tv After the Bell FOX Business August 16, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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>> i happen to agree we're not discounting potential for higher rates. if that were to happen, that would be a problem. [closing bell rings] consumer staples and utilities, they're not discounting that. liz: mark spellman, thank you very much. he will put all his picks on the page for the alpine fund portfolio. ashley and melissa, pick it up here. ashley: thanks very much, liz. stocks retreating as we see from record highs. dow, s&p, nasdaq all ending in the red today. i'm ashley webster in this afternoon for david asman. melissa: i'm melissa francis. we have you covered under big market movers. here is what else we have for you this hour. donald trump meeting with law enforcement this afternoon, a scene of violent riots this weekend as wisconsin governor scott walker flames hillary clinton for inflaming the situation. trump facing criticism for what he is calling extreme vetting of immigrants in the u.s. campaign
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national co-chair sam clovis is here to respond. aetna, bailing on obamacare. the third largest health insurance company, bowing out of major markets. owner and operator of more than two dozen applebee's restaurants tells us how it affected his business from day one. ashley: the dow down more than 80 points. johnson & johnson, verizon, travelers all among the biggest drags today, but phil flynn, price futures at cme, watching gold and oil climbing higher. adam shapiro on floor of new york stock exchange. adam, you have your eyes on a bright spot as well. reporter: talk about dicks sporting goods. they have better-than-expected earnings. the stock to give you an idea hit an all-time high. it was what, $60 and some change before settling down. this stock is up 66%. they are playing by the rules and playing well.
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they upped their full year guidance. they expect same-store sales to go up for the year, somewhere two, 3%. it was unfortunate but sports authority liquidation actually helped business at dicks sporting goods. they did pretty well. look at ford. ford had a little bit of trouble today despite mark fields. he was on "mornings with maria", with maria bartiromo, talking about the promise within five years ford will deliver to the market a fully driverless car without a steering wheel or pedals. they will target ride share fleets like uber. if you're uber driver, target on your back. they're going driverless. ups drivers, ford coming for you. stock still down today. last 52 weeks down 15%. other issues, the dow, intraday high was 18,614. biggest drag on the dow was johnson & johnson despite the fact they had some good news on drugs for major depression treatment but that didn't lift
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that stock. verizon was also down today. so, let's talk about dicks sporting goods. it was a good day for them. ashley: definitely a bright spot but unfortunately for sports authority. someone has to pick up the customers. adam, thank you very much. phil flynn, you're watching oil and gold jump today, oil in part, phil helped by weaker dollar. >> it has definitely been helped as well as gold. both looking to add dollars when the yen went above par, about 100 that really got the dollar tanking right now. we hit a post-"brexit" low on the dollar that got commodities going. more to the story on oil right now. they're looking at production around the globe and it is not rising in a couple of key places. venezuela, for example, the report is their production is dropping dramatically right now because of financial issues, down almost 800,000-barrel as day in just a month. we're seeing concerns about nigeria, that is coming into play right now.
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this is coming into the time when we have the talks going on between opec and non-opec nations back and forth. we're reading different headlines. algerian oil minister will not go and russia talking to saudi arabia, a lot going on behind the scenes. people don't want to be short. back to you. ashley: no kidding. lots of talking. thanks, phil. melissa: billionaire investors like george soros and carl icahn all went bearish. did they miss the records or what is the smart money doing right now? let's bring in today's panel, gary kaltbaum, kaltbaum capital management, also a fox news contributor. dan henninger here from the "wall street journal." gary, what do you make of this report, and do you think they jumped back in as they hit the new records or did they deploy their assets elsewhere? >> look, we don't know what they have done. we know what they have done in the past.
