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tv   Stossel  FOX Business  September 24, 2016 1:00am-2:01am EDT

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jaw * we have heard so much from these two candidates you think they are the on options. but there are other options, gary johnson and jill stein. >> do you recognize this lady? >> elizabeth warren? john: no, she is a presidential candidate. tonight we give dr. jill stein a full hour to answer your questions. the green party town hall. that's our show.
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[applause] john: this november people say voters must choose between donald trump and hillary clinton. but that's not true. there are other candidates running. this show hosted a town hall with libertarian candidate gary johnson. but there is another third-party candidate on the ballot in 3480s. that's jill stein representing the green party. i'm a libertarian and jill and i disagree about a lot. i want government out of most our lives and she wants government to do more. but lots of people agree with her. most of the media want government to do more, but most tv networks still won't give jill stein much air time. so tonight this is a town hall with your questions for jill stein.
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how many of you are likely to vote for jill? [applause] we have a pretty biased audience. i'll ask the first question, though. hillary clinton is already running. and aside from not lying and deleting emails, what's the difference. why vote for you? >> well, hillary may talk the talk. but if you look at the walk, it's not been good. not to mention the horrific catastrophic wars. not only voting for walk, but for leading the charge into libya. i'll not sleep well if donald trump gets elected. but i don't sleep well if hillary clinton gets elected. we live in a democracy and we have other choices. john: let's take questions abou. we took our cam rats outside the
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studio. someone wants to ask you this. >> how would you create jobs? >> it's not rocket science. our economy is in a bit of a tailspin right now. they say we are in a recould are you. john: how would you create jobs? >> i would do like we did before. in the great depression we created a new deal, but we would call for a green new deal. all your favorite things rolled into one package. we need jobs now on an emergency basis. so we would create an emergency jobs program focusing on green jobs. john: government-funded green jobs. >> not just government funded. we would seek to create those jobs through small businesses, through non-profits with government employer of last resort. but we need to get the job done. it's not just an economic
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emergency, we also have a climate emergency with the fires and the floods and the sea level rise that's not that far away. so we can solve two emergencies at once and move to 100% clean renewable energy by 030. in time to solve the climate crisis. it pays for itself in health savings alone. i know it sound staggering. john: rather unbelievable. we'll get to the greenish yous later. i asked on social media. david asks, are you concerned with the national debt? it's $19 trillion. >> yes, how, when you are in debt and the economy is stalled, the worst thing you can do is impose austerity and the best thing you can do --
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john: are we imposing austerity? >> we have been. austerity is cutting back on the programs. john: the spending just keeps going on. >> we may have, that's like military and healthcare. these are boondoggles for corporations pushing the spending up. but for house, healthcare,' spending is actually crashed. those programs have been suffered to death. john: they are spending more money, how are they starved. >> they are spending more money on other things. they are spending more money on the war. john: on social programs too. >> healthcare has gone through the roof because obamacare has been a boondoggle for insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies. companies. [applause] >> i was wondering if you have
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any specific criteria for nationalizing an industry. john: meaning government takes its over. >> that's not in our plans at the moment. but if the banks were being bailed out. we would be breaking up the big bangs and creating public banks that serve the public instead of getting rich at the taxpayer's expense. john: on facebook, the question is how do you define social jeus justice. >> it's like saying explain what justice is, if you don't know what justice is, i'm sorry for you. justice is, you know about the golden rule? have you heard about the golden rule in this idea of of do unto others. this concept that we live together in a society, we are
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kind of on one boat. we are sort of on one boat more and more. it gets to be a smaller boat all the time because of how we are interconnected through our environment, economy, climate, through the wars blowing back at us all over the place. the idea of justice is do unto others as you would have them do unto you. that's my sense of justice, and i think the american people understand that. >> could you please tell me your position on balancing the budget? >> okay. we want to aim toward balancing the budget. how, let me say that in an economic crisis like what we are in now, cutting back on social programs and on jobs is actually the thing you can do for economic recovery. consider like after the second world war when we had a big budget deficit. that's what the green new deal
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is about. creating the stimulus package of our dreams. john: balance the budget by spending more. >> strangely enough this is how we growth budget and grow our revenues. there are things we do need to cut. we need to cut our bloated and dangerous military budget. john: on facebook were the green party platform calls for the breaking up of any firm with more than a 10% market share. why? >> this is not a healthy thing when the economy is controlled by a few. like our media has been incredibly consolidated. as that has happened we lost a diversity of our discussion. or health insurance has become consolidated. we need the use our anti-trust laws to insure we have a drersity in our economy.
