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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  October 6, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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how are you? >> charlene says, mr. trump, i'm an 8th generation american of hispanic descent. i live in california, you have my vote. she talks about the sanctuary cities are increasing drugs and crime. she says what would you say to convince hispanics who are deceived by barack obama, hillary clinton and the biased media to vote for you. >> first of all thank you very much. i appreciate it. i was listen the other day. there was a gentleman who owned a big radio station mostly all hispanic callers. he said you don't understand, the people calling in love trump. they are all for trump. he said i was even surprised. but now i'm for trump also. this is happening more and more. i just got back from las vegas where we gave a tremendous -- had a tremendous crowd of people. a lot of hispanics.
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latinos they like to be called in that area. hispanics and latinos. we had tremendous response and it was an outpouring of love. amazing. people here legally don't want people coming across the border illegally taking their jobs, taking their homes, take whatever they want to take. we want people to come in. i want people to come into our country so bad. but they have to come in legally. we have a country with laws and we have a border. but the biggest surprise, we are going to do great with african-americans. you look at what's happening with the inner cities. it's a disgrace. the democrats have been running them for up to 100 years unbroken. the african-americans, believe me, you see how the numbers are changing. one thing they don't have a lot of confidence in hillary clinton. she lied to them for years. she doesn't produce. she doesn't produce.
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i think we'll do great with the african-americans. you look at the poverty and crime and education in the inner city and there are no jobs. and we'll do fantastic with the hispanics. i believe that. do doing well. >> we are keeping it down. >> karen whitaker from here in sandown. >> i like this audience. i like this awedins. >> how do you define the income range for middle class' it can't be based on where you live because the u.s. tax codes do not discriminate based on geography. >> the middle class has been forgotten in this country. taxes are too high, a lot of great companies have left our country, they have gone to mexico and other places. chain today is make so much of our product. we don't make product anywhere near where we used to. it's such a great question.
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our middle class has been treated so badly by the politicians. it's like forgotten. and we are lowering taxes way down for the middle class. we are change the tax structure completely. we had 7 brackets, now we had 3. we don't want them to send in but we are bringing the rates down to numbers that are much lower. you have seen the numbers. much lower. and you are going to have a much lower tax base. hillary clinton is raising your taxes way up. i don't know what she is thinking. we are the highest taxed nation in the world. just about. they can maybe finds every once in a while they will fact check. there is a nation they never heard of. we are just about of the trialized nations, we are the highest taxpayers in the world. the highest taxed nation in the world. our business taxes will be
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brought from 35% to 15%. we are cutting regulations. we want regulations for environmental. we want regulation for safety. but the regulations are massive. they shall massive. and we are cut knowledge the regulations at a tremendous clip. and i would say 70% of the regulations can go. it's just stopping businesses from growing. and i think you will see a tremendous change in this country. we'll see jobs come back. we'll see companies come back into our country. right now they are just leaving. it's a one-way street out right out of the country. and they are going largely to mexico dan other places. but mexico is the 8th wonder of the world. i have a friend who builds plants and he builds massive plants. he said you have to see what's going on in mexico. i said how about our country? and he said not so much. we have to switch that around. we'll get along great with
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mexico. but it's been a one-way highway out of the united states. >> is cappac.? i recently graduated with a b.s. in kem stwri and i'm having a problem finding jobs. what's your plan to bring jobs back to america. >> even though it's 1. >> 0 degrees in this room, you know this room was not amendments for this many people. i heard the other night, i was making a speech and we had tremendous massive crowds and it was really hot. a little warm and there might have been and little bit of sweat. one of these dishonest people said donald trump was sweating. i said sweating? it was 100 degrees. guess what, we are all sweating tonight. that's good, that's healthy. the biggest problem you have is people go to college, that's
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great getting out magna, that means real smart. but people go to borrow money, they are up to here. they are up to their neck in debt. and then they get out and can't get a job. it's such a massive problem. you can't get a job. because our really good jobs are gone, and they have gone to other countries. so many other countries are making our product. i want to see the day when you can get those greats marks and incredible profession which you love probably or you wouldn't have been so high up in the class right at the top. but i want to see the day when we have those jobs back in this country at the highest level. i want to see the day when apple will make their iphones in this country instead of making them in china and vietnam and all over the place, okay? believe me if i'm president that's going to happen. i use apple as an example. but apple makes all of their products all over the place,
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mostly in china and vietnam which is becoming very strong. they are going start making them here. we have the people. we have the most unbelievable people. if i learned one thing in going around, we started june 16 of last year and i have gotten to note people. we have by far the biggest rallies people have seen. far bigger than bernie. and was second. now bernies aren't so big. bernie made a big mistake, by the way. bernie sanders would have been legendary if he didn't make a deal with the devil. when he made that deal his stock went way down. honestly even as somebody that is -- disagrees with him on lot of things other than trade. we agree very much on trade. except i'll do things about it. i will do things about trade, but he was right on trade because our country is being ripped off on trade. but we'll have a country that makes product again.
