tv Varney Company FOX Business August 24, 2016 9:00am-12:01pm EDT
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kelly, dagen mcdowell and jewel julie. that's it for "mornings with maria", and it's time for "varney & company," you just saw him. stuart. stuart: this is classic clinton. you skate around the law, laugh it off and rake in celebrity gold. good morning, everyone. 85 people who gave big money to the clinton foundation had meetings with the secretary of state, hillary clinton. they paid, they played. it's not he will -- illegal. and also, in classic style, she's raising big money from celebrities, see this? that's hillary in a photo booth snapshot with justin timberlake and jessica biel. today it's apple chief tim cook. he's hosting a fundraiser for her. high-tech, hollywood, all in
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for the left. trump summed it up, the clintons, he says, set up a business to profit from public office. and as you can tell, we're wired for this and plugged in to what looks like another record high for stocks. summer doldrums, nonsense. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ >> yeah, politics for the moment. but a dreadful story, 38 dead and that number may climb, devastating earthquake in italy. ashley: this happened in central italy, a mountainous area. 3:36 local time, everyone in their homes sleeping. a shallow earthquake, 6.2 on the richter scale. felt 19 miles away in rome as you can see and many of the buildings are not earthquake proof.
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they are very old buildings, that literally fell to the ground. one village, paskrra del tronto, and crews are having difficulty get in there. >> and that's live from central italy and the damage is dreadful stuff. there was a 6.8 in myanmar, formerly known as burma after the 6.2 in italy. >> there have been aftershocks in italy. stuart: you'll update that throughout. the stocks are flat today. do you remember a year ago, a flash crash, second or third flash crash and the dow dropped 1,000 in the first ten minutes and closed down 588. remember that? china was to blame. what a difference the year doth
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make. and now it's close to an all time high. the dow is up 2000 points in the past 12 months, about 13%. look at this. the best performing stocks in the dow since that day, if you bought those stocks on that dip a year ago, you're doing well. chevron, dupont, microsoft, intel. look at the gains, 45, 43, 36% in the last 52 weeks. i didn't see it coming. we've got to get to politics. pay to play at the clinton foundation. the ap reports, influence peddling at the very highest level for very big bucks. here is donald trump from last night. roll tape. >> lie after lie after lie. hillary clinton is totally unfit to hold public office. it is impossible to figure out
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where the clinton foundation ends and the state department begins. it is now abundantly clear that the clintons set up a business to profit from public office. they sold access and specific actions by and really for, i guess, the making of large amounts of money. stuart: i was going to talk about a softer, gentler presidential tone. there was nothing soft and gentle about that. joining us, tanner, can you promise his supporters that watch this program. he'll stick to the script, can you promise that? >> good morning, stuart. i'm not going to promise anything, but i will tell you, i hope you saw last night his town hall with sean hannity and how fantastic that was. and that is the donald trump
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that has invigorated this entire cycle and got people excited about going out and being part of the election process. stuart: but tanner, hold on. >> that's what helps. stuart: inside of this campaign, you know what's going on, inside of this campaign, and everybody and his brother is saying to donald trump, please, stay on that prompter. stay on the message. don't run off chasing down mexican judges or goldstar-- don't do that. is he listening? >> he will not do that. stuart: is he listening? >> yes, he is. absolutely. mr. trump always listens. i know a lot of people speculate about that. i know firsthand. he listens to me. he listens to his counsel. he listens to his advisors and kelly anne look the a-- at him. he's laser focused on letting the american voters know how corrupt hillary clinton is. exactly that she is above the law and she shouldn't be. and he is saying over and over again that he will enforce the
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law. he said that from day one and he's the man to do it. stuart: i want you to tell us more about this meeting which we're told will take place tomorrow at trump tower in manhattan, meeting with african-american leaders and hispanic leaders. we're told this is tomorrow. number one, is al sharpton going to be there and who else is going to be there? >> i don't know who is on the guest list. i guess al will be there. what he's going to do is what he's been doing, that is educating african-americans, as well as all americans, how terrible the situation is for most african-americans. there's over 1 million people that are without work. the numbers have increased. they're living in poverty and he is saying, i am the man, i am the one person that can turn this around. and he will turn this around. jobs, economy, and you know, growth. he's the one that can do this and he's going to share that vision and that message and
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it's resonating. stuart: tanner, i'm sorry to run this through quickly, but we've got an awful lot of news to cover. we thank you for coming on the show. >> thanks for having me. stuart: sure thing. now, here is another thing to remember, two days ago, steve moore, trump economic advisor guaranteed 4% growth for five straight years if trump's tax and regulatory cuts are put in place. look who is here. douglas holts eakin. you're not a trump guy, but what do you make for that claim for his economic program? >> i think it's too big, to be honest. but certainly, he's on the right track in the regulatory front. he's on the right track with the energy front. i think he needs to improve on his tax, his spending and his trade policies, but we-- >> and improve on it. >> there's no hope on the other side. stuart: what do you say improve on his tax. focus in on tax. he's going to come down three
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tax brackets and everybody pays less. you want him to improve on that? >> i think the best tax reform for growth is what's proposed by kevin brady and the house republicans. that's a tremendous plan. trump has taken a step toward it, but he hasn't embraced it entirely. that plan is fabulous for investment, fabulous for saving, fabulous for growth. it doesn't blow a hole in the federal budget. exactly what we need. i think he should take that and say, this is my plan. stuart: okay, i want to draw to your attention, the latest numbers on the deficit and our growing debt. at i understand it, we are going to have a federal budget deficit just this year of $590 billion way beyond the half trillion dollars. now, i ask this all the time, why should i care? i mean, we've had deficits for year after year after year. it doesn't seem to affect me or our viewers. tell me why it should and does. >> i think it has two impacts. number one, it's not this year's deficit that hurts you,
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it's going forward where there will be a trillion dollars within eight years and those large deficits are a drag on the economy. all the evidence across the time and globe, if you have debt that big relative to your economy, it slows growth and growth is our biggest problem. the second thing, it's unfair, fundamentally unfair to the next generations to lock in the spending of their government with these large entitlement spending programs. that's not how democracy sho work. stuart: a half trillion deficit is a nasty commentary on the tax and spend regime that we've got. >> yes. stuart: douglas, sorry to rush things through. a huge day in news. thanks, douglas. >> thanks, stuart. stuart: now we're going to focus on tesla. that stock there is what, $50 from the all time high. listen to this, the new model s is the fastest production car in the world. the headline here is, it goes from zero to 60 in 2.5 seconds.
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wow. stuart: another said to the story, they've got a fancy new battery. what's that about? liz: the longest range ever. you can go 315 miles on just one charge. that's what tesla's elon musk is saying, and they'll cost 134,000 the new batteries. and he wants to make two of these new batteries a week. the zero to 60 charge-- the zero to 60 speed comes from the powerful new battery. i don't know who wants to go from zero to 60 in two seconds unless it's you going to mcdonald's and-- >> have you ever been in a really, really fast car like a ferrari or-- >> yes. stuart: i had used to have a porsche and you would be back on the seats. those were the days. the epi pen, life saving
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medication for people with severe allergies. they've raised the price 400% on the epi pen and the stock doubled, but right before they give a huge bonus to executives. they're going to appear before congress. we'll talk about that, by the way, we have a mother on the show who is now paying $800 a year for her son's epi pens. she's on the show later. look at this, now, we like this stuff. what is that? i'll tell you. come on. ashley: what is it? >> it's a giant pearl. two foot wide, 75 pound monster found by a fisherman in the philippines. he at the point in time it under his bed will ied-- liz: what kind of a bed, a bunk bed. stuart: what do you think it's worth? you're reading the prompter. ashley: i can tell you $100 million liz: how did you know that? >> i can read.
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stuart: that's luck, if you ask me. here is a victory for on-line fantasy sports. new york state says there are games of skill. they're not gambling, so, sites like fanduel, and in king are back again. and going into syria with hard power, fighting isis. more on that coming up. and donald trump easing his stance on immigration, here is the question. how will that play with the base who got him nominated? we'll be back.
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sure looks like it. no deportation force, probably? here he is with the town hall with sean hannity from yesterday. roll tape. >> and there certainly could be a softening because we're not looking to hurt people, we want people-- we have some great people in this country. we have some great, great people in this country. so, but we're going to follow the laws of this country. and you know, we have-- what people don't realize, we have very, very strong laws. stuart: all right, joining us now, a favorite guest of ours, willy gohmert from the great state of texas. are you okay with a softening in trump's stance on immigration? >> the main thing that i heard that i loved him saying was, we're going to enforce the law. and when i hear the word softening and humane. back when i was a felony judge for a decade i had one bailiff. i said look, you don't have to be mean to these guys.
