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tv   Stossel  FOX Business  July 8, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT

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. >> thank you so much! john: she is the democratic nominee. probably our next president. what will president hillary clinton do? her fans love her. >> she is very well qualified and she has experience getting things done. john: getting what done? >> what difference at this point does it make? john: she is eager to go to war. >> we came, we saw, he died. we need to get the cost of childcare down. john: she is good that making money for her friends. >> people closest to the
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clintons have made out very well. john: once on vacation i saw billillary and i argued with her for a while. i'll tell you about that next on our show. announcer: i know you donald trump fans have high hopes. but get real. he's a the smart money, the people who bet say hillary is pretty certain to be america's nextxt president. so tonight we devote our entire show to hillary. what worries me is i think her ideas will strangle our future. she thinks she knows what's best for everyone.
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she'll micromanage our lives and drive us further down the road to bankruptcy. we already promise to spend more manny than we have. but hillary wants to spend more. she says it's worth it because her ideas will create jobs. >> our bridges and roads and water and rail systems. john: the audiences applaud. but don't ease the cato institute. juan, you like hillary? >> i will probably vote for her if she is running against trump. for many people the idea that you would invest more in stimulus spending comes across almost as profane, and i'm here to say to you, john, if you might have spent more you mightnt have gotten more bang for your buck. it generates higher levels of consumer spending which
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generates more economic activity to the benefits of us all. john: dan, take it away. >> somehow you throw a dollar into this magic bucket and swish it around and magic unicorns will give us everything we want. john: people will have more money, they will spends more money. >> government can can't us af dollar or -- can't give us a dollar without first taking it out of the, oh, if every time keynesian economics fail they say if only we had spent more. john: she wants to spends more free college and childcare and a trillion in new spending. we are going broke. we can't afford to pay social securities and medicare. >> that's not true.
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city would agree that there seems to be a cutoff points where the reserve would be expanded. the real issue in terms of entitlement spending and how we can cut back or adjust it. john: we will perhaps $200 trillion in unfunded liabilities for our even title. programs. john: juan says the fund hasn't run out yet. >> imagine if this were a show in greece in 2003, i'll bet some people on the left said we are in good shape. sooner or later, if something can't go upon forever, it does stop. john: i sent my produce tore ask people at a clinton rally, whatcl do you like about her? >> she is very well qualified and has experience getting things done. >> hillary has a way of getting things done. john: what does she get done juan? d he looked for her achievements as a senator.
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we found three bills she began. a bill to name a post office, a bill to name a highway after tim russert, a bill to spanish the american labor studies center. >> i think you are mocking hillary clinton but doing so effectively. >> i wish all politicians only did stuff like that. >> she was re-elected in the state for a reason. t people felt she represented them t well. but if you go on to the larger issue of what did she accomplish as secretary of state, then we are in an interesting mix. john: what wars did she ends? >> she helped to win the wars in iraq and afghanistan. john: i thought those were going on. after the rally a bunch of kids were chanting "hillary."
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>> real loyalty starts when you are about that age. >> it's unattractive to me when you see young people screaming profanities at trump. i think it's wrong. john: one theme has been government subsidies will stop climate change. >> we'll create renewable energyer jobs by the millions. i believe we can have installed a half billion more solar pants by the end of my first term and enough clean energy to power every home in america by the ends of my second term. john: take money from people andmo subsidize people like me who own
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a house that has solar panels on it. >> if people are burning fewer carbon-based fuels and relying more on the sun and wind, environmentally friendly sources of energy, i think that helps usi all, if you are concerned about climate change.e not. john: i'm concerned the climate is changing, i'm just not sure we did it, and i'm certain these things aren't going to make any difference. >> this is a recipe for more solyndra-type scandals and slushan money. i don't want the government to micromanage the economy and using green energy as an excuse. john: if there is an environmental problem the government is the way to deal with it. >> i don't think having government industrial policy is the smart approach. john: our likely next president sometimes says things that suggest she might understand what actually creates prosperity.
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>> create the economic conditions, obviously most jobs are started and grown by private business. but it matters what kinds ofow atmosphere there is. john: create the economic conditions. she gets it. >> if government is providing core public goods like rule of law and property rights, enforcing contracts, if that what's she means, i am with her. but i suspect she has a more spainive definition. john: juan, your new book will american leaders gives me hope. you call milton freedman the founding father of our economy as we know it today. i assume you mean it as a compliment. >> it has contributed to the economy that is so dynamic in this election season from the bernie sanders to the donald trump side of the political spectrum. government does play a role.
