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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  July 31, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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they continue to. >> and i'm looking at the polls. she'll be three or fours: it won better to see it monday. thank you for watching, here is lou dobbs. lou: i am lou dobbs. the conventions, they are over. and the general election campaign officially underway. donald trump and hillary clinton now have 101 days to make their case to the american voters, their schedules are as you might expect packed. trump heading west to colorado for a town hall meeting in colorado springs, a rally in denver later tonight, colorado sprints even classic trump, taking shots at clinton a dnc speech. >> i watched her last night
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giving a speech that was so average. she said something about the campaign. donald trump does not know how to campaign, something like that. i just beat 15 people, i am beating her. i was clear curious if he would do a class act and not mention my name, or mention it with respect, like say, i would like to congra to conlate my -- congratulate my republican opponent for doing something that nobody has done in history. and congratulate my opponent for something gotten more votes than anyone in history of republican party. lou: we'll take out trump's winning strategy, talk with trump's national spokesperson, katrina pierson here. and former arkansas governor
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mike huckabee and media mogul steve forbes. a lot to talk about, including that google is in the tank for hillary, caught removing donald trump fromy isy iy search engine results. >> and hillary clinton saying super rich are going to start paying their fair share of taxes if she is elected. but her campaign depends onthatd "wall street journal" reporting hedge funds donated 50 million dollars to groups working on her pe half, -- behalf. and giving donald trump 19,000 dollars. who would have guessed there was so much -- well, let's take that on hedge funds and where they are going with their money, and why. later. our top story, officially
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first day of the campaign, neither one hesitating on the campaign trail. donald trump working hard today. holding a town hall and a rally in colorado. vice president nominee strik mike pence is focusing on heartland in home state of indiana, about to hold a rally this hour in lima, ohio. carl cameron traveling with trump. in denver, he has our report. reporter: donald trump into hillary clinton. >> i am taking the gloves off, right? trump is going to be no more mr. nice guy. reporter: trump was defensive this morning, tweeting, crooked hillary clinton mentioned me 22 times in her long, boring speech. many of her statements were lies and fabrications, trump cast clinton and democrats
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optimism as dishonest and out of touch with reality, declaring hillary clinton's speech was an insulting collect of cliches and recycled rhetoric, and spend the peeve endinthe -- evening talking down to the people she has looked down on her whole life. pence said he will try to get media band from even by trump reinstated. >> i don't think name-calling is any place in public life. reporter: trump on a wisconsin radio show, guest hosted by sheriff david clark said he would eliminate president obama's executive order. police can better protect the themselves, clinton last night blasted trump's temperament. >> is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons, enough with the bigotry.
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>> i think i have the best temperament. certainly one of the best. of anybody that has ever run for the office of president. reporter: in iowa, trump predicted that clinton would get a bounce from the convention, and acknowledged his weakness in the polls from women. >> if you really like donald trump that is great, but if you don't, you have to vote for me anyway, you know why? supreme court judges, supreme court judges. have no choice, sorry. reporter: likely to be one of the nastiest general elect races in decades, and one of the longest in over a half century, last time both parties completed their conventions in july, john f. kennedy was running again richard nixon in 1960, lou. lou: thank you. >> joining me now trump national convention spokeswoman, katrina pierson.
