tv Kennedy FOX Business October 17, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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>> there should be pride taking. but that was a night where we actually did what we were supposed to do. lou: thanks so many. we are live from las vegas tomorrow. monica crowley, juan williams, good night from new york. kennedy: is this whole elect rigged? but not the way donald trump thick it is. it's actually much worse. new evidence of quid pro quo between hillary clinton's state department and the f.b.i. the party panel plays name that scandal. it's game show day on "kennedy" and nobody will be spared. the system is rigged. that's what we have been hearing from donald trump for weeks. but he's not the only stump
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monkey worried the whole thing is tainted. from trump to warren to bernie, they use more riggings and oil takers or mountain climbers. but don't take my word for it. >> the rich and powerful rig the game. now they want the game to stay rigged. >> the process is rigged. this whole election is being rigged. >> a political system that has been rigged by wall street to benefit the wealthiest americans in this country at the expense of everyone else. kennedy: poor bern, before he sold out he was railroaded out of the race by a corrupt crony capitalist democratic party. trump's political reality hinges
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upon hordes of dead people voting twice and thrice. but that's not the biggest threat to democracy. donald may be right when he talks about the media being so dead set against him. but it was his primary addiction to free attention that set up this trump slump. he did not foresee. the onslaught against him is real and unapologetic. he may have been thrifty with ad bide, but that may end up costing him election. the presidential election debates kept the slugfests exclusive to a two-party system. they bullied the proceedings
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away from the league of women voters in 1988 to make sure the likes of ross perot and gary johnson never have the opportunity setting the scale at 15%. they have rigged the system. you get fewer choices and thus we all lose. here is an up and coming businessman deriding the exclusion of third-party candidates in 2000. >> it's disgraceful. it's amazing they can get away with it. the democrats and republicans chose the -- you have three members of each and they chose. you look at your lobbyists and everyone else, they are all republicans and democrats. kennedy: maybe jill stein is right and you should up vest your vote in a third-party candidate to send your message we are taking the system back
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and it's time to change if the are going to stay or go for good. it's good to have you here. i'm kennedy. donald trump warning that the election is rigged from stuffed ballots to a media that's out to get him. is this a temper tantrum or real. pete hegseth. joe difficult vito is also -- joe devito is also here. donald trump talks about a rigged system. i think the system is rigged in certain ways. is he right or is he being a dangerous alarmist? >> he's being a dangerous alarmist because he said at the polls. it's not rigged at the polls.
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senator al franken was the beneficiary in 2008. the media helped choose him as the republican nominee. republicans voted for him but we always hear how intellectual the media is. and they gave him extraordinary amount -- >> we also have examples from wikileaks, not to mention b rhodes with the iran nuclear deal. >> i think you are right, trump didn't realize they were going to turn on him, which makes him the only person in america who didn't realize they would turn on him. kennedy: there was a critical moment where a lot of people who were pro trump said now is the time, you have to start raising money now. they were saying it in the late
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spring so you can make the commercials. did not foresee that they were going to turn against him? it's a surprise to no one. >> i'm starting to think donald trump makes rash decisions. i'm going to go out on a limb and say that. he may not listen to people around him. i think his only path to victory is the next couple weeks we have to discover two states we haven't heard of. we have room for one in texas and one in alaska. we have to make up some more electoral college votes. of course, the system is rigged. i think he's right, the interesting thing with trump is he raises a lot of good questions. he says a lot of things proven not incorrect. when you look at the answer, it isn't donald trump. he's not the one to help us out with any of this. he's right the system is rigged.
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i remember back in 2000 with a disputed election where they said we want to do things by the book. >> what i'm seeing is people are so worried that donald trump is not going to concede the election. on both side. it's kind of annoying. >> people approach me and say have you heard they are mobilizing the national guard and barack obama is going to run for a third term? the reality is the system -- it's not the electoral process he's pointing to. he's pointing to allegations and videos he apologized for and owned up to. then the wikileaks with tons of corruption on the part of the children tons. the true perception of the rigging of the media has been exposed fully for what it is. you watch any other channel, it's a competition to see who
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can have the longest preface how terrible donald trump is warm front they ask a question. >> it was the opposite during the primaries. they would say now we have marco rubio want to talk about taxes and isis and he would be up at the microphone and about to speak and they would cut away and say there is an empty microphone at the trump rally and he will be here in three hours. if he doesn't concede he won't be president. but that matters in how people who voted for him perceive the american system. >> i think people who voted for him feel the system doesn't benefit him. if you have a guy who walks away flying his middle finger, i don't think they will be disappointed. let's talk about the third and final debate. two day away.
