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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  August 30, 2016 12:00pm-2:01pm EDT

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theme. terrorism would be so bad if the media didn't report on it. trsfertcfarnd sd it rely tir js anhow ey do it. stuart: doldrums on wall street, but no doldrums in politics and that's a fact. connell mcshane, it is yours. appreciate that. it has been a big story that continues to be paid to play allegations not going away for hillary clinton. i'm connell mcshane for the next two hours in for neil and neil will be back a week from today. do not forget about that. in the meantime you e-mail showing the line between the clinton foundation and the state department was blurry at best. that is not all. blake irving has a lot to go through. itelng n-m know? chains will go through one of them in which they contend to
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show a little breathing room between hillary clinton state department and the clinton foundation. clinton's top aide, huma abedin e-mail she's skeptical of secure communications upon landing in russia including britain's privately made it count. she e-mailed the state department staff the following. those of us in the traveling party will be leaving but very sunny upland once we touched down in moscow tonight. that was the initial e-mail. after that, she forwarded the e-mail for the state department account to people associated with the clinton foundation and bill clinton. justin cooper responded with the following. are they taking them from you because your clinton should work. huma abedin followed up with this. it's for security reasons. i don't want to use that one either. citizens united appeared earlier this morning on "mornings with maria."
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take a watch here. being that we show in this one e-mail talking from the state department employees to the foundation. they are telling the foundation and its e-mail, we are going to be off the grid for a couple days via e-mail. use their cell phones if you need to get us. he continues to show we does the separation between the state department and foundation s. we need to. reporter: at the latest on breaking in the last five or 10 minutes of the sources familiar with the matter confirmed to fox that the fbi is preparing a release of some of the materials contained in the bureau's report of the hillary clinton e-mail investigation when they interviewed her for a century and half hours over initially told on the fourth of july weekend. no exact timeline on when that will be released, but it appears to be happening soon. connell: that's the case before or after the election.
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"the new york times" on its editorial page calling for the clintons to cut ties. here's an excerpt of that editorial. achieving true distance from the foundation is not only necessary to ensure its effectiveness, it is an ethical imperative. not from "the new york times" editorial board. gop chairman joins us now is quite not that daniel holbert and bustle politics editor. let me begin with you on what blake went through, the latest on the foundation and the relationship with the clintons, what is the damage? it all goes to her credibility problem. the fox news poll recently showed over 66% of the american people. at some point you will reach cuts for the american people ask themselves, are we going to let
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this person, this woman be our president. >> you bring up an interesting phrase they are in use of the word and by the phrase tipping point. i don't know that we've reached it yet. i'm not sure what the reason for that is. i think it's fair to say damaged by all desperate to real real clear politics average of the polls. she is still ahead in the race. do you think at some point we get to the point where there is a tipping as this was alluded to? >> i'm not sure there is. untrustworthiness is built into the client intake. she's been doing really well despite the fact she's considered one of the most untrustworthy candidates. a news poll found earlier this month only 30% of americans found her to be trustworthy. only 36% of americans find donald trump to be trustworthy. if she goes against mccain or romney, you could derail her campaign, but she's not. you have a race here where you
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have two candidates that one could beat the other. unless it was the matchup that we have today. do you think there's anything to that and if so, what will all this mean for the race if there is no point where we get to this stage we just can't get over all of this with hillary clinton. >> is true they are both fortunate because they both have bad negatives that discuss big donald trump is in a unique position from the outside of government where he's read against government corruption and that other people have given donations to buy access and to buy certain things. connell: is there anything in here that says it's more than just access. one thing trump should focus on. here's my example. this is why you shouldn't vote for hillary clinton. >> i think he should pick an example because it helps illustrate it. every single day getting more and more e-mails.
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>> it's hard to isolate outcome of the problem he's having. take a businessman has gotten access, for instance where they clearly got some help from hillary clinton in their case that the irs. he cites about it a little bit, but there's a lot of examples and this huge tangled web that i think is beginning to unfold. the real issue is we will never end seeing everything going on. just so much they are. connell: do you see anything in your view that pay to play, donor gets access and if so, what is that? >> access is people go to washington. companies come here all the time. they buy access through high-priced lobbying firms. it's not usual for people to buy them through nonprofit and through charities. that's what we're saying.
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anything that pay to play. >> some of the stuff is almost comical. her own campaign manager is sized for not to get over this until after the election. you've got to vote for her and this is going to show you she's trustworthy. that reminds me of what nancy pelosi says about obamacare. you've got to find out within it. i don't think the american people will make the same mistake twice. connell: we don't have an example that something you get a concrete example. >> $2 million from the crown prince. the example that daniel davies two. those are examples trusting head-on. >> it's a complicated, shady company wants to issue and had done a number of glaring in easily digestible gain experience in guiding russia to hacker e-mails as they showed
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assassinate hillary clinton. these are glaring problems that are much easier for american voters to digest than going into new ones shady allegations. that's really problematic for trump. connell: the concern is that there's fatigue in allhese things that we do talk about them. there is criticism for a while of not giving it enough attention. does it get to a point where it's not registering with people for whatever reason? the new york times for example and the editorial page is an ally, but that was a fairly scathing editorial given where it came from today, don't you think? >> of you can support hillary clinton it's not as though today's e-mails and editorial shift your mind. if somebody made the concrete case, these people are corrupt but there is corruption at pine access is not something acceptable in government. a clean good government agenda could have some residents.
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connell: to be clear, it is having some effect. the poll to come back a little bit. thanks to all three of you. good discussion to start us off today. here's another big topic today. our american companies under attack in europe? ordering to pay up to $14.5 billion in back taxes over claims that it benefited from illegal tax breaks in ireland. tim cook from apple in the irish government has quickly defended the tax arrangement and the u.s. treasury has hammered back and the e.u. is sent or the targeting american companies. the white house weigh in on this say that they are monitoring the case about taxation, they should work jointly with us. let's bring in mitchell, tax policy asked her. is there something u.s. companies are being targeted overseas? >> it's not just apple. the european commission going
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after amazon, going after big donalds. they've are they gone after a starbucks than google. we know the europeans are very pro-tax. what is really amazing about this story is that the european commission, the e.u. bureaucracy in brussels is not only going after the senate have a low tax rates, but they are doing it, targeting an american company over strong and junctions from the u.s. treasury department and that is unusual because normally these governments work together. they conspire like a pack of jackals to take money equally. connell: at his side he see the this is reported and explained to me how you reported. they are supposedly owed to the irish government. the irish government i assume because they love you know nothing about tax country. they basically say we don't want this money. most would say give us our money. we deserve it. they are not paying it.
