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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  August 19, 2016 12:00pm-2:01pm EDT

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conversation happened. collin did use a personal aol for unclassified messages but used a state computer on his desk to manage classified documents. stuart: uh-oh. ashley: that's not good for hillary clinton. stuart: no, it's not. ashley: kind of refutes what she said. stuart: we're out of time. ashley: yeah,. stuart: charles payne, though, has a couple of hours to spare. go ahead. charles: thank you, guys. new changes of trump's leadership team and new changes to trump. this is cavuto coast to coast i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto. paul manafort is out of the campaign, this of course was telegraphed earlier in the week with conway and both now leading the campaign. sources saying that campaign chair paul manafort is stepping down because he might worn out his welcome. but questions lobbying for the ukraine could also be the real reason he left. this is actually something that eric trump all but confirmed from maria bartiromo. in an interview that will be aired on sunday, but here's a snippet. >> i think my father didn't want to be distracted by whatever things paul was
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dealing with. and, you know, paul was amazing. and, you know, he helped us get through the primary process. he helped us get through the convention. he did a great job with the delegates. you know? and now you look at, you know, kelly anne and some of the people we're bringing in, and they're absolutely fantastic, and i think they're going to be the ones that bring us all the way through november 8th and ultimately get the victory. but, again, my father didn't want to have the distracter looming over the campaign and quite frankly looming all of the issues that hillary's facing right now. charles: many saying donald trump is hitting his stride and even striking a more apologyic tone. take a listen. >> sometimes in the heat of dete and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don't choose the right words, or you say the wrong thing. i have done that and believe it or not, i regret it. charles: real clear politics
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reporter caitlyn burns on this fast moving fall out. the news keeps moving along. let's start with manafort. it was telegraphed but initially the campaign said that this wasn't a shift necessarily in leadership but a broadening in responsibilities. >> right. so this is certainly big news for the trump campaign. and it does come off a really big well received speech by trump last night in charlotte, touring the baton rouge afloat disowns today. it comes today a big tough summer. as his son alluded to manafort political dealings had become a distraction for the campaign certainly. and also been really down in the polls nationally. and in battleground states. so this is a completion of the shift that trump wants to make. charles: well, just didn't only have a good speech last night, but had three well received speeches his campaign saying the true trump is coming out.
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i think maybe you think back to the acceptance speech. >> uh-huh. charles: i alone am the one who can fix this. maybe the realization that kellyanne conway method may be the best way to go, making a decisive move here. >> right. and she's going to be and has been traveling with trump really offering advice in messaging and realtime. that's quickly for a candidate like donald trump. also including what she knows about polls. and manafort and a former campaign manager cory lewandowski really clash over this idea of letting trump be trump. kind of embracing the tactics and approach that he thought worked in the primary and wanted to continue in the general election. manafort had a different direction. so the shakeup earlier this week was really seen as a rejection of the manafort sit tight -- charles: but by the same token. they're not reembracing the lewandowski style either. maybe this is a happy place in the middle somewhere?
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>> it remains to be seen. but what we've seen from last night's speech and his behavior today, it seems like it's kind of a hybrid of the two. charles: right? >> again, remains to be seen how he handles this. last night he gave a scripted speech, many republicans are saying that they could see tones of kellyanne conway's influence on that. charles: also donald trump launching a big battleground state today and pushing hard on the trail, holding rallies in michigan and minnesota tonight. and then he's heading out to virginia tomorrow. hillary clinton, her next big rally isn't until sunday. you think to a agree maybe the democrats are getting a little complacent here? >> well, that's certainly going to be a concern among democrats. you're already hearing them talking in fundraising e-mails. you've heard the president urge democrats not to become complacent. but at the same time -- charles: of course urges them. not to do this from a golf course. >> right. at the same time, democrats also are looking at all the news coming from the trump
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campaign in terms of shakeups, turmoil, and that sort of thing. and there's a strategy among democrats that says let's let that take over the narrative. we don't need to overstep. so she's holding kind of smaller events. she's going to be out on the campaign trail again. she and tim kaine are out. but certainly a strategy among democrats. charles: and to your point, flipping around the channels this morning, i heard one of the -- one station call this move manafort. trump 3.0 in disarray the campaign in turmoil. so they are in a large degree going to work on perhaps what hillary clinton would do. they pulled money from key battleground states. now, we've already seen polls this week start tightening up on a national level. it seems to me they have to be extraordinary confident or cocky or combination of both. >> well, i think they were
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looking at this battleground state poll especially in places like virginia and colorado where they were ahead of trump by double digits. such a significant lead, especially right now. they could reengage. but they're also on air without competition until today. remember, donald trump launched his campaign advertising -- first advertising the general election today. so if they start to put money back into those states, that will also be a sign of what they're seeing internally about how this race is shaping up. charles: all right. it is one heck of a horse race. kentucky derby move. we'll talk to you again soon. have a great weekend. donald trump looking at flood damage in louisiana today, the flood is receding, but 40,000 homes have been damaged statewide by this flooding. 95,000 louisiana residents now seeking help from fema. the maximum, by the way, payout from fema it for flood damage is $33,000. historically people never get anything close to that amount. many say that the government actually should be doing a lot
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more and doing more for help. in the next hour, i'm going to have head of fema on to respond to critics of the program and of course the pleas of the residents of louisiana. but first, i want to go to nick who's one of the residents asking for help. his grocery store was flooded. nick, how hopeful are you -- we have a photograph of your grocery store on screen now that you'll be able to get the kind of help you need to recover from this from our government? >> yeah. i'm just hoping that they come through, you know? i mean we haven't seen president obama here yet. i mean i would think, you know, back in katrina whenever everything came up in new orleans, president bush was there, and i know he was chastised about it not being there early enough. but we're going on a week now, and we haven't seen the president. we do appreciate fema. they're taking applications right now to help us in our area.
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we were flooded down in louisiana. i had both of my stores had had knee-deep floodwater in it. and, you know, we just appreciate -- we have a great community. the good thing about it is we actually have a navy with a lot of boats that came through and rescued everybody. so it was wonderful. the people down there are wonderful. charles: what we've seen as a nation and what have you guys done to come together and support each other is absolutely wonderful. but this is going to be a difficult part. rebuilding is really, really tough. now, you didn't have insurance, did you on your store? >> we didn't have it on one store. but at lake market, we had it. and i had it at my house. we got flooded in all three locations. charles: so i'm looking at a list of all the grants that were given by fema over the years. and the average for hurricane sandy was $7,000. will that be enough to get you back on your feet? >> absolutely not. it might stock my refrigerator and a couple of others. but there's no way.
