tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business October 17, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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>> there should be pride taking. but that was a night where we actually did what we were supposed to do. lou: thanks so many. we are live from las vegas tomorrow. mothththththththththththththan winning this battle, lou dobbs is next. >> hillary clinton and the state department that she once ran are in a stunning scandal. mrs. clinton faces allegations of collusion and corruption at state department, questions about the extent of corruption throughout the obama administration. newly released fbi records show that one of mrs. clinton's closist, trusted aides at state department, patrick kennedy, tried to intimidate and bribe the fbi. to downgrade the classification of clinton's
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e-mails on her private server. the alleged attempted bribe took place while former secretary clinton clinton's records under under subpoena. kennedy suggested he would allow fbi to place more agents in key posts overseas. we'll have a full report. >> also an investigation in north carolina. after a firebomb etax against the republican party's headquarters in orange county. >> graffiti spray painted warning republicans to quote, leave town or else. north carolina governor pat mccrory said that firebombing is a direct attack on democracy. called in state bureau of investigation. >> this is much more than an act of vandalism, that is why i called the fbi to ensure that we have an sbi agent involved with locale
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authorities, i think that initially it was not taken that seriously by some local authorities but it is now. lou: is now. donald trump also weighed in tweeting, animals representing hillary clinton, and dems in north carolina, just firebombed our office in orange county. because we are winning. trump tonight holding a rally in green bay, wisconsin. this hour. will be bring you to you when trump take the stage. among our guests tonight, ed rollins, michael goodwin, ktmcfarland, we will also talk up this country need for real leadership. talking with wilbur ross. >> our top story, republican lawmaker calls on state department to fire patrick kennedy. under secretary of state for management, he is the aide who tried to cover-up hillary clinton's e-mail scandal.
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by proposing a quid pro quo with the fbi. fox news chief intelligence contract catherine herridge with our report. >> fbi record make clear patrick kennedy, one of secretary clinton a trusted lieutenants wanted to do a deal with the fbi over the classification of e-mails. >> i think this is corruption it is manipulation, i think it against the lay it is goes to the intent. somebody should have been prosecuted for this. reporter: according to fbi interview, known at 30 2, kenley and a agent discussed a smalswap. in return bureau would getspotss overseas. >> at a follow-up meeting with
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intelligence agent reps, kennedy spent next 15 minutes debating the classification of the e-mail. >> it was not a simple mistake that hillary clinton said, it is a concerted effort by a number of people to manipulate what was given to congress, make sure it never saw the light of day, and support hillarhill. reporter: 4 americans, ambassador chris stevens, and shawn smith, and former navy seal ta ty woods and doherty were killed. to protect state interest. and those of clinton, is that in keeping with high standard of state department. >> we all of us, are going to make their case as best they can.
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it is interagency exchange. >> fbi agent, either got it wrong or lying in. >> as i understand, this was any really assersion that it was somehow tit-for-tat or quid for pro is interrupting. >> the calculation of never changes, even the discussion of a back room deal violates federal law. lou: thank you. clinton documents are on the fbi web site. we believe that this is a critically important story. it is important that you understand the story, and to help you in that and i tell thank you helped us, go to the fbi's own web site. documents at.
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read the pages for yourself, they are heavily redacted. it does take some effort. pages 25 to 29. we don't know who put these pages up. we don't know whether it was fbi director orders or against his orders or without the permission of the authority. or a someone at fbi learning an peurn important lesson from wikileaks, and publishing the truth. either way, we would be pleased. >> week -- wikileak preleasin releasing more e-mail. to be released. 15 thousand e-mails so far.
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there is more evidence pointing to national media collusion. this e-mail, hill columnist. writing to campaign chairman, in february of last year. clinton foundation should cut off foreign donations asap, it would be good for clintons to get in habit of cutting off down side risk of any kind. podesta responds, working on it. clinton aides, wrestling over whether campaign should reject donations from those lobbying on behalf of foreign governments to avoid appearance of impro priority.
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>> i'm okay, just taking the money and dealing with any attacks. communications director, had last words, she said -- take the money. amazing. >> also, wikileaks, victim of some sabotage, we're not sure about the motiving a. announcing that julian assange's internet link was severed by a state party, group now tweeting we can confirm. that ecuador has cut off assange's internet access. after publication of clinton's goldman sachs speeches. ecuadorian embassy in london is next to french embassy, a 10 minute ride to russian and american embassy. well situated.
