tv Varney Company FOX Business July 1, 2016 9:00am-12:01pm EDT
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the world and their families, also, they work hard to keep the fires burning, work hard to keep the families going. dagen: quickly, red hail, on the fourth, home of patrick henry. sandra: and shout out. >> fort bragg, i miss the guy, i love him. sandra: stuart varney, it's all yours. stuart: remember a week ago, oh, the sky was about to fall. the brits voted out of europe. armageddon. how did that work out? >> good morning, eastern, well, the stock market selloff lasted a couple of days, we've bounced back to almost where we were before the vote. the gloom and doom elites got it wrong. there may be some selling today ahead of that long weekend, but we will actually open maybe just a tad higher again this morning. damage control from the attorney general. now she says she will accept whatever the fbi hands down from its e-mail investigation of hillary clinton.
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her meeting with bill tainted that investigation with conflict of interest. damage control time this friday morning. big problem for tesla. the feds launch an investigation of a fatality of an accident involving a tesla car being driven on autopilot. that stock will be down today. lady and gentlemen, my message to america, get out there and drive july the 4th, gas prices the lowest in a decade. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ all right, everybody, this is where the dow closed yesterday. 17,929, one week after brexit. armageddon, you know, the big selloff, it lasted precisely two trading sessions. we're now only 70 points from 18,000 and the dow is actually positive for the year. that's how we start this friday morning.
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how about the s&p? yesterday, it closed right there at 2098, it, too, is now positive for the the year despite brexit. the price of oil down a bit. 47.99. the individual stock story, the culprit story of the day is tesla. and there's a report of a fatal crash for model s while in self-driving mode. government regular let's are investigating. the stock will be down a couple of percentage points. politics, damage control for attorney general loretta lynch over her private meeting with bill clinton. that tainted, in my opinion, that tainted the fbi's investigation into hillary's use of private e-mail. ms. lynch now says she will accept whatever conclusion the fbi draws in its investigation. perhaps she's responding to the conflict of interest charges from both side of the aisle. here is donald trump's critique. >> when i first heard that yesterday afternoon, i actually thought they were joking.
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i thought the people that told me, you know, i said no way. there's no way that's going to happen. and it happened. and i am just-- i'm flabbergasted by it. amaze, i've never seen anything like that before. stuart: donald trump, never seen anything like that before, tammy bruce, you haven't either. >> i don't think any of us have. remember, bill clinton's job as attorney general in arkansas and she knows what the rules are, they're seasoned politicians effectively and they have to know. i have one source in arizona in phoenix who says the media in fact was alerted to their being at the airport together. they seem to have done it in a way that they wanted to be seen and that, we have to consider this when it comes to whether or not attorney general lynch will recuse herself and if in fact, if there has to be a special investigator, would that push the decision off to past the election? >> that's a moot point because she now says she'll accept whatever the fbi hands down.
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>> all district attorneys, attorney generals accept information. will she apply it though. so we don't know. stuart: oh, now-- are you a lawyer? you're parsing words like a lawyer. >> i'm a former left wing community organizer and words matter and look, this is where-- >> what are you doing here? >> accepting something is one thing, applying it is another and it's interesting that she chose the word accept. that alone concerns me. stuart: but, you're not suggesting there's wiggle room? >> all of this is political. they're all political people. every move they make-- they realize this is do or die for them and i think frankly they'll do whenever they can to try to save hillary clinton's candidacy. stuart: tammy, we hear you loud and clear for a former left wing organizer. >> see what you've done for me, now i'm organizationing for varney. breaking news, i've got fiat chrysler sales liz: the performance up 6.5%
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for the month of june. what's pushing it higher? jeep. the jeep brand category also up about 17%. so, this is a big win for fiat chrysler, it's under investigation for the jeep grand cherokee for the parking that goes into neutral. but the u.s. auto sales could have the best in 11 years. stuart: for the month of may? liz: june. up 6 1/2%. stuart: the stock is up a little bit. not that too much, but the market is digesting this. thank you. >> sure. stuart: oh what a difference a week does make. the sky was supposed to fall, the brits were out of europe. almost a week on, almost a full recovery, 70 points away from 18,000. john layfield is with us this morning. john, look, i think there could be some selling today we've go the a three-day weekend ahead of us. you may want to sell before you get to that.
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do you believe that this armageddon threat is over? >> i believe it's over initially. look, we don't know what's going to happen as far as the domino effect. do the french and danes try to get out of the eu? that's what people are worried about next. july 4th, coming up monday, the original brexit anniversary and that worked okay and that's about sovereigndy as well. >> do you think in some way, america benefits from the british vote last week? it looks like there's been a flight to safety in america. a flight to the u.s. dollar away from the british pound. a flight to u.s. treasury securities. down goes interest rates. could you stretch the point and say maybe we want a little out of this? >> i don't think it's a stretch at all. what you're seeing, 60% of the s&p 500 stocks had a higher yield than the 10-year treasury and 70% of s&p 500 stocks get their earnings and revenue domestically, so, it's not tied
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to the eu. i think there's a lot of people out there that want to stay with companies like verizon, which always gets their money correctly from the united states. stuart: there's been a big move back to the big name tech stocks as well. >> it has been. i think you'll continue to see that. look, financials to me concern me because a lot can happen with the breakup of the eu. and morgan stanley 2000 jobs out of london, somewhere in continental europe. european stocks are a problem because of the domino effect. they're valued cheap right now. if you start having the eu break up, that's another shoe to fall. as far as the tech stocks, in the u.s. equities, that's where money is going to go. that's the only place where you'll get a return on your money. stuart: armageddon for now. that's a caveat on the end now. we'll get back to that in a second. the big political news, it's
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this, attorney general loretta lynch will accept the fbi recommendations in the clinton e-mail investigation. rich lawrie is with us from the national review. what do you make of this, are you a lawyer parsing words? >> entirely with tammy, never trust, always parse. the statement, we talked about our grandchildren a great deal and primarily about social things, underline primarily. if she's going to just accept the career recommendations, why doesn't she go all the way and recuse herself? >> well, if she did recuse herself, you have to have what, a special prosecutor? >> and a career people are going to handle it. stuart: that would take it beyond the election, wouldn't it? >> i don't think you need a special prosecutor necessarily if you say i'm going to let the career people handle and not i'm not going to be personally involved. stuart: do you think that hillary clinton walks away from this, the event of the last two or three days. is she unscathed or taken a
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hit? >> well, the e-mail thing has hurt. you look at every poll. no one believes her story and everyone believes the fix it in and that's only going to accent that-- this sense. look, they're the cognizant of guilt here. the story is the fbi was told people not to take pictures and they weren't going to volunteer the information that they had this meeting, it was only because it was discovered. and if it was totally innocent and aboveboard and knew there was no appearance problem why wouldn't they say, look, woo he had a meeting and tell everyone upfront. stuart: it bothers me this idea that our government is interfering in a free election. i think the government used the machinery of government to handle conservatives in the irs scandal. i think there's something similar to that going on here. pressure on the presidential election system. am i going too far? >> yeah, well, look, it's not just this meeting. the bigger problem is loretta lynch works for a man who desperately wants hillary
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clinton to be the next president of the united states and wants to do everything he can to hurt donald trump. so there's an inherent conflict whether she actually met with bill or not and some people are saying, oh, look, she couldn't have turned away bill clinton. she had to accept this meeting. come on, if he showed up with a-- envelope full of cash would she have to accept that, too, just to be polite? >> oh. >> the new york media says she was trapped by him. some other women perhaps have been in life, but not loretta lynch. i'm astonished that she would meet with him anyway. the fact that he's a former president of the united states makes no difference whatsoever. she's the attorney general of the united states in charge of the investigation of his wife. >> it's not just of his wife, it's potentially also the clinton foundation and therefore directly or indirectly of him. so, her red light should have been flashing as soon as she heard-- >> hold on a second, everybody. let me show you sound bite from the reporter who actually broke
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this story, who saw what was going on. roll that tape, please. >> she, as a matter of fact, landed on time. he and his entourage were running late according to my sources they then make the decision, they, meaning the president's team, former president's team, they wait for her to land. she arrives, some people step off of her plane, the former president steps into her plane. they then speak for 30 minutes privately. the fbi there on the tarmac instructing everybody around no photos, no pictures, no cell phones. he then gets off the plane, gets on his own plane. he departs and she continues on with her planned visit. stuart: sorry, rich, that's a prearranged meeting. >> it is. great reporting by the way. stuart: that's what happened. rich lawrie. >> and don't be credentials as a left wing organizer, tammy is qualified to be the president of the united states. >> apparently so. you want it past tense, you don't want it current tense, yes.
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stuart: all right, rich, thank you very much indeed. back to the market, we're one week on from brexit, okay? look at the s&p 500, it's going to open a tiny fraction down. it's aually up on the year and very closeo where it was before that vote. now this. speaker paul ryan says the house will vote on gun control measures next week. here is the question, can they pass? no fly, no buy. and donald trump, asked a question about muslim tsa screeners at a rally and now he's labeled a racist. we'll have more on this for you, watch it. >> why aren't we putting our retiree, military retirees on that border or in tsa. get rid of all the hib j achjab they wear. ♪
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this is the dow jones average, close at 17029. and there may be selling ahead of the long holiday weekend. how about hershey, the board of that company rejected the snack food company's bid. hershey is down a fraction and mondlise is not liz: the milton hershey trust. hershey is owned by a family trust and they've rejected cadbury back in 2007. multiple rejections of buyout offers from other rivals. and there's a justice department issue here, it's not geography. they're saying we have no overlap between hershey and us. candy, gum and mints, they could dominate over 50% of the
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market. stuart: if the market believes you and they don't want more money and just want the deal. her think would go down specifically in other words, the markets don't believe you. >> that's fine. i like talking about candy, gum and minutes. stuart: back to politics. a woman at a donald trump rally in new hampshire tells trump he should ban women, tsa workers who wear religious head conversation. here is the exchange. >> why aren't we putting our military retirees on that border or in tsa. get rid of all of these hijabies they wear, even myself, we need the veterans back in there, they fought for this country and defended it and still will. >> we are looking at that, we're looking at a lat of things. look, i've got a question as a total outsider to this, if an an american objects to the
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muslim dress, to muslim dress, the head covering, is that person a racist? >> the real problem here, these aren't donald trump's world these are something that someone else said. it shows the seriousness in the campaign today. you've go the donald trump talking about banning muslims and hillary clinton not calling the problem what it is, which is radical islamic terrorism. this is why attorney general mukasey and i wrote an op-ed. three things that candidates need to do. they need to talk about taking the fight to terrorists overseas, giving us more authority at home. and unserious comments and questions and instead focuses on building bridges with strain street moderate muslims. and we need to build bridges with those folks and not engage in race and religion baiting. stuart: a lot of people really object to being called a racist
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if we say, i'm not too keen on the hijab in public like that, especially on tsa. a lot of people object to being called a racist because they make that comment. hold on a second. one more, another sound bite from donald trump, this time defending israel. listen to the question. >> i'm opposed to wasting our military in the middle east on behalf of zionist israel. thank you. >> all right, well, let me just tell you that israel is a very, very important ally of the united states and we are going to protect them 100%. stuart: you know, nobody is calling him an anti-semmite because he fielded that question from the audience. this is crazy stuff. >> first of all, at a time when a 13-year-old girl has been killed in the west bank, this is not a time where we talk about not backing off supporting israel. at the same time, what donald
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trump should have done, rejected the comment outright and look, the right thing to do is how we're taking the fight overseas and reversing the administrations of the current administration, which is poking isis and not taking them out. we've got to find a way to find the positives and go after the terrorists and not engage in this discussion of hijabs. we're in a free country, and people are talking about religion that they like and we're talking about serious stuff in this campaign. stuart: thank you for joining us, contentious issues indeed. we'll see you soon. >> do i have board motor company liz: yeah, they're up about 6% and this was a turn around from the month of may, june sales for ford up about 6%. both gm and ford were down for the month of may and that sparked fears.
