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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  September 19, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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however, taking risk off the table means looking at companies that can generate more of their returns to dividends and dividend growth. [closing bell rings] liz: great to have you, ernie. 10 billion in assets. markets too close to call ahead of the start of the fed meeting. let's call it down. we had a gain of 131. down about three for the dow. david, melissa. david: we couldn't hold on to the gains, thanks very much, liz. stocks fighting to the end to stay in the green. looks like they couldn't succeed. i'm david asman. melissa: i'm melissa francis. this is "after the bell." we have you covered on the big market movers but first here is what else we have for you coming up this hour. the nation on edge. the hunt for answers as the authorities look for motives behind the attacks across the country. a shootout with police end with one suspect wounded and in police custody. he is believed to be directly linked to the bombing devices in new york and new jersey. this is according to the fbi.
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plus isis is claiming responsibility for the stabbing spree at a mall in minnesota. the father of the attacker said, he had quote, no suspicions that his son was connected to terrorism. the threats are rocking the campaign trail. donald trump is about to speak to supporters in florida. why he is warning voters this is only going to get worse from here. david: it will be exciting. we'll take that when it happens get back to the markets. the dow wavering today, shrugging off terror concerns as they await a decision on a possible rate hike from the federal reserve. most people think it won't happen this week. phil flynn, price futures and fox business contributor watching action in oil and gold from the cme in chicago. lori rothman on the floor of the new york stock exchange. lori, start with you. go ahead. reporter: all right, you mentioned it, david, a choppy trading session to kick off the new week of the fed of course begins the two-day meeting tomorrow. the decision on rates comes
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wednesday. what could be influential for u.s. markets but also global markets, a decision from the bank of japan which means we'll hear about, as you know, rates are already in negative territory. so any kind of additional policy comes out of boj, as we know japan is significant buyer of u.s. treasurys could really rock our markets here in the u.s. having said that we want to look at companies that play a significant role in the war on isis, especially in the aftermath of tragic bombings here in new york over the weekend. digital globe, shares up 3.25%. digital i imaginary company. aeroenvironment company, they make small drones. look at company called ever bridge. talk about timing is everything. this is public safety communications company responsible for that, for that mass notification software in emergency situations. well just debuted last friday at
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12 bucks a share. already closing at 16.50 with a huge gain, 8 plus percentage gain. alibaba shares today did hit another 52-week high. it was the third day in a row for intraday 52-week high. but as you can see shares of alibaba did fade closing down 1 1/2% when all was said and done. back to you. melissa: lori, thank you so much. phil, oil losing its earlier momentum. what is driving that trade? >> well a lot of things. mainly libya today. libya was the big story. last week we went home thinking libyan exports would return to the market. a lot of fighting breaking out at libyan oil ports. the oil tanker was not able to get the tanker out of the country. that fighting expanded shutting down the ports. there was a report that later today the oil tanker tried to go back into the port to refill the tanker to get oil out of the country. we don't know how successful that was.
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on that report we saw the prices go back down. we had reports of this opec-non-opec accord. they think they will get a deal done. gold little bit of a rebound after three week low in hopes that the fed won't raise rates. melissa: thank you to that, phil. david. david: stocks were up triple digits before ending the day in the red. we have kaltbaum capital management president, fox news contributor be geir kaltbaum. and recon partners kevin kelly. gary, nothing highlights how ridiculous fed concerns are in the marketplace. we had a terrorist attack near where the new york city is and market moved on that and not what the fed may or may not do on wednesday. >> yeah, unfortunately, not just our fed but every central bank
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around the globe. they send in trillions of dollars into the system. of course our fed which has been teasing rate hikes for 22 months has only raised once and market dropped 10%. so i think they're quite scared. i suspect and i'm on the part they're not going to do anything on wednesday, blah, blah, see you next month. david: everybody is scared. bottom line what we should focus our attention on is terrorism not what the fed will do, kevin. >> right. david: it is true the markets are afraid of the fed and the fed is afraid of the markets. you can't go on much longer like this, can you? >> no you can't. one reason investors are concerned about this and a rate hike, earnings are worth so much more than debt right now. if debt increases rates go up, then earnings are worth less. that's why you see volatility happen between both. that's why you didn't see much action today. no one wants to put new capital to work. it is all about guidance. that is what spooked the
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markets. david: it is all about artificial sweeteners, gary, coming from central banks around the world. whenever you have monetary policy trying to replace hard fiscal choices trying to stimulate the economy you end up in trouble, doesn't you? >> yes, sir. there is a direct correlation going back to qe1 and markets going up and printing stopping and markets going down. leave no doubt, when we stop, europe and japan started and markets started going again. no doubt my mind markets are addicted to central bank intervention. they can never ever, roll it back and i'm worried that markets will roll it back for themselves because the valueses are at the upper end of the historical range. hopefully cross my fingers, i don't know what the heck i'm doing, i'm pretty sure when all said and done problems ahead. melissa: uber slammed with accusations of price-gouging, following the explosion of new york city. riders claim the hikes were twice as high as normal.
