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tv   Stossel  FOX Business  August 7, 2016 5:00am-6:01am EDT

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vote trump orstein. never hillary. comment on facebook, these things hillary said she was going to do should have been done when she was secretary of john: 17 republican candidates, and three democratic candidates. all that possibility to this. >> here is what i believe. >> republican voters want donald trump. john: two people most americans don't want. >> we have so much choice in life, why don't we have a choice in politic. >> everybody complains, but nobody wins. john: there are horrible candidates even more desperate for power.
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but there is also good news. some good candidates. >> i want government out of your pocketbook and out off your bedroom. >> for a week i get to pretend i live in a tiny society made up of people that love freedom. john: lots of people ignore the politicians. this one of the chick-fil-a restaurants that opened up. the the mayor said don't eat here because they are hostile to gays. are you sick of the old politics? >> announcer: john "stossel." john: i'm sick of the old politic. i'm sick of these politicians. one wants to control just about everything. >> we do have to take on income inequality and create more good
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jobs. we have to have campaign finance reform. we have a lot of work to do. john: i dread the work she is going to do on me. the other candidate promises meansless things. >> we are going to win so much you will get tired of winning. you will say, please, please, it's too much winning. we can't take it anymore. john: what does that mean? i don't trust trump or clinton. hillary as we all know lies about lots of things. >> she is crooked hillary. is this is one of the most crooked politicians in history. john: she may be but donald trump has hardly been one of the most decent businessmen. he used politics to rip off people. >> he bragged by the. atlantic city was a good cash cow for me for a long time. that tells you all you need to know about donald trump.
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it 7 not about how much he can build, it's how much he can take. john: i won't vote for neither hillary clinton or donald trump. they got ahead through political connections. trump profited by giving money to both political parties. hillary became famous because her husband was president. mark mekler is upset about it. >> we have an extraordinary situation in our politics. donald trump paid money to the system. he admits he gave money to politicians of both parties to profit in his business. doing political favors. that's what he was admitting he was getting. then you have hillary and bill clinton who made hundreds of
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millions of dollars by doing favors for people win the system. john: the clinton foundation? $2 billion. >> $2 billion, money from countries around the world, that money coming in while hillary clinton was secretary of state. it appears countries got favorable treatment. this was the ultimate political slesh funds. they paid $720,000 for a 2-minute speech. then the state department took the sanctions away. >> this is where the children tons have been so good in politics, skirting the law. the law applies to little people. we saw this in her email scandal.
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it was laid out by f.b.i. director comey. john: what the f.b.i. director said about her is pretty damning. >> i did not email any classified materials to anyone in is no classified material. >> 110 emails in 52 email chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. >> i provided all my emails that could possibly be work related. >> several thousands work-related emails that were not among the group of 30,000 emails returned by secretary clinton. >> i thought using one device would be simpler. >> she used numerous mobile devices to send and receive emails. john: she make its up analyze and she gets away with it.
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>> she uses the political system to grant favors to her friends. she has become rich off of politics. john: but as you points out, so does donald trump. >> the flip side of the same coin. he's a patron of the crony capitalism system. he openly admits he has paid into this system for phase. john: "new york" magazine ran a headline, trump the most corrupt politician ever. i don't think that's fair and the article didn't back it up. but he's been paying off politicians you could say making contributions for a long time. the top recipients were six democrats. just 4 republicans. charlie rangel received the most trump money. here arharry reid got money.
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and in exchange he gets what? >> the way his company is treated in the tax code. he openly admits this. but he says he will go after that system. hillary clinton doesn't admit it's going on, doesn't say she is going to change any of that. he says he's going to attack it. john: i would like to believe that. i don't know what donald trump would do if he gets elected. the odds show it's not likely he would become president. hillary always huge favorite. some people are comfort because they say she is experienced. but all she is experienced at is spending other people's money, your money. now that she is the nominee, she is not back away from the crazy positions bernie sanders took. she wants to make college free for enricher than average americans.
