tv Wall Street Week FOX Business August 5, 2016 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT
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>> i think the big trouble she is in by continuing not to come clean on this issue and not make an apology. everything sound so political when she is on this topic, it continues to prolong it instead of putting it to bed. certainly hillary clinton would rather move on to other topic. she would rather move on to making this race about donald trump and trying to drive down his negatives. every time she gives an answer on this that isn't quite clear, it gives it legs and keeps it going for another week. lou: it's clear to me that this has moved to hillary clinton. this race right now, if donald trump chooses to take advantage of the opportunity that's been handed him, this race just became about hillary clinton her record, her character and her capability to serve as president. >> i agree, there is no doubt
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about it. hillary -- you have got to remember, when you talk hillary you have to throw bill in the loop. this is a political package. she learned from the best. trump has to stay focused. he has to continue to pound home her character or lack thereof. he's got to stay focused. lou: that would be easier if handful of elites from the republican party whether it's the coke brothers who are acting as if they are died in the wool clinton supporters -- dyed in the wool clinton supporters. if they would close ranges this would be a far easier path for the republican nominee. >> i may disagree with you there a little bit.
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i don't think voters from clamoring to hear what mitt romney has to say. i don't think he's holding voters back from donald trump. this past week -- lou: let me interrupt you, i'm not suggesting that. what i am suggesting is with the help and support and energy of some of the elites of the republican party who are recalcitrant and petulant, if they would get out on the campaign trail and support the nominee as they would any other nominee, which, by the way they promised. every one of them running in the primaries promised they would do so. each one of them has broken a promise. i'm talking about the support and how it could change the energy on the ground. >> you know, i respectfully disagree. there are folks that they may have made that promise, but i
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think they view donald trump as having even ganged in a hostile takeover of their party. lou: when a person breaks their word, i don't think in politic there is certainly no excuse for it. so i'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you. they have a responsibility. they took money, they wasted the time of the republican party as well. steve, you get the last word as we wait for donald trump. >> i agree with you, lou. the koch brothers. many of the republican establishment, they are elitists. they don't want trump and if they want unity and beat hillary which i doubt they really want to beat hillary. they are showing that. then they have got to unite. they want trump to unite and endorse the gift. the american people are smart. that's why there was a trump and sanders movement.
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they are tired of the global elite republicans and democrats pushing them around. lou: steve sanchez and kristen anderson. we'll be talk with them later. trump set to step up there in a moment. let's listen to the vice presidential nominee. >> it was long and it was late. but it was the same old, same old. did you notice that? more tax were more spending, more borrowing, more bailouts, and more obamacare. and just this week in omaha, did you hear about that? the democrat nominee accidentally spoke the truth. did you hear about that?
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she actually said in a speech, she said we are going to raise taxes on the middle class [crowd booing] she accidentally spoke the truth but quickly corrected it. earlier today i heard she was called out by the press for saying that the f.b.i. director hadn't concluded that she had been dishonest. and mishandled email. and what she said today was that she had short-circuited her remarks. well, let me say, men and women of wisconsin. for the sake of our the security, for the sake of our prosperity, for the sake of preserving the highest standards of integrity in the highest office in the land. let's decide here and now hillary clinton will never be elected president of the united states of america!
