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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  August 10, 2016 12:00pm-2:01pm EDT

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stuart: we are down 39 points. i think this loss is largely the result of the decline of the price of oil. stuart: more of the pie that was suspected. stuart: $41 a barrel will take the market down 38. my blood pressure is almost back to normal. charles, it yours. >> thanks, charles. >> the economy facing a firestorm of criticism as they try to stay the course. hillary clinton up next to give her economic speech tomorrow. there is still fallout from a recent rally. thanks for joining us. i am charles payne feeling and for neil cavuto. the clinton campaign back to the economy while downplaying this. this is the apparent that is the appearance of your land a shooter's at a rally in florida this week. with me to discuss, julie
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radinsky. jeanne, straight to you. how damaging is this? we will let the audience know this morning the clinton campaign disavowed him being there. mateen be mad about people wonder why they didn't catch it or even allowed it. >> in any event part of the rallies know the campaigns go over people standing behind you with a fine tooth comb. this doesn't make a lot of sense from a campaign of 800 people that hillary has on her campaign. my question for them. if this were donald trump and if there had been a, the father of a murderer standing behind him, would they let this one go? i don't think so. you have to ask yourself, this killer, don't forget he kills a nightclub full of gay people. are they going to speak up about
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the fact this happened with their candidate? train to julie, it's certainly devastating. he was sitting two seats away who was sitting next to someone who was advocating for gay writes or lgbt writes. >> i don't know about deeper conclusions, but whoever's in charge of their advancing clearly needs to find a new job. there's no excuse for having somebody like this on stage with her. it's not because her son did what a day. i don't think this man advocated. it's the fact he said horribly reprehensible things about the gay community, about this country in his own right aside from his son's behavior condescends completely contrary to what hillary clinton stands for. it should never have happened. no excuse for it. charlie: it did happen, does linger on and people are asking a lot of questions. >> here's the thing. he's not on the anti-lgbt. he is also pro-isis.
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the media did not cover this the same way they covered david duke with donald trump are the same way as somebody like dylan ruth's father had endorsed donald trump and showed it to a rally. it's total hypocrisy. media would not let go of the story. it would be front-page news every day. every time a media reporter was in front of donald trump, that is all they would talk about. this shows the double standard. they get to talking about the real issues. they have to make sure they run cleaner operations. it is unprofessional as they want you to think. charlie: they've got the advance team and they brag about it all the time. the interesting headline in "usa today," are they both trying to lose the white house? these things to linger and you wonder, is there a chance that hillary is trying to walk that
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fine line and wayside at the convention where she doesn't want to offend anyone, even those that most americans are offended by. >> i think you're exactly right, charles. the difference between democrats and republicans is republicans will hold their own candidate to the standards that they see fit. democrats on the other hand are all about bringing in blocks of people and getting them to vote regardless of their candidate being hauled to the standard. there's a difference difference in the american voters are really clear choice to make in the next election. >> i would hope the republicans who endorsed donald trump hold themselves to the same standards. that says a lot about the beliefs with the courageous people like susan collins and others have said no more. we will not stand at this person for a variety of reasons. gina, you were great. the people who distance themselves on a daily basis from
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crazy big donald trump but nonetheless refuses to one in person. mitch mcconnell is right. they have to live with their decisions the rest of their career. >> julie, what about the things hillary clinton has done. what about the e-mail scandals of the newest scandal with her selling off her position to the state department. charlie: before you get into that, let me bring the audience up on this because this is in fact real news out today. let's switch gears. both candidates want to focus on the economy. more e-mail revealing that perhaps hillary foundation which had ties to the state department in a pay for play kind of thing. everyone is chimed in on this. bloomberg had a piece, friends of the foundation. there was the name of that judicial watch was able to get that involved the 2000 exchange that talked about taking care of an important individual. also another e-mail saying
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personnel has been sending him options referring to someone who paid millions of dollars into the foundation. apparently there was no firewall and more than not, some are saying this was write out a pay for play. you could buy influence with our government. >> inexcusable. no reason anybody should be defending it. >> clearly it happen. it's inexcusable. i never understood why she was on the state department payroll and clayton foundation payroll at the same time. maybe it's legal but it's inappropriate. the optics are horrible and that leads to questions like this which were answered and e-mails today. there is no defending this kind of behavior. train to julie, would you say should miss automatically disqualify hillary clinton as a candidate for the white house? >> it does ring it to question her judgment of the judgment of the people around her to do this kind of stuff. having said that, when he ran
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against donald trump in the land of the blind, the one eyed and his king and people have to hold their noses and vote for the person least offensive. for me that's hillary clinton. charlie: the idea of the white house being for so and selling favors is staffed. >> now we have an idea what might be an e-mails on hillary clinton's private server. this is why the e-mails were deleted. there's more where it came from directly linking to hillary clinton. here is what we know now. hillary clinton does know the art of the deal. no one has made more money off of government surveys than the clintons. this is why people can't trust her. that is why she's losing key demographics. they are trying to attract demographics. they are losing a big element and 65% of the lendale think she's dishonest about her e-mail. plurality think she should be in prison over it.
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if donald trump gets his campaign in order, she will have a hard time winning the election. >> is actually wearing blinders by a landslide and the only democrat donald trump seems to be winning are uneducated white man. charlie: there are new polls that come out every single day. she is winning the lendale's. she is not winning to the degree -- charlie: in the sense that both candidates have been sabotaging themselves. everyone says they should be a runaway. coming into today, all the media more so in the e-mail are the second among the comments. >> to people who mention the second amendment, people are talking about it in terms of
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preventing violence. there's a big difference between the media is doing this and someone who believes in the constitutional right to the second amendment discusses it because it prevents things like ford, san bernardino. mike orlando for the father was standing behind his girl, hillary. see the difference between a media manufactured scandal trying to put on donald trump over and over again and a self-created corruption that is the very essence of who hillary clinton is. but the scandal today breaking about the state department, she said the e-mails were about nothing. this wasn't about charles unless it is and she's actually short-circuited yet again. charlie: one other big topic we've got to talk about. the big money takes to win. hillary 52 million. donald trump and zero.
