tv Varney Company FOX Business October 7, 2016 9:00am-12:01pm EDT
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>> there are people who do not forgive chris christie for that hug. dagen: no, no. maria: who doesn't love jobs friday? who loves it. dagen: you know what i love more? maria bartiromo! . maria: have a great weekend, everybody. stay with fox business, "varney & company" begins now and here is stuart. stuart: thank you very much indeed and good morning, good morning everyone. it's here, about 5 a.m. eastern matthew's eye banged up close to the florida coast right around melbourne. it's now moving north slowly. only moving at what, 13, 15 miles per hour. it's very close now to daytona beach. soon, savannah georgia will feel the full effect of what is now a category 3 storm. now, that means buildings hit by sustained winds of 100 miles per hour plus, significant damage. it means a storm surge of sea water crashing beyond the shoreline, flooding. hurricane matthew is going to be hitting the southeast well into the weekend.
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there will be enormous costs and the lives of millions have been disrupted. this is what you're waking up to, it's a damaging and dangerous storm, as expected. any minute, we'll get specific updated information from florida's governor, rick scott. one other news item, 156,000 new jobs created last month. that, in my opinion, is a weak performance again. the jobless rate actually went up to 5%. let's get straight at it. adam shapiro is in daytona beach, describe what it's like right now, adam, please. >> incredibly windy. the wind has been very strong within the last ten minutes, stuart. the wind at the eye of the hurricane, which is literally about 35 miles per hour due east of us at this point. 120 miles per hour sustained there, the weather casters here are saying that the gusts around me right now are about 75 mile per hours to 80 miles
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per hour. you can feel the rain, it's pelting me and i can feel it through the rain slicker, it's very sharp on your face and this wind is howling. we've seen light polls crashing down. two cars have been smashed. roof tiles are falling off, but serious damage, not yet and they're saying the people here, that they dodged a bullet because the eye of the storm stayed out to sea. right now, incredibly windy, a lot of rain and as you said, that storm surge over on the barrier islands, the water has started to rise and it was starting to come ashore. there are worries that the surge could be in the high 7 to 11 foot range which would certainly be a problem. they expect this for another two to three hours in this area. stuart: adam shapiro in the middle of it. thank you, adam. staying on the storm i'm talking politics, we're 31 days until the election and tucker carlson joins us. >> good morning, stuart.
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stuart: i'm waiting for someone to say that matthew is climate change. >> they're saying thatten 0 the other channel. are you kidding? the whole point of the obama and clinton administration is it to stop hurricanes. stuart: i can't believe they're going to link it so quickly to climate change. >> if you don't buy into it, you're a denier. stuart: an evil person indeed. after the hurricane moved off. 36 hours from now, or something, i expect president obama to go down there, probably hillary clinton will go down there or probably donald trump. so there's going to be the aftermath politics. who is going to win this one? >> that's a great question. look, the conventional view and i think it's right. anything that makes voting more difficult hurts the democrats because their voters tend to be less committed. that's what political consultants believe. if it rains, there's bad weather, anything gets in the way of easy voting, democrats suffer.
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>> they're going to have. the actual registration deadline was october 11th. >> yes. stuart: the democrats wanted that to be extended. ashley: first governor scott says no, that would tend to favor the republican party in november, correct? >> it favors people who are organized, who know what they're voting for and have their lives together. i guess you could say that favors the republicans. stuart: i would say something favorable about government, i don't like government, but in this instance government seems to have done probably what it's supposed to do. i think the evacuation was handled properly. i think the early warnings were delivered properly, and carefully. and everybody seemed to be in place, and i think it's a successful evacuation. >> this is kind of the central task of the, you know, being governor of florida is managing hurricanes to four sure. don't get in the way of growth. respond adequately to hurricanes, voters care about
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that for good reason. stuart: did marco rubio look good? >> i think that rubio looks good amaze willing i, wh-- mazingly. it looks like he'll be back in the senate. stuart: what i'm getting at. you have a massive storm, fla is a key state. the politicians are going to be all over it, i think it favors the republicans. i think it's almost crash to make a political judgment when the storm is hitting. >> the presidential election matters. the democrats are doing a lot behind the scenes to help win florida, one is facilitating and encouraging the vote for puerto ricans who left the island, there are many, many, and they think that could make the difference. the president will encourage them to vote, use the opportunity to talk about politics. stuart: deliver a lot of money? >> of course he is.
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billions. >> we saw it four years ago with super storm sandy and the president was down there with chris christie. i don't think it helped the romney campaign at all. stuart: tucker carlson, i've got more, and thanks for forming the news background. you'll never eat lunch on this program again. we've got to get to the markets. at 8:30, the latest read on jobs. 156,000 created last month. paul conway is with us, the labor department chief of staff under george w. bush and he always finds something wrong with a jobs report during an obama administration, what are you picking on today, paul? >> i'm an inherent optimist. if you take a look at the number, i think it's consistent with where we've been with the president and his policies, which is mediocrity. 150,000 in my opinion is not a very strong number. when you look at numbers last year, we were averaging much higher on a job growth.
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even by his own measures, it's lower. i think people look at quality of jobs, availability and wage growth. there's nothing in the report that tells it's going in a reverse direction from what they've seen for years. stuart: mark zandi, with a democrat and run a lot of economic studies for the democrats, he says we're in the longest period of consistent job growth in our economic history. what do you make of that? >> well, i tell you what, it is the slowest recovery since the 1940's. and the more important thing is, you have the democrat analysis. i will tell you this, this week, pew came out with a staed that shows by a 2-1 rash across every category, americans believe there are not good paying jobs in their area. if you're a high-paid executive or an hourly worker, you don't see the ability to aspire into another job. not only that, for the same
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study that pew did, it showed that less than half of america believes that the standard of living will be better for their children and their kids. i think that's how people feel. i think that's how they judge numbers like this, out in america. stuart: is it born out by the statistics? if you look at the jobs created by the obama administration, i don't know how many million it is, it's 7 million, obviously. the are the majority of them low paid or what? >> they're lowering paying jobs, know the of the same quality. obviously, you have other things going on, changes in the economy and technology, probably one of the most important numbers, if you take a look at u-6 number, it's fully higher than meaning pre recession. there are millions qualified to work and that's the battle ground and i think that's where the trust of the american people's instinct about what's going on is more important than a monthly jobs number. >> thank you very much indeed. i want to draw viewer's attention to the left-hand side
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of the screen. what you're looking at daytona beach, florida, the eye of the storm is off the coast there, what you're looking at, i believe, is the storm surge. that's the rush of sea water propelled by the wind and the tide that breaks through the immediate coastal area, through the dunes and goes inland and that's the real problem with hurricane matthew as it's emerging now. remember, please, matthew is a category 3 storm. go back to super storm sandy in new jersey, that was a category 1 is, and it was the storm surge which wrecked a good portion of the new jersey shore. so watch that picture. that's the storm surge, that's now, we've got another story for you. the wall street journal report that the parent of snap chat working on, as they say, letting the general public buy the stock, that's an ipo. the company could be worth what, 25 billion, maybe nor. ash, first to you. is this maybe the creation of a
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new social network? >> well, the fastest growing virtual messaging app out there. a lot of kids, millennials, i guess older than kids use it, and by instagram and facebook. is it worth 25 billion? well, it's doing very well on advertising revenue. so, yes, it could be. as you know, people are fickle, especially those millennials and younger people. if the advertisers get in the way, don't forget that facebook offered 3 billion for the company back in 2013 and the 23 ceo at the time said no, no, i'm not interested. he may have been a very smart ceo by turning it down. >> liz, you've got numbers how they justify 25 billion. yeah, it's because it's going to turn itself into a hardware company. apple wanted to be a cell phone network first and this as companies get 6 billion to 10 billion video usages a day. and it's not called snap for a reason. they're selling speckles that
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grab videos. that's why the multiple is 25 times implied revenues coming forward. so, remember, apple wanted to be a cell phone network first and became a hardware company. that's the concept of snap. stuart: you've got me to understand snap chat. ashley: hey. stuart: the question, would someone buy that when it's available for purchase? it's been around forever. >> it has more daily active users than twitter at 150 million, that's a lot. stuart: could be exnext facebook or twitter. got to love, look at this. where are we going to open up this market in 28 minutes? no, i can't do the math, 18 minutes' game. got it. we'll be up 10 points, i'll call it flat. oil, are we above 50 a barrel. yes, we are. 50.46 where we're at. earthquake had --
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hurricane matthew, look at that. in florida that's where the danger is, this is a dangerous storm and here it's seen in orlando, disney world closed. the park is totally empty. i think you're looking at getting people out, this was yesterday, i believe. it's closed until tomorrow morning, it reopens then. disney world has only been shut down four times in its history. we can't forget politics, we never ever do. second presidential debate sunday night. donald trump says he's sticking to the issues and says he will not bring up bill clinton's history with women. he's already taking shots at hillary. more varney in a moment. hey dad.
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as bad as wall street thought. so, the stock will go up. a couple of bucks, 4 or 5%. that's a wall street story. back to hurricane matthew. it's now a category 3 storm. it can still do extensive damage to your home. winds reaching maybe 130 miles an hour. now, ashley is here with news of exactly what cat 3 can do to your house. ashley: yeah, it's not pretty, stu. winds 11 to 130 miles per hour, what does it do to your home? structural damage to roofing for sure and curtain walls, they're like the outer windows, if you like, do not support the roof like an office building. they westbound damaged and the trees blown down and the costs in these situations extensive damage to mobile homes. anything poorly constructed devastated and those well constructed will sustain damage. that's what you get with a
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category 3, not to be messed with. stuart: it's a category 3. it's not hit the mainland. ashley: just off the coach. stuart: the dow industrial is going to open flat and the jobs report and the presidential debate. it's sunday, donald trump says this time around he'll stick to the issues, he's also said hillary is not prepping, no, she's resting. >> this is practice for sunday, this isn't practice. nothing to do with sunday, which is here because we just wanted to be here and you know, hillary, frankly, they talk about debate prep. it's not debate prep. she's resting. she's resting. and i want to be with the american people, i want to be with the people from new hampshire and she wants to rest. stuart: you know, sarcasm is a low form of wit, but sometimes works. tucker carlson here glutton.
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>> if it's sarcasm. stuart: he says he's not going after bill clinton's women and when he says that that's what he's doing. >> people undervalue the hilarity of donald trump and he's amusing, that's part of his appeal. if trump goes out and talks about the core issues, shrinking middle class the fact that the people in power have no empathy for the middle of the country and he does the issues that got him here in the first place, i am gmmigratioimm trade. if he sticks to that he'll do well. if he doesn't, he won't. >> we're a month out and numbers are moving in the wrong direction. he needs to reassure people that voting for him is not a reckless act. stuart: he should go to growth and prosperity. he's got the growth plan and we've said on this program you have to get growth to return to prosperity and that's his plan. is rick scott about to appear, to give specific information?