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we'll have a country that apple and these other great companies will make their product in our country and we'll have lots of people working including yourself. we have to do that. okay? thank you. >> is bob swanson here? >> hi, bob. >> this ones of my favorite questions. when you become president, can you assure the american people that you are going to clean house from the top at the f.b.i.? justice department. state department. and the va? and in what order would you start? >> i guess we'll be talking about this for a while to come. but i have to tell you it's one of the saddest things i have ever seen happen to our country. what's happened with hillary clinton where you send emails, where they send a subpoena, and they want all of your emails.
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if you are in private business and you do she did, the united states congress, congress sent a subpoena wanting emails. and she gets the subpoena and she dwhreets 33,000 emails. and many other things including lying all over the place. and you see people who suffered greatly, including general petraeus for doing a tiny fraction of what she did. we can't stay here all night and talk about. but the lies she told the congress and the people. the lies she told to congress. and then you see an f.b.i. give her a no swearing in, they said you don't even have to swear in. they question her on the 4th of july, and then they release their finding on labor day right
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before labor day when everyone is gone. i think what's happened with respect to -- i have such respect for the people in the f.b.i. and such incredible respect for the f.b.i. what happened to the f.b.i. and to the justice department at the highest level, honestly it's one of the saddest things i have ever seen in this country. whether we like it or don't like it, to look at what's happened and look at the way that's been handled. er time i speak, this is mentioned, the subject, people are going crazy. the people this country are very, very angry. very, very angry. i would think -- i don't know this, but i would think some these great f.b.i. agents and the people that work with the f.b.i., i would imagine they are just furious at what happened to the reputation of the f.b.i. so i think it's an amazing question. honestly?
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it's like we are a third world country. it's one of the saddest things i have ever seen happen to this country and it happened to justice and i guess that's probably the way you feel also. >> we have a quick follow-up. what would you do with comey. >> i'm very disappointed. when he read the charges and he's going one, two, three, four ... i'm saying, wow, they are going too do the right thing. -- going to do the right thing. then he goes, however -- it was amazing. to go point after point. and that was only a few of them. it's very disappointing. >> sharon osbourne from auburn. sharon? sharon. for the conservative holdouts, mr. trump who are not on the
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trump band wagon yet what can you say to convince them that your support for traditional conservative efforts and the bill of rights. >> we don't have too many of them. you have long term people who have done up a bad job. look at problem orcountry is in. i would never use these people and they know that. they announce a group, they are going over to hillary. but we have tremendous support, including the couple of your very distinguished folks from new hampshire who were against me who are now for me. you are allowed to announce the names. but we have tremendous support in new hampshire. one was very tough and very smart. >> john sununu? >> that's right. >> i thought it was terrific. i met him the other day.
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and i think they are great people. but he was tough. he was really hunting for trump. you know i respect somebody that can goat other way. it's not that easy, a pivot as you would say. i have much appreciate the sununu family and the fact they are with me, and i am with them. and they are going to do have well. i see the numbers, and you know one of the things that have happened. they thought -- i have never done this -- but i have done very well in my life and business and done a lot of good things, but i have never done this. all of the reports, you will take count senator and this senator. do you know who well the republicans are doing? i guess there is a gentleman in illinois not doing very well. this guy was taking out ads against me. i said are you sure he's a republican? he's not doing well. but that's his problem.
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i was not for me. but if you look at -- that was for political reasons. if you look at what's going on, now they are talking about -- the other day i saw very interesting, they said you know donald trump is having a positive effect on these races. the republicans are going to hold, they are doing very well, far better than anyone thought. and we'll win some states that would never in a million years be in play. we are doing great in colorado. somebody else wouldn't do well. i think we are leading colorado with one of the polls that just came out. i just left. we are leading a lot of places and we are doing at least very competitively in a lot of states that absolutely would not be for republicans. one of the funny things, they do the maps. remember two months ago i watched the different people do the maps.
