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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  August 3, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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we break what would have been an eight-session losing streak, the longest in five years. [closing bell rings] we're far from down. earnings are abounding. who i get to join right now, david asman. david: everything old is new again. liz claman, joining us for the hour. we have you covered on the markets. we want to show what you else we have for you this hour, starting with donald trump. he is just taken the stage in daytona beach, florida. the candidate getting criticism from within his own party that he keeps getting side tracked from focusing on hillary clinton and issues that matter. there is even talk of an intervention, whatever that is. we'll ask governor mike huckabee exactly what that means. meanwhile hillary clinton holding an event at a denver, tie maker. this is direct jab at trump and his ties, get it, made in china. we have major names out with earnings any moment.
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among them as liz was talking. we have tesla, herbalife and twenty-first century fox. liz: back to the markets. the dow seeing signs of life after the longest losing vehicle in a year. goldman sachs, jpmorgan, apple, those are big gainers today. let's bring in trader scott shellady. watching big moves from oil in the cme. lori rothman on floor of new york stock exchange. i need to get your thoughts on big names in retail. that is a certain connection to the consumer, 2/3 of the gross domestic product. reporter: absolutely with the disappointing last print on gdp. talk walmart will do a deal with that deal $3 billion. that could help them compete with likes of you know who, kate spade what a disappointing quarter for kate spade. they have disappointing novelty pocketbooks. it was total bust. they missed on top and bottom line.
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had to lower full year outlook. shares punished 18%. crocs, the folks in china are not hot on crocs anymore. that is real trouble spot. top and bottom line both missed for the rubber shoemaker. shares absolutely crushed, down 23%. a lot of earnings i will help report some of them throughout the hour. david: lori, we'll see a lot of you this hour. oil traders getting a relief. oil stage as bit of a comeback. scott, what is the cause? >> some weak shorts coming into the market last couple days as we've been grinding lower than $40 a barrel. we had inventories come out. we had a build looking for decline in crude oil. everybody kind of read the third line which was gasoline. that was a big decline. that ultimately caught the market on fire and those weak shorts had to bail out. that was big reason why we had that rally. david: all right, scott, thank you very much. liz: david, look at the
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dow jones industrials, you see we gained 39 points. that does in a bigger sense reverse the seven-day losing streak. david: thank god. liz: growing anxiety weighing on corporate earnings. there is no way around that. let's bring in today's market panel. jonathan hoenig from capitalist pig hedge fund and gary bolt obama, from kaltbaum -- gary kaltbaum from kaltbaum capital management. gary, no way around it, looking at consumer over past three month, consumer better yet we can't seem to gain any air here with the economy. >> let me give you idea what i saw today. aig reported earnings, down 29%, revenues down 6%. there is a ton of that going on in the market. that is why there is anxiety around the market, players about what is going on here. for me it is all about the central banks. they continue to raise the bar.
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they continue to print more. they continue to go more negative in the interest rate environment and that is what is buffeting markets right here. as far as the economy think it is okay. i been saying three years, you have a good quarter, you have a bad quarter. you can't get any action. there is simple reason why. there is too much debt around the globe. in fact malls sieve amount of debt. until that is taken care of i think we have a boring market. >> liz, this is bull market. as you mentioned a bit after snapback today, over last couple days it hasn't done much damage. two to one new highs, new lows today. some energy and utilities have fallen off but most stocks are still doing well. for me at least two big warning signals and two issues, gary alluded one of them, central banks and central bank interest rates and spiking of gold. we're seeing indication of systemic risk can build. i think for now the trend is up
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and you stick with the trend. liz: optimism reins with business. business viewers always want to know what is the trade. guys, thanks very much. david: we'll stick with our guys, two days ahead of the july private payroll report, 179,000 jobs, expectation is little less than 170,000. didn't move market. friday, i think everybody is looking for that as day that will move the market one day or the other, no? >> yeah. numbers will be fine. we're in election year. government has a way with their numbers. everything will be a-okay. david: wait a minute. i know what you're suggesting here. we have had some bad numbers this summer. we started out, it was june, that awful number, so they're not going to be manipulating numbers, are they? >> oh, no, not at all. look at participation rate over the last few years that has crashed to the ground. david: okay.
