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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  October 12, 2016 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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join us tomorrow, we'll have author of "clinton cash." peter schweizer. good night from new york. kennedy: anarchy, the gop lawmakers are instructed to do what they might. whatever happened to unity. some say if he' elected he will appoint a prosecutor to make sure hillary goes to jail. >> it's time for order in this court. >> a confident hillary clinton is challenging hillary clinton find any flaws she held. to
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a lot of titles over her career. here she is flapping her gums at the joe state university. >> if he wants to talk about what we have been doing the last 30 years, bring it on. kennedy: one of my biggest pet peeves is using the pronounce "we." she wants to highlight the way she fought against racial discrimination, promotes education and advocated for women's rights. in 2001, in 7 states, black men
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made up 80% to 90% of all drug offenders sent to the pokey. that wasn't a cute name for bill clinton's middle finger. he called that mr. tickle stick. she'd called them super presented towards. >> no conscience. no empathy. we can talk about why they ended up that way. but first we have to bring them to heel. kennedy: hillary also championed the higher federal minimum wage. she wants to ratchet it up to $15. according to one study facebook for he 10% increase in minimum wage there is a continue% dip in unemployment for the same men.
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dangerous places where criminals have easy access to guns but law-abiding citizens who want to defend themselves are stripped of their second amendment rights. all causes hillary overt are you or subtly supports. hillary has paid men more as a senator. she paid 60 cents more on the dollar. hillary and the clinton foundation have taken tens of millions of dollars from dewt kuwait, saudi i rain yeah and algeria who either imprison or assassinate homosexuals. candidate clinton has serious questions to answer about her checkered history. she is neither sufficiently explained nor apologized for her past which means she is more than open to repeating or inventing a multitude of new sins against griewms she
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pandered to and bring it on with scrutiny in the upcoming weeks. >> can donald trump hit a bull's-eye before election day? we do have a luminous party panel tonight. knewy roginsky, and glenn hall from the "wall street journal." he's the u.s. news editor. since we have an adult in the room. all right. so i'm going to start with you. it's very easy for secretary clinton to go out and say 20 years ago was making arkansas schools bert and donald trump
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was groping beauty queens. >> the sense she argued, joe biden does not. look, if donald trump wants to have a discussion with hillary clinton or with you or anybody on the panel about what we were doing in the 90s versus what he was doing. i remember the new york tabloids and what they were talking about. bring it on. that's a great contrast for anybody to have with donald trump. >> is it a horrible record? casinos and background in the
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90s. >> they give him tax for not paying enough tax when he's just declaring the taxes he shouldn't have paid. i want a system where you don't have to constantly declare bankruptcy to do business. but you have to in this system because they don't know entrepreneurs. he's got his own plane, that's pretty great. >> people don't revere entrepreneurs enough. they wrap on his money. kennedy: go ahd. >> i think just to keep the balance in the equation.
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in the early 90s there was a lot of trouble against the commercial real estate. a lot of people were asking trouble. so two different things. i think we have to look at donald trump as a pastoral organization. his taxes are also his company's taxes. the republican party seems to be in a tailspin with speaker ryan refusing to campaign with donald trump. other senators withdrawing their endorsements. senator john mccain, senator
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john thune, represent jason chaffetz. what has it told you about republicans backing trump since the debate. >> the republican leadership can reject the nominee or ignore the nominee. but first going into the debate donald trump was behind hillary clinton by 11 points. we were polling through the debate. after the debate he was behind by 7 percentage points. we saw the percentage of registered voters saying they would support trump increase after the debate. he won back lost ground. kennedy: it seems some of these
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lawmakers were out of step with their constituents. i think it could be politically dangerous for someone like paul ryan who seize a guilded future for himself. >> that's what trump is all about. he's saying the gone establishment is dead and he needs to go in and blow up the white house. this elitist group of academics and politicians have become separate from the populists. in landslide victory that america is thinking totally differently. donald trump is going to destroy in november. kennedy: you still believe that? >> they weren't bothering with
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the gop dinosaurs. kennedy: if donald trump made up 4 percentage points after the debate which is in some circles seen as quite miraculous. then if he doans bert in the final vegas debate and if she has a higher ratio of scandals, he could make up that ground. >> so there is not enough of them to get donald trump the top. >> the problem for trump is the next two weeks and if he continues to have immediatedowns. kennedy: julie can we dismiss the facts for a while?