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i mean sheetrock needs to be pulled out, some of these houses i went to were completely destroyed, you know? i mean they had, you know -- i went by store yesterday had gas tanks floating in the parking lot, you know? and houses were just turned upside down. $7,000 just not a drop in the bucket. charles: well, next hour i'm going to talk to the head of fema. maybe we'll find out if they're going to make some adjustments because they have over the years. and in the meantime we wish you luck and, listen, we -- we really do marvel at you folks down there. you guys always come through these tragedies, and i'm sure you will again. and we'll keep the pressure on the other end. thank you, buddy. >> thank you god bless. charles: you too. many there is not louisiana simply saying government is leaving them out to dry. one telling the wall street journal that the government bails out a company or another country, and you've got a good section of the state of louisiana in total loss, and you're going to offer us $33,000 to replace
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everything? john on the government's priorities are all wrong. john, 33,000 is the max for these grants. not enough? >> no. it's not enough. and you have to understand fema's priorities here. and, listen, if you're nick, the guy down there, the navy they're great people down there in louisiana, and they do always come together. but when you're looking at it from nick's point of view and you're seeing billions of dollars go overseas to aid and coming to him the $7,000 you mention on average for hurricane sandy, then i too would be pretty upset about this. but fema's obligation here. what they say that they're doing is that they're giving people a life vest, not a lifeboat. they're just trying to get them to help them get through some trouble times so that they can rebuild. they're not actually giving them enough to rebuild themselves. not making excuses for fema, i'm just telling you what fema's point of view on this whole theme is. and the problem that you have is lack of insurance in most of these places. and it's how you get that insurance. is it mandatory in the low income areas you're going to
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have to get subsidies for these insurance. but only 45% of businesses in the high risk areas had insurance. only 12%, say, in baton rouge had insurance. and that's one of the problems you had post building is because a lot of these people either didn't have the money or didn't have the preparedness to pay that $700 a month for that hurricane insurance. charles: you know, john, it's really one of the tough because things we want our government obviously to respond to one of these things. and then on the other end of the equation, people say these programs when you make them too rich, people take risks. but so did wall street; right? i mean wall street took i whole bunch of risk, and they got a trillion-dollar bail out. and of course we help other people in other countries out of the judeo christian nature of our country. so where -- how do we find that magic point where we make sure that some of these programs aren't -- people aren't ripping them off and taking fema money and buying coats. but b by the same token we
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help americans? >> you replace 538 members of congress, charles because they're bought by wall street and because their demographics of different locales around the world as far as foreign aid, it's just not as appealing to send money to flood victims. and that is a terrible shame. what you're going to have to do, charles, is you're going to have to help these people get some type of insurance. those that can afford it will pay the $700 a year for that insurance. it pays off about $250,000 for property, $100,000 extra for lost extra things that you lose that goes with your house when it gets flooded. and for those that can't, you're going to have to find some type of subsidy for low income because it's actually a lot easier and cheaper forgetful to help these people get insurance than it is to come in post fact. charles: right? >> and then try to salvage their home. charles: right. hey, john, stay there, and i want to remind the audience that the head of fema, craig, will join us in next hour to respond to all of these criticisms and give us an update on the relief efforts going on down there.
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and the red cross is accepting donations for these flood victims. you can help call 1800 red cross or donate through their website, www well, the stock market a little shaky. we were down 80, the dow's off 14 right now. in part because they're not sure about interest rates. also come to the end of the he didn't season. investors obviously it just -- very, veriancy. and then there's that central bankers meeting in jackson hole, wyoming. janet yellen expected to set the expectations of slow pace for rate headaches. john, this meeting in wyoming has taken on a greater and greater importance of what the telegraph of the fed is going to be and the global central bank is going to be. is that where we might get more decisiveness from the market? from the fed, and i just don't think we're going to get it, guys. they're five going to the guys in ten foot of water. 18 months ago they should have raised rates, and they missed that window. also missed what was going on with unemployment in america. it was structural.
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and you can have interest rates negative, and you're not going to help a labor force participation rate increase significantly because of that. they've missed the basic dynamics of the american economy. so i don't have a lot of faith in the fed here. right now, how do you raise interest rates with gdp of around 1.2%? charles: yeah. well, even if it does go over three this quarter, your point is right. it has been so low for so long, they have no real justification, and yet it's not helping any average person. john, have a good weekend, buddy. >> thanks, charles. charles: thank you. it only took seven months but next the stunning admission from the state department. you got a hint of it right there
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developments regarding that iran payment. state department admitting the 400 million payments iran was used as quote leverage to help get those hostages released. this after of course denying this for months that congressman mark meadows from the very start. congressman, they've all but admitted it. although they're still pushing back on using the r word, they've used leverage, they've used every other thing in the dictionary and the thesaurus. so now that we've come this far, the state department has played this out to the point there's so much pressure in part to state representatives like you. what's the next step? >> well, i think the next step is to make sure that doesn't ever happen again. we've had really a policy that says we don't negotiate with terrorists or those regimes that support terrorism. and yet here we are -- they're not wanting to use the ransom word, but you and i and the vast majority of the american people know that it was indeed a ransom. you know, at first it was no correlation.
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now they're saying, well, they used it as leverage. we know it was ransom. the problem is that it's going to start really a trend of foreign policy where we're going to have to start negotiating with terrorists. we already saw bergdahl, and we let five terrorists loose for him. we've got to stop it, we've got to make sure that the state department is held accountable. and certainly we need to make sure that hillary clinton either acknowledges that it was ransom and she won't continue -- where is she? she's been silent on all of this, and it's time that she speaks up as well. charles: yeah, it would be good, and i think -- i -- you know, the same sort of pressure that got finally someone at the state department to fess up probably is occurring within her own campaign as well. and it's probably something she's going to have to contemplate. of course she's going to say she had nothing to do with it. but her fingerprints are all over this thing. >> it is. her fingerprints are all over it because she's been part of this foreign policy. and this whole 400 million
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didn't just pop up. this goes back to 19 want and then all of a sudden coincidentally we have it released in cash. in cash, mind you, and they said, well, we can't -- we couldn't legally give them a check or anything else. if it was really a negotiation on a outstanding indebtedness, there would be no prohibition of giving that. so to send a pile of cash, it stinks. it really is what it is. it's ransom, and it's something that has to be stopped. charles: absolutely. i want to shift topics because we have breaking news from collin. encouraged her to create a private e-mail over dinner one night. he's saying he doesn't have a recollection of that particular conversation. although he did send her an e-mail, and he mentioned that he was using an aol account for her personal stuff, not for business. what are your thoughts on this, congressman? >> well, this typical hillary continues to talk about her
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server, that, you know, she's putting blame on everyone else other than herself. she's lied to the american people. now she's lying about what someone else told her to do. she knew what classified information was. she knew what she had a responsibility. and yet here she is trying to blame everybody else for her improper behavior. i applaud secretary powell for coming out and saying earning really that. it's a nice way of saying perhaps she was not telling the truth and trying to place blame on him as well. charles: well, he's a master diplomat. we both know that. what about the fbi notes? apparently the story emanated because of those fbi notes. any likelihood any other breakthroughs can come through? i know that there's some -- there's some -- some things can't be articulated to the public, but obviously this was. >> well, you know, they're heavily redacted. and it's interesting for all
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of this to not be a national security risk, and it to be so heavily redacted that i can't even look at it with my clearance, it says that there's something not legitimate in terms of the line of discourse that's coming from hillary clinton. she continues to walk back that, you know, she did nothing improper. but yet one of the things that hasn't been reported, charles, is that the sworn testimony, she's real quick to say, well, we need to do that in a different setting. we need to do that in a classified setting. charles: right? >> so she knows on the back and forth of members of congress to invoke it. but somehow not on a private server. charles: governor, have a great weekend. thank you very much. >> great to be with you. charles: is the war with viacom finally over? wait until you hear the latest details. we've got them for you. next
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. charles: the fight for viacom finally nearing an end. adam shapiro has the details. adam? >> reporter: you sound really happy about it! [laughter]. >> reporter: take a look at the two year chart on the stock. back in 2014, this stock was worth almost $90 a share, today trading at $43 a share, philippe dauman is out. there is going to be a presentation to the viacom board of directors and the redstone family essentially, why they may want to sell a 49 stake in paramount studios. here's what the deal does, leaves him with $72 million departure package and ends the three court cases working their way in different states for control of viacom and cbs essentially.
