tv Cavuto Coast to Coast FOX Business August 4, 2016 12:00pm-2:01pm EDT
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single day. massive amount of capital, expand somehow new areas. time is up. charles payne, it is your time. charles: hewlett-packard used to be the same way. the fallout, some would say and investment of sorts, a payment to iran, president obama will be facing questions on this, the white house answers leading to more questions. this is cavuto coast-to-coast, i am charles payne filling in for neil cavuto. would these hostages have come home when they did if the money wasn't paid when it was paid? josh earnest refused to answer the question not once, not twice but three times at a white house press briefing, reporters get another shot when president obama takes questions at the pentagon at 4:30 p.m. the white
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house denying it was a ransom payment but we have learned senior justice department official expressed concern over the timing of the payment as the president said donald trump's strong rhetoric against muslims fueling terrorism. what about putting $400 million in the hands of terrorists? amber, something of a complicated story. if you go all the way back iran gave us $400 million before your time. it is in the history books. we owe them this money and it was before 1979 and all of a sudden through the cosmic stars are aligning they got cash the same way hostages are released. >> it is a nice excuse and back story for the administration who made a reckless decision when they breached long-standing us policy where we don't pay ransom
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for american citizens and that is exactly what happened. when you have americans who are held hostage or are illegally detained, and the government pays money and hostages are released, that is the definition of a ransom, the four americans were released, now that it is out in the open and the admin station has to backpedal and come up with an excuse about it. charles: the video we saw is very damning. cash and other currencies other than the us dollar. the iranian nuclear deal that negotiates between president obama and the iranians they had them over appeal because he wanted to deal so bad, they out negotiated him, got $150 billion from that deal alone. they had us at a disadvantage because president obama seems not to be a great negotiator.
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>> absolutely correct. iran has been calling the shots throughout obama's time in office. we see it with the iran deal, no inspections to the nuclear site, we are taking them at their word for linking with their schedule to do those inspections and the latest, this ransom deal put a target on americans traveling abroad. iran has taken three more americans into custody and we have to deal with that. they learned a valuable lesson from the obama administration. america is going to pay up if we take your people. charles: do you think this puts a target increases the possibilities of americans being kidnapped in that part of the world knowing bickett never fetched $100 million? >> spending cash. another fault, this administration paid them with cash. where do you think the money is going?
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is going to hezbollah to terrorize israel, going to yemen, going to assad to continue to fund his army. this is our dollars that will end up in the hands of terrorists. before we are going into the election. a lot of people are hoping the next president will have an opportunity to go back, renegotiate the deal or tear it up. i don't know what the details are but donald trump promised he would do that. can we retroactively go start from scratch with this thing? we are starting the countdown to iran getting a nuke. to your point fueling massive terrorism throughout the world. >> iran has proven not to be trustworthy and in terms of breaching the deal, that is a no-brainer, once iran chooses to go down that route, they already
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have broken un security resolutions in terms of their ballistic missile program so at the lily this deal needs to be renegotiated. it was a terrible deal from the beginning and puts every single person's life at larger danger around the globe because of nuclear deal. charles: global growth concerns as banks expand stimulus and the bank of england slashing historic rates and single out more to come, markets need the stimulus and amber smith, absolutely fantastic. the markets, i don't think this helps anymore and this was extraordinary. not the other stuff that came along including the bank of england buying bonds. >> we always joke this time it is different, we've never seen anything like this in the history of modern finance, these
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ultralow interest rates, stimulus measures to create growth that hasn't happened on a broad scale creating economic bubbles but look at the history. in the early 90s, interest rates in europe and england were 14%, 0.2% and a third of government bond had negative yield, we have never seen anything like this before. before where do we go from here? the central bank, you put enough -- do two things with it or they buy a house and start a business, none of that is happening anywhere around the world and they continue to pile it on. what is the ultimate end game? >> you illustrated the point, stimulus does not stimulate. if you think central planning doesn't work, gives us bond instead of a car that actually
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works, central banking, where the ends is inflation. we haven't seen it yet but whether it is venezuela, those economic numbers, the moves in commodities like cotton and gold and silver and palladium is assigned we will see some severe inflation and they will blame the speculators and business men once it comes but government stimulus at work. charles: when it does come even if they massage the data, historically ones that inflation genie is out of the bottle it seems to gallop quickly. >> the arrogance of central planners to think they can look at the data and make decisions on behalf of hundreds of millions of americans about the right interest rate, once the data starts to show it, as
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government swings too far in the other direction this is wealth destruction, use our insurance companies releasing slowing growth, job cuts because of these ultralow interest rates so this is destructive, and government stimulus at work. charles: we have new fox polls showing attend point deficit for donald trump but look at this, when it comes to one of the most important issues of the election more people trust donald trump on the economy. jim manley, kirsten haglund and -- i want to ask, everyone is saying this but the notion that if donald trump were to have laserlike focus on the economy over and over again could that help them reclaim this lost traction? >> absolutely. the economy is his biggest strength. obama and hillary spent the
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democratic national convention pouting how great america is doing middle america doesn't feel that way. that is why they are angry and washington is so completely out of touch. to continue to drill down the economy, as well as gdp, growth is anemic, jobs numbers continually released have not shown the growth they need, if she were to hammer that she could but expecting donald trump to change is like hitting her head against the wall and pretend the wall is not there anymore. we don't have evidence that he will change but we will see. stuart: charles: we had 12% growth in the recent court, job creation 200,000 jobs per month, that is not a lot in the grand scheme of things considering how large the population is but hillary clinton is trying to run as the economy candidate. >> hillary clinton is an and currently week candidate, donald trump is more trust on the
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economy and national security. unfortunately you mention the latest poll, trump down 10 points. drill down and hammer and we have seen no ability from trump to focus on hillary clinton's weaknesses and we are starting to realize republicans keep asking will trump get back on message? for trump on messages off message, he is an off message candidate and he has no ability to focus in, hammer in, drill down on hillary clinton's weaknesses and it is proving damaging, the evidence is in your poll. before hillary clinton has to be loving this but it is still early, almost 100 days left and she can display her hand. >> no doubt, there is a long time between now and november 8th but if you look at the totality of the polls, out today and two international polls this week, in michigan and
