tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business August 16, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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"strange inheritance." and remember, you can't take it with you. was black as well as the victim. lou dobbs will take you to the speech live. lou: good evening. i'm lou dobbs. donald trump this west bend, wisconsin. there he will deliver what is being build as a ground-breaking speech about law and order and the war against law enforcement. trump's campaign says there will be a lot of discussion about the riots in milwaukee and how democratic policies have contributed to the worsening problems in our inner cities all across this country. we'll take up the law and order candidate with america's toughest sheriff. sheriff joe arpaio joins me. and more damaging revelations
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about hillary clinton's pay to play scandal. new emails reveal a big clinton foundation donor asked for favors from the state department when she was secretary of state. just more conflicts of interest. just more abuse of power in public office. we'll have that full report for you tonight. also among my guests. congressman tom marino. he's one of several members of congress who sent a letter to the f.b.i. they are demanding that hillary clinton be held accountable and prosecute forward her lies. donald trump will receive his first intelligence tblefg new york tomorrow. we'll tell you who trump has chosen to take to that briefing. our top story tonight. donald trump's agenda for america. the republican nominee set to deliver his second major policy speech in as many days.
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yesterday in ohio trump addressed the foreign policy he will pursue as president while he vowed to destroy the islamic state and radical islamic terrorists. fox news senior national correspondent john roberts is traveling with trump and he has our report. reporter: the trump campaign planned a typical campaign rally for tonight. but after the violent demonstrations in milwaukee, trump ditched that idea, and instead for the first time will make a formal address before thousands of people in west bend. campaign sources say the address will be groundbreaking for a republican presidential candidate. troubled by what he saw in milwaukee, donald trump will propose to rebuild inner cities through a combination of
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economic opportunity and strong policing. >> we have to obey the laws or we don't have a country. you have a case where good people are trying to get people to calm down and they are not talking down. reporter: the speech co--written by rudy giuliani look at the root causes of violence that seized milwaukee and other inner cities. >> did the policeman do the right thing? >> if he believed a gun was point at his head and ready to be fired, what is a person supposed to do any would think so, we'll find out because they have a tape as i understand. that's what the narrative is, maybe it am not true. fit is true, people shouldn't be rioting. reporter: the law and order speech comes a day after trump laid out his foreign policy that includes extreme vetting for
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people want to go enter the u.s. from countries where there is terrorism. social media profiles would play a prominent role. >> they don't look at what they should be looking at. where people go through the cracks? perhaps. but it can be very, very tough. it has to be very, very tough to come into this country. reporter: wisconsin is one of several battlegrounds where trump is struggling against hillary clinton. do you think you need to turn your tam pain around? >> i think i'm doing good. i had the biggest crowds. nobody has ever had crowds like this. >> you have enthusiastic supporters but do you have people like that? >> we'll have to see. >> if donald trump is going to win here and across the country he needs to make it clear the race is between him and hillary clinton.
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>> can you stop taking the bait the democrats are handing you? >> if i respond to something, that's not taking bait. i'm hitting hillary clinton and obama very hard. i don't think anyone has ever hit them harder. will that matter? i don't know. reporter: tomorrow trump will receive his very first classified intelligence briefing. coming along with him will be chris christie and lieutenant governor michael flynn. general flynn is being brought along into interpret the reports because the trump is not confident of the quality of the intelligence they will receive. lou: it will be an interesting first briefing. we'll be covering donald trump's big speech in a special hour of "lou dobbs tonight" that begins at 9:00 p.m.