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donald trump wasting no time in executing a critique of hillary clinton's acceptance speech. it seemed straight forward, if i forgetting something? >> no, you are not. st was not a memorable speech. but i do recall her misrepresenting mr. trump's policies. lou: which are the greatest in your view, i noticed one or two myself. >> i think that bigger issue, is that racial -- racism and bigotry, and this notion that there is a division that mr. trump has been trying to do, mr. trump has been speaking the truth. we have a problem with immigration here, we have a problem with radical as lim islam, these are true. we have seen with wikileaks and the dnc e-mails that
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powerpoint is telling everyone, including working with media, we have to pain donald trump as a racist and a sexist. that is why you see everyone repeating those lines. >> no question. among the contradiction in her speech, this thing about being a change agent, she has been a public property for basically 30 years in and out of power, but generally in political life throughout her entire career. and then saying she will be the one to be a change agent. when it is clearly donald trump who is if you will, the disruptive factor in this campaign. and hugely so. >> i think that is proly probably one of the biggest discrepancies, if you listen to her campaign today versus 6 months ago, she is against
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tpp, and now supports education reform, and wants college debt removed. this is the same woman that has been funded by all of the lobbyists this lobbied for her the creddors that put students to debt, and not to mention national security problem, and donald trump is beholden to none of them, not one in last 3 years, hillary clinton received $22 million for speeches she gave to corporations and trade associations, there no one that believes that hillary clinton will change any of that. lou: well, and certainly, the bringing along tim kaine as the vice presidential nominee, has been calling for bank deregulation, and been in support of tpp . governor mccauliffe of virginia saying she was going to flip flop, and immediately walking that back a bit. there is some concerning a in
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the camp, all of them. whatever you want to call it, donald trump asking, i love the line, saying, if russia is listening, we kind of like to have the e-mails for our media . for th government, that seems to have dissipated quickly after ern found out that united states and russia have an agreement, to cooperate on criminal activity and he was simply, if you want to take him serious leahy waly, he was gesting, of course, but it would be responsible on both parties to combine that investigation. >> that is based on notion there was interest in reporting on this or discussing the topic in nonport saport partisan way, we hear a silenc a see it has been reported that clinton
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campaign has also been hacked. this follows hillary clinton wherever she goes, let's hope that nuclear codes were not among her e-mails. >> all right, thank you very much. a lot to cover tonight after 4 days of the democratic national convention, their nominee on the trail, battles donald trump. stay with us, we're coming right back. >> donald trump succeeded and stealing media attention from democratic national convention. making fun of a lot of the dnc speakers. >> i don't want to go home and watch that crap. lou: governor mike huckabee joins me next on who gets the biggest bounce. >> this fisherman about to get a huge surprise from the sea. we have the eye-popping video for you next. you don't want to miss it. a lot more ahead. my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count.
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that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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lou: donald trump is ahead of hillary clinton in polls, now ratings as well, as more people watch donald trump's convention speech than hillary clinton's. her speech last night over 66 minutes long could seen by
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33.3 million, cnn most viewers, trump's last week 75 minutes 34.9 million people. and brought to you by fox news channel from most of that. trump made note of his bigger audience a short time ago at his campaign stop in colorado springs. >> so thursday to thursday. that is the big one, right? thursday. we beat her by millions on television. we beat her by a lot. and will they both did good, really, we beat her by a lot, but honestly the numbers were incredible, which tells you is know it good to have isn't it good to have trump running for the presidency?
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lou: we should point out president obama's still record holde hold 38 million in 2008. >> something to shoot for. joining me now, former arkansas governor, former republican presidential candidate, mike huckabee. great to have you with us. talking about convention speeches. accept an speeches, what did you think of hillaries? >> it was 66 minutes of my life i will neff be able to get back. -- that was 66 minutes of my life i will never be able to get back, it was a long speech, not just my partisanship, i acknowledge, i am a partisan. but there something about hillary's cadence and speaking style, i feel like i am being scolded by the principal ofny elementary school, i would like to say, would you stop, just give me the licks and get it over with.
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i would have haply taken the licks, back in the day corporal punishment was allowed in schools, i had my share. lou: and switches were present in the agent. >> just hit me, that is what i was looking for last night. just hit me and be done. lou: michael goodwin our khali-- colleague here, called the speech an uninspired wish list. golden age of big government. i could not argue with either of you, the speech in the room seemed to fall a bit flat, the first half was well received, second half not so well, a tough thing to do. and i -- she has a lot of speeches to give over the next 100 days. she is in a real disadvantage
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with trump, don't you think? >> i do, trump, whatever you think of him, he is unpredictable, he is entertaining, he always micks it up -- mixes is up, he may go from loud to quiet, he reacts to things in the crowd. he is unfiltered, you just don't know where this goes, with hillary, you know where it goes, it focused group, tested, but her delivery is still very forced and stilted and look, i am not medical doctor, but i think that cough and clearing her throat, that is every time she does that, she coughs up yet a new government give away and that is why the speech was soy so many things that we have to pay for if she gets electioned. lou: that is a medical diagnosis on left wing policy,
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i had not anticipated. that makes sense. >> i hope so, i think you know best medicine for it is not to vote for her, we cannot afford the prescription. lou: have you just demonstrated a very, very important present of practicing medicine. when you do make diagnosis, have a cure, we appreciate both. governor mike huckabee thank you. >> you bet. lou: coming right back, a lot more ahead stay with ♪ with this level of intelligence...'s a supercomputer.
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lou: a few thoughts on the election battle between hillary clinton and donald trump with opposing perspectives, and differing appeals of their visions. and question of which we'll trust to lead us.
