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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  October 14, 2016 9:00am-12:01pm EDT

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embrace somebody like that. he's a cult figure who came out of nowhere in his shiny happy red sweater. maria: it's amazing, whether it's ken bone or the attacks, we're losing sight of what you just said, what the economy and jobs and national security look like in the next four to eight years. >> and focus. maria: great, here is stuart and "varney & company," over to you. stuart: thank you very much. where is the policy debate? 25 days to the vote and it's all sex, lies and videotape, isn't it? good morning, everyone. to say this election has gone down into the dirt is an understatement. late developments for you. trump says allegations of sexual assault are totally and absolutely false, horrible lies. on videotape, this lady says he groped her with hands like an act octopus, made up stories, and never happen. he says he can prove it. calling the women liars.
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expanding attacks on the media, and mexican owner carlos slim part owner of the new york times is part of a global conspiracy that works with the clinton campaign, got that right. and late polls show that an impact than revelations about hillary clinton and dropped six points among women in the fox poll no longer leads among independents, down 45-38 overall. without question, there is a media pile-on against trump and it's hurting him. almost unmentioned this morning, hillary under oath saying she did not know about and did not order the destruction of e-mails. no demands by the media for hillary to apologize for her campaign's demeaning comments about latinos, needy, conservatives catholics, a bastardized faith, or blacks, they don't do well. you thought this would be up
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front and center in this presidential election, should be, but it's not. sex, lies and videotape. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ >> all right. we will, i promise you we'll get to the politics in a minute. will you look at this. chris rock, netflix is paying him $40 million for three hours of content. that would be two 90-minute specials, that's it, 40 million bucks. obviously there's no impact on the stock, still around $100 share. that is, an awful lot of money. >> and amy schumer or-- >> three hours gets you $40 million. more than we get. we talk about, i do a three-hour show every day. [laughter] >> come to think of it. stuart: the daily news on
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amazon and the news today the company is hiring 120,000 workers for the holiday. that's 20,000 more than last year. online sales, ooh, going to be big. watch out bricks and mortar. looks like a higher open for stocks as of now. a lot of banks reporting profits and those bank stocks are up. that's lifting the overall market. up we go. we also have this. ken bone endorses uber. remember, he's the undecided guy who became an internet star asking a very good question about energy in the debate. the internet that embraced him is calling him a sellout. that's not all. the true and ugly side of the internet, they've invaded his privacy. oh, dear, we'll have details. the election, please, donald trump says the women accusing him of lying-- i'm sorry, the women who are accusing him of sexual misconduct are lying. roll tape. >> take a look, you take a look, look at her, look at her
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words, you tell me what you think. i don't think so. i don't think so. >> all right. joining us now is dr. ben carson. doctor, you heard him. he's calling her a liar. are you happy with that this morning, sir? >> no, i'm not happy in general with the focus on these kinds of issues. when there's such important issues going on in our country. stuart: yeah. >> and i think we really ought to be focusing on the economy or jobs or the national debt. stuart: dr. carson, i know you are and respect you and i don't want to interrupt you, but why is donald trump doing this? is that a good tactic to call these women liars like that? is that good? >> i think there are much better ways to use one's time, particularly given the fact that we're down to the last three or four weeks before the election, and the differences between the two parties are so vast.
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i mean, i think it would be a great thing, for instance, to take the democrat platform and the republican platform and compare them because most people, particularly democrats, have no idea what's in that democrat platform. it reads like something from a socialist country, but they don't know that. stuart: we don't know what her policy really is, because she says one thing behind closed doors, and something totally different out in public. i mean, i don't really know exactly what she's going to do policy-wise, if she becomes the president. >> well, obviously, there's a lot of corruption there. and here is the thing that is important and you know this because you're a student of history, before pinnacle nations fall, there are three characteristics, they take their eye off the ball, they get, you know, enamored of things that don't matter as much as the essential items, they become fiscally irresponsible and they accept corruption at the highest levels.
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it seems like we've read the play book and we're ready to capitulate. stuart: do you think that donald trump can come back? we've quoted polls earlier in the program, he is, i think, seven points down now in the fox poll. can he come back? >> well, you know, as a physician, i like to base things on evidence, and when you look at the trump campaign, when he concentrates on the issues and the things that make two out of three americans feel that we're on the wrong track, he does well. and when he allows himself to be pulled into the mud, he does not. if he will base what he does on the actual evidence, i think he can come back, absolutely. stuart: you're making a lot of sense, doctor. do you think he listens to you? >> i hope, you know, by my constant droning it will begin to sink? absolutely. and i think it has to some degree, but, it's moving in the right direction. stuart: okay.
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dr. ben carson, it's always a pleasure and an honor to have you on the program. >> thank you, sir. stuart: the u.s. announcing major changes to what people can bring to and from cuba. liz liz: yeah. stuart: cigars? liz: we're getting more on this later. yes, cigars. what's happening is the obama administration is saying, yes, u.s. companies will be authorized and individuals to bring back from cuba, alcohol, fda approved drugs and tobacco, cuban cigars could come into the country legally. stuart: a flood of rum and cigars liz: just in time for new year's. stuart: we thought we'd bring you this as a light-- >> are you french? >> a thousand years apparently i was liz: varney. it's true, actually. and let's get serious, with 25 days, that's all it is to the election. the latest fox news poll shows it's a real uphill struggle for donald trump.
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hillary clinton's lead 45-38 that's a three-way race. and look at this, trump lost six points among women in the new fox poll. now 19 points down with women voters. scott rasmussen is with us now. same question to everybody this morning, can he recover, scott? >> unzoned, the answer is no. what has to happen for donald trump to win this election is something in the real world, something to shake up the dynamics of the race. dr. carson is right, if he focused on the issues, he'd gain come of that. stuart: it's an uphill struggle? >> he's going downhill. hillary at 44, 45% and he is going the other way, losing all those reluctant republican voters who are finally coming around to him and lost their faith in the last week. stuart: if hillary clinton has not broken 50% in the polls, i don't believe she has, not on
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the big national polls. what significance is that for what they call the down vote, vote in the senate and house. >> it's not that she hasn't hit 50% yet. there's a chance she will not top 50% on the election vote and her husband when he was president never won 50%. impact on the down ballot race greatly increases the chance that republicans can hang onto control in the senate. normally if your candidate was down 7 points. stuart: because she might not crack 50% in the election november 8th. that may mean that the republicans don't lose the senate. i'm trying to get to the math here. >> part of it is look, she's viewed unfavorably by a majority of the american people. a lot of people who can't bring themselves to vote for donald trump or vote an a third party republican. and because they don't like
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her, they would vote for a republican in the senate race. we don't to if the republicans are up a seat or down a seat. if you told me that the republican nominee was down 7 points in the polls i would have said the senate is gone for the republicans. doesn't necessarily look that way now. stuart: you might just have helped the stock market because investors are worried about a clean sweep and hillary clinton and the senate and house as well. well done, scott rasmussen. >> i'll take credit. stuart: why don't you, lad. donald trump is holding a fundraiser at this hour at sip perani in new york and some are calling for the republicans rnc, call for disavowing him. and dodgers in game five of the national league division series. a four-run 7th inning. okay, i thought it was a
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three-run homer. okay. their ace pitcher, clayton kershaw came out to close the game 9th inning and dodgers played the cubs for the right to go to the world series. how about this? hurricane nicole tore its way through bermuda and hit the island as a category 3 storm. 120 miles per hour winds, big waves, heavy rain, power knocked out for more than 16,000 people, that's most of the island. it used to be beautiful. iran stepping up the aggression, sending two war ships up the coast of yemen after u.s. navy ships fired tomahawk missiles at iranian-backed houthi rebels. we'll be back. our special today is the seared ahi tuna, and i'll be right back to take your order. thank you. thanks. don't you hate that?
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when they don't tell you how much something costs? and you have to ask? right. i do. maybe that's why i always make sure to... ..."bring up the costs associated with your services." i know. hey, i'm nothing if not predictable. lemme guess, the salmon? being transparent about our costs. it's a big deal. and it's how edward jones makes sense of investing.
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>> profit down at wells fargo. yes, they've been very much in the news recently, but they've done better than wall street was thinking they would do. so the stock's going to open this morning around $45 a share. hewlett-packard, still restructuring and now we hear
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they're going to cut another 3 or 4,000 jobs. the market likes it and the stock will be back to 15. just out this morning, senator elizabeth warren is calling on mr. obama to dismiss mary jo white, she chairs the sec. big deal, what's it about? >> these two have been a very public feud at hearings, going after each other. citizen's united allowing money to flow into political campaign and elizabeth warren says mary jo you're dragging your feet forcing companies to disclose those and mary jo white says we've got bigger things, accounting frauds and endorsement. and elizabeth warren is asking the obama administration to force mary jo white from her seat as chairman of the sec. stuart: she's got clout, elizabeth warren. we'll see. and iran deployed two war ships after the u.s. fired tomahawks
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at iranian rebels. is this a dangerous situation, they're close to firing at each other, aren't they? >> it's very dangerous, but potentially significant for the global economy. i mean, we're talking about what is called the strait at the southern end of the red sea and it's not navigatable, and everything north of the suez canal or south out of the suez canal through the red sea has to go through the strait. if somebody were to close it or even make it dangerous for shipping and jack up insurance rates, it could have a big impact on the economy worldwide. so that's why this tension, not just the u.s.-iran tension, but something that really everybody should be paying attention to. stuart: are our adversaries tweaking us because the 25 days to the election and about three months left in this presidency? >> well, i think they're
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tweaking us to show yet again, and let's say who they are, iran. that's who this is. to show that their behavior has not changed one iota since the signing of the nuclear deal last year. it's true the missiles in question were fired at u.s. destroyers from territory from the houthi rebels. i'll bet you dollars to donuts the actual officers doing the firing are iranian. they're iranian supplied missiles and they're being fired because they're trying to push the united states back, not to interfere with what's happening in the civil war there or maybe to pressure the saudis more to do less and the dispatch of iranian warships is nothing less than a thumb in our eye because they think that obama will back down. stuart: before you leave us, mr. ambassador, i want your opinion on one of these wikileaks things, what we have
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is the ambassador from qatar giving bill clinton a million dollar birthday present, giving it to the foundation and in return he got a five minute meeting. is that a quid pro quo influence peddling? >> it sounds pretty much like a quid pro quo to me. another example. the clintons unlike any other government employee and i speak as a former government employee, you have to have a strict separation between the government work and private life. they don't know that lines exist if this was going on when hillary was secretary of state. imagine what's going to happen if she wins the presidency. stuart: we'll leave it at that, mr. ambassador. thank you for joining us. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: on a much lighter note initially, ken bone, the internet star of the debate, taking heat because he has endorsed and getting an endorsement from uber. that's not all. he's going to be -- they're looking into his private life of all things. we'll have that story for you.