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uber tweeted an hour after the explosion turned off surge pricing. attempting to refund certain fares. gary i was out long after the explosion. i can try uber the surge was for sure still on. can they can not control the algorithm? this is really bad pr for them? >> uber one of the fastest growing companies in history, if they want to be the one of the fastest dropping companies in history, start trying to screw your clientele with surge pricing when bombs are going off. they got to be crazy and insane. look at the bad press they're getting. hopefully they get it right going forward. utter stupidity on the part of their company. melissa: kevin, they put out a tweet, surge pricing is turned off in chelsea ex-most sure area. allow drivers to navigate. that for sure wasn't true. around the block they turned off surge pricing and everyone else was getting this? that is not good for them. >> hard to tell. in 2014 they reached an accord
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with the new york attorney general over emergency situations like this and putting a cap on surging. they're still allowed to surge but not allowed to gouge. that has been in place since 2014 but other services are like there, lyft, other car drive applications. drivers won't come to the areas because they know they can't move around. so there is limited capacity. it will go up regardlet or not or you will not have transportation at all. melissa: i turned it off and went and got a taxi, there you go. david. david: wells fargo ceo is going inside the beltway. john stumpf testifying before congress. lawmakers expect to grill the ceo over allegations that 5000 employees opened two million phony accounts without customers not knowing anything about it. kevin, as reprehensible this idea is for a bank to start something on my name which i didn't authorize, politicians are looking for a scapegoat. they're happy with the scalp that they have on their belt and move on. is that what is going on here?
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>> this plays into senator warren as well as a lot of other politicians hands when they say banks are evil and need to come under more scrutiny. we have seen regulatory reforms with 22,000 pages. david: it is not working. doubling or tripling the amount of regulations and banks still do hanky-panky. >> that is it. here's the problem with wells fargo. they received a market multiple higher than their peers because they were considered boy scouts and above the fray for the past banking behavior. david: gary, something of our tax system has been highlighted, john stumpf, the guy that will testify before congress, the ceo, in three years he got $155 million in called tax deductible bonuses. wells fargo was able to deduct 54 million from that 155 million. what a game the tax system is, it is nuts isn't it? >> i am certainly in the wrong business if this is the case.
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unfortunately, fortunately or unfortunately all these companies pay a lot of money to their accountants to go through the 75,000 pages of tax code to get the end around to save money on both sides. david: yeah. >> screw the public. david: lower rates and get rid of the deductibles, isn't that the key? >> make it less complex. at that is what you need to do. david: steve forbes's flat tax. guys, thank you very much. melissa? melissa: we have breaking news. we're awaiting donald trump at a rally in florida. the gop nominee is expected to address supporters any moment now. we are going to bring you trump's comment live just as soon as they happen. david: funny to see newt warming up the audience. meanwhile the suspect behind the bombings. what sources are telling fox about the man caught in a shootout with police earlier today. melissa: meanwhile the stabbing rampage in a minnesota mall is raising new concerns about refugees in america. coming up former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. john bolton will sound off.