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>> we have a new controversy of emails showing hillary clinton is a big liar. donald trump doubled down
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kennedy: hello it's delightful to have you here. let's talk about wicky leaks and the clinton campaign. and release of emails reportedly hacked from john podesta's inbox. wiki replied false. spewing lies does not increase your campaign's credibility. who we are is well documented. fallon says he finds it curious that wikileaks hasn't tried to drum up trump's taxes. the party panel is back. julie roginsky and gavin hall.
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>> the correlation everybody has been talking about. the crazy guy holds up an ecuadorian embassy had a show on russia today. and donald trump consistently praising the russians and praising vladimir putin. is there still a possibility? one of my very good friends who is no liberal, he came on the show to say exactly what you are saying that julian assange and wikileaks are funded by the kremlin, and not just by russians, but by the russian state. but his assertion was they are not going after clinton because they are bros with donald trump. he doesn't even think there is a warm and cozy relationship.
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them think it's because it's so naive how the world works. >> i don't think he's working hand in hand with them. i think he has personal bills ties with russia. the money that he was given by the kem lynn center russian bank for $500,000. and frank jurks stra -- there is a direct connection there. what about all the clinton foundation donors who invested heavily in this russian silicon valley that ended up with state secrets. julie: vladimir putin has been waiting for a donald trump to come along.
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>> liberals whenever they get caught doing something wrong, it's where did they come from? who told you i was cheating. i don't care how we got the emails. i just know we have gotten the emails and we should be focusing on that. >> if they hacked something personal of his, don't you think you would be upset? yes, sure, be upseat. we are scrutinizing you. we had a cyber pearl harbor. there are two things to this. the clinton response is to say the russians. that's all i have got. they are not repudiating tonight information in there. when you look at all of this. there is nothing so revealing in these wikileaks.
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it's stuff we saw op-research. there is a big deal about nothing so far. all we are getting is a few gallons of mustard gas. first who are the winners and who are the losers. and how does that plan stack up against president-elect trump.
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i'm jamie foxx for verizon, introducing lte advanced powering america's largest and fastest 4g lte network ever. and i'm also jamie foxx for sprint. and i'm also jamie foxx for t-mobile. (both) also america's largest, fastest network ever. oh, you're just repeating everything i said? (both) oh, you're just repeating everything i said? i'm switching to verizon right now! (both) i'm switching to verizon right now! (announcer vo) there's no better time to switch to verizon. now get the next gen network and the best value with no surprise overages. switch and get 20 gigs and 4 lines for 160. all on america's best network.
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kennedy: hillary clinton is rolling out her new big tax proposal and you may wants to sit down for this one. it involves the government handing out more free money. the new plan would double the child tax credit to $2,000 per tyke for families with kids underage 4. it sounds enticing for low income young families. but who would reportedly pay for it. wealthy taxpayers and big banks and corporations. that seems fair. no. jonathon hon hoenig. this sounds expensive and confusing. what is the plan? the plan is the state owns you. that's what hillary clinton is saying. the state owns your earnings and they are going to decide what is
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moral, what's right to pass out. hillary clinton believes that needing money gives you a right to it. but earning money doesn't give you a right to it. childless parents and working families. who could say anything bad about kids. you are all about the kids. >> i love the kids. you know that about me. that many the prime thing people must learn when they come into my my sphere, i love them all. >> if you speak out they guilt. they say you are selfish if you speak out against this redistribution of wealth. to call eric lasalle, i'm all about the kids. kennedy: and your soul is glowing from where i sit. let's talk about tax credits. tax credits seem like that doesn't cost anyone any money because all you are doing is not paying more in taxes which you
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have bundles of joy at your feet. >> the trump plan, the trump answer, a tax credit, ivanka thought it was a good idea. the problem isn't that it doesn't work or doesn't help anyone. it's just more redistribution. you trump gives in on the basic premise that government shouldn't be involved in redistributing money. so you have two wolves looking at a steak deciding how to carve it up. kennedy: creating wealth has become a pornographic concept on both sides in this election. and that's a shame because it's a beautiful, natural thing, to have a great idea, put it into effect, make money off of it. >> they say it's okay to make money. you just can't keep it. you you can't keep it.