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let's go to florida governor rick scott, the latest information. >> along the coast, over 100 miles per hour. this is still a 120 mile an hour storm. the eye has not made direct landfall, it's still time to make a direct hit. as we've seen it's wobbled. we are very concerned about storm surge. the worst effects are still likely to come. remember, the jacksonville area has a lot of low lying area and especially nassau county. very focused on jacksonville, there's potential for significant flooding there. damage assessments are just coming in in south florida, we will continue the storm passes each county. i've been reaching out to people in each county as it passes. fish and wildlife has 90 officers performing rescue operations and another 70 on stand by.
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as the storm passes, sending them in to do assessment both property and people. we did the same thing after hermes. they have not reported any issues yet. highway patrol, 150 troopers on public safety on patrol right now and another 100 on standby. they have not reported any issues yet. we have over 145 shelters opened. we have over 22,000 people in our shelters. i've checked all night and we don't have any major traffic or road issues at this time. we have been checking and that's one of the things that worked with our evacuation so far, we've kept our roads open. all major roads and interstates in florida are open. west palm where the storm passed and miami, they're out investigating the roads and there are no issues to report at this time.
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all toll suspensions remain in effect. tolls will remain suspended at least 24 hours after the storm passes each county. we denied mdx's request to reinstate tolls this morning. and department of transportation will review this on a county by county basis. some individual gas stations are reporting shortages, fuel shortages. these stations quickly being refueled, and fuel a readily available through the state. we don't have real issues. the current supply in the state is at least five days, even if all the ports are temporarily closed. right now, we have plenty of fuel in the state. about 600,000 homes are without power. the number's going to fluctuate, but some utility companies have already told me they are restoring power in miami and palm beach counties. about half the power is out in
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martin county and a third in st. lucie county. and as of now florida power and light have restored 20% of the initial outages 580,000. right now they have about 500,000 homes without power. look, we're only halfway through, we're going to have more outages. more outages are going to come. i'll be speaking with the utility companies this morning to talk about their plans to start restoring power. it's really important that we get power restored as quickly as we can. the rest of the state will begin setting up housing for utility crews in strategic areas across the state to make sure as we get the individuals in, we can get them housed and get to work. they don't have to worry about where they are he a staying. >> we have camp blanding which can house over 1,000 utility workers and their trucks. we have three other locations be prepared as the utility companies need it. we'll do everything we can to
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make sure that utility companies get power back on as quickly as possible. the resources will be available to any utility. let's remember this, power saves lives. we want everybody to get their power back as quickly as possible. the damage assessments are just coming in in areas where the storm has passed, the u.s. army core of evening nears are quickly assessing lake o okeechobee and they're preventing more water from going into the lake. at this point the national guard will connect assessments in south florida. once they look at recovery missions in central and north florida. what's going to happen as we saw problems in the south we'll keep moving these assets up north. we won't send them home. our goal is to keep solving problem. stuart: i've spoken to quite a few people, martin county sheriff, all roads will be cleared in martin county of any
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obstruction within two hours, emergency management director says they have no major issues. i talked to the palm beach mayor and she reports no issues. st. lucie sheriff they're reopening beaches and have no beach closures. no major issues and the evacuations were very effective. that's what i heard from a lot of people. the evacuations worked. indian river sheriff they're focused on power outages and not reporting structural damage. th they-- the brevard sheriff, it's not completely out of brevard and they're assessing the damage and they said a lot of power outages. >> i made recommendations, food, water, tarps, generators, pumps, hazmat assessment teams, cots, blankets. food distributes--
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distribution and helicopters. they'll getting our requests. we've also received offers of support for many states, oregon, al bama and it's not over. and it prepares one word. fl prepares 288-777 for updates from the emergency response team. fl prepares is one word. the nam hurricane center will push out messages from the storm to hear a loud noise, it's loud. do not ignore them. they could save your life. now, everybody needs to remember, and we focus very much on being prepared before
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the storm hit and we still have the storm hitting in spots. don't touch downed power lines. don't get close to downed power lines. if you have a downed power line call the utility company to let them know there's a downed power line. call the sheriff, do not touch downed power lines, they can kill you. don't go into standing water. there's no reason to go into standing water. while the storm is still on, don't go outside. there's going to be debris, over 100 mile per hour winds hitting in some areas. if a tornado approaches, move into an interior room of are house. generators, when we have the power outage, a lot of people are going to use generators. do not use them inside the house. only use a generator outside the home. keep it outside. if you've evacuated don't return until they tell you you can evacuate.
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i was talking to the st. lucie sheriff and he said north and south hutchinson island was opened now, don't go back until you know-- until it's open and they said it's open. >> the most important thing is protect every family. we all have families and i love my wife and my daughters and my grandchildren, my son-in-law, i don't want anything to happen to them or anything to happen to anybody's family or friends. so be careful. >> if you have any concerns about your safety, call your sheriff. they are staffed, they're there to help you. at 11:15 i will be giving a briefing for the national hurricane center and speaking again to all the 40 counties. at some point today, we will go out and start assessing damage around the state. i'll be glad to answer any questions that anybody has. >> governor, have you heard anything from st. lucie county officials? there was a report of a possible hurricane related fatality there. have you talked to anyone there, have you heard anything
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about this? >> i've talked about the sheriff emergency manager director and i've not heard that. >> fatality? >> i've not heard any fatality. my goal, i hope everybody stays safe. and i don't want any family-- i can't imagine. >> do you have any-- one of your emergency directors said that there's two missions going on, babove brevard and below brevard. above brevard you're talking about recovery. can you talk about the time frame restoring power to the southern part of the state? >> well, we-- i'll be talking to utilities today and we have a report that we'll talk about how many homes are without power so we know that fpnl has restored, i think it's over 150 homes already. 150,000 homes already. so, we-- we have a report of how many homes are without power, and
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then we'll be talking to them. what you need. is there anything the state can help you with. and then, as my goal is as any utilities finishes up their restoration, then we use those assets to help any other utility in the state. so, i know that florida power and light has brought in over 10,000 people and duke has brought in people and the municipalities and co-ops, my name is to share resources and find out where their problems are and get everybody there. just like we did with hermine, if we help through the army corps of engineers, if we can get the debris, we'll do that. >> can people determine later today and most of the areas evacuated or a few days? >> it's up to local officials. we're going to have to assessment damage and see what's happened to any of our roads.
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right now, i've been in talking to the dot or state department of transportation and not in here, but all the major roads are open. and, but, just remember, it could be the worst part of this is still to come. i mean, just look, i'm really concerned about jacksonville and i'm really concerned about nassau, because, you know, over ten foot of storm surge on top of the waves. that's a very low lying area on top of the fact that we still have the potential for a direct hit and we're seeing 100 mile per hour winds. >> you know, a lot of folks on the east coast did evacuate, but many did not and rode out this storm. does the fact the storms occurred and they're okay now, maybe they shouldn't be concerned in the future? does it concern you that maybe they think that at this point? >> first off, you have to take every storm seriously and remember, we're not true this yet. we're still doing assessments about what happened. we saw about half the state to go through.
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we're going to see and we're going to have our worst storm surge. and you say that, ten feet. and on top of that, the waves, so, and just remember, if you follow the map on the st. john's river we're going to have a lot of storm surge. the st. john's river, and a lot of storm surge that is going to come in. nassau is very low lying. i hope no one dies, that's nigh goal, is that everybody evacuated when they should have and they learned they did the same thing. we'll have 22,000 people in shelters, maybe have more tonight. we'll see how much wind damage we have this morning. it's just, you know, getting lights in the south. and i talked to sheriff ivy, he thought he could go into the southern part and even the northern part of his county is still getting big winds. so-- >> what do you say to people in florida about the system set up and all the people behind you,
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you know, working 12, 14, 16 hours a day to keep them safe? >> well, i think, i think that everybody is shoeing up to do their job. we're not through this. there's no victory lap. the victory lap is when the storm leaves our state and i hope it doesn't hit georgia, south and north carolina, but the victory lap will be when everybody survives, when we get people back to a normal life. but on these things, i'm appreciative of hard work, of whether it's the national guard, fish and wild life. our utilities, the fact that fema is in, helping us, but i mean, we still have a lot of work to go. >> can you describe what you mean by your concern about the storm surge? how many miles of of flooding could it-- from the coast could be-- >> to be honest, if you look at the map. the way they explained it to me. the water is going to come up fast through the st. john's river. it goes in and then it goes
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south and on top of that, then it's going back out and they said this lap going back out is going to be horrible, especially for downtown. so, we're going to see-- we have a-- we have a lot of concerns, still, about just how-- i mean, i told the story before. you know, just go south of here and go to panacea and the lady down there didn't evacuate and-- terry was down there with me, and she didn't evacuate and she evacuated finally at a foot and a half and she had four pets or five pets and if there isn't been a high water vehicle. this water comes in so fast and gets so high, that she would have died. and in that-- and there they did not get as high as this is going to be. you're going to have 10 foot plus and plus you have waves. what happens, that runs in fast. so i'm worried about the st. john's river and nassau is really low.
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>> governor, given the threat of the storm, pretty much double east coast, it's been affected. how stretched are the states resources right now and are you and everyone involved-- and talk about this, too, triaging, based on which area sustained the highest damage? does brevard need more search and rescue utilities than, say, you know, way south of the state. >> we have a very good. stuart: governor rick scott, the governor of florida, giving us specific information. he says he's not taking a victory lap yet because the worst may yet be to come. he's saying he's reporting a successful local government operation thus far. the evacuation worked, he said. he went on to say, very concerned about jacksonville. a little bit further north up the coast there, he's very concerned about that and again, he said, the worst may still be
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to come. separately we've heard from port st. lucie county and they report and confirm one death. that's just happening in florida. to the markets opened about what, four and a half minutes ago, we opened on the up side, not much. we're up 13 points as of right now. majority of the dow stocks are in the green. how about the price of oil. we're down, where are we now? we're down $50. down about 9 cents, that's it. how about this? there was a flash crash overnight for the british pound. it tumbled almost what, 9% to a new 31-year low and that just took a couple of minutes and bounced back up again. an interesting development there. a lot of hurricane related stocks to show you. many have been hit already this week. here are the home improvement stocks, first of all and generac that makes generators. home depot is down, lowe's is doing that. all of the stocks had a run up earlier in the week.
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how about the proper insurers, allstate we've got there. it's up a little bit. travelers, progressive. i can't remember that one. okay, they're up as we go along this morning and the dow is now down 18 points. all right. we've got these are the insurance companies with southern exposure, so to speak. they are up. okay, very interesting insurance marketplace today and try and sort that out for you. we don't show you charts very often, but look at this, universal insurance. it's the biggest market share, home owners insurance. close to 10% there. shares down more than 20% over the past week, bouncing back today. american stocks, remember american airlines, the hardest hit carrier, it's bouncing back today. they're waving change fees and they are down. let me sum this up, there is overall, not a profound
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reaction from hurricane related companies as of this morning now that the worst effects of hurricane matthew have arrived on florida's shores. that's how we're covering it. joining us today, ashley webster, liz macdonald, anthony scaramucci, lenore hopkins and scott shellady. >> bumping along, your characterization of the jobs report and what it means for the market? >> you saw today, the market is happier about this than if it would have been a beat. the beat would have been, yeah, we're going to raise rates. what a telling them this, the full-time jobs dropped and the worst part those who have multiple jobs spiked. the fifth biggest spike in the past ten years, today the people holding multiple jobs because they have to is the highest since august 2008.
