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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  August 22, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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i think you are exactly right. the miscalculation on either side. >> if they could do something, others could respond and before you not, 30,000 you have been asked -- doing extraordinarily well and we will work hard to keep you watching. in the meantime here's the man himself, lou dobbs. lou: good evening i'm lou dobbs in the bombshell revelation today here at hillary clinton's e-mail scandal is worsening. the fbi now says it has an additional 15,000 e-mails from clinton's time as secretary of state, just about 50% more than she ever committed and in those e-mails there is new evidence the clintons did favors for foreign donors. donald trump today said that the whole clinton enterprise is a racket. >> these are very greedy people. these are people that have skirted the law for a long time.
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everything is a scam, like grifters. lou: the scam which it looks to be in it looks like it's also finally catching up with hillary clinton, new polls show the race tightening nationally and in key battleground states come about not all. trump tonight speaking in one of those battleground states, ohio. the head of the republican national committee says hillary clinton's troubles focusing on the issue making this race far more competitive. >> i think what you're going to see is these polls will begin to tighten and in the next couple of weeks am by labor day or thereafter i think they will be back an even race if we continue down this path. >> trumps new campaign manager kellyanne conway will be joining us here tonight. she has partly causes controversy by suggesting trump may soften stance on illegal immigration.
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i'll be asking her about that and a lot more. ed rollins a mic a good one join us as well. we will be taking up these new polls in the latest on the clinton foundation e-mail scandal's and more. and karl rove and tony perkins with us as well to examine trumps new discipline and why he must keep the pressure on hillary clinton. also tonight united states begins politari exercises on the korean peninsula in response north korea saying it will turn washington d.c. into a quote heap of ashes end quote. china tonight also sounding war drums. we will take up the latest geopolitical debate with k.t. mcfarland and what it may mean for the race to the white house. our top story devastating developments in the hillary clinton e-mail scandal newly-released e-mails. we will get more examples of the clinton foundation reaching out to then secretary of state hillary clinton state department for favors involving wealthy
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donors to the clinton foundation. the message is released by judicial watch show clinton's aid the matt abedin provided influential clinton foundation donors, special expedited access to clinton. the documents revealing crown prince solomon of bahrain in a meeting with clinton after pledging $32 million to the clinton foundation. now herself the center of another controversy in the report says she has spent a decade editing a radical islamist journal named the journal of muslim and minority affairs the publication is for women's rights in blamed the united states for september 11. her mother still serves as editor-in-chief of the obligation. a sportsman for the clinton campaign telling "fox news" quote these tabloid claims are more of the same unfounded the trail being pushed as steve bannon and trumps other conspiracy theorists and
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cronies. not surprising that it is disappointing. let's take a look if we can at the masthead so you can -- baby look at the masthead? i'm sorry? i'm sorry we don't have the masthead. we will have that them on the page i'm a former reagan white house lyrical director and strategist ed rollins columnist for the new york post "fox news" contributor michael goodwin. let's start with 15,000 e-mails. as many as the total number we were told the clintons had in their possession. michael your reaction to this? >> it really is a bombshell and what it shows is of course more than just the ordinary e-mail trail of things. i thought particularly the bar rain crown prince needing to give money and go through the foundation to get an appointment with the secretary of state. that e-mail i think is incriminating.