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joining me now. great america strategist, ed rollins. columnist are in "new york post," michael goodwin. this story. etreconomies rah ordinary, trying to bribe the other. talk about corruption. they would have confidence to do such a thing. >> the way it was done. traffic reads is business as usual that is what they done see any objection to you know, you give us what we want, we'll give you what you want, they are monumental issues. you would think. i was struck this is another example of how flawed the fbi investigation into the clinton -- we have learned so much, through the documents, that have been turned over to congress, after comey made his statement of no prosecution,
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after he testified piv -- before congress, all that we've learned since that look like a series of crimes that were committed, and fbi, saw no evil. lou: you would think, secretary his knees would be shaking at thought of intimating he was putting forward a proposition to fbi. >> first of all, under secretary for management is a powerful position. he controls all personnel, all budgets all money, all embassies, everything that happens in the state department. he is responsible. this is not trading debt, in mere fact he wanted -- he also security of all of the embassies, the fact he wanted to take this one e-mail and change the classification, so he could bury it. somewhere in the basement. lou: the direct quote from the 302. interview of the fbi agents, you will find them again at vault do th -- vault . fbi .
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gov. >> to think that kennedy saying bury it in the basement . >> it was an incriminating document. my sense is that something to think of. he should have been responsible for the server, told her, she could not have that server. she should go through state department, idea that fbi wants to have agents somewhere in the world is an important element. and to say, i won't give it to you unless do you this, this is a very vital security issue, congress should nail him. lou: nothing flip about it too bad that now one had a something to bargain with when the ambassador and three other americans lives were lost in benghazi.
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they might have been -- if they could have traded for security, they would alive today. >> right. >> deeply appalling. >> issue lou that is buried in the basement. we don't know what is in that e-mail. it was so important that they were doing all they could to hide it. we don't -- it was never released that was because it was classified. it was not released. it must have been something, i think that is a another aspect. that is congress needs to find out, what was so important that it had to be hidden. >> it disgusting. >> on every level. and there is a blackout in the national liberal media against weeky leaks, and -- week wikileaks this has nothing to do with wikileaks but to do with a moment of truth on the part of the fbi. and reach out to that, that web page right now. because, so much awaits you there if you black this out
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there will be a special place in hell reserved for everyone. >> probably will not last long on the fbi web site. lou: extra ordinary, so much to talk about firebombing in north carolina. it will is troubling. >> you can't get lost that, two weeks to go to elect, this is a smoking gun. they have to find this thing. >> i think this is something that will not be resolve resolve before wednesday night, it will have to be part of the debate. >> every democrat in congress should want to know what happened with fbi. was not pushed up to director, why he did not take action, someone did not stop to behavior. in what is -- a totaly corrupt administration. >> whether department of justice, fbi state department, still run by former secretary. hillary clinton. >> thank you so much. >> thank you.