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new hampshire they have to feel good about things. the fact of the matter is based on this point to reiterate what others have said trump shows no ability and/or discipline to seize on missteps and keeps stepping in it further and further. charles: the good news for hillary, maybe the bad news, there have been so many missteps on her part, going into the weekend, i thought that email breach would be the biggest news, the chris wallace interview would be the biggest news monday morning, she has been dodging bullets and you wonder how long her luck will hold out. i know it all gets back to donald trump and whether he stays on the old-school message or gets on the old-school message. >> two candidates are so disliked by the american people, so not trusted, this should be a slamdunk for both of them if the
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other were not running. if donald trump were not only to focus on the economy but continue to highlight these perceived flaws among hillary, campaign, dishonesty, have got to shift that message toward her, that is how you run a campaign and how the presidential election is won. even though his fundraising numbers came out that he has $80 million he has to turn out voters and convince evangelicals and conservatives and if he cannot rally the base i don't know where we are going in november. charles: conservatives are critical. my twitter feed has been going crazy after an hour ago on fox news talking about the collapse in venezuela how socialism is the main reason, more government versus less government at the center of that. also the center of our election hearing. hillary clinton is absorbing bernie sanders's points, essentially free college, getting rid of college debt,
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goodies have no end and we see what is happening with the country that was one of the most vibrant economies in the world on the cusp of civil war. >> two points. that may the the center of the election here but donald trump isn't exactly running on restraining the growth of government. even if he were, he wouldn't be making that point. right now we don't know what trump is running on. he is feuding with members of his own party and that is a huge problem. charles: i appreciate that, no doubt in my mind it feels like this is a populist election. a lot of promises are made. we see how all this gets -- at this point that goes up but it is one thing to build up a little more and a lot more because we start near $20 trillion. >> the fact of the matter is i should have jumped in earlier trump doesn't have an economic
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plan. before lowering taxes, getting rid of the regulations president obama put in, those things, everything that stops entrepreneurial spirit is not an economic plan? >> a lot of nice little rhetoric. hillary clinton has substantive proposals to back up her position. trump's tax plan calls for $11 trillion in deficit spending, he has no credibility, talks a good game and in reality has nothing to back it up. charles: who was that? before you start let me point something out. what president obama has been doing, socialist lights in my opinion and the great welfare utopia, very expensive proposition, higher taxes on the so-called rich is not enough, we heard hillary clinton on more than one occasion ask the american public to give her the
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power to take money, take corporate profits and redirect that cash. >> this comes down to promises that are made, you see the anger in venezuela at their government because they promised benefits and promised this utopia they cannot deliver on. at the end of the day it is the people who drive change, innovators in silicon valley, the american people, here's a problem and i will figure out how to solve it in my community. if donald trump, maybe he doesn't have the greatest economic plan right now but if he can bring people who will advise them, free traders hopefully, people who are free-market economy, if he can bring those people in instructor and economic plan we could have a significant but socialism doesn't work, we have seen it time and again. charles: we see other people who are well respected in the economic community, not the kind of people who will change opinions how to grow and economy to appease donald trump, he will come out with a new economic
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proposal soon, is he positioned to rekindle the entrepreneurial pull yourself up by the bootstraps spirit that is missing right now? >> i would say trump may have the best mind in the world talking to him, the best economic planners, if he can't communicate that to the people it is off or not. charles: let's leave it there. appreciate it. earnings anxiety continues to weigh on some investors but don't get too worried. we have a huge jobs report tomorrow, right after this. you pay your car insurance premium like clockwork.
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for bad news but bad news has said the market lower and good news against expectations sent stocks higher. as for central bank money printing no doubt part of the rationale was to inflate the value of assets to the degree we go out and see newfound riches and spend the money but that is an old game and no matter how much accommodation takes place i don't think it will work. case in point bank of england lowering rates was expected but they threw in other schemes including government buying bonds and corporate debt. these actions are supposed to be mono for the stock market and even though we were up we were up four points, the bottom line the focus is on a jobs report. i appreciate the bank of england governor mark carney, calling term funding schemes that strongly urge banks to pass along 100 billion pounds and low rates to households and
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businesses, too bad the fed which created trillions of dollars out of thin air didn't do the same. as for the stock market, benefiting from money, it doesn't necessarily match up, in july alone, $29 billion in equity funds fled the market while $12 billion went into bonds. if you are in the stock market the only way stocks move higher is with good news that has to begin tomorrow with stronger than expected jobs report. those are my thoughts. what are your thoughts about the rally and how do you see it setting up for the rest of the year? >> the good news, good news could be good news. we have gone through a time where we crossed the rubicon hoping for better economic data and continuing the fed stimulus process. i think we are at a point we want to see jobs created, we want to see bank lending, small and medium businesses hiring and all of that economic activity
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will pick up earnings and the market. the good news to me about the market is second-quarter earnings reporting season regardless how you think the estimates were was better than expected, 70% through the s&p 500, beating earnings estimates, more importantly we have seen revenue growth. we have seen revenue growth the this is a pivot point so what needs to happen is to see continuation of that, rotation, very dangerous trade and dividends, utilities, because interest rates are so low, a 1% yield on the 10 year traded so low, in the s&p, 50 to 55 basis points. charles: the modern-day widows and orphans. who would think utilities would
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be over 20%? to your point, if anything is overvalued it is safety areas. i like the idea we are no longer celebrity mediocrity, that little bit of blade of grass is redwood but what happens if we don't get this good news? everyone would agree the market is overvalued by a little or a lot? >> to that point, the most intriguing thing you said was widows and orphans in those trades. think about utilities, that is where it is dangerous and you speak to utilities being up 20% of that gets crazy. you have a drawdown, any sort of reversion in the safety trade will be dangerous for the group you don't want it to be dangerous for. charles: we have to leave it there. i appreciate it. i can talk to you about this all day but hopefully we will talk
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charles: fallout from the big payout. concerns one year ago israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu prime minister benjamin netanyahu prime minister benjamin netanyahu warn against her deal with iran. take a listen. >> the nuclear deal with iran doesn't block the bomb. the deal gives that ran a massive infusion of cash. if feminists aggression and the reason and terrorism around the world. charles: the former national security adviser john hannah on the latest group the concerns
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were justified. in retrospect, maybe we should've paid more attention to benjamin netanyahu. >> the more we find out about this deal, the longer it's in place, the worse it looks. as the prime minister has said, whether or not iran actually violates the deal, but even if it keeps the deal, the deal does in fact put it on a quiet pad to acquiring nuclear weapons at the same time that it is continuing to escalate its aggressive activities throughout the middle east to destabilize american interests and american friends in the region. charles: during this negotiating process that iran will do certain things, just sort of to test the resolve of president obama and at some point they found out they can almost do anything. it was so desperate to have the deal done.
