tv Varney Company FOX Business August 22, 2016 9:00am-12:01pm EDT
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to learn more. go long. sandra: good morning, everybody. bernie companies that next. it's all yours connoisseur. >> good morning, everyone. welcome to the new wheat. week two of the new of the neutron thing here is what is new. deport illegals? maybe not. i've been meeting with hispanics, his position on deportations is to be decided. according to his new campaign manager, that would be sunday. that is a switch may be backing away from his previous on the mall back commitment. a scripted speech on immigration comes this week. if this is the new software presidential trump, he is still facing a universally hostile and bitter media.
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he is backtracking. he is desperate they say. "the new york times" says his message is still full of hatred and paranoia. look at this. bugs attack trump supporters leaving a trump rallied reported on fox and virtually nowhere else that if hillary supporters are virtually tacky would-be headlines from now until the end of the election and beyond. trump statues placed in several big cities. all very funny face the media. what they say that if that were hillary? bottom line this monday morning. switch the debate of policy. that is new. hillary is still in scandal defense. 11 weeks, 77 days at the home stretch for the election. "varney & company" is about to begin. let's do it this quickly.
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a slightly lower open for the stock market at this point. look at the price of oil. big deal this morning down about 3%. done a full dollar back to 47. let's not forget he was up 9% and that means the big jump last week, i hate to tell you what that is doing. you know what it means for gas prices. gas has moved up to 216 national average. only nine states under two bucks a gallon. actually you've got a forecast of more to come. ashley: they thi another 10 cents per hat of 3.9 cents over last week. good news. there is no consensus that opec will get any cooperation going on oil production. the number of breaks back online is up 20% since may. all of this but together, a true sense of oil prices will drop again soon. no reason to go higher.
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we know when oil goes up, gas prices shoot up immediately. stuart: to book your ratio is one of a nobel prize. ashley: thank you very much. stuart: the share price of the drug maker meditation at about 20%. pfizer is eyeing it for $14 billion. there is a story here. do they have an anti-prostate cancer drug? liz: yeah, and it is for men who were prostate cancer that has spread, in other words metastasize. you shown progress in stopping the spread of prostate cancer. and so, this is actually tested unmanned who didn't have chemotherapy and it appears to be stopping at in halting the spread of prostate cancer. $14 billion deal and couples visors breast cancer drug as well. stuart: it stops the spread of the camp there.
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$14 billion. a pretty good price. a huge premium for the stock. 80 bucks a share this morning. that's a story. i am going to get back to politics. donald trump courting african-american voters. direct outreach. he asks after 50 years of democrat policies, why do you have to lose? roll tape. >> what he have to lose your job living in poverty. your schools are no good. you have no jobs. 50% of your youth is unemployed. what the do you have to lose? train to take a at some numbers. this is starting with the poverty rate. it has gone up 1.6% for black americans during the obama error. but get real median income. it is done in black households 1.5% under obama. down 9% under obama.
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participants up 58%. art laffer is here. what exactly is donald trump's policy for dealing with that other than he's not going to go the democrat row? >> is that a policy of economic growth to bring prosperity back to the inner cities. the black economy. it's really important getting economic growth. in addition to that, other things can be done that enterprise zones. all sorts of others. obviously choice in schools. those are all huge problems for the black community and donald trump i believe is going to move on all of those. i would really improve it a lot. stuart: isn't the most important thing shifting away from the stalinist bureaucracy of public schools run by the teachers union. donald trump could do that if
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elected president. that's not a maybe he could get there through congress, maybe he couldn't. he could flat out do it. >> all we would need is a national right to work law. the worst states of all that california where the teachers unions actually owned everything a national right to work law would destroy their powers immediately and bring back quality to the educational standards in this wonderful state other than the unionization and destruction schools. >> if you get 4% growth and told us that a trump policy of growth would give us 4% growth at least, would that automatically translate into new jobs, good jobs, more jobs in the black community? >> yes, it would translate very quick than much larger magnitude. if you look at black teenage employment as a share of population, economic growth is the key metric to providing
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growth. i think it was when clinton left office the employment population was 31%. these are the marginal jobs in the overall system. any growth would have a huge impact especially in black teenage employment. if we get rid of the minimum wage for teenagers, a lot of our problems would disappear. a lot of the racial conflict problems would disappear with it. stuart: hold on right there. i'll bring you back in later. another item that got to deal with. the media continues to pile on trump the matter by. "the new york times" editorial board get the message of hatred and paranoia infecting millions of voters will outlast the messenger. look at this, please. leftist agitators, really thugs, viciously attacking trump supporters in minneapolis friday night.
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what would it be like if it was the other way around? tammy bruce is here. he was inciting hatred, violence and paranoia. >> it seems the media of course over now. the psychology of politics, when i see this editorial, not an opinion piece, it's an editorial. it is accusing mr. trump of doing and inciting it is ugly, paranoid and implying that may be violence or something that should have been. one line is that the tax track of them will have to drag. what are they suggesting? will people be rounded up? they are bemoaning his points about the extreme dieting and the issue about banning from terrorist nations the immigration. we now know that 60% of first-generation immigrants in the country agree with that position. a new morning consult has found
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that the majority of americans agree with what he's proposing. we know that the majority of immigrants agree with what he's proposing first, second and third generation as well as americans. "the new york times" is effectively calling americans in general and immigrants racists and that everybody who supported mr. trump will have to be addressed are effectively in reading this has been dealt with. they are the problem. stuart: another two hours and 50 minutes of this program. i daresay will address this again. look at the nasdaq. it is signed a week winning streak here that is where you put the money. technology companies down a fraction this morning. how about the olympics? they are over but not before japan's prime minister shinto holiday made an appearance as super mario. he emerged in 2020.
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super mario is the intend of game. there it goes. abe. 730, in my opinion. his son hillary clinton. a federal judge that she will have to answer judicial questions about her e-mails. a win for hillary. why? he'll join us to explain. the german government telling citizens to stop food and water concerned about a possible catastrophic terrorist attack. that is germany today. 50 people killed in a suicide attack in a wedding. the attacker was a teenage boy. that is next.
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look at amazon. just what is the company's project acts? the subject of the great to the speculation. maybe just a click and collect grocery store bricks and mortar. big news coming up. the german government says it's going to tell it that it sends to stop child hood and modern case is dropped. we've got a serious story here. they are telling their people -- >> atop the individuals in germany to put aside supplies for food and water for 10 days or quiet? they say you've got to be prepared for attack. and the process for terrorism. they don't anticipate any attack. it's being debated in berlin. they are saying basically you need to think ahead.
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>> people prepare appropriately for a development that could threaten our existence that cannot be categorically ruled out in the future. very doomsday of that talk. i'm staying on the terror issue. more than 50 dead in a suicide bombing in a turkish wedding. turkish president plans to isis. the bomber in that case was a 14-year-old boy. look at this. that is a new picture from today. the suspect to turkish bomber his 12-year-old boy. they took a suicide vest off him just before it exploded. that is fresh out today. another potential attack. >> we have to consider a victim. they are too young to be making choices. stuart: absolutely. exploited by remote control.
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former deputy national security adviser to dick cheney asked a trump surrogate. this really goes to the issue at destabilization. the whole of turkey. that is what is happening as we speak. i want you to tell us what it means for us in the united states. why should we care? >> well, we have to care when someone is a treaty ally of. more broadly, we had under the bush administration -- is established if you take our threats abroad there that's likely to hit us in the homeland. in recent years we have seen the rapid flow of migrants, radicalization doing over by other means. threats have come to our shores and we are not addressing them abroad. turkey is a major important land bridge that hundreds of thousands if not millions of refugees, some of them radicalized terrorists has made germany on edge already hitting
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france multiple times. if you're having the west african version of soldiers and you've had women in the palestinian areas it makes it extremely difficult to profile who your real threats are. we still have people in europe who have some difficulty acknowledging the ideology that animates the whole thread. there's a destabilization of turkey, but there's a larger message. stuart: it plays into this election. they're telling people you've got to get out and buy food and water. 1214 euros suicide bombers in turkey. -- surely plays onto our worries here at home and it plays into the election. 30 seconds. tell me how plays into the election year. >> those people are literally only one air flight away from the united states as a tourist.
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and also come at a key theme of making america safe again is one that resonates with enormous number of americans. the countries not on the right track and i don't know anyone who feels safer after eight years of the obama clinton policies. i'm sorry mr. named there. or he can to keep it so sure. we welcome your appearance briefly. massachusetts imposing a tax on uber and left. where does the money go? straight to traditional taxi companies. louisiana still reeling from this devastating floods. donald trump visited the flood zone last week. didn't really work. you hear what that state's governor told cnn about trump's visit. that is next. some say it's a calling.
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the photo op before he came down. we wanted to be helpful. so you got the story backwards. >> was a good thing he came down? >> for the reasons i stated earlier, because it helped shine a spotlight on louisiana. stuart: they try to send donald trump but it kind of backfired. this is one of a series of efforts by the media. go get donald trump. >> i like seeing you got a politician who is going to push back, who spoke to it. that is new. everyone's getting educated in this regard. she actually is someone talking back a little bit. this is the reason politicians to go things with photo ops. george w. bush and in this case donald trump who say no cameras very often, to keep cameras away from what they are doing.
