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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  August 23, 2016 12:00pm-2:01pm EDT

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why, you might ask? ashley: pokémon go. the small x which is very rare when they chase these digital characters. it is amazing to me. stuart: our producer said that was all our viewers going from cnbc to "varney and company". is that you? charles: i will take it, thanks a lot. also this our president obama landing in flood ravaged baton rouge very soon, facing a firestorm of criticism, this is cavuto coast-to-coast, i am charles payne and for neil cavuto. it has been 10 days since then ridge was hit by devastating floods, 10,000 people signed up for federal-aid, at least 60,000 homes damaged, that is a staggering tally as president obama is set to land later this our with the family research council tony perkins, you have a home in that area that was
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damaged. some say a visit by president obama is too little too late. >> i'm glad he is coming. it will continue to bring attention to the widespread devastation. i do think as the leader of the country he should have cut his vacation short and come down earlier. i'm grateful donald trump did. i don't think we would be having this conversation had donald trump and mike pence not come last friday. they came to our church, visiting with volunteers, some of those seeking relief in devastated neighborhoods and were astounded by just how widespread and total the devastation was. for that reason, that challenged the president to come down here. charles: no doubt the events happening there and the way it unfolded, a lot of people flat-footed because we didn't have a massive storm, wasn't leveesthat broke, the media was
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deaf on this. in louisiana, where the media capital is in new york and los angeles, just ignored the middle part of the country. having said that, are you happy with the response from the federal government itself? have fema and other agencies stepped up so far? >> i can't answer that because i have not seen the more talked to them. other than members of congress who are friends of mine who checked in with us i have not spoken to government officials. all our response has been faith-based citizen to citizen. i have had calls from pastors and churches across the nation sending relief workers, volunteers, money to feed people, we have been 1000 people a day a hot meal. what is that? when you don't have appliances or a home to live in a hot meal goes a long way and this is faith-based driven.
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in terms of our operation, one of the first places i called was franklin brand, 48 hours they were set up on the church parking lot helping people pool out there waterlogged belongings. i can't speak to the response of the government. i have not heard from them. maybe they will check in with us. our response has all been from the faith-based and neighborhoods, neighbor helping neighbor and that might be why it didn't get a lot of attention. we were calling washington for help, getting in our boats and rescuing neighbors and taking them in our homes and feeding them but there comes a point we need the focus and that happened with these visits. charles: it is amazing everyone talked about this, all the neighbor helping neighbor and faith-based organizations this is beyond the scope of faith-based organizations.
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do you think president obama once he sees the devastation will understand what he has missed and make the appropriate moves? right now there is a lot of anxiety about the fact are limitations on programs that are available? >> yes, i think so. everyone i have spoken to, sean hannity was here yesterday doing his program from our church, i would love to have you. when people toward the neighborhoods and they see these things, pictures cannot convey, the president is a compassionate person, he is going to be touched by what he sees and my hope is the elderly, those who have everything invested in their homes and it is all gone, 80% of the people had no flood
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insurance, those are the ones who are prioritized, we will rebuild our home, we are young enough, i will work from hard and we will rebuild our home but there are others that don't have that ability so that is where i hope the president will put his priority, people who need help the most but i want to emphasize it is beyond the scope of faith-based but i am so encouraged by what i see from americans across this country reaching out and helping fellow americans and i believe this is good, when we care about our neighbor in such a tangible way. before i agree with you 1000%. i might surprise you on the show sooner rather than later. in the meantime the government is approving $120 million for victims of flooding but the total, this is total damage alone, so far coming in at a minimum of $20 billion.
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that is a huge gap. the louisiana insurance commissioner, if louisiana residents are out of luck at this point, thanks for joining us, we know the limitations, the damage outstrips what the government is offering so far. >> no question. it is unfortunate that around 20% of the victims of this catastrophic event will have flood insurance in place but frankly, we as a state have a higher take-up of flood insurance, probably based on lessons we learned, tough lessons over the past several decades but we are the third-largest absolute number of flood insurance policies, florida number one, texas never 2, louisiana is third. that is short of the need. like my friend tony, he and i are good friends, served in the louisiana legislature for several years, there is a can-do
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attitude among the louisiana folks. the cajun navy was there immediately and we are pleased the president is coming down today. politics aside we need the help and happy to have him here to see firsthand how wide and far this devastation goes. charles: we know other major catastrophic events from superstore sandy to katrina saw digital programs developed, funding, loans, all the things that were developed beneath those devastating things. is it your hope and belief president obama will see the devastation firsthand and come to the realization the federal government has to step in beyond the call of duty? >> absolutely. there are programs on the shelf, 100,000 folks have signed up, and they individually are
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entitled to. that on average comes out like this, we had 36 parishes declared disaster areas by the president this past march and the average assistance with $7300 apiece, with those 5002 filed claims on flood insurance, it was 53,000. the shortfall is huge. what is ultimately going to happen with those folks is they will get sba loans, long-term loans and allow them to rebuild and consume the equity they built up. charles: on that note on this flood insurance situation it is a sticky situations. they don't like to deal with high risk areas more than anything else with health insurance, and to look at how
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this has done, 70% or 80% of an area could be wiped out and people have nowhere to go. >> the program which reauthorized every 5 years, it had gone dormant two years with kicking the can down the road, 30, 60, 90 day extensions but reauthorizing a 5-year period, that comes up this year. it is time to have that debate with the national attention it is rightfully bringing to the issue of flood insurance, it will be discussed, wanting to get back into the flood insurance and running the market of last resort, those who can't
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get a private insurer. charles: thank you very much, good luck down there. pay to play not going away, hillary clinton's clinton foundation donors received special access to the secretary of state, peter barnes following this with the latest. >> more material from the freedom of information act lawsuit by judicial watch. yesterday it released 720 pages of new state department documents including several email exchanges judicial watch says show huma aberdeen provided donors with help and special access to clinton when she was secretary of state. and douglas band, when exchange, the email each other about
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obtaining a visa for members of the hampton football club in britain, soccer team, when one member was having difficulty getting into the us because of a criminal charge, was acting on behalf of casey wasserman, if hollywood executive, which has donated 5 to $10 million to the clinton foundation according to judicial watch. another exchange they emailed about setting up a meeting between crown prince allman of bahrain and secretary clinton that could not be set up through normal state department channels after ben intervened, the meeting was set up in 48 hours. according to the judicial watch salmon committed to establishing the crown prince's international scholarship program for the clinton global initiative in 2005, by 2010 they contributed $32 million to the global initiative according to judicial watch. clinton campaign spokesperson
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said of all this in an email released yesterday, quote, once again this right-wing organization that has been going after the clintons since the 1990s, making utterly false attacks. no matter how this group tries to mischaracterize these documents the fact remains hillary clinton never took action is secretary of state because of donations to the clinton foundation. charles: thank you very much. these revelations are only now coming out, judicial watch's president told us he saw this all coming. >> we warned the obama administration when this is clinton was designated secretary of state that there would be corruption associated with that improvement and we were proved right. the state department took almost a year to release them. charles: two republican congressman, who put the fbi to investigate the clinton foundation, where does this all go from here? >> it keeps moving forward.
