tv Kennedy FOX Business October 13, 2016 12:00am-1:01am EDT
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i promise. join us tomorrow. we hope you will join us. good night from new york. kennedy: tonight donald trump is taking the political world by the horns. but will the battle with his own party help or hurt his chances with the white house. gary johnson is oh so close to vaulting libertarians. all he needs is to win 5% of the electorate. but is that a good thing for the party's future? culinary king guy fieri is here and he's bringing bottles of his new wine. grab a glass and cut loose. i'm kennedy.
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someone call vote plumber. these wikileaks are warping the election. the third batch emails has something for everyone who is already sick of this race. let's start with this family jewel. the contempt between chelsea clinton and former clinton bodyguard bill band. band was always bill's sir gatson until she stepped in and decided she didn't want a brother stealing her father's attention. he complained to podesta that chelsea was acting like a spoiled brat kid because she hasn't found are way and has a lack of focus in her life. here she is with her dad discussing important clinton
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foundation business. [♪] now, chelsea was the on clinton whose cold and disconnected soul aloud her to see the foundation for what it was, a sycophant magnet that allows big fairs for big ticket donors. she pushed band out so she could have mommy and daddy's undivide attention. i wonder what dr. freud would say about that. she is boring and she wears pants suits. jennifer palmieri is a theological no it all. saying data licks think catholicism -- their rich friend
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wouldn't understand if they became evangelicals. she manages to insult two classes of christianity. she tried to shoot things over and even met with a couple of catholic priests earlier today. the most substantive exchange is between a former obama lackey and current president of the center for american progress who tries to warn staffers of the $15 min hundred wage hike. we have not supported $15. you will get a fair number of liberal economists will say we'll lose jobs. that morse he wil -- that morseh silence because queeny has admitted in public she'll sign
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something that will never materialize, a piece of legislation raising the minimum wage to the job-killing $15 an hour. but thank god yo god you are woh every penny. kennedy: hillary is ahead in them there polls. that's an awful lot of math. that's a 5.5 spread. but will the latest wikileaks dumb expose the clinton campaign's soft under belly? tonight it's convenient. he's joined by meghan mccain and dave smith. welcome, everybody. let's discuss.
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jimmy, you are over posed to the $15 an hour minimum wage because you understand as a comic and former cabbie it's a job killer. >> that's the problem. certain jobs in society are supposed to scare us into applying ourselves in life. kennedy: liberal economists are telling hillary this won't be good in the long run. >> motivate my child with tales of having to drive a cab. it has nothing to do with the rate. i was upset by this onand it motivated me to work harder. here number a salmon blazer. >> when you were arguing with hookers about the rates it was the cab rate. kennedy: i'm fascinated by this relationship between doug bands and chel see clinton. it's been documented that she has not wanted him and wanted
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him away from her dad's good graces. how awkward do you think it will be at thanksgiving. >> very awkward. but what's fascinating about wikileaks. and hillary being pulled to the complete left by bernie sanders and elizabeth warren is this contentious relationship between chelsea and the rest of the staff. my father's staff is extended family to me. it tells me a lot about hillary clinton and her staff and how it's run. i want more emails about huma and how jealous chelsea is. she is a 36-year-old mother of two, a powerful surrogate for these two people and she is treated like she is 12.
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ken there are when confront she says i'll talk about it. >> and there is nothing they can say. kennedy: band is comfortable enough to copy john podesta and -- >> people in the industry think that. it's not a great secret that's been kept. kennedy: one of the things, the boston globe emailing the clinton campaign saying we want this to come out tuesday so when she is there -- >> trump can't even win favor within his own party let alone the media as a whole. but much like the trump tape, it's not surprising. if you know how donald trump is. if you watched the media at all,
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this isn't a secret. they are all in the tank for hillary clinton. this is the most concerted effort to ruin anybody i have ever seen in my life. i'm not a trump supporter. but still it many blatant. kennedy: speaking of donald trump, he's fighting a two-front war against democrats. a number of gop lawmakers dumped their endorsements, and speaker paul ryan said he will not campaign with trump. donald trump tweeted it's so nice the shangles have been taken off me and i can campaign the way i want for america the way i want to. this has had an impact on your dad's election campaign. your dad is one of those who unhinged himself from donald trump. >> i had a long conversation
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with my family on friday when it happened. and my mother just wouldn't mohammed ali award for her fight against sex trafficking it was the end for my family to apologize for things i don't want to apologize for it's very controversial. but donald trump is going nuclear on the republican party because he knows he's going to lose and he wants someone to blame and an easy target is paul ryan and people like my father. but when this ends, i don't know how we pick up the pieces. we are in a circular firing line cannibalizing each other. i feel like i'm going through a breakup. kennedy: is it really affecting the down-ballot races? >> my father is 18 points up so it won't affect his race.