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i'm sending them to prison. you can treat them humanity. you can treat them nicely, as you cart them off to prison. stuart: he's not saying around-- >> but he's not saying at that round them all up and chuck every one of them out. he's not saying that. he went outside and said, look, some can stay, the good ones, can stay. and that's a softening. you're okay with it. what about his supporters? >> i'm okay with enforcing the law. that's what's got to happen and i'm glad he's realized what obama has ignored and that is the fact we've got good laws in place that obama has just refused to enforce and hillary said she's going to do the same thing. stuart: you weren't always in line with donald trump. >> no, i haven't for mally endorsed him. stuart: do you like the new donald trump? i'm calling it the new donald trump, he's focused, on
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prompter, not running off on mexican judges and goldstar families. do you like the new trump? >> i love hearing i'm going to enforce the law. i haven't heard him say he's not going to build a wall. my gosh, stuart, we appropriated at one point for just a section of $4 billion appropriation and janet napolitano announced one day i'm not going to do that and by the way congress needs to give us more money. we've appropriated money we've said build walls here, there and yon. and it hasn't been done. if we can just get a president who will enforce the law and build what warrior -- what we have in place. and we have it there, ice, and they're waiting to follow the law and deport people. and they haven't been getting that. stuart: follow the law. louie gohmert from texas.
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>> thank you, stuart. stuart: appreciate it now. this is a strange scene from the campaign trail. mike pence getting his hair cut in pennsylvania. the barber cutting his hair has no idea who he is. you'll hear from him. stuart: and tim cook holding a fundraiser for hillary, and had said that he's keeping it overseas until there are lower tax rates? he's part of the fundraiser. you didn't read your car insurance policy.
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that's liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. . stuart: tesla, they've got a new model s. it's got 315 mile range for the battery and that's a break through. and it does 0 to 60 in 2.5 seconds. we'll have more on the stock in the opening bell. intuit, they produce the turbo-tax software. they've got a weak forecast. don't do that, down it goes. 5 or 6 bucks at the opening bell. what's happening, apple's chief tim cook hosts a fundraiser for hillary clinton. what do you make of this? >> he had a fundraiser for paul ryan earlier in the year. he's been very vocal on lowering the corporate tax rate and look, we'd like to bring back the billions we have overseas if you lower the tax.
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maybe he'll say that to hillary clinton at the fundraiser and let's be honest, hillary clinton has gone after donald trump for saying bring american jobs back while-- and from china, even though his clothing and everything is made in china. well, where does apple have the majority of pieces make, in china. so a lot of hypocrisy as you'd expect. >> he's a big global warmer and so is hillary. >> they have common ground there, yes. stuart: and hillary will tax only income not wealth liz: and here is the-- this is tim cook's fifth year anniversary and you didn't see steve jobs doing things like this. the issue is, you get close to zero in tax revenues from corporations when you tax them this high and tim cook says it's not patriotic to pay more in taxes. he actually said lower the tax rate, it'll be good for jobs here and we would invest money here. you have things like president obama saying we want to keep capital gains taxes high. even if it means less revenues,
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just for the sake of fairness. so, you know, this is what's coming, the nonsense and absurd tax policy hurting jobs growth in the united states which tim cook says-- >> pandering to the liberals crowd and will he have an influence? >> if you raise this money and say to hillary clinton, come on, lower the corporate tax rate. you don't think it will work? liz: no. unless they have a gimmicky-- the clintons are about gimmicky tax credits. stuart: serious stuff. i want to update you about the earthquake in italy. several towns leveled and italians are reporting 60 now dead. just a tragedy. apple's co-founder, that guy, steve wozniak has issued a warning to tim cook, do not kill the head phone jack on the
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new iphone 7. he says it's going to tick a lot of people off. ashley: that's what i hear. stuart: and sound on that one coming up. and remember the year, a flash crash that took a thousand off the dow in the first ten minutes. look how far we've come. stocks are close to an all-time high on the dow we could hit a high on that. not sure, we do, but we'll certainly follow it for you next.
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>> you know, it's almost 9:30. it is 9:30 and we're off and we are running. it's wednesday morning, i do believe and we're down 9 points in the early going. down 12 points. it feels like wall street every day, we're off and running. ta-da. that's the wrong-- we need the trumpets sounding, i believe. thank you, ashley. ashley: you're welcome. stuart: we've got most of the dow 30 in the red and the s&p 500 is now up .2% like that. and nasdaq technology stocks, where is that? down .1%. how about gold? still hovering, oh, it's down today. down 1%, 1332. and oil not a player in the stock market so much these delays, $47 a barrel.
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how about tesla, got that new model s, big new battery, zero to 60 in 2 1/2 seconds and the stock after that big announcement. home builders, big time up yesterday on a strong reading for new home sales. by the way, we're getting the latest on existing home sales the top of the hour. mylan, whoa, bad press all over the place because they raised the price of the epi pen, 4 maybe 500%. later on the show, an allergy mom, she's not happy and congress isn't happy either. mylan down again today. facebook, did you know that it labels you politically? you might not know it. who cares? the stock's at-- i'm not on facebook, boys. and ford recalls vehicles, a stalling problem. no impact on the stock. it's down 3 cents. who is with us this wednesday morning? i will tell you.
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ashley webster, liz mcdonald. dan, shah gilani, nicole petallides. that's a full screen. ashley: like the brady bunch. stuart: did you know, everybody, that one year ago, it was a flash crash. do you remember that? a thousand points down, almost, in the first few minutes. well, now, we're 2000 points up since then. perma bear shah gilani is with us just to my left here. are you going to throw cold water on the 2000 point rally? >> no, i've got a long position in a lot of stuff here, but i'm getting increasingly nervous. last year the flash crash was worse than 2010 flash crash. it can happen again. the liquidity that was not there last year is there's even less this year. the market, enjoy it while it lasts, if it turns around, it could get ugly, but liz: it happened because china devalued its currency, and thinking that would lead to faster growth, but in china. if china does that again.
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stuart: wait a second, there has to be something internal to the market that took it down nearly a thousand points. if you were on the floor that day, tell me what happens. >> sometimes you see this. first of all, you see the fundamentals, they start when you're worried about china, front and center and lingered for long time, not only on that particular day. that particular day when you started to see a drop over 1100 points. what happens is, you start to have-- you have programs kick in and algorithms. and then you see selling upon selling. while some of it may have been merited, about true worries about a lack of growth in china, which was originally, obviously, the engine of growth, that coupled with the technicals, the machines kick in and that's what you talk about and you hear about flash boys and flash crash and fast finger and other things, one goes into the next. stuart: it seemed long ago. we're 2000 up since then.
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>> and they put in parameters, too, to protect us from excessive drops in a short period of time. stuart: hi, i'm from the government, i'm only here to help you. okay. now the dow industrials, 18,528 liz: what happened to you? was that john wayne? >> i'm american. john wayne. [laughter] all right. stop laughing, everybody. apple stock, it's been five years since tim cook took over. shares more than doubled since then and we're now at 108 a share. here is the issue today with apple. they're going to get rid of the head phone jack on the new iphone 7. co-founder wozniak says it's a terrible thing to do. is this such a big deal? >> it is. and we all plug in. steve wozniak says it's a mace take. he hates youtube. and go to wireless and it sounds flat.
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and they'll have to buy an adapter. and it's going to tick a lot of people off, quote, unquote. he's right liz: people get mad at apple ap feel like you have to spend more additional equipment to use the products. and you have to buy an adapter, that's annoying. stuart: the sound quality. ashley: he's saying. stuart: the hard wire is good sound. >> wozniak is an amazing audiophile and he knows. stuart: and we don't have a jack and we're down liz: and one jack for charging. >> it's important for apple in terms of the product. stuart: and get every sentence in there liz: no, i want clarity. stuart: and tesla, we know that stock, new model s, fastest production car in the world, but shah gilani is here throwing cold water on tesla. you don't like it. >> i'm sure it's got to get up
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there for me to consider-- i don't think it's worth buying or holding for long-term. the 20,000 upgrade. the cars they're putting it into begin at $135,000. so that's not going to make a huge difference in terms of the stock. they've got a lot of competition coming down the road. volkswagen is coming down the road with better mileage than the tesla. the competition, i don't like the stock at all. stuart: i want to get dan stes into the show and nothing to say so far. i want to ask you about the dow industrials. 2000 points higher than a year ago and now, 70, 80 points away from an all-high. are we going to keep going up, dan? tell us. >> if you look at what's been happening, it sure seems like it. i feel a lot more comfortable at the dow at these levels if we'd seen even a 2% gdp figure in the last quarter. this doesn't make sense. there's a good chance we'll see a break down in here and i didn't see why we won't.
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hold your breath and stay still. i wouldn't invest anything in this market. in the downdraft we'll have, it will be a temporary deal, but it will be for real. stuart: you manage rich people's money, do you not, dan? >> well, i help manage some rich people's money. stuart: and you're standing still with their money. >> yeah, and-- >> go ahead. >> the best thing right now, i'm relatively comfortable saying with the positions i have, but you have to be comfortable with the stocks you have. talk to somebody, if you're not sure of what your positions are, but you have to be comfortable because the downward run, if we do have some problems, shouldn't affect you that badly. stuart: okay, now, here are some of the stocks that people have been putting a lot of money into for a couple of years. i'll start with google, we check the stocks every single day, alphabet is down, below 800, 795 this morning. and never forget amazon, that stock has just gone up and up and up.
