tv Wall Street Week FOX Business July 16, 2016 9:30am-10:01am EDT
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we will be with him at the beginning. thanks for being with us. have a great weekend. good night from new york. we have talked about anything that has affected people and their money. from fox business headquarters in new york city, the new "wall street week". >> welcome to "wall street week" the show for long-term investing. >> i'm gary kaminsky. the republicans national convention begins on monday but the fight for the money is being going on for months now.
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our own charlie gasparino reporting this week while street leaders are hesitant to give money to donald trump so far despite hillary clinton talking down the financial sector. charlie will be here later to write our guest is lou eisenberg a republican national committee finance committee chairman and the chairman of trump victory. welcome to the show. i want to start out and say that i'm one of your committee members and i'm a donor to the rnc and trump victory. >> i shall disclose that i have given money to the trump picture campaign as well as the nrlc at and senator rob portman is running for election as a republican in ohio. we have to ask top russians otherwise we will be fair. here the super tough questions. lou is my old boss at goldman back in the day and thank you for hire me by the way. the first question related to your raising a good sum of money in june but it does seem like we are getting pushback from traditional republican donors so
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what you say about that and how are you going about raising the money? >> this is the most interesting campaign for the presidency have ever been involved in and it's true that there has been some reluctance on the part of wall street to participate in the fund-raising activities. we have a unique candidate for the republican party. it was a long grueling primary as you know and when you have 17 active members, 16 or 17 of them competing against you as it culminates before the convention there is still a lot of people who are feeling the pressure of having back those who did not win having contributed a lot on he, so you don't anticipate when you start fund-raising that they will all come on board but it's a binary election so right now they are starting to come on board and we didn't start our
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candidate who is a very savvy businessman began by financing his own campaign ended for the whole primary. when he realized it was going to being extremely expensive ordeal to go through to the final perhaps he joined forces which is how i got intimately involved with the trump campaign with the rnc so the rnc has put its fund-raising operation in the hands of --. >> uni traveled together for the first fund-raiser in mr. trump's plane out of l.a. and that was a good start. i remember that started in the last week of may so my question is do you feel like you are sloping and scaling in a way that is necessary to get enough money into the campaign to make you competitive on the money side at least? >> we are doing very well. unfortunately the media, some of your friends advertised their results and compared them to the
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other candidates results. >> open their -- even though there were only three or four days in may when we were at sea raising money. >> our numbers are 51 million perhaps more great those are good numbers and i think it will continue to grow. we have scheduled two, three in four events through september at this point and so i'm confident that --. >> it sounds to me like you've been involved with the mccain campaign and you were involved with the campaign and after next week it sounds as though you think there will be a groundswell of support just from the other republicans that have not stepped in yet. is that what you expect? >> yes i absolutely expect that. this is a binary choice for republicans and democrats. for americans. forget if you can from him at the politics of it. on the one hand you've seen around the world the anxiety
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that's being expressed with those who have held office for eight to 16 years and there is not a lot of happiness. i think on one hand you have a very successful businessman who represents hope and help not just hope and change but hope in hell. he understands he has to move the economy forward in its jobs, jobs, jobs. it was total sarin diggity with one thought in mind. after 9/11 at that time my office was on the 67th floor of world trade center one and having lost a lot of friends and a lot of conference that we were going in a direction it was safe this is about jobs, the economy and the physical security because they are really combined and there was no one that has a better grasp and also i think republicans will sense that. >> i want to follow-up on some of the money questions lou. "wall street week" we'll be right back. of trump presidency would mean
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>> welcome back to "wall street week." we are talking to lou eisenberg the national finance chairman for the rnc and the chairman of trump victory. lou wise in not an apples-to-apples comparison and why hillary has to raise so much more money than donald trump has to even to be competitive? >> i think part and parcel as in the evidence of what is past as the president will continue. donald has been able to attract crowds that no one has ever seen before and has a digital response that is uniquely outstanding in terms of bringing in money and he earns and gets a
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lot of attention that hillary has been trying to get and just has been unable. it helps us bring the money in. that's part of it. the other part of it is as we sit here even with brexit and all the financial panic that happened the market has continued to go up and at the same time if anyone looked at the results i think the state elections or must more important right now, the staples than the national polls. donald trump is moving ahead. he really does have a movement so if you see things tightening in the swing states like pennsylvania you see him ahead in florida come he's ahead in iowa and the markets are going up. i think there may be some rhyme and reason to that. >> anthony the market is going up and hillary clinton will go on the campaign trail and say the stock arcus reflecting the economy and the stock arcus doing well. this will be something that trump has to fight against.