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john: in terms of getting out of the way? t >> making sure it's a level playing field. you talk about enforcing contracts and making sure everyone has an equal opportunity in an era where it looks like the big boys are running away with the game. bought bought. john: on bought bought. john: . john: i asked on facebook whatpu has she done. >> i'm not quite sure what it means other than her friends who made out like bandits. john: i would say real public service is making people's lives better. steve jobs did a public service by creating computers and iphones. most you do public service when
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you work because you provide people a service or product. politicians do the least publicce service. they take money from us and pander for votes in giving it juan, am i wrong? >> i'm all for innovation and private sector growth. but i believe capitalism needs some government so you don't have exploiting children. you want to live in brazil and have to get to your home in a helicopter on a mountaintop? i don't think so. john: hong kong or australia. >> hong kong's welfare rates are higher than us. >> only 3% of the population is rn receiving government assistance in hong kong. john: at the clinton rally people said they like her because she is a woman. >> i think hillary would bring a
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lot of change for women. >> i would like to see a woman in office. >> it's time we had our chance. >> it's time we had a woman in the white house. >> it seems anti-feminist. shouldn't people vote for you because you are the best, not because of your gender. >> if we were talking about margaret thatcher i would be cheering. it's the policy the politician believes in should guide their votes. not whether they have a certain set of genitalia. >> the fact that this economically developed nation has never had a woman as a leader, germany at the moment, israel. >> why didn't your left-wing friends celebrate margaret thatcher. john: would you have celebrated sarah palin. hillary clinton for whatever you say has been a u.s. senator,
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twice elected, secretary of state and now running for president. it's not as if she has not gone through not only republican criticism but the real test of leadership in our country. john: coming up, my lunch with hillary. really, that happened. an upcoming movie that answers the question, how did the clintons get so rich so quickly. >> enormous amounts of money have flowed to the clintons. some of that money lands in their pockets.
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call today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. >> we are fed from the media a daily diet of drugs and sex and unrealizable fantasies. >> that's what she said at that college graduation years ago. hillary clinton has a long record of objecting to free speech.. when she was a senator she sponsored a law that would make it illegal to sell a violent video to minors.
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matt welch has long been upset about hillary's hostility about free speech. >> it's strange how hillary clinton quite unlike tipper gore, has never been tarred with the brush of being a long-timerr go of the first amendment and free speech. john: goarms wife was trying to ban record lyrics and rap lyrics. >> she held hearings about the filthy 15 songs. hillary clinton was working with tipper gore. but she has gone against not just pop music, but also the internet, violent video games and all kinds of ways that has been a consistent theme in her career. in her book "it takes a village," she praised billma bennett because he helped divestrner
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fro time-warner from inner scope records. they did a lot of ganstarap. she combines the worst of our dominant political tendencies when she talks about media. john: she support a telecommunications act that would have jailed people foror if you are a parent of that kidd who accesses pornography you could go to jail. that was struck down by the supreme court. john: big campaigns against sex and violent video games, and now they are everywhere, because of the internet you can't stop it. the social consequences are zero, rape is down, violence are down and people move on to the next thing. nobody points out all you people
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who wanted to ban things are wrong. >> she kept saying as first lady and in her books and speeches a the evidence is in, we know theks kids are become more violent. she called them as programmable little vcrs. they absorb the content and go around and commit acts of violence. this is wrong. kids are getting much less violent over the last 20 years. john: here is hillary talking about internet censorship with one of her former employees who happens to host morning show * on abc news. >> we'll need help from facebook and youtube and they will have to help us take down these announcements and appeals as quickly as they get up. john: facebook is going to police the internet and take
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down anything that might be an isis appeal? you bet says hillary. >> we have to deny them online space. you will hear the usual complaints freedom of speech et cetera. >> she said that within 24 hours of donald trump making a similar point saying we have to shutdo down parts of the internet. the media only paid attention to trump's statement, not hillary's. we have a culture of free speech that's under attack. she shifted from mass entertainment, it's all gone into facebook, youtube and such like. she is after the benghazi situation she blamed that on a filmmaker. and the administration has theth most power to infringe on free speech in areas of national security. her next theater of war on free speech will be where she has the most legal latitude.
