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tv   3rd Presidential Debate  FOX Business  October 20, 2016 2:00am-4:01am EDT

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thanks, guys. chris wallace, spelling it all out. we are about to begin. announcer: this is fox business network's coverage of the final presidential debate hosted by the fox news channel. live from the university of nevada in las vegas, here is neil cavuto. neil: all right. fox host chris wallace has already outlined what is at stake tonight minutes away from the final debate. i'm joined by my colleagues, trish reagan, kennedy and lou dobbs. it is an interesting choice of guests. they can invite pretty much whomever they want. i was surprised to here mike
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mccurry one of the commission chairs say they have no control over that. these candidates can pick whoever they want. what do you think of that? >> i think donald trump has taken full advantage of that as we saw last week part of the reason he chose press conference with three victims of bill clinton's past. some women who made accusations against the former president, was try to force the former president to shake hands with some of these women. forcing one of those uncomfortable moments now tonight. there has been completely different setup where the families will enter from different spheres of the arena. therefore they are bypassing the traditional family collegiality and handshake taken place in past debates. neil: that's right. >> donald trump used that to his advantage. he apparently insited president obama's half-brother as one of his guests. neil: right. it is an interesting list.
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we've been going into it here but lou dobbs, do you think who is in the audience makes a difference? do you think it moves the needle? what do you think? >> i don't think it moves the needle at all. it did in the case as kennedy pointed out the three victims of president clinton. there was a presence created on the part of those victims in the consciousness of the viewer, but beyond that not much. mark cuban in the audience you recall for hillary. not much because they turn out the lights and it is all about the two of them, the moderator asking the question. neil: you can't even see them. supposed to i guess unnerve them, right? >> that can certainly be something that a candidate can use to their advantage. it drums up a little bit of excitement within the media sphere, right? everybody is talking about obama's half-brother being there. so donald trump is savvy in that sense. knows howe to drive viewership and get excitement.
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he uses that to his advantage. having accusers of your husband there last time around was not pleasant for mrs. clinton. neil: to put it mildly. that is what we're looking at. you know the prod away of issues they want to talk about the including economy and immigration and national security issues, broad outlines chris wallace has already discussed. whether they can get to that of course, keep in mind these guys go at each other right away to try to stick to a very different script. it is up to chris wallace who is only guy that knows the questions. how he will police that, interruption on his part, clarification on his part. moderators have taken a lot of heat for doing that, sometimes disproportionately. we'll see how chris does. i have every reason to believe he will do quite well.
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>> election system in our country because the way permits dark unaccountable money to come into our electoral system. i have major disagreements with
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my opponent about these issues and others, that will be before the supreme court. but i feel, that, at this point in our country's history. it is important that we not reverse marriage equality, that we not reverse roe v. wade. that we stand up against citizens united. we stand up for the rights of people in the work place, that we stand up and basically say, the supreme court should represent all of us. that is how i see the court and the kind of people that i would be looking to nominate to the court. would be in the great tradition of standing up to the powerful, standing up on behalf of the our rights as americans. and i look forward to having that opportunity. i would hope that the senate would do its job, and confirm the nominee that president obama has sent to them. that is the way the constitution fundamentally should operate. the president nominates, and then the senate advises and
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consents or not. but they go forward with the process. moderator: secretary clinton. thank you. mr. trump same question. where do you want to see the court take the country and how do you believe the constitution should be interpreted? >> well, first of all it is great to be with you and thank you everybody. the supreme court is what it is all about. our country so, so just imperative that we have the right justices. something happened recently where justice ginsberg made some very, very inappropriate statements toward me and toward a tremendous number of millions of people here that i represent. she was forced to apologize. apologize she did but these are statements that should never ever have been made. we need a supreme court in my opinion that will uphold the second amendment and all amendments but the second amendment which is under absolute siege. i believe if my opponent should
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win this race which i truly don't think will happen, we will have a second amendment which will be a very, very small replica of what it is right now. but i feel that it is absolutely important that we uphold because of the fact that it is under such trauma. i feel that the justices that i am going to appoint, and i have named 20 of them, the justices that i'm going to appoint will be pro-life. they will have a conservative bent. they will be protecting the second amendment. they are great scholars in all cases and they're people of tremendous respect. they will interpret the constitution the way the founders wanted it interpreted. and i believe that is very, very important. i don't think we should have justices appointed that decide what they want to hear. it is all about the constitution of and, so important, the
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constitution, the way it was meant to be. and those are the people that i will appoint. moderator: mr. trump, thank you. we now have about ten minutes for open discussion. i want to focus on two issues that in fact by the justices that you named could end up changing the existing law of the land. first is one that you mentioned, mr. trump, that is guns. secretary clinton, you said last year, let me quote, the supreme court is wrong on the second amendment. now in fact, in the 2008 heller case, the court ruled that there is a constitutional right to bear arms but a, a right that is reasonably limited. those were the words of the judge antonin scalia, who wrote the decision. what's wrong with that? >> well, first of all, i support the second amendment. i lived in arkansas for 18 wonderful years. i represented upstate new york. i understand and respect the tradition of gun ownership t goes back to the foundings of
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our country. but i also believe that there can be and must be reasonable regulation. because i support the second amendment doesn't mean that i want people who shouldn't have guns to be able to threaten you, kill you or members of your family. and so when i think about what we need to do, we have 33,000 people a year who die from guns. i think we need comprehensive background checks. we need to close the online loophole. close the gun show loophole. there is other matters that i think are sensible, that are the kind of reforms that would make a difference, that are not in any way conflicting with the second amendment. you mentioned the heller decision and what i was saying, that you references, chris, was that i disagreed the with the way the court applied the second amendment in that case because what the district of columbia was trying to do was to protect toddlers from guns, and so they
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wanted people with guns to safely store them. and the court didn't accept that reasonable regulation but they have accepted many others. i see no conflict between saving people's lives and defending the second amendment. moderator: let me bring mr. trump here. the bipartisan open debate coalition got millions of votes on questions to ask here and this was in fact one of the top questions that they got. how will you insure the second amendment is protected? you just heard secretary clinton's answer. does she persuade you while you may disagree on regulation, that in fact she support as second amendment right to bear arms? >> well the d.c. versus heller decision was very strongly and, she was extremely angry about it. i watched. she was very, very angry when upheld. justice scalia was so involved and it was well-crafted decision. hillary was extremely upset and extremely angry.
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people that believe in the second amendment and believe in it very strongly were very upset with what she had to say. moderator: let me bring in secretary clinton, were you extremely upset? >> clinton: i was upset because unfortunately dozens of toddlers insure themselves or even kill people with guns, unfortunately not everyone who has loaded guns in their homes takes appropriate precautions. but there is no doubt that i respect the second amendment. that i also believe there is individual right to bear arms. that is not in conflict with sensible, common sense regulation. and you know, look i understand that donald's been strongly supported by the nra, the gun lobby is on his side. they're running millions of dollars of ads against me and i regret that because what i would like to see for people to come together to say, of course, we're going to protect and defend the second amendment but, we're going to do it in a way that tries to save some of these
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33,000 lives that we lose every year. moderator: let me bring mr. trump back into that because in fact you oppose any limits on assault weapons, any limits on high-capacity magazines. you support a national right to carry law. why, sir? trump: let me just tell you before we go any further, in chicago which has the toughest gun laws in the united states, probably you could say by far, they have more gun violence than any other city. so we have the toughest laws and you have tremendous gun violence. i am a very strong supporter of the second amendment, and i am, i don't know if hillary was saying it in a sarcastic manner but i'm very proud to have the endorsement of the nra. it is earliest endorsement they have ever given to anybody who ran for president. so i'm very honored by all of that. we are going to appoint justices, this is the best way to help the second amendment, we are going to appoint juices at wll feery stngly abt theeco amdmen tat
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wl n do dagetohe sond amdmen modator wel,et'ick up on another issue which divides you and the justices that whoever ends up winning this election appoint could have a dramatic effect there, and that is the issue of abortion. trump: right. moderator: mr. trump, you're pro-life but i want to ask you specifically, do you want the court, including the justices that you will name to overturn roe v. wade, which includes, in fact states a women's right to abortion? trump: if that would happen because i am pro-life and i will be appointing pro-life judges i think that would go back to the individual states. moderator: but i'm asking you specifically -- trump: if they overturn it will go back to the states. moderator: what i'm asking you, sir, do you want to see the court overturn? you said you want to see the court protect the second amendment. do you want to see the court overturn roe v. wade? trump: if we put two or three justices on, that will happen. and that will happen automatically, in my opinion because i am putting pro-life
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justices on the court. i will say this, it will go back to the states and states will then make a determination. moderator: secretary clinton. clinton: i strongly support roe v. wade which guaranties a constitutional right to a woman to make the most intimate, most difficult many many cases decisions about her health care that one can imagine. and, in this case, it is not only about roe v. wade. it is about what's happening right now in america. so many states are putting very stringent regulations on women, that block them from exercising that choice, to the extent that they are defunding planned parenthood, which of course provides all kinds of cancer screenings and other benefits for women in our country. donald has said he is in favor of defunding planned parenthood. even supported shutting government down to defund planned parenthood. i will defend planned
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parenthood. i will defend roe v. wade and i will defend women's rights to make their own health decisions. we've come too far to have that turn back now and, indeed he said women should be punished. that there should be some form of punishment for women, who obtain a i boringses. i could just not be more opposed to that kind of thinking. moderator: give you a chance to respond but i want to ask you, secretary clinton, i want to explore how far you believe the right to abortion goes? you have been quoted as saying that the fetus has no constitutional rights. you also voted against a ban on late term partial-birth abortions. why? clinton: because roe v. wade very clearly sets out there can be regulations on abortion so long as the life and the health of the mother are taken into account. and when i voted, as a senator, i did not think that that was
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the case. the kinds of cases that fall at the end of pregnancy are often the most heart-breaking, painful decisions for families to make. i have met with women who have toward the end of their pregnancy get the worst news one can get, their health is in jeopardy to continue to carry to term or that something terrible has happened or just been discovered about the pregnancy. i do not think the united states government should be stepping in and making those moist personal of decisions. so, you can regulate, if you are doing so, with the life and health of the mother taken into account. moderator: mr. trump, your reaction, particularly on issue of late term partial-birth abortion. trump: i think it is terrible, if you go what hillary is saying, in the ninth month and you can take the babe and rip the womb out of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby.