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the idea that you basically have to buy a meeting with the secretary of state not to the government with her family foundation and you have people on both sides of that transaction working for the clintons. this is outrageous. lou: this calls into question also the level of scrutiny that the fbi brought to this investigation. there are within these e-mails documents that they released today. i mean there is a priority in space, conflicts that say there should be an investigation. >> i find most interesting that these incriminating e-mails were the ones that were missing. she had five chances to bring the e-mails forward and she keeps coming forward saying there are no more. lou: i was sure those would be the yoga --. >> as michael said the secretary of state, if you are the prints or whatever other country you
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call up a new. >> one appointment because i want to discuss it to the bottom line is the clintons sold them. you go back to the scandals and they continued it. lou: why is she still a candidate for president of the united states? >> has because we have not done the job we should do. what i would say today is every single day if donald trump wants to win this presidency and i'm sure he does this is the issue. this is the key i think to unraveling the whole game and they have to keep pounding it and pounding every single day. lou: i looked at the clinton involvement in responsibility and blame but i also want to bring back the issue of james comey in his capacity and his character in making a judgment that he did not to investigate her not to call for prosecution. michael on its face it's ridiculous, preposterous. >> let's recall that this new trove of e-mails is only turning up now because she had a private
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server. lou: it caused a judicial watch. >> the fact that we did know about them before is because she was off-line. she was off the government server so she could hide things from everybody including the government and including investigators. >> or principle and only motivation. >> should want the white house to know she is doing and she didn't want the spies the state department and she did not depress and she didn't want freedom of information. >> there's a long history here. judicial watch has gone to court in these documents. you will call the whitewater papers that she was subpoenaed and ordered by a federal court to surrender through two years later she discovered them in a closet in the white house, on the table. and so my sense again this is an smoking gun, keep pounding it
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and it will basically unravel. lou: again the existence of these 15,000 e-mails means that she lied about fundamentally the biggest element of it all which is how many e-mails there were. and the content. she has lied, she has lied, she has denied and she has, i cannot imagine why anyone would believe a word the woman would ever say. >> this goes to your point about call me. he said we could never establish intent that the lies and the secrecy and the lies, that his intent rate that's what you take to the jury and you say here is the frame of mind we can gather from what we do know. lou: i will leave it to others to make the legal decisions that the cumulative weight of the absolute corruption that is absolutely staring everyone in the face begs for only one
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answer and that is why in the world do you think you deserve to be in the oval office? >> and don't forget they signed an agreement when she became secretary of state that the procedures that would go on between the separation of the two and they have violated every one of those. it needs to be highlighted. what did the prince wants when he came to your meeting to get the $2 million for your foundation. what was the discussion? >> could i just add quickly lou the colin powell i do miss important too. they were right there tried to pin on him the whole idea of a private server won in private server won in fact she was already using a private server before she sought his advice. lou: for one year. she has been trying to escape of a previous secretary of state. she said he told her -- lou: as if you were exculpatory of her involvement in every way. it is again, their rancid stench
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of all of this is overwhelming whether it needs the alignment of the "washington post," "the new york times" in the clinton cartel or whether it be a woman who wants to be president of the united states who has a record that is now becoming one of anti-me. >> the man who wants to be present at the united states now has the club in his hand and he needs to go beat her to death with it. lou: ed rollins. highly prized direct speaking plain speaking. we are coming back with much more of that plain speaking. stay with us. remember when everybody wanted donald trump to look more presidential? well he's the only one who looks presidential these days.
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tony perkins whose home was damaged and that flooding says trump is showing the kind of leadership this country desperately needs. he is my guest here, next. and this huge firefighting plane is picking up a lot more water to fight those fires but leaves the spectators in shock. the remarkable video coming up next. (announcer vo) who says your desk phone always has to be at your desk? now, with one talk from verizon... hi, pete. i'm glad you called. (announcer vo) all your phones can work together on one number. you can move calls between phones, so conversations can go where you go. take your time. i'm not going anywhere. (announcer vo) and when you're not available, one talk helps find the right person who is. hi, john. (announcer vo) so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. introducing one talk-- another way verizon connects your business better. learn how at
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xfinity. the future of awesome. lou: plot to bomb his new transgender bathroom rules. ozno rules would have allowed public school students to use the restroom for the gender which was they identify. rita connor broke federal the federal government conceded its authority to the administration exceeded its authority to decision as a third loss for the obama administration on the transgender bathroom issue just so far this month. president obama also under fire for his response to the devastating flooding in louisiana. the president set to visit baton rouge tomorrow. the president's trip announced only after donald trump met with flood victims and handed out some supplies last week and in
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stark contrast to the president playing golf and martha's vineyard as it refused to cut short his vacation. the republican presidential nominee also donated $100,000 to relief efforts. my next guest met with trump during his visit to louisiana. he is also one of the thousands of louisiana residents who lost his home in the flooding. the president of the family research council tony perkins joins us here tonight. tony thanks for taking time and to all of the victims of this flooding, the tens of thousands in the weighs in a. my heart goes out to you and millions of americans. we are all with you and we will do what we can to help as best we can. there are so many people who are hurting its incredible. >> it is overwhelming lou but folks across america are helping. one of the first calls i made was to samaritan's purse of a
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week ago sunday and within 48 hours franklin graham said the team down here and they are now the hub of the church where i was serving. people across the country are volunteering and coming down. we have an operation, not a single government dollars involved. it's all the her, citizen helping citizen. it's truly the outcome of religious freedom. it's people coming from across the country to help their neighbor inspired by their faith to do so. lou: and where can we send a check and working to give something? is there a web site that we can use, samaritan's purse, franklin graham that is of course readily identified? how about for your church or others in your reach? >> well our church is greenwell springs baptist church and we are accepting donations strictly
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for the relief effort. we are housing all of the volunteers at our site and in fact this afternoon sean hannity was down doing his show as a result of donald trump coming. i called donald trump last week and talk to steve and asked them to come down and it was interesting. they didn't want to be received to be political. they came down to say we don't want the media and we don't want the press, we want to meet with the victims and i will tell you it showed a lot of leadership leadership and to show the vacuum we have in this country when it comes to leadership because the president as you said was too busy on the golf course. lou: it's interesting i was challenged on twitter today by a troll that happen to work for atlanta at magazine saying that i was incorrect when i said the president and the democratic presidential nominee have done nothing while donald trump was taking action last week. it is to me, i have to say i am so disappointed.