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he never begged for his endorsements. kennedy: donald trump said yourd him for an endorsement. i just wish we could focus on the task at hand which is beating hillary. if the support of paul ryan and the establishment, anyone who is not trump, if that's so important and they are so irrelevant to have no effect why does he care. kennedy: but you say they are crazy for abandoning him. >> the democratic playbook is going to pin his rhetoric on him anyway. that's their campaign strategy, define the opposition. you can't put the genie back in the bottle once you make him the nominee. i think they are stronger together. i think they will be better off together because they are here.
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kennedy: at what point do you get out? >> november 8. kennedy: i think it's fair to say there is a breaking points for certain people. there is a line like we had in syria, the red line. once assad crossed it. >> why would this be the line? i have seen more outrage over this and when we bomb a hospital in syria. but to me what he said about your father and the reporter with the -- that was far worse. this was locker room, whatever want to call it, this was silly male ba bragadocia. >> he was handily he atlantic as the nominee of the republican party for president. i just couldn't -- it was a long
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litany of things -- kennedy knows me personally, it's been a complicated emotionally draining time. i was part of the decision, i was an advocate for it and i lept very well after i made that decision. >> after watching this election play out, we are stunned by seeing someone with actual integrity. kennedy: the democrats are confident they are going to take the senate. what happens if all of congress goes blue. gary johnson will change america's political landscape even if he doesn't win a single state. that's coming up.
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elected ruth bader ginsburg will say -- >> she is out. like inauguration day. we'll whip off the robe. do you think donald trump is the ultimate weapon in these congressional races for democrats? >> i'm really not sure. i'll be interested to see how it plays out. i don't care to be honest. the republicans have controlled the purse strings since 2010 and spending as gown i have year. we got biggest expansion of government in modern times. the democrats had control of the house and senate in 2008 and we got biggest expansion of the kill list, the drone warfare, the right to detain indefinitely. it means nothing who controls congress. kennedy: if there is a split legislature -- i don't think
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that's the worse thing in the world. if you have a republican controlled house and democratic controlled congress. that's kind of great. i love the idea of washington logjam. because nothing will get done. >> that's the most positive way of looking at it. kennedy: what would happen if republicans maintain a majority and you have a democratic press. >> i'm worried about congress at this point. it could be like goldwater all over again. i'm concerned post election. no matter who wins, the republican party is cannibalizing itself and is going to relationship itself apart. people are angry and his base of supporters will blame paul ryan. there could be potential third party coming up in the future that could be more fitting of my beliefs. kennedy: the libertarian party.
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i concur completely. kennedy: you think the democrats are not this confident? they seem to be supremey confident. >> they have got to know they are one email dump away from the shot clock being reset. julian assange has been pull can be like al capone's vault. i don't see how you can be that confident because hillary clinton is the chicago cubs. she is favored to win. but her history is so awful how could you think the cubs have this won until it's over. kennedy: i thought the giants had it won then i went to bed and the 9th inning happened. a rear clear politics poll shows
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gary johnson could get 5% of the national vote. please stay here. guess what guys, i switched to sprint. sprint? i'm hearing good things about the network. all the networks are great now. we're talking within a 1% difference in reliability of each other. and, sprint saves you 50% on most current national carrier rates. save money on your phone bill, invest it in your small business. wouldn't you love more customers? i would definitely love some new customers. sprint will help you add customers and cut your costs. switch your business to sprint and save 50% on most current verizon, at&t and t-mobile rates. don't let a 1% difference cost you twice as much. whoooo! for people with hearing loss, visit
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kennedy: libertarians, unless benevolent aliens kidnap trump and clinton for the benefit of all of us, gary johnson won't be our next president. the next presidential election could be a different race if johnson stays above the magic 5% threshold. what happens then? the federal election commission will declare the l.p. a minor party.