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i was in his from them. >> there is no question, let's be straight about it. a ransom payment that was paid for something that iran demanded at the end if they were going to go forward with the nuclear deal, giving up our hostages that they needed something tangible to show for it and they squeezed out the last extra measure of extortion from the united states. the $400 million payment in the middle of the night to a terrorist regime that is only since that deal taken more americans come increased its ballistic missile program and dramatically escalated its aggression in places like syria, lebanon, lebanon, iraq. charles: something you said a moment ago, they've got this thing signed by the president of the united states that they would turn back now.
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>> i doubt they turn back. they are determined to get nuclear weapons. the question is whether any president can re-localize the international community to understand dangers and limitations that the deal and really began to get aggressive begin an exercise in leverage not only inside the four corners of the deal, but to combat a rancid russian with a ballistic missile program in human rights abuses. that's what the index is going to be. charles: john hannah, thank you. really appreciate it. hey, guys, remember this. >> a plan that lowers premiums that fall by 14% to 20%. >> all of this will lower premiums, make health care more available and be more secure. surprise, premium hikes next. ♪ there's a lot of places you never want to see "$7.95." [ beep ]
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charles: illinois the latest agency big on obamacare travel appeared jeff flock in chicago with the details. reporter: it seemed too good to be true to say we were to make it more health care and pay less for it. it apparently is put up a number of keyword for the bill in illinois in terms of increasing premiums for the obamacare exchanges between 23% to 45%. that is representative of the nation as a whole.
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what we know so far about the what the insurers are asking in the premium increase is up over 50%. tennessee a 27%. these are what the insurers are asking for. they say they are spending a whole lot more coverage than they thought they would come using insurance more than they thought and the cost of medical care going. the companies to invest ones that pulled out of the obamacare exchanges. there'd be united health care, for example. they can make money. they were up 18% stock wise. up 87% over the last five years. some people would argue they are more covered. you pay for what you get. charles: a couple times already. we will see you again soon.
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push the focus on more things like obamacare. rudy giuliani say here that this morning on spn. take a listen. >> the more he stays on the fundamentals, the more he wins. if we ran this as a computer election based on fundamentals, he wins. donald trump can bring jobs and donald trump should we negotiate treaties. double chunk of the coal miners back to work. donald trump can stand up. charles: let's bring in karl rove. it sounds like the kind of guys who give a presidential candidate. >> absolutely. think about the last couple weeks you missed opportunities by trump on the economy the day after the democratic convention he was involved in an argument with a gold star families. that was the friday figure shoot
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the gdp on second-quarter 1.2% gdp. he could've played off about for a couple days. the lousy obama recovery in clinton's unwillingness to do anything different. sunday fox news, chris wallace interview. she expanded the government and raise taxes, spending more money. a lot of fun with that. let's set it up an infrastructure day. we will get investors involved. that's crony capitalism. we saw how that works out for the taxpayers and the lender appeared the taxpayers philanderer. he could've the taxpayers and the lender appeared because i thought that all day long. instead, he spent sunday in colorado springs in columbus, ohio and let enough people into the auditorium. charles: there is some scuttlebutt about an intervention. a lot of the names that were mentioned have rejected that idea. everyone was huddled together over the weekend.
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if so, what do you think. >> on her note what they'll say. but this in my column in "thewas morning. they need to be a disciplined plan about what the campaign wants to talk about. somebody links to have a plan. things will improve, but have been a framework that says here's what we want to talk about is of course essential. second of all, nobody in this campaign is sitting there watching what hillary clinton is doing and rapidly fakery not how donald trump can seize those opportunities. i was in the green room waiting to go on the panel, watching chris wallace interview. there she is talking about lying about her e-mail records, making misstatements about benghazi, opening up all kinds of opportunities on the second amendment and making misstatements on the economy. i'm reading the twitter feed and donald trump as saying i was
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viciously attacked by the khan family. somebody needs to get ahold of that twitter feed of his spirit someone needs to say, donald, really think about this. does this advance our cause before you tweaked out the next message. >> over the last week has felt like a rapid response team to events in the news, sort of bang bang statement after statement. it felt urgent and it felt timely. >> the biggest part of this is the candidate. think about it. friday, what did we say? not jumping on the gdp report. the foundation makes misstatements on the economy and e-mail server. we've had two weeks in which he's been basically talking about something entirely different than the economy and security, which are the two driving issues in this race. nor has he been talking about
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change, the underlying dynamic that favors them in this election. true to 70% to 80% of people want change. experiments. trend to sue in court for the new limits on when incorporating a broad. the lawsuit says allergan advisor would explore a merger opportunities have not read the u.s. role. the government is getting too involved. more details. meanwhile, stocks not exactly blooming right now. we will talk about it in 90 seconds. ♪
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so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. try super poligrip free. >> i am nicole petallides with their fox business brief care back-and-forth action. this would in all three points. 18,358. seven-day losing streak. yesterday's closing bell. we will see what happens over the next several hours and s&p 500 up nine. energy back in the green. oil above $41 a barrel. the quarterly earnings would trip advisor is the world entertainment. all three of these coming out. down 14%. first, solar down 12% were second-quarter profit air. a look on the other side, over three years since the ipo is
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>> the texas business association involved as well. you can't be, a political flashpoint and the lawsuit here, interesting to see how this plays out. the biggest example is the allergan pfizer deal and that was not allowed to go forward. it's these business groups at the chamber of the texas business association are successful, the deals and go forward. but data from both sides. the reason you go through at the deal is to lower your taxes. if your company base here, you can merge or put together a deal with the company based in ireland and then have lower taxes. they are saying that's unfair. and then the other side is to say let's fix our tax code in the united states or we wouldn't have this problem in the first place. charles: donald trump is against conversion deals as well. this is one of these rare occasions where you have bipartisan angst and animosity
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towards these deals. it will be interesting to see because eventually it goes to the supreme court. at some point you wonder how much power a government has over companies than what they do anyway. >> the whole system we have set up is the freedom to choose in erie where they want, what type of deal internationally in where they want to incorporate and all the rest of it. charles: any jobs you can take a broad. >> it also incorporates a larger ratio, which is where it is in a strange way seems to me nonetheless take us on trade as they do on this issue because it's about jobs going overseas. charles: tassel reported their tassel reported the last of her three-quarter million last year. don't worry, be happy. >> i love ceo records in general.
