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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  October 3, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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pretty good story. interesting take on millenials, right? [closing bell rings] markets closing down. first trading day of the month and quarter. we're to the downside as the closing bell rings on wall street. david asman and melissa francis, here they are. "after the bell." david: well stocks starting off the month in the red. hi, everybody, i'm david asman. melissa: i'm melissa francis. this is "after the bell." we have got you covered on all the big market movers but here's what else we have for you coming up this hour. donald trump is playing defense once again. new revelations about the republican nominee's taxes are raising questions about his business record. in just one hour from now, trump is planning to turn the tables on hillary clinton. the democratic nominee campaigning in the key state of ohio today, blasting trump and condemning corporate greed. hmmm. clinton slamming companies like wells fargo and mylan pharmaceuticals for putting profits over people. plus, how is one of the world's biggest stars robbed and held at
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gunpoint? kim kardashian west arriving back in the united states after a terrifying ordeal. david: we'll hear the melissa francis theory about what happened there. melissa: no, no, no. david: we'll get back to the markets. the dow pulling back after capping the best quarter of year on friday. phil flynn, fox business contributor. ashley webster on floor of the new york stock exchange. ashley, first to you. >> david, as you say market slightly lower after big gains from friday. wanted to pick out stocks with nice gains this environment. tesla, oh, yes, elon musk's tesla, reporting record sales numbers in the last quarter. they say that that company now on schedule to reach its second half goal of 50,000 deliveries by the end of the year. that stock up 4.74% today. much better than other autos that were reporting today.
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ford, gm, chrysler all reporting sales flat to slightly lower. look at netflix, also up 4%. rumors are still floating around out there maybe disney would be interested in buying netflix to add to media entertainment offerings. we find out that the library netflix maintains has dropped 50% over the last four years or so. they're going to be looking to make their own original content. talking about the big deal of the day, it has been talked about a lot, cabela. that stock is up 15% after finally being acquired by bass pro shops for $5.5 billion. the combination of these two companies now, a behemoth in the fishing, camping, and hunting market. they control about 20% now, if not more of that market. big deal, cabelas up 15%, guys. melissa: thank you, ashley. phil, oil up for four straight days posting its highest close in a month 1/2. talk to me about. >> well, we're still getting a
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lot of momentum from the historic opec decision last week. iran basically doubled down on that today. we saw oil prices start to pull back after the economic data caused the dollar to rally. it rallied strong when the president of iran gave his whatever it takes moment. he said it is essential for oil prices to do whatever it takes to get oil prices higher. that gave oil support. gold pulled down. it went the other way. concerns about the uk "brexit" and speed about that, got dollar going up. taking a little bit of pressure off gold. forget about that. oil, a real strong day. back to you. melissa: phil, thank you. david: vowing to rein in bad corporate actors hillary clinton is taking aim at wells fargo and mylapharmaceuticals. take a listen. >> and we should build own the dodd-frank financial reforms and go even further because wall street can never ever be permitted to threaten main street again. or you get mistreated. all of sudden though say you can't sue us. we'll rein in that abuse across everybody.