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we don't know what they're doing now and it could have changed by now but look, i'm big believer, watching soros and paul tudor jones and jeffrey gundlach, they're all very bearish on the markets of the as manager of money it goes into my financial manager. price first, everything else second. market is acting a okay notwithstanding. these are geniuses that made billions of dollars. melissa: dan, one of the reasons why this is interesting to the average investor and regular person out there who is watching the economy, it is an indictment. economy. they were saying i don't know any of this run-up in the market is justified. we've seen weak economics out there but at the same time stocks keep going up, really only because of the fed. these guys were calling the ball and getting out. what does that tell you? >> what it tells me, melissa, i think it is one of the most extraordinary ironies that george soros is getting out. he was one of the biggest
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backers of barack obama. this is a extraordinary vote of no confidence in the obama economy. like soros is going no mas. sitting on the table and not going to get back into the market. he looks, now analyzing global markets. you have weak market growth in china, not much in europe. 1% in the united states. look at the two presidential candidates and what their campais consist of. on hillary clinton's side, presumably the party george soros supports, there are no growth elements at all in her agenda. melissa: right, very true. >> soros is making a call on that. ashley: talk about the u.s. dollar coming off a seven-week low. we talked about it with phil flynn, after new york fed president, william dudley told fox business's very own peter barnes in an exclusive interview that he expect as rate hike at some point in year. >> i think we're looking for growth in the second half of the year that will be stronger than the first half. so some acceleration in the growth outlook.
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the labor market continues to generate reasonable job gains. 190,000 last three months. we're edging closer towards, you know, the point in time where it will be appropriate to raise interest rates further. ashley: you know what, gary, i heard it all before. they were supposed to raise rates four times this year. they haven't so far. why should we believe what mr. dudley has to say? are you surprised? >> look, with all due respect i wish each and everyone of these fed heads would shut up and go take a long vacation. it is bad enough that they have distorted price and yield, not only here but around the globe. it is bad enough they have screwed every saver around the globe where you can't get any riskless income invests. they just don't stop talking and that hurts markets. here is a little advice. go away, if you want to raise rates. don't tell us. if not, don't do it but stop talking about it. ashley: message received loud and clear, gary. dan, same question to you, why the heck she we even bother
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listening to these people. i think they painted themselves into corner and up to now their forecasting has been terrible? >> market looks to them for signals. it is really interesting that we just heard about george soros getting out of the market an bill dudley is saying maybe we got to keep an eye on growth pressure and inflation. sounds to me like soros is talking about disinflation. these two are going in opposite directions. i have no expectation of the fed raising interest rates before that election in november. can you imagine if the markets tanked and one of the other campaigns lost? they would blame the fed for blowing up the election. not going to happen. melissa: aetna announcing that they are backing out of obamacare health plans in all but four states. blaming huge losses in the second quarter. they say they lost $200 million in the second quarter. they think it could be 300 million in the next. really astonishing numbers there. dan, i go to you. what are they supposed to do?
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they got in the way the rules are set up, they're losing money hand over fist. they have to back out n the statement getting out, we really support the whole idea of exchanges but we're leaving because we can't possibly make money, we can't take these losses. anyone who can do math would predict this is coming. >> presumably, insurers can do math pretty well. it is called acutarial science. melissa: right. >> many people predicted before this became law that the sickest people would get in. healthiest people would stay out. now apparently many out there who are gaming the system by only signing up after they need something like knee surgery. then pulling out afterwards. that is sort of thing that is obviously going to distort markets and drive premium prices up. melissa: no, absolutely, gary. out of the gate everyone said this would happen. healthy people wouldn't sign up because their rates would go up and up and fine would be lower if you just didn't get n all of this leading to what? it seems like if the insurance companies get out, only leaves the government, that we're
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heading very quickly to a system like the va, for the whole country. >> i think that may have been the foal. i think -- melissa: don't say that. >> hoping it would stick, i know. they lied about it. there was one guy out there, even admitted look, it is simple government-run systems do not work because you are trying to force the issues. when you're telling young people they have to buy and they don't, that means they're not subsidizing people that are buying it. yes, you didn't have to buy until you get an injury. you can get out. that kills insurers. no way to make money. they have to lose money. t nost aetna. it is unitedhealth and others. they will all eventually get out. melissa: fairly depressing but thank you. the truth hurts sometimes. ashley: it does, i lived through socialized medicine. no thank you. melissa: no good? ashley: there is good and bad, no, not here. donald trump in milwaukee by the
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way this afternoon, the scene of violent riots this week. melissa: trump is holding a rally tonight where he will make the case he is the one to restore law and order to america's cities. wisconsin's governor scott walker blaming hillary clinton for making matters worse. ashley: house republicans say clinton lied under oath about handling classified emails. what happens now? >> nothing was marked classified at the time i sent or received it. >> our investigation found there was classified information. equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in. ♪ gaviscon is a proven heartburn remedy that gives you fast-acting, long-lasting relief. it immediately neutralizes acid and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. for fast-acting, try doctor-recommended gaviscon.
