tv Varney Company FOX Business October 5, 2016 9:00am-12:01pm EDT
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for joining us. >> have a great day, everybody we will see you tomorrow. stuart: start shouting at tv. maria: i will i'm sorry. stuart: the story pence won, kaine was annoying, lost control good morning, everyone. what stood out were governor tim cape's endless aring interruptions talked over governor pence annoying in the extreme. and hardly pm kaine's ticket to attack donald trump all nightlong clinton policies unmentioned, he was helped by moderator she did not reign in
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interruptions she let him do it win media loathe to mid it mike pence won made case for growth sproh prosperity at home security and schizophrenic abroad looksecuri abrotherhood, you will see independently voters went with pence the day after the debate the day before matthew hits us hard on its way north likely to brush eastern see boarded peaceably land fall in carolinas governor haley of south carolina wants a million people to move 100 miles in landed florida governor rick scott tweeting throughout the night be prepared, late projects it will veer to sea miss northeast a jam-packed show, obamacareing collapsing california wants to a give it to illegals, and may be just may be somebody will put twitter out of misery and buy it.
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>> "varney & company" is about to begin. refugees. isis i told you a right way and wrong way. >> look if you are going to be -- on me on that. >> have just mentioned. >> there is not -- >> let me finish a sentence. >> -- group. because -- >> 20,000 dollar portrait of donald trump. >> on the dollars. >> you are -- let me talk about this. >> i think i still on my time. >> and in taxes and -- a billion dollars a year. >> went on and on and on and on. i mean i have gone shouting up a storm at tv last night, just -- excuse me. lot of lost my voice a sampling of constant interruptions at debate last night intensely annoying my opinion, throughout the show we will be
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asking all of our guests who won. to market coverage we begin with twitter, maybe the stock of the day, "the wall street journal" reports its twitter expected to feel big speculation google disney sales among birds that stock will be up oil it is approaching 50 bucks a barrel we are going to get supply numbers sat 10:30 this morning, 4957 right now despite that, stocks are going to be flat at open, please remember we get the september jobs' report, friday could slow things down, today and tomorrow. but we will be up 20 points the open drop for gold that was yesterday, rebounding a bit today, up another about four bucks rarely do you come across a wall street type says buy gold at this price we will ask is it worth buying now. all right that is the markets. we cover it you don't have to
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watch we will shout at tv for you, jim clifton ceo of gallup polling people jim welcome to the program, who won. >> first of all, stuart you know vice presidents don't matter much i think in this election matter even less not a lot to win. >> who won. >> i am going to tell you i want to say that. maria: . stuart: get to it. >> i think mike pence one the reason topics they covered i think people -- made minds up about that there is one topic people are not sure about conventional wisdom if economy is recovering read that in "the wall street journal" in "financial times" "washington post" "new york times" all sides in on this i don't know why they say recovery. so in pence, says no, it is not recovering i think he scores points there. with independents people wondering, america feels a lot different than sort of the conventional wisdom of recovery. >> i think scored points pence won. >> right. >> got it.
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>> elizabeth get on with it. >> i won't interrupt you. >> who won. >> mike pence won, because, first of all, he did exactly what we all hope donald trump did in the presidential debate relief how weak hillary clinton's campaign is hillary has basically switched from having any kind of policy focus, to slamming donald trump they find that works, the polling shows that that works, but that is all they talk about, so when actually pence tried to pin down a moderator tried to pin down tim kaine on making america more secure, tim kaine went back to killing, osama bin laden. four times, he only got killed once i think, hillary clinton didn't do it so kind of put that aside, he also went on iran made me crazy iran deal fourth graders know a terrible
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deal being -- every day of the week that was supposed to be hillary's accomplishment it isn't her accomplishment it is terrible i thought it was absolutely horrendous, a totally one-sided! is for mike pence. >> i didn't interrupt. >> now didn't, thank you. >> what a guy. >> all right, mike pence -- jim said -- it took direct aim at high taxes, and the weak recovery, he was going after tim kaine yesterday this is what mike pence said roll the tape. >> honestly senator you can roll out the numbers, and sunny side i got to tell you people in scranton know different in fort wayne indiana know different this economy is struggling the answer to this economy is not more taxes. >> jim, you made this very point about what 10 days ago recovery is not very strong. pence went after it last night. >> exactly, put math to what pens was saying really
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interesting to me, but when we ask americans are you middle class or lower working class, 10% of them say they -- last two years fallen out of middle class lower class middle class kind of 55,000, 58,000 if you had a job 75,000 working somewhere goes down to 24,000, you have a crisis in your life that you have no idea was coming. you lose dignity change your house all that. 10% of the people tell us they have got down to that, incredible because 259 adults -- >> dropped out. >> 25 million people. >> yes but so many sociotalking about person that indiana wherever he said there is 25 million of them what is interesting to me all of us know one of them, america knows all of those people i get that everywhere i go, why trump why trump 25 million americans i think. >> good stuff jim, back to you tim cape strategy last night to attack donald trump.
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all nightlong, in fact, kaine used trump's name 160 times. that was the strategy, attack trump did it work. >> i think that is all they have got no i don't think it did honestly if reiteration of all that insulting language pence called him out for talked about how insulting campaign, it begins to sound silly i thought tim kaine not only appeared lightweight but comments lightweight i don't think it worked very much people heard all those slams on donald trump, what last night was supposed to do i would disagree i thought last night was important debate because both of these individuals near 70 over 70 years old hillary clinton he has health problems look, in -- in not far-fetched to imagine one of these could become president so i thought seeing them a lot of americans 35% didn't know who they were before last night's debate so i thought seeing them was very
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important, to people, and i thought pence for trump people leaning trump not convivianed saw mike pence thought so sound serious has gravitas he lends trump ticket kind of what maybe is needed right. >> seriousness policy, et cetera,, i thought impressive. >> fast jim do you think it changed any votes last night, by the way. >> no. >> less than a percent. >> less than a percent, okay, jim clifton thank you very much indeed great to have you on the show stay there for a second take you out during a commercial break no running off set while i am talking, hurricane matthew, it is moving north yes, it is expected to hit strength i should say over bahamas, and slaum into florida coast tri morning current track shows storm up through carolinas then may be heeding out to sea, without hitting the northeast, southeast all
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hands-on deck, obviously, updates throughout this morning on this program. hillary clinton how about this was she talking down to voters again? she says if you have a friend who is planning on voting for trump, you need to stage an intervention? like alcoholism or drug addiction how about that in debate, over hillary's e-mail scandal pence says if anyone el on private server would be court-martialed o go to kill a, kaine said that is outright falls, fact-checkers chokdz that one next. you can run an errand.
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(music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy. bp engineers use robotic ultrasound technology, so they can detect and repair corrosion before it ever becomes a problem. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better.
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(announcer vo) you can go straight home. (howard stern on radio) welcome to show business.. (announcer vo) or you can hear the rest of howard. bababooey! (announcer vo) sorry, confused neighbors, howard's on. siriusxm. road happy. maria: google rolls out new pixel phone, apparently only available on verizon, nonetheless stock is up, 806 the opening price this morning.