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john: amazon, gatorade. i like amazon and gatorade. >> let me put that -- >> day for aid has something like 70% of the market. >> i'm not too concerned about the gatorade market, but i'm very concerned about the health insurance market. >> you said break up all companies that have more than 10%. >> that might be kind of a holdover on the website. there are a few things we need to clean up that are not part of our agenda we are working on. john: here is a question about education. >> as president what would be your plan to help america's public education system? >> we need to fund our public schools like they count. and we need to recognize that the biggest obstacle to educating student is actually a
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thing called poverty. so simply imposing high stakes testing on schoosystems that are impoverished to start with and don't have adequate resources is not going to educate our kids. especially in the most challenged community. number one, we need small class room size, we need well-paid teachers who actually have respect and dignity in the classroom who have unions to support their work in the school system. john: they have that now. $12,000 per student. $300,000 per classroom. >> there are some schools in which you have 50 kids in the classroom and they don't have textbooks. look at detroit where they don't even have heat. john: 50 kids in a classroom? >> they do. i was just there, i can tell you. we need to insure we are
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actually teaching to the whole student for lifetime learning, not just to a high stakes test used as an excuse to privatize and charterrize our public schools. [applause] john: on facebook the post you say you want to eliminate student loan debt. are you going to force colleges and universities to refund the exorbitant tuition they charged? >> if we finds it in our hearts to bail out the crooks on wall street we can bail out the young people who are the victims of that crashed economy. john: the questioner also asks, are you going to make the colleges refund the exorbitant tuition? >> no. these loans have been taken out from actually the government is sort of the provider of last resort on these loans.
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these are predatory loonts that few people can pay back. why should a younger generation go into debt, lifelong debt, because very few people ever get out of student loan debt. would you throw your kids into the ocean without teaching them to swim? john: no. on that note. coming up. more questions for green party candidate jill stein. about war, immigration, and also why there is an arrest warrant out for her.
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john: we are back with our green party town hall. dr. jill stein will take your questions on personal freedoms and social issues, immigration, for example. >> ways your stance on immigration, would you build a wall as well? >> what will you do to help open up our borders and make the freedom of flow a little easier. john: open borders? build a wall?
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>> we need to demilitarize our borders. john: take await border guard? >> take away their guns. and i don't think we need a wall. >> john: some people want to kill us. >> do we have guns on the canadian border? john: yeah, some. >> not many. if people think we have an immigration crisis which in fact we do, the most important thing is for us to stop causing that crisis in the first place. nafta cause that crisis by putting millions of farmers south of the border out of work. the war on drugs killed 100,000 people in mexico alone in the last 6 or 7 years. we need to end the war and drugs. what we need to do is stop invading and destabilizing other countries. john: on facebook, the post,
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ways your stance on late-term abortion? >> i think abortion -- put it this way. i never had one. but i do believe in individual choice. this is not where government needs to get into your living room or bedroom and make these decisions for you. john: even late term? you are a doctor. most states have some restrictions. >> i think women and their healthcare provide sellers are capable of making these decisions. john: even at 8 months. >> i think women can make these decisions. the most important thing is for to us have full reproductive healthcare which includes family planning. john: audience, do you have questions? >> i'm a psychotherapist and i'm wondering how you would go about improving the mental health
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services of this country. >> this is why we need improved medicare for also we are covered head to toe, cradle to grave, physical health, reproductive health, your hearing aid it's all covered for the same amount of money we are paying right now we could be fully covered. john: it's the -- it sounds like magic. >> it many the magic of getting corporations from out of writing our healthcare policy. >> my question has to do with would the president be able to hold the police a bit more accountable for how they are dealing with i industrialians? >> thank you. and thanks for raising that issue because that's really a critical problem right now. there have been something like 600 or 700 deaths at the hands of police this year alone. it's reached crisis proportions.