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you can say that is okay and hillary can say that is okay, but it is not okay with me. because based on what she is saying based on where she is going and where she has been you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month, on final day. and that is not acceptable. clinton: that is not what happens in these cases. using that kind of scare rhetoric is just terribly unfortunate. you should meet with many so of the women that i have met with. women i have known over the course of my life. this is one of the worst possible choices that any woman and her family has to make. and i do not believe the government should be making it. you know i have had the great honor of traveling across the world on behalf of our country. i have been to countries where governments either forced women to have abortions like they used to do in china or forced women to bear children like they used to do in romania. i can tell you the government has no business in the decisions
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that women make with their families in accordance with their faith, with medical advice. i will stand up for that right. moderator: all right. just briefly i want to move on -- trump: honestly nobody has business doing what i just said, doing that, as late as one or two or three or four-days prior to birth. nobody has that right. moderator: let's move on to the subject of immigration. and there is almost no issue that separate is rates the two of you more than the issue of immigration. actually there are a lot of issues that separate the two of you. mr. trump, you want to build a wall. secretary clinton, you offered no specific plan for how you want to secure our southern border. mr. trump, you are calling for major deportations. secretary clinton, you say within your first 100 days as president you will offer a package that includes a pathway to citizenship. the question really is, why are you right and your opponent wrong? mr. trump, you go first in this sigment. you have two minutes. trump: first of all she wants to
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give amnesty which is disaster and unfair to all the people waiting in line for many, many years. we need strong borders. in the audience tonight we have four mothers of, i mean these are unbelievable people that i have gotten to know over a period of years whose children have been killed, brutally killed by people that came into the country illegally. you have thousands of mothers and fathers and relatives, all over the country. they're coming in illegally. drugs are pouring in through the border. we have no country if we have no border. hillary wants to give amnesty. she want to have open borders. the border, as you know the border patrol agents, 16,500 plus i.c.e. last weaken doored me. first time they ever endorse ad candidate. means their job is tougher. they know what is going on. they know it better than anybody. they want strong borders. they feel we have to have strong borders. i was up in new hampshire the other day. the biggest complaint they have, with all the problems going on in the world, many of the problems caused by hillary
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clinton and by barack obama, all of their problems, single biggest problem is heroin, that pours across our southern border. just pouring and destroying their youth. it is poisoning blood of their youth and plenty of other people. we have to have strong borders. we have to keep the drugs out of our country. we, right now we're getting the drugs. they're getting the cashing. we need strong borders. we need absolute, we can not give amnesty. now i want to build a you will with. we need the wall. border patrol, i.c.e., they all want the wall. we stopped the drugs. we shore up the border. one of my first acts will be to get all of the drug lords, all of the bad ones, we have some bad, bad people in this country that have to go out. we're going to get them out. we're going to secure the border and once the border is secured, at a later date we'll make a determination as to the rest. but we have some bad hombres here and we're going to get them out. moderator: mr. trump, thank you. same question to you, secretary clinton. basically, why are you right an
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mr. trump is wrong? clinton: as he was talking i was thinking about a young girl i met here in las vegas, carla. who is very worried that her parents might be deported because she was born in this country but they were not. they work hard. they do everything they can to give her a good life. and, you're right, i don't want to rip families apart. i don't want to be sending parents away from children.n't e deportation force that donald has talked about in action in our country. we have a 11 million undocumented people. they have four million american citizen children. 15 million people. he said as recently as a few weeks ago be in phoenix that everyone.v?r@ documented persod be subject to deportation. now here's what that means. it means you would have to have a massive, law enforcement presence, where law enforcement officers would be going school to school, home to home,
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business-to-business, rounding up people who are undocumented. and, we would then have to put them on trains, on buses, to get them out of our country. i think that is a, a idea that is not in keeping with who we are as a nation. i think it is an idea that would rip our country apart. i have been for border security for years. i have voted border security in the united states senate. and my comprehensive immigration reform plan of course includes border security. but i want to put our resources where i think they're most needed. getting rid of any violent person, anybody who should be deported, we should deport them. when it comes to the wall that donald talks about building, he went to mexico. he had a meeting with the mexican president. didn't even raise it. he choked. got into a twitter war because the mexican president said we're not paying for that wall. so i think we are both a nation of immigrants and we are a nation of laws. and that we can act accordingly
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and that is why i'm introducing comprehensive immigration reform within the first 100 days with a path to citizenship. moderator: thank you, secretary clinton. i want to follow up. trump: i think i should respond. moderator: okay. trump: i had very good meeting with president of mexico. very is nice man. we will be doing very much better with mexico on trade deals believe me. the nafta deal signed by her one one worst deals mad of any kind signed by anybody. it is disaster. hillary clinton wanted the wall. hillary clinton fought for the wall. in 2006 or thereabouts. now, she never gets anything done. so naturally the wall wasn't built. but hillary clinton wanted the wall. moderator: wait, sir. trump: we're a country of laws. moderator: wait i would like to hear, i would like to hear from secretary clinton. clinton: i voted for border security. trump: and the wall. clinton: there are some limited places where that was
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appropriate. there is also necessarily going to be new technology and how best to deploy that. but, it is clear, when you look at what donald has been proposing, he start his campaign bashing immigrants, calling mexican immigrants rapists and criminals and drug deals -- dialers, he has a very different do what we should do to deal with immigrants. what i am also arguing, bringing undocumented immigrants out from the shadows, putting them into the formal economy will be good because employers can't exploit them and undercut americans wages. donald knows a lot about this. he used undocumented labor to build the trump tower. he underpaid undocumented workers and when they complained, he basically said, what a lot of employers do. you complain. i will get you deported. i want to get everybody out of the shadows. get the economy working. and not let employers like donald exploit undocumented workers which hurts them but also hurts american workers.
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moderator: mr. trump. trump: president obama has moved millions of people out. nobody knows about it. nobody talks about it but under obama millions have been people have been moved out of this country. they have been deported. she doesn't want to say that. that is what happened. that is what happened big league. as far as moving these people out and moving, we either have a country or we don't. we're a country of laws. we either have a border or we don't. you can come back in and can become a citizen but very unfair. we have millions of people that did it the right way. they're on line they're waiting we'll speed up the process big league because it is very inefficient. they're on line waiting to become citizens. very unfair somebody runs across the border, becomes a citizen under her plan. you have open borders. you would have disaster on trade and will have disaster with open borders, what she doesn't say, is that president obama has deported millions and millions of people just the way it is. moderator: secretary clinton -- clinton: we will not have open borders.
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that is a rank mischaracterization. moderator: secretary clinton. clinton: we will have secure borders and also have reform. this used to be bipartisan issue. ronald reagan -- moderator: secretary clinton, excuse me. clinton: george w. bush supported it as well. moderator: secretary clinton, i want to clear up your position on this issue because in a speech you gave to a brazilian bank for which you were paid $225,000, we've learned from the wikileaks that you said this, and i want to quote, my dream is a hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders. so that is the question. trump: thank you. moderator: that is the question. please quiet, everybody. is that your dream, open borders? clinton: if you went on to read the rest of the sentence i was talking about energy. we trade more energy with our neighbors than we trade with the rest of the world combined. i do want us to have a, an electric grid and energy system that crosses borders. i think that would be a great
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benefit to us. but, you are very clearly quoting from wikileaks. what is really important about wikileaks is that the russian government has engaged in espionage against americans. they have hacked american websites, american accounts of private people, of institutions, then they have given that information to wikileaks for the purpose of putting it on the internet. this has come from the highest levels of the russian government, clearly from putin himself in an effort, as 17 of our intelligence agencies confirmed to influence our election. so i actually think the most important question of this evening, chris, is finally, will donald trump admit and condemn that the russians are doing this, and, make it clear that he will not have the help of putin in this election?
