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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  July 12, 2016 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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"the five's" kimberly guilfoyle will be with us. good night from new york. [♪] kennedy: it's always interesting to watch the political reactions to polarizing political events and politicians scramble to make sense of and capitalize on senseless deaths. the shootings have unearthed racial tensions that never seem to rest in their shallow graves. hillary clinton tried to rub salt into the wounds with racial pandering. >> i will call for white people like myself to put ourselves in the shoes of those african-american families.
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i'm going to be talking to white people. i think we are the ones who have to start listen together legitimate cries that are coming from our african-american fellow citizens. kennedy: why don't you talk to your husband first because he backed the plan in the 90s. and racial regulations that keep minorities from forming businesses and wage laws that keep young african-americans from getting the jobs they so desperately need. let's check in with the king and catch the dewdrops of wisdom that fall are his lips in times of crisis. >> as painful as this week has been, i firm reply believe america is not as divided as some have suggested. kennedy: mr. president, i firmly
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believe you want to firmly believe that. and i would argue since you have been president it's become much worse. so how bad will it be for women after 8 years of hillary clinton and to further politicize the agenda. the proselytized about guns. >> you can't set aside the gun issue and pretend it's irrelevant. kennedy: you can't set aside the race issue and pretend that's irrelevant either. people are broken and hurting and blaming and your pretty words and flapping mouth are doing nothing to heal or mends or clarify. donald trump made some sense. >> the tragic deaths in louisiana and minnesota made clear that the work must be done to insure and a lot of work that americans feel that their safety is protected.
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kennedy: we cannot lose sight of the need for rational bipartisan criminal justice reform and reactions that turn entire community against each other make life dangerous for cops that ends in mil d that end in militarized police forces. i'm kennedy. here to help make sense of the tragedy and shooting in dallas. joanne nosuchinsky, matt welch is here from "reason" magazine.
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and we are joined by joe devito. heavy times. it seems things are escalating in the wrong way in the places. and matt, you and i talked about this many times before. fit feels like l.a. did in 1992 shortly before the riots. >> not only when we see scene uptick of actual violence in the country which is reversing a 20-year trend. kennedy: homicide rates are on the rise. in l.a. certainly, too. but after the dallas execution -- be we points this out -- the today thanks police force was among the country's best in adopting new reforms about officer-involved shootings. bad cops, you could fire them and screw the unions.
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kennedy: improvements in community policing. >> we have seen police chief brown has conducted himself really well under incredibly difficult circumstances. what i feel is the triballization, i'm on team rudy giuliani and i'm on team al sharpton. criminal justice reform is dead. friday they are done so we won't get the extension reform we thought we saw in large part because of the increased tensions that happened. kennedy: sadly, the reactions to officer-involved shootings when there is an unarmed african-american man or in this case, in these two cases, the escalation, the tension and the reactions is so much more robust. it kinds of scares me going into these conventions.
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you have a sense that no one knows what's going to happen next, yet you are optimistic. >> i almost hate to admit it. i kind of agree with obama. i don't think we haven't made progress the last 50 years. but i think with social media and a lot of avenues of delay of getting out your video and points of view. it seems like these games of racism and bigotry are magnified magnified. kennedy: that's a good word for it. it may not be indicative of society at large but it feels that way. it's a magnification of extreme voices. i think you are right. but always here someone benefits from this type of division. who is it? >> if we were to have no racism tomorrow al sharpton is out of
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business and a other people. the president said things aren't as bad as they seem. you sat in a church with reverend wright in a church saying [bleep] america. this guys nuts. joanne is right. it seems worse because things are more publi publicized. people like to say things are worse in the world than they ever were. but people are living longer and healthier. i think there are still people suffering and they don't know where to vent that anger. >> the o.j. miniseries came on and there was a lot of discussion about the l.a. police. growing up -- >> that's more than double national average. because only 30% of national
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average have faith in law enforcement, which is abysmal. all community -- donald trump is right about that. so all community feel safe and our liberties are protected and so are people's lives, no mat wear color they are. reverend al sharpton is criticizing the nra over its response to the recent deaths so here is a clip of him. >> coming out defending their gun rights that they legally have. where is the nra now? maybe you mean the second amendment are for whites only? kennedy: is the nra cherry picking its fights or is al sharpton race baiting. can robbie and the reverend both be right? >> a bit.