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>> i once emailed the labor department to get ace-people left the workforce. they said they don't have a list. david: they don't have a list. that is what they're in business to do. guys, we'll have to switch now to earnings, twenty-first century fox, the parent company of this network, just out with their fourth quarter results. ashley webster has been looking through the numbers. what do they say? reporter: we're getting them now, david. start with earnings per share coming in at an adjusted 45 cents which nicely beats the estimate of 37 cents but the revenue just shy of the estimates coming in at 6.65 billion. the estimate was for $6.68 billion. fourth quarter tv revenue, fiscal fourth quarter report by the way for 21st century, fourth quarter tv revenue coming in just over a billion dollars. we're delving into more of the information as it becomes available. the conference call for this, david and liz, at 4:30 as well. david: big divide between the
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bid and ask. that very often happens. it could go up or down next couple minutes. we'll keep coming back to you depending what happens with those after-hours figures. >> sure. david: we another earnings report out, right, liz? liz: david, we have tesla out with second quarter results. let's get to lori for numbers. they were expecting a loss? reporter: it was wider than anticipated loss but teslas shares are bid higher in the extended session. with the results being released. shares were down and rebound ad little higher. it was a loss of $1.06 per share, much wider than loss of 52 cents analysts were estimating. revenue in line, 1 .6 billion, just a hair off. in terms of deliveries, this is the key metric for tesla, 50,000 deliveries expected for second half of 2016. looks like that may be a bit fewer but they are saying, this might be what investors keying
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into, tesla is looking to ramp up its anticipated weekly production. there is a bunch updates on plans for the model s. looks like that is still on schedule. they're a lot of cap spending growing the business. and you know, looking for details on the solarcity, the $2.6 billion acquisition there. and then of course there was the fatal crash involving the model s and autopilot function there. looking to see if the company will talk about that and where the investigation stands. for now, back to you. liz: the stock slightly lower in the after-market session but back to our panel with reaction to all the numbers and mike caudel from the fox sports automotive team. let me bring in the numbers. gary what do you make of it? >> tesla every time they make a car they lose money, simple as that. for me pretty much a fad stock. if we were in bear market it would be half the price. they better start making money in the future. earnings is everything when it comes to markets.
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they're taking advantage of a better market right now. liz: wider than expected win -- >> much wider. liz: fox a, that is certainly considering, you've got very strong film, you have very strong cable. as we wait to break out those number, your thoughts on that? >> liz, the media stocks in general have had a real tough go of it. fox, disney, cbs as well. to see better than expected, earnings after-hours pop is encouraging sign. investors quality of the brands, long-lasting annuity type revenue, looking closely with a lot of media stocks, i wouldn't sell them short. liz: mike, you come in here. we love to hear your perspective from the fox sports side. >> i look at it like this, 50,000 vehicles have been sold. that's a lot. they're a new automaker, still relatively new to the marketplace. they're up from 1.2 to 1.6 billion a year.
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that is big deal. they are building a gigafactory to build batteries. this new place in manhattan, i-park, tesla is building charging stations for every tesla owner in the city. they are doing things they need to do to build the company. yeah, shares are down. sales are up. liz: our own tom sullivan has a tesla, showed me the app on the phone, everybody says where is the nearest gas station? there are very you few gas stations in new york city. when you do where's ther. >>est charging -- the nearest charging station, the map is clustered. seems like opportunities. ramming up production and gigafactory are they extending themselves too much? 2 .6 billion solarcity, trying to do soup-to-nuts, i admire any ceo trying to do a lot but sometimes you can bite off more than you can do? >> solarcity was bailout after company heading south pretty
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quick. elon musk in is a genius. i know a lot of people owe own the cars, they live by the cashes, die by the cars. they love them very much. bottom line dealing with markets and businesses you have to make money. they still don't. they keep promising they will and another quarter passes. if we go into a bear market, this baby will be cut in half, promise you that. >> liz, to gary's point, oil is already not at bear market, close to bear market. the appeal of a 60,0, $80,000 green car has diminished. >> they're trying to come in with a cheaper version. since the stock has gone public, up more than a thousand percent. down year-over-year. it is a fascinating play. you have to roll with the the punches. thanks, guys, thank you very much. david: talking about rolling, we'll go back to twenty-first century fox. ashley has been looking through the numbers. reporter: pouring through all the stats, guys. cable network programing for
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twenty-first century fox up 11% at five billion. domestic affiliate revenue up 6%. helped by fx networks and fox news channel. strong dollar taking bite out of international revenue but the company talking about strong growth in india and also movie studios. that is what i was looking at when you came to me. they have been hurt a little bit and down year-over-year, reflecting what they call lower contributions of both film and tv studios, although they say this year's compliment of movies will apparently do better than the last quarter. so, interesting stuff. we're getting more into it. conference call guys, coming up at the bottom of the hour at 4:30. david: ashley, 11% increase in ads on fox news and fox business. i guess that is the political race. next quarter i think we see same kind of thing. meanwhile, 15 cases of locally transmitted zika now reported in florida amid desperate calls for more funding to fight the virus.