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america is going broke. colleges don't educate very well. so more of it should be free? this is nuts. this is a socialist entitlement culture that destroyed venezuela. now hospitals don't have medicine. the murder rate skyrocketed. venezuela is a demonstration project for hillary's politics. big government, special deals, cronyism. law professor john macy teaches at yale. he wrote an article, the rise of crony capitalism. crony capitalism only works in a democracy like ours with the acquiescence of some of the citizens which are the people on the left holding up the arm that's bribing. john: people accept it because they think government means well
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and it will reward the right people? >> i don't think so. i think people lost their moral compass. now we are in a group culture, people say hillary may be corrupt, but she is my corrupt politician. she is doing stuff that i want her to do with respect to the minimum wage or college tuition or affirmative action. so it's become kinds much a tribal political system. one of the things that's been most ending to me about the email scandal is her consistent refrain that i didn't break the law. what i did was legal. there is no thought about whether it was right. no interest in even thinking in those terms. and that's what creates fertile ground for crony capitalism. john: your definition of crony capitalism is broader than i thought. you include things like teacher's unions. >> you require people to don't want to belong to the union to pay dues.
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john: you can't fire a teacher. >> you don't worry about merit, you don't allow vouchers. you don't allow competition. john: you think affirmative action is cronyism. >> we have government helping the group. for what reason are they helping the group? john: blacks were discriminated for years and this evens the playing field. >> take, for example, a city with a 100% african-american ski town kril. the political system has corrected the past injustice. the people previously disenfranchised are now in power and they are using that power to achieve benefits for themselves. whenever we get away from a merit-based system, crony cap todayism will -- capitalism will win out.
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john: this is just another way of saying i will give you yours, you give me some, and the stake grows. >> it used to be difficult to get things done in congress. people complain about gridlock in washington, d.c. the founders intended there to be gridlock in washington, d.c. they never intended for them to be passing millions of laws. there is a single game in washington, d.c. both parties participate and profit from that game. john: you make another point in your article that identity politics is a form of identity politics and cronyism. hillary clinton may become president because of identity politics. former secretary of state merchandise lynn albright sit's a woman's duty to vote for hillary.
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>> there is a special place in hell for women who don't support each other. john: in this speech hillary rejects that idea but then rejects it. >> i'm not asking people to vote for me because i'm a woman. i'm asking for them to vote for me on the merits, and one of the merit is i'm a woman and i can bring those views and perspective to the white house. john: what's wrong with that? she'll bring women's perspective. >> we are talking about the most powerful leadership position in the world and i'm looking for someone who is qualified and competent. john: but we get more cronyism. >> in our system date many prove itable. but there is an incredible return on understand investment for businesses to lobby the government. the fundamental problem is that government is so large and has so much influence over business and our personal lives that it's while to spend the money to
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influence government. john: when government grows, that's what happened. thank you, mark meckler. >> a photo of an anonymous man's bulging underwear. john: take heart in knowing that lots of americans ignore politicians. recently the mayor of new york don't eat at chick-fil-a. but look at this line. people line up to eat at chick-fil-a. ♪
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speech. no government force. that's why it' upsetting when politicians did get involved. boston's mayor had the nerve to say chick-fil-a is not welcome in our town. >> i don't believe a company that speaks out against gay right should have the opportunity to operate in the city of boston. john: they shouldn't have the opportunity to open a rate because of of their beliefs? a chicago politician said they will keep chick-fil-a out. eventually those idiots realize even though they are elected officials, they don't have the right to ban businesses because they don't like what the owners say. politicians backowed dn and just supported the boycott. when politicians support boycotts you get to find out if what politicians say means as much as we in the media think.
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this is a chick-fil-a restaurant in new york city where the mayor said, don't eat her. this is a company that spread the mess and hate. how did the peek respond when the mayor says don't eat there? they line up. people wait a long time just to get a chicken sandwich. can i ask you why you are eating here? >> it's delicious. john: mayor deblasio said don't eat here. they are against gay marriage. o do with the sandwich. john: the mayor said don't eat here because they are hostile to gays. some people eat there because they agree with chick-fil-a's owners and they don't like the politicians tell them what to do.
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off' americans pay less attend to politicians than people think they will. it didn't hurt target when gay activists boycotted the chain of after discovering target gave money to a group that supported one anti-gay marriage politician. nor did it hurt dominoes pizza when the national organization for women said boycott dominoes because its owner opposed abortion. domino's is doing fine. council members in new york declared walmart is not welcome here. >> walmart has a history of abusing its workers and profiting on the backs of hard-working member and women. the city council wouldn't give them the permits they need so consumers have fewer choices and pay higher prices.