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fitch cuts outlook to negative for wells fargo debt that is all about that phony account problem that they had. now the hillary clinton, the e-mail scandal was a topic in the debate last night governor pence says if anybody else had said confidential e-mails on a private server would be in fail court-martialed i think 2 way they put it senator kaine said that is flat-out falls listen to the exchange. >> republican fbi director did investigation. >> we are moving on now -- >> -- >> handed -- classified information to hillary hillary would be call your attention marshaled. >> that is absolutely falls. >> you know, tim kaine says that is absolutely falls they would not go to jail they would not be court-martialed who better to judge than judge himself napolitano. >> thank you, we have two very recent instances, the reason governor pence said call your attention marshall they each
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had stint in military referring to if either of our sons sent classified material confidential secret or cop secretary of state we would be court-martialed governor pence is quite correct, we have the case of the 22-year-old sailor taking a selfie on a nuclear submaureen a sonar screen behind him sent to give did not send to blumenthal where -- he sent it to girlfriend, we have an even more serious case, of a marine captain who noticed three taliban dressed as afghani policemen in american encampment immediately warned supyorz two or three minutes a firefight fire guys killed 6 weeks later court martialed sent on gmail account both cases outrageous
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abuses of prosecutorial discretion but explain the seriously with which government takes failure to secure state stooebts back up precisely, precisely what governor pence said. maria: . stuart: one other subject height of stall asking feds if they can have illegal aliens on obamacare exchanges given obamacare, to illegals in california. is that legal. >> yes and no, one of the compromises when affordable care act was made was that it would not be available to undocumented persons illegal aliens, however there is a clause in there that says if a state decides by legislation that it wants to make the affordable care act veil it can ask the department of health and human services for a waiver, governor brown where else california has enacted
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that legacy asked for waiver will not cost federal taxpayers anything but will cost the taxpayers of california something, because they, california will be financing the below market rate health insurance to nominatto undocumented persons in california i venture to gus feds will say yes absolutely will say yes >> on the grounds that will will make the hispanic community feel a whole lot better about what is happening to illegal community and therefore vote democratic. >> not remot evident chance hillary clinton is worded about losing california but want this done before election. >> buying votes. >> it is. >> they need younger comrapts to be younger working in exploding in trouble in california unclear they don't get federal tax credits or state tax credits -- >> wait a minute it is illegal -- they are illegally working -- i don't think they are going to be making a whole
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lot of money, i don't know that but i don't think they are. therefore, they are going to be subdivided. >> remembsubdivided. >> can go to school apply for welfare benefits supreme court requires that this basic safety net be there even for people present illegally. >> it attracts more people that is all these things do make it even better. >> the administration have a problem with that they are both democrats. >> very interesting if the administration doesn't rule and a new administration in january, that says to governor brown no. >> back 11:00 hour news for people that juice johnson & johnson insulin pump the company warning devices could be vulnerable to hacking attack. >> stock -- >> no relation to the stock price at all we have real time voter reaction to the debate, you are about to see clip
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voters raeacting to kaine attacked trump pay attention to yellow line independents not happy with kaine's attack roll the tape. >> donald trump, during the campaign called mexicans rapists criminals called women slobs pigs, dogs, disgusting. i don't like saab saying that in front of my wife and mother. >> this man creates software, used by this bank, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this vice president, this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. they all have insurance crafted personally for them. not just coverage, craftsmanship. not just insured. chubb insured.
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on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates. maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. and if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you 24/7. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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. stuart: this might or might not be a factor in the market oil getting close to 50 bucks a barrel, we will concentrate on that throughout the day the wine and spirits company constellation brands now they have got all kinds of brands corona beer mondaviwipe all kinds of zuf in that umbrella better profit sales that is going up right from opening bell. back to the vice presidential debate the question, how voters respond to what they saw last night. well you watch this, we've got a reading from the people watching the debate last night, red line is republican blue line democrat watch yellow line independents roll the tape. >> donald trump has said all the things that you said, he said in way you said he said them, he still wouldn't have a fraction of the insults that
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hillary clinton leveled when she said that half of our sports were a basket of deplorable z. >> taken on by governor pence republican loved it independents loved it. >> the republican candidacies needs independents onboard all about winning independents polling shows -- that most republicans and most democrats have made up their minds i think this is importa for those constituencies the independents in play very good sign. >> bring -- what do you say about independents from your polling so far, not that clip last night but your polling so far, independents trending towards trump generally?
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>> i don't think it score points about independents there's two subjects one is the economy, the other one is corruption, in washington i make this -- we have a question do you think corruption widespread in your country good tunz 12, 14% they belief contraception widespread germany 35% it jumped to 75% i think the independents are people for trump or pence that two things in mind overthrowing washington because of corruption, or economics, i think what you are measuring with lines neat comments i don't think make any difference. >> got it thanks for being with us great to see you got news for you on facebook, this could be serious, germany threatening to hold them criminally liable for not deleting when they say were racist posts more on that obviously coming up twitter a is to being to watch the "the wall street journal" reports bids coming in this week who is going to buy it if anybody?
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night i predict he'll have no influence whatsoever on stock trading today. he won't have an impact on the dollar. he won't have an imbt on gold or an impact on what have i missed, oil? oil -- the price in china, it is 9:30 we're off. we're running and that u dow jones industrial average from the get-go lots of green on the the left up 43 points. we're not expecting a gain like that but we got it dow stocks are up or unchanged not a single loser at this point. how about price of oil nearly $50 a barrel maybe that's encouraging dow to go up. oil up, stocks up. how about gold, being drop yesterday. down well over $35 as i recall. a bounce back today but not much. $4 higher. 12.73 and now grade school merrill research operation, well that's part of the research is
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part of that company. okay. raise its price target on grade school too. 960 a share. u89805 this morning. property insurers down and minor leagues bounce back this morning. we'll keep you up to date on that throughout the day. bids coming in this week speculation is disney sales could be among the company making the the running it is up 3% of the opening bell this morning. ashley webster is here, liz claman is here. and we're all together on a wednesday morning first stock, twitter where is this thing going? should you buy it this morning at 24 while you've got a chance. shaw. >> it's a hard company to value and not sure what it is wort in term of potential bidders, we know that sales is really enamored with this company. problem with them buying it is
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market cap is $49 billion at least it is going to suffer $25 billion and not doing a lot of good and movers them away from the court. disney doesn't see it. i think they can swallow it easily. twitter is a good brand i don't know what value of the stocks should be. but near the highs. >> the next own per original next owner will have to get money out of twitter. how do you make money on this global -- globally known brand? >> but i think that google needs some sort of social media platform luke this to compete with facebook. so twitter don't forget has had a recent big success in live streaming, they were lifer streaming the debate last night or somebody was on twitter so that's a big game changer, and nfl. thank you i knew there was something more important than the debate. [laughter] >> twitter live streamed the debate last night what was significant is they can live stream all kinds of events that's the platform for if. google would -- >> people are more excited about being on twitter.
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discount sales they want linkedin and microsoft. three minutes into session and now we're pup 65 points. what to expect. >> i think this is a pence rally. [laughter] stuart: always to prove me wrong. [laughter] yahoo! now this is interesting reportedly it stand all users e-mails in secret on behalf of the nsa and the fbi. what's this about? >> well this is unusual that they would scan all incoming e-mails of all users. hundred was millions because normally the intelligence agencies are looking for specific messages or a batch of messages. but apparently looking for a specific set of characters we don't know what they were but scanned all of the e-mails but yahoo! says we were complied with a director that came from the government although melissa myers ceo of yahoo! is critical in the past of mass surveillance of people's e-mails. stuart: other way everybody is
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saying they're spying on you . i said go spy away. you can watch any -- any phone call i every make and minnesota tore message because in the age of nuclear terror i don't a nuke in new york harbor i want the good guys to finds it before hand. where am if i going wrong? >> don't we assume that every other e-mail operation probably is done the same thing? not that next -- >> microsoft, google saying they're not doing what yahoo! did. they built separate software -- stuart: criticism is that yahoo! shoct allow it i'm saying allow it and join in. because i want to be safe. thank you very much. i'm sure many of our viewers would disagree. how about wells wells fargo pitt to negative. wells fargo debt rating more fallout from uponny account scandal and we have stocks up. 23 cents, i mean, liz i show yesterday buy that thing right now. liz: the issue is how much is this scandal going to impact their business? we have seen some business
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fallout in illinois took -- about you know basically severed their funding operation with bank of america excuse me with wells fargo i don't think it is going to have a big long-term impact on the bank so probably it is achieved is to be. bank stocks are all about where interest rates are going. but i don't know. >> you can remove business from wells fargo from every single state in the union and charge them $10 billion fine and they wouldn't blink an eye. >> david he's a louisiana republican saying it is not just consumers hit small business own terse too were hit with fake accounts. so now it is getting a little bit bigger. >> it's a bads -- stuart: not good. >> it is buying a fish and cuts play because you're cutting litigation so it is dicey to buy here and look for a bottom because i think a little lower to go. stuart: pay attention to the big board right now we're five nines in. up 83 points. jobs report, it is oil. i want to bring in dan at this point.