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i think that this is what we saw in louisiana. mr. obama will be going tomorrow. you off but alas, i guarantee you'll see them. >> he will be handing out presumably federal aid. nothing wrong with that. that's what is going to do. i've got a bug since hillary clinton goes with it. that is pure speculation. stuart: luck, pure speculation. you are all nodding. by the way, when you drop something earlier, i thought it was your code. liz: my mirror. it did not break. i have to look at it for it to crack. hardly. ashley: very superstitious. stuart: regulations have cleared that china's takeover of the swiss agricultural company in gentile will be up at the opening bell significantly. we will bring that to you.
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oil is lower today, but it did go straight up last week. the oil dropped today is probably driving stocks lower because we are going to go down about 50 points in the opening bell for the dow industrials. the webster ratio, oil down, stocks down. it is still here. life after basketball for kobe bryant. he's 30 started a $100 million venture capital fund. he wants another 300 million. investing in technology and media companies, too. eight weeks in a row, the nasdaq is the home of technology companies. that is where the action is. we'll take you right in the middle of it.
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>> good lord. i i've got to tap dance for 60 seconds before the market opens. ashley: 45 now, well done. stuart: and when the market does open, i'm going to ask a question about the federal reserve and please don't buzz me because we have he got to get to this. i'm sick and tired of the navel guessing what the federal reserve is going to do, it's constantly in the market. no answer to what they're going
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to do and say. >> right. stuart: we keep on going and going and going liz: i'd trust investment advice from a nigerian prince at this point. stuart: that's kobe bryant, he started 100 million venture capital fund and wants another 300 million and he's opening the stock exchange. there he is, that's kobe bryant. all 30 of the dow stocks on display, most of them are down in the very early going. and in the first 15 seconds. how about the s&p 500, also tilting down, .18% and now the nasdaq, it's gone up for eight straight weeks and home of technology, down a fraction at the opening bell this monday morning. let's concentrate on oil. the price of oil is down a buck 16 this morning, that's a significant drop. we'll deal with that in a moment. we told you about pfizer buying the cancer drug maker
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medivation. they're paying 15 million. they have a drug which apparently, reportedly, stops the metastasizization of prostate cancer. that's a big deal. how about some more individual stoc stocks. a usually relybly apple blog, says that apple is going to eliminate the pro model of the new iphone 7 series. apple's at 108 this morning. facebook, barron's says that stock could go up another 20% this year. it's already up 18%, and down this morning. microsoft, massive windows 10 update causing serious new problems. yeah, i do own some of that stock, it's down 1/2 a percent this morning. joining us ashley webster, scott shellady, keith fitz-gerald and a lot of fed navel gazing this week. it never goes anywhere, we're
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going to concentrate what they're going to do and we're only concentrating on what they're saying. scott, give me another rant by the fact that central banks have flat-out lost control. it's driving me nuts. >> look at the track record. it leads you to believe it doesn't matter. at the end of the day they've been so consistent, but consistently wrong. here is the negative loop they're in and there's not a way to get out. it's interesting to see how they get out. the fed is data dependent as long as the data is dependent on the fed. and there's no way out what you see and/or do. stuart: there's got to be an end game and they've got to change their policy at some point. keith fitz what happens when they make a change? >> it's like economic voodoo. they're making it up as it goes along. making assumptions and not getting it right. it's a negative feedback loop. they need to hang up a sign that's says out of business. that's what the market would
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respond to. stuart: art laffer, what is an investor supposed to do? >> i like what keith said very, very much. the investors are supposed to go along. the fed has caused a lot of damage to the u.s. economy by rates only low and the ability of the funds in the mortgage market and capital market. and that's why we've had the slow, slow, slow recovery. the fed shut get out of the business and let the markets clear. >> good luck with that, art, and everybody else. that's not going to happen. look at gold, 1340 this morning and done well so far this year. the price of oil is down nearly 3% this morning. i'm going to bring in the ashley webster ratio because oil down, stocks down and that's what we're seeing. nobel prize, ashley. ashley: i'm writing my speech. can't wait. stuart: it's a million dollars tax-free if you get it. take it. and down 2.8% on oil and the
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stock market is down on industrials. we've got to look at gasoline, it's going up, 2.16 is the national average for regular. there are now only nine states where the price of gas is $2 or less. scott, come on back in into the price of oil. we're swimming in the stuff. and i don't know where this is going. tell me. >> well, it's going to go not very far from here, stuart. probably 35 to $55 is going to be the range, but today we're down because we had chinese exports were larger and more u.s. rigs and we've got a stronger dollar. i mean, those two, those three things are going to eat the oil up today and at the end of the day there isn't a ton of other new stuff. they're bullish enough to keep the stocks higher. we're waiting for the ashley ratio. stuart: here we go again. and indeterminate fed and indeterminate oil glut, where do you go? let's go to technology, that's a more sure ground.
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look at the chart, nasdaq up for eight straight weeks in a row. that's a handsome chart. nasdaq home of technology. keith, obviously, tech is still the place to invest. you go along with that? >> absolutely. here is the thing, stuart. people thought that technology was a byproduct for a long time. in fact, in today's era of technology, it's like the picks and shovels of 1849. you don't make money selling to the minors, but selling to picks and shovels. and that's why it's valuable today. stuart: art laffer, the bright spot. technology rules. >> yeah, why do you have keith say it before i am. and keith is correct again and technology is the spot to be. and technology has been sweeping the country for a long, long time and it's going to continue sweeping the country. it's great stuff and increases output without input.
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stuart: dominant technology. and we're down 1/2 percentage point because oil is down nearly 3%. i've got to tell you about ben hur. i remember the 1959 version. the new version was a flop. came out this weekend, it's owned-- actually produced by paramount pictures, owned by viacom. only brought in 11 million liz: yeah, thereabouts. the first ben hur won oscars. stuart: i remember where i saw it the first time around. blackpool. a lot of our viewers don't know-- >> i know about blackpool. stuart: who knows blackpool? art laughtffelaffer. that's where the conservatives used to have their conferences, working class resort. they're telling me to move on. >> a good place. [laughter] >> sony reportedly plans to
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introduce a new playstation base model. the stock is up 9 cents. u.s. regulators have cleared chem china's planned takeover of the swiss company. back to the drug merger. this is really important. pfizer buying the cancer drug maker medivation. nicole, the full story. nicole: it's a biotech company. one of the few that has a cancer drug that's been approved and selling well. and steps in pfizer, takes over med divation to get a drug that generates $2 billion a year and potential to double. analysts are on top of it and there could be a termination fee it it doesn't go through,
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$510 million. in the meantime you're seeing medivation jump because this puts it at a price and a pop. they're calling it a mega merger. stuart: the bottom line here is the drug supposedly halts the metastasizization, the spread of prostate cancer. if you ask me, it's worth 14 billion. we have to get back to politics, ealways do, is the new trump and i'll design the past week as the new trump performance. is the new trump better for the markets? art laffer, what do you think? >> yeah, i think the new trump is what he should have been doing all along, talking issues and policies. with kelly anne conway, i know her well, the best around. she knows how to do it right. if that continues i think that trump has a real chance of winning.