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david: bring in today's panel. liz peak from the fiscal times. james freeman from the "wall street journal." james, all we need to solve our problems is more regulation and more bureaucracies according to hillary. >> well this is truth in advertising. for anyone who thought that when hillary clinton went hard left earlier this year, it was about addressing the bernie sanders challenge, bernie sanders quit the race backed her a long time ago. so we're still seeing this message, we need more dodd-frank, higher taxes, higher taxes on investment. investors should not have any illusions what she's offering. it is the obama program. not the bill clinton program. david: of course, liz, she brought the trump tax situation into her discussion saying this is the epitome of businesses getting away with murder? >> well, i mean, really, that has nothing to do with businesses getting away with murder. look, the problem with this rhetoric from hillary clinton, let's acknowledge that the
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wells fargo misdeeds are serious and they have hurt a lot of people and they're really unconscionable, the truth is the lagging factor in this economy has been business investment and if you look at all of the surveys of ceo optimism, confidence, et cetera, the truth is the obama administration and now hillary clinton have basically bashed big business to further their political ambitions and not the economy for seven or eight years and it isn't working. she needs to get a grip here, to understand what might make this economy start to grow again, which is more business investment. it starts with banks lending money. melissa: not stopping with big business, hillary clinton has some harsh words for supporters of bernie sanders. listen. >> they're children of the great recession and they are living in their parents 'basement. if you're feeling you're consigned to being a barista or you know, some other job that doesn't pay a lot and doesn't that much of a ladder of opportunity attached to it, then the idea, just maybe, just maybe
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you could be part of a political revolution is pretty appealing. i don't think you tell idealistic people, that you tall them you have bought into a false promise. you do the best you can. that is his view. that is what he is offering but but here is another which where we actually can achieve. melissa: hmmm. james, didn't millenials become basement dwellers during the obama administration? how does she think we got to this state? >> maybe she has to spend more time building bridges with the sanders supporters. look, i'm getting the impression she is not really a people person. between deplorables don't like big government, don't like a lot of things out of washington. now she is going after the sanders people, really suggesting that, well, there is a lot that i have a problem with there. one, the idea that someone who starts out as barista has no future in the economy. i don't think she understands
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our economy either at the high level or the low level. and it is, it is disturbing. i think it will cost her votes. melissa: because they have only ever worked in government. they have never gone out there and actually worked at a job and climbed up a ladder like that. liz, she talked about protecting corporate special interests and how we got to this place. instead we have to begin to level the playing field. forget the fact she is basically throwing away the obama administration economics which she is running on. >> yeah. melissa: but corporate special interests, they are the ones who filled her coffers to tune of $100 million. >> exactly. melissa: where did she get her wealth from? >> very good point. 250 billionaire, have basically given her $44 million in campaign funds. if you look at donors to campaign, eight of the top 10 are financial institutions. look, this is all about as jim says, reaching out to millenials, trying to convince them she is on their team but 2 1/2 years ago hillary clinton gave an impassioned speech to
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the new america foundation, blasting the obama economy. that was when obama's poll numbers were not very high. now they're higher. now she is riding his coattails but the truth is, that is what she thinks. guess what? she's right. it has not been a good economy. melissa: right. >> and reality is, she can't run on that without occasionally slipping up and admitting that to her donors. that is where she is. david: kind of hard to avoid who has been in control the past seven years. facebook could dominate the election. political ad spending on social media cite could surpass spending on google by the end of the year according to new research from citi. liz, facebook is clearly winning. it has more access to more information what we do and what we like, including in politics. is that a problem? >> i don't know if it's a problem. it is a very effective way to mike -- micromanage your
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campaign and slice and dice the electorate. that is basically available on facebook. what is interesting,tv advertising is down in this cycle, partly trump is not spending that much money and it isn't effective. broad brush of demographics of people you're not so sure about. facebook you know who you are getting too. facebook readers spend two minutes on line at a crack. that is very effective targeting. david: james, we're looking at the amount of money. television it may be diminishing, of course digital ads come way up. that is triple what it was eight years ago but still, got overwhelming amount by a factor of four the money in ads going to tv. >> yeah. i think this, depending how this election comes out, we may end up saying though, as much as facebook is growing and targeting is a phenomenon, that really the low-tech approach might have been most important. you see hillary clinton spending a lot more on you all kinds of media. can't really break away from donald trump. if he wins, yes, he has spent
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some on facebook but, most of what he's done is basically, what you would call earned media, getting on tv networks and also his twitter feed which is completely untargeted. david: oh, yeah. >> if trump wins i think people will say, maybe technology wasn't as important as we thought. david: untargeted but free. we got to mention it is free, genuinely so. appreciate it. melissa? melissa: crisis at our nation's borders. record number of illegal immigrants trying to get into the country before november. david: fear and loathing in america. the unlikely reason voters are choosing to back hillary clinton and donald trump. melissa: and "the new york times" risking legal trouble to publish trump's tax returns but its own expert admits that the republican nominee didn't break the law. >> there is no one who has shown more genius in their way to manuever around the tax code as rightfully used the laws to do that. at old dominion,
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melissa: no word left unsaid. hillary clinton is wasting to name slamming donald trump on his taxes. the democratic nominee accusing trump, of quote, stealing from the u.s. hmmm. peter barnes live in d.c. with the latest on this one. peter? reporter: melissa, key battleground state of ohio clinton hit trump on that "new york times" story that he reported nearly a billion dollar loss on his taxes in 1995. >> doesn't look like he paid a dime of federal income tax for almost two decades. now while millions of americans families, including mine and yours were working hard, paying our fair share, it seems he was contributing nothing to our nation. imagine that.