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new pay to play allegations link hillary clinton's state department to attempts to enrich a wealthy donor to the clinton foundation. reporter: 20 days after hillary clinton left the state department, her husband arrived to tour for the second time the echo atlantic project. its developer, a lebanese-born billionaire, escorted the former president. the judging of millions of tons of sand to create a new landmass on which he and his brother partners plan to build in the capital. 27 days after clinton's tour when he met with u.s. consulate general jeffrey hawkins a state department official back in washington named william p. franklin according to doc ms. obtained by "fox news"
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e-mailed hawkins and four other officials instructing them to lead ronald sugary know in writing that the department was interested in buying property for a new conflict. ordinary business perhaps except for the fact that gilbert shakur a donated between one and 5 million to the clinton foundation and is repeatedly used his wealth to gain access to the clinton white house in the 90s and as "the new york times" your bill blast beat the state department where in 2009 huma at the -- abedin claimed to put in the aides. >> the impression was that there was favoritism involved and it's very unusual in state department, real estate and housing transactions overseas to have this kind of focus on someone with such clear financial connections to even be the parted secretary of state. >> these latest state department documents were obtained by citizens united this advocacy
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group has waged a lengthy court battle with the obama to administration over the freedom of information act or the state department said at go atlantic was scouted its location more than four years ago by an independent real estate firm and the sale never went through. >> the site search for a new consulate in lagos began in 2011 as prioritized by the security construction program. the process started as early as 2011 secretary clinton was still in office. was she aware that at go atlantic was among one of the sites being used? >> hillary clinton's campaign did not respond for comment. spokesmen for gilbert shugari told "fox news" because of echo atlantic city the art design it should come as no surprise to u.s. government and other countries would consider placing the diplomatic facility there. lou: james thank ou very much. james rosen. joiningmeow former reagan white house political director strategist and republican strategist "fox news" country
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but are great to have you with us. let's start with this revelation between the shugari's and president bill clinton, the clinton foundation and hillary clinton state department. could it be more suggestive of a public abuse and a public conflict of interest? >> it's clearly a conflict of interest. it reminds me of the old days of hud. the idea that you can give $25 million to bill clinton to buy your property not once but twice that's what the state department is investing money and it's as corrupt as anything i've seen in my long tenure of government and i think it's outrageous and i think it's the tip of the iceberg. if you basically gave 30,000 a mouse back and forth to the clinton foundation you'd find a lot more deals where people gave their million dollars in the
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asked for something and i got something. lou: turning over to congress the fbi portions of the notes taken during the interview with hillary clinton this is becoming a large problem for hillary clinton and i suspect bill clinton didn't help her case when he said that the director of the fbi was full of bull. >> as a settlement show last week i will match up call me's integrity against bill clinton on any given day. he never raised his right hand, i did not have sex with that woman trooping the impeachment trial wrong so i think this is the tip of the iceberg. it's unfortunate and people just think it's politics and it really is more than politics. lou: i mean there is a chain here of evidence and events and incidents, abuse of power, conflicts of interest, straightforward lies. she is anar.
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>> unf uber colleagues he here at fox are the only ones pressing and pushing this and unfortunately the main stream media doesn't want to pay attention to. lou: does want to pay attention to the director of the fbi who has said that the woman who served as secretary of state amasa represenative united states is a liar. i'm enough extraordinary. >> no question. a 30-year history of it and it goes back to the first time she got into the public arena and he was too. i i think at the end of the day if you want more of this you will get it if you elect her. you can imagine that the deals will get done as president of united states. lou: we don't want to have to -- i would rather imagine that this did happen. i will say about much. >> we need to kick up our campaign a little bit to make sure doesn't happen. lou: at rollins thanks so much. ed will be back with me at 9:00 and we begin our coverage of the trump speech on law and order in the war against law enforcement in this country.