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we should fit into your life. not the other way around. ♪ everything is cool when you're watching a screen ♪ ♪ everything is awesome, ♪ when you're sharing a meme ♪ ♪ a voice remote, "show me angry kings" ♪ ♪ you know wh's awesome? everything! ♪ ♪ apps that please, more selfies, ♪ ♪ endless hours of the best tvs ♪ ♪ brand new apps, shows to go, ♪ ♪ awesome internet that's super whoa... ♪ ♪ everything is awesome xfinity. the future of awesome. ashley: there is break news for you. urban outfitters reporting second quarter results. shares up more than 9% after-hours. why? the retailer posting a surprise rise in comparable retail sales. the stock moving up nicely.
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>> you will be getting, in fact the entire world will be getting all of my emails. >> we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned. >> i provided the department which has been providing you with all of my work-related emails, all that i had, approximately 55,000 pages. and they are being publicly released. >> there is no doubt that work-related emails removed electronically from the email system. >> the fbi has the server that as used during the tenure of my state department service. >> she used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state. >> there was nothing marked classified on my emails, either sent or received. >> there was classified material emailed. melissa: i mean, pretty straightforward. perjury allegations against hillary clinton. now fox news confirming the house oversight committee will get the fbi's report on the
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clinton's email server probe. some house republicans claiming clinton lied to congress under oath, like you just saw. here is fred barnes, "weekly standard"'s executive editor. also a fox news contributor. we also have marjorie clifton, who is a democratic consultant. fred barnes, let me start with you. finally the republicans get smart, rather than standing out there at press conference talking, you just put up the video and let the people watching decide, does that seem like it is not true? it is pretty compelling. >> it is pretty compelling, watching fbi director james comey there, you realize that the whoever gets this case, a perjury case prosecuted against hillary clinton you only need one witness. that would be james comey. and it was, you have the trey gowdy, chairman of the committee that was interviewing him which you were showing earlier just went down the list of these claims hillary made under oath, i think to a different committee, but in any case, and
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he said they were not true, these things she had said. melissa: yeah. >> after his, his thorough investigation, and not wanting to have her be prosecuted for mishandling classified information, you will remember how the clinton people praised him. melissa: right. >> they may not praise him on this. melissa: marjorie, you do video side by side, i have seen the version where they have her testimony before congress and have his findings, when he presented them at that press conference and he contradicts all the things that she said under oath to congress, it seems pretty damning. at same time many republicans say no matter what you present to the doj they're never going to pursue it or follow up on it. so there is really no chance for a perjury charge even with the evidence? >> well i think there has been a lot of recourse. there has been large invests of money and time by congress, by, republican members who wanted to take this up but it has been investigated. melissa: not the perjury. the perjury has not.
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as you look at perjury, people are saying, department of justice will not pursue it because they're not interested in pursuing her in the presidential campaign, how do you respond to that. >>? i don't know how you say presidential campaign. talking about trump's case. melissa: we're talking about this perjury case right here, do you think doj will pursue it? >> they will go through the proper means, the proper, you know, investigation. i am not an expert in terms of how the doj process works but what i would say, we have balanced congress for a reason. we have republicans and democrats and oversight committees in place for a reason. they will be forced to go through whatever the proper mechanisms have had. if they don't think there is proper evidence, that is different issue. that is not something we can influence. but i do believe the systems are at work. i think they're doing their job. melissa, okay. the -- >> the proper answer there, melissa, about the justice department was, no, of course not.