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i have no reason to be disappointed because i have very low expectations frankly of the president. i assume that the political motive would drive hillary clinton. it has not. there has been such a comet to me a slow response by the government here that i just don't understand it. do you? >> it's been incredible. i had to decorate my home by boat and i had to be taken in by a church member to spend the night with them and our family was there in the next morning i said you know what we probably got a good response from the government because we have one of the few democratically-elected governors under the tenure of barack obama because everybody has gone the other way because of his leadership. i was shocked that he has not done more to help our democratic governor and our democratic governor. again it's a faith-based private sector response. donald trump hisham the president to coming down. i think a president is hoping
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the public will give him a mulligan saying we will let you do it over again. the relief effort is well underway driven primarily by the private sector. lou: and i've got to tell you something, think the governor of your state governor edwards is to me just, i was offended by him if i can use that expression when he said that the president, to give him cover that maybe it's too early for you to come mr. president and i put it off a few days instead of moving now to move the resources of the government to the present and the media attention on the plight of so many louisiana and. i mean your governor is a piece of work mr. perkins. >> this is an overwhelming crisis. 60% of this parish was flooded and livingston parish, 80%. so many people displaced.
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we needed the media attention and that's what donald trump routes are now a focusing and like americans they are generous and good people. they care for their neighbors. we would ask for more volunteers because this is going to be a long process of rebuilding. lou: well we are going to come at this broadcast is going to do what it can to donate money and to help out as best we can. samaritan's purse and greenwell tony and no wind you and your family and your neighbors and everyone there in the state are going through a lot prayed our prayers and best wishes go out to you. >> thank you lou, thanks for covering it. lou: be sure to vote in our poll tonight. is the evidence of pay-for-play an infusion of foreign powers money and the clinton foundation? now so overwhelming as to compel a public corruption investigation of the clintons and their foundation? please cast your vote on twitter
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@lou dobbs. follow me on twitter lou dobbs like me on facebook follow me on instagram @lou dobbs. please roll the video and watch the moment that people in france are almost hit by a firefighting plane flown into pickup water. it's amazing how they do this. those folks just about, just as you saw there barely misses this fellow. how he missed that airplane is well, it stuns me that he and other spectators weren't hurt and yes the plane picked up the water and went back to fighting the fire. up next the fbi uncovers 15,000 new e-mails are hillary clinton's private server. how about that? the trump campaign is further proof as if anyone needed it, that clinton is crooked. >> the american people are sick and tired of the pay-to-play politics in washington d.c..
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when donald trump becomes president of the united states we are going to break paid to play politics to a crashing hault on day one. lou: the very latest coming here next on the pay-for play, but clintons pay-for-play in the new evidence in the corruption charges should be brought. that's a subject of my commentary here tonight. please stay with us. ♪ [announcer] is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the summer of audi sales event is here.
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lou: a few thoughts now on the ever-growing ever fascinating quentin e-mail scandal's and the persistent stench of the quinsing cartel centerpiece, the clinton foundation. the clintons so far has succeeded in their stonewall at the fbi to her use of the private server as she clings to colin powell insisting he made her do it, scapegoating the former secretary of state. she has no shame. she will obviously try to game anyone and everyone and she is a
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shape shifter without conscience as she tries to blame secretary powell for her e-mail. >> secretary powell attended he did the same thing. he is such a distinguished record. i've served my country as well. we both did the same thing. just recently colin powell e-mails were retroactively classified for more than 10 years ago and he said that was an absurdity. i could not agree more. lou: notice she thinks herself to secretary powell but every word she uttered she knew was false -- he said those words. powell has finally decided to fire back. he told "people" magazine quote her people have been trying to pin it on me read the truth is she was using a her private e-mail server for a year before i sent her a memo telling her what i did which by the way was far different than what she did.