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he's 6.6% in the real clear politics average. can he keep up the jam? welcome back. let's talk about the piece you have written on gary johnson's foreign policy in just a bit. but first let's discuss the 5% threshold. the libertarian party could get federal funding. >> i think it goes against libertarian principles 0 to accept government funding for something that shouldn't have government funding like an election. instead of having them declared an official minor party is toss remove the restrictions that benefit only the two major parties. the commission for presidential debates should be abolished it was created by the democratic and republican parties for the
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express purpose of keeping out other ideas. gary johnson and jill stein have failed in their lawsuits. but there has got to be some anti-trust rule that it's in violation of. kennedy: i have a hard time picturing what gary johnson might have said on stage. if he stayed silent people wol have said who is that guy. he's the guy who said what is ahelp owe. the press made fun of him. a lot of anchors on msnbc have tried to go ahead him into making -- tried to goad him into making more mistakes. >> that's the problem with gary johnson. the message fit had a chance to be on the commander-in-chief form where it wasn't a debate
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it's you speaking with the moderator in the audience. gary johnson's foreign policy is the tomorrow one that differentiates itself from the republican and democratic foreign policy in that it's sceptical of the use of military intervention. donald trump says wild things about how he's going to force the military to commit torture. where hillary clinton might be able to point to her foreign policy experience. but everything is smart power. everything has a military solution. we are going to take out al-baghdadi. she says that over and over again like that means anything. even though take out the leader of al qaeda can't end al qaeda or its offshoots. kennedy: you could argue it gave rise to isis. >> sure. kennedy: gary said you have to
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wonder if there will be such a since as a v.i. day. >> the american people have to let go of fantasies that you will see sole derts or sailors make out with young women in times square. kennedy: we don't minds seeing that. but i don't think it's going to be. because there will sab decisive moment where we can point and say this is where we beat isis the completely. >> it's going to take generations. there will not be a day when we dropped the final bomb on syria or libya or iraq or whatever. we can say it's done. the problem with islamic extremism is over. kennedy: you can read anthony fisher's full article on
12:27 am . kennedy: a little later. one of my favorite chefs guy fieri will join us. i'll ask for tips on a great i'll ask for tips on a great date night drinking game. what is success? i'll ask for tips on a great date night drinking game. is it a professor who never stops being a student? is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own? or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions? your personal success takes a financial partner who values it as much as you do. learn more at
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. kennedy: hi, as if bill clinton isn't already a major liability in his wife's campaign, he may have had his own basket of deplorables moment. at a campaign stop in florida, he said this -- >> look, man, the other guy's base is what i grew up in. you know, i'm basically your standard redneck. kennedy: yeah, standard redneck. so great.
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so how does the clinton camp dig bubba out of this one, and will team trump capitalize on the ammo? joining me is the party panel. as if the campaigns haven't been insulting enough, now donald trump has to go after his wife's supporters and trump's supporters all at the same time. i understand what he's doing but reminds me, tony snow, god rest his soul, with interviewing robert byrd, senator robert byrd and robert byrd used a racial epithet that he thought was fine because he lost his mind. >> he said messed-up stuff when he had control of his mind as well. what i find fascinating about this, we live in a politically correct outraged culture and the one group of people you are allowed to trash. you can take the gloves off, nobody cares, it's fun, you can call them names, if you were to talk this candidly about somebody in the inner city, it would ruin you, and that
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dynamic is the essence of why trump rose. if you want keep this going, liberals, where poor white people have to take it, you're going to continue to see this resentment. kennedy: you like rednecks, though? >> i'm very pro redneck, it's a cool thing to trash them. the dumb rednecks, they're the only ones raising tough kids anymore. if isis shows up tomorrow, you're not calling hudson, hopper and zane, you're calling bubba, bobby and cleatus, that's how it's going to go down. kennedy: they might do well, too. >> love them. bill, i don't buy the i'm a real redneck. no, you don't, a real redneck wouldn't have hit it with a hammer. kennedy: her campaign chairman john podesta is worried would-be hillary voters would get overconfident in victory
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and stay home on leck day. is that the biggest worry? >> she's hanging on by a thread. i agree with you. looking that trump will most likely lose. one e-mail dump, one fainting spell, one temper tantrum away from honestly losing, this and shouldn't get overconfident. and pivoting off the redneck comment. this is the reason they take as much responsibility and culpability for the divisiveness in this country as trump does because they belittle entire populations of people because lifestyle and values are different, and this is the worst time in american culture in my adult lifetime. kennedy: back to the redneck thing, i think bill clinton thought he was being folksy. rednecks like me. >> to see the breakdown of bill clinton, he's not the man he was. my favorite quote is he's the best argument against veganism. look at him. >> he's at the age where he lost his filter.
