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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  August 25, 2016 12:00pm-2:01pm EDT

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will sue you because of threats made bense police. stuart: i'm smiling this is not a smiling matter. ashley: this reflects tensions. stuart: our time is up. charles, you have time, go. >> look like they were arresting mrs. santa claus. i don't want to belittle the subject. speaking of belittling a subject, hillary clinton finally breaking her silence, but not silencing critics over pay to play. this is "cavuto coast to coast." i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto. holding first campaign event in nevada. she has been raising money. new emails raises questions and firestorm over the clinton foundation continues to grow. >> she is trying to cush the outrage. >> the foundation does life saving work, that is so well-respected here in our country and around the world,
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has been doing this work for a number of years and in 2009 they took steps that went above and beyond all legal requirement charles: she talk as lawyer instead of running for the highest offers in the land. >> they will go after trump on the alt-right connections. but what she has been unable to stop, with the associated press story and other media, "washington post," this is not a right-wing conspiracy as she likes to blame things during the clinton years on her husband's scandals. you can not square her saying she is a champion for women's issues with accepting donations from saudi arabia, places like
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algeria. you know the problem face here, places like haiti, they did, the clinton foundation great work in haiti but guess what? they also had gold mining contract for her brother. this is just are having really serious issues with the fact that there was access given while she was secretary of state. was she secretary of state or was she doing business for the clinton foundation? and you know, why is her brother benefiting at the same time she is doing great work in haiti which everybody agrees she did. charles: i went to the website. i looked around. looks like they have a broad agenda. how much they have achieved i'm not quite sure but to me the issue for her and the reason this continues to linger obviously it doesn't look right. the ap report was obviously damning but ap went on to say they didn't say it was illegal. they didn't suggest it was illegal.
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the issue she pushes back, knee-jerk reaction is push back, duck, never to embrace an issue say, right off the bat i was wrong, this is wrong. we've seen it in the emails might have come clean. maybe a little bit last night. so little so late for a lot of people in her camp. people around her are saying move on. disassociate yourself, bill clinton out of the way. i don't know that they will and this will continue to haunt her. >> this is not as i said, a right-wing conspiracy. a lot of people are coming up to her, joining her and defending her. people at vox news, everybody is saying this is all smoke and no fire but what is the problem here these are just emails. we don't know about conversations had. very difficult to prove quid pro quo but perception in politics is reality and that is something the clinton camp has never understood or never acted like they understood, this special access, there is no doubt that huma abedin is
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getting money from the clinton foundation at same time she is top aide at the state department. donald trump is correct in this, it is very hard to distinguish where hillary clinton and her state department, being a top diplomat start and where the clinton foundation ends. it is very murky when she has one of her top aides working for both entities, both the state department and clinton foundation. charles: to your point, for public perception, where there is smoke there is fire. the fact they won't let this thing go underscores that even more. susan, thank you very much. really appreciate it. >> thanks so much. charles: donald trump doubling down on calls for a special prosecutor for the clinton foundation. trump saying the justice department can't be trusted but the white house, well, they're dismissing all of that. >> it's clear that the investigation has been thorough, professional, unfettered by
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politics, even, you know, highly-charged political atmosphere. i think that is a testament to the work of director comey and professionals at the department of justice and fbi. it is hard for anybody to make a very persuasive case somehow there hasn't been enough investigating. charles: republican congressman chris collins backs donald trump and backs the probe of the clinton foundation. representative collins, thanks for joining us. >> good to be with you, charles. charles: we know it's a nonstarter for the obama administration. what would argument be in neutral party in the white house now for pushing this? >> i think we have to start by pointing out the fact that hillary clinton always puts the clinton family first. she has not put america first. and clearly a couple who was supposedly dead broke when bill clinton left office and net worth $100 million, they have done a pretty good job putting hillary clinton first. the only job she ever created, her daughter chelsea making a
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high six-figure salary for the clinton foundation. this is about lining pockets for clintons. obama, campaigning for her, clearly the administration reports in to the president, it is time clearly for an independent agency to take a hard look what has been going on, pay to play. rather disgusting for american public, shows lack of character of both bill and hillary clinton ongoing controversy. that will not go away in next 78 days. when america finally realizes the true character flaws hillary clinton, i don't see hillary clinton being elected president. charles: representative collins, hillary clinton says neither her nor bill taken any money from the clinton foundation. that it has done enormous amount of good for impoverished people around the world. so the attack is purely political. what do you say to that? >> well, when you connect all the dots, charles, you start with the fact that bill clinton has been paid $500,000 for
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numerous speeches and made tens and tens of millions of dollars paid by in many cases paid by foreign countrys who turn around donate to the clinton foundation. through abedine, they get special access to the clintons and american public know where there is smoke there is fire. she is putting clinton family before america. she shows poor judgment time and time again. we don't need he president and commander-in-chief shows poor judgment which is the best director comey could say about emails. just absolute poor judgment, lack of any common sense. he didn't know where to draw the line. it goes back to the character flaws that she is not going to get away with. charles: you might also argue it goes back to sense of greed. very obvious bill clinton's speaking fees went through the roof after his wife became secretary of state. would that actually be illegal
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or just to your point, a selfish kind of greed you don't want in the white house? >> yeah, i don't think you will find anything illegal that will put either one of them in prison. but absolutely, the american public does not want these kind of poor judgment and character flaws in the white house. so yeah, i would agree it is not illegal. but boy, self-serving, putting their family first. as you mentioned, with her brother and her daughter making a high six-figure salary at the clinton foundation, that is not the type of person we want sitting in the white house. again a judgment call, not putting america first. charles: yeah. it is a head-scratcher, quote, unquote, public servant ends up with a net worth of over 100 million. representative collins, thank you very much. really appreciate it. >> good to be with you, charles. charles: more on the clinton foundation firestorm coming up. one big wall street firm has a direct link to the clinton foundation. charlie gasparino will have a report on that in just a moment. clinton isn't the only one
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facing criticism this morning. mylan's ceo responding to the outcry over the epipen pricing hike and promising change but senate judiciary committee chair chuck grassley is saying there doesn't appear to be changing the price. he actually is still seeking answers. lauren simonetti has the details. lauren, the initial headlines, we thought there was a price hike, but this is something a little different a little bit more gimmicky, right? reporter: what mylan pharmaceutical company is doing right now is lowering the cost of the epipen, not the price. they're using coupons and gimmicks and savings plans to bring it down for out-of-pocket cost for families but the list price of the epipen price stays the same. going further they do not cancel any future price hike. so if your kids or you need to have an epipen, what you can do, if you do have insurance, get a bigger coupon, a card that saves up to $300 now in out-of-pocket costs. that went up from 100. they also bulked up the patient
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assistance program. that is the good news. like i said, the list price of the epipen stays the same. the question is why? this is something the ceo, heather bresch did address, when you look at list prices, mylan takes 45% of that. 55% is going to the chain through the pharmacy benefit manager, the chain, the drugstores. so they're only taking 45%. she criticized obamacare and high deductible plans as one of the big reasons for that. her father, senator joe manchin, senator from west virginia, came out with a statement. this is what he said. i'm aware of questions my colleagues and many parents are asking. frankly i share their concerns about the skyrocketing prices of prescription drugs. today i heard mylan's initial response and i am sure mylan will have a more comprehensive and formal response to those questions. so going forward, lawmakers like senator richard blumenthal of connecticut are pressuring this company to appear on capitol
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hill to justify the prices. in fact, blumenthal just couple hours ago, he called mylan's move today, this is quote, a pr fix and a baby step, doing nothing, charles, to fix the situation of health care in this country. charles: you know, lauren, i'm inclined to agree. it. is obamacare really to blame for the epipen sticker shock? former health and human services deputy secretary. tevi, here the thing. i heard the statement from the heather bresch, the ceo and talking about the payment card and not paying anything out-of-pocket. that doesn't address the issue of price, whether you pay it out-of-pocket or not, the enormous price hike they enjoyed with the only company with this product out there. >> charles, i just love this story where the democrats criticizing the ceo and the democratic senator being, you know the father of her.
