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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  October 6, 2016 9:00am-12:01pm EDT

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maria: thanks to our great panel tomorrow. varney & company starts right now. stuart: we are watching something unique, yes, everyone, here comes matthew. the storm is about to hit the bahamas, by tonight and early tomorrow it starts tracking slowly up the east coast of florida, direct hit is likely some where between west palm and port st. lucie, slow moving north, storm surge. state governors in no uncertain terms telling residents get out of the way. florida's rick scott calls it devastating, life-threatening, prepare for a direct hit. south carolina's nikkei hailey
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orders a million people out of coastal areas, another million and a half in florida urged to flee inland. massive evacuation, it has started. the storm track all the way through today's show. good morning, everyone. elsewhere for once it is all quiet on the election front, debate prep time. hillary clinton will spend all day today and much of friday of saturday preparing for sunday. donald trump will do a town hall in new hampshire today. the same format of the debate. yes, he is practicing. the stakes at play are very important here. hillary clinton is gaining ground in the polls, she leads. so at the debate trump must be the comeback guy. hillary will try to kill off candidacy, big deal, very high stakes. thursday morning, everyone, millions on the road fleeing matthew, we are on it. varney & company about to begin.
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♪ ♪ ♪ stuart: we are going to start with your money and for that we have to start with twitter, google, apple, disney reported not in the bid to go buy that company. that leaves the cloud computing company they may still be in the running. the shares will go down and big. we talk about amazon every sickle day. no wonder it's very close to record territory. it's approaching $850 per share. how about oil? it broke 50 yesterday. that helped the dow gain a 100 points, it's back above 50 now, 50.20. let's see if that help it is market today. stocks this morning, thursday morning, i'm going to call a pretty flat opening today. remember the big job's report first thing tomorrow morning. now, the election, here we go, the latest poll averages from
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real clear politics. nationally hillary clinton is ahead of trump by almost 4 points. in florida hillary leads by almost 3 points, okay, that's florida on your screens now. almost a 3-point lead for hillary clinton. in ohio, however, trump leads by a little bit more than 2 points, that's the swing state of ohio. come on in please tom, with real clear politics. now, is this -- does this represent a trend, a recent trend towards hillary clinton? in other words, is her lead expanding just a little bit? >> it is, we have seen it at the national level, you know, donald trump had closed the gap leading into the debate. he closed it 7 and a half points all the way under 2 to 1 and a half in national average. since that debate, she's managed to put back another -- about 2 or 2 and a half points on the national polls and we've seen that follow along in some of the swing states, she moved ahead in florida, edged back ahead in
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north carolinaics edged back ahead in nevada and pennsylvania. you mentioned ohio, that's the one state that trump maintained his lead, iowa is another one. not a lot of, i think trump is still within striking distance and i think you're right, stuart. this sunday's night debate is going to be an important peace of the puzzle. stuart: am i right to say hillary's bounce is direct result of debate number one, is that accurate to say that? >> yeah, i think it's a result of performance and the media follow. trump had a bad week, he ended up spending three days on alicia machado, they were talking about tax returns. for all those reasons. trump hasn't really lost a lot of support, it's more hillary regaining ground with parts of the coalition that she really needs, millennials, women. stuart: where did she gain the ground? millennials and women, that's accurate? >> that's right.
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college-educated white voters in some suburbs who had drifted away from her and toward trump. independents a little bit as well. so you put all of that stuff together and that's why i think she was able to sort of regain her cushion in the national polls and some swing states. stuart: trump, you're the guy that does polling business. would i be right in saying that sunday night, second debate, that is the moment when donald trump must stop the rot? you want to say that? >> yeah, look, i think, -- i think the vice presidential debate actually was good news for trump in the sense that people were talking about his vice presidential candidate having a good night and in donald trump can add to that by having a good night on sunday, he might be able to regain momentum. again, still a month left and another debate after this, but sunday night is an important piece, important moment for donald trump to regain offensive here otherwise he's going to far too far behind and won't be enough time for him.
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stuart: we will see you again real soon, sir. thank you very much, indeed. come on please the chief operating officer of the trump campaign. jeff, you heard this, you're down a little bit in the polls nationally and in florida. trump i'm going to say kind of lost the first debate. he must win the second. am i right, he's got the win the second? >> well, he's going to win the second. but how you view the first debate -- stuart: vital importance. >> there's no question. everyone is watching this. we are getting bigger ratings than the super bowl specially can donald trump everyone is watching, he brings bigger crowds. stuart: what's the strategy. i know you can't tell me directly what he's going to do, but what are you telling him to do? >> i will tell you the secret sauce to that and to the campaign which is to make sure that everybody concentrates on jobs, the economy and prosperity and if you look at hillary does, if you look at what tim kaine
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tried to do against mike pence, they tried to get the topics off of the economy, off of jobs, off of obamacare and they tried to go into, hey, so and so said this 30 years ago about another person, how do you feel about that? they try to distract you with these things that don't matter about anything, what matters is getting the economy back on track. stuart: that's exactly what we have been saying that prosperity and growth are the central issue in this campaign and you're assuring me that you will talk to donald trump and make sure that he gets on the theme prosperity and growth? >> absolutely. stuart: okay. >> he's the one that can fix the country on those topics. stuart: everybody knows this, donald trump attacked the ford motor company for moving some to méxico, got it. bill ford of the ford family, he held a meeting with donald trump. now here is what bill ford said after that meeting. roll tape. >> you know, i would like to think ford is everything that
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should be celebrated by what's right with the country. let me explain why. we've hired 26,000 people in the united states since 2011, once we got back on our feet. we've made $12 billion investment in the united states. the last announcement where we are building a plant in méxico and moving small cars there, we are not losing any jobs in michigan because we are putting new vehicles into those plants, so, you know, that's what's so frustrating and a certain point infuriating about this because i feel like we've not only invested heavily in this country and adding lots of new jobs in this country but, you know, i think he and others should look at us and say, that's how you do business. uart: you have infuriated the ford motor company. >> bill ford is ride that ford is an iconic american brand.
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four most job creators in the country throughout history. but when you're look at what they're doing in méxico, what confuses a lot of people, is that the symptom or is that the disease. and is it the disease that the company is moving overseas. what the truth is politics. politicians with overregulation and overtaxation are creating a business climate where companies prosper by moving their production to other countries. that's what we need to change. we need to cure the disease by curing the politics which is cutting the regulation and cutting the taxes so that when he wants to open a new plant with these new cars he's coming out with, the most economic sense is to do that in detroit, do that here in america. that's what we have to fix. the politics will never get it there if they keep electing the same people. the cure is donald trump. the cure is taking one of our most successful business leaders of all time in this country, donald trump, and putting him in washington to straighten out the
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mess. stuart: we appreciate you coming and we appreciate >> thank you. stuart: to baseball, the san francisco giants beat the mets in the national league wild card game. look at this u3-hundred homer in the ninth inning. that won the game for final score 3-0. the giants move on the play the cubs, that would be tomorrow. watch it go. more on hurricane matthew, florida's governor telling one and a half million people evacuate, get out of harm's way before it hits. roads clogged and you can watch the storm tracked on our program bottom-right-hand corner of the screen. here comes matthew. more trouble for samsung, a galaxy note 7 phone starts fire and the plane evacuated. the owner says it was a replacement for model.
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shocking statistic to start with, one christian is murdered every 30 minutes in the mideast. a welcome guest on this program and he's next here's the plan. you grow up wanting to be a lawyer, because your dad's a lawyer. and you land a job with a 401k and meet your wife. you're surprised how much you both want kids, and equally surprised you can't have them. so together, you adopt a little boy... and then his two brothers... and you up your life insurance because four people depend on you now. then, one weekend, when everyone has a cold and you've spent the whole day watching tv, you realize that you didn't plan for any of this,
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call unitedhealthcare or go online to enroll. stuart: now, wal-mart is in the news. they gave a luck -- lack luster profit outlook. the opening bell warmup will be down a little it. yum! brands, lower sales, i believe, and the stock is going to be virtually flat actually at the opening bell. we have another headache for samsung, samsung note 7, the phone started smoking forcing an entire plane to land and evacuate.
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>> it happened at the gate flight 994 from louisville to baltimore, began smoking, he flew it down on the floor. passengers saw the smoke and the pilot got everyone off. phone reportedly was a replacement which is terrible news for samsung. he turned it to at&t the old one. samsung is fighting back a bit. there's no evidence that this is related to the note 7, the replacement batteries are fine, apparently are not, they want to see the phone, we need to see more evidence so they are working with the airline to get the phone to see what happened. stuart: do they have a problem or what? ashley:i won't go away. stuart: back to politics, every 30 minutes a christian is killed in the middle east, i believe, because they are a christian. california republican is trying to save them. he has a bill before congress
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that's called the save christians from genocide bill and he joins us now. congressman, we are all very much in favor of this bill and frankly we are astonished that it's taken so long to come before the american people. virtually no christians are coming here but they are being slaughtered in the middle east. tell us when are we going to get some action on this thing? >> well, i've been working on this legislation for a number of months now and it's disheartening that we through the republican congress we have been unable and specially through the obama administration, i miadd, to get through legislation that specifically addresses a genocide, a mass slaughter of christians that's going on in the middle east. my bill basically would say that in five of the countries where the slaughter is the worse, when it comes to any refugee status or immigration status, that the christians who have been
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targeted and i might add yezetis, those people who have been targeted for genocide get preferential treatment for visa status. but the administration and some of my colleagues in the republican party, say, we can't designate a specific religion, well, sure you can because the terrorists doesn't need it. they've been designated. i'm appalled by the lack of progress as well. stuart: it's not a religious test. it's a test is there genocide being carried against you and if that's the case, you're in. i mean u it seems to us that president obama tilts, he tilts towards muslims and that's a strong statement, would you agree with it? >> yes, i do. here he is. 10,000 people from syria
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already, only 53 of them were christian, yet the christians in syria are the ones who basically have been targeted for genocide and are being slaughtered specifically for their faith, not because they are on one side of the politics or another, but because they are christians. that is outrageous and the administration, of course, brings in ten thousand people and only 53 of them are christians. stuart: i've been called islamphobe. are they calling you names here? >> anybody listening to us that's outraged by this, you have to understand, these are the same -- if you follow the same logic, we have all the jews back to hitler, we can't discriminate people -- for people by their religion even though the jews were being targeted for slaughter then.