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stuart: that's fascinating. anthony, you're shaking your head. >> i'm shaking my head because you've got good front line numbers, but bad for unemployment and aspirational working klassen a middle last families. i'm upset about it. stuart: i want to move quickly to the snap chat story, they're reportedly working on an ipo, letting the public buy into the company. offering stock. it might happen by next march. i know that snap chat is messages and photos that disappear. i want to go around the block. which is the biggest rival in the future, is that twitter or facebook? >> ashley. ashley: not even close, i'm sorry, facebook by far the biggest competitor. stuart: liz, is it going to be another new social network? liz: yeah, with the hardware attached to it and the video capturing, and that's driving
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the multiples and the valuations and the crash flow from that. stuart: lenore, a lot of people buy into facebook, for example and hold it forever on the grounds that that is a bastion stock. would you make the same as snap chat with an ipo. >> just because they come doesn't mean you can build it and twitter showed us that. stuart: all the big guys are reportedly out of the running, is in, is that right, ash? >> yes, it is. let me go over that. stuart: the beg guys dropped out lying googles, apples-- >> we should know, they say they want a bid in by october 27th. before that day when they have third quarter earnings. the big guys have dropped out. google, disney who looked at this apparently and apple even said no.
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that means salesforce who would want it, the massive amount of business data it could get out of it. is twitter for sale? there's reportedly a split among the management. jack dorsey says, i want to stay independent. others say take the money and run. >> it's at $20 per share as we speak. check the big board, we're down two points as we speak and i'm going to call it a friday morning, pretty much a flat market. google's self-driving car, its crash was so bad it sent to the human operator inside to hospital. i want to bring you more on that. stay there, we've got a take a commercial break. back in a moment. the pursuit of healthier.
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it begins from the second we're born. because, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned every day. using wellness to keep away illness. and believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. as a health services and innovation company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it.
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>> when did marisa mayer know about it. in july when she supposedly heard about it. when did you tell your user base that it was hacked. we're aware in august and aware of rumors and didn't disclose it as a filing and they said they don't agree there were claims with the breach. when did you know? by the way, this dated back to 2014. when did yahoo! know about it and when did verizon hear about it. they said they only heard about it recently and they're saying a billion dollar hair cut. stuart: we haven't heard the last of it liz: congress says why didn't you disclose it in your transparency report. they didn't disclose it. stuart: overnight, there was a development with the british pound. i'm going to call it a flash crash. you see it on the screen. it bounced back, but a 31-year low. am i accurate in calling it a
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flash crash, scott shellady? >> you're right and i think we're trending that way anyway because the rest of the world, that's a whole other story. ultimately, what we have, we've got central bank, psychosis, we don't have any traders left. there's not a lot to do so we have a liquidity vacuum and it's down to number one, number two regulations we're overregulated and it's 0% so long, this time of thing is happening more and more. what a mess, scott shellady. >> and someone accidentally just hit more buttons and they were spoking right at this moment as the pound crashed saying the british can't get access to the single market, in the eu, under those circumstances liz: this is such a huge deal. ashley: so an algorithm picks up names and through social media, you name it, pick up key words, boom, they sell.
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stuart: check the dig big board. 18,236. back t when is the left going to start blaming hurricane matthew on global warming? sounds like soon, if you ask me. scott shellady when are they going to blame global warming? now? >> i think they already have and after, they blame global warming, they'll blame the lack of a second half recovery in the u.s. for fifth year in a row under hurricane matthew as well. matthew's got a lot of explaining to do. stuart: lenore back over to you, when will they blame global warming? >> we've learned this one, never let a crisis go to waste. stuart: on the left side of your screen you're looking at the storm surge near daytona beach. there's a huge rush of sea water that goes over the roadway next to the shoreline and goes inland. one of our regular guests is with us. dan, we usually use him on national security stories, but
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he lives in florida, palm beach. you can see it on the bottom of the-- well, you'll get to it. he decided not to evacuate and he joins us on the phone right now. okay, you're in palm beach. describe what's it like right now? >> yeah, i'm in palm city right above palm beach. there are a lot of palm fronds down. we haven't had a major storm in ten years so the palm fronds, the big ponds have not been naturally pruned by high winds because we haven't had them. there are palm fronds all over the street. it looks bad, but not as bad as it could have been. it got nasty through the morning and then started to calm down about 4 a.m. and it stayed a bit off shore, for martin county, north of that and we didn't get it as bad as we could have. thank the lord. >> you're confirming what
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governor scott told everyone, that essentially martin county got no issues, i think you've got-- you didn't get a pass, obviously. and got off light. and can you sum it up like that? >> i mean the power was intermittent. it was in and out and never out for any sustained period of time. and if you had the shutters up, and most did, thankses to plywood. my mother-in-law was in vero, she felt terrified. felt like her door wind resistent was going to blow in. she was scared. thank the lord, everything is okay. it's going to be a massive cleanup. my property is a mess i'm getting ready to go out and cleanup today. stuart: can you tell me if there's structural damage on your street or where you can see? i mean, damaged roofs, windows, that kind of thing? >> yeah, it looks like the windows are okay. everybody in my neighborhood has, you have to have one of three things, the shatter proof
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windows, accordian shutters or hang steel shutters and everybody had them up. no window damage. it looks like a couple of neighbors could have lost a couple of shingles. and they're ease to repair, nail the nails back in. but if you look at the street. pond fronds everywhere and looks like a bad landscaping job. no significant damage. stuart: you've got off light and we're glad to hear that. we patricia that. >> there's tropical storm nicole storming as well. it's a tropical cyclone. stuart: look at the map. matt could loop back and round two, that's a possibility. not saying anything more about that. that's the map. check out the big board. where are we 20 minutes into the trading session, down 52 points. we also have a development on the hillary e-mail scandal. not going to forget that.
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turns out the administration was in close contact with the campaign over her e-mails on the private server. apparently the white house was worried about the political fallout. more on that. we're following matthew extensive damage expected. one dead confirmed thus far, a live shot of daytona beach. that's the storm surge. that's where the danger lies. back in a moment. upgrade your phone system and learn how you could save at
9:52 am
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>> if you're just joining us, you'll want to know where is matthew. where is it going and how strong is it? the only person that can answer those questions is janice dean, fox meteorologist. >> still 125 miles per hour sustained winds. it was a hurricane for a week i a record i would think in the atlantic basin in the month of october. just off shore for its life span across the florida coastline which has been pretty good news. because the difference between the a wobble to the right and left could mean the difference between a tropical storm force wind and a hurricane force wind, but we have seen and felt winds along the shore of 100 miles or more so we're getting some of the strong winds and that's where the core is of the strongest winds, just north and
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east of the daytona beach area. although i do think they're going to get some of the hurricane force winds on shore very shortly. and the potential for flooding, upwards of a foot, the storm surge is going to be the issue here, stuart, as we're dealing with, specially for north florida and the curve here of the coastline of georgia and the carolinas. you've got the storm surge, the push of the ocean that could raise 7 to 11 feet on top of high tide. so you really have to know your geography if you live along the coastlines because we could still see some evacuations given along the southeast coast. we're not done with this storm yet. we don't know what the legacy is, heavy rains, storm surge and strong winds. we're going to continue to monitor it. stuart: as the governor of florida, rick scott says the worst could be yet to come. >> and we still have hours to go. a category 3, it's really. stuart: janice, we'll see you
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soon. thanks, indeed. donald trump is meeting union officials who represent customs and immigration enforcement officers. they have already endorsed donald trump. the first time that union ever endorsed a presidential candidate. >> donald trump called for ending sanctuary cities and ending the catch and release. hillary clinton has called for amnesty and more radical plans and that's why ice, custom and immigration officials for the first time endorsed a candidate because donald trump is speaking to the issues that they've been complaining about for years. stuart: hillary has been loathe to make this an election issue liz: it adds to donald trump's law and order ticket. basically his platform. he's being backed now by a large majority of law enforcement officials and mike pence is saying, the deportation force is ice.
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but now, this is a crossroads now with the idea, what are you going to do, break into 11 million homes to deport people? so it picks up that, too. but this is a powerful police group. stuart: he needs more security people and now a round table with national security advisors. later, hillary is debate prepping. back in a moment.
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>> and good friday morning, everyone. yes, it's here. about 5 a.m. eastern, matthew's eye banged up very close to the florida coast, around the town of melbourne. it's now moving slowly north around 13 to 15 miles per hour. we have the latest coming in to us from governor rick scott. that was about 20 minutes ago, he reported a successful evacuation, he went out county by county, from southern florida all the way to where it is now. reporting generally success at handling the aftermath of this storm.
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we still have a category 3 storm, winds are still 100 miles per hour, just off the florida coast. that means the storm surge is now hitting. left-hand side of your screen, you're looking at it. that's daytona beach, the eye of the storm is what, i think 30, 40 means away and that is sea water rushing inland, rushing across the shoreline, that's the storm surge. this is what is exceptionally difficult to get a handle on. hurricane matthew is going to be hitting southeast well into the weekend. there will be enormous costs. there are political implications and of course, everyone's lives in that area, millions of people, their lives completely disrupted. dramatic video from hurricane matthew coming in overnight. crackling and exploding power transformers. we have one person confirmed dead in port st. lucie county. there you go, let's have a look at that.
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that's dramatic indeed. and that is transformers exploding as the storm hit. that was from amy in merit island, florida. with us now, a varney viewer who did not evacuate his home in south florida. on the phone line from jensen beach on hutchinson island, welcome john. can you hear me? >> good morning, stuart. how are you? >> i want how the storm hit you. you're on an island, urnihunker down, what was it like. >> 1:30 this morning it was getting pretty crazy and you could hear the wind and rain hitting the building. stuart: which kind of structure are you in? in your house? >> i'm in a condo, a 31 unit condo. stuart: any damage? >> just a couple of gutters, then the, you know, the palm
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fronds all around the yard. stuart: has the worst hit you yet or the worst still to come? >> the worst has hit us. no worries about storm surge or anything. we do have electricity and the water was turned on by the county this morning. stuart: do you think yourself lucky, john? are you glad you toughed it out. >> very fortunate, very fortunate. i believe the hurricane track turned slightly east again there and i think that's the part that saved us. >> just out of interest, john. why did you stay? >> i partly stayed because i have family close here and they all wanted to hunker down and so that's why the reason why i stayed. stuart: bet you're glad you did. john, thank you for joining us, i know you watch the show regularly. keep watching, we appreciate that. >> congratulations on becoming an american citizen. stuart: thank you. in the storm. we like that.
