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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  October 20, 2016 9:00am-12:01pm EDT

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legitimate, but you can't all three. >> these two candidates are no more liked or disliked than in january and the margin of her over him in the polls is exactly where it was in january. maria: that's incredible. dagen mcdowell, mercedes, thank you so much. that will do it for us. see you tomorrow bright and early from new york. over to you. stuart: come on back, maria. new york is wonderful. [laughter] >> all right. moderator. will you accept the election results. >> trump, i'll keep you in suspense. according to the media that summed up the entire debate. good morning, everyone, wait a minute, that was not the entirety of the debate. it was almost sedate, the supreme court and trump was solid and scored some points. then hillary clinton baited him, you choked on mexico and
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the wall and you're a puppet of putin. that did it. trump got angry and the tone changed. and chris wallace asked will you accept the results of the debate. i'll keep you in suspense and hillary said she was appalled. >> trump called her a nasty woman and he's already losing badly among women voters. going into last night's debate. the poll showed a strong swing to the clinton camp even in arizona, idaho, georgia, alaska. and nationally 6 points. coming out of the debate, hillary did not land a knockout punch and trump did not mount a rousing comeback. 19 days until the election, "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪
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>> we have no country if we have no border. i want to build a wall. we need the wall. we have some bad hombres here and we are going 0 get them out. i have been for border security for years. when it comes to the wall that donald talks about building, he went to mexico, he had a meeting with the mexican president, didn't even raise it he choked. >> she's been proven to be a liar on so many different ways. this is just another lie. >> the russian government has engaged in espionage against americans. will donald trump admit and condemn that the russians are doing this? >> that was a great pivot off the fact that she wants open borders, okay? how did we get to putin-- >> i never met putin, this is not my best friend. we are going to stop radical islamic terrorism in this country. she won't mention the words and neither will president obama. >> he'd rather have a puppet as president of the united states.
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no puppet, you're the puppet. why don't you give back the money you've taken from certain countries that treat certain groups of people so horribly? >> i'd be happy to compare what we do with the trump foundation which took money from other people and bought a six-foot pour portrait of donald. >> did you make the commitment, sir, that you absolutely accept the results of this election. >> i will tell you at the time and keep you in suspense. >> i hope you'll give me the chance to be your president. >> we are going to make america strong again and we are going to make america great again and we are going to start now. stuart: those were highlights of 90 minutes of trading jabs. we've got a lot more throughout the day's program. now, the debate has played no obvious role in the stock market this morning. we're going to be down about 20-odd points, that's it. no influence from the debate that i can see at this point
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and i'll try to get it in. let's bring you back to the middle of debate. fiscal times columnist liz peek, from the top, liz, who won? >> i actually thought that trump won last night because he came crossed as informed, measurable and reasonable and for all of those people who believed hillary clinton's line about reckless and dangerous, i thought with the sole exception about yes, he would accept the election outcome. i thought he could prove he could stand his ground and put her on defense on a number of issues, and finally the clinton foundation was on the board, but who won the after-game was obviously hillary clinton because the media has solely focused on the issue of the election outcome. stuart: headline in new york times, trump won't say if he'll accept the results. same in the los angeles times, universally that's the issue that all the media has picked
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up to the exclusion of everything else. >> and never mind that al gore accepted the results after he did. >> and the dnc trying to ignore the videos. ashley: he said nice pivot. stuart: what did the media pick on as the issue of the election debate. trump whether or not he would accept the election results. let's roll that tape. >> no matter how hard-fought a campaign is, at the end of the campaign, that the loser concedes to the winner, not saying that you're necessarily going to be the loser or the winner, but that the loser concedes to the winner and that the country comes together in part for the good of the country. are you saying you're not prepared now to conduct that prirn?
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>> what i will say, i will tell you at the time, i will keep you in suspense. stuart: there it is, headline in every newspaper. jeff dewitt from vegas. you must be disappointing that's the story that everybody is pointing to from the debate last night. >> it obviously shows that donald trump did a great job because they can't hit him on anything of substantial, they have to hit him on a hypothetical question, that's all they have on him and they obviously, as you talked about, have forgotten that al gore in 2000 did not concede the election until mid december. he kept the country in suspense for six weeks and then later went around for eight years saying the election was stolen from him. stuart, as you and ashley previously talked out according to the pew research center, 24 million voter records are inaccurate. 1.8 million dead people are registered to vote and 2.75 million americans are registered to vote in more than one state so we clearly have work to do anyway on making
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sure our elections are fair. >> okay. i think that hillary goaded him last night and you know, he did take the bait. he said you choked when you met mexico's president about paying for the wall. you are a puppet of putin. he responded to that, he lost his temper. do you think that was a good idea? >> well, you know what's amazing, this is where you saw her lose her temper on clinton foundation, she's trying so hard to paint him as connected to russia, or putin and you saw him say, i don't know him, i've never met him. what strikes me is the wikileaks e-mail releases from john podesta. in those e-mails it says that they believe, the clinton campaign believes their biggest weakness, one line is biggest weakness is how hillary clinton as secretary of state signed the deal that gave 20% of america's uranium to the russians in exchange for a $140 million contribution from russians investors to the clinton foundation.
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to me when i see her do that, i see it as a way to pivot off of that. it's not landing blows because it's not real, she's the one that did the deal. stuart: jeff dewitt, get some sleep, i don't ng you will. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: i want more from last night. hillary took a stab at trump and he fired right back. so just watch this. >> my social security, payroll contribution will go up as will donald's assuming he can't figure out how to get out of it, but what we want to do is to replenish. >> such a nasty woman. stuart: that was what i was waiting for. you just heard it, trump called hillary a nasty woman. such a nasty woman. liz peek. >> that's not great. stuart: not a good idea. >> no, even if it's true. which according to her secret service detail and any number of observers, she is indeed a nasty woman.
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but it was a low moment for donald trump. stuart: would it have been okay for woman to call trump an evil man, equally nasty? >> she calls him all kind of things. stuart: can a man say you're a nasty woman-- >> it just isn't a good idea. stuart: you can't do that. you can't. >> particularly when you're trailing by women voters boo i a enormous margin. my criticism of trump last night, he didn't do anything to bring women on board his campaign, didn't talk about families and obamacare in a way that sounded like he sympathized with him. his hard line on abortion is going to appeal to the conservative right, but that isn't going to bring on a lot of women voters and i think he kind of whiffed on that. stuart: and i agree with women voters. >> and education. wyatt open on education. and liz, stay there, a lot more please. the cleveland indians are going
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to the world series. they beat the blue jays, took them five games, they've not won a world series by the way since 1948, 68 years ago. they play the winner of the cubs-dodgers series for the national league title. when does the world series begin? >> tied at two games apiece, by the way. that's going to be a good-- >> we've got to wait until next week. >> yes, we are. >> we've got another bombshell from the podesta e-mails released by wikileaks. listen to this, podesta says, the chair of the clinton campaign, it's okay for illegal immigrants to vote as long as they show up to the polls with a driver's license. we will be dealing with that. and we have dials on the final debate, instant voter reaction real-time. democrats in blue, republicans in red and independents and seem to be lining up with trump at times. and hillary asked about the
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dreams of open borders, instead she talks about trump and putin, and trump called her out on it. and roam furious about an mcdonald's being open at vatican city. they're asking the pope to step in, outrage. we'll be back. >> so funny. i know you're my financial advisor, but are you gonna bring up that stock again? well you need to think about selling some of it. my dad gave me those shares, you know. he ran that company. i get it. but you know i think you own too much. gotta manage your risk. and you've gotta switch to decaf. an honest opinion, even if you disagree. with 13,000 financial advisors, it's how edward jones makes sense of investing.
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>> barbie and american girl help mattel shares. they will open sharply higher this morning, about 4 or 5% up. ebay is going to be 4 or 5 down. not such a rosie look for the holidays. that cuts the stock down there. now, donald trump raised concerns about the clinton foundation last night. >> it's a criminal enterprise, saudi arabia giving 25 million dollars, qatar, all of these countries, you talk about women and women's rights? so, these are people that push
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gays off business-- off buildings. these are people that kill women and treat women horribly and yet, you take their money. so, i'd like to ask you right now, why don't you give back money from certain countries that treat certain groups of people so horribly. why don't you give back the money. i think it would be a great gesture. stuart: wait a minute, we didn't have a whole sound bite there. she pivots, she turns that around completely. she does not answer donald trump's question. i'll see if i can find you the full bite later on. in fact, she did it again. another pivot. this time on open borders. watch this. >> is that your dream, open borders? >> well, if you went on to read the rest of the sentence. i was talking about energy. i actually think the most important question of this evening, chris, is finally will donald trump admit and condemn that the russians are doing this and make it clear that he
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will not have the help of putin in this election. we've never had anything like this happen in any of our elections before. >> that was a great pivot off the fact that she wants open borders, okay? >> pivot, we got it in. the former spokesman at the united nations, he's a trump supporter. that was a pivot and a half, and well done to avoid awkward questions, what say you? >> she's fantastic at it and been doing it for 30 years and this is why the trump phenomenon has exploded. this is why he's the g.o.p. nominee. he doesn't pivot very well. he answers the question. he sometimes goes straight in and gives you a direct answer and i think the american people love that. now, look, the political media, they don't like that because they want to see a professional pivot to talk about something else, but the fact is, the voter loves it. stuart: you know, you're right.
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they want a professional pivot. they want a professional politician they can handle. rick, i'm sorry to cut this short, i've got to dash, but that was good. thanks, rick grinell. you stayed up all night for this, incredible. in 2006 i want to show you a contradiction. 2006 hillary clinton sounded a lot like donald trump calling for physical barriers along the border, watch this. >> there isn't any sensible approach except to do what we need to do simultaneously, you know, secure our borders with technology, personnel, physical barriers, if necessary, in some someplaces and we need tougher employer sanctions and try to incentivize mexico to do more and we need to create the environment in which we get people out of the shadows and then give them some earned right to legalization that will enable them to commit to work if they've committed
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transgressions of any kind, they obviously would be deported. ashley: obviously. that's another example how hillary clinton will flip-flop and say whatever she thinks is the right thing to say at the time. tpp, the gold standard of trade agreements and now she's not for it. she's calling for increased patrol and physical barriers and deportation. all the things that donald trump called for and things that she called racist and bigoted and everything else. stuart: do they recognize this? >> she voted for george bush's call to borders, equal, 65 countries have walls around the world. this is about protecting the border, what is wrong with that? bill clinton was for stronger and better borders, and wanted someone to be on top of that.