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it's tougher for the republicans. i have to tell you. they said there is a very small path. i was watching the other day and the same person was saying, wow, this part is getting a lot wider. doesn't mean they were happy about it. now there are four different paths. nate silver has been -- he didn't predict us in the primary and he never called a loser before. he's always been on the right side of what happened in terms of at least his predictions. and he didn't predict me in the primaries. in all fairness, he had never seen me or spoke to me and never saw what we did. we had 17 very talented people. one by one by one, it was a bull sight to watch. wasn't it? by the way, out of those people, most of them endorsed me. ben carson, chris christie. so many of them endorsed me. scott walker has been
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incredible. he helped pence, too. mike pence has been fantastic and he did a great job last night. he did a great job. >> that brings me to another question from lois from brentwood. did you really say, were you upset about mr. pence's debate success as john harwood said? >> john harwood was the worst moderator out of all the debates we had. he was so bad. this guy knows nothing about me. i was so happy. somebody on cnn, the clinton news network who knows nothing about us. they use john king. he does a good job with the maps. i like him better than a couple months ago. a couple months ago i had no chance. but all of a sudden that map is getting very red.
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but john king said -- they always have a source -- a source -- nobody talks to him -- he's like the enemy. but he said and a few other people said donald trump was at first happy, then he was unhappy because mike pence did so well. i said unhappy? we are jumping up and down. he's so good. and he's a great human being. you can't root against him. you can't. i was telling chris, i said can you imagine these people are saying i would have loved to have seen them not do well because that makes me look better. that's why a guy like john king has been in the same position. i used to say some day he would be an anchor but he's still doing the maps. i was so happy. i can give you my word on this. i was so happy that mike did well.
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and i was rooting him on and we were talking all during the day, and i was giving him some ideas and we were running things by each other. it's so disconcerting. even tonight they said donald trump is going to new hampshire to practice for sunday. this has nothing to do with sunday. they make it like a child. i love the people of new hampshire. this was set up a little while ago. they were going to cancel it. i said forget debate prep. do you think hillary clinton is debate preparing for three or four days? hillary clinton is resting. she wants to build up her energy for sunday night. that's fine. but the narrative is so foolish. i'm here for one reason, i love the people of new hampshire, i said i was going to be here and i'm here. very simple. >> this wins unsigned but it's a good question.
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what advice would you give to young americans looking to achieve the american dream. >> always go into what you love doing. you may have parents trying to push you one way or another. but you know what you love. you have to do what you love. i say this all the time. i say it in speeches and everything. i'll speak in front of young people. i say always follow your dream. always go into what you love and never ever quit or give up. i have seen a lot of people over the years, the most successful people i ever met are the people that never quit, they never give up. they just don't take no for an answer. so do something that you really love doing, because then it's not work. and never ever quit. or give up. do one or two more. [applause] >> i think you dealt with this
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one before. it's from al. stand up al. al wants to know you are going to do about the v.a.? >> the veterans as al can tell you and a lot of the veterans in this room, i recognize some of you, i have become very close to the vets. a lot of it started with new hampshire and iowa. i got close to the vets. i'll tell you what, in many cases they are living in hell. what's going on with the veterans administration between the corruption, the long, long waits. 22 suicides a day -- when i heard 22 suicide a day, i said that's impossible. 22 suicides a day, much of it caused by the fact they can't get to see doctors. they wait in line for five or six days and at the ends of the six days the doctor says sorry, i'm going on vacation. the vets tell me they have great