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>> not fair. >> not fair. nothing for pell grants to help kids go to college. nothing for veterans. nothing for our military. reporter: this morning at an event with veterans in virginia trump went after clinton on her email controversy. >> we don't want to have any servers in the basements by the way, folks. is anybody here, has anybody this group, i know our congressman hasn't done it. has anybody put a server in their basement? oh, boy. reporter: also today, trump campaign is pushing back on announcement from new york attorney general eric schneiderman. he issued a notice to trump's charity to cease and desist from sew lives iting in new york. schneiderman, a democrat, saying they violated new york law but fund-raising without being properly registered. trump spokesman said we remain
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very concerned about political motives about the ag snyder man, the trump. because this is on going legal matter the trump foundation will not comment further at this time. melissa. melissa: peter, interesting stuff. thank you. >> maybe he doesn't want the american people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he has paid nothing in federal taxes. david: that was hillary clinton in the debate last week suggesting she knew something about donald trump's unreleased tax report. lo and behold, a few days later "the new york times" publishes his tax reports saying exactly what hillary clinton said it would say. so, was any law broken? and was there collusion between the irs, the clinton campaign, and "the new york times"? here now is lis wiehl, fox news legal analysts, author yet of another new book, the candidate. perfect timing for that book. >> exactly. david: lis, it is pretty weird that hillary comes out last tuesday in the debate and says this and then a couple of days later "the new york times"
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publishes this. first before we get to the legal stuff, seems like there is a little collusion there. >> timing is a little strange, this envelope happens to appear in this reporter's as we've seen in the reporter's mailbox. by the way, return address is trump towers. david: that's what they say. you can put any return address on it you want. >> go to trump towers around get the novel from trump towers. you can stay in the trump towers get envelope. seems a little weird, collusion. there will be investigation how this -- david: the question of whether "the new york times" broke a law by publishing this is significant. >> it is. david: federal law says, we put it up on the screen, it shall be unlawful any person to whom any return or return information is disclosed in a manner unauthorized by this title and goes on to say that you could be guilty, if you're found guilty of this could be imprisoned five years with a big fine. >> if imrepresent "the new york times," here is what i say. i say the leaker, the person
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that got this information, illegally, just, have to assume it was taken i am legally because we can't assume that trump would just hand this stuff over. david: he says he didn't. >> so it was gotten illegally. the leaker certainly has violated the law and should go to if he -- federal prison leaking that. if i'm "new york times" i had nothing to do with the illegal gaining of that information. my hands are clean. my hands are clean. i have then a right as a news organization to publish -- david: because of the first amendment. >> not just the 1970s decision. it is turn decision. i have the right -- 2001. david: you came prepar for hour argument. >> it is newsworthy. david: i will ask one more question though. the question of who leaked it is important. we have the irs now become sort of a political organization. >> sure after the learner example. the irs, exactly. david: it is fair to ask if they have done it again, is it not? >> absolutely. there will be an investigation. i'm just saying that the "times"
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can say first amendment, newsworthy. our hands are clean. we have the right to publish it. david: do we find out whether it was the irs that leaked it? not only would be against the law. >> of course. david: terrible violation of our electoral process. >> if the new york leaker i had it to "the new york times." david: would we find out through a criminal case against "the new york times"? >> fbi would investigate this. irs their own agency leaked to "new york times." we would have a scandal going back to watergate ear ray, the bottom line is, even though "the new york times" may be found innocent because of first payment, disclosure, discovery -- >> they may not be innocent. i prefaced everything i said with the "new york times" coming with clean hands that would not be clean hands, david. david: but the key is investigators may find an irs link as well, and that is serious stuff. lis wiehl, great to see you. congrats on your new book. >> announcement will go on. julian assange addressing world with video address amid rumors after october surprise.