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stuart: wouldn't it be nice if the media looked at this contradiction. >> the fact that after all of those, those measures, we still have insecure borders, that's the end story. hundreds of thousands of people coming across the border, it's appalling. stuart: listen to this, liz peek, francois hollande says there are too many immigrants in france. and guess what? he blames the rise of isis on president obama. did you think you would hear that? no. , a bombshell from the e-mails, that says that it's okay for illegals to vote as long as they show up with a driver's license. we'll be back. you do all this research
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>> here is a name you know and it will have a very nice pop at the opening bell. american express. they say they're going to make a lot more money in the future. investigato investors love that, up she goes. a lot more money in american airlines. the stock will be down leastly. and an american airline bringing in less money? every flight i'm on is jam packed. and john podestpodesta's docume
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he says it's okay for illegals to vote if they have a driver's license. the quote, on the picture i.d. one thing i have thought of in that space is that if you show up on election day with a driver's license with a picture, a test that you are a citizen, you have the right to vote in federal elections. how about that? >> i mean, it's an appalling statement. now we have 12 states in the country that allow people here illegally to obtain driver's licenses. so, how could you have a better recipe for fraud than having widespread, you know, use of driver's licenses and in california, if you apply for a driver's license you are now automatically registered to vote. so, i think a step enacted in the last few years, hundreds of thousands of people in that state illegally and now potentially have that. stuart: why shouldn't donald trump say, you know, i've got a few questions about the elections going on with this going on liz: and the fbi testified before congress, listen, the
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department of motor vehicle don't have the tests for fake birth certificate and covering up criminal activity like money landering. ashley: 50% of driver's licenses, given to california drivers are to illegal immigrants. 50% of all driver's licenses in california are given to illegal immigrants. how can that be? >> the trump statement that undermining democracy. what is undermining if not illegal voting? calm down, blood pressure, blood pressure. i've got two headlines from tesla, they have plans to make a fully autonomous car trip across the country, l.a. new york city next year and nobody is touching the steering wheel next year. and they've taken a shot, elon musk is, covering accidents, saying that journalists are killing people.
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healthmarkets was excellent. they explained all our medicare choices and followed up at every level. and here's what judy of indiana writes ... medicare shopping was very confusing - if only we talked to you first! at healthmarkets, we make finding the coverage you need fast and easy ... because we know you have better things to do. call this number and let healthmarkets find the right medicare plan for you - without cost or obligation. call a licensed agent now before open enrollment ends. call now. >> right. we've got 30 seconds to the opening bell. let me get this out of the way with right from the get go. the european central bank is not going to touch interest
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rates. okay? that's the headline of the day on the more professional or more detailed business use channels, i guess. no, it's not. can i take that back? we've got eight seconds to go. we've got to tap dance another eight seconds to make a mistake like that. five seconds, four seconds. >> pivot! . stuart: there you go, it's 9:30. let's get on with this thing, shall we? we're going to be down 40 points from the get-go. look at oil. i think this is we've got a 50 point drop for the dow. oil is down a buck a barrel and the dow is down 50 points. ashley webster, you're all right. ashley: thank you. stuart: the webster ratio holds. he's on our team this morning and so is liz macdonald. larry levin, liz peek, john layfield. we're at it. right after the debate mexico's peso is at an all-time high.
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and some think that hillary won the debate. larry, to you first, virtual reality guy, do you think that hillary won the debate last night? >> no, i don't think she won the debate. i don't think i have an impartial view, i'm a trump fan as you know, i don't think she won the debate by any means, i think that donald won it handily, a lot of people think she's going to win. the polls think she's going to win, i haven't seen any today after the debate, but, yes, the polls think she's going to win and makes sense that the peso is moving higher. stuart: how about you, john, do you think she won? >> no, i think america lost. it's crazy we have to pick between one of these two terrible candidates and i think the market is looking at this at hillary clinton, they like certainty, even though certainty is bad. i think the market believes that hillary clinton is going to win. stuart: let me get this out of the way with, do you think i'll go to ash and liz, do you think that the debate last night has
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any impact on the markets first thing this morning? >> no, but i think it will eventually. i think hillary, the idea of raising taxes on corporations is so anti-theme -- antethema to this-- >> a clean sweep the market wouldn't like, but hillary and a republican congress, there would be a level of uncertainty. stuart: down 30, 40 points from the get-go. a couple of individuals stocks, let's go through it. american airlines, less money came in and the stock is virtually dead flat. the planes are always jammed. dead flat stock this morning. lower revenue and the parent of dunkin' donuts, real good coffee people, down 4%. fewer restaurant openings, we're down 4 1/2%, more money at the home builder, pulte homes and here is this. they sold more homes at higher
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prices, and revenues up 30% and the stock is down 2%, go figure. travelers, a down stock. profit down, but better than some expected. nonetheless, it's down three bucks, nearly 3% on travelers, that's helping the dow go down. verizon, discounted heavily to attract subscribers. that cut into revenue and it's down 2 1/2%. big moves from big name companies. look at this, 6% up for american express. they're looking forward and they're saying we're going to make more money in the future. the market loves it. >> how about ebay, down on a weak holiday forecast. when i say down, that's a tumble. 9% lower. i'm going around the block here. is ebay out of fashion? does anybody buy stuff for the holidays on ebay? >> no, it's the auction house for stuff you want to sell from grandma's attic. it was in the late 90's, but now amazon have blown them out.
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>> i agree, when i try to sell stuff, nobody wants it. i've giving up on ebay, i don't buy on ebay. stuart: and i'm not going to comment on the junk you're trying to sell. >> amazon is the-- the only rival could be wal-mart with acquisitions they've made. stuart: and i'm almost making a joke and ebay, but i'm not sure they're doing well against amazon. >> companies need to know to sell the top. and as jerry seinfeld said, you've got to know when to leave and you've seen it with yahoo! and twitter and watch out, ebay. stuart: another one for you, the amazon story of the day, we have one every day. garth brooks is joining amazon's streaming service. i think this is a big deal, why? >> he is the only artist, basically, only artist who outsold him in the united
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states is the beatles. he's sold 138 million albums, the top selling solo artist of all time and the biggest holdout, semi retired since 2000 and now exclusive deals to stream his music. stuart: he's country music, right? >> yes. stuart: thank you, liz. look at amazon, $810 a share. it was 850. ashley: yeah. stuart: what, two weeks ago? in danger of dropping below 800. there's a story for you. all right, tesla, all of their cars are being-- that are being produced will have full self-driving hardware on them. one more item, they have plans to demonstrate a self-driving car that goes from l.a. to new york city next year, i think, and that-- nobody touches the steering wheel? >> nobody touches the steering wheel. self driving is different from autopilot. hands off the wheel. they hope to give a demonstration drive next year, driving from l.a. to new york. stuart: i misspoke, there's
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another item here. elon musk, top guy at tesla, journalists who slam self-driving cars are killing people. give me a short explanation liz: he's basically saying, listen, our cars are safe relative to the 1.2 million crashes every year by people who drive cars and saying, you know what? journalists, it's your fault. if you don't knock it off with coverage of people in the crashes, excuse me, the crashes of robotic cars, you're going to basically end up killing people. that's the quote there. >> that's pretty strong. >> considering one of the cars actually did kill somebody, yes. stuart: moving on. >> right. stuart: barbie and american girl, in my life i've spent a fortune on those two dolls. nicole, do you have the story for me, please. nicole: we're going to talk about mattel in particular, up about 5%. it turns out, remember how we talked about how barbie sales were dwindling? the last quarter did well and this quarter did well. in fact, we saw barbie sales rising about 16%.
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you know what else is hot? the high-end american girl doll and you know what, folks, stuart varney went to the american girl store. come on, let's see the video and watch you shopping. stuart: there i went. there i go. that was a long time ago. nicole: you're ahead of the trend, in the trend, whatever you want to call it, but the high-end dolls are doing well for mattel after they lost two major licenses with disney. stuart: that was 2013. nicole: who are you shopping for. stuart: grandchildren. >> himself >> i want to say i've lost all of the weight i've gained. and mcdonald's, this will not affect the stock price. and cardinals no less not happy about a plan to open an mcdonald's in vatican city. liz, the story liz: the cardinals not loving
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it, the colden arches another st. peters basilica, they're calling it controversial and asking the pope to stop it and mcdonald's's cuisine is an affront to italian cuisine. and even with the revenues from it. they could be below the residences of seven cardinals. >> they want something healthy like pizza. stuart: give me a pizza. would you like to watch tv on the web? google can help you do that. ash, you've got to explain that for me. ashley: they're going to use live web tv service that would use the youtube platform. makes perfect sense and reached an agreement with cbs live nfl games which is a big deal. in talks with fox, disney and viacom, they could offer what they call a skinny bundle, fewer channels, 30, $40 a
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month. the only surprise they haven't done this sooner because this makes perfect sense. stuart: what do you think of that, john layfield? i like the sound of it,i've got to say. a mini bundle? i like that. >> i think it's terrific. like i've said many times, it's not very long before you see google or apple buy something like nfl rights or premier league rights and once they do, it's game over for the cable distributors. stuart: wow. speaking of the premier league. fantasy site, fanduel they're going to add english premier soccer. first in years. ashley: this is growing in popularity here just by the studio crew here who probably wouldn't talk about it and now they all follow the epl. and draft kings have had epl and champions league and mls and all of those. soccer certainly gaining in popularity and i think this is a reflection of that.