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anybody that can make that argument, but even some of the people on the republican side, but we need to get this bill on the floor for a vote and put people on record as to whether or not we are going to stand up. hr4017 paul ryan even has not permitted it, has not put emphasis behind it so it can get on the floor. we have two pieces of legislation that will not do the job. one of the legislation is the alternative, pardon me for speaking too long here, any religion where it is a minority religion and attacked by a majority religion, they will have preference, but if you don't -- that means the sheas who are minority in sunni areas will come and the sunnis who have shea minorities terrorists will come -- stuart: we are with you. >> we will get nothing. stuart: we are can you and we want you to come back and tell us what happens to your bill. >> thank you so much.
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stuart: yes, sir. all right, how about this, another nsa contractor arrested accused of stealing top secret data. i think it's deplorable. what does judge napolitano think about it? we will ask. he's coming shortly. live look at hurricane matthew. that's live. that's the bahamas, live shot. that's what's happening there. it's hitting the islands. matthew hitting them right now. it's going to get worse, more on the storm track on the bottom of your screen. keep watching, we will be right back
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stuart: the first question was where and when does matthew hit america. let's ask that question for janice dean, fox news senior meteorologist. last time i saw your report between west palm and port st. lurks ucie, still the story? >> yes, we are going to start feeling effects as the storm about to make landfall in nassau, bahamas and we think it's going to strengthen as it get closer to east florida. why is that? we have some of the warmest water temperatures ahead of the storm system.
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this is the future radar. if it makes land fall or close to it it would be west palm beach and port st. lucie and we are going to have to watch it scrape florida, the worst of the rain and storm surge and then into georgia and carolinas perhaps still at hurricane. we have warnings for 10 million people. stuart: i hear that it's all hype. >> this could go as one of the worst storms they have seen in florida in history. no hype here, life or death. stuart: we hope to see you on the program later today. thank you very much. check futures how we are going to open up, real problem for twitter, apple, google, disney,
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all of them not interested in buying that stock. it's going to go straight down on the opening bell today which is coming up next watch your money. is it a professor who never stops being a student? is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own? or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions? your personal success takes a financial partner who values it as much as you do. learn more at it begins from the the second we're because, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned every day. using wellness to keep away illness. and believing a single life can be made better by
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stuart: i am laughing because i want to inject some life.
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20 seconds ago before the actual trading day begins. i've got to tell you, there's not going to be a lot of life today because tomorrow we've got the job's report and everybody is backing up waiting for the job's report. nonetheless we will take you to wall street in 2 seconds where the opening bell. [laughter] stuart: most of the dow, 30. look at the price of oil. not giving much support to the stock market this morning. it sure did yesterday. amazon, we go to it every single day. [laughter] stuart: it approached $850 this morning in premarket action. down a buck now at 8.43. whenever there's a hurricane we she can shares of home
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improvement stores and home depot and lowes down a bit. don't forget about the property insurers, they don't know what they're going to be hit with as matthew approaches. a couple of those stocks are up, no clear trend from the property insurers thus far. however, there's a clear trend on twitter. it's down. down big. there's a report that both google, disney and apple, all of them, not going to bid for twitter. that leaves sales, the cloud computing company, it's down 18%. ashley webster is here. we are trying to get some light into this market. i'm going to start with twitter which is down sharply. let's go to you, larry, first now that it's 18 percentage points down? >> no, a lot of people stepped up because disney was coming in
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and other companies were not going to step in. you take a risk when you buy that stock when you're looking for a whole bunch of people buy it out and they step away. those people are getting hurt a little bit. i wouldn't be a buyer right here . stuart: john in bermuda would you buy $20 a share? >> no, if they can't make money off of this, i'm not sure they can make money and if this probably goes back to mid teens. stuart: everybody knows the name of twitter. >> they have no revenue model. it's a lot of money to pay for data. a lot of money to pay for data. the stock is coming down. stuart: coming down some more? >> yeah. stuart: this morning we are pricing at about $843 per share.
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amazon 841 now. john, still too expensive for you? >> it's still expensive for me at 500. [laughter] >> what a mistake i made by not buying it. they're going to 25%. they're trying to become the greatest company in the world. they may make it but seems too rich for my blood. stuart: just like apple when my kids tell me to buy it at 57. >> nearly 60% of them. stuart: you're the economist here, they changed the way selling is done in america. >> they're changing the customer experience, logistics, real estate and no way they're slowing down. stuart: i want to move onto wal-mart. they have a profit outlook so the stock is down significant.
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down nearly 2 bucks but they've got two other stories associated with wal-mart which i think are intriguing. >> doubling the amount of giant warehouses where they can stuck their goods for online shipping. now, they are working on speed of delivery. wal-mart can reach most of country for shipping which is good but still so far behind amazon. amazon last year online sales 107 billion, wal-mart 13 billion. so they've got a long way. they are so far behind from amazon, they tr trying to achip away but they have a ways to go. they are expanding the pickup grocery service, you can make grocery order in your phone, you send it off and they give you a parking spot and time, you drive to your slot, pack your groceries, off you go. it's a good for them to grow and not many other people are doing it. stuart: that's intriguing, that i like.
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4,600 stores. ashley: yes. stuart: the infrastructure on the ground ready to go. >> we should get a report for thanksgiving and see what happens. tauter -- stuart: i like the idea of a parking space. [laughter] stuart: the sales at the parent company of kfc, taco bell apparently are down; is that correct? give me the story, please, nicole. >> the story is in china there were sentiments against western brands, american brands in august and september, there was a ruling in an international court pertaining to the south china sea and after that ruling, they were protests for two months and so the ceo of yum brand said, listen f it weren't for august and september where we saw the protests against american brand, we would have had fifth consecutive quarter of positive store sales growth. stock is down 2%.
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don't forget yum! brands china will spin-off october 31st, then on november 1st, right here at the stock exchange yumc would be the symbol. stuart: we will be watching nicole. thank you very much, indeed. a whole new area of complaint against wells fargo. louisiana republican david says the phoney account scandal affects thousands, quote, small businesses. >> ten thousands small businesses were hit with basically fake bank accounts opened up in small businesses' names. the senator is saying this is indication of fraud, it's a broader part of the culture at wells fargo. here is also the issue for wells fargo, it is the top lender in lending program for small businesses. stuart: i don't think it affects -- i'm out of a limb here. they can handle any kind of lawsuit settlement that comes their way.
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>> yeah. >> even if every single state losses, it's nothing. >> people are actually looking at this as an opportunity for the market to say, wells fargo is going to have to get more change. no uncertainty here. that's important because they have to salvage their brand. they do need to salvage their brand. it's been clean until now and has to stay clean. stuart: okay, i think in six months we have forgotten about it. [laughter] stuart: we'll all get tired of it. [laughter] stuart: mylan, government health plans spent, what, a billion dollars on epipen in a five-year period. ashley: over a billion 797 million by medicaid and other 335 million by medicare, investigators say the government ieu and i were charged and were
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at 10%, mylan didn't rebait as much money as they should so that story like wells fargo seems to go on and on. stuart: will they get over it to where mylan is a buy at 36? >> yeah, i think they are going to get over it. you have the politicians, once the election is over, i think this thing starts dying over, believe it or not politicians are self-serving. >> news flash. stuart: dow is down 85 points and heading south in the last eight minutes since that opening bell. 18,200, just below that level. ford motor company, it has revealed that next year the f-150 truck will have improved gas mileage, how improved? >> 1 mile per gallon. this is a big deal. stuart: no, it's not. >> top selling truck for 39 years straight. they are getting competition
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from chris her ram pickup. 25 miles per gallon on the highway, a mile per gallon improvement there. stuart: whoa. >> commitment. thrills of spills in the varney show. stuart: sexual harassment claim against mcdonalds. ashley: 15 federal complaints over the last month say that workers were solicited for sexual favors, they complain today supervisor and in one case the worker was having hours cut because she couldn't make a living. those people who want $15. >> when does that start? at lunch. ashley: in about 36 u.s. cities. stuart: will you please come back here and explain what's going on with oil?
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fifty dollars per barrel. it helped the stock market yesterday, what's going on with oil? >> yeah, you're right about that, stuart. we saw a big up today. they're both above $50, a lot what we haven't seen in quite a while. we have shaken out a lot of the shorts, oil looks pretty strong, i think we will get mid 55-dollar level before we see $45 there. i think you have to be a buyer there. stuart: larry, bryan and john, we will be back very soon. 90 points for the dow industrials, the fbi arrests a former nsa contractor, the allegation, he stole a secret computer program that was designed to hack foreign governments. judge napolitano up next with that. also, of course, we are watching hurricane matthew hitting the bahamas right now. that's live video that you're going to be seeing momentarily
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the storm is expect today reach the florida coast late tonight, early tomorrow morning, maybe today in south florida, flooding, damaging winds expecting millions are now evacuating. got it. ♪ guyhey nicole, happening here? this is my new alert system for whenever anything happens in the market. kid's a natural. but thinkorswim already lets you create custom alerts for all the things that are important to you. shhh. alerts on anything at all? not only that, you can act on that opportunity with just one tap right from the alert.