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that he rejects russian espionage against americans, which he actually encouraged in the past. those are the questions we need answered. we never had anything like this happen in any of our elections before. trump: that was a great pivot off the fact that she wants open borders. okay? how did we get on to putin. moderator: hold on. hold on folks. this will end up getting out of control. keep it quiet for candidates an american people. trump: just to finish on borders? moderator: yes. trump: she wants open borders. people will pour into our country. people will come in from syria. m than barack obama and he has thousands and thousands of people. they have no idea where they come from and you see. we are going to stop radical islamic terrorism in this country. she won't even mention the words and neither will president obama. so, i just want to tell you, she wants open borders now. we can talk about putin. i don't know putin. he said nice things about me. if we got along well, that would
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be good. if russia and the united states got along well and went after isis, that would be good. he has no respect for her. he has no respect for our president. and i'll tell you what, we're in very serious trouble because we have country with tremendous numbers of nuclear warheads, 1800 by the way, where they have expanded and we didn't. 1800 nuclear warheads and she is playing chicken. look -- from everything i see, has no respect for this person. clinton: that is because he would rather have a puppet as president. trump: no puppet. no puppet. you're the puppet. clinton: it is pretty clear you won't admit -- trump: you're the puppet. clinton: russians engaged in cyber attacks against the united states of merck, that you encouraged espionage against our people. that you are willing to spout the putin line, sign up for his wish-list, break up nato, do
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whatever he wants to do. and that you continue to get help from him because he has a very clear favorite in this race. so, i think that this is such an unprecedented situation. we have never had a foreign government trying to interfere in our election. we have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military, who have all concluded, that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks come from highest levels of kremlin and they are designed to influence our election. i find that deeply disturbing. moderator: secretary clinton. clinton: i think it is time you take a stand. trump: whether russia, china, anybody else. she has no idea. clinton: i am quoting 11. trump: you have no idea. clinton: do you doubt 17 military. trump: our country has no idea. yeah i doubt it. i doubt it. clinton: vladmir putin, than military civilian intelligence
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professionals who are sworn to protect us. i find that just absolutely -- trump: she doesn't like putin has outsmarted her at every step of the way. excuse me. putin has outsmart he had her in syria. out smarted her every step of the way. moderator: i do get to ask questions. yes i would like to ask you this direct question. the top national security officials of this country do believe that russia has been behind these hacks. even if you don't know for sure whether they are do you condemn any interference by russia in the american election. trump: by russia or anybody else. moderator: you condemn their interference? trump: of course i condemn. i don't know putin. moderator: i'm not asking that. trump: i never met putin this. is not my best friend, if united states got along with russia wouldn't be so bad. putin has outsmarted her and obama every single step. way, syria, you name it. missiles. take at that look at the
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s.t.a.r.t. up that they signed. the russians have said according to many, many reports, i can't believe they allowed us to do this they create warheads and we can't. the russians can't believe it. she has been outsmarted by putin and all you have to do is look at middle east. they have taken over. we spent $6 trillion. they have taken over the middle east. she has been outsmarted and outplayed worse than anybody i ever seen in any government whatsoever. moderator: we're a long way away from immigration but i'm going to let you finish this topic. you have about 45 seconds. trump: and she always will be. clinton: i find it ironic that he is raising nuclear weapons. this is a person who has been very cavalier, even casual about the use of nuclear weapons. trump: wrong. clinton: he advocated more countries getting them, japan, korea, saudi arabia. he said, well if we have them why don't we use them? which i think is terrifying. but here's the deal. the bottom line on nuclear weapons is, that when the
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president gives the order, it must be followed. there is about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so. and that is why 10 people who have had that awesome responsibility have come out in an unprecedented way, said, they would not trust donald trump with the nuclear codes or to have his finger on the nuclear button. trump: i have 200 generals and admirals, 20 one endorsing me 21 congressional medical of honor recipients. as far as japan and other countries we are being ripped off by everybody, we're defending other countries. we are spending a fortune doing it. they have the bargain ever the century. all i said is we have to renegotiate these agreements because our country can not afford to defend saudi arabia, japan, germany, south korea and many other places. we can not continue to afford.
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she took that as saying nuclear weapons. look, she has been proven to be a liar on so many different ways. this is just another lie. clinton: well, i'm just quoting you, when -- trump: there is no quote. you will not find a quote from me. clinton: nuclear competition in asia, you said, you know go ahead, enjoy yourself folks. trump: and defend yourselves. and defend yourselves. i didn't say nuclear. and defend yourselves. clinton: united states has kept of peace through our alliances. donald wants to tear up our alliances. i think it makes world safer and frankly makes the united states safer. i would work with our allies in asia, in europe, in the middle east and elsewhere. that is the only way we're going to -- moderator: no, we're going to move on to the next topic, which is, the economy. i hope we handle that as well as we did immigration. you also have very different ideas about how to get the economy growing fastter.
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secretary clinton, in your plan, government plays a big role. you see more government spending. more entitlements. more tax credits or tax penalties. mr. trump, you want to get government out with lower taxes and less regulation. trump: yes. moderator: we'll drill down into this a little bit more. in this overview, please explain to me why you believe your plan will create more jobs and growth for this country and your opponent's plan will not. in this round you go first, secretary clinton. clinton: i think when the middle class thrives, america thrives. my plan is based on growing the economy. giving middle-class families many more opportunities. i want us to have the biggest jobs program since world war ii. jobs in infrastructure and advanced manufacturing. i think we can compete with high wage countries, i believe we should. new jobs and clean energy, not only to fight climate change, which is serious problem but to create new opportunities and new
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businesses. i want us to do more to help small business. that is where 2:00 thirds of the new jobs are going to come from. -- two -- 2/3 people who work full time should not be in poverty. i want to raise the minimum wage. i want william r women to get equal pay for work we do. i feel strongly about education which starts with pry school and goes flu college. i want more technical education in high schools and community colleges, real apprenticeships to prepare young people for the jobs of the future. i want to make college deb-free. for families making less than $120,000 you will not get a tuition bill from a public college and university if the plan i worked on with bernie sanders is enacted. we'llwe'll make work hard to mae sure it is. most of the money gains in the since the great recession have gone to the very top. we'll have the wealthy pay their
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fair share. we're going to have corporations make a contribution, greater than they are now, to our country. that is a plan that has been analyzed by independent experts which said that it could produce 10 million new jobs. by contrast, donald's plan has been analyzed to conclude it might lose 3 1/2 million jobs. why? because his whole plan is to cut taxes, to give the biggest tax breaks ever, to the wealthy and to corporations. and adding $20 trillion to our debt and causing the kind of dislocation that we have seen before, because it truly will be trickle-down economics on steroids. so the plan i have i think will actually produce greater opportunities. the plan he has will cost us jobs and possibly lead to another great recession. moderator: secretary, thank you. mr. trump, why will your plan create more jobs and growth than secretary clinton's? trump: first of all before we start on my plan, her plan is raise taxes and even double your
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taxes. her tax plan is disaster. she can say all she wants about college tuition and i'm a big proponent. we'll do a lot of things for college tuition but the rest of the public will be paying for it. we will have a massive, massive tax increase under hillary clinton's plan. but i would like to start off where we left because, when imp said japan and germany and i'm not to single them out but you south korea, these are rich powerful countries. saudi arabia, nothing but money. we protect saudi arabia. why aren't they paying? she immediately when she heard this. trump: i questioned it and i questioned nato, why aren't nato questioning why aren't they paying because they weren't paying? since i did this year ago all of sudden they were paying. i given a lot of credit. they're starting to pay up. they have to pay up. we're protecting people they have to pay up. i'm a big fan of nato, they have to pay up. she comes out and says we love our allies. we think our allies are great. awfully hard to get them to pay
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up, when you have somebody saying we think how great they are. we have to tell japan in nice way, tell germany, all the countries, south korea, we have to say you have to help us out. we have during his regime, during president obama's regime we have doubled our national debt. we're up to $20 trillion. so my plan, we're going to renegotiate trade deals. we'll have a lot of free trade. we'll have more free trade than we have right now. but which have horrible deals. our jobs are being taken out by the deal her husband signed, nafta one of the worst deal ever. our jobs are being sucked out of the economy. you look all places i left. go to opinions vain, ohio, go to florida, them, you go upstate new york, our jobs are fled to mexico an other places. we're bringing our jobs back. i will renegotiate nafta. if i can't make a great deal, we'll terminate nafta and create new deals. we'll have trade. we'll terminate it and make a great trade deal.
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if we can't we'll go a separate way because it has been a diss ister. we'll cut taxes massively. we'll cut business taxes massively. they will start hiring people. we're going to bring 2 1/2 trillion dollars offshore back into the country. we are going to start the engine rolling again because right now our country is dying at 1% gdp. clinton: let me translate that if i can, chris, because,. trump: you can't. clinton: the fact is, he is going to advocate for the largest tax cuts we have ever seen, three times more than the tax cuts under the bush administration. i have said repeatedly throughout this campaign, i will not raise taxes on anyone making $250,000 or list. i also will not add a penny to the debt. i have costed out what i'm going to do. he will, through his massive tax cuts, add $20 trillion to the debt. he mentioned the debt. we know how to get control of the debt. when my husband was president, we went from a $300 billion
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deficit to $200 billion surplus. we were actually on the path to eliminating the national debt. when president obama came into office he inherited the worst economic disaster since the great depression. he has cut the deficit by 2/3. so, yes, one of the ways you go after the debt, one of the ways you create jobs is by investing in people. so, i do have investments, investments in new jobs. invests in education. skill training, and the opportunities for people to get ahead and stay ahead. that is the kind of approach that will work. cutting taxes on the wealthy, we've tried that. it has not worked the way that it has been promised. moderator: secretary clinton, i want to pursue your plan because in many ways it is similar to the obama stimulus plan in 2009. which has led to the slowest gdp growth since 1949. trump: correct. moderator: thank you, sir.