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stuart: i do want to get to larry levin because i know he's our virtual reality guy. he's a very technology advanced guy. what do you make of that, google may introduce mini packages so you get your tv on the web. i like the sound of it, i've got to say. >> i totally agree with you, stuart. people want choices and don't want to be stuck with 200 channels and 150 they don't watch and spending $150 a month for that. so 30 or $40 for exactly what they want or slim down closer to what they want than what you're paying for comcast, exfinty, things like that. >> who would have thought that a search engine would give you tv on the web. >> stock that we're following today. zon, chief financial officer says that the yahoo! hack will have, quote, a material impact on yahoo!. remember, verizon wants to buy yahoo!.
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verizon is down 2% and i think that yahoo! may be down as well. we're out of time. i want to thank you, liz peek, john, larry, one and all. thank you very much indeed. ten minutes, where are we on the big board? it's thursday morning and we're down 40 points. 18-1 is where we are. >> voter reaction to last night's debate. wait until you see how independent voters responded to donald trump's comments about accepting the result of the election or not. and in the 10:00 hour coming shortly, interesting comments from the president of france, mr. hollande. he says his country took on too many migrants and that the rise of isis was president obama's fault. whoa! ♪ ♪
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>> a book that just came out about francois hollande. in it, he applies and says, there are quote, too many immigrants in france and he goes on to say, suggest, that president obama was to blame for the rise of isis. . >> yes, because, to take that last issue first, because he refused to back france and others to go in and start in syria in 2013 and kind of backed off. he said as a result of that, isis was able to grow and we had the point. the book called the president shouldn't say that. written by two journalists in france and he says quite pointedly, there is a problem with islam because it wants to assert itself as a religion, inside the french republic. there are tomorrow arrivals and immigrants who shouldn't be here and never stops. so at some point it has to stop.
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it doesn't go for the mantra of the party which he represents. it calls a stir in france. national identity is the clear issue in the french presidential elections coming up next year. stuart: who would have thought you've got the french socialist president saying something like that, extraordinary. today the media is clearly fixated on mr. trump refusing to say he would accept the election results. i want to watch in, a real-time reading, blue line democrats, red line republicans, yellow, independents. >> do you, sir, absolutely accept the results of the election. >> i'll look at it at the time. i'm not looking at anything now. i'll look at it at the time. what i've seen is so bad. first of all, the media is so dishonest and so corrupt and the pile-on is so amazing, the new york times actually wrote an article about it, that they
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don't care. it's so dishonest and poison the minds of voters, but unfortunately for them, i think the voters are seeing through it. stuart: well, that's extraordinary performance on the yellow line and the independents there. and lee carter conducted that focus group and she's with us now. that was an extraordinary reaction by the independents to the-- i won't necessarily accept the election results comment. >> you know what? it was really surprising based on everything we're hearing from pundits on all the networks and i was surprised when i heard from voters and independents like this even more than the republicans did. what they said is they were looking for someone who is going to fight the establishment, he wasn't going to settle for it. he's proving he's a fighter. now, this doesn't necessarily mean that they like donald trump, but they like he's going to fight for them. they like the concept and resonated with him and when he pivot today talk how the media was against him and rigged they went off the charts and agreed with it, they want to see a fighter. stuart: i think that voters believe that there really is
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something in this electoral fraud charge that donald trump is laying and the media is all over that one today. not about election fraud, oh, no, the destruction of democracy by donald trump. that's what they say. hold on a second. you've got another dial, i want this one in, this one on hillary and russian hackers. again, red republicans, blue democrats, yellow, independents. roll tape. >> finally, will donald trump admit and condemn that the russians are doing this, and make it clear that he will not have the help of putin in this election? that he rejects russian espionage against americans, which he actually encouraged in the past. those are the questions we need answered. we've never had anything like this happen in any of our elections before. stuart: wow, lee, the independents just hated what hillary was saying. >> i think the independents are most important voters to be watching right now, they're who is going to decide the election
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and they rejected this answer outright. this is when she was asked about wikileaks and asked about her comments about open borders and just pivoted right to talking about, this was about energy and grids and this is about a bigger problem with russia and pivot to attacking donald trump and the independents were not buying it. stuart: i'm going to be very interested to see the actual polls, which take into account that last night's debate. if you watch the media, everybody says that hillary won. but some of your lines on the dial there, lee, suggest maybe otherwise. we'll find out when the polling results come in. and you've got fascinating stuff there. thank you for being with us today. wait a minute, you're staying. >> i am. stuart: you're staying, yes, you are, you're back in. okay? >> back in just a bit. stuart: all right. a couple of items for you. facebook's mark zuckerberg defending billionaire peter theil who came out in support of donald trump.
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zuckerberg says it's all about diversity. we're on it and tonight in new york city, hillary clinton and donald trump will attend the al smith dinner. they'll both speak. according to tradition you're supposed to be cordial and self-deprecating. do you think they'll play by the rules? we'll be back. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks.
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>> apparently facebook board member, that would be peter theil, his one and a quarter million dollar donation to donald trump, well, that ruffled a few feathers among other facebook employees. liz, mark zuckerberg, top guy at facebook defends theil liz: he spent an internal memo, he says you can have diversity of thinking. we can't create a culture that says it cares about diversity and includes almost half the country because they back up a candidate and then see an elbow shot here to donald trump. there are many reason that a person support trump that does not include racism, xenophobia and-- >> oh, are you kidding me liz: that's the elbow shot.
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he's worried that the world is-- he believes the u.s. is going down. stuart: i don't believe that believe in that in silicon valley. just not there. and back to the debate and an another dial for you. donald trump discussing the supreme court and the second amendment. again, republicans in red, democrats blue, independents yellow. roll tape. >> we need a supreme court that, in my opinion, is going to uphold the second amendment and all of them, but the second amendment which is under absolute siege. i believe if my opponent should win this race, which i truly don't think will happen, we will have a second amendment which will be a very, very small replica of what it is right now. stuart: lee carter come on back with us. i know you stayed up all night to be with us this morning. so you're back. >> i'm back. stuart: i'm really shocked-- i'm not shocked, i'm surprised
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how uniformly the independents went with trump last night. >> i'm more than a little shocked because we've seen-- there were three weeks when independents were lost to donald trump and that was after the goldstar family comments and recently we saw them sort of fracture again after the issues with women and the videotape with billy bush. last night, we saw him come back and he came back strong. people were coming back to his message and hearing from folks, again, i'm not so sure about donald trump the person, but what i'm sure about, i want change and i do believe that he's going to fight and this comment he's talking about the second amendment, his language is straight forward and sounds like he's going to fight for the people and people and voters want to hear about. we have a lot of undecided voters in really, really key states. up to 22% undecided voters and everything matters here and part of what we're going to see, what is going to be repeated and the sound bites we'll hear over and over again and for those who weren't able to watch last night.
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we heard from independents, 61% of those we spoke to last night said they thought that donald trump won. stuart: that's just fascinating. now, i really can't wait to see the polls that are taken in the immediate aftermath of that debate, a reliable poll. i want to see it. lee, thanks very much for seeing it. all night. we appreciate that. thank you very much, lee. >> anytime, talk to you soon. >> donald trump says the election is rigged. and he's taking a lot of heat for that comment in the mainstream media, however, in a leaked e-mail, hillary's campaign chief john podesta says it's okay if illegals with driver's licenses vote. how about that? and today, president obama visits florida and tout successes of obamacare. mr. president, that's a tough sell. second hour of "varney & company" coming up next.
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.. stuart: all right, everyone can
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check the establishment media this morning it would have been hanging for debate? only one topic, one leg. trump would not commit not to accept in election results. i'll tell you what the times said. i keep you in suspense. horrified the clinton. while the media to thank you and ran with it. hold on a minute. does the media think there is absolute and no election fraud at all? trump doesn't have a leg to stand on when it uses the word rigged. all of this week we have shown your undercover video from the project or top democrats conspired to rig elections with voters multiple names. one of those had visited the white house 342 times. separately, a senior election official admitting that illegal voting was going on in new york city and there was widespread. right before the debate, wikileaks revealed that john
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podesta, clinton's campaign chair thinks it's okay for illegal immigrants develop here in just getting a drivers license. all of this ignored. all of it buried. we are looking at another example of the media doing everything it can to support hillary clinton. forget about voter fraud or hillary dodges on candle. the foundation brush run, democrats inciting violence for gross failure in foreign policy. all of it came up last night has not been covered by the media this morning. there is a rush to make a negative judgment on trump's debate performance. it is not as clean cut as the media suggests. the second hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. >> appear in the real estate business that got news for you.
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the existing home sales numbers for september. trent are of more than 3% to 5.47. existing home sales that the majority. it looks like a two-month slide has stopped for now. reaching near the peak of what it was in june and that was also equated to 2007 levels. it is on the mend here. stuart: realtors love this kind of thing. no impact on the stock market but i can be. i've got to ask you about mortgage rates. ashley: 3.52%. the highest in four months. let's face it. record lows. true to highest, high a spirit are you kidding me? if i could get a 3% mortgage. stuart: i'll say it again. my first house ever bought late
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1970s 12.5% mortgage rate here in 16% 1982. ashley: thought it was a steal. stuart: who would've thought. the election of the debate. trump may have a point when it comes to election fraud. seeing the video that i mentioned earlier, the e-mail from john podesta appeared these numbers from the pew research. here they go again. 1.8 million deceased people are listed as eligible voters. 2.75 million voters have registrations in more than one tape. 24 million voters registration are no longer valid. what i'm picking up on here is the establishment media. last night all they saw in that debate was trump was say if he will accept elections result.