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they're not going to prosecute. melissa: but that is the not point. >> before the election or even during the period after that. melissa: but fred, perhaps that is not the point. last time we went through this, even as comey came out and showed evidence and said he wasn't going to pursue it, her poll numbers dipped dramatically during that period. i remember next week the democrats, darn you republicans, you got your pound of flesh. her numbers went down as you brought this stuff out. so maybe that is really the idea, is that even though they do not believe that, whether perjury is there or not, it would be pursued they think the public will respond? >> of course. sorry. melissa: you can each have a shot at this. marjorie, go ahead. >> okay. >> the public is smart. we do need to give people credit. i think the public realizes pretty transparently this is political play. they wouldn't invest this energy into this investigation because there are fortunately practices like this in other offices. it is political.
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melissa: do you think they say politics is politics or see the words side by side and she is lying again? >> look, we have a secretary of state who lied under oath, unequivocally it seems if you believe james comey, and i certainly do, then it's a serious case. now, look, it is hard to win a perjury case. you have to prove intent and so on, very difficult. this looks like the one of the easier ones to me. melissa: we got to go. thanks to both of you. ashley, go ahead. ashley: melissa, thank you. california man has now been arrested and charged with arson for allegedly sparking what has been called the clayton wildfire. damin park lick is suspected in numerous fires over the past year. this recent blaze destroyed 175 homes and businesses and structures, causing $10 million in damages. also left dozens of families homeless. melissa: new developments in the transfer of guantanamo bay
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detainees as president obama nears his goal to close the prison. donald trump strongly railing against our country's current effort to fight terrorism but how does he win over his critics? sam clovis, who is trump's national campaign co-chair is here next. >> my administration, will aggressively pursue joint and coalition military operations to crush and destroy isis. to folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain... shoots and burns its way into your day, i hear you. to everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful, i hear you. make sure your doctor hears you too! i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. if you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain
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>> i call it, extreme vetting. i call it, extreme, extreme vetting. thoswho do not believe in our constitution, who support bigotry and hatred, will not be admitted for immigration into our country. ashley: donald trump pushing political tests also for immigrants coming into the united states with extreme vetting system. is that system realistic?
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how much would it really cost? that among other questions for sam clovis, trump campaign national co-chair. sam, as always, thank you. before i get to that, mr. trump's plan to combat and wipe out isis, seems to me will take a lot of u.s. troop presence in order to accomplish that. is he prepared to send is troops into that part of the world? is the country ready for it? >> i think those are great questions, ashley, and i think what you really take a look at we have to know what the ground truth is. we have to make a total evaluation. we have to assess where the allies are and friends and partners will be. we have to do this in concert with them because this is not something we can do unilaterally. we tried that in the past. it hasn't worked. i think we're a long ways from having specific plans. again, mr. trump is not going to reveal any specific plans but i think this is deliberate, realistic approach to what we're trying to accomplish in that part of the world.
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ashley: he said extreme many times, in relation to vetting of those coming to this country from terrorism hot spots. i mean i guess a basic question, for you, sam, how do you, would-be terrorists will lie on the questionnaire. they're also going to lie about their idealogical beliefs. so why is that vetting system better than what we have? >> well i think the fact of the matter is you touched on a very important point. the fact we'll have people that present something on paper when in fact we can get with host countries and we identify exactly where these people live, with whom they associate, the whole process of taking a look at the extended networks. we can start the application of biometrics to identify people as they transit different airports, ports of entry and ports of debarcation. this is call again done in cooperation with our partners. it is in their interest to help us with this effort.