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david: we're 50 days from the election. how the attacks across the country are resetting the race for the white house. >> we must remain vigilant. this is a fast-moving situation. and a sobering reminder that we need steady leadership in a dangerous world. it's scary when the lights go out.
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melissa: breaking news right now. we're awaiting donald trump in florida. newt gingrich is currently addressing the crowd. we'll bring you trump's comments life as soon as they happen. david. david: no doubt he will talk about last weekend's events. americans on high alert. new york bombing suspect is in custody following shootout with police in new jersey. fox business's adam shapiro is in new york city with the very latest details.
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adam? >> yes, this is the crime scene on west 23rd street where the pressure cooker bomb exploded on saturday evening. it is a device they found on west 27th street after the explosion here which there were fingerprints which sources told fox news helped police lead them to the man now in custody, 20-year-old ahmad khan rahami, who you see in this video from the shootout this morning in linden, new jersey, shootout with police which he was apprehended and taken into custody. he is at a hospital in newark, new jersey, and still in custody. here is what new york city mayor bill de blasio had to say about potential other suspects in this investigation. >> based on information we have now, we have every reason to believe this is act of terror. >> we will continue to conduct investigative activity to insure we completely understand rahami's social network.
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reporter: now one thing that has been clarified is the five men who were taken intofriday nighte been released. fox news confirms those five men have been released and no longer persons of interest in this investigation. the question becomes did anyone assist mr. rahami? that will continue as the investigation on west 23rd street begins to wrap up. the police and fbi were searching trees and rooftops of buildings looking for evidence. they tell us this street could open as early as tomorrow. david? david: adam shapiro in new york city. adam, thank you very much. melissa? melissa: let's bring in our panel. thomas joscelyn, defense of democracies and we have a manny gomez, former nypd officer and sergeant. shouldn't we know about the guys beforehand? his friends say he went to
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afghanistan, returned a different man, having been radicalized. fingerprints on the bomb. he fell asleep into a bar overnight. he obviously wasn't going to great lengths to conceal himself. should we have picked him up before this? >> in order to pick him up the public needs to say something. melissa: how they found him in the end with the devices. these are other things. >> you're absolutely right, melissa, the minute he came back from afghanistan and radicalized somebody should have said something to the authorities to put him on their radar. he was never on the radar. then we got the attack. this happens all over the place. boston bombers. went overseas, stay there six months. come back. get radicalized and training and resources. melissa: we have heard reporting so far from catherine herridge saving he was not an unknown person to authorities. so they did have some alert of him somewhere along the way. tom, let me ask you, when you have isis putting out propaganda
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like this, this is from one of their magazines saying isis stated disbelievers should be slain wherever they may be. this enclouds a businessman riding to work in taxicab, young adults engaged in the sports activities in the park, the old man waiting in line to buy a sandwich and striking terror into the heart of all disbelieversers is a muslim's duty. when they're sending out that kind of dog whistle again and again, how do you fight back that. >> we have to be careful. we don't know rahami had isis name and there is al qaeda -- melissa: he was inspired by somebody overseas without question. >> absolutely. we think he was jihadi but haven't got all the details exactly what he was acting out before. i'm not denying he was jihadi. just whether he was isis al qaeda. isis lowered the bar what is considered a successful attack in the jihadi universe. the idea you can go out and kill anybody, stab them, drive your
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car into them, taking individual attackers put theme in overdrive, if they're non-believers, go out kill them in a crude man i that is a win for us. they have been very successful marketing that message here in europe and the midwest. melissa: manny, listen to what he just said. how can you have gotten to a point where you get regular people to go out and murder other people? >> when you have an administration that basically is the turning a blind eye to what is going on, to this mass radicalization of these islamists fundamentalist, you have a situation where it is not accepted but -- melissa: blind eye is what is doing it? the fact they're turning a blind eye? >> nobody is actually calling it what it is. they are admitting 50 people a day are recruited by isis internationally. out of those 50, percentage of them go out and go to iraq and
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syria to fight with isis. another percentage do what, what -- melissa: doing here at home. i want to tell our viewers. you see donald trump on the screen of the as soon as he starts talking we'll listen in. shall we go to this now? guys want to give me some instructions? all right. this is it. he is obviously holding a rally in florida following the attacks across new york. let's listen in. [cheering] >> usa! usa! [cheering] >> oh, boy, what a crowd. and otsideave man me oplehathanhis outde. it iredie. [cheering] incredible. really incredible. thank you very much. it is great to be back in florida, my second home as you know.