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dan you've been out of it so far. sorry about that. didn't mean to leave you out. but you're in chicago you know about oil close to $50 a barrel this morning. give me some background here. what's going on? is -- >> couple of things first of all we have a big surprise on apa down 7.some billion dlairls there's talk that demand is increasing and also tts talk of the opec deals. now all of those things continue i tend to doubt it but right now headlines are that supplies are tightening and demand is better and you may see this deal so it is going to put a little pressure on upside to oil and if you look at it over long-term and 55, 60 a barrel a lot of these thank that have been out of business will be back in business real soon. so i don't think we have a whole lot to upside above $60 level. >> oil is close to $50 and dow is up 84 points. ashley webster ratio up. so look at netflix, they've got a new series called luke cage
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based on the marvel comic. so popular last weekend it reportedly crashed netflix which is up again today. gone up about $10 in ten days. look at craigslist facebook is launched marketplace which allows you to buy and sell why your local community we're already hearing that the site is flooded with illegal guns, drugs, sex, and wildlife . you can buy hedgehogs apparently. >> oh, good. [laughter] stuart: facebook is down one cent. google, new pixel phone available only on verizon at&t customers t-mobile customers you're out of luck only verizon. google is 806 with a hurricane we check home improvement stores and the emergency generic maker doing it again this morning as matthew approaches florida. home depot is down a fraction. lowes up and red arrow for chip
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maker micron tell me why, nicole. >> this is a real story that you're going to have to sure mice and take a guess what happens going forward because it's a mixed bag. current bad news is that they missed on quarter per gross margin there's worries about their expenses and they have a tight inventory for chip. on the other hand it is going forward and future contract and five analysts actually raise their outlook so do you believe in the chip business gong forward? and that's the question. there are also some accounting that may be in their favor. back to you. >>dave nicole i was talking over you. i do apologize. germany wants to hold facebo liable for not racist post. what's this? >> coming from germany defense minister. they're failing to delete these racist posts that are reported by users, in other words, they say an complains it gets deleted quickly and hate speech 50% of
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the time it's never removed and they're sensitive in germany. any reference to naziism or support of naziism is a criminal offense in germany. they say because it is the hatred towards refugees that the upswing and hate speech has come on to social media an facebook and twitter in particular should take much stronger steps to delete those type -- stuart: nothing to do with islam that's what it's all about. >> but they're saying we are very sensitive to this so they're taking aim at big tech u.s. companies. stuart: of course. money off them. british we should take a trip to london because british pound is at a 31-year low to britain, london all about concerns about brexit theresa has a date for beginning of negotiation. now dan, is this british popped the 31-year low is that really upsetting global markets? i'm told this. i don't believe it. >> i don't think it's upsetting
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them at all. when you you hear brexit vote and that upset world market but we've had time today just in news what exactly is going to happen even though there's no certainty on it there's little more certainty and i don't think the calamity that everybody was predicting is going to happen. at least the market doesn't seem to think so because if you look at markets around the world we're still doing pretty well so right now it's not having that big of an effect. >> okay moving on to johnson & johnson. they're wanting diabetic patients that it's insulin pump is vulnerable to hacking. doesn't affect the stock. interesting story. liz: first time any company made that cyberhacking announcement on the one tusm ping you put a catheter urnt your skinner a wirelessly via remote control and fear is that hackers could begin control of that and change the level of insulin in your system which could kill you. that is serious stuff for johnson & johnson.
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also allowed users are tweaking device to change how much the device is putting insulin in so worried about those customers tweaking their own devices too so it's serious issue by hacking. >> do it with any drug delivered via computer or the system. >> apparently tremendous techal no how and within 25 feet it does not sound like something that is a rampant problem. >> stock sup. brings up issue for medical devices going forward. in terms of hackers all electronics. dan, liz, shaw, thank you very much. we appreciate you being with us today. thank you. check that bigoard. where are we? up 90 point how about that. maybe because oil is getting closer and closer to $50 a barrel. maybe. democrat vice presidential candidate tim kaine he said trump didn't pay taxes for years and because he didn't pay those taxes he didn't support the fight against terror after 9/11.
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he brought 9/11 into trump's taxes. meanwhile hillary clinton says, friends don't let friends vote for trump. and if your friends plans on voting for him it is time for an intervention. more varney next. you can run an errand. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy.
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(announcer vo) you can commute. (man on radio) ...40! no flags on the play! (cheering) (announcer vo) or you can chest bump. yo commute, we got serious game. siriusxm. road happy. >> well, look at this we're up almost 100 points on the dow jones industrial i think that has a lot to do with oil is is that is up almost at $50 per barrel. stocks up, oil up. now this at&t have hit a record high for the tenth straight year. i did not know that ashley what's the story? >> average fee is $2.90 but sometimes your own bank will
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charge you for using an out of o network that comes to a whopping $4.57. don't forget banks don't have any ability to make money on loans anymore so they're try towing squeeze out as much revenue as they can, and you know my god if you go out of network over at&t they get you as much as they can. by the way, good news overall overdraw fees are falling and number of banks offering true, free banking increased to 38% so you don't use an at&t. >> bank branch and i write a check for cash and walk out with money. all in tens or 20s. [laughter] very nice. >> 40s okay moving swiftly along i have to get become to the debate last night and look who is here karl rove is here with the obvious question who won? >> i hesitate to say clearly -- [ina won. >> clearly. going away. stuart: in what sense?
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>> he was polite, he was humble midwestern common sense in there. he wisely didn't take the bait. and on the other side of it d did i haskell a rude -- eddy and tim kaine was not himself last night. stuart: i have to roll a soundbite where he invoked 9/11 and linked it to donald trump and taxes. roll tape. >> 9/11 hillary clinton and donald trump's hometown was attacked. by the worst terrorist attack in the history of the united states. young men and women, young men and women signed up to fight terrorism. hillary clinton went to washington to get funds to rebuild her city and protect first responders but donald trump was fighting a very dircht fight. it was a fight to avoid paying taxes so he wouldn't support fight against terror and he wouldn't support troops. >> what a stretch.
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dreadful since 1918 businesses and -- businessman who organize themselves have the right toe that i can their losses and carry them forward. so he should have attacked every businessman who lost money in 1941 and said they didn't support the war. they should have said every business that lost money in 2001 and a lot of businesses did, and didn't pay taxes that they were unpatriotic i dare him to go out there and say that. this has been on books since 19if you don't like it condemn harry f. u truman johnson jimmy carter and bill clinton for not having it remove it. >> what pointers should donald trump take from last night's debate that would help him on sunday night? >> clear his calendar watch the debate again, and then spend an hour and a half with mike pence to say how did you do it? don't take the bait. remember you remember you'ring have a conversation with -- an individual only the other side of that camera don't be hot. don't be angry. remember what your great
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strength is you're the candidate of change so explain in detail with some depth what that change represents. and don't take the bait. >> last week donald trump had a terrible week went down, down, down, do you think that debate last night on the part of government pence was enough to stop the rot? >> well, it is mentally you know it's stabilizes whether there's a -- this week there's a dangerous they think that's happen hadding, though. we have the ballot and ballot moved. that's not the worst thing. the worst thing is that for 16 months donald trump has had an enthusiasm advantage to polls in both cbs poll and fox poll. that advantage has dissipated. >> karl rove we thank you for joining us. >> happy for atm fees. breaking news 14 senators calling on the justice department to look into i guess investigate wells fargo executives. bear in mind the stock is still up. liz. >> a dozen democrat senators
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including two independents here sending a letter to u.s. attorney general saying investigate this top brass of wells fargo including john stumpf. they're saying ceo they're saying senior executives are culpable here they want a d.o.j. investigation. they're say he knew about this fake account scandal and didn't disclose to investors. pence to stay barrage of criticism and focus at wells fargo. check that bigged boards u up close to 100 points this wednesday morning. up 95 to be precise. you know, donald trump was live tweeting during last night's debate. says cnn coverage was a joke. and it turned on fox news for a fair shake. [laughter] more varney in a moment. i'm claune and i quit smoking with chantix.