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critics say the obama administration has money and methods to reduce the outbreak but they're playing politics instead. liz: meanwhile, hillary clinton at a denver tie manufacturer, overt jab at donald trump whose ties are made in china. she is touting her plan on jobs and economy. former reagan economic visor art laffer gives us his take. david: donald trump getting hit from all sides even his own as there is talk of a quote, intervention. former presidential candidate mike huckabee in on what that is all about. >> this is a very big moment for trump. he has got to find a way to slow down, really learn some new lessons. this is a little bit like "the apprentice." except he is "the apprentice." he is not the boss. he doesn't get to say you're fired!. the american people get to say, you're fired! polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria.
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david: herbalife out with its first quarterly report since settling with federal did they do? reporter: shares are as a result up 1.25%. on that basis it, was 28 -- i'm sorry, 1.29 per share, which is better than the $1.21 estimate. if you don't adjust the number, loss of 28 cents a share, and charlie gasparino has been covering months and months, settlement where herbalife basically agreed to restructure the business and government stopped short calling it a pyramid scheme. that was $300 million settlement. including the settlement, herbalife reported a loss of 28 cents. revenue pretty much in line,
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1.2 billion, over 1.19 billion which was the forecast. sales up 3.1% in the quarter. herbalife is raising full-year guidance to boot. shares are climbing, david. david: lori, thank you very much. liz? liz: tivo moment trump is holding a rally in daytona, florida, denying controversy his campaign may be in trouble. listen to what he said. >> i want to till the campaign is doing really well. it has never been so well united. we started on june 16th. i would say right now it is best in terms of being united that it has been since we began. we're doing incredibly well. we're leading in the state of florida, you saw the poll. [cheering] david: despite those comments, some republicans are criticizing donald trump, some are even crossing party lines to support hillary clinton, among them, congressman richard hanna of new york and hewlett-packard
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enterprise ceo meg whitman, also very prominent gop fund-raiser. are more to follow? here to mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas and former presidential candidate and fox news contributor. governor, what do you make of that intervention stuff. i thought that for alcoholics or folks who join scientology. up interventions. what i there had been intervention with me before i got into of your key people, people you really trust, that you really listen to, will show up and say, hey, you shouldn't have said that. or, hey, you have got to get rid of this person or bring this person on. that is not all that unusual. so the media is going nuts. david: what would you tell him? what should he not have said that he did that kind of distracted him from the target which is hillary clinton?