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donald trump may be down in just a few of the polls. will he go in for the kill or will hillary set more traps and let donald take the debate? he could go for a full scorched earth evening where he doesn't want to leave anything standing. he wants to destroy her reputation, man the process if he tanks at the end of his campaign maybe he doesn't care. >> that's the closest he can come to a plan. anyone whose thinking new allegations coming out. people are dug in. i don't know how we could have an undecided voter at this point. >> it's a larger percentage than people realize. >> i think there are a lot of people who who are scared away from voting for trump. i have had people say i voted for trump, just don't tell my wife. they are truly undecided.
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they may tboin that booth and say i have to vote for hillary. they want to vote for you trump. if he can make that connection -- kennedy: i think he has to make a rational pitch to those undecided people and independents who make up the biggest block of voters. >> he's got such a great rational pitch to make, he just has to make it. kennedy: sometimes his best case is made by others. he needs to concentrate that energy if he wants to make a clear and lasting argument. >> not being hillary clinton is a clear argument. kennedy: don't this fbn's coverage of the third and final presidential debate.
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followed by lou dobbs at 7:00. then i will be there at 8:00 p.m. with neil cavuto. he will preview the debate and have post debate analysis. i'll be in the scrum with my elbows swinging. the big jest election question for lirtarians and third party supporters. should you vote for the little guy or pick between donald and hillary? ways your moral obligation? the party panel returns.
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kennedy: in a tight race third-party candidates could be spoilers. john oliver is coming after jill stein and gary johnson. >> the more you look at gary johnson and jill stein, the more you realize the lack of coverage they complain about may have benefited them. because their key proposals crumble under the slightest scrutiny. i like the idea of a third-party candidate. but it's hard to make the case that that's what's happening here. >> is this the year to vote third party? the party panel is back.
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pete hegseth, joe devito and pete hegseth. this man sounds like he has your accent and therefore i blame you. i think this is partisanship and pseudointellectualism. >> i think that's part of it. it depends on the year in this year it's probably good there are third-party options. i think in years when there are credible candidates it can be in the interests of a green party candidate. the person they are lining up behind is not shockingly bad. but this year thank god there are other options. >> i think his scrutiny is abstraction. if you look at deficits stein and johnson offer, they are still better than what clinton and trump have.
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' just get them until there. it provides contrast. kennedy: i would vote for muler from the fifth element. pete hegseth. >> i say bite bullet big time. in a world of imperfect choices -- you are not going to send a message to the system with jill stein and gary johnson. you better have personalities, know who this person is. they will be the leader of the movement themselves. he could have gotten 15%, 25 and made the wallal key issue. instead you have got two also-rans who are uninteresting and not able to articulate their positions so you are siphoning some of, if you are
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conservative, republican or libertarian, a vote potentially from trump to hillary clinton. kennedy: john oliver saying i wish there were a perfect third party candidate. gary johnson and jill stein, they are leading. and the people -- >> it's either irrelevant. >> after the election it might be important. if donald trump loses it will be important for republicans to know why. if gary johnson gets a significant portion of the vote they will know, or they will be closer to knowing. siphoning votes away from hillary clinton is important because i don't want her to think the election is a mandate for her. >> they are not coalitions. they are party mandates and it's just a way for the establishment wing of each party to hunker back down and control the masses that are part of their group font way you get real gridlock
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is in stein or johnson are elected. nothing is getting through. thanks. we have so much more coming through including a test of the candidates' knowledge of candidate she northern gans. first did the state department tree clsify hillary clinton's email toes save her from a roasting? judge napolitano joins me to talk about a possible quid pro quo. whether it's connecting one of the world's most innovative campuses. or bringing wifi to 65,000 fans. businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. when you're close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment?