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>> voters are reflecting the anxiety in the economy. want to ask lou you are partner at goldman sachs and the successful hedge fund. he became a partner in kkr but you left those very profitable locations to do this. tell our viewers why. >> we create jobs and we protect security. that's what it's all about. >> you're a business person. what is he going to do as president as a business person to change the federal government? >> this is a profound difference from the very severe left that hillary offers. she said that she is going to bring us the obama legacy in triplicate and she's going to have senator warren helping her on the left and senator sanders helping her on the left and we know we are moving towards a socialist government. on the other handy of a businessman. he has asked the created jobs. i can't remember, no think there has been, a businessman who is a chance to get in there, lower
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the taxes and give the funding that's been sequestered overseas back to the united states. >> ringing the money back is something we have talked to numerous guests about on this program. >> carl icahn in mr. trump to the "back of the envelope" at the dinner your add-in is close to 5.5 trillion. >> you got to get at a full percentage to gdp of the money comes back under the right circumstances. are we going to hear about that next week and are we going to finally let the american public understand why this is so important? >> i think the american public has a better grasp of this then we think. they know that 1.5% growth there are too many people who don't have jobs so this is about creating jobs and growth. >> is there something about mr. trump that you would like the american public to know, that you know about mr. trump? >> look, there is no question that he has the experience and
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judgment that is created a world-class business. people can argue about numbers. i don't think it's relevant. you have a tremendously successful businessman who is leading in his own words. my hope and belief is that republicans who have recognized the importance of the economy and security are going to move rapidly towards uniting behind our candidate. he is a real leader. >> lou you referenced the markets done well since brexit and you have done in equities at goldman for long time. negative interest rates around the world, the fed has induced the sydney diocese of central banks. worried about the long-term viability of why the stock market has gone up? >> the long term viability of why they have gone up? >> that the fed, that the federal reserve has pushed investors into stocks that may
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not belong in stocks as an asset class. >> what is says is we have a lot of monetary policy and we haven't had any fiscal policy. it's dramatically needed. but donald trump offers is taking a look at the fiscal changes made and possibly correcting some of the monetary policies where we have gone overboard in continuing the growth prosperity that we need. it's so clear to me that one party now represents that kind of growth and strength. if there's one thing that donald trump shows all the time its strength. he is a strong vigorous candidate. most important underlying this i got involved in beginning two years ago because if we lost this we would loose the supreme court for the next 20 years perhaps in the senate and the house which is critical to basically bring balance we would have a chance of losing the senate and the house so republicans will come back and the donors will come back.
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i'm very optimistic right now. >> we wish you luck in cleveland next week at the convention. >> we hope to see there. >> thanks for joining us three "wall street week" will be coming right back. >> coming up remember the doom and gloom or is when eu voted to and gloom or is when eu voted to exityou do all this researchlie on a perfect car,
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markets. think they are headed? >> i think there a lot of reasons we can think this market will continue to move higher that the summer. so many summers recently have been treacherous and bumpy. think this summer is going to be different. think we'll continue to see the move higher throughout the next several weeks. >> related to what? the rates? >> the fed absolute positively came out moved no matter how much it says it wants to say that can't move in terms of making rates higher so the spigot is still on. brexit fears, they were overblown. we are still going to continue doing trade with the uk and the uk will continue to trade with era. in my estimation the fears are taken off the table and you also have an environment where people are looking around the world saying word why put my money and the u.s. continually is. >> now it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. there was one guy in know that
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called this and actually said they would never raise rates when people thought they would. brexit was overdone in the global economy is growing slowly but it's not so bad. he is a household name. his name is joe fahmi and he's been talking for months about dow at 20,003 what is his thesis? are not saying i agree with him but is starting to pan out and that is the fed cannot raise rates and he's been saying this for months. when everybody said they were in the middle of the election the economy isn't growing fast enough to raise rates. if you put that together with the beckley of slow growth corporate earnings aren't that bad, where are you going to put your money? he went out on a limb. he deserves the credit. i'm not telling you i agree with that. >> let me turn to mike cohost two is a good investor. but he is. >> do you agree with joe fahmi