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history will be made over this next 100 days, already historic. first woman to be the nominee are a presidential -- major party. no matter rhetoric or high political trauma of this dodge administration this elect will still turn on the economy, clintony refusal to confront failures of administration to restore prosperity to the nation are apparent. >> now i don't think president obama and vice president biden get the credit they deserve for saving us from the worst economic crisis of our lifetime. our economy is so much stronger than when they took office. lou: we all understand democratic nominees delemm avoters are likely to held -- dilemma. voters are likely to hold her responsible.
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7 years after the recession, our economic recovery is weakest since world war ii, today we learn it grew disappointing 1.2% in second quarter, far below expectations, and well below half historic growth rate, a baseline of 3%. and durable goods orders plunging for a second straight month, median household income dropping since president obama took office, and rate of home ownership is lowest since past half century, lowest since 1965, and labor force participation rate near historic lows. and 94 million americans are not in the workforce. yet hillary clinton and the del democrats in past week have claimed things are fine and dandy, a claim that trump's vice president at nominee, challenged today. >> we heard was more of the same.
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at least what i heard was more a commitment to more taxes, more regulation, more government. more of the same failed policies that have landed our national grtnation government 19 trillion dollars in debt. the stakes could the not be here higher,. lou: governor is right. loss of jobs, pay and lower living standard that this administration tells us we wrufmust accept as the new normal. i believe presidential polling survey show that voters will not be joining in the new normal. 101 days before we find out whether i am correct. >> quotation of the evening, the contest that we're
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witnessing is not just clinton and trump but the settleed and safe. and prospect of overcoming status quo in favor of a better life: wherever a man comes there comes a revolution. the old is for slaves. and slaves we're not. not yet. and free still to make our opeown way. >> we're coming right back. >> donald trump reminding voters how hillary clinton and the dnc rigged system for her to win the party's nomination. >> a rigged system. the elections are rigged, you saw what happened two weeks ago with hillary, they caught her in lies. >> let's beat her on november 8. >> congressman ron joining us next on state of republican campaign up and down the ticket. >> these daredevils take their passion for speed and
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adventure to new heights, the video of their remarkable stunt after these important messages. stay with us, a lot if you take multiple medications a dry mouth can be a common side effect. that's why there's biotene. it comes in oral rinse, spray or gel, so there's moisturizing relief for everyone. biotene. for people who suffer from a dry mouth.
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a grwas seeing theing the different it had like a manufacturer discount, it had a usaa member discount. all of them were already built in to the low price. i know that i got a better deal than i would have on my own. usaa car buying service, powered by truecar. lou: the justice department today announcing investigating a cyberattack of hillary clinton's campaign operations, according to clinton campaign, hacker access an analytic data program that is being maintained by democratic national committee following
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cyberattacks against two other democratic party groups, we learn that fbi is investigating a breach at the campaign committee, sources tell fox news it may be related to an earlier cyberattack against the democratic national committee. suggesting that attackers are looking to pos b -- possibly harvest data on democratic supporters, what else could it be? joining us, great to you have us with congress man. this is been a week for th democrats, now congressional conference compositeitty. -- committee, i mean what is going on here? do you have a sense of it? >> i don't think who is behind
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it, but if you see the ease with which this political information is being intercepted just think about secretary clinton's home brewed e-mail server. there was a question, comey said, he did not know, if it had happen they would not be able to tell, i don't think there is any question all of her communications have been intercepted, i think it shows political stuff, there is influence that may be someone is trying to do an election. but i think that ease with which they get in. really, reflecting back on hillary, and her home brewed server, those classified e-mails i believe have been intercepted, by hostile powers. lou: are you surprised or impressed by fact your nominee, donald trump is the first one, who in-- went from cyberark tags to issue of her home brew server, her use of a personal e-mail system for personal government business?
