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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  October 21, 2016 9:00am-12:01pm EDT

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in fantasyland. maria: how come he can't admit it. dagen: i love how he blames the republicans. that's rich. maria: i'll see you next week and see you sunday morning on futures. stuart, take it away. stuart: i did like the gown, okay? okay? don: thank you. stuart: next case, trump does not yield to tradition and noert does hillary. and the al smith dinner last night was jammed with barb as and putdowns. we'll show the exchanges throughout the program today. there was a nasty tone. they don't like each other and it showed. there were some boos and jeers. trump very sharp-edged. hillary could barely conceal her contempt and it summed up the whole campaign, didn't it? the smith dinner showed this election is like no other and there are just what, 18 days to
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go. another standout performance by a big name tech company, microsoft is the stock of the day going straight up. and that will make bill gates worth more than $80 billion. >> it's another big move by another company, mcdonald's going up three and a half percent moments from now. one last thing, according to real clear politics which averages polls, hillary clinton's lead over donald trump is narrowing after a media aonslaut. you were not expecting that. "varney & company" is about to begin. >> you know, cardinal dolan and i have some things in common, for instance, we both run impressive properties on fifth avenue. [laughter] of course, his is much more impressive than mine.
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that's because i built mine with my own beautifully formed hands. it's great to be here with a thousand wonderful people, or as i call it, a small intimate dinnerith some friends. or as hillary calls it, her largest crowd of the season. i know hillary met my campaign manager and i got the chance to meet the people who are working so hard to get her elected. there they are, the heads of nbc, cnn, cbs, abc, there's the new york times right over there and "the washington post." >> this is such a special event that i took a break from my rigorous nap schedule to be here. and as you've already heard,
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it's a treat for all of you, too. because usually, i charge a lot for speeches like this. and because this is a friendly dinner for such a great cause, donald, if at any time you don't like what i'm saying feel free to stand up and shout "wrong" while i'm talking. stuart: that was pretty good. that was the al smith dinner, featuring donald trump, hillary clinton and maria bartiromo flying the flag for fox. they're all fixated on the boos that donald trump supposedly got when saying this. roll it. >> here she is tonight in public, pretending not to hate catholi catholics. >> by the way the times said that trump was facing cascading and uncomfortable jeers from a crowd full of white ties and
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gowns. they picked on that liz: pretty hard to get boos from a room full of priests. [laughter] let's put that out there. stuart: i'm not sure that they were booing donald trump liz: they were booing him. stuart: i'm not so sure. maybe they were booing hillary clinton for her stance, her campaign's stance for catholics liz: he got a number of boos throughout the night. stuart: were you there? liz: i watched the video booing his lines. stuart: were you there? liz: no, i wasn't there. stuart: they were booing hillary. ashley: hilarious. stuart: i'm on a roll. ashley: you are. stuart: we'll have a lot more on this as this show progresses. look at this, we are going to be down at the opening bell. we're going to drop below 18,000, we're off and running down this morning. the price of oil, where are we today? well, oil is down, not that much. i think it's down 39 cents. oil down, stocks down, but
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there's more to that market selloff than this. do we have the trumpets, please? i own some microsoft stock, now a lot, but a little. it looks good. it's going to open up a record high after strong numbers, it will be at $60 per share. strong numbers, ash? >> yes, you know, i handled the earnings yesterday afternoon after they came out and i could hear you cheering from across manhattan from your apartment, sir. i knew you'd be happy with this. they beat on revenue and profit and that was impressive, but this is a company in transition. it's all about the cloud and putting up in the cloud and services that they provide. azure, however you want to say it, a cloud-based service they have. up 116%. so, inveors nted to make sure that microsoft is making the transition and getting a lot of money from it, they're a far distant second to amazon's services, however, they're in the right direction and the
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great report and the stock is benefitting from it. stuart: all right, another situation somewhat still, a big american company, going straight up on the opening bell. mcdonald's, strong numbers, they'll be up 4% roughly. all right, liz, is this about all day breakfast? >> yes, you can't beat-- >> is it really? liz: happy meal of earnings for mcdonald's. and this stock has lost about a 7th of its valley since the record high last may, but improved same-store sales growth. they could add 26 points to the dow. stuart: remember when you pooh-poohed that and we're going to conveniently forget that. ashley: ah. stuart: we're going to get to obamacare, insurance premiums in some areas going up what, better than 50%, yet, president obama was out and about touting the law and not missing an opportunity to slam the g.o.p. watch this. >> if you're in some remote areas or in some small towns,
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it may be that the economics of it just don't work unless the government is providing an option. if the private insurers are competing for business, then you don't have to trigger a public option. this is not a radical idea. this idea is modeled on something the republicans championed under george bush for the medicare part d drug benefit program. it was fine when it was their idea. stuart: okay. kings college professor is with us this morning. the president says the government should provide an option, the public option. that's government care by any other name, socialized medicine. >> he's absolutely right the economics don't work, in some small remote counties the economics don't work. it doesn't work anywhere that's why a third of the counties in the united states are going to have one insurer competing there, which is not competition at all. he says that the government's going to provide competition
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with an insurance plan. you can't compete with the government. private plans can't compete with a government plan. the government -- a and-- what the government says, we can negotiate with doctors and drive prices way down. that assumes that doctors want to take those lower prices, that they'll be willing to provide care at all, but it's taxpayers who end up eating the losses here. the government can keep the prices of their insurance plan down by pushes the costs on to taxpayers. stuart: i think the obamacare squeezed the middle class in america like nothing more. >> when you're talking 50% price increases. stuart: stay there. remember when president obama said this on 60 minutes. roll that tape. >> did you know about hillary's clinton's use of the private e-mail server. >> no. >> while she was secretary of state? >> no. stuart: all right.