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>> it's amazing. for once allied with the government saying no, you keep the money in the private sector. go uses smarter and better than we will. trying to ireland over the years, 12% corporate tax rate, they never budged on that. they love being out for that. they think it attracts business and they are right. >> you go back to the 1980s. they were almost there are status in terms of their poverty. they went with the policy of low taxes, at least on companies. they also brought down the burden of government bending and by european standards they are a success story. think about it this way. the european commission has high tax welfare state that are collapsing. does the european commission tried to force them to lower the burden of government spending? no. they put all the money for the scene of low taxes. here's what i i want to have been. the european commission and after i invent a decade ago
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because i used to have a 30% tax rate for domestic companies and a 10% for multinationals. i then responded by saying we have 12.5% for everyone. the european commission going again seigneur 12.5% rate applying to some of this. fine, we'll do 5% for everyone. i would really punish the european bureaucrats are trying to penalize low taxes. connell: good take on all of this is usual. while we are talking about fact issues overseas, there are more people calling for changes to the tax code here. certainly an issue this made one of the themes of his campaign, risk and reward those deirdre bolton is here on the trial plan. tell us about this a little bit from the perspective of trout. >> well, this idea you were talking about your previous guest of the e.u. is demanding the callback.
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listen, we have an offshore holding company that is legal and we can use that as a mechanism for deferring u.s. taxes. donald trump and his plan has offered this kind of longtime tax amnesty if you like. he is using a one-time repatriation tax of 10% on all foreign profit currently deferred and it is this idea of okay, we know this has been going on. tim cook is that in this case it is legal but it would benefit the u.s. to have this money home. all you companies doing this overseas as your previous guest just that it's not just apple. here is one quick way to get some of the money. it's actually very reasonable. connell: you wonder if it be more likely to happen because the reason is to get these tax breaks. those are under attack, which there's an interesting part is they don't give us our money.
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>> apple is appealing the e.u. commission. stay out of this, ireland. connell: apple in ireland are both again, which spins your head a little bit. and i this is great for them. tech jobs, english-speaking workforce. this has worked out really well and some people say the e.u. brussels is kind of jealous by lack of a better thought. trump and his corporate tax plan has said let's just eliminate this issue altogether. but do not charge 35%. this charge them 50%. let's be more like ireland. let's make it more attractive for u.s. companies to keep their money on u.s. shores. connell: thank you amid deirdre. >> more job growth is obviously decided by benefit. connell: thank you very much. once again weighed in on donald
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trump. there is nothing more important in this election right now. trump's ignorance of the world could get us into world war iii. mark cuban on twitter. he's been harsh on trump donald adair, but lately very harsh on tribe. he is for hillary clinton but always have that amount way. >> i love to pick on him. i'd like donald. he's like a guy in your group of friends that everybody picks on vista lakes. connell: cuban changing his tune. we are looking forward to the tape when he returns to this very program. "cavuto: coast-to-coast" one week from today, neil is exit number six. we are reminding him to send comments on social media. the hash tag is "cavuto" returns. i'm sure neil would love to read through those. breaking news right now before we do anything else, the fbi interviewing and it is revealed that the pilot of the german wings playing who flew the
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airline into a mountain last year was a huge story at the time. the breaking news now is that he had failed to u.s. training but was promoted anyway. it failed in training, but still about promotions. that story of 144 passengers and six crew members died. this is just been revealed an fbi investigation that the pilot had failed training but was still promoted. the colin kaepernick story still up next. it is one day or talking about now. donald trump weighed in on the whole thing. that takes the debate of course to a whole new level. what powers the digital world. communication.
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>> i think it is a terrible thing and, you know, maybe you should find a country that works better for him. let them try. it won't happen. connell: new comments from donald trump certainly disapproving of colin kaepernick's protest that game for the national anthem. we have now the tea party or who agrees with mr. trump i believe. also here, he is, just so everybody knows where he's coming from. make your case for why it is okay to do what colin kaepernick date. >> absolutely. connell: go ahead. >> to make that case he had no problem. we have to all that data from the right are a dime. he really is an american hero. not just an african-american
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hero. he say in oppression is wrong. second class citizenship is wrong. any of our presidential candidates before you can condemn colin kaepernick for a sitting for an anthem about revolution, how they condemn the second class citizenship of african-americans in america. connell: i just want to get the initial comments and see where he's coming from. you heard certainty what jay had to say. where are you on this? >> colin kaepernick is no particular hero. a hero someone might occur t. washington born in slavery and died in millionaire and celebrated the capitalist system that made it possible for him to become a millionaire and celebrating the hard work in ethics and pick yourself up by road bootstraps a tls at a time in our country that was much more of a challenge to black people than it is today.
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mohammed ali -- let me say this. connell: colin and mohammed ali, go ahead. >> the difference is mohammed ali actually sacrifice them in. he lost millions of dollars. he was a guaranteed xt $1 million like colin kaepernick. he lost his heavyweight championship. [inaudible conversations] >> is a not sacrificing endorsements? colin kaepernick -- is he not -- let's bring it back. you never addressed, is it or not africans in america under oppression and second-class citizenship by definition, not opinion. second class citizenship is those in society who are considered a fair share consideration. look at every stat, every poverty stat, every educational stack, every stat.
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you are going to reply. i want to bring up one thing. i was reading right before it came on. the other side of this is some people have an issue with how he's doing it. even issues like jerry rice had always matter. i respect your stance. don't disrespect the flag. they have an issue with it being the national anthem. >> where is the rulebook from fighting oppression? africans in america, 398 years have either been in a very second-class citizenship. that is not okay. get to the root of it. jerry price -- arrested always matter. connell, you are going to say? >> what i was going to say is let's go to the airport. let's go to every port of entry and every day and you've got more african orck people
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coming into the country, not to mention people of color than leaving this country in the so-called oppressive country. it is an end old, a disgusting end though to those of our ancestors that were slaves, that had to struggle through segregation and overcome. for us to say we are second-class citizens today. that is nonsense. it is said by an e.u. commissar sir are misleading black people. you are misleading people of color. connell: we have, because the time we don't have a lot of time left. one comment, try to keep it great, jay, real quick. before we wrap this up. >> google depression, which is graham cracker friendship. it would prove what i'm saying. connell: just a closing comment and then we've got to run. >> the biggest slavery today is the slavery of victimization
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where you look in the mirror. >> its mass incarceration. connell: i really hate to do this. we are going to be right back after this. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day.