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[cheers and applause] brock chanting lock her up] >> they tell us i heard in that speech, they tell us this economy is the best we can do. the morning after hillary's speech official washington put out the numbers. lou: as we listen to mike pence talking in preparation into produce donald trump tonight and who is expected to endorse there in wisconsin of course speak per paul ryan. let's go to american conservative union chairman and trump surrogate matt schlapp and still with us from phoenix, nationally indicated talk show
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host, matt sanchez. first let me say good evening to you. they are going after the short-circuits statement by clinton today and her again tripled down on lying about having been truthful to the -- to the f.b.i. it's like a gift from hillary clinton to a campaign that was having some bumps and taking on a few bruises. >> this is a big night. it's an important step in wisconsin. this is go time. this is time to realize what the choice is. i feel like i have oxygen in my lungs when we are talking about the real issues. hoik just this week on several occasions basically took what the f.b.i. director said when testifying before congress and lied by the, rearranged it. took it out of context. it's unbelievable. many much us saw this video
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about donald trump watching him on television. they respontdsed to that and it's fantastic. lou: let me say the words you didn't articulate. she lied three times about lying. today was the third. and she said she short-circuited when talking with our chris wallace on the fox news sunday broadcast. i mean, that plays straight into the trump-expense campaign narrative which is she is not first could be president either because of her conduct, ethics or in fact her health. >> this interview with chris wallace is a big deal. because either hillary clinton lives in her own world which is very dangerous because she seems to be insulated from the truth, and from what is actually happening out there, or she is kinds of a pathological liar. and at the same time they are trying to make --
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lou: there are millions of people saying kinds of? this issue of steve sanchez. the expression short-circuited. that is a gift, is it not? >> sure it is. where i come from, lou, when you lie, you are a liar. that's what hillary clinton is. liar, liar, pants on fire. that's the reality and mayor today knows that. i'm tired of republicans apologizing for moik hillary clinton. the truth is if everyone wants to be so politically correct. hillary clinton is a liar, we have known her for years. she doesn't change. what concerns me more than anything, half of america believes her. lou: it's crazy. 70% of the country says they
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don't like the direction the country is going, yet she is leading in polls. figure that one out. >> she is losing on this question of her integrity. they view her as honest and trustworthy. 70% of americans in poll after poll after poll. lou: why is she ahead? i hear all that, but that starts to sounds like talking points. you can't dismiss the fact that she is ahead in these polls and 70% of the people in this country want a new direction. >> i think the mire can voter decided she is who she is. they are look at this guy trump who in a political context is new as a candidate. and they are look at him. lou: i have got to interrupt. that's donald trump going on stage. headed to the podium and stand as mike pence put it, shoulder
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to shoulder as niece two men are campaigning togetherring. apparently that is working very well for the trump-pence organization. let's listen in to donald trump and see what he has to say. >> how good is this? special. he's a special man, a special person. and he's become my friends. there is a lot of people here. hello, everybody. your football team is going to have a great year. i watch. you got quarterback. you have the whole deal, i think it will be a very good year. and if you get into that that soup sear bowl, i'll be going, all right? so, i wrote something down before and i think it's important. because dish love you, too --
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because we need unity, we have to win this election. this is truly one of the most important elections certainly in my lifetime because we are about to go -- we lose it, we are in the wrong direction and maybe it's gone. supreme court justices, always remember that. but so many different levels. and when you see what happened with crooked hillary today, it was a disaster. she had a disaster. she lies, folks, she lies badly. so i want -- i just wrote this out. i wanted to say it to this group. i had a really great time when i was in wisconsin. and i can't quite eke it out. i i was going to. but you built me up and taught me about politics. and when i left here, i said i think i learned a lot.
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so i love it. i love the people. i have many friends in wisconsin and they are incredible people. you are incredible people, i have to tell you that, and we are going to have a lot of fun. but i had to write this. this campaign is not about me or any one candidate. it's about america. [cheers and applause] it's time for a change. we need a change, a real change, not an obama change. we don't need an obama change. we have had enough. it's time to change a rigged political system that works only for the insiders and to replace it with a government that serves the people. have to do it. and i know both sides.
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i have been on the other side, believe me. i actually like this side better. this is a movement. this is a movement like they maybe have never seen in this country. according to even the political pundits that truly hate me. this is a movement that some say -- most say is one of the great phenom nons they have ever seen in politics. some say it's the single greatest phenomenon. so the media doesn't want to talk about it. we have done something -- we, all of us together. i'm a messenger. i'm only a messenger. we have done something truly historic together. standing before you as nominee for president, and i am not a politician, proudly.