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the latest wikileaks bombshell reveals that president obama did know about her private server. i'm going to give you a complicated excerpt from clinton campaign, suggest felipe talk to-- they know potus e-mailed. josh knows about that. standard answer is not to comment or confirm. basically the president has been economical with the truth, has he not? >> i would absolutely agree to this. you remember this, i can see russia from my house, right? an impersonation from tina fey for sarah palin. instead of democrats saying we did lie they're blaming everything on russia. we saw a coordinated effort from the obama campaign and hillary campaign to disguise the truth under the guise of presidential privilege. this is problematic on many levels and a long list of lies
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we've been told about obamacare. stuart: yet, it won't mean a thing. it's complicated and retroactive looking back into the past. do you think it's going to make any difference in the election. >> the private e-mail server has been problematic for hillary clinton and seemingly does not make a difference. stuart: it seems to me there's an element of corruption, i use that word advisedly, in the senior levels of government perhaps the past four, five, six, seven, eight years, am i going too far? >> no, i don't think you are. this election cycle there was an opportunity to show that, which we did, but at this point people don't care anymore. stuart: it's going over their heads and let's move on. >> they don't care anymore. >> john, stay there. russian war ships sighted sailing through the english channel, between britain and fans, they're headed to syria. the biggest military offensive
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since the cold war. isis moving into the northern city of kirkuk attracting stations. this as the fight to take mosul intensifies. what we're talking about isis has opened a second front. new video from tesla showing off the fully autonomous autopilot feature. this is from inside the auto-driven car. no hand on the steering wheel. no hand on the brakes. it drives itself and that self-drive feature will cost you $8,000 plus the cost of the tesla itself. look at this, i'm not sure whether we should show you this, this asalia north korea's most famous chimp. it draws big crowd at the pyong yang zoo because of the pack a day habit. >> awful. ashley: because she doesn't inhale, trying to put a positive spin on it. [laughter]
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>> british america, b-a-t making a $47 billion offer to buy the rest of reynolds. reynolds will open much higher today. 56 as opposed to the close of 47. have we got a show for you. stay there, please. this man creates software, used by this bank, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this vice president, this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. they all have insurance crafted personally for them. not just coverage, craftsmanship. not just insured. chubb insured.
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>> ge, okay, lower profit, that stock will be down at the opening bell. you know, you probably own a little bit of ge whether you know it or not. a lot of mutual funds have a piece of ge. it will be down. news from germany, listen to this, fallout from the migrant crisis. a german newspaper says one and a half million germans, many highly educated, have left the country in the past decade. ashley: and according to the newspaper says that that acceleration of migration out of germany has picked up in the face of migrant crime. an epidemic of rapes and sexual assaults and you know, the
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report goes on to say, look,s you say, one and a half million ghermans headed out. many of them very highly drivew educated and highly critical of angela merkel and moving out. stuart: come on in, the author of book "defeating jihad" and sebastian, welcome back. i'm sure you just heard that statement, the pace of the exodus from germany is picking up. i often hear from people in europe, that places like holland are full up. the domestic population is leaving. is this kind of common these days? >> i think we need to ow more. the survey that you're talking about, doesn't ask the individuals who left why they're leaving, but the numbers, i think, speak for themselves. remember, germany is the heart of what is called project europe.
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so if you look at all the institutions, the most important ones, the european central bank, you look at the biggest economy on the continent, germany is the heart and people are losing faith in what was called the social market model. stuart: i don't want to be blunt, but it seems to me that europe is bitterly divided and the dividing issue is islam. am i going too far? >> i think it's maybe islam and also, stuart, the concept of national sovereignty. there is a giant divide between the people that work, the people that pay taxes, and the political elite, whether it's the national elite or whether it's the brussels and straussberg european union elite and there's a giant chasm between the two. i think that brexit, for example, maureen la pen's figures for the next year's election indicate that, you know, the trump phenomena isn't
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a uniquely american phenomena. stuart: could maureen la pen win in france next year? that would be turn around. that's europe dead and gone in my opinion. sebastian, i need your comment on the second front that isis seems to have been going off in iraq. they're going after kirkuk, is that a second front, do you think? >> i think it's directly related to the assault that began in mosul. this is a nation that's completely divided. isis isn't just based in mosul, they haveheadquarters in raqqa, they controlled or did in northern syria. it's like squeezing a balloon, stuart. when they have pressure from iraqi forces backed up by americans, backed up by kurds and shia militia, you'll see more of this. remember, this is not like the gulf war in 1991. this is going to be street by
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street, house by house, and it will get ugly. stuart: all right. sebastian, thanks as always for joining us, sebastian. see you later. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: congressman chris collins on cnn. the moment he brings up wikileaks, the satellite cuts out. is that a coincidence? believe me, folks, we will not cut him off. he's our guest later this hour. >> now the two faces of hillary clinton are coming out, fact through wikileaks that she says one thing and-- when you're close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment? if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with ltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques.
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>> and even tonight with all of the heated back and forth between my opponent and me at the debate last night, we have proven that we can actually be civil to each other. in fact, just before taking the dias hillary accidentally bumped into me and she very civilry sa-- civilly said, pardon me. [laughter] >> did you get it, pardon me? obviously, that was conundrum. got a few laughs at the dinner last night in new york city.
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we will have that of course coming up and now this. >> let's get back to the president. still trying to defend his health care plan, obamacare. watch this. >> so what's the problem? why is there still such a fuss? well, part of the problem is the fact that a democratic president named barack obama passed the law. stuart: well, the senior contributor to red alert politics, the law is unpopular only because it's president barack obama who pushed for me? >> it sounds to me like he's doing some race baiting, i'm a black president and this is my name. >> do you really think that a racial-- >> that's what i heard, stuart. that's literally what i just heard. stuart: what you heard into his voice. >> that was my interpretation of it, i'm black in real life. you know, so, i think it really
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brings about the point that the real reason that president obama has been working hard to have hillary clinton elected. he's trying to protect his legacy that obamacare is working. and it isn't working, premiums are going up 50% in places like minnesota and in my home state of illinois, 40 to 50%. this is become very unaffordable. stuart: you've got to expect the man to defend his legacy. that's the signal proposal, the big deal and it's going haywire. >> he wants the next person to come in and attempt to fix it by spending billions more, which is inappropriate. we're at a-- >> z-eke emanuel was on with maria, and extraordinary. breaking news, twitter and amazon have apparently been the
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target of an on-line attack. some users reporti those sites are down. we're on the story, obviously, we've got more at the opening bell, which is about three moments away. that could be a big story. back momentarily. you can run an errand. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy.
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(announcer vo) you can sit in traffic. or you can crack up. (man on radio) but if it isn't refreshing... (announcer vo) sorry traffic, we laugh 'til it hurts. siriusxm. road happy. >> i've got to give you more on what is a breaking and
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developing story. twitter, amazon, tumbler, a lot of people can't get onto those sites. liz, this is, for amazon east coast clouds? >> amazon runs a number of websites for other companies in cloud services and seeing errors trying to get into the site. and knocked off line by twitter as well. knocked off line. >> it's a junk data dump and it's a common crime in the cyber world. >> and they flood the site with the junk data and the average person can't get in. stuart: on a wide scale, this is quite an event. i wonder if it has something to do with the market coming down like it is, it's down 36 points liz: i would say yes, because it's the most common cyber attack on banks and the fbi has been all over the ddos, that's what it's called. bbc got knocked offline in january from one of these attacks. the bbc.