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trump says it's rigged. >> may be. the deceased record is a hot mess and that's why we have to rely on the people at the polling station to do an excellent job. the data around voter's job is nominal. certainly you can make that point. you are right about the over conclusiveness of media outlets in terms of the debate. most people went to last nights debate performance and it frustrates me as a lawyer because i want to trust to make my arguments including what closing statement. i think before we even got their people had really already decided. >> you're not going to dismiss voter fraud here to >> actually i have to. that is why the red in a way
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that's going to affect a real election. we just don't have the data to show that. they show some instances. i'm not going to dispute that. stuart: i'll frank and got elected with it. >> we find examples of an lapd officer calling people monkeys. stuart: i'm going to move on. trump also address videos they showed top democrats planning to incite violence that trump rallies. let's roll that tape again. >> if you look at the clips gratis wondering what happened with my rally chicago where we had such violent. she's the one in the bomb that caused the violence. they pay them $1500 they're a tape saying he violent caused by
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and do bad things. >> will show a donald trump was referring to. roll that tape. [inaudible] stuart: i think it's pretty clear right there. that is incitement of violence at a trump rally by democrats and it was organized and they figured out how to do it. hillary clinton is saying these wicked drunk racists are doing it. this is nonsense. >> that is nonsense. i'm not going to defend that. that is disgusting to me. let somebody win or lose something on a merry. they hired mentally ill patients to be part of this disruption and it kind of thing that makes people not trust the process for the democracy. stuart: they don't trust what hillary clinton is saying about
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violence. it's outrageous they would do this. >> undermined further her trustworthiness and credibility. stuart: truthfulness as well. we've got them on videotape. a couple of operatives singing we hired mentally disabled people. go to a rally, get in the front and provoke something and see what happens. let's make that the subject. >> i know my test entire party in that light, but hillary clinton and her operatives are accountable. stuart: while they are not good >> they were being held. >> some people are smarter than that. dream to wear all those videos? abc, cbs. >> it looks horrible. stuart: i've been there, it was fun. are you staying with us?
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i'm moving on. hillary clinton had a lot of time enjoying the debate away from serious questions and certainly about security and open borders. watch this. >> adventure dream open borders? >> i was talking about energy. i think the most important question of this evening inside the label donald trump admits and condemned the russians are doing that and make it clear that he will not have the help of putin in this election. we've never had anything like this happened. >> that is great the fact he wants open borders. trent to bring in and now real clear politics. that was a masterful performance when it comes to the picnic, to
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the pier there, would you not agree? >> hillary clinton was not holed up in a hotel room for five days or more for nothing. she knew she was facing chris wallace. she knew she was going to be had up on wikileaks in her e-mail server and other things that she was going to be prepared to pay that in circle around and filibuster away from subject to which she doesn't have good answers. she was caught in the transcript talking about how you say different things in public than you do in private and she tried to pretend it was a hot net wide north american energy. she was talking about them as you pointed out, went right over to the tolkien point about russia's interference in this election. it's what you do in debates when you're in a jam. it's what people were trying to train donald trump were doing this practice session and he did it a few times and what i thought was his best debate
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performance yet. it is certainly what she's been working on because she knows what's in the e-mails is what she doesn't want to spend time talking about. stuart: and i looked at the media's reaction last night, everybody focused all the media on the one have sent in to bat i'm not necessarily going to accept the election results. i thought that that the media bias away from all the other stuff that was in the debate. i'm inclined to say donald trump did not lose last night. he may not have made a huge contribution towards this cause but he absolutely didn't lose. what you say? >> it was his best debate performance of the three. if he didn't land hillary clinton and she didn't actually stumble either a disqualifying wake up it makes debate moment history. i do think if you're a supporter of either one you feel that your
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candidate did very well. i don't know that it's going to change the game for trump in terms of poll numbers unless the in the next two and a half weeks staying on message and not tweaking about paul ryan by mexican billionaire is out to get him. i'll tell you this. he needs to get off not the election and nothing is ever orchestrated in the trump campaign. he speaks for help in the campaign only. use all really a rare occurrence which was his daughter, campaign manager rudy giuliani, price residential nominee saying he will accept the outcome of the election and we will trust the will of the american people. they dated and he went out and said something else that makes it the headline. stuart: thank you or imagined he as always. to the market, where are we? oil first of all -- i'll tell
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you about docs if you'd like. 31 points and 18 to us where we are. oil down about five bucks. there is a reversal. oil is down about about 10 stocks are marginally higher. the webster ratio has broken itself apart. ebay, watch this. they gave a weak holiday forecast. who shops at ebay the states as the states is supposed to amazon? ebay is down 10%. that's a whopping great job. sales of barbie -- why are you laughing? >> i'm not laughing. >> thumbs up. >> the start of the 6%. you've been a customer there? american express in another big-name way up. 8% up looking down the road
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making more money. you a green, and if movers. donald trump invoking president obama inviting president obama's half brother, moe lake, to the debate. this is a picture of kellyanne conway standing with moe lake obama. a trump supporter who says trump can make america great again because he speaks from the heart. meanwhile, 10 bold from the second presidential debate is also a guest on the program. now he signed a deal with izod come a clothing retailer. he is in a new commercial. it's all about this letter. cash in. why not. donald trump saying hillary is making a big date by bringing in tens of thousands more searing migraine calling it a trojan horse. watch this. >> disobeyed the great trojan horse. wait until you see what happens.
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lots of luck, hillary. thanks a lot for doing a great job. this man creates software, used by this bank, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this vice president, this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. they all have insurance crafted personally for them. not just coverage, craftsmanship. not just insured. chubb insured.
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stuart: let's gi market. 45 minutes into the trading session. green for the big board and a 29-point gain for the dow industrials. donald trump and hillary clinton sparred over their plans for migrants coming to america from the middle east. listen to this exchange from last night. >> wait until you see what happened in the coming years. lots of luck, hillary. thanks a lot for doing a great job. >> i'm not going to let anyone in this country was not vetted, who we do not have confidence in. but i'm not going to slam the door in women and children. stuart: kt mcfarland trump national security adviser joins us this morning. this whole idea of migrant and america. that is a huge foreign policy
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and to cure the issue. you're right in the middle of this. >> i think trump is actually quite right on this. we're not going to let anybody in unless you can bet them. the problem is you can't let them. believe that immigrants in the united states you should look where they are from. you go back to the place they lived in, ask their neighbors in the local officials in their town. look at the records they had where they used to live. the problem is those records don't exist anymore and if they do they are in isis hands. there's really no way to check to the point where we are confident that those people in fact are legitimate immigrants in the united states and not potentially connections to terrorists. i think trump is absolutely right. stuart: even though hillary's policy of open the door that a lot of people in, even though that is unpopular, it wasn't a
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big point that was made last night. i don't think many voters know exactly what her position is. >> that actually was a missed opportunity. i wish mr. trump had gone after her for it. if you look at europe today. aegis of the president of france saying too many immigrants then. we can't guarantee our security. it's a big problem. yet that's what hillary is advocated as certainly when she's talked privately in meetings with goldman sachs bankers. open borders, more migration, intelligence, no assimilation. that's exactly what europe has done. look what's happening to guerra. the birds voted for brexit to get out. the french president has said this. the equivalent of their fbi or that i'm worried about a civil war in france over this issue. it's a very real issue. i'm sorry it wasn't pursued by
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both sides because there is very opinions and positions. the most different of an issue in the campaign. stuart: stay there. more for you in just a moment. i'll bring you the president of france says kt were further. he thinks there are too many migrant immigrants in france. he said president obama may be to blame for the rest of the isis. donald trump says you get four more years if hillary is elected president. >> we cannot take four more years of barack obama and that's what you get when you get her. you can run an errand. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy.
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foreigner. not exactly a hot lead america to. i can't see any reaction on the market this morning to the debate last night. we do have some developments from iraq and iraqi general was some progress in the mozilla. transferred to iraqi forces have retaken the town less than 10 kilometers from mosul about six miles to try and get a sense out of there who's been in charge since 24 at hand. this is their last stand of the city of that size. paragraph according to the iraqi prime minister of the whole thing is going much quicker than expect it. stuart: happening tonight, a lot about this. the alfred e. smith dinner. hillary clinton and donald trump will be there. candidates are to be funny and self-deprecating. kt mcfarland is the best now. i've been hearing from cardinal
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boland and he is not happy about hillary clinton and the democrats denigrating and condescending to conservative cat. it might get a little fractious tonight is supposed to be in finance of deprecating. what do you think? >> there is not in my kid in new york. the academy awards for cap ... every major politician everyone and white tie and jewels were the two presidential candidates, space-bar with each other. the oliphant and the room will be hillary clinton's top campaign people have been making fun of catholics as they are the just today. can you imagine walking into a room where everybody is trying
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to hillary clinton. and then they have to go and be witty about it for two presidential candidates who are not fully known for their light touch. going to be an amazing night. stuart: yes it is. thanks very much. see you again soon. by the way, we will be covering the alfred e. smith dinner live on the fox business network. should be something. someone said don't look at those polls. he's on the show momentarily. his rigged election, period trump thinks everything is red if things are going trump's way. >> there is even a time when he didn't get an emmy for his tv program three years in a row and started treating that the atmosphere rate.
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open enrollment ends. call now. >> we have no country if we have no border. we need a wall. we have some bad hombre sin were going to get them out. >> i have been with border security for years. the wall, talks about building, we had a mexican president. >> she's unproven to be a liar and so many different ways. this is just another lie. >> the russian government has engaged in espionage. will donald trump admits and condemned the russians are doing this? stuart: does a great event of the faction wants open borders. i never met putin. this is not my best friend. >> we are going to stop radical
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islamic terrorism in this country. she won't even mention the word immutable president obama. >> should rather have a puppet. it's pretty clear. >> you're the puppet. >> one that you get that the money that treat certain groups of people so horribly. >> i'd be happy to compare what we do which took money from other people and bought a six-foot portrait of donald. who does that. >> to make the same commitment that you will absolutely accept the results of this election? >> i will tell you what the time could i keep you in suspense. we are going to make america strong again and we are going to make america great again and it has to start now. stuart: dallas a little taste of what some people saw. fred barnes of the weekly standard is with us right now. when i got up this morning and
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when i watched it last night, i was inclined to think looking at the media's coverage that hillary had the edge. i am now rethinking that. i think maybe donald trump had the edge. >> i'm glad he sobered up. i think you're right. see what a good nights sleep will do for you. love, trump helped himself. hillary clinton was mainly boilerplate when she was sane. fortunately chris wallace was a strong moderator, raise the other question of the clinton foundation, which she got to entirely and avoided answering the question whether a kind of pay for play. wallace also said hey, your economic plan looks like the one that barack obama has happened with the slow growth the last eight years. she didn't have an answer for that. trump went on issues. he went on the supreme court in
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manhattan and it just manhattan and injustice. he won on the economy. that was one of his stronger issues. u.n. on the second amendment. stuart: he did, he scored points on all of those issues right up front in the debate. and then we got a comment about accepting election results. just look at this. this is how the media treated bad. this is the only thing that came out of the debate. "new york times" editorial donald trump contempt for democracy. trumps most dangerous game that. "the daily beast" headline. the final insult to american democracy. it seems as if the media doesn't believe any kind of election going on with the weather. >> just maybe the mainstream media does not like trump may be. not surprising.