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then you have mylan gave money to the clinton foundation but didn't give it since 2009. so i guess they haven't given recently enough to get protection from hillary clinton. but in terms of the price versus the cost to individuals, this is the same argument that the obama administration makes with respect to the aca exchanges. the costs or price in the aca exchanges keeps going up and average price hike requested is 20% in the year ahead but they say, well, consumers don't feel it because we give a subsidy. that is the same as so-called coupons mylan is doing. charles: here we have a situation, let's not solely point the finger at mylan because there is the fda which created sort of environment where mylans of the world do enjoy a monopoly certain period of time. granted they put money create these products, specifically epipen, they bought this. they're not different than shkreli buying dormant patent
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and product and repackaging and skyrocketing price of people with no alternative. >> i am a big fan of epipen. i have a son with severe peanut allergies. i am glad the life saving product exists. i don't fault mylan for purchasing products. there is a lot of regulatory costs with fda. it costs $1 billion back then to bring a drug to market. now it is $6 billion. 3/4 of the cost of a device in development are as a result of regulatory hurdles. so there is an important fda angle here as well as the price hikes we're seeing in the aca exchanges and elsewhere. charles: outside of a massive public outrage we're witnessing we're in the midst of what is the solution? how do we find that sort of happy place if you will where these large drug companies go out on a limb, develop, spend
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one to three billion dollars to develop life saving drugs to enjoy enough of a profit margin? i'm not sure they're entitled to 45% but certainly something that gives them incentive? >> incentives for companies to develop life-saving products are important. i'm always wary when politicians rail against prices because i think price hikes are disasterous not only for consumers but america as a whole as drug development is an important part of our economic powerhouse status. so i'm worried about that look i think you need to look what is working in the health care system. on the employer side for example, 169 million americans get their health care through employers, cost hikes are expected only 6% there, compared to the 20% i was talking about with the aca exchanges. look what is working in the system and get consumers involved so that individuals have incentive have the real costs are and real prices are. charles: a great opportunity to broaden this out. i think everyone at this point
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thinks aca, known as obamacare needs massive retweaking if not overhaul completely. thank you very much. appreciate it. >> thank you. charles: hillary clinton wrapping up three days of fund-raising, huge blitz of through california. $19 million. tim cook, justin timberlake, jess babil. -- jessica biel. shy is now on the trail with a bigger cash file. donald trump is softening on immigration and what exactly is he risking, next. ♪ there's no one road out there.
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immigration and courts hispanics blake burman will have more details. blake? reporter: hi, charles. donald trump continued to say earlier this morning that a wall will be centerpiece of his immigration plan. he also reiterated the need for strong borders. however, the totality of donald trump's exact immigration policies still remain to be seen. as cameras were ushered into a trump tower meeting this morning with some gop leaders, trump said he plans to give an immigration speech in the upcoming week or so. >> don't let the media fuel the media. [laughter] we're strong on legal immigration. we have no choice. we have a country or we don't. we have borders or we don't. reporter: in recent days trump said he is open to softening his plan, including allowing some i am legal immigrants to stay in the country if they were to pay back taxes. he argued to sean hannity the
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other evening that wouldot constitute amnesty. bottom line, twofold. on one side trump's immigration strategy is still under review. on the other, his primary talk about rounding up people through a deportation force, that appears to be on hold, at least for now. charles? charles: blake burman, thank you very much. donald trump is vowing no amnesty but is willing to work with illegal immigrants. to gina loudon if this is one of the issues that is important to his base, gina, that he stays tough on this. i tell you informnally, over in twitter, this riled emotions. i felt 1/3 this is all media hype. that he will not change anything. another third, if he does change, i'm still with it. another third would be disappointed. how do you see it playing out? has the media overplayed this and do you think donald trump will make any significant changes? >> charles, i'm so excited about this particular move on the part of donald trump. i feel like he hasn't done the
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pivot to the middle we saw with mitt romney that sort of alienated with the base, saw with john mccain, that alienated conservatives that supported him throughout the primary. we're not seeing that with donald trump. what we are seeing something conservatives repeatedly asked our presidential candidates for and even our sitting congressman and senators, show a little heart. show a little compassion. reach out to people. be brave. actually say, hey, guess what? black america, we want your vote. guess what, hispanic, america, we want your vote. that is what he is doing. he is talking about treating people humanely. that doesn't change he is not building a wall. this is a attempt to reach out to be humane. charles: let me ask you because ann coulter on twitter seemed a little peeved if you will. some negative trump -- some
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negativer trumpers seemed happy and giddy if you will. where will he fine tune this in under obama you had 2.5 million. there is a way to say, hey, we do the laws properly, should be five, seven 1/2, 10 million, whatever the number is? >> let's compare. hillary clinton will have open borders, charles. any terrorist can come in. i live on the border in san diego. our border patrol arrests about, doesn't matter how many they arrest. they arrest many every day. dozens and dozens every single day. about 90% of them are set free. we know there are terrorist training camps just south of the border, literally miles from my house, charles, they are training people to look, act, talk hispanic to come here to the united states, crossing our borders freely and commit whatever jihadist acts they would like to commit. we know hillary will continue that, because she is acting in the interests of more political power. she wants votes. that is the what she is
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concerned b she is putting that over safety of the american people. donald trump won't. charles: it has been pointed out i.c.e. has only 5000 agents to go after 11 million illegals. new york city has 34,000 cops for a lot smaller number. this certainly outmanned. gina, always great to see you. >> great to see you, charles, thank you. charles: donald trump calling hillary clinton a bigot. hillary's camp calling trump prejudiced. they both continue to fight not only for black and hispanic vote but moderate white voters as well. we'll be right back.