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>> so far chrysler coming back. >> coming back. >> the stock story of the day. tesla being investigated by the feds. the car's auto feature could be responsible for the death. outrageous legal stories, it seems like it. cinema, the movie theater in aurora, colorado, the shooting place, asking the victims to pay the cinema's legal bills. we have an explanation for you. believe it, next. if you're taking multiple medications, does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene, available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel. biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. remember, while your medication is doing you good,
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see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. > >> sin cinemark theaters, they have been found not liable for lax security. and they're asking the victims to pay the costs. >> loser pays? >> if you lose the lawsuits, you can be asked to pay. obviously, the plaintiffs will appeal and maybe another settlement, but at this point they have every right to do that and going on for years and they've taken advantage of it. stuart: it looks terrible. >> it does, it's a shame, but i think it won't end this way in the long rupp. stuart: i think you're right. last check of the futures before the market open.
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looks like flat for the dow, the s&p and the nasdaq. we've got you covered. you want to be with us for that opening bell. this is friday morning before a long holiday weekend. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a
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huge selloff. friday of last week we'd just had the british exit vote. the dow went down 650 points, 600 points roughly. the following monday of this week it went down another 250, and then we recovered. we closed just above 18,000 right before the vote, and now we're at 17,9 and change. in other words, that is almost a full recovery. down ever so slightly in the very early going, and look at the dow 30. most of them, i'd say more than half of them are now lower, but we're just opening up. there's some unchanged, some lower, some up, and we're down ten points on the tow industrials. how about the s&p 500? where is that one going this morning? down ever so slightly, .03%. the nasdaq down .1%. how about the price of gold? that's an indicator. very interesting there. we've been up and down. today we are up. $1,339.40 an ounce, an $18 gain.
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price of oil still banging around the $48 mark. it's been there all week. now here's the number. now, this fascinates me. 1.42%, that is the yield on the ten-year treasury. >> wow. stuart: i do believe that is a historic low. it may have gone a little bit lower than that, that yield, but that is a flight to the safety of united states treasury securities. if you want to buy the bonds offered by a government, where else in the world do you get 1.4%? answer, nowhere in the established democracies and industrial companies of the world. >> because a lot of them are negative. stuart: i think it's a plus for the housing market. that's another story. look at tesla. there's a report of a fatal crash where they have the car, the tester car in self-driving mode. the feds are investigating, bad news for tesla, down to 207. now hershey's board, they unanimously rejected -- the foodmaker -- a $23 billion
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offer. do they want more money or not want the deal at all? at the moment the market is holding hershey at a pretty high level. apple in talk to acquire jay z's treatmentinging music -- streaming music service. micron losing money because pc demand is down. the company announced job cut, and the stock is down over 6%. that's how we open up this friday morning on all these markets. here are liz liz macdonald, tammy bruce and nicole at the new york stock exchange. all right, everybody. we're one week on from brexit. armageddon lasted, what, one, two trading sessions. scott, are we out of the woods? >> well, we're going to be volatile all summer because it's going to be who's going to go next or what might happen to the rest of the european union, but i do know this: slowly but surely, all those economic elitists out there that thought that the world was ending have
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realized it's not a british problem. we don't have a pound crisis every year, but we've got a euro crisis every year. the problem is europe. it's not great britain. and i think people finally -- it took 'em five days, but they woke up to it. stuart: tammy, i want to is ask you about this. scott just said the elites got it wrong. are you reading in the same way? not just financially, but politically as well. >> absolutely. you're looking at elites who are invested in the system as it is. they want it to stay that way. it was an emotional response. it's based in also wanting to convey to the people at large that you've made a mistake. this is the only way to operate because there's a realization as you found with your own brexit that life actually can be better when you separate out and you -- stuart: you're right. >> that reinforces the conservative ideal, and that's what frightens elites all around the globe. institute stewart okay. i've got gm sales, is that correct?
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>> less than 2% total sales, but chevrolet and buick are coming up strong, chevy's up 3%,. stuart: general motors not doing that well. the stock is at $28 a share. nicole, did i hear your voice there trying to chime into this? >> i was saying ford year-over-year 9% sales, so that's good. they do so well with that f-150 truck. and williams is halted this morning, a $16 billion energy company. apparently, they were trying to oust the ceo unsuccessfully, stock's halted. stuart: tesla, there was a fatal crash involving a model s when it was being driven in the self-driving mode. regulators are investigating. now, what's the latest? >> yeah. joshua brown, 40 years old, died in florida. he was driving his tesla model s, and the computer in the car did not pick up a white 18-wheeler that was coming at a
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right angle right into his path. stuart: there it is. >> he went under it. stuart: oh, he went under that truck. >> the computer could not pick up the color of the truck against the bright sky. that's what tesla's saying in a blog. tesla is repeatedly insistent saying the car drivers are supposed to listen to the warning, keep your hands on the wheel. the feature is supposed to be on top of the driver's control. but the autopilot does tempt drivers to relax, and that's where the debate will be. stuart: what do you say, john? would you buy tesla at roughly $200 a share? self-driving cars generally might have a liability problem. what do you say about tesla though, john? >> i think self-driving cars are the future. tesla i wouldn't buy because of the solar city stock acquisition. aisle a little bit -- i'm a little bit worried about that. i understand the vertical integration, but i'm not sure how the market is going to play out with.
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that orville and wilbur wright, their second flight, somebody died on that plane. it's terrible, but that's what happens, unfortunately, with technology. you see some tragedies happen. this is the future. stuart: i did not know that, john. i don't know my history. that's very interesting. tammy? >> yeah. the truck driver said in an interview, and it's not in the police report, that the driver apparently was watching a harry potter movie on what appeared to be a laptop. so it's to liz's point -- stuart: the driver of the tesla. >> so it's to liz's point that you get to be too relaxed, perhaps, and you're not listening to warnings. >> big wake-up call for autopilot driving. the first fatal crash here. stuart: from the tesla itself. okay, now the dow industrials up eight points. that's something of a turn around. remember, this is right before the three-day holiday weekend, one week after armageddon was supposed to happen, and we're now up again. who's that on the screen? that is marissa mayer, shareholder, the leader of yahoo!.
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they may have held their last shareholder meeting yesterday as an independent company, that is. john, i know you're a fan of marissa mayer. what do you say about the stock? >> i was completely wrong. i bought some yahoo! in the high 20s, i still own it because i think the valuation, the break-up, just their stake in inally alibaba in japan is worth about $37 billion. she had a great strategy, but it's like playing lebron james. sometimes it doesn't work. her strategy simply didn't work. stuart: anything to say on that, liz? >> the majority of write-downs came on marissa mayer's watch for bad acquisitions, and remember, microsoft wanted to buy it for $44 billion. you can't forget that. stuart stuart they turned everyone down. >> about nine years ago. stuart: that was worth a lot nine years ago. [laughter] check the big board, now up 12 points. i'm not going to say it's a rally -- 13 points, but that's a
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whole lot better than where we were this time last friday. s&p 500 same story, up a tiny fraction, but up nonetheless. now, check some of the big names, this is where a lot of your with money's going. amazon at $720 a share, or it's up $5. how about google? otherwise known as alphabet, that's been under pressure, but it's back above $700 per share, up $3 right now. netflix up about $4 at 95. listen to this. apple reportedly in talks, reportedly, to buy jay-z's streaming music service which is i think, nicole, that's talled tidal, isn't it? -- called tidal, isn't hit? >> well, let's take a look at the stock right now how apple is faring. right now it's relatively flat at 95.58, but this is apple in talks to acquire tide am. but this is jay-z's baby, right? streaming music service. there's 40 million songs on there.
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you can have two options, $10 for the regular sound, $20 if you want it in hi-fi, and this would meet dr. dre, don't forget apple brought in beats by dr. dre, but tidal, he originally bought this one for $56 million, so we'll see if they can come to some sort of agreement. stuart: we shall see. back to the hershey/mondelez deal or no deal, hershey's board rejected the $23 billion offer from monday please. john, it appears to me that if they -- do you think the board has rejected it forever? they've got a history of doing this. >> i think they have. they turned down an acquisition earlier. liz was right about all of her stats she had earlier, but this hershey trust, they're both good and bad. they had some problems with overpaid directors, but they also run a large philanthropic effort with hershey with hundreds of kids of disadvantaged backgrounds going to this school.
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this is very important to them because it was very important to the founder. this also has a lot to do with that disadvantaged school which is not getting a lot of play. >> the town of hershey, pennsylvania, routinely rejected mergers. stuart: they don't want it. >> independence for them. right. stuart: that's what i said when i became an american citizen. i want my independence. dow's up now 17 points, ladies and gentlemen. we opened flat, now we're up 19 points. i hesitate to predict a little selling before the close of trading today. >> stability you were looking for. stuart: another week. [laughter] up 18 -- i hear somebody in my ear saying something. i'm not quite sure. >> weekend. stuart: i heard you, i heard you. the price of oil is below $50, it's at 348.35, it's been -- 48.35, it's been that way for a long time. how about gasoline? get out there and drive, everybody. that is the low of the last 11 years. national average, $2.28. get out there and drive. it's not been as low as this on
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a national average basis since 2009. >> record 43 million people taking to the roads and airways. stuart: is that from aaa? >> yes. stuart: how many? >> 43 million this july 4th. stuart: did you know 66% of americans will barbecue? >> including you, you american, you. stuart: scott shellady, when am i going to see gas coming back down again? because i'm tired of this up and up and up and up. >> i think we're going to stay at this level for a while, stuart. it's going to be hard to get through 50, maybe 55 on the highs. but at the end of the day, 0% interest rates for seven years, record low gas prices on july 4th, and we still can't get a u.s. economy above 2%gdp, that's the real story here. we've got all this opportunity, and we just keep dropping the ball. when is it going to get fixed? stuart: good question. are you driving this weekend, scott? >> i am driving and flying. stuart: flying, oh. are you going away for the entire week?