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donald trump talks to the press a lot. he's got a lot of free press in the primaries. obviously i think it helped him. now it doesn't help them as much with the mainstream media who i think is always trying to set them up and make her the bait out there for them. does he have to start spending money soon? >> is certainly takes it. that's a problem for him. here's the problem and i know this with campaigns for 20 years. now is the time you cannot wait until after labor day. people's impressions are starting pretty much already. she'd been up on tv relentlessly in battleground states spending money on field staff, spending money on modeling which is the trump campaign which is complete now part this. the fact that they are not spending money if they have it they should spend it. if they don't have it, they should raise it. they need to start doing it now because the lease she is
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building are about late august. september will be too late. >> i've been reading where hillary has pulled back in certain places because he feels so comfortable either pennsylvania or colorado. how do you think is going to deploy it. is there a new model that will work under this time? >> he does need to do some television. julie is right. he thinks that because he won the primaries he can do that in general. the problem is the media is rooting in the primary, against them in the general. we say not the major gaps have media interviews. he needs to change up what he's doing. the best boy that he didn't speak hardly at all except for one speech the week of the convention. if he follows the model he can win. he does need to start spending. i live in virginia. i've been getting hit with
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anti-trump that after anti-trump added. they talked about being made in china. it looks ugly. he needs to compete there. he's doing great on social media and great with some free media, but he can't rely on the republican electorate that voted them in. he now has to expand it. he has to do more. >> i go through them for certain things that stand out. a far lesser degree of people being oppressed and business expertise. he's been head over and over and over. when does he go on the offense? >> i hope that it's time. he just got died with 16 people out of this race. if there are two things donald trump does regarding his business, one is marketing and the other is timing. he definitely has a plan and if
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it unfolds, his goal has to be to peak on election day, not to peak right now. if he continues to tear away at almost daily scandal come at the american people will catch on. we will watch and see. charles: donald trump agreed to those three debates with the stipulation that the moderators have to be fair. we will see if the media can get three moderators. no way is unfair, part of the raid system. >> we can't blame him, especially coming as an outsider. i don't think you can blame donald trump that only the establishment political group is after him. they have enjoyed their access to this story and the establishment politicians. donald trump knows he's coming in as the underdog. he knows he is going to have to
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emerge at least on fair ground. i think it is fair of him to put some limitations on that. i'm also impressed as a member of the gop frustrated with how the gop never seems to defend himself in the face of a hostile media. he's actually standing up and saying i like it to be fair. charles: no matter what that will be one of the legacies of donald trump. i think when you set uneducated white man, you mean folks who don't have a college degree. a lot more people without college degrees. >> i agree with you. that's not what a man. charles: very great conversation. the dow jones still up from the record. why this might be the best time to invest. oil headed for another. a bold prediction from one of the vast. we will be right back. i have asthma...
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charles: earnings season comes to a close. another four weeks for the next jobs report. the market i slipped into the summer drugs. the law allows for deeper analysis. what the market needs to move higher from here. first, it is higher simply because it's the only place for global investors as one of the biggest nurses out there. you will hear it a dozen times today. most global money seeking shelter in the 90s gates is pointing to bonds. take a look at those fields. even soul food restaurants in louisiana are being bought. numerous stock markets are way ahead of the united states in local currencies much more than dollar currencies. the u.k. about said. brazil and south korea 7% of
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mexico approaching 11% gain. even the loggers have come on strong including germany and the hong kong hang seng. the market does need type of improvement in investment in wages. it does not get from the labor cost update. stocks in the meander while it may be dull, one of the best investing, never short adult market. scott martin, that's my story. what's yours? >> you brought up something interesting about the bond market. the stock market vote domestically and internationally, especially with the negative interest rates. that is what is the fact that low interest rates, a lot of stock buyback pushing higher equity side. charles: the dollar is getting weak, pulling back and forth making a big move. it feels like people are looking
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for alternatives. >> they have to. these days for stocks at record highs depending on your favorite index, record those to some degree, you have to find things like real estate. we continue to do so, especially with the fed on hold as the economy recovers but still struggles to really heat up. charles: the market were a solid right now i don't think connor is an investor. do they continue to wait it out or do they say there's a good chance we could rally the fed doesn't do anything. >> there's a good chance we could rally as we get more clarity on the election. i think you get opportunities. i love going as much as a gold member from the austin powers movie. gold will provide the non-correlation which means it's not going to move likes docs or bonds. it is a place in your portfolio.
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charles: let's talk about valuations. i find it compelling the hottest stocks in this market are also is the safest. utilities up almost 20%. that is crazy to me and yet the naturalistic or most investors is the one exposure and are afraid they are going to buy defensive names. aren't they way oversold here? >> it seems like it. one of the best sectors is not the best in the s&p. telecom as well. even boring consumer staples are good dividend payers. good cash flow businesses. it shows you the risk appetite a lot of investors have had had been pretty neat. it's been like going after dividend payers and avoid a charles: a lot of earnings out, a big today. fossil of a rebound. if you look at the stock, the
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economic reality à la peter in the names are coming back. is that telling you anything? >> not do much good dudes are kind of here and there. michael cores is down. disney had an interesting move overnight and rallied into trading today. a lot of these retail names especially coach recently. these are.v. i would be careful in the retail space and if you're looking at earnings, i would stick in the tech area. charles: real quick before they let you go, what is your greatest fear? what would maybe make you make some changes in your portfolio? >> without a doubt, man, the fed raising interest rates. i don't think ledoux before the election. with economic data but do not gdp in the third order coming in close to 3%. the december meeting for the fed is in play now for a rate hike.
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that eventually will hurt the market because the market is low interest rates and that means the fed needs to stay on the sidelines. >> you are one of the best. thank you very much. appreciate it. >> back at you. charles: fixing the candidate. we are going to break down the big differences between the trump and clayton economics plan. that is maxed. -- that is next.
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. charles: trump's economic plan focusing on growing the economy while hillary clinton was focused on spending. blake burman breaks down the nominees's numbers and differences, blake? >> reporter: certainly clear differences between hillary clinton and donald trump's economic plans. we anticipate that to come into detroit when clinton offers rebuttal to trump's economic rollout in the same city from
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earlier this week. here's where clinton stands as of this moment on the main issues. the tax side of her economic plan, the focus is on increasing revenues through higher rates for the wealthiest, most notably the buffett rule, clinton wants to make sure those making at least a million dollars pay an effective tax rate of 30%. similarly, she's calling for athe describes as a fair share surcharge. that's the way they're putting it, which is essentially a 4% tax increase on those who make more than $5 million. clinton also wants to increase the estate tax. on the spending side of things, she's called for plans that include debt-free college for students, 12 weeks of guaranteed paid and family medical leave, along with a $275 billion infrastructure plan, that being over the course of five years. now charles, most all of it differs from trump, for example, he wants to lower
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rates within the current tax code for the wealthiest. he wants to eliminate the estate tax. however, he told stuart varney last week he would be in favor of doubling up clinton's proposed infrastructure spending, so he goes further on that front. charles: blake burman, thank you very much. and deirdre bolton is here to help us break down the differences between the two plans. hillary clinton and donald trumps? >> yeah, the one quote i wanted to bring in douglas who helps to run mccain's campaign, one reason republicans are so confused on many of the issues donald trump is running like a democrat. that's a boom line. and especially blake referenced this, the child tax credits or basically trying to give support to american families who have children, that is very new for donald trump. it remains to seen, some of the critics of that particular plan say deductions aren't helpful, it doesn't help blue collar families who have to figure out how to file that.