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and let's go to daytona beach, florida. that's where the storm is fairly close, adam shapiro, you can see him there. we've been showing, adam, i don't know if you can hear me. we see the storm surge. >> i can barely hear you. this is the worst of it because the eye of the storm is due east of me. and there was a loud explosion about 15 minutes ago and we finally lost electricity. these wind gusts, according to the forecasters around here, the wind gusts, there go some roof shingles. show them the shingles playing off. the wind gusts are 80 miles per hour if not stronger and you see the roof shingles, they're flying off the hotel that we're at and to the right of me, going east towards the shore, you don't see it now, but every now and then, there is a loud explosion and a glowing, yellow hue and that's a transformer
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two blocks away, and the worst of it, stuart, right now, the officials are saying another hour or two, the eye of the storm, you're talking the storm surge, 7 to 11 feet this part north what they're concerned about. we're going back inside and get out of this mess, but i haven't seen it this strong all morning, this is the worst of it. stuart: thanks, adam. i don't know if viewers were noticing it, on your screen to the left. i saw a flash and looked like another transformer going up as the storm hit it. and to the markets, this is friday morning, and 34 minutes into the session, we're down 40 points as we speak. remember, please, we have the jobs report, first thing this morning, 8:30 a.m. eastern. 156,000 new jobs created a mediocre performance. big tech names, we cover them every single day and we're covering them now. facebook, amazon, google,
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netflix, twitter, where are they now? a look at that, please? we're most of them are down, only twitter ever so slightly higher. facebook and google, microsoft, netflix are down this morning. as i said earlier. we got the latest read, the september jobs report, mediocre, and conservative chair, matt, joins us now. what do you want to talk about, the jobs report or the hurricane? . i want to talk about the hurricanes. >> sure. stuart: i want to talk about the politics of the storm. when it passes through, president obama will go down there,ings hillary clinton will go down there, donald trump will go down there, who is going to win the battle of the storm? >> that's a good question. i worked for george w. bush and you saw a presidency almost destroyed over what happened in louisiana i think very unfairly and sometimes perception of what a president does matters. i think donald trump really made a smart move when he went
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down to louisiana earlier this year and hillary clinton took a pass. the decisions these candidates make and the decisions the president makes, it really makes an impact in people's lives. when you think about it and hit by a storm like hurricane matthew, this storm, if it takes everything you own, emphasizing with people who are in need is just an essential part of politics. we had governor rick scott on the air earlier this morning and he was on the air all through the night and much of yesterday. i'm going to say that he turned in a very strong performance as the man in charge of this storm. would you agree? >> yeah, you know, jeb bush was in the unlucky position of having storm after storm after storm when he was governor and he would work through the night and show up with the shirt sleeves rolled up and i think that rick scott is doing something much the same. it's not a partisan issue at this point. this is about people's lives
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and everything they own at stake. and governor scott is showing real leadership which is just needed at moments like this. stuart: would you stay there for a second, matt? i'll be back. >> we showed you donald trump meeting with ice union, immigration control officers. we have news on this, what was said. ashley: this was picked up by cameras as he was meeting with the union and custom enforcement officials for the first time endorsing a presidential candidate, ie, donald trump. what you pick up the national vp and president of the chapter in tucson. basically telling donald trump that he's asking him, so, why are these undocumented immigrants with criminal records, why aren't they being kicked out and why is there a rush to get the illegal immigrants citizenship and he says, the ice official says simply so they can vote. stuart: that's what the ice official says.
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>> yes, so they can get onto the ballots to vote so trump repeats that and he says why? >> so they can vote. so trump says, so they can come into the country so they can vote. how can something like this happen? it's a disgrace. >> the guy says it's happening liz: it is happening now. indiana more than half the counties in indiana the police investigating voter fraud. you don't need an i.d. to do mail-in voting so this is a clinton, bill clinton play book. they wanted to get immigrants, basically, made citizens to vote. stuart: matt, i think you heard all of this. >> yes. stuart: surely puts this immigration and i guess illegal voting, i guess, this puts this right in the forefront of the debate on sunday night. >> absolutely, what is more sacred than making sure you have the right to vote and exercise that right. it's just repugnant to americans to think that people could vote when it's not legal. and this is all the problems that-- >> wait a second.
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one of the things that really annoys so many people is that if you say i think you should have to produce i.d. before you vote. >> that's right. stuart: then you are called a bigot. >> that's right. stuart: i for one don't like it and i don't think anybody else does and now we have that from the ice people. i think it puts it right upfront in the debate. last word to you. >> absolutely. everything that you do of importance in our society, you have to pro he dues an i.d. and records. absolutely everything. why is voting somehow unique? it's wrong to have even the risk of somebody voting who shouldn't vote or vote twice or any kind of shenanigans. this is going to be a close election, every vote matters and i think there should be no question that it's done legal and appropriately. stuart: matt, thank you for joining us on a day like this. you may have heard from
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governor rick scott, he says the worse may be to come. dramatic video from the hurricane itself and noaa pilot heading to the center of the hurricane to learn more about it. you can see the plane shaking violently. the pilot very experienced at flying into dangerous storms. that's what he's doing right now. that's dramatic video. these guys fly in the middle of it to get the information. what a job. thank you very much, sir. the walking dead, a new season is coming this month. it draws huge audiences and even beating sunday night football. can you believe? it's appointment television and the executive producer of that show is here with me next. . >> you should know, this is the only way. >> thanks have changed. whenever you had going for you,
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you're looking at is a storm surge. that's had a huge wash of sea water coming on the beach and going on land and flooding. the surge is happening right now. that's dangerous. what about this video? we've took it from the bahamas and winds from hurricane matthew tore the roof off the house. that's the bahamas and it happened. when you have a hurricane like this, you check hurricane stocks, including generac, these are people who make emergency generators. that stock extraordinarily is down. it had been on a tear this week. the problem in the florida and carolinas and georgia, is going to be power outages, weeks? liz: two weeks, it was said and released, watch this 107,000 now out of power and-- >> 107,000. >> 107,000. ashley: it was 600,000. stuart: way more--
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liz: i'm talking for these counties alone. miami-dade, palm beach and broward are most heavily hit and they could see power out for two weeks. stuart: that's seriously liz: and tropical sicyclone is pushing in. stuart: no power for a house in florida, and temperature is 80 degrees, i can smell mold. i can see it coming liz: good point. stuart: a totally different subject, let's prove astray. it would two weeks from now, the popular zombie season is coming back for the second season. we're told a popular character will be killed off. watch this. >> you should know, this is the only way. >> things have changed. >> whenever you had going for you-- >> now, i wasn't expecting to
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find out who is going to be killed off. they're not going to tell you that now are they? the walking dead is just about the last bastion of appointment television. the executive producer happens to be with us again, his na i am is david alpert. you're not going to tell us the name of the character knocked off. >> well, john i'm-- >> stuart. >> stuart. stuart: thank you. >> i will tell you last time i was hear, last year, before the sixth season you said you hadn't seen the show. and in the seventh season you said if i come back, you said you'd watch all six and i'd give you. stuart: that's a shot. my entire team boosted your ratings. >> they didn't promise me they'd watch the show. stuart: as i understand it, your a king of the hill in the 18 to 49 demographic, right?
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you outright sunday night football on occasion. you are the-- you're appointment television, virtually no appointment television left these days. >> i know, it's a shame. stuart: so, you brought it back with a seventh season. >> this year we're really going to take this to a whole other level. we feel that-- >> wait a minute, how do you take an acceuauk-- how do you take a successful show like this on a whole other level. >> we introduced a new character and he carries a covered bat named lucille. and he says she's a vampire bat and he swings it and you see blood coming to the camera. stuart: what kind of a tease is that?
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>> it's sadistic. stuart: the bottom line, success of the show, sadism and blood and gore? >> no, what we do, we boil down drama to the base elements and people say i would have done this in this circumstance. it's easy to put yourself into that situation and boils out the drama into what would i do and would my decision allow me to live and die? and that's a basic question that everybody can relate to. stuart: so you want to keep the som sommy sam zombie deal alive and well. >> they're too young. stuart: i wouldn't let a six-year-old. what age to watch the walking dead? >> as soon as you turn double digits.
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as soon as my daughter is 18 she can watch. [laughter] >> it's sunday into it at 9:00. in two weeks. >> that's right. stuart: that's why i can't watch. >> you go asleep too early? >> i'm asleep at 8:00. >> they have an amazing invention called dvr. stuart: the audience is laughing at me, not you. [laughter] well, look, david, we appreciate you being with us. and good luck with the new series, i'm sure it will be a wild success all over again and appreciate you coming on to "varney & company" to show it off. >> thank you, appreciate it. stuart: take care. we're down 25 points on the dow industrials and a slim majority of the dow industrial stock. in the red. that means they're down. mixed bag, no clear trend. live pictures of the damage in palm beach county. that's what we're waiting for. an awful lot of water made it there and not sure whether any roofs came off.
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>> all right, this is coast guard video. that's a bird's eye view of the devastation in haiti left by matthew. you don't get a very good impression of it because i don't know whether these structures that look to have been demolished were significant in the first place, but that is widespread damage and that's for sure. that storm, matthew, now travelling up florida's coast. fox news senior meteorologist janice dean is with us. janice, the main threat now,
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the main danger seems to be the storm surge, am i correct? >> yes, you're absolutely correct because of the positioning of the coast line and the fact that we have counter clock-wise winds around the storm pushing in the ocean to north florida and georgia, as well as south carolina. so when you're talking 7 to 11 foot storm surge, in some cases they've never seen it raise in their history. that could be the legacy of the storm, as the good news is the really strong core of winds have stayed off shore for the most part. however, stuart, we have seen wind gusts in excess of 100 miles per hour. this is the storm surge forecast as we go further out in time and you can see 10 to 12 feet plus, so they've upped that within the last advisory. this is very vulnerable coast line here. you need to know your geography, with all the beach
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area here and 10 to 12 foot rise on top of the sea level and the high tide. that's going to cause very destructive, if not catastrophic in some cases storm surge. in some cases much like we saw with sandy, here across the northeast. that's some of the wording that i'm seeing in the national weather service forecasting is that this could be similar to a sandy type situation, along the southeast coast line. wind gusts, certainly hurricane force, right? 107 miles per hour in allen hurst, florida, near cape canaveral where we made that closest pass. stuart: janice, can you it will me how much longer this storm is going to inflict serious damage on the eastern seaboard? >> i would 24 to 36 hours, so this is, you know, we're going overnight here and this is still a hurricane, and then moving closer to south carolina and north carolina, as a hurricane. so, you know, we're still dealing with this into the
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weekend and i heard liz earlier on chirping and saying that this might being, you know, come back and do a loop and there is certainly the potential to see this storm come back towards florida next week. so, i mean, this is why we're pulling out our hair in the fox news extreme weather center. stuart: you're never going to get any sleep. >> no, a cot. stuart: rick scott said the worst may yet to be come. >> absolutely, we're not halfway done with the storm. stuart: all right, janice, we'll see you shortly. the other story of the day is the market not doing that. . and there you see it's 156,000 jobs created. mediocre performance and disappointing for a lot of people. we're down 27 on the dow at 18-2. again, the biggest threat from hurricane matthew is the storm surge. it's expected to be ten feet.
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(announcer vo) you can commute. (man on radio) ...40! no flags on the play! (cheering) (announcer vo) or you can chest bump. yo commute, we got serious game. siriusxm. road happy. stuart: it has arrived. it is moving up the eastern seaboard. it is still a cat-3 storm as we speak. look at this, video from south florida. a transformer exploding in the storm. by the way governor scott says 600,000 floridians are currently without power. he says that number, can, will, and probably will rise. still on the hurricane, look at the stock of disney. orlando, disney world there has been, it was closed i think -- ashley: closed one day. closed today. will not reopen until tomorrow. first time it is closed in 11 years.