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it's down a tiny fraction, 752. and la-z-bola-z-boy, not everybs the stock, but everybody knows. archie bunker's chair. they're down. the taker of turbo-tax, intuit, down they go, 3%, 109 on intuit. 52-week low for clothing retailer, express. i'm told they've got weak store traffic, foot traffic. nicole: the store traffic dropped and weak demand for their apparel and the stock sinks to a year and a half low. it's down 23%. quickly, they're cutting their full year numbers for sales as well. so express coming under a broad-beasted worries and they talk about a lack of clarity. i heard liz, liz talking about clarity. well, they're talking about a
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lack of clarity, so that is certainly front and center. finally to your point about the market, the hedge funds, recent said they have the most in cash than they've had in a long period of time. they don't know where to park money. you can't make money in bonds, you have to use equities, but a lot put it in cash. stuart: that cash to go anywhere, to stocks, could literally go anywhere. >> or just sit safely. stuart: here is what i think is a big story. fantasy football, draft kings and fanduel, they're allowed to operate in new york because of a special new law, saying it's a game of skill, not chance, not gambling. ashley: that's exactly like the attorney general of new york, eric snyderman said no. it's fullout gambling, but the legislature at new york had a look and said, no, it's a game of skill. therefore the big companies in this space, draft kings and fanduel have been granted temporary permits just in time for the upcoming nfl season.
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the baseball playoffs and they can continue to operate now legally. they're going to try to come-- the game commission will try to come out with long-term permanent legislation, but it's a huge break for the companies liz: they can tax it as gambling revenue. ashley: i was going to say they have to pay $50,000 in annual fees and a 15% tax on revenue. stuart: okay liz: there you go. ashley: so they get their money. stuart: now that they're legal they could be setting up an ipo. that could be-- liz: that's interesting. stuart: how about milan pharmaceuticals, getting a lot of heat for raising the price of the epi pen, either 400 or 500%, a huge jump. that brings up a question of morality versus capitalism. is congress right to make them appear before congress and make them swear and then haul them over the coals for this price increase? is that the right thing to do? liz? liz: well, congress can force the sec to weigh in on
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monopolies. that's a way to go at it. what's fueling this, ceo pay increases and executive pay increases. the ceo of the company more than doubled the salary, 61% increase to 18.9 million during this period of time. stuart: i think it's a legitimate political response to what they've done with the price and the bonuses. ashley: absolutely. stuart: this is what congress is for, isn't it? >> well, we should have a free market, but whether you agree or not whether they can or should raise the price. we have a free market, they should be able to do it. if there are alternative drugs and folks can take an alternative course. stuart: you've got it. we're 11 minutes in, we're down 17 and we want to thank dan and shah for contributing this wednesday morning. we're down a tiny fraction this morning, down 1 as we speak. here is what's next for you. an update on terror. a man in australia shouts allah akbar and stabs a woman to death.
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they will not call it islamic extremism. and turkey's president, 70 targets destroyed, next. my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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>> this is an ongoing story and it's a tragedy. earthquake in italy. 60 dead according to italian media. the epicenter about 100 miles from rome. ashley: the 6.2 earthquake hit at 3:36 in the morning. it sounds a long while away. it's shallow, but a lot of the buildings are not earthquake proof. they'r mountainous areas of the central italy.
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amatrice is a culinary center? >> it is, it's supposed to be the spaghetti festival in that school village and now it's trying to find those still alive under the rubble. stuart: it is, indeed. another story, and i'm going to call this terror, flat-out, this is terror in australia. an attacker shouting allah akbar stabbed a young british woman and her dog to death. very similar to the event in virginia, an attacker, also shouted allah akbar, tried to behead a couple. the fed is investigating possible isis links, but not calling it terror. come in, pete. if you shout allah akbar, take a knife to somebody's neck and try to behead them, that's terror. what am i missing? >> you're not missing anything? a lot of authorities are taking cues from our own president trying to look for radical islam.
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looking why it wouldn't be terrorism, rather than the facts in front of you. yelling allah akbar in virginia especially, and we've heard in australia. it says in, strike their neck, and strike to behead. they're signatures of radical islam, isis, whether it's motivated or directed, it's a motivator for the attack. stuart: there's a lot of questions about the attacker in virginia, because he had been on the radar screens of the authorities. and whether he dropped off the radar or not, we don't know. it seems to me that this is happening frequently and it seems to me that we just don't have the manpower to surveil the people that we would like to surveil the way we would like to surveil them. i'm told it takes 20, 25 people to go 24/7 in surveillance of one personments very much so.
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the fbi has done yeoman's work. the amount that they stifle would shock most americans. it's manpower intensive. a lot of the tools we had in the past we no longer have to surveil. one of the signature issues from the attackers, they come from places where there are r radical mosques. and the attacker in australia is where there are radical mosques. it's where they are stoked and this attacker in virginia, he traveled to turkey, tried to get to syria, he's on the radar screen, he'll take a knife or a gun, no matter what, striking terror in the hearts of infidels is their goal at the neck, which is what he attempted to do. this is terrorism on our shores. stuart: you know what, pete, we're getting use today it. >> we are. stuart: and it's almost a mundane event. it's a news event for 12 hours maybe and we don't call it terror, we are kind of used to
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it and absorbing it. i think that's dangerous. >> it is. they're at war with us, but we're asleep at the wheel because our president put us to sleep. we need a commander-in-chief that takes it seriously, names it and gives law enforcement the tools for at home. and go there so they don't have a caliphate to attack from. stuart: why don't you come back. thank you, sir. another story of what i'm going to call terror, it was in australia and i think we showed you the video of that. i want to bring you up-to-date on it. we showed you a picture of a beautiful young woman, a british woman, she was stabbed to death, okay? we'll keep on with that one. check the market. the dow 30, we have mostly lower, a few are moving um, but the dow though, got to say it, it's real close to an all-time high. there is that ongoing controversy over the epi pen and the huge price increase that mylan pharmaceuticals imposed. later on this program, a mother
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the price has gone through the roof. gi gi gi ginoa is with us and how much are you paying for the epi pen two years ago? >> two years ago $100, about $100, which is what would be if you want to canada to get it. $100. stuart: what are you paying now? >> i've been pricing it out. pharmaceutical places between 700 and $800. stuart: that's a gigantic increase. >> it's outrageous. stuart: do you need one or two. >> they come in two packs, you need one for home and one for school. if there's a day care, one for them. and it's so expensive, i take them apart and they don't recommend, and keep one at school and one at home. stuart: the pack is $800. >> 800. the doctors recommend you have two in case the other one doesn't work. stuart: you brought your two sons with you, one of whom,
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young colin, i think, have we got him the young man on the right of the screen, wave colin. not you, wave colin. [laughter] last colin ever had to use the-- >> thank goodness, no. i think that's one of the complicated things about the epi pen, you have it as a precautionary, so, if he were to ingest or, any kind of peanut product or something that's manufactured in the peanut company. stuart: he has a peanut allergy. >> he has a peanut allergy, something in everything and something i didn't understand before my son had peanut allergies, it's in absolutely everything and that's scary. stuart: can you get this under insurance? does insurance pay for this? >> insurance it pay for some of it depends on the insurance. the insurance we have is cheaper for us, the only medication that our family needs, it's cheaper for us to pay it outright than the insurance. stuart: let's have a value judgment for you. and you're paying a huge price,
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and giving bonuses, and they're hauled before congress. what are you going to say? >> i h'd like to know, are they going to say it's greed and. stuart: they're not going to say that. >> i'd like to know, a product that costs pennies to make? >> the capitalism, some capitalists would say, we're going to put in that price increase because we can. we now have a monopoly on the epi pen, he can do it, therefore, we're going to do it. >> so that will be on their conscience with the little kid. i'm fortunate enough to be able to afford the epi pen and many can't. it's not an optional device, it's something you have to use and we're talking life or death. food allergies are not like seasonal allergies, these are life and death matters. stuart: you would put it on their conscience, it's a good way of putting it. you don't want a new line or fine or going to prison, it's
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on your conscience. >> they have to sleep with themselves. stuart: that's good enough. gina and colin, thank you for joining us and you will an of you, thank you very much. the big board shows a 20-point loss for the dow industrials. still fairly close to the all-time record highs. we're on it, of course. back in a moment.