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>> yeah, i have said several times what he needs to do is think of himself as boxer in the ring. his opponent is hillary. he can't take his eyes off her, go out into the stands and start beating up some of the fans who are heckling him. he has to leave that alone. i have got three words for him. don't eat cheese. now here is what i mean by that. every time you take a bite of the cheese, the trap falls right on your head. and the democrats are feeding him cheese. david: they're baiting him. >> baiting him, trying to get them to take it. when he does it, it always ends up in disaster. david: as you well know, is that when he is attacked he goes after the attacker, very often he is attacked people who are not, should not be the focus of his campaign, like, guy whose son was killed in iraq and that is part of problem. reince priebus, the head of gop, who had been getting along very well with donald trump is
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recently disappointed with his behavior. will he be part of so-called intervention? >> i don't know. but i think that, reince and donald trump have had a great relationship. i think it is kind of relationship where they can be brutally honest with each other. and that's healthy thing. i don't think this is the end of the line. i mean a lot of people are in panic mode. some of the people who are saying, we're just not going to support like meg whitman. look if a republican says they can support hillary clinton, they're not a republican. i mean it would be one thing to say i can't go with donald trump. i may support gary johnson and bill weld okay, that may be tolerable but my gosh, when you look at who hillary will put on the supreme court, who she will. david: the stakes are high. >> mistakes barack obama made in foreign policy you can't do that. david: i have to ask one more question about donald trump specifically. some people like rush limbaugh and other folks who have been very supportive of trump, you can not judge him by previous campaigns.
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he is totally different from previous campaigns. his winning strategy is totaling different. his chief critics don't understand that about him.and mn time. they want to clean out the kennel and start over and breed some new dogs. that is what i think they're looking for donald trump to get done. david: still there has to be calibration in that campaign. governor mike huckabee. great to see you. thanks for joining us. liz? liz: david, law enforcement
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officer charged with helping isis? what he had access to that has many people on edge. we'll tell you. david: very scary situation. plus ransom or, just a big coincidence? renewed charges that the united states paid for the return of hostages in iran. we'll be asking ambassador john bolton what he thinks of the timing coming next. >> we do believe that the u.s. government paid for the release of the hostages and that's not a way to deal with terrorists. that is not to deal with enemy governments. ♪
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available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel. biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. liz: new report raising red flags about u.s. negotiations with iran. the obama administration airlifted $400 million in cash to iran the same day that four american hostages were freed according to "the wall street journal." the white house pushing back against what critics are calling a ransom payment. >> this was not ransom. any suggestion that it had anything to do with ransom is
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absolutely and utterly false. these were two separate processes done by two separate teams. yes they were done simultaneously. i understand the coincidental nature, the timing absolutely had nothing to do with ransom. liz: let's bring in ambassador john bolton, former you know am ambassador to the and fox news contributor. ambassador the white house is absolutely firm saying this wasn't a ransom. they say it was first installment of more than one billion dollars settlement in a decades old arms failed deal, et cetera. what does it look like to you. >> of course it was ransom. the total price for the ransom was not just the 400 million in cash. it was $1.7 billion in toto and it involved releasing iranians held in american prisons for criminal violations of our sanctions and release of other indictments. this was as much a classic ransom payment as you can imagine. it was demonstrated by the
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linkage to the nuclear deal. this was a strategic decision by the administration. they have said themselves to try to clear up all existing disputes with iran so the ayatollahs would change their behavior. wrong on the nuclear deal, wrong on settling the arms dispute, wrong on paying ransom for hostages. wrong all along. clear appeasement by obama and kerry. liz: both kerry and obama said, you know what? we announced it back in january. they didn't say it was $400 million as part of the 1.7 billion. had they done it at a different time than when those hostages were released, would it look as suspect? >> well, there is no question about what it would look like, because the plane with the 400 million in shrink-wrapped cash on pallets landed in tehran after iran had announced it was releasing the hostages but before the hostages plane took off. and it was also concealed from congress, which i think is a very important element here.
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what if congress had been told that 400 million in cash was going that way when they were considering the iran nuclear deal? what impact would that have had? liz: this breaks with tradition. americans do not pay ransoms because it end up, you know, extending bad behavior. then more are taken hostage. like the somali pirates. these private ships keep paying the ransom, so the pirates keep taking ships hostage. >> exactly. look, it is always a difficult situation for the people who are being held hostage and their families but a president needs to look at the big picture. when you pay to get some americans out, you're putting even more americans in danger and let's be clear. the ayatollahs and the iranian regime are still quite properly on the list of state sponsors of terrorism. one reason why the whole nuclear deal is a strategic mistake. liz: ambassador bolton, good to have you, thank you very much. >> thank you, liz. david: well the olympic games are just about to begin, but
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will viewers even make it to the stands in time? rio facing yet another issue ahead of the games. find out what it is next. even with the recent criticism of donald trump's statements will the current economy do more to hurt the clinton campaign than anything donald trump could say? art laffer here to weigh in coming next. ♪
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whether it's connecting one of or bringing wifi to 65,000 fans. campuses. businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. liz: hillary clinton touring the naughty tie company factory in denver, colorado, today.