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the wikileaks founder originally planned to speak from a balcony in london today but the event was canceled, over quote, specific information regarding his safety. assange is expected to release, quote, damaging information about hillary clinton. we will wait and see, david. david: wow. what a story that is. meanwhile if you can't decide who to voight for this election -- who to vote for in this election the pope has advice for catholic supporters, but is he endorsing one of the nominees? you have to read between the lines. kim kardashian robbery all took place in paris, france. details coming up.
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melissa: a surge at the u.s. border, record number of unaccompanied number of minors and families showing up at the
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southwest border entering the country illegally according to u.s. border patrol. fox news's casey stiegel standing by in dallas, texas with the latest on this one. casey, why are which seeing this? reporter: melissa, u.s. border patrol agents say they're apprehending upwards of 1000 people in a single day. that is just in one sector. the rio grande valley sector down in south texas where a winding river only separates the two countries. the vast majority of the illegal immigrants coming in now are from central america, like honduras and guatemala. but if you thought the numbers in 2014 were high, when we saw an influx, here is a comparison. in that year, more than 66,000 family units were apprehended. so far this year, look at that, it is already exceeded with more than 68,000 according to customs and border protection. now detention centers are once
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again full with mostly women and children. once they are processed, they're given a notice to appear before an immigration judge at a later time, and then, they're sent to live on u.s. soil. >> they're coming to your towns, coming to your schools. granted a lot of folks are hard-working and looking for opportunity, not everybody is in that category. i think 20% of those we catch have some type of criminal history. and that is just what we catch. reporter: volunteers like catholic charities of the rio grande valley see this as another humanitarian crisis. in fact sacred heart church has set up shop to help these immigrants transition. >> we provide them with an opportunity to clean themselves up, take a shower, get clean clothing. get high hygiene items to refreh themselves up. get a nice soup. call home. call family.
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basically restore their dignity. reporter: of course we had to save the best for last. agents blame this surge on aew things. the porous border in mexico, the violence we talked about in central america but get this. when we were down at the border i spoke to a woman who had just come in from el salvador. she tells me the word on the street in mexico and in central america, if you're thinking about coming to the united states, get here now. it is something that the smugglers are using as a marketing tool if donald trump wins, the wall is going to go up, the border will become sealed. if you're thinking about comingg to the united states, do it now in case donald trump becomes president. fascinating, melissa. melissa: all the unaccompanied children thrust over the border. casey, wow, what a story. thank you. david: as many thought the u.s. efforts to work with russia on a syrian cease-fire did not last long. it is officially over now.
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the state department accusing moscow of failing to live up to its own commitments and emphasizing quote, this is not a decision that was taken lightly, end quote. putin earlier today suspend ad russia-u.s. deal on the disposal of weapons-grade plutonium because of quote, unfriendly acts. clearly the two are related. melissa: life-threatening storm. new details on hurricane matthew's destructive path towards the caribbean. a state emergency now being declared in florida in parts of northern california. the latest details next. david: plus donald trump talking today about protecting americans from cybercrime but the obama administration just gave oversight of the entire internet to a group that includes russia, china and north korea. performer u.s. ambassador to the united nations, john bolton, whether this move will make us more vulnerable no matter who is in the white house next.
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upgrade your phone system and learn how you could save at melissa: this is donald trump in colorado. let's listen. >> the working people and companies in this country are. central issue i would like to address today is our grown tax code, issue of concern to all americans. rebuilding borders, rebuilding military, keeping us safe from terrorism, redoing our trade december and bringing back jobs and they're sort of one and the same.
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fixing our broken tax code is one of the main reasons i'm running for president. i'm saying from the beginning of this campaign, how ridiculous, complex and yes, unhair the tax system is. it is an unfair system. and so complex very few people understand it. fortunately i understand it. [cheering] this is not the fault of the irs. but the political class that is owned outright by the special interests and lobbyists, believe me. it is these politicians who wrote the tax code and who are constantly adding revising and changing and already overcomely indicated set of laws, all at the behest of their favorite donors and special interests, who want certain provisions put in and they won't take no for an answer.