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and the president of france, francois hollande say if muslim women wear a veil they're not choosing to be french. back in a moment. you can run an errand. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy.
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>> brands that i believe in,
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contact me like they have been and i'm working on properly vetting them and able to give a portion of pie proceeds-- my proceeds and everything my wife and i could earn from this the rest of the duration is going to local homeless groups and to voter registration initiatives. so that makes me feel good about capitalizing on opportunity. stuart: yeah. he's a good man. his name is ken bone. you saw him there, he's got an endorsement from uber. that's not all. as soon as he became famous and got the endorsement, they said hey, you're a sellout and gets worse from there liz: the daily beast and a chat room. he reportedly used an alias stan gibson and saying different things in the chat room. ken bone's disturbing history shows he's not as adorable. he weighed innen 0 the half naked photos of jennifer
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lawrence, and referred to pregnant women in bathing suits, and you go digging into any journalist's background or chat room, find out what they say on-line. stuart: is nothing sacred? is there no privacy whatsoever. you happen to make yourself famous in a debate and it's out there and it wasn't a hack, this was what he put on-line in a chat room liz: they are the moral self-righteous on the road telling us how to behave. you go into any journalist's background and they act like aunt pity-pat from "gone with the wind." it's rude and mean for ken bone. he didn't ask for this attention, he asked a question at a town hall. stuart: i'm going back to letter writing. seriously. that's more private than
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anything you put out there nd y you can burn a letter, can you not liz: hillary rodham clinton might have wanted your advice there. the old version of snapchat, burn em. stuart: the old-fashioned privacy. chris rock, bill, big deal with netflix, paying him $40 million for three hours of content. nice work if you can get it. here is your amazon headline of the day, we bring you one every single day, big hiring spree before the holidays. 120,000 temps will be handling the holiday rush and you're going to see that market go up overall, about 100 points when that bell rings a couple of minutes from now. we'll take you there. we asked people to write down
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>> all right. it's friday morning. we're going to wrap up the week on wall street very, very shortly. about 40 seconds that market opens. a couple of factors that are in play today. we don't spend much time talking about the u.s. dollar, but it's consistently gone up throughout this week. and that is a problem in some markets. it's affecting gold. it's affecting the price of oil. it's had a limited effect on
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stock prices, but the bot ton line is, the dollar is up and by the way, the british pound is way down. if you want to take a cheap vacation these days, london is your destination. i've not been there in 20 years, but thinking after quick weekend trip. we've got four seconds to go. here we go. bang! there it is, 9:30 eastern time. we are up and running. [laughter] it's a great job and i've got it. most of the dow 30 are in the green and we're 89 points higher this friday morning. that's a gain of nearly half a percent. the s&p, what's that doing? is that up? yeah, almost a half a percentage point on the broader based s&p. how about oil, is it 50 bucks, yes or no, not much movement this week. hewlett-packard is going to cost what, 3, maybe 4,000 jobs, cut, part of a broader restructuring, a long-term
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restructuring process. the market's not thinking much of it. down 2%. the different story with amazon, they're going to hire 120,000 workers for the holiday the is stock it up. netflix are paying $40 million for three hours of content. we've got something to say about that. let's bring in liz macdonald. jeff sica and larry levin. and the fear in the market a clean sweep, that she takes the presidency, the senate and house. steve cortez, trump guy, i know you're going to agree with me on this, it's a fear of the market, isn't it? >> it's a fear and why? because hillary clinton is the candidate of the status quo and the status quo right now i think is indefensible. it's an economy that crawls and it's terror that is on the march. that's not okay for americans, it's why 70% of americans in polling say the country is
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headed in the wrong direction. we need to convince the vast majority that donald trump is the right direction, i'm convinced we will. i totally agree to you getting back to the markets. they're worried and-- >> this morning about a hillary sweep because they're up nearly 150 points. what's going on, jeff sica? you're a bearish kind of guy. why are we up 150 points? >> well, i mean this is the pattern, we get these selloffs and rebounds. i think right now there's a lot of speculation over is there going to be this balance of power? you know, there's a sentiment now that investors are going to play the momentum until it ends and then they're going to sell so i think it's a very dangerous time in the market. stuart: larry, a balance of power, that would be hillary wins the white house, but the republicans keep control of the senate and the house. i think that's what the market actually wants, isn't it? >> yeah, i think that would actually be a good thing for the market. we actually continue on where we are, but i think eventually
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we'd catch up. i think hillary winning if the republicans control and i think the opposite of what you're saying, i think the market will go up, it will keep doing what it's doing now, the fed back-stopping the market. until that goes away-- if trump gets in there, who i want in there, that the market could gyrate and we could have craziness there. stuart: let's talk netflix. comedian chris rock gets 40 million for three hours of content. would you like to address that, 40 million for three hours. >> first of all, chris rock is icon in comedy and the movies he's been a part of over a billion-5. this is a true accomplishment for netflix. keep in mind. this is all about content and netflix need to pay top dollar for content. stuart: that's top dollar, isn't it? 40 million for three hours. >> this is a comedian who has not done stand-up in eight
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years, so, this may not pay off for them, but what i think, what netflix is doing, which is imperative for their growth, they're showing, first of all, that the streaming format is the format of the future. when you have a comedian who is cutting edge that comes on to streaming, that embraces streaming, you know that they're going in the right direction and now what? if you look at the success of some of the things that netflix have done with original content. 40 million is a drop in the bucket, i think it's a great investment. stuart: netflix delivers high quality stars and that's what they're going for. good stuff. amazon, we give you an amazon story every day, don't we? they're hiring 120,000 workers for the holidays. that's 20,000 more than last year liz: just for perspective. it's about 1/6 of the entire work force hired, something like 640,000 workers and they're doing 120. more than kohl's, j.c. penney
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toys "r" us combined. stuart: that tells me that on-line is king and amazon-- >> 120,000 added to the work force during the holiday. that's a big deal. stuart: we're three, four minutes, nearly five and the big banks are reporting pretty good profits this morning. j.p. morgan profit higher than expected. same with wells fargo, citigroup, pnc and i'm looking at the bank stocks and they're up across the board and that's helping the overall market. here is a big name, you know it, mcdonald's, they're taking 130 million worth of charges. what's that for, nicole? nicole: it's a cost upfront to save later. that's what you do when you're planning it out and this is sort of a restructuring that the company is doing. what they're doing, they're taking restaurants and selling them off to franchisees. it's a refranchise charge, $130
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million upfront. they say they'll save $500 million. this will be done now between 2018. maybe we'll get more information, but in the meantime, it's a cost upfront we'll see in the quarterly report. couple other things quickly, mcdonald's are bringing in some millennials that they haven't seen. they've been boosting up social media and it's helping. last but not least, the special sauce. if you love it, you can buy it. it's now in a bottle. they tried to target the audience and expanding, it's yours. you can pick it up now. stuart: i'm a small black coffee to go for seniors, that's what i do. . nicole: the favorite customer, right? you don't spend enough, they want more. stuart: the average check size goes down with me. and snap chat, apparently youngsters preparing to go to college--
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i'm sorry, youngsters prefer snapchat over facebook over communications liz: you're right. 80% go on snapchat and spend a half hour. stuart: i thought the messages disappear after a few seconds liz: they do disappear, but they're watching videos. they go on facebook just 52% of the time. so, you know, sorry, 52% of facebook users go on once a month. let me clarify. the name of the game is, snapchat spectacles, cooler than google glass. it's unis glasses and snap, and take videos with your sunglasses and post it. stuart: snap chat is going public, preparations to go putting liz: that's right. stuart: would you buy snap chat? >> well, the millennials, first of all, have abandoned, as liz said, they abandoned facebook. this privacy that snapchat offers is cultural for millennials. they like the fact that they could reach somebody, they
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could identify their friends, reach them and not have to be a part of this very public, plus, they like the reality. a lot of instagram and a lot of facebook, you have a lot of the doctored photographs and all of that. snapchat is real and these millennials want something real not something created. stuart: you think that facebook is beening geriatric? >> my kids tell me, we don't use facebook. my kids are teenagers and they don't use facebook, they just snapchat and instagram. stuart: i've got kids in their 30's abandoning facebook. two problems with united airlines and their computer system. widespread delays because of this. jeff, back to you for a second. it looks like we've got problems all the time with computers and airlines. although the stock is up today the problem i have with social media, they can warn people so
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they don't have the confusion. they can learn how to use social media to communicate and i think the airlines would be far better off than people showing up. i mean, to me, it's almost like you hear about the stories every day. and then, people in their frustration, all-- that were a part of this are tweeting, are sending-- sending messages, and they're telling-- they're telling people what a disaster they are. so they have to get a handle on that. stuart: flying is no fun, is simply isn't. i've got a survey about the broader economy. 60% of economists surveyed see recession in the next four years. larry, that's not exactly a bold prediction, is it? it's highly likely, isn't it? >> yeah, this market and the economy, it's-- the market likes to go up, but the economy as we're growing about, the gdp number over the last eight years, unless some new technology comes into the world, that really changes everything, you know, i don't see how in the next three or four years we don't see a run
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out of gas on the economy and have the market react to it. stuart: steve cortez, likely to go recession? >> likely in the next four years. i'm more worried in the next four quarters. when we look at the markets and the economy, unfortunately, it's the central bank's world and we just live in it. i believe the fed is finally getting some teeth and guts and backbone and they're going to raise rates in december and i don't believe that this feeble economy can handle it, i think that a recession looms unfortunately. stuart: okay. another survey, talk about a sign of the times. nearly half of millennials let their parents pay for stuff, cell phones, groceries, rent, clothes, et cetera, et cetera. here is the key number. listen to this, six in ten millennials say they do have an emergency fund. what do you think is the average balance in that emergency fund? >> what is it? >> $9,100. >> what? >> six in ten millennials have this emergency fund and the average balance is $9,100
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liz: didn't we just report that people have $1,000. >> interesting, this is 30 years and older. a lot of these people are millennials, but these are millennials living off their parents at 30 years and old older. if that doesn't concern people, that-- you know, we're in a recession now if we have these type of statistics continue to come out. stuart: if they're 30 and older and living off their parents for a long time, that's what lets them save an average balance of $9,100. i think we're in agreement liz: we're in agreement. stuart: we're out of time. larry, jeff, steve, thank you one and all. we're now 11 minutes into the session and a gain of 138 points as we speak. hillary clinton answering judicial watch's questions on her e-mail scandal under oath, by the way. she says she doesn't recall destroying any of those e-mails. donald trump says he will take
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legal action over the allegations that he inappropriately touched women. question, is that just an empty threat or is a lawsuit really coming? we'll be back.