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clinton using the visit to slam donald trump for producing his ties in china after trump blamed the current administration for manufacturing jobs disappearing from the u.s. >> i really would like him to explain why he paid chinese workers to make trump ties. this is, one of them. it has his name on it, of course. and instead of deciding to make those ties right here in colorado with a company like naughty. >> slowing economy and jobs numbers, the economy is shifting into focus in the election campaign. despite all the headlines about trump's latest bluster, at end of the day will economic issues drive voters the polls? art laffer, former reagan economic advise is here with his take. art, let's focus on economic growth. hillary is talking about what donald has to answer for.
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what she has to answer for, are the growth numbers. under president obama, the growth numbers average out to 1.7%. that is the growth number, under reagan, it was 3 1/2%. i don't think there is any reason why we couldn't grow at 3 1/2%, do you. >> no, i don't. in fact we should grow a lot more than we are. it is single worst recovery in u.s. history, at least in the post-world war ii. you look at gdp growth, compared reagan to obama, anyway you look at it, new housing purchases per 1000 population, it is all just terrible. the single worst one. if anything wilbury hillary, it will be the economy. i just hope the trump people tout it a lot more because it is economics. david: you mentioned all the stats about the economy. there is one political stat, a poll, that you should mention which is 60% of the americans think that economic conditions are actually getting worse.
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i mean, that -- >> they are. they are. david: but on political -- you have serious political background as well as economic background, isn't that going to affect voters at the polls? >> oh, it sure is. all sorts of things should affect voters at the polls. remember james carville, when he said it is the economy stupid? david: of course. >> that was james carville's quote, not mine. he was completely correct. car develop is right, when ever you have economy really bad, inures very much to the detriment incumbent. hillary is the incumbent. it is referendum on her. david: here is the excuse that hillary and president obama make. we went through financial crisis worst since the depression. there are examples in the world. one is ireland. require land is exploding, 26% gdp growth, in place featured
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economic policies reagan had, a lot of tax cutting that trump wants. the fact is, you have that as one example. you have also venezuelan brazil. we're about to see these pathetic olympic games in brazil. i say pathetic what brazil is going under or boeing through now, based on other economic policies. many say is the ones we would get if we elected hillary. >> i was involved with the ireland tax cuts with the 12 1/2% corporate rate. if i can, i have awful joke for you david, why is everyone investing in ireland? david: right. >> cause the capital is always down lynn. jokeddublin. that is good. >> compare ireland to france or greece. david: 12 1/2% corporate rate. 12 1/2%. >> beautiful. look at u.s., look at the states. david: 35% capital rate. >> look at california versus texas. look at new york versus florida. you areyou look at tennessee versus kentucky.
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look at all the comparisons always works. supply-side econmics is bin senttives. if you pay people not to work and tax them if they do work, david, don't be surprised if you doesn't get a lot of people not working. that is exactly where we are. david: we'll see if the campaign focus on what donald trump says or what the economy is doing. >> why doesn't trump do it? good to see you, david. david: good to see you as well. liz? liz: how about this, david. big business republican crossing policy lines. meg whitman, hewlett-packard ceo, used to run ebay, she is huge gop donor, throwing her support behind hillary clinton, slamming donald trump as a quote, demagogue. here is kirsten haglund, conservative political commentator. jessica tarlov, senior political strategist. kirsten, to you first, meg whitman check as couple of important boxes here. big republican. has money to donate and is a female. trump has lost her. >> that is the biggest thing about this, her bringing in the woman vote.