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doctors, but getting to see them is sometimes impossible. we are going to solve finally the problem of the veterans administration. we have illegal immigrants that are many cases are treated better than our great veterans. they are being treated better than our veterans. and that's not going to happen. one of the things we are going to do, the lines are impossible, getting to see a doctor is in many cases just days and days. when that circumstance happens, we'll let our vette rans go across the street, around the corner, two miles away. and see a doctor, private, or. >> hospital, public or private where they are look for work, take care of their problem, and we'll pay the bill, and that will be the cheapest thing we can do. and al can tell you and a lot of
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the vets i recognize in the room can tell you everybody is in love with the plan. we'll keep the va, but we'll keep the veterans administration, we'll keep the hospital and keep the building. because i think that's important. we have to take care of our vets. these are people we wouldn't be here fit weren't for the vets. but when they are waiting in line for -- and they know there is no ends in sight. honestly, they are dying. they need a simple procedure, they need a prescription, and they end up dying. and it's a very sad thing. they will be able to go across the street to a public in private hospital, to a doctor, and we'll take care of our vets for the first time. okay? [applause] >> pete from nassau says hillary clinton wants to give healthcare
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to illegal immigrants. >> you hear that and you can't believe it's true. she is for open bored. when the border control agents, they never endorsed a presidential candidate before. and i.c.e. these are great people that want to do their jobs. it's harder for them to do their jobs. right now it's stands back and let them in. when they want to do their jobs and it's much more difficult and they come out and endorse trump, who is going to have them doing their jobs. we are going to build the wall and stop things from coming in. this was the pledge i made to new hampshire. more than any other place. this is where i really couldn't believe it when i said if i win and i become president, first get the nomination, that happened. become president, i promise the people of new hampshire that we
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are going to stop this crap from coming into your state. 100%. 100%. and it can be done and it can be done even before the wall goes up. the wall is a necessary adjunct. i asked the i. endorsed me and the bordered patrol folks that endorsed me. i said how important is the wall? i'm so committed to the wall, i was pretty sure they were going to say this, but i wasn't 100%. they said mr. trump it's absolutely necessary for to us do our proper job. which gave me a little additional security as far as the wall was concerned. we need the wall. we have to stop the drugs heroin. but many drugs. we have to stop the drugs from pouring into our country. and it's poisoning our country and poisoning our youth. and we are going to stop it and stop it fast.
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long before the wall gets up. we'll start that wall fast. i get them built fast. but long before, we are going to stop that poison from flowing into our country. okay? >> one more. plu[applause] >> she gets easy ones. i'm getting boom, boom, boom. >> what would you do to fix the economy. >> that's a' tougher question than you would understand, and she doesn't have a clue. but you see the questions i was getting. >> lara from hampton, new hampshire. >> i thought you need a fun question. >> what is ones your earliest memories as a child and why do you think it stands out, then she says, go, donald! >> just the relationship i had
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with my parents. my father built houses in brooklyn and queens, and apartments. he was a very good negotiator. i would sit at this knee. it isn't that he taught me. but he would be on the telephone negotiating with a plummer or sheet rocker and i would hear this and i would be playing with blocked at his knee on the floor and i was listening. he was always negotiating. that's what we need in this country. because people are running away with our country. you look at what's going on, whether it's the bored or depleted military. but they have old equipment. you saw the piece they did on many of the networks where they show fighter jets when they are 8 years old. they are so old they don't make the parts anymore. these are fighter jets our people are flying now. they have to go into graveyard
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and museums to get parts because they don't make it parts anymore. we need a strong military. we need to protect our second amendment. we need to take care of our vets. we need borders. we need great education, getting rid of common core. we need so many things. by the way, one thing, i know john sununu and other people felt think i this was so import. united states supreme court. we need justice. justice scalia. we need great justices who are going to uphold our constitution. and if hillary clinton gets in, you are going to have a much different country. so many people feel it's so important, i personally feel it's one of the most important things. we have to defend our country. and we have to stop people coming in from parts of the world where they are looking to do us harm.
