tv Kennedy FOX Business August 3, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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guts too stand up and speak the truth it's a commodity and somewhat rare these days. we hope it will become more prevalent. charles woods, thank you for being with us. thank you all for being with us. good night from new york. [♪] kennedy: first out of a cannon into your face. so glad you are here. hillary clinton has lost her mind. she is trying to make the economy a winning issue for her, but the problem is it sucks and it's probably her fault. the president is always trying to paint a rosie picture of economic success, but that's false and wrong. >> i just want to put indication that maybe a little light is striking this dark, dark mountain. but there is virtually nothing there. kennedy: gdp has averaged 2.1%
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since our recovery started in 2009. spending compounds and further shackles any natural momentum. hillary clinton will spend more money and have fewer ways to pay for her program and she'll have to borrow her way to college for all. there is not a plan in sight to get the growth-killing monster under control. there are plenty ups and downs in this economy. the number of americans on food stamps. that's up 39.5%. more people living below the poverty lines. and more people have left the workforce for good, making optimistic job numbers an absolute lie. the downs will make you frown. the median household income has
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dropped 32% and homeownership is down 5.6%. other than that i'm sure you are rolling in piles of disposable cash every night when you come home from work if you actually have a job. hillary clinton running on the economy. >> we are going to look for ways that we can bring more business, more attention to what you are doing here and to other companies across america. kennedy: while donald trump is vague, his tax program is more promising in some as expected. he plans to cut the corporate tax rate to 15%. >> i'll grow the economy to a level nobody thought possible and bring all our jobs back. kennedy: that's so great. i guess we'll get to the how a
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little later. if donald trump would stay mum 90% of the time he would win on this single issue alone. he should ian his own pledge on how this economy has hurt americans. and how her weight would sink us. the economy is her enemy, but donald is his own if he doesn't let her campaign suffocate under the weight of phoney check in news. dana perino tells us how we should responds. u.s. pays $400 million to iran in ransom money. glad you are here, i'm kennedy.
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how big will the economy become as an issue in this 2016 fight and who will win it? let's ask our party panel. mike barrack is also here, former cia covert operations officer. tom shillue is here host of red eye on the fox news channel and with a fresh beard grown for good measure. julie, i'll start with you. you eye agree that the economy is not great and it's not good news for her. >> if only the republicans had a presidential candidate who might mention that once in a while. but he's trashing gold star mothers. if i'm paul ryan i'm crying every day because of the fact you just laid out a better case for why hillary could be
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defeated than i ever heard a republican say. kennedy: particular read the newspapers. and if katie couric sat me down, i could tell her which ones. don't you think if donald trump were quite and took that simple advice and didn't talk, and if he did talk about how bad the economy was, that would be more harmful than anything else that could come out of his mouth. how long are you going to grow the beard? >> just a couple weeks. i think that's what's going to happen. basically -- he's going to be quiet? >> he's going to do that rust belt thing and talk about jobs. i think -- it's what he has to do. you not, i not.
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if we are agreeing it may be -- >> you know who is not agreeing with us? donald trump. >> if he wants to win, and i'm not certain at this point given his behavior patent last week, that he's really still got that fire. but is it too late for him to make the case on the economy? is it too late for him to make that presidential pivot. >> there is no focus in this campaign. they are trying to develop a normal campaign team and we are all trying to shove it into a normal election season as if the norms are still existing. but we are talking about this man's personality. he's very much like my middle boy. everything -- anything that pops up in fronts of him, that's what he deals with. and usually oftentimes in a somewhat aggressive manner he goes after it.
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and the next thing he pops up he deals with. there is no difference between slugo and trump in the way necessity deal with issues. kennedy: excepts slugo has released his tax returns. so i agree with you. kennedy: political endorsements are flying like tomahawks as republicans and democrats are switching alliances. donald trump is endorsing -- isn't endorsing paul ryan, but his running mate mike pence did today. a republican fundraiser endorsed hillary clinton for the white house along with chris christie's long-time aide maria camela. >> when you lost maria kamele.