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stuart: keith, you don't think that the election process and the new trump has had an influence on the market yet, do you? >> yet is the operative word. here is the thing that's dangerous about this and by the way, i agree with art this time. [laughter] yeah, exactly. so, the old trump people knew because he was the devil you didn't. kind of like the grumpy uncle that came to the party and didn't know what to do with his table manners. now you know, and it's similar to clinton. do they want to go more of the same or promise of something new, that's a change. stuart: scott shellady, you have a round for us or just stay quiet for a while? >> no, i mean, the new trump is a little bit of the old trump and doing a much better job of staying cool, calm and collected and pounding home his economic ideas and her credibility. it's nice to see him go off now and again that he's still there. and i don't think it's made a difference to the markets yet. stuart: i agree with you. here is a chance for a round
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for everybody. massachusetts plans to tax uber and lyft five cents per trip and. >> oh, oh. stuart: thank you, scott. and they're going to use the money to subsidize traditional taxes. give me a break liz: the taxi union says we're going to use the five cents for our taxi application and potentially for bonuses. the tax is 20 cents, 5 cents goes to the fees and others to the towns. they say it goes away in ten years. ashley: it doesn't get passed on to the riders or the taxi drivers liz: really? >> that's the rule. stuart: you say that's baloney, keith? >> it's baloney, they might as well be subsidizing the vit troll and the internet age. subsidize the competition that can't make it on its own merit and protect a defeated industry. comm common markets--
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ments arthur, one last chance to follow keith fitz. >> the thing that amazes me is that this awful, awful policy is brought in by a republican governor in massachusetts. it's sort of like romney bringing in obamacare in massachusetts, it's shocking what's going on there. it's a disgrace. stuart: cut you off scott shellady before you can-- take a deep breath. i have a commercial break coming up here, you know what i mean. thanks, everybody. art, keith, scott, good stuff, thank you all one and all indeed. and we were coming back a fraction, 18-4, 18-5 where we are. donald trump out ahead of president obama, he visited the flood zone in louisiana already. however, the media going after him saying it was a photo op moment. obama visiting tomorrow. the media fawns. more on that in a later. and a federal judge has hillary
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going there, using the tragedy as a photo-op. president obama will go tomorrow following his vacation on martha's vineyard yet then senator obama was critical of george w. bush for his response to katrina. remember this? >> we can talk about what happened for a few days in 2005 and we should. we can talk about levees that couldn't hold, about a fema that seemed not just incompetent, but paralyzed and powerless, about a president who only saw the people from the window of an airplane instead of down here on the grou ground. stuart: karl rove is with us. oh, what a juxtaposition, then senator obama on george w. bush and today the media on trump. hypocrisy? i can't spell it, but i know it when i see it. >> absolutely. in fact, that speech that you showed was several years after the event. the month of the event, september of 2005, he gave a
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speech on the floor of the senate in which he talked about the quote, passive indifference of the bush administration, he called it consciousable ineptitude. and august 13th, when the flood began, eight rounds of golf with the president and his pals. a fundraiser for hillary clinton that he attended, a day that he devoted to swimming on a private beach, and four nights out on the town. and talk about passive indifference. i have-- that's a great phrase to describe what president obama has done in the nearly week and a half since this terrible event occurred. stuart: how, by going down there on friday, did donald trump score a political victory, do you think? >> oh, absolutely. look, first of all, the fact that he went before the president could be bothered to leave his vacation. you may remember in 2005, president bush was on vacation, crawford had gone to san diego
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to participate in a ceremony honoring the end of the war in asia and world war ii. he returned to washington, he did not go back to crawford, but returned to washington. we made a mistake, i was one of the people who advised that we not drop into new orleans. we shouldn't have, but we should have gone to baton rouge and gone to the command center, but president obama can't be bothered to interrupt his vacation and even issue a statement. he has sent out tweets about the olympics, but he hasn't even bothered to tweet about louisiana. so, i thought it was very smart for trump to go. second of all, the way he went was the right way. you'll notice he didn't make a political attack on the administration, he didn't make a political attack on hillary clinton, he said, he went there, he didn't allow a lot of cameras. he didn't make a lot of statements, he said people are suffering and wanted to help and the picture was him helping. showing up with a couple of truckloads full of everything from food to diapers and toys. and handing them out. so, i thought-- and the governor, the democrat
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governor of louisiana complimented him on his coming and how he handled himself. a strong testament. stuart: a whole new week and whole new campaign by the looks of itment karl rove, thank you for joining us. >> you bet. stuart: this is a story that is of real portance. look at mylan labs. they make the popular epi pen used to ward off dangerous reactions and it's back to school items. a lot of schools require that kids have the epi pens in their backpack myman is under fire for raising the prices liz: they're equated now with mart martin shkreli. one in 50 americans, including children, have good allergies, you stick your thigh and get adrenalin shot in your system. stuart: that's what it delivers liz: that's what it delivers.
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it was $57 in 2007 or thereabouts. now it's $600 and a lot of insurance companies won't cover it, it comes with a high deductibles, so now there's calls for senate hearings on this. a lots of senators upset about this. stuart: it's a story, we're on it. thanks, liz liz: sure. stuart: we're down 75 points this monday morning. if you look at the 30 dow stocks, most of them, 27 are in the red. remember, a lot of talk, but no action yet from the fed. i've had it with that, but we're on that story. also, hillary clinton will have to answer questions about her private e-mail server, but she won't have to answer in person. judge napolitano says that's a victory for her and the judge is next. the new donald trump, still the media is against him. no matter what he does, he's in the wrong. we're all over that one. first this, a company video getting clips on-line. actors voicing over real video from the democratic national
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>> a federal judge has ordered hillary clinton to provide written testimony under oath. this is all about that private e-mail server. judge andrew napolitano joins us by phone. judge, why do you say that this is a win for hillary clinton? >> well, stuart, first of all, good morning. it's always nice to be with you, stuart. the application to compel her to give testimony was made by judicial watch, which is a plaintiff in two of the 41 freedom of information act lawsuits that have been filed against the state department seeking mrs. clinton's e-mails and the application was for live, under oath, videotaped and broadcast testimony. so, when you go from live testimony, which allows follow-up questions, that is questions based on her previous answers as you reduce that to written testimony, which allows her lawyers to write the answers so long as she can sign
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off on them and prohibits follow-up questions. stuart: wait a minute, there's no follow-up questions. >> no. stuart: hold on a second. i've got to straighten this out for everybody. because this is presented as a huge win for judicial watch. >> i love the judicial watch people and they are doing wonderful things with respect to exposing the government, but they lost this round. they get one chance at answering questions. they do not get to follow up with another series of questions based on her answers. and her answers will be meaningless because they will be written by her lawyers, not by her. stuart: when do we get all of this? when is this going to happen before or after the election? >> a great question, stuart. under the rules they can ask for a 30-day extension. if they ask for the 30-day extension and get it, it will take them to, are you ready for this? the week after election day. stuart: how many times have you and i discussed the e-mail scandal, the server scandal,
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only to be put off, put off, put off, they never get the answers before an election. >> this is yet another example of that. and quite frankly, i'm surprised. this is an african-american federal judge appointed by bill clinton who has given mrs. clinton a very hard time. he actually publicly accused her of misleading him, something you rarely hear a federal judge say in a courtroom about a public official, but this time he has given her perhaps the biggest break she has gotten in this political campaign so far. stuart: i'm glad you came out of your vacation to offer that report, judge napolitano. go back to your vacation 'cause we have heard you and it's valuable stuff. >> all for thee, sir stuart. stuart: thanks indeed, young man, appreciate it. thanks a lot, judge. >> of course. stuart: check out the big board, coming back a little and we were down five and the dow is close to 18-5. another look at the video. protesters in minneapolis turning violent, attacking
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trump supporters, flat-out. look at that, flat-out attacking them. here is the question, what if hillary supporters were the ones being attacked? you'd never hear the last of it. hour two of "varney & company" is next. (announcer vo) you can go straight home. (howard stern on radio) welcome to show business. (announcer vo) or you can hear the rest of howard. bababooey! (announcer vo) sorry, confused neighbors, howard's on. siriusxm. road happy.
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(cheering) (announcer vo) or you can chest bump. yo commute, we got serious game. siriusxm. road happy. >> 10:00 earn time. 7:00 in california. i have never seen anything like this worked in media and america for 40 years, and in this election welcome the extent of media bias is unprecedented almost universal. there you want hillary elected they hate donald trump. the second week of the new trump. "new york times" editorial campaign message is hay friday and pair paranoia he spoke it a w450eu89 white audience. there's a shift on deportation media call it is desperate. double standards all over the place. very little coverage of thugs, beating trump supporters.
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what is that or other way around. those naked trump statues how funny. but if that was hillary and hatred rolls on and on. ruth march cause in washington post, quote, trump's sickening attacks on clinton's health end quote. and so does the noncoverage. colin fowl says he did not okay hillary's private server where's that slam this morning? so just who is getting desperate here? it's not trump. it's the media that sees its candidate in trouble. you'll meet pulitzer prize winner who says journalism is collapsing before our eyes. the second hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ >> where are we in minutes of trading time down 60 points.
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dow holding close to 18-h500. why is market down this morning? because price of oil is down this morning we're down 2.7% at $47 per share. the webster ratio holds stocks down you're already right. >> the big drug merger this is important pizer is going to buy that makes prostate cancer doctoring that stops me it's and nasdaq uneight straight weeks in a row. on display there this morning. amazon, apple microsoft, alphabet coming back down just a fraction of the percent as this morning. that's where money is going. how about facebook? baron says that stock could go up another 20% this year on top of the 18% already this calendar year. it is moving up a little bit this morning. 124 on facebook.
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the big theme of the day, the new donald trump. speaking about his deportation plan and in a calmer tone. roll tape. >> we have to be very firm. we have to be very were very strong when people come in illegally. we have a lot of people who want to come u through legal process not fair for them and we're working with a lot of people in the hispanic community to try and come up with an answer. >> so you're not flip-flopping? >> we want to come up with a really fair but firm answer that should be very firm. we want to come up with something fair. >> all right that's fresh off the press fox and friends fox news channel. this is the new moderate -- gently donald trump. i think it's good. listen he's got to be careful it's a fine line and doesn't want to turn off the base that got him right now with being you know perhaps nonpc but just calling it as it is that is why we e he got the support and turn
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off people and enough to bring in the independence? >> answer the yes. >> here's what's going on with the polls in 2012, seven dates gave obama the margin of victory and minorities who gave him that that includes ohio, pennsylvania, florida if president obama didn't win states in 2012 he would have lost to mitt romney. i don't know if this is too little too late moderating. >> but he's a new trump week two of the new trump he's courting african-american vote asking directly what do you have to lose by supporting me. roll that tape. >> what do you have to lose? you're living in poverty. your schools are no good. you have no jobs. 58% of you use this unemployed -- what had the hell do you have to lose? >> good question --with us she .
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she should know how people are reacting to this. how are they -- look i think we've had what maybe 10, 11 day of the new trump how are people in your focus group reacting to new trump? >> new trump is in many ways become on message. he's talking about the economy. talking about jobs, talking about national security but last ten days has been phenomenal for him. he's had -- >> a strong word. phenomenal for donald trump? >> i would say it is. because he's bouncing back and that was really important everybody said his campaign was detdz after his three weeks after the campaign -- conventions he's back. now, this particular appeal to the african-americans i think it's important that he appeals to them but his framing i think is wrong. if you imagine saying, what do you have to lose? now, imagine if you were asking somebody on a date and saying look, you have bad luck. what do you have to lose it's not exactly positive framing. [laughter] in many ways almost insulting.