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this is the clinton culture of corruption. it doesn't matter how far back you go, this doesn't pass the smell test and our friends on the other side are tired of holding their nose asking the clintons to clean up their act. we have to keep pushing this because as we see this unwind it is all about leverage. how you get what you want through regular means you go around it. the prep former president, keep in mind, he asked us to look at the definition of this, these folks are disciples of saul lewinsky. when someone attacks you, you deny and put the blame on somebody else and you attack them. they are used to living their lives this way, it is just who they are. this is a sad day for america.
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we hold our olympic athletes to a higher standard than somebody running for the highest office in the world and say this kid lied, weight a minute, with mrs. clinton it is different. it is not a proud day for republicans or a sad day for democrats. it is a sad day for all of us when we see the continued culture of corruption. it is heinous. where is the outrage? charles: we listen to tom coming into the segment, he said he warned the obama administration and they had their worries and concerns about the way hillary clinton would operate in the job in the private email server to get around their concerns. not sure where the outrage is. we poll it and it goes further down with people losing interest to someone tweeted out we have conspiracy fatigue in this country. clinton getting around above the rules no one else can get
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around, and if we do it would be a sad commentary. >> we know 1.4 million americans in uniform have given their lives that those of us today can enjoy the government we have. when american sit back and think we have to accept this type of behavior we are turning our backs on the great sacrifice by all those people. my statement to everyday americans forget how you are registered because this isn't about how you register but how you live your life. we live by example. i am a father, grandfather, i want to make sure my children and grandchildren look at me and say my grandfather thought for what was right and just and did it the right way. i can't imagine people saying this is just the way government runs. this is not the way government runs, it is a double standard with the clintons always above the law and they become emboldened each time they escape. when you see what happened with
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the fbi investigation, a complete declaration -- charles: i feel your passion, maybe it will resonate. thank you very much, appreciate when you come on. donald from delaying his immigration speech, we are going to talk about that next. you didn't read your car insurance policy.
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coverage compass™ gives you the policy information you need at a glance. available 24/7 on your mobile device. switch to liberty mutual and you could save up to $509. call that's liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. charles: elon musk tweeted there will be a product announcement soon, your today stock is down 5%, we will monitor the announcement, elon musk always teasing shareholders with these things, donald trump accused of flip-flopping on this plan to
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deport 11 million illegal immigrants. the campaign denying that the "national review"'s washington editor johnson on if the delay will set him back. we are hearing a lot of people going back in the trump campaign saying this is not what he said, fear but firm approach has been the mantra throughout. >> he said in the primary that he would support the undocumented immigrants who are in the country right now and he has waffled on that but trump's core supporters have shown a tremendous loyalty to him. his issue is expanding beyond that to draw true ideological conservatives into his coalition and independent voters, he hasn't unify the republican party, only 70% support and
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losing among independents, waffling on some issues that have identified him from the beginning, damaging to him, core conservatives and among independents. charles: i did an informal poll and trump supporters are okay with him being flexible. many think it is presidential. you make the proper adjustments that is what someone would do as a business person but it is more of a political move. >> trump is not clear what his policy is. he has been vague on a number of policy issues but what is key is for him to state what his policy is and stick with it which he has had a hard time doing on many issues on the campaign trail. he has to stick to a policy through november. before trump taking it to the
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people in a town hall. you say hillary clinton needs to answer the public and media's questions. i lost track but we are approaching 300 days without a formal press conference from her. >> about 81/2 months since hillary clinton did a press conference, the trouble with her is confronting the press is not advantageous. charles: jimmy kimmel doesn't count? >> right. she tends to stick her foot in her mouth which is why she doesn't do it, trump is giving her a path on the airwaves, just started running attack ads against her but getting a path from the press and on television in attack ads and it is very advantageous. charles: we will talk to you again soon. the market hitting new all-time highs.
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we will tell you next.