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stuart: this today liz: in january. stuart: and this is tumblr. a denial of service attack and it could be developing as we speak. the market it down 72 points in the very early going. 28 of the 30 dow stocks are in the red. how about oil? that may be a factor in the drop. no, it's not. down 8 cents at 50.56. that's not a factor in the dow's decline. mcdonald's, straight up this morning. mcdonald's is a dow stock. that should be helping the dow and it's still down 100 points, but mcdonald's is up two bucks. take a look, profit down and revenue didn't grow as much as they thought it should. that, too, is a dow stock pushing it lower. you've got to look at microsoft, that's a dow stock. record shares high of the opening bell. putting up strong numbers, more in a moment. 5% higher than microsoft and the dow, which is a dow stock
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down 100 points. at&t, time warner, discussed various business strategies in recent weeks, including a possible merger. at&t is down, time warner is up. who is here? let's bring in ashley webster, liz mcdonald, anthony scaramucci and brian. start with microsoft, shameless, i know, i own some. and big in clouds, around the block, would you buy it? anthony? >> i would buy it. stuart: at 60? >> i would, stuart. i think the market's going to be stronger than people think next year, a combination of fed forces and of better than expected economy and this is a dividend growing stock. high yield dividend stocks are going to do well next year. stuart: larry levin, would you buy microsoft at 60? you're a technology guy, i know you are. >> i am, and i like anything with cloud service and i like anything with vr. crowd services, microsoft, amazon, both buys to me.
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stuart: how about, you brian? >> the short-term the whole amazon thing is in the business and see what happens in the short-term of that. stuart: i have to go around the block again. we've got a denial of service with amazon, tumblr. ashley: you have to dig down, dyn, d-y-n, they operate the network for twitter and tumblr and amazon, that company has been hit with a massive download of junk data. it's one company hit, but affecting its customers which include the twitters and tumblrs and amazon. stuart: i wonder if this attack is affecting the overall market? do you think it is? >> i'm going to say no. it's a little bit of seasonality and friday selling, clearing out the books going into the next trading week. people are predicting attacks now and they're sort of baked
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into the market forces. stuart: baked in? okay. we hear you. individual stocks that are moving. first off, mcdonald's, big winner today. remember, this is a dow stock and it's up 250. what's the big deal with mcdonald's liz: it is the fifth straight quarter of sales, and the stock could add 26 points to the dow. it looks like all-day breakfast is working and that's launched a year ago and since then the sales have been coming in nicely although millennials haven't tried a big mac and om one in five have. stuart: is that true liz: according to-- >> what do you say, anthony. mcdonald's at 113. >> this is a buy, and this could-- low interest rate environment. these are trading at comfortable valuation zone are buys. stuart: i can't believe it's all day breakfast. i can't. i'm prepared to admit. okay. my producer just said, 'cause
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he's never had an egg mcmuffin at 3:00 in the afternoon. stuart: true. settle down, everybody. i'm high on microsoft at&t and time warner discussed things, a possible merger. anything on that? liz: time warner, 62 billion dollars, there are informal talks right now and this comes two years after 21st century fox offered 75 billion dollars. so, we don't know if these talks will go forward. at&t is transforming itself and not just the telecom, but the media and entertainment giant. time warner has the content that could fit nicely with an at&t. stuart: the content for the carrier, it fits, got it. amazon, every day, we bring you an amazon story. we've got another one. this is a little political. can i say? chief jeff bezos, the guy, the top man at amazon, he says that donald trump is eroding our democracy.
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i want exactly what he said liz: he's trying to chill the media and threaten retaliation. not a new democracy, and presidential candidate to talk like this erodes the democracy around the edges, should be trying to burnish it not erode it. stuart: i see brian next to me, kind of shaking his head. you don't think that trump interfered with democracy by saying i may not accept the results? >> i'm not a huge fan of what trump said, but i think that bezos is overreacting. you've got to back off what he said. stuart: i love amazon the company, the stock straight up, but bezos is rapidly anti-trump. stuart: how about you, anthony? >> it's hard for me. i'm a trump supporter, but i think that t"the washington post" is part of the hillary campaign. stuart: hand in glove. and i wonder if we're going to hold 18,000 today?
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it's under threat. how about this one? a name you know, la-z-boy, lowered their outlook. off 7% to have la-z-boy. after 30 years, metlife is ending the branding relationship with snoopy and the peanuts gang. i never saw the humor in snoopy. never saw the poignancy. i think they're better off. >> what is metlife going to do now? can't go with clowns. out of the puppy business. what are we doing? >> i don't know, liz: snoopy lives matters, too. stuart: and a 47 billion dollar offer fosht rest of reynolds is doesn't own. the maker of camel, creating the largest tobacco company by sales. not surprisingly reynolds goes up 18%.
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nice pop for the drug maker. and alchemy, is that how you pronounce it, encouraging results for a depression drug. and nicole, the details, please. nicole: the stock is up 35%, the biggest move in over two decades. in late stages for an anti-depression drug, a once a day treatment and now they're on the fast track, they said that they plan to meet with the fda here. they also have got a ton of positive comments in the analysts and i think those are knicks girls that went by. stuart: i thought they were your cheerleaders. >> and they treat addiction and they're trading in the range and put a 78 dollar target. stuart: and autopilot from the
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driver's position, that's what you get. tesla gave us a price on autopilot, ashley. was it 8,000, i think? >> 8,000 if you buy it in the tesla vehicle. you can buy it separately. which is interesting. you can take the technology and that's going to cost you $10,000. but at least we have a cost for the software. stuart: what's this about tesla planning an uber rival? >> they've kind of hinted at it. on the website, please note that using a self-driving tesla for car sharing and friend and family, fine. if you do it for revenue purposes only permissible on the tesla network. more details to be revealed next year. stuart: i've got a problem with tesla, always putting out in the future. we're going to reveal this, reveal that. look what we've got for you. they're losing money. they still live on government subsidies. isn't that right, brian? >> this is amazing. imagine you park your car at work and your car is driving
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people around. ashley: now he's interested. stuart: look at twitter, they've been hit with the outage this morning, but they're still just under $17 a share. they have some tough choices. and big layoffs and big restructuring at twitter. is that it? >> yeah, suntrust is saying possibly 10% of its work force coul what if a bidding war takes place and no one shows up for your bidding war? so that's what's happened with twitter. a salesforce, disney, and they have a fill of the user base, twitter does. they've stalled that with user growth. what are twitter's choices right now. by the way, with the denial of service attacks, it could spread to netflix and pay pal and as you point out the companies are basically used on the services as well. >> and the dow is down 100 points, there's a concern that it could. stuart: before we go, anthony scaramucci, he was at the al
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smith dinner last night, the big soiree for prominent catholics, what's it like? >> it was a little bit of a lead balloon flying in that room last night. i think both candidates were very good for the first five minutes and then the lead balloons started. you can feel the personal strain between the two. i know the cardinal was hoping for more joviality. one other thing an apology from the clinton campaign about what was being said about roman catholocism. that didn't come either. it's a difficult night and i have to go to those on the off years i'm a practicing catholic. and romney said this is how ann and i walk around the house and i feel comfortable campaigning. last night, a lot of lead ballooning. i think we've got to lighten it up. >> wall street week, 8:00 tonight on the fox business network. what do you have for us tonight?