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only the fourth time in 45-year history. three previous times, hurricanes. floyd, '99, francis and jean in 2004. stuart: that is people leaving yesterday as they got them out of there to get them home. back to the news we brought you earlier. donald trump meeting with border patrol officials, they told trump why immigrant with criminal records are coming in and voting. roll tape. >> spoken to several agents in my sector that are in charge of a lot of processing of these individuals that we apprehended. a lot have criminal records. the problem we're seeing and being reflected to us as the some of the individuals we're apprehending with criminal records. they're checking records, criminal records but setting them aside at this point immigration is so tied up with trying to get people on waiting list, hurry up and get them their immigration status correct.
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make them citizens. >> in why. >> so they can go ahead vote before the election. to do that -- >> to me, that is -- >> that is huge. >> letting people pour into the country so they can go and vote. >> want to hurry up and fast track to vote. >> these are the professionals. these are the people that -- you hear a thing like that. it is a disgrace. stuart: but to be clear the border patrol official there said they're youring up to get them in normalized to be citizens, then they vote. i don't think the implication was illegals are voting. liz: there are investigations now. public interest legal foundation found 1000 illegal immigrants registered to vote in virginia. investigations in philadelphia. we're seeing voter fraud investigations breaking out in virginia, colorado, indiana as well. stuart: to be clear now, you don't have to go through a lot of rigmarole to vote by mail.
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>> liz: you doesn't have voter i.d. stuart: left-hand side of your screen. that of course is hurricane matthew. there you have it, live video. that is happening right now. not sure where that is taken from. st. augustine. looks pretty bad, does it not? ashley: yes. stuart: we got a read on the economy this morning. 15thousand jobs were created in the month of september. joining us now, andy green. with the center for american progress. he is a clinton supporter. andy, welcome to the program. good to have you with us, sir. >> thank you. thank you so much. stuart: i've asked democrats and hillary clinton supporters one question consistently. i'm not sure i have always got the best answer. i want to know, i want you to explain to me, how hillary clinton's plan of raising taxes and spending more money, on infrastructure budget, tell me how that produces 4% growth. can you do that?
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>> well, it is very simple and easy to understand. if we go back eight years, the economy was losing more than 400,000 jobs. that was after a track record of deregulation. stuart: that is talking point. that is a talking point. i asked you very clearly, what's the growth plan? how will hillary's plan of spending more, raising taxes, and the infrastructure budget, how will that give me 4% growth? >> very simple. puts people to work. when we have an economy that has been creating jobs but there is still a lot of people out there that would like to work, that are not able to work. and frankly when you see the job creation, you will see pressure on wages and those will go up. around as that positive cycle happens, more people have money in their pocket. they can go out and invest and go out buy things. 75% of our economy is consumer driven. as we invest.
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very simple keynesian economics. it works well. stuart: hasn't worked well. for the last eight years we have a lot of government spends. we've had higher taxes. we've never got better than 2% growth. now we're down to 1%. what you're offering, come on, what:lynn is offering is -- hillary clinton is offering more of the same. >> let's be very clear -- stuart: why would that suddenly get me 4% growth? >> let's be very clear about this, last six out of eight years republicans control house of representatives. they engaged in fiscal austerity cut spending. lowered the amount of money going into the economy, going into ordinary people's pockets. the fact we're at 2% growth is incredible success story about the obama administration's policies they put in during the first two years. if we actually had really vigorous, progressive economic policies we absolutely would be higher economic growth.
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the problem we have not invested enough in order people. stuart: spent enough, is what you're really saying, isn't it? >> very simple. if you have money flowing into the the con and reduce amount income inee quality. wealthy done very well. donald trump's -- stuart: tell me a second. what we're talking about is trying to grow the economy. >> absolutely. stuart: your plan is to continue spending a lot of government money and raising taxes on the wealthy. that is your plan. the other way around is, you cut taxes, vigorously, for individuals and corporations. that puts a great deal of money into private hands which will go into private enterprise to grow the economy just like it did under ronald reagan. what is wrong with that plan? other than, oh, it is good for donald trump and good for the rich, et cetera, et cetera. but it does produce growth, doesn't it? >> it just doesn't work. we did that in the 2000s under
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george w. bush. and it was one of the reasons why we had the greatest financial crisis since the 1930s. stuart: you think tax cuts created the crisis of 2007 and 2008? tax cuts did that? really? >> when you have an economy that is not balanced, there is not middle out economy, people have got more money in their pockets you will have these types of imbalances. stuart: they did have more money their pockets. >> the crisis, was that people were not seeing their wages grow. as they didn't see their wages grow, they were borrowing more. they were more exposed to housing crisis. they were more exposed to dangerous risky consumer protection violations and risky activities on wall street. when the financial crisis happened ordinary people's wealth declined 49% compared to 2001, more compared to 2007. while it has rebounded under president obama, it has a good ways to go. so you know, we actually seen under president obama a cut of
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middle class taxes. the only folks that have seen tax increases those doing very well already and corporations have done very well. are you telling me that all the companies that stashed money offshore are not doing very well? stuart: i'll tell you what. you want to make use of that money, $2 trillion, close to $3 trillion, you want to bring the money back. you want to make use of it in america's economy, the way to do that is cut the corporate tax rate. cut it down to 15%. that will do it. last word to you, 20 seconds before we go to president obama. go. >> thank you very much. i mean, what we do need to do recognize the tremendous success, 15 million jobs have been created since this recovery. a lot more to go. hillary clinton is way to do it. stuart: good debate, andy. come see us again. we appreciate it. >> thank you. stuart: president obama moments ago. happening right now. president obama getting briefed on hurricane matthew. listen in.
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>> tell me when everybody is set. >> all set. >> everybody has been tracking the course of hurricane matthew. i just received an update from our fema director, craig few gate -- fugate, rest of national security team and i want to make a couple of keefe points. first, what we're seeing now is matthew having moved above south florida and some of the largest population centers, working its way north and the big concern that people are having right now effects it could have in areas like jacksonville on through georgia and, what we've seen some significant damage in portions
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of south florida, i think the bigger concern at this point is not just hurricane-force winds but storm surge. many of you will remember hurricane sandy where initially people thought this doesn't look as bad as we thought. then suddenly, you get massive storm surge and a lot of people were severely affected. and so i just want to emphasize to everybody that this is still a really dangerous hurricane. that the potential storm surge, flooding, loss of life and severe property damage continues to exist.and people continue too follow the instructions of their local officials over the course of the next 24, 48, 72 hours. those of you who live in georgia
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i think should be paying attention because there's been a lot of emphasis on florida but this thing will keep on moving north through florida into south carolina. there are large population centers there that could be haver in a.m. so pay attention to what your local officials are telling you. if they tell you to evacuate, you need to get out of there and move to higher ground because storm surge can move very quickly and people can think that they're out of the woods and suddenly get hit and not be in a position which they and their families are safe. so pay attention to local officials. in the meantime, i've been in contact with the governors of all four of the potentially affected states. you i want to thank them all for their leadership. there has been strong cooperation between federal and state and local officials. fema has worked diligently to preposition resources at that
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water, food, commodities, and as the hurricane moves north, what craig and his team will be doing, moving assets further north and any place that happens to get badly, we'll be in a position to immediately come in and help. but i want to emphasize the governors have been on top of this. state and local officials have been on top of this. they are the ones who are tracking most closely what is happening in your particular community, your particular area. you need to pay attention to them. do what they say. do not be a holdout here because we can always replace property but we can't replace lives. i want to thank craig and his whole team as well as the department of homeland security, my own national security team
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for really staying on top of this. we'll monitor it throughout the weekend. our thoughts and prayers for folks who have been affected. even if the damage in south florida wasn't as bad as it could be, there are people who have been affected for them they are going to need help. last point i would like to make. we're still tracking what happened in areas like haiti that were hit more directly. haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world. it has consistently hit and battered by a lot of natural disasters to compound already what is great poverty there. we know hundreds of people have lost their lives and there has been severe property damage. they will need help rebuilding. i would ask all americans to go to american red cross and other
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philanthropic agencies to make sure we're doing what we need to do to help people in need. we'll continue to provide information if you're interested how you can help the people of haiti and others, you can go to we'll provide you direction in terms of where even the smallest contribution can make a big difference. all right? thank you very much, everybody. >> sir, does fema have enough funding? >> thank you. >> fema is in a good position right now. we had some concerns last year when we were in the midst of budget negotiations. i think we did a good job of making sure fema was properly funded, not to make them blush but we happen to have one of the best public servants in america, craig fugate. they know how to manage their money and use it effectively. so that's not going to be an issue.
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of course we always want to be cautious about making assessments with respect to damage. we're still on the front end of this hurricane. we're not on the back end. we don't know how bad the damage could end up. we don't know how severe the storm surge could end up being. and, we're not going to know for three, four, five, days, what the ultimate effects of this are. if we end up having really significant problems, and, really severe property damage, then the stafford act cops into play. our ability to provide through emergency declarations and other mechanisms, more help to local governments, that's always going to be a question. we, as you know, we still have flooding in louisiana that has left a lot of people homeless. over 100,000 people lost their homes there.
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we still have to rebuild. there is a backlog of need from natural disasters around the country that we would like hopefully during the lame-duck session to figure out how to fund effectively. so, the issue is not so much fema's funding for immediate emergency response. the issue is going to be making sure that after the, you know, in this case the hurricane but in other cases flooding or wildfires or, you know, other natural disasters, after they have happened, are we in a position to properly help people rebuild and we'll obviously make those assessments after the fact and then we'll talk to congress about how we can help out. all right? thank you. everybody. >> thank you, guys. stuart: president obama addressing hurricane matthew.
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bottom line, fema properly funded and help is on the way of the president said clearly, this is not over. do what your local officials are telling you to do. if that is evacuate, you evacuate. joining us now florida's attorney general, pam bondi. thanks for joining us today. we've been hearing from governor scott all morning. he is you laying out very successful local government response to this storm. he said evacuation worked. does that jive from what you're seeing at the attorney general's office? >> it sure did, stuart. governor scott has done a great job. he has been all over our state speaking very bluntly to the citizens of florida, you need to get out of here right now on the east coast of florida. people listened to his warning. local officials were enoching on doors, getting people out, getting them to shelters. people didn't want to leave their pets.
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they went to a shelter that took pets. so far we haven't seen loss of life. and you know, this storm, stuart, is far from over. it is moving north. stuart: right. >> soon it will probably hit jacksonville. i just hung up with the governor. we want to worn people that the storm surges still could be 10 feet high. that is lethal. people need to be safe and, and leave the area that is in question. stuart: let me tell you, i don't know whether you can see it on the left-hand side of the screen our viewers are watching the storm surge at daytona beach, obviously florida. >> yeah. stuart: that is the rush of seawater that comes over the dunes and into inland. now if the worst is still to come and governor suggested that may be the case, am i right in saying legally you can not tell people, you can not force people to evacuate, can't do that, can you? >> well you can't, you can not make someone leave their home. stuart: right.