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♪ alleges -- the note alleges that the state department under patrick kennedy advised the change email codes to avoid scrutiny judge, what went on there? >> we have an f.b.i. 302, which is the name of a piece of paper on which f.b.i. agents record their interviews. >> we heard that phrase a lot >> it's mow men clayture applied to the document on which they take their notes. one f.b.i. agent interviewed another. one being interviewed said i received complun dpraition patrick kennedy, the under secretary of state asking if i could see my way to change knowledge the classified markings. those have confidential, secret or top secret.
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but we won't get into that. sometimes candidly, the line between them is a little fuzzy and sometimes they are changed so other people who need to know can read them and view them. but i never heard of them being chaifngd they have been seen ad and when they are evidence in a criminal probe. such a change could constitute tampering with evidence, obstruction of justice. the offer was not made to the f.b.i. agent. we could find more spots overseas which the f.b.i. likes because they like to spread their influence. they like it because these are cushy assignments. so the question is, why wants somebody charged with this? why wasn't patrick kennedy changed? either the f.b.i. agent to which this offer was made or his bosses when they saw this 302
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decide they didn't want to charge patrick kennedy or nobody is going to be charged with anything in the entire investigation hillary clinton no matter what they find. your viewers can decide which it is. they can read this email itself. the f.b.i. white out the names of the f.b.i. agents involved by the has not whited out patrick kennedy's name. this happened under john kerry's watch. this did not happen when hillary clinton was secretary of state. kennedy: what does that tell you? >> it tells me he might have been doing mrs. clintons bidding after she left or john kerry is not properly managing the under secretaries. kennedy: the f.b.i. says this happened before we entered the formal clinton investigation >> we don't know exactly when they entered the formal clinton investigation. but we not was never a serious investigation at all.
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how do we know about the 302? this didn't come out of wikileaks. this is unhappy f.b.i. agents in the field who investigated mrs. clinton. leaking materials to undermine that decision. >> that's exactly what you said was going to happen. you said there would be so many disarray of the f.b.i. the agents would be so disenchanted they would find a way of getting that information out there and it's exactly what we are seeing. thank you, judge. coming up, how bad are allegations of unwanted sexual advances hurting donald trump. we are going to take a look at brand-new polls. chris stirewalt joins me to break the numbers down. ings abo. all the networks are great now. we're talking within a 1% difference in reliability of each other. and, sprint saves you 50% on most current national carrier rates. save money on your phone bill, invest it in your small business.
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leaninged trump audio and trump's touching of a miss universe winner is hurting him at the polls. especially with female voters. oh, ladies. according to the latest abc-"washington post" poll hillary clinton only up by 4% in a four-way race. but in the new monmouth university poll which she wall papered her bathroom with, she is up by 12 points. that's a massive lead for hillary. of course, the real story is a battle for the crucial swing states. chris stirewalt in the flesh, in the pokey person. >> really, people think how did they fit me in that box. i am quite tall. kennedy: 5'11".
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of course nbc has her up by 4. abc by 11. monmouth by 12. is it easier to take a single poll from a single organization and look at the swing within that one poll in >> i want to tell you and america that individual polls are good for finding out about individual subgroups, there are stories to be told. if you want to know the state of the race you take anage of the polls. and we have 7 1/2, 8 points he's down. is it 12 points or 4 points. let's take the average. kennedy: was that average closer and has he been up in your halftime report average? >> he never led. he has been less than 2 points behind in an average of polls. that was after her spill that
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she took on 9/11 and she went through this -- she had bad weeks, then she lied about her health and she went to another low ebb and it went back to where the race was in may. when donald trump knocked ted cruz out in the beginning of may the race was close at 2 point. but since then it spiraled sort of out of control. >> what do you think happening in the swing states where it's close. trump is up by 4 points in ohio. nevada, she is up by points. what do you see happening with her ground game in some of battleground states. reporter: blue collar white
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voters have helped him. can hillary clinton make it up with her ground game? i make a fearless forecast right now. i'll get ohio and the nationallages in the end won't be that different. i'll bet either ohio is a harbinger of a surge trump or that ohio is going to fall into line with a national. kennedy: as goes ohio, so goes the nation. >> we can make a wager based just on one county. bet, bet, bet. kennedy: i'll see you at the roulette table wednesday night post debate.