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believe me. and they are pouring in and hillary clinton wants to have them come in at the rate of 550% more than president obama. we are going to stop it. you know the statement we are going to make america great again, and it's going to map quickly. so thank you very much, everybody. [applause] >> i got one more question for you, donald. i'll let you right and remember where you are tonight as you answer this question. >> the world series. look -- of course it's boston. >> thank you will be donald trump. give donald trump a big hand. give him a big standdown, new hampshire, a round of applause, donald trump the next president of the united states. thank you, donald trump. lou: donald trump wrapping up his town hall meeting in
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sandown, new hampshire. the number was 155 in the audience in this small town hall meeting place. it was quite a performance. he talked for just about right around 50 minutes. and obviously was in his element. joining me not you host of the chris plante show, rich plant. and staying with us throughout, republican campaign strategist fox news contributor tony sayegh. and tammy bruce. tammy, your reaction to what -- what was i thought a very tough setting for the candidate who actually seemed to enjoy the interaction. >> this is his bailiwick. this was his prep. he was doing a good job. this is what he naturally enjoys
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talking with people unlike his opponent. we saw strategy when it came to questions that are asked. one of my biggest issues at the first debate he failed to answer in details into the weeds. here it was a much more broad-based response. sticking with his narrative. how's approaching the issues. that will serve him well sunday. he was comfortable. he handled things appropriately. i was impressed and i think sunday will be a good night for him. lou: chris plante, your thoughts on his performance tonight. >> i hope he carries over the attitude. he said he was not look at this as debate prep, and he said forget debate prep. i hope he doesn't mean that completely. i hope he will indulge in some
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debate prep because it's huge. he need to continue to win people over and sunday night's debate is very, very important for him. he needs to get a big win sunday night. there will be efforts to trip him up and get that one sound bite that will become the news media narrative for the next five days. he needs to be sharp and ready like mike pence was the night before last when he shows up sunday night. lou: i sensed on his pardon * was more we laksd, he was self-effacing. i loved his comment when asked about his fondness of polls, particularly when he's doing well, he likes to talk about them. he readily admitted when they are not going his way, he could care less. >> you saw the best of both
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donald trump versions. substance is what struck me. if you want my honest opinion. kellyanne conway did say they feel very strongly they are on strong ground on the issues. he very elegantly navigated through issues, got into some depth and statistics. he loves talking about jobs, the economy and trade. these are things he relishes in. when he talks to people about these issues, not antiseptic poll tishs moderators. if we get this on sunday, i think you will see a lot of happy people at trump tower. lou: there is a mar-a-lago demeanor he can adopt where he is self-effacing and brings a splendid sense of humor and casualness to the conversation. but one thing he seemed at least
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in the first debate, i think he had to be serious. you talk about temperament. temperament, hell. the guy is the central figure in this drama now. he may not prevail, i think he will. but the fact is he's the central figure. he represents change. he knows that. he doesn't have to dear to anybody. he's in this room, keep in mind it was keeply friendly. friendly moderator and friend and supporters. sunday he will have a woman next to him whose sole job is to provoke him. he will have to know what his mission is. there were a couple opportunities when the fellow asked about getting the job about his college education in chemistry, how mr. trump will
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change that man's life. he will do it with lower taxes and fewer regulations on business. those kinds of remarks will be helpful for people to know that he really -- his plans are there, we know they will assist. and for sunday, ignoring the nature of perhaps two hostile moderators and hillary clinton to get his message across. >> chris, your thoughts? >> a number of very important things. this was a friendly environment. sunday night is not going to be a friendly environment. anderson cooper and martha raddatz and hillary clinton. some of the best television. martha raddatz going after governor pence, and he just kept swatting her away. her left-wing bias on fabulous display and his revolve which we saw a lot of in the debate with senator kaine was there.
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by the way, these folks can't handle donald trump when donald trump wants to play hard. i happen to disagree with west you. i think donald trump has to be a happy warrior if he's going to be a warrior. in his most casual self-effacing way. these moderators should be nothing more than cannon fodder for whatever fuselage he wants to watch. >> i think the challenge is not to be aggressive sunday night. we know he's capable of that. he needs to be charming. he just needs to be likeable and charming and calm, and able to ignore all of the hillary attacks and the questions that will invariably be designed to even share him and he needs to brush by them and be prepared and have answers at the ready that are quotable the next day
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that don't get him in trouble. >> hillary clinton is preparing to be likeable. this is what she is practicing in the debate on. she was told to smile a lot. i worked for jack kemp. i would love to hear the rising tide lifts all boats. but this is where trump exelts is when he talks directlyn to people in language not used by politicians. where he knowledge redirect slightly is to make his answers more about the particular person. bill clinton used to do that very effectively. lou: what we watch when we listen to hillary clinton is her programmatic response to everything. government this, government that.