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elon musk taking an interesting character. maybe in the future he'll prove that to be true. he basically said were not a money-losing business, but was losing money. this quote wasn't all that have all that happened together we can be confusing and they would think that tassel is a money-losing company. not really. if you are still losing money, if you spend more money than you're making,, you are a money making -- money-losing company. he's right to the extent it has been growing. i was talking to an analyst last week amid comparison to amazon. are you comparing them direct? amazon was losing money for years. charles: this is a guy who lives at the elevator pitch. we are making money even when we are losing money. always selling. >> leader of the solar city deal. charles: you know, subtitles for
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the next story will be wake up tiger woods, get off the sofa. that ain't good for tiger woods and doesn't say much for mikey. >> no, it does that, but it is a tiger woods story. palace 2009 when target had that flip up or burnt his, well, you might argue his life and his career. he's never been the same physically. lately he struggles. nike is getting none of selling golf clubs, golf. they will still sell shoes, which is obviously a core business. when you get out of the equipment business, bad for nike, good for callaway. callaway stock has been doing well and they've callaway. lori mcelroy. golf injuries, the overall interest in golf has been going down steadily in the united states with young people. all the interesting golf.
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things that have been, it's been covered lower as well. rory mcelroy says it added a lot to golf as well, but tiger woods as well. true to you wonder if under armor would get involved in the equipment side. already done guys with the younger millennial to the sport. even when they're not doing well. but they made comfortable start enjoying the speed is a popular guy. charles: reports of potential election day thread that could have the white house scrambling. that is next.
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charles: new development on the london eye contact he had an american woman was killed and five others injured after a norwegian man of somali origin when on a stabbing spree in london's russell square. the suspect arrested soon after was not to believe -- believed to be radicalized, but rather triggered by mental health issues. democrats still reeling from the hack on the dnc and now the white house is taking bets to prevent an election day cyberattack. hackers are targeting the u.s. system. analyst arthur herman says it is cause for concern. how confident are we that there will be some sort of shenanigans? >> i'm not confident. i doubt if you are confident and
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i doubt if anybody on either political party or at the white house or the national security agency is really thinking about this as a problem a concerted deal with. the fact is we've come to realize how much i'm kind of incremental approach to cybersecurity, drain tube filled a grin bigger firewalls, deeper and deeper cybertrenches. we are not realizing that we will be neat to think about this in a very different way, especially when it comes to cyberattacks by the two principal antagonists we face in the cybersphere, russia and china. this is one of the things we should think about before the election comes so we don't have a situation in which russian hackers are chinese hackers or romanian hackers are able to manipulate our election results. charles: what i find stunning as a lot of these high-profile cases simply come from the
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e-mail phishing stuff i get on my computer. someone at these high levels and departments opens these things out. it feels like you talk about these deep trenches, but they come through the front door. >> a lot of times they are. a lot of companies come to realize that you have a situation in which employees just don't take the cyberthreats seriously, allow their pin numbers or usernames and passwords to pile into the wrong hands. but the lot of those phishing e-mails, don't forget a lot of them are disguised as internal memos, and superiors in the organization and people open them up without realizing what the dangers are. charles: i want to ask you one thing. i just want to ask him if there's been a rapid move towards the computerization, itemization of voting machines, voting online. should we put that on pause? >> i think it's time to think
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twice about how much we want to put our democratic process online for hacker is large and small can have a shot at it and find it disrupt it. right now we need to take a pause and stick with the system that we've got before we render to vulnerabilities we have peered charles: thank you very much. i. donald trump revealing the biggest obstacle keeping him from the white house. it's not hillary clinton plus president obama to address the war in terror. critics are examining the white house for offending the war on terror. senator joe lieberman joins us next.
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$400 million payments to iran. the same 10 american hostages were being released )-right-paren. high-level officials expressed concerns over the timing of the payment. but the white house refusing and then they refuse to say this has been a ransom payment. it's failing to answer whether or not the hostages would've been released without the payment. joe lieberman of the white house ignoring these major concerns. i don't know if you had a chance to see the press conference yesterday. he's really struggled and never did answer. i think they actually make this a lot worse. but then, it's up to them to admit whether it applies. it's too much of a coincidence for anyone to think this was in a ransom payment. >> i agree. they've got a tough case to make. sometimes you just have to acknowledge the case you were trying to make is to test because it's not accurate and explain what you did. i disagree with what the
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administration did. though i've read nuclear agreement was a bad deal for america. we went into the negotiations with an upper hand to let the iranians feel what they did. this is like salt in the wound in a way. in the end, for all we gave them as part of the nuclear agreement, they insisted we pay them cash for hostages of ours that they were holding. that was just really outrageous. charles: it is immoral and a lot of people concerned now that it puts an extra target on the back of americans in that region of the world. president obama's going to come out today and try to explain iran give us $400 million. we never provided he paid for and consequently not only did we owe this to him, but the war that we have to give them this money a sequence of events.