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the nra was slow off the mark and two days later pretty mushy mouthed about it. >> which they do in he case. kennedy: but when it comes to f.b.i. director james comey there is a rush to comment. >> the nra isn't the same thing as people who respect and appreciate gun rights. i appreciate and respect the second amendment, i don't belong to the nra. the second amendment foundation came out in a statement defending philando castile. kennedy: i don't think al sharpton cares about the second amendment. i think he's a control freak and they have them on the right and left who wants to take as many guns away as possible.
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i think he thinks chicago would be better served by even more gun prohibition. >> you are giving him too much history. he's wrong and history and current events and future events. the nra doesn't do hot takes. they said this is a cause concern. buttal attorney sterling should not have had a gun. he had multiple felony convictions. is sharpton arguing felons should be able to carry guns? but it's an emotional appeal and he can say whatever he wants and he's never held accountable. >> he would be great on a debate team. you find an argument and follow that passion and that's what he's doing. kennedy: i don't necessarily believe a word that's coming out of his mouth, though the essence of what he's saying is right. if someone is legally carrying a
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firearm their right to express their second amendment rights are involved in a shooting such as that. hillary clinton avoid indictment. but a new poll says she is still in deep yogurt. we'll explain. later juan williams joins me to explain the issue. this leading to strive between
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keep * welcome back. the new "washington post" abc news say 52% of americans disapprove of the f.b.i. decision to not charge hillary clinton. only 35% of voters approve. president obama referred to the server probe as criminal for the first time. >> this has been a criminal investigation. the f.b.i. director took the extraordinary step of explaining in methodical way of explaining the decision. kennedy: the party panel is back. joe, comey rang her bell when he
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laid out the list of egregious errors she committed. can it be unrunning? >> it ded can it be ken can it be unrung? >> it depend on how people vote. there is nothing that prevents her from running. most people don't because there is a lot of shame. comey painted her as incompetent and put her interest above that of the american people. kennedy: and public safety and national security. the president finally called it criminal. whenever he does something like this, he's very measured in his words. what do you think he means by finally coming out, can he finally admit his open disdain? >> he waited until all right it looks like the coast is clear,
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now i can finally call this criminal. they locked up martha stewart for less than this. she is amazing. it's usually both with her. she cannot help herself from lying. if you ask her what she had for lunch, she'll say i didn't have lunch. what's that turkey sandwich? here the corpon is being hit in the head with a blackberry. kennedy: it wasn't her only device. so walk me through the continues between careless disregard and gross negligence. >> there isn't any difference as far as i can tell in the two phrases of the english language. kennedy: gross negligence doesn't require intent. >> the irony is criminal intent is one thing blocking criminal
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justice reform. democrats think we shouldn't care about criminal intent even though their chief nominee just skated by because he applied something that doesn't exist in the law. there isn't any difference between the two word. james comey at least did us the service of explaining yes should have taken a different position. kennedy: what a tease. what a bait and switch. he's walking us down this guilded path. this is it. get orange jumpsuit and the cuffs. >> if you put it against what she has said, he exposed 6 or 7 direct lies and trey gowdy fleshed that out in congressional testimony today. kennedy: the bragg brothers at
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"reason" tv put together a great compilation of her saying i did not send classified information. maybe she has subpoena envy. party panel stick around. i have got so much more to cover. juan williams shares with me what people are missing about the dallas police shooting. police just used a robot to kill an american for the very first time. was it justified? it will get heated, so bring gary, gary, gary... i am proud of you, my man. making simple, smart cash back choices... with quicksilver from capital one. you're earning unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere.
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center for policing equity shows police used violence twice as often against blacks than whites. here is juan williams, co-host of "the five" and the book "we the people." >> i think i would say i'm the author of the story of the civil rights movement. you can taste some of that anger and tactics here. kennedy: the president says we are way better off in terms of race relations because you don't have riots. i argue you have social media and that's often where people are hiding digitally and rioting in their own way. you have protests going on night after night after night. i would say race relations are pretty strained right now.