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you told me, in july, when we spoke that the problem is that president obama didn't get to do enough in what he was trying to do with the stimulus. so is your plan basically more, even more of the obama stimulus? clinton: well it is a combination, chris. let me say that, when you inherit the level of economic catastrophe that president obama inherited, it was a real touch-and-go situation. i was in the senate before i became secretary of state. i have never seen people as physically distraught as the bush administration team was because of what was happening to the economy. i personally believe that the steps that president obama took saved the economy. he doesn't get the credit he deserves for taking some very hard positions. but it was a terrible recession. so now we have dug ourselves out of it. we're standing but we're not yet
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running. so what i am proposing we invest from the middle out and the ground up. not the top down. that is not going to work. that's why what i have put forward doesn't add a penny to the debt, but it is the kind of approach that will enable more people to take those new jobs, higher-paying jobs. we're beginning to see some increase in incomes. we certainly have had a long string of increasing jobs. we've got to do more to get the whole economy moving and that is what i believe i will be able to do. moderator: mr. trump, even conservative economists who looked at your plan say that the numbers don't add up, that your idea and you have talked about 25 million jobs created, 4% -- trump: over 10-year. moderator: 4% growth is unrealistic. they say you talk a lot about growing energy industry. they say with oil prices as low as they are, that is unrealistic as well. your response. trump: so i just left some high representatives of india.
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they're growing at 8%. china is growing at 7%, and that for them is catastrophically low number. we are growing, our last report came out and it is right around the 1% level and i think it is going down. last week, as you know, the end of last week, they came out with an a peoplic jobs report, terrible jobs report. in fact i said, is that the last jobs report before the election? because if it is, i should win easily. it was so bad. the report was so bad. look, our country is stagnant. we've lost our jobs. we lost our businesses. we're not making things anymore, relatively speaking. our product is pouring in from china, pouring in from vietnam, pouring in from all over the world. i have visited so many communities. this has been such an incredible education for me, chris. i have gotten to know so many, i developed some friends over the last year. and they cry when they see what's happened. i pass factories that were
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thriving 20, 25 years ago. because of the bill her husband signed and she blessed 100%, it is just horrible what has happened to these people in these communities. now she can say her husband did well but boy did they suffer as nafta kicked in because it didn't really kick in very much but it kicked in after they left. boy, did they suffer. that was one of the worst things that has ever been signed by our country. now she wants to sign trans-pacific partnership. she wants it, she lied when she said she didn't call it the gold standard. in one of the debates. she totally lied. she did call it the gold standard and fact checked i was right. moderator: i want to give you a chance to briefry see to that, i want to pivot to 1/6 economy, which is obama care. go ahead, briefly. clinton: first let me say, number one when i saw the final agreement for tpp. i said i was against it. it didn't meet my test. i have the same test. does it create jobs and raise incomes and further national security. i am against it now.
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i will be against it after the election. i will be against it after the election. there is only one ever us that shipped jobs to mexico. he shipped jobs to 12 countries including mexico but he mentioned china. one. biggest problems we have with china is the illegal dumping of steel and aluminum into our markets. i have fought against that as a senator. i have stood up against it as secretary of state. donald has bought chinese steel and aluminum. in fact the trump hotel right here in las vegas was made with chinese steel. so he goes around with crocodile tears about how terrible it is but he has given jobs to chinese steelworkers, not american steelworkers. moderator: mr. trump? clinton: that is the kind of approach that is just not going to work. we're going to pull the country together. we'll have trade agreements that we enforce. that is why i'm going to have a trade prosecutor for the first time in history. and we're going to enforce those agreements and we're going to look for businesses -- by buying american products. trump: i asked a simple
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question. she has been doing this for 30 years. why the hell didn't you do it over the last 15, 20 years. you were very much involved. excuse me, my turn. you were very much involved in every aspect of this country. very much. and you do have a experience. i say the one thing you have over me is experience but it is bad experience. because what you have done has turned out badly. for 30 years you have been in a position to help. and if you say that i used steel or i used something else, i make it impossible for me to do that. i wouldn't mind. the problem is you talk but you doesn't get anything done, hillary. you don't. just like when you ran the state department, $6 billion was missing. how do you miss $6 billion? you ran the state department. $6 billion was either stolen, they don't know. it is gone. $6 billion. if you become president, this country is going to be in some mess, believe me. clinton: well, first of all, what he just said about state department is not only untrue,
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it has been debunked numerous times. but i think it is really an important issue. he raised the 30 years of experience. let me talk briefly about that. you know, back in the 1970s i worked for the children's defense fund and i was taking on discrimination against african-american kids in schools. he was getting sued by the justice department for racial discrimination in his apartment buildings. in the 1980s, i was working to reform the schools in arkansas. he was borrowing $14 million from his father to start his businesses. in the 1990s i went to beijing and i said women's rights are human rights. he insult ad former miss up verse, aliciagmachado. called her a eating machine. trump: give me a break. clinton: on the day when i was in the situation room, monitoring the raid that broad osama bin laden to justice, he was hosting the "celebrity apprentice." i'm happy to compare my 30 years of experience, what i have done for this country, trying to help
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in every way i could especially kids and families, get ahead and stay ahead, with your 30 years and i will let the american people make that decision. trump: well i think i did a much better job by building massive company, great company, some. greatest assets anywhere in the world. worth many, many billions of dollars. i started with a one million dollar loan. agree with that. one million dollar loan but i built a phenomenal company. and if we could run our country the way i have run my company, we would have a country that you would be so proud of. you would even be proud of it. and frankly, when you look at her real record, take a look at syria, take a look at migration. take a look at libya. take a look at iraq. she gave us isis because her and obama created this huge vacuum, and small group came out of that huge vacuum because, we should have never been in iraq but once we were there we should have never got out the way they wanted to get out. she gave us isis assure as you
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are sitting there. what happened is now isis is in 32 countries. now i listen how she will get rid of isis. she will get rid of nobody. moderator: we are going to get to foreign hot spots in a few moments but the next segment is fitness to be president of the united states. mr. trump, at last debate you said your talk about grabbing women was just that, talk. and that you never had actually done it. since then as we all know, nine women have come forward and said that you either groped them, or kissed them without their consent. why would so many different women from some different circumstances over so many different years, why would they all in this last couple of weeks make up, you denied this, why woe they all make up the these stories, since this is he request for both of you, secretary clinton, mr. trump says, what your husband did and that you defended, was even worse.
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mr. trump, you go first. trump: first of all those stories have been largely debunked. those people, i don't know these people. i have a feeling how they came. i believe it was her campaign that did it, just like if you look what came out today on the clips where i was wondering what happened with my rally in chicago and other rallies where we had such violence. she is the one and obama caused violence. they hired people. they paid them $1500 and they're on tape saying be violent, cause fights, do bad things. i would say the only way because those stories are totally false. i have to say that. and i didn't even apologize to my wife, who is sitting right here because i didn't do anything. i didn't know any of these women. i didn't see these women. these women, the woman on the plane, the woman, i think they want either fame or her campaign did it. i think it is her campaign. what i saw, what they did, which is criminal act by the way where they're telling people to go out
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and start fistfights and start violence. i tell you what, in particular in chicago, people were hurt and people could have been killed in that riot. that was now all on tape, started by her. i believe, chris, that she got, these people to step forward. if it wasn't, they get their ten minutes of fame. but, they were all totally, it was all fiction. it was lies and it was fiction. moderator: secretary clinton. clinton: well, at the last debate, we heard donald talking about what he did to women. and after that, a number of women have come forward, saying that's exactly what he did to them. now, what was his response? well, he held a number of big rallies, where he said that he could not possibly have done those things to those women because they were not attractive enough for -- trump: i did not say that i did not say that. clinton: in fact he went on to
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say -- moderator: her go minutes, sir. trump: but did not say that. moderator: her two minutes. clinton: he went on to say, look at her, i don't think so, about another woman, he said, that wouldn't be my first choice. he attacked the woman reporter writing the story, called her disgusting as he has called a number about women during this campaign. donald thinks belittling women makes him bigger. he foes after their dignity, their self-worth, and i don't think there is a woman anywhere who doesn't know what that feels like. so we now know what donald thinks and what he says and how he acts toward women. that is who donald is. i think it is really up to all of us to demonstrate who we are. and who our country is. and to stand up and be very clear what we expect from our next president. how we want to bring our country
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together. where we don't want to have the kind of pitting of people, one against the other where instead we celebrate our diversity. we lift people up. and we make our country even greater. america is great because merck is good. and it really is, up to all of us to make that true, now, and in the future and particularly for our children and our grandchildren. moderator: mr. trump -- trump: nobody has more respect for women than i do. nobody. nobody has more respect. moderator: please, everybody. trump: and frankly, those stories have been largely debunked and i really want to just talk about something slightly different. she mentions this, which is all fiction. all fiction, lies. probably, or possibly started by her and her very sleazy campaign. but i will tell you, what is
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isn't fiction alizeed her emails where she destroyed 33,000 emails, criminally, criminally after getting a subpoena from the united states congress. what happened to the fbi, i don't know. but we have a great general, four-star general, today, you read it in all of the papers, going to potentially serve five years in jail for lying to the fbi, one lie. she has lied hundreds of times. to the people, to congress, and to the fbi. he is going to probably go to jail. this is a four-star general. and she gets away with it and she can run for the presidency of the united states? that's really what you should be talking about. not fiction where somebody wants fame or where they come out of her crooked campaign. moderator: secretary clinton. clinton: every time donald is pushed on something, which is obviously uncomfortable, like,
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what these women are saying, he immediately goes to denying responsibility. and it is not just about women. he never apologized or says he is sorry for anything. so we know what he has said and what he has done to women. but he also, went after a disabled reporter, mocked and mimicked him. trump: wrong. clinton: on national television. he went after mr. and mrs. khan, the parents of a young man who died serving our country, a gold star family, because of their religion. he went after john mccain, a prisoner of war, said he prefers people who aren't captured. he went after a federal judge, born in indiana, but who donald said couldn't be trusted to try the fraud andá]j5dof racketeere against trump university because his parents were mexican. so, it is not one thing. this is a pattern, a pattern of
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divisiveness. of a very dark and in many ways dangerous vision of our country where he incites violence. where he applauds people who are pushing and pulling and punching at his rallies. that is not who america is. and, i hope that as we move in the last weeks of this campaign, more and more people will understand what's at stake in this election, it really does come down to what kind of country we are going to have. trump: so sad when she talks about violence at my rallies and she caused the violence. it is on tape. now the other things are false but honestly, i would love to talk about getting rid of isis and i would love to talk about other things. but those other charges, as she knows are false. moderator: in this bucket about fitness to be president, there are a lost developments over last 10 days since the last debate. i would like to ask you
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questions. these are questions that american people have. secretary clinton during your 2009 confirmation hearing you promised to avoid appearance of conflict of interest. with the clinton foundation with while you were secretary of state
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. just briefly, the clinton foundation made it possible for 11 million people around the world with hiv/aids to afford treatment. that is about half of all the people in the world who are getting treatment. in partnership with the american health association -- moderator: secretary clinton. clinton: we made environments in schools. moderator: secretary clinton, respectively this is open discussion. clinton: this is open discussion. moderator: the specific question went to pay for play. do you want to talk -- clinton: there is no evidence. there is a lot of evidence. trump: very well studied. criminal enterprise. and so many -- moderator: please let me trump speak, criminal enterprise. saudi arabia giving $25 million. qatar, all of these countries. you talk about women and women's rights. so these are people that push gays off buildings. these are people that kill women and treat women horribly. and yet you take their money.