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>> well, i guess that would be one in there to the question of why. the hostages would have been released at that time. this was a very old case. some people in the administration say that the court would've ordered us to pay more than the 1.7 billion we agreed on. take it to a decision. this was not a settlement of a court case are responding to a court order where the u.s. government writes out a chat on trade shaq because it was in euros and swiss kurds see be delivered at the very same time the hostages were released. it all seems to speak for itself. i hope the president will be asked and answered with the hostages -- not, to explain why
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he did it. charles: by the way, even the interest paid on this money was too much by a couple hundred million. i want to switch gears with the backdrop of the election. hillary clinton has momentum right now. have you decided who you are going to for you? >> i haven't. i was spending a lot of time. jon huntsman and i really tried to do something that may seem a or idealistic. to build the groundwork of people in both parties who after the war is over, the word that is the campaign will be prepared to build the peace to enable our government to the american people. i may be involved as time goes on. there's a lot of us who can't go quite comfortable either way. charles: pugilist put out a piece that shows people who go
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for one particular candidate, the animosity towards ex-friends are people who are going for the same candidate, we are at a level where if they are not with my guy, i hate you. i don't offer you ever seen this before. we saw the civil war break out in the primaries and now it's gotten even worse. >> i'm not surprised because dealing with the top officials. it used to be members of both parties are different parties would disagree and then they would go out and have dinner or a drink together. they still respected each other. we are all americans, et cetera. is getting to be like family feud, but more than a family feud. it is getting to be like civil war in that eats away at our society. when you do wake up before it's too late, before a catastrophe
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comes together. charles: senator lieberman, thank you. in the meantime, donald trump received in a huge fundraising jolt. he is ripping through battleground states and talking about the economy. blake are men. >> donald trump is in florida yesterday. he's been with congress tomorrow. these are two traditional battleground states. later this afternoon he will be in maine. he won the last elections by 17 points. however, it is also one of those states that trump in his campaign and that they feel that it is in play this go around. they feel it could be a battleground in 2015. and clarity made several stops in that state, another one coming a few hours from now. trump does have some wind at his back when it relates to fund-raising. as july total haul with $80 million.
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that was by far his weakest take yet. what really matters, cash on hand. that is that the campaign has at its disposal. you can see the number has drastically risen. right now they enter august to $37 million with a couple months ago they were barely floating above a million dollars. it has been an up or climb. however, trump will have to overcome some declining poll numbers because the latest fox news poll has been down 10 points to hillary clinton. a couple triggers alarms. the poll shows he's only supported by 70% of of republicans in one and eight republicans questioned said they would end up voting for clinton. charles: blake burman, thank you very much. republicans hoping the economy will begin today. that is the town hall and that will help deflect from controversies. maybe let's stick with the economy to republican strategist
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sarah lynn t. sarah, everyone in the last 24, 48 hours have been saying the same sort of things. and yet, we have to be reminded that donald trump has gotten to this position doing it his way, countering every single one of the so-called experts who really in more recent times have done so well themselves. >> you are right. we also have to step back and look at the battleground polls today. he's down 17 points in new hampshire, lebanon pennsylvania and nine in michigan. his ways are working. he needs to do things that you've heard this time and time again. focus on the economy. take a page out of the bill clinton playbook. laser focus on trade. focus on working-class voters, the shrinking middle class. and two, focus on hillary. she is his opponent. it's not speaker ryan, not the
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khan family. focus on hillary, the past, policies moving forward. if he sticks to back, he has the race. right now he continues to detract the attention and all the wrong ways. charles: a lot of these things germinate out of interviews that mainstream media particularly progressives in the mainstream media. they kind of hit and then how does he react when he feels like he's been set up or where they are misconstruing who he is as a human in, right in his face. how does he react for that? >> i think it comes down to self-control. this goes back two years now now in a general election and he's got to win both. he's got to focus on policy and substance. as much as he hates the negative that he hears. charles: are you giving a definition of the political
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correctness and his core voters, the 40 million does his god. your same throw that away? >> i am not saying throw it away. it is so bad this past week that baby just tone it down. not to get back where we considered that does for you. i don't think he's going to lose his 14 million by starting to talk on substance. when you sit down at the "washington post," you don't need to plead with non-endorsing speaker ryan. pennies to focus on the economy and focus on hillary clinton as his opponent. charles: the scuttlebutt and perhaps an intervention over the weekend. the so-called party by denying it, but no doubt there will be some conversation along these lines. i'm sure they've had this conversation before. how do you think that works itself out? >> i've worked on for presidential elections. this is normal. you have a bad week in the big dogs come in. i hope he sits down with
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giuliani and listens to what they have to say. we hear that the most press advisers, his sons out of the country, but they will be back. i do hope they sit down and talk about the path forward in what needs to be done in the general election. i think it's normal. charles: thank you very much. appreciate it. the media has been pouncing on donald trump's campaign. they seemed to magnify them. they haven't been saying a whole lot about president about ms. iran problems for some of the things we've seen from hillary clinton. there is a huge double standard out there. we are used to double standards when it comes to republicans and democrats, but it feels like it's time than ever before. >> is the money is. my guess is over the next 100 days we were hearing off a lot of the controversies involving donald trump and not much at all
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about the different scandals involving hillary clinton. hillary clinton went on fox news sunday and mr. erase the fbi report about her, said director called me back or said she lied. the different thing she said that weren't true back on almost a free pass from the media and always spent this week talking about is trump getting into the squabble with the gold star family gave trump's campaign been in trouble. it's overshadowed this iran deal. it's extraordinary they are so focused on going after donald trump they are blind to what the president of the united states is doing and just about this one guy. charles: again, we are used to this. maybe not to disagree. the animosity by the mainstream media is even worse than it was with mitt romney.