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she is very well-respected. she is admired. she is role model for so many young bill and young women in silicon veil -- valley. would bring much more credibility to his arguments this is the biggest loss today. not necessarily financially but with the woman vote which is so liz: growing resistance, richard hanna, new york congressman, granted not for re-election. came out with op-ed, i'm done. not voting for donald trump. it is i am voting for hillary. meg whitman says not only will she do that, she will donate to hillary. she will quote talk to other republicans. >> absolutely, reading article that leaked out, it was interesting, hillary clinton called me a month ago. which means hillary clinton is on this. remember there was a flury around this republicans hillary thing month, month 1/2 ago. it was true. she was picking out key
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republicans she thought she could appeal to on national security. donald trump has gone so far, i don't even know to the left or to the right, whatever it is in his comments seem so erratic, i think that is where hillary can really appeal here. she is too hawkish for majority of the democratic party which appeals to the moderate republicans who wanted jeb bush or marco rubio in there. i agree, absolutely about the woman vote. we were discussing this in the green room. it is interesting we've seen one of christie's top aides come out a woman as well, voting for hillary clinton. many women -- liz: i'm not sure this matters to donald trump, just come in with huge fund-raising numbers. granted 10 million short of what hillary got. people gave him quite a bit of money. >> hillary's average donation is $44. donald trump campaign boasted a wide variety of donors from economic backgrounds. didn't say average donation. i'm not sure how long this is going to continue to go on,
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especially, trump through, the campaign said they get all the free media advertising. so they don't have to raise as much money. what has the headlines been all about since convention? they have been bad headlines. liz: gold star families. >> gold star families, first press conference after the convention bringing up all the jfk assassination theories with ted cruz's father. said hillary was founder of isis. and hillary is the devil. he needs to, if that is going to be his strategy and harnessing media, has to do it more effectively and has to stay on message. liz: nobody hold their breath. >> we definitely won't be. liz: jessica, kirsten, thank you very much. david, over to you. david: we have more breaking news on twenty-first century fox, the parent company of this network, holding a quarterly earnings call right now. ashley webster is monitoring the call. reporter: i have indeed. the call beginning with lachlan murdoch, the chair of company,
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overasaying solid financial performance. in particular announcing a $3 billion share buyback, and 20% raise in the annual dividend. he also mentioned how happy he was and the company was that time warner has taken a 10% stake in hulu which is, over $500 million. hulu of course, by beginning of next year is going to be a live streaming service platform and time warner of course providing their programs on that platform. we continue to listen, guys. some headline numbers, revenue for final fiscal fourth quarter for twenty-first century fox, revenue was 7%. net income 567 million but dis.ment also talked about on the conference call about the film entertainment sector. they put out three sequels that did not realize what they hoped for. they talked about "deadpool" and
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how successful that has been, over $700 million in receipts on a modest budget. so they say the future looks a lot better than the three sequels that didn't do so well. david: ashley, thank you very much. >> sure. david: appreciate it. well, to protect and serve isis. that is what an american police officer, an official were meant to rely on, details on a frightening arrest. ming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine,
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liz: we need to get to metlife. it is out with its second quarter results. the stock is down nearly 4% after-hours. this is the largest u.s. life insurer. it reported a 94% fall in quarterly profit as the company booked higher derivative losses. david: okay. d.c. metro police officer has been charged with trying to provide material support to isis after being arrested by fbi agents this morning. fox news's doug mckelway standing by in virginia, alexandria specifically, with the very latest.
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i best this is the first time this ever happened, right, doug? reporter: first time u.s. police officer has been arrested for providing a material support to a foreign terrorist organization. he is 36 years old nicholas young. metro transit police officer. arrested at his place of work without incident. in his first appearance at alexandria federal courthouse he appeared wearing white t-shirt. uniform pants. tattoos on his arm, shoulder length and spoke in hush voiced saying he need ad court-appointed attorney. criminal complaint describe as very, very disturbed man. convert to islam, who confided to under cover agents that he tortured animals as a small child. had a nazi eagle tattooed on his neck. hated jews, prone to domestic violence and owned many assault weapons. justice department source said he was deep i impressionable to isis, social media. josh ernest spoke of this arrest. >> we're mindful of the risk
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posed by homegrown extremists and, we know that part of the strategy used by extremist groups around the world including isil to use social media to recruit followers around the world. reporter: young was under fbi surveillance for a long time. he had been tipped off six years ago by the metro transit police officer to his strange behavior. agents found he cultivated a relationship with saksry chesser. you might remember that name. he was arrested in 2010 after he threatened producer of tv show south park for their unflattering portrait of the prophet muhammad. david: doug mckelway. thank you very much. liz: we have another nightmare to tell you about regarding the olympics. drivers facing a 74-mile traffic jam in rio. some trips taking three hours longer than usual time. over 100 miles of special lanes were set aside for the big event
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but apparently, david, it is not enough. david: aye yi yi. meanwhile the fight to battle the zika virus in america. congress urged to act. and it is political gridlock once again. >> my message today, at this point, the time for this political gamesmanship has to end. it is over. we need to fund this as quickly as possible. poor mouth breather.