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>> hillary clinton is a bigot. who sees people of color -- [cheering] -only as votes, not as human beings worthy of a better future. she is going to do nothing for african-americans.
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she is going to do nothing for the hispanics. charles: donald trump courting minority vote by pinning hillary clinton against the black community. to conservative review senior political correspondent dineen borelli. dineen, you and i talked and we both agree democratic policies have not worked. they have not worked foreigner cities and black people but these same sort of policies have been implemented around the world and have not worked for other places. i think more of idealogical belief somehow, socialism, mixed with marxism kind of thing. do you think it is based on race? do you think the democrats deliberately are trying to hold back blacks and hispanics? >> look what is happening for generations. when it comes to hillary clinton, for example, i think black lives don't matter but black votes do matter. hillary clinton is pandering to the black voter. her progressive policies will harm the black community even further. you look at her energy policy, for example. disproportionate amount of black
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families incomes will result being higher because of coming from a higher energy prices. she wants to impose more regulations on the fossil fuel industry. charles: hillary clinton, she responded to trump last night during an interview saying someone who has questioned citizenship of the first african-american president, who has courted white supremacists, sued for housing discrimination against communities of color, attack adjudge for mexican heritage, who promise ad mass deportation force is someone very much pedaling bigotry and prejudice and paranoia. she didn't say i, i'm not a bigot. in other words, she foisted ball back into donald trump's court. you know, i'm glad this topic is up. i am glad it is resonating. i hope we get past the name calling to actually find solutions but what do you think about her defense? >> you mentioned name-calling that she is great. that is what the left does.
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name-calling instead of talking about issues. hillary clinton will say anything at this point to try to get the black vote. going out with a southern drawl and saying she carries hot sauce in her handbag, that should be absolute insult to all black americans. clearly she is pandering and desperate. what we need to do ask talk about the policies that hillary clinton is pushing for. she doesn't support school choice. that will allow disadvantaged black children to have a great children to get a great education. her daughter went to private school. how comedies advantaged black children can't go to one as well? charles: as we were speaking josh earnest out saying hillary clinton would be better for blacks. this is the general perception and in the black community. you know, and i think it goes back, at least from what i can see, because blacks were, for the most part republicans who voted overwhelmingly republicans until robert kennedy helped martin luther king when he had his problems. that day forward, i don't know about you, my grandparents had a picture of martin luther king and john f. kennedy.
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it was all democrats after that. >> sure. what americans need to do, especially black voters who overwhelmingly vote democrat need to look at policies harming their families today and in the future. i think that should be the conversation. all the time, and forget the name-calling because it doesn't get us anywhere. charles: wall street we call it roi, return on investment. exactly. after 50 years of giving away your vote, take a look at the roi. if it is not matching up you might want to make a different choice. >> i agree. charles: appreciate it. in 24 hours we'll know where janet yellen sees rates going this year but next did one fed president just give the fed's plans away? ♪ [announcer] is it a force of nature? or a sales event?
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>> what we were sold a complete pack of scaremongering lies. it was called project fear. i said to the audience last night, you will hear the same thing. if trump wins, we'll play into the hands of president putin. we'll bring the world closer to war and there will be economic ruin coming to america. we were promised all the same things. i'm pleased to say none of them have happened. charles: former uk independence leader nigel farage on "varney & company" earlier. he says not to believe all of the fear-mongering from the left. and also doesn't believe the polls. remember, they were wrong, big time with the british exit vote. they could be actually underestimating donald trump
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support right now. fox business was at the top of a possible exit when other networks were dismissing it could even happen. well, it did happen. could trump stage a british exit style shocker on election day? we'll have more coming up on that in a moment. investors anxiously awaiting janet yellen's jackson hole speech tomorrow but one fed president telegraphing to fbn how she will vote. our own peter barnes has more on that. peter? reporter: that's right, charles. it is esther george, president of the kansas city fed and host of this year's economic symposium in jackson hole. listen, she voted three times already this year to raise interest rates. she has been out there lonely on that, a dissenter in all of those votes but she says as long as the economy continues to on track, she will vote again higher rates and a lot of our other colleagues about what that might happen.
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she feels the economy is getting close to full employment. she thinks inflation is headed to the fed's 2% target. listen. >> medium term forecast, i think i still suspect we'll see inflation moving up and last few months we'll begin to see, by other metrics, looks like inflation is beginning to stir. so again, i think this is an issue of inflation being too high. i think it is a an opportunity to begin to normalize interest rates, to the benefit of the economy. reporter: she would also like to hike rates, charles, because she is worried that low rates could cause financial instability. here she is again. >> the fed's goal is to make sure we have sustained growth for the long term and rates that are this low have the potential to create imbalances. they can cause markets to misprice risk, and i think to avoid those kinds of incentives,
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again, not tightening policy to the detriment of the economy but removing some of the accommodation would be appropriate. reporter: so now of course the big question is, what will janet yellen say tomorrow with several fed bank presidents suggesting they could vote for rate hikes at the next fed policy meeting in september. now esther george ying she is very mh likely to do that. what will janet yellen telegraph in her speech tomorrow? that is what we're all waiting for. charles, back to you. charles: thank you much, peter barnes. esther george, she wants to raise rates, we know that. the only problem, she already voted to raise rates several times. she shays she doesn't expect the overall fed to make a move. not this year, not even in december? >> i really don't think so. charles: really? >> i think they stay on hold. charles: what esther george said, we know for the record she
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is very hawkish and a vocal hawk. there is good a couple hawks giving janet yellen pushback. >> i applaud esther george publicly. i sympathize of the rates being too low for too long. charles: he told peter barnes, same thing, used same language. they create imbalances and seduce the market to do risky things. why wouldn't they do this? atlanta fed sees 3% growth. jobs coming in over 200,000. is it all because of politics? >> politics is playing a very large role right now. somebody who used to work on the inside for almost a decade i can tell you would bet on a stack of bibles they're not going to hike in front of this election. you mentioned a lot of good things going on in the economy but fact is the yield curve is very flat and it wouldn't take very much to invert the yield
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curve at this moment. charles: average person watching -- >> sorry about that. charles: own a few shares of kraft, thinking about buying netflix what does that mean for them? >> sure. that means the economy is broadcasting it is perilously close to slowing down, listen to comments at of dollar general, tiffany's, full spectrum of retailers, consumer started to slow down. they are the last thing standing in between where we are today and recession. i think the fed knows that. charles: it is interesting, to your point, because what we've seen, at least what i've been watching closely, consumers have been spending more but borrowing more and savings rate has gone down. we know those are unsustainable traits or trends. something has to give. i guess it would be a wage component. something has to happen, they will continue to spend money they don't have. they have to start making more money. >> fitch came out with a new study showed subprime automobile delinquencies are starting to spike again. increase in usage of credit cards we've seen. these are typically very
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late-stage signals the household sector is coming under budgetary constraints. charles: you would see that not as positive but more of a red flag? >> i would see it completely a red flag flag. i'm with esther george having deep concerns about instability. as investor there is no longer ability to assess credit risk. tough buy whatever it is that has yield. whether it's a bond in rwanda or emerging market junk bond for a company that might not be around in a year. if you're an investor you have to get yield in a negative interest rate environment, then you're going way out the curve in terms of risk allocation and that is what is concerning to george. it should be. charles: at same time, danielle, $12 trillion in negative yields. 2/3 of developing countries at 1%. people are still buying, large institutions are buying low yielding treasurys or government bonds around the world.