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how would it change? why would it change? >> well, i am not sure it would change. the media might be shocked into a different action if donald trump had a different demeanor over the next few days. they might take notice of that and wonder what was going on with that and give it a lot of coverage as well, something more positive. the next thing that will change in this race is going to be the debates in 97 weeks away when he did a side-by-side comparison and that's a chance to talk about hillary clinton and not just on the trump. two of them side by side. charles: how much does donald trump have to do another was to fight back against this? when the knee-jerk reaction, the old new york knee-jerk reaction i'm going to get you right now actually plays into this. if you think about all the bigger so-called things that are boiled over, they emanate from one-on-one interviews with progressive media types and
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donald trump takes the bait. >> that's right. his advisers have to coach them. when he does an interview with george stephanopoulos, former clinton white house aide and george stephanopoulos has this reaction to the khan family. why is he asking this question, what does he want to say what keeps campaign on message instead of getting off message. charles: i can imagine if he starts answering away, can you see there had six of them live television? >> yeah. that would be a story all by itself and one that he once told. charles: with a president obama coming up to two or three hours. he will try and explain away the $400 million. it'll be interesting to see how much blocking and tackling the mainstream media does. it's such a coincidence. it's hard anyone would believe the administration is telling the truth. is this an opportunity to be a
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little bit more honest? >> i would. last night and this morning that a total of eight minutes of coverage. the trump controversy is gotten 46 minutes of coverage. president obama will keep it in the news for one more cycle. the media has to do their job to provide oversight of the president and trump has to organize his campaign to take advantage of these democratic scandals and democratic mistakes to amplify his message and put out the the defensive for once. iran deal. do she agree with it? does she disagree with it? she's got to be brought out of this, too. charles: she said it was old news. no follow-up, nothing else. more coming from central banks. what it means for you, what it means for your money. we will tell you after the break. you didn't read your car insurance policy.
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liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. charles: the bank of england cut interest rates as expected 25 basis points. sending stocks higher, both sides with the anxiety still continuing to dominate markets and earnings recession, slow job growth and the sluggish economy and reports yesterday to give us all a lot of conference. trip advisor shares getting hammered on its earnings report. tessa starbird and at about 1.56 billion. jack-in-the-box did pull a consensus. the stock is soaring although they did give guidance. jack dorsey was a winner. they crush the top and bottom line and raise their guidance. overall, the market has held, but the bottom line is we need a
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perfect jobs report tomorrow. dna, we have this big move in the market. we've consolidated those games. old resistance became your support. now where do we go? >> it is anyone's guess. the foc returned a 6% so far this year, which is not bad on anybody's calendar. the jobs report is important tomorrow. the evening in england and bank of japan is the concern. how do we get out of where we are with the slow growth are very strong interest rates but i don't any time soon. the fed does he know it's always late to the party. charles: here is what i love, digressing a little bit. the bank of england is going to pressure those things to lend a hundred billion dollars to people. we just gave aside trillions of
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dollars. when did they get out, how do they unravel? as an investor, how much of the thinking do you use because to your point, even this euro amount you've missed a pretty good return. >> that's right. don't forget the regulatory environment has changed pretty dramatically, to send away-09, where people who would go to the bank right now won't be able to get any kind of loads just because the banks are looking a lot differently now. it's really hard to involve a large part of the community to participate in this growth without giving them access to the banks. charles: i know you are real fundamentalists. it's hard for anyone to argue to a certain degree that the market is overvalued. how important is the jobs report? do we need a robust number of solid earnings growth, income
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growth? >> income growth is huge. i think if we stay with and range, 10% or so, it is not going to be such a bad name. i don't think anybody expects a blowout like we had in june. it is kind of looking in the rearview mirror kind of a number in some cases people think really high. i do think there are a lot of pocket for investors should be looking right now but haven't really written for the dramatic affect things like the cable companies and utility companies. charles: always appreciated. see you again soon. last hour the u.s. chamber of commerce suing over new rules to stop corporate conversions when companies reincorporate abroad to cut their tax rate. the last two could be huge and have major implications for the stock market. we will continue to dig into that. a new report is showing that
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charles: we are getting new images of the recent u.s. airstrikes against ices and libya. the pentagon releasing this video. that is not stopping isis are playing on stage in our attacks in europe and the terror group is sending followers from syria backed to europe to commit these attacks. the former cia analyst. what role do we play in this? it is not necessarily news, but it is more frightening to understand the determination that isis have in the organization they have as well. >> it is not news per se to say they have these operations globally. the level of detail "the new york times" reported the alarming. it showed the bureaucracy behind
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as in any sense they are making an effort to have individuals be recruited with a clean record. it makes it harder for law enforcement and describes the situation in some countries in europe or isis is intentionally targeting individuals that don't have ties to the organizations to the organization so they can fly under the radar of law enforcement. charles: what i found interesting as it could really focus on europe because it is so much easier for one of their citizens to go to syria, get this training waltz back into the country. honestly, you denounce your citizenship when you do something like that automatically. >> europe does have a much bigger problem for the reason you say. it's closer to read a training is happening and the organization are a flat tire. i don't want to understate the problem in other places because online is a lot of radicalization going on. that's even what my organization countersue extremism project is
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working on digital disruption of a lot of it and we now have technology that can be adopted by the companies to get some of the content down. it's not about fighting them where they are at. it's about fighting a message and is taken place on the internet. charles: we know in america that the homegrown terror has really had a major impact on our lives. this technology and what you are talking about fields like social media companies to responsibility is limited and they aren't that gun how about helping as much as they can. >> sure. technology companies have done a lot already but it's a manual. they are very resistant in the realm of child in adopting a singular technology by the same developer we are using. so we are hopeful as public momentum continues to turn.
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unfortunate because the terrorist attacks we are seeing, where individuals are radicalized online, we are hoping the tide will turn and use technology to filter out the worst of the worst in terms of the extremist content that violates their terms of service. this is not a freedom of speech issue. it violates threatening message is. that is not allowed on our platform and this is the way to get it all down. charles: maybe if they go after conservative commentators, particularly twitter, we could get a solution tomorrow. what about people impacted by this message. it's one thing to say we want to filter it out. what say they continuously pull down whatever the articles, the magazine, those kinds of things. is there way to use the system against that? is there a potential and country? >> when he saw happen is more
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resources to the intelligence community and the domestic law enforcement like the fbi. basically by enforcement agencies can collect intelligence in many ways. at the end of the day, if you see something suspicious, if an individual is exposed and radicalized, there may be signs to members of their community and signs along the in purchasing weaponry for law enforcement. it really boils down to more resources going to places like the fbi. too many cases, not enough resources are part of that is making sure they get the resources they need to do their job properly. they work very hard. there's a number taken place in europe and here. sometimes we forgetthat. i 9/11 scale court made it court made an attack. at the end of the day they are doing their job. this is a big problem in a growing problem under the radar. charles: no doubt we should salute them more often. do not tell us that everyone
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they were able to afford. by the same token, people are starting to say something and hopefully they will have the resources. thank you area much. really appreciated. >> thanks for having me. charles: jack dorsey briley fueling speculations. right after this. no, only lawyers do that. so when you got rear-ended and needed a tow, your insurance company told you to look at page five on your policy. did it say "great news. you're covered!" on page five? no. it said, "blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah..." the liberty mutual app with coverage compass™ makes it easy to know what you're covered for and what you're not. liberty stands with you. liberty mutual insurance. you stay up. you listen. you laugh. you worry.