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. connell: here's a business alert for you as we come back with a consumer group releasing a new warning on the agency that actually should be in the business of warning you. the american action forum is now saying that the consumer financial protection bureau is publishing regulations too fast for the public to learn about them. charlie gasparino joins us. normally one of our more fiery contributors on cavuto "coast-to-coast." >> may be won of the ripley reports here. >> tell us about it. >> the group that you mentioned, sponsoring this is a conservative watchdog group, i guess you could say, they look
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over regulations. doug is part of this group. the consumer financial protection bureau. connell: got it. >> was out of the dodd-frank act to protect consumers. connell: how many of us got to know elizabeth warren. >> and she pushed for this thing. thought a big part of the financial crisis was consumers being ripped off, funneled the loans they couldn't pay back. it was kind of a non sequitur, how do you give someone a loan and that's a crime. somebody giving me money is not necessarily a crime, whether i can pay it back is another story. i'm the recipient of money. this bureau does exist and doug and his group put up interesting stats. take it for what it's worth, they are a conservative group, they are powerful statistics. finalized 49 rules, 46 of the rules have imposed, as they put it, $2.8 billion of costs business ones, particularly banks and small financial
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institutions around the country. that's one of the costs of this regulation is $2.8 billion, since it was implemented, implemented fully in 2007. connell: there was a lot of pressure coming out of the crisis time to do something. >> okay, that's the problem, and i tell you there is, in this presidential election, there is a battle between hillary clinton and donald trump, and i wish donald would make more of this than other stuff, about regulation, donald talked about paring regulations. that $2.8 billion worth of costs could have been spent somewhere else, including hiring people. connell: exactly. >> that's one of the points donald is trying to make, and it's a salient point. interesting on the stats, 6.9 million paperwork-burden hours. so basically these people are putting out a lot of paper, wasting a lot of hours in
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government to do very little. i don't know how much stuff have you seen out of the consumer finance protection bureau. connell: we talked about it whether it was a debate whether we have it or not. >> is this the reason banks aren't giving out loans, 8,450 employees work in this group, that's a job stimulus program but the jobs could be put to better use. connell: right. >> it basically took 197 days to complete and finalize all the regulations. connell: ah-hah. >> the average time is shorter for most agencies. connell: thank you, charlie. talk about obamacare, it's not just republicans looking for a fix, when it comes to the health care law, the white house could be looking for a way out. we'll talk about it after this.
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. connell: a week from today cavuto returns. now obamacaretroubles have been mounting, the last couple of days, and the president is meeting with the department of health and human services behind closed doors, a meeting that will take place this afternoon. the administration begin to implement regulations,
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political editor joins us now on how maybe the gop should respond, jillian, one of the issues we talked about on the show yesterday, the exchanges don't seem to be panning out as had been planned and less competition as a result of that. more monopolies or the possibility of monopolies talked about. one of the many issues that's been talked about. now the administration has to address this. what's the fallout? >> this is a political catastrophe in a way for obamacare. you're looking at 46% of americans don't like it. if you look at the dislike of it tends to grow as more of it takes effect. one of the things conservatives need to be focused on is telling the story of the people affected by it. it's a lot of people from a lot of walks of life. connell: we had a discussion at the very top of the show about pay-to-play allegations surrounding the clinton foundation, and i said to our panel, i said give me an example of where it is, pay-to-play, right? one of the things has been so far in the polls. we've seen a little coming back
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in the next week or so, some of the allegations haven't been sticking for clinton. so many of the allegations, i gave examples to you, there are others. what should republicans highlight? what is something that should stick if you are donald trump and the republicans? >> one place can you look is the premium hikes that are taking effect and set to take effect in the next year. raising 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%. if you're a middle-class family and trying to get insurance for your children. that's not a great option, you're paying more for a policy you don't need. another great place to focus is arizona. a county several insurers have dropped out of the market altogether. 400,000 people are saying we're compelled to buy insurance on the health exchanges but don't have options to do that. it's stressful. yet a third place to take a look is people trying to buy short-term insurance to get between jobs, the obama administration is limiting it
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so they can only do that for three months. there are a lot of people, lot of different places, the stories are powerful, taking the personal narratives and getting them out there. the right talks just about policy. connell: we asked for specific examples, you gave them to us. three in a row. shift to the weather for a moment. a lot of people are talking about florida. the tropical system strengthening in the gulf. one of the people talking about this would be our favorite meteorologist janice dean who joins us with the latest. hello, janice! >> reporter: you're favorite? connell: i'm willing to admit and state that on national television. >> reporter: i love it. i'm going to get the tape and put it on social media. connell: very nice. >> reporter: we are into peak hurricane season in the atlantic and the pacific and we have several things to talk about. this is our hurricane, this is gaston, not affecting us here across the east coast or the
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gulf coast, but we have a couple of things we are watching, tropical depression number 8, tropical depression number 9. both of them are going to become tropical storms within the next 6-12 hours. sheer tropical depression number 8 close to the outer banks, not making a landfall per se but some of the outer bands could get close to the coast of north carolina bringing squally weather, showers and thunderstorms, certainly gusty winds and not going to be a great beach day. you want to stay out of the water with the rip currents. also watching this tropical depression number 9 we think is going to get a name within the next couple of hours. maybe the next advisory. 35-mile-per-hour sustained winds and the presentation on satellite is looking good with the colder cloud tops. you can see the flare-up of thunderstorms. the sea surface temperatures, the fuel that the storm needs to strengthen, it's like bathwater here in the gulf of mexico. the good news is even though the temperatures are warm, the
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upper level conditions are not favorable for big strengthening, but we could still have a tropical storm or a minimal hurricane on our hands as we think it's going to make landfall, wednesday, thursday, across the big bend of florida. the one thing is we get tropical storm-force winds along the coast here as well as the potential for 4-6" of heavy rainfall, flooding is a concern, and storm surge as the tropical system makes landfall. also in the pacific, a pair of hurricanes, madeleine and lester. lester is a category 3 and making a jog towards hilo on thursday as a category 1 hurricane. we will keep you up to date, connell. connell: we hope for the best on that. you mentioned social media, please use the hashtag cavuto returns, got to get that trending.
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>> i miss giving him a hard time. connell: thank you, janice. >> you got it. connell: food prices are next, we're seeing the biggest drop in food prices overall in 50 years. now that may not necessarily be a good thing, which we'll explain after this. (announcer vo) who says your desk phone always has to be at your desk? now, with one talk from verizon... hi, pete. i'm glad you called. (announcer vo) all your phones can work together on one number. you can move calls between phones, so conversations can go where you go. take your time. i'm not going anywhere. (announcer vo) and when you're not available, one talk helps find the right person who is. hi, john. (announcer vo) so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. introducing one talk-- another way verizon connects your business better. learn how at hthis bad boy is a mobile trading desk so that i can take my trading platform wherever i go. you know that thinkorswim seamlessly syncs across all your devices, right?
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>> reporter: the dow is down one quarter of one percent after having had uparrows this morning. dow down 45, s&p down 3. the nasdaq down 8. as we take a look at winners and losers what tells the story are the financials, goldman sachs and jpmorgan lead the way today, financials have been among the best for the month. they are in the top three performers of the month as everybody awaits possible rate hikes from the fed this year. one rate hike. looking at abercrombie & fitch, under pressure today, biggest sell-off since 2001. not seeing the tourists. the british exit weighed. they've seen weakness in this store. take a look at other retailers how they feared this year, all under pressure for this year as they see demand, sales, profits and traffic wane. much more cavuto "coast-to-coast" after the break.
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. connell: we are now going to talk about a record harvest for corn and soybeans and how it means cheaper feed for chickens. cheaper feed means cheaper chicken for consumers. this, if you know anything about the fox business network, is obviously an introduction for jeff flock, who naturally today is live with a group of chickens at a farm out in illinois. hello, jeff. >> reporter: a flock of 600 chickens in this barn on the slagle family farm, you want to know what chicken feed is, come
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on, laurie, a mixture of corn and soybeans, put up the board for corn, beans are down 20 cents or so today because the crop out here is so boundful. again, slaggel family farm, lewisjohn slagel, that's one word, lewisjohn. >> we have a diversified operation, fifth generation farmers. >> i'm seeing sixth generation too, you grow farmers out here. it's an incredible year, though, beusouices are low, tha affect you as much because >> whenever we feed our own product that helps out regardless of pricing. we have more set feed costs and set inputs and helps us out in thelong run.