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we should be very worried on encryption, the open internet, on hate speech where it overlaps with terrorism, that's where she can have a drastic impact on the future free speech. john: the way she puts it, we must not allow this bad thing. people agree with that. >> if you make an appeal to i'm going to make you safer, it make sense. i'm married to an investigator. the best place for investigators to find bad guys is on facebook. she want the government to be in charge of encryption. that there is a magical back door we can get into people's devices. if government has one thing, it will come under attack by chinese hackers and god knows who else. her measures she wants to adopt in the name of infringing free speech and keeping us safe will not make us safer in addition to making us less free.
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john: coming up, some good things about hillary. there are some. and also my lunch with hillary. yes, it really happened. we argued for half an hour. then she shut me down. she shut me down.
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>> why are you supporting hillary? >> because she is what the world needs. the world needs peace, the worldld needs love. john: peace and love? when it comes to america's role in the world, hillary clinton is anything but peace and love.g she is more hawkish than any democrat in years. donald trump is right when he says she is yes on voting for war.d
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>> i'm the one who didn't want to go into iraq. and she is the one who stupidly voted to go into iraq and destabilized the middle east. john: she raises her hand andhe says let's go to war? >> she voted for the war in iraq. and after it became unpopular she said it was a mystic. but she hasn't learned much from that mistake because she was for the overthrow of qaddafi and for l arming the rebels in syria. john: the bosnian war, kosovo, iraq, libya, syria, yemen, somalia. >> she is a very consistent hawk..somali if you like war, she is a great candidate for you. she says trump's judgment onon foreign policy is questionable but her record on foreign policy is questionable.
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she is for just abouter conflict and some we didn't have. running against trump she is getting support from the neoconservatives who tend to agree for all these wars and are mad about trump not being for them so she is getting thatge support already. john: she also favored interest vehicles we didn't have. sometimes because barack obama said no, she pushed for a no-fly zone in syria. >> the dan is lanny being done by people on the ground. so you are committing to do something without being forced to make it happen. you are getting involved without fixing the problem. >> she wanted 40,000 troops in darfur, wanted to send an aircraft carrier to north korea. >> one thing she was against as a senator was the surge in iraq, and now she reversed herself and
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said that was a mistake. john: she says she wants u.s.mi boots on the ground in syria now only special-ops *. special-ops. she supported the cuban embargo now says no. she supported assad. now says he can't stay in power. john: one example of clinton-obama foreign policy is what happened in libya after qaddafi attacked his own people, obama and hillary launched o missile strikes against him. qaddafi escaped but was killed soon after. >> today we can definitively say the qaddafi regime has come to an end. >> we came, we saw, he died. john: that was her comment when she didn't know she was on camera.
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>> he was tortured to death and assaulted in a terrible way. he should have died in a lawful way, not executed by a mob. you can't pretend things went well when things collapsed into chaos which isn't good for humanitarianism or any ism you are trying to advance. now we have an isis presence in the eastern part of libya just as we do in syria and iraq. other countries that have helped or are helping to destabilize by overthrowing or trying to overthrow the dictator rules. even if you don't like dictatorships, overthrowing the dictator, saying we are not going to stick around like we did in libya is a terrible policy. >> thank you, been freedman. the cato institute. next we went looking for good
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things about hillary. they weren't that easy to find. >> what do you like about hillary? >> well, i like bill. l, i like bill.
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john: now the good parts of hillary clinton. i made a list here. a pathway to legalization for immigrants. criminal justice reform. she is okay with gay marriage. the short list. so i asked you for help on social media. jeffrey clark tweeted. what are you going to do with the other 59 minutes of your show. billy pierce tweeted. she isn't trump. that's by the. on google plus someone wrote if her congressional record is an indication she'll get a lot of nothing done.
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that's not a bad thing since governments do lots of evil stuff. we are not getting very far with this. so let's go to a real democrat. joe trippi, howard deenls former campaign manager. you can tell me more good things about hillary? >> the tweet that said she is not donald trump might be enough of one of the good things about her. john: i'm sure it many enough to get her elected. she is way ahead in the betting. >> she made mistakes but she learned from them. unlike donald trump, it doesn't seem he learned any lessons about anything. that experience is a good thing about her. john: let's leave trump trump has a whole set of i'll do a whole show on him. what do you want from a president that she's going to give you? >> somebody who will focus on the economy, focus on -- she is
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going to do infrastructure spending which we need to do. we do need new energy jobs and create solar and other energy sources. john: why is it this infrastructure spending, the spending on green jobs. obama has done a ton of that. we have the slowest growth ever past a reconsider are you. we have all these people not even looking for jobs. >> i think there have been a lotth of jobs.ha $15eu9 million jobs -- $18 million jobs created. her focus on job training and education. right now -- >> we have 46 agencies doing jab training. government can do these things. when will you lefties ever learn that? >> the republicans did a
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having a civil conversation without the ad hominem attacks. people need to know the candidates and decisions based on this conversation and not the unfortunately, the probably billions of dollars on both sides that are going to get spent nuking each other. john: and maybe i should be e.