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charles: will the market open higher and a lot of credit to a stock written off as dead in the water, best buy blue away consensus and underscore a great company, there's a reason i am always preaching buy and hold 100 100 company in your retirement portfolio, they have been through the ringer several time, best buy going through the ringer now. the embrace the age-old with if you can't beat them join them. the internet has been crushing best buy, they surged 20%, 835 million hard track values. and 11% of total domestic revenue from 8.6%, the battle is long but has been joined and will be interesting to see how
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this, and 14% was short. soapboxes growing larger and larger, and a 9-year high, 654,000s from june, 31%, don't expect to face it like this but we are in a housing boom, and 70% of those homes were under construction and beginning construction, 4.3 of supplies, it is less than 300,000 in june look for the prices to go back up and speaking of expensive homes toll brothers selling high end homes like hotcakes, parts of the economy coming back but getting back to historic
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averages after years of growth and the result is the stock market making new all-time highs and a trail of broken short-sellers. john, you heard my spiel. what is your thought? >> what you say makes sense. when people are consuming the signal they have been producing a lot, production proceeds consumption and it is a good sign about housing consumption. my one concern is how the dollar has shrunk in the past year, that drives people, less of an incentive to say i'm worried this could have a negative impact over time. charles: if you pulled out a 5 or 10 year chart it is relatively strong. some people would love to see the dx why break under the support and get lower because it would help multinationals and if it is not too low not hurt consumers. is there a happy medium? >> i don't feel we are at that
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point, the dollar lost a lot of ground in the 21st century. look at the 80s and 90s, the dollar is strong throughout those decades, the economy zoomed upwards and so did consumption. they are willing to take risks buying future dollars when it is not, it makes investors scared. i'm worried about the direction. charles: new homes at 654,000, historically the average is 650. we learned to celebrate mediocrity. we are getting back to normal, the market all-time highs, where are your thoughts? >> what they are missing out on is something we have seen from washington. when washington is divided with substantial gridlock, stocks do pretty well and they do -- remove washington and bad legislation as potential
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negative, surprise to investors, take that out and add the fact the weather clinton or trump, next president will have 0 mandate come january 17th, that is a huge plus for investors removing a big negative. charles: if hillary wins the gop will still control congress. hillary clinton hitting the fund raising trail, donald trump is waiting, charlie gasparino to talk about where the big money is flowing in and exclusive details next. many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly.
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the spokesperson who eventually said they have no fundraisers planned and nor did they get anything. this is a dramatic 188 from may where i think he was in "the
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wall street journal" talking about how it's going to hold at least one major fundraiser or donald and maybe more. eagleson came out very forcefully and said he is going to raise $100 million for donald trump. neither had given any money yet. eagleson's people but the possibility that something might come in the future. the pickens guys didn't quite rule it out, but they almost ruled it out. you've got to ask yourself why these guys are stepping up to the plate. >> i'm embarrassed with some of my colleagues for not stepping up to the plate. we are playing on the same team. what we are seeing now with everyone south, we bring another donor on board. sorrento gave 14 k. to ted cruz to ted cruz. he is now fully on board restaurant. money is not going to be a problem. this has the fund-raising event for the next couple weeks. charles: some people said already is a problem.
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in july, donald jumped significantly under hillary. some people are concerned how much donald trump is spending. are they spending a lot of money to raise a lot of money? >> remember, we are lean and mean. it's running like a mess -- business. >> she's absolutely right. this is the answer to your question. the efficiency of donald trump fund-raising dollar is much less than hillary clinton. why is that her staff? charles: she's got a few dozen. >> donald trump had a fun race play, had to go and buy list. he keeps 50% of his fund-raising dollar. that is the difference. charles: let me ask you.
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8.4 million but the power scale. i know that this is the digital thing that initially donald trump is going to be a big part of this push for the white house. 12.8 million hats and t-shirts. we see the red hats everywhere. is that traditionally people with type that is not the kind of where you want to spend money for commercials in ohio. >> to my knowledge, we are still waiting on t-shirts to come in. i was in comparison to the other campaigns have been involved with them that we are still spending a lot less. it is really efficient. he still has donated to the campaign and has supplemented. charles: he is committed to it. there's no doubt about that. some of these other people, boone pickens wrote a nice op-ed, so why aren't they -- it's kind of late to start cutting checks be at >> i just think the last week was not good for donald trump. charles: last week was especially -- >> bad week for hillary.
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especially as they concern with the entire pay to play scandal with the clinton foundation and donald trump calling for special prosecutors so that we get a fair shake. >> i think the problem donald trump has raising money from rich people. people are in the sort of fundraising apparatus are discounting right now that is going to lose. what they're saying right now is we are holding back. we see that with the wall street banks. you are seeing that with t. boone pickens and sheldon adelstein is some rain dramatically changes. >> what i want to say is if i made that governor patents address the republican governors association and asked them last week over 250 major donors there had elected dirty one conservative republican governors. i can tell you that most of the people in that room are ready and able.
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>> the bottom line is money could start pouring in. let's leave it right there. and a warning about extremist entry in the united states and what it says about our border. the fbi investigating a possible terror attack in virginia. those frightening details straight ahead. [announcer] is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the summer of audi sales event is here. get up to a $5,000 bonus on select audi models.
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.. >> i am nicole petallides with your fox business brief. albert is across the board. do not dedicate all time high.
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we could see vidal, nasdaq and s&p all have record close. energy and technology leading the way. also watching homebuilders at the commerce department with 12.4% and that was the highest-paid sales since october october 2007 at last look at the homebuilders at this time. watching kb homes more than 5%. toll brothers, a whopping 9.5% after its revenue growth for the fourth straight quarter of their were toll brothers good you can see right now it is to the outside. i will note as we are seeing fuhrman in the housing markets, the rockets itself is down over 20 but then over the past year. we have much more "cavuto: coast-to-coast" right here on fox business.
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charles: new warnings emerging from the united states southern command intelligence that sunni extremists are looking to infiltrate u.s. borders without the south americans mugler is for the tenant colonel allen west joins us on how bad this is. colonel wes, thanks for joining us. we've heard the speculation before, but now it is starting to come to fruition. >> absolutely right. this is. this does not send e-mail. a lot of people have been talking about this pick the border patrol website posted otm's other than mexicans. you have an administration that denies this fact and is
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obfuscated when you have all of this evidence. now when you have the intelligence officer at the united states southern command based out of south florida, that is detailed or do some odd thousand of these individuals that have gotten across their border and that's about a division level strength, charles. two divisions actually that is now spinning across the united states of america. the troubling thing that you and your audience should know is we don't have a president in the southern command. as a matter of fact, the largest presence we have and are southern border is really the coast guard. >> with a speed now official, in other words we do have confirmation and the numbers are staggering. 331,000 is a crazy number to begin with it 30,000 with countries or terrorist concerns. but what an administration normally do because it seems to me since i have called for action.