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so i know i'm wearing it, but no one else will. always discreet for bladder leaks >> remember 4 million years ago when the election was about actual issues? there is a new report that paints a bleak picture of the state of the job front. according to the bureau of labor statistics, americans working multiple jobs to make ends meet. 7.8 million people working two or more jobs. brian greg berg is going to
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break it down for you. tell me how this works. is this awful news for the economy? >> it's not totally. we live in an economy where more and more people want multiple jobs. so that's not necessarily a problem. the problem is we still have million people stuck in part-time jobs who don't want to be in part-time jobs. >> what they are saying is leave me alone. don't call me an employee. you have got another set of workers stuck in part time jobs saying i need to get hired, i need to be retrained. we need growth.
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we need the economy to grow so companies will pay me to do that. they are look for lower regulation and a stronger economy. they haven't gotten that for years. worry is they are not going to get that in the years ahead. you are not talking about the needs of people and the ability to create their own environment so they can succeed. you talk about mismatched skills. they said we can't do it because there is a skill mismatch. how do you get people retrained? the answer is you employ them. businesses say we need workers
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and we are willing to put up the money to retrain people to we can do the job we need them to do. this has to be the conversation. unfortunately it keeps getting pushed aside. >> you have candidates who feel it is the role of government, government should be the one to retrain the workers and give them the skills. >> why would you think a government bureaucrat would know the skills training you would need? a connect company knows that. just create an environment where the business is growing. they say we need people. we are going to hire be who is smart and we'll train them. >> a lot of those people are coming out of high school who aren't right for college. but they have the everything in, the youth and desire. >> on the job training. but wage loss and overtime loss,
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that's exactly the wrong direction. kennedy: thanks so much, man. always good. get ready for name that scandal. it's where i turn my panelists. stay here. whether it's bringing cutting-edge wifi to 35,000 fans... or keeping a hotel's guests connected. businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink.
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won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won't have to worry about replacing your car because you'll get the full value back including depreciation. and if you have more than one liberty mutual policy,
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dinner. even halfway through the meal. mike pence, bill clinton and hillary clinton, they are all prominent players in this 2016 election. that's why they will be featured prom nanltly in today's game. i have got to give my party panel, and they will say who they think the culprit is behind it. let's meet the maps once again. it's 2/3 beard night. and this is how the game works. i'll name the scandal, they have to name the scoundrel. they have five choices to choose from. donald trump, mike pence, hillary clinton, tim kaine or bill clinton. is everybody ready to start? they have the visuals, i have got the cards. let's make lots of money. question number one, this person spent $55,000 of campaign money
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to purchase copies of their own books boosting its sales while also diverting donor money into their own pocket. who was this person in who do you think it was. >> two of you -- three you say hillary. the answer is of course donald trump. congratulations. no one is on the board. another amount sounded too small. question number two. while in office this person accepted more than $160,000 worth of gifts including $5,000 in clothes and a free trib to the caribbean. while not illegal the windfall seems to be an impropriety. name that scoundrel. all on the board with tim kaine. that one might have been too easy. we have a three-way tie.
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question number three. >> i'm going to answer tim kaine to anything. are you going to poll his lover? >> please, this is a family show. yes number 3. in 1990 this person used campaign funds to pay their personal credit card bills and groceries and golf tournament fees. while not illegal now, it is now. name that scandal. who was it? all three you say slick willly bubba when he not yet sprouted morals. it was mike pence. no one guessed that one. and equally brilliant. it is a man panel. one more for the man panel. question number four. this person turned $1,000 into
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$100,000 trading cat tell futures. they claimed they had a good investment advisor. many suspected tysons chickens was funneling bribes. who was this person. name him or her. everyone goes for -- everyone is on the board once again. a three-way tie. question number 5. it's tougher than you think. you are 2-4. this person has ties to billionaire sex offender jeffrey epstein who has been accused of keeping under and sex slaves on his private island. >> i would have given you an extra point if you would have held up donald trump as well. trump also could voterred with
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jeffrey epstein. everyone gets three on the board. now we have question number six. no trophy. this could be the big tie breaker. this person has been accused of inappropriately groping and touching a young woman in 1993. >> i hate to say this, i almost have to ask how young to narrow count person we are talking about. i'll go with donald. >> you were right if you had said donald trump and bill clinton. everyone is on the board. it's both. kathleen willy and jill hart. since we are tied we are going to a double tie breaker.