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it's better to go with the system that exists which is to say you get a tax credit for that. that's one difference. charles: i brought it up with a few donald trump supporters. i would not be surprised if that changes. >> yeah, he's pivoting and weaving a little bit, people see this from a political stance as you know, trying to nod and bring in the house republicans, when he talked about simplifying the income tax bracket, going from seven different amounts, it's a headache for everybody. simplify this, let's get to three. there's a lot of the language, details that are coming in that are pretty much moving to where house speaker paul ryan and other house republicans are. charles: at the beginning of the speech, he said listen, as the gop, as the house said, remember, coming into this week, we thought top rate would be 25%. he went with the three or four brackets of the gop, but also i think with the four brackets it makes it realistic with respect
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to not adding to the debt as much, because before a few of the agencies whether it was the tax foundation or others said anywhere between 10 to $12 trillion would go missing from the federal budget and have to be made up somewhere. >> so his we'll still add -- charles: there are two ways. >> exactly. charles: if you use static modeling, they add to the deficit. if you assume there is a certain amount growth, trump people are saying there won't be anything to the debt. >> depends how you say it. one thing i want to point out which is transparent of him actually, if you use the static figures the money will go to infrastructure, traditionally a democratic issue and veterans, and the community felt his support. >> i think it's an amazing thing on how they're starting to blur, and to your point, some of it has to do with polling and where the campaign is coming down to the wire.
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some of it may have do with the new realities of life, right? more and more people, 20 million people work part-time because they want to, and it's amazing. >> the other thing i wanted to point out for investors, i know lots of stocks, you and i are in the camp, the idea that hillary clinton's campaign wants to, the details we're getting now, somewhat penalize people for only investing short-term. if you're capital gains from stock gains and only hold the position for a year, you may get penalized. if you hold the position longer, you get a break. charles: thank you very much, deirdre. controversy continues to surround both candidates as they try to keep the focus on their plans to fix economy. plus, trouble lingering for both tesla and delta. look at those stocks. we have the details for you next.
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. charles: hillary clinton disavowing support from the orlando attacker's father after he attended a rally this week. her rally. she didn't know he was, there raising more questions how in touch she and her campaign really are. to democratic congressman brad sherman how this affects her as she tries to shift the focus on the economy. at the very least, sir, you have to admit the optics are really bad. >> your comments are just ridiculous. a deranged man sneaks into the bleachers. charles: he sneaks into the front seats. >> not the front seats.
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well back, anybody shows up -- look, we're putting on political rallies, the yankees are putting on a baseball game. do you think there couldn't be a deranged person in the front row of the bleachers. charles: we're talking about a well-honed presidential campaign event. >> the yankees are a well-honed baseball team. they don't vet -- charles: that is so intellectually dishonest with all due respect. you can come up with something better than that. >> this is absolutely ridiculous. you invite the public to come to a rally. the people who show up first get good seats. charles: so at none of the rallies, nothing designed for the optics. i've seen rallies where the topic were women and there were a bunch of women in the background. minorities and minorities are in the background. let's be honest about this. >> look, stop calling me a liar. fact is at a political rally. charles: sir, you're saying for a fact none of the -- the people sitting directly behind the candidate are never vetted?
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>> in a bleacher situation, and i hope you show the picture. charles: we've shown it over and over again. >> the people on the stage are vetted. but when you have a huge rally, most of time, you don't vet the people who are there, and i've had lots of friends get good seats at political rallies just by showing up early. you can be on stage. charles: it's really scary that he's several seats behind the presidential candidate. >> that's why we have a secret service, and you remember that there was an incident where somebody went after trump. the fact is neither trump nor hillary can control who is in the arena. they both have huge arenas and the yankees can't do it either. that's why when we have the large events we need to have security there. charles: i guarantee it won't happen again for hillary clinton. i guarantee this accident won't happen again, i continue won't happen again. >> i assure you crazy people
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will sneak into the rallies. charles: not the well-known father of a mass murderer. i don't think that's going to happen again, if it does, shame on her. >> it will be some other deranged person, there will be somebody -- we could look at the thousand worst crimes that have happened this year. look at the parents of the people who committed those crimes, you or i couldn't pick them out of a lineup. those people can sneak into political rallies. charles: this is a man who thrusted himself into the public spotlight on more than one occasion. whatever his sickness is that perhaps he passed onto his son, he likes the limelight. the fact that no one caught him, it's a big mistake for hillary clinton. it doesn't matter -- >> that is the desperate line of a campaign and free fall. a campaign that flirts with david duke supporters and seeks racist votes and tries to conflate that with who sneaks into the rally. charles: if david duke -- since
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you brought him up, standing at a rally with donald trump, you would lose the rest of your hair right now. you would set yourself on fire. the mainstream media would run with it and -- >> if he snuck into the back of the bleachers at a yankee game or -- charles: we're not talking about a yankee game. political events for the highest office in the land that thousands show up. >> the world series is a well-run event, and there will be a crazy person in the bleachers there. we do not have, when you have mass rallies -- the highest office in the land. the highest baseball game in the land will attract thousands of people. do you think there's going to be vetting? do you think there's going to be guards looking at the face of everybody who comes in. charles: yes, absolutely. >> you buy a ticket. charles: there is serious vetting going on at presidential events who stands behind the candidate and the optics are orchestrated deliberately. >> the way you phrase that. stands behind are the ten people that you might put on stage to stand behind you in a
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rally. sitting in the bleachers or standing in the bleachers is the way you've got to describe it, and because you're so desperate to support a deranged presidential candidate. a man whose narcissism and racism is so well documented you are trying to conflate the bleachers with the stage. charles: i'm going tell you right now, sir, all you're doing is making that candidate more sympathetic to the public who haven't made up their mind just yet. some things have been fair and some things aren't. >> are you kidding in the double standard -- charles: it was a mistake, but perhaps someone on her team should have caught this guy. >> the double standard is when can you insult john mccain, a hero and not immediately withdraw from the race. the press has done a double standard aid to mccain because his good rallies and makes a lot of money. gold star parents, insulted. any others in politics would be stopped right away. charles: you gave your opinion, and i appreciate it, but i will
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make a wager with you, it will never happen again, because it does not look good for the candidate and probably not safe for the candidate either. congressman sherman, thank you very much. >> we rely on metal detectors for safety, and the secret service. charles: thank you very much. want to go to washington examiner and ask her about the media's response to this. gabby, i'm sure you heard my conversation with the congressman. you know, it's one thing to deflect and talk about baseball games and bring up bad things that have happened in the past, but the optics at the very least are horrific, and if it happened to donald trump, it would be a much bigger news story. >> right, let's assume for a second this was an oversight by hillary clinton's campaign and they didn't realize the father of omar mateen was sitting behind her in a huge rally. this is covered by the mainstream media. charles i was at donald trump's
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rally in virginia, he joked about kicking a baby out of his rally. and for the 48 hours that followed, that was all the mainstream media talked about. here we are on day three after the father of a man who murdered 49 americans who the father may have been sympathetic to the afghan taliban, we haven't heard questions why he was at the rally, haven't heard a peep of outrage by others except conservative outlets. there is a double standard, absolutely. charles: no doubt there's a double standard. and again, i think they do themselves a disservice when they come on and fight and hurl accusations of lying and not lying, but be that as it may, i don't know that this necessarily -- won't help hillary, and i thought it was odd, i was looking for immediate disavow of mateen, i think we got it this morning, not sure why it took so long. if this were donald trump, the reaction from the media would be 1,000% different.