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>> right, i've got another leaked e-mail. liz is going to tell us who said what to whom about president obama liz: basically it came from neara to john podesta back in 2012. it says the truth is president obama doesn't call anyone. it's stunning he's in politics because he really doesn't like people.
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it's like becoming bill gates without liking computers. so this was basically, this was an aide both to bill clinton and president obama. bill clinton was saying, where are the phone calls from barack obama? they're not coming, how come obama is not calling me and the e-mail to john podesta. people say the reason is he doesn't like bill clinton and then what i just said came after that. stuart: the thing is, this is not a scandal. this is just normal political back and forth within the campaign liz: venting. stuart: venting, that's what it is liz: it's illuminating. and it indicates something that maybe something you knew in your gut and now it's clarified and edifying as well. stuart: look at this, we're up 160 points on the dow jones average. bank stocks leading the way, by the way. and look at goldman sachs. they won a legal battle with the libyan sovereign wealth fund and goldman sachs is up 3 1/4% and adds, the dow
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industrials up 161. airlines, by the way, some of them, adding fire containment bags because of those overheating phones. >> alaska air and virgin. question is, will the airlines be able to say to samsung, we're going to extra expense because of your explosives device that's exploding. and the new zealand herald tribune put out a headline, samsung to customers, return your exploding devices now. holy toledo they're going to this extent. you're going to put the device in the bag. stuart: serious now. not that the exploding phone isn't, but this is politics. hillary clinton about her private server. under oath she said that she does not have any knowledge of the destruction of e-mails and she has no knowledge of ordering anybody to do it.
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okay? i'm going to put the full statement there on the screen. watch, we'll bring in emily and i want to know if hillary clinton has legal liability. if she's saying under oath, i don't know who did it, i don't know anything about it, that's legal liability for hillary, is it not, emily? >> it is. and now the virtue of saying that i don't recall that is often used in discovery is that it gives that subject a little bit of wiggle room if later it comes out here is the proof that you did know this or receive that, the subject can say, oh, that's right, i remember now. and it helps with that wiggle room of perjury because discovery is part of the oath process, it's under oath so her answers here matter. i want to point out to you, there are a few opportunity for imputing her opportunity and knowledge or she should have known. some things she doesn't earlier, she said she had no direction over, these were
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memos from her office with her name on them, or memos she received with name at the bottom and that's part of what a federal employee is. stuart: and i think that all of these legalisms go everyone's head and virtually has no impact on this campaign. complex stuff doesn't sell in politics. another one for you, donald trump says his accusers are liars, he said it. he says he might take legal action against the new york times for publishing articles that he says are fabricated. do you think he's got a case? >> here, no, he doesn't, actually. i feel strongly about this because the new york times as they publish an unequivocal response in asking them for a retraction, no we're not going to. first of all, you're a public figure. there needs to be actual malice for them to even get over this initial motion to dismiss phase, hey this isn't true and you can't publish this.
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number one, there was no actual malice, we're taking the statements perceived to have been true. and even the title says two women come forward and they're issuing statements that talk about his sexual aggression. so that is truth. and they say they published his response in the same article, saying the publisher unequivocal denial alongside those allegations. emily take your lawyer's hat off. do you think it's a good political strategy to call your female accusers liars? >> i do know. i would not use that strong as language as highly sensitive as this allegations of sexual aggression, no. stuart: emily, thank you for joining us, always appreciate it. >> thank you. stuart: where are we on the stock market this morning? where are we? we're up about 150 points and almost all 29 of the 30 dow stocks are up overall, a big move up for stocks today. tough talk from the president of france.
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francois hollande, he says muslim women have a choice, wear a veil or be french. france has a muslim problem, he says. more on that in a moment. is it a professor who never stops being a student? is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own? or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions? your personal success takes a financial partner who values it as much as you do. learn more at
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♪ >> the president of france, francois hollande, in candid remarks said to muslim women residing in france, either wear a veil or be french. that's-- what's he saying, you can't be french and wear a burqa? >> he says you will not fulfill yourself as a woman by wearing the veil. you could take off the veil and become a french woman, but still be islam, islamic, and enjoy and practice your muslim faith. and he's saying that muslim women prefer freedom and not wearing the veil is what he's seeing. this is coming out in a new book of interviews with hollande. stuart: he also said france has a muslim problem liz: yes. stuart: i think that's relevant to america because, i mean, and other european countries liz: it is because it's about the separation of church and state.
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he's saying there's too much immigration of basically this aggressive form of islam that seeks to basically subvert this state and wants to be in and of itself own entities and own laws and rules and basically subverts the republican principle of separation of church and state. stuart: that's interesting. he has an election he faces next year, i think, and great pressure from the right wing liz: that's right. stuart: you've got the details on this story, let me start. there's a noble laureate, he says that open borders are quote, magic. can you explain his reasoning? >> he says he's saying that the united states has an unparalleled almost to second to none university system that creates a lot of scientific research and innovative products and services and says that open borders is about trade, but he's speechless that donald trump is for a wall
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because he's saying that the immigration policies, as a bureaucratic nightmare anyway and for it to get into the united states. stuart: he wants open borders, come on in liz: portrayed for the free flow of ideas. stuart: anybody? liz: i don't know where he went with that. stuart: open borders and much more immigration. i don't have a problem with legal immigration as long as we organize it and control who we want to let in. i don't have a problem with that liz: that's right. stuart: they let me in. [laughter] >> that's not funny. donald trump full attack mode, i'm going to say he's adopting a scorched earth policy. calling his female accusers liars, denouncing the media in strong terms, but by doing that he moves the discussion away from the issues that really count to all of us. my take on that coming up at the top of the next hour. and our resident media watcher brent bozell, by releasing that
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2005 locker room tape on trump nbc has posed a direct threat to the democratic process. hour two is next.
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stuart: donald trump embarked on a scorched-earth policy. take no prisoners. attack and go for broke. in an hour-long speech, he went right after the women who have recently accused him of sexual aggression. he says, vicious claims about me are totally and absolutely false. he is accusing those women of lying. horrible lies, he says, made up stories. there is no watering this down. it's a direct attack. so is his impassioned denunciation of the media. they have ganged up on him, he said timing revelations for maximum damage. carlos slim, part owner of "the new york times" is part after biased coalition working in collusion with the clinton campaign.
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the evidence suggests he's right on that. but by going. >> a full attack taking attention away from more important issues. iran moved warships close to u.s. navy vessels today. our health care system is threatened by he collapse of obama cair. terror is ever present threat. what is the republican candidate talking about, he is calling women who challenge him liars. womenis hillary talking about, liars. to those of us who want to see america return to prosperity at home and security abroad, this election is not going well. personally, i think this is exactly what the establishment media wanted all along. what a shame that the republican candidate is playing right into their hands. the second hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪
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stuart: of course we'll get to politics but in the meantime the markets were up 129 points for the dow industrials. just out, consumer confidence numbers. liz: worse than expected, 87.9. lower than the average for the year. this is the pulse of main street, how they field about household income. the 75,000 crowd not feeling great. stuart: i made a mistake not consumer confidence. consumer sentiment. very different. liz: preliminary reading for october. if that is bad, that is bad for the economy. stuart: fell down to 118 feign as opposed to 160 a few minutes ago. the big banks are reporting nice profits today. jpmorgan profit higher than was expected. i hate to use the expression expectations, i think it is relevant. wells fargo, citigroup, pnc, green arrows all around for the banks. that is helping overall market. amazon is hiring, wait for it.
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120,000 workers for holidays this year. that is 20,000 more than last year. watch out bricks and mortar. online amazon here it comes. hp as in hewlett-packard, restructuring efforts continue. they're going own a long stream. they're cutting three, maybe 4,000 jobs. the market, hewlett-packard stock is down 2%. you may have heard my take at top of the hour. i'm saying look, trump has gone on the attack. he is not talking policy. he is calling women who are accusing him liars. ed rollins is with us now. i want to repeat that. donald trump is calling his accusers, flat-out liars, made up stories. do you think that is a good tactic? >> certainly not a good tactic. there has been enough in his background that the charges, whether they're real or not, i can't know whether they are or not, have some credibility, just by the fact you need to shift the agenda to you were going the
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be change agent. i was going to be different from obama, economic plan, taxes, all getting washed out today. all anybody will talk about next two or three weeks is going to be the woman. he loses that battle. stuart: what he is doing, he is going after these women, calling them liars. isn't that somewhat similar, almost exactly the same what hillary clinton did to bill's women back in the '80s and '90s? >> equally important people in his campaign fighting bill clinton and want to go after him. bill clinton hasn't been president for 16 years. nobody cares about bill clinton's presidency. they care about what kind of presidency she he will have and the argument. no in environment no one pays attention to the economic plans. if he wants to stay down in the mud, he will lose and lose big time. stuart: is nobody telling him, stop this? not on inside of campaign but you know the campaign. >> i know the campaign. i think opposite is you too.
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i don't like to second-guess another person's campaign but i've been in the campaign. i think at this point in time the strategy is not strategy will work. democrats are very happy. they think they're sitting on top of substantial lead, seven points in in the fox poll. those numbers trump has, fox has very fine poll. trump today is basically at 37, 38%. that is record loy. that is down where bush when he lost re-election. that is down where goldwater was. he somehow has to add to the base. added problem of 10% of the two independent candidates. you have to get some of that vote to come to you. stuart: hillary's best plan would surely be for the next 25 days stay out of the limelight, don't say that much but attack trump if you like. >> she will do that she is hiding out, preparing for the debate. she will be much better in the debate. back to the first forum. they will let trump go out there and yell and scream and rant and rave, obviously not put forth his proposals. she will benefit immeasurably by that the campaign of trump is in disarray.