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j but you have yet a focus group for african-americans. and roll that tape and check them out on the -- done that. >> i'm concerned it is not the right message and should be saying look all of those things and facts if he wants to use facts is one thing but were to say i feel your pain. i want to turn this around but promises i make about the economy. promise i make about jobs they're focused on you as well. i want to lift everybody up right now. i want to give everybody opportunities. that's what i'm all if much more positive framing. this is somewhat negative framing. >> okay we hear you and you'll is it a with us for a couple of minutes. >> i am absolutely. >> staying on trump come in byron york chief political correspondent. i say byron, no matter what donald trump does the mainstream media is going to be against him, and vigorously so. you're going to not agreement on that one, i know you are.
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>> there's no doubt that donald trump made a headwind in dealing with media and even saw one major figure not long ago try to kind of reconcile abandoning traditional objective standards in dealing with trump jim who was -- a "new york times" columnist and the former chief political correspondent there. basically wrote a column saying, you know, we treat every candidate fairly. and then i don't know about trump. i think he basically wondered if trump is an exemption to that. oarngd look at what trump is doing today. he's making a big deal of the clinton foundation. he's appeared here on fox -- other people have -- in the campaign across other next and i think turned the conversation to the clinton foundation which is what the people around trump want him to do more that is control the conversation.
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>> what i see him doing is moving towards issues. making policy the centerpiece of his campaign as opposed to his personality. do you agree with that pivoted to policy now? >> so far it looks that way. his speech in fredericksburg, virginia, i attended it on saturday, the fifth speech in a row in which he delivered a shorter more focused, read from teleprompter mostly speech in which he stuck to the issues. he talked less about himself. if you remember if you listen to one of trump eetion old improvisational speeches more than an who are along that was bragging talking about himself. cut all of that stuff out now and talked about his issues, law and order strong defense, energy, jobs, and a lot of hillary clinton and that was it be. so he was far, far more on message in last several speemps than he's been pretty much the entire campaign. >> quick word on hillary clinton if you will please we hear she
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was is resting over the weekend. any comment byron? >> it's traditional for the clintons and a lot of other people in the washington power structure to go off to martha's vineyard in august and hang out, go to dinner with each other, play golf that's what president obama has been doing as well. so i think she was just kind of taking part in a yearly ritual for the political class. >> whatever you say byron. all right thank you for joining us always appreciate it. >> thank you stuart. smg i got something completely different for you it is from bads lip reading. wait a second -- holds on a second they take real live events prepped to read lips of the people speaking now they have covered the dnc i think it is funny. let's see if you agree. roll tape. >> sometimes -- people that like to smoke the pot used in etch sketch. as you know, i'm tied to one of those people.
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oh. we ladies now how a player is. but when they go hello, we go hey. [inaudible] >> respecimen after a rocket, a bieber's nest iment so buzzed. oh oh, my gosh i have to go back home to see the kitty. >> it was u noneny. is it fair? >> of course it's fair. there's a public -- fair game. and probably do one for the year -- >> breaks up patriotic balloon of the political drama. but they have bill clinton sounded like an old matt mcconaughey. >> of course it's fair. they do with celebrity and different kinds of things people love this. it's hill lair hilarious and nothing insulting but funny.
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>> except that character on the screen did not say what voices said they said. >> that's fine. i think -- i think that dnc new york "new york times" should be all over this. >> this thing. check the big board we're hovering around a 60 point loss for the dow jones industrial meaning below 185. and this -- yes and this -- donald trump he was in louisiana with a flood victims that governor of louisiana praises trump. he's a democrat by the way. saying he was helpful. the media was not expecting that. we're all over it. to media trying to stop the spread of zika cdc extending travel to miami beach. don't go if you're pregnant they say. first, oh -- a huge snake on the loose in maine. this snake skin, you don't get a very good impression of the size of it but believe me folks it's huge found by a river. could be from a python. [inaudible]
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what's a python doing in maine, python called messy as in loch ness messy monster could be roaming woods. locals have been warned. keep an eye out. varney will continue. ♪ (announcer vo) who says your desk phone always has to be at your desk? now, with one talk from verizon... hi, pete. i'm glad you called. (announcer vo) all your phones can work together on one number. you can move calls between phones, so conversations can go where you go. take your time. i'm not going anywhere. (announcer vo) and when you're not available, one talk helps find the right person who is.
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>> 45 minutes at the trading many monday mornd so look at that right on, 185. don't forget about about gold where are we just shy of 1350 an ounce. southern louisiana, starting to clean up from that historic flood over the past week. 100,000 people have already applied for federal aid, jeff flock live in baton rouge. what have you seen out there? show us what you're seeing? >> oh, stuart i'll tell you, it
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is just incredible as we drive down this -- streets and it's just one of hundreds of streets, look, every house there some of them gutted to the studs. there's debris everywhere. the smell i don't even want to try to communicate. but this is what you're seeing. and this is so widespread. you know, katrina was bad. sandy was bad. this is right up there. it is -- it is everywhere you look, there's debris. only good thing i would say pun like katrina where people were out of their homes for weeks because water was still in there in this case they have gotten back in and people have gutted their house out this guy is still working at it. they're still working at it and it is a long time before this gets back to any sense of normalcy. incredible. >> jeff flock there giving us best picture of what happened and how it's happened it and what had the results are. that was good stuff.
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donald trump did visit victims on friday now when cmn -- cnn asked governor of louisiana a democrat, cnn asked him about it. it really -- it sounded like cnn wanted him took critical of trump. didn't work out that way. roll tape. >> you mischaracterize what i said. i didn't dismiss his trip of a photo op before he came down. i said we welcome him here, we want him to be helpful and we hope it doesn't turn into a mere photo op so you have this story backwards. >> good thing that he came down? >> i think for reasons that i stated earlier because it helped to shine a spotlight on -- >> take that dana joining us now is tammy perkins author of this book, "no fear" tony is a resident of louisiana. straighten me out here. i think your house was damaged, and then i think donald trump gave your church $100,000.
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is that accurate, sir? >> it is, accurate my house flood to i am the interim pastor of the church there, and i'm grateful to donald trump opinion i called him, his campaign, talked with steve, and asked him if they would come down and bring some attention to this, and they took the gamble and they said we don't want any media. we just want to come down it look at it. as i toured with him and mike pence they were astounded at the damage, and thankfully them coming down here has brought the attention to what has taken place. >> now, he did not want a photo op. am i right in saying what he met with individual victims we met with them in private? there was no cameras during meetings is that accurate tony? >> there was some media that were there. u few that came along local, obviously, when the word spread that he was coming down here. but he did not have the press core traveling. he made clear at the front and they asked me not to say anything that he was coming down.
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thisarranged within a 12-hour pd so we honored that. but yet word spread quickly. but it was -- it was genuine that he came down to assess this. i think it shows that leadership and let me just say this. what is happening like in our church one of the fist calls was to samaritan purse franklin within 24 hours was set up in our sight over 800 people have made application to have their homes gutted just in area around our church. and this is a faith based response. primarily where we're seeing the government we're not asking for government but there's a role for government to play, president should have been down here making sure that the american people understood that this was a crisis. he didn't want to do that and a interrupt his vacation. donald trump did take advantage politically of president obama's residence to make a vacation trump was making a political point by getting jump on
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everybody else and going down there first. >> i think it was a risky one because he didn't know if they would say that he was doing it just for publicity. but again he did not come down here with all of the cameras in tow but came down here and mike came down to see firsthand what was happening again they were astonished that extent of the damage and as a result of the leadership of simply coming down here and say hey, we care about you and concerned that media focus upon it and relief is coming in way of volunteers. in help to try to help these folks begin the long process of putting their lives back together. >> well said tony perkins most don't realize how bad you've taken it down there. thanks for showing it to us. we appreciate it. we'll see you again later. i want to draw your attention to the stock market come all the the way back. we were down 85 now we're down a near 6 points. i don't know why that is the case maybe the price of oil is coming back a little. but nonetheless market is coming back quite a lot. how about this from apple, now this is just speculation about
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the promodel of the iphone 7. reports that the latest device one of the devices in the iphone 7 could be canceled that pure speculation but this story is getting a lot of spread online. we will discuss it am l is back to 108 this morning. now, this, mideast, now faced with a new threat, child bombers. that's a picture of one of them. 12-year-old boy, they took to suicide vest off him before it could explode. that's turkey today. more on that in a moment.
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ash and emac something new here, i think i misspoke. the young man who we're about to show you, another suicide bomber that young man that's not turkey that's iraqi. >> that is iraq. >> this young child arrested this came a couple of hours after a mosque in iraq bolled by a suicide bomber, they managed to get the explosive vest off this young boy. he told investigators that he was kidnapped by terrorists, and who put the bomb around him and pushed him back into this area story but thankfully they got him to. >> back to turkey turkey is saying by 2023 it will be a member of the e-u that's 100th anniversary of the turkish republic but this is what turkish officials are claiming but this they want free travel and they've got 2.2 million syrians now in there. many of whom have not been vetted. turkey is hot bed of terrorism right now. >> they're not going to get into
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the european union but no way. not going to happen. oh check that big board because we have really turned around. we were down 85 0 now up 9 points 18562. look at apple iphone 7 expected in a couple of weeks, there's speculation about the promodel of the iphone 7. >> there was one report out there quoting a blog saying that iphone 7 promodel the largest most expensive model that apple thought to cost about $1,000. i don't know if that's true yet. apple is going to introduce its new phones september 23rd. it could have the iphone 7 plus. so this is a promodel is like a tablet. one thing looking for is wireless charging and improved crams and like so we'll be following it. >> your big deal. >> they call them fablet that's ph for phone and tablet. thank you for sharing that with me. i have not a clue. [laughter] look at this.