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hey, grandpa, you got fat! you know what i mean? fun to watch. kennedy: that's why i love watching him on the stump, hillary clinton needs a campaign that's not making mistakes right now. they need to be polished, tight and they're not doing that. last word, dave smith, do you want it? >> if trump does lose, trump is damaging the clintons. if she's going to be president, we've put out into the public all of the scandals about him being a sexual predator, the clinton foundation. he's gotten something done. kennedy: i agree with you and that election day isn't when it ends, that's when it gins, that's when you have mass discontent. >> trump might go away but the supporters are not. kennedy: you know who else isn't? donald trump. speaking of, which donald trump says the election is rigged. pundits say he's doing more than covering his ego in case of defeat, he's undermining democracy himself. juan williams joins me to discuss.
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. kennedy: no mercy if hillary clinton wins the election, it's because it's rigged, right? they pushed the theory again just last night. >> there's no way, we're three down, even the polls are crooked. look, we're in a rigged system, folks, we're in a rigged system. the only way we can unrig it is get to the polls, but we got to make sure they're honest polls. kennedy: it is important to point out there is little evidence fraud over the last several election cycles, fellow republicans are urging trump to stop ginning up supporters with conspiracy theories. the reason?
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political experts say that all of the talk of rigged elections can so doubt in a system, and threatens to undermine the cornerstone of our democracy. you know who loves democracy? juan williams, a fox news political analyst, co-host of "the five" and he joins me now. i understand this, i understand the urge, it's like being a figure skater. but before the olympics saying if i don't win the gold medal it's because all you judges are corrupt. that's a more subjective sport than we have in this country, but what is the ultimate goal here? >> the ultimate goal is to win, and the problem is this is not about winning. this is about whining if you don't win, but it's not just like, oh, the most beautiful girl wouldn't go to the prom with me. it's saying, you know what? she's actually a devil as we recently saw mr. trump say about mrs. clinton. kennedy: it's true. >> the problem for republican, and you hear this from senate republicans and even republican
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election officials in the state, kennedy, is that what you're doing is undermining our entire structure. we can't have voters, and especially hard-line republicans who are skeptical about the system and about voter fraud believe that, in fact, that we, as republicans are participating in this frauchltd and remember, you have republicans already imposing the controversial voter i.d. on a lot of states. so there's been a higher level where people have to show some degree, not always photos but identification before they can vote. well, a lot of republican officials consider that a victory. and now to go backwards, it seems as if what you're doing is saying the entire structure, including republicans are now to be called in question. kennedy: so this is one thing they don't entirely trust, that's electronic voting. i talked to hackers about this. anything that's got a computer can be hacked. >> true. kennedy: and, you know, it doesn't matter, it doesn't have to be the russian state, it can
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be bored weirdos fudging the results, that can happen against either side. >> right. kennedy: i think if you have electronic voting have, voter i.d., but go back to a traditional system. >> what you have in a lot of the electronic systems is a printed backup. the question is, you know, do you have a printed backup. any system can be hacked. now the defense that comes from election officials is they're so localized, in other words, it's almost county-by-county and state by state. kennedy: i worked at polling places for many, many years. >> you did? kennedy: yeah. >> i didn't know this. kennedy: i worked at the local high school and would greet neighbors and pass out ballots. juan, thank you so much. >> thanks. by the way, i live in washington, d.c., if you want to show up at the polling place, i think the whole city would go nuts. [ laughter ] >> guy fieri joins me with
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. >> we're grabbing burgers, bagels. fun! >> please get me a t-shirt that says that. >> and something called backorn. >> that is a little bit of cali. >> nothing about this i don't think is fantastic. kennedy: that is a clip from "diners, drive-ins and dives" with greasy spoon icon guy fieri. the show landed 300th episode and going strong.