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>> it did happen with donald trump, and congressman sherman brought up that. if you recall when donald trump was asked to disavow the support of david duke, he didn't immediately do so and there was outrage from the media. people asking whether donald trump was a racist, asking if he was sympathetic to the kkk. here it took 48 hours for hillary clinton's campaign to disavow the support of the father of this man who killed 49 americans, and the father himself later endorsed hillary clinton in an interview with reporters, and we didn't hear that. we didn't hear reporters asking if hillary clinton is sympathetic to the anti-homosexual views of this father. charles: gabby, you are absolutely right. we didn't. we have to wrap up this. i appreciate it. thank you so much. >> of course. thanks for having me. charles: oil falling down, that's bringing the market down a little bit. our next guest says you ain't seen nothing yet. he's talking below 30 bucks. we'll be right back.
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if you suffer from a dry mouth, then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath?
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well, there is biotene, specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants... biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. . >> reporter: i'm nicole petallides with the fox business brief. the dow jones industrial average down 35 points sitting at a level of 18,498. that's a loss of two tenths of 1%. the nasdaq and the s&p pulling back. all three major indices not too far off record highs. down 0.2%. energy weighing on stocks overall today as does technology. here's a look at amazon which hit a lifetime high. jeff bezos sold off another million shares raising $757
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million, and this is on planned sales, he did leapfrog over warren buffett to become the third richest man. taking a look at chipotle, trying to woo in customers after food-borne illnesses hit the stock and the company. but here are should some of the states that offer deals and cheaper alcohol, nebraska, missouri, ohio, and wisconsin where they have beers, patrone, margaritas.
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charles: oil prices continue to fall lower as predictions show u.s. production coming in higher and higher. steven shock says they are heading to $30. we heard three handle, two handle, oil made a huge reversal to the upside. this time it's going to happen? >> well, we were down to $26 back in february, and prices did double. we got up to $52 through the spring. keep in mind, this was not fundamentally driven. this was the product of one of the largest if not the largest short squeezes in the history of oil trading on the nymex and the crude oil market. so you had a weeding out of the shorts getting squeezed. now in the middle of august, right? we are looking at demand for gasoline which has never been stronger. demand for crude oil at the second highest level ever,
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slightly behind the record pace last year, with the record demand, we have supplies that today are higher today than they were at the beginning of the season. so this is telling us even with the best possible demand scenario out there, we still have a glut of supply out there. so when we get into the fall, labor day is less than four weeks away, what's going to happen once we get into september and october? we're going to see a drop-off in gasoline demand, crude oil demand of upwards of one million barrels a day. the bearish records are there. if record demand cannot ignore the glut in oil, what happens to the glut once demand falls off one million barrels a day over eight to nine weeks. keep in mind, as i explicitly went into it in the schork report to clients, last week we got to $39 a barrel. the market is oversold.
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i'm warning clients that we are in perhaps a technical rebound, a correction mode. that's a near-term record. charles: do we have to retest, or in the mid 40s? >> no, no, no, no. i think we're probably exhausting right now, maybe back up into mid 40s. by no means i can make a case we can get back up to $50 through the end of the quarter. charles: you talked about the largest short squeeze in history. we came into the week with scuttlebutt of production freeze. russia now has seen five quarters of negative growth. saudi arabia's gdp is barely bumping along. when do the major producers say enough, they cry uncle tame. if that were to happen, couldn't we see a major short squeeze? >> right now we are looking at a very large short position again. the speculators are near all-time highs on shorts. the speculator continues to sell into this but the bottom line here, charles is to your
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point, yes, situations are tight in russia, tight in saudi arabia, there was a headline saudi arabia oil production at all-time high. the saudis are going to continue to put oil on the market, it transcends that of pure economics. it is a geopolitical case. we're looking at shia iran with the imprimatur of the united states building a nuclear arsenal. saudi arabia as much as the prices are hurting it, are seeing iran with a nuclear arsenal. cannot lower production because they cannot fund the arsenal. charles: fascinating stuff and we love having you on. we'll bring you back on to talk about it. >> excellent. charles: day three, delta unable to get planes completely back on track. we'll have the latest for you next. ♪
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[announcer] is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the summer of audi sales event is here. get up to a $5,000 bonus on select audi models. perfect driving record. until one of you clips a food truck.
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dream to a three cancellations for delta with 251 is to my cancellations alone. adam shapiro and the airline anticipating normal operations by this afternoon. reporter: that is right. delta put on their new site that they will return to normal operations this afternoon. they are saying that some of the storms, the thunder and lightning storms on the east coast will cause some delays did but that is normal. the electric problem would shut down the entire system globally. that has been restored and they're working to get everybody up and running. yesterday they put out sunday may 2300 vouchers. they are extending the waiver program and you need to change a flight through 12:00 p.m. today. you can change that without getting penalized. he would talk adults aged into doing it.
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the ceo took to the airwaves via the website. here's what he said yesterday apologizing this is not the delta e-mail. >> this isn't who we are. this isn't the quality of service and reliability you come to expect from delta airlines. we are very sorry for what is happening to you, the impact on your travel plans whether for personal, vacation, impact on your families. reporter: delta stock down 51 cents. charles: adam shapiro, thank you very much. donald trump or build the biggest obstacle is not hillary clinton. please stick around and find out who it is next. to folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain...