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station has been evacuatedded and that was thin details. >> been evacuated main train station in brussels we're hearing from belgium prosecutor who says two police officers were stab ised and a station check point. he says that prosecutor could indeed be related to terror. now, this is -- they've been sweeping the station for explosive discovered nothing up to this point but that's what we know at this point. rng thank you indeed ash. hillary clinton once again i'm going to say talking down to trump voters. watch this. >> i know you know people that think about that are voting for him, right? so i'm respectfully asking you to stage an intervention before it's too late. [laughter] >> you know, liz i associate staging an intervention with interfering in someone's life when they're doing drugs or drinking too much and they need to have an intervention that's a
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majority of association i think. liz: feels that way and hillary clinton was saying why aren't i u up 50 points versus trump well because you're doing things like this, and what's happening now is there are nine important states that could go -- do protest votes and hurt hillary clinton. so much so that first lady and president are out there saying, hey, for for example steve harvey radio show president said watch out protest vote could go to trump rather. trump, and we're talking florida, ohio, north carolina, minnesota, nine states that play there. stuart: media is so down on trump that they think this kind of majority of association with a -- perfectly fine. >> is just fine. nothing is wrong with it. >> it speaks to hillary clinton disdain for those with donald trump back to deplorable saying that these people need an intervention insinuating they need counseling. >> tim kaine did say that clinton has apologized for makingweinstatements like
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that and defend trump statements bigot or massage nice tick in debate last night but i don't know how far that plays with voters right now. >> i don't being calling a slam phobic if you vote for trump you do. that's my opinion. next hour, hillary clinton's problem with millennial vote rs, wait until you hear how a group of female college students responded when they were asked if they feel connected to hillary. you're going to want to watch this. also, next hour more than 12,000 syrian muslim refugees taken into america. if she's elected we take in 65,000 more. per year -- hour two "varney & company" coming up for you.
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it was an unsatisfying second-rate argument. from beginning to end tim kaine interrupted his opponent. our count is 70 interruptions as viewer i found it plain annoying in the extreme. this is not presidential. snarky comments delivered with a smirk do not work nor did kaine's strategy of endless attack. very little mention of hillary policy in the future or her performance in the past. one memorable mommy was kaine amendment to link 9/11 to trump's taxes. a stretch by any measure. mike pence when could get a word in enwise looked comfortable and calm looked like a man who could sit well in the oval office and pushed a growth and prosperity policy message. donald trump could learn a few things come sunday's second presidential debate. and then there was the moderator she interrupted pence. she cut him off and tried to change the subject when he got
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into hillary's e-mails add it all up. pence won. he solidified political support and well received by independents and he looked presidential. kaine lost his constant interruptions again aanything in the extreme. he looked uncomfortable in attack mode and he did not look presidential that that is my opn and i did see the whole thing. you don't have to shout at the tv we do it for you. the sec hour of "varney & company" sb to begin. >> all right nice gain in early going this morning half hour into the session and we're up what 80 odd points. oil is up close to $50 a barrel. 49.51 oil up stocks up that's what you've got this morning. look at the price of oil again $50 a barrel by the way, in 29 minutes we'll get a read on how
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much supply of oil we've got coming down the pipe that could affect price on u.s. green right now. twitter, maybe what the stock of the day. it is expected to take in -- bids this week from buyout companies disney google, sales they're among the companies in the running at least to take over twitter. amazon launched a new feature for its u.s. primary members. it is called prime reading. it provides some kindle books and magazines among other titles at no additional cost. amazon is $833 this morning. constellation brands corona beer and wine, and a whole host of other liquor brands profits and sales profiting, the stock is 2.7%. become to the vice presidential debate. here's just a sampling of insult from senator tim kaine. roll it. >> donald trump during his campaign is called mexicans rapist and criminals.
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he's called women slobs, pigs, dogs, disgusting. >> he said insult driven campaign. did you all just hear that? ours is an insult driven campaign? to be honest with you if donald trump had said all of the things that you've said he said in the way you said he said them, he still wouldn't have a fraction of the insults that hillary clinton leveled when she said that half of our supporters were a basket of deplorables. campaign of hillary clinton and tim kaine has been an avalanche of insults. >> trump sure galt aaron is with us this morning. welcome back to the program. >> thanks for having is me. >> you were watching last night what was your reaction because you're a trump person. been on the show before. a trump lady. now, how did you react when tim kaine a, did those constant interruptions and b, when he came out with the endless insults your reaction? >> so glib and so put on and so phony. that's what i thought and pence
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cool as a cucumber. >> don't hold back. out there. i think pence is cool as a cucumber still professional, so polished the so presidential. we just need mr. trump to take a note from that play book and here we go white house. >> what specific messages should donald trump take from governor pence's performance last night? spell it out what should he learn from pence? >> not so much bullet points but how to pivot and react you have to stay measured and stay calm and that's exactly what mike pence did he turned around everything that mr. cain tried say and turned on hillary clinton and that's what frump needs to do. >> goes without saying that plm certainly hillary clinton will repeat the performance of the last debate an attack, attack, attack, attack. >> well she's a one trick pony so has to go to attacking donald trump. >> a little harsh there -- erin. isn't it? [laughter] >> i don't know maybe maybe not. but not a greated record to
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stand on she has to attack donald trump. >> after the debate standing around with other members of the trump camp, and e guess the reaction was -- >> great job. won by a mile. >> no doubts about that? >> you know, you agree i heard what you said earlier. [laughter] stuart: i want to get it from you. absolutely. enough to stop the rot because last week donald trump, your guy, had a terrible week. and the latest polls show hillary really moving up the scale there. was last night's performance enough to stop it? >> i absolutely believe so and i think it is going build momentum and going forward donald trump will be prepared and reside and we're going to do great on monday. >> erin thanks for joining us we appreciate it. good stuff. pat joins us now. all right pat you say that this is trump's race to win. make your case. >> well, i just believe if you look at the numbers, and you
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look at what people think the country is and you look at their animosity of political class if trump could get his message out of being and when he does do it out of being -- you know, defensive and you know, in attacking her. and doing what these that he tries to destroy his candidate city frankly. but the thing that holds him up is that voters want change. and what he needs to do is raise the stakes of the argument. i'll give you an example you were talking about deplorables. well i'm consulting on a poll that he's doing and came out today and it shows when you asked deplorable statement about it's a split right down the middle of people who think it's a perplex whether hillary clinton has content for ordinary people but whether you ask whether those comments are felt by the political establishment in the media it is 2-1 it's 65%
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that that is the content they have for americans. it is about raising the argument, level of the argument which is the political classes hurt you. they are benefiting and you're not. it's in the economy. it's in overseas. in each area those are the polices to go and if trump would take himself up and make this a referendum rather than a, you know, this savage personality stuff which is placed in hillary clinton hands this is his election. his election to win or lose. >> i want to show you -- i want to show you a clip. it shows real time voter reaction to the debate last night. now, the audience, our audience here is going to sou three lines, democrats blue, republicans red, but watch that yellow line. that's the independent line and as you'll see in a moment now pat our viewers independent liked what governor pence was saying. roll tape.
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>> an insult driven campaign. did you all just hear that? ours is an insult driven campaign? i mean, to be honest with you if donald trump had said all of the things you said he said in the way you said he said them, he still wouldn't have a fraction of the insults that hillary clinton leveled when she said that half of our supporters were a basket of deplorables. >> that made your point deplorables is an exploitable situation exploitable statement and independents really straight with ends last night on that. >> yes, and let me say there's -- other issues out there like the refugee issue. i've been seeing data on this for several weeks it is a huge issue. the american people -- by 6-0% to 20 or 25% margin line up with trump against obama, and particularly hillary clinton's idea of extension of refugees i didn't think that pence
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particularly hit that hard enough. but i want to tell you that's the kind of issue his dominance on that issue is overwhelming because americans say it makes common sense. i said this latest -- anyway. >> no deplorable. independents and refugees exploitsable territory for donald trump let's see if he takes that. pat thanks for joining us. right now the dow industrial is up at the high of the session. i'm looking at 120 point gain. but wait a second liz i think numbers out a few minutes ago that moved the market. liz: nonmanufacturing -- it is really solid read for september. came in at 57. last month it was at a 6-yr low so that's a bullish indicator for the economy and market is moving up triple digits. stuart: good news is good news for stocks. i'll get it right one day. back to situation the train station stabbing in brussels this is the north station in brussels. ashley: second time this week
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here's what we know, a bomb threat called into this train station for second time this has happened this week. 13r59ly two cops stabbed in the neighborhood of brussels or sheer beak where terrorists were making their bombs for the airport attack. the known neighborhood for radical islamist that's what we have. this is a city that's -- about safe say on high alert and troops surrounding this station, operations have been shutdown for an hour now and they have to sweep it for explosives meanwhile two police officers that were stabbed are set to be okay. they'll survive. but clearly on high alert in brussels. think they're using the word terror and they want to finish off by saying they believe it is terror related. >> got it. i'm going to bring everybody now some dramatic footage from haiti. the capitol port of france yesterday hurricane matthew caused historic floods in that
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tragic land. thousands are displaced with you look at that. meanwhile, florida, georgia, north carolina, declaring states of miranda emergency nikki haled for a million people to evacuate the coastal area . matthew expected to hit the shoreline friday. very heavy winds, hundred mile an hour perhaps dangerous surge from the sea. president obama is going to hold, expected to hold a news conference on the storm at around 12 noon, eastern today. we also have this for you. democrats angry at hillary clinton for saying bernie supporters live in basements. listen to this. >> i have known for hillary clinton and everybody who supportses her, i did not grow up in mommy's basement nobody gave me anything. i never looked for anything for free so for her to say we grew up in mommy's basement what had did chelsea grow up because oklahoma city her basement sure as hell was nicer than mine. this woman owns this house,
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with new cabinets from this shop, with handles designed here, made here, shipped from here, on this plane flown by this pilot, who owns stock in this company, that builds big things and provides benefits to this woman, with new cabinets. they all have insurance crafted personally for them. not just coverage, craftsmanship. not just insured. chubb insured.