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does that encourage central bankers to do this? in other words, if there was some sort of hey, someone drew the line, we're not going to do that, who would want a bond with negative yield? >> you tell me. truly it sounds like german banks will start charging depositors to keep their money in the bank. you know, it is, no great secret one of the fastest selling consumer products in japan after the bank of japan instituted negative interest rates were safes, because people were putting hard yen in a safe as opposed to under the mattress. charles: right. >> you can only push this so far. to your point i think central bankers think they can do down the path forever. charles: we know they can't do it forever. >> we'll find out tomorrow. charles: thanks a lot. really appreciate it. >> thank you. charles: breaking news. ryan lochte will be summoned to give testimony in rio. this is according to police official in rio. now there is no penalty for him not to appear but he won't be able to engage in a plea deal if he doesn't show up. meanwhile the death toll from italy's devastating earthquake
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now nearing the 250 mark. rescuers there continue to search for survivors. we'll bring you latest on those developments as they come in as well. calls are intensifying for the clinton foundation, pay to play probe. charlie gasparino working his sources. how worried is this campaign? more after this.
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>> i'm nicole petallides. we had back and forth action, relatively unchanged, close to the unchanged line. dow down four, s&p 500 up one, nasdaq up eight. this really mimics what we're seeing throughout this week, we're in wait and see mode waiting on janet yellen, our fed head tomorrow, in jackson hole, wyoming. what has been on the move is the fear gauge, the vix index, up 19% this week, moving to levels that we haven't seen since august 2nd. in fact it is up every single day this week. watching the discount retailers, both dollar general and dollar tree hit new lows they haven't seen in months. concerns about lower food prices and growing competition as they saw lower sales. whirlpool, notification for whirlpool, 15,000 whirlpool microwaves, go to,
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have been recalled due to fire.
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charles: clinton foundation catching more heat despite clintons efforts to dismiss the pay for play claims. charlie gasparino says the foundation may have a direct link to wall street. charlie. >> they have had direct links to wall street in the past where wall street firms given money to the clinton foundation. goldman sachs has given money a
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lot and certain other big companies but this is one i think passes over the radar screen. i'm not saying there is anything illegal about this but it is interesting, sort of confluence of things. we should point out cheryl mills is an independent director of the clinton foundation you know, she has some weird title, we were teasing out of them what she exactly does. cheryl mills, long time clinton associate, is involved on the clinton foundation. they claim she has unpaid position on that board. that she makes her money through various other means. while she has that position, she is also on the board of directors of blackrock. we should point out blackrock is the largest money management firm not just in new york city, not just in this country but probably the world. i think they manage between 3 and $4 trillion of assets. they're run by a long time democratic party wall street operative, guy named larry fink. very smart man. a guy who lusted for being treasury secretary of any
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democrat that would appoint him, including hillary clinton. so that's the play that we have here. now, we should point out you know, as of recently i've been checking the campaign contribution filings. i don't see anything directly from blackrock to hillary but this sort of connection, this cheryl mills connection with blackrock, and the clinton foundation and the clintons is very interesting and a lot of people on wall street point out they think that is larry fink's way saying i want to be treasury secretary, if you hillary clinton get elected. we have calls with all the folks. no one gotten back to us. we called blackrock, cheryl mills. we called blackrock for comment from larry fink whether he wants to be treasury secretary. no one called back. i will say this, point of fact, larry fink is eminently qualified to be treasury secretary. runs a big firm. been in the business. charles: probably knows this business better than anybody else. >> you still have to ask yourself about these conflicts, these sort of confluences. charles: essentially what we're
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doing, we're putting on display, the world is getting, america is getting a chance to see what the quid pro quo of corporate america. >> right. charles: and washington is. >> and big government. charles: and big government. particularly washington-wall street corridor, incestuous resolving door from one to another. >> goldman sachs was part of the resolving door. hank paulson, two administrations, gw, and bob ruben was bill clinton. this blackrock connection with cheryl mills and larry fink, he made no bones bit to people privately, he wants to be treasury secretary. that is the key you want to look at if you have hillary clinton president. charles: okay. and i know you will keep us informed. thanks a lot. good stuff, charlie, appreciate it. bad news iranian vessels intercept a u.s. destroyer in the strait of hormuz. worse news, they're vowing to do it again!
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charles: iran came within 300 yards of causing an international military incident. four iranian vessels harassing a u.s. destroyer in the strait of hormuz. the u.s. changing course to avert the conflict. former advisor to vice president cheney, john hannah says iran is toying with us. john, thanks for joining us. we talked about this particular with the ransom payment, the faulty negotiations between barack obama and his desperation to have this iranian nuclear deal, that they have been very belligerent before but even more so since they have signed that deal. >> yeah. they are really twisting the knife in here, charles, as you say. they are sending a message to this region that they are now calling the shots. all of america's former allies
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need to bend to their will. and as the iranians frequently say, there is not a damn thing the americans can do about it. as you say, just since the nuclear deal, they have conducted live fire missile exercises, in close proximitity our ships. they have flown drones at low altitude of our ships. back in january took 10 american sailors hostage and completely humiliated them. charles: how do we push back against this? more dangerous, about a month or so ago when china was buzzing our aircraft carriers in south china sea. so when do we or how do we push back? the lack of respect for the so-called, sheriff of the world isn't there anymore? >> no, i think that is the great danger we are now heading into, charles, just a sense of american weakness, fecklessness, lack of credibility, is in fact
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provokeing responses from our worst enemies in the world. they think now they will have a free run of it. that is exactly when miscalculations occur and wars erupt. deterrents breaks down. so i think the united states very soon is going to be well within its rights, i don't think obama will do it, to really take out one of these ships and send a very, very powerful message to the iranians and to all of our adversaries around the world that america is not there to be pushed around anymore. that we will respond. charles: john, you know, so, it wasn't long ago, a few months ago where turkey took out a russian plane, you know one much their warplanes. listen, we warned them. they violated our airspace. yes, we shot it down. fast forward two months later, erdogan and putin are buddy, buddy again. the idea this administration is so intimidated and so concerned, to the point they're making things more dangerous and fraught with vulnerabilities
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than if we took some sort of clear action? >> no question. in erdogan's case, that was nato ally in confrontation with russia and americans had made absolutely no move to actually involve the nato alliance in this war in syria, in this war against isis, and putin, there has been no pushback to his establishment of a permanent military base inside of syria. and now he looks like he is continuing to push into iran and continuing to push into the middle east militarily to completely freeze out american freedom of operations in that critical part. world. and this is just letting our enemies, it is our enemies unleashed in the middle east unfortunately. charles: of course iran will play a major pivotal role there as well. thank you very much, john. really appreciate it. >> thank you, charles. charles: this show has been all over the a possible hack at the nsa. in the next hour shocking new revelations who might have been
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behind it.