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>> reporter: connell, i leave with you two of the top three producers, sanderson farms and tyson, man, that stock is going nuts because of low costs for field. doesn't cost much, it almost costs chicken feed to feed chickens. connell: very well done, jeff. let's hope your photographer laurie doesn't trip over the chickens. there is a serious story we can talk about here, jeff talking into the cheaper feed helping farmers, the overall numbers are startling on food prices. the u.s. is on track to post the longest stretch of falling food prices this year in more than half a century. more than 50 years, we have supermarket editor with us. on this story, which in a weird way reminds me of the oil story. we have lower oil prices and that's great for consumers, but it's not so great for oil companies. same thing applies overall to food, right?
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>> absolutely, connell. and also keep in mind, what nobody is talking about, we've come through about five years of the highest food prices ever. we saw beef at the highest price. we saw pork, eggs because of bird flu practically doubled. yes, the good news the prices are coming down now but need to compare it to what the prices were ten years ago, and they're still higher. connell: fair enough, perspective is always important. the reason being given from what i read for the overall for these declines is you have an excess of supply, in particular for dairy products, and then you have lower demand in china, and the reason i read about was largely because of the strong dollar, you put all of that together and now we have lower prices, again, good for consumers. the question for you is as you rightly put it in perspective, do you think it continues this way? >> well, nobody knows, and i'll tell you why nobody knows. it's all about the weather
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conditions, though we're seeing lower prices for commodities, if you look at produce, and 40% of produce comes from california, produce is up about 1.5%, and because of the california drought, it's going to expect to go higher. so weather conditions have a huge impact. the other thing we're seeing are people changing eating habits. moving away from more beef, for example, and a lot of new proteins whether it's pea protein, cricket flour, beyond meat, those items are taking up the slack. the reason we saw beef prices as high as they were, the ranchers called their herds, they have less cows. the price goes up and the ranchers make more money. who knows whether or not they'll do anything this time around. connell: if it continues. phil, thank you very much, supermarket new details who was behind a hack on a state election system. this really is and could be a bigger story.
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how all of this could impact the election? coming up after this. ♪
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remember, medicare doesn't cover everything. the rest is up to you. call now, request your free decision guide and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long™. ♪ . connell: okay, this is a big story about the hackers targeting election systems in both arizona and in illinois, and now we have reports that russians are behind at least one of these attacks. the cyberexpert robert siciliano is with us now. how rried should we be? the fbi says russia is behind arizona and shortly we'll know about illinois. how worried should we be about this? >> certainly worried. when the voting system can be compromised in any way, that is cause for concern, the moment
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one candidate wins and the other loses, someone is going to say foul play and we're going to have to go through the stats again. connell: what could happen? say, i'm going into vote here in new york in november, and primaries in arizona and other states that are happening today, are we concerned about the hackers going in and doing what? deleting votes that have already happened or something else? >> that certainly is a concern. right now, the initial hack, what's being reported is that voter registrations, personal information was compromised. a couple of hundred thousand's people's name, addresses, maybe the district or what their party is was compromised to our knowledge. they have not released any more information. whether or not actual election machines or the votes themselves can be manipulated, we do not know yet. connell: okay, it was a big story coming in. this one is now. one of the reasons the context
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to when we were covering the conventions and heard the russians might want to influence, according to reports, the election for president in favor of donald trump. you remember the story. there were reasons out there, supposedly they wanted to do that. what can you tell us, if anything about, motivations or ability of the russians in getting involved, politically l elections via this type of technology? >> we've known for a long time that putin and others love to have their hands in everything. they love getting attention, and this is certainly one way to make that happen. whether or not russian government or officials were actually involved is another story. certainly hackers enjoy this, this is what they do, this is how they spend their time. connell: because it's one thing to take someone's identity, horrible a crime as that is, it's happened to people over the years, identity theft is a big problem but another thing to influence an election by changing something that occurred or making it harder. is the capability there in
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terms of technology to do that? >> so inpendent studies, researchers have compromised voting machines in a controlled environment. the elections, to our knowledge, at least publicly, have not been hacked or manipulated at least as has been reported, but that's not to say that it's not possible. there's no such thing as 100% security and anything is possible in this day and age. connell: robert siciliano, thank you for joining us, we appreciate it today. >> thank you. connell: the 269 days is countdown since the last official news conference for hillary clinton. the clock is ticking on that, and the calls for her to have a news conference are growing louder. why she might be able to hold out until after the election? coming up next. coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled
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is she at this point trying to run out the clock? it's cavuto coast to coast. i'm connell mcshane in for neil. neil is back one week from today. we have growing calls for hillary clinton to address the media as pay to play questions continue it pile up around her campaign. new e-mails showing long time clinton aide huma abedin used e-mail to address donor issues. let's look at whether, maybe, sarah, mrs. clinton should finally face the media over this. i don't know if she will. >> like you said, her calculation here is that perhaps she can run out the clock on the allegations. the remaining e-mails, deleted ones the fbi recovered off her server might not be addressed until after the election. she can count on a big portion of the e-mails won't affect the outcome in november and she can perhaps stall long enough that the media will lose interest in this controversy and she won't have to address the media because at this point, whenever
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she does decide to hold a press conference if in fact she does decide to do so, it's going to be such a media event that every little word she says will be scrutinized. connell: that said, the run out the clock analogy comes with sports. in sports if you try to run out the clock, because you have a lead, sometimes you do it too soon and the other team comes back and you wish you would have played the way you were. in football, they stop throwing it and the other team comes back and it's a tie game. is it early for that? it's not quite labor day yet. >> it's not quite labor day and we still haven't gotten to the debates. you can guarantee that these issues are going to come up in the debates and so, you know, she doesn't want to wait until the first time she's addressing the allegations is on the debate stage. that's not a good venue to litigate the controversies. if she doesn't address them before then, that's where we can expect to see her answers come from and those might
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overshadow whatever debate performance she musters later in the show and that's something to consider between now and september 26th when the first debate happens. connell: now, if she were to hold the news conference we're talking about she hasn't held, and one of her aides, huma abedin not the tabloid attention about her marriage, but the e-mails. for example, the using their blackberries going over to russia and on the clinton server. i know you wrote about this in the washington examiner. huma abedin, a long time clinton aide, a liability for her at this point? >> there are a lot of of reasons she might be moving forward. the las last eight months of huma abedin was collecting paychecks from the state department and clinton foundation and conflicts of interest came up again and again, there are ethics laws that are supposed to prevent that kind of thing from
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happening and for whatever reason that didn't happen with huma abedin. that's what hillary clinton has to answer to, because huma abedin is around the problems with clinton donors and the foundation and no clear lines of authority who was handling what and what duties should remain confined to the state department. connell: that's why the run out the clock strategy seems to be in effect. sarah, thanks, appreciate it. the other story we've been talking a lot about, the european anti-trust regulators demanding that ireland take back $14 1/2 billion in taxes from apple. now, they say that apple benefitted from illegal irish tax breaks. the european commission investigating tack arrangements for amazon and mcdonald's. it's not just apple. the treasury department calling eu out for unfirely targeting out u.s. companies overall. us about the impact on taxpayers. listen.