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this one is not one of the options. you can use your imaginations and paint with mental figurines. this former 90s cop culture icon was accused of murdering an mtv cast member before becoming a beloved fox personality. the answer is in fact stuart varney. kennedy: i did not murder steven steel, he moved to seattle. there is stuart varney for the window. scandals in history. our tie breaker question. all right. whoever gets this first wins. and his within your ear balls. this arkansas politician when caught drunk driving with his mistress fanny fox who jumped out of his car into a ditch to evade police.
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he handily won reelection but lost his committee chairmanship when he held a press conference drunk in the dressing room of a strip club. >> i want to meet him. whoever can name his person wins the game. wilbur mills. he wins the presidency of kennedynation. i want to thank you all for playing. joe, you can keep those. that is your party gift. pete, a three-way tie. so much man happy man handling. it's quite exciting. coming up. is that robot doing pushups or is hillary clinton collapsed again? there she is. 9/11 all over again. "topical storm" is next. please stay right here.
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kennedy: we are here to rescue you from the depression of your day. this is the "topical storm," topic number one. speak of mental health. election stress disorder, esd, a real psychological phenomenon that affects all genders, political parties and age groups as people are sad and crazed by their choices for president. what are you supposed to do, lock yourself in a rubber room until november 9. why to the drive a take over a car with dummies of our two party candidates strapped inside. it's not violence, it's stress relief. the company called drive a take. watch this. >> i'm a huge second amendment rights. >> i did not send classified
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materials and i did not receive classified material. >> there is a red car and blue car. i did not send the classified material. just hearing her shrill voice makes we want to run that take over the car again. tim kaine shake babies on the campaign trail when he was recognized as a main vice presidential nominee. he raised his profile. people used to think he was bill murray's brother. but now they know he might be the next number two. watch. i'm other one. i'm tim kaine. kennedy: i'm other one, and i'm with her because she lets me talk every once in a while.
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congratulations in advance. soon enough he will be your next president. topic number three. harmless don't happen to the best of us, and horrible irreversible damages happe the worst of us like this fella at a store in the u.k. wait for it. wait for it. wait for it. oh, no, there it is. you destroyed 5,000 pound worth of tvs. now the last time a television weighed $5,000 pound was in the 8 odds. when this sales domino apprentice found out how much money he would have to pay for the broken tvs, he had a relapse reaction.
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some people have just never learned. you are never going to be able to watch your vcr tapes of "matlock" with that temper. top up number 4, get ready to meet a creepy japanese robot. what's unique about kim is his bones are metal. tee signed "porous honeycomb layers. just like you do once a month, guys. as he overheats from these pushups and other activities, water releases as a coolant. he's a sweating robot. because that's necessary. yeah. a robot that reduces fluids. i love the future already. that robot doing pushups is impressive. but it made me think, can we
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design an even cooler robot? i sent my producer marty and had him procure a grant from the department ofense to construct his own marty bot6000. let's see it. that's the best money the d.o.d. spent in five years. great, marty. topic number five. halloween is nearly about us and that means weird people in awesome costumes will get freaky, like of what this is. oh, no. it's the dancing marshmallow man on a hoover board. -- on a hover board. all right. i guess it cha-cha.
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my producer marty who built his own halloween bot using a $6 million grant from the department of housing and urban development. let's see how well his robot dances. that's john oliver and one his british friend. apparently the halloween bot went crazy and attacked some people. sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make a robot omelette. then you sweet inside of it. thank you so as much for watching the show tonight. i loved every minute of your eyeballs and adoration. email tomorrow night on the show i have actor and comedian and
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libertarian hero nick opperman. and mike baker. only on this show. good night. >> it stands in the way. >> it's just her house in the middle of the block. >> she won't sell out. >> the 84-year-old seen here turned down $1 million payout. >> he's caught in the middle. >> i promised her that i wouldn't let them take her away. >> that's a really big promise. >> what's "up" with that? >> people from all over the country and even around the world have stopped by this house. >> they put balloons on the house, and that's how it became the "up" house. >> it is amazing. i can't believe that she held out. [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ] ♪
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