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[cheering] we love florida. this was a great victory for us in the primaries. this is what's going to take us over the top in the general election, november 8th. [cheering] and we're going to make our country great again. we're going to do some, some job, thank you. as you know we're doing very well in the polls. and we're leading in many, many states, including the great state of florida. [cheering] and we do expect to win florida. i really expect it. it is going to happen. we're going to win florida. we're going to win back the white house. and we are going to be so happy with winning again, right, for our country. [cheering] our country is going to win again. but today we have some very,
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very serious matters to discuss. let me begin by thanking our incredible law enforcement officers who don't get the credit they deserve. [cheering] but when i'm president, they will get the credit they deserve what a fantastic job they do. what a fantastic job they do. incredible. there have been islamic terrorists attacks in minnesota and new york city and in new jersey. these attacks and many others were made possible because of our extremely open immigration system which fails to properly vet and screen the individuals or families coming into our country.
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got to be careful. [booing] attack, after attack, from 9/11 to san bernanadino, we have seen how failures to screen who is entering the united states, puts all of our citizens, everyone in this room at danger. let me state very, very clearly. immigration security is national security. [applause] my opponent has the most open borders policy of anyone ever to seek the presidency. [booing] as secretary of state she allowed thousands of criminal aliens to be released into our communities because their home
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countries wouldn't take them back. they didn't want them. they didn't want them. they were too bad. they said keep them, united states. we don't want them. and she did nothing about it. now she wants a 550% increase in syrian refugees above the high numbers we already have. [booing] all together her plan would bring in 620,000 refugees in her first term with no effective way to screen them or vet them. law enforcement said there is no way. [booing] her plan would cost $400 billion in terms of lifetime welfare benefit and entitlement costs. you can't have vetting if you don't look at ideology, and
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hillary clinton refuses to consider an applicant's world view, and thus their likelihood of being recruited into the terror cause at some later date, which is going to happen in many many cases. this isn't just a matter of terrorist, terrorism, this is also really a question of quality of life. we want to make sure we are only admitting people into our country who love our country. we want them to love our country. [cheering] we want them to love our people. we support immigration that strengthens and uplifts our nation. people who come here. they support our values and want to uphold our constitutions. my highest duty as president is
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to protect our citizens and to uphold the constitution of the united states. i will honor that duty to the fullest extent every single day and i will never waiver and i will tell you, that i consider a sacred obligation. sacred. [cheering] it is just a plain fact that our current immigration system makes no real attempt to determine the views of the people entering, since 9/11, hundreds of immigrants and their children from high-risk regions have is been implicated in terrorism and terrorist-related activity in the united states. hundreds and hundreds. the senate subcommittee on
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immigration chaired by senator jeff sessions who is truly a great man and has released information in great detail and i encourage you all to look up. we learned another 850 dangerous immigrants from dangerous countries slipped into our country and granted full citizenship despite pending deportation orders. [booing] these are people that were supposed to be deported, and they were given full citizenship. they made a mistake. this is totally unacceptable. all together there are nearly one million individuals in the united states with deportation orders who have not yet been removed. in the 20th century the
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united states defeated fascism, naziism, and communism. now we must defeat radical islamic terrorism. [cheering] yet the president of the united states, or my opponent and both, won't even say the words radical islamic terror. in fact hillary clinton talks tougher about my supporters than she does about islamic terrorists, right? [booing] she calls patriotic americans who support our campaign, many of them cops and soldiers deplorable and irredeemable. she means it.