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>> it sure looks like a new donald trump, doesn't it? on prompter, on message, taking advantage of the ammunition that hillary clinton just keeps on giving. at a rally in texas he hammered the clinton foundation's influence peddling. he said the clintons set up their business to profit from public office and he stuck with that script. a few weeks ago, he was chasing down mexican judges and goldstar moms. then he held a hannity town hall on immigration. on illegals, he said, sure there can be a softening, we don't want to hurt people. that's different. his audience didn't like it,
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but he stuck with it. oh, what a difference a couple of weeks makes. he was sinking in the polls. his campaign team wasn't working and he was going off on irrelevant rants that hurt him badly and he appears to have seen the light. when hillary clinton hams it up with jimmy kimmel and with the timberlakes, he seems to have got it. and you'll meet the mother whose son was killed by an illegal. and the plan that looks at five straight years of growth. this is varn varn and our second hour is about to begin. ♪ . >> if you know anything about the housing market, you will know the most important number
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is how many homes have been sold, existing home sales, what is it. ashley: altamonte of july coming in at 5.39 million which by all, i know you hate this word, but new home sales came on strong. existing home sales down, missing. stuart: so, we are selling homes. this is the number that realtors watch. ashley: yes. stuart: 5.3 million homes per year, that's the rate and that's not great. ashley: it's not. the billingest problem is lack of homes for sale. there's not enough inventory and that's reflected in this number. stuart: this affects the home ownership rate. ashley: yes. stuart: you remember a couple of weeks ago, donald trump making a speech, held up a chart, here it is, and you can see very clearly, that's a plummet in the home ownership rate all the way down to a 50-year low. ashley: wow, that's a terrible one liz: and this is the first--
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to ashley's point, the first monthly decline since february. stuart: come in trump economic advisor, steve. you're a trump economic advisor and we've got some mediocre to poor housing numbers and we've got a forecast from the trump economic team if you put his plan in place, you'll get 4% growth for five years, what do you say to that? >> look, it's disappointing. we're at a 51-year low in home ownership. as a main street guy and not a wall street guy, spent his entire career helping first time home buyers get in the home market, it's depressing. i think it's just an example of what we've been talking about. there's two main issues here, jobs and national security, and obviously that's causing-- >> look at the home ownership rate. it used to be, in the good old days, not too long ago, that america had virtually the
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highest home ownership rate of any developed society. way above europe, way above just about everywhere else, we were close, very close to 70% of americans owned the homes in which they live. and now, we're all the way down to, i think it's about 62, 63%. that's an appalling trend. >> yeah. stuart: because i think that home ownership is part of the amican dream. come on, steve, that's it isn't it? that's the american dream. >> i couldn't agree more. as you approach your anniversary as a u.s. immigrant and i'm a school teacher and the american dream is owning a home. everyone should have an opportunity and it's a privilege and something we should work towards. important to understand, even though we're at an eight-year high with the increase in value of homes and the growth of home equity, with home ownership being so low, don't you think it's a reflection on the underlying lack of confidence in what's been happening over
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the last eight years, and why aren't people stepping up and realizing that dream? it's uncertainty they're scared, they're not willing to build the homes, not willing to buy the homes, as a result, people are stalemated. they're just not moving. we must have some change here to get our economy going again if. i recommend the same thing that mr. trump does, lower personal tax rates, lower corporate tax rates, let's repatriatize money in off-shore accounts by big corporations and get the money back to work here in america. stuart: okay, you're one of the six or seven steves of the economic team of donald trump, stay there, mr. steve five or six and we'll get back to pure politics. the ap report accusing hillary clinton, just showing it, actually, pay to play, influence peddling at some huge dollars at the very highest levels of government. they say more than half of her meetings, state department, were held with donors to the clinton foundation.
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wait a second, you've got to get this right. half of the meetings. ashley: yes. stuart: held outside the state department, not-- with private interest, half of those people had been giving money to the clinton foundation liz: non-u.s. and foreign government workers. stuart: tammy, that's play to play. >> it is. even without counting foreign interest, the ap didn't count them, that there was also money given to the clintons, bahrain, they went through the foundation to try to get access to her, but this does separate as of private interest. 85 of 154 private interest donors gave a total of $156 million in order to be able to have this access. so we've learned that the state department stonewalled the associated press for years as they were looking for the details of her meetings. the state department under hillary ignored 28 0 requests.
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and i don't know about erasing tape. it's about ethics, influence peddling and characterment if she's willing to do this so blatantly and protected by the system of secretary of state, of course, the question becomes, if you're willing to sell access in the state department, will you sell access in the white house, and what degree of damage does that cause the united states. stuart: well, donald trump is staying very much on message. he was hammering this issue yesterday. listen to what he had to say on hannity's town hall last night talking about immigration, but roll that tape. >> so you have somebody who's been in the country for 20 years, has a great job, a job and everything else, do we tell the people to get out, number one, or do we work with them and let them stay? who wants those people thrown out. >> i do!
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>> we are going to come out with a decision very soon. stuart: now, hold on a second, come back in again, steve. you had donald trump there softening his position on immigration, not going to round them up and throw everybody out, the crowd didn't like it. the crowd is hard core supporters, no, throw them all out. where do you stand on this? >> look, my hearts go out to the mothers of the poor murder victims, that's heart wrenching for someone like me who spent a big part of my career, supporting law enforcement and home ownership and their reach. this is the brilliance of what donald trump is. like any law enforcement person, whenever there's an emergency, myself as a former military officer, you stop, you pause, you evaluate everything that's going on and then you continue to refine policy so
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that it has the most effective outcome. at the end of the day, we want to protect the american people and we want to create opportunity for new people coming in to be americans just like my grandparents did and just like i'm assuming you did. stuart: that's a fair point, tamley. what he's done here is, he has softened the position and i'm wondering if he can-- does that offend his hard core supporters who want the deportation task force to get everybody out? >> we want immigration to be fixed, we want that wall to be built. i have no problem with him saying this, it indicates he's willing to govern, he knows what it will take to govern and he's also showing that he's not going to be wrapped in group think. he will not pander to people and this is one of the issues that's affected current governing where you lie to the american people and pander to them and do something different. 's being honest. he's showing the nature of what he's learning in the process of dealing with the details, it's impressive, it's going to help him govern and fix the issues as a whole.
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stuart: and he hasn't gone off on a tangent. sticking to the subject. i'm going back to that earthquake that has struck central italy. new video just coming in of a man pulled from the rubble. he's 65 years old, rescued after nine hours. now, the death toll, according to italian news sources has moved up to 73. the vatican sends a rescue team, and e-mack is statement liz: and just about amatrice is 85 miles per hour north of rome. the pope says i cannot fail, but to express my heart felt sorrow and spiritual closeness to those afflicted and condolences to those who lost loved ones and spiritual support to those who are anxious and afraid, from the pope. stuart: we'll have more on this throughout the program. louisiana still cleaning up after the big floods. more than 7,000 homes have received disaster food assistance. more relief is on the way.
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an army training presentation lists hillary clinton as an insider threat. it's been removed. by the way. this is the slide being used to train new recruits. it was. hillary is listed alongside edward petraeus and edward snowden as those who abused information. somebody's head will roll for that. and this is brandon mendoza, and he was killed by an immigrant. >> a vote for hillary is putting all of our children's lives at risk. it's time for donald trump. (announcer vo) who says your desk phone
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always has to be at your desk? now, with one talk from verizon... hi, pete. i'm glad you called. (announcer vo) all your phones can work together on one number. you can move calls between phones, so conversations can go where you go. take your time. i'm not going anywhere. (announcer vo) and when you're not available, one talk helps find the right person who is. hi, john. (announcer vo) so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. introducing one talk-- another way verizon connects your business better. learn how at
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>> it had a crash landing. it's the second test flight. it's the length of six double-decker buses and can carey 46 passengers, it could clip a pole and the operator company says that's not true, no one injured, but did sustain some damage on landing. in the bedfordshire countryside in the middle of england. stuart: you know what i'm laughing at. ashley: it's known as the flying bum. stuart: you get the impression, the point. ashley: you don't want the full moon. >> they did name is the kardashian. stuart: i'm moving on. ashley: going downhill. stuart: down 23 for the dow industrials, most-- i'd say two-thirds of the dow industrial stocks are in the red. how about the chart for apple? it's a five year chart. five years to the day since tim
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cook took over from steve jobs and that's apple's stock in that time frame. now this, tanks, turkish tanks rolling in northern syria. they're going right after isis. this is a ground war. this is new. president erdogan of turkey promised to go after them after the wedding this week. and joining us is zuhdi jasser. this is what you want, you want them to go after isis and it's done by a president who is essentially an islamic fundamentalist? >> yeah, i think, obviously, we've wanted this for quite some time. before we start cheering that turkey has miraculously come on our side, let me put it in context for you, august 9th, erdogan went and met with putin and apologized and said that he was going to come back into the fold. erdogan is sort of consolidating power after the failed coup attempt, and
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supposed coup attempt. he's abandoned sort of this mission to help the islamists regionally and is consolidating power to go to the 20th is century, the bottom line, you so consolidation of power, assad we thought was giving him the green light and now they're pushing back on that. the bottom line, yes, they're getting rid of isis and joining the ground operation, but make no mistake, erdogan is about erdogan, it's about his tyranny, not having an epiphany about isis. stuart: it's more having a troubled center of a key country. and while we've got time. i want to draw your attention to two possible terror attacks in the last couple of days.