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>> we've got two great guys. ed carnard talking about the income divide in the united states and he's got some great policy ideas and a new book. and then we've got, a private equity guy, just talking about real value out there, stuart, on unlisted companies. one thing about regulations now, a lot of companies don't want to go public and don't want to look at regulation. we'll find ways to tap that for individual investors. stuart: make me some money. ashley: microsoft. [laughter] >> i want to say thank you for anthony, larry and brian, and i promise we get to virtual reality, you're the vr guy. that's next week, i promise. we're down, but not as much as we were 90 points lower. now this, the government of venezuela slamming a new pro-hillary spanish language ad. it compares donald trump to
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hugo chavez and adolf hitler and more on the al smith dinner, hillary and trump taking shots all the media is talking about is trump's one joke that drew boos from the crowd. we're on it. an important message for americans eligible
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at healthmarkets, we make finding the coverage you need fast and easy ... because we know you have better things to do. call this number and let healthmarkets find the right medicare plan for you - without cost or obligation. call a licensed agent now before open enrollment ends. call now. >> this is just coming in to us, live pictures out of kirkuk, iraq, the news here is isis has opened a second front. they are attacking in kirkuk, people are dead and they have the story. that's the developing military situation in a second front launched by isis. check that big board, we're still down about 100 points this friday morning. but we do have a record high for microsoft. i have to say this of course, i do own some microsoft stock, we
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are cheering this hour, and it's gone to $60 per share, oh, 59.97, but i'll take that. breaking news this hour, denial of service and denial of service, attack on twitter and amazon, what's the latest, ash? >> we're trying get our hands on this. it's users around the world, apparently, but mostly in the u.s. have been affected by this and what it is, an internet service that provides services for people like tumblr and etsy and spotify. dns. that's the company attacked by the massive overload of date a junk. it clogs up the system and ruins the service. 10% total. the east coast of amazon cannot get access to amazon now. stuart: a big chunk. >> it's a large chunk. stuart: it's not a glitch.
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it's not a technical glitch. it's an attack. ashley: this is an on purpose attack. stuart: it seems the clinton campaign has angered the government of venezuela over an ad that compares donald trump to their late president, hugo chavez liz: basically says in the dnc ad, comparing trump to chavez quoting trump saying i will jail hillary clinton and get a special prosecutor to go after her. you reopen libel laws and everything that chavez has been accused of. the government of venezuela attacking the ad and prove that the u.s. democratic system, even though chavez did jail reporters. stuart: they're worried about our democracy and we're running it. move on. ashley: the internet server, dyn, d-y-n.
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services return to normal as of 9:37 a.m. eastern time. stuart: if you watch the show we talk about the mainstream media being thoroughly in the tank for hillary clinton. watch what happened when congressman chris collins, republican from new york mentioned the word wikileaks during an interview on cnn. roll tape. >> on the character issue, the public, you know, two-thirds or more of the public knows that hillary clinton is a liar, she can't be trusted and now the two faces of hillary clinton are coming out and the fact that through wikileaks she says one thing-- (bleep) >> oh, no, let's see if we can get congressman collins back and obviously we lost the satellite feed. that sucks. stuart: joining us the man himself. one of the first in congress to say i'm with trump. welcome back, i don't think it's deliberate. i don't want to score a cheap shot. >> it was certainly not. they'd said afterwards that an
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individual hit the wrong button. i was back on after two and a half minutes, but i'll say that chris cuomo did a great job filling in for me and understood where i was going. i was debating a clinton supporter and chris cuomo took my side of it d brought forward the issues and i said after to chris, anytime he wants to tag team with me, i'll let him go on the attack. that was not done deliberately, but the timing was ironic. stuart: it was, you mentioned wikileaks and boom, up came bars and tone. >> that went viral overnight. stuart: we picked up on it. what do you think the media obsessing, to them this is the only story out of the al smith dinner, the boos for trump that followed his job at hillary saying, she hates catholics at
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last night's al smith dinner. what do you make of the media over that one small item in the dinner last night? >> well, i think it tells you all you need to know about the liberal press out to get donald trump. there's no two ways about it because the wikileaks shows exactly what hillary's campaign was saying about catholics and evangelicals and she's been asked to denounce what they were saying in the e-mails and she won't do it so i thought it was perhaps not the right forum to do it, but then again, both of them went pretty far off on the ledge when it came to, you know, not keeping within the normal tone of their dinner. but you know, hillary got a few boos as well. stuart: yes, she did. >> both of them stepped a little bit out of bounds. but donald trump brought up a valid point. hillary clinton will not denounce the tone of those e-mails. hey, it is what it is and it was certainly-- i watched both speeches, i
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thought donald trump's speech or donald trump's joke about ma melania was the best of the night. michelle obama gives a speech and gets a standing ovation and melania gives the same speech and gets criticized. i thought that showed a sense of humor that brought a smile to my face. stuart: congressman, we did not cut you off with bars and tone, we could never do such a thing. >> thank you, stuart, have a good weekend. stuart: where are we now on the dow industrials? 27 of the dow 30 are in the red. we're off 82 points. what do we have next for you? well, we've got a lot for you. we're going to talk about favors and gifts in just a moment.