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we need accountability. we also in my view need to demilitarize how police are working. it doesn't mine we are taking away their guns. but we are training people in de-escalation techniques and not bringing in the big tanks and machine guns to equip our police to do community-based policing. and it means we need community in charge of their police instead of police in charge of the community which is the way it works in poor and oppressed community. that means civilian review boards and independent investigators so you don't need an act of god from washington, d.c. to find out what happened. so we are investigating as a matter of routine any death at police hands. the victims and the families deserve accountability. they deserve to know what went on. [applause]
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john: a quick lightning rounds. yes or no answers. would you legalize marijuana. >> absolutely. >> other drugs? cocaine? heroin? >> we'll start with marijuana and treat all substance use as a health problem, not a criminal problem. >> would you legalize gambling? >> i would allow community to make that decision because community pay a big price. >> would you legalize sex work, prostitution? >> i do not have a straightforward policy on that. it's being debated in the green party so stay tuned. >> would you legalize assists sigh of side? >> we don't need top prolong inevitable and painful death. we don't do that to our dogs. do people deserve less? john: thank you, dr. jill stein. coming up, will you help elects
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donald trump by taking votes from hillary? >> how is voting for you not voting for trump? john: also what does the green mean in green party? what must be done for the environment. and what is the green party stance on safety and war? is it a professor who never stops being a student? is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own? or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions?
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[applause] john: we are back with our town hall with green party presidential candidate dr. jill stein. let's talk about terrorism and safety. audience? >> dr. stein, on 9/11 you released statement calling for a new investigation utilizing independent research. i have i believe it was a controlled demolition that took
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down the towers. john: by americans? >> i believe the hijackers were patsies. but there is no way they could fly the planes the way, way they did and the towers could fall count way they did. >> we don't have the full story. we need to bring back the commission. this isn't controversial in my view. it's time to get the full story. john: orfn *, stein said she would not have assassinated bin laden. under what conditions does she feel deadly force is need. >> it's called for when we are under threat. assassination are something else all together. we have international law for a reason. we need to bring it back and abide by the and the world will
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be a safer place. john: so the united states should not have gone there and killed bin laden? >> i think we should have captured bin laden and brought him to trial. john: that was part of the plan, but they felt they could not have done that safely. >> not from what i heard. john: people were armed in the compounds and i am sure they would have loved to have captured him. >> he was standing there in his own room and his wife was there. that was it. there were not guards or guns. john: in the building they had machine guns. >> it didn't mean they needed to assassinate him. it was he who needed to be brought to trial. john: here is and question about people keeping themselves safe. do you believe the second
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amendment carries an individual right to own a gun? >> their various interpretations on the second amendment surround * individual or militia. >> here is my belief. we are not going to be taking guns away from people. under the circumstances that is not in the cards. that's not going to happen. john: it sounds like you would like to. >> i'm not a theoretical person. i'm a practical kinds of person. i'm a doctor. the practical thing is we need common sense gun regulation which is consistent with that interpretation of the second amendment. we can say yes you have a right to guns, but let's have common sense regulations and getted the automatic weapons off the streets and do background checks and ends the immunity for gun manufacturers and dis2reu beautors -- and distributors.
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>> i was wondering at present which issue is more important, fighting climate change or radical islamic terrorism. >> radical islamic terrorism is not something you can fight. we have been fighting that to the tune of $6 trillion in iraq and afghanistan and what do we have to show for it. 10s of thousands of our soldiers killed and maimed. what do we have to show for fighting terrorism. john: which is the bigger threat? >> we can bring the forces home, hand in hand with creating a green energy system. then we don't need to have a thank you bases. john: which is the bigger threat? >> how many people are dprieg terrorism right now? but it's not that's people. not nearly as many people are dying from state terrorism and
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the bombs that are falling. about half million people a year who die from climate change and those numbers are escalating. john: climate warming has saved lives. more people die from extreme cold. deaths are down. >> unfortunately climate change has everything to do with drought and it's drought which is the biggest killer. and hundreds of thousands of people. john: next, the arrest warrant against stein. her side of that story. i'm claudine and i quit smoking with chantix. smoking's a monkey on my back. it was, it was always controlling your time, your actions, your money. it had me. it had me. i would not be a non-smoker today if it wasn't for chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood
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john: welcome back to the green party town hall. jill stein's party is based
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around environmental issues. the party's platform says it will end destructive energy extraction. recently dr. stein went to north dakota to join a demonstration answer an oil paper line. carl swanson asked on facebook, since you were arrested vandalizing private property. that's not true, you did take a can of spray paint and wrote, i approve of this message on a bulldozer. but there is a warrant out for your arrest in north dakota. how do you get around? walk? you own anything made of plastic? is your home painted? what do you brush your teeth with, a stick? >> well, put is this way, we want to be sure we have a future we can survive in.