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>> two weeks ago she said that a free college was attainable this is now we're listening to tape in february that said it wasn't attainable and false promises only thing false about this election ised trod of policy that she continues to switch every other time. this generation has figured it out and the only unfortunate thing for her when election time comes they'll be in the basement signature that one out. stuart: okay that was a successful businesswoman justice director for the sanders campaign who joins us now. welcome to the program. that was quite something your performance there that was really quite something. so i take it you're kind of angry at hillary saying millennials live in basements, is that it? >> well, you know my main point that i was trying to prove was, you know, a lot of times they like to say sanders supporters are the same socialist, everyone is looking for something for free. you know i worked on this campaign for six morptses traveled all over this country because i believed in his
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message of -- of being anti-establishment. independent fiscal, when it comes to business, when it comes to small government. i have been an employer in 2007 when she said children are the recession i was laid off of my job as a branch manager at a staffing firm. one of america largest and when i started my own business with a thousand a month with infant child in order to put people to work. i didn't get a grant. i didn't get a loan. i went out to put hustle to muscle so what my problem is she continues to believe that sanders supporters are the same when she, in fact, lived a forgive life and more opportunities than i had growing up. stuart: a natural born trump supporter now successful in business, yourself you stand on your own two feet aren't you in favor of capitalism and growth in the economy? are you with trump now? >> well sure i'm in favor of capitalism and growth but more in favor of lies of politicians they politically tell --
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>> i'm an independent fiscal and i continue to talk about this message on a national level. and let's see where chip falls. stuart: i want you to listen and watch an msnbc anchor who asked millennial women if they feel connected to hillary. listen to the answer. roll that tape. >> actually ask the crowd behind me so hillary clinton as a candidate do you feel connected to her i'm going to ask women in the room? >> no. >> why do you think the disconnect -- clearly you're with her. we're seeing hillary clinton pick up steam with with many, more women every day. but why this younger generation millennials do you believe there's this disconnect? >> i wish i knew. [laughter] stuart: you know, why millennials are so disconnected from hillary clinton. go. >> well, absolutely i know why generation excited that hillary clinton took the crap off of bill clinton and later became very successful getting something out to deal. but millennial generation is all
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about we don't chase and rereplace them so they're not in a big fan of hillary clinton allowing bill clinton to trash her around the white house. they believe she could have accomplished same thing without bill clinton at the side. remember not the type to stand by my man but standing by him for the last 30 years although she's gotten some out of the deal millennial voters and women they're not enthused about this to be quite honest. >> i don't understand why you're not for trump. take a look trump wants to grow the economy. he wants 4% growth and he wants more jobs he wants money to start flowing again in our society. he's a big supporter small businesses why with aren't you supporting him? >> well because in 2014 before trump or clinton got out on the bat loll i started which was about black people taking their vote being taken for granted but whether that's a republican or democrat. and i intent on pun like bense sticking to my principle not about one particular candidate but who is going to bring best
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policies to african-american and not by feet by what they do. >> isn't that trump? never seen him run his government. if he gets in office we'll find out. >> cut taxes for individuals like yourself and cut business taxes -- i think it works in terms of getting economic growth. isn't he the national candidate for you? >> well maybe, maybe so. but i'm done hearing speeches from anyone particular candidate. i'm over it so let's see if chips fall. we'll find out in four years. but what we know if clinton gets in office we know that will look like because we have a pasted record to see that. that's why i'm anti-clinton but not necessarily for one politician over other. i want to see action and then i'll sit this one out and then wait four years and then see who delivers the outcome. >> visit again before the four year is up we want to see more of you. >> thanks for joining us now appreciate it. thank you. look at that big board we're still up about 100 points.
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we were up 120. i've got positive news on service sector on the economy that is up now up 96 and this. new tape emerging of hillary clinton slamming obamacare she said it needs fixing the the clinton remember, said it was crazy system. >> so you've got this crazy system where all of a sudden 25 million more people have health care, and then people out there busting it sometimes 6hours week and premium doubled and salary cut in half. craziest thing in the world. there's a lot of places you never want to see "$7.95." [ beep ] but you'll be glad to see it here. fidelity -- where smarter investors will always be.
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of the s&p 500 stocks. up they go. now, after bill clinton called obamacare a crazy system, they did that two days ago. hillary clinton now admits yes, it does need to be fixed. roll tape. >> support of the care act has done a lot of good but fix things that need fixing like any other program we need to make work even better. stuart: consensus that obamacare is not doing well and needs to be fixed. with fatal problems. >> president obama and new york said it has real problems "new york times" says it need to change to survive so you're right stuart. but what is their fix? it means even more government control over health care. you know, medicare for all is hillary clinton has said. you know, they knew this was flawed from the get-. they only had to look at the veteran, the va or scene that
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medicare was fraud in medicaid. so that's their fix is they've bigger push for total control over health care system. >> watch out. [laughter] here cools british national health service. now last week a prohillary superpack released an ad featuring famous people say hey don't vote for trump but there's been a reaction, response against that from a protrump group. watch this. >> election day is tuesday, november 8th. i know this. because the famous actor told me. thanks -- thanks famous actors, thanks famous actor i have no idea i was thinking some time in december, maybe january. wait, it's this year. >> so -- tongue and cheek not sure i got it. >> you have to see it, if you saw the first one they did the same style with robert downey, jr. saying -- stuart: those people are famous saying don't vote for trump.
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>> so then parody comes back in same format and say lucky to have famous hollywood actors guide us. i could have made a terrible mistake but goes on to say things like i can't believe that hillary accidentally deleted e-mails. 30,000 times! so in other words it just making fun of the fact of you hollywood elite to tell us who to vote for. stuart: i'm not sure it works. >> probably not. stuart: don't get it to be honest had with you. >> it's the response. >> dense? >> no it's a response to stupid thing in the first place so two things that are stupid cancel out. stuart: price of oil closed on $50 a barrel that could hang in a few minutes when we get news on the latest supply of oil. watch that price. we'll bring it you immediately $49.50 at the moment. and then this by popular demand. we're going to bring you the tale of the tape. what bill and hillary said in the past. on illegal immigrants --
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it begins from the second we're born. because, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned every day. using wellness to keep away illness. and believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. as a health services and innovation company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting
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every part of it. so while the world keeps searching for healthier we're here to make healthier happen. >> it's breaking now. how much oil we head in storage. we have the number tell me jeff. >> you can see it right there down two-point 9 million barrels. it was for a build of $2.5 million barrels. they have even a larger drawdown of 7 million barrels. they were predicting the survey was to a half million.
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where about 70 cents up. a. we are down a little. we have less oil in storage than then we thought we have were down 3 million barrels of oil. that should push it up. five straight weeks of oil draw downs. i think there still is squaring off over there. give it time though. as a speak. the dow industrial is moving a little bit higher will up in the stocks up. it's up 105 as we speak. he has been called a racist because of what he said about mexico immigrants and
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deportation and illegals. but listen to bill and hillary clinton from just a few years ago. >> physical barriers. that's why we have gone aggressively. we need to create the environment. we are also a nature -- nation of laws. >> it's self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws that we've seen in recent years. obviously deported. we will try to do more. just a few short years ago.
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kevin, why is it that trumpet today is called a racist and a bigot for addressing this issue where whereas bill and hillary years ago said something similar and slightly softer terms why is it. >> you know the answer is politics. and i just want to correct that. but they don't have enough sense to look at that. i think you will agree. you generally cherry pick the best of that. the people who are left behind are the ones who had no chance. keep your best people there.