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so i would like to ask you right now, why don't you give back the money that you have taken from certain countries that treat certain groups of people so horribly? why don't you give back the money? i think it would be a great gesture because she takes tremendous amount of money. you take a look at people of haiti. i was in little haiti the other day in florida. and i want to tell you they are hate the clintons. because what has happened in haiti with the clinton foundation is a disgrace. and you know it. and they know it. and everybody knows it. moderator: secretary clinton. clinton: very quickly, we at the clinton foundation spend 90%, 90% of all mooney that is donated on behalf of programs of people around the world and in our own country. i'm very proud of that. we have highest rating from the watchdogs that follow foundations. i would happy to compare what which do to the trump foundation and took money from other people and bought a six-foot portrait
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of donald. who does that? it just was astonishing. when it comes to haiti, haiti is the poorest country in our hemisphere. the earthquake and hurricanes, it has devastated haiti. bill and i have been involved in trying to help haiti for many years. the clinton foundation raised $30 million to help haiti after the catastrophic earthquake and all of the terrible problems that people there had. we have done things to help small businesses, agriculture and so much else. and we're going to keep working to help haiti because it is an important part of the american -- trump: they don't want you to help them anymore. i would like to mention one thing. trump foundation, small foundation, people contribute. i contribute. the money goes 100%, 100% goes to different charities including a lot of military. i don't get anything. i don't buy boats. i don't buy planes. what happens -- moderator: wasn't some of the money used to settle your lawsuit, sir? trump: no, we put up the american flag and that is it.
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they put up the american flag. we fought for the right in palm beach to put up the american flag. moderator: there was fennpenalty imposed by palm beach county. the money came from -- trump: money went to fish are thousand, where they build houses, wouldn't to fisher house where they build houses for veterans and disabled veterans. clinton: no way we can no whether iany of that is true because he hasn't released his tax returns. he is the first candidate ever to run for president in the last 40 plus years who has not released his tax returns. everything he says about charity or anything else, we can't prove it. you know half of all immigrants, undocumented immigrants in our country
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actually pay federal income tax. we have undocumented immigrants who are paying more federal income tax than a billionaire. astonishing. >> we're entitled because of the laws people like her pass to take massive amounts of appreciation on charges and they do it. i know buffett took hundreds of millions of dollars. soros, george soros took hundreds of millions of dollars. moderator: wait, mr. trump. >> all of her donors do the same thing i do. you know what you should have done? you should have changed the law when you were a united states senator. moderator: folks. trump: your donors and special interests are doing the same thing as i do except even more so. you won't change the law because you take in so much money. i mean, i sat in my apartment today on a very beautiful hotel down the street. moderator: made with chinese
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steel. [ laughter ] >> i sat there watching ad after ad after ad, false ads, paid for by your friends on wall street who gave you so much money because they know you're going to protect them. if you don't like what i did, you should have changed the laws. moderator: mr. trump, one last question in this topic. you have been warning at rallies recently that this election is rigged and that hillary clinton is in the process of trying to steal it from you. your running mate, governor pence, pledged on sunday that he and you, his words, will absolutely accept the result of this election. today your daughter ivanka said the same thing. i want to ask you here on the stage tonight. do you make the statement that you will absolutely -- sir. that you will absolutely accept the result of this election. trump: i will look at it at the time. i'm not looking at anything now, i'll look tat at the time.
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what i've seen is so bad. first of all the media is so dishonest and so corrupt and the pile-on is so amazing, the "new york times" wrote an article about it, they don't care. it's so dishonest and poisoned the minds of the voters. unfortunately for them, i think the voters -- we'll find out on november 8th. you look -- excuse me, chris. if you look at your voter rolls, you will see millions of people that are registered to vote. millions. this isn't coming from me, this is coming from pew report and other places. millions of people that are registered to vote that shouldn't be registered to vote. so let me just give you one other thing. i talk about the corrupt media. i talk about the millions of people. tell you one other thing. she shouldn't be allowed to run. she's guilty of a very, very serious crime. she should not be allowed to run, and just in that respect,
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i say it's rigged because she should never. moderator: but -- trump: chris, she should never be allowed to run for the presidency based on what she did with e-mails and so many other things. moderator: sir, there is a tradition in the country, one of the prides of the country is the peaceful transition of power and no matter how hard fought the campaign, is that at the end of the campaign, the loser concedes to the winner. not saying you're necessarily going to be the loser or the winner, but that the loser concedes to the winner and the country comes together in part for the good of the country. are you saying you're not prepared to adapt to that principle? trump: i'll tell you at the time. i'll keep you in suspense, okay? clinton: that is horrifying. every time donald thinks things are not going in his direction, he thinks it's rigged against him. the fbi conducted a yearlong investigation into my e-mails, they concluded there was no
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case. he said the fbi was rigged. he lost the iowa caucus, he lost the wisconsin primary, he said the republican primary was rigged against him. then trump university gets sued for fraud and racketeering. he claims the court system and the federal judge is rigged against him. there was even a time when he didn't get an emmy for his tv program three years in a row and he started tweeting that the emmys were rigged against him. trump: should have gotten it. [ laughter ] >> this is a mind-set, how donald thinks. it's funny but also really troubling. this is not the way our democracy works. we've been around 240 years. we've had free and fair elections. we've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them, and that is what must be accepted of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. you know, president obama said the other day when you're whining -- [applause] . moderator: hold on, folks.
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clinton: it just shows you're not up to doing the job, and let's be clear about what he is saying and what that means. he is denigrating, talking down our democracy, and i, for one am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position. trump: i think what the fbi did and what the department of justice did, including meeting with her husband, the attorney general, in the back of an airplane on the tarmac, in arizona, i think it's disgraceful. i think it's a disgrace. moderator: all right. [applause] . moderator: hold on, folks, this doesn't do good for anyone. please continue the debate and move onto the subject of foreign hot spots. the iraqi offensive to take back mosul has begun. if they are successful in pushing isis out of that city and out of all of iraq, the question then becomes what happens the day after?