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>> you can call it mandatory evacuation and actually pray that people heed the governor's warning. people are stubborn and want to stay in their home. if you have kids, people care about other people, you need to get out of your house, come to another coast. come to the west coast, and call your friends. offer them a place to stay. hotels need to participate. for the most part they have but we've seen some bad ones who are tripling rates. and you can't do that. stuart: you don't expect this to be cleaned up and gotten away with. you will feel effects of this, what, three or four days, would that be accurate? >> we are, we are. i think 600,000 people are without power. our power companies are working very diligently to get the power back on. stuart: pam, forgive me for jumping in. i do apologize. i want to go to my colleague leland vittert in daytona beach. >> great. stuart: i want to get first-hand, how bad is it?
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there you can see him right there. leland, how bad is it? reporter: it could be a lot worse, stuart, especially out on the beach which is two miles that way. everybody has been forced off the beach as pam bondi is saying. they can't make you leave but the weather can make you want to leave. that happened with us. the winds are so strong 200 yards out that way, there is no way to get back into safe haven, into the safety of the land when we're here right now. winds i estimate probably 20 or 30 miles an hour, maybe a little bit higher, gusting to 50 or 60 just down here on street level. a little bit higher, obviously much, much stronger. it comes and goes in squall lines. we're getting what the police chief of daytona beach says is the tough part. he said if it is not a matter of if people will die in the storm but when. we saw a lot of people really risking it out here, stu, as the
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water keeps rising not only the storm surge but flooding. water is already up thigh high, people are trying to drive you through with sedans. police and fire department effectively now going forward they will not be able to move around town to save people, even if their lives are in danger. back to you. stuart: leland vittert in daytona beach as the storm surge everybody has to worry about. thank you very much indeed. all right. we're tracking it. obviously we'll have more in a moment. his shop, with handles designed here, made here, shipped from here, on this plane flown by this pilot, who owns stock in this company, that builds big things and provides benefits to this woman, with new cabinets. they all have insurance crafted personally for them. not just coverage, craftsmanship. not just insured. chubb insured.
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ashley: as you can see as we follow hurricane matthew up the keys coast of florida, still a dangerous storm, category 3. winds up to 120 miles per hour. the big concern at this point is the storm surge. the way the land is configure rated in northern florida, into georgia creates almost funnel and these strong winds blowing all that water into the coastline, very dangerous indeed. joining us on the phone right now, orlando mayor, buddy dyer. your honor, thanks so much for joining us. my mother who lives in palm coast escaped to orlando. she said she is just fine. how is the city of orlando doing? >> we were spared pretty much. we have some power outages but i think we can actually count number of trees came down.
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last i heard was 12. we feel very fortunate that the storm is turned a little bit north before it got to central florida. ashley: we know that disney world shut down and all the theme parks and water parks. this has big economic impact in orlando and kissimmee, of course famous for those theme parks, it must have an impact economically. >> it does but you know what? we're very happy today. we're very pleased whatever the economic impact may end up being, we're pleased the storm didn't do anymore damage than it did. ashley: you know what? it appears everyone was well-prepared from the governor on down. that has helped as well? >> i think we can absolutely say everybody took the storm very seriously whether you're in a coastal area or inland where we are. we're 90 feet above sea level. we were more worried about the wind. ashley: mayor buddy dyer, are
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mayor of orlando, thanks so much taking time to chat with us. we'll have so much on the storm. we're following markets for you. all coming up in hour 3 of varney next. these goofy glasses. yeah. well, we gotta hand it to fedex. they've helped make our e-commerce so easy, and now we're getting all kinds of new customers. i know. can you believe we're getting orders from canada, ireland... this one's going to new zealand. new zealand? psst. ah, false alarm. hey! you guys are gonna scare away the deer!
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stuart: hurricane matthew moving up the florida coast, yes it is. one person confirmed dead in port st. lucie county. at least 600,000 without power. some will not get it back for days, perhaps weeks. 200-mile stretch of the coastline will be raked by 100 mile-an-hour winds and torrential rain. there will be extensive, perhaps catastrophic damage. the worst of all, the storm surge. a rising ocean washing inland, flooding extensive areas. remember, it was the storm surge that did the damage during superstorm sandy which was a category 1 storm. matthew is now a category 3. when matthew has done its worse
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we will be adding up the cost. 100 billion? it is still way too early to tell. political impact? matthew will play a roll. president obama, hillary clinton and donald trump will surely pay a visit. florida is very important. governors rick scott and nikki haley took command, firmly and early. politically they are looking solid. but this is not done. there is another 24, maybe 36 hours during which our southeastern seaboard will be taking a massive weather hit. the third hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ stuart: we're going to get right into the middle of it with adam shapiro who is live in daytona beach. tell us about the storm surge, please, adam. reporter: the storm surge is going to be about seven to 11 feet. this is the worst of the storm now in this area. tons of roof tiles blowing off
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of all the roofs. wind is going, gusts, according to noaa and hurricane center are 70 to 80 miles per hour where we are right now. the storm is still east of daytona beach, slightly north of us at this point, just a bit, but slowly moving north towards jacksonville. the rain is coming down hard here. we don't have any reports. hard to get in touch with the police of any kind of severed intoing but that storm surge of seven to 11 feet what the hurricane center is warning everybody about. of course, stuart, this whole area is the inlets and inland neighborhoods are by canals which the wart was rising. so it good bet the water is over the roads in some places. this is an hour of constant wind. we've seen roof tiles being blown off. nothing more severe than that looks as if there is anymore severe damage flooding to the homes in those areas by canals. stuart? stuart: great job, adam shapiro.
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all night long. i am glad he mentioned jacksonville because earlier this morning governor rick scott said he was concerned about jacksonville. the storm is headed in that direction. hurricane matthew now still a category 3 storm, still very strong. can you explain, what does a, officially, what a cat-3 do to you? ashley: winds of 111 to 130 miles per hour. as long as the storm stays off the east coast, doesn't jog to the west, we're okay. this is pretty interesting graphic if like to show you what it can do. structural damage to roofing. some residences will definitely be, depending on how well they're made will suffer damage. trees will be blown down. extensive damage to mobile homes, always first structures to suffer damage in these kind of winds. you know, obviously can expect some intensive inland flooding as well. the storm surge we think now, we've been talking about for the last several hours, is the biggest threat now from
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hurricane matthew. as that water gets bottled up from jacksonville all the way up to savannah, that is where the concern is. very low-lying areas there, stu. 10 to 11 feet water will go a long way inland and cause a lot of damage. stuart: you think it will be the wind but in fact the water will get you. liz: great point. stuart: we should tell you, 600,000 people are without power as of now. governor rick scott said that number will go up. whenever a storm like this hits we look at generac, which tends to do well during most major storms. for example, it was up 31% before superstorm sandy. we're talking the stock price now. it was up 8% before tropical storm andrea. up 17% in 2004 before a winner storm and the storm went down 3% before that winter storm juneau,
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way back in 2015 -- juno. the ceo joins us of generac by phone. seeps if you experienced a storm, had damage, you lost power, it is after the storm that you go out and fix yourself up with a generac. so i guess you're expecting a flood of orders in the next few days, correct? have you seen any yet? >> well, actually stuart, we see both. you have people to take proactive approach before the storm comes. this is a pretty active week putting product in the area. we have a lot of people headed in that direction for technical support. you're absolutely right. after the storm passes, lights go off and come back on they look at permanently installed units that have become very popular. stuart: if i were to be in florida now, i have experienced a storm. i have had a power outage and somehow or other i call jenner rack, say, give me a again rate tore pronto -- generator pronto,
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how long does it get to take one of your generators installed and working on my property, tell me? >> you have to get a permit for it. home improvement type product. shouldn't be more than couple weeks. we have plenty of product. if there is huge run on the product next several weeks that could create some type of a backlog. generally over a couple weeks. stuart: i hate to say it you depend upon storms, don't you? sorry to put it like that, but you do. >> there is a certain part of our business where mother nature plays an important role in terms of driving demand. we do sell a lot of these products on everyday basis. the categories have become very popular. outages happen, widespread outages like a matthew are fairly rare. matthew, sandy these types of big events. what happens is the everyday garden-variety thunderstorms, winter storms, things that knock out power to 5000 people here
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and 10,000 people there have become very prevalent. people trying to take charge and make sure they have a backup plan. you are connected and plugged in, when you don't have power in your home, not only bad things happen but nothing can happen. it is frightening experience. stuart: i'm familiar with it. thanks very much for joining us. we appreciate you being with us, from generac holdings. now we move from the storm, guess where i'm going? election alert, politics. house speaker paul ryan will campaign with donald trump in wisconsin next week. now i call that a shift, a big shift. establishment republicans campaigning with donald trump. rachel campos duffy, who is from wisconsin, she is republican, she is with me here today. she is also a mother of eight as we always point out. you are spectacular. seriously, this is, this to me is a big deal. >> it is. stuart: paul ryan has never campaigned with donald trump to my knowledge. and this deal has been arranged
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by reince priebus i believe. so the establishment is coming together with the trumps. >> yeah. stuart: is this come bayou? >> it is. scott walker will be there as well. this is a real nice find on the part of -- trump made some big mistakes when he came into wisconsin. he made a big mistake in the primary when he dissed -- stuart: he lost. >> he lost. he went after scott walker who republicans love. this guy went to battle and won and did phenomenal job. coming into wisconsin and taking down walker was a bad move. then he kind of did this slow walk endorsement, which paul didn't ask for his endorsement but if you're going to come to wisconsin, that was the time where he really needed to unify in the summer. he didn't do it but he did and finally in the end. stuart: who needs who? does trump neat the establishment more than the establishment needs trump? >> in wisconsin, trump needs paul more than paul needs trump. by the way paul is a national
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figure. stuart: sure. >> this idea of unifying, help unify wisconsin which is in play. but also a big move about just bringing the entire party back together this is a big moment. stuart: okay. now earlier today donald trump met with border patrol officials. he received the endorsement from the i.c.e. union. listen to what one of immigration officials told donald trump. roll tape. >> we're trying to get the people on the waiting list hurry up and get them their immigration status corrected, make them citizens. >> why? >> so they can go ahead and vote before the election. >> big statement, fellows. i'm sure you're not going to write it. >> that is huge. >> letting people pour into the country so they can go and vote. want to hurry up and fast track them so they can go ahead and vote for elections. >> these are the professionals. these are people on the border. you hear a thing like that, it is a disgrace. stuart: i don't know whether you can hear that very clearly. bottom line the border patrol
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people were telling donald trump, hey, they're speeding up people coming into the country. >> yeah. stuart: they're speeding up citizenship so they can vote. >> yeah. stuart: initially there was i amlycation illegals were voting. put that to one side. >> yeah. stuart: what do you make, that could put the immigration deal up front in sunday's debate. >> it does, first of all, endorsement from the people actually trying to secure the border is a big endorsement. it shows they think this is the person who, they have never done it before, so this is a big deal. that they're saying we're going to endorse for the first time somebody we trust to manage the immigration problem. this is why trump's winning. when people see the system, plays right into his narrative. the system is rigged. they're working it from the inside to benefit them. departments meant to keep us safe are being politicized. these are things the american people are very angry about. and so i think this helps trump, absolutely. stuart: rachel campos duffy. thanks for joining us. busy, by sy day. thanks very much. a lot of people are sharing
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their experience of the hurricane. this post on twitter by amy, she shows a transformer blowing up on a power line right outside of her home. remember rick scott said 600,000 are without power at this moment. he did say that number is going to go up. some could be out of power for a mater of weeks. now that's a big deal. liz: that's right. stuart: look from the bahamas. the roof blew off. that's matthew. hit the bahamas. off goes the roof. there it goes again. remember, that was the bahamas. this dramatic footage from a pilot heading right into the center of the hurricane to learn more about it. he is government pilot. they do this, the plane is obviously violently shaking. they go right into the middle. storm to figure out how strong it is, what the barometric pressure is. they do this kind of thing. god love them. ashley: on purpose. stuart: on purpose. get that. we will be back.