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the afl-cio told it members boycott coarse beer because the coors family supported conservative groups. it's just good to take a breath and remember when politicians speak, lots of people just don't care. the mayor says they are hostile to gay people so you shouldn't eat here. >> we are here for the food. i don't care about the owner. john: the mayor says they don't respect lgbt. >> i don't care what the mayor says, i think the food is delicious. >> i believe in personal freedom. i want government out of your pocket book and out of your bedroom. it's time to end the war and use those dollars at home. john: but before that breath of fresh air we'll meet one of
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america's creepiest politicians. ♪ i'm going to make this as simple as possible for you. you can go ahead and stick with that complicated credit card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. or... you can get the quicksilver card from capital one. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on ev-e-ry purchase, ev-e-ry-where. i shouldn't have to ask. what's in your wallet? of many pieces in my i havlife.hma... so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece
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john: when you see that show title, sick of the old politic. what comes to mind? i'm sick of all the opportunists who are so eager to rule over other. but a few stand out. a new movie tells a story of an especially carven politician. that's former congressman anthony weiner. he let a documentary crew follow him around. he led in the race for mayor because he seeped passionate and charismatic. >> it republicans wrapping their arm around republicans rather than doing the right thing.
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john: married to one of hillary clinton's closest advisors. john: polls showed he was still the fast it in the mayor's race. but then he got caught sending out more naked pictures under the name carlos danger. >> i did a dumb thing. but i did a lot of good things, too. john: he voted for obamacare, the expensive stimulus package and the war in iraq. robbery the on good thing he has done is allow some documentary makers to follow him around because the movie is funny, outrageous and it shows politic is insane. it movie is called a horror movie about ambition in politics. >> it's a horror film in that
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anthony weiner defines his life by the approval of strangers. i cannot comprehend why someone whose marriage is in dire strait, he's' putting him out out there for power. john: he ran for student senate in college, then went to work for chuck schumer. he hardly ever stopped running for office. on msnbc lawrence o'donnell got it right when he asked reason 'er this. -- when he asked weiner this? >> what is wrong for me that i care so much for the issues i fight for every day? >> no, way mean is this. what is wrong with you that you cannot seem to manage a life
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without elective office? john: he was bewilders by the question. >> it's illustrative how sick this drive for elective office can be. at one point where he has no chance of winning he's pleading with huma to come and be the good political wife and go vote with him. he says no. it's a tragically heartbreak moment for a guy who is generally not a sympathetic person. he said this is my dream to be mayor and his wife is saying i will not be seen with you in public on election day. john: this public service they often cite it's public service spending other people's money, but if you are an entrepreneur and spending your own money -- >> weiner is a disciple of chuck schumer who had the famous line,
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i was born to legislate. he takes pride in telling other people how to live. this is weiner's mentor. what he wants to do is pass laws. i can think of more profound and noble things to do with your life rather than telling people how to live. john: why do you think the public forgave bill clinton and not anthony weiner. >> bill clinton dangds more lives than weiner. john: the 2-year-old intern. -- the 22-year-old intern. >> anthony weiner did some weird non-physical adultery i guess you could call it. but it wasn't an abuse of office. bill clinton thinks because of the way the republicans
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overplayed their hand during impeachment that he became joar ever i am a threat nick the eyes of his own party. he also happened to be lucky enough to be a two-term president during a great economy. anthony weiner had no friends in congress. the big dog is loved by the political party and weiner is an inconvenience. john: up next. the berter alternative. >> i support marriage equality. it's the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. try super poligrip free.
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and bill weld. let's tackle issues republicans and democrats ought to be talking about. we are going broke. entitlements is the big reason. >> it needs to be addressed. medicare and medicaid need to devolve to the states. they woo would have to raise the retirement age. they can couple a fair means testing. they can allow people to self direct social security funds. john: if we don't what happens. >> at the current rate of spending we'll be $20 trillion in debt by the time president obama leaves office. on way to cut spending is to cut spending. you just have to do it with zero base budgeting. you take every account from last year and you start at zero and it has to justify itself all over again. once you succumb to the washington trap until it's the same as last year plus 5%, you
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are a goner. >> being the head of the federal government, asking for smaller government will happen. john: in wash it's true, when they say we are slashing spenltdsing. we are cut knowledge it 5%, that just means we are cutting it from what we wanted to increase. >> the politicians would say we are going to wash our hands and say it's their idea. >> we are talking about a 20% number. john: what cabinet departments do we need. >> we are not getting elected dictator. count sign legislation to abolish departments. john: education is mostly a state thing. the federal government hasn't made it better.