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powell's defense however just the tip of the iceberg for mrs. clinton because the fbi uncovered nearly 15,000 previously and disclosed e-mails. can you believe that? half of the amount that she said was out there, which means she has been lying about even more e-mails than we knew about and these new e-mails raise serious questions as well about the integrity of the fbi investigation of the fbi's conclusions about hillary, her intent, her lies and their pattern of behavior. the newly discovered e-mails represent barely half of the 30,000 e-mails the clinton's attorneys previously turned over a federal judge in this case brought by judicial watch ordered the state department to expedite its review of those e-mails. the state department has been dragging it out, stonewalling courts and the fbi, judicial
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watch as well and judicial watch today released 725 pages of new documents. those documents show hillary clinton state department granted special access to clinton foundation donors, pay-for-play. in june 2009, and exchange shows doug mann e-mailing clinton aide huma abedin to set up a meeting between the crown prince of bahrain and mrs. clinton. mrs. clinton didn't want to commit to that meeting and when it was initially thought their initial channels but within two days after the e-mail exchange that meeting was set up. by rain donating $32 million to the clinton foundation. the crown prince even launched a scholarship program to the clinton global initiative and so it goes. i believe by the way we are way tremendous debt of gratitude to
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judicial watch because without the efforts of that conservative watchdog group we would never have known the extent of the clinton corruption. tonight, we are learning that there is every likelihood that we will be learning far more about the full extent of the clinton cartel's corruption, and that is indeed disappointing and it should be alarming to every american citizen. a quotation of the evening comes this one from david brinkley who once said this of overreaching politicians and modest news. numerous politicians have seized power and muscled the press. never in history has the press seized absolute power and muscled the politicians. some would say moore more is a pity. we will be right back. donald trump staying on message and hillary clinton and her worsening scandals are his targets. >> i opponent is the corporate
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defender of a totally rigged system and a failed status quo. she is an insider, fighting only for herself and the other insiders. lou: trump campaign manager kellyanne conway joins me here next. this robber doing what robbers do, trying to get the money and run. how did that work out? we will show you in the video coming up next. we wil my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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lou: donald trump today fire back at the mainstream liberal -- liberal media making it very clear he is not flip-flopping when it comes to illegal immigration. >> we have to be very firm. we have to be very very strong when people come here illegally. we have a lot of people who want to come in through the legal process and that's fair for them and we are working with a lot of people in the hispanic community to try to come up with an answer. no, not flip-flopping. we want to come up with a really fair but firm answer. it has to be very firm. lou: joining me now that first woman to ever run on the republican presidential campaign, trump campaign manager kellyanne conway. it's great to have you with us. you are off to a burning start, congratulations. >> thank you. lou: yesterday was george stephanopoulos creating dust-up when you talk about a
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deportation course to be determined. is there any change? >> no there is no change. in donald trump speech and his convention last month you hear what transpired in this meeting on saturday which i attended and then you see no change. and that's what donald trump told your colleague at "fox news" business morning is consistent meaning he still try to figure a system that's fair to everyone. you know lou for too often politicians in washington have asked what's there to legal immigrants could actually give them social security and medicare and jobs and schooling and housing? the question is what is fair to ever run a bald? what is fair to the american workers were struggling to get the jobs that are maybe being taken by others? what should we ask business to do just sign up for e-verify and wash their hands of that? the question about fairness should extend around equation. let me say unequivocally is as someone who has worked every day
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the roundtable reporting on the source of this, nothing has changed. lou: not the wall and not the deportation of 11.5 million. those are two things that every american has heard. >> right, but he talked about deportation back in november and if you read his speech -- lou: i am asking you is there a change in those two elements? >> he says everyday build the wall wall and echo pay for it indicates rounds of applause wherever he goes. what he said on fox and friends today is the most act rate which is we need to find a way to fairly and effectively address the issue, we will call at 11 million illegal immigrants are among us. he wants to find a fair and humane way to do that but remember there's an estimate that many of them would be deported immediately because they have convicted it of a crime. some estimate a half a million to a million. lou: as you know i am a
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straightforward guy. i've heard you say the wall stays and i don't think there is going to be a lot of pleasure in hearing you equivocate on 11.5 million people being deported to personally i have never called for the deportation of a single illegal immigrant and i've been working on this issue and i say working on a reporting covering it for half a decade. is he working on a different approach than what he espoused on the campaign trail? >> he has been hearing for people who are experts on the field and he did that on saturday and i can tell you having sat there through the meeting i was very impressed with the multitude of counselors there. it was such a great meeting about school choice and charters. lou: i am not interested in that as the host of this program.