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but right now we are coming right back with much more. stay with us. >> donald trump meeting with law enforcement in milwaukee after days of riots and violence. >> we need law and order in our country could we see policemen all over the country being shot. lou: sheriff joe arpaio of arizona joins me here next as trump works to restore law and order in this country. and this driver forgot to put the cap back on her gas tank. she tries to fix fix it and that doesn't work out so well. we will show you what happens next in the video review don't want to miss this. a lot more coming up after these messages. we will
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[ clock ticking ] time. you only have so much. that's why we want to make sure you won't have to wait on hold. and you won't have to guess when we'll turn up. because after all we should fit into your life. not the other way around. ♪ everything is cool when you're watching a screen ♪ ♪ everything is awesome,
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♪ when you're sharing a meme ♪ ♪ a voice remote, "show me angry kings" ♪ ♪ you know what's awesome? everything! ♪ ♪ apps that please, more selfies, ♪ ♪ endless hours of the best tvs ♪ ♪ brand new apps, shows to go, ♪ ♪ awesome internet that's super whoa... ♪ ♪ everything is awesome xfinity. the future of awesome. lou: left-wing billionaire george soros recently accused german chancellor angola marco bringing chaos to europe or her open door immigration policies but the reality is quite different than his remarks. newly leaked documents from soros open society foundations say they refugee crisis should be seen as quote the new normal. the memo goes on to say the refugee influx serves as an opportunity for soros to influence immigration policies
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on a global scale. the soros documents leaked by a group called d.c. leaks and mysterious outfit with ties to russian intelligence. soros has. >> some $30 million this election cycle trying to send hillary clinton to the white house and democrats back to power in congress. wisconsin governor scott walker today accused to void went on of blaming the situation that in milwaukee following remarks clinton made yesterday per chi said it's the police to need to regain trust with the community. >> look at what's happening in milwaukee right now. we have urgent work to do to rebuild trust between the lease and communities and get back to the fundamental principles. everyone should have respect for the law and be respected by the law. >> people understand in that neighborhood and sugar parking and in milwaukee they want law enforcement to step up and protect them. the people who live in that
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neighborhood want the police in milwaukee and the sheriff and the sheriff's department to step up and protect them. i want the criminals who were doing those actions against those businesses to do that and i think statements like that in the lack of leadership we have had for the president on this issue only inflame the situation. lou: joining me now are copa county arizona sheriff joe arpaio and show it's great to have you with us. >> thanks. lou: sheriff to listen to hillary clinton make those remarks, i mean that is flabbergasting because she is effectively taking the side of writers who by the way have no basis whatsoever for a complaint based on facts and the law. >> also they took away our helicopter and our armored cars and automatic weapons that were donated bye bye the defense departments over that way they don't even want to give us the equipment to fight these gangs and killers on the streets. if you want to talk about
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hillary, but he just give you a little secret here. you know i was head of the federal drug enforcement in the middle east mexico and south america and i say that because i did learn other than the president the most important government official to stop the drug trafficking and other crimes as the secretary of state. how many times has hillary and the president visited mexico city to meet the president and put the pressure on that country to stop the illegal immigration and drugs? so it goes way back into the international problem that we have. lou: and international problem and also the insinuation into this country of ms-13 and the drug cartels themselves. they have brought drugs, marijuana, methamphetamine, heroin and cocaine the majority of which comes across that border. just below you in phoenix in
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maricopa county and people think none of that is happening. it's a administration doesn't enforce the law on any basis. >> i don't want to criticize any politicians were law enforcement but they keep talking about broken families, on and on and on come education. how come they are not talking about drugs like southeast people, the majority of the drug background. we look at violence and people killing each other. they have the drug background. how come we are not talking about cleaning the streets up and locking up these dope peddlers on the streets to try to stop this type of violence and crime? no pre-talks about the drugs except donald trump. he brought up the heroin problem many months ago. lou: you are right. i can think of no one else either running for president in the republican party, certainly not any of the candidates in the democratic party who even address the issue or the immense
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burden that addiction places on this country and the lives of millions of americans that are devastated by these drugs and it's just too important and it is ignored as you say by everyone but donald trump. donald trump saying to john roberts as he said before we have to obey laws or we don't have a country. that thought has simply never penetrated the mind of president obama or anyone in his administration. >> the president sets the tempo especially when he is in charge of the federal agencies and bureaucracy but also to the people. when the president doesn't back up the cops, and i can go way back to that situation, then the people on the streets they feel they can get a pass to whatever they want, burn down buildings.