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>> the federal government gives each state 11 cents out of each dollar the state spends, but it comes with 15 cents of strings attached. john: labor just hatches. >> no disagreement, john. no argument. john: the epa. >> i think it epa has a role to protect us against polluters, and i base that on having been governor new mexico. there were plierts and if but for the epa they would still be polluting. the government needs to exert force to literally clean up the environment. >> preventing people from injuring each other is a proper role of government. john: hud. >> that's on my list. kill it. john: the democrats are offering popular things.
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free college. >> there is an unlimited demands for anything that's free. when we get in the habit of offering free anything, that budget will go through the roof. >> pointing out that the high cost of college tuition has anything to do with guaranteed government student loans. john: but people say we have a right to healthcare and a right to an education including college. what do you say? >> you as an individual can contribute. >> i remember when frank o'connor ran against governor rockefeller way back in the 60s in new york state. and o'connor said subways should be free. so rockefeller ran this ad upstate. franker connor from new york city says the subway should be free. the screen weren't blank. guess who says should pair for them. it was devastating.
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john: donald trump says he will punish mexico and china for stealing american jobs. >> for every car and truck or whatever else you build. you will pay a 30% tax every time it crosses the border. >> who's going to pay for that? all of us will pay for that. >> if i could point out, that would be a violation of our treaty obligations. so to have a president of the united states say i'm not going to necessarily go by the supreme law of the lands, you can't have a president of the united states doing that. john: it violates rule of law. but explain the economic reason why we might welcome goods. >> we are both free traders. jo: what if china accepts us a $10 for a dollar, who pen fits? all of us who guide for a buck. john: i was sides when we had the debate that you student and said the barrack should have to
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bake the cake for the gay wedding even if it violated his religious beliefs. >> actually the reality is the baker has to sell the cake. he doesn't have to decorate the cake because the first amendment comes to play when it comes to decorating the cake. at the end of the day, you are in business, you have got to sell your product. you don't have to decorate your product. john: you have to sell a wetting cake. >> but you don't have to decorate it. i don't want to be any part of discrimination. john: does the black college have to admit whites? does the women's club have toad mitt men? >> i think the question during the debate was discrimination on the basis of religion, and i think religion is a black hole. john: i'm going to race here. i would think as a libertarian there is private life where you ought to get to discriminate.
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in your private, the black student association. they must take a white? >> i would think there is a place for all male institutions and a place for all female institutions. >> i don't have a dog in the hunt. i just don't want to be a part of discrimination. john: thank you. >> i don't want the government weighing in with force to make any of that happen. john: government is force and i'm glad we have two candidates who understand that. coming up, we go to new hampshire where some some new hampshire where some some other freedom-loving people are if you suffer from a dry mouth, then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. new hampshire where some some other freedom-loving people are
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but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? well, there is biotene, specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants... biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth.
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john: i happen to think the johnson-weld take the would be an improvement over hillary and donald. i went to the website and predicted stuff that american politicians haven't killed off yet. i could legally bet $500. i'm not crazy, i understand they probably won't win. but if they get into the debates i bet i'll trim my money. why don't i think they will win?
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i have to respect the odds. the odds say they are unlikely to win. why? don't americans want freedom? these americans do. this was a gathering of libertarians at the porcfest festival in new hampshire it doesn't come from pork. porcfest stands for the porcupine freedom festival. it's the i am boflt libertarian party. they are a peaceful animal that just wants to be left alone. but you better not monkey with them because they have sharp quills. the free state project is an evident to get freedom-loving people to move to one state where they could have enough influence on government to limit it. >> we have 2,000 people that have moved so far. we have 2,200 who already signed
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up. first new hampshire, then the world. >> why new hampshire, why not australia? john: my producer who is from australia didn't understand why libertarians picked new hampshire. >> we have no state tax. a lot of people come here and they either never leave or they realize they have got to move here quickly. john: here freedom lovers get to be with other people who care about freedom. >> if you want to do drugs other than alcohol, nobody will bat an eye at that and not be too concerned as long as you are not hurting anybody. >> suddenly i wasn't feeling isolated anymore. sometimes you talk about politic, sometimes you talk about the movie you saw last night. but when you are talking about it you have the understanding of