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stuart: now we have reports of an explosion near a police station in istanbul, turkey, details. ashley: we do. a motorcycle bomb, five injured in this.
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we have seen a wave of terror attacks carried out in turkey either remember bells or militants associated with isis. we are keeping an eye on this. the police stations are often targeted. stuart: they are, indeed. check that big board. weare looking at the big board. dow down. earlier i said it was going to be a quiet day because job's report is tomorrow. i got that wrong, my apologizes. talking about going after wells fargo on every front, well, now there was another scandal. >> this comes from the charlotte observer, they talked from a former manager at wells fargo and customers, what they're saying is that wells fargo is pushing cross-selling in the brokerage but one person had their cd like that-likelikel
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iquiditad. ten versus eight. stuart: i hope politicians don't try to eradicate cross-selling in the industry because that's something i personally value and banks do as well. >> liquidating has been an issue and it's called churning. stuart: that's a no-no. now this. arrested allegedly he stole top secret intelligence including a hacking tool, a code that we are, americans, use to hack into governments. our judge napolitano is here. stuart: stuart: what? >> i'm not sure what you want me to start. took home with him software, top
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secret software which he had the privilege to address and handle in his office at the nsa but did not have the authority to remove from home. correct. not accused of leaking or accused of selling it, not accused of exposing it. but i suggest to you there's more here, strange aspects to. we learned about this yesterday. it happened in august. he's been in jail without an indictment filed and without the opportunity for bail for 45 days. also in august someone inside the nsa leaked some of this hacking material to the public which everybody including those that we hack have the opportunity to get it. they don't know if it's him, if it's not him, is there a confederate, conspiracy to
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expose things? there's a fair amount of mystery . as well very low-level of espionage. are you ready for this? same charge mrs. clinton was exonerated. i don't know why they would charge him, one year in prison. i don't know why they would charge him with the low-level thing, persuade a judge that's not entitled for bail, keep it secret for 45 days. that's why i'm suggesting that there's something else going on that we don't know about. stuart: another snowden situation? >> he did speak to the fbi. this is not a political motivation or it's not a financial motivation. they don't know what the motivation was. snowden motivation's was political, to stop the government from violating the fourth amendment. this doesn't appear to be of
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that mind set. as ashley pointed out, he's not a government employee. huge, high-end firm that employed snowden, one wonders about their vetting when they bring these people in. a top secret security clearance. the highers security clearance given to anyone outside the president and the secretary of state and the head of the cia. stuart: i want to make it quite clear, i think snowden is a traitor. he is not a hero. in the analysis of nuclear terror the possibility of a nuclear attack on america by terrorist, i don't think you can put around by saying this guy, he exposed our secrets because he we wanted to tell the world the truth. forget it, the man is a traitor and not a hero and you have 20 seconds to respond. >> i thought you were going to be tim kaine and not let me answer. [laughter] >> he took oaths, protect constitution and keep secret.
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reserve protect and defend the constitution as well the person who secured indictment said he did the right thing attorney general eric holder. stuart: eric holder? >> after he left. stuart: attorney general? you take source of authority? >> yes. stuart: you are still a valued guest at varney & company. >> don't the ratings go up when we have these fights? [laughter] stuart: i will check. where are we now on the big board? we are down a half percent. markets say we have 26 out of the 30 dow stocks in the red all the way down, that's down 92 points. next, live from florida, live look right now from the huge storm matthew. it is on the way. you're looking at florida, here it comes. you can feel it. mandatory evacuations. this is it.
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over 2 million urged to get out of the way. biggest evacuation ever. here it comes. i'm claudine and i quit smoking with chantix. by the time i was 30, i said "that's it, i'm a smoker for life." i wanted to be a non-smoker and i did it thanks to chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking
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times says there's trillion of dollars in the debt and that's why one of the reasons the dow industrial is down 100 points as we speak. let's get back to hurricane matthew. millions along the sea evacuated. adam shapiro is with us. live in daytona beach, florida. adam, the storm is not due to get close to daytona until well into tomorrow, so what's it look now where you are? adam: it's somewhat calm here. the worst of the storm expected to hit here at 2:00 a.m. on friday. when i talk about the wicked wall of title surge, i want to
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show you why there's concern, 8 to 10 feet high. this poll right here on the beach, come over here. this poll here is roughly 4 feet tall, if you double the pole, that's how high the storm surge is going to be. winds 125 miles per hour to 150 miles per hour. category 4 stowrm. hurricane andrew was a category 5, hits south florida in 1992, caused $26 billion worth of damage, the last hurricane to cause that kind of damage was charlie in 2004. they expect this could be catastrophic, the storm surge double the size of this pole. if i were standing here it would be two feet above my water -- above my head, stuart. stuart: how long can you stay at your current location? >> they are ordering off the island although some people will be staying.
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the bridges are closing at 3:00 p.m. so we are going to leave the island and go just on the other side before that. stuart: all right, we will hear from you shortly, adam shapiro, good stuff. now the matthew is going to cause significant damage as it tears up the eastern sea board. we are seeing a live look. there you two. that says sunny beach from florida. ashley: not so sunny. stuart: north of miami. that's going to hit there in about 12-13 hours time. >> they are going to start shutting stores around noon. stuart: here it comes, everyone. we are on it. bottom-right-hand corner of your screen. if you're waking up, track that storm with us. by the way, obamacare, bill clinton calls it the craziest thing in the world in the 11:00 o'clock hour this morning, the architect thereof emmanuel, he's going to be back on this program. we know how much you love the guy.
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[laughter] stuart: i know you do. we will be back you can run an errand. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy. if you're approaching 65, now's the time to get your ducks in a row. to learn about medicare, and the options you have. you see, medicare doesn't cover everything - only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. i
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(announcer vo) you can go straight home. (howard stern on radio) welcome to show business. (announcer vo) or you can hear the rest of howard. bababooey!
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(announcer vo) sorry, confused neighbors, howard's on. siriusxm. road happy. stuart: national weather service warns that hurricane matthew will bring, quote, unprecedented damage. well, when matthew has finally left us, that damage will become a political issue. are we going to see a chris christie president obama moment, that was in the ambmath of sandy hitting new jersey right before the 2012 election. president obama won on that one. you can be sure the president will head south to inspect the damage and hand out money, he can take hillary clinton and maybe donald trump will go too, this can be exploited specially in a highly contested specially in key state of florida. matthew is hitting bahamas.
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it moves north tonight and tomorrow and into the carolinas. hundred-mile an hour winds, maybe stronger. winds a foot or more and a storm surge that will hit the eastern sea board through the weekend. millions of people are getting out of the way, ten million and more will feel the effect directly as janice dean fox news meteorologist says this is not hype, this is real. the second hour of varney is about to begin. ♪ ♪ ♪ stuart: check out big board down 93 points. problem with global debt, that's maybe one of the reasons is down. twitter is down and down big, reports that disney, google, apple, none of them interested
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for bidding for twitter, down goes the stocks 7%. wal-mart on the downside too. below $70 a share. it's up two and a half percent as of right now. the price of oil, though, still solidly about 50 bucks a barrel that is not this moment helping the stock market. how about the home builders, we will check them for you. mortgage rate unchanged. this is the 30-year fixed, unchanged at 3.42%, modest moves by the home builders. now, bill clinton called obamacare a crazy system. he said those words, that was earlier this week. he doubled down on criticism and now even chelsea is jumping into the train, watch this. >> next thing we have to do is to finish the work of healthcare reform. look, i worked hard to support the bill that passed and i've been very vocal in my support of it.
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it's got one big problem. >> we do we need to work on the affordable part of the affordable care act. stuart: i'm glat we got the affordable. i'm not going to roll that tape where you can see former speaker of the house nancy pelosi saying affordable, affordable, affordable. they want to address the affordable, affordable, affordable part. here is donald trump's response to all of this. roll tape. >> so bill clinton torched president obama's signature legislation. clinton added, it doesn't make any sense, the insurance model just doesn't work. they're always telling me, if you say something, just apologize. just apologize. i think that president obama should apologize for obamacare.
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stuart: i bet she's smiling. donald trump is going to make obamacare a big deal. >> he should. we are all going to see that again they have gone up specially for young healthy people who are footing the bill for this program, but i think it's important to remind everyone that bill clinton and chelsea clinton aren't praising obamacare because they think it's a better system and they want it to work, they are going towards a single-payer option which, of course, was part of the theory of obamacare in the first place. you get obamacare and you bring in single payer. te meeting with president obama on the airplane to talk about the fact, look, it will be progressive enough, we just need some time for the system to collapse. [laughter] stuart: just give it time to collapse.
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>> just giver it time to collapse. stuart: up and down america in the down ballot races for house and senate, bill clinton's statement that it's a crazy system, now that's being used against incumbent democrats by the republican opponents. so obamacare is part of the down ballot races. >> obamacare affects every single part of our lives, tourism, people now have less money to spend on vacation, of course, health care is a big issue. people feel like they've been lied to, when it was called the affordable care act, not only can we keep our plans and doctors but our premiums would go down across the board for everyone and now the excuse is, well, it's gone up by something like 67% for some people but that's okay because now we've covered more and let's not forget that there's about 30 million people who are still without health insurance to this day even though obamacare vowed to cover everyone.