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this man shouting allah akbar tries to behead two people in virginia. and in australia, that young lady there and a dog a stabbed to death by an attacker shouting allah akbar. in both cases the authorities have said this is not terror. if you shout allah akbar and that's terror. >> i don't get it. what's the denial. this is the global jihad. why delay it. they might be wrong once in a while. the bottom line, this is the virus that's the ideology of global caliphate jihadism. unless we figure out the connection, you lose some connections that we need from a homeland security perspective. it's not only australia, london, germany, everywhere we've been seeing this, in the united states and canada. so we have to make these connections. these are not lone wolves. in order to defeat a global ideology, stuart, as you've
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said so many times, we have to identify it and not only countering violent extremism, but countering-- we want to delay and deny because we don't want to admit politically it's here and happening. thank you for joining us, sir, appreciate it. >> anytime, thanks, stuart. stuart: more on the epi pen, life saving medication for people with severe allergies. raised the price of this thing by 400%. this is a case of morality and profit. tammy bruce still here and she carries an epi pen and bring her thoughts on this in a moment and then there's netflix, why it could soon be making more money overseas than in america. it's about less growth here and more growth here. stuart: donald trump a town hall on illegal immigration, he talks about this, something that hillary clinton will never do. >> hillary clinton will never meet with these families.
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♪ doesn't fear the reaper ♪ ♪ we'll be able to fly ♪. ashley: blue oyster cult. stuart: who? >> blue oyster cult. stuart: don't fear the reaper or didn't fear the reaper. anyway take a look at the price of retailer express. they don't have much foot traffic going through their stores and they're down 24% at $12 a share. i'm not sure the connection between the music and the stock, but we played it, okay? netflix at the could soon be
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making more money overseas than at home. you want to explain that? >> yeah, a top market researcher called ish, they've doubled overseas subscribers, 100 million overall and practically in every country, except syria, china and north korea. the catch, that this study doesn't cover. it's that you can't get american content in foreign countries. you can't get, for example, the "the walking dead" in the u.k., there are licensing deals that are struck. so people in those countries trying to go around it and netflix is trying to stop them from using proxy devices to get at american content. i mean, they've got to pony up a lot of money to get the subscribers in the door. stuart: and the stock has been stalled in the mid 90's. it used to be a go-getter and now they're stalled
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liz: trying to get content. stuart: and an investigation into the epi pens, more in particular, the huge price increase. in the las hour, i spoke to a man whose soon needs this life saving and now expensive epi pen. watch this. some capitalists would say we're going to put in the price increase because we can. we now have a monopoly on the epi pen, we can do it and therefore we are going to do it. >> that will be on their conscience with the little kids. i'm fortunate to be able to afford the epi pen, many can't. this is not optional, these are not like seasonal allergies, these are life and death matters. stuart: it's the young man on the right, young colin, who needs an epi pen. and someone with me now has one and carries it around. that's tammy bruce, i'm not going to ask you what it's for-- >> shell fish.
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it's more of a recent thing. i'm eating out more and it can happen and you want to be prepared. stuart: sure. >> the interesting thing here though is that, as the price increases have been masked and why people suddenly recognized it because of obamacare and the increase in deductibles. and so, this is where the pharma companies were able to, and mylan being able to raise the price over a number of years, nobody noticed because you were covered by the insurance company. now with the cost of obamacare, the increase in deductibles, suddenly you're having to put out more and realizing, wait a minute, what has been the retail price of this. so you've got government in a way colluding with pharma companies, rising prices and insurance companies pay and increase your premiums, but you haven't necessarily realized that it's because of drugs like this that's it's increasing. stuart: that's fascinating. have you ever had to use your epi pen. >> i have not had to use the epi pen. but i got it after an allergy
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test and he had a severe reaction, they had to jab me. it's a miracle and worked immediately. and the price, also with asthma inhalers. it's not new and you can blame obamacare for the hit on the pocket for the families. stuart: three of our producers have epi pens, have a serious allergy which requires it. three of our producers, i didn't know that until this morning. something completely ander tyler different, wanted to show you this. this is governor mike pence during a campaign swing sat down for a hair cut in henry jones barber, who has no idea who he is. listen to this. >> your name? >> mike pence. >> mike pence. >> i'm the governor of the state of indiana, running for vice-president of the united states. >> oh, vice-president? >> yes, sir, yes, sir. >> oh, boy. >> i'm running with donald trump, so i'm his running mate. >> okay. [laughter]
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>> it is 10:30 eastern time. with the new numbers on how much oil is. >> the 2.5 million barrels they are expecting a $455,000 drop. look at oil move right now. down nearly 2%. this is an interesting switch from what wall street was expecting. >> scott in chicago he is a guy that trades crude oil a lot.
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it is not going away. it's getting bigger. what's new? >> a lot of times we get rescued by that. they both had bills. they were expecting to be a draw there. it was not as much. a bill that crossed the board so it has to be there today. >> will you tell us again in at that will might drop to $40 a barrel. we still can't get rid of what we have as far as the supply and overhang. at the end of the day there is still a ton to get through. it is always going to good to be in overhang. >> think you very much indeed. is taking that too.
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but breaking news just topping. thanks backed all to be at $42 next year. it is heading down to 40. with 47 barely holding on. all right, what's next. >> i will tell you what's next. we have this. the markets down 32 points. no impact from oil there. and we have more than two thirds of the tao on the downside. that is a state of play and stocks. now, our next guest appeared with donald trump at last nights town hall. she is the mother of a young policeman. he was killed in a drunk driving accident by an illegal immigrant. marianne is with us now. you are at the town hall last night and as we read it it
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seemed that donald trump was softening his position on illegals he's now saying some of them can stay he is no longer saying all of them adhere no matter what how do you feel about that? your son was killed by an illegal. >> i think we need to wait and see what he's get to come out with. he is still working on a plan we all know that the numbers are more than 11 million. and yes there are some that are contributing to our society and are good people in my main concern all along has been the criminal element that our courts show leniency too. statistics prove they go on to commit more crimes. that has been my main concern all along.
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my son was on his way home from work. a drunk illegal alien was driving over 35 miles the wrong way on four different freeways before slamming head-on into my son. >> what happened to the illegal immigrant who drove into your son? >> he passed away at the scene. my son did go to the hospital and surgery. did he have a criminal record of any kind? have been apprehended up in colorado. they took them back up to colorado. he was paced before a judge.
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instead of being deported at that time. people need to start educating themselves about the federal judges that we have. 194,000 people illegal aliens have been allowed to stay in our country when they have brought the cases before the federal government. our judges are failing us as american people by allowing these criminals to stay in our country. >> we appreciate you being on the program. thank you so much. >> i want to go to the economy. in our next guest works for the economist. that is the british based magazine. he previously includes it. ranking trump along with
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terrorism. i'm going to get this. every single problem in america is alleviated to some degree with economic growth. i guarantee it. you heard it first. 4% growth for five years. now usually we repeat that. his name is robert foul. a frequent guest on this program it is good to see you back here. >> if you think that is a huge threat to the world you don't believe that we could get 4% growth from trump's economic plan?
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>> the fiscal and economic program was totally untrue. it was the nonpartisan group. isn't that a static. if you really cut tax rates. you do check a lot more money out into the economy. i don't give it to the government i put into the economy. isn't that a boost for the economy, doesn't give you growth? they give a lot more money to the federal treasury? >> will you get more revenue as a result even with lower taxes. the problem is he did put up taxes. in this instance they have
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calculated the growth would have to hit ten to actually balance. i'm listening very carefully before he goes away. after all if you hate trump you have to support hillary and now she's gonna spend a ton more government money. the calculation. they are not the economic cost. there's a big gap. that is the last responsible. do you get as much bang for your buck out of a government
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spent dollar as you get from a private enterprise spent dollar. >> it really depends on where the money is going. it's a wildly enthusiastic. just to remind everyone you do have that. you would have no street lamps. no one suggesting you do away with government all we want is growth. they don't want to get carried away. certainly i would be out there as a star performer. you know why i canceled my subscription after 35 years.
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you in 2012 your magazine endorsed barack obama for another term over mitt romney. we are a global magazine and we been taking these kind of decisions since 1843. we will see where we go this time. i don't think it is too tough i guess.he alabama hammer i shod bring on the show. today marks the one-year crash of the one-year anniversary. we are up more than more than 2000 points.
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thankfully everybody worries about why it happened. we take a look at some of the best performers over the 52 weeks. we know that chevron and microsoft our up over 40%. and also applied materials. the chip maker continues to be raising guidance. also a winner. i picked this one because it's a name that not everybody necessarily knows but it has become very favored by consumers and by the brands. they head over 500 rounds --dash -- grants under their umbrella. the others were up over 100 percent. i did say that we have a huge audience and that's true we
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have that audience because of stuff like this. we will show you an extraordinary video. it was abandoned by its mother at the zoo. they took it home the 16-year-old cat has accepted the monkey. the monkey will return to the zoo. that's what does it. call this political stuff. hillary clinton and the clinton foundation more allegations of pay to play. look at this headline. zero dear.