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he cited fox and friends three times. my interests are focused on reality and truth in the forests of the of the comments by any candidate on the campaign trail that there is change anonymous statement about a reformulation that might be going on. that's all. >> he will be announcing an entire immigration plan and people can compare to hillary clinton's plan and i think they we will be pleased to see you. lou: i look forward to that and thursday he was giving a speech in denver on immigration. that has been delayed presumably because of the kerfuffle that has arisen over the comment. >> a very simple reason it's a very complex answer to a simple situation. i was on the one who originally scheduled that but it's not the kind of thing you rush through. so he will come out. i don't know what hillary clinton is doing.
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no press conference to rally. there is a rational i think it's unfair for folks to just jump to conclusions when he has had many different times from saturday to today as those people who speak on his behalf nothing has changed in terms of wanting to deal with something that the politicians in washington including hillary clinton never want to do with and are looking at a way with the fact that people are thought to come here. i appreciate you saying because you and senator sessions to advise him on this issue, do not call for the deportation of 11.5 million illegal immigrants so i think he is listening to people and understanding the difference and the logistic implications and the philosophy is the same which is build the wall, secure the borders that go farther. that is the cost of admission. protect american workers and give i think him at the fair. lou: america first on such a really good way.
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>> to make america great again. lou: let me ask you as we look at what is happening with the clintons. first of all it does want to say to you into the campaign, to see donald trump it might chance down there on boating supplies off that truck, to hear that people talk about how important it was to them i think was a wonderful statement that the two folks who are leading your campaign trump and pens are going to be representing all of the people in this country and it was a wonderful moment. >> that's a wonderful way of saying at lou and i just want to remark that people are constantly giving the trump by city or presidential and show leadership. this is being presidential and showing leadership. go where people are in need and
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i couldn't imagine that all these republicans including the man running for president in 2012 didn't hightail it to new jersey and new york when people were suffering during hurricane sandy. lou: how long the bank campaign manager? >> about five days. lou: great work because the polls or are they closing. kelly and it's great to see you. please roll the video and watch as a russian burglar, that is a russian burglar, there is no way to tell really, struggles to steal a small safe from a train station office. after being unsuccessful with crowbar he jumps on the box to free it from the wall but any knowledgeable are clear would do seems to be not working. but he trips over the debris that he created on his way out. $56 by the way it's good to know that every nation has him burglars. in other words we have run out of video. this one was caught we are proud
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to tell you. up next donald trump staying on message hitting hillary clinton for her lies, her denials, heard deceptions and outright political graft. >> if you're ready to vote for honest government and honest government that you deserve, a trump administration will end the corruption and restore integrity to government service. lou: karl rove joins antrim's message of discipline and how it can shift the polls in his favor i think it has far to have some influence. we will take that up with karl some say it's a calling.
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lou: things get complicated we turn to karl rove to help us understand what is at going on in this race. it's great to have you with us. let me start, it looks like the ki-moon of the weight of the scandals has got to bury hillary clinton. and my utterly wrong? >> well, they can if they are well prosecuted and one of the best things that has happened in the trump campaign is that he has turned his focus from taking unnecessary battles with the press or fellow republicans and focused clearly on hillary clinton and he has been held by
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revelations that have appeared in the mainstream press about the clinton foundation. i mean this is unbelievable that she went before the congress as a nominee for the secretary of state, promised to be sensitive to the complex that the clinton foundation brought into her life and obviously turned around and ignored it create to her husband and her agents out there grabbing for lots of money from foreign individuals in foreign countries and even u.s. citizens. this answer that oh we are going to stop asking. if she gets elected president we are not going to ask foreign corporations to give us money but what about americans? it just smells and it looks like influence peddling and it just stinks so to begin to focus on that and revelations in the press gave trump a couple of good days i hope he keeps it up. lou: and the scapegoat, clinton is scapegoating of colin powell. i'm sorry?