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stuart: by the way, 11:30 eastern time this morning on this program ezequiel emmanuel, he said it was the the republican's fault, last word to you, katie. >> this is certainly not the republicans' fault. it was pushed through in the middle of the night by harry reid. it's on its way to that point. stuart: glad you use that had word. thank you very much, indeed, we will see you again real soon. i want to get back to what i was saying, my take at the top of the hour of impending hurricane matthew and the aftermath thereof, the damage and the politics of the damage from matthew. fox news political analyst is with us. this is going to be a political moment when the damage is known
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-- >> sure. stuart: when the hurricane is gone, president obama is going to go down there, maybe taking hillary with him and roll out some money. >> i know about politics and natural disaster. i got my introduction into politics in the post katrina administration. so i know how this works. these are high stakes, actually. so right now we saw president obama this morning i think 55% approval rating, the highers it's been, second highers it's been in term. he's in good footing, the question is how will the governor rick scott -- he's a republican. chris christie to point out. i think there's a way he can avoid that, the governor of florida. there's nothing wrong with diplomatic handshake. he's offering federal aid. the problem with christie, he came off looking relieved in a way that, i think, read as political weakness for him. so there's a way to show mutual
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political strength and mu cheal political interest without showing your party to be weak in the way that chris christie did. stuart: i have not seen the ads but i'm told that hillary clinton has bought time on the weather channel to run ads on the weather channel h. ashley: yes, she has. stuart: i don't know whether they're dealing with climate change or whether they're dealing where we will help you out, we will bring you some money. i don't know about that. that's political opportunism. ashley: cynical. >> when you bring the climate change factor, that's a big issue for the democratic ticket. correlating, the lawyer in me says, are the two truth, is there a correlation, certainly we don't know that. to create that is political expiedency. could be good for the president and hillary and she looks like she's part of the federal
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solution around this. there's a way that the republicans can measure the political fallout if they handle it appropriately. stuart: i'm confidently expect donald trump to say, i'm going to go down and check out my property. [laughter] stuart: thanks for joining us. always appreciate it. hurricane matthew expected to make landfall very close to landfall in -- around west palm beach, florida, maybe around 10:00 o'clock tonight. that's the latest we are hearing. currently, there are more than 10 million people under a hurricane warning, not a watch, a warning and up and down the coast of florida we have governor rick scott saying his state could be facing its biggest evacuation ever. ashley: actually now 11 million people with hurricane warnings, more than 2 and a half million people have already evacuated or in the process of evacuating. part of the reason for this is
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the last category 3 storm to hit southwest florida is where it hit back in 2004, 2005, i should say, that was wilma, $21 billion of damage. this is a very serious situation. the governor rick scott of florida says it's hard to get a handle of how many people are leaving because it's to individual counties to issue evacuation orders and the judge was telling us, even if it's mandatory, no one can force you out of your home. it's hard to get a number of who is leaving but it's safe to say millions. stuart: my daughter who lives on the west coast side of florida, the sheriff's office says, all the gas is being taken by people coming over from the east coast. they are chewing up all the gas and taking it all. >> that's right. we are tracking this story too. it's home depot, the lowe's, they are started to be emptied out from gas, propane,
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flashlights n. the next 36 hours, these individuals are really gearing up to basically bat down the hatchets. stuart we do have the dow down 86 and we have about, what, 27, 26 of the dow stocks are in the red. that means they are down, 25 of them. this coming up, a middle eastern woman escaping an oppressive marriage in kuwait and now she supports donald trump muslim immigration plan. she is next. also life-long democrats falling out in love with president obama, says he failed to deliver to democrats. more varney in a moment
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stuart: amazon is getting awfully close to 850 bucks a share and it is 846 and going up two bucks as we speak. 847 just a few moments ago. new high for amazon. look at all the retail stocks for a second. they are down not by much. i've good a sidebar story from ash. they are going to close as many stores as possible? ashley: the biggest mall in america up in minneapolis. they have been opening prior to midnight on thanksgiving day trying to get a jump-start on black friday. they've decided.
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they weighed the pros and cons, we are not going to do it this year. don't expect this to be a trend. there's still many retailers saying we want to get in on early, look, we just want to bring that special magic back to black friday as opposed to opening like at 10:00 p.m. on thanksgiving day itself. it's interesting the movie theaters also going to close on thanksgiving. giving up a lot of money here. >> spend time with the family. stuart: i got it. in the era of online shopping, this is gateway to online shop if you don't open the stores. our next guest is ethically arab, she was married in kuwait to her muslim husband and escaped to america, she wanted to go to college, her husband would not allow her to go to college. well, she's in america now and her name is sarah, sarah, great stuff, great to have you with us, welcome aboard.
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>> thank you, stuart. stuart: i understand that you are going to vote for trump although you support's muslim immigration plan, tell us about that. >> yes, i do. stuart: why? >> i feel like america has certain set of values and that's why i chose america to be my home. same way many americans ancestors did, so many ways current illegal immigrants are choosing it and one of the values is we have our own set of rules in america. i don't think islam is willing to accept the rules, i don't think they're willing to reform to accept rules, it saddened me to see law in america. it's already happening in london where they have the sharia laws. stuart: have you seen that here? >> no, but i don't think we should wait to see that here. we have seen it in other places.
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i don't think we are exempt in any way. stuart: are there other muslims that feel like you who support donald trump's muslim immigration plan? >> oh, yes, absolutely. since i had the public interview go out i had a lot of arabs contact me both muslim and nonmuslim, exmuslim arabs. the ones that agree with me are not traditional. stuart: are you muslim still? >> no. stuart: have you turned to another faith? >> i say my current status is collecting pamphlets but i celebrate holidays of other faiths around me while i'm trying to add just to the american life. stuart: how do your friends and relatives react when you say you're no longer a muslim, i believe that's the crime in
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muslim countries? >> i'm really blessed in the sense that my parents are -- my parents asked me why i choose to do what i do and when i have a valid answer they totally support it. as a matter of fact my parents are also trying to come to america and we are going through a very legal process that's taking six months so far and still going, extended family i have mixed feelings from. people i have never met in my life have been posting stuff about they know me and they don't support me so some have sent me threats. it's a very mixed reaction. stuart: look, sarah, we think you are very brave and respect and admire you and would like you to come back on the show and tell us your progress for supporting donald trump's muslim immigration plan. it's a pleasure to have you with us this morning, sarah. come back soon. thank you very much. >> thank you. stuart: what a lady. ashley: fascinating story. stuart: story about hawaiian
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airlines, they had to be weighed before they were allowed on a flight. it was just one flight, just one flight but they weighed them. meanwhile obamacare, serious subject it's unraveling. the clintons say it's a crazy system, bill clinton said it's a crazy something and needs fixing. what does the chief architect feel about that? he's going to be today to defend it. >> what do you say to all of the people out there -- >> if you listen to me carefully, we have ensured 20 million people so whatever your portion of failure is that's a big improvement
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save $400 on the queen c4 mattress set, with 24 month financing and free home delivery. learn more at stuart: whoa, here comes that hurricane, we just found out that our report with adam shapiro you saw moments ago in daytona beach, the hotel where he was staying, out of here, gone, it's over. here it comes. mandatory, get out. we are watching the generac, emergency generator company, that should do good business with hurricane matthew. home depot, lowe's not so. they are down just a fraction as we speak. janice dean, fox news senior meteorologist, where is matthew now u where is it going and when does it hit florida? janice: stuart, west of nassau, bahamas. we are starting to see the eye again start to go form. we are expecting strengthening
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and perhaps a category 4 as it gets closer and closer to florida. we think overnight tonight it makes a very close brush with west palm beach around 8 to 10:00 p.m., hurricane warning stretching not only florida but up to georgia and the southeast coastline, 10 million, 11 million people under hurricane warning and now you can see the eye very clearly on the radar, already seeing outer bands in south florida and also threat for tornadoes with the landfalling hurricanes. quick look at forecast, gust, this is port st. lucie. 11:00 p.m. thursday. this computer model doesn't show landfall, that does not matter, we are talking about the core of the strongest winds, 130, 140 miles per hour stretching 200-3 miles. possibility of a major hurricane riding up coastline, tens of
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millions of people as we get into georgia and the carolinas and then what happens after that, we will have have to monitor it, but the worst of the storm really coming this evening overnight tonight. that's the track, stuart, category 4. we haven't seen a major hurricane make landfall across anywhere in the u.s. in ten years, i'm so concerned that people here don't know what to do when in a hurricane. evacuate if you have to. stuart: again this is not hype, this is not alarmism, this is real. tell me again. jab january we have not seen a hurricane of this strength move close to the u.s. like this in a decade and even the national weather service is using dire warnings like we could see catastrophic damage along the east coast, something we have never seen before. so no, this is not hype, this is serious and this is not a false alarm. stuart: janice, thank you very much, indeed. we will talk to you later. where are we on the markets?
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price of oil well -- dow is down 80. oil is above $50 a barrel. that's not helping stocks today. so the ratio has broken. we have oil up but stocks down. we have this for you, the european union asking british media outlets, don't mention islam or muslims when reporting on terror attacks. general michael flynn will address that subject in just a moment
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stuart: still down 80 odd points on dow jones industrial there's a problem with global dealt it's reached 152 trillion that's not helping stocks today u now? but look at amazon will you about lo at this stock? highlight it at 844 per share right now. down 11 cents. but it was 847 get close to 4850 just a few minutes ago. i've got another incident on a samsung phone on a plane. liz: bryant greene of indiana couple of weeks ago replaced samsung note 7 gets a new one on the plane southwest, 9:15 yesterday morning, louisville to baltimore he puts it in his pocket after he powered it down smoke pour out of his pocket and worried his clothes are catching on. he throw it is on the ground and evacuated the plane no injury. sam sunk say we don't know if it was the issue with this one.