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shoots and burns its way into your day, i hear you. to everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful,
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i hear you. make sure your doctor hears you too! i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. if you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, don't suffer in silence! step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain. tell 'em cedric sent you. charles: donald trump holding an event in virginia in under an hour. under fire for the second amendment comments. but he blames the media for the backlash, watch this. this is "cavuto: coast-to-coast." i am charles payne hillingdon
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for neil cavuto. a tougher tone on hillary clinton calling immediate dishonest and claiming they treated him more harshly than charlie gasparino. you admit he does have a point. >> he's going to be harsher on hillary? whatever that was. listen, she's right about that in the sense that the media is generally liberal and unabashedly so. here's the problem though. you have to use -- he's taking up the news cycle with self-inflicted wounds. the media didn't put the words that came out yesterday they put the word out about megyn kelly. to me back to the stuff that hurts them. the media didn't call out judge curry l. charles: the media does get a chance to interpret. they have an interesting way of
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interpreting comments in the most negative light possible. >> can you imagine a president obama gave a speech -- charles: joe biden has said that they make this in the past bid something very similar. >> i'm sure joe biden has said a lot of things. i am telling you that if you are trying to win the presidency, these are some of the stuff you don't say time and time again. it is completely inexplicable why after a payday about economics even without they are talking about this sort of stuff. it seems to me and makes me think he doesn't want to win. charles: i think he wants to win and i think the party is donald trump in himself which is what got them there. his authentic nature saying what a lot of people feel. people feel anger.
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people feel fear that their second amendment rights are gone. people remember barack obama talking about the bitter cleaners of bibles and guns. >> allison arrived -- outrageous statement. people of religious faith in who want the second amendment. i get back. this is like piling up one on top of the other. here is the real interesting thing. if you are going to design the worst presidential candidate against hillary clinton, it would be donald trump. let me make my point. but she still doesn't get more than 50%. that should tell you -- barry is right now calling me. i should tell you something about the election we are in. charles: and for sure she's got 50% in three polls this week. i don't think he's the worst candidate possible against hillary clinton. someone argued he has been
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tested. he fought every sort of establishment candidate, tea party candidates. he had a vetting process that no candidate in history has ever had before. you can argue he's the best candidate. when the media is against you, and a small slip can be magnified. does happen more often than not. >> white, educated voters and you're the republican candidate, you are almost toast. that is not because of the media. these aren't manipulatmanipulat able people. when you lose that demographic, you've got real problems if you are republican. i will say it is a testament to how bad. think about who he's running against. he is running against somebody who's almost called a criminal. charles: i'll tell you who he's running against him this might answer your question with the white educated folks. he is running against the establishment on both sides of the aisle. and that threatens a lot of people's wallets particularly --
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he is losing in the polls right now. he is running against the establishment on both sides and is running against the media. charles: he's running against a mere criminal. james call me basically said he didn't want to press charges because of unprecedented. she broke the law. it was a felony. a guy running against a republican candidate -- charles: before we go, would you admit that a large part of donald trump issues or the fact that the media is completely against them? >> that hurts them. don't give the rope to hang them on. charles: good stuff. got to leave it there. after this comment "new york times" headline. trump is testing the norms of object dvd in journalism. joe concha on if you think the double standard. joe. >> testing the objectivity of media has been real object is particularly during this period
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this election season have been covering media for a while has gone completely insane. mitt romney was bad. now it is just blatant. the worst kind of bias is the bias of omission. hillary clinton 2008. i'll give you the exact quote. she said she's been pressured to drop out of the democratic process, out of the nomination because mathematically she couldn't catch barack obama. she said my husband didn't clinch until june 9th 292. remember, bobby kennedy was assassinated in june. so what. we should wait to make sure that obama at the time the senator would survive to get a nomination. when trump makes his comments, this needs to be put into context. this needs to be seen as a precedent and brought up by the media. that part is completely ignored and totally focusing on what terms that any reader found it offensive or rebellion cry. in this case, hillary clinton saying basically the same exact thing or 2008.
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not once, but twice. that hasn't been brought up at all in this debate. charles: so who do you think would bring it up? i've got to tell you something. no matter how this shakes out, there's a huge indictment against the media and i think you may have to have some introspection here. i don't know. either people will stop watching and reading altogether or maybe they'll have some sort of epiphany. >> you would think so. more and more people watch what they want to believe and so it invalidates their own beliefs. they don't want so much news that is truthful. they want sent and that is in-line with what their ideology as for who they are rooting for. you see more and more about opinion journalism than fact-based journalism because that gets more clicks. that gets better ratings. i would love to say you are right, but the business side of this is something that will come into play. we see a charles just yesterday
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the omar mateen father attending an orlando rally with hillary clinton. he's right background. those are the people that at the most. rack up five times less coverage than trump's comment on the second amendment. that shows you how tilted rings are right now against donald trump to charlie's point, your point that is running against the media and another candidate as well. those are tough odds to overcome. charles: tough odds. if that's the reality that is something to deal with. my mom and dad told me life isn't fair. it's unfortunate because the media fund is a pillar of society and exposing the truth rather than manipulating outcomes. >> my mother and father told me not to meet lima beans to this day. i wish i knew the unfair part. every republican candidate has to overcome this bias. in this case it is overwhelmingly over-the-top, charles, that i've never seen anything like it before and hopefully you are right come november there will be some
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introspection. at the same time, hillary clinton will be elected by then and what does it matter as long as the means justify the end, that is all that matters to the media right now because of a vitriolic hatred towards donald trump because they see them as so dangerous he can be elected and is their duty to not getting me back to doing their jobs and telling both sides of the story. we have not seen that as evidenced by the rfk assassination and the omar mateen situation yesterday. >> we all hate congress, but we reelect the congressperson. is this some sort of odd reality? are people going to watch to your point and read and watch and there's nothing to deflect this direction were going in that opinion journalism rather than old-school journalists and the way we romanticize it. >> as long as business is good and businesses get across the board for everybody for
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publications, all cable news channels because that appears to be what's working. since these are publicly owned companies that have stockholders to answer to as long as ratings i dare, revenues are there, they are going to see it as something they will keep doing more and more. i would love to romanticize with you about old-school media and the days of cronkite and all the folks there and roger mudd and all the people who used to watch in their uncles and people we trusted. there's not as many of those people anymore and i wonder if we could find a debate moderator that someone will see a spare. even the last subject to person on earth. charles: that is a huge, huge scandal. donald trump agreed to the dates. he will pull out of the moderators are fair. great stuff. really appreciate it. remember when hillary clinton said at the town hall in ohio. >> i'm the only candidate which
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has a policy about how to bring economic opportunity using clean renewable energy as the key into coal country because we are going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business. charles: will hillary clinton changed her tone during tomorrow's speech on the economy? clinton supports the elimination of coal. sir, thanks for joining me again. since then, she is talked about setting up a fund for coal miners. she talked about reeducating coal miners. she's made a halfhearted attempt to walk back those comments. obviously you are not buying it. >> now, i'm not, charles. our coal miners don't want hillary clinton's welfare from the taxpayer. they want jobs and this whole clean energy routine that hillary clinton is all about money. she's getting millions of dollars in campaign contributions from the buffet,