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you can learn about healthy living and earn rewards, too. remember, medicare open enrollment ends december 7th. call unitedhealthcare today about an aarp medicarecomplete plan. you can even enroll right over the phone. don't wait. call unitedhealthcare or go online now. ♪ >> this sure looks like more pay for play at the clinton foundation. the latest batch of wikileaks e-mails shows hillary negotiated a $12 million commitment from the king of moracco in exchange for a clinton foundation summit. is that it? 12 million for a summit. ashley: perfectly and because hillary clinton according to the latest wikileaks e-mails show that she was the one driving this. she was the one who came forward with the idea, let's go to moracco for the clinton
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global initiative and $12 million commitment from king muhammad the vi and hillary has to be there. and back and forth on the e-mail. one of them says this is hrc's idea to speak at clinton global initiative in moracco. she created this mess and she knows it. that's very strong language. what happened in the end was though eventually she backed out, but bill clinton and their daughter chelsea did go to the event in moracco. it just shows that hillary clinton was at the very heart of what we clearly see is pay to play. because what she did for that, access. stuart: got it. breaking corporate news, at this hour, an on-line attack on sites like twitter and amazon. service now restored. we covered it. back in two minutes.
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>> in this election, nothing
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has gone the way it used to. it seems everything's been upended, reversed. rich people vote democrat these days. how is that for a shift? and here is another. the al smith dinner is held every four years and features the presidential candidates roasting each other before the vote. it's supposed to be funny and friendly, a good laugh before the fight gets underway. last night's al smith dinner have some humor, there were some laughs, but, oh, it was edgy, combative, barbed and sometimes downright nasty. at the waldorf, the good of the catholics resorted to the boos and jeers and that's what the media is focusing on them. that's the story. anything that could be considered negative for trump could be pumped up. trump was booed, pump it up.
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and journalists working with and for just one side. i think that voters are tired of it. i think there's insult and scandal for team. we're talking sex, tapes and influence pedallidling. we'll show you what happened and plus, father jonathan morris. the second hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ >> we're down, but not as much as we were before. roughly 100 points. we're holding above 18,000. we have been following a breaking story. service has now been restored to several big name websites after what is called a denial of service attack. amazon, twitter and yahoo!'s tumblr among them. no impact on the stocks and
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service has now been restored. we have two stories about two huge corporations that are going straight up. i'll start with microsoft and move on to mcdonald's. both of them surging. microsoft hit 60 bucks a share earlier and mcdonald's was up 5%. big gains. microsoft first. >> yeah, all about the clouds revenue, there's cloud based service that microsoft is transitioning to, the overall division was up 8, 10 percent, but included in that was the azure service up 116% on revenue, this is very pleasing to investors who worry that the fading pc market is going to drag down microsoft and they've already pivoted nicely to-- -- we use that word all the time. pivoted. and what's driving the stock. stuart: let's be clear, i do own some microsoft stock. ashley: you do, indeed. stuart: and mcdonald's, why? liz: all day breakfast and comfort food.
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the rate it's going, without mcdonald's the dow would be deeper in the red. it's five straight quarters now, consecutive quarters of same-store sales growth after four straight quarters of being down. it's coming in strongly right now. stuart: got it. i want to get back to the al smith dinner, the annual-- the every four years. >> it's every year, but every four years with the candidates. stuart: it's the event where the presidential candidates are expected to be self deprecating, charming. let's first of all watch hillary clinton. >> this is such a special event that i took a break from my rigorous nap schedule to be here. and as you've already heard, it's a treat for all of you, too, because usually i charge a lot for speeches like this. and you know, because this is a friendly dinner for such a great cause, donald, if at any
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time you don't like what i'm saying, feel free to stand up and shout "wrong" while i'm talking. stuart: all right. now that was hillary's side of things, just part of it. now take a look at donald trump's side of things. roll that tape. >> you know, cardinal dolan and i have some things in common. for instance, we both run impressive properties on fifth avenue. of course, his is much more impressive than mine. that's because i built mine with my own beautifully formed hands. it's great to be here with a thousand wonderful people, or as i call it, a small intimate dinner with some friends. or as hillary calls it, her largest crowd of the season. we've learned so much from wikileaks, for example, hillary believes that it's vital to
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deceive the people by having one public policy. stuart: well, right at the end there you caught the boos, i'm sure, i think you could hear it, jeering and booing for donald trump, i believe. father jonathan morris was at the dinner last night and joins us this morning. overall, i say the tone last night was a little edgy. i think it was nasty on occasion and appropriate for that particular dinner? >> much edgier than any other one i've seen and heard of. no doubt, it was a very different tone. it's supposed to be self-deprecating humor and there was some of that, but on both sides i would say, especially on donald trump's side, but on both sides some really, really harsh barbs given. and what is the purpose of the dinner? well, it's raising money for poor children in new york city, but then it's also the last moment which these candidates are together in the same stage before the election and america saying, we can disagree, still
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work for a common cause and we can be civil. i didn't see that. stuart: you doesn't like it or approve of that? >> i think they made a mistake. i would like to say maybe they didn't get the memo. but there's no memo to be given. donald trump went overboard and hillary clinton went over board-- >> wait a second, it's hillary clinton and her campaign which denigrated catholics. >> i'm not referring to them, i'm referring to the actual speeches. stuart: why was the crowd on her side. >> i don't know, how can you understand new yorkers. stuart: come on, come on. you say you didn't like it and one of the candidates who insulted catholics and organization formed two front groups to undermine the catholic church. i've been very outspoke been that, i think as cardinal dolan himself was quoted as saying, i believe that the campaign owes catholics an apology, but this is another issue.
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i'm saying there is a time in which nominees for their respective parties, should be able to act civilry towards each other. make fun of each other and self-deprecating humor, but there's not a point low, low, lower, and in the gutter. stuart: did cardinal dolan get his apology from hillary or everybody else. >> i haven't heard it. >> and trump brought up the leaked e-mails that shows the clinton campaign criticize catholics. the guests didn't-- the guests, when trump brought that up, the guests booed. the media says they were boosting trump. is it not possible they were booing hillary because she's the-- >> my impression they were boosting trump, but what they were booing, i think, that he was going so political and so negative in that moment. there are other moments to do
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it. it's supposed to be a moment in which we say, we as a country are bigger than our differences and that some-- there are times and this was one of them, to show that we are bigger than our differences. >> from the reception last night. am i to learn that the catholics of new york support hillary clinton? >> it's new york. of course. not only catholics, but just about everyone unless we get a real shocker. but new york goes democrat. i don't know why. i don't understand it, i don't get it at all, but you know, you know the history. stuart: by the way, did you wear the white tie or-- ments no, just like this. stuart: the clerical garb, so to speak. >> it's the easiest outfit for-- >> you don't dress easily. >> i do. stuart: well, father. >> what guy likes to put on the whole bow tie and everything. stuart: i'm glad you walked 400 yards from the waldorf to here.