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in the end it will help everyone involved. so i think there is mutual investment and mutual interest. ashley: very quickly, sam, later on today, mr. trump talking to a rally in milwaukee, also be holding a town hall with sean hannity on fox news. we understand he will be on prompter for a rally which is unusual for him in that setting. he normally likes to freewheel and shoe from the hip? perhaps are you happy the law and order candidate can deliver tonight in light of riots we've seen in milwaukee, deliver a strong message? >> he has prepared remarks. this is important part, when you have prepared remarks, you want to get it right because you know every word will be parsed. why we'll have a teleprompter assistance there, as you know, mr. trump is very good at ad-libbing off the script as he foes through to make a point and emphasize. it will be a great speech and town hall. he does very well in town hall setting. ashley: that is later on tonight.
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sam clovis, thanks for being here. we appreciate night thank you, ashley. we'll talk to you soon. melissa: 15 prisoners have been released from guantanamo bay and sent to the united arab emirates. this marks the largest single release of detainees during the obama administration. the pentagon says 61 prisoners now remain. president obama has been seeking to close guantanamo bay amid opposition from congress which prohibited transferring detainees to the u.s. ashley: milwaukee on edge. talking about unrest in wisconsin's largest city. why the governor of the state says clinton is to blame. melissa: deadly floods in louisiana, taking the lives of at least eight people. we'll talk to michael brown, former fema director, about the emergency response as the state braces for more rain. (announcer vo) you can go straight home. (howard stern on radio) welcome to show business. (announcer vo) or you can hear the rest of howard. bababooey! (announcer vo) sorry, confused neighbors, howard's on. siriusxm. road happy.
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(announcer vo) you can commute. (man on radio) ...40! no flags on the play! (cheering) (announcer vo) or you can chest bump. yo commute, we got serious game. siriusxm. road happy. ashley: donald trump campaigning in milwaukee today. the republican nominee set to deliver a major speech on law and order, following all the unrest in that wisconsin city. fox business's blake burman in d.c. with the latest. blake? reporter: that's right, ashley. right now donald trump is in wisconsin. he will hold a rally 40 miles north and west of milwaukee later tonight. as you mentioned a city that has seen violent protests in recent days in the wake of deadly police involved shooting there. trump aides is scheduled to give a more formal speech, one which he makes the case he puts it, how democratic policies led to
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problems in inner-cities like milwaukee and those across the country he will say tonight. trump gave a bit of a preview in his speech to fox's john roberts. >> it is law and order. we have to obey the laws or we don't have a country. you have a case where good people are out there trying to get people to sort of calm down and they're not calming down. we have our police who do a phenomenal job. reporter: trump will receive one of his biggest benefits as republican nominee for president. tomorrow, he will get his first intelligence briefing. this legal rite the passage takes place in the fbi field office in new york. hillary clinton's campaign is not yet saying whether she has begun to receive the very same briefings or when she might. meantime two more polls, ashley, showed today clinton is continuing her steady climb against trump in very key swing states. one poll has her with a 9-point lead in florida, that the highest figure there in months.