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>> we're coming right back there is a lot more straight ahead. stay with us. >> donald trump says this year's presidential election could be most corrupt in the nation's history. >> instead of being held accountable, hillary is running for president. in what looks like to many people a totally rigged election. lou: wilbur ross is joining me here next. >> and hillary takes i da a day off, and trump continues to out work her, his building momentum to win upcoming final presidential debate, we talk about what is the stake, and more ahead. stay with us, we'll be right
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lou: a night of news, donald trump is holding a rally in green bay, wisconsin. trump slamming paul ryan ahead of the rally. paul ryan, a man who does not know how to win. including failed run 4 years ago. we remember that one. must start focusing on budget, military, vets and et cetera. we have all got to come together and win this election, we cannot have 4
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more years of obama or worse. there is your nominee. joining me now. wilbur ross. one of world's leading private equity firms, and economic advisor to trump campaign. i have to say, that was restrained for donald. >> it was. the new kinder donald. lou: i call ryan worse on the air almost every night. >> you are not try ing to get his vote. lou: we're looking at this corruption that is obvious. where celwhere is congress and senate. why are they is on the saying this has got to stop now? you have 3 weeks. >> i don't understand why they
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have not brought any action against her, she vivise lated a subpoena. lou: do you think paul ryan would have guts to do that. >> i would have hoped to. lou: he has not in this point, and mitch mcconnell has been hiding, maybe he will elector in las vegas. >> i doubt it. lou: how can there be anything but pragmatic judgment on part that any leader of the republican party, they have to support the nominee to stop hillary clinton, stop the corruption of the this administration. are they -- what is wrong with these people? are they such fanatical ideologs, they cannot understand their secular
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opportunity, to save the republic? >> i think they run a great danger of destroying the republican party, millions of people who sent $25 and $50 to donald trump, they are not going away after happens after the election. >> i don't think that many folks right now care about the republican party, i really don't. they show their hind end. in form of paul ryan. whom ever, they are rolling over to donors who are pleased. i have to say, i want to say, robert and rebecca mercer, shown more guts. >> you bet they have. >> i mean this, as money people, behind trump. staying with him, showing the. i'm not used to that from donors, i want to say how much i respect them for that. i thint
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leadership of republican party should remember, party loyalty is like virginitty is is easier to lose than get back. lou: i never heard that one, and i understood it right away. >> i could repeat it. lou: repeat it, a lot of people, i think would like to hear that. >> okay, party loyalty is like virginity it easier to loss it than get it back against yeah, pauagain. lou: paul ryan better try hard, i hope people explain to him how the world works. it is insane what he is doing to the country. how could anyone make a judgment to continue to pe perpetuate that horrible situation. >> what scares me the most, a whole generation of people are growing up knowing you cannot trust anything.
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you cannot trust american institutions, that is not a healthy thing for the country. lou: it is not. but when you see this kind of ignorance on display by the leaders of party that has an obligation to be loyal opposition, their cynicism is well placed ratings for congress, you know presage where we are, american public showing great judgment we'll see what happens on november 8,. >> good to be on thank you. lou: vote in our poll, have you lost all trust in mainstream media after their reporting over course of this campaign? cast your vote on twitter. we would like to hear from you . follow plea ome to twitter. wall street stocks today, started the week lower.
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dow down 52. s&p lost 6. nasdaq down 14. volume light. 2.8 billion shares. listen to my report, 3 time a day, salem radio network. up next, donald trump said that hillary clinton belongs in jail. >> fbi, and department of justice, created a fraud. in allowing hillary clinton to get away with her terrible crimes. and i guarantee you, that the clintons are laughing at them right now. >> directly from the fbi, it is hard to imagine that laughter on part of clintons will continue into the evening, clinton secrets and lies, subject of my commentary next. next. you owned your car
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the wikileaks releases confirm without exception that clinton cartel will do anything to hide the truth from america. giving life to the axiom she stated in a 2013 speech saying quote, you need both a public and private position end quote. perhaps needless to truth mrs. clinton didn't hesitate to delete 30,000 emails from her private server she used for official state department service. now we find out one of her trusted aides in her state department proposed quid pro quo. that's washington bull for the word "bribe" to declassify an email from the clinton were server. it's a government within a government trying to bribe the
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f.b.i. corruption so pervasive that the state department was confident it would try to bribe agents and officials of that once proud institution. my god, my god. clinton is committed to corruption. clinton is still doing all she can to hide the truth about her email scandal. last week objecting to all or part of 18 of the 25 questions asked by judicial watch by a judge's order. so confident the american public is unaware and compliant that she managed some 278 days before she held a press conference while running for the presidency. a streak that continues until last month. and she hide not on truth, but obviously herself, holding no public events until the debate
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wednesday. and the only reason we know about the bribe attempted between two departments of the obama administration is the federal bureau of investigation apparently learned from wikileaks and simply posted these illuminating and incriminating document on the f.b.i. web page. we don't know who authorized that or if anyone did. i would like to hope it was the director himself finding honesty and courage to act this time. if not, i think whoever made the right choice for themselves, their storied agency and for this nation, thank you. this man creates software, used by this bank, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this vice president, this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man,
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lou: it's getting tough on journalists this country and it's worse in russia. vladimir putin warning russians and the press korns that u.s. agencies are watching their every move. he said quote the united states listened to everything, it looks at everything. all of you are objects of exploitation for the special services. joining me, kt mcfarland. great to have you here. are we that good? as putin suggests? >> i hope we are listening. that's the job of our
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intelligence community. that's the world we live in. we should understand it and accept it and act accordingly. lou: one thing we are not a part of is corruption, violation of the public trust in the measure we are seeing in the still clinton state department. the state department within the influence, all of the state department having the guts to briebt f.b.i.? so sure they are positioned in the position the f.b.i. find it self in. >> remember when house of cards came out people said it's not really that bad. now we realize the public corruption between the justice department, the f.b.i., the state department, the intelligence community is so in your face that it makes the house of cards look like just a
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sunday afternoon picnic. lou: donald trump is suggesting elections are rigged. and how difficult it is for young people to hear that. there is a report by pew research ther there are 18 milln questionable voter registrations in this country. >> they are in on the game. it's the establishment republican and democrat at the expense of the little guy. that's why we are seeing a national revolt. whether it's the bernie or trump people. >> word is, putin didn't hack the dnc.