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sumner redstone, 93 years old, retains control. shari redstone said she was never interfering with this, her father is making the decisions but creates a trust for the receivership or inheritance going forward should mr. redstone become incapacitated or unable to mak the decisions based on mental capacities. charles, back to you. >> thanks a lot. charlie gasparino is here, and he was ahead of everyone on this. you were calling this, man. >> not a surprise. there were very few options. the reason we knew he was out is when his advisers, and i spoke with a lot of them over the course of three, four months, basically threw in the towel. his reputation was shot. in the media, no way he could hold on. they were trying to have one last hurrah, which is the sale of the paramount unit because he's out for the sale. couldn't put that together. interesting story in the sense, i'll let the viewer decide
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where to go with this if you want to buy the stock, that's where we come out of this thing. part of our job is to tell viewers what are good investments or not. philippe dauman in 2014 was at the top of his game. the stock was at all-time high, the king of media almost that the time and only took two years before the thing came crashing down. did it come crashing down because he's inept, didn't know what was going on, or are there bigger, existential forces out there in the media cable world that is forcing it, and i would say it's more of the latter. we have right now a situation where big companies, like viacom and others where their content is being cut, and, you know, they're not making as much money, and they haven't figured out the business model. cord cutting is crushing media companies, going to happen to every one of them, when i was talking to somebody that is associated with --
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charles: you got to do a disney, you got to do other things. i'm looking at the etf for media, virtually unchanged. viacom is down 40%. >> right, there's a lot of stopgaps. i was talking to adviser of dauman who told me when he conceded that dauman was all but going to step down. and we reported this over a month ago, it was just a matter of time. they were talking about cord cutting, when people don't need two subscriptions, they need one, and it's crushing the sale, the importance of the content. and disney may have a short-term plan for that. charles: there's a challenge for all of them. my 19-year-old son only watches tv when he watches it with me. he has a tv in his room and plays video games. >> by the way, espn is cutting jobs. charles: you will be back next hour with news on hillary
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clinton and wall street. >> talk about is she getting number from big banks? the number contradicts the reality, so to speak. charles: the future of the economy is in question. the money guy says if investors are happy with growth, we're seeing now, we're all in a lot of trouble. we'll be right back. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms.
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. charles: breaking news. governor of florida rick scott just saying five cases of zika are believed to have been
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contracted in miami beach. the governor has requested additional support for the centers of disease control and prevention. stocks are down today, but we're near-record levels. many saying the market could be helping hillary clinton. is the stock market rally because of the white house or despite of it? we've seen anemic growth under president obama, the average recovery 1.5%, never been that low. in fact, president obama the first president since hoover not to have one year of gdp growth above 3%. brian westbury. i threw the other part in just for you. >> that's good, charles. >> talk to us about the market. i can tell you right now literally millions of people missed the stock market rally because president obama was president. >> right. i agree. but focusing too much on politics, sometimes keeps you from seeing the racehorses, if you will, that are the great companies of america.
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i mean we could list a ton of them right now. everybody's got an iphone in their pocket or something close. unbelievable companies, they throw off huge profits and doing it in spite of bad policies that are hurting a lot of americans. so we have the two economies. one that's doing really well, and that's the private sector, one that's doing poorly, that's the government sector. charles: but the private sector has seen the anemic gdp growth, wages stagnate. we've seen entrepreneurship reaching record lows. >> right. charles: how's the private sector doing that well? >> right, yeah. you know, charles, the gdp itself, you know this, gdp itself is a conglomerate of all of it, right? so it's the racehorses that are these unbelievably great companies, but it also is the dead horses of government. for example, windmills are losers. there's no way a windmill would have ever been put up if the
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only reason it was put up is for profit because they don't make a profit, they make a loss. charles: let me piggyback off that for a moment. it feels like there are two americas, a bifurcated economy, and those who are doing extraordinarily well, and those who aren't, are sinking, it's playing out in the election. how do we get those who are sinking fortunes to match the stock market? >> cut the size of government. if you count on government for your living, you're going nowhere. i mean, france for 40 years has had 2% growth and 8% unemployment. they've had the middle class destroyed and incomes falling forever, and if we don't want to turn into france, if we don't want to become europe, we need to cut government spending and cut taxes. charles: brian wesbury, have a great weekend, talk to you soon. >> thanks, charles. >> hillary clinton is pushing for more taxes and more government and donald trump is pushing for less taxes and less
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government. jean paul is with us, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. charles: one is designed to grow the economy, the other is to redistribute the wealth in the economy? >> that's correct, when we look at it, each one is speaking to their people. you're the people that are going to vote for me, i'm going to tell you what you want to hear. hillary is saying i want the masses voting for me, the bad guys, doesn't talk about the 100 million+ she has. so her thing of more government, more taxes, it hasn't worked in the last eight years. it's not going to continue to work. we have one of the worst growth records in history coming out of a recession, but we have to remember it's political. she's saying what she thinks the voters want to hear, and believe. now after the election, will she do those things? who knows. a lot of politicians don't. donald trump is saying a lot of things that make a lot of sense. do i like donald trump's
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demeanor? absolutely not. is he saying things that make a lot of sense? yes. what they're missing out on is if we reduce the government and reduce the tax a little bit, what are we doing in the middle to make sure the government is just as efficient as it was with ten people let's say with only eight people. that's all efficiencies you've got to put in. there was a study during the reagan administration by mr. grace and company. a billionaire, time, energy, and the report came out that said the answer to balancing our budget is one-third of all federal employees don't need that job. charles: when we shut down the government, we saw the list of nonessential workers. grace moved to boca, right? >> yeah. charles: i want to pick up what you said, fema not giving enough money. a lot of people in louisiana who want to vote for donald trump want the government to give them more than $33,000. >> that's correct. charles: in our own personal
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lives we see the folly of government waste and spending but times what needed to be larger with respect to us. that's one of the conundrums, isn't it? >> certainly is. when you look at it this way, once people get used to somebody else giving them stuff, they're entitled to it, they get lazy. when they get lazy they want more stuff, more regulations. in reality, if they realize, hey, let's give stuff when we need it, after that, go to the workforce. charles: that would be great. then you don't have to raise the size of the government. jean, you are one of the business heroes, started in one of the roughest economic periods out there. entrepreneurship has dropped so low. a lot of americans have given up on the notion they can come out, pull their lives up by the bootstraps, what are they missing? >> you can do it. don't listen to the news. you can do it. people get the negative information from politicians especially. they figure wow, what an
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unsettled time, let's be secure as can be, they must realize they can do it, it works as easy today. can you do it as easy j.p. as you did in 1990 when you started paul mitchell and never borrowed a penny? yes. 12% unemployment, 10.5%. interest rates, 17%. waited in line for gasoline. that was 80 and 81, yet we were able to start a company with little to no money. today with the internet and everything else going on, it's easier to start a business whether you have something tangible or intangible than ever before. people have to believe in themselves. i love to share two little things america has to remember. charles: quickly. >> number one is be prepared for a lot of rejection, if you are prepared for it, you'll overcome it. and number two is do everything it takes, successful people do the things unsuccessful people want to do and don't do it on their own. charles: can i borrow your
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money to talk to my sales team? [laughter] >> thank you very much. >> love you out there, guys, all of you. charles: appreciate it. the latest on lochte how he could stand to lose millions, right after this. ♪ across new york state, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica, creative business incentives, infrastructure investment, university partnerships, and the lowest taxes in decades are creating a stronger economy and the right environment in new york state for business to thrive. let us help grow your company's tomorrow- today at
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. >> reporter: i'm nicole petallides with your fox business brief. stocks lower for the dow and the s&p, down arrows. the dow down 37 points, a loss of one quarter of 1%. the s&p 500 losing 4.