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reporter: it's always a matter of how do you view race relations. if you go back 50 years to the 1960s, you did have riots in the streets, and you had a situation where i wouldn't be talking to you, kennedy. they would say a black man and white woman? a lot of those tensions were very real. we also have a black president right now. then people think why is it that we can't move on from the old bitter racial kind of divide? i would argue a lot of it has to do with the high level of poverty and poor education among minorities in the country. then you get people who equate race with class in some situations. kennedy: kareem abdul jabar did that. he wrote an opinion piece. if you want to lift people out of poverty stop separating them by class and race, especially
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lumping class and race together as one thing. >> i think it obscures the reality of the problem we face. if you don't understand the problem, you can't create the solution. i think that's the case for extremists on both sides. i want to talk about policing it's a difficult time to be a cop. i don't know how police departments are recruiting people. you look at that tragic murder. it's almost a form of terrorism it's certainly a 8 crime in dallas. there -- that was a department instituting its own reforms, doing a better job of community policing. how are we going to move forward from the tragic incidents like eric garner and freddie gray and hopefully have a strong dialogue, better police departments and trust?
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>> i'm a fan of the police commissioner in dallas. you can see he's doing a good job. charles ramsey, the police chief in philly came up with recommendations to build those relationships. but i think there is so much dishonesty. what we ask the police to do is an impossible job of going into oftentimes dysfunctional community with a lot of kids who come from broken families who are not in school or all night from the school. they have no structure, maybe a gang becomes a flame for them. a gun becomes a way to feel like around man or important. drug dealing becomes a business. this is a lot of madness. and you are asking the police to say you are the thin blue line between that mess and kennedy and juan. it's not racial, now it's a
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class issue. we don't want those people coming into neighborhoods and homes. kennedy: i would argue it's too much government keeping minorities from starting businesses, and minimum wage that keeps young minorities from getting jobs in the first place. and there are so many barriers that are exacerbated by these shootings. reporter: i would ask you, what about schools? kennedy: we need more school choice. we agree on so much more than anyone would have thought. reporter: even me. kennedy: it's getting so terrible suburbanites are terrible suburbanites are resorting to ramping motorcycles thank you. ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience.
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kennedy: when your flap jack fan base is wearing thin and your bag pipes are running out of air, stock up on the strangest news around, and the logical place for that? here in the "topical storm." baseball is america's favorite pastime. an age old tradition enjoyed by young and old alike. i would like to introduce you to the greatest admeevment sport of baseball since performance enhancing drugs. >> i got this one. that's right up there. kennedy: working out the kegs.
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that looks so delicious. maybe if you eliminated the freeze and focused on the beer things would work out a little better. dreams can come true. topic number two. what is the flop-athon? it's when floppy drives and scanners are programmed to make music. he recreated this version of nirvana. [♪]
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kennedy: have you ever wondered what that first song sounded like? when even earthed the original version of it. [♪] so moving. i want to catch baseball with it. topic number three. sticking with 90s music icons. red hot chili peppers lead was detained by airport thugs when they realized they were in the presence of a rock star. but they thought flea because the bassist.
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they actually made flea sign a bunch of metallica ts and he put his own name on it. he didn't sign it jason or roberto. it just puts me in the mood to hear the peppers. thank god i unearthed a rare recording of under the bridge. this is from my personal collection. [♪] that's not under the bridge. oh well, it's still pretty great. topic number four. if you are like most people you spend several hours a day wondering what it would be like if a motorcycle jumped over an
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airplane. watch. that's got to be fake. where is burt reynolds? but it made me wonder. can we do better? earlier i told my producer party to film a death-defying stunts that would be more amazing and evel knievel on meth. limits see what he got up to. so brave. on the bright side, that appears to be admiral snuggles which
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means john stossel's cat is safe and has been returned to new york for now. topic number five. who hates rocky? communists. who loves rocky? babies. particularly this baby who is work out to sylvester stallone's iconic training montage. do a pushup. let's see it. keep hopping around. there you go. arms in the air like little chickens. you have got this, baby. drink some raw eggs. or just flop your arms around like an epileptic chicken. now slap sylvester stallone in the abs. now do more pushups. punch the air like it's your mom in the gut. that's one energetic baby.
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and that's winter are you figure film. my fast it scene is the eye of the tiger fight montage by the band survivor. remember? [♪] that's not even from my check, it's that good. if you have weird stories you want to see on the "topical storm" tweet me @kennedynation and use #topicalstorm. ruth bader ginsburg says she may leave the united states because of donald trump.