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guy is the emmy award-winning chef, restaurateur and author who released his cookbook. i'm holding it now, even though you can see it there. >> can you do all the promo bits for me. you hit it all. if you make stuff in here and feed my gullett. >> feed my gullett. kennedy: i'm making the lentil chowder tonight. >> i saw the notes, i saw it and someone earmarked it, well done. kennedy: well, thank you, and this is great, this is going to be one of the few cook books i have in my kitchen, and i'm always amazed because i watch your show on the treadmill, and i watch you go into people's kitchens, have you so much concentrated information, and you are going to specialists. people making various dishes they have learned how to perfect over decades and you still knew more than they do.
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>> i'm really glad that you see that, because it's really probably the key to the show. it's the bridge. not every chef can tell you, especially on tv, can tell you exactly what they're doing in every step and to have that flow, but because i'm standing on the side and i know what the flow is, when they give you what they give me, i fill the holes, and give me what they give me. not many people recognize that's really one of the keys to the show. and it is. the requirement is, and i think that's the reason i got the shot is knowing all these different cultures of food, styles of food, methods of creating great food. i'm glad you see it. you do, you're the amalgamator, you bring people together, fill the details on the story. kennedy: if i were trying food, i'd be like, it's so good! you describe why it's fortunate have texture in pork and various ingredients. i love the cookbook, the family food. one of the most important things you taught me when my
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daughter was three years old is always involve your kids in the kitchen. it's important on a number of levels, especially allowing them to be independent. >> it's such a life skill and one of the things when you give kids the education about food, and the education can be a variety of things, eating good food, making good food, aware of good food, they get to make better choices as adults and take more pride in what they're going to eat as opposed to finding anything they can find that's frozen that goes into the microwave. it's how my parents raised me. my dad wrote the foreword of the book, dilearn how to cook because i wanted to pick the menu for the family? or is it whoever cooked didn't have to do the dishes. kennedy: how much fun is it to cook and create? >> i hate doing the dishes. i still hate doing the dishes. the book juans the inspiration,
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the family was, the publisher said what are you doing these days? hunter is going off to college, and trying to make sure his recipe catalog is ready to go, and spending time at home with the family and rattled off a few dishes. she said great, do a book about that. kennedy: there are a lot of one pot dishes in here. you have your own vineyard? yes, and you have hunt and ride, amalgamation of your two sons. >> hunter is sophomore in college, rider is in fifth great. it's organic, we do a pinot, we have a red, it's a trophy. kennedy: it rivals the pinots of washington state. >> there are fantastic ones that come out of area. it's starting to get the recognition. i'm from sonoma county, northern california. >> the russian river. >> you got it! got to come up and visit, you'll love it.
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kennedy: don't mind if i do! and, in fact, you know, guy, in this political season, it's been the most difficult thing has not been trying to figure out who's going to become president with momentum shifting, it's what's the best drinking game for the presidential debates. >> if you put one together, have you all of the energy and enthusiasm that you could really turn things in the direction. kennedy: well, speaking of driving you to drink, we have a clip right here. watch this. >> because you'd be in jail. >> secretary clinton. >> he owes the president an apology, he owes our country an apology. >> i'm not proud of it! except for the part where i'm super proud of it! i got you, love! >> i love this show! >> yeah, baby. >> you get it real! you get it real. kennedy: bring mama some of it. >> get some of the juice. kennedy: here we go! it's an antioxidant. donald trump likes to call hillary clinton a robot.