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but thank you, joe trippi. coming up, my lunch with hillary clinton. also a peek at an upcoming movie that reveals how the clintons got so rich. >> 11 of the 13 speeches for which bill clinton has been paid half a million dollars or more occurred prec ♪ i'm going to make this as simple as possible for you. you can go ahead and stick with that complicated credit card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. or... you can get the quicksilver card from capital one. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on ev-e-ry purchase, ev-e-ry-where. i shouldn't have to ask. what's in your wallet?
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. john: how rich are bill and hillary clinton? no one knows exactly, but since bill left office, he's made more than $126 million in speaking fees. a new film called "clinton cash," everything is for sale, says bill got a lot of that money because people paid to get favors from hillary. before she became secretary of state, he got a little less than $200,000 per speech. >> something happened in late 2008, his speaking fees skyrocketed after he had been out of office for years. the reason was his wife had become secretary of state. in fact, 11 of the 13 speeches for which bill clinton has been paid half a million dollars or more occurred precisely when hillary was the most powerful diplomat in the world. john: suddenly got double or triple his previous speaking fees.
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that movie is based on the book "clinton cash." the author peter schweizer joins us now. really? speaking, the rules get changed. it's that clear? >> yeah, think about this, john. if somebody gave a politician or family member money directly for a favor, that's breaking the law. if you say it's a speaking fee and pay double or triple the normal rate that seems to be legal or deemed legal by some people. i think you see the rising rates to bill clinton after she becomes secretary of state is evidence that clearly the people paying him are expecting and hoping to get something in return. john: and there was a pattern, this happened often? >> yes, happened often, and what you might expect. entities that had no interest in having bill clinton give a speech before his wife was secretary of state, suddenly she becomes appointed secretary of state, you have a friend of the president of nigeria who
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suddenly offers him $700,000 apiece for two speeches. investment firm in moscow tied to the kremlin who never paid him to speak giving him $500,000, again and again and again and get favorable action in return. >> the most outrageous is the swedish telecom case? >> ericsson is having big problems with the state department under hillary clinton because they have this habit of selling telecom equipment to repressive regimes in places like iran. ericsson decides in the midst of this, this would be a great time to sponsor a speechch by bill clinton, never done so before. decided to go in big, $750,000 for a 20 minute speech. bill gives a speech and literally seven days later, the state department says we're not going to take further action against ericsson, we're going to ask them to police themselves. john: most of your film is
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about the clinton foundation, employees lots of friends of the clintons and raised $2 billion. the money is supposed to help people in need. >> after the earthquake in haiti, the clintons said our foundation will help. >> the aid is coming in, we're getting it out, just not enough of it, yet. >> hillary clinton's state department would oversee the reconstruction effort. the interest of major donees who are had invested interest in spending that money in haiti in ways that would benefit them. >> probably no one came out better in the haitian reconstruction effort than an irish billionaire named dennis obrian, a clinton foundation donor giving them between five and ten million dollars. john: o'brien owns a cell phone company called digcell. >> four weeks after the application, digicell sponsored a speech for bill clinton in jamaica and paid him $225,000. as it turns out, within four months of the speech, digicell
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would receive the first installment of the grant point. >> we're used to seeing scenarios where there is a crisis in the country, natural disaster in the developing world and aid and assistance never quite works out. what you have in this particular case is not only the aid is inefficiently spent but you have the added problem that some people made out very, very well as a result of earthquake and the common denominator seems to be they either sponsor speeches by bill clinton or major clinton foundation donors. john: were there people who made out well who didn't do either of the things? >> hard to find them. instances of people who had experience in reconstruction and dealing with disaster situations who went to haiti who didn't get contracts. >> your film points out the haitian government decided one person should get a permit to mine for gold in haiti. >> what company did they select to get the gold mining permit? a company called vcs mining, they had very little experience
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in gold mining, but what did they have? connections. shortly after they got concession, someone joined their board of directors. helped to be tony rodham, brother of hillary rodham clinton. john: i imagine they would say look, this was the haitian government giving out the grant. >> right, this is when bill clinton as the u.n. representative in haiti, hillary secretary of state are doling out hundreds of millions of dollars in grants, vcs mining where hillary clinton's brother is on the board. of all the companies out there why did the haitian government pick this company? it has to do with the fact that the clintons are doling out so much money to the country. john: i assume you went to the companies? >> yes, we did. we didn't get much in the word of a response. what you get is it's a coincidence. i me, personally believe we