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>> the thing, i think they ended up stepping on themselves they said you should not be talking about this this involves serious security issues. but that only 7on -- serves to highlight the issues with her, server, they said it was about yoga and wedding party and stuff, there was problem some significant information on there. perhap its was russia but i bet there were multiple intelligence agents that intercepted that. >> and fbi, not implying that, saying they could not say as to whether or not had occurred . hillary clinton a campaign manager injected russia and national security into the discussion, with this fantastic if you will, insinuation about russia's
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role in that cyberattack. and the wikileaks leak. >> i think that ends up hurting her standing, so i think they were trying to respond to what trump was criticizing them for, but i pg they dug their hole deeper, and i think underscored a lot of concerns that we had in congress, about this e-mail set up, when you talk about information at top-secret level on an e-mail server that much not only meant for that, but it was less secure than a g mail account, i think you assume that stuff has been taken, any intelligence agency, even a stateless hacker word their salt will be able to get that. lou: what do you make of what donald trump also said, charging the democrats with an utter denial, ignoring world in which hillary clinton has played a sizable role in si
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syria in libya and egypt, and destabilizing a significant part of the region. >> if you look at her tenure remarkable, almost like a king midas in reverse, everything she touched ended up going bad . a huge increase in jihadist and pushing out mubarak and paving the way for muslim brotherhood, and rise of isis occurred on her and president obama's watch, not even this she made mistakeses but everywhere you look is a approximately see failure which she was secretary of state. lou: when you hear the justice department, fbi, say that they are going to hold whoever did break in to the dnc, and
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dcc c, if i have enough c's. i am trying to -- i can't recall, maybe you can help me, i can't remember anyone being held accountable, not china issue not russia. only one i can think of would be goose for. >> remember, about a year ago. lou: the romanian actor. >> a year ago there was a hack on office of personnel management background check file, that was millions of americans. many million more of their family, you list everything. nobody has been held accountable for one of the most massive breaches of security in the country's history, i hope that they are trying to do that, on that waive length but they have not done anything that puts some
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of our people at risk. lou: congressman ron desantos good to have you with us. >> thank you. lou: breaking news now, new national poll just bin released, showing presidential race tightening between donald trump and hillary clinton. this gets to be interesting because the full context is not immediately apparent in that five point advantage. the reuters gives hillary clinton 40% over donald trump 35% that poll was conducted between monday and today. the previous reuters poll however, showed clinton leading by 11 points. that lead now is you see is fallen to 5. but the effect will be on the real clear politics average, and absolute tie between trump there you are. >> vote in our poll tonight,
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who do you think will get the bigger bounce from the democratic national convention? hillary clinton? or donald trump? cast your vote on twitter. at lou dobbs, follow he on twitter, like me on facebook, follow me. links to everything is found, i want to restate, that the poll should be, i am going to, if you bear with me, should be who will have bigger bounce donald trump from the republic national convention or hillary clinton from the democratic national convention? with that cleared up, we'll do better, i promise, i will do better. roll video. watch this world famous base jumper, pilots his wing suit down a chinese mountain side, look at this. woe! that was his target.
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a small hanging target, he hit it head first, all while going -- are you ready -- 120 miles an hour. dare devil performing stunt with incredible precision. a fundraising even for spinal cord research, good for him. wow. up next. >> democrat this week, they bragged a bit the obama economy, donald trump said, they ignored quite a few things. >> we have a very fragile situation. obama did not mention that during his 8 years now almost 8, hour debt has doubled. doubled. he didn't mention that. lou: media mogul steve forbes is joining us next to talk about the obama economy. and the prospect of a trump economy. stay with us, we're coming
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lou: on wall street today, stocks closing mixed. volume, under 4 billion shares. nasdaq posting monthly gains of more than 6%. that is right. 6%. amazon shares higher, and higher in a big way after a big earnings beat yesterday. founder jeff bezos,'s worth now well. i would say pretty well. above $66 billion. and passing warren buffet to become third richest person in all of the world. a reminder to listen to my report 3 time a day
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coast-to-coast on salem radio network, joining me now, steve forbes, 66 billion dollar is a lot of money. >> does not have to worry about social security any more. >> just about every else does. >> what is amazing for years, he has dictated terms in which they judge that company, for years they went profit, and they are reaping profits key thing, a real leader said this is when we're doing, take it or leave it. lou: and well, some did leave it for a spell. but he hasek cuted from the very beginning. i can remember meeting him for first time, thinking this is a extraordinary idea, and he does not seem that excited, he just, kept moving trai straight ahead issue no big promises, just saying he was going to take over the world, and h he is as good as his
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word. talk about 1.2% growth, rift of the world not doing as well, 1.2%. this is new normal? really? >> no. it is the new abnormal. what is shocking about that report is state of business investment that is how you get prosperity for future, it went negative, consumer spending held up a little bit. but business investment is down. that is ominous for the future. lou: ominous and this president, and this treasury this administration, has not had the capacity in leadership to say to the u.s. multinationals, look, have you at least 2 25 in in -- 2 1/2 million overseas, bring it home. you have to invest it here. and if we applied, you -- are one of the ablest mind in this
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economy. if we took 2 1/2 trillion, and reinvest it, that would be a stimulus program, which would be largest ever in this country history. >> it would create jobs. >> well, donald trump is not relying to persuasion, he is relying on reforming the tax code, where you have the incentive to bring that money back, put it to work here. lou: that bores everyone, he called for it what happens? >> like saying win a baseball game, you we need pitcher and batters and runners? lou: but. >> he spells out. lou: they will leave administration out, without concert. so, i am asking you, 2 1/2 trillion dollars, why isn't the republican party behind this idea? and pushing it and driving it at trump public policy response?