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i thought his answer was clever enough than, particularly when it was explained by one of the smarter supporters who said he always starts up in extremes it meant on immigration. he says were not only can i have a wall and the mexicans going to pay for it. here is that they'll let you know later. i'm not going to fail go along with whatever the election result is. and over the days, heather higgins said when he was released 19 as we are going to make sure the election is fair. that's what it was about. i'll go along with it. that's who they are. stuart: bear in the tank. thanks as always for joining us. we do appreciate it. >> i enjoy it, too. stuart: i'm glad to hear that. one of the most talked about moments of the debate last night
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wasn't about policy. it was this moment. watch this. >> my social security payroll contribution will go up as will donald assume that he can't figure out how to get out of it. what we want to do is to replenish -- >> such a nasty women. stuart: read at the very end, donald trump said that's a nasty women. >> given the backdrop of all the trump, probably not the smartest thing to do and that's the problem. stuart: you could call me an evil man, but i cannot call you a nasty women. >> say whatever you want. who cares. but in this instance, and it basically is happening is the backdrop of what trump has been saying about women. by the way, trump has been
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attacking hillary the same way hitler went after him which a list of that nasty women reese imus. so you know, you can dish it out but you can't take it. they're going to do that? stuart: probably not a good idea. look at this. now we've taken a lake down on the stock market. i'm not sure what the news emerged, but we are now down 67-point. look at the homebuilders. they are all down this morning even though a fairly solid read from the housing market at the top of the hour. or to six minutes ago. trump surrogate and real estate guide jason meister is with us. i'm talking about existing home sales numbers come in the most important indicator for the whole real estate market. a slight uptick last month compared to the summer. not exactly a solid reading. beat back we had a pretty bad
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summertime in july and august. i think you also have to look at the existing homes villas across the entire u.s. we were up this month which is good, but the inventory levels are going to be going up because we fund over development is of interest rate at historic lows. if you look at market like manhattan in miami and san francisco, with overdeveloped. miami cranes everywhere like you saw in 07. will have a glut of inventory. new york city among the 15,000 unit online. the absorption rate we can handle. that's about five to six years of excess inventory. trade to it that put pressure on prices? >> yes, downward on prices. go have a volatile time going forward. stuart: at not exactly good news for realtors when you're only selling five, 5.5 million homes a year. the >> i will say on a good note
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that the first time homebuyers just starting to dip their feet in the water because the mortgage rates are so low in monday's recently free. they are starting to buy the first-time home buyer. 40% of existing home sales historically are first-time home buyers at the past month it creeped out 31% to 34%. that's a healthy move. stuart: mortgage rates 3.4% about hair. and a five-year adjustable at about 2%. you should be in your heyday, lab. jason meister, thank you for joining us this always. let's get to obamacare. continues to unravel. premiums rising. health insurance just leaving the exchanges. in some states he got a very limited amount of choice. president obama is going to miami today and he's going to
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tout the benefits of obamacare. however, liz has pried into the computer and has some new numbers. stuart: new numbers help and services. enrollment is down in the obamacare exchanges. the membership template 5 million the obama exchanges now. that is down from 12.7 million in february. more have left at this point versus last year. 8 million chose to pay the penalty instead of getting the insurance. 1.4 million people in 32 states basically lost obamacare plan. basically doing a fact check ahead of the president's talk at 2:00. stuart: i'd like to know what he is saying. what is so wonderful about the system. liz: he's going to say 20 million people have been insured you have to take into account 9 million on medicaid. stuart: at the sports item for you. watch out. the cleveland and in to the world areas.
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they beat the blue jays. the last time this series was 1997 i believe. i don't think they've won since 1948. jim beam workers are still on strike and can tacky since last saturday. they need more full-time workers. the union offered a new contract today. go vote tomorrow. donald trump says hillary shouldn't be allowed to run for the president me. she's guilty of very serious crimes. what does judge napolitano think about that? he's coming up in the 11:00 hour. >> she shouldn't be allowed to run. she's got a very serious crime. she should not be allowed to run.
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stuart: remember "varney & company" starts at 9:00 a.m. eastern. here's what you missed last hour. >> connect it to brush or prudent. i've never met him. was directly as the wikileaks in my releases from john podesta. the biggest weakness, but my mind is the biggest weakness is how hillary clinton and secretary of state signed a deal
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that gave 20% of america's uranium to the russians in exchange for a $140 million contribution to russian investors to the clinton foundation. when i see her do that they throw that over towards donald trump.
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>> aleppo is a disaster. it's a humanitarian nightmare. it is so sad when he would have been. a lot of this is because of hillary clinton. if she did nothing we'd be in much better shape. >> considered rather clearly. lincoln hillary and mideast troubles. on a related note, we have the president of france saying there are too many migrants in france and he blames president obama for the rise of isis. katie hawkins is joining us from the u.k. welcome back. i've got to tell you i never, ever ask that you do you're the president of france is socialist leader of the socialist government vendors to many migrants and its president obama's fault. i never expect to hear that. >> i know. can you feel that sense of getting close to a presidential election and they need to start
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positioning themselves further to the right because marie le pen is doing so well. what we are surprised about is francois hollande has done enough to be turned. he said migrants, and of course in order to cozy up to his best friend in germany, he said yeah, sure. we will take imposed quotas and we will take 24,000 migrants and now wants to say there's too many migrants. you are the one that said yes we will take 24,000 of them. stuart: would it be true to say that public opinion in europe has changed dramatically on the migrant issue. in the space of a year and a half. the reason i ask is because in america, how many migrants be bring to the united states. i wonder if there might be a subtle shift in public opinion
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in america at some point in the future. >> a hardening of feelings towards these migrants. since i've decided to take those migrants out the back of the photo up little boy, and that was a very emotional decision. that has gone away feeling contest then. we've just received a children here from the camp supposed to be children and some of them look like they're aged about 24. one of them 36. people are very clear. nomar migrants, no more open borders and no more sort of endless generosity. trump is quite right when he says archie hotties amongst these migrants coming to us and i think france with all the attacks they've seen and attacks here in the u.k., would support him 100%. stuart: how about europe's attitude and opinion of
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president obama? document a president obama i believe is extremely popular throughout europe. is he still? >> note. there's a sense the last line trump delivered last night and i've got to come to your senses overnight. i was about to give u.s. up for saying clinton had one. the last line he delivered you vote for her. you get four more years over obama here that's exactly right. europe has enough of the kind of liberal left tolerance and inclusiveness, and do not in top. we've got a lot of hard right wing politicians coming into power here. we've even got our conservative government and the next 1015 years, which is a fantastic thing. trump still goes to win this thing.
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>> get yourself a green card of the reformed europeans. your favorite guest on this program. let's take a look at individual stocks moving. facebook was up considerably at the opening bell. now beginning to move a little bit down. microsoft down quite sharply. they report their earnings tonight about 4:00 this afternoon eastern time. a woman in california said she received a nasty mess that from the company. liz: she booked to nearest a package deal. she's the teacher in los angeles and she said wait wait a sec and i don't need travel insurance for my eight month old baby. so she complained about it. she gets a nasty message on the
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site and her trip was canceled out of the blue and they told her you're going to have to pay $200 to get the change for you to get another package deal. they revoked the flight endeavor 500 bucks towards another one. stuart: no impact on the stock we should not. hp up a fraction. good story. immigration on the border wall. big topics at the final presidential debate. from promises to report in that story the man behind the vote last time he was gone he called hillary clinton is a liar. he's coming up at the top of the 11:00 hour on this her program again. i have asthma...
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here's what we have. nigel farage, demand that led the sub remove that says there's a similar movement in america. don't look at the polls. people in europe are betting on the u.s. elections putting money down. guess what, in search of bats on a donald trump residency. her son was killed in benghazi and she was one of trump gas at the debate last night. benghazi hero john keegan joined us on the significance of that next. first, independents agree with many of the things that donald trump had to say last night and lee carter explained earlier. roll tape. >> we need a supreme court that in my opinion will uphold the second amendment and on other amendments. the second amendment under absolute siege i believe my opponent should be in a space which i truly don't think will happen. we will have the second
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amendment which will be a very, very small replica of what it is right now. stuart: b. carter, come on back with us. i know you stayed up all night. so you are back. i am really shocked. i'm not shocked. i'm a little surprised how uniformly the independent web with trump last night. >> i am more than a little shocked. there were three weeks or independents were lots of donald trump and the failed my comment only saw them fracturing again with women and to videotape it really bush. last night we saw him come back strong. what we are hearing from folks is again i'm not so sure about donald trump the person but what i am sure about is i want change and i do believe he's going to fight. the comment where he talks about the second amendment is plain straightforward in sound like he will fight for the people and that is something voters want to hear about. we have a lot of undecided voters in key swing dates and
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times they 22% undecided voters. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy. the es and es hybrid. it's your daily retreat. get up to $5,000 customer cash on select 2016 models. see your lexus dealer. this man creates software, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this vice president, this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. they all have insurance crafted personally for them. not just coverage, craftsmanship. not just insured. chubb insured.