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stuart: african-americans using pramps 60% under president obama so donald trump makes this fitch to black vote rs, vote for me. you've got nothing to lose. we're on that. meanwhile, naked trump statues roll out all across america. mainstream media thinks that's really, really funny but what if those were hillary clinton. how about that? and this -- are you about to see -- yes you are . [laughter] just behind me there two youngsters, those are just two of my grandchildren. that is abigail the right and paige on the left aren't they wonderful? visiting new york city in the studio today i'm very, very proud of them. >> so great now enjoy the city. [laughter] we will be back friends. we'll be back. many people clean their dentures
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with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day.
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♪ >> i news that was the door. lit the fire under the market down from 85 to plus 14. how about price of oil got something to do with it? no. still down 2.7%. and market turned around so webster is -- ashley: money back now. [laughter] stuart: big drug merger. pfizer buying medivation a prostate cancer drug treatment i guess you could say pleas plain it liz. liz: if you have prostate cancer and not through chemotherapy this drug helps arrest the
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spread of cancer. so this adds to pfizer growing lineup of oncology drugs and looks like they beat up mark, and asked to pick up this company. the deal price is sweet at $14 billion. >> a huge triple i guess if you've got a drug that spots spreading the prostate cancer, it's worth 14 billion i would guess. liz: pfizer open to doing more dials and may -- is still considering splitting two companies by the end of the year. stuart: no wonder pfizer is up even though spent $14 billion on a big acquisition got it everybody. donald trump bringing a push for african-american sport going out there and saying what do you have to lose by vote voting for me. roll tape. >> what do you have to lose. you're living in poverty. your schools are no good. you have no jobs. 58% of you use this unemployed.
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what the hell do you have to lose? stuart: that was the question. here's some numbers. recent data backs up trump's claims that liberal policy is not helping black folks. using food stamps up 58% during president obama's tenure. i suppose you could call that help. help of a certain kind. more than 2% more black folks have fallen below the poverty line. come on steve moore trump economic advisor who's to say that if trump is the president, and we get 4, 5% growth but a lot of new jobs will filter into the black community in our inner cities. is that a guarantee? >> first of all, bravo to donald trump for finally saying what i think republicans should have been saying for last 30 years exactly what donald trump has said. what have the democrats done for you there's crime, there's no jobs. there's no economic development.
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your schools stink and you know, he's right. i looked at these statistic, you've got cities like chicago, baltimore, milwaukee, newark that for 60, 70 years run by democrats. so bravo to take it to them. you ask the question if you have economic development nationwide will that go into inner cities? answer to that is yes. look what happened under reagan when we have a big economic boom. you know, the poverty rate went significantly down for a block. you saw actually this is a statistic that surprised a lot of people. black incomes grew more than white incomes did out of rae began era because there were new jobs in these areas so areas have been economically revitalize they need to change in national policy and they need to change in local policy as well. here's what -- stuart: see what you think about this. most immediate thing that a president trump could do for the inner cities -- is to spruce very quickly school choice. i honestly think that's the
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single most bang, bang just look that. i really think that will be a huge plus for our inner cities. >> there's no question you're exactly right. but that is a policy change that is going to take you know let's say we could implement school choice allow black, hispanic parents to send kids to any school and president obama wants to deprive lower income blacks of having that opportunity. that's gong to pay huge diff ends but i make the case that will tack five, ten, 15 years for that to really are pay dividends with the economy. but tax cuts. how about this idea let's go back to jack the idea of enterprise own for every inner city. every area of the country that has a poverty rate 50% of the national average we reduce the capital gain rate and if you invest in cities we don't tax you for five, ten years we can bring development by the way you do the same thing with
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regulations. that's the way you target these areas. for bringing new capital u new jobs into the area makes huge difference. >> say it again. will we get four, 2350*eu6 five, 6% growth you have to have economic growth you get nowhere without real growth. >> every single problem in america virtually every single problem is alleviated -- stuart: alleviated. >> 1.2% growth i guarantee you we get a trump presidency we have 4% growth for five years. write it down 4% growth for five years. stuart: that's exreported their growth rate. i love to see it. >> every percentage increase -- write this one stuart every percentage point of economic growth above the timeline that we get over ten years, we reduce the budgets deficit and debt by
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2.5% trillion best way is to put america back to work. >> trump economic advisor steve moore says trump will give you 4% growth for five years. you're on videotape and we're going to use it forever. [laughter] here's more -- >> i'll see you in 2021. >> see you soon steve and thank you very much indeed sir. mainstream media continues to attack viciously, donald trump. criticizing him for addressing aron african-americans in front of a large rei white audience. ashley belle is with us political engagement for the rnc. that is the criticism, that's what a lot of -- the democrats are saying. look, you made this statement about going for the black vote to white voters that's the criticism. what do you make of that? so -- >> we're going to take a great message, but everybody was
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listening when he said it. you just doesn't matter where you you are physically word was out on every black radio are station in america next day they were playing that clip for krit are schism not just black folks. >> we didn't know that. we don't know how or pa that message got inside the black community. you're telling us that it was -- but black radio stations critical of donald trump for saying that? >> therm critical. but i can say this. i know where donald trump's heart is and his heart in a right place and saying we need to try something different. but we need to expand that message to include -- african-american it is that haven't in poverty plenty of middle-class african-americans interested in policy positions as lower income voters so we need to spread field out and do a larger message that can be more embraced by all african-americans not just those who maybe trying to find their way out of poverty. >> supposing donald trump were to go straight into the inner
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city into a black community. straight into it. you think he would be shouted down and get a fair hearing? >> well, you know, this is -- big boy politics right now. the democrats are going to do everything they can when donald trump shows up in venues to make it look like he's not getting hurt so any job and others job to make sure we put donald trump in positions where people are going to listen and he can deliver that message. the poll numbers are all wrong. i think that donald trump is doing far better among black voters in polls would suggest and plenty of voters willing to listen, we need to create those opportunities and that's part of my job to reach out to african-american organizations and those willing to actually embrace the choice. that choice is fail policy of the democrats and decade after decade let black community down versus a choice everything to gain and not just everything to lose. >> love to see polls. >> the poll was a good one. stuart: bring us some more ashley belle appreciate it.
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look at facebook please -- barons which has some influence, there's that stock going to go up another 20%. nicole the story please. >> a year from 124 up to 153 they thought it was too pricey at $23 but now barons is giving company a boost up 1% todays. they said jump to the upside and this is because the advertising platform. that is not seeing this potential not only on facebook but on instagram it's app and message so a big article in baron and should give it a boost over next year. >> we'll see what happens nicole thank you breaking away for breaking news. the fbi says it found thousands more documents in the hillary e-mail scandal. what's this? >> we know attorneys for hillary clinton turned other some 30,000 turns out that there's a nearly 15,000 more e-mails that would not hand over. nearly 50% more than the original 30,000. this all comes from a lawsuit
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filed by the judicial watch, the question now is when do these get released, and we understand as early as today they're going to put out a schedule when these e-mails will be released on a rolling schedule. they say october priority prior to elections. where did the suddenly 15,000 or close 15,000 extra e-mails come out? >> you've got second week of the new trump where he's laying out policy prescriptions, an a long-runs defense i-action from hillary clinton that continues in the future because of the e-mail scandal. trump out there going forward, hillary playing defense in resting very interesting. by the way trump supporters attacked in minneapolis, we'll show you the videotape. question where's the outrage we'll discuss media double standard momentarily. promise you that. jamb prime minister addressed a super mario at olympic closing ceremony in brazil. this is a preview of japan's
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>> and remember "varney & company" starts is at 9 a.m. eastern, here's what you missed last hour. judge napolitano won hillary clinton's e-mail scandal. >> they're doing wonderful things with respect to exposing the government. but they lost this round. they get one chance at answering questions. they do not get to follow up with another series of questions based on her answers. and her answers will be meaningless because they will be written by her lawyers not by her. >> what do we get all of this and what is this going to happen before or after the election? >> a great question stuart under rules ask for a 30 day extension after a 30 day extension and get it it will take them to are you ready for is this?