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kennedy: thursday night dallas police used a bomb robot, the first in history law enforcement
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killing an american with a robot. how should society grapple with technology and violence? what are the limits? the party panel is back. joanne nosuchinsky, joe devito and matt welch. let's start with the robot. you can see this ending badly. >> i think technology can do a lot of good like the situation in dallas. chief brown said there was no other option for them to keep people safe. but good technology it's put in bad hand or when bad hands get their grimy paws on tele, i worry about what it could be used for in the future. and the fact that sometimes i don't entrust our own government. i wonder how grimy their paws are. kennedy: you are sounding like a libertarian. i think this can have nefarious
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applications. >> a shooter pick off cops. he used a robot. christopher dorner shooting at cops in l.a. they used some kind of helicopter death drone? kennedy: they pulled apart one of the cabins. >> the key is not to fixate on the technology itself. you ask are you going to kill onlookers. kennedy: we don't want more cops to be killed and this guy is hell bent on shooting cops. i understand that and i understand the application in this case. but i'm with joanne, in the future it scares me like drones. >> rand paul said i would support using a drone in this case. the same guy who held the filibuster.
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kennedy: a rino. joe, i'm going to get to you on this next topic first. i know how much you love ruth bader ginsburg. supreme court justice ginsburg said if trump becomes president it will be four years for the country but much longer for the supreme court as he fills vacancies. she joked that she would move to new zealand if he's sworn in. is this reason enough to vote for trump, the idea of ruth bader ginsburg getting on an air new zealand flight and leaving? >> people who talk about if something happens i'm going to move. oh you are going to vote for the thing i don't like, then i have to excuse myself. kennedy: there are people who say james comey is a never trump
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guy, and that's why he didn't recommend indictment for hillary clinton. >> 10 years past, get them in, get them out, rotate them. if it causes gridlock, good. kennedy: you say this kind of talk is self indulgent. >> you want people to say don't know, you are so useful. we love you. no, if you want to go, go do it quietly. >> she'll ratify it. what happens if the elect goes to the supreme court. what happens with bush v. gore. >> there are only 8 justices. there can only be 7.
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so, ruth, i would buy a ticket, you going in with me? joe, everything is coming up joseph. the american academy of pediatrics saidout cigarette smoking has declined. but found that teens whoer in have used tobacco product are turning to electronic smoking devices. are e-cigarettes replacing the real thing or are they adding new teens. >> they are trying to compare apples and oranges. they are not good for you. but they have nothing in common with smoking. nicotine activate parts of your brain. kennedy: i know people with
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colitis to use nicotine. kennedy: i have got a friend at fox who has occasionally vaped in the green room and he got a stern talking to. >> people are close to puffing on their iphones. anybody who would do that, the less they are speaking, the happier i am. kennedy: if this were your kid, what would you say? >> go for it. there are harder drugs. no, that would be so bad. that's gross. nosuchinsky obesity is what's killing people. michelle obama knows it. she should be pro-vape oat kids
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do that rather than chew. kennedy: you solved the epidemic crisis. it's cheaper to buy kids e-cigarettes than it is to pay for a gastric by pass. i hear e-cigs give you popcorn lungs. it sound awful. thank you for being here. serious times call for importance. donald trump reportedly considering a democrat as his running-mate esurance does insurance a smarter way,
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which saves money. like bundling home and auto coverage, which reduces red tape, which saves money. when they save, you save. that's home and auto insurance for the modern world. esurance, an allstate company. click or call. esurance does insurance a smarter way. they offer a single deductible, which means you don't pay twice when something like this happens, which saves money. esurance is built to save. that's home and auto insurance for the modern world. esurance, an allstate company. click or call.