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and we want to help you develop your nation. that's essentially what it was built on. there is room for plenty of immigrants. surely it is trumps point. immigration which i think there is no question about that. i think you're missing a little bit of the point. when you talk about the mass exodus from mexico you do get a lot of the mexican society because they're coming over the closed border. when you look at it from all over the world not just happening in mexico yet to look at what the u.s. policy is. we are always looking at it from a standpoint of being humanitarian.
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the most humanitarian thing we can do is allow people to be in their country and to work hard to reform it. and the problem is it were always looking at this problem from the position of the left. america was built as you rightly said on bringing the best people over from illegal immigration system. what were doing right now is quite frankly immoral and inhumane. let's hope that he brings it up on sunday night in the second debate. here are the candidates sparring over donald trump's tax returns. young men and women signed up to serve in the military to
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fight terrorism. hillary clinton went to washington to get funds to rebuild her city. it was a fight to avoid paying taxes so that he wouldn't support the fight against terror. what did you make of that. links september 11 and donald trump in texas. at that it was an enormous stretch. it's basically the entire performance. you can see a white -- right from the get-go. how quickly he tried to drive the debate straight into the gutter. the linkage there is deeply unfortunate. they care most about vision,
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policy and direction for our country and these they're trying to they are trying to derive the entire debate into the gutter. they mentioned the nuclear deal. she built the sanctions around the world. and that is what it means. better skill and capacity. hillary clinton built the sanction system which presented them. where do you start with this one. i ran as iran is a largest state sponsor of terror. the fact is it's not even signed by the iranians. they are testing us. they embarrassed are needy -- navy sailors earlier this year.
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they call us the great satan. i'm just getting started. to go on and on everything that was left off the table with the negotiations. for hillary clinton to be taking credit for this narrative of how great everything was going with iran is completely divorced from reality. it scares the heck out of me. it was deeply unsettling for many people where do you think it is going. they can't help themselves but to cheat. there are still secret deals that still have not been made public what has come out from
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that is that they are inspecting some of their nuclear sites. they are collecting some of their own soil samples. over the course of the life of this agreement is a pathway of how iran can contain that again. they become cash rich they are pumping up the wrong regime. they are testifying in here is the big problem. we negotiated away the leverage that was to bring them to the table. so try to deal with any of those other bad activities at the leverage is gone however you going to deal with it. what a mess. and how do you really want to take credit for that. thank you very much for joining us. i appreciate it.
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i hundred 12 points up precise. oil getting close and it explains in part why the stock market is up this mine. because of the price of oil. energy companies into best performers in all of the s&p. more than that. they had resettled in america at this calendar year. if elected they promise a whole lot more we are on that straight were not letting go. they still chose a gain. first off on her palm -- arnold palmer. the tribute was titled my arrival, my friend. the game gave so much to arnold that he gave back so much more.
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we have an even more serious case of a captain who noticed three taliban dressed as afghan policeman and immediately warned the superiors within two or three minutes six weeks later they are court marshaled. it was courageous. both of these cases are outrageous abuses but did explain the seriousness with which the government takes the failure to secure and a backup precisely what governor pentz said.
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what are we going to do. no christian or human being can look at the situation and not feel compassion for the suffering syrians. allowing refugees into our country is not one of them. the truth is we don't know if it's 68 or just six because we have no idea who these people really are which by the way stuart is one reason last week our state of texas withdrew from the refugee resettlement program. we cannot certify that these refugees pose no threat to the population. let's do whatever we can to help. it's one thing that america would look like. if seven or 8% of the population were muslim as it is in france i don't want to be pejorative here but had to
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ask the question what would america look like. if that happened to us. it would be far different than it is today. let's all say we know that the majority of muslims are peaceloving individuals but the truth is all of the recent terror attacks that we've have in our country whether it was orlando or fort hood or san bernardino had not been committed by christians. they are radical eyes to muslims we cannot ignore that minority. >> a 7-year-old girl in aleppo is live tweeting as bombs are falling around her. >> she is seven years old she just started tweeting a few weeks ago.
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in a war zone in syria. she is seen flinching at a window. they haven't seen outside the world in weeks. she's not living her life as a regular child would. and this comes as they have said you have to stop aside now how do you turn a woman like that down. we have to do something. we nd to put pressure on putin. in the massacre of the syrian people. the other side of it is they're also been attacked by isis. time for us to have a commander in chief who will deal decisively with isis we don't have that right now. i believe that there is a bill before congress leading the charge here.
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it would make something happen when it comes to christians him into america as opposed to muslims. i believe he's a guest on the program. tell me the name of that piece of legislation. i'm sure he's in support fully. they are untenable. we have a balance real christian compassion for these refugees with their real responsibility and compassion. they are moving towards the u.s. mainland. they are expected to make a statement on the storm.
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♪ >> we have the breaking story for you. that is a suburb just north of new york city. it has derailed. several cars off the track. they are now suspended this comes after the deadly train accident. we are following in the the story more details in the next hour. hurricane matthew headed towards a florida. but the latest track is chose the northeast might be spared. he's expected to make a statement around noon today. they join us next hour with a very latest storm track. they tell us to her about that. including trump economic advisor they made a strong
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case against the so-called economic recovery last night. we will play in that clip. that the terror threat has been diminished. california now wants to make a legal sign-up. all of that in the take on what they learn from last nights debate all just three minutes away but first karl rove said that pens one hands down. in what sense. he was polite and humble. he wisely did it take the bait. and on the other side of it was eddie haskell. he was not himself last night. work in a roll the soundbite. and where he invoked 911 and
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linked it to donald trump in texas. role taxes. the hometown was attacked. young men and women signed up to serve in the military. hillary clinton went to washington to get funds to rebuild her city and protect first responders but donald trump was fighting a very different fight. so that he wouldn't support the fight against terror. what a stretch. businessmen who organized themselves had have a right to take their losses and carry them forward. they did not support the war effort. a lot of businesses did. and they did not pay taxes.
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i do him to go out there and say that. a combination of see products.. and customers. every on-time arrival is backed by thousands of od employees, ...who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. because od employees treat customer service... our most important delivery. od. helping the world keep promises.
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>> memo to all candidates do not be annoying do not turn voters off. don't make them turn the tv off because they're annoyed by you. we should direct that message to tim kane because last night's debate he was intensely annoying right from the get-go. mike pence could barely get through a sentence. we counted 70 interruptions. he mentioned the name of hundred 60 times. rarely did he get into the policy platform. he absorbed the rudeness. surely that is a good point.
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they played up the plan for economic growth and return to prosperity to me that is the key issue in november. and it is the key to winning the debate in the election. here comes the third hour burning and company. >> refugees. >> there is a right way and a wrong way. >> there are nuclear things. they caused the 20,000-dollar portrait. ten cents on the dollar. let me talk about this. literally a billion dollars a
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year. now i want to play some of the better moments but we have to put subtitles on them because he kept interrupting and talking over the top of him. watch this. the clinton foundation accepted foreign contributions from foreign governments and while she was secretary of state. hillary clinton failed to renegotiate. you artie had a minute. i was shouting at the tv and i bet you were also. he is trumps economic advisor. you are not going to destroy that guy.
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it looked like a floyd mayweather flight for me. i'm at the end listen to his response. people in scranton our no different. this economy is struggling. the answer to this economy is not more taxes. >> good point that was my favorite line of the night and good for you for grabbing it. this was a turning point on the election. they are cannot run away because they failed on both of those and they just laid that
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out chapter in verse. the failure in the middle east because of the lead from behind. and all they got on the clinton sign is attacking donald trump. it's a strong economy and a strong defense. you know hillary clinton will come after donald trump again you know the nonpayment of federal income taxes is to come up again. i was doing a debate there. they care about jobs. if you compare a businessman legally operating under the current tax code versus a woman who basically has run a plate of pay scheme.
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you need to start talk about tax revenue. isn't that what donald trump has to learn. you take the incoming on your tax return you pivot to how are you gonna grow the economy. in your debate training and that's what you are doing retraining him how to pivot i have no debate training. i just talk common sense and basically what we have here is an interesting election. it's on its back and a lot of this issue has to do with trade and has to do with raising taxes and raising
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regulations this is gonna be really interesting. whether or not the point clinton people can keep dragging it down into the mud versus having an elevated discussion about the economy and national security were to see that. he was shown at a rally all sorts of energy. he was having fun. it looked like a funeral i think you agree with me. thank you for joining us.