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>> we would prefer if there are legitimate concerns raised about the europeans about the erosion of their tax base that they work effectively with the united states to address those concerns collaboratively as opposed to taking the kind of unilateral approach that could have a totally unfair impact on u.s. taxpayers. connell: we'll talk about it. we have the economist with us and dr barton. the americans companies overall unfairly targeted. that's what some have said. do you buy that? >> well, it looks like it. i can't say for sure, but look at all the companies that are targeted. i think that one thing is sure is u.s. companies have a bigger incentive because of our broken corporate income tax system to park their overseas income abroad and that may lead them to kind of offend the sensitivity of the european commission who actually think
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that low tax burden has got to be punished and taxes can only be high and punitive. connell: i agree that it comes down, dr, that it comes down to incentiv incentives u.s. companies want to be overseas, in low tax like ireland, 12 1/2%. with the regulators going after them, apple and others, make it less likely they do so? is there a fallout, in other words, from all of this? >> well, he think-- i think we've seen the fallout, connell, and the european economy is not as robust and they have not been the incubator for the new tech companies like we've seen here in the u.s., even with our tax strategies as messed up as they are, we have plenty of incentives and things in place that allow the apples, the alphabets, and facebook to get up and running to look like market domnators and then-- >> it's a lot of money parked overseas, right, sll?
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we hear that all the time in the presidential campaign. it's true. so, maybe i'm saying that many so of that comes back because the incentives are changing and regulators are going harder after these companies? >> well, i think one of the fallouts that we're going to have from the european union action is that the global issues that the u.s. is trying to solve about money parked all over the world are going to be hampered and slowed down by this unilateral action that the eu is taking. ireland doesn't even agree with it, and already appealed the action. connell: thank you for bringing that up. that's what i found to be almost the most fascinating part of the story is that the irish government, if this was quote, unquote, a normal story, hey, give us the 14 billion back. but they're not saying that, they're appealing with apple. what do you make of that. >> i make of that the european commission is violating tax sovereignty, however you want to define it. and also, it's apple, let's make it clear, apple doesn't
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violate any rules set by the irish government, they didn't violate any rules set by the u.s. government. connell: right. >> and basically it's the european commission acting like the sopranos and saying, oh, wait, it doesn't matter what contracts you have. we're going to tax you retroactively by the way, when you i heard that clip that you had, i agree that the u.s. is right to condemn the behavior of the european commission, i'm always wary when i have government officials saying, hey, you know, we, government official, needs to kind of make a deal with you, government official. it sounds like the possibility of a tax cartel. connell: well, maybe. thank you to both of you. the discussion, the fact that apple and ireland are on the same page, very interesting. let's go back to the campaign trail as candidates are making their final pushes before early voting gets underway. remember, that happens now in about two weeks.
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we'll start with north carolina on the 9th, as a matter of fact. so let's go back to deirdre bolten who is going to make some magic. >> certainly, connell. we keep talking about november 8th, november 8th. but as you said, millions of votes, especially in swing states are going to be cast before november 8th and you alluded to september. that's when it starts. so we do have on the map. you can see here, all of these states and in total, connell, when september is said and done, it's about two-thirds of our 50 states that do allow for early voting. so, you can see in here some of the dates and clearly where they are in swing state areas. what is interesting, too, connell, at one point in time, you actually had to have an excuse, maybe an illness, some constraints, travel. there are now a lot of states, basically you don't need to offer a reason, you can vote via mail or you can show up in person to a registered office. so, we want to show you as well, we have another slide that just shows you the
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electoral votes that are up for grabs in total for the month of september. so you can see that. it's 93 and again, just breaking down some of the bigger winners, michigan, obviously, and north carolina are the leing on there. so, in general, there are a lot of politicos who say this early voting system does favor the better organized candidate and as far as ground game goes, there are a lot of people who say, now what? this time around that means hillary clinton. connell: that's very, very interesting. deirdre, thank you very much. it makes the trump speech on immigration, you would think, even more important tomorrow night. trish regan will be live tomorrow night on the fox business network covering that speech from 8 p.m. eastern. let's bring in congressman trent franks in now from the state of arizona and that's where the speech, of course, will be taking place. you know, congressman, to deirdre's point there about early voting. we've heard from many trump supporters that it's early now. in other words, it's know the labor day, plenty of time for him to turn things around in
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the polls, but it is kind of getting late in some ways, isn't it, to be fair? because people will be voting in september. >> well, of course it is. you know, when you're talking about electing the most powerful leader in the entire world, i suppose years should be, you know, part of the consideration, yes, certainly it's getting late, but i think that mr. trump's speech is going to be vital because he gets the bottom line right and that's the national security implications of border security. this is not complicated. and certainly, immigration is a complicated issue, but border security is not complicated. everyone knows that people have a right and a responsibility to know and decide who comes into their home and consequently government officials need to know that we, as a nation, have a right and a responsibility to know and decide who comes into our country. for national security purposes and for many other reasons. connell: well. >> the clinton administration, the clinton people don't understand that. they don't see these as illegal
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immigrants, they don't see them as human beings. they see them as unregistered voters and are willing essentially to do what's necessary for them politically, even if it hurts the country in the long run. connell: there's been a lot made, congressman, as you know of the fact that donald trump maybe softening his position on immigration and former governor rick perry was on this program talking about that. watch. >> people who have been here for a long time, been paying taxes, about and part of this society, have proven that they would make good american citizens, let's figure out how to help them become american citizens, but the idea we're going to round them up and send them back home is just nonsense. the difference between donald trump and hillary clinton, is day and night and if you want to fall off the wagon, trying to split a hair, then maybe you weren't that much in the saddle to begin with. connell: i understand everything that governor perry is saying and whether it's splitting hairs or not. there's been back and forth and some changes in donald trump's
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comments on immigration, and particularly when it relates to whether people should be deported and that 11 million number brought up over and over and that will be a lot of the focus tomorrow night. does he need to be clear in your mind, if so, what does he need to say about that issue specifically, deportation? >> well, i think he needs to make it clear what his priorities are and i think actually he's done that very well. and his priority is to stop the hemorrhaging. when you go to the emergency room, you know, they stop the bleeding before they begin to do other things and i really believe that that's so important because we don't have credibility with the american people if we start talking about deportation or what we would do as far as citizenship until we secure the border. connell: so you wouldn't be thrown off if he doesn't come out and say, yes, i am still for deporting these people as i've said, i being donald trump from the beginning of the campaign. if he changes his mind as he indicated he might on that, that's okay with you? >> well, actually i think that if he prioritizes and says we'll deal with that issue when we've secured the border, i
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think that would be perfectly acceptable. i also think when it comes to citizenship, that we should look to a one consistent policy for everyone so that we don't get into this politically driven mechanism like the democrats have done. connell: congressman, while i have you hear, a topic, a comment from the secretary of state, john kerry, suggesting that, quote, perhaps the media would do us all a service if they didn't cover it quite as much, referring to terrorism. people would not know what's going on. so the suggestion from the secretary of state is that we in the media are talking too much about terrorism. what do you say? >> well, first of all, that sounds just about like something john kerry would say and, of course, it makes all the sense in the world to me. the democrats and hillary clinton have to take the country's focus off of national security because people intrinsically know if hillary clinton is elected president of the united states, terrorists
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the world over will be in complete celebration. their celebration will look the one at the dnc look like a slumber party and it will set our children on the pathway to nuclear terrorism. this is a vitally important issue and of course, the democrats have to take the country's focus off of national security if they hope to elect hillary clinton. connell: i guess, i mean, the comment must mean, because just going back to what the president said in the past about this issue, that there's a thinking, there's a line of thinking, i guess i should say, that somehow if you talk about something that's a low probability event like a terrorist attack, that you're talking about it too much, hyping it up too much and the odds of being involved or the victim of a terrorist attack are in that line of thinking still low. what do you say to that argument. >> i would say, connell, simply, before 9/11 we didn't think that much about terrorism, but when came we realized the reality of it. and we've had basic philosophy, the left and that of george w.