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the way the world work and the way the world should be ordered. that can be comforting. john: it's a relief from standard american poll tech. everything is the state shouldific the problem and the state, the state, the state. not here. >> the idea of what libertarianism has to offer. entrepreneurial skills and the vendors with the different products. john: products you can pay for with bit coins. >> nobody want to get stuck with federal reserve notes at the end of porcfest. john: what is left is left out on the table. >> you can walk up to that table and get a piece of silver bullion off the table but there might be an ar-15 in the tent. john: many people are pack. >> if you bum into five
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individual at one time, three of them are probably armed. an armed society i a polite society. we have an armed and very polite society. not on would we defend our own property, we would defend each other's property. john: for a week i get to present i live in a tiny society made up of people that love freedom. >> i was originally born in the soviet union. so i know firsthand that socialism doesn't work. >> there is a diversity of opinion even within the libertarian community. john: you have the church of the hill. the mosque here. the pagan thing over there. all these people from all these didn't walks of life. >> libertarians are told you are on the fringe, you are radical, you are dangerous. one of the things you discover
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here is we are all normal people. >> there is nothing that says i have to respect your opinion, just that you have a right to it. and i don't have the right to beat you over the head and chang to you my opinion. >> we are free to associate with friend without being prevented by the federal government. >> i was always a republican up until october 3, 2008. john: that's when george w. bush signed tarp into law. people here are upset with republicans and democrats. >> what they do to fix things make thing even worse. they attempt to recould and they cause recession. they start wars and generate tear rim. you see it in case after case after case. let's give freedom a chance
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because freedom works. john: they know libertarians aren't going to teak over america or new hampshire. >> when your hopes and dreams are crushed in november, come up to new hampshire where we have a shot at making some progress. john: i hope we'll make some progress this november, but i won't hold my breath. the old politicians who usually make me sick will probably prevail. >> i'm proud to be here to endorse donald trump for president of the united states. john: hypocrisy and refreshing honesty, that's next. many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday.
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polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. [announcer] is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the summer of audi sales event is here. get up to a $5,000 bonus on select audi models.
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john: at the againing of this presidential campaign each candidate made it clear, i'm not like the other guy. he's a bad guy. she is not qualified. >> i don't think you are qualified if you get $15 mill from wall street through your super pac. i don't think you are qualified if you have voted for the disastrous war in iraq. john: he was right. hillary is not qualified to be president. but once it was clear bernie wouldn't be president, bernie said this. >> hillary clinton will make an
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outstanding president and i'm proud to stand with her today. thank you all have much. john: are the republicans more honest? when chris christie was still in the race. here is what he said to gretta about donald trump. >> i don't think he's suited to be president of the united states. i don't think his temperament and experience is suited. john: he was right. trump didn't have the temperament to be the president. but a few months later. >> i'm proud to be here to endorse donald trump as president of the united states. johjohn: now he's proud. marco rubio is one of trump's more ardent opponents. >> what is your plan? what is your plan on healthcare? you don't have a plan. john: rubio was right.
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trump had no clear plan. he said trump lacks the sophistication on the issues. but now that trump is the nominee rubio changed his tune. >> if donald trump asked you to speak on his behalf. >> yes, i want to be helpful. john: they want positions in cabinet. money for their district. they don't want to anger the winning candidates' supporters. i'm glad some republicans have stuck to their principles when jeb bush was asked who he would vote for, he said this. >> i can't vote for either one of them. there are other people running. the libertarian candidacy of gary johnson or william weld. they don't get a lot of air time yet. john: that's right, they don't. let's give them a little bit here.
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>> i'm governor gary johnson. >> i'm governor bill weld, and i'm running for president. john: they have track record responsible people can get behind. >> i'm the former governor of new mexico. >> i cut taxes 21 times and took unemployment from the highest rate among 11 industrialized states to the lowest. john: he did that in his first term. john:th real experience. >> we have been there and done that. we both balance budget. we both balance budgets and won. >> if after four years you decide you don't like peace, prosperity and freedom, you can always vote a hillary clinton back into office. john: peace, prosperity, freedom. wouldn't that be nice. i'm sick of the old politics.
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come november i'll vote libertarian. that's our show. thanks for watching. presidential nominees hitting the trail as good news on jobs hits the headlines. the u.s. adding 255,000 of them in the month of july. so with things improving which nominee's plan will keep it going? hi, everybody. i'm dagen mcdo you in, this is "bulls and bears." donald trump will be rolling out his plan on monday and now a new report on hillary clinton's proposals claim she will deliver a massive tax hike, $1.3 trillion. will that deliver a blow to the job market? the "bulls and bears" gary smith, jonas, and john layfield and katie pavelive and


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