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stuart: there are no more debates and it is fair to say that donald trump faces an uphill battle to win the presidency. he is way behind in the polls. he is losing by a mile among women. and last night he did not land the knockout punch that he needed. in some quarters he is being written off. hold on a second. we've seen this movie before, with the british vote to leave europe. i bring this up again because there is a parallel between what happened there and the situation that is developing here. the people that wanted britain to stay in europe, the stay campaign, they were out front in the polls. they were winning. right up to the last minute, the stay people thought they had won. the media universally backed stay. the entire establishment, including president obama insisted they stay, and
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predicted armageddon if the brits left. isn't that the same situation here now? the media even reversally in favor of hillary clinton. it is tempting to suggest that we may just fool them all, and elect donald trump, as the parallel with the brits. wildly unrealistic? can't happen? well, stay right there. the third hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. >> we have no country if we have no border. i want to build the equal. we need a wall. we have bad hombres and we need to get them out. >> i have been for border security for years. when it comes to the wall donald talks about building, he went to mexico. he had a meeting with the mexican president. he didn't even raise it, he choked. >> he has been proven to be liar so many different ways this is just another lie.
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>> russian government has engaged in espionage against americans. will donald trump admit and condemn that the russians are doing it? >> that was great pivot off the fact we want open borders. how did we get on putin? i never pet putin. this is not my best friend. we'll stop radical islamic terrorism in this country. she won't mention the words and neither will president obama. >> he would rather have puppet. >> no puppet. you're the puppet. >> why don't you give back money you've taken from certain countries that certain groups of people so horribly? >> i would be happy to compare what we do with the trump foundation which took money from other people and bought a six-foot portrait of donald. i mean who does that? >> do you make the same commitment that you will absolutely, sir, that you will absolutely accept the result of this election. >> i tell you at the time. i will keep you in suspense. >> i hope you will give me a chance to serve as your
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president. >> we are going to make america strong again and going to make america great again and it has to start now. stuart: we will get to all of that in a moment but i have breaking news for you. it is from wikileaks. john podesta's daughter saying hillary did not handle this question well. it involves this sound bite, roll it. >> you were the official in charge. did you wipe of server? >> like with a cloth or something? >> i don't know. you know how it works digitally. did you try to wipe the server. >> i don't know how to wipe -- how it works digitally. ed, you want to repeat a point. i -- stuart: what did podesta's daughter say? >> young daughter of john podesta, clinton email chairman. she sends email to the her father. i saw video of hillary in vegas you saw talking about wiping server with a cloth.
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it was scarier than i expected, particularly her hostility, reminds me how ridiculous mom can being about technology and drives us crazy. her flip, laughing response to wiping the server clean in her opinion turns young people off, don't do it. stuart: let's remember. this is back in 2015? ashley: august of 2015. liz: that was fox news's ed henry asking the question. at the time wikileaks email show the strategy, maybe we can make jokes about this. maybe i should use snap chats and my email messages will disappear? this is piece of that. let's laugh it off and downplay and tamp it down. it didn't play, according to what ashley just reported. stuart: her campaign did not approve of her response, her initial response to the cleaning server. wiping the server?it is internal
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gossip within, there is divide in this camp how to handle email scandal. liz: exactly. that's right. stuart: now, last night, chris wallace, moderator fox news channel, he asked hillary about her economic plan. roll it. >> i want to pursue your plan because in many ways it is similar to the obama stimulus plan in 2009 which has led to the slowest gdp growth since 1949. >> correct. >> thank you, sir. stuart: trump made his point, just one word. peter morici, professor of economics at university of maryland. okay, there are obviously dueling plans here. what do you make of hillary's plan? >> well, hillary's plan will end in tears. basically she is pursuing what we call the balanced budget multiplier. she will spend more by taxing more. doesn't matter who you tack from. take money out of the private sector, have the government
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spend it. by a very small margin, when the government spends it has a little bit oomph. technical why that it is, but it is not large. you want environmentally friendly buildings, takes two years to get money out as mr. obama did. all of sudden you're subtracting from growth, because you take taxes right away but you get the money in people's bank accounts but they don't necessarily really get spent that is a real problem. it's a real problem. stuart: got it. >> other thing she is assuming you can raise taxes on upper classes, people who create jobs, 60% marginal rate and not have a negative effect on incentives. i have an expensive education in economics that says that ain't true. stuart: well-usaid. well-said. asked about how to pay the national debt off, trump says you can do it with massive economic growth. okay, listen to this bit.
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go. >> i'm going to create tremendous jobs and we're bringing gdp from really 1% which is what it is now, if she got in it will be less than zero, but we're bringing it from 1% up to 4% and i actually think we can go higher than 4%. i think you can go to five or 6%. if we do, you don't have to bother asking your question because we have a tremendous machine. we will have created a tremendous economic machine once again. stuart: okay, peter, that is his premise, you cut tax, you get massive growth, four, five, 6%, therefore you don't have an annual deficit because growth will take care of it. you're an economics professor. are you buying it? >> yeah, i am. i remember when reagan cut taxes. initially we ran the models, we had a long-term economic growth model at think tank i was working at, the budget deficit did swell as it actually did but then in the out-years we had it going away because of growth it
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was generating. reagan cut taxes and deregulated, that is the thing. all these studies look at cutting taxes, he cut taxes deregulated and negotiated plaza accord which brought down value of dollar. takes time for the stuff to work out but over the reagan, bush, clinton period, we had very accelerated growth, and the budget deficit went away. we went actually almost, we went to surplus. stuart: yeah. >> which the younger bush inherited. it did work. that is his program. stuart: you got it. i remember the surpluses. of course the politicians we're thinking how will we spend the extra money. >> that was george w. bush, we all know he was no church supper door prize. stuart: the other side of the coin, hillary asked about the national debt she claims her plan wouldn't add a penny to the debt. pay for itself. roll that type, please. >> i also will not add a penny to the debt. i have costed out what i'm going
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so do. he will through his massive tax cuts had $20 trillion to the debt. what i put forward doesn't add a penny to the debt but it is approach that will enable more people to take those new jobs, higher paying jobs. stuart: all right, peter, wouldn't add a penny to the debt and you say what? >> it will add lots to the debt. don't you remember obama's stimulus was supposed to be temporary. what she is going to do initiate a lot of new entitlement programs, free college tuition, subsidized health care, there is whole litany beyond that. what every program we have like that, remember obamacare, turns out to be much more expensive than we thought. look at obamacare that will happen with free college tuition. the guess gamers on earth, real game theorists, people controlling our missiles are professors because we have learned how to squeeze as much money out of this planet with the minimum amount of work.
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now if she thinks she is going to constrain what we charge, she is nuts. we'll bicycle her to death and we will take that government subsidy and still get the money out of the parents one way or the another. for example, we'll do it through room and board. or city university of new york for years, jacking up fees. stuart: you're right. peter -- >> we'll get it. trust me, i will get that money. stuart: yes you will. all right, peter, you're still welcome guest on program whether you get money or not. >> after what i said today, i better be welcome someplace. stuart: you're welcome here. thanks very much, peter. fun kind of nugget for you about ken bone. you remember he asked the candidates big question at second debate. he also has been a guest on this show, of course. he signed a deal with izod, the sportswear store. bone and izod, without with a new commercial, you see it there on your screen. dnc chair donna brazile on "the kelly file" last night
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asked about project veritas videos. we'll play you her reaction this hour. first listen to a response where meghan asked about the wikileaks email that showed she received questions in advance of a cnn town hall. just watch this. >> cnn, town hall debate, where did you get it? >> as christian women i understand persecution but i will not sit her be persecuted. your information is totally false. a combination of see products.. and customers. every on-time arrival is backed by thousands s, ...who make sure the millions of products we ship
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and purchases are always refundable. check the blink price of your prescription now, and get $10 off your first purchase at, promo code tv. stuart: we're going to show you again our voice over the top of it, read what they're actually saying there along the bottom of your screen. these are election officials admitting to electoral fraud, electoral fraud at the ballot box, multiple voting by people inelgible to vote. they're admitting to it. they're admitting to paying people to vote more than once. that has been on your screen, all of this week on this program. maybe that is part of the reason
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why donald trump in the debate last night, when asked if he would accept the election results on election day said, i'll tell you at the time. i will keep you in suspense. this morning of course the media is all over that comment as if that was only thing said in the whole debate last night. headline in "new york times," trump won't say if he will accept elections result. bashing democracy is what they're saying. come on in, please, david drucker, senior congressional correspondent for the "washington examiner." he joins us now from las vegas. david, thanks very much for being with us at such short notice this morning. much obliged to you. >> happy to do it. stuart: why is it the entire media establishment is ignoring clear evidence of electoral fraud been going on in this country? >> you're right. so i don't think there is, well, there is disagreement over that, depends who you're talking about republican or democrat. pull that aside i think it is pretty clear at times there has been voter fraud. there has been documented cases
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of it, a lot of republicans have been doing something about it. i don't think the right way to win the argument across the board to say you're not going to necessarily honor the results of the election. if you get to a point, vis-a-vis, george w. bush versus al gore in 2000, where it is unclear who won, everybody would understand if you don't concede and you want to do recount and all sorts of things that the law provides but just to say say you will not necessarily honor the results is an easy way to distract from everything else that went on in debate because it is so unusual. when you look at battleground states where this presidential election will be won or lost, most are won by republican governors, republican secretaries of state, so argument trump has been prosecuting that across the board at large it is rigged, is a tough argument to make, but even if he's right, it is not an argument you can win politically doing it the way he is doing. stuart: you're basically saying, maybe he has got a kernel of truth there but he shouldn't
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have done it like that? that is what you say? >> yes. stuart: big mistake, in other words, right? >> look, stuart, if you, if you go on the air and you make a really sharp argument about the economy but you throw in a couple of f-bombs, you will get [bleep]ed. what will everybody talk about? not about your sharp argument about economic growth. they will say, did you hear the f-bombs? this is how politics work. it would help him to make it differently. stuart: that allowed the media to focus on that one, half sentence as if that was the only thing that came out in the debate last night. i'm really beginning to think that maybe, he didn't lose. maybe he didn't lose the debate. hillary, not necessarily won, what do you say? >> well, i think that at the end of the day, what donald trump needed to do in last night's debate is completely reset the race and he didn't do that. i think that he had his best debate of the three overall. i think if this had been the
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first debate and he turned in this performance, notwithstanding whatever we might focus on in terms of remark here or there, he would have possibly been in much different position but she also had a strong debate last night. and, democrats right now in america have more available voters to them if they can turn them out. it wasn't like this necessarily 10 years ago, 20 years ago. right now, their natural coalition is big. donald trump needs to reach outside of his base, outside of the republican coalition and bring along more voters. his performance last night wasn't bad but it wasn't enough to do that. so there is still time left in the race. she still remains a flawed candidate with arguments effectively to be made against her so it is not over. but he didn't do anything remarkably different last night in the debate to further that along. stuart: okay. get some sleep, david. i think you probably have been up all night. david drucker. >> thank you so much. stuart: you're welcome. thanks for joining us, appreciate it. a little sports news, the cleveland indians are going to the world series.