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if someone burns on the building you want to go a lot everybody up instead of being politically correct and give people passes because they are afraid of backlash. just arrest them and throw them in jail if they are causing crimes. that's a big help only have. >> i just want to get your reaction reaction to add flint the police chief in milwaukee, to the mayor tom barrett. i mean they didn't step up for that officer who shot and killed a man who was pointing a gun on video we are told. i haven't seen it. and acted as if those rights riots were protes or your reaction is one of the country's leading law enforcement officers. >> i'll tell you everybody films everybody around here but my guys have body cams india think i'm going to send them under the bus just because of the video? i want to check everything. it looks like every time they
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show a video they fire people and they have demonstrations. why don't we wait until the get the true story? this is all politics unfortunately and it's sad in that way because the cops are suffering. their families are suffering. they are being killed and i said three years ago there is a war on cops. believe me there is a war on cops. lou: it's unfortunately raging now. sheriff, always great to see you. thanks for being with us. sheriff joe arpaio. assured voted our poll tonight to the question is do you doubt hillary clinton has the health and the stamina to be president? we would like to hear from you on this big questions are being raised. your thoughts. cast your vote on twitter @lou dobbs follow me on twitter @lou dobbs like me on facebook an instagram "lou dobbs tonight". links to rethink lou please roll the video of fellow driver alerted the state department that her gas is open.
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she got out to try to fix that the light and the car is moving and she's about to get -- they rolled right over her leg. my gosh. she was able to get up and walk away. the injuries, unbelievable. not that serious. up next the mainstream media says the latest polls spell trouble for donald trump but we have a political science professor by the name of -- he just happens to have the country's most accurate election predictor and has a very different conclusion. you don't want to miss this and trump calls the disruptor of american politics but he is so much, much more. stay with us. we take that up in my commentary , here next.
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donald trump campaign for president. donald trump has almost single-handedly led to a shift in american presidential politics, a shift that is as profound as it is permanent. for years our middle-class have waited for someone anyone to take down the culture of corruption in washington to drain the rancid swamp that our nation's capital has become. but the inhabitants of that swamp have overtime to come a federally protected species and only one person has had the guts to step up and take on the fish is selfish greedy powerful residents of us want to long ago took our government from the people and turned over to the special interest, the wealthy, the partisans and of course the clinton cartel admits to follow steps above. the most corrupt dishonest candidate in my opinion the most dangerous presidential nominee ever nominated i either party to
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choose crooked all all right. trump says it straight out. the clinton cartel backed by the corporate and union lobbyists who worked together to ship good paying american jobs overseas and our middle-class they say. the bottom pay for politicians of both parties, the titan of industry that include dell gave favoring cheap foreign labor over good paying american jobs passing the torch to the next generation of ceos like mark zuckerberg who want to do the same. the donald trump has said no more. think about this. he is the only voice in american politics who is risking his fortune, his life, to speak truth to power. the mainstream media fear him as they have no other person in politics. the political left and namely the "washington post" and "the new york times" savaged donald trump lately -- daily.
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they insult him and mock them and attack his family, his wife and children all because he is the only one, the only one who has chosen to give tens of millions of americans have lost their jobs or standard of living and until trump arrived all hope of ever having prosperity and strength restored to them or a nation. donald trump is the anti-politician, the anti-elite, the anti-establishment candidate americans have been waiting for and now the question is, will the american people stand up for the man who is risking all to make america great again? there is no doubt that trump is the transformative political figure of our time. he is a true american leader. he is an individual figure of strength. he is an individual, a rugged character, not a conformist and yes he has courage while the elites mock him they tried to marginalize him with insults and
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the media can't mask their sudden realization that trump is now bigger than the mob that our media serves. better than the establishment hacks and dissidents ever imagined he could be an apocryphal threat to the mall. the rigged system in which their wealth and comfort is built into the feeble dissenters and little bands and knit like minions who resent their smallness all although more in the face of the man of character and 4 cents. and loyalty to america and to all that our nation stands for. they fear him, make no mistake and they would destroy. the question is not trump's failings and flaws, he has them but in greater measure he has got guts and ideals and is the man in the arena and i believe he is the leader this country desperately needs. the question is are there enough americans worthy of such a leader backs i believe the answer will decide our fate as a