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the nasdaq interestingly losing 5. the nasdaq is going for eight weeks straight, we haven't seen that in 6 1/2 years, that obviously is something we're watching closely. though it is slightly to the down side. here are the nasdaq's weekly winners, micron and applied materials which is a winner after numbers in the latest quarter. also see skyworks on there as net app. take a look at pandora nearing a deal for streaming demand not only in the states but abroad with a tiered multiple payment plan subscription, pandora up 3.5%. the gap sales which have been relatively weak were not as bad as expected, and with that, the stock is up 2.3%. more "cavuto" after the break. o. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy.
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(announcer vo) you can sit in traffic. or you can crack up.
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(man on radio) but if it isn't refreshing... (announcer vo) sorry traffic, we laugh 'til it hurts. siriusxm. road happy. . charles: so the big question now is ryan lochte about to lose millions. the embattled olympic swimmer apologizing for misrepresenting what happened in rio. defense attorney brian claypool said it could be too little to save his endorsements. the statement he put out was crafted in part by one of the companies he does endorsements with, the japanese company, i think it's airweave. so it looks like some of these folks are trying to rally around him, but what does he have to do from here? >> well, he's got to start worrying about his legal woes and stop focusing on endorsements. he might have fought battle in
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rio but facing a new battle in a courtroom. and i find it rather offensive that he's crafting an apology in conjunction with a company that he has an endorsement with. he has to focus on his personal behavior and look inwardly and ask himself how i behave affects other people across this world. he's a role model, and charles, what's the effect of his behavior on people across the nation? this is enabling. this is enabling his behavior. the fact we're talking about his endorsements and not talking about how he should be held responsible for the crimes he committed in rio. charles: some are saying we might be jumping to conclusions to call him a crime, a few guys got drunk, got rowdy, but the other side of this, brian, maybe there was an overreaction, maybe guns should. maybe he embellished the story, there was a kernel of truth at least and we should keep that
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in mind as well. >> charles i couldn't disagree with you more. there are two components to this, the vandalism and after that outwardly and knowingly lying about what happened. two different things. if this was just about, hey, we went and partied a little bit. we got a little drunk, and we vandalized a bathroom at a gas station, if that's it, i would agree with you. but when you go out and canvass national and international tv the next day and you flat-out lie about what happened, file a false police report, that's a crime. in california, charles, that's a felony! >> well, we saw one of the -- >> and to address it -- one more point about the gun issue, too. i find it rather ironic and hypocritical, maybe the security guard pulled a gun, we
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had riots in dallas where we had police officers pulling guns on innocent peaceful protesters. i find that rather hypocritical. charles: i'm not sure what you're talking about there, brian, i want to circle back to the story, what happens from here. one of the swimmers paid 11 grand, would it be smart for lochte to find a way to get there asap, listen, it got out of hand, i made a mistake, would that settle it legally and get him on a path to restoring his reputation? >> he definitely needs to make an apology, but if i was his lawyer, i would not recommend he go to brazil to do it. if he's indicted charles, the issue whether he could be extradited from the united states to brazil is a big question in play, that's in doubt right now. >> that will keep it in the news also, though. yeah, that is true, but again i would not recommend he go back to brazil at this point.
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he does definitely need to make a heartfelt apology. that's a good starting point. charles: brian claypool, thank you very much, appreciate it. >> you bet. charles: the clinton foundation says they're going to do something magnanimous, stop accepting donations if hillary clinton wins the presidency. what about the conflict of interest when she was secretary of state? you do all this research on a perfect car,
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then smash it into a tree.
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your insurance company raises your rates. maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. just one of the many features that comes standard with our base policy. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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. >> the clinton foundation saying if hillary clinton is elected president, it won't take donations from foreign governments. gary bauer is saying, why was she accepting them while secretary of state? gary, great point, great question. you really have to wonder, don't you? >> it's incredible, charles. and by the way, good to be with you. look, this is like al capone robbing every bank in town and
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saying if you make him the head of the police department, he'll stop robbing banks! just to remind our viewers, for a number of years now, companies and countries gave huge donations to the clinton foundation, while hillary clinton was secretary of state and those companies and those countries, some of them really bad places that violate human rights, had business before the state department. it is outrageous. it is the very description of corruption, and now they're saying, wow, just give us the white house, and we'll stop doing what we've been doing essentially quite frankly all of their lives. the clintons have provided a new scandal, very conveniently, every decade for the american people to deal with. charles: they've also, i guess, you can argue, provided a new level of hubris every decade, too.
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some people say two sets of laws but feel the sets of laws are established by the fact they push, they have a history of pushing the boundaries, don't they? and so far gotten away with it? >> there are no boundaries it seems when you look at clintons and operations of their finances and the things they've been able to get away with. look, charles, i listened to last guest, interesting discussion, the whole country is in turmoil about a couple of our american swimmers and whether they lied about what happened in a bathroom somewhere in rio and whether their story was a lie or not? it was the lead news last night on several of the national networks, and the clinton story was number five, number six. we're talking about a level of corruption with the clintons that makes what happened in a bathroom in rio look like a practical joke, and yet, time and time again, the clintons get away with it. i don't know if you saw the other development today, when
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you go into government, you have to take ethics courses because there's a lot of ethical restriction. charles: right. >> apparently, hillary clinton and her top staff did not take the courses at the state department. charles: right, i read that there is no evidence they've taken them, and i'm sure people are going to delve into that. what do you make of it? is part of the reason though, i get the mainstream media part of this, is also part of the reason that washington is designed in a way where people can get away with this? we had benghazi hearings. we had hillary clinton called in for a couple of things. we had people from the obama administration called into testify before congress over and over and over again, and there never seems to be resolution, once it's said and done, irs targeting the tea party. no one is held accountable and the structure itself is not designed to bring justice for the american people. >> amen, charles. look, i've been in washington way too many years.
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i won't even admit how many years. there is in this city a sort of low constant level of corruption that permeates our institutions. it's there, ought to be a major theme of this campaign. now, i have to say that the last 7 1/2 years have been even worse because the side i'm generally on, conservatives, et cetera, and looking at republican congress, they haven't been very effective in being able to zero in on the corruption. they're holding people accountable. that means if hillary clinton wins, we're going to get even more of it in her administration. you are right, there ought to be people in jail at the veterans administration, it undermines the rule of law and undermines the american people's confidence in their form of government when people get away with what they're getting away with now. charles: appreciate your expertise, see you soon. up next, the head of fema is going to be here, we're
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going to talk about the criticism that's being leveled at his agency, people are suffering. they want to know what fema is going to do beyond what they've done in the past, which some say is too little too late. we'll be right back.