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[laughter] >> no. yeah, i'm going to scottsdale, and i will, i'll be back on tuesday. stuart: oh. is so you're one of these 1 percenters who have got a nice house down there in arizona, is that it? [laughter] >> uh-oh. stuart: i don't want to get personal, scott. >> it's not the right time of year to be going there and in my size, but i have to make sure everything's okay. [laughter] stuart: it looks as though we have got a black and white camera on you, scott, because i can't tell whether you're blushing or not. [laughter] i want to look at exxon, please. i can't believe i'm hearing this, but it is correct. exxon is backing, promoting a carbon tax. yeah, you heard me right. that's exxon wants a carbon tax. are they doing this because they want good pr to show that they're really good climate people? >> it's more than just pr. look, you've got attorneys general who are investigating them. there's this new messaging that if you deny climate change,
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that's a crime. stuart: outrageous. >> and they've got to make sure -- massachusetts attorney general in particular is aggressively going after them. they sued that attorney general saying it's a violation of their free speech. but this is, of course, what liberal governments do, liberal, democratic attorney generals are doing. and the problem is they do still have to operate in the system, and it is a demonstration. but i think arguably it's a forced demonstration so they can continue -- >> yeah. well, tammy's right. they're doing a racketeering push possibly like they did with big tobacco. by the way, the states just use these companies like budget line items. but bernie sanders wants a carbon tax. that's in the democratic party platform. >> exactly. stuart: that is outrageous for states' attorneys general to go after politically and economically major corporations in america. that's not what they're here for. >> right. stuart stuart that's not their job. >> and when the companies give the money over, it's spent on pork barrel prompts, not on things like -- stuart: scott shellady, what do
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you make of a prosecution of exxon on the grounds that they misled people about global warming? >> well, i mean, you can't turn a science into politics. i don't agree with that at all whatsoever to, number one. number two, it kind of sounds like the casinos holding gambler anonymous meetings inside the casino. i don't get it. this kind of stuff is backwards, if you ask me. stuart: talk a look at the dow again, please. we're up 29 points now, 17,958, that's about 41 points away from 18,000. one week ago the dow was down about 400 points at this point. now, that's a week ago. we've completely turned it around. if i'm not mistaken, we're about 50-odd points from break even. in other words, being exactly where we are -- where we were before the vote. >> that's right. stuart: that's where we are. how about this one? it is july the 1st. minimum wage increases go into effect today in 15 cities spread across five states. i think this is the march
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towards $15 an hour. want to go around the block here with everyone. first to you, tammy. what do you think about this march to 15 -- legislated wages? >> it's a march towards robotics, is what it is. you're going to have kiosks that are going to sell things to people. this we've learned from seattle, it's -- the burden is put on the back of other struggling people. you will fire individuals in order to maintain the salary requirement of the others that you have there. and others, of course, are putting fast food places putting in robotics and riosings so you can -- kiosks so you can order your own food. stuart: john layfield, the minimum wage in bermuda must be about $3,000 an hour. it's a very expensive place. >> there actually isn't a minimum wage here right now. i i run a program for at risk kids sacking groceries, age 12, and they work off tips. >> that's how it used to be. >> and it actually works fine. the problem i have with this $15
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minimum wage is why 15? because it looks good on a bumper sticker? you're not talking about fixing anything. tied to inflation or was debt of wages -- basket of wages, so you take it out of politics and union hands. that's all it is. stuart: $30,000 a year. >> it's supposed to be an entry-level job, it's not supposed to be a career. by the way, awol on this debate, when you have raising overtime pay and minimum wages, watch out. college tuition goes up. stuart: that's right. because of all those people who want minimum wage in the colleges. i want to go back to the june sales numbers from general motors. i want to clarify something here. gm sales down 1.6% in the month of june, okay? the stock reacting with a near 2% gain. maybe the market thought they'd lose even more market share or whatever it is, but they're at $28 a share at general motors right now, and the dow industrials are up nearly 25 points. that's it. sixteen minutes into our trading
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session, i want to thank tammy, scott and john. have a happy fourth, one and all. enjoy arizona, son, it's about 120 degrees. [laughter] all right, check the big board, now we're up 28 points, how about that? 17,957. the chipmaker, micron, announcing job cuts because they make chips for pcs, and the market in pcs is not that great. nicole, what's going on? >> the market for pcs is not that great. this chipmaker is under pressure. stock's down 9 president. you know what else is not that good? sales for smartphone, also not that great. sales overall dropped about 25%. micron gets hit, down 9% today, so that is a dramatic move. they've come out, they've given, tried to give a rosy picture saying that they'll have their competitive edge in the second half of 2016, but we'll wait and see for that. stuart: yes, we will. they're down 9.5%. got it. all right. i'm going to call this a pretty flat to ever so slightly higher market this friday morn being.
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we're up just 23 points as we speak, 17,953. got a story for you about security at the airports. following the attack in istanbul, some airports are now considering moving their security perimeters outside the tsa desks, outside to the curb. is this in america in. >> yeah, this is. it was considered in airports in washington d.c. everybody in aviation is talking about this move. also lax may do police checks of cars coming into the parking lot. so it could be curbside check security checks now because the majority of the airport attacks that we've seen have occurred before the security check inside the airport. we've seen in istanbul and brussels. there have been multiple attacks and attempted takes on airports. we've seen it around the world, in beijing and the netherlands -- rather, that part of the world as well. >> well, they should do it correctly, because israel's been doing this forever. you do not get into the airport. they assess you before you even
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get into the facility so nobody's going to be hurt in the security line inside. at the same time, if you're not doing it properly, then you still have everyone bunched up at the curb, don't you? >> so expect longer waits. stuart: the bottom line is you're going to be profiled. there is a profiling system -- >> we have to do it. what are you going to do -- [inaudible conversations] stuart: japan's high court says we're going to surveil all muslims in the country. that's from japan. >> right. stuart: how about that? let's get more on the istanbul bombing. the suspected leader behind the attack is believed to be a one-armed isis commander of chechnyan descent. chechnyan being a former soviet republic. mike baker's here, former cia guy. we don't quite get to grips with this. we're used to hearing people from north africa being involved, now it's a chechnyan? what's the relationship? >> well, think about the
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tsarnaev brothers, they came from dagestan, the boston marathon bombing. what's up with this is tunisia over the past few years has provided more foreign fighters than any other country to the islamic state. saudi arabia, basically, second. third is the former soviet union. kyrgyzstan, dagestan, chechnya, and the chechnyan connection is for years this was a brutal campaign. russia and chechnya trying to suppress. russia's had a problem, putin's had a problem with muslim extremism for quite some time. it created a large cadre of very battle-hardened individuals. they hate russia, they hate the west. and they've been prized recruits for the islamic state because of their military experience. we took out a little over a year ago we took out a fellow who was a very senior military commander for the islamic state from chechnya. this individual that we're talking about now that looks like he was responsible or partly responsible for the
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planning of the ataturk airport bombing, akhmed chatayev took some responsibility. he was responsible in part for the chechnyan and russian-speaking fighters in the islamic state. stuart: now, as i recall, this was some years ago, the chechnyan republic, the russians flattened it. there was a muslim revolt or a local revolt towards independence. the russians came and just creamed it. there was torture on both sides, it was a dreadful incident. >> yeah. stuart: and that created this band of chechnyan warriors who now are making war on us. >> right. stuart: now, let me reverse this. there are a lot of people in america who want to do precisely the same thing to isis that russia did to the chechnyans. if we do this, would we have the same result a couple years down the road? >> well, look, at the 30,000-foot level what you're alluding to, i think, is
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correct. we can't kill our way out of it. it doesn't necessarily mean we shouldn't make a good faith effort in concert with all the other things we have to be doing. but just carpet bombing isn't going to work. we have to be smarter than that. but we have to be more aggressive in what we're doing right now. if we continue the same path, the same strategy, you know, as president obama likes to say, this is a long-term effort. well, of course it's a long-term effort. it's because of the strategy that you've chosen which is, essentially, at best a little beyond the stalemate. we are taking some turf back, we are diminishing their revenue streams, but we're going to be talking about this for several years in the future if we continue at this pace. we have to be more aggressive. and waiting for that happy day when our allies pick up the ball and run with it -- >> more aggressive but not carpet bombing. >> right. stuart: people like you on the ground directing the bombs when we're firing on a convoy, we don't care that much about the families if they're involved. can you summarize it like that? >> yeah, you can summarize it like that. more of a -- look, we do
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tactical missions very well. use of smart, aggressive power. doing what we do best in terms of -- of course, the air campaign, that's been successful, but you need more behind that. >> can i add one tiny thing? stuart: you won't get that until the next president arrives. >> bin laden had a campaign to move air babb islamists -- arab islamists into chechnya. that was a big complaint. that was one of the things that set this dynamic off. and remember, of course, they're also responsible for that school massacre. that's who the chechnyans are, these chechnyan islamists, combined with a mucks of arabs who were moved in there specifically by bin laden. stuart: thank you very much, indeed. breaking news, we're hearing from fbi agents about that meeting between bill clinton and the attorney general, loretta lynch. what are they saying? >> yeah. this comes from fox news' bret baier. fbi agents livid about the meeting, and they're saying it
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goes beyond bad appearance and optics as david axlerod has said. because bill clinton, they're saying, is a potential target, a potential witness. there's another part of the probe here regarding hillary clinton, and that's the clinton foundation. in other words, blue chip companies, wall street companies having business before the state department and possibly donating or having any kind of connection to the clinton foundation. stuart: ah, this is an extraordinary story, and it's breaking wide open. all right, we're on it. liz, thank you very much, indeed. >> sure. stuart: check the big board, we're up 31 points. yes, it is friday morning. the day before a long fourth of july weekend. you're looking at recovery from brexit and armageddon. almost a full recovery as of now. big story of the day, individual stocks, tesla, fatal crash for the model s involving a self-driving car. the feds are taking a look at this, but the stock is now down just $1. next item, house speaker paul ryan says the house will vote next week on legislation to
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block people on the terror watch list from buying guns. town hall editor and defender of the second amendment, katie pavlich, is with us now. all right, katie, do you think this will pass? i don't know -- i don't care whether you want it to pass or not. think it will? no fly, no buy? >> well, the details about exactly what type of legislation and what it will be tacked onto as a larger package of counterterrorism initiatives, essentially, aren't clear. but i don't think that it will necessarily pass. not because republicans aren't willing to do it, because democrats are demanding unless their bills are brought to the floor -- which, by the way, failed in the senate -- that they're threatening to hold another sit-in as soon as they get back from the july 4th recess. stuart: so if it did pass, no-fly/no-buy, i don't think you approve of it because it would be government bureaucrats deciding who goes on the list who doesn't, is that right? >> well, the question is going
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to be whether the court system gets involved. unless the government decides to, essentially, start over with their no-fly lists and the terror watch lists which are two separate lists containing a million names, many of whom are innocent americans who it takes seven, eight years to get off, unless they're going to reform the list, they're going to have a real problem with due process and a problem with stripping constitutional rights before the government has the probable cause. and one of the bills that may be brought up for the vote next week has to do with putting the burden on the government to prove and to say that they have probable cause to think that you're a terrorist rather than simply suspecting because your name got put on a list by some bureaucrat. stuart: look, i don't think most americans want to see a proliferation of guns into bars, restaurants, school, hospitals and all those other place, but we haven't got the legislation available to limit the amount, the number of guns in our society. that's where i think we stand at the moment. and you know what? i'm out of time. [laughter] flat out -- >> before you go, stuart, i have
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to wish you a happy independent day as an american. we're proud that you're here, and the original brexit, so we're excited for you to celebrate with us. >> the original brexit. stuart: i did not bring my non-gun culture from england over to america with me, okay? i'm a second amendment guy, katie, remember that. >> i kno you are. [laughter] stuart: we'll see you soon. attorney general loretta lynch says she will follow the fbi's lead on whether or not to indict hillary clinton. the announcement coming just days after her private meeting with bill clinton. now we hear the fbi, agents thereof, livid about that meeting. and the obama administration asking companies like google and goldman sachs to help with syrian refugees, to pay for 'em. we cover it all on "varney & company." hour two is next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ stuart: great song. i remember that one. american pie. it's the holiday weekend. you're looking at time square, new york city, look at this. gas cheaper than it's been in many years. 2.28 for regular. it was 2.76 last year at this time, 43 million people hit the road this holiday weekend. here are big stories for you this friday morning. attorney general loretta lynch under pressure for meeting privately with bill clinton.