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she al has 8-point lead according to one poll in virginia. ashley? ashley: one day is long time in politics. blake burman, thank you so much. appreciate it. melissa: unrest in milwaukee. the city rocked by violent protests following a fatal police shooting of a local man. hillary clinton responding and demanding action. >> look what is happening in milwaukee right now. we have got urgent work to do to rebuild trust between police and communities and get back to the fundamental principle, everyone should have respect for the law and be respecterred -- respected by the law. [cheering] melissa: wisconsin governor scott walker firing back at the democratic nominee saying clinton did only making comments work. >> i think comments like that only flameinflaming the situation. melissa: there you go. fed barnes is back with us. when she says we need to rebuild trust between the communities, she simplying, community is
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responding like that because they don't trust police action and that in essence, police brought this on themselves? is that a fair clarification what she said? >> not quite. melissa: go ahead, fred. >> i would say it was mildly critical of police because there are a part of the problem there where there is no trust between the police and the community. but you know what happens here, and president obama does it all the time, and now hillary has done it. they have spoken before the facts are known. and if they just waited, they would have found out, this was a case shown with the policeman's own video on his chest, which showed what happened, afy turned around, a guy turned around, pulled a gun, raised a gun and policeman shot him. he wouldn't drop the gun. it was clear, this was not some, some innocent person who was being gunned down by a police officer. it was an entirely justified
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shooting, and hillary and president should have waited to get the facts. >> marjorie, go ahead and respond to that. >> the fact is the violence we are seeing on both sides of this issue is a trust issue, within communities and within the police of the communities they need to police. there is nobody in leadership, i would say who is thinking about this in the right way, that believes that this is a one-sided issue. it is not. that is what she was acknowledging. this is a smart thing to acknowledge. the other thing, when they further pressed scott walker, how exactly has she contributed to the unrest, he said, well, i don't know. he doesn't actually have anything to back up his statement. melissa: hang on, look at other side because donald trump of course is making a speech tonight. we've learned in the last little bit he is going to stay on prompter for this one, which fred, i think you will probably agree is a smart thing and drill down on some topics like sheriff clark brought up, a lot of this
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comes from economics, we created a permanent underclass as a result of policies in these cities and that you have black unemployment in milwaukee above 30%. that you have 70% of families being raised without dads. that you have familys who feel like they have nothing, so they have nothing to lose, and that so much of this problem is economic. do you think that's true, so much is economic, fred? >> sure, a good about it of it is, you know, this law and order issue is one i think works for trump. worked for republicans back in the late '60s and early '70s as well. and democrats and hillary clinton in particular are going to have to really shape up on this issue because it, look, hillary is running a much better campaign than donald trump is, no question about that. melissa: without question. >> he has issues like this one and terrorism which he talked about yesterday which can help him. haven't seen it yet, perhaps close the lead.
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melissa: we'll see if he stays on prompter. that is essential. >> highly unlikely. melissa: we will see. ashley: melissa, thank you. let's get to this story. devastation in louisiana. unprecedented flooding leading to deaths of eight people, damage of 40,000 homes. 8,000 people living in shelters. believe it or not the state is bracing for even more rain. here now, michael brown, former fema director well aware what it is like to be in a situation like this. michael, listen, i can't help but think of, this is not hurricane. this is not katrina but looks like it from up above. how difficult is it to get a handle on a disaster like this? >> it is always very difficult. i'm so impressed with what the state of louisiana has done. let's give it a little perspective. in hurricane katrina we had 60,000 plus rescues from rooftops. so far the state of louisiana, louisiana national guard and department of wildlife, and
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individuals in their own flat bottom boats rescued 20,000 people. this is confined predominantly baton rouge and st. tam any parish. the scale is much smaller. having said that, the state of louisiana has done what we expect to do in our country. that is, state and local first-responders have gone out and rescued people and saved people. what we have to worry about, obviously additional weather moving in. once these floodwaters recede, citizens need to be aware that their homes are going to have problems with structural issues. the drywall will be destroyed. so floods are always the kind of disaster that, not to pick on media, once the floodwaters recede, media goes back to another story. people think it is okay but don't realize all the structural problems they face. ashley: brings up question, michael, of flood insurance. some people have it, even those