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we've got oil down about 1.15 percentage points $47 a barrel. that translates into much lower prices for some of these oil related stocks like marathon oil for example. how about viacom chief executive will reside immediately. that is a victim for the red stone family . an remember, ben herr, that's from the paramount unit of viacom it was a flop over the weekend and viacom stock is down 4% all things wrapped up together that's a stock that's down. donald trump continues to face what ienl going to cull a double standard in the media. the number one, trump supporters hack ltd by liberal protesters, actually they were attacked flat out attacks by liberal protesters they were beaten by them. let's get that clear. imagine if trmt other way around. so trump supporters going after hillary people. what would you make of that? second look at that. that's a statue they popped up all over america naked donald trumps. and yet -- the media thinks it's funny. what would happen if we had a hillary clinton statue a similar
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statue across america? can you imagine what the yield would do? governor huckabee is with us and we thank him for a timely appearance. governor, it seems to me that the more donald trump pivots towards the new trump, the more vicious the media goes after him because it's the media that now looks desperate. >> i think that's true, stuart. you know, the media is never going to be a friend to a republican. they're especially not a friend to somebody who is going against hillary clinton. but i wish you hadn't brought up that idea of a -- naked hillary statue. that is something in my mind i cannot unsee and i just don't appreciate that. and i don't think your viewers do either. so -- let's not go there again. >> understood. understood you got it. now i want to bring up form oar secretary of state colin fowl discuss ising hillary clinton's e-mail scandal after a campaign complicated that he suggested it was okay to use a private e-mail
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server. and then i don't see much coverage for that governor. >> not much coverage that the hillary clinton and everything is excused it's let's move on. there's nothing to see here. but there's something to see here. and fact is she has consistently kintly lied about nape of her e-mails. whether or not she used them or official business and private servers whether or not it was one or multiple private servers weren't there was just about her personal stuff or state department stuff. i mean everything she said about it, has turned out to be factually untrue which is by anybody's deaf nation a lie and a some people pointed out she's lied about her lies and that's problematic if people want a president they can trust because hillary is somebody they can't trust. >> governor is seems like this campaign has taken a really big turn in the past ten days.
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i think that new donald trump has emerged he's not presidential staying on prompter and going for policy as opposed to personality. and hillary clinton though she's continue you meanly having to defend her position on all of these scandals, we didn't hear much many from her over the weekend. is it a new tone to the whole campaign, right? >> well, it's interesting i mean hillary clinton if you want to find her you're going to have to look on the side of a milk carton she's now become a missing person. she's not doing press conferences. she's been taking the weekends off. she's not on campaign trail. that consistently -- i don't know if there's something going on. i don't know if it's just because she's so overconfident that she doesn't have to campaign but two schedules between donald trump and hillary clinton, and what i was on the trail with donald trump, this man is going nonstop, and when i say 20 hour days that's not exaggeration i'm talking from 5 to 6 in the morning until well after midnight before the schedule shuts down.
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and that's what he's doing day after day. you win elections when you out perform the other side and donald trump is definitely outperforming hillary clinton -- >> you being there. you were on campaign trail with him when there were candidates in the primaries. was the -- i mean, a vigorous guy right even though 70 years old. >> [laughter] you never would know it. he's got staffers less than half his age who can't keep up with him i personally saw that during primary but when i would travel with him couple of weeks ago. in a series of campaign events over several days it was just astonishing to see this. so anybody who wonders can he handle it, answer is yes. >> virtue of a being a teetotaler thank you for joining us we appreciate it. >> thanks. check that big board we're still is up not much but up three points 18555. how's this for a headline? from "the new york post," our american journalism is collapsing before our eyes.
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we have the author of that headline welcome he's a pulitzer prize winner and 11:00 hour. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy. if legalzoom has your back.s, over the last 10 years we've helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here. [ yes. yes. ] uhhh, you're really getting the hang of this. anncr: want feedback that helps? verified reviews. another reason to join angie's list for free. this new ac guy is not that good. no he's not. anncr.: need a job done right?
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special reports of bret baier on new donald trump acting more presidential. focusing on the economy, and immigration. and we have a guest who says that trump presidency will be more fiscally conservative than ronald reagan. here's what former reagan economists art lapper said about trump and the economy last hour. >> any growth would have a huge impact especially on black teenage employment. which is really where we need the jobs. and if we can get rid of the teenager -- get rid of the minimum wage for teenager this would skyrocket and a lot of our problems would disagree a lot of racial conflict problems would disagree along with it.
10:57 am
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details, but what if we got? ashley: fit 10,000 more. these were discovered by the fbi. these were not disclosed by the attorneys of hillary clinton. we are talking about nearly 50% more than a 30,000 found and released previously. when are these going to be made public? apparently today we look at a schedule when these are rolled out. but it will be in sober prior to the election. stuart: let me backtrack a little. 30,000 e-mails found on the private server and they were released at the time. in those e-mails they found various top-secret, very secret e-mails on the private server. now we've got 15,000 more documents. transfer attachments, duplicates. stuart: we don't know what's in them. we will find out in october. liz: where were these 15,000 in the beginning? there were at least 30,000.
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the rest were deleted. apparently not. stuart: i keep using the word apparently. liz: now they are trying to negotiate the release of them. could this be the october surprise the clinton campaign does not want? stuart: the new trump campaign making some headway with the old clinton campaign still on defense about e-mails. and even more so now. thanks, everybody. good stuff. brett they are coming up a couple minutes from now. donald trump appealing to black voters with this line. we rolled it before. we will go it again. >> what he have to lose? you are living in poverty. your schools are no good. you have no jobs. 58% of your youth is unemployed. what the do you have to lose. stuart: very direct statement. let me show you some numbers
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from the obama era. the poverty rate. the number of black folks living in poverty up 1.6% during the obama era. during that same timeframe the percentage of black americans struggling below the poverty line, and median income down 1.5%. that is the median income in black households under the obama years going down. homeownership or black folks down 9%. that is a a pretty good job in a period of 7.5 years. the number of black folks on food stamps up 58% again in the obama era. republican strategists gianna caldwell. >> thank you for having me. stuart: you're welcome. trout made a direct appeal. what have you got to lose? how is that receipt? >> it's interesting to friend of mine, jasmine turner on the southside of chicago, an african-american woman posted something on facebook.
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like people including the 365 days a year. the one opportunity, jobs, better schools. trump said you're unemployed. he lived in poverty. your schools as he put it. black people by nature to make up your mind. are you discussed on this level are not? your important question. she's a democrat. black lady from southside of chicago. wait a second. >> this is an opportunity for the african-american community. if you want her issues to be discussed, let's hear what mr. trump has to say. but policy positions is he going to put forth? democrats have been running this country for a long time and my folks have got nothing out of the deal. if mr. trump said previously they asked for your vote time and time again. >> i'm told that line, what if he got to lose, was paid
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countless times across the country and i am told that black folks are critical of it. what's the story there? >> it's all about tone. this is a very sensitive community. a lot of things have happened in the way this media has per trade mr. trump. people don't want to see is though they are being taught down to. not all black people are poor or any of those kinds of things. we've got a expand the message a little bit. that make sense. at the end of the day, mr. trump and i appreciate his speech last week in wisconsin. it's a direct appeal to african-american comes something black people have been saying. >> i don't recall a republican presidential candidate going out if there is a what if you got to lose? >> what you have to lose? >> as the arguments on both.
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me as an african-american, i can say those kinds of things. it's more of an internal conversation. mr. trump again considering how can you has painted them and to some degree lit himself on fire a few times from some of the things he said. this is the sensitivity in which the african-american community six aaron bean. i'm hoping that he will continue to make these. stuart: 22nd flash. if donald trump went to harlem, would've gone down? >> i guess it would depend. grenada make sure the right crowd is there and people are willing to hear the message. >> the rnc would have to make sure the right folks are here. hillary clinton which is what we see in a lot of these rallies. stuart: thanks for joining us as always. to the markets. we are up not much, but we are
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out. we are down and now we arrive. the price of oil still way down. we are down 2% on the price of 47. important news. pfizer, buying the cancer drug maker and they are paying $14 billion for it. that is a huge premium because this company has a cancer drug that stops the spread of prostate cancer. very important stuff. more individual stocks to look at. apple, a blog called mock opera, says apple is eliminated the pro model of the iphone seven. that's pure speculation that the stock is up and away. barrett says the stock could jump another 20% this year. it's up another buck at 124. microsoft, massive windows to update causing serious problems. i do have some of the stock. 57 bucks a share and microsoft. rdf 18% this year.
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here with us now is outnumbered cohost. >> you had me hear the hour before a numbered. happy to be here by the way. stuart: we're all one big happy family. you know what you're talking about. i am sick and tired of messing around about the fed. nobody knows what they're going to do. everybody speculating about what they're going to do. >> offense as they are in a more appropriate time in a more appropriate position to possibly raise rates. the markets are looking not only can decide two things good one, moving away from this unprecedented involvement from the federal reserve. some like that idea. they've been dublin out the markets can't function normally. secondly, a lot of people looking at what the fed is saying and pay what economy are you looking not? where is the growth that seems
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look so good that you think it's time to come off. >> janet yellen, she's fixed in jackson hole, wyoming. i think it's late this week. it's going to be very closely watched. why don't you tell us what she thinks she's going to say? >> the markets are pricing in a rate hike by the end of this year. what is one rate hike even due to the market? what does that even change anything? markets have got to look at, but there's so many other influences. the u.s. dollar, for instance, having a big impact in the market. the market seems to be pricing out a donald trump victory is ours the people i talked to in this market that are heavily invested in this market. stuart: you think the market has priced in. trump victory or clinton but to read. >> clinton but to read.