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lynch about to come out and say she will accept whatever the fbi hands down from e-mail investigation of hillary clinton. donald trump jumped all over this one, trump says hillary's e-mail scandal is the story of the year. and president obama asking big companies to help settle syrian refugees. the white house asking google, goldan sax and others for money to resettle them. let's look at the markets. we keep on going up. would you look at this, now we are up nearly 50 points. now, another modest rally. sales in june up 6%. the to be is up 2%. sales at general motors were down 1.6%. the stock is fractionally higher but at $28 a share. fiat chrysler, sales there up 6%. the stock is barely moving. how about netflix, buy that
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thing and people are, it's up $4, 5%, 96 is the quote. >> donald trump is asking questions about bill clinton's private meeting with attorney general loretta lynch. a lot of questions. watch this. >> it was a sneak. it was really a -- it was really something that they didn't want publicized. i think it's so terrible and horrible, i think it's one of the biggest stories of this week, month of this year. welcome to the program. >> thanks for having me. >> i want to ask you about donald trump in the polls, he's losing a little bit of ground and i suspect it's because we are seeing the new donald trump, the nailed down, the prompter donald trump, you knowings a lot of people i talked to, give me back the old trump, the guy who was interesting, the guy that was entertaining.
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>> well, the quinnipiac poll shows mr. trump in a dead heat with hillary clinton. 42 to 40% with a margin of error plus or minus 2 and we are going to continue to surge forward an continue to lead because we are shifting the tone for the campaign in terms of focusing more specific on policies and pointing out, hillary clinton, failed career. stuart: you are focusing on the tone and less on personality. i just want a feeling that people want the old donald trump, he was outrageous and they liked it. do you ever wanting to back to that? >> mr. trump is performing and delivering like he has.
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stuart: i don't think so. >> absolutely. we are focusing on the issues. resinating and having conversations with the american public that they're having closed doors. stuart: you know what's coming next. there are reports that newt newt newt gingrich as vp. i see a smile. >> i'm going to let mr. trump make that announcement at the right time. stuart: is the announcement coming soon, you think. i'm sure it would be made in the coming weeks. is he just two chris christie and newt gringrich. >> would you have a personal favorite between the two? >> my favorite is whomever my boss mr. trump picks. he will make the ultimate decision. he has amazing instinct, he has
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lived a life-long successful stories in the fronts and whomever he picks i will be more than happy with. >> i know that you're kind of new to being the spokesperson for a national celebrity and a presidential candidate, but may i say you hand it very well. >> thank you so much. stuart: you've got the smile. >> thank you. stuart: have you been to media training? >> i have not actually. stuart: does the campaign run media training for spokes people for mr. trump. >> it's baptism by my boss host it had apprentice. stuart: that smile is good for our viewers. >> thank you, always a pleasure to be here. stuart: see you soon. check the big board. we are up a big more. we opened pretty flat, 17980, 21 points from 18,000, almost a
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full recovery from brexit. now this, pentagon is ending band on transgenders allowing them to serve openly. lieutenant west is with us now, what do you make of this, you're a military guy, you've seen it? what do you make of this? >> good to be with you, happy independence day. in the after math of the second islamist terrorist attack, 49 americans lost their lives, the response has been gun control, climate and now to lift the ban on transgender members in the united states military. now this is happening when we have the deadly, the highest level of aif vagues mishaps occurring in the united states military to the point where maintenance crews are going to museum to get parts to keep flying. when was the last time you heard of a blue ángel's aircraft crashing within the same week.
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they will be footing sex change operations at a time when we can't even afford to keep our aircraft flying and this is going to be happening for what the american psychiatric association called misgender phobia. >> i happened to know what it is. i watched private ryan so i know what you're talking about. very nice use of language. if you were the president or the defense secretary, would you make this change? >> no, i would not because one of the things that said it's not broken, why try to fix something . this is a progressive socialist ideological agenda when we have the most vicious, vile terrorist organization, most-funded terrorist organization that we
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have ever seen and this is a global movement and yet we aretr army. smallest marine corps since world war i. the oldest and smallest fleets since we created the modern united states air force and the most important thing that the obama administration can talk about right now is changing a policy on transgender individuals. that's not the focus, that's not a priority and the american people should be appalled. >> colonel stay there for a second. i have a poll for everyone to look at. go back to 2011 and 69% of vote rs said they were proud of america, today is 50%. so it was way up there. now 50% proud to be american. liz: yes, 19% swing.
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the republicans are feeling less proud of america given the direction of the country and when you look at the split, it's men and women agree, both men and women agree that they don't feel as proud of america as they did five years ago. stuart: colonel west come back with us please, i know you're still with us and i know you're a proud american. how do you explain the 19-point drop from just a couple of years ago and the number of people that were proud to be americans? >> well, when you look at propaganda against america. when you see the -- our own president of the united states of america going to other countries and not speaking up our own nation, that causes you concern, when you can look on television, you can see people openly burning the flags of the united states of america at rallies, that should cause us concern. i come from a family, my father was a world war ii veteran, my older brother served as marines
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and i did 22 years myself and my nephew in afghanistan. i think that there's still a grassroots pride in being an american but right now i think that we have to come back and ask ourselves as we get ready to celebrate our 240th independence what does it mean to be an american, do we truly stand for liberty, freedom and democracy and owning to all of the founding principles that our fathers gave to us. stuart: by the way, we are not racists, ordinary decent americans who believe in individual liberty and freedom. is that too much to say? >> no. stuart: thank you very much for being with us. happy july the fourth to you, sir. >> thanks, so much, stuart. stuart: new warning from al-qaeda threatening the u.s. of the boston marathon bomber, what's that? >> he's considered the brains behind the 9/11 attacks, the gravest consequences if the u.s.
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executes one of the perpetrators of the boston bombing. it is part of jihad against the united states. so we haven't heard from al-qaeda leader in a while. conceivable that they are going to attack regardless. stuart: they're just making a threat. i really don't like chance. this is the dow over the past month. you see that. big drop. that -- that started the day after britain voted to leave the european union. look at the bounceback. it was not a financial armageddon. we are back before the british vote. how about that? president obama hitting the campaign trail with hillary clinton, he says he's fired up. the president out to save he is legacy. look at this, nasa video of
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planet jupiter, it shows jupiter version of the northern lights and electric blue auroa glowing at jupiter's north pole. we bring you good video, don't we? back in a moment this man creates software, used by this bank, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this vice president, this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician,
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stuart: what happened to armageddon. [laughter] >> stuart: look at the british bank. there's a chart for you. they recovered from the brexit vote, they announced that they're not going to move headquarters after all and there she goes. hong kong and shanghai. economist, very much establishment people, the threat from the brexit vote was a huge global economic risk. the city was about as bad as donald trump winning presidency. welcome back. [laughter] stuart: how are you? >> it's great to be back. stuart: are you prepared that you were totally wrong from the brexit? >> just because the uk shot himself in the foot. that doesn't mean that the world
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will walk with a limp. actual economic recession which we do expect to occur on pretty economic forecaster is predicting is going to effect the dutch, irish, partly sick of the british from this point and the spanish but the rest can carry on. stuart: i'm not with you. didn't you say that if the british vote today leave there would be a real problem with the financial markets, they would go straight down? well, for a couple of days they did but we are back. we are 17,983. didn't they forecast armagedon. just as trump is the president or a jihadist terrorist attack. >> extraordinarily bad for the
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uk economy and would lead to enormous amount of uncertainty. what we are seeing the uk, the pound down, downgraded by three different rating agencies and everyone is expecting a recession. but the rest of us, it is kind of an opportunity. we were actually saying that night as the markets tanked there might be opportunity and well played for those who were brave enough to step in. stuart: the biggest threat is that the european union breaks up. other countries having a referendum, we want out, the dutch, the french, the sweden, et cetera, et cetera. that's a real danger to our financial markets, do you agree with that? >> it's a great point. something is going to have the european union, the biggest economy in the world, then everybody would fail. it's something to be very aware of absolutely but it could go contrary and it could be a good thing. frankly they are second to british. [laughter] >> this is our chance to work
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together and maybe create a unified policy without the british yelling. stuart: what i as an anglo-american, what i want is the reform of the european union economy. i don't like this neo socialism. if you could reform that, i'm all with you. >> well, if you think about what problems are in europe then the major issues is actually not close enough and that might be frown but issue in europe they need to have things like single deposit system. stuart: that's all technical stuff. they need individual responsibility and liberty. that solves a lot of problems and you're not going to do it with the european union as is. >> these countries are suffering despite what those in uk are
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saying, spain, italy have been overhauling the labor market. if you look at spain, it's well at the moment punching ahead. and fantastic job of reforming economies at least up to a point and turning into the capitalist economy that you're hungering for. [laughter] stuart: i am, indeed. >> that's an american term. stuart:ly take it. all right. please stay was. i have a couple of other issues i want to put before you and we will be back in a second. i want to mark this today marks the 100 years since the battle. the british royal family attended gun salute in england. the battle of the somn, the biggest bloodiest battle, 120,000 men died on that single day a hundred years ago. that was an extraordinary thing.