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they bleat the bluejays three zip. took them five games. 6-year-old drought. they play winner of cubs dodgers series for national league title. they play winner of that in world series. hillary clinton dodge as question about a speech she made about her dream of open borders. doesn't answer. the trump calls her out on it. we'll play it all later this hour. >> is that your dream, open borders? >> well, if you went on to read the rest of the sentence i was talking about energy. i actually think the most important question of this evening, chris, is finally, will donald trump admit and condemn that the russians are doing this, and, make it clear that he will not have the help of putin in this election. we never had anything like this happen in any of our elections before. >> that was a great pivot off the fact that she wants open border, okay?
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you're not a cook, if you don't cook. you're not a firefighter, if you don't fight fires.
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or a coach, if you don't coach. and you can't be our leader, if you don't lead. our next president needs to take action on social security, or future generations could lose up to $10,000 a year. we're working hard, what about you? hey candidates, do your jobs. keep social security strong.
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hospital and doctor coverage with prescription drug coverage, and extra benefits all in one complete plan for a low monthly premium, or in some areas no plan premium at all. other benefits can include: $0 co-pays for an annual physical and most immunizations, routine vision and hearing coverage, and you'll pay the plan's lowest prescription price, whether it's your co-pay or the pharmacy price. or pay zero dollars for a 90-day supply of tier 1 and tier 2 drugs, with home delivery. don't wait, call unitedhealthcare or go online to enroll in aarp medicarecomplete. >> you got wikileaks release of march 12th, podesta email show you messaging the clinton campaign with the exact wording after question asked at the march 13th, cnn town hall debate. where did you get it?
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>> you know as christian woman i understand persecution but i will not sit her and be persecuted because your information is totally false. stuart: wow! there you go, that was dnc chair donna brazile on "the kelly file." she denied emails released by wikileaks that clearly showed she gave questions to hillary clinton prior to a cnn town hall. she was asked about the project veritas videos which showed democrat officials engaging in voter fraud. here is what she said. roll tape. >> i'm referring to mr. o'keefe, and instance that he has doctored some videos as he has done before. again going back to the so-called contractor you mentioned, bob's contract, according to the records that i was able to pull at the dnc, was not signed until june of 2016. stuart: i think she is talking about there an official subsequently fired. >> bob creamer. stuart: bob creamer, who visited
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the white house 342 times. liz: that's right. stuart: engaged in serious plotting to disrupt the election. any other comment required. ashley: how can you doctor something when someone saying something in complete sentenced. that is not doctored. very clear what they're insinuating. not insinuating. they're telling you. i don't buy the doctored argument. liz: me too. they have no proof that the video was edited back. was it doctored? this is attack the messenger. this is poison in the system that is happening with voter fraud and things that are going on like this. the democrats, like, this isn't an issue. those two guys responsible behind the videos who did it -- stuart: they have been fired. why did you fire them? ashley: exactly. stuart: donald trump says he will keep us in suspense when asked if he would accept election results if they don't necessarily go his way. we'll have that won coming up for you. however, we have another bombshell from podesta's emails. he says, it is okay for illegal
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immigrants to vote as long as they show up to the polls with a driver's license. does trump have a point about rigging elections or what? more "varney" a moment. >> the country comes together in part for the good of the country, are you saying you're not prepared now to commit to that principle? >> i saying i will tell you at the time. i will keep you in suspense. hey nicole. hey! i just wanted to thank your support team for walking me through my first options trade. we only do it for everyone gary. well, i feel pretty smart. well, we're all about educating people on options strategies. well, don't worry, i won't let this accomplishment go to my head. i'm still the same old gary.
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>>er how hard-fought a campaign is, at end of the campaign the loser concedes to the winner. not saying you will necessarily be the loser or winner, but the loser concedes to the winner and that the country comes together in part for the good of the country, are you saying you're not prepared now to commit to that principle. >> what i am saying i will tell you at time. i will keep you in suspense. stuart: that was trump last night. that is the media headline this morning. read "the new york times," trump won't say if he will accept election's result. that is all through the media today. now listen to this. maybe trump's got a point. a wikileaks email from clinton campaign manager podesta shows that if you got a license you should vote. that is what podesta thinks, whether you're a legal citizen or not. here is exactly what he wrote. on the picture i.d., the one thing i thought of in that space is that if you show up on
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election day with a driver's license, with a picture, a test that you are a citizen, you have a right to vote in federal elections. judge napolitano is here. you got to stand up for a test when you're citizen when you're not so you have to lie. >> yes, i don't know if he is suggesting that people should commit felonies or just musing in a email, gee, it would be. >> is if this were the law. the law is of course you have to be american citizen and you have to register. those are two absolute requirements. stuart: but he is saying, this is how you do it. this is how you do it. half of all new driver's licenses in california go to illegal immigrants. this is how you do it. easy to vote. >> that is relatively novel institution that illegal immigrants can even get drivers licenses. so they bootstrap on to that. they want to use that to bootstrap the right to vote. stuart: trump has a point, when he says, maybe this election is rigged? >> i suppose the fairest thing i
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can say for trump is, i really think he did political damage to himself with the statement, let me look at it legally, i don't know if i will accept the result because i don't know what kind of massive fraud there will be and that is not knowable until election night. stuart: right. >> that could have been what he meant, but it did sound terrible like, i just, i can't imagine you getting elected, therefore i won't accept it. stuart: didn't al gore not accept the result of the election? >> you know there is no legal significance to the loser not accepting. there is only legal significance if the state law provides for an automatic recount or there is a legal basis for the challenge. the i concede is hollywood pr and politics. it is not law. you do not not need concession of the loser in order for the winner to be determined as winner. stuart: you're so legal listic but answer me this. okay. you think donald trump did serious damage to our democracy with the statement last night? >> no. i think he did serious damage to
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his campaign. he nullified and other wise, better performance than we had gotten from him in the two previous debates. stuart: here is one more for you. trump says, he said last night, that hillary should not have been allowed to run for the presidency. listen to this. >> she shouldn't be allowed to run. it is -- she's guilty of a very, very serious crime. she should not be allowed to run. and just in that respect i say, it's rigged. because she should never, chris, she should never have been allowed to run for the presidency based on what she did with emails and some other things. >> but sir -- stuart: presuming she is guilty, therefore she shouldn't have been allowed to run. >> so there is a federal statute that whoever shall deprive the federal government of its rightful property shall be ineligible to hold public office under the united states.
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but that presumes a finding of a guilt. i don't know what he is talking about. could have been talking about the furniture that was removed from the white house back when she and her husband left. could be talking about the furniture removed from the state department when she left in 2013. he could be talking about the emails, because there is argument she stole the federal government's property by diverting all the digital traffic away from the federal servers and on to hers. but whatever he is talking about, and for reasons that i can't explain, she is never going to be found guilty of those things until she is charged. it appears she is never going to be charged. stuart: case closed, right? >> apparently yes. stuart: so he is doing damage to our democracy? >> to his campaign. stuart: to his campaign. you have distinction between the legal listtic point of view. >> i disagree with mrs. clinton's statement that is damaging to the democracy. i don't think the statements are damaging to democracy. i think democracy will survive those statement. stuart: are we done, judge?
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seemed awfully quick this morning? >> why is that? stuart: you didn't insult me, nothing at all. here we go. >> nice-look necktie, stuart. not giving neckties to us up on the 17th floor. stuart was up there with a tractor-trailer. [laughter]. sorry. stuart: small u-haul. sorry. judge, time is up. good-bye. see you tomorrow. donald trump brought guests to the debate last night. one of them was patricia smith, seen here at rnc. she is the mother of sean smith who was killed in benghazi. i want to bring in john keegan that fought in the battle of benghazi. do you think what donald trump brought in patricia smith in some way or helped your cause getting to truth in benghazi? >> you know, the way it went down last night, i would probably say no. for one they didn't bring up benghazi. he brought the, up the fact that
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families of the mothers that, that illegals killed their sons, he brought that up but, you know, it is a small thing, benghazi is kind of like a small portion of her failures pretty much as a politician. but bringing pat smith, he didn't really use it as firepower which, so it didn't really, in my mind help him that much bringing her in at that time. stuart: i believe at one point, tig, that hillary clinton brought up the fact she was in the room during the raid on osama bin laden when he was killed and she is using that as measure of experience in count are terror. what do you make of that? >> almost one of, i almost yelled out, at that point in time because, you know, to me that was a pr, a pr stunt. we have a real situation going on. u.s. ambassador state department employee, so he didn't donate to
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the obama foundation or clinton foundation to become the ambassador. he worked his way up. when he went missing for six hours, instead of her being in the oval, in the situation room where she shoved been like she was during the bin laden raid, because, because it was shown like a failure on her part, so it wasn't a pr stunt. so herself preservation kicked in. i will go home. we'll see what happens when, when morning comes around. for six hours the u.s. ambassador was missing and she goes home and goes to bed. she doesn't care. she calls him a great friend, best friend, whatever she wants to call him. i would not want her as a friend if i'm in trouble and she goes home and goes to bed. stuart: tig, would you give me 30 seconds what you experienced in benghazi? because a lot of our viewers do not know what happened or what your role was. tell us, please. >> we got a radio call saying hey, you know, we're overrun. it took us 30 minutes to get
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over there. we got told to stand down by chief of base in benghazi. it took us, so they were under siege about an hour before we even made it over there. we searched for ambassador, hour, hour 1/2. we were assaulted. we pushed those guys off. we made it back to our compound and we survived two additional attacks in our compound. the third and final attack when the mortars came in which was, about eight hours after the initial phone call. and that is what killed the two remaining seals. and to me, her being in that leadership position, she should have been in the situation room just like she was during the bin laden raid, making sure that, like she was saying, you know, to be a president you mead to make sure you -- need to make sure you know what is going on. when you give an order, you know it is being done. that night, didn't prove that she had the capability. instead of making sure her orders were followed through as secretary of state, she goes home and goes to bed.