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stuart: i want to bring in nick. he is a chief petty officer with the coast guard in miami. sir, welcome to the program. people are always concerned about the wind and torrential rain but i'm told the real cause for concern is the storm surge. will you explain that please, sir. >> sure thing. thanks for having me. so storm surge is very deadly. it's, again this whole storm is a force to be reckoned with. high wind, storm surge, fast currents. we were actually recommending, depending where you are on the shore, and you have if time if you have boats in the water rethem immediately. remove life jackets, life rings, any emergency location device. they can be washed over board and into the water which leads us to believe that people might be in distress. our local availability when we
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have a storm like this coming we move personnel and assets out of the area. stuart: real fast, can i get the explanation, the storm is literally a surge of seawater that comes beyond the beach and goes inland. that is what a some surge is correct. >> that is correct. stuart: that's what everybody's worried about as this storm moves up to northern florida and into georgia and south carolina, that is the big threat there, correct? >> that is correct. with the u.s. coast guard, search-and-rescue is one of our bread and butter missions. it attracts a lot of men and women to our service. as we did back during hurricane katrina we'll move our crews in after the storm. stuart: nick, i'm sorry, i'm running out of time. i wanted an explanation of storm surge. that is the danger. i want everybody to understand it. nick, thanks very much, sir. appreciate your time. got it. there is a political side to this storm as well. florida congressman david jolly joins us now. simple question, congressman, who wins the politically the battle of the storm?
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>> well, neither side should. look, this rises above politics. as a floridian who lived through hurricanes, stuart you asked about storm surge. here is what people need to know, florida, georgia, southrge the earth. it moves sand with it. it can overtake homes and you never see them again. it is very dangerous storm. the first responsibility here is life safety, not politics. stuart: understood. now i think there has been some playing of politics. >> sure. stuart: hillary clinton's campaign manager wanted to extend voter registration. just listen to this for a second, congressman. roll tape. >> sure. >> our first priority on hurricane matthew is that people are safe. the one thing that we are hoping and expecting is that officials in florida will adapt deadlines to account for the storm. the voter registration deadline in florida is october 11th. our hope would be that a little bit more time will be given. stuart: okay.
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now rick scott, the governor said, no, no extension. you think that is legit, congressman? >> you know, there are a lot of ways to vote in florida. you can vote early. can vote by mail, multiple polling places. registration is important. i would say let's not have either side politicize this let's not have press conferences, work together perhaps in the some areas of state. some areas of the state hit by hurricane maybe should be compromise, 24, 48 hour extension. across the entire state there is political motivation to that. a lot of press conferences going on about voter registration to make it a political issue in communities where democrats know they need to perform very strongly in november. let's reconsider, should there be accommodation? perhaps so but only certain parts of the state. stuart: i see you're wearing a flight jacket. i know you will go into a plane flying into middle of storm. good luck lucky don't want why
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you're doing it. but good man. >> my wife is as concerned as you, stuart. stuart: i hope she is more concerned, actually. david, thank you. show you kind of an eerie scene from orlando. this is disney world. that is the scene of people actually leaving on the last day. the park is now absolutely, totally empty. those people there are leaving it just the other day. it is going to stay closed until tomorrow morning. only closed four times in disney's history. we're all over politics, and the hurricane too. the second presidential debate sunday night. live coverage, starting at 6:00 eastern time on this network of course. and ahead of that, by the way. fox news will release new national polls, tonight, at 6:00 eastern time. oh, i wish i could break that. more "varney" next. you can run an errand.
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liberty mutual insurance. stuart: still with us, that would be hurricane matthew and still with us, janice dean, senior meet rollist at fox news. janice, did we catch a break this morning or florida caught a break because it actually didn't make its way over land? >> the worst of the wind stated off land but i stress this, ever hurricane, i've been here 13
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years and i covered many hurricanes from katrina to wilma to this one to sandy, and it always takes a few days to assess the damage and see what's gone on. we are still midway through the storm. so i can not tell you who dodged a bullet. i hate that expression. we're still in the midst of this storm. we have to see what happens with the legacy of this. i think what will happen in the next 24 to 36 hours will be crucial like places for north florida and georgia and south carolina where we have evacuations in low-lying areas with 10 to 12-foot storm surge. that is pile-up of water from the angle of the lan and angle of the storm around counterclockwise winds piling the water up along the shore land. when you have high tide, when 10 to 12-foot storm surge, that is going to put things underwater. stuart: let me jump in for a second. about two hours ago, governor rick scott of florida did a news conference and said he was, and
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i'm quoting now, very concerned about jacksonville. i think the storm is approaching jacksonville as we speak? >> there it is. 100-mile per hour winds. several hours out, jacksonville very susceptible to storm surge. stuart: you might want to get sleep. >> oh, i'm a tough cookie. stuart: what a trooper. janice, sterling work. appreciate it. the second presidential debate comes up sunday night. donald trump says this time around he will stick to the issues. he also says hillary's not prepping, no, she is resting. watch this. >> we're saying this is practice for sunday. this isn't practice. has nothing to do with sunday. we're just here because we wanted to be here and you know, hillary frankly, they talk about debate prep. that is not debate prep.
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trump go down to visit the luxurious golf rot of mar-a-lago, would you? that would look bad, wouldn't it? >> yeah, it would look bad. you know, you've got to put politics aside. state and local officials are doing a great job down here. we're now praying for central and northern florida. i i think both candidates need to stay away for a couple days. stuart: but i do think that governor rick scott, republican, and governor nikki haley, south carolina, republican, i think they've emerged from this very well, certainly rick scott has been on top of it since this was first approached. he's doing well. >> governor scott is doing an awesome job reassuring the public. we've seen him on television. his message is clean and crisp, nonpolitical, just protecting floridians, both their lives and their properties. he's done exactly what he should be doing. stuart: now, voter registration was supposed to end october the 11th. the democrats wanted it exend tended because of what's -- extended because of what's aping in florida right now. governor scott says, no, it's
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not going to be extended. do you think maybe that helps republicans in november? >> no. and i would say this, you know, i reviewed florida law on that matter, and i don't think the governor has the authority to extend, only the legislature through an act of the legislature would have the authority to do that. and so i think he'd be outside of his balance of power. we've had plenty of time to registerster and, frankly, with respect to the democratic areas which mostly reside in south florida, the impact really, frankly, stuart, we dodged a bullet in south florida. so the predominantly democratic areas have not been overly impacted. it's more central and northern florida today that are really being impacted. stuart: real fast, ed, marco rubio, has he shown himself well in this storm? >> marco rubio is about, you know, about to be reelected as senator. he's done a great job. also i'd say to you that carlos carbelo, congressman out of miami, has also been all over the place in south florida doing
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exactly what a public official should do, keeping people calm and doing the right thing. stuart: thanks for being with us, sir, appreciate it at a time like this. good stuff. all right, hurricane matthew is one of the largest storms to hit the northeast coast of florida. i want to bring in leslie marshall. leslie, forgive me, i keep calling you left of center, and i think that's pretty accurate. i'm not going to say far left of center, but you're left of center. i think that very soon, if it hasn't happened already, the democrats are going to start saying matthew is the result of climate change. are you going to jump on that bandwagon? >> well, no, i'm not. i think it's terrible to politicize any kind of natural disaster when you have people hurting, over 200 dead even outside our country and people including my in-laws who are putting up boards over their windows and bracing for winds that could be up to 140 miles per hour as we have heard -- stuart: so why did hillary clinton buy ad time on the weather channel? >> oh, that, that's not
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politicizing. i mean, quite frankly, what that's doing is being a smart politician. it is hurricane season. i used to live in south florida, and you're going to tune into either the weather channel or the meteorologist on various channels in september and october especially in the state of florida. that's just buying ad time. she has ad time here this california and doesn't need to do that, she has ad time on a number of networks. i think it was the right thing to do to pull it because everybody watching -- stuart: why? >> because she did not want to politicize this. she wanted people to be looking at the weather channel for information about the storm for their and their families' safety. stuart: hillary clinton has taken donald trump to task on the issue of climate change, i'm sure she's going to bring it up on sunday night bearing in mind hurricane matthew, surely. >> well, i i think it would come up regardless of hurricane matthew, because this is an area where the two are very strongly in disagreement. this is also an area where those
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that are undecided but especially those bernie sanders holdouts really feel strongly about this issue. and these are are voters that both of them not only want, but both of them need. stu, can i just point one thing out? yesterday i saw a tweet that i think you probably saw as well from matt drudge speaking about climate change, and i think part of that got it kicked off with the, you know, inference, if you will, that the left would create a hoax out of hurricane matthew which i just don't think is responsible to do when people need to save their lives and be careful for their families. stuart: okay. just on our screens now, we just found this out,, the headline there is hurricane matthew looks a lot like the future of climate change. i think the democrats have jumped in with both feet. >> well, i have to tell you i am certainly not a climate change expert, and i will say that there were hurricanes when i lived in florida many years ago.
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i do see just realistically by numbers that we've had an increase of storms, and there are those that are experts on climate change that say this is a result of global warming and of the change in climate, and it will continue in the future. because i'm not a scientist, i don't know. but i don't like to politicize things like this or anything where human beings could be harmed. stuart: well, i just do look forward to climate change being an issue in november, and i think it will all right, leslie -- >> it will. [laughter] stuart: you know 40 i am -- how i am. thank you more your time. i've got to get to snapchat, we haven't mentioned this for a long time. it's the phone app, lets you send photos, videos, and they disappear. well, snapchat, parent company snap inc., they might go public in march of next year, open up the company so that you can buy stock in it. it's called an ipo. they might value this thing at, what? $25 billion. wilbur ross is with us.