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thank you, father jonathan. stuart: we're just over two weeks, 18 days until the election and donald trump is struggling with the women's vote. recent fox news poll, hillary carries the female vote by almost a 20 point advantage and lead. come in republican congressman from pennsylvania, mike kelly, a swing state. here is what i'm going to say. i think that hillary clinton will win pennsylvania because of suburban white females. will you tell me i'm wrong? >> well, stuart, thanks for having me on and father jonathan thank you so much for being on. you know what? i think it's razor thin and stuart, as you know, polls are being taken of likely voters, so i think in this time there's nothing more unlikely than voters that we have that have registered. i think from rural pennsylvania is strong donald trump and philadelphia is always one of those areas, it's going to be strong democrat. so, i think that when you look at the numbers they may be
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skewed in a different way, i think overall pennsylvania is a very strong donald trump state. stuart: congressman, i want to talk about philadelphia. in the 2012 presidential election, 19,000 votes were cast in 59 cities, city voting divisions around philadelphia. 59,000-- i'm sorry, 19,000 votes cast in 59 city voting decisions, not a single vote of those 19,000 went to romney. doesn't that speak to some degree of polling place problems? >> yeah, well, i think that anybody that understands how polls are taken and how votes are cast. that's almost an i am possibility, certainly, there was one or two people there. there had to be somebody there that voted the other way. and when you see the overwhelming numbers, that's pretty hard not to acknowledge and an old saying, if it
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waddles like a duck, it quacks like a duck and it's a duck. we know that's the history of philadelphia, you get to work with that and know going in where it's going to be, you look at the rest of the state, i can't possibly win philadelphia because that's the way it's skewed. stuart: and is it legitimate for someone like donald trump saying, i'm not going to okay the results if something like this goes on. >> it's legit. you can't look at the revelations, there's project veritas or wikileaks and say there isn't something wrong here and isn't something so clear to us as a people and i'm talking now, but just common sense and people that don't get ratcheted up, i don't care what they say i'm never going to believe it. it's clear to the american people that something is going on and mr. trump makes a good point and people from the private sector, now what, let me take a look at that and if it looks like there's something gone wrong, i have the right to
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question that. that's who we are as americans. stuart: congressman mike kelly. thank you very much for joining us, sir, we appreciate you being here. >> thank you, stuart. thanks for having me. stuart: i'm going to show you something now and this is from a flight new york to san francisco wednesday night during the last presidential debate. nearly every single passenger on that flight watched the debate at 36,000 feet. twitter user carolyn paul tweeted that picture. uniform. remember this, a driver goes-- cage diver, i'm sorry, cage diver in mexico to get a look at the great white. the shark gets into the cage while the diver is inside liz: terrifying. stuart: we have new video from the cage when that happened. i think that's it. no, we've got a different video we'll show you liz: inside the cage. stuart: donald trump calls hillary clinton a nasty woman at the debate and singer janet jackson has a song called nasty
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and now more people are listening to it than they have in decades. we'll be back.
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>> ♪ lets dance, put on your red shoes and dance ♪ >> what's the song. ashley: david bowie. . ashley: let's dance. stuart: why are we playing that? the dow is down. here 27 of the dow 30 are red and down. it's a down day. we have the latest from wikileaks. this one from acting dnc chair donna brazile it's a blockbuster? what have you got. ashley: from february of this year from donna brazile to john podesta. >> i think thateople are more in despair, yes, new jobs, they are low wage jobs, housing is an issue. most people pay half of what they make to rent. that's a pretty dismal
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summation of the obama economy, but just one month before that she tweeted out under president obama the economy is experienced 70 straight months of private sector job growth, over 14 million jobs she tweeted exclamation point. saying the economy was so great. stuart: liz liz: this was been the story line with the democrat campaign. cheer on the obama-- not so state of the art recovery, but behind the scenes divided because bernie sanders's people were saying it's not great our people are hurting. there's been a split behind the scenes there. stuart: how do we go forward if it's a hillary clinton presidency doing exactly the same thing that president obama has done which is a failure in terms of the economy liz: glacial growth. stuart: and pointed out by the leaks. don't like the leaker, but it means something. the next guest is a democrat decided to support trump and he's trying to get other democrats to do the same thing. commission ricker is back.
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>> good morning. stuart: last time were you on, you said people were switching. do you have some numbers for me? >> oh, gosh, over a million and a half who signed up and identified just in our target states, pennsylvania, ohio, virginia, north carolina, and we just got back from a trip from pennsylvania to cleveland, pr pittsburgh and cleveland, there is huge amounts of support for trump in this traditionally democratic areas and we're turning them out and going to make a difference in this election if we can raise the resources. stuart: what about recently? because very recently donald trump's had a very hard time. all kinds of revelations and the media is going after him strongly. are you still making converts, so to speak, from democrat to trump-ocrat republican? keeping pace? >> yeah, i think so. people are turned off by all of this and just today we found
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out in virginia that the polls are tightening and this is a state that, you know, people said is out of reach for trump and i think that the polls are all over the place, democrats are supporting trump in larger numbers than they ever have spotted a republican nominee and republicans are going to-- >> let me throw this at you. real clear politics, they do the average of polls, it's a moving average, the way people are voter preferences. earlier this week, hillary clinton was almost seven points up. she is now 6.3 points up. >> all right. stuart: i was surprised to hear that, you're confirming it. >> absolutely. stuart: go ahead, one and a half million converts. what's the time frame on that? >> well, the time frame on the converts, these are people that-- this is something a movement that's been an undercurrent for
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a long time, you know, hillary clinton and we just find out that her-- with the wikileaks that her position on trade has really been all over the place, they're finding out she has not been truthful. we know that donald trump is going to do something to try to rebuild our infrastructure and economy in this country and that's why, i mean, people are worried about their jobs and their livelihood and i mean, is it going to be a change election or are we going to stay the same? that's another thing that people are concerned about. stuart: chris rickers, thank you for coming back to us. and we'd like you back on before the election and see if there are converts, i don't know if that's the right word, but i'm using it. >> there will be. stuart: thanks a lot. president obama said on national television that he did not know about hillary's private e-mail server, but new wikileaks revelations tell a different story. we're on it. donald trump now saying he will accept the outcome of the election only if he wins. watch this. >> totally accept the results