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are going to enforce the law. stewart back when i was a felony judge for a decade i said look you don't have to be mean to these guys. i'm sending them to prison you can treat them humanely. as you cut them off to prison. better buckle up. that inactive satellite radio of yours is ready to roll. because the siriusxm free listening event is on right now! just hit the sat button in your car and listen free thru sept 6. that's right, two glorious weeks of commercial-free music, plus talk, sports, comedy, news, and more. your ride has never, ever, rocked like this. oh yeah, siriusxm is on for free right now. so tune in and let's ride!
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this is a company called auto share. show. they make medical test. they have just been given a six year contract. there up 14%. no allegations of pay to play at the clinton foundation. here is what donald trump have to say to about it last night. if our secretary of state can be bought or bright this is a threat to the foundation of democracy. this is what happens in third world countries is the field
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conditions of people and this is why they flee to america and they come here and they get no better. but look at this. this is a usa today usa today headlines. new clinton state department e-mails show donor access not favors. scott brown is with us on the subject. it is access but it's not a favor what do you make of this. of course as a favor. when your pain money and you're getting some kind of meeting or access. they understand that. and this is just another connection of the nexus between money and politics with the clinton family. unfortunately you are running out of time. it's difficult to do an independent prosecutor to find
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out what's coming on. you see more and more e-mails and evidence from the mainstream media pointing out that this just doesn't pass the smell test. if you got a special prosecutor you would not had any results until after the election. there's virtually no way of getting stuff out there except through the media and then mister trump can pick up on. there's no other way. the media has to do this. special prosecutor is the american people. when they go and vote. when she's out and about. she has not held a press conference in almost a year. donald trump does them on a regular basis. there's not any time to do it but the media in these debates
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really needs to zero in we get some criticism because we do so often quote donald trump we've certainly done that today but we have no choice and we would like to put the other site of the argument from hillary clinton but we don't get it. she never speaks to this. what are we supposed to do. not only to you in this issue but to any of the issues that are dogging her. she will crack a joke or laugh about it she will redirect the questioning. she has not sat down where people are just peppering her with questions. she's very well protected in that regard. and what does that tell me and others that she has something to hide. >> we noticed out and about where is that from.
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we just got a good reading on that. we pursue the go down by many as two and half percent. we are also following the coverage in italy. ellie 73 people are dead. we showed you this video of a 65-year-old man being pulled from the rubble. he had been buried for nine hours. we will see more images like this as they search for more people in italy. now let's take a look at this. this is what is coming up at the top of the hour. here's what we have. the man who has been all over the clinton foundation scandal from the very beginning a book about it. he has specific examples of pay to play in the foundation. were also talking to donald trump foreign-policy advisor about immigration in turkey sending troops into syria. plus, john stossel has a libertarian perspective from the epipen decision.
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here is the moral argument. i had been pricing it out it's been between 750 and $800. that is a gigantic increase. it's outrageous. do you need one or two. >> needed one for your school. if you're at a daycare you'll need a separate one for that. usually they're so expensive i take the two that's not what they recommend. (announcer vo) all your phones can work together on one number. you can move calls between phones, so conversations can go where you go. take your time. i'm not going anywhere. (announcer vo) and when you're not available, one talk helps find the right person who is. hi, john. (announcer vo) so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. introducing one talk-- another way verizon connects your business better.
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this is a technology elite. they support hillary. you think it strange that the billionaires would support the candidate that wants to tax the rich the more there is really nothing strange about this at all. their wealth comes from stock in their companies which grows tax-free. hillary taxes income not wealth. and then there is the favorite elitist calls. they have said publicly he doesn't want your business if you are climate denier. give us some money. the elite of the elite. and zero so cozy with the clinton enterprise. they will build the products in china. and glory in our own tax wealth. let's keep it that way. here is some more money. this hour the other guys will fawn over the tech industry as a i do every day not here. we tell it like it is. our three starts now.
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how did you like that press fresh start. were down 45 points. oil down to. a lot more well in storage. donna goes nearly 3%. it's gone down a little bit more. it's holding it 185. i look at apple stock please. tim cook having a fundraiser here is the hypocrisy. but hillary just released an ad the last thing that donald trump of making his shirts and ties in china. roll tape. this factory has been here since 1883. with over 63 people here the brand of shirts comes from china.
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he makes the shirts in china. now hillary clinton is going to apple ceo i have said that hypocrisy. they can only do one thing. and then by the way it looks like hillary clinton's raised raise about $4 million from silicon valley. according to the center of response in politics. they don't like the position on trade and they want more foreign workers to come in but there's other issues also. the important point you make is that these guys have amassed a lot in the way of a lower tax wealth. some new people don't understand this. the democrats will say organ attacks were going to tax the rich what they don't say is
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there going to tax the income of richer people. the top 20% pay 84 percent of the federal tax revenue. for the main reason why they are bringing in the billions of dollars back. come on i would be very interested in that. i would like to see him do that. i want to go back to that new report here is a story 85 people who gave big money to the foundation that meetings they paid and they played. it is unethical but it is not illegal. he wrote that book he has written extensively on this.
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welcome back to the program. i want you to tell me about this pay to play give me examples straightforward spell it out if he wanted a meeting i'm sure he would be able to get one. but they did was they looked at 153 meetings that she have they been trying to get her schedule for a long time. this is just that. we know they got meetings to other people might not have been able to get. we will never know if you got that. give me a specific example of someone who gave a lot of money and got the meeting? >> we've talked about fernando before and he got an appointment on the security board and that he have no business eating on.
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they have no experience. they have given a lot of money to the clinton foundation. for his visa issue. he was able to get assistance in that manner. he might not been able to get it. someone gives money to the foundation and then calls up the foundation and says i wouldn't mind a meeting with hillary clinton. and the meeting is arranged or not. they gave $32 million.
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he tried to set up a meeting with hillary clinton through the proper channels that seem to not work. so they contacted doug ban who was working for the clinton foundation. as one of the longtime closest aides. they said can you help me set this up. and of course he did. within a couple of days they have a meeting set up for the end of the week. i think what were seen as the clinton foundation it accepted donations from people who had interest in front of the state department. they called in favors when needed. i think that is a connection that we are seeing here.
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he guaranteed that it will result in 4% growth every year for four years. welcome back. do you agree with this? >> it's is historical precedent for this. when he put his supply-side in place within two years the economy went up to a sustainable 4% growth rate for the remainder of the two terms and that is the reboot of a reagan in this 21st century. it would be an extraordinary bill over the five year timeframe it would be huge. let's think about what's going
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on here. if you look at what we been stuck in since 2002 we had been stuck in less than 2% growth. at three and half percent. that's kind of our normal. china got into the world trade organization. and we began to lose two things. one is the trade deficit began to drag us down severely. as other investment went offshore we lost domestic business investment. here is the punch line. it's a comprehensive energy regulation tax trade plan that's going to work to recapture all of the points that we lost. if we simply eliminate our
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trade deficit that is over at one point one point per year. if we bring back our domestic investments by cutting our corporate tax rate that's a quarter to another half a point. right there we move up towards a three and half%. >> we just had an economist on from the economist magazine and i said look, 4% growth in each of the next five years and he said you might get that growth but you would end up with an extra $13 trillion in debt what you say? >> if you grow the gdp that is the best way to increase tax revenues. that is the whole thing that we've been missing for the last eight years the best way to balance our budget here in the u.s. is to grow and we haven't been growing. we get the rich kind of thing
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which is going to pilot drive us further down into the obama ground. come back again soon. i want to bring this to your attention. with at least 73 people dead and the earthquake that rocked central italy. it was a 6.2 magnitude quake. they were affected. we have new video just coming in. he is 65 years old. he was rescued and he had been buried for about nine hours. on this video and the luckier region shows the moment the tremors hit. unloaded to social media by the store's owner by the way. that's how were seen it. that's an earthquake as it happens.
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so i think this is an extreme importance. this is a new land war in the middle east. they are going into syria with america air support. i say this is a big deal what do you say? >> the government wanted actually to go into syria but then against the effort regime. they know isis is very dangerous to themselves see what happened in turkey over the past many months. we have a major question here once turkey moves and if it moves deep and seizes it that its position from isis who are they can ship those positions. i know you don't have an answer to that question. but it seemed so externally to me that were now seen a new land war. i don't think we have seen this before.
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this is a nation committing its arborder of its neighbor wih american air support what would donald trump say about this? >> first of all donald trump needs to be the president because before saying anything he wants to know what's actually taking place on the ground. there is some interesting questions here. and now we are supporting the terrorists moving in. they would fight against the curves. we have that information to the president if mister trump is elected. it seems that we want to use force against isis here we have fundamentalist islamists who runs a turkey and he he's the one who's doing it. it is something i raised on day one.