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kennedy: as go maria kamale, so goes the country. >> a bunch of republicans will endorse hillary. and a bunch of democrats are going to endorse hillary. ken are was with her -- it would make it interesting. >> they will trot out to democrat from west virginia. it will be a dead body because they have racial policies they agree with. kennedy: should donald trump endorse paul ryan? >> you know, my understanding is paul ryan's team said we neverred for his endorsement. should he?
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there is no -- there is no rules are anymore that apply, it seems. we are getting in new territory in terms of how politics gets played out. we are trying to apply it old standards to something that seems like a completely bizarre broken system at this point. >> there should be no surprises. >> i didn't know about the neglect whitman thing, but i love whitman chocolates. i think we can survive meg whitman. kennedy: do you know any democrats that like donald trump? >> no. >> as far as politicians go, no. there are plenty out there. there is a lot of the blue collar times that love trump. i talked to tons of them who said i have been voting democrat my whole life and i'm going to vote for trump. they are out there.
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kennedy: a new fox news poll just released shows hillary clinton up by 10 points against trump. 49% of the voters say hillary is very qualified to be president, and trump is only 15%. >> when i said hillary clinton would change i was actually talking about slugo. they are where he was in march. kennedy: he did get a big boost after the republican convention, and was up by a couple points up
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to 5 in some polls. now in a fox news poll he's down by 10. that's a pretty big mountain to climb. >> it's a long time. we'll see. >> i just want to be with you on election night. i want to be sitting with him within comforting him. >> youer in know what story is going to come out, if there is going to be a bombshell or botched end view. julie: i think if you were to be a betting woman. kennedy: chris christie and others feel like he has let his answers get out of hand and he's been focusing on the wrong things.
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>> normally interventions are not advertised ahead of time. i have gone through the results with a fine toothed comb. i have. and there is a couple thin that stand out from my position as a political analyst. one of them being that the poll numbers still show that both candidate are considered seriously flawed. another is a fact that -- the other is the fascinating result that says, who you prove as your republican nominee. 50% say trump and 50% say someone else. >> that someone is is reportedly gary johnson. the poll numbers are 49-39. then it goes to 44% for hi are
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you, 8 point down for trump and gary is getting 12%. he's 3 percent and points away from being on that presidential debate stain. is he capable of changing the race if he gets on that stain? >> if i were trump i would do egg to get gary johnson and jill stein, the green party candidate on the stain. that's trump's only hope. julie: he says he doesn't want them on the stable. tom: has he to say that. julie: he doesn't get it. kennedy: if you have gary johnson and jill stein on the stain. jill stein is a woman running for president who is slightly left of bernie sanders. those bernie supporters might see her for the first time and if 8% of them defect to her camp that's a big, big number.
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then if 4% stay hope and don't vote for her at all -- >> i'm not a political analyst. >> there are a lot of of people looking to defect from hillary. there are a lot of people already defected from trump. so he's not going to lose anybody to those two candidates. kennedy: we haven't more to discuss in a little bit. the party panel returns. which presidential candidate would you want to stay with on a tropical island for vacation. dana perino joins me to point out the big missteps that donald trump and hillary clinton keep making. ♪
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kennedy: president obama's cite sip of donald trump is getting more up tense. yesterday he talked about his character. >> i think he's unfit to serve as president. he's woefully unprepared. >> i think he's the worst president maybe in the history of our country. kennedy: things are going great between those two. are donald trump and hillary clinton handling criticism well? there is only one person we can turn to. let's do a little bit of damage control. let's talk about donald trump specifically. what dose need to do in order to limit some of the damage that he has cause or reacted to? >> i was a white house press secretary for a while. i advised a lot of politicians and leaders, and i'm almost done gig advice.
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because he is his own person. he's going to do we want to do. i could suggest some thing that might make the next few week smoother for him, so i hope he take it in that spirit. he's not going to change. i have a theory. it's called my cap and trade plan for criticism. kennedy: like carbon credit critics. >> ebb is given a certain amount of pushback tickets. you can spend those tickets however much you want. you can blow them all in the fir day or hold on to them. then on the days you pass on criticism, where you say i'll let that one go, i'll let kennedy defend me instead, i can get. >> the ticket. now i can pick up the up in of ticket i meade to push back against criticism. den * voters only have so much of a threshold.