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to learn more. switch to liberty mutual and you could save up to $509. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. stuart: look at apple stock, please, no impact from this item of news apple in talks to acquire jay z's streaming music service. the chip maker losing a lot of money. pc demand is down and that stock taking on the chin nearly 10% down. president obama will join hillary clinton on the campaign trail next week. he will be with her in north carolina. significance? liz: yes, he's fired up. it's about protecting the president's legacy. donaldtrump reaching out toward
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bernie sanders voters. those bernie sanders voters, working-class voters. stuart: robert powell is still with us. he's with the economist and the economist backed president obama for a second term so i presume robert powell that you think that president obama's presence on the trail with hillary is a good thing for hillary. >> absolutely right. he's got this strategy, he gets the majority of the minorities out. he won a number of elections and actually he's recognized the demographics have changed very much in this country and where they're going, they're going to north carolina. if they could win the marginal state f they could win this state then it would be extraordinary good news for hillary. stuart: i'm not laughing at you,
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i just think that at the bottom of the screen we should font what you're saying because you have extreme british accent. i do hope that our good viewers understand what they're saying. >> i'm sorry. stuart: you're an obama aback-- >> i'm happy to come back on that day. [laughter] stuart: you will. that was fun. watch this, just watch this. skydiver in oklahoma facing death and parachute failing to open. you can see him trying to open it. calmly activates the reserve shoot, it's the white one. he caught the whole thing on gopro. i'm not sure that i would be so calm, frankly. you would be paranoid. president obama doubling down on plan to settle tens of thousands of syrian refugees here in
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america and he's going to ask google and goldman sachs to help pay for it. meanwhile loretta lynch meets with bill clinton despite e-mail investigation and fbi and report to loretta lynch said to be livid about that meeting and so is donald trump. >> when i first heard that yesterday afternoon, i thought they were joking, i said, no way, there's no way that's going to happen and it happened and i am just -- i'm flabbergasted. i have never seen anything like that before
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♪ finish. stuart: i know it's lynrd skynrd. sweet home alabama. >> wonderful. one of the seven rock songs you know. [laughter] stuart: look at that on the screen, please. we just keep going up. a lot of people thought we'd see selling -- >> eight points within dow 18,000. stuart: seven points. don't forget about gold. the dollar's a bit weaker, that makes it cheaper for foreigners to buy gold, and it's up $20 an ounce at 1340. i want to get back to the gun debate. speaker of the house paul ryan says the house will vote next week on legislation to block suspected terror its from buying guns. sheriff david clark is with us again this morning. sheriff, welcome back. good to see you, sir. >> good to see you, stuart, and an early happy independence day to you and your staff and everybody at fox business news.
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stuart: right back at you, sheriff. now, do you think this no-fly/no-buy bill, if it were to pass, would it work? >> well, i think they're working on the wrong thing. let's go back to the gunning. this all came about, all this discussion out of the orlando terror attack and omar mateen. first of all, he was not even on the no-fly list when he committed his offense. he was on it previously, and then this conversation came up. but it has nothing to do with gun anyway. there's a reason why congress has such a low approval rating. this thing will probably pass the house because in the house, as you know, they can't filibuster. all the republicans are asking, and i think it's what the nra is saying, t very reasonable, all they're asking for is due process. i find something very distasteful about government keeping a secret list with anybody on it without any oversight or process. how do you get on that list, who makes the final determination, and how could you get off that list? what if you're on that list in
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error? stephen hayes, the fox news contributor, was on the watch list. if he had gone in to buy a firearm, they would have said it's denied, he would have said, what are you talking about? we can't tell you because it's secret. i find something very distasteful in that process. stuart: fair point. >> nobody wants terrorists to get ahold of firearms, but at the same time, the government does make mistakes. we do have a constitution. if you're going to deny constitutional rights in this country, it cannot be done without due process. i think it's reasonable. stuart: okay. i want you to address the very, very big picture. i think a lot of people in america are concerned about the proliferation of guns into everyday life. and i don't think they want it. regardless of whether it makes them more of safe, i don't think they want see guys with rifles walking down the street. i don't think they want to see guys with guns in a bar where liquor is served or a restaurant. i don't think they want to see guns in schools regardless of the arguments about keeping the kids safe. i don't think they generally want to see that proliferation
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of guns. are you with me on this? >> no, i don't know that that's true. let's look at it this way. depending on who you want to believe, over 2 to 300 million gun owners in this state. i'm talking, like, 99% would never use that weapon in a way that was unintended to be used. so we're talking about a small slice of the pie here anyway. you know, we have a constitution. if we want to eliminate or decimate the second amendment, there's a process within the constitution. that's the brilliance of that document. we could change it through the constitutional process, not by some court decree and not by some local city ordinance or some state law that takes away my constitutional rights. let's have the discussion, try to change the second amendment. but the problem with that, stuart, is that those on the left, the anti-gun bigots and zealots, they know there is no public support to decimate the second amendment, so they try to
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do it in these understood handed ways. stuart: okay. sheriff clark, thanks very much as always, and a very great july 4th to you and your staff right there. thank you. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: shortly, we're going to show you attorney general loretta lynch, and we think she's going to say she will accept whatever the fbi's recommendation is in the clinton e-mail scandal. media buzz host howard kurtz is with us now. howard, we were here on "varney & company," fox business, we were certainly among the very first to start reporting on that questionable private meeting between bill clinton and loretta lynch. we did this way back early, early wednesday morning. why did it take so long for the rest of the media to follow us? >> that is a very good question that has no good answer, because i actually did the research, and fox news -- including your program -- did a lot on this, calling it a questionable meeting, by the way, is being diplomatic. it was an awful meeting that
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should never have taken place. cnn did some, msnbc did very little, "the new york times" and washington post were slow. i think many took it at face value that, well, this at no time look good, but they talked about the grandkids. look, i used to cover the justice department. this was a stunning lack of judgment on the part of both the former president and president obama's attorney general. stuart: yeah. and i think your view is widely shared. but it's not shared in the mainstream media. i'm using that, presentation as sort of -- expression in sort of a strange fashion, but you know "the washington post." i've never seen such, a newspaper of such quality so in the tank for one particular candidate. i've never seen anything like this before. i mean, it's real extreme views being expressed on a daily basis, anti-trump, pro-hillary. i'm astonished at the degree to which they've gone.
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>> well, on the news coverage i'm not going to agree with the premise that "the washington post" is in the tank for hillary clinton. i do think the paper has been very tough on donald trump with investigative pieces day after day. we're not seeing anything on the other side. but now all these media outlets including the ones that kind of yawned or tut-tutted in a soft fashion the fact that there was this meeting on loretta lynch's plane are now having to gear up and treat this as a story because the justice department very conveniently leaked early this morn, late last night that she was going to follow the recommendations of the fbi and career prosecutors on the e-mail investigation. look, bill clinton isn't just the husband of hillary clinton, he's a potential witness in the case, he lives with her, that's where the private e-mail server was, at their home. the clinton foundation could be involved. so it is just shocking to me even if they did only talk about grand kids and social chitchat that neither of them could see that the appearance of this private meeting would just be awful. stuart: do you think that her
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statement when she makes it, that she will accept the recommendation of the fbi one way or the other? do you think that restores her reputation? >> i don't think anything can completely take away this blemish, this exhibition of bad judgment. but final outcome if people are going to have any confidence in what the fbi decides based on their career prosecutors looking into this hillary e-mail fiasco, there has to be a feeling that the democratic attorney general of president obama who is campaigning for hillary clinton this week didn't use political judgment in, say, overruling what her subordinates have decided. the fact is she's essentially taking herself out of the final decision is a good step however this goes for people to have some confidence that this wasn't handled as a political football. stuart: the news justin keeps on coming, does it -- just keeps on coming. >> so much for the holiday weekend. [laughter] stuart: enjoy your fourth, howard, please. >> same to you, sir.
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stuart: thanks, howard. now, the major corporate story of the day, major stock news of the day is from tesla. they've got some problems to deal with. the feds have launched an investigation into a patal accident which involves -- fatal accident which involves a tesla car being driven in autopilot mode. nicole, i see stock is up. not sure i can explain that. what's going on? >> listen, people bought it at the low of the day, as low as $206. so if you're a believer in the company, you're taking one fatality -- and, obviously, that's a very big deal, i don't want to minimize that, but if you're a believer in the stock and the company, if you like it at 212, you love it at 206. this is video here of the truck, and this is the incident of this fatality, a truck that had a white side. the vehicle, this autonomous vehicle, right, self-driving vehicle did not detect the white on the side of the truck to differentiate it from the bright sky. and as a result, this accident.
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the drivers are due can, they have to acknowledge it is a technology in development, and they're supposed to keep both hands on the steering wheel. they've driven 130 million miles, and this is the first incident of this sort. stuart: and the stock is now up a little. all right. thank you very much, indeed, nicole. good stuff, indeed. now, some blockbuster news from volkswagen. >> yeah. stuart: sales numbers? >> really bad numbers, down 22% for june. so off by a fifth. we're going to dig into these numbers for you, stuart. this comes as ford reports up 6.4% for the month of june, fiat chrysler up 6.5, gm flat to down 1.6 percent. stuart: volkswagen is up on that 22% drop in sales. maybe the market thought it was going to be worse. >> well, they took it to the woodshe would earlier in trading -- stuart: i'm sorry, liz, to interrupt, show me the big board before it hits 18,000, because i think it's going to.
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buy something, somebody, and we'll get to 18 -- [laughter] hold it, hold it -- >> whoa! good for you. [applause] ♪ ♪ stuart: now, that means at this moment we are ten points away from getting right back to where we were before the british vote. that is, ladies and gentlemen, a recovery. cue those fireworks. why not? 18,000 -- >> happy 4th. stuart: now coming back down a lit. we made it. we were on the air. >> that's right. stuart: it's fun, isn't it? >> it is fun. stuart: the obama administration asking private companies like google, goldman sachs and others to help pay for syrian refugees coming to the united states. that's new. and we're also awaiting attorney general loretta lynch. we're expecting her to address that private meeting with bill clinton. this'll be at the top of the coming hour. we'll take you there live. more "varney "after this. if you suffer from a dry mouth,
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♪ finish. ♪ >> happy 4th of july weekend. remember, "varney & company" starts 9 a.m. eastern time. here's what you missed last hour. katie pavlich on gun control. >> unless the government decides to essentially start over with their no-fly list and the terror watch list which are two separate lists containing a million names of -- many of whom are innocent americans who it takes, you know, seven, eight years to get off in some cases,
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unless they're going to reform the lists, they're going to have a real problem with due process and a problem with stripping constitutional rights before the government has the probable cause. and one of the bills that may be brought up for the vote next week has to do with putting the burden on the government to prove and to say that they have probable cause to think that you're a terrorist rather than simply suspecting because your name got put on a list by some bureaucrat. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ born to be wild -- [laughter] stuart: born to be wild, who's that? >> steppenwolf. and guess what it copied the song? the term "heavy metal" is in the lyric. stuart: look at your screens, ladies and gentlemen. we're almost at 18,000. we hit 18k a moment ago, dropped back a bit. that's a rally. smile. july the 4th is coming. big names hitting lifetime highs. look at this, conagra, monster beverage, cisco, the food distributer -- sysco, all of those stocks have actually hit lifetime highs in the last couple of minutes, never been higher. now this. president obama calling on private companies to assist refugees from places like syria. goldman sachs, google being
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asked to provide education. i've never seen this before, ric grenell, have you? >> no, i haven't. and i think, actually, they should go a step further. what we should require for companies that want to commit to sponsor individual imgrants coming in -- immigrants coming in, i think it's a fantastic idea, but they should have long-term commitments so that the immigrants actually stay working, that they don't temporarily work and all of a sudden get off the employment rolls and struggle within the united states to find a job. i think there should be long-term commitments from these companies. if they want to make these commitments to bring people here and they think it's important, i think that's great. they should be held accountable for the immigrants that they help bring. stuart: but, you know, it's crony capitalism really, isn't it? there's an implied -- it's not a threat, but there's an implied feeling of, look, hey, give us some money, give these people a job, and the counterpart is or
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else. you're not on the favored list. i see a big problem with that. >> yeah. look, the whole corporate cronyism is really what you call washington d.c. that's what happens there. and i think that's why there's a big revolt. i think we're seeing the same thing, stuart, in london when you, when you watch, you know, the u.k. voters begin to say that big institutions aren't working for them. they're tired of kind of the rhetoric from the elites about taking care of the people when they're really just taking care of their friends. so i see it across the board. if you're the ceo of a company, what do you say to the president of the united states or the white house when they ask for, or you know, hundreds of thousands of dollars to help refugees? you're going to be called a racist if you don't -- stuart: exactly. >> -- or pushed out somehow from the inner circle. stuart: what about those people in america who have lost their jobs over the past seven or eight years? they want a good-paying job.