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bush. he responded so effectively after 9/11, that we didn't have one terrorist attack in our country and now that barack obama has taken over, we've had terrorist attacks all over the world, including the united states. i think the statistics somewhere around ten times as many people are dying of terrorism today as were under george bush after the 9/11. so this notion that somehow we just quit talking about it and maybe it will go away is why terrorists are lighting fires of torture and death all over the world and it's a disgrace. connell: thank you for coming on. >> thank you. connell: now, the woman we're going to talk about next was vetted at one point to possibly be john mccain's running mate for vice-president. why is the hewlett-packard ceo meg whitman, a long time republican, backing hillary clinton?
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we'll have that in a moment. you pay your car insurance premium like clockwork.
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switch to liberty mutual and you could save up to $509. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. >> okay. let's talk about a tech exec and a very well-known tech exec that's nubbing mr. trump. ceo meg whitman hitting the campaign trail for hillary clinton. now, you remember, if you followed meg whitman politically over the year, she's a big time republican and ran for governor of california and vetted her to be a possible running mate for john mccain. it's kind after big deal. the intel report host trish regan, follows us in the next half hour, good to see you right now. >> good to see you, connell. connell: it's one thing to say i don't support trump, i'm a
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never trump person as some republicans say, but to go out in a high profile way to campaign for his opponent. >> that tells you she really doesn't like donald trump. i think that this election has challenged the normal property lines in many ways. it's not just what you've seen with meg whitman, a fundraiser and republican donor, it's on the other side as well and i think a lot of union folks, blue collar democrats that have lost their jobs to overseas competitors are also looking at this election and saying, i may migrate to the republican side of things. so, in some ways, it's sort of jumbled up a lot of the traditional assumptions. connell: it has and some of that started years ago with ronald reagan and the reagan democrats as they've been known. you're right. you wonder if there's a long-term fallout from that where the parties look completely different. >> i wonder, right? what's it all going to look like. connell: and wall street for hillary in some ways, some of it. >> and meg whitman is actually
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out there in colorado talking how hillary clinton can create jobs. now, you know, if you take the personalities out of this and you just look at the policies that are put in place and you and i are economic reporters, so we look at this kind of stuff, he's got an economic policy that actually is pretty, i would say accretive in terms of job creation because he's talking lower taxes and regulation. and she on the other hand has eight tax brackets. she has not told us what those brackets will be, but she keeps promising that corporations and the wealthy will pay for all of these social programs. connell: which is traditional democrat and republican-- >> i don't know how you as a traditional republican, like meg whitman, look at the two plans and actually think that hillary clinton is going to create more jobs because that's basically abandoning all the economic principles you have stood for for decades. connell: i have one more topic for you and it does kind of lead into this. speaking of traditional republicans, a lot of people think of john mccain when you
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talk about a traditional republican. he's in for-- he's in the middle of a big political fight and the primary out in arizona which could be close. he's hoping for a big victory to get away from the doubt he is because then the general election could be close and people are saying that it's donald trump's fault that john mccain is in this position. what do you make of john mccain? >> i think he'll probably pull it off. he's synonymous with that state and held that position so long. the fact that it's a squeaker though, or even that we're talking about it potentially being one, not a good sign, but i think he'll pull through and you know, look, he's been in a tough spot in i think a lot of the things that donald trump has said along the way, they just don't sit so well with some traditional types and mccain obviously included. let's not forgets, he was the target of some of the early rhetoric. connell: right. >> so it's hard for him to sort of, i imagine, swallow his
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pride and say we need to get behind donald trump. nonetheless, he hasn't been actively campaigning for the likes of hillary clinton. connell: he is likely to win today in the primary, we'll see and we'll watch closely in the yen election and watch trish today at the top of the next hour. >> we'll see you there. connell: this is a trish regan promo. >> thank you. connell: 2 p.m., i'm saying with the royalties, i guess, it p.m. and then tomorrow night trish regan, and lou dobbs with the special coverage of the donald trump immigration speech. lou dobbs tonight at 7 p.m. eastern time followed by intelligence report coverage tomorrow night. and that's special coverage because of the big trump speech taking place out in arizona. sure is. now, home prices, we had numbers on that earlier today as we saw a jump of 5% from the major cities a year ago. we'll talk about how that compares to expectations and we'll talking to the by who knows more about it than just about anybody else, robert schiller, the man behind the case-shiller report is up next.
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>> we have some breaking news and live pictures coming from the home of the singer chris brown out of l.a. the police have apparently been called to his house after an incident was reported that they're investigating. they're investigating a claim that he is said to have pulled a gun on a woman. this has come from the los angeles times and you know, obviously, we and everybody else will keep an eye on this. reports coming in the pictures courtesy of our affiliate kttv. the home of chris brown out of los angeles, probably more to come on it. home prices around the country that we are going to talk about nowment we look at data that just has come in on major u.s. cities. up more than 5% in june, compared to a year ago. this is from the case-shiller index that came out this morning. r rbt-- robert shiller is with us. what's the take away from this information and other questions, i think, interesting
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to talk about about housing in general right now. what's the take away from today's report? >> well, we've been on about a 5% trend for a couple of years. there was a 10% trend we had between 2012 and 2014, the market has cooled. it's still right on this 5% level and maybe, you know, seasonally adjusted though, it's a little-- it's low. maybe it's weakening, but not a whole lot. i'd still say home prices are likely to go up. connell: okay. likely to go up and it's kind of where we've been for a while. and segments of the market before we get into areas of the country which you guys obviously look at very closely. how are things on the high end for homes right now? >> well, you mean, well, we have a top tier index. they haven't released that, as of today. connell: okay. >> i can talk about it in a different sense. connell: yeah, just curious about it, but go ahead. >> some cities, san francisco
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is a top tier city, right? expensive real estate. they've been going through an enormous boom until recently. now they're on the weak side. san diego is a weak city at the moment. connell: yeah, those are always on the high prize, high income areas and highest areas, along with new york, but even out there, it's definitely in san francisco and i think san diego as well, higher than where we are, right, in the new york area. so you're saying that i think so things are kind of sitting there a little bit? >> the cities have gone-- they are volatile cities and they go through booms and then they go through weak periods and busts as well, so that, you know, they've gotten to be expensive cities, but it hasn't been mono dment tonic. and maybe they won't perform well as investments in the next year or so. connell: fair enough. what is the most important thing that people should be watching as a practical sense, people are thinking about
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putting my home on the market or maybe i'll wait until the spring and put it on the market now. is it the federal reserve, where they go with interest rates or what are the most important factors for people to watch right now? >> well, we live in a very funny economy with these near zero interest rates. people are talking about sector stagnation. we don't have much experience with this kind of economy. the last time we had, i hate to say it, was in the great depression and even then-- >> let's be clear here, are you that-- you're not saying or not worried about something like that happening again or-- >> i didn't mean to bring up the word. connell: you come on, last time we had it was the great depression and i feel that i have to say we're not headed into depression, are we? >> it's that fear that's holding the economy back, why gdp growth isn't better. people are not-- i know the confidence numbers came out this morning with a big jump up, but i don't know if that's the final measure.