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jaw-dropping and to do so knowing what she was saying was utterly false. there was no discussion for a year after she had already been doing what she was doing with the private server? >> yeah think about the story that she told the soup she supposedly was having dinner with madam albright and rick is is -- and at the private dinner she said give me the best piece of advice you have in the best piece of advice that colin powell gives her is use a private e-mail account like i did? that doesn't pass the smell test on the surface and you will note there is not a single other former secretary of state that says oh yeah and we were having dinner and that is what colon powell told u.s. is told u.s.'s best advice? i know colin powell and i can imagine under any circumstances that if you were asked a question that would be his answer and of course as you say it turns out he gave her a memo almost a year later after she started using the server is that
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i used a private e-mail account. not a private server but an aol account and between the time he left secretary of state in the time she came and the rules of security were upgraded because there was an increased threat of cyber and you're never supposed to use a private account. she ignored that advice. lou: by the way we should point out secretary powell was using his aol account but he was using on the state department server and that's quite a different situation altogether. do you feel better about these polls for trump? >> well let's be a little bit careful. in politics people tend to think things are worse than they are an better than they are. think about this at the end of july, excuse me at the beginning of july these candidates were 2.4% below where she is today and he was 1.7% below where he was today. that is to say she has gained since the beginning of july 710 of 1% in the realclearpolitics average so let's be careful about
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getting ecstatic about a new poll or being depressed about a bad poll. lou: thanks for giving a little context and a little perspective. thanks a lot karl rove. up next are korea threatens nuclear war against united states. china, well kind of chipping in a bit. k.t. mcfarland joins us here next to talk about the threats and what they mean. (announcer vo) who says your desk phone always has to be at your desk? now, with one talk from verizon... hi, pete. i'm glad you called. (announcer vo) all your phones can work together on one number. you can move calls between phones, so conversations can go where you go. take your time. i'm not going anywhere. (announcer vo) and when you're not available, one talk helps find the right person who is. hi, john. (announcer vo) so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. introducing one talk-- another way verizon connects your business better. learn how at
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lou: 90% of you say president obama's lies will be his legacy. kt, the department of state so reads the state department warning. warns of the risk of travel to iran. requiring a travel warning replacing the travel warning for iran dated march 14, 2016 to highlight arrest and detention of u.s. citizens? >> that is proof positive the administration is warning
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american citizens you will potentially be taken hostage. a week ago the state department stood up and said this is not ransom for hostages because that's a bad precedent to set because the bad guys take more hostages. guess what just happened. the guys are taking more hostages. lou: this is putting at risk just as the obama justice department warned the white house would result from paying the ransom. >> you were on this early on on the whole iran nuclear deal and the relationship with iran. this is proof positive the obama administration bet everything. they said we'll give iran everything we want and we'll have a partner in peace. we'll have a partner in the middle east. we'll have a partner in all of the machinations in the region. and what guess what happened?
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this is proof the bet didn't work. they lost the bet. >> it was a horrible bet. and bet is the right construction. it was a gamble. this is not a planned or calculated bet. it was a pure gamble. it was a gamble by a desperate mediocrity in the white house seeking legacy he could claim. and his legacy is dust. >> think about the legacy in the middle east. who is iran's best friend? it's not us win the's russia. who is. more importantly iran -- lou: i'm a newsman at heart. and i'm look at the event that just occurred. it's remarkable that iran had the wherewithal to say to
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russia, you are not going to run strikes out of our air base. >> i think iran did it for their own domestic consumption. but iran and russia have a new relationship. and the two of them will happily control the reason. a heap of ashes north core ria says they will turn washington into for these military exercises. >> they threaten everybody in sight. but i do take seriously is that north korea couldness calculate. >> their frustration continues to mounts, however it's expressed.
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i think you are exactly right. the miscalculation on either side. >> if they could do something, others could respond and before you not, 30,000 are on the trip wire. lou: this administration 7 1/2 year legacy of miscalculation. >> on the golf course. phone it in. can't be bothered. lou: good night from new york. [♪] kennedy: welcome to a new week. let's begin. hating ryan lochte has become an olympic sport. he's as welcome in a pool as teddy ken difficulties car. and his biggest sponsors are dropping him like a trump campaign manager. lochte issued a non-apology apology and sat down for an


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