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. charles: the flooding is receding but the damage has been done. welcome back to cavuto "coast-to-coast." i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto. 95,000 residents seeking help from fema. 17 million has been approved for rental assistance, home repairs and other disaster-related costs. the maximum fema payout for flood damage is $33,000. many in louisiana say that's not nearly enough to cover damages. to the head of fema, craig fugate who joins us by phone. thank you for joining us, it's a very desperate time, we understand time is busy here. the main cry we're hearing from people is they're not getting enough money and the 33,000 is simply not going to be enough
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for an area, which understandably didn't have flood insurance because it's not an area known for flooding. >> that's correct. this is how congress designed the program. fema was designed to be a fixall, really a safety net, the amount of money is not going to make people whole, we're working closely with partners at housing and urban development. other volunteer groups will be providing assistance, and looking how we maximize our resources to get people back in their homes. we may not make them fully whole or prepared but focus on getting people back in their homes, if we can't get them back in their homes, provide other alternatives to give them more time to see what other solutions are out there. charles: i know you didn't set these caps but you can understand if someone does not have enough money to get back into their homes with the amounts you're offering, how it feels disingenuous, you can
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understand the anger of folks who pay taxes and feel this is the one time they needed the government to step up, and they didn't? >> this is not new to the disaster. this is the way programs run all the way through previous disasters. this is about responsibility and sharing that responsibility. again, we know our programs don't make people whole, but are working to get people places to stay and start the recovery process. this is really where it takes a lot of other agencies and resources to get people back in their homes, and again, as we've seen time and time again in disasters, there is no substitution for insurance. that's one thing we caution people about flood insurance, you may not live in an area that requires flood insurance, if you're in an area that is at risk of flooding, home owners policies don't cover it, that is your best defense, knowing that these people didn't have flood insurance, we're going to have to look at what our programs can do, what congress
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directed us to do with the programs and look at other federal programs. the other big player is small business administration for disaster loans for home loans and businesses that have uninsured losses. this will be a partnership of federal agencies working together but again, it is about sharing this responsibility and trying to get people back on their feet and their homes. charles: i know you don't want to sound too insensitive, but you're saying to a large degree, the folks in this part of town, this part of louisiana, it's their fault, they didn't have insurance, and that's why everyone is behind the 8 ball right now? >> that's what you said. what i said is without insurance the fema programs don't provide enough recovery to make people whole and the people without insurance, it's much tougher to help the recovery. charles: craig, i know these are called assisting grants. do they have to be paid back? >> no, no. charles: good, good. >> the small business administration loans would be -- you pay back low interest over a long time.
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but our grants are not required any repayment, and that is why i think, again, they are set to provide a level of assistance to start a recovery but it will not make a full recovery. we have to look at our other partners and tools out there. if you qualify through fema grant, there is no requirement to repay the grant as long as you are qualified to get the funds. charles: there is a fair amount of local criticism down there that president obama hasn't shown up, but i've heard, where the white house is saying that through fema, he is communicating. is people at main conduit between the white house and those people in louisiana trying to get things back in order? >> right now, again, we were primary working with all of our federal agencies supporting governor edwards. governor edwards has been in conversations with the president, i've been in conversation with the president. he's been very clear on our direction, and again, the president's direction is w
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he does visit disaster areas, he doesn't want to get there when we're still committing resources to response, and diverting that away, if he does make a trip. so right now, this was not a disaster just happened and ended. that would be different. we're working with the state, they're still doing search and rescues, areas they have to check again to make sure everybody did get out of the state. to get to that point, if you bring the president, you're pulling resources away from those that were helping the people, and president obama is sensitive not wanting to pull resources from people until that part of the response is stabilized. charles: craig fugate, thank you very much, i appreciate it. >> thank you. charles: donald trump and mike pence are tour the damage in louisiana, the editor of local louisiana newspaper calling on president obama for not cutting short his vacation. here's what he told your world on fox yesterday.
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>> i think regardless of whether you like a president, this is an emergency that calls for a muscular federal response, and the best way to signal to the entire federal government that you intend to have a muscular response is for the president to come. charles: association of business president steve is with us. steve, thanks for joining. you heard craig fugate of fema saying and i think echoed by the governor of louisiana as well, this would be a bad time for president obama to come down there, he would distract, he would take resources and right now they need all hands on deck trying to help and clear the area and restore order. >> i disagree. president needs to be here. the white house came out and said, look, the president can't be everywhere, i agree, he can't. he can be somewhere, and that somewhere is here. this is the biggest national tragedy this country has had since superstorm sandy. that's one part of the story.
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the other part of the story is the tremendous heroic actions day in and day out by the police in louisiana here. the president needs to put a spotlight on the actions to see how the community is responding to the tragedy. charles: steve, are you satisfied that the federal government is doing all it can quick enough even without the president visiting there? i know jeh johnson was visiting yesterday? >> there's been presidential declaration, 20 parishes included in that. there's 50,000 businesses and 600,000 employees, most of the areas are flooded, tens of thousands of homes displaced. it's going to be a huge recovery, so they are on the ground now, but this is going to be multiple weeks, multiple months, a long-term commitment to see if they see the job through. charles: we just had the head of fema on, and i want to ask you because there's a lot of frustration because people are saying, wow, they didn't
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realize. this the max is 33,000, if you look historically, the numbers don't match that superstorm sandy. the average payout was 9 or 10 grand, even less for katrina. is this a way to figure out the way the federal government can come to the rescue of americans in a robust manner that gets them whole and back on their feet rather than a tourniquet? >> unfortunately we have experience dealing with fema. this is our third presidential declaration due to flooding, we remember the tragedies of katrina and gustav and ike, a number of times we dealt with fema. are people are war battle tested to deal with fema. we understand the assets and limitations it can provide. that's why you see the people step up and take action on their own. that's why when the storm first hit, we didn't wait for the state or the feds to tell us what to do, our fishermen got in their own boats and saved
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friends and total shelters. our citizens opened up their own shelter. stocked it, volunteered it with own supplies. we don't wait for the state and the feds to come here, we take action on our own. we understand fema has its role and has clear limitations and know throughout the recovery, we want them to be a good partner but we have to look at ourselves and bring it back ourselves. >> the rest of the nation is marvelled and applauded what you guys have done. unfortunately have you experience in this, you stepped up to the plate, we're rooting for you and the best-case scenario will evolve from here. thank you so much. >> thank you, charles, appreciate it. charles: really appreciate it. the red cross is accepting donations for flood victims, call 1-800-red cross or donate through as trump is touring flood damaged louisiana, he's focusing on the campaign, a new change, paul manafort has
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resigned amid to his ties to the ukraine. vince, nice seeing you in studio. >> nice seeing you, thank you. charles: everyone saying donald trump had a remarkable week. a major shift. he gave three well-received speeches, he had a mea culpa thing if you will last night. manafort's out, where do you see it going from here? >> if you were looking for a trump pivot, this is the week to circle and say trump pivoted here. not only did he give three well-received speeches, the fact he's shedding the baggage of the offensive comments sweepingly, he has regrets, i expect the press, who by the way has totally begun to campaign against trump to stretch out the regret question, what do you regret? charles: even republicans who are in the never trump camp are saying are the regrets around the debates? to your point, it's going to linger, opened up a door and going to continue to evolve.