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millions and millions of people. has she ever talked that way about radical islam? no. or about those who oppose and murder women and gays overseas? >> no. >> has hillary clinton ever called people who support these practices deplorable and irredeemable? no. in many countries overseas non-believers face the death penalty. where is hillary's condemnation there? there is no condemnation. let's ask hillary clinton, how many people who subscribe to radical islamic views and support the oppression of non-believers would you call deplorable or irredeemable, or are those words reserved only for hard-working americans that truly love our country and want to make a statement? [shouting] to hear the words hillary
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clinton uses one could be forgiven for getting the impression she thinks these hard-working americans are somehow a greater threat to our country than islamic extremists. this summer, there has been an isis attack launched outside of the war zones of the middle east every 84 hours. here in america we've seen one brutal attack after another. 13, i mean have you ever seen anything like what is going on with our country? we don't do anything. 13 were murdered, and 38 were wounded in the assault on fort hood. the boston marathon bombing, wounded and maimed 264 people, and ultimately left five dead including two police officers, and so badly wounded. in chattanooga, tennessee, five unarmed marines were shot and
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killed at a military recruiting center. last december, 14 innocent americans were gunned down at a party. think of it. an office party, in san bernanadino and another 22 were horribly injured. in june 49 americans were executed at the pulse nightclub in orlando and another 53 were injured terribly. it was the worst mass shooting in our history and the worst attack on the lgbtq community in our history. in europe we have seen the same carnage and bloodshed inflicted upon our closest allies. in january 2015, a french satirical newspaper, "charlie hebdo," was attacked for publishing cartoons of the prophet mohamed. 12 were killed, including two police officers and 11 were
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wounded. two days later, four were murdered in a jewish deli. in november 2015, terrorists went on shooting and just went on a rampage and this you heard and you will never hear the end of it. one of the worst things that anybody has ever seen -- david: donald trump speaking in florida at a rally, putting the terrorist events of over the weekend into a political context. we heard hillary clinton do much the same thing this morning from teterboro airport, i guess it was westchester airport but donald trump very clearly putting the finger on this administration for lax immigration policy, particularly with immigrants coming from the middle east whose backgrounds have not been checked adequately. this comes on a day the terrorist attacks, on a day when we find out that the inspector general from the homeland security department found that over 800 immigrants from the middle east had very serious flaws in their background checks
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which makes one suspicious of the background checks now being done on those immigrants coming from syria. so that's donald trump's response. we'll be talking more about this in the coming half hour. melissa. melissa: altering the race for the white house, donald trump and hillary clinton trading jabs on the campaign trail. why the recent attack may have a significant impact on the election. these goofy glasses. yeah. well, we gotta hand it to fedex. they've helped make our e-commerce so easy, and now we're getting all kinds of new customers. i know. can you believe we're getting orders from canada, ireland... this one's going to new zealand. new zealand? psst.
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melissa: donald trump responding to the attacks across america in florida right now. our own blake burman is in d.c. with the latest on the campaign trail. blake? >> hillary clinton and donald trump jumped in with their takes in response to what happened in new york, new jersey, minnesota, over the weekend. both thanked first-responders and law enforcement community to their response to the bombings in new york and new jersey. then after that they turned story on each other. started with clinton this morning. before departing for her first campaign event today she made a statement and took handful of questions from the supporters. she was asked if isis or sympathizers trying to influence the presidential race. clinton said that she would not talk about that, but that trump is being used as recruiting tool from terrorist. >> we heard that from former cia director michael hayden, who made it a very clear point when he said donald trump is being used as a recruiting sergeant