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i'm not part of the system. i ran against the system and i'm probably better off running against the system. i ran against the donors. i'm my own donor, essentially. i have a lot of money in this deal. this is a very expensive process, i want to tell you. i fund as you know i funded the primaries, now i'm in for over $60 million, and i'm largely funding my campaign as we go forward. in addition to that, we raised tremendous amounts of money and much of it from small donors. $61. as a republican that doesn't happen. it happens because of what you are seeing in front of you today. if you remember just prior to
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june they did a story, donald trump hasn't really done too well with fundraising. that's because -- i'm not going to raise funds. i would have had enough if i didn't make it. i would have said bye-bye politic. but i got it, and then i started raising money for the republican party, and we raised a lot of money. we started really june 14, flag day, my birthday. and in june we raised approximately -- think of this, $51 million. can you imagine? and those people couldn't believe it. they were really surprised. big headlines. they don't give me too many good headlines. i do things that i think are fantastic. there is no way they can cover
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this badly, and they cover it badly. i gently tell a woman that i love her baby and let the baby cry, it's okay. as the baby then had a voice that was superior to pavarotti continued to cry, i remember i told her to stay, don't worry about it. but after 3 or minute and i'm trying to speak -- and it was in jacksonville, we had a massive crowd that filled up the stadium. i said, ma'am, i would like to reverse my order. perhaps you can take the baby out. she was happy. even the baby was happy and stopped crying. maybe you can take the baby out, would that be possible? the whole place is crack up. the next day in the newspaper it said "trump those baby out of arena." [booing] they are very
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dishonest. and i just had a reporter come up to me back stable, a reporter, mr. trump, sir, why did you throw that baby out of there. i said i was having fun, i was so nice. ebb like me, the baby liked me, the mother liked me. i tried to keep the baby in, but the baby had up a powerful voice. i want to find out who that baby is. i want to sponsor the baby. that baby will sing some day in fill harmonic hall, new york city. i am not part of the system. * i ran against the system. i ran against the donors, largely i'm my own donor. i'm running against myself. never thought it that way. and against the status quo and the status quo we have to get
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rid of because it's not working. the country is a mess. and that's why i put up a lot of money. while the democrats nominated the candidate of special interests, and really a candidate of total corruption. you take a look at what she is doing, the republicans made history by choosing a nominee from outside of this very, very corrupt system. it is a corrupt system. it's a corrupt system. you want something done, they docket for you. and that's not necessarily good for the country. that's why we are going to be able to deliver real change and real safety and real opportunity to all americans. we have to unite. remember that. everything i have accomplished i have done by putting together a really fantastic team.
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including, of course, governor mike pence of indiana who has done an incredible job. my wonderful staff of people that really love what they are doing and they are working so hard. my family and friends, and it's expanding all the time. but i need a republican senate and a house to accomplish all of the changes that we have to make. we have to make them. right? i understand and embrace the wisdom of ronald reagan's big tent within the party. big, big tent. remember? ronald reagan. great man. great guy. remember he included reagan democrats and independent, and republicans. a lot of people.
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we are going to have the same thing. there are a lot of democrats perhaps in this room? are there democrats in this room? raise your hands. i don't think we need too many to be honest. i embrace the wisdom that my 80% friend is not my 20% enemy. ronald reagan. stated by ronald reagan. we'll be the big tent party. we'll have a lot crossover. we'll have a lot of bernie sanders coming in because of trade. bernie sanders knew we were being ripped off by trade. trade is a disaster with china and with japan and mexico. with vietnam. with so many countries. with he country, every country. we don't win at any level with
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anything. and as a unified party, we'll lead our country to unity as well. very important. we need the unity. we have to win this election. well, we have to win it. have to win it. otherwise our big movement was not as big as we thought. and that's not good. that's why november 8 you have got to getter you know. and all this voter i.d. nowadays a lot of places aren't going to have voter i.d. what does that mean? what does that mean? you just keep walking in and voting? so you have to be very careful and vigilant. you have to be careful. but we will have disagreements. but we will disagree as friends and never stop working together for victory. and very importantly, toward
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real change. so in our shared mission to make america great again, i support and endorse our speaker of the house, paul ryan. [cheers and applause] paul ryan. he's a good man and he's a good guy. we may disagree on a couple things, but mostly we agree and we are going to get it done and do a lot of wonderful things. he's a good man. and while i'm at it, i hold in
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the highest esteem senator john mccain. for his service to our country, in uniform and in public office, and i fully support and endorse his reelection. very important. [cheers and applause] >> we'll work together. i also fully support and endorse senator kelly ayotte of new hampshire. a state i truly love. primarily because that was my first victory. but i loved new hampshire. it's one of the most beautiful places. she is a rising star and will continue to represent the great people of new hampshire so very well for a long, long time. senator kelly ayotte.