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>> i think that is going to happen, i know paul ryan is in favor. lou: paul ryan, come on, he is the speaker but it is not his idea, it is in point of fact donald trump's idea. so let's get -- get it straight. >> it is been an idea including my flat tax of stopping this creas craze tariff taxation. it is his agenda, he is the leader, run with it. lou: absolutely. >> and people get behind it. lou: why are they not. >> i think they will have the opportunity, in next couple of weeks as larry kudlow, and steve moore put final finishes on trump's package, and he gives his approval and making his tweaks. >> if you say tweeters on or -- >> he will do both tweaks and tweets, but, the key thing, if you have something positive to
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put out there it worked for kenley, and reagan, he has something to say, this brings money back, puts money to work, i hop we also goes after health care that is a right piece of fruit that just laying there. patient control healthcare how about that? lou: i would like to see intelligence minds create a commission and talk about it, with both parties engaged. and for once in the country history, recent history, think about that what has worked, to 1983. and some fellow named greenspan and commission on social security what work out in a person way, successes of social security, we're not watching that happen with trump it might. >> many 86 -- 1986, reforming tax code they did throw out a lot of tax shelters reduce tax
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rate 50 to 28 percent, and passed senate nich sense 97 to 3, can it be done again. >> they negotiated, same thing, they got an agreement, and ran with it. lou: all right, steve forbes, always good arguing you with. >> no we're in agreement. lou: we're in agreement. >> we want to lower tax rates. lou: steve forbes. >> win, win. lou: euro, bank stress test? >> huge, huge, huge crisis. questions is what are they doing about the limping --? and italian banks. >> and 51 banks control. >> the question is how they deal with it, are they putting in capital or create bad banks take off bad loans? they may be best thing to do. lou: how about both? >> bad banks, best thing that way you don't throw in a lot of taxpayer money. you just sell the bad assets,
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that is -- >> does not sound like rura reuthe european way to me. >> no, why not rape the taxpayer, they do it all of the time. lou: steve forbes thank you. >> thank you. lou: unsuspected fisherman received the shock -- woe! that is amazing two whales breaching almost directly next to his kayak. this is one reason i would never kayak, they bursts out of water nearly knocked him out of his boat, taking place in a on coast of just off coast of california. can we see it again? i love to see it one more time. can we do it? i would raise my hand in salute too, look at this. they are kissing. up next, what is going on in silicon valley? first facebook accused of
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suppressing conservative news stories, then apple with held support for republican national convention, google now accused of anti-trump biased and caught red handed, tammy bruce, doug
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lou: this is a bias in action and interfering in the presidential election. >> you know who's standing next to barack obama in 2008 was the head of google. a column i did last year. i'm asking what in the world with people going to do with direct intervention in the presidential election by these high technology companies? >> we deal with lobbyists, americans getting information. having conversations like this, i am not a big fan of regulation obviously as a conservative. but we have got to begin to look at electronic interference by the large companies. they think the same rules don't apply, but maybe some of them
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do. some of this rebellion. big money and what's fair and what isn't fair. at least being aware of it as well. >> i'm for fair media, their access to the internet. let's focus on the same general issue which is russian hacking. lou: before we move to that because i'm interested in it as well. but i'm also interested in your view of the role of google brazenly taking donald trump out of search result which requires an algorithm that is directed to do so by human beings exhibiting an immense bias. >> taking out searches where indicted linked with hillary clinton would produce that. this is very troubling. i share tammy's reluctance to
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get involved in any sort of government oversight or regulation. lou: why is the dnc acting when in point of fact they have exhibited collusion, a breach of ethics and integrity that's monumental and betrayed millions of democratic voters. >> because the implications of the russians hacking are far more serious than the idiots at the dnc. >> the prospect of maybe it's russia. the democrats seem to know it's the russians, the f.b.i. doesn't. >> we know the dnc was hacked. the f.b.i. said at the same time the white house and state department was which was 2014. i didn't hear the democrats complaining about the russians but now it's the big issue?
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i don't think so. it's a distraction. lou: that's it for us tonight. it's been quite a week, thank you for being with us. american traitor and a german spy land in main. >> i saw two men walking towards me. >> for the first time you'll hear from one of hitler's spies sent to steal america's secrets. >> you were sent to get information on what? >> the development of atomic energy. we knew the americans were working on atomic energy. >> fighting a war in the shadows. that's next on "war stories". ♪


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