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the poll skis, the garcias, the mosques who are making billions of dollars manufacturing windmills in china, manufacturing solar panels, beginning kilowatt tax credit from the government. she wants to continue that. coal is 4 cents a kilowatt hour. with the four senate kilowatt hour tax from the taxpayer for a subsidy from the taxpayer. so it's all about money. it has nothing to do with the environment. >> this is what cars to panels on homes. i got to tell you the solar stocks have been getting crushed because the american public still don't want them without the subsidies geared to your point, progressives are intent on killing the industry. they have been so much more
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successful than i thought he ever could have been seven or eight years ago. >> the coal industry is now one half in volume and in price of what i was elected. she has vowed to expand on his policies. it is unfortunate for the country because that woman who's got a family and she's a single mother depends on low cost electricity. a couple on fixed income depends on reliable low cost electricity. so does the manufacture of every product in america. what is happening is the coal-fired generation and they are there they made a net and trying to substitute the kilowatt hour with 4 cents from the taxpayer all crony capitalism. it is a fraud. trained to how do you think they get away, with for instance, ge bought a huge company in france that makes those giant coal crushing machines and they gave
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away the store because that's a massive growing source of energy around the world and yet we are rejecting it. >> it is. call used around the world is growing. that is why the climate change pokes of obama were set half a billion dollars of our taxpayer money, they suffered in the u.n. is a hoax. it's not going to change global temperatures at all. not at all. not even measurably. so whether there is is the least profitable are prosperous, it is all a fraud. it is all about money. it is all about buying influence. it will not affect the environment at all. in the meantime, electric rates in the united states have already increased with this
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clean power plant it will another 50% and as the coal industry is destroyed, so will reliable low cost electricity in america. people are not going to wake up, charles, until they freeze in the dark. charles: we have a candidate obama who promised us these prices go higher. not for economic reasons but ideological reasons. adelman got a minute or so left. and redeemer people, millennial star to buy into the climate change thing. how does your industry fight back? how do you fight back against these different messages out there besides fossil fuel is bad, coal is the worse. >> well, the scientific community has demonstrated that the earth is actually called for 20 years. the antarctica ice shield is larger than it's ever been. the words climate change or global warming isn't happening, but it's become a political reach another democrat. to gain influence and votes and
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money. it is more of a political movement, a religious movement than it has anything to do with scientific evidence. charles: data. robert murray, thank you very much. we are rooting for you because rooting for you means we are rooting for america. thank you very much. see you soon. stocks up to record highs. this is the right time to buy or should people be selling. we are going to debate that next. your insurance company
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call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. charles: oil dragon markets down today. it is time to buy, but david scranton says not so fast.
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eddie, give us the reason why we should be still buying this market. >> well, i had no doubt we are going to be in continued volatility for the foreseeable future. investors should be buying these deaths because we believe the bull market still has room to run. look at the environment we are men. slow economic growth for the foreseeable future. a low interest rate, rising interest rate market environment for the future of the average investor on the street is very, very bearish when they talk about stocks. that is not a perfect environment to continue to stay in the market. i don't know what is. besides you're not taking too much risk i fear a generous power. charles: it's interesting that it's interesting when someone says the slow economic environment. that wouldn't be logical for many people, would it? >> no, not at all. the slow economic environment you talk perhaps a 1% gdp over the last three quarters.
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i'll make a silly analogy. i'm sure you've flown out of la guardia airport before. the party is known for having the shortest runways of an international airport. imagine if you are in an airplane with the pilot suddenly said look, run by fours on the 7000 feet. we generally need a thousand feet to land this airplane. we have a temporary gusty condition, which is going to allow us to land in a shorter runway. we are going to make this planting. the question is as a passenger do you want the pilot to take the risk knowing full well that suddenly stops, you and your airplane or in the east river -- >> ways the runway so short right now? in other words, why is the market topped out? what specifically about the market makes you so concerned? >> first of all, the slow growth
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you're the guest have mentioned. if you think about when the market blew through resistance levels about six or seven weeks ago. the same two reasons why it went through those levels are the same two reasons down a nod. versus low interest rates. the interest rates push people up into the stock market. the question is which interest rates are dropped. it was a short-term rates. it is long-term rates. but happens in the real world is the yield curve has flattened, which is bad for the economy. in fact, that's a sign of recession. the second reason the market went up was because it was a fight to the down. that is great and it's great to all the denominated assets including our stock market. the question is what is that due to the profit margins of our country needs that export goods and services. it's bad for the bottom line. >> i will jump in, but a lot of times when i do my work i work
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in constant currencies so i can take up some of the noise of currency fluctuation. this same story of the dollar does start coming down that would be great for multinationals and often take a market higher certainly in the big averages. >> absolutely. there's a misconception you have to have a strong and robust economy to have a strong stock market. we've proven over the last seven years this is one of the slowest recovery is hit the market continues to be very resilient and anytime i had a correction for small death, bears come on your show and scare investors and that's why a lot of retail investors have not participated in the upswing the last seven years. there's a lot of cash on the sidelines. when the cash goes into the market, that could be another leg up in this equity space. not to mention if we have any type of corporate tax reform to bring the $2 trillion overseas back here. i think a lot of times people focus too much on the negatives
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out there versus some of the positive catalyst to take us to the next level in the market. >> a lot of people have missed the rally. you never want to get caught in get caught mibs downswing. you're both presenting your ideas gray. let's do it in a couple weeks and see where we are. tanks a lot. >> sounds good, thank you. charles: 21 cases of locally transmitted cases of zika virus. she will tell us why not. i'm -- next. with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids
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charles: zika piercer coronets officials have converted 21 local mosquito borne zika cases. the business tourism association of puerto rico says these tears are way overblown and the cdc is to blame. clarissa, i find that an interesting comment from someone who represents tourism in puerto
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rico. apparently there's 1500 new cases in puerto rico a loan. shouldn't we actually be very afraid? >> the reality is you have to base everything related to zika in fact. the fact seller of today less than half of 1% of the population with today 8700 cases. the numbers that were given at the beginning were projections and those were the worst case scenarios, which is not the case. it has been prepared and working with this situation for many years. the zika virus has been in many countries and we have dealt before with sickness. so it is important to notice that we have been working closely with the cdc and the health department to make sure
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that we take all the necessary steps for prevention. they think it is right out the most important thing. we have been working with the people of puerto rico as well as our attractions to make sure that our people and visitors are safe. charles: here is the thing. but if the magic percentage point number that you do become afraid? the irony is maybe want to be cool, calm and did on the outside. tourism is a vital part of the economy for puerto rico in florida. you seem rather dismissive. it's not the backdrop for these pandemics begin in a dismissive environment. >> the numbers at the beginning where they were talking about one third of the population. they are or will 7000 cases.