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the party is in disarray. they're fighting with each other. the clinton campaign, followed each other for the last year-and-a-half, is significant very comfortable. stuart: is there anything that you would recommend that trump could do to bring his campaign -- >> i would ignore all charges coming from the other side and from media and basically just focus on the next week, for the debate and focus on driving my message. i'm going to be a different kind of president, here's why. here is what i'm going to do. stuart: he is about to go to sip bring ahn any's restaurant as a fundraiser. ciiprini. there is story big donors are running away from him. can you confirm them. >> most i called, some are hanging in there but party donors are walking away. stuart: ed rollins, thank you. get to the latest fox news polls. a big change with female voters. clinton is now up by 19 points.
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trump has dropped six points since the previous fox poll. tammy bruce with us this morning. if trump can not recover the female vote he has lost. >> look, that is signal, i agree with ed, the nature of what is happening here. the interesting thing though, it is not that suddenly hillary has won them or that she is persuaded or convinced them to come over, they're simply moving away from what they find to be difficult with mr. trump. which is why this can be recoverable. he doesn't have to fight when it comes to issue of policy we already know that americans agree with him on the policy issues of immigration. stuart: wait a second. i do apologize for interrupting. >> no, please. stuart: you say this is recoverable. how does a candidate recover from, in 25 days, having called these women, you know, they're on camera, saying he has octopus hands. he is all over me. i move back to the economy class, out of first class because i couldn't get away from the guy. he is caller her a liar.
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you think he can come back after that? >> exactly, all this happened within a short period of time. and if he focuses on the issues and reminding women and men in this country that in fact, this is an issue and this is an issue about the future. this is about open borders, the economy, and i do care about you and your daughter. i want your daughters to go to the mall without worried about being murdered. i want you to know you have a financial future where your daughters and sons will be able to follow the american dream. this is not about being your husband or your, the date for your prom. this is about who is going to make the future a better place. he does that by concentrating on things that got him to this place in the first place, which is economy, immigration, law and order, crime issues. just every day, focusing on completely and women and men will be reminded about what this election is all about. stuart: how many times, tammy, have you and other analysts been
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on this program saying, you can get, you can win if you just get back to the issues. and he doesn't. >> but, see it doesn't mean that we shouldn't continue to remind everyone, including the women watching this program, i as a feminist know that in fact i'm not voting for a role model for my children. i'm voting for a person who is going to make the future something worthwhile, that this is about future for the children, not about whether or not you're offended. somebody on line said other day perfectly, i would rather be offended by donald trump then left for dead by hillary clinton. existential issues. that is why this still can be won. i need to say it as feminist this is why i support donald trump. stuart: okay. we hear you, tammy. you're sticking with us for a while this hour. want to hear more about this. >> yes. stuart: you do. now this. the u.s. navy striking at rebels in yemen. iran now retaliating by sending
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their warships close to ours. our next guest says, the iran nuclear deal is to blame. and this. this is a clumsy customer in an electronics store in the uk. that would be britain. >> i love this story. stuart: crouches down to look at tv. knocks them down. he steps back, knocks down tvs behind him too. i'm not sure i saw all that. oh. okay. those are the breaks. he knocked over more than $6,000 in tv sets. more "varney" after this. ♪
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your healthcare needs are unique. that's why, with over 30 years of medicare experience, we'll be there for you -- we can even help schedule your appointments. open enrollment ends december 7th. so don't wait another day. if you're medicare eligible, call now and talk to unitedhealthcare about our plans, like aarp medicarecomplete. let's get you on the right path. call unitedhealthcare or go online to enroll. stuart: how about this from southeast texas. a alligator captured in beaumont, it measured, wait for
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it, 13 feet, 8 inches. it has been largest call gator captured in texas. it is affectionately named, big tex. >> me too. stuart: up 150 points on the dow industrials. 18,247. verizon says, yahoo! hack half billion accounts hacked into. verizon says it could affect the deal. both stocks are up this morning. go figure. i want to get back to the tension in the gulf because it is tense. iran sent two warships there after days missile launches, specifically american tomahawk missiles going after iran's proxies in yemen. chris harmer here, senior analyst of institute for study of war. a former navy commander. chris, you linked this to the iran nuke deal. take me all the way through the chain, will you? >> sure. obviously there is a lot of tension in the persian gulf in
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the middle east without the iranian nuke deal. what the iranian nuke deal did gave iran a green light to do whatever they wanted to do because they knew the united states would not do anything to disturb the nuke deal. in the past iranians supported houthi rebels in their fight against yemen and saudi arabia. what the houthis have not done in the past is target u.s. navy ships. now the iranians know they have a green light to target us. they can't do it directly you about via through the huth tis. they have no argument with u.s. navy. they want to attack yemeni government. they are attacking u.s. on behalf of iranian -- stuart: wouldn't they love the close the straits along which a lost world oil supply passes? isn't that in the background here? >> that is not in the background. that is in the foreground. iranians have a significant military presence across the strait of hormuz. u.s. navy has significant military presence in the strait of hormuz.
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we can go head-to-head with the iranians and keep the straits open. all of our am lies would clear that pretty quick. where we don't have military presence on the other side of arabian peninsula in the sea. we have some presence not as much as straight straight of harm hormuz. they are forcing us to reallocate forces to the red sea which something we don't want to do. stuart: they're tweaking us. 25 days to the election. 3 1/2 months to a new presidency. pushing us as far as they possibly can. they don't care if we push too hard, sink one of their warships. they don't care. they would rather like it? >> they don't care about that. that is not way they think. they want us to overreact, incite us to make a mistake. 1988, 28 years ago, u.s. navy was running a gunbattle with iranian navy.
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iranian commercial aircraft, airbus flew into the vicinity. unfortunately the uss vincennes shot the air raft down. the iranians loved that because that was huge propaganda victory. they made a lot of money off that terms selling their own people that u.s. was in fact the great satan. what iranians want to provoke us into another overreaction to continue to get propaganda victories. as you said they are tweaking us. keep poking at us, hoping we will overreact. stuart: can i get the reaction to the use of tomahawk missiles. i thought they were the prize cruise missiles anywhere in the world. they were very big an powerful things. did we overkill, overuse our element of force here? or were we sending a message? >> that a great question. the reality, houthis can not target u.s. navy warships unless they have radars to find u.s. navy warships. what the u.s. navy did, radars supplied by the defense industries organization of iran.
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we said we'll take out the radars. we'll effectively blind the houthi rebels. tomahawk cruise missiles in that case were appropriate response. the overreaction i'm talking about inadvertently or possibly overtly causing civilians and causing mass casualties that is the overreaction iranians are trying to provoke us into. that is what we're trying to avoid. stuart: chris harmer. thank you for joining us as always. >> thank you. stuart: we have update on schoolgirls kidnapped in nigeria several years ago. they were taken by the terror group boko haram. this was 2014 actually. defend one of them have been released. however, the fate of more than 200 others is not known. donald trump, he says, mexican billionaire, a, that would be carlos slim, is behind a global conspiracy against him. we've got that story for you, coming up. ♪ this woman owns this house,
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with new cabinets from this shop, with handles designed here, made here, shipped from here, on this plane flown by this pilot, who owns stock in this company, that builds big things and provides benefits to this woman, with new cabinets. they all have insurance crafted personally for them. not just coverage, craftsmanship. not just insured. chubb insured. i missile launch officer. if the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable.
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i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
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stuart: breaking news. wells fargo, they have a conference call going on right now, talking about impact of their scandals. liz: earnings didn't come in so great. ceo tim sloan say matters will get worse before they get bert. watch this new checking accounts down. new credit card accounts, down. fallout from the fake bank account scandal. he is essentially saying we need to restore trust but they have got the doj, various prosecutors across the country and class-action suits hitting him hard. stuart: stock still almost $45 a share. it. liz: up now. down 22% year-over-year. stuart: $22 billion a year, you can pay any fine, any cost you
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like and move on and go up in the stock price. that is what is happening, folks. liz: they're stopping cross-selling, right? stuart: yeser this. that will hurt them. more videos for you, friday, why not. a gorilla, escaped from its enclosure at london zoo yesterday. the keepers say he didn't break out. no. he escaped from the back den to secure keeper area. armed cops came in. they tranquilized him, put him back into the exhibit. however the zoo has closed gorilla exhibit. it says they're opening an investigation into his escape. that on your screens. kumbuka. now this. donald trump is about to accuse mexican billionaire carlos slim. he is the person who quote, stirred up the groping storm. slim is also a shareholder and big one at "new york times." so, trump's going after the media, alleging a conspiracy and coy solution with the establishment, with the clinton campaign. i think he is right.
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do you? >> even wikileaks dumps, we've seen the level of collusion that has occurred. not just presumption of right-wing argument bit, now we have seen evidence. in the case of mr. slim, he owns 17% of "times" stock. he is given to the clinton foundation about $250,000 through the years. he is also of course, gave a loan to "new york times" of quarter of a billion dollars in 2009. so there is a linkage certainly. he also had, interesting in the past, actually 2015, that when mr. trump was talking about, beginning of his campaign about mexico and the immigration, mr. slim canceled a deal with mr. trump they were working on for television together. we have a little bit of history between the two. mr. trump i believe is right because of the relationship between the "new york times" and hillary clinton, but in this kind of dynamic also you have got media whose approval rating is below that of cockroaches and traffic jams. so if you're going after the,
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american people will not mind him going after "new york times" but it is still off the message about the issues. stuart: yes it is. >> about hillary directly. if he could weave them better directly america would be in better shape. stuart: who has got credibility here, donald trump or the women who accuse him of groping them? he says they are liars. who has got the credibility? >> yeah i -- stuart: come on. >> the problem you have to ask that question. he is mad at "new york times" because they of course ran that story about those two additional women but then brings up this conversation and these questions. it doesn't have to be, he can rise above this, for crying out loud he should be president of the united states and you should be above these things. stuart: but he spent half hour, he had one-hour speech yesterday. half of it was on accusing these people of being liars. liz: personally attacking "people" magazine reporter on her looks. stuart: appearance.