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and that's something that whichever of you -- whoever of you ends up as president is going to have to confront. will you put u.s. troops into that vacuum to make sure that isis doesn't come back or isn't replaced by something even worse? secretary clinton, you go first in this segment, you have two minutes. clinton: well, i am encouraged that there is an effort led by the iraqi army. supported by kurdish forces and also given the help and advice from the number of special forces and other americans on the ground. but i will not support putting american soldiers into iraq as an occupying force. i don't think that is in our interest, and i don't think that would be smart to do. in fact, chris, i think that would be a big red flag waving for isis to reconstitute itself. the goal here is to take back mosul. it's going to be a hard fight. i've got no illusions about that, and then continue to
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press into syria to begin to take back and move on raqaa, which is the isis headquarters. i am hopeful that the hard work that american military advisers have done will pay off, and that we will see a really successful military operation. but we know we've got lots of work to do. syria will remain a hotbed of terrorism as long as the civil war aided and abetted by the iranians and the russians continue. so i have said, look, we need to keep our eye on isis. that's why i want to have an intelligence surge that protects us here at home. why we have to go after them from the air, on the ground, online. why we have to make sure here at home, we don't let terrorists buy weapons. if you're too dangerous to fly, you're too dangerous to buy a gun. and i'm going to continue to push for a no-fly zone and safe havens within syria. not only to help protect the syrians and prevent the
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constant outflow of refugees, but to frankly gain leverage on both the syrian government and the russians so perhaps we can have the kind of serious negotiation necessary to bring the conflict to an end and go forward on a political track. moderator: mr. trump, same question. if we are able to push isis out of mosul and out of iraq, would you be willing to put u.s. troops in there to prevent their return or something else? trump: let me tell you, mosul is so sad. we had mosul, but when she left, when she took everybody out, we lost mosul. now we're fighting again to get mosul. the problem with mosul and what they wanted to do is they wanted to get the leaders of isis, who they felt were in mosul. about three months ago, i started reading that they want to get the leaders and they're going to attack mosul. whatever happened to the element of surprise? okay? we announced we're going after mosul. i've been reading we're going
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after mosul, how long is it hillary? three months? these people have all left. they've all left. element of surprise. douglas macarthur, george patton spinning in their graves when they see the stupidity of our country. we had mosul. all they had to do was stay there. you know who the big winner is going to be after they eventually get it, the only reason they will is she's running for the office of president. they want to look tough, they want to look good. he violated the red line in the sand and made so many mistakes, made all the mistakes. that's why we have the great migration. she wanted to look good for the election, so they're going in. who's going to get mosul? we'll take mosul. if you look at what's happening, much, much tougher, much more dangerous, more deaths than they thought. but the leaders we wanted to get are all gone because they're smart. they said what do we need this
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for? so mosul is going to be a wonderful thing and iran should write us a letter of thank you, just like the stupid, the stupidest deal of all time. a deal that's going to give iran absolutely nuclear weapons. iran should write us yet another letter saying thank you very much. because iran, as i said many years ago, iran is taking over iraq. something they've wanted to do forever, but we've made it so easy for them. we're now going to take mosul and you know who's going to be the beneficiary? iran. boy, are they making -- look, you're not there, you might be involved in the decision, you were there when you took everybody out of mosul and out of iraq. you shouldn't have been in iraq, but did you vote for it. you shouldn't have been in iraq, but once you were in iraq, you should have never left the way. the big winner is going to be iran. clinton: well, once again, donald is implying he didn't
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support the invasion of iraq. i said it was a mistake, i said that years ago. he has consistently denied -- trump: wrong. clinton: a very clear fact. trump: wrong. clinton: before the invasion he supported it. i want everybody to google it. google donald trump iraq, and you will see the dozens of source which verify he was for the invasion of iraq. trump: wrong. clinton: and can you hear the audio of him saying that. why does that matter? it matters because he has not told the truth about that position. i guess he believes it makes him look better now to contrast with me because i did vote for it, but what's really important here is to understand all the interplay. mosul is a sunni city. mosul is on the border of syria, and yes, we do need to go after baghdadi just like we went after bin laden. while you were doing "celebrity apprentice," and we brought him to justice. we need to go after the
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leadership, but we need to get rid of them, get rid of their fighters, their estimated several thousand fighters in mosul. dig underground, they've been prepared to defend. it's going to be tough fighting but i think we can take back mosul and move onto syria and take back raqaa. this is what we have to do. i'm just amazed that he seems to think that the iraqi government and our allies and everybody else launched the attack on mosul to help me in this election, but that's how donald thinks. you know? always looking for some -- trump: chris, we don't gain anything. iran is taking over iraq. moderator: secretary clinton. trump: iran is taking over iraq. we would have gained if they had the element of surprise. clinton: he says he's -- trump: we would have gained if we had the element of surprise. clinton: he proves it every time. trump: you are the one that's unfit. you know wikileaks came out, john podesta said some horrible
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things about you, and boy, was he right. he said some beauties. and, you know, b said you have . you do. and if you think that going into mosul after we let the world know we're going in and all of the people that we really wanted, the leaders, they're all gone. if you think that was good, then you do. now john podesta said you have terrible instincts. bernie sanders said you have bad judgment. i agree with both. clinton: you should ask bernie sanders who he's supporting for president, and he has said -- trump: which is a big mistake. clinton: campaigned for me around the country. you are the most dangerous person to run for president in the modern history of america. i think he's right. moderator: let's turn to aleppo. [ laughter ] >> mr. trump, in the last debate, you were both asked about the situation in the syrian city of aleppo, and i want to follow up on that because you said several things in that debate which were not
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true, sir. you said that aleppo has basically fallen. in fact, there are -- trump: it's a catastrophe. moderator: it is a catastrophe. trump: have you seen it? have you seen it? have you seen what's happened to aleppo. moderator: if i may finish my question. trump: okay, so it hasn't fallen, take a look at it. moderator: there are a quarter of a million people that live there and are being slaughtered. trump: they are being slaughtered because of bad decisions. moderator: if i may finish, sir, and you also said that syria and russia are busy fighting isis. in fact, they've been the ones bombing and shelling eastern aleppo and just announced a humanitarian pause, in effect, admitting they've been bombing and shelling aleppo. would you like to clear that up, sir? . trump: aleppo is a disaster, it's a humanitarian nightmare, but it has fallen from any standpoint. do you need a signed document? take a look at aleppo. it is so sad what's happened.
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a lot of this is because of hillary clinton, because what's happened is by fighting assad, turned out to be a lot tougher than she thought. and now she's going to say, oh, he loves assad. he's much tougher and much smarter than her and obama, and everyone thought he was gone, two years ago, three years ago, he aligned with russia. he now also aligned with iran, who we made very powerful. gave them $150 billion back. we give them 1.7 billion in cash. i mean cash. bundles of cash as big as this stage. we gave them $1.7 billion. now they have lined -- he has aligned with russia and with iran. they don't want isis, but they have other things because we're backing. we're backing rebels. we don't know who the rebels are. we're giving them lots of money, lots of everything. we don't know who the rebels are, and when and if -- and
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it's not going to happen because have you russia and iran now -- if they ever did overthrow assad, you might end up with a guy as bad as assad is. you might end up with worse than assad. if she did nothing, we'd be in much better shape. and this is what's caused the great migration where she's taking in tens of thousands of syrian refugees, who probably, in many cases, not probably, who are definitely in many cases isis aligned, and we now have them in our country and wait until you see where -- this is going to be the great trojan horse. wait until you see the coming years. lots of luck, hillary. thanks a lot for doing a great job. moderator: secretary clinton, have you talked about in the last debate and again today, you would impose a no-fly zone to try to protect the people of aleppo and stop the killing there. president obama has refused to do that because he fears it's going to draw us closer or
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deeper into the conflict and general joseph dunford, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff says you want to impose a no-fly zone, chances are you will get into a war, his words, with syria and russia. question is how do you respond to their concerns, secondly, if you impose a no-fly zone and a russian plane violates that, does president clinton shoot that plane down? clinton: chris, first of all, i think a no-fly zone could save lives and hasten the end of the conflict. i am well aware of the legitimate concerns you have expressed from the president and the general. this would not be done just on the first day. this would take a lot of negotiation and would also take making it clear to the russians and the syrians that our purpose here was to provide safe zones on the ground. we've had millions of people leave syria, and those millions of people inside syria who have been dislocated. so i think we could strike a deal and make it very clear to
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the russians and the syrians that this is something we believe was in the best interest of the people on the ground in syria but help in the fight against isis. i want to respond to something donald said about refugees, he's made the claims repeatedly. i am not going to let anyone into the country we have not vetted or have confidence in. i am not going to slam the door on the women and children. the picture of the four-year-old boy in aleppo with the blood coming down his face while he sat in an ambulance is haunting. we're going to do careful, thorough vetting. that does not solve our internal challenges with isis and our need to stop radicalization, to work with american muslim communities who are on the front lines to identify and prevent attacks. in fact, the killer of the dozens of people at the nightclub in orlando, the pulse
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nightclub was born in queens, the same place donald was born. so let's be clear about what the threat is and how we are best going to be able to meet it, and, yes some of that threat emanates from over in syria and iraq, and we've got to keep fighting and i will defeat isis and some of it is we have to up our game and be much smarter here. moderator: folks tonight get into the final segment. trump: it's so ridiculous. she will defeat isis. we should have never let isis happen in the first place, and right now they're in 32 countries. moderator: okay. trump: wait one second. they had a cease-fire three weeks ago, a cease-fire, united states, russia and syria, and during the cease-fire, russia took over vast swatches of land and said we don't want the cease-fire anymore. we are so outplayed on missiles, on cease-fires, they are outplayed. she wasn't there, i assume she had nothing do with it, but our country is so outplayed by putin and assad and, by the
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way, and by iran, nobody can believe how stupid our leadership is. moderator: mr. trump, secretary clinton, no, we need to move onto our final segment, that not the national debt which has not been discussed until tonight. our national debt as a share of the economy, the gdp is now 77%. that's the highest since just after world war ii. but the nonpartisan committee for a responsible federal budget says secretary clinton, under your plan, debt would rise to 86% of gdp over the next ten years. mr. trump, under your plan, they say it would rise to 105% of gdp over the next ten years. question, is why are both of you ignoring this problem? mr. trump, you go first. trump: i say they're wrong because i'm going to create tremendous jobs and we're bringing gdp from really 1% which is what it is now, if she got in, it will be less than zero, but bringing it from 1%
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up to 4%, and i think we can go higher than 4%. pi think you can go to 5 or 6%. and if we do, you don't have to bother asking your question. because we have a tremendous machine. we will have created a tremendous economic machine once again. to do that, we're taking back jobs, we're not going to let our countries be raided by other countries. we are not going to lose our product. it's very sad. i am going to create the kind of country we were from the standpoint of industry. we used to be there. we've given it up. we've become very, very sloppy. we've had people that are political hacks making the biggest deals in the world, bigger than companies. you take the big companies. the trade deals are far bigger than the companies and we don't use our great leaders, many of whom back me and many of whom back hillary, i must say. we don't use those people, these are the greatest negotiators in the world.