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>> you're absolutely right. the concern is we have these transnational criminal organizations. basically the drug cartels that they are willing to help anyone get to the united states of america as long as they pay them. when you have $400 million to people like iran coming up they are flush with crash. when it's a happiness look at how we can allocate forces to the united states southern command to create a capability a lot about southern border once upon a time we just have a military base in panama. we has to have a warfare center there. we hadn't ever tree brigade. now the only thing we have pretty much as an airbase that we operate in honduras and have support. >> there's a specializes terror attack in virginia. the fbi is investigating a stabbing and roanoke paper knife wielding suspect attacked two people and he was yelling allah
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are far. this looks like a growing problem. what are your thoughts on this, colonel west? >> i'm probably waiting to hear the statement that this is about knife control because that is normally the de facto explanation they give with all of these. we have a serious problem with domestic jihadist them in the united states of america. the fact we have an organization like i organization like isis that is able to use social media to radicalize and call to action, you just use that phrase herself from individuals on our borders and we are not calling ourselves to action. that's troubling. charles: thank you very much. great seeing you. leonardo dicaprio canceling a fundraiser for hillary clinton today. why his reasoning is raising questions next-paragraph i'm sure in -- next. ♪
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charles: leonardo dicaprio abruptly backing out of a fundraiser today because of what he said is a change of plans in its production schedule. connell mcshane on not being some finite a little suspicious. >> or maybe more to this one. i do not than the most qualified leo dicaprio correspondent, but i will do my level best for you. there were days he would have this fundraiser throughout his home in l.a. it was a big deal like 30,000 plus dollars ticket name per person. all of a sudden and imo goes out from dicaprio to all of those who signed the two attend. it is off. we are not going to have it today. the reason being given as his production schedule changed on this documentary that he's been working on, which i believe is here in new york. the word he is still in new york working on not. couldn't get out to l.a. the hollywood reporter had a
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story and they put all of this together that there may be a little more to it. the story was that a foundation associated with dicaprio involved in a scandal overseas and the details of that in malaysia are not that important other than the fact it doesn't necessarily implicate him personally, but it might involve a foundation. the charitable foundation. if you're the clinton campaign and there's a charitable foundation about in the scandal, do you really want to have a scandal associated with the fundraiser for mrs. clinton is going to attend. i will say this story has a happy ending from hillary clinton at least here there is a fundraiser happening. justin timberlake and his wife have stepped up to the plate said mrs. clinton will still be able to raise their money this afternoon at a lunch in beverly hills. charles: what would she do without the hollywood left? experiments, appreciate it.
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president obama -- will deliver a statement in the next hour we'll bring it to you guys. meanwhile the price it at the pen skyrocketing. georgina cárdenas cipriani joins now to discuss her son who passed away from an allergic reaction. thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me. charles: tell us your story about this massive spike in costs for at the pens. >> well, my journey began when i lost my son three years ago to food allergies. i started a support group of food allergies support group and i recently have become empowered with pushing against this outrage with abby pants, the price hike about the pens which has increased almost 500% in the
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past few years. it is her randomness how parents have had to deal with whether they can afford to put food on the table or buy them at the pen which will save their child's life. true to what is the drug company telling you? are they receptive to you? do they take your calls? how is the fight going? >> i know they have been silent for quite some time until just very recently. a lot of the answers that many parents are getting right now is basically they are blaming it on insurance companies. i do think that insurance companies are also to blame. hide it up the bulls. it is a battle with both. it is not a battle -- it shouldn't be a battle. it should be accessible to all. it shouldn't be something that a parent has to worry about. it should just be -- at the pens should be available to anyone
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who has this problem. >> we understand supply and demand, but some people say the other side is he of one company making us now. they have a monopoly and they are taking advantage of the monopoly. the insurance company signed a 500% increase is really outrageous. we are talking my for death. young people like your son dying because they don't have access to the pill. what sort of responsibility do these companies have? we know they've got to make a profit. why did they have to raise the price 500%? >> that is the question. why? especially wide because data has shown that the cost is only a dollar per and.
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charles: we have a photograph of your son giovanni on the screen. what is the name of your group? >> friends helping friends food allergies support group. charles: we want to make sure we get the word out and back rows. when you start knocking on the stories, we want the pounding to sound louder and louder on the inside. again, i preach capitalism 24 hours a day. i don't think this is capitalism. what they are doing is utterly disrespect ollie and it's harmful. if you can speak to them, if we can get a benefit in the near future. >> if it was their own family members, how would they feel if there was not enough was being held -- that was taken away from them that would be able to save their own child, their own loved ones. these are our loved ones and we are being held captive from what
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can actually save our own people, and our own loved ones friday madison that is our only life-saving medication. it's not fair. charles: god bless you. keep pushing. >> thank you very much. charles: president obama is about to tour the flood damaged areas of louisiana. also going to address the media in the last hour. we will bring you those updates live. thank you.
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charles: president obama just landing in baton rouge. he sat to tour ravaged areas of louisiana. more than a week after flooding started. this is "cavuto: coast-to-coast." i am charles payne and for neil cavuto. the president facing criticism for waiting for so long. it would've been a distraction during the most crucial time. he will address the media and less than an hour. jeff flock has been on the ground.