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for the terrorists. reporter: that was clinton this morning. now we have trump up this afternoon and we have started to hear his response. he actually posted a message on social media reacting to that clinton statement saying that the terrorists are hoping an praying she becomes next president of the united states. he said the attacks are possible because of extremely open immigration system that we had. we continued to pound the immigration issue. trump also saying, clinton, if elected would be the most open border policy than anyone whoever has sought the oval office. first debate a week from today in new york. this issue will continue from now until then. melissa: absolutely, blake, thank you for that report. david: let's bring in our panel. fred barnes, "weekly standard" edit. fox news contributor. christie setter is, new heights communications president. fred, who comes across tougher on terrorism, trump or hillary
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clinton? >> clearly this is trump issue. it helps him more than it helps her. some extent almost 100% stuck with the obama policy which obviously is not working. and here we have over the weekend we have these attacks and obama, what does p.m. say today? he said well americans shouldn't succumb to fear. it is not their fault. they have reasons to be fearful. and look, so i would say advantage trump on the -- david: you say advantage trump. christie, we had a "fox news poll" out last week and it is virtually a dead-heat when you ask people who would be toughest on terrorism. hillary is ahead by one point. that is statistical error. basically a dead-heat. why do you think? >> because i think they have very different strategies when it comes to the issue of terrorism. look, trump preys on people's fears. he said as fred just did, you
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have reason to be fearful. this is -- david: don't you think we have reason to be fearful. >> you have to be afraid of muslims. therefore we'll ban on muslims coming into the states. he will pit people against one another. clinton has very difficult strategy. she hayes i've been secretary of state. i've been all around the world. david: talk about that. she does have a history. christie is absolutely right. she has a history. something called smart power, exercising smart power. she backed, for example the muslim brotherhood in egypt and did that in other countries during the arab spring. that turned out terribly. she blamed the islamist attack in benghazi on a video. that attacked islam. that clearly wasn't true. can't this history be a problem for her going forward? >> it can be but, and i think already is. i think her biggest problem is, that she doesn't, she doesn't sound tough enough. she was not all that tough on terrorists today. she was tough on trump.
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she needs to be tough on terrorists. i think she needs at some point, she will find in this campaign she will have to split with president obama and say look, one of our problems, our biggest problem here are radical islamic extremists. david: okay. >> this is our problem. david: guys, i'm sorry. i have to wrap it up because of our breaking news. we have just run out of time. fred, christie, thank you very much. >> great to be here. melissa: shocking stabbing in minnesota. one man is being called a true hero. but what did he have to go through to insure the safety of others? whether it's connecting one of the world's most innovative campuses. or bringing wifi to 65,000 fans. businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink.
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investigation. what is the latest, mike? reporter: the latest, he referenced allah during the courts of attacks, the attacker himself. he asked one of the victims if he was a muslim before stabbing him? there is plenty to indicate the attacker was at least inspired by violent radical islam. but investigators say they don't have enough to make that connection. >> we are currently investigating this as a potential act of terrorism. i do say potential. there is a lot we don't know. we do not at this point in time know whether the subject was in contact with, had connections with, was inspired by a foreign terrorist organization. reporter: now the family of 22-year-old today here adan said he was the attack here. killed by off-duty police officer during the attacks. he was born a refugee in kenya. came to the u.s. about 15 years ago. appeared to be thriving.
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honor student in high school. attend ad local state college. no indications he was becoming violent or was radicalizing. his only contacts with police were a few traffic stops. hence the absence of a mug shot. now you have the somali community out hire, about 10,000 strong in the town of st. cloud, fearful of reprisals against them. melissa. melissa: no doubt. mike tobin, thank you for that report. david. david: one suspect linked to the attacks in new york and new jersey. there are distinct differences between the kinds of explosives. we have new details you haven't heard coming up. you pay your car insurance premium like clockwork.