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you can't hold on to it. that's why hillary's taxes, what she is doing is right. it's moral to give away any money you earn so hillary is helping us be more moral or just. >> it would be wonderfully moral of her if she gave me that foundation money. i would take one of those grants to buy new shoes. >> have an easy fast. kennedy: donald trump threatened hillary clinton with jail time. how real are those threats? and does the president have that and does the president have that power?
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>> two boxes of email and materials are now missing. special prosecutor here we come, right? kennedy: if elected president will he appoint a special prosecutor or have his attorney general do that? let's ask judge napolitano who should be our next attorney general. >> i to come here more frequently. first year you are a supreme court justice. now you will be the a.g. maybe a.g. first. >> i think this language was a little am ambiguous. it was unclear if he's talking about reopening the case against her after it's been closed. there is no statute that prohibits it. there are internal justice department regulations that prohibit it but it's not against the law. or did he mean investigating the investigation. investigating the f.b.i. and
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james comey, why was there no grand jury. why were there no subpoenas and search warrants. why was there no meaningful justice department oversight and why in the face of taken overwhelming mountain of evidence of her guilt for a half dozen crimes did the f.b.i. punt? that may be what he's talking about. he may be suggesting an independent counsel because the f.b.i. is incapable of investigating itself. kennedy: perhaps that's what he meant. there needs to be an independent counsel to oversee the shenanigans. it seems as though from an outsiders perspective, that something is not right. >> well, listen, with it's unusual for one presidential candidate to look at the other and say you belong in jail. you will go to jail.
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that's almost banana republic. kennedy: what she said and i do agree with his campaign head kellyanne conway that it was a equip. it was something he said not necessarily ingest. she said if someone with your temperament were in charchlt law would be an awful thing. and he said you would be in jail. his assertion is if i were in charge law there would be justice and you would be punished for your crimes. >> i know no case in history where one candidate is threatened with jail. barack obama said he could investigate the bush administration's use of torture. something he never did. but he picked up the mantra of i'm not going to investigate my predecessors because i don't want my successors to investigate me. but this is two people running directly against each other. one says if i win you are going to jail. that never happened before in american history.
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if he meant it as a equip tore a figure of speech, it worked. it's tuesday and we are still talking about it. kennedy: it's open to interpretation. people who are fearful of an authoritarian president saw a line like that and said holy god, what kind of place are we living if someone should threaten that. >> sometimes he says things that reinforce his base that turns other people off. and a statement like that is an example of one. kennedy: it seems he was successful energizing his base. >> he occasionally comes back with one-liners hat are funny and profound at the moment but he may not have thought about the long-term effect of them. four weeks away. kennedy: things have different meaning when you are running for president. even billy bush is in trouble at nbc because he didn't disclose
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to his bosses that he had the tawdry conversation. >> i have been arguing for months that the evidence of her guilt is overwhelming. but i'm just a commentator. kennedy: you have a pristine record. if you were running as a libertarian presidential nominee, i think this race would be so different. >> i would lose my day job which i love. kennedy: we need you here at fox news and fox business. thanks, judge. coming up, the panel returns. hillary clinton is trotting out al gore. florida has not been so kind to al gore. what a cruel joke.
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kennedy: former vice president
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albert gore stumping for hillary clinton in florida. it effectively ended his race for the white house and ruined his career in politics. florida is a crucial swing state. and grabbing millennials and bernie sanders supporters would help clinton win there. in 2000 gore lost florida by a few hundred votes in part because thousands of democrats cast their ballots for green party candidate ralph nader. the party panel is back. i think it's kind of funny. i don't think al gore has any self-awareness left. i think this is his way of getting punked by the clinton campaign. >> this is his first return to politics in a long time.