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he's an economic adviser for donald trump. wilbur, you and i are about the same vintage; that is to the say we're past the age of 65. normally, this kind of company is not very interesting to folks like us. but you've made a billion dollars investing all your life. would you buy into snapchat? >> i think it really depends on what the values are put on it and the underlying arithmetic. clearly, we're in an age where people just as soon transmit photos of themselves doing even the most trivial things to their friends than anything more serious-minded. so i think self-adoration is kind of the theme of a lot of these projects, but that's a very powerful economic force. stuart: it sounds like a yes to me, that wilbur ross would consider putting some of his money into snapchat. it is a yes, isn't it? it's a conditional yes. [laughter]
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stuart: okay. how about that jobs report this morning? 156,000 new jobs in september. i kind of think that's kind of mundane, disappointing, mediocre. how do you see it, wilbur? >> well, it is. a lot of folks were hoping for 10,000 more. but whether it's 10,000 more or less, it continues to show the failure of obama's program. this is the slowest recovery we've ever had since the great depression, and it's because of the failed policies. stuart: you've advised donald trump, you've advised donald trump on his economic plan. you were one of those pushing for significant tax rate cuts more individuals and businesses. that's part -- that's you, isn't it? you put that in the plan, well, tried to. >> well, everybody wanted it in including donald himself. you shouldn't give viewers the impression that he had to be force fed tax cuts.
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he, as a businessman, very well understands the importance of lowering the tax burden both on people and on businesses. but especially on people. a family of, a married couple with two children and a nanny making $50,000 a year would get a 38% tax rate, tax reduction under trump's plan. that's huge. and and that'll have a wonderful impact on consumer spending and people's lifestyles. stuart: if trump wins and he puts into practice the tax-cutting plan that he's got in mind, does the stock market go up significantly in the long term? not immediately, but in the long term? >> well, i think so. think about what it really means. we have the highest tax rate of any big countries in the entire world. the only two countries with higher tax rates than we are chad and the united arab republics, and they're hardly comparable.
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all of our international competitors have lower taxes than we. trump's cut for corporations would mean that on the same pree tax earnings -- pretax earnings you would now get 30% post-tax earnings. stuart: okay. >> if that doesn't trigger a bull market, i don't know what would. [laughter] stuart: wilbur, stay there for a second. we've got news coming in from and on the federal reserve. you've seen it, liz, what is it? >> well, he says we're in a goldilocks climate right now, stanley fisher. the jobs report means we're in a good economic environment right now, so you don't know if the fed's going to raise rates possibly as early as december. stuart: what do you make of that -- i almost called you goldilocks. [laughter] wilbur ross, what do you make of this comment from stanley fisher, it's a goldilocks economy? >> i wish i had enough hair to be compared with goldilocks, is
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my first thing. [laughter] more seriously, i think a rate increase is long overdue. i think the fed has made a huge mistake by dithering and dithering and dithering. if the only thing that keeps this economy together is one-quarter of 1%, that's a pretty tragic circumstance. i think they've made it way out of proportion. stuart: wilbur ross. as always, thanks very much for being with us, sir, we appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you. stuart: if you've been watching the bottom right-hand are corner of your screen, you will know hurricane matthew is, p indeed, moving up the florida coast. jacksonville is now becoming an area of major concern, georgia and south carolina will be coming along soon. the storm will hit them soon. governor nikki haley just saying, south carolina governor, this is the last time you'll hear me say you have to evacuate. janice dean just told us this is far from over. and we have this for you, these are insurance companies with exposure in the south. they all made big moves this past week.
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right now they are up again bigtime, going up -- insurance companies going up in the middle of a storm. fascinating. how about netflix? the ceo says it's not likely the company will enter the chinese market. doesn't look good, he says. no impact on the stock, however, keeps moving up. tyson foods, pivotal research says sell that thing. pivotal research is the name of a company that watches them, okay? sell it, and they've cut the price target to $40 from $100. [laughter] that's a price target cut. back in a moment. this man creates software, used by this bank, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this vice president, this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. they all have insurance crafted personally for them. not just coverage, craftsmanship.
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>> i'm nicole petallides with your fox business brief. the dow right now down 83 points, this on the heels of this morning's jobs report where we did see the smallest gains of jobs added since may, 156,000 jobs. the unemployment rate went up to 5% from 4.9. also watching hurricane matthew and the aftermath of hurricane matthew and how that could affect our economy going forward. watching the dow movers here, we have a couple of winners, travelers and chevron while walmart and united technologies come under pressure. energy, financials all lower today. keeping an eye on sprint be, samsung galaxy note 7, customers can replace any of their phones. tyson foods dud get a downgrade on the heels of a class action
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lawsuit against them, and ruby tuesday down almost 15% after a tough quarter. wyer, because your dad's a lawyer. and you land a job with a 401k and meet your wife. you're surprised how much you both want kids, and equally surprised you can't have them. so together, you adopt a little boy... and then his two brothers... and you up your life insurance because four people depend on you now. then, one weekend, when everyone has a cold and yove spent the whole day watching tv, you realize that you didn't plan for any of this, but you wouldn't have done it any other way. with the right financial partner, progress is possible.
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stuart: hurricane matthew is traveling north along the florida coastline, as you know. millions evacuated, and and governor rick scott of florida said the evacuation worked. that's what he said. over 600,000 are without power. we're trying to assess damage, it's very difficult at this stage. however, we have fox news' brian
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lanas with us. brian, i understand that the storm has already passed you, so i want to the know about flooding from the storm surge or torrential rain. what are you seeing? >> reporter: hi, stuart. well, this is in between intas congressman and -- sebastian and vero beach. you can see this is as much as the extent of the flooding that we've seen, and that's really the story here in the south florida region. the hurricane left earlier this morning and now is affecting jacksonville and orlando. but this kind of minimal flooding, you've got trees and branches down, there are a few homes behind me here, but this is the kind of damage that we've seen. the general consensus here in florida right now, at least in south florida, is that we've dodged a bullet. this could have been much, much worse. but, again, 600,000 people without power,22,000 people headed to those shelters when they were ordered to rack wait, and now the cleanup begins, and this is sort of the damage we're seeing, not the catastrophic category four stuff that was forecasted.
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but, again, the cleanup begins, and it is, it's downed signs, it's some power lines down and, again, right now fpl crews, florida power and light, are really restoring power as that storm is knocking jacksonville about two or three hours north from here, stuart. stuart: brian, thank you very much for being with us all day, we do appreciate that. as he said, the storm is heading north. jacksonville threatened. governor rick scott did say he was very concerned about jacksonville, and that's where the storm is headed at this moment. maximum storm surge in that area as well. to toll politics, please. both hillary clinton and donald trump continue to court the african-american vote. it's traditionally, of course, gone heavily democrat, but not everyone thinks it should in this election. roll tape. >> i could not vote for hillary clinton. i could not. and so i started listening to donald trump. like every democrat, i didn't want to hear anything donald trump had to the say. but once i got out of my emotions and actually started
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thinking as an american and listening not just as a black american or a woman, i started listening to the issues. he said he wanted to bring jobs, better education, school choice, improvement of communities. stuart: that lady is for donald trump. whos' with us now? -- who's with us mow? burr jess owens, he's the author of "liberalism." how have liberal policies hurt the black community? sir, welcome to the program. i do like that title. it's long, but i do like it. [laughter] >> thank you, stuart. i came from a generation where we're taught to be men, so my goal is, hopefully, we get our race and our country back to manning up again. stuart: what are you doing in america, 2016? [laughter] come on. now, you're for trump, i take it, right? >> i am. well, i'm conservative first. at the end of day, i'm about conservativism. my focus has been for decades to bring my race back to the
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exciting, industrious race that i grew up in. and i can't say enough about the opportunity to be americans to do those kind of things. stuart: we've got four-odd weeks to go until the election, and the black vote is very much in question. donald trump has made a significant appeal to black voters. do you think he's going to make any big inroads into that vote? can you give me an honest assessment? >> i do. first of all be, 28% of black americans believe the way i do. we love our country, our race, our kids and believe in the american way. and if we began to do one thing which my parents did, begin to put our principles and values first, if we as black americans, as christians stop voting for socialist atheists, if we as catholics stop voting for socialists and if we as black americans believe that every single child, poor or not, deserves a great education, stop voting for democrats who segregated our kids for decades and left them to die on the vine because of lack of education, we
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need to stop voting for those guys. and for those of us -- stuart: i'm sorry to interrupt you, but i do think that is the most important contribution that donald trump is making to the debate here, and that is charter schools, voucher systems, free education choice. isn't that the best way to attract the black vote? that, he's going right at it, isn't he? >> it has been a great thing to see for the first time we're having these kind of conversations, stuart. i think it was amazing to me to see hillary clinton get up and demean donald trump because of the black misery that he's been talking about and highlighting, making a point that the churches are vibrant in the black community, that black business owners are hiring. those things have no impact at all in terms of how our race has been impacted in the last few decades. we need to come back with programs and policies that help to our race to do like every other culture, to win, succeed and have a great vision.
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stuart: burgess, give me the full name of the book one more time. >> liberalism or how to turn good men into whiners, weenies and wimps. stuart: got it. [laughter] thank you very much, sir. you can come again anytime you like. >> appreciate it, buddy, thank you. stuart: there's been a movement in the price of oil and stocks. oil below $50 a barrel, it's down 1.3%, and as oil has gone down, the stock market's taken another leg down. we're now off 111 points as we speak. >> the webster ratio. stuart: the what? the webster ratio is back. good lord. we'll be back in a moment. ♪
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stuart: developing e-mail scandal, top obama administration officials often contacted hillary clinton's campaign to discuss how to deal with the fallout from her private server. i don't think they're supposed to do that. james rosen covers the state department and the e-mail scandal. they're not supposed to do that, are they? that's collusion, isn't it? >> they're also not supposed to use private servers in the first place, i think. stuart: true. he said don't do it, didn't he? >> reporter: well, we have new e-mails released by the republican national committee showing very close coordination in the early stages of the
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public disclosure of this scandal between the white house communications director, jen palmieri, now the communications director for the campaign, to try and prevent john kerry as secretary of state from being asked about this. i guess to be surprised by this is to express shock by the presence of gambling in casinos. [laughter] stuart: i want to talk about your book, "a torch kept lit: great lives of the 20th century." this is a collection of? >> reporter: his eulogies. buckly wrote and delivered a lot of yulelies over his 50-year career, so there's one chapter for presidents of the united states, there's a chapter for figures of arts and letters. this is the only place in the world where you'll find milton friedman right next to jerry garcia of the grateful dead -- [laughter] and for friends of his, family members. these are emotionally devastating pieces, and
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christopher buckley, bill buckley's son, says this is his father's finest book. stuart: it's a history book, essentially, with a conservative view of the great figures in our society. that's what it is? >> reporter: this is a book if you love history, politics, art, music, sailing, spy novels, all the things buckley was involved with. and he knew these people personally, he corresponded with them, lunched with them. so he uses his novelist's gifts to summon these people one last time. stuart: i shall read it because you gave me the book, and and it says to stuart varney who knows firsthand all you need is love, you're a beatles fan, and a well-diversified portfolio. well said. james rosen, everybody. more "varney" for you after this.
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as you can see that is torrential rain. the wind is extreme. you see that in the palm address address -- trees. you don't see the storm surge. that will be a problem. you see a little bit of it. charles payne. that is yours. take it away. >> welcome to "cavuto: coast to coast," i'm charles payne. neil cavuto heading out to coverage of the presidential debate. jobs, continue to slow down. oil giving back after really big week. also probably weighing in. we'll dig into all of this in a moment. but first, it is hurricane matthew battering florida. governor rick scott and president obama saying both, don't let your guard down. >> i think the bigger concern at this point is not just hurricane-force winds but storm surge. storm surge can move very quickly.
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