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david: zika outbreak number is ticking up, the funding battle is heating up. "wall street journal" op-ed blaming democrats for holdup. the root cause of washington is democrats who are exploiting virus to score political points. kirsten haglund and jessica tarlov are back with us. kirsten, what do you make of this charge?
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>> this is washington at its worse. this is exactly kind of election year politics that americans hate. they don't follow the back and forth. they don't follow what was the first bill and what did democrats put in and republican put in and they don't care. what they care about the fact almost 300 pregnant women in florida now with the zika virus. they want some action. exactly kind of gridlock they can't stand. david: jessica, specifically what the article says, the president has at his disposal hundreds of millions of dollars he could let go. he doesn't want to because he is turning into a political issue. >> i read the article as well and read previous articles how republicans heaped in issues, funding problems for planned parenthood -- david: wait a minute. if you read the article in the journal that is not true. the republicans did not hold up planned parenthood funding for the sake of this. >> there seems to be a difference there. david: that is not true. >> totally onboard with kirsten here. think if the president has to
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tell fda speed up approval of genetically engineered mosquitoes from britain that could help. >> he absolutely should. another strong argument this, president is not scared of using executive orders, or taking executive action of the just do it. it's a health crisis for the country. david: can he be, might this come into the political campaign at some point? could hillary clinton perhaps suggest to the president he does have authority to release hundreds of millions of dollars to help save lives? >> it would be smart campaigning but hillary and donald trump are so wrapped up in their own drama right now doesn't seem like either one. david: this is tailor-made for donald trump. >> absolutely. but he is good at staying on message? have we seen him be able to take from his campaign advisors. had is hot button issue, jump on that. it is florida, right? this is swing state. david: jessica you admit "the wall street journal" is right. why don't you talk to your democratic friends, hillary this, is it one case you could be the hero -- >> she has spoken about zika number of times.
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david: not about the president releasing hundreds of millions of dollars to address the virus. >> this is pregnant women. >> it is women's issue. not just women's issue obviously. someone else involved. david: should she seek him out? >> i think everyone should on both sides. marco rubio heard him being quite constructive bit today. republicans are not often that way. "wall street journal" article raised with that, when there is obstructionism republicans always get blamed and democrats get away with it. i do think republicans are actually at fault. david: in this case you don't? >> plenty of blame to go around. come on. david: president has hundreds of millions of dollars. he is not releasing it. very simple. i don't know. >> president obama doesn't want women to have to give birth to child infected with zika virus. david: should do something about it. >> he absolutely should. people's lives on the lines. these are babies lives on the line. it is ridiculous. david: thank you both very much. appreciate it. liz?
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liz: david, first solar reporting second quarter results. shares climbing more than 1% after-hours. the solar installation company about to be bought by tesla beating expectations citing many, quote, encouraging signs for solar demand over the long term horizon. david: coming up almost 5:00 somewhere. where have i heard that phrase before? one bar forcing you to put down cell phones and talk, isn't that novel, to the person next to you? many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. can we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day.
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he installed a device that prevents mobile phone signals from even entering the building. by the way a shot out to the diamond family. risk and reward is now. >> it would be ludicrous to insist that that wasn't a ransom payment. that's exactly what it is. >> it looks like they paid a ransom a wall of wall street journal back blockbuster report shows the they secretly transferred $400 million to iran on the same day american detainees were released. this is risk and reward.


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