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nation. now the quotation of the evening if i may, this from form -- former president theodore roosevelt the said quote far better is it to dare mighty things to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure. >> to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. we are coming right back and there is a lot to talk about
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lou: the fbi today turned over to the house oversight committee notes from hillary clinton's letter to the fbi last month. committee staff networking information that is classified secret. this rare move comes after 35 house republicans demanded the fbi clarify whether clinton has been feeding a false narrative to the american people. joining me now where the congressmen signed that letter leading the effort, reno and member of several key movies including homeland security and foreign affairs. congressman good to have you with us. are you surprised at how quickly the fbi has responded to your request? >> i'm not surprised. what i am surprised at is the information they sent to judiciary and oversight
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concerning the interview with mrs. clinton, how much of it is redacted according to what sources are telling me and what i'm hearing in the media. the mac redacted to a point that it's not worth anything to you? >> well, that's one of the main reasons why the american people are fed up with d.c. and the establishment. i mean this woman lied before the oversight committee while she was under oath at least a half a dozen times which by the way carries a maximum of five years for each lie if a person were found guilty. this is just another example. lou: if i may, if that is the penalty and she lied straightforwardly, who is to prosecute? >> unfortunately we have a system now where the president
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of the united states appointed attorney general and tells the attorney general what to do and we have a president that does not follow the law and is not follow the law and immigration and my personal opinion is perhaps from the attorney general down to the director of the fbi. but in fact if that's the case and there are standup prosec they would resign and tell people why they resign. lou: you know this is not about standup anything. this is about a corrupt political swamp in washington d.c.. i mean frankly if it's not drained i don't know that we have a chance of surviving another four years. i really don't because you have the clinton cartel. you have got to follow smell.
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i mean it fills the nation right now. it has got to be fixed. >> i have asked in my letter to the direct your that i worked with when i was u.s. attorney and he was u.s. attorney, still have some sanctity in the two standup and reaffirmed to the american people that the director of the fbi said under oath in front of oversight about hillary clinton not telling the truth when she was testifying before the oversight committee and plus the fact handing over the documents unredacted unsecured, not everyone can look at those documents and some of those documents need special attention and to read them and the person who have read them go to prison as well but this is why the american people are frustrated. you know something i heard your commentary a little bit ago it was excellent.
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there definitely afraid of donald trump but you know who they are more afraid of? the voters who are fed up and finally doing something about the corruption and fraud and theft that is taking place by high-ranking elected officials. lou: congressman you are suggesting a mean we now have the director of the fbi who acknowledge is she lied. she is as i have said in other moments she is an fbi certified liar and there are no consequences. it looks as though the united states director of the fbi and the agency itself a long distinguished career on the part of the director, and his situation that is above reproach has just been intimidated by a corrupt cartel, the clinton cartel. >> yeah outlook the fbi directors appointed for 10 years
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in the attorney attorney general can't move him. a person can't remove him unless there is cause so i do have some reservations. i'm still pleading to the director, please, please stand up and inform the american people that what you said is absolutely true and what she has said is that slowly falls and the information about her lying to congress and then get the u.s. attorney in and the district of columbia which will probably never happen to and die to and prosecute but you know that's not going to happen because of the higher-ups. lou: we have an even a clue the inferences frankly that there is an investigation on the part of the fbi or the justice department and to a public corruption case that on its face smells to high heaven and that is the clinton foundation itself and its workings with hillary clinton as secretary of state,
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her state department and president bill clinton. >> lou that's where i have the least modicum of confidence and director comey because when he was asked about a foundation he very quickly said he is not responding to anything concerning a foundation. that, to me that says there may be, he may have an investigation going on there which is much easier for him to prosecute through the courts of the department of justice. lou: if indeed that turns out to be the case and indeed there is an investigation it would go a long way to restoring faith on the part of the american people but just as you said i don't believe the american people think they give one whit about them and frankly is corrupt to the bone.