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but you know, wow another phone, another cell phone catching possibly almost catching fire. >> a terrible black eye in pr terms for samsung again. okay. now, yesterday we told you about a knife attack on two police officers in brussels, belgium. officials saying it was likely terror related. now, listen to this. the european union is asking british media outlets this is saying hey, don't mention islam. don't mention mums when reporting on terror attacks. how about that. joining us is a man who knows something about this, the author of field offing fight a "new york times" best seller by the way. and trump senior let's welcome general michael. he's saying british press they need training. what in the dfl is going on? >> i would actually nonif you can post that article on your website. but what's fascinating is the blogs after the article itself and then the conversation that's
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going on in great britain essentially the kind of comments that are saying hey, don't tell us what our press should be telling you know how our press should be reporting. so this is an unbelievable attempt to basically squash what we know to be true which is we have a problem with radical islamism and knife attack this recent knife attack on two police officers i believe one of them was actually knifed in the head if i'm not mistaken this is as a result of lessons learned by isis and they have been basically pushing these ideas. and the attack that we saw in st. cloud, minneapolis not too long ago was as a result of that. stuart: ill relevance to british press chastised to america. because if we -- mention in the media, we mention as a muslim or islamic we're jumped on. jumped all over us for being prejudicial about islam.
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relevance to us here. >> yeah, so the issue is the political correct creeping into our entire system, the press, i mean, our political system is actually causing so much damage to the relationship that frankly the united states needs to have around the world with many of these muslim countries because moment countries they know they have a problem. and they're actually looking for the united states to provide some leadership on this issue and when we talk around it and we, you know, don't talk about it as it actually is, they know that there has a cancer inside of islam and grown and expanded in many countries and to dictate how to talk about it, when we know what is true is just incredible. you can not. >> isis has this magazine and people sunlight that terrorist should stab people in western countries in quiet neighborhoods. that's a deliberate look i would say deliberate amount to extend
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the reign of terror as far as we possibly can -- >> actually in the magazine itself and couple of magazines the beak is one of them. elmoc is one of them. these magazines when they describe lessons learned from the operations in nice as an example where they use the truck that was just a devastating tragic attack there. they talk about using different tools, stabbing one of the methods and not only in sort of on softer targets but also against children. so they specifically call out churn playing in playgrounds. i mean, you know the type of enemy that we are facing frankly for our administration to not call this enemy out as it is does a disservice to the people of this country and frankly the world. >> flight to fight -- field to fight yet begun you wrote it. [laughter] "new york times" best seller congratulations general welcome to the program. good to see you, sir. okay.
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u dow still down 90 points we have all kinds of things going on on the market, but i want to bring you this. our next guest voted twice for president obama. now, she serves as the vice chair of diversity outis reach for the trump campaign's national diversity coalition. burnell donald steele is with us right now. burnell welcome to the program very good to see you. >> thank you so much for having me god bless you an god bless america. stuart: yes indeed i'm a american citizen. i'm with you on this. believe me. now, why is it -- >> congratulations. stuart: thank you very much. you voted twice for president obama, now you one diversity for donald trump and you're a gung ho trump supporter what went wrong? why the switch? >> you know, i respect the president highly, and i, you know, believed him when he said yes we can with better jobs and education and improvement and
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communities and that, you know, we were going to fix america together and i waited on life supports like so many other people. and not just the president, but the democratic party. i had so much faith in my party that things would change in the inner cities in our poor communities, and i realized that there was no change coming. and so i tsh i wanted to helicopter to vote democrat. i voted for bernie sanders, and then once i realized bernie sanders wasn't going to be the nominee, i could not vote for hillary clinton. i could not. and so i started listening to donald trump. like every democrat, i didn't want to hear anything donald trump had to say. but once i got out of my emotions and actually started thinking as an american, and listening not just as a black american or a woman, i started listening to the issues. he said he wanted to bring jobs, better education, school choice.
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improvement of communities. you know, he -- stuart: let me interrupt you in my opinion the strongest point that donald trump has when outreach to minority communities is school choice, i think that have been horribly letdown by the public school system for whatever reason. and i think real change is necessary. and the only person who is beginning to give real change to america's inner city schools is donald trump. i'm on your side. >> i agree with you on that. you know, it puts it back into the hands of parents. it's not the government making the decision. it's parents making the decision. and you know, also too, you know, you've got a lot going on. we're at the highest level of terrorism alert right now in our country since 9/11. and i think what americans have to think about is, you know, people say donald trump doesn't sate right thing. he's not -- he doesn't talk the way i want. but he's saying, we have to build walls. we have to build the wall to
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protect american citizens. think about it like this. when islamic terrorists come in and blow up america and blow up our cities, we don't have anywhere else to go. we're americans. this is our country. these illegal immigrants and refugees and different people, they have somewhere else to go. stuart: hold on a second. i interrupt you buzz i have a hard break u coming up. but i have to tell you something, general michael flynn is sitting next to me. he's been listening to what you had to say he's nodding vigorously saying you've got support of a general. >> thank you so much burnell because with a you're saying so many people as we've gone around the country what you're saying is resonating with millions and millions of americans this is about our safe streets, schools and protecting or country and being bsh but i'm a lifelong democrat that jumped on trump train because of the message and vision he's given to america. stuart:i have to wrap it up youw how it is we have to make money and run some commercials that's how it is.
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and american i know about these things. >> congratulations again. stuart: thank burrnell you can e back any time. i have to concentrate on twitter reports circulating that google is no longer interesting this buying them. nicole i assume that's why it is way down. j almost 20% and china hold it is $20.25 a share. when we talk about twitter this stock has gone up over last couple of weeks up about 30% in couple of weeks. and mergers and acquisition give and take away. we what are that google is out apple is out according to recode and that sales les ceo has been very noncommittal, and twitter in the moon timements negotiation done bit end of the month. only thing missing serious sitter. back to you. stuart: i heard that. nicole thank you very much indeed. president obama and actor leonardo dicaprio together at the white house. get this president says global
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warming contributed to conflict in syria. we will deal with that unfortunately general has to leave. first this video, a man wearing a jet pack taking to the air over the river london a man a former commercial airline pilot wants to make an electric version of 200,000. as you can see watch him fly. it worked. ♪
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>> remember "varney & company" starts at 9 a.m. eastern. here's what you missed last hour. >> but i suggest to you there's more here than meets the eye. strange aspects to this. we learned about this yesterday. it happened in august. he's been in jail without an indictment filed and without the opportunity for bail for 45 days. also in august, someone inside the nsa leaked some of this hacking material to public which everybody including those we hack have the opportunity to get. they don't know if it's him. if it was not him, someone else is there a confederate and conspiracy amongst some people in the nsa to expose these
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things. so there's a fair amount of mystery going on with them.
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stuart: governor scott right there, governor scott of
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republican, he's telling his state what is going on with the roach of matthew. main point thus far is, evacuate. one and a half million people are in harm's way. he's saying get out of there, please. because that storm is coming. our latest if you look at the bottom right-hand side of the screen there bottom blog there on the bottom, the latest forecast is that it makes landfall a close to landfall right in the area between west palm and port st. lucie likely to land let's go back to the markets right now we have amazon always in the news. earlier today got very close 8.50 up to 8.47 that's the stock to watch. here's president obama before a showing of leonardo dicaprio new global warming film at the white house. he said, that president said global warming contributed to the syrian civil war. watch this.
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>> there's already some really interesting work not definitive, but powerful showing that the droughts that happened in syria contributed to the unrest and the syrian civil war. stuart: and by the way, dicaprio you had said those who are skeptics of climate change should not hold public office. well, here's governor mike huckabee who joins us now. i don't know whether it's a climate change skeptic but i have a feeling that president an dicaprio would not want to see you in office, young man. >> well that's fine i don't to see obama in office. and i've had to deal with him for eight years. [laughter] look, dicaprio decided he's james madison and thomas jefferson rewriting early documents. saying that grow don't believe like he believes you shouldn't hold office. well what i were to impose that if you believe in abortion on demand you will not hold office.
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left say that's okay we have no problem with that. this is insanity of these people, the left they're not only smug. they're elitist snobs and they're just plain bone headed wrong to say that syrian role is the result of the climate. climate in syria i've been to syria stew, it's always been hot there, and to say that's causing people to get their heads cutoff. these people shouldn't be allowed without some clinical attendants standing next to them. stuart: well said governor. i want to move on to a related it theme close to my heart i'm sure yours too. dana republican, congressman, he's introduced a bill to congress, it is the save christians from genocide act. he wants christians who are indeed the victims of genocide policies to have more visa to come to america. i'm very much in favor of this. i just can't understand why it's
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taken so long to get this on the -- even in front of congress. >> well this makes a lot more sense than bringing in syrian muslims i know that's going to sound horrible to some people on the left and stand being political correct. but let me explain is is something. there's many, many places in the middle east where muslims can go. there are 57 countries that are muslim countries in which muslims are welcome. there are not countries in the middle east where christians are welcome. they are being routinely slaughtered, slaughtered and they have no refuge no place to go, that's why i think that the congressman's bill has real merit and ought to be given attention. stuart: governor i have to cut this short i have all kind of news breaking and i appreciate you being with it for a short time as ever. governor thank you we appreciate you being here. thank you, sir. i do hate moving on so quickly like that prime guest like that.
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we have asked our viewers to tell us their experiences with obamacare. okay we put out the call what's happened to you. what do they say? >> one viewer she said it monthly rate tripled and deductible went up 50%. the horror stories continue to pour in. one family in south dakota pays more for health insurance than their mortgage so other thing that's happening too stewart is goff heard -- upcoming guest saying now 20 million people are covered under insurance . it is 9 people people on medicaid and 12 million on exchanges. 3 million young adults are on their parents' plan when they say 20 million are now covered watch out slightly misleading 9 million on medicaid watch this. medicaid costs go up by 25% in ten years to about 600, 700 billion a year. glad you got that. stuart: guest at 11:30 is is zeke is emanuel one of the architects of obamacare put this to him.