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we appreciate it and we will see you again soon. it was up hundred 20 we will take it. possibly because of oil look at this very close to $50 per barrel. it was down. demand is pretty strong and up with the price. forty-nine dollars 84 cents as we speak. it's right now it is up a about. 1271. keith fitzgerald is with us. you are market guy. have you ever buys anybody to buy gold because it's cheap. when the time is right i don't think the right time is now. i think we have two influences. i think they're arrogant their arrogant net enough to raise it.
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technically speaking some 70% are net long goal. that is a contrary indicator. it has a ways to go down. we had been in this narrow range for some time now. why are stocks so high an average viewer who doesn't follow the market day today is looking at the dow industrial insane they are way up there. they want to know why. in a nutshell can you tell them. number 1e had to be in it to win it. that means a lot of retail investors understand that. the bad side is that this is all about the feds. you think the clintons have paid to play this is paid to play on an international scale. that is what is driving values. for someone in their late 60s who shall be nameless should that person cell a lot
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of the stock that they owe because they don't want to take any risks and prices are really pretty high. everybody has their own risk tolerances and objectives. generally speaking if you're in your 60s odds are into your 80s or 90s. you outlive your money. selling out the matter how things get. is a terrible mistake or you have it on the handbasket. i see it all over the place. do you put much in that. there is always the end of the earth. i think the optimism is always more profitable part of this. if you pick your bets carefully you can stick to the things you talk about all the time. no matter who is in the white house. no matter what you have to have.
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you there can create value for that. give me three must-have companies. it doesn't take much to understand that. medical supplies. and how about water. you can't live more than 72 hours without water. they paid a huge dividend. those are the kind of companies that they must have. thank you for joining us we will see you again really soon. i will get to hurricane matthew moving north expected to strengthen over the bahamas. friday morning. president obama will make a statement at the top of the coming hour on the storm. and in a few minutes janice team of a large earthquake.
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it is because the iranian nuclear program has been stopped but there other parts of the world that are channeled gently challenging. clearly downplaying the terror threat to america. now listen to governor mike pence as a response. the truth is they led al qaeda because they failed to renegotiate that would have allowed some american combat troops to remain in iraq i says it was able to be conjured up out of the desert and overrun vast areas that was a strong response.
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you have just mentioned we are more secure because bin laden is dead. he is the commander that attacks us on 911. and now we have a cyst. they are in controlled at least. in libya. i don't want to go over the details it was so unusual to see him to something four years ago. when asked a question about the present terror threat. will he just stayed there for a second. multiple police officers stabbed at a train station. we have more on this.
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it was well known for that. there can a surprise -- survive. they do not know more than that. has been arrested. this is happening shortly after a major bomb threat. also to the belgian prosecutors. the attack is being called they attack police officers with knives. my position has been that it's a culturally divided and the rest personable way and in my opinion europe is finished and you say what.that is a big statu
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made. i know from a technical perspective there is a cultural divide. there is a weakness. if they would see them there this is what happened in paris and nice, and urban jihad he is a how close is it to actually being in america. and of course what happened in orlando plus those attacks around the nation most of which have not been successful.
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we are under the attack but not the same intensity what would happen in america what would that response be. when i can to speculate but i think it will be dramatic. thank you very much. going back to hurricane matthew it is moving north expected to strengthen over the bahamas. janice dean joins us now. where is a storm headed. and we have our latest unraveling of obama care and even hillary says this.
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i'm sure everybody knows by now. matthew is headed towards florida. they should be prepared for a direct hit. the latest track suggest the northeast might be spared. the state of play that is likely to hit florida, the carolinas but then likely to veer off out to sea and miss it. is that where we are. >> we think matthew is going to stay south of you but for folks across the southeast coastline this could be a dire situation already the storm has strengthened this is a new advisory. you can see that i starting to reform here it weakened as it
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made its way across to cuba but it remains intact and we do expect the strengthening storm category for coming very close a brush if not a direct impact on central florida. this is happening tomorrow night if you live in florida you need to do so now. you don't have a lot of time. and it's can curl up towards georgia and the carolinas and then we will think there is the threat to recurve. it's something that will be with us throughout the work week. i'm very concerned for florida, georgia and the carolinas. it could be a metal -- matter of life and death. thank you very much indeed. hillary clinton she keeps
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talking down to voters. for example she said if one of your friends plans on voting for donald trump times to state and intervention. just listen to this. i know that you know people who are thinking about people who are voting for him. i am respectively asking you to stage an intervention before it's too late. this man creates software, used by this bank,
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to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this vice president, this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. they all have insurance crafted personally for them. not just coverage, craftsmanship. not just insured. chubb insured.
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>> you could put half of trump supporters and when i called a basket of deplorable. racist, sexist,, xenophobic peer >> i think implicit bias is a problem for everyone. not just police. >> they're often the kinds of kids called super predatory. no conscience, no empathy. >> i know you know people thinking about voting for him, right? so i am not respectfully asking you to stage an intervention before it's too late. tree into another montage of the times and hillary clinton insulted or certainly talk down to trump voters. governor mike pence responded to some of those attacks last night. watch this.
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>> when african-american police officers involved in a police action shooting involving an african american, why would hillary clinton accused that african-american? tree into the code is here. batman is here from the "washington times." he's the political columnist. good to see you, sir. >> even chris matthews says mike pence one last night. you're not going to contradict chris matthews is time are you. >> i'm not going to get into the way of that. listening to the montage, it's a reminder that she's been in politics for 25 years and she's terrible at politics. unlike her has been whose brilliant data. voters often time tonight too much of people appeared and it's
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not just trump supporters. it is everybody. i think that is the real dcs and cap that she is suffering among democrats. stuart: did you watch it all the way through last night? >> that is the main question. yes they did but only because i was paid to. it was the most excruciating 95 minutes of my life. >> i thought senator kaine was the most annoying person i've ever seen. we counted seven interruptions. i think that hurt him. i really do. it was shouting at the screen and you were too. you've got to look presidential appeared calm, cool, collected. a man suitable for the oval office. i don't think he made it last night. >> the moderator lost control immediately. i can't thinking what is really missing in this debate stage is donald trump. maybe donald trump would come out if he moderated the debate is certainly would've been a lot
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more interesting. even if he been a timekeeper in the background. you are right. tim came came off as an angry badger, that might have handled all of that -- if you are not satisfied with hillary clinton or donald trump, what you learned last night is you don't like tim kaine neither. he is boring. he is really boring. but he's a nice guy knows how to handle it. stuart: do you think donald trump should pick up a few pointers from how mike pence -- i don't think donald trump could be boring if he tried. there should be some pointers that donald trump could pick up on sunday night. >> absolutely. if nothing else, just pick up that you don't make unforced errors. you stay on message and don't go off the tag in people or things that just aren't doing for you.
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stay on message, stay focused. donald trump has gotten incredible talking about his performance last week it i didn't think it was all that bad. he is still one good sharp debate away from being completely back in control. stuart: that was my question. donald trump had a bad week last week. the poll suggests hillary clinton has moved up significantly. my question is, the debate last night on pence isn't it jury, will that stop the downside move of donald trump. >> it's very possible. there's so much last week taken up with all of this business about the model. it's a completely unnecessary thing that donald trump doesn't need to be talking about. if you can get a taste, a reminder of what the areas like coming reminder of what a little
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when his life, he gets back on the straight and narrow. he racked up three solid weeks. he could be doing pretty well. drink you how often have we said this? i've got a run because i've got something else happening out here. blue origin they knew shepherd rocket. just based no-space co., the guy who runs it on amazon, a big chunk of it, this is the test range is the fifth try. there's something on top of that name. >> just pays us want to see if when this takes off at 162nd thing that was separate and see if they survive see if it survived him if he survived he
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wants to put it in a museum because he thinks they would need an historic event in passenger spaceflight by the private sector. this is a big deal. liz: there's nobody in there now. but they are testing it. stuart: 50 seconds to go. we are going to watch the thing lunch. i am just intrigued but the whole idea of just pays us, the man who made his fortune of $72 billion in amazon branching out into all kinds of businesses, including this one. the private space business. >> a race to space. stuart: you've got 23 seconds. liz: the head of 16,000 feet the cargo, the top part of it is supposed to separate them flow gently through the ground with a parachute. if it does, if that's an escape. trained to listen to the countdown. almost ready.