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(announcer vo) you can go straight home. (howard stern on radio) welcome to show business. (announcer vo) or you can hear the rest of howard. bababooey! (announcer vo) sorry, confused neighbors, howard's on. siriusxm. road happy. do you have thecare? coverage you need? open enrollment ends december 7th. so now's the time to get on a path that could be right for you... with plans including aarp medicarecomplete insured through unitedhealthcare. call today or go online to enroll. these medicare advantage plans can combine your hospital and doctor coverage with prescription drug coverage, and extra benefits all in one complete plan for a low monthly premium, or in some areas no plan premium at all. other benefits can include: $0 co-pays for an annual physical and most immunizations,
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routine vision and hearing coverage, and you'll pay the plan's lowest prescription price, whether it's your co-pay or the pharmacy price. or pay zero dollars for a 90-day supply of tier 1 and tier 2 drugs, with home delivery. don't wait, call unitedhealthcare or go online to enroll in aarp medicarecomplete. >> keeps on coming, hillary's e-mail scandal. president obama consistently said he had no knowledge of her using a private server. watch this. >> did you know about hillary clinton's use of private e-mail server. >> no. >> while she was secretary of state? >> no. stuart: however, a new leaked e-mail from wikileaks tells a different story. what exactly does it say. ashley: jennifer used the clinton communications director, saying, look, talking to the clinton top aides,
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including josh earnest and eric schultz and phillip rines, a clinton aide. you can see the quote on the screen there. basically she goes on to say, look, they know that obama and hillary clinton e-mailed. the question is, what do we do, stand the practice, not to confirm anything about this e-mail so his answers to the press that he would not comment or confirm. in other words, how do we handle this? well we just don't comment. can't confirm anything, but what it appears to show quite strongly president obama told everyone i didn't know about this e-mail server until it was in the news, i found out the same time you did. but found out when you look at wikileaks, it clearly says that look, hillary and the president have been e-mailing, another example. stuart: not been honest liz: this e-mail exchange is clear, now what, what the president told 60 minutes will be debunked and how will we handle that after the fact? >> look at this, russian war ships off the coast of england
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in the british english channel between britain and france, on the way to syria. this is called russia's biggest military offensive since the cold war. off they go to the mideast. microsoft, their cloud business is taking off and the company's turn around plan seems to be working and the stock hit 60 earlier and it's still very, way up there at 59.59. and now this, well, it's friday, can we bring you this? it's a smoking female chimpanzee in north korea. she's the star attraction in pyong yang. i don't like it, it's like feeding the pet poison. the zoo, however, insists that asalia does not inhale. ashley: that's okay then. stuart: kind of a clintonesque response liz: still awful. stuart: we will be back.
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that's why time warner is up over $1.84. they have a 124 billion-dollar debt. that could be an obstacle. how about this. they are headed to syria in
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force. jim is with us. what is with that. a huge naval operation heading through the english channel not that i recall. and we are going to see more steps like this over the next three months. people in the capitals of places like russia and philippines think this is a perfect time to ignore the united states because no matter what happens they're not going to be dealt with firmly by the obama administration in its final three months. i'm afraid russian warships are just one thing organ the sea. at one time it was a very
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close ally strategic ally with the united states. i believe it's just been off on a trip to china. it several billion dollars and a lot of close ties. china hasn't moved in with the position. that we head for a long time. are we in full scale retreat from any ally or strategic position anywhere in the world. we haven't done a very thorough job over the last eight years to offend and criticize and cause trouble for our friends such as israel and to be friendly to our adversaries such as russia or iran even. people have noticed. it's basically an appeasement
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it was not a nasty word before the 1930s it was just a description of how sometimes people acted in international affairs we now have a reputation that the obama administration is appeasers. i want to move on to the debate just the other night. work in a role that tape. i need your comments mister director. >> the bottom line on nuclear weapons is when the president gives the order it must be followed. there is about four minutes between the order been given and at the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so. everybody is zeroed in on that four minutes. she wasn't supposed to say that. was that correct? >> i don't know if it's accurate or not but she not be
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using numbers having anything to do with nuclear response times. about 80 to 90% of what is classified as numbers. if you stay away from numbers you can sometimes avoid these problems. she didn't stay away. can you tell me what is the process if they decide and get a fire up a nuke what happens how does he do it. i would either not talk about it at all or i would speak deceptively once in church said that proof that war is so much more important. and nobody knows the exact timing of that should talk about it and should stay away from it. it's not as simple as a present pushing the button. it's not like that.
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it's a very involved and complex and seriously monitored procedure. and how it takes or how long it takes i would not remotely say. that's why you are the director of the cia i guess. james, thank you very much for being with us. i want to get onto trump in the female vote. ed rollins is with us. at this point can donald trump when if he's 20 points down among women. it's all about numbers. this is a game about numbers. there 53 percent of the population. they vote in greater numbers than men. so you have a substantial a deficit deficit there you're
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in trouble. they are intense. we are still not quite sure what's happening there. but she's the first woman candidate. my sense is it has always been an uphill battle. how do you reach out and get some of those women to come on those economic issues. it's not quite over yet. there is a couple of polls that basically allow that. trump is not giving up. at the end of the day i would say if i was a betting man which i'm not this would not be a safe bet. give hillary clinton in 90% chance of winning. that's a pretty good bet if you are a bookie. i think this is an unusual year.
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they show there's still a great interest in this and you want to get two of the most unpopular people who had run for office. and she has not been able to move the negative numbers down. it was probably the best debate we have. since i'm not going to recognize and distract from everything else. it was a good half hour. i think most of his people think he won the debate. she has a gr game she has the money she is everything if i was a betting man which i'm not it would be a pretty good bet. acting at the end of the day this is a year you shouldn't rule out until they actually get to go out and vote.
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i think the mood was kind of tense. watch this attempted joke. roll tape. we have proven it and we can actually be civil with each other. hillary accidentally bumped into me and she said parted me. i'm a very politely replied let me talk to you about that at i -- after i get into office. and the crowd reacted nicely but the rest of the night you tell me it didn't go like
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that. they've been about these events for many years. he walked in last night. a lot of liberals and hillary supporters there. he was treated as a candidate. i think what he ended up doing was he slid into a rally speech as opposed to trying to be human. speemac he was booed. as i said. they were booing, hissing and very piercing both for the crowd and certainly that. i think the key thing here is when you try to do humor and you're not a comedian you need to know the audience.