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more of what we can expect. >> we've heard both sides. some people wish the president had come sooner. others say it doesn't matter. it matters what he meant us and what the does ultimately. we are now in the town of zachary, louisiana. the white house not confirming precisely where the president will go, but this is where all the activity is. secret service and the rest. if you poke through there, although you see perhaps a pile of debris. won't be hard to find debris and fled damage wherever he goes actually here. i'll tell you, just seeing what we are singing, he is concerned that he came in too early would sap the resources of the local first responders. i can tell you, presidential visit does zap a lot of resources. they are past the worst of it, so maybe that's a good thing. charles: jeff flock on the thank you very much. president obama and hillary clinton with government
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giveaways for potential voters. what about struggling homeowners? the daily caller chris bedford. chris, these homeowners for the most part are going to be left to fend for themselves. is that right in this day and age? >> is looking like they're going to be left to fend for themselves. the vast majority of the 60,000 homes have been destroyed don't have flood insurance. part of that is because the flood insurance has gotten so expensive post-andean post-katrina and the government has pulled back a little from that. they will be on their own. typically in the united states in the last two disasters we've had come in the country and the area and a lot of the burden for small groups and communities where states are hit this hard. the congressman will start trying to fight for them. the louisiana congressman will come to washington and say we've been it hard. we need to get back on our feet. charles: i think that is about
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right. reason it right. we've seen it with superstar and sandy and katrina. if you know it's this devastating msf, why not be prepared for it? what are your thoughts also for many elected officials in game president obama -- was it okay were smart for him to waver with the actually embarrassed or ashamed into this visit? >> well, i think it is always not a good thing with a natural disaster becomes letter-size. president obama should have been there earlier. 11 years ago there was a lot of criticism surrounding george w. bush's lack of appearance after katrina. as far as we mentioned earlier, the elected officials from congress trying to advocate for additional assistance for the state of louisiana to you is that the same folks that did not support superstore and sandy response. there's a little bit of duplicitous and is analogous. what might grandmother would call two wrongs don't make a right. i want to talk for a minute
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about flood insurance. there is an interesting academic question to pose to republicans and those that are more laissez-faire. these individuals that don't have flood insurance do not have it because they were not required to do so because they're outside of the area required to cover flood insurance. if people were concerned about whether or not fema was in response to, really this is an issue of individual choice here these folks chose not to purchase flood insurance. charles: i've had the head of business owners and homeowners. it's a great question. i had a business owner that told me it was cheaper to put the coverage on the business so he couldn't afford those. even when people want to be responsible, i think the idea we should let the private sector in his a lot of parallels to obamacare. when the government kicks out the private sector, this is when it became an impossible situation. >> yeah, that's certain to
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happen in after the federal subsidies that have existed for years to push prices higher and higher as well as a disasters we've had. you will see folks on the planes which are tornado prone say earthquakes unsay why would you live in a tornado sound. all of us are susceptible to this. one thing to the point about republicans who pushed back against the sandy bell. i saw an op-ed in "the l.a. times" saying this republicans, how can they possibly ask for help? the sandy bill was a giant spending bill and they started attaching free rider to the point "the wall street journal" and the opposites were flooded and destroyed. >> -- the content out there as far as the bill draft. who knows what they'll actually had. charles: we know one will be drafted. once president obama sees the
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devastation firsthand, he will be able to articulate the same thing that others from donald trump and other visitors have said this is far worse than the american public realizes and we will have to do more than the typical caps-on fema and others. >> there is some reforms that need to occur. what we see is louisiana has to hit in over $6 million in damages that the state plus almost $4 per person damages by parish. they be some other regulations, not just spending. i'm looking at the structure of fema and how it gets triggered might be another thing members of congress need to consider. charles: tenney both -- thank you both very much. lawmakers push for the clinton foundation to give answers and the gop ticket as piling on. your e-mail suggests a high dollar could omniscient donors receiving special access to "washtington examiner." suzanne for riccio on the damage this will have on the presidential bid. obviously it's already had a
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significant amount of damage and it won't go away. >> right. there are more e-mails we have insane. what is interesting about this is how it plays into the already existing voter perception of hillary clinton. her real weak spot, charles, is her trustworthiness. in many polls, more than a majority of voters think that she's not trustworthy yet she is still polling better than donald trump in many cases, but this is an incredibly weak spot for her. it is really hammering the clinton campaign en masse. it is an opening for him i think in a very weak spot for her. >> there's no doubt it's been weak spot. she has had a zillionto get in f this thing, but she continues more or less, might e-mails are boring, the yoga stuff. the grandmotherly recipe stuff.
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she set herself up for since areas, serious damage if it proves to be otherwise. >> it was really interesting. she said with a few more e-mails. just these 20 e-mails to her top aide were you see it is evident that those who donated and those who donated it to the clinton foundation or who paid millions in consulting fees to her husband essentially her bank account, too, if they had hurt year while she was at stake. they had access to her. this is a fuzzy issue for voters. they hear this and what does it all mean. the mainstream media now writing about this and really examining these e-mails and who have access. again, it just contributes to the overall sense of can we trust hillary clinton to be president? that creates the opening for donald trump. he is someone who voters also worry about. they both have high unfavorable ratings.
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it is kind of a level playing field for her abdominal trauma. the e-mail situation makes her very vulnerable. charles: the notion that they will continue to take donations from foreign governments throughout this process, what does that tell you? the easiest thing to do was shut back down, maybe shut the whole thing down for now. >> at the moment they are not going to do that. i wonder in the coming weeks that they will do exactly that. this will not poll well. people don't like it. the foundation and the connection with hillary clinton and her time at the state department. something doesn't smell right. itself takes foreign donations, almost as if they are hedging bets. while she's running, no big deal. they are going to watch the polls on the stuff i think and go from there. you are right, it doesn't look right and i think the voters are catching on. >> they certainly are. suzanne, thanks a lot. i'm going to be all over this
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tonight. 6:00 p.m. eastern on making money. we will delve even deeper. hillary clinton is on a fun race is play. now holding rallies in pakistan team after a holding fundraising event this week in the democratic nominee has seven more fundraisers and over the next few days. can donald trump compete with hillary clinton's treasure chest? trish regan now. rake in the cash. >> you've got to give her some props for that. she has done this incredibly well in terms of being able to host these fundraisers. when she's not doing is talking to reporters, talking to journalists, answering questions that your last gasp just raised over the foundation and just exactly what happened. charles: there're two parts to winning the election. it is all about money no matter what your message is. the number is 12 not 1.8 billion. to a degree that has helped her. that has helped her overcome some of these other issues
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including not talking to the press. it helps to have a press is hoping you get away with this stuff. she's been able to run ad after ad after ad in these battleground states in the games like it's working. >> the ads right now seem to be doing okay. donald trump is fired back with his own set of ads that were recently launched over the last weekend. there may be some room for him to grow one not fried. in terms of money, i think that perhaps this election more than any other election has taught us that money isn't everything. if it had then, you would have seen bush up there. because he certainly had far more money than donald trump. the question now as you get into the final stretch, does he need to conform to some of the sort of normalcy is the politics, which include those ads, which include a b. not talking i've extemporaneously to the press
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such as she had done, meaning that she hasn't. i might actually help. i don't know. charles: people are saying get the ground game going door-to-door. the nitty-gritty parts of it that it's one thing, but getting someone to the polls matters. >> you need people to show up on election day. you need people to go in though. now to his credit, he has excited the base unlike anything we have seen in recent memory. there are a lot of people that just by following him on twitter, they go into these rallies and hearing him on television will say this is my guy and i got to go vote for him. she also has a very committed cost you less than that she's got this ground game we talk about going and there are people that are going to go door to door to make sure that any democrat they can find is going to be out there. charles: there's a large vested interest with a lot of money tied into the establishment on
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either side of the political aisle and they will definitely make sure they put the machinery to work or any other site with donald trump. pure passion, tens of thousands of people showing up. can donald trump look at this vast ocean of people out there and underestimate how important they get their nitty-gritty of this is. >> i think he does and perhaps that's been one of his weaknesses. however, recent events have shown us to look at him over the course of the last week and see a little bit more buttoned up version of himself. he's starting to realize that he can't do it on the rallies and twitter in appearances on media shows a law that is realizing he needs to get some ground game and plays. using the campaign has hired more consultants and they're trying to do all these things. there's not a lot of time left, that there is still time. let's face it, hillary clinton is perhaps one of the most beatable candidate the democrats have put forward in recent years.