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to me that is lack of leadership. stuart: john, i think you made your case very well. i don't think it was made very well last night. didn't come to the fore last night. you have done it for us. john teeing began, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, sir. stuart: where are we with the stock market? not much change to be honest with you. there is no response to the debate last night at all. i think market is more responding to this, the price of oil. we're down a buck, down 2% that is. when oil does that you have market decline. they're moving in sync a little bit. ebay holiday forecast, down 11%, huge drop. travelers, big inyou surer, dow stock. profit down. gains from underwriting declining, big stock like that down 5%. that hurts dow industrials overall. american airlines, profit and revenue on the downside. that stock is down 1.4%.
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hillary clinton dodged a question about a speech she made about her dream of open borders in the debate last night, dodged the question. doesn't answer. says she was talking about energy but trump does not let it go. we'll play it all for you in a moment. >> is that your dream, open borders? >> well if you went on to read the rest of the sentence, i was talking about energy. i actually think the most important question of this evening, chris, is finally, will donald trump admit and condemn that the russians are doing this, and, make it clear that he will not have the help of putin in this election? we never had anything like this happen in any of our elections before. >> that was a great pivot off the fact that she wants open borders, okay? you can run an errand. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands,
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we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy. we asked people to write down the things they love to do most on these balloons. travel with my daughter. roller derby. ♪ now give up half of 'em. do i have to? this is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. but, if we start saving even just 1% more of our annual income... we could keep doing all the things we love.
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prudential. bring your challenges. (announcer vo) you can sit in traffic. or you can crack up. (man on radio) but if it isn't refreshing... (announcer vo) sorry traffic, we laugh 'til it hurts. siriusxm. road happy. >> i'm nicole petallides with your fox business brief. stocks mostly lower. most of the sectors have down arrows. oil pulling back over a dollar. right now the dow is down 37 points at 18,165. s&p 500 down seven. nasdaq composite down 20. looking at dow winners and losers here, american express with a good outlook. earnings forecast gives them a boost. you can see that is up today, 9% unitedhealth, verizon, travelers, coming under pressure. travelers in particular is
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weighing on the dow, worth more than 30 dow points. they came out with weak earnings that fell 4% and earnings a year ago that were tough. earnings, ebay a big story. ebay is down over 10%. profit forecast is weak for the holidays. american airlines to the downside. dunkin' brands lower than expected quarterly revenue. you see that slowing. more "varney & company" starting at fox business at 5:00 a.m., i will see you there.
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stuart: there is news on tesla. all the cars they make will have
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will have self-driving hardware on them. we have another story on tesla. what do you have? ashley: we do. elon musk or p.t. barnum you like to call him, they announced last night by end of next year will conduct a test of fully autonomous car, driving from l.a. to new york, without the hands ever getting on the steering wheel. stuart: so nobody touches the steering wheel? ashley: nobody touches it. autopilot, talking about fully autonomous. he says end of next year we'll give demonstration to do just that. stuart: market doesn't think much to it. i want to get back to those project veritas videos which show democrat operatives and some others on the left, that they're paying people to incite violence at trump rallies. let's bring in, as you watch that video, look at subtitles along the bottom. they are really, they're hiring people, mentally disturbed, put
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them on a front row of a trump rally, start a raucous and blame trump. that is what they're up to. look who is here, the man who always has a smile on his face. harley lipman. i doesn't blame you for smiling. you think you are going to win. >> we hope so. stuart: do you defend that? that was clear-cut video of democrat operatives, really dirty tricks, starting violence at trump rallies when hillary says, oh, no, it is not us. it is them. >> well, this was terrible. stuart: yes. >> he was fired by the democratic national committee. no part of the hillary clinton campaign and hillary campaign people have condemned it. this is unacceptable. no buts for ifs. stuart: what about the guy, mr. creamer, is that his name? bob creamer, he was at the white house 342 times. and he has been organizing dirty tricks on the line of, illegal voting. multiple times. >> you get bad guys on all side. stuart: 343 times in the
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white house? >> it's terrible. no defense for it. just unacceptable and hillary clinton campaign has condemned it. stuart: will you stop raising money for the clinton campaign if they're up to such dirty tricks, inciting racial violence? i would expect an honest man like you to withdraw support for flawed candidate? >> no. because she is patriot and trump is not a patriot. stuart: patriot? >> yes. because you have seven teen american intelligence agencies that have said that the russians are behind the hacking and the criminal violations of getting into, and violating american election process. he won't criticize russia. why is that. so strange, isn't it? stuart: disavowed them last night. >> not really. stuart: i think he did. i wish i had the sound bite cued? do we have the sound bite cued up? he really did. >> i like to see that. stuart: trump said i don't know him. >> he may not know him. he never condemns him. admirers him. has good feelings.
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he says he never met putin, he was saying that it would be great if putin and united states would attack isis and putin and syria is attacking isis. but they're attacking pro-western rebels who are fighting against assad. that is who syria and russia is attacking. so this is pad. stuart: all right. >> this is bad. also he says he may not accepte. stuart: i knew you would get to that. hold on a second. hillary clinton was asked, this is in the debate last night, she was asked about comments that she made during speeches to wall street people. they were revealed in wikileaks leaks. she advocated for open borders, openrd boors. that was then. she dodged that question last night. she pivoted to putin. watch this. >> is that your dream, open borders? >> well if you went on to read the rest of the sentence i was talking about energy. i actually think the most important question of this evening, chris, is finally, will donald trump admit and condemn
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that the russians are doing this. and, make it clear that he will not have the help of putin in this election? we never had anything like this happen in any of our elections before. >> that was a great pivot off the fact that she wants open borders. stuart: that's right. she did. she pivoted. the open borders unacceptable in america, pivoted away and talked it was all about energy. wait a second, harley. listen to this, i have a clip from hillary clinton 2006, saying exact opposite. roll that tape, please. >> there isn't any sensible approach except to do what we need to do simultaneously. secure our borders with technology, personnel, physical barriers if necessary, in some places. we need to have tougher employer sanctions and we need to try to incentivize mexico to do more and we node to create the environment in which we get people out of the shadows and then, give them some earned
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right to legalization, that will enable them to continue to work, if they have committed transgressions of whatever kind, they should be obviously deported. stuart: physical barriers. >> it is not -- stuart: sound like a wall to me. >> she is in favor of tougher controls on the boredder with mexico. she is -- border. stuart: tougher controls on the border? >> she is. what she spoke about, which is taken out of context if you read the speech -- stuart: physical structure? >> we need a energy strategy for north america. we get most of our energy from canada and mexico. not anywhere else. stuart: that is a pivot. she is asked about open borders. that was about energy. >> open borders in terms of an energy strategy which is a good thing. stuart: what are you going to do if the democrats win control of the senate and bernie sanders is the chair of the senate budget committee? financial guy like you will not be happy, surely? you're not praying for that are you, harley?
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no you're not. we're totally out of time. totally -- that was good pivot on my part. lipman -- >> talking about voter fraud. i saw it on the program all morning. stuart: if i had the time, believe me i would. it is on tape, visual evidence right there on tape. we're totally out of time. you know how it goes? >> i know. i know. stuart: it was fun. >> it was fun. stuart: tonight in new york city, hillary clinton and donald trump will attend the al smith dinner. that is a dinner for prominent catholics. both of them will be speaking. according to tradition, you're supposed to be cordial, self-deprecating even. by the way, we've got this in the background. cardinal dolan wants the clinton camp to apologize about comments for conservative catholics. with all that going on, do you think the candidates will play by the rules at alfred e smith dinner? you can watch it. it will be on the fox business network. i love getting more for less.
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actual dollar amounts, that is going on hillary. so ash -- ashley: looks like "brexit" as you said. stuart: people for trump. ashley: smaller bets for donald trump. 11 to two at kay in uk, four to one. odds coming down last two days. real sense uk, it is starting to look very similar to "brexit." metropolitan media bias of the elites in the big cities thinking only way this can work out this way. as we found out in "brexit," what could be happening here maybe you don't get pulse of whole country. liz: you know who didn't show up for "brexit," thought they would show up? younger voters. margin of victory were millions. for hillary to call people "deplorables" or ruin turnout any way pandering to african-americans or calling latinos needy. can't do that. they're so worried about turnout right now. worried about decisions like florida to basically get them delay registering due to the hurricane. things like that.
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stuart: i think all three of us were on the air the night of the "brexit" vote. ashley: yes. liz: yes, sir we were. stuart: certainly next morning after "brexit" vote we were being showed. all the polls, entire establishment was saying, no, brits will not leave europe. it is not going to happen. then it happened. there is a parallel with america right now. all the polls say hillary wins. ashley: "brexit" supporters were seen as ignorant and fear of foreigners. xenophobic. sound familiar? liz: demagogues. stuart: you vote to leave you're a bigot. more "varney" after this.
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stuart: before we close. i want to offer apology, we were supposed to have nigel farage, "brexit" guy on the program. something came up at last minute. couldn't get him on the show. we apologize for telling you he was on and couldn't make it. ashley, give me the latest on the odds.
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ashley: drumming for trump in the uk, four to one. they say still only 20% chance of winning according to their numbers, but that percentage is rising. stuart: that is fascinating. parallel with "brexit." >> undoubtedly. stuart: we're out of time. neil cavuto standing by to take it away. neil? neil: think about it, stuart. in order to have that "brexit" comparison you have to be within the margin of error. right now, depending on national polls he is outside that. even if you had the full "brexit" sort of effect would it close the gap you know? stuart: that's true. neil: that is out there. stuart: you're right. it would not close the gap at this moment. i think you're right, neil. neil: no. no. so a lot more people, stuart, refer to these polls in colombia after the leadership there scored a agreement with colombian rebels they thought it would be rubber stop manied by the elector.


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