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it's suffocating to nearly everyone. when trump speaks at his best, he speaks in the language of the people he's reaching out to, the voter, the working man and woman. the working family in this country. i think his performance tonight, folks, suggests he's going to have a hoot come sunday night. it will be interesting to see how hillary clinton does. we haven't had a preview her performance. chris plants, thanks for being with us. tammy bruce. we are also watching the threat of hurricane matthew tonight. and in a matter of hours we are expecting that hurricane to make its presence felt particularly along the coastline of florida. the national hurricane center just moments ago giving the public an update and fox news
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meteorologist rick reichmuth is here with the details for us. what have you got for us? reporter: it's making itself known across the florida coast. it dropped to 13. >> -mile-an-hour sustained -- to 130-mile-an-hour sustained winds. but don't be fooled by that. it's still a category 4 storm. we might have enough time for it to strengthen back with that. so we had a category 4 storm on our hands. winds at 148 miles an hour in west palm beach. the white is the major hurricane. this radar is picking up the structure of it, and there is west palm beach, 20 miles away from this bands. this eyewall, and that has winds likely pushing 100 miles an
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hour. the inner bands is beginning to collapse a little bit. lou: how high are the winds you expect over the course of the next hour? as that moves into the west palm beach area? how high do you expect those winds? reporter: we have winds 100 miles an hour in the storm. lou: you are expect can the eyewall to move straight into the coastline. >> not straight into the coastline. that would be straight in. that's not going to happen. that would be really devastating for a small area where it moved onshore. this is going to move parallel to the coastline which could be defend stating to a lot larger area, more real estate. go towards 3:00 tonight. there is the center of it. there is the coast. potentially we have the center of this onshore. and watch what happens here.
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at least with this model depiction, we go into noon tomorrow. still onshore. then go through time into friday night and saturday. we are off the shore of south carolina. little deviations, 5 miles, 10 miles in one direction or another. it will probably have big impacts because the strongest winds are at the center of that. it looks like the center is right overland or inland. it's all going to be very, very close. >> this is just about the worst case scenario the southeast could have gone the along the coastline. reporter: we have never seen a storm of this category hit this area of florida it's something we haven't seen. also when we had the storms move onshore, they moved onshore. this one hugging the shore. it's going to completely change what we expect to generally deal with. storm surge will be there and it will be a little bit different
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and unpredictable. and then so here we are right now. it's 8:00 eastern time thursday, go to 12 noon saturday. and a hurricane still on the shore. normally we have a hurricane make landfall and it dissipates quickly. we'll have a hurricane onshore for 40 hours on the u.s. coastline. lou: rick reichmuth with not the best of news, but the situation that now is involving millions of people along the coast of florida and georgia, south carolina. up next, we are going to examine further donald trump's town hall and some of the moments in which he had hillary clinton's debate
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prep strategy amongst other issues. >> forget debate prep. do you think hillary clinton is debate preparing for three or four days? hillary clinton is resting. okay? she is resting. she wants to build up her energy for sunday night. and that temperatures fine. lou: van hipp and monica crowley join us next. my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line.
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what's in your wallet? afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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lou: joining me now, van hip, washington times online opinion editor, fox news contributor, monica crowley, thank you for being here. how did he do? >> i watched the entire town
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hall and i thought donald trump did an extraordinary job. one of his talents is he feeds off the energy of other people. whether it's a fundraising events, a town hall or a business transaction. this is when he's at his best. >> this type of format phase donald trump it's tough to script this type of event. the moderators he will face sunday will be tougher than what he faced tonight. we talked about north korea, cyber-security, he connects with people. she'll have all kinds of lines memorize and that doesn't play in a town hall-typesetting. lou: there is and advantage with these two moderators. they both think of themselves as
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rather severe and important. and they think that they can make points as moderators rather than provide a field for discussion and debate. >> i totally agree. if they try to corrupt him or take him off course or throw him off balance. he should correct them with a smile the way mike pence did with tim kaine, a happy warrior with a smile. donald trump's big strengths is he understands voting is an intellectual act and more importantly it's an emotional one. he forges an emotional connection with voters in a way we haven't seen from hillary clinton and we don't see with most candidates. barack obama was able to do it and ronald reagan was able to do it. in a town hall he can excel.
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lou: by the time we get to the sunday night debate, donald trump and paul ryan will have already campaigned together for the first time in this election year. that could provide also some interesting energy and -- well, actually a frame reference for the debate and his position as the party's nominee. >> paul ryan said if donald trump gets elected and we keep a republican congress and house and senate, we can repeal obamacare. i think donald trump should say bill clinton you just called obamacare the craziest thing in the world. come join me and paul ryan at the state fair in wisconsin. lou: at the rate it's disintegrating, i don't believe obamacare as such will even exist by march of 2017. so i don't think there will be an urgency about repealing it.