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the measures that we are taking, we have been educating the people that we follow the cdc recommendation. we are providing education to make sure the visitors followed their recommendations and making sure our attractions -- charles: let me ask, have you seen reduction in tourism yet? >> we see at the beginning of the year. he then went back, we ended the first quarter of the year with a 2.2% increase. we had a very -- when the situation exploded and those numbers broke even, we did experience a decrease in occupancy. in the summer we had a very good summer and we are hoping that this will be good, too. everything is in place, doing
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everything that we can on our part to make sure the virus is contained. charles: that's overall hoping for. thank you very much. really appreciate it. new evidence with ties to the state department and a possible impact on hillary's speech tomorrow. coming up next.
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charles: hillary clinton looking forward to her economic speech
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tomorrow which you can catch here on "cavuto: coast to coast" but nearly released emails reveal ties between the clinton foundation an the state department are distracting voters from that message. retired colonel allen west. colonel west, there last been a lot of speculation over the ties between the clinton foundation and of course hillary clinton's term as secretary of state, and as more and more emails come out, particularly the more recent batch, it is pretty damning? >> well, yeah, it really is damning. good to be with you, charles. it kind of reminds me of the peanuts character pig pen who always had a dirty, little dusty cloud that followed along with him no matter where he went. here it is. hillary clinton supposed to give economic speech we which know will be a continuation of the failed policies of barack obama. but now, she has another dark specter that hangs over her because her economic status obviously was boosted through
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the pay for play run through the clinton global initiative, their foundation. now we have some definite proof of that. it may not be the ultimate smoking gun. but again, it creates that question, and it continues to damn her when it comes to her trustworthiness. charles: also seems to damn her key aid, huma abedin, always seems involved in these sort of things. one email implied personnel sending him options referring to a wealthy donor who made millions of dollars with express interest in having access to the administration? >> you're absolutely right. huma abedin already has a dark specter over her with the supposed connections of her family to the muslim brotherhood, which as we know the obama administration definitely favored them and mohamed morsi's presidency in egypt, as opposed to what we see now with president el-sisi.
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going into this economic speech she is not going to be able to do, the mainstream media will do everything they possibly can to put up the deflect tore shields as you see with "star trek," to keep this from having impact but they can not keep this tide back. as well, we have questions about omar mateen's father who was there at her rally in kissimmee, florida. so they're trying to detract away from it. talk about the second amendment comment by donald trump. hillary clinton has real big issues. charles: to your point, i toggled around tv earlier this morning what i heard, not putting one lebanese person putting in touch with another, business as usual, this stuff is commonplace in washington, d.c. >> well, let me tell you something, if this were a republican presidential nominee it would not be commonplace for the left. it would be all over "the new york times," "washington post," what have you. there are two different rules that we see when it comes to politics in the united states of
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america. i think this is one of the things that the american people are incensed with. they want someone that can be trusted. they want someone that is up front about their dealings, and you are just not getting that with hillary clinton. charles: yeah. >> again it is optics that really hurts her. charles: if she is not pig pen, some would say she might be lucy, unfortunately the americans are charlie brown trying to kick the ball over and over again. colonel west, thank you very much. >> thank you, charles. charles: democrats hitting donald trump's temperment but hillary clinton's is in question. we talked about this temperment argument in the media, having major impact on him in the polls. >> yeah. and to your point earlier, and to colonel west's point just a minute ago, there is seriously double-standard here. if you look you guys were talking about a moment ago with omar's father showing up at
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hillary clinton rally, political pundits and journalists all across the networks talking about this they have been to rallies, dozens, hundreds of them, with very rare exception, those people who stand behind the candidate are hand-picked by staffers, i have negative been to a rally that hasn't had that happen. i don't know about this one, i wasn't there. none of them even commented on that. where is the judgment here? who is the staffer decided oh, this guy, he looks pretty, he makes the crowd look diverse, he does this or that. should stand behind hillary clinton within striking distance. charles: not only that, a lot of photographs, they can't speak to the authenticity of them but they look like true photographs of seddique mateen in washington shaking hands with the likes of charlie wrangle. even one in the hallway with hillary clinton. again if they're authentic, you would think maybe this guy should have been someone they were on lookout for very first place. nonetheless, here is interesting point. hillary clinton gets to say, hey, was it mistake, i disavow him, walk away.
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when donald trump fights back, that is when he starts to lose the tempermental argument. >> media has been hitting him and hitting i am. some losewer a nazi flag and webcam in the woods can given doorsment to donald trump. next six, seven shows he goes on, do you disavow, do you disavow? that time with the david duke flap that was sixth time, he was asked the question. i don't know, i don't know what you're talking about. they keep on going, hillary clinton hey, you're a terrorist? they don't have follow-up. why do you have open taliban sympathizers within striking distance. okay, see, problem solved. she said she is innocent. nothing to talk about. charles: yet we know this will continue. the election is less than 100 days away. there is no reason to believe that this is going to change whatsoever, is there, chris? >> no, and so far people who think there is going to be major change either in donald trump's temperment or the way the media covers hillary clinton have been disappointed time and time again.
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granted, larger media was a little tough on hillary clinton at the beginning. they hit her a few times. hasn't necessarily been a darling of them, but when it comes down to donald trump versus hillary clinton, we'll see what that op-ed said last week in the "new york times" this past week, journalists don't have pretend to be objective anymore. we're talking about a serious thing. we're talking about donald trump. objectivity is out of the window and even "gray lady" admitted it. charles: "new york times." admitting what everybody always knew. chris, thanks for your thoughts. >> thank you. charles: good news for drivers, low gas prices are sticking around, even heading lower. we'll tell you how low they may go, next. you can run an errand. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy.
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(announcer vo) you can sit in traffic.
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or you can crack up. (man on radio) but if it isn't refreshing... (announcer vo) sorry traffic, we laugh 'til it hurts. siriusxm. road happy. reporter: good afternoon, everyone. lori rothman live on floor of new york stock exchange with fox business brief. wendy's out with earnings, disappointed wall street with the expectation. sales growth will be a little less than earlier expected. we're seeing this nationwide change in food trends. one economist is calling it a restaurant recession. so that decline in wendy's is really having a knockdown effect on many other restaurant companies today as you see on your screen. shake shack we'll hear after the close. we're look 44% increase in earnings from this time last year but it has been a rough 52 weeks.
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shares down 39% for shake shack. michael kors down about 2%, dwindling mall traffic and lower tourism hurting them. the others in the green in a moment. get you back to "cavuto: coast to coast." you totaled your brand new car.