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they don't get it from google or ibm or anybody else. no, the refugees get it from these selected companies, not native-born americans. i don't think that flies. 20 seconds, last to you. >> no, you're exactly right. which is why i go back to the point of let's hold these companies accountable. if they're going the take care of the immigrants, then they've got to take pr, so to speak, rap for trying to take care of immigrants without americans. stuart: ric grenell, i wish you the very best on july the 4th, 2016. >> thanks, stuart. you too. stuart: thank you. minutes from now attorney general loretta lynch expected to address publicly her private meeting with bill clinton. it's a very big story, this one. possible conflict of interest, apparent conflict of interest, for sure. and it could have big implications in this year's election. ♪
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stuart: attorney general loretta lynch will accept the fbi's recommendations in the clinton e-mail investigation. rich lowry is with us from the national review. what do you make of this? are you a lawyer parsing words? >> entirely with tammy. never trust, always parse. stuart: really? >> i was struck by her statement where she said we talked about
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our grandchildren a great deal and primarily about social things. underline primarily. and if she's just going to accept the career recommendations, why doesn't she go all the way and recuse herself? stuart: well, if she did recuse herself, you have to have, what, a special prosecutor? >> i would think -- [inaudible conversations] >> the career people are going to handle it. stuart: yeah. but then that would take you beyond the election, wouldn't it? >> i don't think you need a special prosecutor necessarily if you just say i'm going to let all the career people handle it, and i'm not going to be personally involved. stuart: do you think hillary clinton walks away from this event of the last two or three days, is she unscathed, or has she taken a hit? >> well, you look at every single poll, no one believes her story, and everyone believes the fix is in, and that's only going to accent this sense. and, look, they're cognizant of guilt here. the story was the fbi told people not to take pictures, and they weren't going to volunteer
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the information they had, this meeting. it was only because it was discovered. if it was totally innocent and above board and they knew there was no appearance problem, why wouldn't they just say, look, we had a meeting and tell everyone up front? stuart: it really bothers me, this idea that our government is interfering in a free election. i think the government used the machinery of government to handle conservatives in the irs scandal, and i think there's something similar to that going on here. pressure on the presidential election system. am i going too far? >> yeah. just this meeting. the bigger problem is loretta lynch works for a man who desperately wants hillary clinton to be the next president of the united states and wants to do everything he can to hurt donald trump. so there's an inherent conflict whether she actually met with bill or not. and some people are say, oh, look, she couldn't have turned away bill clinton, she had to accept this meeting. come on. if he showed up with an envelope
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full of cash, would she have to accept that too? stuart: all right, everybody. thank you very much, indeed. >> coming up, u.s. attorney general loretta lynch will address the public on her private meeting with bill clinton. fbi agents telling fox news they are livid about that meeting. we're going to take you there live.
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stuart: it is precisely 11:00 on the east coast, 8:00 in california. any moment now attorney general loretta lynch will participate in what's called a moderated conversation with a washington post reporter. he is expected to ask her about that meeting with bill clinton. we're going to monitor this conversation and take you there when the questions start. this is a very big deal. donald trump says attorney general lynch's meeting with bill clinton is the scandal of the year. ed rollins, trump supporter, he is with me now. is he right? is that the scandal of the year? quite a statement. >> let me say it was probably one of bad judgments of the
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clear -- year. clearly, she took over an agency that was very, very political in the first period of this administration. it was totally inappropriate for them to have this meeting. my judge, any u.s. attorney that had this kind of a relationship, had something pending would basically be disqualified, and so i think it was just very bad judgment on both their parts. stuart: we're going to be interested to see if she can get her reputation back. the meeting should never have been held in the first place. >> obviously, one of them had to get out of a plane and -- it wasn't like they bumped into each other in the lounge. it was a deliberate effort and, obviously, judgment should have come forth, and we know historically the clintons don't have the best judgment. stuart: with all the scandal surrounding hillary clinton and now this from the attorney general -- the event, by the way, is about to take place. you can see it right there on the left-hand side of your screen. with all this going on, why is donald trump not capitalizing on hillary's scandals?
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i mean, he's behind in the polls, and in the fox poll he's falling further behind >>e should be out there ham herring them every sing -- hammering them every single day. somehow he gets distracted, and the truth of the matter is his focus has to be her. he has to have a deliberate plan. she is the -- the more than public views her as very dishonest. you want to reinforce that image, and it's just not his instincts and, unfortunately, he needs to get a little better. stuart: now, i know you don't advise donald trump -- >> no, i don't. stuart: but you do raise money -- >> and a super pac tries to run an alternative campaign, which we will do. stuart institute okay. do you like the new donald trump? we've seen him for the last couple of weeks. he's on message, he's on prompter, he's not rolling his eyes, he's not shouting and screaming, and he's not ad libbing, he's not outrageous, he's not nailed down. i've got a feeling that the public doesn't want the new
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trump. maybe the political professionals do, but the people want the old trump. >> well, some people do, the people who voted for him in the primary. but if you're going to drive a message, and it's very important what he's talking about, you have to be very disciplined about that message. you can't get up and say, okay, we're going to talk about trade today and then go off on some tangent. i hate mitch mcconnell, what have you. it's hard enough to drive a message -- stuart: ed, would you stay there for a second? i've got to deal with some business going on here. the big board, we have the stock market recovering almost completely green from the britie last week. remember, we were threatened with armageddon. we're now almost completely recovered. if we get back to 18,011, we have a full recovery. we have some well known names that are hitting lifetime highs. ulta salon, leg it and platte,
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they make home and office furnishes, colgate-palmolive, chlorox, you know that one. all of those stocks within the last few minutes have hit lifetime highs. the the price of oil still where it was before the british vote and for a couple of weeks before that, $48 a barrel. here's the great news for this july 4th weekend, get out there and drive can. $2.28 is the national average for regular gasoline. that is the lowest level on a july 4th weekend since 2005. $2.28. and look who's back on the subject of gas prices? that man there is, otherwise known as patrick dehaan. patrick, we've not seen you for a long time. where you been? >> i suppose that's good news though. gas prices are low, we don't talk about them as much. here we are july 4 and gas prices are low except, stuart, be careful, new jersey's talking about a gas tax. i don't know if you're going to be able to cross over the state
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line anymore if they approve a tax hike. stuart: well, they are talking about it, and it was defeat, i think, or put on hold. they were going to have a gas tax in the new jersey. i think it was up to 23 cents a gallon. >> that's right. stuart: i don't think they're going to do it now, so i'm safe for a while. i want you to tell me the trend, because recently i've seen gas peak to almost $2.30 a gallon national average, and now it's beginning to creep down again even though the price of oil is holding at $48 a barrel. do you think we'll get back down to the $2.20, $2.25 range? >> i do. i think that's inevitable. perhaps not in july or august. i think that's more likely for thanksgiving. but for the time being, as you indicated, here we are july 4 holiday, gas prices have been declining nationally for about two weeks with the exception being the west coast, but i can't think of a summer or july 4th, for that matter, where we've seen such a great set-up. a lot of downward pressure, and
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the national average likely to go back under $20 a gallon maybe as $2 a gallon maybe as soon as thanksgiving. stuart: we are using a lot more gasoline, aren't we? demand is through the roof. >> exactly. we are either at record levels or very close to those records. and, of course, we have to go back to 2007 when cars were a lot less fuel efficient and there were no teslas on the road for the last time we saw these record levels. stuart: now, do you think we're in -- give me a long-term forecast because a lot of people buying a car right now want to know if we're ever going to get back to $4 a gallon for gasoline in the next couple of years. do you discount that? not going to happen? will you say that? >> i think that's certainly a possibility. as we start to absorb the glut, i think it'll be in the next two to three years that we'll return to those levels. nobody wants to see it. u.s. oil production in this country is declining and along
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with at least a decent global economy, we're going to start chipping away at that glut of oil we have. stuart: okay. so i want to summarize it like this: you're the expert on gas prices, and you're saying that it is inevitable that by thanksgiving, november, we'll be back down to maybe $2.20 a gallon. that, you're saying that? >> back under $2 a gallon by thanksgiving, yep. stuart: say that again. somebody was talking in my ear, and i missed you. back down to what? >> under $2 a gallon nationally, stuart, by thanksgiving. stuart: i'm sorry i missed that, because a that's much more important. under $2 a gallon by thanksgiving so says on july the 1st patrick dehaan from we're going to hold you to it -- >> i can't wait for you to queue that back up on north carolina. [laughter] stuart: okay. we'll do that. thanks so much, patrick. on the left of your screen, everybody, you're looking at the site of what will be what's called a moderated conversation that will be between the attorney general and -- of the
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united states, loretta lynch and a reporter from "the washington post." we're expecting that reporter to go straight at it. what was that meeting all about on the tarmac at phoenix airport between you, the attorney general, and the former president of the united states, bill clinton? what on earth were you doing holding that meeting when you knew full well that bill clinton was married to hillary clinton who is the subject of an fbi negotiation -- investigation? subsequent to that meeting, we have herald from attorney general loretta lynch. she says the conversation -- although private -- was just about golf and grandchildren and travel. primarily, she said. now, this morning, she's gone further than that. she says that she will accept whatever the fbi tells her about the investigation of hillary clinton. in other words, she's not intimidated by bill clinton, she's not influenced by bill clinton, and to prove it, no matter what the fbi says, she will go with that.
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that is an attempt to salvage her reputation because it's been under fire from the conflict of interest charge. ed rollins, trump guy, still with me. have i got that about right? have i summed it up about right? that's what's going on here? >> 100%. and that's a very dramatic thing to say i'll accept the recommendation of the fbi because, obviously, they're a very reputable organization, particularly the director. my sense is normally what happens is they make recommendations that the attorney general may not move forward or they try to negotiate. she says she'll accept that recommendation, so they basically say this is been mischief and illegalities, obviously, she's going to take some activity. stuart: you know, it occurs to me this is another example of where the government can be legitimately accused of using the government machinery to intimidate their political opponents during an election campaign. i think that was true of the irs scandal, and i think to some degree it's true now. >> oh, i think there's no question about that.