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millions of people ordered to evacuate hurricane matthew there it comes up coast of florida. fox news channel's janice dean says this is not hype. this is serious. it's dangerous. it's real. more varney in a moment. the pursuit of healthier. it begins from the second we're born. because, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned every day. using wellness to keep away illness. and believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. as a health services and innovation company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. so while the world keeps searching for healthier we're here to make healthier happen.
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>> right now we are tracking hurricane matthew as it heads toward florida. rick scott moments ago telling residents in the storm's path to evacuate. he's calling for five to nine foot waves. tolls suspended to allow people to get out of town more quickly. we're also seeing long lines for gas. pictures on your screen right there coming from cooper city, florida. that chevron station, the person who shot this video says this was the fourth station she visited everywhere else was sold out. we will have a live report from florida at the top of the hour. all right, tick a look at this right now producer christine filling stuart in on what's coming up at the top of the hour here's what we have. obamacare architect zeke emanuel respond to horror stories you submitted on our facebook page. monica crowley will tell us what she thinks drmp needs to do at the next depth debate on sunday neeght and iraqis want to sue the u.s. for invasion of iraq as
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predicted, the box has been open. judge andrew napolitano here on that. but first congressman dana joins us last hour to discuss his effort to save christians in the middle east. roll tape. >> it's disheartening that even through the republican congress, we've been unable but especially through the obama administration i might add to get through legislation that specifically addresses a genocide, a mass slaughter of christians that is going on in the middle east. my bill would basically say that in five of the countries where this slaughter is the worst that when it comes to any refugee status or immigration status that the christians who have been targeted might add muslims sect those people who have targr genocide get preferential treatment to come here under a
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stuart: in about 12 hours, south florida will be feeling the full direct in active hurricane matthew and it will not be pretty. for an extended period of florida and the carolinas will be by a major storm. a foot of rain, more in some places. 100 while an hour winds can and may be stronger. the impact felt on 200 miles, maybe 300 miles of coastline in many miles in land. tens of millions will feel this. at least 2 million have been told just get out of the way. evacuate. a personal note here. for much of the country, matthew is a tv event. watch it unfold in the comfort of your safe and dry home. but please, think of those millions who are fleeing for their lives. can you imagine?
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their kids are in the back, running on gas come you don't know when you'll come back and you don't know what you will find when do come back. what if you decide to tough it out, to stay in your home? how do you feel now? nervous? did you make the right decision? scary thought for the people who are living there, living through it. yes we are a financial program immediately money but we are also about people in our hearts go out to fellow americans taking matthew said. taking matthew's head. i went apart from -- report from florida as the third hour of "varney & company" begins. let's get straight to that storm. more than 2 million evil told evacuate, including our own adam shapiro and his crew appeared at in transistor may new location. it is near daytona beach. adam, you were told to get out of your hotel. what is it like at this late stage being told to get out?
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was it easy to get out and move on? reporter: from daytona beach it was because people who would have lived or been vacationing on the beach were told me only about half of the island of daytona beach covered the only route out would be closed at 3:00 p.m. in the hotel and a different security forces are saying get out, governor scott was saying in a press conference get out if you're on the end land. you do what you are told. this is publix 1259 and board orange. three miles from where you saw me about an hour ago. they are running out of batteries, ice and propane. you know the little propane tanks people use to power their grills. they are running a little bit love can make, but it's very orderly. it's not like the video you see in other parts of florida where the store shelves are now running there. public support since a long history of south florida. they have handled supply-chain
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hurricane and we were speaking to the manager here and he says have been through this before. this will be okay. when you talk about what is coming this way, a category four storm with wind of 125 to 150 miles per hour, hurricane andrew hit south east florida in 1992. $26 billion worth of damage. 65 people killed. hurricane charley swept up the southwest coast of florida and over the central park back in 2004. $16 billion worth of damage. 35 people killed. that was a category four. they take this seriously. and port orange three miles from the beach, it is called. people are polite and they stock up on what they can get your stuart: adam shapiro in the middle of it. thank you very much. i want to get to politics. the second presidential debate is sunday. crucial for donald trump. monica crowley, "washington times" on line opinion joins us now. it could be trump's last chance.
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some are saying that. karl rove says that. >> not quite because the third debate coming up 10 minutes after that. i expect a different performance from donald trump on sunday night. he realized after the first debate but after the first 45 minutes or so, strong for him when he focused on the economy bringing jobs back to working americans. that is when he was at its strongest. after that he allowed mrs. clinton to get under his skin and rattled him a little bit. he lost his balance when she started talking about tax returns and women's issues. he allowed her to get to him. next-line around i don't think that will be true. my column today in the "washington times" says it's got a secret weapon. the secret weapon is going into the first debate, everybody was telling him you have to achieve possibility. you have to look calm, rational, a possible president. having done that, now he's got all kinds of voters, millions of voters demanding he be more aggressive and attack mrs. clinton. if she's expecting the same donald trump who showed up in
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the first debate, stuart: is he going to attack? >> yes, he will. he will continue to focus on core issue of strengthening the economy and the u.s. military buddy is also no doubt about it going to more aggressively attack. stuart: is he going to go after bill's women? >> unite. the question is not the fact that though clinton had affairs. everybody knows that. not a lot of people care. the issue is the allegations of and sexual assault. stuart: we shall see. what are the same journalism? you're never supposed to say this. only time will tell. monica, thanks a lot. the clinton campaign attacking trump for his past comments about vladimir putin. trump address this during a rally. watch the spirit
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>> is a donald trump loves putin. i don't love. i don't hate. we will see how it works. we will see. maybe we will have a good relationship. maybe we'll have a horrible relationship. maybe we'll have a relationship right in the middle. i can say this. if we got along with russia and russia went out with us not to and devices, that is okay with me, folks. >> joining us now, the author of this book. the title is prudence master plan. the upshot ,-com,-com ma welcome to the program. >> stuart, thanks for having me. i appreciate it. donald trump just that the relationship with food and we will see how it works. maybe it's good, maybe it's horrible. that's what he said. when you make of this? >> well, i think donald trump couldn't be more wrong about this. because right now it. we've tried to negotiate a
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cease-fire. it wrote down. the russians with the syrians are on pace to take all of the love boat, causing on parallel in unimaginable carnage. they have taken 25% of ukraine. they are working to destabilize nato appeared to support rogue nations like koran and north korea and this isn't about talking. this is about a resisting and authoritarian expansionists later. stuart: hillary clinton will go after the putin connection. vigorously. >> she will. stuart: could she win up what you think? >> it's tougher because she did the reset and called out one of her best accomplishments. my point is neither candidate is talking about the real threat we face, which is an existential threat from the russians. it is not about talking. it is not about resetting. it is about come renting and taking them on.
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they are trying to disrupt this election. they attacked the democratic party. they may as well hack individual states or local boards of elections because they feel through 10 and 2011 we fomented a discord in moscow during their parliamentary election. stuart: putin, russia, the enemy. no way around it. you can't have a good or sensible relationship with newton. >> i call him an adversary who must be confronted. but the real villain to me is barack obama who is allowing all of this to go want in syria, effectively giving the russians a pass. stuart, when you look at what the philippine president bad, to with the united states. no answer. you look at what the turks have done aligning themselves with the russians. very little response. stuart, this is a crisis that whoever the next president will have to deal with.
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stuart: got it. we appreciate you being with us. thank you. prudence master plan is the name of the book and doug shown is the author. moving on. the big word back down again. we come back a little bit. up 111 points. but the tanks in the background today. notably the "financial times" headlined a record debt around the world of $152 trillion. that poses a threat to the global economy. that is part of the problem for the dow industrials. oil above $50 a barrel not giving any help to the overall market. ashley: very quickly the hurricane center has matthew back up to a category four. sustained winds of 140 gust to 165 miles per hour. as predicted it is getting stronger. stuart: that's important. it is headed towards florida. supposed make landfall tomorrow around port st. lucie. and it's just strengthening to a
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ford. that is bad news. more bad news for twitter reports that disney google apple all of them decided not to bid for the company. that leaves only the cloud computing company fielding others in this game and twitter is down 18%. the darlene scott i should say. 842 done a couple of bucks. 847 earlier. they are trying to stay competitive with amazon. more warehouse says bad news today besides the earning this week in wal-mart down a couple bucks below $70 per share. two obamacare, bill clinton calls it was the craziest thing in the world. the architect of obamacare, zeke emanuel will be on this program shortly. we've got to read senator obamacare horror stories and have an answer to you. do you remember the last time he
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was on? >> republicans are complaining about that. shocking. >> would you let me finish? first of all, i agree -- >> are you now going to apologize? i think you should apologize and if you can't we are done. >> there is no way. i'm not apologizing. stuart: thank you very much indeed here to smile, it's over. i've invested a lot in this game and the returns i get out are measured in reps, huddles,bright lights, competition and games played. at td ameritrade we believe the best investments are the ones that matter most to you.
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>> if we open up the possibility that individuals in the united states can routinely start suing other government and we are also opening up the united states to being continually sued by individuals another countries. stuart: that is the pandora's
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box scenario if we allow victims of 9/11 to sue saudi arabia, other people elsewhere in the world can sue us. for example, some iraqis are now suing america because we invaded that country back in 2003. judge napolitano is with us now. i said right from the rico we should never done this. >> you agree with the president? stuart: i agree with the president. i agree with harry reid. we have opened a pandora's box and i don't like that. >> but you don't agree with eric holder on to step three. stuart: you know i'm right. >> well, to be precise there's no losses. there is legislation what the iraqis can either the legislative body, the name of which i don't know which would permit these lawsuits and quite frankly you are correct it is probably in response to the statute that just became law here over president obama speak out. stuart: doesn't matter.