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the issue -- the real issue will be providing a public policy that is intelligent and effective in the area of healthcare for the american people. let me turn to the new hampshire -- he made a point, donald trump did, saying this wasn't practiced. but the fact is, to see him that relaxed and that engaged and focused. it sure was a nice rehearsal for everybody who is want to go rote for him. >> i think it was an effective signal to hillary clinton that he's ready for sunday night, he's ready for the format, he's ready for the questions. he's ready to even gang her, the questions and the moderator. >> hillary clinton telegraphed she is going to come after him on nuclear security issues to try to scare suburban moms. it's time for him to turn the table that this administration
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cut a deal with iran, the great enabler of the nuclear threat. we have north korea. why do we still have nuclear weapons in turkey, an islamist regime that's not stable, nuclear weapons off u.s. soil should be only in those countries that are reliable allies. he can turn the table saying he will make the world a safer place. >> he can say the name clinton is attached to the deal that allowed north korea to be where it is in terms of weaponry and the famous deal she forged with russia through the reset made putin's expansion possible. next, we'll assess where that debate is going to go sunday night. we'll be right back. stay with us.
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lou: in our online poll last night we asked, two debates, two left-wing moderators, do you believe the bias of the moderators is apparent will everyone. 80% of you say why it's apparent now. new revelations in the clinton email investigation. boxes containing clinton's
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emails are missing. f.b.i. interviews with a state department witness revealing only 12 boxes of clinton's emails were picked up from her attorney's office in december of 2014, despite initially being told there were 14 boxes. the witness also telling the f.b.i. that they were quote unable to locate any of her emails from january through april of 2009. that is the period when clinton set up her own private email server. it is evidence tampering it's missing evidence. it's to be investigated. joining me now, political report for the "daily caller." terry picket. and ned ryan. good to have you with us. let's tart with -- this is another bombshell revelation
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that the f.b.i. obviously was aware of when it decided not to prosecute. can it get any worse for the f.b.i. and its director? >> i am sure it can actually. this is just one more piece of information that showing that the f.b.i. is either highly incompetent or they simply are showing that they are just an organization that is appeasing to a politician that they -- that is coming off as completely corrupt at this point. but the thing here is we are beginning to wonder if this organization can go forward and prosecute properly. lou: we just heard donald trump say one of the saddest moments he has seen in his life is the moment in which the f.b.i. director obviously sold out.
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there is no other way to put it. what do you think, ned? >> this is some of the stuff he has to do up day night and the next debate. he has to be prepared to go in and communicate these things that are taking place and not be guilty of answering necessarily the questions that are asked but being able to pivot and say do you trust somebody who as secretary of state was behaving this way with her email and server and foundation. i would hope donald trump will go in with a plan to communicate these things. the thing i'm concerned about, a couple weeks ago donald was up double digits in the trustworthiness category, and now she is leading by 5 points. donald trump has to make the argument hillary clinton is not trustworthy and not worthy of being in the highest office of our country. lou: why aren't the leadership of the house and senate,
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republicans have absolutely failed to support donald trump and i mean there should be in my judgment a special place in hell reserved for those who would do that to a nominee. >> this has to be about prosecuting hillary clinton, remind can the american people during her time as secretary of state, her cavalier attitude toward our national security. and pay-to-play. donald trump has to understand the debate sunday night. the town hall is not about donald trump. he has to make it about hillary clinton. lou: these are the word many of us prize most when he utters them. our, we, us. the first person plural. we haven't heard it from this president for 8 years almost. >> absolutely. remember mike pence said during
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the debate, he said our son would be court-martialed if they did the same thing hillary clinton did. that was very effective and donald trump should take a note from that. lou: you saw him tonight. is he ready for sunday? he said he wasn't practicing but it was a nice preface to what will be a big evening. >> i'll tell you this, he has to make sure he does not let hillary clinton get under his skin, no matter how many buttons she ends up pushing. >> that's the most important thing. he knows he will get asked questions that will get unhis skin, and if he can be disciplined he can win sunday night. lou: we know paul ryan, the speaker and donald trump will be campaigning saturday in wisconsin. that's a whole new watershed moment. that will be important sunday night.
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ned ryan, carrie picket. thank you. that's it for us tonight. we thank you for being with us. fred barnes and steve forbes among my guests tomorrow night. we hope you will join us as well. good night from new york. kennedy: the battle for st. louis three days away. how are donald trump and hillary clinton preparing for the critical debate sequel? the party panel is here to discuss. the presidential election ain't the only game in town. we'll look at the congressional races that could swing the balance of power. dr. ron paul is here to clarify why he's leaning away from gary johnson in favor of jill stein. sunday night's debate in solution ra --debate in st. loue for donald trump.


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