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they are not going to remit that piece of land. they're going to remit it to malicious. yes isis will be defeated. that's why we need to have an administration that will talk to them before we get to the ground game of a new war in the region. i just want to bring to the viewer's attention another item of news. it is under attacks. the gunfight is underway. several american teachers sheltering inside that complex. more destabilization that they go into syria in the attack on the american university this is just destabilizing.
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if this information is confirmed that the american university in kabul is an under attack. we might have them inside. that including isis they are directly attacking academic institutions inside the capital that is a major development. that's what it is. thank you very much indeed. we appreciate it. we are going to take a commercial break. we will be right back. what powers the digital world. communication. that's why a cutting edge university counts on centurylink to keep their global campus connected. and why a pro football team chose us to deliver fiber-enabled broadband to more than 65,000 fans. and why a leading car brand counts on us to keep
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liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. i'm the only candidate which has a policy about how to bring economic opportunity using clean renewable energy as the key into coal country. because we are gonna put a lot of coal miners and coal companies on out of business. getting rid of the cola jobs. and now this becoming the first state to end completely. they want to switch that by 2030. this is basically a win mandate.
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it produces zero. when is in canada. dan springer is life. what do you head for us. this is obviously a big gamble. that is a little bit less than the national average. it's been in for a number of years. it's been coming down. and a lot of states have renewable power standards that increase the amount of renewables. the power in the wind power makes up less than 8% of all of the electricity used in oregon. they have a huge amount of power to fill in and a lot of the critics as you heard don't believe they can get there because a lot of times the wind doesn't blow or especially a place like that. can you cite enough of these
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power plants and there's a big question on how to do that. i have to update a breaking story that we've been following for you. the american university in kabul afghanistan reportedly under attack. they say a gunfight is underway. an explosion was hard. they are seeking shelter inside the complex. we are monitoring the story. we have this. the maker of the epi- pen. the life-saving medication. they raise the price 400 percent. the real issue here is morality versus capitalism.
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. stuart: update on that breaking story about the american university in cobble afghanistan reportedly under attack. ashley, what is the latest? ashley: yeah, the minister is confirming just that, that the university is under attack and an explosion herd, possibly hundreds of students sheltering in there with the professors as well. stuart: okay. i want to bring that update because that ising on going as of right now. thank you. ashley: sure. stuart: donald trump jumped on the news about the latest clinton foundation revelations. watch this. >> lie after lie after lie. hillary clinton is totally unfit to hold public office. it is impossible to figure out where the clinton foundation
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ends and the state department begins. it is now abundantly clear that the clintons set up a business to profit from public office. they sold access and specific actions by and really for i guess the making of large amounts of money. stuart: let's bring in leslie marshal whom i often call a left-longer democrat. leslie, welcome to the program. >> thank you for having me. stuart: this seems to be a clear case of influence, pedaling. are you going to deny that? >> i do deny it. stuart: why? >> well, because, first of all, people talk about 154, 85 meetings, she had over 2,000 meetings with people and, you know, you have less than 100 of those gave to the foundation, first of all. second of all, i actually in the past called the state department when we were having a little trouble getting back to the u.s. assassinated in
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pakistan. and i have to tell you that i had given to the red cross, i had given to the clinton foundation, ain't nobody knew that i gave anything. wasn't granted any special favors. stuart: okay. look, we've got 85 people who gave a total of $156 million and each of them got a meeting when they asked for it through the foundation with hillary clinton as second of state. now, that is a quid pro quo. that is influence pedaling. that is you give them the money, you get the meeting. is there any other way to look at it? >> i would say -- stuart: is this coincidence that they gave all this money and got the meetings? >> well, first of all, you have to look at some of the people who given. prince, technically a diplomat, part of the royal family, of what we somewhat consider to be a allied natio n. stuart: what do you get in return? >> unless you find they got something in return. stuart: a meeting.
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>> what does the meeting yield? . stuart: you don't know what was in the building. you don't know what contract was given. >> if we don't have the meeting, we either know now. stuart: oh, it was so totally innocent. the shake $32 million. >> listen, the clinton foundation, whether you like the clinton foundation or not, just take one thing. when the malaria vaccines no longer were through the world health organization, the clinton foundation stepped in. how do you get the malaria vaccines into these countries without meeting with the state department here and abroad from some of these individuals that might be high ranking and might have written large checks? . stuart: let me give you a little example of how talking points work. i was doing an interview with a democrat yesterday and the news broke that the ap said it's clean cut. it's pay to play. the democrat i was talking to had a phone on the set. the phone lit up. it was talking points from dc central. and she then proceeded to tell me all about the virtues of
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the foundation. ten minutes later, it was what's his name? tell me his name. the guy with the bald head. james came out with exactly the same thing. talking points. you just did the same. virtue use of the foundation. >> do you see a phone ringing? where is my phone? . stuart: that's the lie that you keep coming up with. how wonderful this foundation is featherweight has you said that person a, the lebanese billionaire who didn't get the meeting with her, by the way. if he had a meeting with her and that resulted in an action from the state department, and we also have to remember that even show she was secretary of state, she was not with the clinton foundation. she was between 2013 and 2015. but not after. >> the link. she was simultaneously employed by the state department and the foundation. >> led to something that the state department would do to put not only her, the department, and the united states people in jeopardy -- stuart: it is a -- >> based on a check written to
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get clean water and food? . stuart: it is a clear implication if you pay money there, you get the influence here. and i'm not sure we should be electing a president of the united states who has sold parts of america. >> were you okay with bob doll's wife, elizabeth doll the head of the red cross when he was not only a senator but running for white house. stuart: what has that got to do with pay for play in the clinton foundation? >> you don't think when sometimes they head up an organization and make a phone call and say, honey, can you see this person? they're a friend of mine. or their son went to college with our kid. stuart: if that's the way clintons do business, i don't think they belong in the white house. >> i think almost everybody in washington takes meetings left and right at every money. stuart: in return for money? >> no. -- stuart: well, that's what happened there. gives $32 million to the clinton foundation, he tries to get a meeting with the secretary of state, he is rebuffed, so he goes through the foundation, and he gets the meeting at 10:00 the next morning.
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that is pay to play. >> i would say pay to play a favor ended up. i don't think the meeting along is a favor. stuart: get real, leslie. get real. what do you think we've discussed? a contract here? a contract there? >> what did we do with bahrain? did we give bahrain money? no, they gave the clinton foundation money. stuart: well, you're going to stay there because we're going to talk about epee pens in a moment, and you have something to say about that. moving swiftly along, the price of the epipen, a device when somebody has a severe allergic reaction, you stab them with a epipen. well, the price has gone up 400%. look at this. before the price went into effect, the ceo of the lab pharmaceuticals, they make epipen, went up 671% to $18.9 million. roll tape. >> some capitalists would say we're going to put in that price increase because we can.
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>> uh-huh. stuart: we now have a monopoly on the epipen. we're going to do it. >> so that would be on the conscious of the little kids. to afford the epipen, i know many can't and this is not an optional device. this is something you have to use. and we're talking about life or death. these are not like seasonal allergies. life and death matters. stuart: the man in the blue shirt, he's the one who needs the epipen. john stossel is here. there's a debate going on here. can and did raise the price dramatically of a product that's vital importance to other people. people in need of that product. were they right to do it? >> well, this seems gross when the ceo gives herself such a big raise. but they're free to do it and the higher it is, the more likely that the next wonderful device like an epipen gets invented. and, look, my daughter needs an epipen too. so i may be paying this. i've had them for years, you
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have to test them on a orange to see how they work. there's a generic substitute. it's not a good. stuart: are you okay with this? are you really okay with this? >> i'm okay with it because it's part of freedom. it's private business, and the higher the price, the more greedy people will say i want to go in that business, and they may invent the thing that saves my life. stuart: well, is it okay for congress to get them under oath, do the tobacco company guys and say what are you up to? i say that that is a legitimate political response to a economic development, and you say? >> except the way congress does it to say look at me, i'm beating up on a rich company. they're just jerks. stuart: well, with shkreli, what did you think of that? >> well, he broke laws, and he's being punished for other things. what he did was gross. but, look, when prices are free, we get more of the good stuff we want.
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. stuart: what do you say about this? i don't know whether your kids need epee pens or not. >> you just met my son who has ten allergies. we were up into agreement up until that point. but, no. what this comes down to the reason this bothers me is i don't feel a person's economic status should determine whether their child gets the medical care they need. and the cost of this epipen or other medications to children especially are outrageous, and they're not what a normal average middle class family could afford. liz: the senator's i just don't mansion's daughter is the ceo and three of his four colleagues went out demanding an investigation of it. out of west virginia. stuart: and it's the daughter? liz: his daughter is the ceo -- stuart: she's the lady that got the 18.9 pill? liz: yes. and here's the other point, chuck is saying wait a second, tax players are putting up the
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bill for the price increase via medicaid. stuart: i think we're done with john and leslie. when is your show? >> gives up 700,000 free epee pens to people in need. and my show is friday with the libertarian candidates who would say prices -- stuart: i want to see that. it's a libertarian town hall, isn't it? free flowing debate with gary johnson. >> and governor bill wells. stuart: that's his vice presidential running mate; correct? >> correct. stuart: what time is that? >> 9:00. liz: thrilling. . stuart: go to bed early, son. it is 9:00? >> i think so. the last i was told. stuart: we'll check. liz: just be there at 8:30. >> just in case. stuart: look at facebook, please. it labels you, labels your politics, and you might not even know what you're doing or what the label is. they're at 123 right now. we'll have details on this political labeling in a moment. donald trump planning a meeting tomorrow with major african-american and hispanic leaders.