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>> two, one. liz: wait for it. 16,000 feet. ashley: we are at 17. >> a spectacular launch. knew shepherd. transport it is reusable, too. stuart: i like that. that was something else. 45 seconds when we expect to see that operate and is supposed to come back down. >> this to be a revolutionary point historic or passenger spaceflight by the private sector. >> pushing macro caps-off 400 miles an hour.
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stuart: it sure goes off at 400 miles an hour. liz: he wants to see a survive. that's the key to survive. there it goes with the parachutes. >> at not for me to say this is a success. he wants to put that in a museum, that caps-off. stuart: what kind of liability do they want? >> they don't have any government immunity. >> human spaceflight. stuart: we are going to make sure you can see the end result. we'll keep that that up on the screen. meanwhile, i want to talk to the judge. i want to talk to them about
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yahoo!. the users e-mailt was security forces which yahoo! allowed to scan all their user e-mails. the latest is that yahoo! is downplaying the accusations that call the report misleading. nonetheless, napolitano is here. he presumably will disagree vigorously with me. go ahead. >> what am i disagreeing on? >> image of nuclear terror you can read any message, listen to any song call. you can intercept any communication if you're the cia, nsa or fbi, go look. find the terrorists before the terrorist finds me. >> is in violation of three privacy laws which regulate all telecommunications providers and internet service providers. what yahoo! should have done was challenged the request. they didn't get a subpoena.
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they didn't get a search warrant. they got a request from the nsa. they should've challenged it before a federal judge and if the nsa prevailed, then they are covered because then they are complying with an order from the federal judge and they have no liability. the manner in which reuters has reported yahoo! address this is, they became supine. they did exactly what the government wanted and created software for the government. the apple case for the fbi wanted apple to create software for the government in apple said no and eventually they withdrew the case because the fbi finds an israeli firm to do it for them. well, yahoo! did this come to invade the privacy of every single one of its customers including the person to whom the handsome face and look in at the moment violated the law. stuart: on the left-hand side of your screen can that they are that landed perfectly. it is about to land.
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you are correct. donna comes. looks like it's going to his feet. pretty sure. i'm sorry, judge. you could forgive that. down it goes. it's going to/momentarily i do declare. >> intended to museum. just base us wants to put msdn. this is an historic moment for private sector human spaceflight passengers. >> it was the private sector, not the government they did what she done the screen. >> as jeff basis is doing time is spent wisely and prudently. but the government you spend other peoples money and you don't care. which produces -- can i have that tape of him saying it was so right?
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still ahead, the latest chapter in what we call the unraveling of obamacare. hillary clinton, the latest to jump in. she says yes it does need fixing. what actually happens when it collapses? we will tell you next. >> the affordable care act has done a lot of good. it is like any other new program. you fight to make it work even better. 's a great idea, but why don't you just go to thinkorswim's chat rooms where you can share strategies, ideas, even actual trades with market professionals and thousands of other traders? i know. your brain told my brain before you told my face. mmm, blueberry? tap into the knowledge of other traders on thinkorswim. only at td ameritrade.
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>> your fox business brief. overseeing energy with oil near $50. the dow gaining 115 points at this time. half of 1%. the s&p 500 up 10 and the nasdaq gaining 32 right now. i mentioned energy, technology, financials are the look at how financials are faring today. you can see jpmorgan, for example up almost 2% and so is goldman sachs. watching bowling now in the cto recently going to be elon musk. doing some inventions to travel to space. boeing is up 1.8%. constellation brands, dear in mind and an ipo that are lucky not to the upside. go pro is the winter. we might you do keep it right
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here. it's not like life insurance and cash and predict flood. it does not work. >> you heard that correctly. he just trashed obamacare. he thinks obamacare needs to be drastically reformed. listen to how governor pence described it at the debate last night. roll tape. >> for the trillion dollars in tax increases, more of the same cole and now even former president bill clinton calls obamacare a plan. they want to build on obamacare and expanded into the single-payer program and for all the world clayton thinks thinks obamacare is a good start. stuart: douglas holtz-eakin is with us. the american action fund president. welcome back to the program. good to see you again. we were staying obamacare is unraveling. now i am saying this thing is
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collapsing. what does it mean to ordinary regular people when obamacare collapses? does that mean no health care coverage in astronomical cost or what does it mean? >> it means both quite frankly. what you see happening as we go forward is the young and healthy don't show what appear the insurers lose money and raise premiums to cover that. they raise premiums and people departing the exchanges and ultimately see the insurers walking away. they're pretty far along in the process. we've got five states where there is one insurer. we've got 60% of the obamacare population that has two choices or fewer. you can build the exchanges and that doesn't mean people are going to show up and we see the exchanges empty out. stuart: what do you make of the news this morning that california's petitioning to be allowed to have the legal immigrant inside obamacare fairly soon.
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what is the end result of that? >> i think this is remarkable because the affordable care act explicitly says illegal immigrants cannot get obamacare. they have to object is. number one is perhaps they can get them young, healthy illegal immigrants into the exchange pulls to keep the premium down and at the same time relieve themselves of uncompensated character. the issue is they can't get subsidies. a lot of people believe this is a slippery slope or if they get them into the exchanges initially they will get federal subsidies. that is our work -- where we have right now. stuart: have got to go to breaking news here. if it is collapsing, when is the endpoint? when is the actual collapse going to be obvious? >> i think it is the parents now. it will be crystal clear into year tops.
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it is not what hillary clinton is saying which is more public options. we've tried that with the co-ops. they've all gone bankrupt. you have to try genuine public insurance model. stuart: douglas holtz egan. sorry to cut is so sharp that i've got to turn to something different. moments ago from the blue origin rocket. that is the rocket is elf. it landed two miles from the path where it took off. west texas. the fifth time basics escalate had done this. it's going to little feat. by the way, on top of the rocket, there is a little capture which in the future would take passengers off and not too came down and landed back. blue origin which is just a so space company.
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he's a guy who wants a big chunk of amazon. what a story. i enjoyed that. a period of elevated risk from an earthquake on the san andreas fault, that period is now over. the west coast is still overdue. details in a moment for you. tal. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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train to california officials say. a elevated risk from the san andreas fault, that period is now over. >> it was up 1.7 22-point out in an area that is basically like a dead sea of southern california in the desert. they saw the swarm, a continuous warned they were worried it was going to foreshadow a big rupture of the san andreas fault in southern california. apparently they just stops, the swarms died down to the last one in the area was 300 years ago. they are overdue. no doubt about it. liz: this is 150 miles southeast of los angeles and san bernardino, palm springs, san diego is near this. on average of 150 years or so every 200 years they have the big one.
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230 years ago they had the big ones. a seven on the richter scale. they started september 26 a week ago. they are very worried. >> you can connect with any reliability will be a very big deal. >> the u.s. government says one in 100 dots of the big one happening. they've increased the odds that the big one happening in california. >> let me tell you a quick story. the second home i have in california was in st. bernard just st. bernard just south of san francisco. but the house, loved it. fabulous view. there was this the late whole lake. the real estate agent said that his crystal lake. i then what on a map later. it is actually the san andreas lake. we actually moved and that is what happened to last.
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stuart: great video. i will show you in reverse order of the landing of the booster rocket from the blue origin rocket. that is coming down. that is landing safely in west texas after taking off. this is just basis private-based company. that is the rocket which is landing. >> they nailed the booster rocket landing. this is the age of space tourism. stuart: this is the launch. we don't have it. probably got it? 30 seconds left on this show. it's a blue origin rocket. we've got it now rolling. >> look at that. what you are looking on as the separation on top of the rocket
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which eventually will carry human beings into space. this is a test run obviously. it will successfully returned to earth on parachutes. very successful all the way around. just the way we like to see neil cavuto take off on his show, which begins now. >> you know, stuart, i can't appear a few minutes ago in an always catching your fine shows in getting me ready and all of that. i am seeing this rocket that's enough that i said he's done it. he saw hillary clinton leading. i'm glad you're still on earth. for a while anyways. i really was worried. you do have options now. thank you, my friend. we have a lot coming up including what is going on. that is what is happening now with this hurricane matthew. right now it is a category three,
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