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charles: let's bring in phil flynn to break it all down. phil, a lot of speculation, crude and gas goes much lower. >> energy information administration agrees, charles. they're usually very conservative when they make the long-term recommendations. so if you've got the department of energy arm talks about statistics, talking below $2 a gallon gasoline, the odds very high that will happen. yes, drivers do love it, as you mentioned, charles. you know what? it doesn't seem like we're getting the type of bounce we should be with the low gasoline prices. if you look at consumers right now, they're not very excited about the economy, even with these low prices. don't get me wrong, everybody loves to see low gasoline prices but we're not seeing it translate into economic confidence. especially at the lower end of the spectrum. people not making. money, usually when gas prices are low, they feel richer. they want to spend more money. when we look at the expectations for people on the lower end of
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the risk spectrum, how much money they want to spend, they don't want to spend it. they want to hang on to it. probably because they bought that car on low interest, and have high car payment. they're still concerned about the direction of the economy. so even though it is good news for consumer, it isn't making them feel as good as you think it should be. charles: add into that, health care cost, higher rents, things like that, it is easy to see where the savings from gas can go. if you doesn't spend it there, you put it in a old coffee cup. stephen schork is looking for crude under 30 bucks. he admits, by the way, demand is sky-high. there is too much supply sloshing around. >> yeah. i mean, to me that's a little bit doom doom and gloomsy. possible if the economy stalls. to his point if we have gasoline demand does peak this time of year. historically if you look at the bottom end of the oil cycle the
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thing that you see is product supplies are at an all-time high. eastern if oil prices selloff, that build in product is normal at the bottom end of the cycle. to me i'm looking a different way. to me the high product means that the oil cycle is near the bottom. that we'll start turning around over long term. charles: i like that thinking. markets are self-correcting aren't they? you add your theory in. couple that with the fact that these countries that have started this oil war, particularly saudi arabia and now russia, they're hurting. russia had five quarters in a row of negative gdp. they will say uncle. both crying uncle at same time. >> they are. that is one of the reasons we're calling this emergency meeting, this unofficial meeting of opec in september. they are hurting right now. that is why they're coming back to the table to talk. they're not coming to the table. saudi arabia likes russia, and russia likes saudi arabia. iran likes any of them. they're coming to the table
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because things are hurting. that could force a deal. if we do get a deal psychologically that could be a long-term bottom in oil. charles: people were looking for the extra 50 cents off. all right, phil. >> could be worse. in kuwait their gas prices went up 80%. they're paying a dollar a gallon now. holy outrage. charles: thanks a lot, phil. talk to you real soon. >> thank you. charles: green party candidate jill stein says donald trump's tax policy will not help the middle class. kennedy spoke with her. she is here to give us all the details next.
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airport. details minimal at the moment. as the situation develops of course we'll give you more. departure airports of the planes are not yet known. so, again we're going to continue to monitor this for latest developments. we'll bring them to you as they come in. meantime jill stein spoke with kennedy last night, donald trump, his plan does not help the middle class. take a listen. >> he has more giveaways for the super wealthy. he does away with the estate tax. which i call the aristocracy tax. prevents massive accumulation of wealth in hands of very few. >> don't you think people in this country to try to become wealthy. >> absolutely, yes they do, but if, if so much wealth is concentrateing into all few hands it is bad for all of us. we can't have a economy because so much is in the hands of very powerful and very few. everyday people can't go to the
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store, buy things, can't support our small businesses. charles: kennedy went straight home and donated all money to charity. she is with us with her last beautiful dress on. >> all i got. charles: was her criticism in your mind fair of all? >> of donald trump? charles: yeah. >> not surprising. i don't know that she dug into the plan quite that much and the death tax isn't an aristocracy tax. it just doesn't hurt rich people t really hurts anyone. it really is one of the most foolish taxes we have. presumably the deceased has been paying taxes on money they have accumulated their entire life. why are they being taxed on it again? charles: i think the philosophy of progressive is that, somehow wealth is static. in other words, like a pizza pie. >> that is exactly right. charles: it doesn't expand. it doesn't change. if someone has a lot, that means someone else has a little. >> yeah. charles: that is their biggest miscon seem on economy. >> seeing that on both sides of the political spectrum and it is very dangerous. we've gotten so out of touch
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with the idea of positive sum wealth accumulation and, when people have money, more people can share in that money. and you know, when someone has a bunch of money, buy a bunch of things, presumably they buy it from other businesses. progressives single-handedly discount the idea of trickle-down economics and economics in general. but this is something that was proven in the 18th century. charles: if a stock goes up, if a company's stock goes from $50 to$0 tomorrow morning, because it was taken over. the money doesn't come out of somebody's else's pocket. if you didn't have the stock, the your money doesn't go down. >> if you get a raise, doesn't mean my income goes down i think. charles: if i get one yours will go down. >> that is not good. jill stein for president now. charles: asterisk, just me and you. >> but that, it is such an oversimplified view of economics and she and i diverge on a lot of things.
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what we don't diverge on is that hillary clinton's campaign and hillary clinton herself filled with trolls and bullies. dr. stein is essentially silenced by the media. her message could resonate with bernie sanders supporters if they knew what she was. there is an attack campaign against dr. stein, who is medical doctor, that she is one of the anti-vaccine people. she answered that last night on my show. charles: let's take a listen. >> this is a smear campaign. this shows how scared they are. they are trying to divert the agenda, the divert the discussion to a position i have never taken. >> so you have never, you are not anti-vaccine? >> i have never been anti-vaccine. charles: wow. i thought she was anti-vaccine too. >> i did as well. that goes to show how effective hillary's anti-jill stein campaign. they have gotten message out there. jill stein refuted that last night. charles: what are your thoughts,
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bernie sanders bought his third home, $600,000 summer home. >> yeah. charles: this guy standing up for little people and socialism, all this stuff what does that tell you? >> obviously every room is going to be filled with bunk beds. and he is going to let all of his supporters come and going to redistribute his lovely cottage. i don't begrudge anyone their wealth accumulation. i really don't. if he successful, maybe sign ad book deal. have at it, don't tell me how to spend my money. don't you dare redistribute my hard-earned funds, bernie. charles: appreciate it. meantime guys, oil is bringing down this market a little bit, but you know what? not impacting discount or high-end retailers. we'll look at stocks on both sides of the brick-and-mortar spectrum. more "cavuto: coast to coast" next.
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. >> that's it for "coast-to-coast," but catch me tonight, 6:00 p.m. eastern time, with the latest on the big money fueling this campaign and the lopsided ad spending. we'll look at battleground
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states, they're a lot closer than the polls suggest. in the meantime, here's trish regan for the next hour. trish: breaking news, donald trump getting back on message, economic message, that is. meeting with coal and mining executives in glad spring, virginia, looking at a live picture of that meeting. sitting down with the executives to talk about the coal industry, clearly been hard hit. job losses galore in the last several years there, virginia very much a swing state, a state he needs to win if he has a path to the oval office. he is about to speak at a rally in virginia, we will be covering it for you, monitoring it. many are wondering if he's going to address the criticism about his comments regarding 2nd amendment supporters. more in just a minute. but first, outrage and demand for answers at this hour after it is revealed the father of the orlando terrorist was at


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