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he's the poster child for every vote counts. his pet project, the climate change initiative must have been what drew him in. donald trump made it clear he thinks it's a hoax. kennedy: mike pence says donald trump doesn't really think global warming is a hoax. >> that's too bad, because it is. kennedy: is hillary clinton punishing al gore because he refused to campaign with hillary clinton when it would have helped. >> she blames tipper and she is punishing al through her. it happened a long time ago. al gore is going on tour to tell people not to vote for a third party and focus on the environment because the green party screwed him out of a victory last time. the green party is evil and care about the environment.
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kennedy: the whole thing is so rich and strange. >> i would say this to my friend albert gore. i don't think many millennials know who you are or care who you are? they were like 5 when this happened. i don't think it many relevant to their experience. it's nice that he's going down there to bring attention to it, but i don't think the people he's trying to bring the attention to is through history books. >> he didn't bring out the vote himself. >> he wouldn't let bill clinton go down to miami. >> there were a lot of people who stood up for the free hovercraft rides and hem' brownies. president obama has 100 days left in office. and as you can see, he has not and one bit. what should the president do these last 100 days besides play
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another 100 rounds of golf. >> he has to focus on his legacy. i would get involved in solar power. i would get a healthcare plan where if people are not signing it up, make it illegal for them not to sign up. go to iran, help them get nuclear weapons and hostages. make sure you leave the biggest possible mess you can so people know you have been there. kennedy: that's a good point. glenn? >> i don't think it matters what he wants to do. if he's going to defend his legacy, all he can do is defend his legacy. kennedy: let michelle do it. she is a far better campaigner than the president. all the president wants to do is talk about himself. >> hillary needs a house and senate that will let her do what she wants to do he they don't block her like they blocked him.
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kennedy: it may look like the world is going to next hand basket. but the data says this is the best time ever. how can that be said? put count bought and the pills and the cyanide. thank you tuned. -- stay tuned. guess what guys, i switched to sprint. sprint? i'm hearing good things about the network. all the networks are great now. we're talking within a 1% difference in reliability of each other. and, sprint saves you 50% on most current national carrier rates. save money on your phone bill, invest it in your small business. wouldn't you love more customers? i would definitely love some new customers. sprint will help you add customers and cut your costs. switch your business to sprint and save 50% on most current verizon, at&t and t-mobile rates. don't let a 1% difference cost you twice as much.
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kennedy: hi. if you have seen any campaign ads this election cycle you may have noticed a theme. if you vote for the wrong candidate the world is going to end in january. 60% of the people say that country is heading in the wrong direction and we are hosed.
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but the truth is we should be very optimistic because there is less hunger, people are living longer, and despite what you might be hearing on the campaign trail, democracy is actually spreading and there is less violence in the world than there was in 2002. "10 reasons to look forward to the future," you need to terrify your friends with this. why do we feel the world is worse off. you make the case in 10 different ways that it's way better than it was 20 years ago or 400-500 years ago. >> when i follow the news i feel like the world is falling apart. bad news sells. people are interested in anything that goes wrong in the
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world it's probably a genetic predisposition. kennedy: and we also pack up with our people and we feel better we are together if there is bad stuff happening in the world, and that can be up here. but we are in here. 11% of the world is undernourished versus 19% in 1992. and that's great news. people in the 18th century and most of great britain and france, people couldn't even work because they didn't have enough food. >> they couldn't work because they didn't have enough food and if they don't work they couldn't produce more food. ' as late as the 50s, almost laugh of the world's population was under nourished. more trade, artificial fertilizer. human ingenuity.
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we are solving that problem. kennedy: most world has been taken out of extreme poverty. 2.6 billion have safer water than 1990. that's half the globe now have potable drink water. >> every minute we complain about the state of the world, another 100 people rise out of extreme poverty. we have never seen the kinds of economic and social development we have seen. but at the same time we are terrified. kennedy: when individuals are freed from the shackles of government and overregulation they can create more wealth. that's one of the reasons so many people have been lifted out of poverty. when we look at bad news and see news alerts and front pages, there seems to be so much violence. it seems to be one of the main barometers of whether the world
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is falling apart. but you also make the case that the world is less violent. >> there was a slight uptick because of the war in syria, but the fatalities on the battlefields is 1/5 of what it was in the 1980s with a much smaller world population. when it comes to violence within our borders and homicide, it's been reduced by half since the 1980s. so we never lived in such and secure jan. but at the same time we think it's incredibly dangerous. when people think there is chaos. there is always an authoritarian reflex. then we need a strong man and big government to protect us. kennedy: people twoornlt re-lie on the -- people want to rely on the state. what keeps you up at night? >> the one thing that freaks me out is fear. fear is the help of the state.