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if he can kind of collect some of that passion and merge it together with some of the organizations on the ground game she's proven she can have, you might be a pretty marketable guy. charles: i agree. by the way, that's an amazing dress. >> gosh, thank you. charles: the battle for the swing state heating up. donald trump and hillary clinton mackinac in missouri. we are going to break down those numbers for you. bus or tram stands in the battleground site. it is all a head next. ♪ with this level of engineering... it's a performance machine. with this degree of intelligence... it's a supercomputer. with this grade of protection... it's a fortress. and with this standard of luxury... it's an oasis. introducing the completely redesigned e-class.
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>> when you look at the numbers out of colorado and virginia, is time to pack up, not waste another dollar or campaigning in places like that, but try to replicate the map and pick up some other states. charles: real clear politics showing down double digits in virginia. let's break this down with political strategisstrategis t scott rasmussen. you look fantastic by the way. it has been too long. a lot of people have theories out there. my twitter line went crazy. who is she? she doesn't know what she's talking about. trump is going to win virginia. what should donald trump do as we head to the homes or chair? >> donald trump is third hearted. he spent the first month digging himself a really deep hole. now he stop digging. he's already winning all the romney states except north carolina, which is 64 more electoral votes. that means places like ohio,
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pennsylvania and its category. but what he really has to recognize is that hillary clinton is his biggest asset in this campaign. regular democratic, good candidate for the democrats should be all over. hillary clinton should still lose. the pictures. maybe part of this is the equation is the media highlighting her vulnerabilities which they have not done. >> we start to hear stories about 15,000 more e-mails. stories about the foundation. the army has acknowledged they have described hillary clinton as an end either. these stories are raising doubts. think about this from the perspective of the youth vote. both candidates are very unpopular among malay nails. donald trump came in for place behind johnson. you've got these people who say
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i'm going to stay home. if the young voters had not shown up in 2012, mitt romney would be president today. charles: in the young voters have shown up in the u.k. people say the polls are wrong. the polls may not have been wrong. they just could not gauge enthusiasm. donald trump has enthusiasm by a large margin. >> is not spending the money and organization. but it may be that hillary clinton is part of the motivation for some of trunk space to show why. we talk about these numbers. hillary clinton will have 340 vote victory. many of us are just as are not turn the tide. charles: i have less than a minute.
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i want to ask you about this theory and educated voters. i've asked you about the swing states. 40% or more college degrees, hillary clinton has a huge lead. ohio, nevada, north carolina is less than 3% and those are the tighter states. how important is it to turn some of those foes? turning them is not going to happen. if they show up is the question. but they could also lose their enthusiasm. these e-mails could come out, something could go wrong. >> think of it like a baseball game. if you have the ninth inning and europe by two runs, you'll win the game. the democrats going into the ninth inning, but they don't have a great closer. hillary clinton could turn off those voters than discourage them. that's the reason the race is far from over. charles: scott rasmussen, you're rasmussen, you look great by men. we'll talk about your project next time. meanwhile, the state department issued an updated travel warning for iran. the warning replaces mmo for americans traveling to that country and particularly those of two iranians had us and
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shapes the state department says iran authorities continued to detain and imprison you whispered a iranian, students, journalists and academics in posing a threat to national security. sounds like $400 million when it tipped the scales. in the meantime, the new home sales number less than nine years. another sign the fed needs to go ahead and hike rates already. we will be right back.
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charles: new home sales surge in last month in their best level since october 2007. more good news to hike sooner than later. first of all, significantly better than wall street thought they would. what's going on the air with the housing market? >> hi, charles.
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nice to see you. what i hate for people to do is get lost in those percentages because while they are of 30 odd% year-over-year and month over month, what we are lacking is the fact that this is still so significantly below the historical average. we are not anywhere near where we were in turn set the pace leading up to the housing crisis. if iowa's politicians looking for running for election, it would satisfy that all is well. i was a behind the numbers and understand what took so so long to get here and why the numbers are even higher. charles: let's talk about that for a moment. i don't know that anyone wants the numbers where they work great crash. maybe a little distorted. we know that we are off the lows. there is no supply 4.3 months worth of supply. a lot of construction workers having come back. also the issue of getting loans. talk to us about all of these things. >> there's a number of
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challenges for the housing market. the market really suffered the gain up to the housing crisis because of the speculation. most of the speculative mortgage lending projects have been legislated out of existence. there is a ton of fraud. a number of things that led to the number being artificially inflated. we are still painfully below that number. as we are the key data from the more general macroeconomic respect it, if you are not being the sort of turnover, the housing market turnover which is so procyclical for the housing market in businesses and consumers coming of the languishing in this 1.2% growth environment because you have people that are stuck in its properties through loan modification programs they didn't work to successfully are they trapped people in their house as are you've got five, 6 million properties that you can't foreclose on her you can't sell for some regulatory burden or restrictions.