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we want a climate. we want to prevent massive sea level rise. so we need to transition. what we do individually isn't going to do the trick. we need a change in policy. fortunately this is a good thing. it's not just good for workers who pay the highest price. john: what is a good thing. >> moving to 100, clean remewable energy. >> we can do that by 2030? 16 years. right now, can we put the graph up? we get 33% of our energy from coal. 33% from natural gas. renewables are 7%. you are just going to change that in 16 years? >> this is why we need a war time level mobilization. when pearl harbor was bombed it took six months to transform the
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economy to a war time footing. we have an emergency we are facing that makes pearl harbor look like small potatoes. we have the technology. all we need is to get the predatory corporations out of the business of defining our energy policy. my administration will declare a climate emergency which we are actually in and create the green new deal. john: will i have to brush my teeth with a stick. >> hang on to your plastic toothbrush. john: plastic and paint is made from crude natural gas. nathan says if you want cleaner
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energy why aren't you for nuclear. >> it's not clean. it's lethal. there are 16 nuclear power plants on our coasts and they are going fukushima if they aren't decommissioned. it pays for itself just in our health savings alone. john: i don't get it. everything pays for itself. audience? you have a question? >> i have a question. how are you going to work with the congress that has been so reluctant to allow for any kind of significant changes in our environmental policy over the years. >> i won't get elected without a groundswell and debates. i encourage everybody to come to hofstra. john: are you going to crash the debate? >> it remains to be seen.
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john: you were arrested once for trying to crash a debate. and is it right to vandalize the bulldozer? >> they gave it arrest warrant to the wrong people. because the real vandals here was the dakota access pipeline. they are poisoning the water supply. >> what is your plan in transitioning our million of workers currently employed in the fossil fuel industry? >> that's what the green new dice all about. it creates 20 million jobs and we guarantee fossil fuel workers. john: how does it do that. >> through subsidies and incentives and low and zero interest loans. john: it will pay for itself? >> it will because we save so much money into you are improved
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health by getting rid of the fossil fuels. >> how do you feel about geoengineering as an artificial way to cool the planet and would the green new deal perhaps looking into that. john: what is geoengineering. >> using special minerals in the ocean or in the atmosphere. it's a high-risk and costly proposition. john: something is high risk and costly. >> but we have another alternative which is low risk and low cost. that's the way we need to go. john: subsidies for solar and wind. >> these are small subsidies compared to the choice of not going green. we do not have a choice. john: coming up. our adventures in manhattan with jill stein's picture. will people know who she is?
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>> this is a tough one. i have no idea who she is. >> hillary clinton supporters want to ask, how is voting for you not voting for trump? ♪
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(don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) (hush my darling...) man snoring (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) woman snoring take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store.
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john: americans fear their vote will be wasted, it will help hot other guy. >> how is voting for you not voting for trump? john: good point. you may steal votes from hillary and elect trump. >> steal votes there is a new entitlement that big politicians own our votes? i think they have to earn them. john: audience? >> since the mainstream media has failed to adequately cover the issue of the dakota pipeline. would you talk about your experience with the indigenous tribe and your experience. >> the message i approved of was the message of the indigenous people who were locking down on what is not construction equipment, it's detrucks equipment.
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when i was there it just bull doatds their an cholesterol d tl burial grounds. john: it was a government-approved pipeline. >> it was. by the was unjustly approved through an inadequate process. we must end all pipe lines and do it now. john: right now in the south a pipeline is closed because of a spill. and people are mad. gas prices are up. >> all new pipelines and pipeline infrastructures. >> i understand you are in favor of overturning citizens united. that would actually give the federal government ability to censor documentaries and other mediums. do you believe it federal government should be able to
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censor documentaries, books, magazines, cartoons. >> i support freedom of speech and i don't support government censorship. but there is much more going on in citizens united. it's about allowing corporations and billionaires to buyout our political system. that's a catastrophe. john: they sure haven't been winning. >> big money has taken over our electoral process. look at bill and hillary clinton and donald trump. they are the product of this big money system in which the money is pouring in. john: she wants to repeal it, too. >> so she says. but she cannot give up the big money. she is addicted to it. >> my question to you is ways your position on enacting congressional time limits. >> i basically think they are a
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good idea. i don't think they are a panacea. i think basically -- that was the original concept, the founders, we weren't supposed to have a class of professional politicians. john:or facebook ryan cooper asks, since the green party is not on the ballot in all 50 states, would jill stein encourage her supporters with non-green party ballots to vote for gary johnson? >> in addition to the 44, 45 states where we are not on the bam lot. we have a write-in three other states. june * in the states they don't, would you say they should vote for gary johnson. >> i will leave it up to them. john: matt scts without a green
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party candidate who would you support, johnson, hillary or trump. >> thank god we have a green party. this is why we have a green party. john: on twitter keith asks, can you name anything besides wars the government shouldn't be involved in? >> the government should not be involved in back room deals and partnerships with corporations. john: what about farm subsidies? >> let me say i think government should be involved where there is a critical -- where the. you has a critical stake. to sustainable farming. not to corporate fossil few intensive farming which is part of the climate change. foreign aid? >> yes. >> there should be a minimum wage? >> absolutely.