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we have the greatest business people in the world. we have to use them to create our trade deals. we use political hacks. we use people because they made a campaign contribution and dealing with people in china that are much smarter than they are. that being said, we'll create an economic machine the likes of which we haven't seen in many decades, and people, chris, will go back to work and make a lot of money, and we'll have companies that will grow and expand and start from new. moderator: secretary clinton? clinton: well, first, when i hear donald talk like that and know his slogan is make america great again, i wonder when he thought america was great? and before he rushes and says before you and president obama were there, i think it's important to recognize that he has been criticizing our government for decades.
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you know, back in 1987, he took out a $100,000 ad in the "new york times" during the time when president reagan was president, and basically said exactly what he just said now, that we were the laughingstock of the world. he was criticizing president reagan. this is the way donald thinks about himself. puts himself into the middle and says, you know, i alone can fix it as he said on the convention stage, but if you look at the debt which is the issue you asked about, chris, i pay for everything i'm proposing. i do not add a penny to the national debt. i take that very seriously because i do think it's one of the issues we've got to come to grips with. so when i talk about how we're going to pay for education, how we're going to invest in infrastructure, how we're going to get the cost of prescription drugs down, and a lot of the other issues that people talk to me about all the time, i've made it very clear, we are
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going where the money is. we are going to ask the wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share, and there is no evidence whatsoever that that will slow down or diminish our growth. in fact, i think just the opposite. we'll have what economists call middleout growth. we've got to get back to rebuilding the middle class. families of america. that's where growth will come from. that's why i want to invest in you. i want to invest in your family. and i think that's the smartest way to grow the economy, to make the economy fairer. we have a big disagreement about this. it may be because of our experiences, may be because his dad is a millionaire, my dad is a small businessman. trump: we heard this before. clinton: it's a difference that affects how we see the world and what we want to do with the economy. moderator: time. trump: thank you, hillary, could i respond? moderator: no, we're running out of time. trump: i disagreed with ronald
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reagan, we should have been much stronger on trade. i disagreed with him. frankly now we're going to do it right. moderator: one last area i want to get into with you and this debate is the fact that the biggest driver of our debt is entitlements, which is 60% of all federal spending. now the committee for federal responsible federal budget looked at both of your plans and say neither of you has a serious plan that will solve the fact that medicare will run out of money in the 2020s, social security will run out in the 2030s and at that time recipients will take huge cuts in their benefits. in effect, the final question i want to ask you in this regard, let me start with you, mr. trump. would president trump make a deal to save medicare and social security that included both tax increases and benefit cuts in effect, a grand bargain on entitlements? trump: i'm cutting taxes, we're going to grow the economy. it's going to grow at a record rate. moderator: that's not going to
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help entitlements. trump: going to totally help you. the one thing we have to do is repeal and replace the disaster known as obamacare. it's destroying our country. destroying our businesses, our small business and our big businesses. we have to repeal and replace obamacare. you take a look at the kind of numbers that that will cost us in the year 17. it is a disaster. if we don't repeal and replace. it's probably going to die of its own weight but obamacare has to go. the premiums are going up, 60, 70, 80%. next year they're going to go up over 100%, and i'm really glad that the premiums started. the people see what's happening because she wants to keep obamacare and she wants to make it even worse, and it can't get any worse. bad health care at the most expensive price. we have to repeal and replace obamacare. moderator: and secretary clinton, same question, because at this point, social security and medicare are going to run
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out. trust funds are going to run out of money. will you as president -- will you consider a grand bargain, a deal, that includes both tax increases and benefit cuts to try to save both programs? clinton: well, chris, i am on record as saying we need to put more money into the social security trust fund. that's part of my commitment to raise taxes on the wealthy. my social security payroll contribution will go up as will donalds, assuming he can't figure out how to get out of it, but what we want to do is replenish -- trump: such a nasty woman. clinton: by making sure we have sufficient resources, and that will come from either raising the cap and/or finding other ways to get more money into it. i will not cut benefits. i want to enhance benefits for low income workers and for women who have been disadvantaged by the current social security system. but what donald is proposing with these massive tax cuts
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will result in a $20 trillion additional national debt. that will have dire consequences for social security and medicare, and i'll say something about the affordable care act which he wants to repeal. the affordable care act extended the solvency of the medicare trust fund. so if he repeals it, our medicare problem gets worse. trump: your husband disagrees with you. clinton: long-term health care drivers. we've got to get costs down, increase value, emphasize wellness. i have a plan for doing that and think we will be able to get entitlement spending under control but with more resources and smarter decisions. moderator: this is the final time, probably to both of your delight, that you will be on the stage in this campaign. i would like to tend on a positive note. you had not agreed to closing statements, but it seems to me in a funny way that might make it more interesting because you haven't prepared closing statements. i'd like you each to take -- we're going to put a clock up
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-- a minute, as the final question in the final debate to tell the american people why they should elect you to be the next president. this is another new mini segment. secretary clinton, your turn to go first. clinton: well, i would like to say to everyone watching tonight that i'm reaching out to all americans, democrats, republicans and independents because we need everybody to help make our country what it should be, to grow the economy, to make it fairer, to make it work for everyone. we need your talents, your skills, your commitment, your energy, your ambition. i've been privileged to see the presidency upclose and i know the awesome responsibility of protecting our country and the incredible opportunity of working to try to make life better for all of you. i have made the cause of children and families really my life's work. that's what my mission will be in the presidency. i will stand up for families against powerful interests, against corporations. i will do everything that i can
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to make sure that you have good jobs with rising incomes, that your kids have good education from preschool through college, i hope you will give me a chance to serve as your president. moderator: secretary clinton, thank you. mr. trump? trump: she's raising the money from the people she wants to control. doesn't work that way. but when i started this campaign, i started it very strongly, it's called make america great again. we're going to make america great again. we have a depleted military. it has to be helped, has to be fixed. we have the greatest people on earth in our military. we don't take care of our veterans, we take care of illegal immigrants, people that come into our country illegally, better than our vets. that can't happen. our policemen and women are disrespected. we need law and order but need justice, too. our inner cities are a disaster, you get shot walking to the store. they have no education, no jobs. i will do more for african-americans and latinos than she can do in ten
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lifetimes. all she's done is talked to the african-americans and the latinos but to get the vote and come back and say we'll see you in four years. we're going to make america strong again and going to make america great again and it has to start now. we cannot take four more years of barack obama, and what you get when you get her. moderator: thank you, both. secretary clinton -- [applause] . moderator: secretary clinton, mr. trump, i want to thank you, both for participating in all three of these debates. that brings to an end this year's debates sponsored by the commission on presidential debates. we want to thank the university of nevada las vegas and students for having us. now the decision is up to you. while millions have already voted election day november 8th is 20 days away. one thing everyone here can agree on, we hope you will go vote. it is one of the honors and obligations of living in this great country. thank you and good night. [applause]
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. >> all right, that went well. so much for ending on a high note that they were attacking each other. they started out that way, they ended that way. i don't know how they score these things, but if it was just on hopping from issue to issue and doing so very, very aggressively, they did that. many will make nost the fact that neither donald trump nor hillary clinton shook each other's hands when they came into the room and don't look like they were shakeach other's hands now. but they will shake chris wallace's hand. the families did not shake hands. they opted not to. meg whitman who is, of course running h-p these days who says she has jumped the fence, as a republican saying she will support hillary clinton and is a guest to hillary clinton. you see melania joining donald
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trump. i don't know what they're privately saying or how he did, as his children get up there as well. i'm joined right now by trish regan who's been watching this with me, sitting up here. kennedy is in what they call the spin room. behind me, in the scrum that will quickly follow, and i think lou dobbs is with us. perhaps at the location outside. lou, your thoughts how this went. >> i thought it went -- it was just dandy. they don't like each other. they made that abundantly clear. i see no reason to go through the pretense of a handshake either before or after. >> you know you're right about that, lou, don't be phony about it. why pretend you like each other, right? >> i really mean that. and this little moment we had there when there was this, all of this drama whether he would accept the results of the election. what kind of chump would say
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i'm going to accept the results of the election open ended, no requirement that it be absolutely free, fair and correct. i mean, we'd all be chumps as citizens and voters if we said, well, it just doesn't matter. we're going to shake hands and everything is jolly. i think we're looking at a country right now and the media that is a little brainwashed to think that there is something -- chris, i think, did a brilliant job. that was a bit of a pause moment when he wouldn't accept it on any condition. he has conditions, a lack of corruptions. he's the reform candidate. he's the change candidate. why should he put up with more corruptions when he goes to the issues whether or not he will be sitting in the oval office? i think any one of us would demand that and should as voters. >> well, they are wading into the crowd right now. i always try to read body
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language, trish, i'm horrible at it. donald trump has a serious look on his face. angry a number of times, at hillary clinton. was trying to zing him, looks happy and smiling now. she talks to ted danson. if you had the opportunity to talk to ted danson, you would react the same way. >> not at all! >> i'm wondering what the body language is telling you as you look at it? >> as we watch both of them right now. i think she's been coached heavily, she knows the appropriate thing to do is to smile. >> talking to sarah palin, and the vp running mate. there is talk he might enter the spin room. donald trump, i rudely interrupted to you bring us to kennedy who will thereby when he does. if he does, he is one of the few candidates who does that. what happens when that happens? how does the scrum prepare for that, kennedy? >> the scrum will be
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scrumalicious. they are whipped up and ready to go. they are eagerly checking all signs, and normally we have a few secret service sweeps in the scrum quadrangle before he makes his way over here. that's what happened at hofstra. he did not come in after what could be considered a victory in st. louis. we are hearing rumblings he will perhaps come in, but again, the action from the powers that be who issue us the fine credentials, they have not been poking around and authorityively telling our camera people to get off their stools as they normally do. we're at a wait-and-see moment. i think you could say that this debate could be, at this point, considered a draw, if you're drawing opinion on social media, but overwhelmingly, people are saying that chris wallace was the decisive victor because of the way, if you contrast the way that chris
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wallace handled himself versus lester holt, martha raddatz and anderson cooper, he did a much better job of directing a substantive conversation that was not in the gutter for the first 45 minutes as we saw not long ago in st. louis. >> he certainly, when he had to clarify and interrupt candidates, he did so fairly equally. i haven't counted everything out. that is the one prior rap moderators had, they disproportionately interrupted donald trump. >> chris was outstanding. i'm not saying this because he's a fox personality and works for fox. when you compare and contrast it throughout the whole process, you got a very fair debate tonight. >> i got a kick out of it when he tried to rein in the crowd. don't do this, don't do that. >> he kept everyone right on the money in terms of getting to the questions and answers and getting equal opportunity to respond.