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it is thousands of pages long, and almost no one understands it. the average american would need an army of accountants and lawyers to wade through and wade through it. many so-called experts, due to their sheer size and complexity of the code don't have a clue what these pages represent. these are experts. they get paid and they don't even know what it represents. the unfairness of the tax laws is unbelievable. it is something i've been talking about for a long time despite frankly being a big beneficiary of the laws. but i'm working for you now. i'm not working for trump. [cheering] believe me. >> trump! trump! trump! trump! >> i understand the tax laws
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better than almost anyone, which is why i am one who can truly fix them. i understand it. i get it. and, that is what i commit to do. we want fairness. we want money brought in. and we want money to be spent when it goes out because they spend our tax dollars so unfairly and unwisely, remember that. as a businessman and real estate developer, i have legally used the tax laws to my benefit. and to the benefit of my companies. my investors and my employees. i mean, honestly, i have brilliant, i have brilliantly used those laws. i have often said on the campaign trail, that i have a fiduciary responsibility to pay no more tax than is legally required like anybody else. [cheers and applause] or put another way, to pay as
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little as tax as legally possible. and i must tell you, i hate the way they spend our tax dollars. [cheering] and believe me, that make as difference. as a major real estate developer in this country and throughout the world i face enormous taxes, city taxes, state taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes. david: employee taxes, vat taxes different countries. it is my job to anyone mize the overall tax burden to the greatest invest as possible. it allows me to invest in neighborhoods and workers and build amazing properties which field tremendous growth in their communities and always help our great providers of jobs and we have to help our small businesses. [cheering] that is what it is all about, what it's all about. [cheering] the news media is now obsessed
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with an alleged tax filing from the 1990s, at the end of one of the most brutal economic downturns in our country's history. if you remember the early '90s, other than i would say, 1928, there was nothing even close. the conditions facing real estate developers in that early 90 period were almost as bad as the great depression of 1929 and far worse than the great recession of 2008. not even close. what had been a booming economy in the era of ronald reagan changed dramatically and the business landscape changed with it. bank failures and collapses. the absolute total destruction of the savings and loan industry and the implosion of the retail market and real estate in general, something we've never seen anything like it. many business people, including many of my competitors and some of my friend were not able to survive. companies jobs and opportunities
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were lost and lives were destroyed. as tens of thousands of people were put out of work. some of the biggest and strongest people and companies went absolutely bankrupt, which i never did by the way. are you proud of me? [cheering] would have loved to use that card but i just didn't want to do it. thank you. yet today my company is bigger, stronger, far greater assets than it has ever had before. more premium properties. we've never done better. it is strongest we've ever been and we employ thousands of people and over the years employed thousands and thousands of people which is thing that frankly makes me most happy. that did not happen by chance or luck. it happened by action and talent. [cheering] a lot of talent. i was able to use the tax laws of this country and my business
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acumen to dig out of the real estate mess, you would call it a depression when few others were able to do what i did. in those most -- i'm a star. thank you. you are too. [cheering] they were amazing times. in those most difficult times when so many had their backs to the wall i reached within myself and delivered for my company, my employees, my family and the communities where my properties existed and i really delivered. those who spend their entire lives within the confines of government work and who know virtually nothing of business fail to understand the skill, dedication, the sheer grit it takes for a company to climb out of an economic depression of the scale we had in the early '90s. [cheering]