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$15 and up. >> gender race quotas? government should be involved in setting that? >> we need affirmative action. we have historic burdens that are cumulative and not sustainable that we must take action on. >> if people are poor government should funds their housing and clothing. >> we have a massive disparity. the average worker's wage is barely at the poverty level. we have a massive social inequity burden which is -- as the saying goes, if positive change is not possible, then violent change becomes inevitable. so we have to insure we are taking positive steps rather quickly towards an economy of that is survivable for us all.
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john: more spending. when we return, jill stein's closing arguments. plus our attempt to find people who know her. >> do you recognize this lady? >> elizabeth warren? ththththth thwow, it's nice.ew 2016 chevy malibu. let's check it out. do any of you have kids? i do yes. this car has a feature built in called teen driver technology, which lets parent's see how their teens are driving. oh, that's smart. it even mutes the radio until the seat belt is fastened.
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will it keep track of how many boys get it in the car? (laughter) cause that could be useful. this is ahead of what my audi has for sure. wish my beamer had that. i didn't even know that technology existed. i'm not in the market for a car but now i may be.
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[applause] john: welcome back to our final
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segment with green party candidate dr. jill stein. i'm glad we got a chance to flare you tonight. the two major parties are not about to let you in on the debates. they won't let gary johnson in either. without being in the debates i can't imagine what chance either of you has because people don't know who you are. we lad this picture of you blown up and the stossel show producer showed it to people around town. >> do you know who this is? >> can't say i do. >> this is a tough one. >> do you recognize this lady? >> elizabeth warren? john: a couple had a clue. >> she looks familiar. i'm going to guess. is that jill stein? >> we did find one big fan. >> this is the next president. the one who will hopefully be the president of the united states. john: you got his vote. but how can you have a chance
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when people don't know who you are? >> donald trump has had $4 billion of free prime time media, hillary clinton has had $2 billion and we have had zip. 75% of the public has gone on record in polls saying they want a four way debate. not a two-way debate. why should this commission, a private corporation run by the democratic and republican parties be able to silence the political choices of the american voters. we are saying that commission has no legitimacy. >> here is one last opportunity to tell the american people why they should vote for you. >> reject the propaganda that tells you resistance is futile. the number of young people locked in debt alone. 43 million, is enough to win a three-way presidential race. we are here for the long-haul.
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we are not going away. the largest block of voters has rejected the democratic and republican parties. we are going a far as we can get. don't rule out the possibility there will be a vote were revolt in the november election. we have the to create an america and world that works for all of us. the pour to create that world is not just in our hopes and dreams. right here and now, it unless our hands. let's stands up and make it so. together we are unstoppable. come to our website. join the team. make a donation. sign up to volunteer and we are on it for the long-haul until we prevail. thank you all have much. [applause] john: thank you, jill stein. now that i heard your arguments, i have got to say i will vote for the third party rather than
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donald and hillary, and i hope your viewers do, too. but i'm talking about thatter third party candidate. i fear jill stein will bankrupt america even faster than hillary. but we appreciate you coming here tonight and answering questions. i'm sure you have won yourself some new fans. it's good to hear from her not only to learn what the green left thinks, but as a reminder that there are more than two presidential candidates in addition to the libertarian green parties, there is the constitution party, the reform party, the socialist workers party. the prohibition party, and others. the constitution party will be on the ballot in 24 states. jill stein is on the ballot in 44 states and some write-ins. gary johnson the libertarians are on the ballot in every state. vote for gary. that's our show.
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good night. >> a shooting in dallas left five officers dead and two wounds. >> the video went viral showing officers killing black men in louisiana and minnesota. >> the officer just shot number his arm. >> to learn what really happens during confrontations like that, we used to have to rely on eyewitness accounts. but now video changes everything. sometimes it reveals bad police, sometimes bad police.


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