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need to follow the money and don't believe the clintons exist in a parallel universe. john: it could be coincidence. you can't prove it's a scandal. >> you're right. nobody is stupid enough to send an e-mail that says do this and we'll give you the money. it's the pattern of behavior. most people intuitively do it, right? if a politician shows up and gets a lot of money and the government takes action, the events are probably connected. john: thank you, peter schweizer. look forward to the final cut of the film. i'm on vacation, and who do i see? it's bill and hillary holding hands. we had lunch. i'll tell you what had her ignore me like this. next. i'm mary ellen and i quit smoking with chantix. i have smoked for 30 years and by taking chantix, i was able to quit in 3 months
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. john: i had lunch with hillary clinton, really. that happened. i was on the vacation at the caribbean island of angwilla. odmix of villas for rent, mostly by rich americans. one day several black suv's arrive, men in suits wearing earpieces got out. i asked another tourist what's that about? bill and hillary clinton may come to stay here, he said.
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we were on the beach and another tourist said it's not true, it's just a rumor, but few days later, more secret service men arrived and became clear a former president was vacationing there. we tourists then wondered are both bill and hillary going to be here? this was 2006. five years after bill left office. ten years after his affairs with monica and many others were revealed. hillary stood by him, but pundits said -- >> it is a political marriage. >> a political partnership and a business. >> a political business marriage? so on the beach, people ask who is here? is it bill alone? bill with hillary or with someone else? >> we got our answer a few hours later. there they were strolling down the beach. holding hands, gasped one tourist? is it just for show?
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who knows. they certainly acted as if they liked each other. my brother-in-law invited them to lunch. why did he think they would accept? he's a successful investor that squandered money on the democratic leadership council to bring people back to centrist economics. they were responsible democrats and bill sometimes was, so my brother-in-law helped bill get elected. by giving money. money. you know how the clintons are about money. our lunch invitation was quickly accepted. we would meet at this beach front restaurant. the clintons didn't know i would be there. at lunch, i sat next to hillary. she was perfectly nice, for a while, but being the pro vok tour that i am, i brought up a local controversy, chinese workers were sleeping in containers like these, four
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workers to a container. they moved during a real estate boom. this is why we need regulation hillary told me. i pointed out the workers were not slaves, they had come voluntarily only because their alternatives in china must have been worse. also containers weren't totally horrible. today trendy americans brag about living in refurbished shipping containers. the chinese trailers weren't up to american standards but the standards hillary wants would have raised costs that would eliminate opportunities and some of the workers would have never gotten the chance to leave china and try to raise their standard of living. our well-intended rules often create nasty unintended consequences. after western media complained bangladeshi workers were abused in sweatshops, many were closed. good said the critic, we stopped the abuse.
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the child workers who lost their jobs ended up on the streets and some became prostitutes. hillary replied, i heard about that study, but most regulation improves living conditions. this is zoning rules, affirmative action, licensing, she went on and on. she still does that. >> americans need a raise. that's why we must raise the minimum wage. guarantee equal pay for women! [cheers] >> and so on and so on. back at our lunch, i responded i'm a libertarian and -- >> i know who you are, she snapped. john: and we were off. i give her credit, she argued with me for a full half hour. she had enough and turned away from me, talked to others and ignored near the rest of the meal. here's my point. hillary's wish to regulate chinese workers' sleeping arrangements is a bad case of lawyers's disease, like most politicians she assumes
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problems are best solved with new rules. she doesn't notice that most new rules create new problems, worse problems, they kill jobs they take away opportunity altogether. no, i don't want to live in one of these trailers but by saying no one can, that prevents some people from improving their lives. in the late 1800's, many americans lived in one room homes made of grass and mud. should that have been banned? in china, most try to live on a buck or two a day. many chinese people were able to come here when. this woman's family arrived, they had no money. because they were able to live cheaply, now they have a big grocery store. this is how life progresses, if politicians don't constantly interfere.
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clearly, hillary is eager to interfere, electing her will put america further down the road to serfdom. : >>o


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