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another u.s. citizen for allegedly aiding isis, ashley. >> always disturbing, charles. 35-year-old eric hendricks in charlotte arrested and charged with conspiring to support isis, claims that he would try to recruit supporters and therefo therefore, carry out attacks in the u.s. and hendricks did recruiting on social media and arranged to someone and that person tipped off the feds and he told authorities, quote, unquote, both in texas and in mexico and he wanted to get those people together to train. ominously. this comes on the back of the arrest of the police officer, the very first law enforcement officer to be charged with trying to support isis. he worked for the washington d.c. metro transit police. 36-year-old nicholas young. he is also charged with trying to support isis. in fact, he was trying to send
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money, $254 through a system that isis uses not only to receive money, but to recruit people as well. turns out he'd been on the fbi's radar in this case for some six years. first alerted by his employer to the feds in 2010. earlier today, milwaukee county sheriff david clark says there needs to be a new approach on how to handle homegrown terrorism. >> if you pledge of allegiance to islamic state, you are an enemy combatant. we can't use the law enforcement model where you look for evidence of a crime before arrest. if you're talking stupid, you need to pay, you're an enemy combatant, you need to be brought in for a thorough briefing. ashley: it turns out nicholas young had been on the radar for six years and authorities want today see who else may show up in his circle of friendsment we know that he visited libya a couple of times in 2011 and had a collection of guns and a nazi
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inspired eagle tattooed on his neck. that's nicholas young. charles: wow, thanks, ashley webster. nuts. ashley: yeah. charles: back to the markets, jack dorsey getting a much-needed boost. the ceo of twitter, and his other company square hiked their guidance. and for charlie gasparino, is that making investors more bullish on dorothy himself? >> i don't think so. i think what's making-- you get the bounce on twitter and i think a lot of it is the rumors that twitter is going to be bought. the and say the rumor is steve ballmer and maybe other big time tech investors would take it private. it was quickly discounted. i will say this, twitter is a great company in search of a business model. and that's what the street has determined. the one thing that i think would jazz this stock up, with every analyst and investors and banker that i talk to, that's why they're being-- they're essentially for sale. no one wants to buy them, would
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be buying it and the best possible route to that buy, a lot of people think would be a google or facebook, facebook probably can't because of anti-trust and google doesn't need to do it, if you google charles payne the first thing that comes up is your tweet. so they have that partnership. and google would be just spending a lot of money on it. so, leaving that out, whenever there's a rumor out now, the sort of like the next step would be to take it private. someone rich and interested in the technology and make it work. i think that twitter has a lot of problems and i think that jack dorsey a crazy running two companies, if it doesn't get bought out soon he probably opens himself up on massive liabilities and shareholder losses. charles: apparently he's running it because nobody else wanted to. >> he thinks he can do two things. if the stock stays at this level this long, somebody is going to say, rub he met the
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road and you weren't paying enough-- spending enough time driving the truck. it's a real problem for himself. i think the best thing that twitter shareholders can hope for is being-- is it being bought. i don't know who can buy it. >> i would like to see new management if they don't buy it to your point. >> i want to switch gears. tomorrow's jobs report, 275,000 job some would say it's weak, some say it's not. how does it help donald trump? >> well, or how does it hurt hillary? listen, hillary owns this economy, right? theoretically last week's lousy gdp should have helped donald and he had a horrible week. it only helps if you have a message that involves the economy and you know, that's one of the sort of huge question marks and sort of, what's the word for it mysteries of his campaign. let me just make this point. the mystery of the campaign, he's never exploited the
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economic weakness of the obama record, that easily transfers to hillary clinton. charles: here is the irony to what you're saying. hillary is running on that record. she's know the running away from it, she's running on and regurgitates the 70-plus months of jobs rate and losing 800,000 jobs and we hear that message all the time. >> i disagree. the prime focus of her campaign is not that, but it's this guy is unfit. charles: when it comes to the economy she doesn't run away per se. >> what's she going to say. the economic message is not front and center. if you remember her dnc speech, it's great, but we have things to do. the front and center message of the campaign is donald trump's -- just he's unfit for office. charles: the temperament office and they're going to stick with it because it's working for them in the polls. >> his primary attack should be
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how batted economy is under clinton, obama. and his-- it seems like he's just squandering a massive opportunity. do you think that the economy is going to get that much better, massive improvement. charles: my prediction is an october surprise, they're going to say 3 1/2%. that's my prediction, what they're going to say. >> you're probably right. charles: they'll revise it, but that's what they'll say. >> november 7th they'll revise it down. charles: speaking of hillary clinton, a spokesperson tweeting this about iran at the $400 million payout. >> this payment to iran is eight-month-old and nothing to do with it it's a trump smoke screen to take heat off his connection to russia and some say this is ransom written all over it. and he'll be here to discuss.