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i'm exasperated. liz: that is not statesman-like. >> he wants to be president he has to win the battle to win the war. he can be disciplined. he can do it. we enough time to rediscipline himself. stuart: 25 days? >> just like impact at second did he bait i believe he is capability of it. i believe he knows he is. matter of wanting him to do it. his supporters need to show they got his back. stuart: we do hear you, tammy bruce. we have another half hour. i'm sure you will be back. donald trump is going to war with main stream republicans. we're calling it a gop civil war. governor mike huckabee reacts to that. up next, here is the question, whose side is the governor on? and this. a beauty queen who worked with donald trump. she says the latest sex allegations about him are disturbing and false. that is not the donald trump that she knows. she is next.
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>> he always has been just a gentleman. he has always been a very wonderful man, with other women around me as well that i witnessed, being in his pageant. he always treated women with dignity and respect.
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>> they are so dishonest. [shouting] stuart: you know, possibly hear that exactly what his supporters were yelling there. i will repeat it. they were yelling, cnn sucks. that was at the trump rally. doing that all week. why are they doing that? >> he complains the network is biased against him. this is issue with all this news
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about enthusiasm. the democrats are trying to affect enthusiasm of his supporters. but his crowds remain massive. what he asks the cameras to do show the crowds. cnn he alleges refuses to do so. so through the rally, he mentions that, complains they're biased. complaints they're against him. and as a result, the crowd began to chant that. they have done it a few times. cnn arguing that putting their reporters at risk. they're becoming concerned about that. this is again though, not the kind of thing that american families are worried about right now, even though again the media is not liked by american public. so they don't -- stuart: that is your theme. your theme is, for heavens sake, donald get back to the issues. >> even though he is right on all of these things. that is very interesting, i don't disagree with him. to be implemented. if he can run the united states, president of the united states, he shouldn't be losing to idiots
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on the other side. stuart: desperation here? >> of course. stuart: how many times have we said a little discipline, please, donald. what does he do? accuses women of them being liars. >> the worst of us on the other side. they can't deal with him. stuart: dow jones industrial average, i'm sorry, you know, the dow is up 150 points, for heavens sake. the s&p 500 is up 15 points. that is up.%. green arrows across the board --.%. i will calm down. house speaker paul ryan. he will blast liberal policies. liz is seeing part of the speech. liz: blistering, behind all the ugliness in the debate, about basic governing principles. the left does not just seek continuation of last eight years. do not just seek to further the liberal progressive experiment, they intent to make it reality,
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arrogant and condescending, paternal listic reality. taking aim at hillary clinton's campaign theme. stronger together. what that means he says, subject to the state, you're subject to government control. that to him is hubris and arrogance. stuart: he is talking about a key issue, the role of government. liz: that's right. stuart: policy. that is what he is addressing. liz: that's right. stuart: mike huckabee, paul ryan is talking policy and donald trump is calling his female accusers liars. whose side are you on, governor? >> well, look i'm glad paul ryan is getting to the focus of policy. i hope he will remind people if hillary clinton gets elected we're going to have a disaster on every kind of policy that matters, whether national security, tax policy, the advent of small business, obamacare, israel, globalism versus nationalism, patrolling our borders, name it. that is why paul ryan needs to quit his feud with donald trump
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and not say he is going to just go cold on him. say, look, i have strong disagreements with what donald trump has said and what he thinks and how he talks, but by golly, this is about our country. it is not about the personality of these two individuals, and country is at stake. so yes, i'm happy paul ryan will stick to that. i wish donald trump would stop talking about all these side issues. stuart: really? i got to tell you. look, i was watching donald trump's speech yesterday afternoon. for a half hour he rants about these women being liars. look, i'm a trump supporter in the sense that i want his economic program so that we return to prosperity. i think i'm reflecting the exasperation on part of other conservatives see the trump campaign going down the tubes. are you with me? >> i hear what you're saying. i don't know that it is down the tubes but i totally agree i wish
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he would have spent half hour talking about borders. i wishing he would talk about the what u.n. doing to israel. talk about the second moment, fourth moment, fifth -- amendment and national security and va and support for the military. i could have given him plenty of soap for 30 minutes. if he wants my advice on that, he can call me, i will be happy to give it. no matter what he says, when it gets down to time to voight, i'm not voting for hillary. i will not do anything that might help her secondarily which would be sitting at home, sitting on my hands, saying i don't care anymore. stuart: governor, what do you say to the following proposition? there is no way on god's green early that you can call your female accusers liars and still win an election with women in this society? no way? >> it is not the healthiest way to win an election. he will defy all odds if he does but he has done that so far. that's why i'm hoping he gets solely on message and i'm
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talking about the message that has caused those rallies to be filled with tens of thousands of screaming supporters, while hillary can barely get some people to shuffle in, you know a couple hundred at a time to give tepid applause as they do their best to stay awake during one of her rallies. but, no, i totally get what you're saying stuart but i got to keep the focus on that this is not about two people the way they talk, or the way they have supporters. this is about whether this country goes radically to the left. stuart: yes. >> or whether it gets stablizers on and starts creating jobs again so people can go to work, put a paycheck in the bank and put food on the table. stuart: no question. you're absolutely right. so can you get to the candidate and say, knock it off, mr. trump? isn't it time someone reamly put it in those terms to him? >> i think people are putting it in those terms.
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it is just a matter, a lot he has never been a candidate. he has never been on the ballot. he has been celebrity. you get treated differently when you're celebrity than as candidate. i think he is a little shell-shocked the fact that media gone 100%, not just a little bit against him but they have gone nuclear on him. stuart: that is true. >> mushroom cloud journalism what we're seeing. stuart: yes it is. i would give you the last word, i'm coming up on hard break. you know the hard breaks. >> yes i do. stuart: i -- >> yes i do. >> media did same thing to mccain. he shouldn't be surprised. stuart: governor huckabee. we appreciate it. >> thanks. stuart: our next guest has known for donald trump many years. she competed in miss usa pageants and says the recent sexual abuse allegations that is not the donald trump she knows. melissa young is with us, miss wisconsin usa 2005. what do yo allegations that have just surfaced, off the top of your
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head, you have seen him, you heard him, what do you make of it? >> yes, good morning, thank you for having me. i find them to be, really absurd, disgusting and frankly i think they're opportunistic. i mean, i have to question why now? why now? we're talking some of these things from decades ago. and i find it to be like, a few weeks out from the election, we're few weeks out from the election and now all of these things are surfacing. i have never heard of anything like this before. stuart: well, look, melissa -- >> i don't think it a coincidence. stuart: i agree with you. it is very true there is a coordinated attempt to basically work with the clinton campaign, release the most damaging material at the most damaging time. i'm sure that these news organizations had this material for a long, long time, they held
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it to do maximum damage to donald trump. but what i'm really asking about is, the accusers. yes, it is opportunistic that they are coming forward at this point, but do you, do you not believe them? is this made up? do you think? >> i have to say, i question it and i don't, i don't, i don't find it to be credible. i just, i just don't find it to be credible. stuart: never behaved like that with you? you were in close contact with him? >> never. never. and i have had moments with mr. trump that i never ever spoken about, private moments. also at the pageant, competing at miss usa in 2005. he was nothing but an absolute gentleman. then in recent days, all the way up, all the past 11 years, my relationship with mr. trump, i mean, i have moments with him alone where i have seen nothing but the most great, greatest man
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with, such a kind heart and never, ever, inappropriate, nothing like that ever. in april, on april 4th he was here in wisconsin, in milwaukee at a rally. it was cold. it was very cold. and he was leaving the rally, it was late at night, and his secret service helping him get in out to the car and, they have to keep moving. he can't stop. he looks over and noticed that i'm freezing cold and goes to remove his long, black, jacket from his body, to hand to secret service to put over me. they put the jacket over my body. this is a man who is not thinking about his safety in that moment, about, getting into that car. there is no cameras around. he was thinking about me. he was being a gentleman, thinking about me in the cold. and i mean i guess i can say it this way. he gave me the coat off his back. that is mr. trump that i know. stuart: melissa young, we thank you very much for being on the program today. always like to see you. >> thank you, stuart.
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stuart: come to see us again. >> thank you for having me. thank you, sir. stuart: sure thing. couple of stocks i want to check for you. first of all hewlett-packard. great name in technology from the past. continuing its restructuring vigorously, cutting several thousand jobs worldwide next three years, market still pushing it down 1 1/2%. snapchat is now a direct threat to facebook. more young people using snapchat. fewer young people using facebook. and this, more video, great white shark gets into a cage. diver stip trapped inside the cage. we'll tell you what happened. i promise. media watch, brent bozell says the nbc release banter tape was a direct threat to democratic process. brent bozell is next.
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liz: remember "varney & company" starts 9:00 a.m. eastern time. here is what you missed last hour. we'll take you right to it. >> let's say who they are. iran, that is who this is, to show that their behavior has not changed one iota since the signing of the nuclear deal in summer of last year. it's true that the missiles in question were fired against u.s. destroyers from territory controlled by the houthi rebels
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but i will bet you dollars to doughnuts that the actual officers doing the firing were iranian. they're iranian-supplied missiles. and they're being fired because they're trying to push the united states back, not to interfere with the, what is happening in the civil war there, or maybe to pressure the saudis more to do less. and the dispatch of iranian warships is nothing less than a thumb in our eye because --
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stuart: the president of the media research center is brent bozell and we us right now. brent, you are on record saying that nbc's release of the 2005 lewd tape is quote, a direct threat to the democratic process. that is strong stuff. explain it. >> sure it is. democracy can only survive if there is a free press. free press is one that is dedicated to truth and one that is dedicated to objectivity and one that is dedicated to fairness. what do you have here? you have nbc, now caught, not just being biased, not just being utterly one-sided, but in fact, playing its own october surprise, holding footage that could be devastating to a candidate and releasing it on
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the eve of a presidential debate, the absolute worst time for that candidate, and in fact, possibly sinking his candidacy. how can you have a open, functioning democracy, when you have got the news media, not just withholding information from the public, but twisting, distorting and lying about information when they do present it? stuart: that is the whole point, isn't it? holding it for maximum damage to one particular campaign. you know, we were watching the broadcast network news last night, and i noticed that abc spent nine minutes on trump and women. nbc nine minutes, trump and his women. cbs, five minutes and trump and his women. those three broadcast networks only spent seconds, literally seconds on new wikileak revelations. that is a skewing of the news in extraordinary fashion. >> yeah.