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, a lot of people in his circle are have been telling him. punch against hillary clinton, but don't punch down against people who are not. kennedy: don't pun' against the kahn family. >> don't you hate it when you are with somebody at a restaurant and they are mean to the waiter or waitress? i think it's the same feeling people get. why did you just do that. then you try to slip in an extra food. kennedy: you also say outsource your south rain. he need more surrogate -- outsource your outrage. >> one of the things a reporter overheard him saying, it feels good when he's able to punch back. when punching back end up hitting yourself in the face,
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it's hike why are you hitting yourself? kennedy: you say don't take criticism too hard. don't react to every critic. >> you are always going to be criticized if you decide to run for office. so you have to give anybody credit that's willing to step into the arena. kennedy: half the people you are talking to will automatically hate you. that's tough. half the people you are trying to reach will not listen. >> one of the best ways to do that is turn off the twitter. and let somebody you trust on your campaign team, maybe one of you're children. can you check this for me. if there is anything you think is egregious, you can respond. kennedy: i gets issue here is it's not -- it's like watergate. it's not the initial error.
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it's the response. usually the response to the response. it sort of compounds. and that becomes its own story. and i think that's what's so tough to overcome and that's why republicans are having this intervention. >> if hillary is criticizing patricia smith saying he's a liar. now we have a six-day news story still on the front page of the national papers. kennedy: and we have a horrible economy to talk about. dana perino, thank you so much. >> i love that cap-and-trade system. kennedy: i expect to see a column on kennedy: reporting on lightning storms from your smart phone.
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kennedy: let's go kill us some vampires. this is the "topical storm." topic number one. golf is an invigorating sport. you can play out in the fresh air with friends. sometimes even the most civil of sports can get violent as justin i brans found in colorado. watch intently. [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] kennedy: it just got real. he butter beat him in the nose. that's not the only place where golf fights are break out. look at the sand trap. it's a terribly designed golf club. fight it, kirk, fight the gorn.
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a couple of t-rexes, they played through. there is the drone. now kangaroos are fighting. now they are in colorado. this golf game has rapidly gotten out of control. look at floyd mayweather in the orange shirt. bob barker is beating the living crap out of adam an sandler. the original guys seem to be wrapping things up. there you go. a cordial handshake after all that. in scotland they call it goth. topic number two.
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rio is a festering fecal storm with terrorism, zaik and disgusting whatterways compounding fires. there is another money wrench that got thrown into the cesspool. there was a 75-mile traffic jam that added 3 hours on to people's commutes. the limits started today with preliminary trials. brazil offered to sell itself back to portugal just to get sweet relief. i think it's not too late to dust off some of those l.a. venues and take the graims they belong in f rirk america. say what you will about donald trump and i know you say a lot
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of things good and bad. but he's a family man and he loves babies. just watch how kindly and sweetly he reacted the to a nervous one whose crying baby couldn't be comfort. >> don't worry about that baby, i love babies. i hear that baby crying. i like it. what a baby! kennedy: but then. the baby persisted. it was sad. but that's okay. but that's okay. because donald trump loves babies. >> actually i was only kidding. you can get baby out of here. don't worry. i think you believed me that i love having a baby crying while i'm speaking. kennedy: donald trump hates babies. he flip flopped on his baby loving. next thing you know he will be letting muslims into the country.
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topic number 4. michaelangelo is a famous ninja turtle. but did you know what he did before his mu and the ninja turtle days? being a turtle mikey forgot that us humans often wear pants and a few bashful residents have begun the dress david initiative in an attempt to couch his nunchuks. the atlas statue could use a makeover and a few smart-phone wielding millennials have given themselves a game-playing evening by altering the highs' icon. and while mexico has finally agreed to pay for that wall,
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they also said they would throw in a statue of liberty free of charge with handsome sombrero and marchin -- and march today . topic number 5. anyone can be a weatherman. >> guys, we are live in phoenix, arizona it's raining really hard. whoa! not you wind is going. who tax! p. kennedy: the good lord would never disrupt the best game of his life. you nearly got your toenails blown off by god's spark plug. tweet me @kennedynation using
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#topicalstorm. at least you are having marital relations. any len a.m.s having less sex than previous generations. we'll couple with innovative ways to fix the problems. if you have an all-expense paid trip to a tropical paradise and you had to bring a presidential candidate, who would you bring. a new poll shows who americans would prefer and the results will surprise you. [announcer] is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the summer of audi sales event is here. get up to a $5,000 bonus on select audi models.