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>> good afternoon, live from the floor of the new york stock exchange. lori rothman, markets are flattish, if you will. the dow at the best levels and you can see it's now turned south down 11. the s&p and they're holding up. and waiting for tomorrow's jobs report. we're in the throes of second quarter earnings and reporting season we'll have companies out after the bell. have a look at some of the big names, performing ahead of the
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>> growing outrage over the 400 million dollar payment to iran. the white house not calling it ransom, but republican lawmakers are. senator mark heard says paying ransom to kidnappers puts americans more at risk. and chris, you know, it's already been said more than once in the last 24 hours if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck. >> well, this certainly seems like a duck and the only explanation, if it's not a duck, it's extraordinarily naive dealmaking. the idea that we owed them this money is like catching a contractor that is stealing for you and claiming he still owed you from the work. and it does not make sense. these guys have not read my book. charles: they say, of course, it goes back to the shahof iran
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and he was bloodily disposed of in a coup and you've got to wonder about the legalities there. let's not forget about the $150 billion attached to the nuclear deal. that's lost in this, too. the bottom line, president obama undernegotiated and too eager for the deal and the iranians knew it and took advantage of it. >> exactly. the american negotiators in this took themselves hostage, classic second term american administration desperate to do something in the middle east and taking themselves hostage and what happens in a big deal like this is frequently they focus on the key issue that they want and then they get utterly killed on all the small details and that's what the iranians did, they took us to the cleaners on this, on the small details, knowing what they were doing. charles: understanding negotiations and hostage taking better than most people, what should the approach have been? and now i want you to sort of
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also, if you can, give us a level how much more this has increased the likelihood of americans being targeted. >> instead of taking to the deadline, you say to the person, if you don't make the deal before i'm out of a job, the deal isn't made. it's simply putting the pressure on them to solve the problem instead of taking it on yourself. which naive deal makers didn't do. these remind me of the people in my classes and i say go back and redo the deal. as far as american danger in the world today, clearly, the increase of danger is higher as long as this administration is here because the other a adversarie adversaries, korea, everybody knows that they're desperate to do something before they get out. for the remainder of this administration, i think the threat is much higher. charles: should we have
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threatened, you know, to attack? during that negotiation period, we had the leverage and the money and everything else, and iran said, well, listen, if you don't come to us, we're going to build the nuke anyway. and at anyway, at what point do we say if you continue to build these we'll destroy them. this is something that israel did a long time ago. >> well, as a hostage negotiator, i would always say, this is the rest of my negotiation team and i would point to the s.w.a.t. team, will letting them know that's an option-- just because we're talking that option doesn't come off the table. it's a hand in glove approach, you don't have to show weakness by negotiating, you just don't want to be afraid to negotiate as long as you don't take your options off the table. charles: chris vost. thank you, appreciate it. fallout from socialism gone wrong. the number of venezuela applying for asylum to the united states is surgiinsurging
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and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long™. ♪ >> the chamber of commerce among other business groups suing over u.s. limits on tax driven deals abroad, also known as inversions. liz macdonald is here. interesting, the lawsuit is in texas and they say that government's overreaching liz: yeah, this was the tax rule, right? and i say that clearly, that treasure passed. congress is supposed to enact taxes, not the treasury tax bills, that stopped the allergan-pfizer deal. 160 billion mega deal and that's why the u.s. chamber of commerce and business group is suing in texas. they're saying treasury you overstepped your authority, not supposed to change the rules that changes tax laws and that's congress's purview and
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you didn't put it out to public comment, you want willy nilly and chasing the tax reform unicorn down the road by enacting moves of your own. and this is interesting, too, charles, the it extext courts have been sympathetic and challenges the obama administration, pushing back on immigration moves, so the administration tried to make. charles: i was curious why texas. that's it, right liz: that's right and they've moved aggressively to stop the obama administration's overmoves and overstepping its authority in other areas. charles: it's interesting because we know donald trump is against corporate inversions and i think so is hillary clinton so whoever the president would be has to deal with this and ultimately could go to the supreme court liz: it could go to the supreme court because it's congress' power to change taxes not the treasury unilaterally, the rule making. charles: this administration thinks that everything, you know, to congress, this has been sort of implicit because they've sort of given away
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their right and president obama has taken advantage of it. too bad he doesn't negotiate with iran the same way. political unrest in venezuela, you've been on top of this like no one else. and a new report on asylum seekers there liz: that's right. in 2014, only about 92 venezuelans sought asylum in the u.s. and now it's exploded to 10,000. and that's a big deal. and venezuela behind china and mexico, and the biggest number of people coming into the country and we're tracking, too, charles, is the military taking control of the food supplies there. the military is now saying the government in venezuela is saying, if you want to work on government supported farms, we will ask you to do that for two months, we could renew that at any time and work for two more months and cuba tried to do that indoctrinating workers on the sugar farms. this is the road to serfdom.
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>> the people are saying the oil is collapses anded foot collapses, no, it wasn't because of oil price collapse, because canada would be collapsing too. it's the collapse of socialism there. charles: we saw this coming, right, for a long time and i'm pretty sure he did, because chavez raised the wages for the military, 40% in 2010 and then last year, meduro 45%. and keep the military rich and buying weapons from russia and china. that's what i'm afraid of. you've been on top of this, this could boil over into bloodshed liz: it could, and we've seen it time and again in south america. the country is estimate today run out of cash in about a year's time. where did the money go. i'm hearing from sources on the ground that high level officials in venezuela are building houses entirely made
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out of marble in certain precincts. charles: and venezuela with the watches. >> that's right, 15 top officials in venezuela sporting swiss matches half million or more. charles: the richest person. >> thought to be chavez's daughter and now the treasury, 10 billion. charles: neither one hurting socialism liz: the money doesn't vanish, it goes to somebody's pockets. charles: it's a cautionary tale because we were lured into it with bernie sanders, a lot of people quick liz: one point. sources of mine in venezuela say time and again, what is going on with bernie sanders? he has no idea the effects and the ravages that socialism can wreak on any economy around the world. charles: and reads better in the textbook than in real life. thanks, oil above 41 right now and gas prices are holding steady. the national average for regular, 2.11, 50 cents cheaper
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charles: president obama speaking with reporters later today. what will he say about that iran situation? i will be all over it tonight. making money at 6:00 p.m. here is trish regan. she will take you through the next hour. trish: thanks so much, charles. breaking news, another bombshell report from "wall street journal." several top justice department officials objected to the timing of iran cash deal even warning the obama administration sending 400 million bucks in cash to iran, the exact same day iran agrees to release american hostages might look like ransom. i'm trish regan, welcome, everyone, to "the intelligence report." trish: sure does look like ransom, right? the white house is sticking to its guns. watch. >> isn't it essentially a ransom payment then even if the u.s. doesn't view it that way. >> no, it is not a ransom payment. trish: just coincidence, right? meanwhile hillary clinton is trying to back
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