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that do, it doesn't cover all the damage, right? >> that's correct. it will not cover all the damage. it is a stopgap measure but i really think it was mistake to move flood insurance program into the federal government because it is not always acutarily sound. i recognize flood insurance in the private sector if we based premiums on cost of the risk and coverage, the premiums might be high, but that is why we pay for insurance, is to cover those kinds of catastrophic things. so, i think people are going to find, one, if they don't have flood insurance, they're really in deep trouble. if they do have flood insurance, it is not necessarily going to make them whole again. ashley: michael, quickly. this part of the country is used to flooding. topography, it can be susceptible to these type of weather systems. should levees be built bigger? more infrastructure in place to protect these homes? >> absolutely. i look, i think people have the
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right to live wherever they want to live, but if you live in area flood-prone, wildfires, whatever it is, you need to work with your state and local governments to mitigate against the local disasters and states put resources everyone agrees needs to be put in to mitigate against floods or wildfires, whatever the natural disaster might be. ashley: we're out of time. hopefully will finally stop raining out there. michael brown, former fema director. thank you very much. >> you bet. melissa: back into school and right into debt. new push for free college that could endp breaking the bank for students and taxpayers. tickets. that is until one of you clips a food truck ruining your perfect record. yeah. now you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right? no, your insurance rates go through the roof. your perfect record doesn't get you anything. anything. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates
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[cheering] melissa: interesting. all right, hillary clinton continues pushing affordable college but at what cost to taxpayers. who knows, right? elizabeth macdonald is here. dan henninger is back as well. it will not be free because i know it will cost me something. what are we talking about here, emac. >> it is not free. melissa: nothing is free. >> not like the government fairy tree agreeing money off of it and you pick money. went from 350 billion over 10 years now to 500 billion. hillary clinton saying tax the rich to pay for free college tuition for families up to 125 by year, 2021. that is what her plan is. donald trump will likely say, colleges need to have skin in the game. it is colleges are gouging families by hiking tuition costs. when you just subsidize constantly there is no incentives for these basically, fat cat academics to lower tuition costs.
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they found every time the, new york federal reserve found every time the government raises subsidies for colleges, 60 cents out of every dollar of those subsidy increases colleges pocket them. melissa: price just goes up? basically the price goes up by almost as much as -- >> the subsidy. melissa: being given away, how economics work. if people can do math. dan, i think it is interesting, sometimes she says debt-free, and sometimes she says free. free tuition, free. you know there is distinction thinking about. when we comb through the things, are they talking about debt forgiveness in some places and other places you show up, whoo-hoo you walk in for free? what is going on? >> what is going on a fight for over the progressives on the democratic left and pitch to millenials. it was bernie sanders who first proposed tuition-free. bernie sanders is socialist. in his world, everyone pays for it. it is not a problem. hillary clinton, who has at least one foot in the real world
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and a lot of other democrats understood that tuition-free had just limitless costs. melissa: right. >> debt-free has costs but they will be a fraction of what tuition-free would be. bernie forced her, we saw it in the clip, towards the end of the primaries to adopt his tuition free idea. she doesn't say ha anymore. she talks about debt-free tuition. what progressives are now saying, this is analogous to 2008 and affordable care act. they pushed for universal care. they got the affordable care act. they're going to push for tuition-free, they will get debt-free. look how well the affordable care act worked out. melissa: you think it is expensive now? wait until it is free. college they will try to make this into the va. one system where you can go to college for free, you know, on the government. >> right. melissa: it will be as functional as health care at the va. and then there will be other system with money go to college and get an actual education.
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>> that is the important point. obama administration nationalized student loan industry in 2010. "wall street journal" has been reporting this, they're already doing all sorts of forgiveness of loan programs, within the u.s. government. so, you're right. is this basically, again and again you have to say, the buckt the academics, at the colleges, itself. melissa: yeah. >> i don't know how donald trump -- melissa: they will rein that in. >> there are non-profits building hotel empires on the taxpayer nickel. melissa: very true. thanks to both of you. asey: all right, melissa. thank you. new york fed president making news, oh, yeah, moving markets when he told our peter barnes that a rate hike could be possible next month. here is what he said if asked the upcoming election will play any role determining whether or not to raise rates? >> no, i don't think the election would weigh on us one way or the other. i think, as i said, if we decide to raise rates it is because the economy is doing well.