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trained to this is "cavuto: coast-to-coast." i had charles and anne for neil cavuto. donald trump set to take stage in new hampshire and will continue to hammer the clinton foundation and the firestorm that will go away. but it's also putting extra emphasis on blacks and hispanics. he spent this morning with hispanic leaders at trump tower. he says he's taking on a new town when it comes to immigration. >> no citizenship. [cheers and applause] i can go a step further. pay back taxes. they have to pay taxes. there is no amnesty. charles: immigration expert jessica bond on his voters will buy this. thanks for joining us. there is a two prong issue with
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illegal immigrants in this country, particularly from republican voters. the crime spree, particularly shielded by sanctuary cities and highlighted the death of kate stanley and also the enormous amount of money spent. you research a couple years ago says your average illegal family household had a negative $14,000 deficit with this country. in other words, they were and not much more than they're given this nation. how does this work out in the election? >> well, one of the top issues for donald trump's popularity has been his very strong stance in favor of reversing the collapse of immigration enforcement that we've seen under the obama administration and the lack of control in visa programs and all kinds of ways that people are finding to get here and being allowed to say. people are looking for a
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different approach that does not have such negative effects on security and public he and also that does not depress job opportunities for americans on the margins who are the ones competing when we have uncontrolled immigration. so that's why i was really surprised to see this, you know, kind of wavering a little bit and discussing this question of should there be an amnesty when we are not nearly at that point. i think that is really a mistake for him to feel that he even is to discuss that at this point in time and really what people want to see if the laws we have been forced and controlled on the programs that we have. charles: i think he said he would do that. >> that's happened in the last eight years. charles: he's saying he will enforce the laws that he will do the thing obama and bush are doing but more vigorously. he was shut down sanctuary cities. of course we would build a wall.
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i think the conundrum may come with the job situation. of course the burden of assistance because a lot of times people here who are model citizens despite the fact they broke the law to get here may have a job at an american would love to have. that is something of a conundrum. i've got to tell you it is one of those things where you want to be fair. you can see the compassion. you can see donald trump grappling with this. we have to let the audience know we don't know what the policies going to be. you can see there's a compassionate part of this he is grappling with. >> right, but he also have to have compassion for the americans and legal immigrants affected by her failure to control immigration. as he pointed out, many people here illegally may be perfectly nice people, but they are causing problems in local communities that have to support the social services that they need and they are not self-sufficient. that over the long term does put
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strain on our economy and on taxpayers. that's really -- charles: we are going to learn more. it's a critical issue that propelled donald trump to the top of the ticket. within a week or so we will get more fine-tuning on this. you make great points and a lot of people at this point as well. thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me. charles: a major shift could be coming with the deportation policy. hispanic chamber of commerce ceo says it could be too little too late. for the gop nominee. thanks for joining us. why would it be too little too late if donald trump says and my role as the gop nominee and as i've traveled the country and learn more and have become more educated on this. i want to make some adjustments. it's not what you want your commander-in-chief to do?
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>> within, donald trump began his political career by denouncing immigrants commit denouncing the hispanic community. illegal immigrants come immigrants in the hispanic community. he has denounced them for the last year. this is a classic is a a classic case of way too little, way too late. this is an act of the desperate, desperate candidate dennis is going to visit the african-american and hispanic community. he can talk to anybody he wants, deliver all the speeches he wants, he will lose with the hispanic community. charles: one: nevada where he was getting 40% 2.50%. that's an outlier in nevada is different or unique. the most critical point of this and it goes for me at least beyond november. i happen to like the idea that any republican is reaching out, that any republican understand that that may not work now, maybe they have opened the door that can create a dialogue relationship against blacks and hispanics alternatives that comes to the voting even more political power.
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>> i agree. i think substance and trustworthiness are important. consistency is important. you have an individual flip up being yet again. if you want to consider somebody who has some substance, look at jeb bush. during the primaries, jeb bush ran on a very conservative but compassionate platform. he talked about immigration reform then. leave me, i was surprised when donald trump attacked and an referred to him as being weak for having a compassionate approach towards immigration reform. six months later when he needs the community, he's doing exactly what jeb bush did six months ago. this is ridiculous. it illustrates all trump will say anything to get a vote. charles: politicians tend to do that. even novice politicians. wouldn't you agree, you are saying that donald trump is reverting to something you thought was great. he's actually embracing something you agreed with.