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and i think to a certain extent what she has done by making this statement is she's put even more pressure on the fbi to basically come forth with the correct decision, because it's going to -- there's no court of last resort that's going to overturn it at this point in time. stuart: okay. we are going to bring you that moderated conversation, as it's called. we'll bring you that when it starts. we were expecting it to start ten minutes ago. she is, indeed, running late. that's the attorney general. meantime, a couple of things going on in the financial markets. there is no impact on your money from what we're waiting to hear from the attorney general. they're two completely separate items at this point. the dow jones average is still up about 50 points. we had been up a bit more than that. we had been at 18,000. and look at this. as we head io the holiday weekend, aports obviously on high alert following attacks like the ones, the one we saw in istanbul days ago. next, what we're doing to ramp
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stuart: something very important is about to happen. you are about to see -- this is from aspen, colorado -- they're about to hold what's called a moderated conversation between a washington post reporter and the attorney general of the united states. the attorney general is going to explain and tell us more about that meeting between her and bill clinton on the tarmac at phoenix airport where there was clearly a conflict of interest. now, apropos to that, we've got two items of news germane to this conflict of interest story and that meeting in the plane in phoenix. liz? >> coming from bret baier at fox news, fbi agents lived about attorney general -- livid about attorney general lynch's meeting with bill clinton, saying it goes beyond bad appearance.
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bill clinton a potential target of the fbi probe, a potential witness. another part of the probe is the clinton foundation. that is an issue too. stuart: next item? >> basically, the state department will withhold clinton foundation e-mails in until after the election. department of justice officials won a court order to do so. 27-month delay. e-mail correspondence between former secretary of state hillary clinton's four top aides and officials with the clinton foundation. stuart: the e gentleman on the screen right now is the man who wrote the book about the apple founder, that would be -- >> walter isaacson. stuart: he wrote the book on steve jobs. >> and ben franklin. stuart: let's not forget. i believe he runs the aspen institute. >> yeah, he's the editor of "time." stuart: we understand that ms. lynch, the attorney general, is in the building preparing her remarks, preparing for the conversation which she is about to have. we'll take you right there when that conversation begins.
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ed rollins, when is the conversation going to take place between the fbi and hillary clinton? >> i understand the fbi is ready to go. comey is going to question -- the fbics director -- fbi director is going to question her himself. they've been requests requesting the meeting. that has to happen. i would certainly argue it has to happen before the republican convention in three weeks. stuart: this is all bad news for hillary clinton on the trust issue. that meeting in phoenix looks like her husband was trying to pressure the attorney general about the investigation into her. now, i don't know whether that pressure was actually exerted, but it sure looks like it, doesn't it? >> well, again, as i said earlier, it was bad judgment on both their parts, but particularly the attorney general. stuart: okay. now, it look like there is action. i see people standing. i presume that's was -- because the attorney general is about to enter the room. we're going to stay on this because this is a very important day for the attorney general
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and, indeed, for the clinton campaign. >> yeah. stuart: i believe that's true. there is the attorney general, loretta lynch, on right-hand side of your screen, and there is "the washington post" reporter. let's -- shall we -- let's listen in how this thing gets going. [laughter] [applause] >> and also, an msnbc contributor. thank you all for being here morning. attorney general can, thank you very much for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> so as walter said, you have a reputation of having the highest integrity, utmost, solid judgment. [laughter] so when people heard what went down in phoenix -- [laughter] a lot of people were, like, i mean, friends, supporters, backers are saying what on earth was she thinkingsome -- thinking, talking to bill clinton? so what on everett -- [laughter] were you thinking? what happened? [laughter] >> well, i think that's a question of the day, isn't it? [laughter] and i think that's a perfectly reasonable question. i think that's the question that
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is called, you know, by what happened in phoenix because people have also wondered and raised questions about my role in the ultimate resolution of matters involving the investigation into the state department e-mails. and to the extent that people have questions about that, about my role many that, certainly my meeting with him raises questions and concerns. and so, believe me, i completely get that question. and i think it is the question of the day. but i think the issue is, again, what is my role in how that matter is going to be resolved. and so let me be clear on how that is going to be resolved. i've gotten that question a lot also over time, and we usually don't go into those deliberations. but i do think it's important that people see what that process is like. as i've always indicated, the matter's being handled by career agents and investigators with the department of justice. they've had it since the beginning. they are in -- >> which predates your tenure as attorney general. >> it predates my tenure as
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attorneral. it's the same team. they are acting incompetently. they -- independently. they follow law, they follow the facts. they'll come up with a chronology of what happened, the factual scenario. they will make recommendations as to how to resolve what those facts lead to. the recommendations will be reviewed by career supervisors in the department of justice and in the fbi and by the fbi director. and then, as is the common process, they present it to me, and i fully expect to accept their recommendations. >> what's interesting here is you say you fully expect to accept the recommendations. one thing people were saying this morning when the news broke was that you were, quote, recusing yourself from having any kind of role in the final determination. is that the case? is that what you're saying? >> well, a recusal would mean i wouldn't even be briefed on what the findings were or what the actions going forward would be. and while i don't have a role in those findings, in coming up
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with those findings or making those recommendations as to how to go forward, i'll be briefed on it, and i will be accepting their recommendations. >> and when you say, again, this must be journalist in me and the linguist in me, accepting to me means, here, madam attorney general, here are our findings. and you completely accept them wholeheartedly and then issue them to the public? or you accept them, look them over and then make your own determination as to what the final determination will be? >> no. the final determination as to how to proceed will be contained within the recommendations in the report in whatever format the team puts it together. that has not been resolved. whatever report they provide to me. there will be a review of their investigation, that will be a review of what they have found and determined to have happened and occurred, and there'll be their determinations as to how they feel case should proceed. >> and when you say there will be a review, you mean the review will be done by you once you
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accept -- the recommendations and determinations? or the process of the -- >> i understand. i'm talking about the initial process of how this case will be revolved. this case will be resolved by the team that's been working on it from the beginning. supervisors always review matters. in this case that review will be career people in the department of justice. and also the fbi will review it up to and including the fbi director, and that will be the finalization of not just the factual findings, but the next steps in this matter. >> and i find it interesting, several times now you've made a point of saying career prosecutors, career officials within the justice department. why, why are you making that very hard distinction? >> i think a lot of the questions i've gotten over the past several months, frankly, about my role in this investigation and what it would likely be was a question or a concern about whether someone who was a political appointee
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would be involved in deciding how to investigate a matter or what something meant or how should the case proceed going forward. and as i have always said, this matter would be handled by the career people who are independent. they live from administration to administration. their role is to follow the facts and follow the law and make a determination as to what happened and what those next steps should be. but, you know, in my role as attorney general there are cases that come up to me. i am informed of them from time to time. this case, as you know, has generated a lot of attention. i'll be informed of those findings as opposed to never reading them or never seeing them. but i will be accepting their recommendations and their plan for going forward. >> so "the new york times" reported this morning that the justice department, justice department officials said back in april that what you're talking about right now was already being considered. and so the question is before
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president clinton boarded your plane -- [laughter] in arizona, had now already made the determination that what you're announcing today was, indeed, what you were going to do? >> yes. i had already determined that would be the process. and in large part it's because as i'm sure you know as a journalist, i do get this question a lot. and as i've said on occasions as to why we don't talk about ongoing investigations in terms of what's being discussed and who's being interviewed is to preserve the integrity of that investigation. we also typically don't talk about process by which we make decisions, and i've provided that response too. but in this situation, you know, because i did have that meeting, it has raised concerns, i feel. and i feel that's while i can certainly say this matter's going to be handled like any other as it has always been, it's going to be resolved like any other as it was always going to be, i think people need the information about exactly how that resolution will come about in order to know what that means and really accept that and have
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faith in the ultimate decision of the department of justice. >> so back to my first question, the what were you thinking question -- [laughter] but let me put a different spin on it and ask when you're on your plane -- now, from what i, having been in washington for a while and knowing how the prose kohl works, you land -- protocol works, you land, folks get off for all sorts of reasons. it's very fast. you're on your plane, and in walks the former president of the united states. what were you thinking? [laughter] at that moment? [laughter] >> well, as i've said, you know, he said hello, and we basically said hello and i congratulated him on his grandchildren as people tend to do. [laughter] and that led to a conversation about those grandchildren who do sound great. [laughter] and that led to the conversation about his travels, and he told me what he had been doing in phoenix and various things. and then we spoke about, you
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know, former attorney general janet reno. but it really was a social meeting. and it was, it was, it really was in that regard. he spoke to me, he spoke to my husband for some time on the plane, and then we moved on. and as i've said before though, i do think that no matter how i viewed it, i understand how people view it. and i think that because of that and because of the fact that it has now cast a shadow over how this case may be perceived no matter how it's resolved, it's important to talk about how it will be resolved. >> uh-huh. >> it's important to make it clear that that meeting with president clinton does not have a bearing on how this matter's going to be reviewed, resolved and accepted by me. because that is the question that it raises. >> uh-huh. >> so, again, no matter how i view the meeting, i think what's important to me is how do people view the department of justice because of that meeting. how do people view the team that's working on this case and has from the beginning because
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of that meeting. how do people view the work that we do every day on behalf of the american people which we strive to do with integrity and independence. so that's the question for me. and that's why i felt it was important to talk about what impact that meeting would have on the case, which it won't. but in order to explain that, we have to talk about how it will be resolved. >> now, you've known president clinton for a long time. he's the one who nominated you and appointed you to u.s. attorney for the eastern district in 999. 1999. so i'm wondering, do you -- so you have a relationship, is what i'm ying to get to in terms of just longstanding professional relationshipment -- relationship. so you would be well within your right to say, um, get off my plane. [laughter] what are you doing here? [laughter] do you, do you regret not telling the former president of the united states -- [laughter] to leave the premises? [laughter]
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>> so, well, as i've said, you know, i may have viewed it in a certain light, but the issue is how does it impack the work that i -- impact the work that i do or the department of justice does. i certainly wouldn't do it again. [laughter] you know, because i think it has cast a shadow, it should not, over what it will not touch. that's why i said i think it's important to talk about how this matter will be resolved and how the review and how the determinations and decisions will be made. i can say, as i have said, it's going to be handled by career people, and then we can make an announcement as to what it is. but unless people have some insight into that process, they're not going to be able to evaluate that. and the most important thing for me as the attorney general is the integrity of this department of justice. and the fact that the meeting that i had is now casting a shadow over how people are going to view that work is something that i take seriously and deeply and painfully. and so i think it's important to provide as much information as we can so that people can have a full view of how we do our work
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and why we do our work and how this case is going to be resolved as well as how all the cases we look at are going to be resolved. >> and so, of course, what's happened as a result of this, there are people out there in the world who are saying, see? this is an example of the system that's rigged against the rest of us. and you just said that this whole incident has been painful, is one of the words you used. what would you say to the american people who might, who believe that, yes, indeed, this is an example of washington rigged against them? >> yeah, i think that people have a whole host of reasons to have questions about how we in government do our business and how we handle business and how we handle matters. and i think that, again, i understand that my meeting on the plane with former president clinton could give them another reason to have questions and concerns also. and that is something that -- and that's why i said it's
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painful to me, because the integrity of department of justice is important. and what i would say to people is to look at the work that we do, look at the matters we work on every day whether they involve a high profile matter or a matter where you've never heard of the person. look at is victims that we deal with every day, look at the people we protect every day because that's our mission. to the extent that this issue has overshadowed that mission, yes, that's painful to me. and so i think it's important that we provide as much information as we can so people can have faith and confidence in the work of the department and the work of the people who carry on this work every day. >> and last question on this. so when might we expect your acceptance of these findings and determinations? [laughter] are we looking at weeks? months? days? >> so in terms of timing, i actually don't know that because, again, i don't have that insight into i'd say the nuts and bolts of the investigation at this point many time. they're working on it.