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let me give you the week-long number account. in the last week, they have done 253 minutes of coverage on trump. that is over four hours. think about that, on the news, abc, nbc, cbs, just on the news, over four hours. the totality of the wikileaks, 37 minutes. and a lot of that, a lot of that is not harmful to hillary. it is discussing other things other than what might be harmful to her. where as 100% is harmful to trump. here is the big one i think, fox news has broken a story, and has covered it very thoroughly, about how overwhelmingly the fbi operation investigating hillary clinton was stunned that she was given a free pass by the fbi director overwhelmingly they believed she needed to be indicted. unanimously believed she needed to have her security clearance taken from her. that is a huge story, except,
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now tell me, abc, nbc, cbs, how many minutes on that? the answer, they haven't provided one, not one second. not one second. >> wow. stuart: that is extraordinary, isn't it? could you call it a conspiracy, a cabal, a media cabal that is out to get donald trump, at all costs? >> i do call it a conspiracy because, and, i used to laugh at that phrase. no, it is not a conspiracy. that is goofy thinking. look at these wikileaks emails. you now have got closing in on a dozen examples of major network figures, major newspaper figures, major internet news figures, openly, not openly, secretly colluding with the clinton campaign, giving them veto power over their stories, teeing up stories for them. the clinton campaign short
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telling success -- short -- on and on wikileaks stories you won't see covered by anybody in the press shows collusion. stuart: brent bozell, you said it was strong stuff and it is. we appreciate you giving it to us. brent bozell, everyone. which appreciate it. >> thank you, sir. stuart: i will give you a weather update, hurricane nicole it tore its way through bermuda, little jewel in the atlantic. 120 mile-an-hour winds, look at that. heavy rain, power knocked out for 16,000 people. virtually the entire island. jon tapper, host of barr rescue, expert at crisis management. he has advice for donald trump next. tnrg u.s. president obama calls nuclear terrorism "the single most important national security threat that we
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face" current xray technology makes it difficult to detect nuclear components as they appear as ordinary metals. thunder energies, lead by italian born nuclear physicist, dr santilli who's been on the faculty of harvard, mit, and boston university, is developing a new technology to detect these components. we can irradiate containers and suitcases with our neutron flux. this cutting edge technology is also safe the market potential of our nuclear detection stations is truly large. every port or airport can indeed be equipped with our station. thunder energies under the symbol tnrg with new cabinets this wfrom this shop,house, with handles designed here, made here, shipped from here, on this plane flown by this pilot, who owns stock in this company,
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coming up stuart varney's take about issues of election are being avoided. very little talk about withering middle class, foreign policy and terror attacks. it is turning on sex, lies, videotape. first, dr. ben carson from the last hour. >> we're down to last three or four weeks from the election and differences between the two parties are so vast. i think it would be a great thing to take the democrat platform and republican platform and compare them. most people, particularly democrats don't have what is in the democrat platform. it reads like something from a socialist country. they don't know that. stuart: we don't know what her policy really is, because she says one thing behind closed doors and something totally different out in public. i don't really know exactly what she is going to do, policywise if she becomes the president. >> well, obviously there is a lot of corruption there. here is the thing so important,
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you know this, because you're a student of history. before pinnacle nations fall, there are three characteristics. they take their eye off the ball. they get, you know, enamored of things that don't matter as much as the essential items. they become fiscally irresponsible, and they accept corruption at the highest levels. it seems like we've read the playbook and we're ready to capitulate. stuart: do you think donald trump can come back? we've quote the polls earlier in the program. he is seven points down now in the fox poll. can he come back? >> well, you know, as a physician, i like to base things on evidence, and when you look at the trump campaign, when he concentrates on the issues and the things that make two out of three americans feel that we're on the wrong track, he does well. and when he allows himself to be pulled into the mud, he does not.
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him stuart: if this were any other election hillary clinton would surely be losing by a mile. if she is the extension of the obama years and that is what she represents, you would think she would be down and just about out. look what she should be dealing with. the withering of the great american middle-class, when in history has middle america taken it on the chin like this? how about foreign policy? we have been run out of the middle east, russia and isis have taken our place. the iranians are taunting us, terror strikes the homeland frequently. the border, open to all. let's not forget the failure of obama's big triumph, obamacare. hillary clinton is not being
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held to account for any of the above. those issues have not played that big a role in the entire election process. instead it is all about sex, lies and videotape. the media has successfully diapered the attention of the entire nation to trump, groping, octopus hand and unwanted kissing on the mouth, that beat emails and wikileaks hands-down. hillary clinton is the luckiest candidate in a long time with a huge assist from the media and from trump's self-inflicted wounds. she is winning. stuart: i have calmed down. more on my take in a moment but look at the market, you like it, what happens if there is a democrat clean sweep?
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the white house and congress, what will that mean for your money? look who is here, lenore hawkins who manages the money of wealthy people. if that is a possibility, a clean sweep, hillary clinton with the white house and democrats in the senate and the house is that bad news for investors and the market? >> it will be tough on those investors that are hiring governors because she wants to increase the capital gains tax on hiring governors. it is going to be tough for people who want to get a mortgage or small businesses because she said she wants to increase the red tape come all about more rules and regulations, what's to make dodd-frank stronger, more difficult for banks to lend to the average joe because more federal control deciding what you need to look like to get that mortgage or small business loan. stuart: i am saying that is worst-case but for investors a clean sweep. what about the other side of the
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coin? to some investors this is the best case, hillary wins the white house but republicans keep the senate and keep the house, a stalemate balance. i am told that is what a lot of investors ones, good for the market, what say you? >> for now that is the best we can hope for, that you don't get a whole lot done though we definitely need to fix a bunch of things, what will be good in the left and the right talking about a lot of infrastructure spending, caterpillar and any of the industrials, if you have a hillary where you have the house and senate and gun control, gun manufacturers will skyrocket in the short-term as people go to get the guns they would think they will never be able to get. stuart: what happens if trump wins the white house and
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republicans keep the senate and house? what happens to the market? >> people will be very nervous because they don't know what to expect and the market hates uncertainty so everybody pulls back a bit. stuart: fair point, thanks for joining us. breaking news, more bad news for obamacare. a report that more than 1 million people will lose their plans. liz: anywhere from $1.4 million and another estimate, to million could lose their plans in obamacare. stuart: the plan they got now, could go to another plan without coverage. liz: you see premiums up 24% across the exchanges, minnesota 50% higher. if you lose your plan and don't get another when you have to pay the mandate. stuart: i think i got that. bad news for obama. look who is here. put him on blues not me. it is my show. that man right there, juan williams, host of the successful
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the five, welcome back. i say hillary clinton is not winning this election is a great candidate, she is winning because donald trump is making the most elementary mistakes possible and the residual effect of obama are not being discussed. if they were she would lose. >> let me say i agree she is the luckiest candidate ever because i don't think she's a very good candidate but she has the advantage on two france. one of which i will disagree with you on, the media. you say the media has been pushing hillary clinton. i think the media has been a great boost to donald trump. he has gotten tremendous free media so much that he doesn't even by add time. a lot of your friend in the media will tell you papers and television stations are suffering for lack of advertising spending in this campaign. stuart: a nice attempt at turning the whole thing around. we know from the leaks the media
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is in collusion and working with the clinton -- to destroy donald trump. >> i have yet to see evidence of collusion. i read this very carefully. evidence as i see it was new york times reporter asked permission to use a quote and the quote was given in an off the record interview with mrs. clinton. this is normal journalism that to some people is collusion. the very same rule in the world you come from, very thin and not collusion. we what are you getting ethical on me now? >> you are right that she is lucky because guess what? it had been jeb bush or john kasich or even marco rubio or ted cruz i think they would be way ahead. stuart: i have taken issue with donald trump on the campaign trail yesterday, spending half an hour attacking his female accusers and calling them liars. that is the worst possible thing
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any candidate can do, democrat or republican, don't do that and i think we are in agreement. >> we are. even a little depressed about this campaign, so tawdry and so local. the issues you mentioned i happen to disagree with you on some of them but they are not being discussed. no argument between republican, democrat, liberal, conservative over issues and how we solve them in the country. your previous interview with the woman who represents the wealthy i was shocked to hear her say if nothing gets done we are happy. lots of americans think this government is dysfunctional. stuart: from investment point. wall street in action. wall street would love tax cuts and deregulation. wall street would love that but they don't think they are going to get it. they think they will get hillary clinton in the white house and democrats, republicans running the senate and the house. to wall street that is the best
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way things could turn out. >> if you are talking about the nation and have america at heart, we want these people to talk to each other, we are tired of the mitch mcconnell senate led obstruction of obama and views hillary is a third term of obama. stuart: we want people like you and i on opposite sides of the political fence to get to grips with the issue of how do we get to prosperity, let's talk, let's debate, can we forget sex, lies and videotape, that will dominate through to election day. >> it is working politically but it is lowball, low rate at not in keeping with the best interest of the nation but i must remember a day when you were a trump fan. >> i am a trump fan. stuart: i did not say stupid. >> what did you say? >> have i know privacy? i am a trump supporter because i
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believe he has the plan which will grow america's economy and distort prosperity. that is my principal reason for supporting donald trump. that is the deal. growth and prosperity. >> i thought you cared about debt and deficit and his plan according to every assessment will drive us further down at all. stuart: not according to every assessment. >> relies on tremendous growth. stuart: you are following closely to mark zandi. >> he is a good democrat, crazy liberal. >> not crazy. >> not a liberal, not a democrat. >> he is a democrat who has given money to hillary clinton, acknowledged as a democrat and he is wrong. >> i think he worked for republicans. stuart: what do you know? >> you said his handling of this woman stuff is stupid. the one yes it is, you are quite right, i did say that. it is a stupid way to handle
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this issue. juan williams. >> pleasure to be with you. always a way to get my blood pumping for the weekend. stuart: see you soon. back to you. now this, senator elizabeth warren once president obama to fire mary jo white, chair of the fcc. >> democrats don't like the corporate donations coming into political campaigns meaning the citizens united 2010 supreme court case. what they are doing now is trying to get the fcc to get companies to disclose the money they give to political campaigns. mary jo white is saying that does not affect the earnings and work we do and now senator elizabeth warren is calling on the obama administration to remove mary jo white as chairman of the fcc, publicly fighting and hearings, elizabeth warren says to mary jo white i'm
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disappointed in you, mary jo white rejoinder it i am sorry you are disappointed. it is an interesting public fight going on. stuart: thanks, take a look at the market, a scope of the broader markets, mostly up, 27 of the dow 30 in the green. they are up and the dow is up 105 points this friday morning. there is a divide among republicans and then some, donald trump versus the world. we will pose the question is he dragging down the gop? up next the star of the tv show bar rescue, i ask him with trump's campaign in crisis, offer advice to savings. >> these claims are all fabricated, they are pure fiction and outright lies. these events never ever
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happened, and the people that said them fully understand. take a look at these people, you study these people and you will understand also. our special today is the seared ahi tuna. don't you hate that? when they don't tell you how much something costs and you have to ask? maybe that's why i always make sure to... ... "bring up the costs associated with your services." i know. transparency about costs. just one way edward jones makes sense of investing. at bp, we empower anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right, so everyone comes home safely. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better.