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you are just upset he didn't do it fast enough? >> i'm how great she didn't do it fast enough. timing is everything. if he'd been talking about the hispanic community, immigration reform, lifting up minority communities, this would ring true. the african-american community thinks it's laughable. charles: here is the problem with that. how can blacks and hispanics ever expect republicans in those believe they can never get to go to your earlier point. to ever make a move if it's going to be deemed too little too late. >> charles, charles, please, charles. charles, donald trump came to tampa 48 hours ago and delivered a speech about the african-american and minority communities be lifted up. he talked about economic development and creating jobs. by the way, he delivered in tampa. i know mayor bob accord has done
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an amazing job of growing the economy. that economy, by the way, the tampa job growth rate is the leading job growth in the state of florida and it has been the last three years. either way, tampa is 52% minority. donald trump doesn't have any idea what he's talking about. of all cities in florida he goes to the one leading in job growth. charles: were giving their speeches for a national audience despite where the location might be. i love your passion and i want to talk to you about this more. i don't think we want to box out the republican party when they make peace overtures and always tell them it's too little too late. they be open dialogue may mean something but i'm sure you want to see this continue for the next four, five, six years, whatever. >> alternately the losers here are the republican party. the american people have amazing choices and jeb bush, john t. sick. they a buffoon instead. charles: why'd he have to and
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i'm not? i was a cheap shot. see you again soon. the firestorm won't go away. multiple media outlets calling for the clintons to siebel or their ties. if the clintons made to walk away from this once and for all. bob, when your friends start telling you you've got a problem, that's the first thing they tell you. not that i would know. when your friends they've got a problem it's time to pay attention. >> this is a major problem for the clintons. the clinton foundation itself if she's elected president will not accept foreign donations from large corporations, but "the wall street journal" reporting today that the clinton health access initiatives would accept a foreign contribution. democrats privately are nervous about this because this has given trump a lot of momentum after a rough month innocuously he's talking about this for weeks to come. i think that the changes bill clinton has laid out are not
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just going to work. not to say they should be shut down. they do a lot of good work. if you can transfer them, change the status. there's probably a lot of ways to skin this cat. this story is not going away. >> hillary is at home gallon of bill clinton. maybe you don't want to don't want me to win this thing. give it to bill gates. what has gone on? bill clinton -- remember he's the guy that got on that plane with loretto lynch. he's living in this world where he doesn't think he can make any mistakes. he's doing more harm to us by his candidacy than anybody else. >> a lot of people said that in 2008. to have chelsea clinton continue to be on the board is not going to get around. i think there's going to be more of them saying these changes are not good enough. remember, this came up, the clinton foundation came up 19 times in her confirmation hearing in 2009. republican senators were raising
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the concerns we are talking about many years later that there was going to be concerns about contributions from foreign countries and she said that they would be transparent and they weren't and that is why they are in the trouble they are in right now. >> 90 billion this week. give the whole thing to him. he can fund it and walk away. they may even have to take your name off of it. i want to switch topics for you because former u.k. independent leader nigel farage appeared with donald trump last night and on fox business earlier this morning. take a listen. >> whatever gave sat in the next 73 days in this campaign, even if they tell you, don't believe them because what we saw was the deliberate attempt to fiddle the figures could luckily we ignored it and we beat them. charles: democrats, are they dismissing donald trump too quickly? >> a lot of them are.
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not all of them, but certainly a front-page "washington post" story last week about how clinton plans to govern. some are thinking i think you're getting ahead of yourself. anything can happen. we have three debates and brexit. all the experts said brexit and got that wrong. that's a good point, but i also think what we stand from the trump campaign now heading that, they've done some very good teams. reaching out to minority voters. trump should have been doing up months ago. he's doing it now. we're not even that labor day. long way to go. charles: has laid with substantial although the convention was in late july. at the same time he had a substantial lead. obviously completely evaporated. we do have polls continuing to come out. still have hillary ahead by 10. as they combed through this
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thing, idc is 47 and 46. so maybe this kelley and effect is having an impact that certain segments of the polling. >> yeah, i think so. democrats know how smart she is. i think the trump campaign went a bit off the rails and she's put them back on track. is it too little too late? we'll see. there's a long way to go. if trump continues having this type of leak and clinton continues having this type of leak, this will be a close race. >> last night when he called hillary clinton a big hit, i don't know that that was a kelleyann conway approved word. >> i don't think so. that is where you have to have donald trump not having the political discipline to show more of that in the fall because i am sure that she did not at eyes word. i don't think i was a good move. charles: to your point, these have been the best weeks. thanks a lot.
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appreciate it. we've got breaking news. a security update following the discovery of an iphone spyware circulating the middle east. apple really has security issues like this. you can see the stock is down lately today. florida looking at a possible double whammy. first, a tropical storm eye in the state. we will monitor that for you as well. in the meantime, the mylan changing its pricing policy. a lot of pressure over the highest. some say it's all about the free market, but others say it's all about greed. now said -- an essay rather it's been hacked. i wonder if it was from within. some bombshell allegations coming out. we will be right back.
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>> mother of five contacted me this morning on my way in to do this interview. she said i resign. i cannot represent the interests of the company. i have five children and children die because they do not have access to a life-saving device because the way the company has jacked up prices. this is a woman who works for them. it is absolutely taking parents by surprise. they react in such a powerful way. charles: foundation founder robin o'brien. outlining a plan this morning to make epipen more affordable. what does this free market make about the backlash with the capitalists themselves? jonathan, is this a threat to capitalism? is there an overreaction by the public here? >> charles, i wish this was capitalism. the iphone price goes down every year and the quality gets better and yet the prices so
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many drugs. i'm a diabetic so i have a lot of empathy for life-saving drugs. why did they go up year after year? when it comes to the drugs in the health care market is anything but free. government is at the center of drug payment, drug regulation and distribution in this country. who is the one who pays for most drugs in this country, charles? after obamacare it is the federal government. this is not a good apples to apples comparison. companies like mylan are able to jack up the price. countrywide mortgage lenders back in the financial crisis took advantage of a government raid system. trends do a lot of it has to do with the fda. for the hurt this country in the world to get drug approved. but they say we want to be rigorous and make sure the product is out here, that it has efficacy of dollars the issue and doesn't create war issues.
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do we remove the fda? >> charles, people did quite well in this country before the fda. we have this sense if it wasn't for the fda, people would be dying in the streets. they restrict the competition. the fda within the last year turned down an application from an australian competitor that would've basically offered some competition for the happy pen -- epipen. the leading generic alternative. you can get at wal-mart and sam's club for $140. the fda makes it more expensive not only for companies to consumers as well. charles: a lot of people were upset you can get the same products in different countries for so much less. why are american companies, why is it strange web is big government and big corporations like this. why are we paying so much more for it?
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like someone in a foreign country get this for so much less? >> in effect, we subsidize purchases because something like 60% of all the new drugs are developed and are issued from the united states. although we account for a small consumption of the total. we have the best system in this country. if you want prices go down, you've got to get government out of the way. for obamacare, government and on it for something like 60% of all health care spending. again the other elements of the economy whether it's housing, school education, the more government gets involved, the more prices you see go. you'll see prices go down in the quality go out just like the iphone. charles: heather brash, her pay went up 670%. at the same time the stock was only up 125%. we are talking about cronyism at the board level, it do. of course we know a famous
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senator from west virginia, does that also play a role in cerda rubberstamping these corporations? >> i think so. this happens in places like you pointed out like baking, highly regulated pharmaceuticals and health care. like the environmental lobby or the farm lobby which can lobby for advantageous incentives and cronyism. this is why you've got to restrict government with nothing to do with health care. get rid of that in the cronyism goes away as well. charles: looking for the next james bond here checking out the jacket, you need to throw your hat in the ring. that's all i'm saying. i'm telling you, thanks a lot, appreciate it. wal-mart a big loser in big loser in the dow today is being dragged lower idolatry and dollar general. both companies reported lower than expected sales. could this be a sign of issues to come? more after this.