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working hand in hand we'll grow our majority in the house and in the senate. we need that. we have got to get things done. arm in arm we'll rescue the nation from the obama-clinton disaster which is exactly what it is, that has bled our country dry and spread terrorism unabated across the world. that's what's happening. you saw just now maps came out yesterday. they said isis is far bigger. it's all over the place. it's all over the place. we are going to get rid of it, folks. our military is depleted. we are going to build up our military. lou: there you have it.
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endorsing kelly ayotte. john mccain and speaker of the house paul ryan. for reaction. forbes editor-in-chief steve forbes. tom shillue, and lee carter. great to have you all with us. your reaction? there is the big tent that trump has been talking about and built it. >> i wish he had don't earlier and not gotten into the kerfuffle he did. but the way he presented the reasons he was doing it it was authentic. he wasn't saying we are all friends, let's have a big hug. he said we have differences but we need to come together. quoting ronald reagan was a good thing. lou: tom? >> i think it was worth the wait. he's an outsider. there are a lot of people angry with paul ryan and the republican leadership. so trump was just showing them,
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i'm still one of you. he was holding out. i like the ray he reflected ryan when he said i'm just not there yet. it took him 48 hours. lou: 48, 72, he made his point and had his way. so ryan gets an endorsement, and an important one. >> but also bringing up the big tent. he knows he's got to put a coalition together. he knows he has to show he can bring diverse people together. people may not be with him 00%. this will start to reassure again what he lost in the last two weeks that even if you have doubts about him, he can -- you can take a chance on him. and that's important. lou: we heard for the first time tonight, donald trump saying that he needs a majority, a republican majority in the senate and house to get his plans implemented.
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that's the first time i believe he said that. >> i believe it is. lou: it's striking particularly against the backdrop of all the strive between ryan -- what's going to be interesting is one of the koch brothers who effectively are supporting hillary clinton, will paul ryan be gracious enough to re to reciprocate and close ranks? >> i'm not sure. it's taken and lot of time and we have seen non-traditional moves. paul ryan has take it on the children this week. lou: he may take it on the chin tuesday. he's not out of the woods yet. we understand that he is unlike eric cantor who was defeated by an outsider. he and his campaign, his staff are smart enough to be a little scared. >> ryan is safe.
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ayotte is not as safe. lou: i'm not sure he is safe. it's not clear that is the case. >> he should be. lou: no question. lou: eric cantor was safe as well. >> mccain does need his help. kelly ayotte does need his help. he will want to campaign with her in new hampshire in the fall. lou: this is huge. this is basically the party and trump acknowledging they need him for coat tails. and in this business and all the polls up and down the ticket, the fact is the top of the ticket leads into november 8. >> what it does is also gives him chips with the senate and the house since january, puts him in a position to say he's got a good garbaging hands. it's win-win all around. lou: i appreciate. steve thanks so much.
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donald trump in green bay, wisconsin, endorsing kelly ayotte, john mccain and paul ryan. thank you so much for being with us. and "wall street week" begins now. [♪] >> announcer: this show has never been solely about investments. we talk about anything that affected people and their money. from fox business headquarters in new york city, the new "wall street week." gary: welcome to "wall street week." liz: i'm liz claman. anthony scaramucci will be back next week.
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