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melissa: from seaside park to chelsea, new york, and elizabeth, new jersey, it has been a frightening few days. we're getting new details that the bombs at these various
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locations appear to be different. here is sergeant joey jones, a retired marine, a bomb technician. you know so much about these improvised devices. tell me what jumps out at you about all three of them, the three designs? >> well, sure. we don't quite have enough information to really know what set these bombs off. when it comes to these ieds or any type of explosive device rigged together to be an ied, there are two types of knowledge you're hughes using. you're using chemistrytry to create the explosion and. we hear pipe bomb and pressure cooker that is literally just the housing used to put explosive in to create fr ag. that doesn't speak to the type of bomb it was. we need to find out what the initiator was, how it set the bomb off and learn details and characteristics what it is and hopefully to combat against these. melissa: joey, you take into
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account, they seem to go off at random times and not go off at all. the fact that there were fingerprints all over a lot of which may mean he didn't mind being caught but it, all those things could speak to sort of the not sophisticated nature of the way that they were put together. what's your opinion on that? >> sure. well, when the bomb goes off it is going to come down how it was designed. was it victim-operated. something that a passer-by does sets it off, steps on a switch or enacts an ir, infrared sensor, or was it command, through a hard-wire, he hit a button like with wiley coyote or more sophisticated, more common, these days, was it radio controlled? are you sending cell phone signal or remote? that will help us understand the sophistication of it. was he trying to set it off at certain time or put it in place to allow the elements to set it off. talking about like the fingerprints, when we're in
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overseas in afghanistan or iraq, generally speaking one person make as bomb. and then other people put it in place. that way you're knowledgeable bomb-maker stays safer than those out putting it in place. once you set it is armed. so we need to know was this person acting alone? did he make them in his garage and go put them in place? did he set a timer. or was he trying to dial up a cell phone and make them go off? it seems at least one of them did not function as he designed which is good for us. melissa: yeah. i know his sill phone was attached to at least one of them -- cell phone. is it easy, i guess h it to make these devices? if you have someone here who gets radicalized and looking online. >> sure. melissa: can you just follow the directions? >> no. you can't. you have to have some type of chemistry experience because it is not just mix component a with component b and it will go boom. there is a chemical process. making explosive or acquiring it if you're using more conventional explosive, that's
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one part that is not easy to do. and takes some experience. and then on the electronic circuit, what actually sets that bomb off is they're using cell phones. that is a fairly complicated mechanism and it takes some experience to know the frequencies and things like that. melissa: joey jones. thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate your insight as always. i hope you come back. thank you. >> absolutely. take care. david: heightened fear over our immigration system. the minnesota attack raising concerns about refugee resettlement as a new report showing hundreds of immigrants were mistakenly given u.s. citizenship. melissa: amazing. david: ambassador john bolton sounding off on this coming next. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. i know more about isis then the generals do.
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>> there is saying in washington, good enough for government work. and that is pretty much what this is. not just that they made a mistake 850 people citizenship. these people should have been deported. like they pressed the on button
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instead of off button. david: minnesota attackser, he was from sew mule yaw. a lot of people in minnesota from somalia we discover go back out on the battlefield. could that be a vetting process with somalians is no good? >> it is partially that. we know from our experience with isis that the terrorists have gotten very sew cities to engage in terrorism at at distance over the internet. something we have not defended against adequately. we given a law international terrorism on the one hand and domestic terrorism on the one hand. i think it is a distinctin without a difference. david: there is distinction whether they're lone wolves or working with a group. rahami is being described as a lone wolf which is seen not so bad because it is not conspiracy. here is what andy mccarthy said about the whole thing.
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there is not lone wolves. they are part after huge pack of fundamentalist islamic movements some percentage are always taking up arms to kill for the cause. what do you think of that? >> that is right. terrorist threat doesn't can comfort to corporate or government organization chart. it is much different than that i think the whole notion there are lone wolves who sort of like spontaneous combustion, one day they're normal people, the next day they're a terrorist that sun realistic. they're communicating over internet. they're talking to members of the community. sometimes they're being radicalized by mullahs. this is something that is much more complex. i think the notion of lone wolf is designed to minimize the terrorist threat. i think american people are tired of hearing that. david: we got 10 seconds. is hillary clinton going to change our her attitude towards terrorism and immigration because of this? >> no, absolutely not. she will continue the obama administration's policies if elected. if you want change it will not come from hillary clinton. david: ambassador john bolton.
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thank you very much. appreciate it. mill lissa, what a day? melissa: absolutely. a lot of news. a lot to watch coming in tomorrow for sure. david: that does it for us. "risk & reward" starts right now. >> there have been islamic terrorists attacks in minnesota and new york city and in new jersey. these attacks and many others were made possible because of our extremely open immigration system from 9/11, to san bernanadino. we have seen how failures to screen who is entering the united states puts all of our citizens, everyone in this room, at danger. my opponent has the most open borders policy of anyone ever to seek the presidency. liz: donald trump saying immigration security is national security in florida just moments ago. as suspected


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