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not because we're somehow worried about inflation overshooting in major way. it is not beginning of a tightening cycle that is designed to squeeze off economic growth. this is the start of, continue wages of neutral monetary policy seth at a time we think monetary policy is still accommodative. ashley: by the way are catch peter's full interview on >> affordable care act, obamacare, unraveling as a major insurer bails on certain changes. ♪
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11 of 15 states. the? citing steep financial losses for that retreat. what does it mean for businesses? we have zane tankel, operates more than two dozen applebee's restaurants. so, zane, welcome. we've been talking about this even before it was signed into law. >> long time. ashley: long time. >> pretty much working out how we thought it would. >> exactly as we tracked it. ashley: sick people looking at sicker people. healthy people staying on the sidelines, not jump manying. large premiums. huge deductible. >> huge. ashley: aetna is saying we're losing too much money to join unitedhealthcare and some others. as a local business guy, how has it affected you? what kind of costs have you incurred? >> it is just starting. when the first year, we only had five eligible people. we have 3,000 people in total. ashley: okay. >> at the time we had about 800 that were eligible. three signed up. the second year we had 20 sign up.
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this year, we have 70 that have signed up. so here's the costs involved. ashley: yeah. >> it is about $43, we're self-insured with aetna, interestingly enough. so we're self-insured up to a claim of $100,000 a year. the individual who takes this plan, has a $3,000 deductible. ashley: that's huge. >> so it is huge is right. so we haven't eaten past that 3,000 without any claims. ashley: right. >> that we have to pay for. it has cost us so far 1,153,000 -- with only 70 people, $153,000 for the service charge, and the stop loss charges. ashley: that is 150,000 just in administration fees? that's it. no claims yet. ashley: what if someone goes over the 3,000 deductible? >> as self-insured we'll pay it up to $100,000. then our insurance kicks in. that is the self-insured program that we have. ashley: what is your thoughts on this? we know we thought it would be a
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rough go but is it worse than you thought. >> no. it is about like i thought, but let me tell you what happened in the last week so we're up to speed. ashley: yeah. >> so ruby tuesday closed 105 restaurants. all of illinois, the whole state is closed. they closed two days ago, 95 additional restaurants. ashley: based on -- >> all of it coming together. it is perfect storm. minimum wage, obamacare, all sorts of work rules. work regulations. et cetera. so that is ruby tuesday. hometown buffet, filed for bankruptcy. fox and hounds filed for bankruptcy. champs, chaamps, filed for bankruptcy. ashley: yes. >> and outback steakhouse changed their ceo. he has been turned because they have gone underwater. ashley: you maintain level of employees up to this point? >> we've been able to maintain level of employees. ashley: can you continue to do that going forward? >> it is not sustainable. none of it is sustainable.
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we're moving more and more technology to try -- i would be lying not to tell you we, to pay for this, we haven't shrunk our labor force last year. ashley: times ticking. zane, thanks for being with us. appreciate it. melissa. melissa: market down 84. we'll be right back. it real goo♪ (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy.
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(announcer vo) you can sit in traffic. or you can crack up. (man on radio) but if it isn't refreshing... (announcer vo) sorry traffic, we laugh 'til it hurts. siriusxm. road happy. . >> get off our lawn! literally. a michigan couple is suing "pokemon go" for ruining quality of life and turning their neighborhood into a, quote, nightmare. >> the couple claims that the game is drawing hundreds of people to a park near their home, alleging that players are trespassing on their lawn, destroying the landscaping and even peering into windows. creepy! >> we went pokemon hunting, me and my kids. we were polite but just went down the street doing it. then there's this, a sweet surprise at the vienna zoo.
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i have been there. a giant panda hiding a tiny secret. an extra cub! it wasn't hard for the little one to hide, the birth and bonding time monitored by baby panda cameras and measured a few inches at birth. so cute! "risk & reward." >> "risk & reward" take it away. deirdre: the fbi handing over hillary clinton's interview notes to congress. it happened just moments ago. this is "risk & reward," i'm deirdre bolton.fbi gave from three hour interview with former secretary of state. republicans requests the notes, they are classified as secret so not expected to be made public. my colleague catherine herridge is with me now. so catherine, what does this mean for hillary clinton? what does it mean for her campaign? >> thanks, deirdre, this afternoon, fox news confirming that portion of the fbi investigative file provided to the house government oversight
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