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people like my opponent hillary clinton, whose only -- [booing] >> lock her up! lock her up! lock her up! lock her up! lock her up! lock her up! >> folks, let's win on november 8th, okay? [cheering] anyway, her only method of making money is by selling government favors and granting access to special interests, know nothing about how businesses succeed and grow. hillary clinton has never created a single job in her
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entire life. by the way, we have somebody who has. where is bernie marcus. where is bernie? bernie marcus, founder of home depot. go to home depot. [cheering] he only created about hundreds of thousands. how many jobs has home depot produced right now, bernie? how much? millions. millions. bernie. that's a lot of jobs. a great guy, a great man, an unbelievable entrepeneur. somebody that put a lot of people to work and home depot is a terrific company. thank you for being here, bernie. appreciate it. thank you. [cheering] they haven't added a single dollar of value, people like hillary to the american economy. hillary clinton hasn't made an honest dollar in her entire life. all she does is takes from you, takes from your country and peddles influence to donors,
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special interests, and foreign actors, for astronomical dollars, like you have never seen before. it is corruption of the highest order. you know it. i know it. she knows it. and plenty of other people know it but they're not doing anything about it. while i made my money as a very successful private business person, following the law, all the way, hillary clinton made her money as a corrupt public official breaking the law, and putting her government office up for sale. and now she is running for president. [shouting] by her own account, hillary clinton left the white house dead broke. she said dead broke. [shouting] and then remember, she became a from new york. did nothing. remember the job she was going to produce? she never produced them. then she became secretary of
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state, and now, she and her husband have made more than $200 million without building a company or creating a single thing of value. [booing] during the early '90s, as companies went absolutely bust, they were collapsing all over the place, left and right, the media and powers that be said, donald trump, he could never, ever, make it back. oh, i remember those stories. we were all -- how many people then were in trouble? like everybody was in trouble. but they said, and they were so gleeful they could never make it back. they said i had billions of dollars in borrowing, which is true. and hundreds of millions of dollars in personal guaranties, which is true. and no pathway out. which is false.
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that was a bad time. that was an ugly time. a lot of people, you will never hear from them again from that period. but i never had any doubts whatsoever. most importantly i never ever gave up or even thought about giving up. [cheering] that's because i knew in my heart, when the chips are down, is when i perform the very best. that is always when i perform the best. [cheering] when i want to make my best decisions judgments. remember bernie saying hillary clinton has bad judgment. honestly my single greatest asset is temperment. if you didn't have the right temperment you could have never escaped that financial jungle, that's for sure. single greatest asset is my temperment.
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i have temperment for wing. we have a temperment, all of us, for winning. [cheering] and when people make the mistake of underestimating me, that's when they are really in for their biggest surprise. same thing with a lot of people in this room. look what happened in the primary. remember the primary, trump's running. don't worry about it. he is the star of "the apprentice." he built a nice company. don't worry. look what happened. our incredible movement, this is movement, folks, a movement like they have never seen. [cheering] what we've done is amazing. now we have one person left, "crooked hillary" and we have to beat her on november 8th. and you have to get out and vote and you have to get out and make calls and you have to do, and jokingly i like to say, if you're sick, if you get the absolute worst prognosis from
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the doctor, and it looks like maybe you're not even going to make it, it doesn't make a damn bit of difference. get up and vote on november 8th. [cheering] but the reason i never felt in danger, i really never did, i never felt endangered during the real estatedown turn, i never read the stories. i knew myself. i knew my business. i knew the financial system and i knew the tax code but most importantly i knew how to fight. that's what you had to do. you had to fight. that's what i am, i am fighter. i am fighting for you. i'm not fighting for me anymore. i'm fighting for you. [cheering] with my knowledge, i knew that i would make a comeback without question.