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>> the people responsible for the republican national cyber-security, they said everybody is trying to hack everybody else, it's just that the republicans are better protected. lou: you haven't said they have anything more to protect. they built a giant wall. we'll find out. paul ryan, mitch mcconnell, pipes and slippers. what are they? who do they protect 2010 minds that fire wall? >> it speaks to the position that russia finds itself? , if they can push, push, push and there is no push back. lou: i'm asking you. everybody including the president of the united states including russia is hacking the dnc and there is an outright denial of that. it's always been speculation. but i love how it becomes an entertainle new development and
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the speculation becomes hard truth. >> we don't know. that's the whole thing about cyber issu you never note return address. lou: i think of it as akin to the long war perpetrated by david petraeus. it's a rationalization for generals who can't figure out how to win. the whole thing about cyber-security, they can't figure it out. well apparently somebody can. the chinese, the russians. >> we have the ability to tear down their cyber walls. that's our ultimate weapon against them. that makes them scrambled and nervous. lou: i can see fear on putin's face every time he shows up on this broadcast. roll the video, please. one might say there is a thin
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line between brave and crazy. you would be talking about this fellow, yes, you would. the masked daredevil casually hurling himself off an 18-story building. he narrowly if you might note -- this is crazy. he missed it before splashing into the water. i has completed similar jumps, but none so high as this. up next. donald trump and his running mate governor mike pence, are casting doubt about the legitimacy of this upcoming election. >> voter fraud cannot be tolerated by anyone in this nation because it disenfranchises independents, democrats, republicans and lib
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politics polling average clinton has a 6-point lead in the battleground state. trump is at the k.i. convention center in green bay and talking about the f.b.i. documents. >> 33,000 emails. the disappearance of 13 phones. [cru[crowd chanting "trump"] lou: when you are campaigning at a rally with this many people in
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green bay, and still get a below tester or two or however many it is. i was trying to find out how many are there. there is so much energy in these rallies of donald trump's it's an extraordinary comparison. literally the last rally -- and i believe it was in miami. hillary clinton had 750 people and she had the big draw of the former vice president al gore with him and he getting tins of ousands of course. >> this is an amazing group. keep doing it it's more fun that way. if you didn't do that one wouldn't even hear this guy. but that's okay. [cheers and applause] thank you. thank you. thank you very much.