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charles: a smart move by the fed's rate now? >> anything to do with the housing market is first and foremost you no harm. this is a multi-trillion dollars market. the mortgage market on a six to $7 trillion. home equity is another 25 trillion. what we do know is that one legitimate based on their housing policy reform. you make a mistake like you raise interest rates to quit early, to hide or change something fundamental about the market and you have this modest increase doll. the effects are rippling. i don't see any in dentist for the fed to raise interest rates when you have again 1.2% interest rates. you've invested $4 trillion in quantitative easing. still talking about deflation. there's no way i can see any value. charles: i've got to squeeze this one and because you've talked about regulatory being elected in most things. how much of the government he involved?
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should there be an issue where the government backs the blogs where there's only 5%, 10% down? >> is certainly would mention of a situation where the government back in 90%. here's the issue, fundamentally this is kind of like pay me now or pay me later. if we don't find ways to keep the government subsidizing housing, as sour as it is in your mouth, what will happen is you will not allow them the opportunity to get into a property that accumulates some of them ultimately have the chance of paying for the retirement or health care. if you don't do that in raise the barriers to high, we will see them on the other end. taken in the the face and chest. charles: very articulate. i could talk to a little longer. we'll have you back again with him. the gop ticket piling on questions surrounding the clinton foundation. what donald trump is calling for max.
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-- next.
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charles: donald trump calling for expedited explanation into the clinton foundation. >> the amount involved, favors done and significant number of times it was done require an expedited investigation by a
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special prosecutor immediately immediately immediately. charles: they are not going away. they are more damning in my mind particularly the latest, the crown prince, saudi arabia. someone says we want to get in touch with the state department and for $32 million into the clinton foundation. >> when she became secretary of state bill clinton move from the foundation, or should the foundation, i have to say the foundation has done good work. he should have removed himself from it. that is what donald trump is alleging. there are others in the foundation, hmmma is working at the state department, the only exquisite correlation is one you decca to, the prince of bahrain,
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not clear if you would have found an audience, the secretary of state, the crown prince of bahrain has a reason to meet with the secretary of state. these other requests put forward, bonow or anyone else, and multiple times over and over again. charles: the size of the money, they didn't. bill clinton, hillary clinton did not separate herself. secretary of state, they have done good things. >> they have done good work. charles: what percentage of funds go out, why they haven't donated to louisiana.
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>> they donate through a lot of good work. charles: what they have gotten is a pittance. >> in africa or haiti. charles: your heartfelt opinion, the majority they are raising -- taking in millions and helping people -- >> millions in helping people. charles: all that money in between, where does that go? >> the foundation -- stuart: influence peddling? >> how it operated, the foundation has done good work. once she became secretary of state, the appearance of impropriety, bill clinton, chelsea clinton got involved
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again, and their aides, there is no reason hmmma aberdeen -- you are asking questions i don't have answers to. charles: they have done good work. >> they have done good work, and -- charles: good work correlates. >> it does -- charles: when i'm ready to donate to a nonprofit charitable organization, that is the first thing. charles: that is what you look at. >> they spend their money the clinton foundation goes -- no idea, i would have looked it up. of course it is out there. charles: is there a certain amount of arrogance? >> if i were from day one, once
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she became secretary of state, they should have ended. charles: new tax deductions for small business, is it right? let me go to butch who says donald trump's plan, more effective. thanks for joining us. we know donald trump, 15% tax rate for small business, if i own a small business, is hillary clinton moving in the right direction? >> hillary is very vague, i will repeal the obamacare of affordable care, make it easy for small businesses to raise money, and it is easy to grow. and make jobs. if i wanted to build a
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foundation i would go after hillary clinton, she has no idea. charles: hillary clinton making some changes, whether to focus on small businesses, donald trump, removing regulation, music to the ears of small business owners. >> she is specific about what she proposed, repealing obamacare. >> starting with 15%. >> i am a small business owner, i would love a 15% tax rate, how do you balance the budget? these are questions she has refused to answer. it is late in the cycle to answer them. on his website there are few specifics. donald trump's record as a businessman, not sure is something we want to emulate.
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charles: everyone agrees -- 4 out of 100 businesses. let me go back to you on this idea. president obama through his presidency did a lot of things and i always thought they were gimmicky, attacks deduction if you bought a printer. in the middle of a recession that is the last thing any small business would do so somewhat disingenuous. how confident are you this economy comes back where businesses and entrepreneurship will come back? >> if we get trump in their it should be okay. she will fight to make businesses grow by repealing taxes, getting rid of obamacare which is strangling small business. any idea how much it costs to go to the doctor and how many deductibles they have, people can't afford to pay that and we
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can't afford to pay that. >> nice to say what you intend to replace it with. charles: president obama will speak shortly in louisiana. jill stein toward the damage and said climate change is the reason, we get the reaction from an environmentalist next.
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adam: foxbusiness brief, look
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what is happening with the market, the dow is up as well as the s&p and the nasdaq. part of what is driving stock tire is the reading on single-family homes sales up 12.1%. homebuilders are up, toll brothers, they are all up right now. tesla motors expecting an announcement from elon musk, coming at 3:00 new york time, 12:00 pacific, watching tesla witches trading up, for the product announcement. best buy stock, what analysts expected, online sales much stronger. and instead of being flat which is what we expect.