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kennedy: donald trump expected to announce his running mate this week, and he's reportedly
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vetting chris christie. michael flynn has all he surfaced -- as also surfaced. let's ask tim carney, a senior political column tonight. >> kennedy: i want to talk to you about lieutenant general flynn.r trump in that he's saying the exact opposite things about his views from one day to another. while a woman has to be able to choose and i'm a pro-life democrat. a running mate calling himself pro-life and pro-choice at the same time. in my mind it plays to the idea
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that trump is an authoritarian and that's his only ideology. he's sort of a big government general. when he admires strong men in other countries and wants to put a general who doesn't have conservative domestic views as his runsing mate, that plays into that ask charge. kennedy: people say general flynn is good on foreign policy. i think republicans particularly men do themselves a great disservice when they start free wheeling on abortion. >> it's a serious grave issue that one ought to think about before one speaks on it. the idea that he could say opposite things 12 hours apart like donald trump does, shows he's speaking on a serious issue without having thought of it. you are saying that sounds like
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man-splaining. kennedy: it violates the contradiction of what you can be and not in the same instance at the same time. let's talk about christie. i have been hesitant about chris christie until i thought him as an attorney general. he was someone with a legal authoritarian streak and how much harm they can do to the country, i.e. eric holder. and i think chris christie could be far worse on issues like civil liberties. >> during the debates he tried to distinguish himself from rand paul. he attacked and belittled rand palms libertarian ideas. you could see a debate going. rubio or cruz possibly debating against a civil libertarian. but christie hates those ideas. he thinks they are dangerous and
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stupid. so if your plot to keep christie out of being the top law enforcement official in the country to put him in a meaningless job in a trump white house. that's a safe bet if you are a civil libertarian like you and i are. kennedy: indiana governor mike pence, do or die time for him. he has to have a decision by friday. donald trump has to let him know whether he's a running mate. some people see him as a frontrunner. where do you see him? >> trump said he want to pick a politician, somebody who has the experience he doesn't have. pence has a strong conservative record in a lot of ways. but he rubs some conservatives the wrong way when he caves on the religious freedom restoration act. i think running for governor where it's fairly safe to get re-elected. he has got to decide in the next
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couple days. so that's a risky thing for pence to do it. it's a safe low-risk move for trump to pick him. that combination doesn't seem to make sense for both of them to go along with it. when you are this far down for trump to pick the most normal guy on your list doesn't make sense. it's like trying to get lay-ups when you are down by 18 points. kennedy: newt or not? >> newt is the best pick trump can make? will it happen? less likely than not, but it wouldn't shock. kennedy: i think he's in the prime position and he's got secret weapon which is calista, and her secret weapon which is her french horn. very good. coming up, we'll hit the streets to ask who hillary clinton should pick as her running mate. [woodworker] i live in the fine details.
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that's why i run on quickbooks. i use the payments app to accept credit cards... ...and everything autosyncs. those sales prove my sustainable designs are better for the environment and my bottom line. that's how i own it.
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kennedy: tomorrow bernie sanders is expected to endorse hillary clinton and he might become her running mate. rich collier hit the streets to ask who hillary should tap@as her vp and so much more. [♪] >> hillary wants to steal reporters away from trump, who should she choose as her running mate? >> weird al. they have the same kind of personalities and ideals. >> i think she should choose che guevarra.
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>> everything kim kardashian has in the last 7 years. >> i would remove that fake smile. >> i can't possibly do that. i'm a real person. >> what cosmetic surgery would you recommend for bernie. >> he's too real for all that stuff. >> a time machine. >> nascar races with the crew that comes out. >> what cosmetic surgery would you recommend for trump. >> the hair is a lost cause. there is nothing you can do about it. >> maybe botox of the mouth. then it would stop moving. >> we love donald trump, right? right? kennedy: thank you so much for watching the show. you can watch all new episodes of "kennedy" monday through
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thursday 8-9:00 eastern and 5 to 6 pacific. email me at email me at (male narrator) imagine... wiping away the appearance of crepey skin on your arms... (female narrator) ...on your legs... (male narrator) ...and even your neck. (female narrator) what would your reaction be? -can i look now? -yes. are you serious? oh my goodness. (female narrator) summer is here. is your skin ready? (male narrator) stay tuned for our hottest offer ever from crepe erase, a breakthrough targeted body treatment for smoother, younger looking skin. (female narrator) and now, a paid presentation for crepe erase. (male narrator) brought to you by trusted guthy-renker. (female narrator) and featuring emmy award winning actress jane seymour. (male narrator) beloved little house on the prairie actress, melissa gilbert. (female narrator) figure skating legend, dorothy hamill.


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