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i think people are-- that's like capital expenditures are not high. even though interest rates are low, this should be a great opportunity to borrow and invest, but it's not happening. so there's some holdback. in fact, part of the housing boom is due to people wanting to invest in something. connell: right the psychology of it as you always talked about is very important. bob schiller as always, thank you. hopefully there's no depression in our future, but there's a lot of fear. >> i didn't mean-- >> i know, kidding around with you. good to talk to you. >> okay. connell: get ready for ironman to become reality. watch. >> and the diagnosis. >> yeah, tell you what, do a weather and atc check and ground control. >> there are terra bites of information that is needed. >> jarvis, sometimes you have to run before you can walk. connell: next up, facebook could be planning to make an ironman style product and while we're speaking of super heroes
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one week from today, it's cavuto, the great cavuto. here he comes! much more coast to coast in just a moment.
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>> we're back with the business alert. apple facing the european tax flak that we were talking about earlier. also, there's some flak from tech lovers because this iphone event that we talked about yesterday, this plan for next
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wednesday, not a huge overhaul expected. we have tech journalist jeremy kaplan with us. i don't know, there's a debate whether you're revolutionary or evolutionary in the world, but apple needs something bigger than expected to deliver. >> apple faces the challenge because of the bulk of the revenues come from one product. if you change it too much. that could be a challenge. >> you mean take out the head phone jack and have people saying, come on, where did it go? >> i think is a huge mistake. what the talk is, they're going to remove the head phone jack to enable the new class of bluetooth wireless head phones. they're convenient, they're easy, get the wires off there. however, i have some head phones, i don't want to buy new head phones. connell: there you go. you're getting old school on us, get off my lawn guy on this now and i bet a lot of other people are. >> i don't think i'm alone in that. connell: they get used to what they're used to. what else do we expect from the iphone 7.
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something, a better camera? what other things? >> the other thing is the camera system. there's talk about a dual camera system. certainly higher quality, small tweaks. the big talk is next year and it's crazy that we're already talking about next year's iphone. connell: makes people less likely to buy this year. >> exactly. connell: what's the big talk before i move on to next year? >> next year, curved screens like from samsung, from a business perspective especially, who makes curved screens? samsung. so if apple does this, they're most likely going to be buying them from their biggest competitor. connell: that's interesting, very interesting in termof business. >> what's going to happen there. connell: and makes some say i'll wait until next year. it's fine. and facebook, mark zuckerburg, looking to unveil an artifical intelligence assistant that controls your home and we've seen amazon do it with alexa and she does whatever you need her to do or tells you, say,
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alexa, what's the score of the game and other things. and facebook is going to get something called jarvis, is that the name? >> jarvis, a great name by the way, more memorable than alexa. connell: is it the same thing, do you know or think? >> i think it's comparable. we don't have too many details. but it's similar to the current systems with the smart phones. connell: siri. >> i think it's a battle to control everything. we talk about the internet of things in the tech world, which means everything you own is going to be connected to the internet. connell: for example, i go in my house, why do i need jarvis or alexa to be there if i already have siri on my phone? >> you're too lazy for light switches, too lazy. connell: true, that's how we'll end up. >> say to alexa, turn on music. connell: lock the door. >> the fridge. connell: the fridge is setup is available, but everybody will have smart fridges.
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>> we have one in portland at headquarters and push a button you can directly into. it's neat. connell: is that something you need to have. >> if you have kids, you're constantly going, shut the fridge door, don't get in there. connell: and when the fridge is open. and i think it's interesting that facebook is doing it th facebook-- >> a little outstheir purview. connell: they're a social atmosphere and you would expect. jeremy, thanks. coming up in just a moment, we'll switch our attention here a little bit. stopping isis, of course, but how about stopping isis coverage from the media? secretary of state john kerry with a suggestion on that. details after this. the launch window. we have to be very precise. if we're not ready when the planets are perfectly aligned, that's it. we need really tight temperature controls. engineering, aerodynamics- a split second too long could mean scrapping it all and starting over. propulsion, structural analysis- maple bourbon caramel. that's what we're working on right now. from design through production, siemens technology
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helps manufacturers meet critical deadlines. i think this'll be our biggest flavor yet. when you only have one shot, you need a whole lot of ingenuity.
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>> and good afternoon live from the floor of the new york stock exchange, i'm lori rothman with a fox business brief. stocks are lower today, but trading is range-bound and it's important to note that the indexes are still relatively close to historic highs. let's look at big movers today starting with the major airlines. looks like united continental has hired the former number two executive from american airlines to be president, his name is scott kirby. and many of the apparel retailers are having a tough day. blame abercrombie & fitch. and look at gap, down about 4% at the moment. check out shares of hershey, having a tough day, too, after
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it was revealed that it had given up mondelez, owns canbury cream egg, et cetera, and you can kiss that premium goodbye. let's get you back to cavuto, coast to coast.
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♪ there's no one road out there. no one surface... no one speed... no one way of driving on each and every road. but there is one car that can conquer them all. the mercedes-benz c-class. five driving modes let you customize the steering, shift points, and suspension to fit the mood you're in... and the road you're on. the 2016 c-class. lease the c300 for $369 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. >> so the question has now been brought up, would somehow not covering terrorism as reporters, would that lead to stopping terror? it's been brought up because
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secretary of state john kerry said in his speech, i'm quoting, perhaps the media would all do us a service if they didn't cover it quite as much. people wouldn't know what's going on. former nypd sergeant manny gomez is here in the studio. good to see you, sir. >> good to see you. connell: what do you make of that? >> it's absurd. the media has a job, which is to cover. to suggest that they shouldn't cover major events like nice, like what happened here in the u.s. and other places in the world, is ridiculous. that's not going to stop terrorism. that is only going to make them want to take it to a higher level so that they get the coverage that they want and the coverage that they are getting. it's ridiculous because it's basically saying don't cover it so to not show our failure as an administration. connell: it does seem crazy on the surface of things. the only thing i would think, a couple of things, but, one, in your experience here in new york with the new york city policeepartment, rember
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when we used to have after 9/11, especially, all the threats levels would be raised and colors would come out and talk about it particularly in the weeks and months after and then even the years after. what's the effect of that, that type of attention, was it positive in terms of helping you in your investigateses or negative in scaring people? >> it was totally positive because it told new yorkers and people internationally what's going on. the news tells us what's going on. connell: where we get, if you see something, say something. >> absolutely. and we need the media to inform us, to tell us, okay, there's an active shooter situation, what do we do? and we have people like myself, instructing them in the media and they have other government officials coming on board and telling people what they should do in certain circumstances. connell: that's a good point. because i think of that myself sometimes when we have, god forbid, one of the situations occur while we're on the air and we don't know what's happening. often times we'll call someone like you, right, and say, because we don't have, sometimes, anything else to say we'll go into hypotheticals.
