to bring your jobs back, folks. married to the man that signed nafta. one of the all-time worst. she is not bringing you jobs back. she doesn't even know about i'm billy, and i quit smoking with chantix. i decided to take chantix to shut everybody else up about me quitting smoking. i was going to give it a try, but i didn't really think it was going to really happen. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions
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lou: the senate just passed the puerto rico bailout bill. puerto rico is set to default on its debt payment friday. the president will sign it. joining us now, washington times columnist fox news contributor,
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charlie hurt. and lee carter. good to have you here. let's start with an interesting ad from the nra. give us a bit of that if you would, and would i like you both to comment on it. >> a lot of people say they are not going to vote this november because their candidate didn't win. well, i know some other people who won't be voting this year either. hillary as president, no thanks. lou: lee, what do you think? >> it's an interesting take. the issue is a lot of people are saying is this about gun control or terrorism. people are saying this is about terrorism and our national security. trump wins that. it's a good emotional appeal to make you think differently about it. lou: mark gave is a marine corp
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veteran. your reaction to it? >> the other thing i like about this ad is it brings the argument straight to our doorstep because that's where obama and hillary clinton with brought the war and terror. you can say whatever you want about george bush and dick cheney, their mantra was kill them over there so we don't have to kill them there. we'll fight them there so we don't have to fight them here. when people see the terrorist attacks in istanbul, orlando and paris, they think i'm going to get some more ammo. i have got to protect myself and my family and my neighbors because they are not doing their job. lou: what do you think of the reaction of the former secretary
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of state, she says move on. it's done. >> i think his response just shows why he didn't win the presidency of the united states when he ran. it's preposterous. >> if this is isis in desperation, man, i would hate to see them when they are having a good day. lou: the rationalization. to listen to john kerry say that with a straight face, it's breathtaking because it has been tried before. they said the same thing in iraq. they said much the say thing in afghanistan. >> how is it desperate if they are terrifying us? this isn't desperate. this is their plan. and when don't know how to fight them or win or where they will show up next. lou: should the trump campaign be discome fitted by the fox
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news poll showing the gap favoring clinton? >> the polls will be fluid. i think they will go back and forth. with arguments about trade and illegal immigration, i think trump will do very well against hillary clinton. >> i think these are a moment in time snapshot and i think the momentum is moving toward trump. we'll start to see things turning. lou: on wall street today, stocks surged for a second straight session. the dow up 285 point. volume on the big board just about half of the losses of brexit have been overcome. listen to my reports coast to coast on the salem network. facebook ceo mark zuckerberg
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if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day.
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♪ steak used to cost an arm and a leg. but now you can get new tender braised steak, and melted cheese, wrapped in a warm flatbread for just a buck forty-nine. taco bell's steak flatbread sandwich. eat it, for them. [sfx: bong!]
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lou: 97% of you say elizabeth warren is a hypocrite because
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she backed hillary clinton to took millions of dollars from wall street. joining me, andy levy and joanne nosuchinsky. let's start with mr. zuckerberg. i call him mister because he has countless mills and he wants to build walls, even as he den grates donald trump. i don't understand this kind of hypocrisy. >> if you want to build something, sure, but don't call it a wall. wall is a dirty word. he should call it a stone fence that no one can penetrate or see through. >> that's the hawaiian wall. he just blocked out the entire pacific ocean. and upset the neighbors. >> his neighbors can go jump in
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the ocean. they are mad because they say because of the wall they can't see through the property. that's why he's building it. so see through your own property. >> privacy. lou: i'm not used to this. >> i think he should make it bigger. >> you starting to sound trumpian. lou: it looks like zuckerberg is going to oblige. it was him who said quote, i hear fearful voices calling for building walls and distancing people they label as others for blocking free expression for slower immigration, then he builds more walls in california and hawaii. what do you do with that kind of hypocrisy? >> he said the reason for building that wall was to keep out the noise. you don't have to hear opinions
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you don't like when you are block out all that noise. >> he should unfollow all his neighbors. >> unfriend them. >> i don't do facebook. lou: miss teen usa. i'll turn out for your expertise. eliminating the swimsuit competition in a beauty pageant seems wrong. don't you think? >> i will defer to the pageant expert on this. >> lou. >> he time we are on this show you want to talk about and interest. there is something going on here. lou: there is something going on. joanne, you have been there. >> i'm surprised you aren't using photos of me in a bikini. i think most our viewers are upset with you all. i think this is great.
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instead of doing swimwear they are having the girls in athleisure. these young girls will have the rest of their lives to worry about what they will look like when they are in a bikini. when they are young they should feel confident in their body. >> is athleisure what you say when you don't want to feel embarrassed that you are in sweat pants? >> it's what you say when you might go to the gym or starbucks. >> i think what needs to happen here is donald trump needs to run this pang end and he will bring bikinis back and make the pang end great again. lou: the trump girls supporting donald trump have been posting pictures in bikinis and it seems
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to have been well received. >> i did a lot of research on the story. i came to the conclusion they are doing a great job. hillary clinton badly. so they have to keep doing what they are doing until he's no longer trailing. >> i second that. lou: good counsel for the trump organization and campaign. join us tomorrow. good night from new york. [♪] kennedy: welcome. i'm devastated watching the body count rise in the tragic istanbul terror attack. i blame turkey. what was supposed to be a moderate ally has turned into a gateway to syria. turkey has been a problem from its inception from


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