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don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. life as a non-smoker is a whole lot of fun. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. kennedy: welcome back. a recent home to go poll asked which presidential candidate they would prefer speangds vacation with. guess who came out on top. donald trump. 39%. followed by hillary clinton at
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33%. gary johnson 16% and governor johnson favors legalizing marijuana and goes paragliding for fun. >> it was a hard time deciding whose last name we wanted to take. so tom shillue, who would you rather go on vacation with? >> probably gary johnson. after the show hanging around we had brownies, they were fantastic. kennedy: did they give youd the results? >> he probably had edibles with him. he would be fun to hang out with. i'm not surprised trump won. he seems like a fun guy to hang around with. kennedy: my daughter plays would
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you rather. one of the scenarios was would you rather donald trump give you a million dollars or apple farm. and i said apple farm. i don't know why. >> kids are just on the cusp of changing that to who would you do? kennedy: then they said who would you rather go on vacation with. i said donald trump. my daughter said why? i said he has his own helicopter and a plane. the helicopter to puddle jump to the maldives. question gary johnson. >> it's not going to be hillary. wouldn't she be the worst? >> oh, my god.
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gary johnson, he brings his own weed. by all accounts he's a fun guy. julie: you need a briefing book on the beach. kennedy: i would be reading jackie collins, god rest her soul. if you ever say to yourself, millennials aren't having much sex. it turns out you are right. the younger millennials are more than twice as likely to be sexually inactive in their early 20s than previous generations. boomers and gerks n-xers were going at it more. >> they said there was no magic in it. when actually it's one of the only magic thing left in sex.
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there is magic. when you meet a light. >> he time you have sex -- kennedy kennedy: maybe in your house. >> i'm catholic. so we go for it. >> my daughter is 22. i'm fully on board with this study. i think it's wonderful. i noticed this from her and her friend. maybe not a massive sampling. but they are thoughtful. they are very thoughtful and tend to be, maybe it's a reaction to the generation just ahead of them, they tend to be a little bit more pragmatic and thoughtful about their across and the thing they are going to build. julie: do you think your daughter is telling you the truth about how thought if you she is?
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kennedy: maybe their too cautious because they have been bubble wrapped and helicoptered their entire life. julie: maybe she should get off snapchat and go meet some people. you can't have sex on snapchat. >> the reaction to the hook-up culture is kind of gross to them. it's overloaded. kennedy: and they are worried their partners are overload. there is a study that younger men who watch too much pornography have a hard time. julie: they are exhausted in other ways. >> their expectations are bizarre. and the magic of a relationship and meeting somebody and the excitement and that whole process a courtship. that part of it is the manic. kennedy: the alchemy is what's
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missing. but don't worry about it. children can have dent outlets. children attending charter schools exploded to 2.5 million in 5 years. families hope schooling is on the rise as well. almost equal numbers. would you home school your kid, mike baker? >> no. a big part growing up at an early able is the socialization process. the say reason they play sport. kennedy: hope schooling is very different now and there are social groups home schoolers who get together to do homework and they have clinics. >> 8:00 a.m. when i drop my son off at preschool. you don't pick him up until
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friday. kennedy: 24/7? talking about algebra? kennedy: he's 4 and your son is already doing algebra. we need to expand the number of school choices we have in this country. we are so limited with this 18th century prutio pr usual ssn fact -- prussian factory model. the army of home schooled kids will create competition with the schools. every home schooled kid i met are brilliant. the people who tend to home school their children tend to be very smart. >> i also met home schooled student who made their way
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through and they are less so. i'm just saying less so than brilliant. i mean -- some kid thrive in boarding school and some kid don't. it depend on who is doing it. kennedy: who is bert at sizing up their child and understanding what they need than their parents. >> the government. >> a lot of of people think it's kid sitting at home with their parent. but they have cooperaties and they work together. kennedy: it's not the same. guys, thank you so much. mike baker and julie roginsky. >> i like this better than previous segments we did. kennedy: is the obama