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they're working on it very hard. they're working on it to make sure they're as thorough as they can be, that they've covered every angle, that they've looked at every issue. they're have looked at every issue, they are doing the work the people in the apartment of justice to every day and i could not be more proud of that work or more proud to present that work to the american people when this matter is resolved and we can let people know about the solution to this investigation. >> moving on. [applause] stuart: the meeting on the tarmac of the airport in phoenix, conflict of interest, we heard the attorney general respond to repeated questioning from the reporter from the washington post. ed rollins is a trump guy, listening to this all the way through. your impression? >> she is forceful and into the question the way she wanted to.
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one missing element, having spent 10 years of my life working in the white house, never talked about the white house. talked about justice, taking recommendations, people forget the fbi made more severe recommendations for his prosecution and the attorney general overruled that so my sense is she may be saying my civil servants are not going to touch it. that department is still very political. we are talking the nominee of the party, four weeks away from being nominee of the party. there is a lot at stake here. stuart: president obama could still have political input, what is done with the report? >> the white house counsel always has a role. it is naïve to think justice done things, the president has a big role. >> it is down to a misdemeanor.
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>> recommendation was more severe. stuart: last question, the attorney general, is she out of trouble? >> i don't think so. this is what she said she is going to do, let's see what she really does. stuart: thanks very much, we do appreciate it. marshall is with us, on the left side of the political aisle. i am not going to go too far to the left but you are left of center. >> absolutely. stuart: one question the attorney general skirted around if i can say that, the question was asked twice, what were you thinking? that is what the reporter asked the attorney general about when bill clinton walked onto the plane, what were you thinking? i don't think she answered that fully. do you? >> in a sense she is saying if i had to do it ago over again i wouldn't do this. i am a democrat as you know. democrats were outraged about
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this as they should be, myself included. i put this on both of them but i put it more on former president clinton. this woman has a relationship with him is in they know each other and have for years, he boards her plane, he is a former sitting president, what are you going to say? get the heck off? i think she could have said i don't inc. it is appropriate for us to speak in light of the investigation and this is the clinton foundation, this has created a very bump in the road and i think she has done the right thing by saying i will have hands off here and do what she said she would do which is take the findings and follow recommendations from the fbi. stuart: the whole idea of that meeting taking place in the first place is a negative for hillary clinton's campaign
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because it looks like the fix is in or the attempted fix is in. do you think some of the pressure has been taken off of the clinton campaign by what was revealed today? >> i think her actions and her response to these questions help a tiny bit. again, there are people who don't trust hillary clinton and we see those numbers, that doesn't help her. if this were my husband and i were running i would have thrown a shoe at him for this but it is a tiny blip on the radar going forward and i don't think it makes someone say who am i going to vote for based on this. if hillary clinton had been boarding that plane my response would be different. stuart: the backdrop is endless scandals surrounding hillary clinton. this adds to it. last word to you, leslie. >> absolutely. if people are standing there on the grassy knoll, conspiracy theory saying the clintons are in bed with obama and the
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attorney general, that feeds into that rhetoric. stuart: thank you very much. happy fourth of july. >> happy fourth. stuart: before this conversation, it is not about the meeting, another one being discussed but before the conversation was held we heard the fbi was really angry that the meeting had taken place in the first place. do you think this does anything to assuage the fbi's unhappiness? liz: i talked to my own sources about hillary clinton email probe and they are angry about it so you heard bret baer, they are livid that bill clinton could be a target of the probe.
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and it has to do with the clinton foundation and public corruption donating to the clinton foundation and having their own state department. stuart: i want to repeat, the final determination, to proceed with the investigation of hillary clinton, final determination with career professionals on the fbi team and the justice department team that determines what happened with the email scandal, she would review the findings of the investigation, and accept in full the recommendations made by her career professional team. >> not political appointees. stuart: you have been listening
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to this? >> disagreeing with a former guest who said it is more on clinton. i feel it was more on loretta lynch, she is the one with the position. and a stellar reputation, numerous republican this said very clear, her reputation is sincerely -- this conversation, i will talk to you another time. and liz was pointing this out to me, she didn't. did not recuse herself and other instances, she has an opportunity in my view to step aside gracefully. stuart: it was presented as if bill clinton had arrived, knocked on the door and said here i am. >> nothing to do and she does. stuart: according to the reporter who broke the story,
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and roll tape from the reporter who first reported on this story about the meeting. here is how it went down, roll tape. >> he and his entourage were running late. and meeting the president's team, they wait, she arrives, people step off her plane, the former president stepped into her plane, the fbi on the tarmac instructing everybody around, no photos, no pictures, no cell phones, he departs, she continues with plan to visit. getting to the minutia here it is important. did the attorney general know bill clinton was coming onto the plane at the moment, she knew. i'm not convinced it wasn't --
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>> social meetings with somebody coming onto your plane, the same reporter broke the news in phoenix, fbi agents says no photos, no pictures or use of cell phone, meeting with the former president. stuart: we discussed this almost to death but not quite a. hold on a second, bring you up-to-date with what is going on in the markets, since we went to the conversation, apple stock barely budging, they are in talks to acquire jay-z's streaming music service called title. no different in the song at all. it is losing money, pc demand is down, it is announcing job cuts. the market is down 8%. harley-davidson, top performer in the s&p, and speculation on wall street the private equity phone may make a bid.
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that is a big game. sales down 5.5%. that stock is slightly lower. it dropped below $100 a share. stocks to the dow industrials, half of them up, half of them down, that market is in limbo. >> loretta lynch talking right now, the fbi probe will conclude, that is another issue. will it end after the election? stuart: it better not. we got to take a break and make some money. we are back in a moment.
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general, loretta lynch, answered questions about the private meeting she had held earlier this week with former president bill clinton, created a furor because of the attorney general, the fbi, and the fbi investigating the wife of bill clinton, the meeting should never have happened. we are looking at the scene of the conversation between the washington post reporter and the attorney general on the right, they addressed that meeting, the attorney general said we are going to get a full determination, final determination from the fbi how to proceed with this investigation, she would accept the recommendations all of the recommendations of the fbi team and justice department team made up of career professionals. she did not answer the question, the first question which was what were you thinking?
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in other words why on earth did you hold this meeting in the first place. chris collins is with us, the first trump supporter in congress. i am sure you are listening to what was going on in that conversation. are you satisfied that the investigation of hillary clinton has not been compromised by that meeting in phoenix. >> it shows the arrogance of the clintons, they show poor judgment, this meeting never should have taken place. it is clear bill clinton wading through loretta lynch playing the lamb. this was an overt step on his part to meet with the attorney general, inappropriate the attorney general should absolutely be re-created is -- recuse herself. it speaks to port judgment of
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the clintons, bill and hillary, disappointing to see this happen and they have not gone far enough. the attorney general should recuse herself and let the professionals do their job without any involvement by her whatsoever going forward. stuart: it looks like former president bill clinton to some degree intimidated the attorney general. he did wait for her plane to land, he did go over to her plane and walked inside. you could say it is awfully difficult for the attorney general, even the attorney general to tell a former president get out of here, not going to talk about anything. maybe that is what she should have done but she didn't do it. maybe she was a little intimidated but you still feel, congressman, the hillary clinton campaign is again clouded by that meeting and what came out of it. you still hold that position. >> absolutely. it shows she, hillary clinton is not trustworthy.
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they will use their influence, very inappropriately. friends help friends. this is bill clinton, he had an agenda, no question he had an agenda and i think intimidation was part of that agenda and at the end of the day his comments may have signaled to the attorney general you are my friend, i am your friend, friends take care of friends. the appearance of this means the attorney general should recuse herself, no question about it, continued arrogance not only of obama, everyone on his administration, they say the rules don't apply to attend this is a shocking turn of eventss and i can't believe the attorney general didn't take the easy way out, at this point admit her mistake, recuse herself of any involvement but she is not doing
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it, you can read into that. maybe there still is a hidden agenda here. we have to see how this plays out but this was inappropriate, it was arrogant, bad judgment and a continuation of what we have seen by the clintons and the entire obama administration. stuart: i want to bring in deirdre bolton from foxbusiness. i have what might be a tiny tiny detail that may be important. bill clinton didn't have to say anything when he got on the plane. he is the former president. the husband of the woman who may well be the next president. there is an intimidating factor there. you don't have to say tell me about the investigation. "mornings" team by showing up, i see it as this. former president bill clinton had nothing to lose, only something to gain in this scenario. the us ag seems to lose her reputation of being ethically sound and ethically on point,
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republicans and democrats agree. i am with the congressman. at this point given the past track record of other us ags who had to recuse themselves i feel i don't know why she is not doing that. stuart: good question. why isn't she doing that? >> maybe she doesn't want to do it at the absent ideas conference, maybe she wants to wait. stuart: no impact on the market from what you have been seeing. thank you very much for joining us. >> good to be with you. >> happy fourth of july. no impact whatsoever on what you have been seeing with loretta lynch and questions about that meeting, no impact on the market whatsoever. we are up 38 points. we are 40 points away on the tao from where we were right before the british voted to leave the european union. armageddon was threatened and there was heavy selling. we almost completely recovered.
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amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. don't miss the lowest prices of the season sale, with the c2 queen mattress now only $699.99. plus 36 month financing. know better sleep. only at a sleep number store. stuart: 42 million people will
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travel this july 4th weekend. at chicago's o'hare airport are we putting additional layer of security outside the building, at curbside check-in? >> i am going to show you what i see if used spin around, you can see, armed with automatic weapons patrolling. they are patrolling the terminals, i can report no big lines, the tsa is doing its job but more visible security this morning. stuart: in the istanbul bombing or another airport bombing before that they exploded themselves so to speak before you get to the tsa lines done
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outside the ticket counter. >> they were patrolling outsize security, anyone can walk in here, you don't need to pass through anything but show up on the train and show up and come in here outside security, that goes to what you are saying. stuart: jeff is angry about this, automatic weapons on the july 4th weekend to protect us from terrorists. you are going to be there. we will be back to you real soon. we will have more varney after this. amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology
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dropped 600 points. we recovered. armageddon didn't last. a couple trading sessions and it was over, we are at 17976, 40 points away before we were before that vote. armageddon indeed. connell: we end up higher by 81, this is cavuto coast-to-coast, i am connell mcshane. we talk about the markets but let's begin with the huge political news, attorney general loretta lynch is under fire with former president bill clinton on the tarmac out of phoenix. she won't officially recuse herself from the hillary clinton email investigation. >> haven't been briefed on what findings were or
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