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wait until hezbollah start suing america on the ground we provided somewhat been to israel that killed a palestinian. they will do it. they will soon compare north talks. >> their lawsuits and frivolous lawsuits. they should be dismissed america's lead. stuart: but they are not, are they? how many judges are terrified of being overturned on appeal and went on to record you didn't want that. >> you're worried about the attitudes of most judges hear this one is different. most of them are very, very finicky about dismissing an appropriate lawsuits and sanctioning, you'll like this, sanctioning lawyers for filing inappropriate. stuart: i'll take your word for it. >> look, the legislation you condemn was a judgment call. the judgment was 9/11 was so horrific perpetrators got off scott free. it is worth putting up the type of litigation you and i are both
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condemning in order to allow the 9/11 big families their day in court. >> don't think it's driven in part by the lawyers to gain a small fortune if they can get money out of iran. stuart: it is also driven by the principle where there is a wrong there is a remedy. because of our mysterious relationship to saudi arabia, both the bush administration, george w. and the obama administration have denied that remedy. not a hair on the head of the financers of 9/11 has been harmed because they also finance things we like. stuart: i do want tostice for 91 families at times. i do not want to do that, but i do not want to open pandora's box and we have. i've got to move on. approximately -- at least 100 ford team billion dollars. that is how much american taxpayers have spent to rebuild afghan man.
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that money has made it into the hands of corrupt officials and criminals who are now rich. what you say about that? the >> reprehensible, condemnable. on the congress cannot direct payments of federal dollars and it must be publicly recorded in a public journal as a college at the time they wrote the cause or to shame. you can't get a few hundred billion dollars to the defense department and say spend it however you want. spend it however you wanted has resulted in this bus. warlords turned into mafia don and cats at the expense of the american taxpayer. stuart: i think we are in agreement. on that we agree. >> i also agree on that necktie. very fine type. stuart: i'll sell it to you. moving onto sports. they beat them that -- not. it was a three run homer in the ninth. he clicks again present.
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the giants will play the cubs tomorrow. next, hurricane matthew. a task force armed and sustained winds of 140. governor florida telling a million people get out of there. evacuate. nowadays more than 2 million been told to get out of town. janice dean has the latest and she is next. this woman owns this house, with new cabinets from this shop, with handles designed here, made here, shipped from here, on this plane flown by this pilot,
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who owns stock in this company, that builds big things and provides benefits to this woman, with new cabinets. they all have insurance crafted personally for them. not just coverage, craftsmanship. not just insured. chubb insured.
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stuart: if you watch the show this morning, you'll know matthew is headed to florida. janice dean, boxer meteorologists, come on in, please. governor scott of florida has just upped the number of people he is telling get out to around 2 million. that is the latest i have. what do you have? >> we know the storm has now strained in. category four as it goes through the bahamas. sustained winds and still a lot of warm water to go through as it reaches the coast of florida tonight.
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governor scott is giving good warning to people if you are in the storm's path in your and a bovine area and you are susceptible to storm surge, you need to be evacuating now. warnings all up and down the east coast of tours south carolina. hurricane warnings for over 10 million people. you can see that i very clearly right here. this is a very strong category fours are in. i'm really concerned with the east coast of florida. even if we don't get a direct hit or a landfall, we are still potentially dealing with the core of the strong winds at 140 right now. 140 sustained and then it will move up the coast and not really waver and up towards georgia and south carolina. we could be dealing with a strong hurricane for a period of 60 hours along the coast. people really need to heed those warnings and listen to local officials and local forecast of 11 florida. take your neighbors, check on the elderly and family. this is not a good scenario. category four for several days
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along the coast. stuart: and it is not hype. it is real. janice dean, thank you indeed. tune in "fbn:am" with hurricane matthew coverage followed up by "mornings with maria" 6:00 a.m. all over this hurricane. i've got to tell you what is next. the architect of obama carries going to listen to and hear your obamacare horror stories. we will ask him to answer. >> republicans are complaining. shocking. >> it is always someone else's fault. >> would you let me finish? first of all, i agree -- stuart: smile. -- stuart: i think you should apologize and if you can't, we are done. >> there is no way. i am not apologizing. stuart: thank you very much indeed. smile. it is over. er one network.
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>> we have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it. >> if you like your doctor you ability keep your doctor. if you like your health care plan, you ability keep your health care plan. >> affordable. there's a reason.
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a portable. affordable. affordable. affordable. >> if you like to plan you have u. can keep it. if you like the doctor you have come you can keep your dock or, two. >> with the premiums doubled and coverage cut in half, it's the craziest thing in the world. >> the democrats promise -- have you seen out this before. you can keep your dock character will be affordable yet so many people have been dropped. premiums are soaring and deductibles are huge. we asked our viewers how this has hurt them. we've got over 100 responses in a couple hours. first off come and listen to this from chris. got kicked off my old plan. premiums up 400%. copayment up 150%. deductibles 2501 before it was 250. recently we have been screwed and i'm not on obamacare.
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this is what the law has done to me. dr. ezekiel emanuel, architect of obamacare is with us now. would you please just respond directly to chris and what he just said and what he just wrote to us. go. >> sure. first of all, i'm very sorry for him as creating a piece of legislation that's going to cover 310 million people. you have problems and we discovered problems and democrats are proposing solutions to some of those problems. we also should not have been a shed. the situation before the affordable care act. >> which you that made -- stuart: i am running this. >> would you let me finish? don't treat me like a punching opponent. stuart: can you respond to chris? >> you asked me to respond and i'm responding. i am really sorry for chris. we also need to remember -- [inaudible conversations]
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stuart: this one from mark -- this one remark. this one is from mark. my monthly premiums in arizona went room 400 a month for three people to 850 a month. my deductible went from 4000 to 10,000 a month obamacare went into effect. ask him why my family's premiums went up and obama said they would go down. what is your answer, dr.? >> i will tell you actually. if you look at health care inflation, we brought health care inflation down. the main way to keep premiums down is to keep health care costs down and obamacare has had to keep health care costs down than anything we've seen in the 50 years previously since passage of medicare and medicaid. it is very unfortunate that insurance companies have taken an opportunity to raise rates very high. but that is a result of health care costs going out. we need to keep total health
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care costs going down. they are losing billions. >> their stocks are at record highs. stuart: they are leaving. >> well, edna put in a letter is leaving for political reasons because the government didn't want to create a monopoly allowing it to merge with humana. that is what edna is leaving. the ceo put it in a letter. stuart: i watched last night with making kelley and you were discussing the problems of obamacare. you came up with what i think are three fixes. here is what you said. you want to increase the subsidies that would help. increase the fines for not having insurance and restore payments to insurance companies from taxpayers. those were the three fixes you put out last night with making kelley. >> that's because she also like you keep them in the running.
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i think those three fixes. by the way, the quote unquote subsidies are risk or doors. when the republicans passed medicare part d, they have those risk or doors. stuart: how do you do it? how do you do this every single time? >> i know about more about the health care system than you do. stuart: is always the republicans all. >> i didn't say it was their fault. but they do make mistakes on health care very frequently aired by the way, they don't have a plan that's better than obamacare. that's become obvious over the last six years. stuart: i think this should go into the election campaign. i think voters should be told that hillary and your fix for obamacare means bigger subsidies going to the insurance companies and increase the subsidies to insurance companies and give them our taxpayer money. >> these are not subsidies. they are risk or doors with
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unpredictability to give people predict ability in the system. stuart: let's vote on it. >> by the way, republicans gave them to the insurance company because we couldn't know what would happen in the marketplace. stuart: why can't we vote on it? can we? >> well, i think if we had reasonable people, there's a lot of agreement between conservative and liberal health policy people. stuart: are you advising hillary clinton -- are you advising her? >> what i would suggest you is what we need is to shore up the exchanges because it will be a bad day in america and a bad day for conservatives if the exchanges do not fix it. i've suggested some possible ways of actually making the exchanges work. to republicans. stuart: increase subsidies to consumers. increase the fines -- >> limit just say some mean.
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you want to find people more if they don't have insurance ?-questionstion -mark >> republicans have endorsed enhancing the mandate. precisely this reason. republicans want to do it. stuart: i will take that as a yes. you want to find people more. you want to increase subsidies, tax payer monies going to consumers and increase payments to insurance companies. that is your fix? >> mr. varney, you get your insurance through fox news. fox is, by the way gets a subsidy to provide you insurance with a tax break. everyone is getting subsidies in the system. >> are premiums have gone up. >> what you're doing with your public subsidy? what are you doing at a public subsidy. stuart: are premiums have gone up and we were assured they would not. >> they've gone up much lower than they would have otherwise.
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as a matter of fact, compared to projections, we have saved actually hundreds of billions of dollars for the american public because they brought health care inflation down compared to what it was under george bush. >> we are almost out of time but i will ask you again. do you wish to look into the camera and apologize to what you have done to so many consumers, many of whom watch this program. >> as i have said, i am sorry for the hurt that any change has had on individual people, but we should compare to what was existed before the affordable care act and the system is much, much better. 20 million people have insurance that didn't. costs are actually slowing down. those are positive improvements and republicans -- stuart: parents insurance and 12 million are going through the exchanges. >> having parents insurance is a good way of providing assistance. many of your viewers take the advantage.