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>> lou, we have to change the system the way the president controls the executive branch. congress has to have a system whereby they go to the supreme court and ask for an independent investigator. lou: it's about the ballot box and still about electoral politics in this country and that's a good thing that we had better have some people who standup on november 8 because otherwise i'm not particularly hopeful. congressman thanks for being with us as always. >> it's a pleasure. >> congressman tom marino one of the good guys be 83 days until the election to realclearpolitics shows -- helmut nordstrom has a quite different view of the outcome come november 8. how confident? he joins me next and he will
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chance that donald trump would win the election. we have come away since then. what does your model suggest now? >> the same thing. still 87% chance of winning. by all of the naysayers and the negative noise that we see in the national media unrelenting attacks on donald trump from every quarter still 87%. >> that's what the model said and i know few look at the polls right now that's not what the polls are saying but polls are above with some people feel today and the election is not for another -- lou: some people are asking themselves right now how accurate is professor norpoth's model and how accurate hasn't been in elections over time? >> i started this in 1996. it did the first forecast and i've done it for the last five presidential election years and
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the model has predicted the winner of the popular vote correctly each time. lou: each time, that's extraordinary and of course with the exception of 2000. i don't know how you judge that. some people say, how do you a value without your? >> it was a tricky one. that's why i predicted the popular vote to the model that predicts the popular vote in that election year does not project george bush would end up being president. lou: and it's pretty likely this year based on the way things were set up with the advantage to the democrat electorally that the winner of the popular vote will likely be the winner so you are still confident in your poll? >> it takes a very close election for this to happen. something like 50/50 it could
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happen that even in 2000 and four to has a proper account. lou: it was a proper recount. oh whatever. it's what they call it. professor is great to have you with us. >> no models. lou: helmut norpoth good to have you. award-winning actor joins me. he says donald trump is exactly what this country needs. >> i think there's going to be an egg up swelling more new ones the more we get into this and the more we find out about what happened with benghazi and e-mails and the choice america has. i think more and more people are going to want to vote for donald trump. lou: robert dobby who starred en bloc busters like die hard and the goonies, license to kill, actually we are all favorites,
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lou: our on line poll answers come at the conclusion reached 84% of you say it's not accidental that president obama has opened our borders to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants and muslim refugees each year. nothing like healthy skepticism. i would expected of our audience. joining me now award-winning actor, singer radio personality,
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great american, robert davi. great to have you here. >> it's great to be here, huge honor. lou: this man has been at donald trump supporter from jump street and it's fascinating to see you just stand up on june and declares you did your support for him. that's really impressive. he is right now taking flak. the man is being bombarded it's a constant unrelenting unfair nasty vicious assault. >> i expected that. i wrote about how the media and the g.o.p. elites on the left where the johnny friendly's. beating up on terry maloney who was on the inside and then went for the worker. i have a strategy for donald trump and what i think you should do.
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lou: the davi strategy. >> my cousin was a boxing champ one of the greatest boxing trainers of all time. he trained larry holmes and tyson for 10 years put don king and boxing. lou: don king and boxing by the way. >> it's a whole long story. donald trump during the primary counter punch. he called himself a counterpuncher. you counterpunch for your friends. they were g.o.p. guys. he needs offense. he said larry holmes and he was in the training camp or eight years keep the jab going a keep them off balance. hillary is already off balance. keep it in motion. donald trump is america's eagles with those wide springs looking over america with the vision. read the falcons and i called the falcons capitalist in absentia. no one has ever done this and i always wondered why. i had a friend discuss this with me.
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i was wondered if you are presidents of candidate why don't you announce to assure cabinet announced those falcons because the stock ends, he has some of them that are out there and they are very effective but imagine -- lou: i think everybody understands it. >> he needs 15 cabinet members or so and every 48 hours and imagine them in control. hillary is only going to put up another communist. we know what that's going to get that these falcons that are going to get those rows that are trying to peck out his eyes is the most important thing we can do right now besides in terms of his policy speech. lou: we should remind everybody at 9:00 eastern tonight donald trump will be for the second time in two days delivering a major policy speech on the war against law enforcement, law and order ses styled his candidacy
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so we will bring bring a t. the fox business network at 9:00. what do you think the outlook is for him right now? >> i think it because on the offense if he gets those guys out there up front, men or women and i have a few ideas about that but if he does that he will keep them off balance. he will control the news cycle and they won't do this white noise. it's like when you are doing this minutia nonsense, the white noise of what he said here in what he said there and going forward on that. let's get the big ideas. let's get these falcons flying and get those crows. lou: i think that's a fascinating idea. >> no one has done it before. lou: i love your political strategies based on boxing. i like that. robert davi thank you so much. if you are in new york catch robber performing at 54 below
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