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what does he have to do to get minority support? jason riley is coming up next. listen to his advice on the last show. >> absolutely right. many policies many of them dating to the 1960s have been a disaster. they've been well indentation but, in fact, they've reverse gains that were made prior to their implementations no one way of driving on each and every road. but there is one car that can conquer them all. the mercedes-benz c-class. five driving modes let you customize the steering, shift points, and suspension to fit the mood you're in... and the road you're on. the 2016 c-class. lease the c300 for $369 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer.
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down 40, the s&p 500 down five yesterday. we saw the s&p 500 have its third highest close ever. the nasdaq had its second highest close ever. so we are close to record highs today pulling back. all ten sectors are lower. and we take a look at the dow, names dragging on the dow, give you a glimpse, ibm, apple, home depot, those are some of the names weighing on the dow jones industrial average right now, which is down a quarter of 1%. lazy boy missed expectations also sales have been declining. they've had weak demand for lazy boy furniture, stock drops 13%. and then we take a look at craft brew, a stuck up over 100% and this after it renews its did distribution agreements. parent of omission beer, craft brew, gets a big jump up 20%. start your day on fox business at 5:00 a.m. lauren simonetti and i will see you there. your car insurance policy is 22 pages long. did you read every word? no, only lawyers do that.
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stuart: we've got more news coming in on the developing story. the american university in afghanistan under attack. now what? ashley: being confirmed by the afghan ministry. now they say several attacked that university with gunfire, explosions, and they say they are now, the gunman, inside the compound where there are professors along with hundreds of students. one of the students inside is trapped. they're stuck in the classroom and can hear bursts of gunfire.
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a tense situation, but that's what's going on at the american university in cobble. stuart: that is a difficult developing story. that could be really bad. we want to update this story. facebook. they label you politically. you might not know it. i'm not sure -- ashley: well, look, depending on what you look at. if you go to ben & jerry's a lot, you may have a liberal outlook. they get a picture of you, and you can go to go to the interest header, you can click on lifestyle and culture, i hope you're keeping up at home, and then you find the tab under u.s. politics, and they tell you what you ar a. stuart: i know for a fact that liz just deleted her political handle. liz: they had me listed as a conservative aggressive, radical moderate. stuart: long time ago. let's donald trump planning a meeting with black and hispanic leaders. jason is with us. he's with the wall street
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journal and the manhattan institute, and he wrote that book. now, jason, last time you were on the show, you were virtually pounding the table saying that donald trump has to go right out there and go face to face with black folks in america and tell that message right to them. are you happy with this meeting tomorrow? >> absolutely, stuart. and i think it also shows that donald trump is a fan of "varney & company." clearly watches the show. saw that -- stuart: i believes he does. >> i guess you're one of the few journalists he can abide. [laughter] . stuart: not sure where to go with that one. >> but i think this is what he needs to do. i'm glad that he's not going so far through the traditional civil rights leadership to get to a black audience. i think that's a mistake. i think because of those groups have their own agenda. i think he does need to go directly to black people in their communities and talk to them. and i think he's in his wheelhouse here. what these communities need someone to talk to them about is wealth creation. the democrats talk to them
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about redistributing wealth. they're very good at that. but what these communities need are wealth creation. donald trump knows about development. he knows why those lots are empty. he knows why the job situation is what it is in these places. he can talk to them about, i don't think it's that hard for him. stuart: will they listen if he says wealth creation? will they listen? >> i think that, yes. i think if he uses the right language, if he approaches them the right way, if he talks to the right community leaders, i think that they will listen. that he will have an audience there that will hear him out. at the very least, i think they will hear him out. stuart: okay. now, your wall street journal article, i think it's today. >> yes. stuart: it says that donald trump had the right idea to turn down an invitation to speak to the end of naacp. you say that's right. >> absolutely. stuart: why? >> because the type of blacks open to reblican ideas are not going to be fod in abundance at naacp conventions.
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naacp conventions are really, you know, thinly disguised democratic political rallies. in fact, naacp if anything they're trying to get antirepublican support. so i don't think it makes sense to go through those traditional civil rights organizations in order to reach the black community. stuart: what type of black person is going to be acceptable to wealth creation? >> i think if you go into the community, if you go into neighborhoods, barbershops, community centers, black-owned businesses, talk to these folks about their concerns, their needs. also, another place where i think some votes could be had are black colleges. i think the younger generation, which is another reason why republican presidential candidates are wasting their time at the naacp. younger blacks are going to be open to that message and younger blacks don't have a lot of use. stuart: but younger blacks on some campuses are demanding a safe space free of white people. >> well, you have that on all campuses. sure.
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you have that on all campuses. stuart: would you get shouted down? would there be mass democratization to get rid of them? >> this is college today. but if you're asking me what would be a more productive use of his time a naacp convention or a historically black college? i would say the ladder. stuart: so a writer with the wall street journal comes on this program and says he's okay with something that trump is doing. >> and, you know, it's going to -- we have to be careful about how he goes about handling this. what is his message going to be? is he going to go into these communities and say job -- the jobless rate is so high, folks, because illegal immigrants are stealing all of your jobs. i don't think that's going to be effective. so the message has to be right as well. not just got to be facetime. he has to go in there with a message that's going to resonate. stuart: al sharpton might be in that meeting. >> that would be a mistake. [laughter] . stuart: thank you very much, jason riley. good stuff.
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thanks very much. check out the homebuilders, please. july existing home sales disappointing. an annual rate of selling of existing homes are just 5.3 million. the homebuilders, which went up on new home sales are down on the existing home sales number. all right. according to a report in two british newspapers, nigel farage, the leader of the exit movement in the british vote, he will campaign tonight with donald trump. we'll have some -- more on that for you in a moment ♪
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and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long™. ♪ stuart: two british newspapers say that nigel farage, the leader of the exit movement in britain will campaign with donald trump. what do you think of that? ashley: let's not forget mr. trump said just call me mr. brexit. going to give a win, and i will. the going to happen in jackson, mississippi but the trump campaign saying we don't know anything about it. liz: yeah, but you know what's really interesting. nigel farage could tell trump campaign "this is how we got # .5 people to come out"."
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stuart: i thought donald trump would be okay there. i don't think he would be opposed. liz: but how did you do it? how did you get those people to the polls that the polls did not come up? . stuart: he's not going to tell him that at a campaign rally. well, donald, this is how i do it. liz: not? they're going to want to hear it. stuart: so what exactly are you -- hold on a second. got something new from cobble? ashley: yeah, we're told now a woman from the american university in cobble says it is over. that the attack is quote over. i heard an explosion, she said. some gunshots, but the attack is finished. she was talking by telephone to fox news. . stuart: well, that would be very good news if accurate. that's very good news because the last we heard, the gunman were inside the compound. ashley: yeah,. stuart: students were hiding. ashley: right. stuart: and you're looking at potential slaughter. now a woman on the phone says it is over, heard the explosion, she's done. ashley: yeah,. stuart: let's hope indeed, yeah,.
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. stuart: did you know -- we are told that the new iphone 7 will not have one of these little phone jacks here. at the bottom of the thing. they won't have that. they're going to do it wirelessly so we are told. i'm surprised what this has caused. ashley: well, steve wozniak, the cofounder says i don't want to have to listen wirelessly, in other words, bluetooth because the sound is flat. i want to be able to plug in my ear buds. stuart: that's it? ashley: no then. so then you have to have -- you would have to get an adapter and put it in the existing power port. so that means you can't charge at the same time. liz: is that a business model to buy new things? to use your products? is that a good business model? . stuart: it's just such a big deal. isn't that the future? everything's wireless? liz: you don't sit in your cubicle in silicon valley
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making life more complicated for your customers. . stuart: do you know many techies? they just love bells and whistles. look at the hoops we can make them jump through. fortunately we're out of time. charles payne, i believe it's your time now. charles: i don't know much about bells and whistles, but i do know about pay to play. by the way, it's not going away and donald trump not letting it ago. this is cavuto: "coast to coast," i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto. donors getting special access to hillary clinton as secretary of state details on the bombshell ap report in just a second while those questions are piling up, donald trump is expected to pile on. the gop nominee holding a rally in florida in the next hour where he is expected to continue his attack on the clinton foundation. first, to blake burman on the clintons. blake. >> and, charles, the big number here is 85. according to the associated press, which says it has dug
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