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i had never a doubt in my mind. and again, i don't know, i don't even think of it is as a comeback. we had good periods, tough periods, good periods, tough periods. we knew things were going to be fine. that is why i'm hear today. thank you, darling. [shouting] i'm praying for you and i love you. [cheering] great people. now i get the whole hero thing. now i get it. [cheering] but that is why i after left private business to go into public life. if you had ever told me i was going to be doing this -- now had i known i was going to be doing this, i would have commenced with certain television interviews, radio interviews. i would have said things slightly differently. [laughter]. i wouldn't have had as good a time in life and as much fun in
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life, but it would have made my life as a politician a little bit easier, right? [shouting] and you know these people, holier than thou, they never say anything around the breakfast room table, do they? they never dot. bill and hillary never say anything like this around the breakfast table. can you imagine what they say? well, they talk about "deplorables" and irredeemables, right? [cheering] talk about that. you're deplorable. you're irrye deem ann. i think irredeemable might be worse if you think it. everyone talks about deplorable. aye yi yi. these are the greatest people in this room and many other rooms like it. we've seen hundreds of thousands of people. these are the greatest people. and, really importantly, we're going to make great for all of the people. it is not my people or people that are voting for me. we'll make great for all of our
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people in this country. but i'm doing this and i'm doing it for a very specific reason. because i understand our country is in very, very, bad shape. [shouting] street trump! trump! trump! trump! [cheering] >> that's all right. sounds like a nice person. oh. oh. i thought that was the commission on presidential debates that was working. [cheering]
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i said i didn't know they were here. you know when they were playing with the mic, back, forth, i thought that was the commission. that is a beautiful commission. let's see what happens on sunday again. [cheering] my biggest opponent was the microphone. and now our country is in need of a major comeback. it needs one now, just about more than ever. we owe $20 trillion in debt, doubled during obama's period as president. [booing] double. think of it. but that is only part of the story. we have over $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities. and we have a budget that is out of control with annual deficits. in addition, because of the incompetence of our leaders, we run massive is trade deficits on
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an annual basis. i will get bernie to negotiate a couple of these trade deals. you will find out. and we now have almost $800 billion a year in trade deficits. you say to yourself. who are the people negotiating our deals? our country is broke. it's broke. and the worst part is that with all of the money we spend so foolishlily all over the world, stupidly, all over the world, we protect other countries with tremendous, tremendous losses. we have want to protect countries because they should pay us the proper amount. why should we be losing money? the. [cheering] but think of it. with all of the money that we spend and $20 trillion in debt. all of the things we do and all of the talk. david: there you go, he actually responded to information came out about his taxes. through a couple of jibes from
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hillary, he knew how to come back from a financial crisis. she doesn't know the first thing about creating a business. melissa: there you go. we'll be right back. attention! did you or anyone in your household work around asbestos-containing gaskets, packing, or equipment? if you or a loved one have an asbestos-related disease, you may have a right to vote on a plan to reorganize and pay claims in the garlock/coltec bankruptcy. garlock's and coltec's products were used in industrial and maritime settings,
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>> >> donald trump speak to supporters in colorado saying he used the tax laws to benefit brilliantly and said hillary never created a single job in her life. hadley, it sounds like he's back on message make some good points. what do you think? >> that's right. more important than his experience with the tax law in the fast is what he might do with our tax laws in the future.
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he spoke to an issue that spoke to americans on the right and left. the chair for crony capitalism is reforming our governments. i think a lot of what trump said is going to resonate with. americans. dave are said 1995 the year the tax information was released was a tearibility year, but i made a comeback. i know how to do business, hillary clinton doesn't know how to do business. how does she react to the charge that she never created a job in the private sector. >> that's not the lit muscle test for hillary clinton. >> she just ignores the whole idea of the private sector and the role she might have played in it? >> i don't think so as all. you need to look at the buy something a fizz of all these companies.
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hillarys biography stands up against anybody running for president of the united states. i want to say this about donald trump. in 1995 he suffered a loss of more than $900 million. david: an came back. >> we don't know that because he hasn't released his tax return. we don't know what a comeback. david: you can't build as many buildings as he has unless you have got some kinds of back. but we'll have to leave it at that. blake and hadley, appreciate it. the advice the hope pass for you the advice the hope pass for you and the american voter coming up next. did you read every word? no, only lawyers do that. so when you got rear-ended and needed a tow, your insurance company told you to look at page five on your policy. did it say "great news. you're covered!" on page five? no. it said,
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melissa: pope francis refusing to endorse a candidate, but he
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is encouraging catholic voters to vote their conscience. melissa: here is risk and reward. >> while millions of american families including mine and yours were working hard, paying our fair share, he was contributing nothing to our nation. imagine that. not fair. nothing for pell grants to help kids go to college. nothing for veterans be nothing for our military. >> as a businessman and real estate developer i have legally used the tax laws to my benefit. and to the benefit of my company. my investors, and my employers. i mean,


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