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charles: lots of retail earnings this week here at the u.s. consumer while on the high-end, retailers like tiffany's and estée lauder more of an indictment of the non-u.s.-based ness. earnings from williams-sonoma suggesting the upper and american consumer either have everything during dr pulling back. over the past couple years, this store has become the target of ridicule. it's an annual heater's guide to the williams-sonoma catalog. they really had beef with that. the $2500 espresso machine. i think the problem for retailers is maybe dirt to fill couples who can afford to be so expensive to find one of those machines. on the other hand, the so-called dollar stores this wall street and off her guarded guidance. i would not dollar tree and dollar general have been juggernauts.and the best proxy for a slow boat recovery.
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dollar tree up 178% in past five years. one other note, the clothing retailers did this morning burlington coat factory crush content this. that continues to work. here's the thing. last night, philip in houston posted really long numbers or tommy hilfiger at 7%. i am seeing being maybe people are buying clothes, the kind of close you were to better paying jobs and couples who can buy a 200-dollar espresso machines. the picture from the retailers. but is it telling about the economy and the stock market? >> a very mixed picture. it is showing me this shift is finally beginning. the dollar tree and dollar general, having the stocks has tremendously. the sales, even though they are up, they are declining and that is a big problem. these types of stores, which you and i have made money over the last eight years on a big downer
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at this level where the sales growth is not to win. that is a major sign that we could be coming to the end of the cycle. tree into a rose colored glasses kind of guy would say people knows they don't have to go to dollar tree anymore. they will bump it up a little bit and i guess close to be a step up from there. >> well, but this year's earnings. i think this wealth transformation is going to the older crowd. the baby boomers are getting older and older now, so they are saving money. a lot of households today, the younger people are not creating the traditional household. they are still living at home. that creates a problem. to see that on the low end shows you that the wages are not fair for these people to go out and buy these goods. we talk about the unemployment rate, the fake when the government gives us in the rail when people know about.
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it's a problem and it's starting to show up in the stock market, this could be one of those warning signs that things may not be so good out there because there is this major divergence between price-to-earnings as stocks and what the actual values are in the earnings of the s&p 500, for instance. this is very wide right now. i think the stock market is overvalued which you and i talked about. the retail sector is going to be the next thing that tells us something is wrong. charles: i don't disagree. it's important to not only wages are higher but we seek better numbers for these companies to justify valuation. i've got 30 seconds but i want a quick assessment. what do you think she's going to say? >> based on my models are telling me that it looks like interest rates will go up in the bond market. the dollar is going to get stronger accordingly, so that means she will be hawkish. cs no choice at this point.
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there's got to reverse course and put money in people's pockets. charles: dan shafer, one of the best. see you again soon. breaking news. brian lochte has apologized will be summoned back to rio to testify before but those justice department. if he doesn't get back, he won't be able to engage in a plea deal. the fallout there continues. hillary clinton getting ready. but general anthony phinney says on the show yesterday. everything you need to know about her challenge in november. you'll hear it for yourself right after this.
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charles: donald trump in new hampshire hitting the could vanish in hard and courting black and hispanic votes, even: hillary clinton a bigot. hillary clinton taking time off to trail the fundraising efforts. she made the focus on the trust of the american people. >> i think we have to worry about any top leaders that have misused or abused the handling of classified material. and now, i had a tsi clarence and i still do. i have been periodically polygraph because of it. that means that even if you're a top leader, it is important to understand you take the right
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care what the classified material. i wish we had done not with secretary clinton. maybe the machine but it broke and, but at least he would know if we had violation. charles: hughie bernstein of hillary can turn this trust issue around. already a huge issue with is coming into this latest chapter. >> right. the issue is how this is resonating with voters that democrats said not a big deal. republicans say this is a big deal. they are not induced by either side. they really go after her and possibly bring over to their side or the clinton campaign is making the calculation that their best bet at this point is to turn the spotlight back on donald trump. she's going to be giving a speech in nevada today, which will focus exactly on donald
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trump and what she sees as racist and bigoted comments. charles: he's going to focus on the relationship with the right. here's what's interesting. i read somewhere she's going to get an endorsement from the mayor who is something of an independent himself, and that is the key city of these going to win that state that for the most part is a tossup. >> right, exactly. democrats exactly. democrats have one now. obama won it twice. there's a key senate race there. doing well in that state is really critical for clinton. she sees this as a time to put the spotlight back in trump in a state that's really competitive. charles: one thing that i've seen change in the last week and a half, two weeks is that the mainstream media perhaps their game is being forced, but they are not just letting these things go. in other words, they've been asking more about the clinton foundation. a lot of these independent
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voters you are talking about who may have never otherwise heard about this, they are hearing about it. the question is whether it resonates. that is why trump is pounding away at it. >> exactly. we are 2.5 months away. labor day is the mark that voters start to pay attention. if we can't pay attention all year, this has been an unconventional phrase. this is the time that people are really focusing and, especially those who haven't quite made up their minds that are made up their minds about voting at all. it is going to be really tedious cycle of whether they look at this and whether that shapes their opinions about either candidate. both candidates note each of their negatives are so high, they know they need to make this race a referendum on the other one. you're going to see that in ads. you will see that message container and that's how each of them are dealing with. >> pistol, during the debate.
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but they've done so far in my mind but the trustworthiness issue and also to the element of people who are arrogant and above the law. the reaction to this so far has done them no favors. >> there's been a lot of questions about why he didn't put this to rest at the beginning of the campaign. especially when it comes to the foundation. they have said they will stop taking foreign donations if she is elected. there's a lot of questions about whether that should have stopped long time ago. this is something again remains to be seen exactly how it will resume. we have seen this in the e-mail said several other items. to your point, traditionally we've seen that reflected in the trustworthy numbers. can donald trump say donald trump stay on that message? >> it's been two great weeks for him. hillary keeps feeding him. the tables have turned. the law. good to see you. what is the libertarian ticket
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for the economy. friday night 9:00 p.m. eastern because john stossel is hosting a town hall and they will be answering your questions. we are going to watch it right here. does the word snow didn't have company enacts. they will be dealing with another leaker.
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>> i am adam shapiro live on the floor of the new york stock exchange. look at what's happened with the price of oil up within the last 15 minutes after comments from the saudi arabian minister. he is saying that the no need for intervention in the market, even though they've got that meeting of oil producers in opec nations coming up next month in which they were supposedly going to talk about cutting production. the demand globally is picking up nicely. the price of oil spike on not today. one thing that is also popping is up today. the point since august 2nd. part of it has to do with what the federal reserve is going to do. they are all meeting in jackson hole wyoming along with central-bank banisters from other nations. peter barnes from the fox business network will let us know what they are drinking and if they are drinking the kool-aid on quantitative easing.