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>> you think that's where the market has gone up? >> right now their certainty leaning towards the hillary clinton victory. i'm not ruling out a move. i talked to kellyanne conway this morning. if she is able to narrow that margin that hillary clinton is leading donald john, you can see a reaction in the market because they have somebody at a given point in time. train to give 20 seconds to tell me who is the best in the market. >> you don't want to hear my opinion on not. those say hillary clinton's plane is best for the economy, you have to ask them. get the benefit them and their business. the thing about donald trump, if you're a small-business owner, unemployed in this country, you hear a donald trump has to say. the thing finally somebody is recognized in may. tax about regulation, tax about
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taxes. he's got the right idea when it comes to talking in the small business. stuart: i've got breaking news. the fallout for brian lochte. admitted he overreacted about the robbery and radio. >> u.s.a. announcing they're going to end the sponsorship. it's a brazilian charity. they say while we've enjoyed to relationship over the past decade, we cannot condone behavior that is counter to the values that this brand has long stood for. there you go. >> he's made nearly 2.5 million bucks in sponsorships. the question is do they want someone fabricated the story represented their brand. july, gatorade, ralph arent have had relationships. stuart: i saw his name and face over the weekend. they are still with you.
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the economy, law and order, foreign policy has covered the series this month stayed on prompter outlining ideas, staying on message. he speaks on immigration this week. he's called out directly to black voters. what if you got to lose by switching to me? there is a hand from his new campaign manager that the mass deportation of illegals has been returned to do. there is a pity. hillary clinton has spent much of the last three days resting. she's playing defense on e-mails and defense a good thing her foundation. the election has a new look. trump has moved onto rolling out policy. hillary clinton still pressed by scandal and the media, same old, same old. they have their candidate and it's not donald trump. 77 days to the election. the third hour begins right now. you just heard it. they were supposed to be a bigger gap there between myself
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and brad baer who is listening to my tape. it's a new campaign, the new donald trump. hillary still playing defense. how do you see it? >> stuart, good morning. this is the new team and by mr. trump himself to change. his tone, his delivery and to focus on policy. i think you're also right in that some of this policy is going to sound a lot different than the campaign trail. mainly emigration and the possibility of deportation of $11 billion of illegal immigrants. now some people are calling it a direct blood clot. others try to add nuance to a policy that was never there appeared this week we would hear donald trump lay that out as well. i think it will be different than what people have heard in a black-and-white talk to
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characterize. stuart: just a few minutes ago we had this washing and post reported that the fbi says it's found thousands of more documents than the hillary e-mails and all. i know it's just breaking, but what do you make of this? >> a massive story. it is huge. it's unbelievable to think that alec the end of august we are hearing about 15,000 plus document that were not turned over by the hillary clinton campaign by hillary clinton. she said she turned everything over, that they raise 30,000. 15,000 more, and this is quite tempting. across the judicial watch statement saying on this and the only reason this came out of his because of their records. they go into negotiation with a department to release the females. they are slow rolling the
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release and you look at the timing of the election. stuart: i just want to make sure this is simplified. we really need to know exactly what has happened here. 80,000 e-mails were found and released in trenches a couple at a time for the beginning of this year through late spring. in those 30,000, there were clearly evident of highly secret top-secret of her nation on the private server. now, 15,000 more documents again coming out before the election. >> just elected you should do your numbers, she released 55,000 pages. there were eventually released by the state department and in that you are right. talked about classification issues and classified material that was there. 30,000 e-mails till he clinton said she had a race that had disappeared because they were not part of the work product.
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now in addition to the 30,000 we didn't know what happened to him he didn't know who whether they were work or not. this additional 15,000 a department and sagging gas that's right. they were work-related. the fbi, then we will release them eventually according to a judge. stuart: you are right. this huge. i hate to use that word. brad baer, we will watch tonight at 6:00. thank you. look at the market. basically a flat day this monday morning. cap is asked up, down 12 on the dow. eight teams 540. coming up, "varney & company." someone who says a trump president he will be more fiscally conservative. a company video getting thousands online. it's called ad lib. reading. actors voicing over will video the democrat national convention. just watch this.
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and now you need a tow truck. does your policy cover the cost of a tow truck? who knows? you didn't read it. you can't even find it. the liberty mutual app with coverage compass™ makes it easy to know what you're covered for and what you're not. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at coverage compass™ gives you the policy information you need at a glance. available 24/7 on your mobile device. switch to liberty mutual and you could save up to $509. call that's liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. stuart: is monday morning to
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which i would reagan more humor. more bad lipreading which i think is really funny. wool s'more tape, please. >> .net and the joker are like all people, stiff and contrary. i met in this good story -- >> this really. like all these people are here tonight. shout out to my crew. i can't drink when the guy that rings the water for everyone got all his close of the doubt. >> i'm run this country. at colorado cb. >> i would like to report a dragon or two. ashley: it's hilarious. stuart: it doesn't go too far. it's insulting to put words into somebody's not. liz: i think i was really pretty
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standard stocking. i'm just kidding. stuart: should be put words into the mouth of the first lady? >> we do not receive actions using for two years now. we need a break. we need to laugh a little bit. ashley: they will do the republican side, too. stuart: i promise that they do one on the republicans, we will run it. train for "the new york times" is going to do a pulitzer prize-winning investigation. stuart: let's look at the market. now we are falling again. we were down 85. then we came back to a plus 20. now we are down again. down 56. i still think it's got something to do with oil. 3%. maybe that is why all these stocks are down. i'm not sure about that, but there's something going on here.
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stuart: i want to get back to the breaking news. "washington post" that the fbi has found 15,000 more documents on hillary's private e-mail server. just she andrew napolitano bringing his vacation back with this. brad baer that this is a huge story. >> i fully agree when the fbi director announced on july 7 that mrs. clinton had failed to turn over thousands of work-related e-mails, he didn't give us the number, but this number is enormous. 15,000. he also said the fbi found no evidence that the e-mails that she failed to turn over were intentionally deleted or hidden from the fbi. it would be difficult for anybody to understand how they
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could have failed to turn over acting as an e-mail with some intend not to turn them over on her part or on the part of her lawyers. brought the good news that she got in the story we talked about earlier this morning that she doesn't have to give live testimony on that, this is devastating to her. this is 50% of what she did turnover. she turned over 33,000. another 15,000 should go did turnover could she do great difficulty if she ever gave a press conference. stuart: and we don't know within them. back to your vacation. thank you are a match we appreciate it. now this. an intensely hostile media that would do anything to keep donald trump out of the white house. the bias is right out in the open. there is a quote from the editorial board of "the new york times." here it is. the message of hatred. they use that word, hatred and paranoia that is inciting
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millions of voters will have asked the messenger. now, just a day later, this headline in "the new york post," american journalism has collapsed and before our eyes. that was written by a new york post new york post columnist and a man has won the prize, michael goodwin. he joins us now. welcome to the program. american journalists on collapsing. >> "the new york times"'s risley example eight. they haven't is since i jettisoned alexander's. all of their traditional standards against bias, against favoritism, against tilting too far. this is not the ordinary tilt of liberalism that we are used to. this is a full on assault against donald trump by "the new york times." abc news, nbc news, cbs news. the so-called white shoe media organizations have violated there is standard in ways that i've never seen before.