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when people footer world, then they want to protect what little they think they have. then we see this populism, this extremism to the right and to the left. people afraid of other people and our freedom. that keeps me up all night because that could stifle progress. kennedy: i think there is no greater impediment for progress than fear. which is why everyone has to read your book now. 10 reasons to look forward to the future. great book. he's very smart and you can use data to feel better about everything. donald trump and hillary clinton settle things the old-fashioned what is success? is it a professor who never stops being a student? is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own? or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions?
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so we know how to cover almost almanything.thing, even a wreck 'n' wash. [dad] see, the carwash isn't so scary. [boy] that was awesome! [dad] yeah. [burke] covered. november fourteenth, 2015. talk to farmers, we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ kennedy: it's raining madness. we have to take shelter before the brass instruments get rusty it doesn't to make sense.
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sit just has to ticklal little. this is the "topical storm." this story was stoints on twitter by one of my favorites daniel j. deplorable. you may have thought sunday night's debate was down right dirty. indianapolis because you were watching it all wrong. it was dirty dancing. when it's played through a different end of the spectrum it's like a summer movie starring patrick swayze and jennifer gray. ♪ i had the time of my life though i never felt like this before ♪ ♪ swear the many the truth and iee it all to you ♪ ♪ oh, i had the time of my life and i owe it all to you ♪
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kennedy: very impressive. although hillary likes to think she won the debate. donald put baby in the corner. he would be in jail. topic number 2. last night at a rally in pennsylvania, that's one of our largest cities. donald trump spotted a certain individual in the crowd, a little take dressed just -- the little tyke dressed like the presidential nominee. he brought him up on the stage. >> where's your daddy and mommy. you want to go back to them or do you want to stay with donald trump. >> [bleep] kennedy: little guy curses like a sailor, can you believe that? he didn't really curse. he just said trump. and he said what we were all thinking.
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child services has been called on the kids' parents for likening their offspring in such a degrading way. as for the real deal donald. he has been holding rallies that consist exclusively of look alikes. there you go everybody. topic number three. woodpeckers are nature's pick ax. and the smart ones can pick out lines from anchor man. but the dumber ones can't correctly identify trees. it misidentified a happy city patrolman as a maple tree.
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he's enjoying being tickled. you would think a woodpecker would draw beard. i think the guy is enjoying it too much. i think birds are creepy. one of the scariest movies of all time is county birds." or at least the disney version of the birds where they turned it into a musical. ♪ feed the birds tuppens a bag." topic number 4. dolphins are the embodiment of playfulness and the free spirit that courses through all of our souls. that's why so many people have cute pastel tattoos in prison
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where they are well guard by alcoholics. one got to go wake boarding with a real dolphin. silent but deadly. look at this. can you believe it? that's social media sensational ex-hayes. until now he's been most famous for faking a selfie with a shark. but real or fakes, wouldn't that be fun? that looks glorious. the answer is actually no. dolphins are devious creatures that breathe out of a hole in their skull and molest scuba divers in a group. one of the most terrifying films i have ever seen is "flipper." >> there is a creature alive today who has survived millions of years of evolution without
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change. see it before you go swimming. kennedy: topic number 5. if you are like most americans when you see a steamroller you think i would like to crush some stuff with that thing. we discover what happens when a team roller plants a golf ball. are you ready? what? oh, man. the golf ball survived? my goodness. those things are resilient. like magical rubber turtle eggs. they are made out of industrial strength resin polymer. it got me thinking, what happens
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if you run over a baseball with a steamroller? that's why i sent my producer party to flat' one with a steamroller. marty? that wasn't a baseball. that was a baseball player. marty. i guess we'll return later to find out the fate of those baseballs when marty is possibly murdering that little league team. so cute and fun. thank you for watching the show tonight. you can follow me on twitter and instagram. do it now. it's on kennedynation at facebook and instagram and email me at tomorrow i have meghan mccain,
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