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>> they will attack you. they will slander you. they will seek to destroy your career and your family. they will seek to destroy everything about you including your reputation. they will lie, lie, lie, and then again they will do worse than that. they will do whatever is necessary. the clintons are criminals, remember that, they are criminals. stuart: a little bit of what donald trump has to say, obviously on the attack. at one point in his presentation he accused the women who are accusing him of being sexually
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aggressive, flat out these are vicious claims about me that are absolutely false, called those women liars. john tapper is the host of a highly successful show that never goes away, bar rescue. welcome to the program, good to see you. we have donald trump down 19 points with women, now he is calling his female accusers liars, flat outliers, i think his campaign is in crisis. you manage small businesses that are in crisis, what is your advice to donald trump? >> you got to pull him in, not push him away. america is looking at him, looking for reconciliation, looking to pull people in. the glasses are empty on both sides and people have to look at these candidates and put emotions aside and say who is best for me? we talk about the stock market,
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how about the local market? who will reduce taxes on small businesses and reignite america from the inside out? who is going to raise those taxes? who is going to reduce the burden of obamacare on employees and employers, or who will increase it? we need to get to the grassroots. i am on tv, on the road 40 weeks a year, cameras run 12 hours a day. we can around onset and tease each other and have some fun. we don't want every moment we are on camera to be revealed but at the end of the day, what will these candidates do for us? integrity has a lot to do with that. stuart: he has 25 days left. he is in a hole with women voters at the moment. if he did what you suggest, bring it back to ordinary every day people even if he did that, has he acted too late? >> who can beat up who more? who is left standing?
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it is almost like a boxing match, unless somebody gives us a reason to vote for them rather than not to vote for the other side. stuart: you are in favor of trump because of his deregulation and taxcutting plan, you still stand there, i take it. >> i believe in small america, small business and to me the best candidate to address those issues and reignite america from the inside out is not necessarily trump but trump policies, that is what i favor. stuart: sorry i am so short of time but we enjoy having you on the show, thank you. joe biden in defense of bill clinton says bill paid the price for his past. his past should no longer matter.
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listen to this. >> i can't make an excuse for bill clinton's conduct. i don't attempt to make excuses but he paid the price for it. he was impeached, he was -- expressed his deep sorrow and acknowledged what he did. stuart: what do you say? liz: he wasn't impeached for his sexual misconduct. he was impeached by the house for perjury and obstruction of justice over the monica lewinsky affair and paula jones lawsuit. the vice president tried to trick it saying he paid the price, that is not what happened and a mystery to history. that is coming because donald trump is saying he will go full bore on the clinton campaign if they do to him again what he is alleging they are feeding the media with false stories of women being assaulted by donald trump. there is no evidence the
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campaign has done that at all. stuart: it would be nice to move away from the whole thing, wouldn't it? we are back up a little more on the dow industrials, up 100 moment ago, we are climbing a little bit, 28, the dow 30, up, developing story from washington, more leaked clinton emails, one that suggests a tied to president obama and hillary's email scandal, we will be back. a combination of see products.. and customers. every on-time arrival is backed by thousands of od employees, ...who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. because od employees treat customer service... our most important delivery. od. helping the world keep promises.
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stuart: the news is coming thick and fast, another email he, what appeared to be talking points of any clinton aides were asked about deleted emails. who wrote this? liz: cheryl mills, clinton campaign worker, the subject line read off the record, if we i pressed on whether hillary's campaign admitting the possibility she did delete the emails, we did delete emails in the their emails she sent to sidney blumenthal could have had top secret classified information, sidney blumenthal is not working for the government it also the talking point memo we are seeing now, they are not even formatted as
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email, we don't know what these emails are, there is nothing remotely interesting in these emails. stuart: that man sidney blumenthal is a political hack and they were sending classified information to him while he was doing business in libya. donald trump was lewd with women several years ago. liz: these emails were deleted and the other talking point defense if pressed on why these emails were deleted she could say sidney blumenthal was not a government employee so there was no obligation to preserve her emails to him and that is why they destroyed him. of the one check the big board, get me out of this, dow industrials up 113 points, nice gain above 18.2, there is another revealing wikileaks clinton email that may tie president obama to her email scandal. live report from dc in a moment and john stossel, libertarian
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guy and gary johnson, libertarian candidate. i will ask john stossel why vote for a pot head if he can't remember anything? >> government is too big, spend too much money. >> only one presidential candidate gets that and he can't a break from the media. they cover his mistakes but ignore his arguments. >> the underlying policy has thousands of people dying and that is unacceptable. john: ignore his good ideas. >> parents get a choice. john: the media talk about hillary and donald's health but never gary's. >> i climbed the highest mountain on each of the 7 continents. john: immediate raise trump's business record but ignored gary's. >> started a 1-man handyman business and grew that to employ 1000 people.
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stuart: oh, we were up 160 points. where are we now? we're up a mere 81. we're still up 18,181. emac with us. story in the "wall street journal." those economists say, i got it wrong, 60% of economists surveyed said there will be a recession within the next four years. what are they saying will tip us
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into recession? liz: geopolitical crisis. financial panic. loss of consumer confidence or maybe a fed rate hike. so those are pretty -- that could happen. recoveries don't die of old age. something happens to tip into it recession. imf never called a recession. it could be staring them in the face right here and they don't see it. that is what they said. stuart: i think they're on pretty solid ground though. after seven years, eight years of a tepid recovery, is it pretty fair bet that within the next four years, there will be some kind of a downturn. >> 1% growth here in the united states. negative interest rates, yeah. stuart: not exactly out on a limb be. shock, shock. liz: profiles in courage. stuart: you have been on it today. it must be friday. liz: friday. stuart: donald trump is pushing back. he is threatening a lawsuit against "the new york times" and he says, here's the big point, he says his accusers, the women
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accusing him are liars. watch this. >> these claims are all fabricated. they're pure fiction and they're outright lies. these events never, ever, happened, and the people that said them meekly fully understand, you take a look at these people. you study these people. and you will understand also. stuart: all right. joining us now is the one of the senior advisors to the trump campaign, aj delgado. aj i have to say something. i have to get off my chest. that is about the worst possible thing donald trump should be doing at this moment, calling his female accusers liars. i think that is a rotten strategy. what say you? >> is it a rotten strategy though, if that is his position, stuart? how would you feel if somebody, 30 something years later were to suddenly, stuart varney, i sat
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next to him on a plane and he groped me in horrific manner? doesn't mr. trump have a right and obligation even to fight back against these unsubstantiated, uncooperated stories? i think he has an obligation to do so for women. as somebody who has experienced sexual assault, i tell you as woman, i do not want it triphylloused this way. i'm after applaud be mr. trump. with female relatives i don't want to live in country you can ruin somebody's life saying that person sexually assaulted him. i applaud him and thank him for it. stuart: couldn't i have done it a different way? i have proof that is not accurate. i will show you the proof at appropriate time. meanwhile, let's get on with this election and talk about why i am the best guy for the presidency? he didn't do that. >> that essential isly what he said. he has not attacked these women personally in any way. stuart: he did. he did.
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>> what was the remark, stuart? stuart: he was critical of the way they look. >> no, he was not stuart. look at the situation. stuart: i want to see it. have we got the sound bite? >> please play it, yes. stuart: we're looking for it. we'll get it. >> stuart if i say, let's take a reading into trump's benign am i remark that he was commenting on the woman's physical appearance. that is bizarre. stuart: benign remarks. >> i was there. stuart: vicious claims about me are totally and absolute absolutely false. >> they are. do you want to run the clip? stuart: i'm looking for it. >> okay. stuart: he is 19 points down with women in the latest poll. you think you get women back by doing that, calling these people liars? do you?
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>> i don't think hillary clinton is doing herself any favors by trying to pivot, she is trying to pivot away from policy and wikileaks doing this she sin sulting women. stuart: we got it. roll it. >> okay. >> take a look. you take a look, look at her, look at her words, you tell me, what you think. i don't think so. i don't think so. stuart: okay. roll it again please. let's be clear exactly the insult he delivered to the look of the woman who are accusing him. roll it again. >> take a look. you take a look, look at her, look at her words, you tell me what you think. i don't think so. i don't think so. stuart: he caught himself, take a look, look at her words, he realized what he said. he realized he just demeaned look of a woman who is accusing him of groping her, him. >> absolutely not. stuart. i have said the phrase take a close look, take a close look at hillary clinton at no way i'm referring to her looks.
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i was personally with mr. trump yesterday right before the speech. we discussed this matter. at no time even in private did he mention this woman or any of these women's looks. so i guarranty, and i can say with complete certainty his comment, having been with him prior to his making those comments was in not in any way referencing her looks. a shame that people are reading that into it. i'm very sorry to see that. complete first interpretation. stuart: aj, you have spirited defense of donald trump. we appreciate that. >> he is easy to defend. thank you. stuart: we appreciate it. thanks, aj. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: more breaking news on those wikileak emails. ed henry joining us from washington. have i got this right? a development may tie president obama to the email scandal. what have you got? reporter: absolutely. remember the background here amid all troubles for hillary clinton on emails, one revelation after another, president obama said several months ago he infrequently emailed hillary clinton and was
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not even aware she had a private server. new information from wikileaks suggesting there is more there. an email between john podesta and cheryl mills, remember he is the clinton campaign chairman, very close to both clintons and cheryl mills, also close to both clintons and chief of staff at the state department, now advising hillary clinton in the campaign in very senior way, at center of fbi email investigation as well. this is very critical, march 4th, 2015, when you come back to the timeline in a minute, on march 4th, 2015, john podesta writes to cheryl mills, quote, think we should hold emails to and from potus as in president of the united states? that is the heart of his executive privilege. we could get them to ask for that. they may not care. presumably the republican on hill like trey gowdy seems like they will. what is interesting about that, when you look at timeline, said that email about do we hold back hillary clinton's emails with they were, between her and
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president obama or not, on march 4, 2015. day before that, march think trey gowdy issued subpoena for them to preserve all of hillary clinton emails. fast forward a couple weeks later, march 20th, 2015, trey gowdy demands she turn over private server. fast forward another week or so, remember what the fbi told us in the final report of their investigation, the end of that month, march of 2015, the i.t. folks out in colorado overseeing the server used bleachbit to delete thousands of emails. so this is adding a lot of interesting details about that timetable. back then, they turned over all work-related emails. here they are behind closed doors. should we hold back any of emails, anything between the president and secretary of state. that is work-related. stuart: glad we have ed henry to follow details and timeline. we need you. reporter: good to see you. stuart: see you again soon. get right to john stossel the libertarian guy.