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kennedy: the "wall street journal" is reporting the obama administration airlifted $400 million worth of cash in foreign currency to iran in january in exchange for four americans detained there. the administration says it was part of a separate agreement, but republican lawmakers say the was ransom and will only even courage more hostage taking. reporter: at issue is the tangled set of circumstances
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surrounding iran's release of four hostages on the 17th of general. they clued jason rezaian, and he was seen here after receiving medical treatment after his release. but the u.s. government says this story traces back to the days preceding the more infamous seizure of hostages in iran wet u.s. froze fund sent here forearms. iran's claims to that money has been shaking its way through international courts ever since. officials say the cash payment arranges in january on or about the day the whose takens were set free marked the first installment in a total compromised settlement including
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interest of $1.7 billion. the white house claims the nuclear agreement allowed them to resolve many issues all at once. >> that included the release of five american citizens unjustly detained in iran, and closing out a longstanding financial dispute in a way that saved the american people potentially billions of dollars. this all came to a head at the same time. reporter: the cash payment and release of our hostages coincided with the implement takes of the nuclear deal. iran released the 10u.s. navy sailors captured offshore. critics of the nuclear deal and the white house policies say these issues were hardlyn unrelated.
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>> wait a payment -- it was a payment in exchange for the hostages. reporter: since january when all this occurred, the iranian regime arrest two more iranian american citizens. >> which makes it much more dangerous for americans overseas, not to mention french and british nationals who have also been arrested over there. i have a hard time believing this is coincidence and the administration has a lot of gal when josh earnest said this deal aloud them to be released at the same time. reporter: the state department said this is the way we typically do business, to convert u.s. currency into
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european currency and stabbed on to palettes in a cargo plane. he said no, it is not typical, but they were forced to get creative because iran is a nation with which we do not have diplomatic relations. kennedy: obviously that's a bad scenario but not nearly as bad as having your family member murdered. it seems hypocritical when they tell families they can't do the exact same thing. reporter: bearing in mind the administration maintains they did not pay ransom in this case. typically the payment of ransom just allows people to keep on doing it again and again. the state department tells us the cash that's been delivered to iran and the money that iran has received as a result of sanctions relief tied to the nuclear deal. they have been able to trace with some certainty that it's
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not being used for what they call iran's nefarious can a 50s, meaning it's in support of international terrorism. kennedy: james reasons, thank you so much for being here. i appreciate it. coming up, what do presidential nominees use as a theme song? i'm in vests and as a vested investor in vests, i invest with e*trade,
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where investors can investigate and invest in vests... or not in vests. sign up at and get up to six hundred dollars. (ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh) (hush my darling...) (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) (hush my darling...) man snoring (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) woman snoring take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store.
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>> "what kinds of fool am i." >> i can't make you love me if you do. reporter: what should trump's theme song be? >> i did it my way. >> the end of the world as we know it. >> yeah, yeah, trump, trump. yeah, trump. reporter: what single word would you use to describe the election so far. >> surreal. >> fantastic. >> undignified. >> i feel like our standards have gone down. >> these are people that have to be stopped. >> if you had to sum up the elections in one word what would it be? >> oxy more ranniccal. reporter: is that a word?
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kennedy: tomorrow we'll have matt welch and pat gillette. you can email enjoy the rest of your evening like i enjoyed you. junkyard... >> you would play here? >> this was the best playground any girl could ever ask for. >> ...that he fights city hall to save. >> john was absolutely the "hell, no, i won't go" center of the resistance. >> a one-man wrecking crew -- in more ways than one. >> i'd wished him dead so many times 'cause i was so angry with him, but i never wanted that for john, never. >> i honestly still have a scar on my knee from sinking to the ground so quickly. >> he leaves her a mess. can she make it her dream? >> the wedding was here on the junkyard. >> excuse me? >> [ laughs ] [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ]
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