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>> and manafort leaving, it was right to do on a friday. this is the culmination of a week they were doing a reset. manafort was the head coach a team not putting points on the scoreboard. they are losing badly. it was time to change the coach and manafort is out. charles: kellyanne conway is in. what's the role of stephen bannon who is described as bare knuckle brawler type, more corey lewandowski style, which is being rejected. what's his role going to be? >> ultimately, you got a guy, i think what trump sees in steve bannon, he's much closer to the average trump voter in understanding what appeals to them. letting trump have more leash, more license to be himself is essential. it was essential in his success in the primary and going to be essential in the general. look at all the speeches up until now we've seen in the manafort area he gave off of teleprompters.
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they seem stilted. wonky policy speeches and ad-libbing was hilarious and bad. now we're seeing speeches on teleprompter but more in the voice of donald trump. bannon brings that. charles: nice seeing you. >> thank you. charles: more e-mails for hillary clinton, colin powell responding saying he has no recollection of the conversation but did tell hillary he used an aol account for unclassified messages. to former bush 43 spokesperson mercedes schlapp. you want to talk about pivots going bad? every time she pivots on the e-mail thing she finds another trap door. >> hillary clinton should avoid e-mails altogether, charles, come on. interesting clinton said she's going to shift the blame over to colin powell out of all people. there were different circumstances that existed at the time.
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under colin powell, for example, the technology officers were very well aware of his personal use of e-mail. in hillary clinton's case, that was not the same thing. she might have taken this apparent advice by powell but failed to follow the state department policies which clearly we know that the agency officials would have rejected her use of personal e-mail if they would have known about the personal server. charles: so, i don't know, where do we go from here? feels like the public is weary of the story. the polls are saying it right now. it won't go away, it speaks to her qualifications to be commander in chief? >> the story doesn't go away, you also have the scandal the situation with the clinton foundation. so what happens is, for the american voter it has obviously impacted hillary clinton's favorability. impacted hillary clinton's trustworthiness, this is an opportunity for trump to hit hard against hillary clinton
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and say look what i told you. she's make up one story talking about colin powell, looking at the situation of the clinton foundation. it is all the same narrative which is the trail of the shady deals, the trail of being extremely careless on e-mails, charles, and i think at the end, the trump and the gop can basically say, look, this is just the same old story we're seeing with hillary clinton, it could finally stick, and i think american voters will be aware of that. charles: mercedes schlapp, thank you very much. in the meantime, you're looking at live photo, picture of donald trump and mike pence in louisiana moments ago. he was helping volunteers hand out food there. from what i've been seeing on social media and other places, his visit there has been really appreciated by the locals on the ground. many whom feel that the federal government, particularly the obama administration, has not heard their pleas or certainly underplaying the devastation and the desperation that's out
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there, so it's really an extraordinary week for donald trump capped off with even his political foes a brilliant move particularly with president obama on vacation. remember president obama when he said this would be the most transparent administration? next, why critics say you can't trust this administration? your insurance company
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liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. . charles: stunning new state department admission, a spokesman john kirby admitting the 400 million iran payment was leverage for the four american detainees, after months of outlets like fox news and the "wall street journal" pushing for the truth. to former army pilot amber smith who says so much for the most transparent administration
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in history. not even close, huh, amber? >> not even close. this is the textbook definition of a ransom payment. while the obama administration wants to play word games of semantics, iran knows this was a ransom and they received hundreds of millions of dollars in return for americans, and so what have we seen out of iran? they already detained three more americans because they're looking to get paid up and they know the obama administration will pay them. charles: what do you make, i think, someone in the administration said that the real definition if it was a ransom, you pay the money first, then you get the hostages. in this particular case, we got the hostages and paid the money that we technically owed them? >> once again, that is semantics as well. it can be a simultaneous trade-off. it's like a quid pro quo, you get one thing in return for another.
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that's exactly what happened here. and i think 's important to point out here is the american people are sick of getting lied to and they're not stupid. when they see exactly what happened with this payment for these americans, they continue was a ransom, they don't need to hear the state department say it was leverage. what they would like to see is president obama, the state department, everybody stop lying to them and using legalities to get around breaking the law. i mean it's exactly what we saw with hillary clinton e-mail scandal where they said it's not gross negligence, it's just extreme carelessness, therefore the rules don't apply to her the way they apply to everyone else. the american people see that, they are sick of being lied to and treated that way and having the clinton-obama group held above the law. charles: amber smith telling it like it is. thank you very much. >> thanks, charles. >> viacom stock is up today as lawsuits have plagued this company's leadership showing
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may be coming to an end. if you watched liz claman on the network two months ago, to this day, you would have seen this coming. liz is back and she's going to talk it out. tune into my show tonight at 6:00 p.m. eastern on the latest on today's news and everything that impacts your life and your wallet. (announcer vo) you can go straight home. (howard stern on radio) welcome to show business. (announcer vo) or you can hear the rest of howard. bababooey! (announcer vo) sorry, confused neighbors, howard's on. siriusxm. road happy. if legalzoom has your back.s, over the last 10 years we've helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business.
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(announcer vo) you can commute. (man on radio) ...40! no flags on the play! (cheering) (announcer vo) or you can chest bump. yo commute, weot serious game.
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siriusxm. road happy. . >> i think the confidence channel, the fact we have a central bank treating the economic patient like it's still in the trauma room, i'm not sure that's the boost. i think we're seeing it globally too, negative interest rates has had the opposite effect. charles: that was charles schwab chief investment strategist liz saunders. to the markets right now. these days there's a lot of talk about political pivots, another pivot critical for u.s. investors in the stock market, this is the first quarter since
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the fourth quarter of 2014 topline sales and earnings have been higher year-over-year. amazing drought where invest ares are leery about a market, revenues are sinking and propping up largely out of buybacks, offensive representation of business conditions and this earnings season, they've come in on an average 2.1% higher. that reverses a decline in the two prior quarters. but the big story, revenues, the top line. a lot harder to manipulate the true circumstances and this time around, edged up. 4/10%, but they are up overall. 55% on the topline. and today the retailers are really standing out again and higher for the most part. ross stores, foot locker, even the gap. despite the stronger, believable numbers, the market is struggling as political pundits are pondering the timing on pivots on the campaign trail, some market
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watchers are wondering if the good news is too little too late. to one of the experts now d.r. barton. welcome to the show. that's my assessment. what's yours? >> well, when you say struggle, charles, let's be fair and say the markets are struggling at the top of the page. bumping up against all-time highs in three different indexes, we are having struggle breaking out of this exceptionally tight range, however. one of the things about the earnings, we can certainly agree we've had negative year-over-year earnings for five or six quarters depending how you look at them. my numbers don't show us in the green this go-around but things are leveling off there and yet where evaluations are not where anyone would like them, we're at highest backward valuations for the highest price-to-earnings ratio since 2010, we're in a spot now where we kind of -- i like to call it the goldilocks market, the
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central banks propping us up and negative news from the globe pushing us down, the earnings drag we've had for a long time there. if could turn around, that could be the first sign of more good news. charles: would you agree that the turnaround must happen now? we've got to see this start to evolve right now. the next jobs report, the next gdp report, the next round of earnings, there has to be consistency there, this can't be a blip on the radar or perhaps what anyone does, the rally start to fall apart? >> with what you said, one data point does not make a trend so if earnings do tick up by the end of this quarter, and as you say, we've had almost all the s&p has reported, that would be one time out of the last six. i'm not sure we're going to see that once everything is said and done. there is urgency what's going to keep the market up at the top. what's the helium that's going to prop us up and we're not
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seeing it in other place, so especially around the globe, global news is not good for most quarters. it's got to be domestically to keep our markets propped up and drag the rest of the markets around the world up. charles: d.r. barton, one of the best, thanks a lot, appreciate it. breaking news, we know manafort is out, john robes reporting paul manafort's deputy rick gates has moved into the campaign liaison to the rnc. this basically removes manafort's footprint from the trump campaign completely. gates is mentioned and tying manafort to ukraine. this thing continues to evolve and we're all over it. hillary clinton promising to go after banks. former morgan stanley boss john mack telling he doesn't buy it. >> not enough, what do you make of it? >> i'm not surprised at all.