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and what charlie is espousing? >> what i really worry about here and trish pointed out and every guest has pointed it out is that it's going up because there's nowhere else to put your money and that's orchestrated by central banks around the world including the fed. i worry. >> i will say this jovani, we are in a bubble. >> i'm just saying that i don't have a problem with why stocks are going up but they are not going up for the historical fundamental reasons that. >> if you are an investor why do you care until now? you never miss to talk and you don't aim for the top. >> is a long-term investor you have got to be fully invested with the right asset allocation
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so you don't miss updates and you try to tie me out but i worry charlie you and i has spent two decades talking about stocks. i worry about what i see going on. >> and rightly so, if you absolution. the fundamentals for this economy are not there. we are looking at anemic growth that asked so it may all be artificial but of course even if it is artificial over the course of the next several weeks you want to capture that growth. >> we remember the fights when the nasdaq hit 5000 in march of 2000. suppose you stayed out of the market between 2,005,000 because you know it's a bubble and you lost a lot of money so you if you stayed in it and got out at 450 you still made a hell of a lot of money. that's kind of how you have to look at this. you know it's a bubble but it's a question of when you exit. >> are you worried about what's going on in europe trish?
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this week no. reduction. >> am i worried about in terms of the uk and this economy or the eu? i think the uk is going to be better off. it will be painful in durham -- and tremendous going to be bumpy along the road. hopefully theresa may will be able to quickly put together trade. i think that the uk will fundamentally be better off if it doesn't have to listen to brussels. >> if the labour party, i believe the labour party controls the economic -- we are talking about a divided country. they can go thatcher and cut taxes and lower the copper at -- corporate tax. more. they can create a beautiful utopia for business. they can go the other way and when you listen to theresa may she has left this rhetoric ricci
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had stuff about wages and capping corporate ceo pay they came right out of bernie sanders which dates me. we don't have to get into bernie sanders but they are crosscurrents there which could make exiting the eu even worse than staying in. >> it's important for our viewers understand that our problems the united states are also elsewhere in the world. i'm going to switch topics abruptly. both of you will be heading to the national convention next week we trish would we expect there and what he focused on? >> that's anyone's yes as far so we can expect but i think you can expect a lot of drama. we are anticipating quite a number protest there and i think you can expect a bit of pomp and circumstance in terms of donald trump who is always. bankable in terms of being able to put on a good show. i think the most important thing for the republican party right now is that comes to terms with its candidate and that unifies
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behind this candidate. the alternative is hillary clinton and for those never termers who don't like them they need to effectively get over it. >> lou eisenberg at the top of the program expects that will happen. charlie would do it expect? >> i will be doing a lot of tweeting. >> we will be there together. >> i know your personality. like tinder? give us a headline now that you think you will be reporting on in middle of next week. >> john kasich still boycott the convention here's the problem with that. you cannot win as are public and if you don't win ohio. if he can't get kasich and his machine the governor of ohio, if you can't get him mobilized in his machine mobilized in that state is going to be very difficult for delta to win the
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election. is donald doing really well? yes, and his hillary had a lot of bad weeks? yeah and the contrasts are really start. hillary clinton has adopted socialism and she is negligent, crooked whatever you want. that being said donald trump has done some damage to himself than their public and brand over the last couple of months and you can't get john kasich the governor of that state to endorse you, lou eisenberg you had better open up an office there. >> it has to be the be-all end-all free people are hurting and people have lost their jobs. if you look a state like ohio it's very much the very much the garissa the country preview travel through the small towns in america that used to be thriving manufacturing towns and people do not have jobs anymore. and campaigning on trade. >> it's going to be at best anyway.
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>> a shooting in dallas left five officers dead and two wounds. >> the video went viral showing officers killing black men in louisiana and minnesota. >> the officer just shot number his arm. >> to learn what really happens during confrontations like that, we used to have to rely on eyewitness accounts. but now video changes everything. sometimes it reveals bad police, soti
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