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>> that's a great down at the numbers. you've apologized a tank. we've got it. >> i said i'm sorry but the system is much better than it was before. that's something you don't be a little wrap your head around. >> yet again you stops my lane. come on, dr. >> i'm very happy that i wish you would treat me like a guest in that of a boxing opponent. you could have some manners. stuart: okay. you stop smiling. come on. deliver an insult with a smile. that's a smirk. come on. here is your chance. >> i'm perfectly fine here. stuart: thank you for joining us, dr. zeke emanuel. again, my best to your brother in chicago. we are moving on. what did he say? i miss that. liz: you got an apology and a smile out of him. a genuine doctor has been sitting here. listen. i didn't make much of an oppression, but i got in to say i'm sorry.
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>> the group of people he is saying i'm sorry to buy millions of people. you have 20 million as he broke it down from a 20 million that have insurance that didn't have it before. let me point out insurance does not necessarily mean health care. i am a practicing physician. dr. emanuel is a great series. i saw 17 patients yesterday. at the same time obamacare was passed care was passed, care was past, present and obama forced us to go to electronic health records which takes twice the amount of time to see a patient. picture this. i see a patient with a big donut hole in a deductible of 5000. they spend 10, 15 minute figuring out if they can afford the service i want them to have. i spend an extra 20 minutes train to document the visit. they wait and wait and wait for hours. that is the.or stop is the dr. emanuel is not in any more because the busy writing papers. positions are quitting. physicians are scaling back their positions are saying to you really have to take
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obamacare? it's terrible insurance. the other point he was skirting around is that the group that doesn't get their insurance or obamacare, the non-20 million premiums are skyrocketing. in south carolina we are down to one insurer, blue cross. 29% increase in you only get one insurer. he is complaining that the government has to do with insurance companies but that was the deal they made. they made that deal. if the government wanted to provide health care to the needy, they could've hired more doctors than biltmore clinics. he made a deal to insurers and this is what you get. a really expensive thing. stuart: we are out of time but i wish i had the fire in the interview that you have. we will have more after the break on this. the news is you can see the bottom right-hand corner of your screen and is now a category four storm. that means sustained winds of 140 miles per hour gusting to 165. can you imagine not.
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georgia is ordering more than 500,000 people to evacuate. the total number of people told get out of the way as well over 2 million or that's the biggest evacuation we've ever seen. live report from the beaches in florida. the dow industrials down 80 points. twitter is a big deal down sharply. who's going to buy it? not google, not disney, not apple. wal-mart lackluster profit outlook. plans to go after amazon. nonetheless the stock is down big time. 3%. back in a moment. ) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy.
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(announcer vo) you can commute. (man on radio) ...40! no flags on the play! (cheering) (announcer vo) or you can chest bump. yo commute, we got serious game.
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siriusxm. road happy. >> and nicole petallides with your thoughts and spray. the dow jones industrial average down 18 points at 18,196, loss of half a percent. s&p 500 down five, nasdaq down 22 as they keep an eye on hurricane that is as it approaches oil above $50. haven't seen that since june in the british accident s&p winners and losers. telecom financialfinancial s are coming under pressure. salesforce is the winner while american express is under pressure. the nasdaq had its third highest low in history yesterday pulling back some and you can do right now a solid performer at 3.5%. tests are coming under pressure to bear. forget wal-mart has an interest
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now. this is a cloud-based software company launched today a 92%. much more thought business. and i've got 9 days left before retirement. look jim, we've been planning for this for a long time. and we'll keep evolving things. so don't worry. knowing what's on your mind and acting accordingly. multiplied by 13,000 financial advisors. it's a big deal. and it's how edward jones makes sense of investing.
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stuart: i hope you didn't miss it. a big discussion about obamacare and now we've got is coming to us from maricopa county, arizona. 60,000 self-insured people in that county are losing their health coverage. now there is only one health care insurer of last.
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just one option and that is it. ryan bamberg as it does come if associate professor. the emanuel said last night that the three fixes for obamacare increase subsidies to people, increased the fine to make them get coverage to bail out the insurance companies. that is his fix for what ails obamacare. you are an economist. tell us. >> it is not a fixed a bailout than penalties on consumers, how is that a fix for a problem. the data is pouring in every day. we saw more of it. that is putting duct tape on a car that has the wheels falling off. it not going to work. stuart: good analogy. increase subsidies to consumers. increase the fines and bailout the insurance companies. >> the reason this is happiness
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young people are not signing up. they'd rather take a penalty in the insurance they don't need for problems they don't have. ensures ours up with thick diabetics with heart disease god help them. guess what, that costs money take care of those people. that is why they are bailing out. in order to rope the young people and expect to charge stiffer fines. stuart: i believe that that is your fix them and that should be part of the election campaign. hillary clinton should stand up and say i want the fines to go up and help everybody else. if she did that, there's no way you do that. >> they are doing something else instead. send a letter saying why don't you have obamacare? you should sign up for the people who don't have obamacare. how are they getting information? confidential iris information to send most people the letter? that's a big problem republican congressmen send letters saying if you're doing that, not that off. stuart: surely the fix if there
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is one is to use the market. use the power of the market so insurance companies could compete on a national basis. >> you pay more out-of-pocket and get tax deductions for it. that's being proposed that republicans don't have a plan. stuart: he blamed republicans for this mess. it's unbelievable. >> rubio's plan cap taxpayers are bailing out insurance companies. they are the ones standing up for taxes. >> a speaker behind obamacare is quality is going way down. you don't have the choices you had before. you pay more and you get lesson is not an ad in any of that. do what you say obamacare right -- that is too strong, queued up our medical system. damaged. >> you can still get excellent care at university hospitals but it got rid of the uniformity of
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quality care. it introduced a lower level of care. it inspects the system. stuart: here is another fix. i want your opinion on this one. get the lawyers out of it, please. why am i paying $1400 for a blood test? because every step of the operation they've got to have liability insurance because somebody is going to sue them. >> the doctor can speak to this better than i can. you are with the patience and what test do i need to rent to cover my rear end and that is the voyeurs. >> and there's no competition from one place to another. i feel cardiogram $800, $1200 another hospital. if they had to compete it would drive prices down. liz: i have talked to brain surgeons about this. the emergency rooms are treated like jackpot justice. patients go when they are knowing they intend to sue just to get the money. so these are neurosurgeons and brain surgeons telling me this. stuart: the democrats would not allow one word about tort reform
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for the affordable care act was first coming in. they wouldn't allow anything than the lawyers for the biggest pushers for the deal and they are the biggest beneficiaries. last word to you, brad bird. >> penalizing people is not a fix. bailing out insurance companies for a business they can't make money and it's not a fix. this is a train wreck here and the doctor couldn't defend it. >> that's a talk about doctors and how we are not considered at all. a patient is only happy if their doctors happy. stuart: have not heard much about the electronic record keeping. it's not good? >> it's an improvement that a huge time involved. they haven't even considered that. it is overburdening us at the time of documentation in the feeds into the point of defensive care. if you have to put it on a computer you really have to watch what you write. working to midnight making sure
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records were exactly right. stuart: we were worried about spending 20 minutes on obamacare that it would bring fire to the program. how wrong can you be? thank you are a much one and all. of course we are following matthew. now a category four storm. next, a live report from the beaches in florida. we will be back.
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stuart: let's get to matthew. we had ryan with us. he is on the beach near west palm on the coast of florida of course. i believe it is about 18 hours before the storm gets real close to where he is now. i can see it taking up already. looks pretty rough to me. >> hi, stuart. it has kicked up in the last probably 20 minutes. i am your sebastian, florida north of west palm beach and south of cape canaveral in between. we are going to get very hard here in this area along the space coast with a major category four storm. what you are looking at are the wind starting to pick up in the ocean starting to come in. what we are seeing is the dark clouds coming in. those are the fear bands that will start coming in and the storm had that the entire eastern coast of florida. those bands bring in the rain and gust of wind before the
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storm actually as it continues to come up here the major eye of the hurricane by here tonight into tomorrow morning at the entire florida coast. we are talking about a storm that some people are saying is going to be stronger than hurricane charley which is the second strongest to hit florida after hurricane andrew which was a category five. people are making their very last minute preparations. where i am standing is a mandatory evacuation area. 1.5 million floridians across the east coast living on barrier islands just like this are being told to leave now and hurry up because the storm is coming. the last thing you want is to be stuck on the router traffic or in high winds. last-minute preparations being done now as the storm is really starting to move up the coast and everyone is getting ready to hunker down on a storm that is going to cause unprecedented damage in this area. stuart: thank you very much indeed given us an idea of how bad it is now 12 hours before the actual storm hits you.
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doing great work there in florida. thank you, brian. tune in for the fox business network live at 4:00 tomorrow morning with hurricane matthew coverage that of course is followed by "mornings with maria" at 6:00. wake up and find out where that storm is and how much damage it is doing. before we go, look at this. birthday village florida. that is what is happening right now. where is that exactly on the coastline? anybody know that? it is right by miami for heavens sake. we will be back. more "varney" after this.
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you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. stuart: want to show you in scenes from florida including the map, a category 4. this is not mead what hype, -- media hype, this is real. >> florida governor rick scott made the case in strongest terms to leave. saying this storm will kill you.
12:00 pm
stuart: is your mom there? >> she has evacuated twice before, she left this morning for orlando. stuart: all right no alarmism, no hype, this is real, cat 4, neil it yours. neil: thank you very much. we're looking at financial fallout from this. as we watch hurricane matthew, concern is how bad it gets to be. insurance stocks in particular among those hit in idea they are paying for a lot of damages, this is typical, we're not playing this crassly, family, but even if you are not in path of storm impact is real, and airline delays, those related stocks show they have been selling off, on anticipation they have to eat a lot of related costs.


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