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>> are you now anti-democratic presidential candidate? they're all, at least the prominent ones, singing from the same bashing choir book? >> to me it's all politics, trying to get elected to get the nomination. charles: so is hillary clinton really not serious about being tough on wall street? next signs that john mack may have been right, wink-wink. ♪ [announcer] is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the summer of audi sales event is here. get up to a $5,000 bonus on select audi models.
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. . . .
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>> hillary clinton's america,
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the system stays rigged against americans. syrian refugees flood n. illegal immigrants convicted of committing crimes get to stay, collecting social security benefits, skipping the line. our border open. it is more of the same but worse. charles: that ad will be airing in five big battleground states starting today. donald trump making his first big ad buys in florida, virginia, pennsylvania, north carolina and ohio. he is down in all of the swing states right now. gop communications strategist adam goodman if this is where donald trump should be spending that cash. adam, welcome to the show. a lot of people saying he should have started spending this money earlier. it is early in the cycle. this is different election season also. >> well, welcome to the ad wars, because we'll see a lot more of this. i think estimates, charles, ad spending on ads this cycle will be two owe three times bigger than the record amount in the previous presidential cycle. fasten your seatbelt. a lot more is going to come. look at it this way, i think
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this is where donald trump can start to make his comeback, because instead of just simply buying his way out of, trouble he has had over last couple weeks, up to the last week i think he needs to perform and message his way out of it. this is the way to do it in the battle ground states which is what everybody is focused on where the polls matter in terms of winning and losing. where one person ends up in the white house and the other packing his bags or her bags to go home. charles: there is no doubt that hillary bump is starting to fade a little bit, except when you look specifically at the key states, including pennsylvania which is not, i don't see any ad spending. i know they broaden it out a little bit, first set of ads, preview, is that so-called new donald trump, pivoting donald trump? are they saying the same message in same kind of way for you? >> yes. they have gone basically again, spontaneity on the stomach to creative messaging.
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obviously donald trump playing on immigration, a rigged, broken system and the feeling that america needs to feel safe again, certainly, the stories gotten a lot of play on louisiana and other things having to do with terrorism over the last few weeks play to that, to his strength. whereas secretary clinton is going another way. she put most of her money into battleground states recently on economic message, taking on wall street and big money, and corporations and exit tax on those sending jobs overseas, she is now trying to suggest she has 100 day jobs program that will fix america. that will be interesting to watch. charles: yeah, it will. adam, always appreciate your expertise. thanks a lot. >> thanks, charles. charles: viacom and sumner, well the nearing a settlement, meaning a new ceo will be named but of course if you watch liz claman just two months ago do this date you would know who the ceo might be at least on interim basis, right, liz? you called it.
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>> we did. at the height of the chatter who would replace if fill -- phillipe dow monday. peter chernen, former of twentieth century fox. all kinds of names, maybe les moonves of cbs. i started to look publicly information about executives at viacom, tom dooley, a lot of people weren't talking about, been there since80 with one interim move and i came back, he had a provision that didn't get attention anywhere, if re-upped contract, if the board were altered, we need better agents, if the board were altered or if he didn't get ceo job contingent on dauman leaving for whatever reason, he would get 60 to $63 million payout.
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i started to deduce, i talked to charlie gasparino about it, i bet this guy gets it. tom dooley, is now as we told you two months ago, almost to the day, getting the gig, until september 30th. it is interim position right now, but, charles you would have known had you been watching us, but what you do you start digging. you don't take what everybody is chattering about in the trades. charles: i'm with you on that. >> we saw that the in the contract. charles: nothing better to dig, dig, find those nuggets but the question is why wouldn't he be permanent ceo? >> one of two reasons. he might not want it i have my sources telling me wasn't publicly agitating toward the job. charles: they put it in his contract. >> what do you mean you don't want it? he will get paid either way. if leaves he would get0 million. if he is ceo will probably re-up for better deal. also you have to figure out what he wants in life, and we don't know that left. does he want to deal what he witnessed happened,
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sumner redstone still controlling it with his daughter sherri. they won. apparently some of these court events that were involving dauman and the previous ceo, sumner redstone. the family brought 22 lawyers. these are several family members. do you want to lead a company with that? charles: no doubt about it. before i let you go, shareholders, one of the profile names they mentioned earlier? >> they want somebody to fix the stocks price. the stock is down over 50% over the past two years. not only that, while it is up 21% since dauman taken over past several years ago, it has not kept pace, depending what time limit, with competitors like comcast and twenty-first century fox, parent of our network, et cetera, or time warner. they have done better. charles: liz claman, great job. appreciate it. all this focus on whether a swimmer lied. what about the real problems? that's right. we've got that news you're not hearing. we're going to give it to you,
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right after this.
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across new york state, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica, creative business incentives, infrastructure investment, university partnerships, and the lowest taxes in decades are creating a stronger economy and the right environment in new york state for business to thrive. let us help grow your company's tomorrow- today at reporter: i'm nicole petallides with your fox business brief. let's look at dow jones industrial average. off the earlier lows of the day. it is down 61 points right now. loss of 1/3 of 1%. down after two higher days. s&p down seven. watching nasdaq, nasdaq was up almost eight weeks in a row.
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we haven't seen that in six 1/2 years. keeping an eye on oil which jumped to $48 and 20% gains off august third below 40 bucks, it is at 48.25 a barrel. looking at some other energy names, exxon and chevron have down arrows. they are joint operating agreement according to bloomberg and sources to produce oil in areas in mexico. and google, here is look at shares. skyrocketed 1500% since the ipo actually years ago.