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we are going to go back to "cavuto: coast-to-coast" right after this.
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>> charles, these members of parliament are coming together saying you are supposed to be the best and the brightest and have the most cutting-edge technology. by the way, you also make billions of dollars a year. the fact you only have a hand a lot of employees, especially a few hundred employees on counterterrorism, canvassing along with the algorithm, that is not good enough. twitter especially has really been in the crosshairs of front politicians. twitter announced it did expand 235,000 accounts in the past six months. members of parliamentary saying we want reports from all of these companies. google, facebook, twitter. quarterly reports showing exact way how many accounts have been suspended because they are saying listen, we cannot fight terrorism from law enforcement and government alone. social media sites are really vehicles for propaganda. they are vehicles for spreading and recruiting us about these dangerous ideas.
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charles: because they are vehicles and this is an information superhighway and it costs nothing to get a new vehicle, so much as he donned open a new 15 seconds later. isn't that something of a conundrum for the social media companies or do you think there's an ideological situation where they don't want to go too far? >> the accusation is that these companies, obviously choosing the strongest language possible saying they are refusing to fight terrorism because they are more concerned about their own brand. that seems a bit harsh, but they are trying to make a point. they want cooperation and want to hit the tennis ball as hard as possible to the other side of the net. it would be a challenge because these terrorists come especially those working with basis of proven to be very clever. they are good at using social media. they have high production value. they have employed, from what we know, even people who have worked here. i think the bird and is being placed at the feet of the tech
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company where they say you supposedly have the smartest engineers, at least some of the smartest engineers in the world. guess it's a challenge, but it is a daunting task right now. >> it is daunting and the tech companies do have legal protection because it's the world wide web. they are not materially responsible in the same way that, for example, media organizations such as ours would be responsible for showing upsetting content. >> thank you very much. appreciate it. was a compromise from within? we've been telling you about the top-secret nsa post online. the shadow factory losses says he wouldn't be surprised if someone from the inside is what hospital. james, are you saying there could be another snowden incident? >> yeah, that's exactly what i'm saying. the indications are this
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probably came from somebody on the inside, not somebody on the out side and certainly not the russians. charles: walk us through this. how are you making this determination when it feels like everyone else perhaps his knee-jerk release the work saying this is obviously the russians. this is obviously the chinese. >> that's a very easy, very lazy answer. when in doubt blame the russians. if you look more closely at it, you can't come up with a conclusion. first of all, russians would have no reason with all the effort of stealing an essay hacking goals, which are very highly valued at nsa and very well cap and then putting them on the internet. it would be like a bank robber stealing the combination to a bank vault and then putting it on facebook. it wouldn't make any sense. on the other side, and the inside you have edward snowden who walked out with pages of documents without nsa even
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knowing about it. one of the things that convinced me was that after several months, there was another they didn't notice that it really was. it is the actual catalog to these hacking tools. that was released later in 23rd team and these are the tools. whoever took the catalog probably took the tools. charles: what is their game plan? what do they get out of this? they may still be part of the entity. they are taking a serious risk to continuing to go to work, making this an enormous breach. what is their endgame? >> the person is probably argue that. he probably left years ago. the tools were taken, but there is no reason for a publication to publish them. all they are are ones to zeros. i don't think they were used until now.
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they were used now largely for cerda activists reasons or anti-hillary clinton, whatever putting them up there. another positive reason is to show that nsa has all of these basically keys to lock these networks, all of these people who use them and then saying you ought to clean up your act and feel of pure networks. charles: the allure of being some form of a countercultural era is also pretty enticing. james, thank you so much. we are glad you brought it to us. >> appreciate it, charles. charles: will just turn around be successful? it's been going extraordinarily well. we will have more right after this. better buckle up.
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charles: the epipen price i continues. mylan moving to make the drug more successful. they think this will force the fda to speed up approval for a generic version. liz claman all over this thing. you're becoming something of a hero because of your work on this. mylan is not much. >> well, i can tell you that they put out -- they put this thing out and said we are going to offer a coupon. we are going to take some of the quote cost off the patients out there. charles, make no mistake, they have not cut this price by a single dollar. it is still about $600 for a pack of two, but they tried very hard to go into damage control mode. they are not necessarily voting for this.
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then people look at it and said this is doing very much. what the market investors and patients still can't handle is that there were 17 price hikes over the past nine years, 10 years since mylan brought this technology and they do have a monopoly. >> your typical biotech big drug pharma is saying you spent 3 billion on this. they didn't even do that. they more or less got it under. that's a smart business decision. a year ago, april 2005, this is a $72 stock. now it's 45 bugs me is this is a company -- it's a desperate company but to meet the desperation they are putting lives at risk. >> to your first point, she is now, the ceo, kinder when you hear from other pharmaceutical executives getting their companies a bad name. you can talk to any
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pharmaceutical company in the drug discovery business. they will spend 17 years looking or a cure. if they find it, that's amazing. that should be paid for. mylan.the company. the cost to put it together as $4 b. the actual agent in it that counters the deadly effects of an allergic reaction is $1 worth and not. so they bought it. therefore, it doesn't mount right to the can to murder, to the patient about this. and yes, she is hotter, they should on the comp nation of a lot of executives skyrocket. we've been digging it turns out there've been this model is to hike up the price of a lot of drugs. they've got a gallstone drive a hike up 500%. and irritable syndrome of 540%. charles: they've got a captive audience in the taken energetic. >> more than 12 times. by producer, one of our brokers
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who works on morning to maria, myself, no less than 12 or 13 times. they don't answer the phone. charles: also let the audience that was called to the staff of the show as well. in the meantime, tampa may be the company that comes up with the one. also a smaller company at 80% right now. thanks a lot. great stuff. got to kick off a moment and go directly at hillary clinton right after this.
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charles: investors getting fed clues, janet yellen in jackson hole. donald trump pushing for black
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and hispanic voters targeting hillary clinton in new hampshire and the attacks are getting ugl. calling her a big it yesterday. i have a special report, stock to own no matter who wins, stocks to win. trish: donald trump is about to speak in manchester, new hampshire any minute from now. we will bring that live as soon as it begins with the state of new hampshire flag. i am trish regan, welcome to "the intelligence report".donal hampshire, hillary clinton scrambling to defend her clinton foundation to get her campaign on track amid allocations the foundation was and is a pay to play operation, countries and individuals that access by donating to the clinton foundation. our political panel is here to


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