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that was good. i think as lou said earlier, people are going to make a big deal about this refusal of trump to accept the results whatever they may be of this election, that's something that you are seeing a ton of pickup on social media about and people are aghast. you could almost feel the astonishment -- >> by the way, i didn't hear hillary clinton volunteer if donald trump won she would accept. >> true, true. you think about 2000, right? and al gore, and you know -- >> and he did not accept those results. >> right! they went to the supreme court. >> very good point. they didn't bring that up. lou, for the challenger, that's the role you see donald trump being, he is the challengeering the party that's out of the white house trying to gain the white house and the argument is if you are the challenger, you have to go for a knockout. there are many champions ascended to the title by
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winning it on a decision, but they're rare. did he get the knockout tonight? >> i don't believe he got a knockout, but i also don't believe a knockout was required. i believe on points, that he outscored her. i think -- frankly, i think his appeal tonight was to independents. he was constraining himself. that was obvious. he was not bombastic in anyway. he was not threatening, certainly, and i think that's what he had to be to reach out and get independents to listen carefully to what he was saying. she is seeming to speak in snippets of campaign speeches rather than responding spontaneously and effortlessly in the flow of a debate. she seemed to be looking down. checking notes as best i could tell, when giving answers, and it was a little off-putting.
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on the other hand, trump would look off at chris wallace when we were hoping he would look at us through our monitors and screens. so overall, i think he won it on points and i think he came across far more authentic, frankly than did hillary clinton and her not answering the questions on the corruption, the public corruption question asked by chris wallace, who i thought did a terrific job, will be -- was a very big, big loss for her. >> all right, lou. thank you. i don't know who's suv this is waiting outside, but again, that's some of the trump family there. it's possible that he is leaving. he's not coming in the spin room in that event, which again, was all sorts of conspiracy theorists will say he was going to come into the
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spin room, now he doesn't think he did well. i'll leave to you muse about that at home. trish regan you mentioned something interesting certainly to me because i was oblivious to me. when the split screen was up, you noticed how differently each of them seemed lit and made up, and then our crew here was pointing out here that just the difference in the look of the type and the cameras weren't equally monitored. interesting. >> this is my television eye for you, right, being in this business for a while, you start to watch these things. perhaps more so as a woman than you. but lighting matters in tv. it really and truly does matter, and what i said to you, neil, did no one from his team go through the and look at that shot, take a look at it because i don't know if he just didn't have makeup on or if it was the light itself, she looked phenomenal. the makeup, the hair, terrific. he, on the other hand, really
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looked as though he bypassed the makeup department or it may have just been as simple as the light itself. >> it wasn't as focused a shot, right? that was kind of -- talking to the crew, guys, infinitely more knowledgeable than me. and i defer to all of them. the one just didn't seem right. maybe we are overanalyzing that. >> the other thing we should mention, in a control room they have the ability to adjust the color for the shot. >> looked like they were trying do it mid debate. >> it did to me as well. i remember writing it down. they may have been, as the crew suggested, trying to take perhaps some of the orange out of his skin and overcompensated. put too much blue in. we're getting way too technical. you could tell there was a difference in the appearance of his shot versus hers and frankly it did not complement him. >> interesting, people are going to talk about that.
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as soon as trish mentioned it, we were looking at it from a technical perspective, you did notice. now i don't notice these kinds of things, lighting people told me, neil, all the best flieth world is frankly not going to help. is he live? is he leaving? did trump get in there? i can't see if he got in the vehicle or if they left without him, which would be another story. way too espionage theory is going on here. we have a lot more on this. the debate is now done. you're starting to see a lot of the trump family gather, so many of them are obviously still here. what they don't realize is that their ride has left. more after this.
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. >> do you make the same commitment that you will absolutely -- sir, that you will absolutely accept the result of this election? >> i will look at it at the time. i'm not looking at anything now. i'll look at it at the time. what i've seen, what i've seen is so bad. first of all the media is so dishonest, and so corrupt, and the pile-on is so amazing. the "new york times" wrote an article about it, but they don't even care, it's so dishonest and they poison the minds of the voters, but unfortunately for them, i think the voters are seeing through it. neil: all right, that's the one they're mentioning online, you go to the social media sites where they're talking about donald trump might not be willing to accept the will of the people, the assumption is hillary clinton wins and he might not. that would lead to bedlam. despite people's anger over the statement, i believe it was al gore who did not accept in
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2000, the will of the people then, in a controversial vote in the state of florida that dragged us into a constitutional crisis then because we had a popular vote going one way, the electoral vote going the other way. then it was okay, now maybe not so okay. that is a little history. governor rick perry with me now. long serving governor of the fine state of texas just back with "dancing with the stars." you survived that, right? >> i did, my knee survived it. neil: you beat me to it. >> only because you were recuperating. neil: what do you think of donald trump saying there? a lot of people interpreting that to say are you saying our country's voting system is riged? >> it's classic donald trump. if you remember the cleveland debate, they asked will you support the candidate? and donald didn't raise his hand up. his point with all this is why would i concede to an election when it hasn't happened. neil: that wasn't the question,
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right? the question was will you accept the final vote, whatever it is. >> and i think that's the wrong question. i think that's a red herring, frankly. because what donald trump has been talking about is voter fraud that's out there. and my question, and i think as a governor of the state of texas, we went through this issue. just how much voter fraud are you willing to accept, then? neil: do you think voter fraud -- i can see what he was saying about how the system is rigged against conservatives and republicans, disproportionately negative against them, and he's right about that, but to go so far as to say you might not accept the vote. do you think that's dangerous? >> i think the issue goes to voter fraud. neil: but voter fraud widespread now, governor, in your gut, that it could turn the election? especially let's say if hillary clinton were to win by a substantial amount? >> 2000, how many votes?
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neil: fair enough. hypothetical, that he should accept that? >> listen, i think whoever comes up on the short end of this, when it occurs and we don't know, that will accept it whether it's donald or whether it's hillary clinton. but you know, again, i think this is getting way off the subject of who's going to get this economy back on track, who's going to build this military back up. neil: do you think stuff like that hurts them? i had a feeling when he was talking about the process being rigged when where it is disadvantageous for the republican. you looked at two issues. >> i don't know whether it does or not. i go back to this is such a different environment that we're in, no one a year ago thought that we would be where we are today. neil: fair enough, fair enough. >> people didn't think the brits were going to vote to get out of the european union. neil: very true. >> so it sit here and try to split hairs on a statement that
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he made, when the bigger issues -- he finally said something about veterans, she has not talked about veterans -- i mean -- neil: you think he missed opportunities or punching consistently? >> you think he was punching consistently? i don't think anybody is batting a thousand going into a debate. neil: do you buy the view -- and i raised this for people here -- he didn't get a knockout it would hurt him? >> i don't necessarily buy into that. neil: you don't? >> every successful debate he's gotten better. i think this was his best debate. neil: really? you think he won? >> i think he won the debate. no doubt. open borders, when hillary clinton stands up in front of american people and says i'm not for open borders. in a speech, and it was classic, the speech she was paid $225,000 for.
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governor, you remember that, it was $225,000. neil: thank you very much, governor rick perry. so much more coming here, you could see behind me, the spin room is crowding. each side getting out the w
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4:00 am
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