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so you have the disappearance of 13i phones, many of them whacked with a hammer. who here has gone the rid of hour phone and hit it with a hammer? anybody? how many people? anybody? nobody? one? i wants to find out the business that guy is in. but she whacked down a lot of them with her hammer. just whacked them. lou: he's going through the issues of the emails destroyed by hammer some of them as he points out, devices. turns out there were 13, not the one hillary clinton said she possessed. joining me now former arkansas presidential candidate mike huckabee. this crowd is so charged up, and the background in the news arena is so terrible for hillary clinton. do you believe we are going at
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some point see the cumulative weight of all of these revealed corrupt practices and events come crashing down over her head? >> i really hope so. but the problem we got is donald trump is not just running against hillary. he's running against alled the media, then he's running against what i call the bed wetting republicans who are so afraid of of their own shadow, that they are afraid to stands with trump. they are de facto supporters of hillary whether they believe it or not or understand it or not. and he has an enormous challenge ahead of him because of those factors. i want to believe out there in america what we have seen in the rallies is what people are feeling in their homes. even if they don't tell a pollster what they feel in their hearts because they don't want to be called a bigot or a
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racist. every day we learn more about the corruption. lou: how fanatical must one be, particularly a republican leader, to have a secular judgment about hillary clinton? she is so obviously extraordinarily acting against the interests of american citizens and working men and women and their families whether it's illegal immigration, the so-called trade policies that she has been lying about throughout. she is for the tpp, she is for the european deal because she has a public and private position, and forget what she says in public because it's nearer the truth what she says in private. >> just like obama, she is a globalist. her real interest this the
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global economy, not the american economy. if people want to be globalist, vote for hillary. it means the virtual ends ofhe united states as a world leader as we know it. we'll be an also ran like all the european countries. if people care about america. america being first, america being a super power and leader, then they have only got one choice. the reason some of the republicans are playing this game of acting like we can't support donald trump, they are not afraid he's going to lose. they are afraid he's going to win. they lose their hour with the donor class. that's scaring them to death. >> and it scares the rest of us that for whatever reason someone would choose to continue a level of corruption the likes of which this nation has heretofore never seen. governor mike huckabee, thanks so much for being with us. up next, iraqi forces are
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battling to retake the city of mosul. the last major stronghold of the islamic state in iraq. can they reclaim the i they lost two years ago? tropical o'neill joins us next to take that up. and the way in which the obama administration marketed itself administration marketed itself through seal team six. there's no one road out there. no one surface... administration marketed itself through seal team six.
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>> do you believe the american public is so unaware and compliant, those words of the clinton campaign, that hillary clinton could be elected president? 68% of you said yes. we have to fix that. joining me now, former seal team six leader who killed usama bin laden. rob o'neill. mosul under siege now. six villages at last count taken. your expectations? >> they are surrounding mosul. they want to find a spot where isis knock longer escape. the iraqi military to the south and turkey is involved a little bit. but they are surrounded and telling people to stay inside
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their homes. the villages they are taking right now are former christian villages, the sites of the worst atrocity. they will not meet a lot of resistance. once they get into the urban combat it could be a really ugly fight. it could take a month. lou: an ugly fight that will take months. when i hear that i think we'll have a new president. americans engaged here. i love this attitude developing among some of the political elites, particularly hillary clinton talking about special operators and special forces as if they are not ground forces and if they are not american. >> you will notice when they start talking about on the ground, they are say they are advisers or intelligence. forward air controllers. so they will say they are not on the front lines. you are in a spot where it's not
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obvious what it is. the guys i know who are there, they are trying to get as close as they can to the front lines. but there are americans there engaged in the fight, and it's the whole thing. i have been there a bunch of time. it's an iraqi or afghan-led mission. we try to stay out lou: the relationship between the iranians and iraqis far better than iraq and the united states. >> the relationship between the iranians and the iraqi shiites, the sunnis and iranians don't get along at all. you will have mostly shiia, partly sunni iraqi army trying to get into mosul. what will happen when the shiias come in? lou: this administration seems
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to be marketing itself off killing usama bin laden. hillary clinton remembers it. stands as a tall warrior from the situation room. >> that was a successful mission, the reason it was so good is baits was bilateral. part of the cabinet was cons, and part was d was conservatives, and part was liberal. we weren't doing that so someone could get elected. i kid my kid good-bye knowing i may never see them again not because i thought i would get elected. 237 i mean hillary clinton probably had a part, but we didn't kill usama bin laden because her. lou: that's sometimes lost not just on hillary clinton, but a lot of people in washington, d.c. who seem to take great pride in what you and your comrades --
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>> there should be pride taking. but that was a night where we actually did what we were supposed to do. lou: thanks so many. we are live from las vegas tomorrow. , juan williams, good night from new york. kennedy: is this whole elect rigged? but not the way donald trump thick it is. it's actually much worse. new evidence of quid pro quo between hillary clinton's state department and the f.b.i. the party panel plays name that scandal. it's game show day on "kennedy" and nobody will be spared. the system is rigged. that's what we have been hearing from donald trump for weeks. but he's not the only stump
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