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charles: firefighters are making some gains against that fast-moving california wildfire, just east of los angeles. it has burned 56 square miles and forced evacuation of over 80,000 residents. the fire now 26% contained as of early this morning. we'll bring you updates and details as they're available. while fires burn in california floods destroyed tens of thousand of homes in louisiana. most are without insurance. residents are asking the government to do more, something i asked the head of fema about moments ago. >> part of this is about responsibilities and sharing that responsibility. again, we know that our programs don't make people whole but we are working to get people places to stay to start the recovery process but this is really where it takes a lot of other agencies
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and resources to get people back in their hopes. again as we've seen time and time again in disasters, there is no substitution for insurance charles: meanwhile real, all this focus whether ryan lochte lied but, severed leg was found in a real bay near the olympic sailing venue. authorities say it is not uncommon to find limbs in the bay. it most likely related to drug gang. maybe rio police are focusing on wrong problems. just maybe. hillary clinton making the case to wall street but is wall street making a case for her? charlie gasparino reporting that bankers secretingly putting chips behind hillary clinton, their foe in washington, d.c. >> that lake picture, i can't get that out of my head. mention swimming and a leg pops up? charles: your excuses are your own.
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>> delineate with hedge funds, they're not regulated that much the mutual fund guys. they will give to whoever. they don't mind if their name shows up on fund-raising list, banks themselves, goldman, morgan stanley, jpmorgan, bank of america, citigroup, where are they? if you look at the numbers, they are really, this is the first election they're not in that much. they will give you some of the numbers what they're going for. i guess you could say marginally going for clinton but still not throwing a lot of money. past elections it was millions, a lot of money coming from banks. they are going to clinton. what i understand her support among these big banks, the top five banks, highly regulated banks under dodd-frank answer to washington as much as shareholders, what they're doing, they're secretly, privately supporting clinton. here is how they're doing it. they're basically telling campaign, when you want money, we'll give money to down ballot race, give money to democrats and dnc and one thing i've heard is among big thing among the
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wall street set have their friends give fund-raisers. these are rich people that work at the banks. they know a lot of other rich people. charles: different industries? >> different industries or whoever. other rich people will ask their friends to give money to hillary. almost payment in kind. not like showing up they give the money. not like at their hayes to trace an invitation but they are helping the democratic party raise money and hillary raise money right now. the reason why is simply this. listen, donald trump, you can safely say had a pretty good couple of days despite the campaign tolt mutt. he has given speeches a lot of good and maybe getting his campaign back on track but big bank execs made decision internally. charles: they will not change their mind. they're worried more than anything about a trade war ? >> let's be clear, they are, listen, not like they, this is much more of a business decision. they believe donald trump will
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lose, okay? charles: they're investing the horse that may win? >> yes. people at both banks, charles, at all these banks on both sides of the aisle but as a whole these banks made the decision from the management standpoint that hillary clinton will be the next president. donald trump has very little chance. i'm not saying that's accurate, what i understand my sources at all the places. this is how they're trying to give to clinton without fingerprints on it because they know banks are toxic. they don't want to embarass here. they don't want to be embarrassed themselves. charles: money is fungible. idea of giving down ballot is smart idea. >> it frees up money dnc doesn't have to give to go to hillary. charles: i have breaking news because the clinton campaign just now hitting on paul manafort's departure and alleged ties to ukraine saying quote, you can get rid of manafort but does not end the odd bromance trump has with putin. charlie gasparino, your thoughts on that? >> he is vulnerable on this issue.
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for months and months and months, has embraced a dictator. there is no doubt about it. listen, there -- charles: admiring someone's leadership style is same as embracing them? >> i hasten to go there but, to say, let's just you admire stall len's leadership style, that is not a good thing to say. or saddam hussein's leadership style. i mean, that is a problem. i will tell you, this sort of fascination that donald trump has with putin is, you know, listen -- there is way of explaining it that he didn't do a good job about. charles: i don't think it's a big deal with respect to the campaign. we have to leave it there, charlie. hillary clinton demanding that donald trump release the tax returns but is he benefiting by not revealing them? we'll tell you, right after this. you do all this research on a perfect car,
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charles: centers for disease control warning that pregnant women and sexual partners worried about zika exposure to postpone travel to miami-dade county. cdc adding south beach to the travel warning. hillary clinton has a new ad out hitting donald trump for failing to release his taxes. before he jumped in, he told neil he wouldn't hold anything back. >> do you get a sense right now, that if you announce, they're going to be all over you? they will be pouring through your financial records. they're going going through every grade up to wharton and you're everything else? >> that is my life. my life, i have been pretty public anyway when you think of it. it -- >> this is public whole new level. >> my statements are phenomenal far better. i give my financial statements very early.
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my statements are great. charles: tea party forward chairman niger ennis whether holding back his taxes will hurt donald trump in the election. hillary thinks he is vulnerable on this. >> you know, i don't know how vulnerable he is on this question. you know. quite frankly, charles, you know, in my humble opinion, i think more important question for the american people is trump's tax policy plan he has laid out on his website and how that is going to bring back jobs. expatriation. tweet out expatriation, okay? because, by the way, this is something -- i'm not a tax expert, okay? you should get one on. in my humble opinion, because, the bottom line is trump is an american firster, that is going to bring back jobs. when he is president of the united states, should he be
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president of the united states, that's the bottom line in all this, charles. but look, is the video going to hurt him, in terms of taxes? yeah, but look, he has fire and ice team working for him that are working together, okay? and let me tell you, the ice, kellyanne, is doing an extraordinary job but make no bones about it, the fire is there too. and if this thing gets, if, if secretary of state, former secretary of state is going to get ugly okay, he is going to get ugly too. and he has got media vehicle to get the word out. okay? charles: i'm with you, niger. i understand what you're saying. >> a lot of elites believe that the american people are stupid, you know? we're not. you know. so -- charles: the american people
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aren't stupid, niger, but the american people are in a conundrum and they're not really sure. a lot of people out there. i hear people speak for the people all the time, especially on twitter and stuff like that. >> fair enough. charles: but i think the majority of americans who are apolitical, they're stuck, for them they have got to make a decision and their decision has to be based on the notion that, all of these policies that donald trump is talking about will change their lives, and some of them don't want, some of them will feel angry or jealous or envious that if he happens to benefit from it. we've seen what politics of envy can do. that is you how barack obama was elected twice. >> he has got to be prepared before the first debate to have a solid answer on that. honestly, charles, that is my honest answer. i think what is more important, quite frankly, okay, no offense in my humble opinion, brother, is expatriation. that needs to be tweeted out big
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time because, and you need to look at the plan, and the experts, okay, need to be on, in the media talking about the two different tax plans. charles: there is no doubt about it. >> and who is truly going to have the tax plans for the american people and corporate america, and the big banks, and wall street. i'm not hating on anybody, okay? that are going to be bring jobs home. rural america to urban america, to. charles: you're not a tax expert, niger, but you're one hell of a political expert, my man. thank you very much. appreciate it. >> you're welcome. charles: see you real soon. hey, the major averages are down slightly for the week but one sector bigging that trend. you will be surprised. we're going to tell you though next.
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stocks huge winners. fnc technology 70%, it is up 6%, transocean, baker hughes, living in tandem with crude oil. trish regan taking us through the next hour. trish: donald trump is leaving flood ravaged louisiana after visiting franklin graham. you are looking at a live picture, his getting on a plane with mike pence. the charity leading the release efforts, met with homeowners, to escape floodwaters, 40,000 people have been displaced in louisiana. you can see donald trump quite nearly wheels up, movi


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