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and they say you shouldn't go into hypotheticals, but sometimes people learn from that and well, i was watching such and such and i knew if it happened, this is what you're supposed to do. >> that's exactly right. the media is an essential tool in fighting terrorism and for the secretary of state to turn around and say let's bury our heads in the sand is an awkward way of fighting terrorism. connell: the other argument i brought up earlier, and the reason i brought it up, i think the president has said things like this in the past, you talk about low probability events and statistically terrorist attacks are still, thank goodness, relatively low probability events given how often they occur and how often other things occur, car accidents, down the line, understood, all of that. by talking about it does it make the low probability events more likely, people get inspired, things like that? >> no, it informs people and it indicates people as to what's going on in the world, how they could protect themselves and how they could potentially identify another terrorist and avoid an attack. and it goes back to what you said.
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if you see something, say something. we need the people to act as a force multiplier to help the authorities. this is a tidal wave coming bohn us and we can't just expect the authorities to do it themselves. through the media and the public at large, we're helping for terrorism here and internationally. connell: let's hope. have you seen that work, by the way, specifically inour reer, see something, say something? >> absolutely. there have been numerous attacks thwarted here in new york by someone reporting a neighbor, a co-worker. >> and sometimes kwar. >> may 2010, a peddler that stopped that attack and so, yes, the media is essential and we need people's help to help the authorities prevent terrorism. connell: very good points. >> thank you. connell: good to see you. consumer confidence, we have numbers on that and they show that it's jumped to the highest
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level in a year. with that, is the fed confident enough to maybe start hiking interest rates? we have a former fed official who thinks a strong jobs number this week may embolden the fed. we'll have that official after this. better buckle up. that inactive satellite radio of yours is ready to roll. because the siriusxm free listening event is on right now! just hit the sat button in your car and listen free thru sept 6. that's right, two glorious weeks of commercial-free music, plus talk, sports, comedy, news, and more.
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>> we do have some breaking news coming in to us here. a half dozen u.s. department of agriculture offices across the country were closed today by officials citing safety concerns related to anonymous threats. the offices are closed and they are closed until further notice. six usda offices. consumer confidence jumping as the markets and the federal reserve awaits the big jobs number that's coming on friday morning. our next guest, well, may have a really good idea how the fed may react to a strong jobs number. we're joined now on the
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telephone by the former philadelphia federal reserve president charles plosser. thank you, sir, for coming on. how will the fed react if the numb is strong? >> connell, it's good to be with you. who knows? the problem the fed has, they've been a little fickle, but i think if the jobs number is strong and i anticipate it will be fine, they're going to find themselves in a tough spot if they decide not to react. connell: right. >> and raise rates. connell: people say it's political, they don't want to do it until after the election. >> i don't think-- i think it's less that than they've got themselves painted into a box. they keep saying what they're going to do and how they're data dependent and every time a piece of data comes up, they change their mind and look for some other piece of data that tells them what they want. >> and more rate hikes this year? >> that's probably what they thought the end of last year, and they may find themselves in
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the position with are they have to do that, if the data keeps coming in in a very positive manner. connell: let me ask you about where the economy is then and get a sense of what they should be looking at. i've seen a number of articles written in the last, even two days about wages and how we're finally seeing some wage growth. what do you see on the amount of money people are making? >> well, i think wage growth, personal income growth has been pretty healthy. obviously, people would prefer to see wage growth higher, there's no question about that. and always prefer-- but i think it's been pretty steady and pretty good. so, i think with employment continuing to grow, that you're going to see continued-- some continued wage growth. not as a spectacular rate, but between 2 and 3%. >> 2, 3% and the consumer looks okay, right? >> yeah, the consumer looks great. i mean, all the fears, all the
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fears about the low employment number and brexit and all of those things, that was all a flash in the pan. connell: okay. >> panicked over something that turned out not to be very important. connell: right. >> for the u.s. economy. connell: exactly right. it hasn't been, at least not yet, the big teal that many people thought it would be. so why not raise interest rates? what would be the argument that maybe might hold, you know, you might be able to make on the other side of things if all of those things look at least okay, if not pretty good? >> well, i think the argument for not raising rates is uncertainty. i think the only real statistic, i think, that is too often, they're related, two statistics that are troubling. one has been weak business investment. that's not entirely surprising given we're about to head into an election for which the prediction is to what fiscal policy and how businesses will be treated by either of the two
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candidates, it's a shot of the dice, we don't know that much, but there's good reason to believe there's uncertainty in the business community about investment. connell: okay. so-- >> the other piece of data. connell: i'm sorry, there were two, go ahead. >> i was going to say, the other piece of data is productivity. connell: okay. >> and that's a concern, but monetary policy can't do anything about that. connell: good enough. charles plosser good to talk to you, a good perspective. we'll see how the number comes in friday. thanks for joining us. the countdown is on and the reaction is pouring in. it really is. what you're saying about neil's big return and it's coming your way next. stay tuned.
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we show you breaking news a little while ago, chris brown
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back to life pictures in los angeles, police were called to chris brown's house and have been investigating the claim he pulled a gun on a woman. that information from the los angeles times so we continue to monitor that was chris brown since we last updated the story posted videos online declaring his innocence in this matter. live pictures in los angeles. donald trump making a big so on immigration and you have live coverage at the foxbusiness tomorrow night, lou dobbs at 7:00 pm eastern time as usual leading up to the speech and at 8:00 pm trish reagan's special coverage. you know by now he is returning, we told you yesterday neil will be back september 6th. we will read a few responses, it he writes hope your heart is strong enough to handle charlie gasparino's tantrums. welcome back, missed you in an
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intellectual way. ralph wrightson about not that his replacements didn't do good but cavuto is cavuto. gerri boyle, we love charles and colin but someone needs to keep charlie gasparino in check. it is connell. it is all yours. cheryl: breaking right now, the fbi will release this report on hillary clinton's email server as soon as tomorrow, this news as the most clinton friendly newspaper in the country, the new york times, writes a scathing op-ed against the democratic nominee demanding she cut ties with the clinton foundation. welcome to "the intelligence report". a busy afternoon for the clinton camp. in addition to releasing the fbi report on cnt


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