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>> we have had devastating floods in west virginia, texas, rain bomb over phoenix. when you have so many severe storms and floods there is something going on here. you got to connect the dots, exactly what is predicted when the climate continues to warm. before green party nominee jill stein saying floods in louisiana and across the country are an indication of a climate emergency and that is the real
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problem in the government is the right answer. chris warner on jill stein's proposal. it is all about fossil fuels and government intervention. >> she went full music man, this is about bending the cost curve down in healthcare. i give her credit, she was less candid than president obama. she didn't boast she would bankrupt industry she didn't like or brag because electricity rates, same agenda eight years ago, electricity rates to necessarily skyrocket because she is aware of the epidemic in those countries where they are imposing the agenda of killing seniors by tens of thousands from this policy leading to hypothermia in record numbers. the left-wing press is reporting a lot and she avoided throwing
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out those european wonderland's where they are making a success of it. this is america. we check so she didn't point to countries where we show it is a disaster. this is about bending the cost curve down and this playground economics. if we destroy something, think of the jobs cleaning up the mess. by that we need more floods like louisiana. that is their economic policy because look at all the people it puts to work. charles: a couple years ago you were in germany. electricity rates so far through the roof because we got to save the world and impose solar panels and renewable energy, became a political handicap and had to pull back a little bit but feels like if you look at younger people, this message is resonating with them. a lot of them haven't written their first mortgage check or had to send a kid to college but
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it is resonating with them that we have to be greater stewards of the earth and by doing that it means taking it closer to the flintstones than the jetsons. >> we failed to do a lot of things. we have politicians yelling jobs. nearly 200 years ago, the first refuge of a political scoundrel. that is where they go when there are no merits to the project, nothing doesn't create jobs. digging a ditch creates jobs and get back up again, if you use spoons rather than shovels it will create more jobs but that won't lead to economic prosperity. we have done a good job, the politicians and political class handing out favors and fail to claim why liberty is important and wealthier is healthier, cleaner, wealthier countries, richer countries are greener, cleaner, have economic value. we have to fix that. charles: great stuff. president obama said to speak following his tour of the damage.
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lieutenant governor of louisiana joins us right now. he will join us after the break. ♪ with this level of engineering... it's a performance machine. with this degree of intelligence... it's a supercomputer. with this grade of protection...
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charles: live pictures of president obama who is moments from making remarks, a tour flood damage in southern louisiana. the lieutenant governor joins us, thanks for joining us. how are you? how is it going down there? a little better? >> we get better every day, a long road ahead. charles: looking at life feet of president obama, touring your neck of the woods but you were critical, you feel this is a
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little late for him. >> i'm glad he is here, it took donald trump coming down, for others to visit. obviously i would hope we get to more damage neighborhoods, and the majority of people are flooded and you can see the impact, tv doesn't do it justice. i hope he gets into those neighborhoods. charles: we heard that from everyone who has been there, there is no way we can understand the devastation. do you think -- don't want to get too political but do you think president obama would have shown up today if donald trump hadn't gone there himself? >> we didn't hear about the visit until after the visit. that is a pretty good assumption. when i heard hillary clinton wasn't going to make the trip me
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and my wife wrote a check, we could use some of that money from her clinton foundation if she is not going to come visit. i think if they make politics out of it so be it but we need people on the ground that truly care about the people of louisiana as they would about any state that has devastation like we have seen. charles: we heard about the cajun navy and witnessed the amazing way you are seeing the community rally around one another. ultimately the federal government has all the cash and need to do something beyond typical programs like fema. any chance of pressing president obama while he is there to step up and expedite programs to help get these people back on their feet? >> i was able to meet with him briefly as he stepped off the plane and told him exactly that.
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along the coast we know they had floods, this is 1000 year event. these people were not encouraged to get flood insurance and there is no help other than the faith-based and volunteers and donations. we asked him to step up to put something together to get these people back in their homes. charles: thank you and god bless you down there. president obama is ready to address reporters in louisiana bringing attention, much-needed attention but a lot of people say it is too little too late. congressman, i know it is political season, folks like president obama, that he would have sucked up much-needed resources with a visit too soon, where do we go from here? >> what i want to see, it is in louisiana and to focus on this
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issue. and federal resources focused on addressing the specific needs of people in louisiana. it is where donald trump went down there last week to get the focus on this issue and make sure the federal government and all the resources of this great nation are focused on helping the people in need. charles: the initial -- the agencies responsible for this, it is an enormous situation that goes beyond the limitations of fema and others the president will stop in and push along with congress a special program. is that the key? >> it really is. the federal government is going to step up. the federal government has the resources and capacity to put together a package.
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we are talking about time. a lot of this will get fixed but it will take a long time. what the federal government can do is shorten that timeframe for when the people down in louisiana, and to dig out of this whole. charles: you saw the fema program come up for renewal, should congress take a more proactive approach, the right amount of money can be deployed quicker and get back on their feet and into their homes sooner. >> one of the things that would be beneficial, congress set up the side a fund each year.
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and and the resources, and >> president obama is making reports shortly. i want to go to the louisiana governor's off of preparedness. and let me ask you, i heard about the cajun navy and all these folks rallying around one another in louisiana had its share of the tragedy. how is the state fairing, resources, manpower and money. we handle the response phase fairly well, we asked for an urban search and rescue team out
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of texas and got a couple helicopters and we were able to handle the response fairly well. and any further help we can get along those lines will certainly be appreciated and needed at this point. >> the guys who were boots on the ground realize what they need and deploy the resources rapidly. the problem with hurricane katrina, turned into a coaching for government waste, government contractors. the local guys who were locally situated know what they need. when it goes to the top at the state level. and government bureaucrats, soccer balls. and it becomes a pork storm.
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and $120 million in aid, >> charles: how does the gets to money who need it most? >> the individual assistance piece. we had 110,000 citizens registered with fema. fema is out in most of the neighborhood and inspected 3100 homes and approved $55 million to those folks, $20 million has been distributed. fema get on the ground and works that peace and when it comes to public assistance, public infrastructure works, roads, bridges, buildings, parishes and state government, we work closely with fema to ensure we
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do everything proper in that regard. charles: we are finishing up and watching president obama. we want to get back in touch with you. liz mcdonald, thank you very much. >> i want everybody -- everybody all lined up? member of congress -- to begin with, i just want to say thank you to the outstanding officials behind me who have been on the ground, working 24/7 since this flood happened. it begins with outstanding leadership from the top, john or diminish governor john edward that we appreciate the outstanding work he has done, his better half for the first lady of louisiana has been by his side every step of the way and we are grateful for her. they


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