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the host of "stossel." yeah, you're on now. you have 30 seconds right now. john, you are all-in for gary johnson. >> all-in. he could still win. stuart: and tonight, your show, you will take on his critics. so you are going to debate gary johnson's critics, right? >> let them, the left and right say what is wrong with libertarians. stuart: okay. here is my question. how can you vote for a guy -- >> your criticism. stuart: my question. how can you vote for a guy who has been smoking weed all of his life and now can not remember anything about aleppo and can not name a single world leader that he likes? >> that is so unfair. he couldn't come up with aleppo because mike barnicle was ask him about american politics, suddenly said, what will you do about aleppo. he got confused. he knows what aleppo is. when i ask you who is your favorite foreign leader, you
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picketer risa may who wants to regulate how much businesses pay executives. not easy to come up with one that you admire. winston churchill drank a lot and alcohol kills many more brain cells. stuart: if you talk about the world's great people, find out what they really did they wouldn't be great as a matter of fact. what about this, voting for gary johnson, wasting my vote. >> you're wasting your vote votes for hillary cover your life like a spider web. stuart: she might win. that is not wasted vote. >> look at election betting on. she is going to win. 83-14%. most states your vote doesn't matter. a vote forever the libertarians next time, means they're eligible for government fund which they shouldn't take.
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and -- stuart: that is the best part of all. >> establishes idea these two crooked parties don't control us. we ought to have other choices. stuart: vote for him, vote for libertarian on grounds next time around they get government money. we all government money. >> you're spinning that differently. stuart: yes, i am. what time's the show? >> all kinds of good things next time. 9:00 is my show. stuart: on which network? >> on the fox business network, that is this one. stuart: i shall watch to use correct grammar. john, thanks very much. we appreciate it. >> thank you. stuart: check the dow industrials. we've come back down a bit. we were up 160. now we're up 84. more "varney" after this. ♪ across new york state, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica, creative business incentives, infrastructure investment, university partnerships, and the lowest taxes in decades are creating a stronger economy
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>> nicole petallides, with your fox business brief. had been up over 160 points. if the dow closes up over 142 points. we would be up for the week. and we would be up for the five last trading weeks. seen technology, materials, financials, watching financials. strong earnings beat from some. financials. take a look, for example, for citigroup, third quarter profits dow winners, apple, mcdonald's, verizon, this is for the week. apple now is winner, benefiting from samsung. mcdonald's restructuring also
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verizon. may redo the deal yahoo! jpmorgan sees softners -- softness for department stores. they are to the downside. more "varney & company" coming up.
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you shop online for the best deals on electronics, travel, even shoes. so why not loans? visit today and get up to five free loan offers from competing lenders in under two minutes. then pick the best deal on mortgage loans, auto loans, personal loans, and a whole lot more. if you choose a loan, the lender pays us. that's how lendingtree® is completely free for you. and it's so easy you can do it right from your phone, right now. lendingtree®. when banks compete, you win. stuart: all the revelations truly rocking trump campaign. is trump bringing down the entire republican ticket.
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jason riley has some pretty strong feelings about that. columnist at "wall street journal." jason, i think you believe that yes he is taking down the whole ticket? >> i think republican officials increasingly think he is damaged goods. their ideas that listen we have majorities in the house and senate. it looks like the top of the ticket is going down. let's focus on salvaging those majorities. stuart: is that what paul ryan trying to do? >> absolutely this is exercise of self-preservation. they have given up. stuart: do you think that is smart? >> i think it is smart thing to do. today you saw big gop donors pressure the republican national committee to stop throwing money at top of the tickket to focus on keeping congress. not only people like paul ryan now saying, very small chance that trump is going to win but rnc is worried about what happens after the election in terms of its big donors. stuart: you say that it's a race to the bottom. that is the way the race is
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turning out with all the scandal and sex, lies and videotape as they put it? >> trump will not be going after women and minorities and independents down the stretch. we know that from the way he is pushing back against these allegations. i think his goal here is to try to depress turnout for of clinton voters. that is going to be his goal. and he is going to put bill clinton on trial here. stuart: that is not going to work. that was 15, 20 years ago. >> he thinks it will work. he thinks running against bill clinton will help him. stuart: that is really unwise politically. >> i think it is unwise in part because registered democrats outnumber registered republicans. if he is doing to try to turn out his base, the problem there aren't enough people in his base. he has got to win over democratic voters. he has got to win over republican voters. and women are not only majority of the electorate, stuart. they are majority of undecided voters right now. these comments clearly will not help him.
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stuart: fox poll, he is 19 points down, with women voters. >> he keeps reiterating suspicions about his temperament, suspicions about his views of women, i don't see this is winning strategy. he think he can suppress hillary clinton voters, their turnout, by some way that squeak out a victory. stuart: 25 days to the actual election itself. he left it too late to turn this around? >> oh, i think yes, i think it is too late. it is a very, very deep hole. and i would not be surprised if we see the rnc decide to focus on the down ballot candidates. we saw this in 1996 with bob dole, looked in october he would not beat clinton, the rnc decided to focus on down ballot races. they did so with the cooperation of bob dole, back then, he said go ahead and do that, recognizing reality. i do not think trump would be gracious. that is real wildcard here.
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trump could say to his supporters. it is rigged. i want you guys to do not split ticket voting for. vote against rnc up and down the ballot. that is rnc worst nightmare, they have to be careful how they handle donald trump. stuart: you number crunch state and house races. i know you do that, at the moment what i'm hearing is that trump loses the white house, hillary wins the white house republican hold on to the senate and the house. is that what your number crunching shows? >> house i think could hold on to. albeit with smaller majority than they currently have. the senate i'm not so sure. in some races it looks like, they will do okay. rubio and portman, rubio in florida, portman in ohio, looking better shape than people like johnson in wisconsin. ayote has got a tough race. it really, really, it will be a lot closer in the senate but i
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do think that republican majority in the house is probably safe. stuart: i have been showing a lot of exasperation on the show this morning, and i think you join me in that, do you not? >> oh, yes. exasperating campaign. stuart: jason riley, great stuff. thanks for joining us. appreciate it. next, more, another failure within obamacare. this time it is illinois. whatever happened, we're going to play it again whatever happened to affordable? >> we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it. >> if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. if you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. period. >> affordable. affordable. there is a reason. affordable. affordable. affordable. affordable. affordable. >> if you like the plan you have you can keep it. if you like the doctor, have,
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you can deep the doctor too. [applause] [bleep] you can run an errand. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy.
11:52 am
(announcer vo) you can go straight home. (howard stern on radio) welcome to show business. (announcer vo) or you can hear the rest of howard. bababooey! (announcer vo) sorry, confused neighbors, howard's on. siriusxm. road happy.
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stuart: there is a cascade of problems for obamacare. latest in illinois. our own jeff flock in illinois.
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he has details of this new problem. what is the problem in illinois, tell us? reporter: 75% of the counties in illinois, stuart have one or two possibilities of insurers. in 70 counties there is only one for obamacare. that would be blue cross. so many insurers pulled out of obamacare in this state. a lot of people are getting notices learning they are not available, what they have is not available. you can't keep what you have, your doctor or your plan. in another circumstance, perhaps this would have impact in the election since this is all the happening right now. however, given what illinois is, i suspect it is pretty solid blue state one way or the other. stuart: almost a solidly blue as california but not quite. that is illinois. despite obamacare. jeff flock, thanks for joining us. appreciate it. i'm going to stay on obamacare, liz, we got what, more than a million people are going to lose their plan?
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pushed off it? liz: because insurers are leaving, they will lose their plan. one estimate has it could be high as 2 1/2 million people will lose their current plans as insurers leave the exchanges. stuart: so they're not losing health care coverage, they have got to move to another plan? stuart: they're off the plan they might like, but the president says they stay with it, now you can't. you will have to leave? liz: in minnesota premiums going up by half on average in the exchanges, up 25%. only 11 million people will be in the exchange. stuart: that's it? >> they are projecting 20 million. nine went to medicate. stuart: last story for you in the particular block, the irs. we have a report that says they wasted $12 million, on? liz: email system that doesn't work. remember the lois lerner email system. stuart: oh, no? liz: remember emails deleted, targeting conservative -- they are saying, they found that the present system, they can't archive email.
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we need the new email system, they didn't test drive new email system. it doesn't work in their system. so they blew $12 million of taxpayer money trying to upgrade the email civil. stuart: thank heavens we don't get all the government we pay for. with that, more "varney" after this.
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stuart: watch this. what you're looking at, that is a cage, goes under water, in gulf of mexico. there is a diver in the cage, fish guts, all over him, chum to attract sharks on outside of the cage, the problem the shark gets on inside of the cage, with the diver is already in there, as you can see, i guess you could say there is happy ending because the shark gets out. the diver is still in. the diver is okay.
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he will go back to it, the diver, make as living out of it, going back next year. liz: that's right. neil: fine young man if ever i saw one. my time is up. another fine man, neil cavuto. what is with the suit? it is yours? neil: i would think that would be metaphor in washington to segue off your fine show. that is fine if you criticize my suit, you notice my heart acting up? stuart: used to call it drafts in england. what do you call it in america, checkers? you have little markers and go on little squares. so your suit could be a checker board i guess? neil: very hurtful, stuart. extremely hurtful. stuart: good. neil: how is your animal selection going. you probably have the cheapest threads of anywhere you pick it out? stuart: that is correct. neil: but i admire that deeply. we'll have more on that shark, s


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