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i love guy fieri. guess what guys, i switched to sprint. sprint? i'm hearing good things about the network. all the networks are great now. we're talking within a 1% difference in reliability of each other. and, sprint saves you 50% on most current national carrier rates. save money on your phone bill, invest it in your small business. wouldn't you love more customers? i would definitely love some new customers. sprint will help you add customers and cut your costs. switch your business to sprint and save 50% on most current verizon, at&t and t-mobile rates. don't let a 1% difference cost you twice as much. whoooo! for people with hearing loss, visit
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so we know how to cover almost almanything.thing, even a wreck 'n' wash. [dad] see, the carwash isn't so scary. [boy] that was awesome! [dad] yeah. [burke] covered. november fourteenth, 2015. talk to farmers, we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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. kennedy: all right, fasten your brassiere and ruse your knees, time to dive into the weird news like love child of greg louganis. this is "topical storm," topic number one. remember the amazing zoltar from the movie big, it gave tom hanks instant puberty and box office credibility in one man gypsy swoop. >> sure is big. kennedy: well, the trump zoeltar, you heard me, mysteriously materialized in new york and fondling his crystal ball and grabbing america by the palm, pervert. watch.
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>> all right, look at my crystal ball and see america's future. i see a huge investment into a modern high-speed rail system. very advanced, very fast. and we're going to use it to deport 11 million illegal mexicans. kennedy: and do it quickly. a very elaborate ruse, can trump zoltar reverse political fortunes and foreshadow his own victory? stranger things have never happened. topic number two -- this story was sent to us by ralph on twitter using hashtag "topical storm," it's halloween, and that means check your kids' candy bars for razor blades. and no jack-o'-lantern collection would be complete without donald trump's likeness synonymous with all hallow's
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eve and here are a few great displays of electoral dysfunction. aren't they amazing? look at these gourds. i love these once, a wig on a pumpkin and a telling mouth hole that looks like a -- so charming. hillary is going to be the most boring and despised president ever. what is a hillary pumpkin? i tell you what it is, it's a butternut squash, and that's stupid and doesn't make good soup. topic number three -- hold onto scooby snack, someone captured footage on lake superior, look at that. it is so spooky! now granted the shot is out of frame and normal ship that happens to be gray and on the horizon because light is weird, but it could be a 15th century spanish galleon, maybe, but
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probably not. although ghosts definitely exit. i am a believer. i have accidental footage of one from spy cam i set up in tom shillue's attic. check this out. just because they're disembodied doesn't mean they're sure footed. i learned that the hard way. ghost love, patrick swayze and i do ceramics, god rest his soul. topic number four -- young love, the legal kind. my attorney had me say that. it's a beautiful, awkward and wonderful thing and it has been captured in this note. a young man wrote to his school sweetheart. he said dear abby, your eyes remind me of the evening sky, my heart felt like broken glass until i saw you and felt like i had every pokemon ever. i love when you played zelda,
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if you like me, it will be my first ever victory. love bill gates. that is so sweet. it reminds me of some of my own love letters i wrote to dave when we started dating. dear brian, i mean dave, brian is my brother's name. your stubble makes my heart tingle and you fill my heart with exploding unicorns. i'm super drunk, love kennedy. dear dave, you are so funny and handsome, last time in i tracked down your ex-girlfriend karen and beat her with a crowbar. kisses! kennedy. and note to self, apologize to david for mistaking cousin karen as his ex-girlfriend, also maybe apologize to karen, also pick up some soy milk on the way home. i forgot the soy. it was the 90s.
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we drank soy milk then. me and moby. clowns are getting a bad rap, with the uprising of creepy clowns allegedly threat sxeng torment -- threatening and tormenting folks across the country. a small burger shack called mcdonald's declared mascot ronald will go into hiding until clowns are no longer persecuted and the hamburgler roams free, seems so unfair. thankfully mr. mcdonald's has the secret menu to keep you occupied. ♪. kennedy: yeah! asahi and blueberry vodka, the stuff is legend. thank you very much for watching the show. follow me --
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tomorrow night on the show, dana perino and kmele foster. that is a delightful stew i can't wait to ladle.e.e.e.e.e. >> announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for the back2life 12-minute back pain solution, brought to you by back in five, llc. pain pills, hot and cold packs, endless doctor visits, injections, even surgery. if you or anyone you know have tried these or any other ways to relieve yourself of back discomfort, only to find you still suffer from debilitating back pain, then stay tuned, because your life is about to change forever. introducing back2life, the 12-minute solution to a lifetime of back pain. back2life has caused a sensation around the world and is now here in the united states. in that short time, over 1 million americans have tried
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