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it's a shrill partisanship day in, day out. every morning, every now. stuart: they read stuff into the things that donald trump has said, extrapolate out calling them a racist and a bigot. they are interpreting in their own way but he says. not only that, they are tackling the clinton campaign and the obama white house. there's nothing independent about what they are doing. they are right in at exactly the same conclusions. "the new york times" public editor, the new one is actually quite good, called "the new york times" on the way it lets clinton advertise on this web sight as though it's impossible to distinguish or difficult to distinguish between the ads claim the out and the times copy. this is a seamless adopting of the clinton ideas bred into the times website in and to the times report. stuart: you can also express biased by what you cover in what you don't cover. seems to me the establishment of you has a full-court press on
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investigating donald trump, everything he ever said and everything he did in every woman he spoken to. the same is not true on the other side. >> at there is a built-in assumption that as the times media reporter wrote in one of his stories, you have one normal candidate, meaning clinton and one half normal candidate inning triumph. if you start from that point, the stories write themselves. whatever trump says or does is abnormal. whatever clinton does this within a perimeter that's acceptable of conventional wisdom. they have approached them. they are fundamentally flawed in their approach. donald trump is an outside the box in a day. this notice will not. does that mean in "the new york times" to have to jettison your standards? standards like laws and regulations are used to guide behavior in all cases. not just easy cases, but especially in difficult cases. stuart: you are not necessarily
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a trump supporter you are being object to the site and upholding journalistic standard. that's where you're coming from? >> absolutely. i have written that i could see my up voting for john but i have not endorsed him. i don't know how i will vote in the end. i probably will not vote or clinton because she is fundamentally dishonest. my mind is open for his drug. my pc was about standards. it about whether the media is violating its own standards and therefore can never be tried it again. once you let the genie out of the bottle, you can put it back in. this is really a seminal moment in american journalism. stuart: i think we are going to post that article by the way. michael, thank you for joining us. appreciate it. staying on politics, our next guest says a trump presidency will be even more fiscally conservative than ronald reagan. but as here. grover norquist, tax reform
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president. is that true in your opinion even though donald trump has recently fine-tuned his ta proposals to be not so bad, tax outside? still true? >> resident reagan was elected to cut taxes and deregulate. trump is running for president with a significant tax cut, dramatic tax cuts and deregulation. but there's a big difference. when reagan showed up, he was almost the only reagan republican in washington d.c. the house of representatives was run by tip o'neill, very left wing democrat from massachusetts and bob dole was running the senate -- howard baker was running the senate. he was much more a forward moderate republican. today we have a republican house, the republican senate run by reagan republicans that the vast majority of the 90% of the
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republicans in the house and senate. reagan republican to what to move in the same direction the reagan wanted to and that trump says he wants to move in. trump can get bills passed that reagan could disguise, that they will pass easily through the house and the senate. that is a pretty rosy picture. donald trump is elected resident and if the senate and house remain with a very large number of republicans in them. you are saying that we are going to get tax reform and space. >> and quick way. the house proposal that paul ryan put together in trump's oppose all have both move towards each other. when trump is some of the changes, he added a very good idea that the republican house happened that his boat and think her business investment tremendously pro-growth drops the cost of capital to make american workers more for the truth. and he took the theme rate
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reductions in tax rates that the house had in the house move towards house of representatives moved towards trump's idea of taking the corporate rate dramatically down to 15. i think you are seeing trump and republicans in the house and senate coming to an agreement. you could have them could have them sit in a room for a couple hours and had a bill ready to go within days. stuart: earlier in the show, steve moore, you know him, one of the economic advisers to donald trump. he said you would like trump as president. he carries out his tax reform plan and you will have 4% growth for five years. now that is an enormous six engine of america's economy. you think it could be that good i'm going to say? >> yes, absolute. all that requires as the tax proposal that trump and house republicans have put together to be in good. there's additional growth to be made by pulling back some of the ridiculous and the regulation
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that has piled up during obama, bush, clinton and bush. ever since reagan left. stuart: president obama -- president trump could change those regulations like that with executive action. that could be done, couldn't it? >> it takes a little time to jump through hoops. the president wants to be sent in he could do it. >> that would be interesting, wouldn't it? you've been a stranger to us. come on back more often. >> i would be delighted to. appreciate it. to the market, let's get back there. look at that. there is a story behind this. they produce the monopoly producer, that the pen. you jab it into your thigh if you've got maybe a dangerous reaction or an allergy or sums
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were. liz: the ip pen is like a magic marker. parents are sending their kids to school at this. here's the story. it is the only maker of this product. there is no generic equivalent. the product expires after a year. but now the price of it is surging towards $700 per prescription. this cost for the adrenaline shot less than $5, one milliliter of adrenaline you inject with the ip pen. stuart: one more point. a lot of back to school back packs for kids going back cool. they are required to think i'm allergy is an sword. you've got to have been at the pen. that's a huge increase. trading fours though dangerous because parents can't afford it. stuart: things, lives. dow jones industrial average don't worry what. donald trump, back to him. being accused of flip-flopping on his immigration policy.
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the winning streak ended starting out this week. s&p down five in the not back dropping nine after eight weeks of gains. the winners and losers, mostly losers today. the pentagon contract for $281 billion. american express and apple. oil is something we're watching closely. at three weeks in a row with a gain of over 16%. today pulling back three bucks today. a stronger dollar and also expert patients and increase production. lockheed martin wins the $10 billion u.s. defense contract with the pentagon up about half of 1%. starting your day at 5:00 a.m. on fox business as he and a.m. -- 5:00 p.m. a.m.
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stuart: to the terror attack in turkey over the weekend. 50 dead in a suicide bombing at a wedding. turkish president and isis for the attack in bad 12 or 14 years old kid, i'm in. strategic analyst lieutenant colonel ralph peters. welcome back to the program. when you see news of this kind, you think is this a new low end if they'll do this, what will they not do? that is real terror, isn't it? >> it is indeed it is virtually nothing they won't do. when we see a tragedy like this, 51 dead, half of them don't
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teenagers are children another 70 or so wounded in the suicide attack at 12 or 14-year-old boy, we shake our heads. but we are not getting the message. the messages are enemies commitment, they will do anything to win. while we continued to impose more and more politically correct restrictions on ourselves. stuart, let me ask you, if we cut the mastermind behind the child suicide bomber attack, what would we do to them? we give them a lawyer. we treat them well. we give them religiously correct food. we give them a safe south. it's amazing. you can't fight like that. you have to ask ourselves why the taliban there's a 15 years after afghanistan. why is this still happening? it's because we are not serious
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in their enemies are deadly serious. stuart: valves, if you went after the isis people and it's a pretty good idea where they are, they are being sheltered for their sheltering behind the civilian population. you go after and kill them en masse come you kill civilians. the argument is weak then moves the pr battle. did you think our country is prepared to do that? >> at present, no. we have been poisoned apolitical correctness. people no longer and what it is, what it takes. but we had to do in germany and japan. i am not for the killing of civilians. a very times when you got to destroy your enemy even if they're using human shields. once they get the message human shields to work, they stop using them. the bottom line is this. you want to fight terror, and got to be willing to kill
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terrorists. stuart: well said. i'm always sorry i cut them short. a jampacked newsday. you know how it is. i wish you well in the book. i read it. i think it's great. thank you very much. proceeds. germany telling its citizens, get up there and stockpiled food and water in case of a teacher catastrophic terror attack. ashley: this is a report saying berlin will announce this week, basically saying for the first time since the end of the cold war it is requiring citizens to put away or stop the emergency provisions, both water and food. they say we are faced with the possibility of the attack. they are already on high alert because of the islamic past. but i find amusing is the wording. the population will be obliged to let an individual supply of it for 10 days. get out there and buy it.
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they are asking people to prepare appropriately for development that could threaten our existence. it cannot be categorically ruled out in the future. it is interesting. >> i made the population start to worry. if you are being told to stop food and water because this might happen. being that we do not be an attack likely, but we do believe citizens should be prepared for any eventuality. i stock up on food and water. the new campaign manager was asked about hacking away from the deportation of all illegals. donald trump was on fox and friends early this morning. here here's what he had to say about that. >> would have to be very firm. we have to be very, very strong. a lot of people want to come in if that's there for them. we are working with a lot of
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people in the hispanic community to try and come up with an answer. >> soon enough the offing? >> no, i'm not for topping. we want to come up with a fair but firm answer. stuart: firm and fair in the deportation of illegals. that is a slight shift in the position. transferred what about mass deportation? she's said to be determined. they are stressing humane but efficient. the first campaign ad out of the trump campaign is about border security and it's about being tough on border security. whether or not they do mass deportations and whether or not they legalize the future undocumented immigrants, we don't know how it will address that. stuart: is a work in progress. he's never back off one iota. how about this from california. more than 10,000 firefighters have tried to contain six big wildfires could one of them in central california destroyed
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about 50 buildings come is threatening more homes as well. landmark historic is a national landmark -- an historic landmark. fire officials said the wildfire is about 85% contained. louisiana started the louisiana started the cleanup on those historic flood. jeff flock in baton rouge will show you the dems station in a moment. you didn't read your car insurance policy.
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stuart: i'm going to take you back to louisiana this little cleanup. the new number is 100,000 people have applied for federal aid. jeff flock is in baton rouge. earlier you showed us exactly the fate of devastation. show us again. i can see it looks dreadful. reporter: we have been driving non-thought since i last talked to you, beware. it goes on for miles. i had to stop at this one. because the biggest pile i have seen. they've gutted everything out of the house. everything from the sad to the drywall, just every piece of furniture. this just goes on and on and on. i don't know. this is a big one. i'll tell you, we were at low to
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figure this out. but i'll tell you, it is a big one. it is a very wide swath of area. i don't know how soon i'll get back to normal but i don't imagine many times. stuart: those pictures tell a thousand words or that is a, jeff flock. we will be with you all the way through the day and the fox business network. jeff flock in baton rouge. more "varney" after this. siriusxm. road happy.
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in other words, you get on them quickly, and you release them quickly. so the fact -- you know, dragging their feet would not work. >> yeah. after all how on earth. liz: but they could. they've dragged their feet in the past. >> suddenly after all of this time, suddenly you find another 15,000 documents. liz: well, under statement that we released all of this information. >> yeah, on the cusp of you don't believe what they say. >> put this into context. we're now under the second week of the new donald trump campaign. seems very different from the old donald trump campaign. he seems to be moving forward. hillary clinton, though, even more in the e-mail scandal, constantly playing defense. that's not going away. >> no. >> and what in these documents would be deemed personal where the clintons would be able to have a crack at it? and what will they reveal about the clinton foundation? >> here we go again because it appears the fbi no matter what's found in those e-mails are not going to do a damn thing, excuse my french.
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>> well, the first tens of thousands showed up all the private classified information. anymore of that on these 15,000 documents? we don't know. our time is up. i do know that. i know that charles payne is waiting eagerly to take it away. charles: we'll continue to speculate right now, stuart. don't worry about it. in the meantime trump continues, while hillary clinton is taking a break from voters. this is cavuto: "coast to coast" i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto. donald trump set to pound the economy in ohio today. moving from swing state to swing state looking to cord latino and black voters. now, she's taking a break from the campaign trail to hold a big stretch of fundraisers. so does did happen trump have a opportunity to complete a turn around. democratic strategist jim green. all right. guys, hillary, she announced a big ad buy. $80million but left out a couple of swing states. she hung
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