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went to big name companies. what did they change. these two companies put together the had 40 or 50 points to this. when you look at these two names microsoft which you know you are a shareholder. they were trying to get them with the clouds competing. that stock is up 52 percent. then we turn it over.
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and that was in march of 2015. the stock is up about 15%. he trimmed down the menu all day breakfast. that too is the winner. i will take microsoft. i'm not retiring either. obama care is working but it is improving lives. a record number. trump addressing immigration at the debate. hillary wants to give him misty. working in the drugs they're getting the cash.
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stuart: remember it starts at 9:00 a.m. eastern. here's what you missed last hour. there's no two ways about it. the wikileaks shows exactly what hillary's campaign with saint about it and evangelicals and she has she's been asked to denounce what they were saying in those e-mails and she won't do it so i thought it was perhaps not the right form to do it but that both of them went pretty far off on the ledge when it came to not keeping with the
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net normal tone of that dinner. hillary got a few boos as well. both of them stepped a little bit out of bounds. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. tell your doctor if you've had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate.
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common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you.
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stuart: president obama touts obama care. he says it's working. he said americans are benefiting. obama care is helping millions of people right now the uninsured rate has never been lower it is helping everybody who already has health insurance because it makes their policies better. >> joining me now a semi who is somebody who knows about this first hand. as i recall last time we saw you there were no health insurance providers there was not any health insurers in the county. have you finally got a health insurer to move in? >> finally. this is government mandate that is overly subsidized in this case a 51% subsidy for blue cross blue shield of that had to be lured in because you have a county of nearly half a million people without health
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care. 10,000 subscribers. we have humana and united healthcare pull out. and throughout the entire state in fact there's only one provider in 14 of her 15 counties. so somebody had to pay to move into the county. that's exactly right. and it's asked the taxpayer. were subsidizing all of this. it's not what the title says affordable anything. it's expensive and it is substandard care. there's no competition and that's why it is failing. another subject about which you and i may be paying for 70,000 central american families i repeat families have moved into the united states this year. i think some of them may have been settled in your county which means you are paying for
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it is that accurate? >> all of us are paying for it. the problem with this is it's double the number from last year according to public reports and it is the wrong message to send. we are putting even though they may have difficult circumstances in countries they come from they are breaking the law and in this case when you see this size and scope and they're talking about putting them first always their needs, their concerns are veterans those in so many homeless american children these refugees there's public reports about that. they are given more money than the maxed out senior citizen receives on social security that worked their whole life to earn it. things are upside down in america. are they coming in on the visa system or just crossing the
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border and saying here i am. >> what has happened is president obama has been to the rules for central america and has allowed them to apply as refugees in the fact what has happened is you see the rapid uptick in the numbers who are coming in you do have to be a sheriff to figure this out. they are all saying i'm a refugee i'm seeking asylum here in the united states and then guess what were taking care of them. they are our responsibility in the cost the cost over the lifetime is enormous and why we have $20 trillion in debt that is wrong. and we have to have some limit
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to our great compassion and generosity as a nation because we allow right now 1 million illegal immigrants every year. >> i think you're running for congress if i'm not mistaken. we will see you soon. now this. it's great footage we will show you that extra new footage shortly. you won't believe it and whoever wins this election the outcome will be historic. what either head hey gary. oh. what's with the dog-sized horse? i'm crazy stressed trying to figure out this complex trade
10:51 am
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find the medicare part d plan that fits your needs and budget. that's why we offer three plans. like our new aarp medicarerx walgreens plan with one of our lowest monthly premiums and $0 copays for tier 1 prescription drugs when filling at any of the more than 8,000 walgreens nationwide. call unitedhealthcare today to learn more about your prescription drug options and find the plan that's right for you. ♪ >> we first should do this earlier this week. how could you not remember. the shock actually managed to break into his cage. now we have video from inside that cage. the diver has a camera.
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it swims right towards. then it looks like we get stuck at the whole flight away. it breaks the cage. as it struggles to get out. safe to say a very scary moment when you dive back. up close and personal. good luck. our next hour will be just as wild and unpredictable. they are filling stuart in on what's can happen. chris wallace the start of wednesday's debate he will talk about that in the jabs traded lasting last night at the al smith dinner. they were talking about the bombshell video california is one of the largest estates at risk. plus just in time for the
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election the presidential member. but first on the migrant crisis in europe. the numbers i think speak for themselves because remember germany is the heart. the most important ones the european central bank people are losing faith in what is called the social market model. the dividing issue is islam. >> i think it's maybe islam and the concept of national sovereignty.
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whether it is the national elite or whether it is the brussels. and i think brexit for example the trump isn't uniquely american opportunity. this man creates software, used by this bank, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones,
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used by this vice president, this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. they all have insurance crafted personally for them. not just coverage, craftsmanship. not just insured. chubb insured.
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stuart: we like to bring you the state to play as election gets closer. as a price today after intense media criticism and after a slew of damaging revelations donald trump is actually moved up just a little in the polls. we are using the real clear average of polls it's a moving average. tracking voter preferences daily. hillary has a 6.3 lead.
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that's actually down about half a point in the last couple of days. very hard for voters who follow the news to avoid the rabid anti- trump headlines. they have ignored the revelations. ignored the undercover video. they had played a big the accounts of a sexual aggression from trump's accusers. all of this has been blasted right at the electric and yet hillary clinton's lead has narrowed. ever so slightly but it has narrowed. by the way trump said he will still win. the third hour is about to begin.
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>> i want to ask you this. we have learned from the wikileaks i'm have a common market with open trade and open borders. please quiet everybody. is that your dream open borders. what went on between you and the clinton foundation. why would they all in this last couple of weeks make that up. how he defended it was even worse. it was an open discussion. please let mister trump
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speak. >> in many ways it is similar to the obama stimulus plan in 2009 which has led to the slowest gdp growth. >> chris wallace was good he was a he. they welcome back to the program we moderated at the debate and lived to tell the tale. congratulations. now i want to ask you on your sunday show and all of the other sunday shows coming up this weekend was a major discussion be about trumps one center. i was so focused on that
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sentence. you moderated all the way through to this weekend. it's certainly something that can be discussed. as soon as they said in the debate. we are getting be speaking with kelly and conway. what is a strategy in plan coming forward. a six and a half point lead if that's what it really is is still a very sizable lead. obama won a really sweeping victory against mitt romney and he have a 3.8 and a 3.9% margin. six and had points while it's not a land slide could mean a hundred or so electrical -- electric votes.
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what are you gonna do on sunday 16 days to turn this around. the next one is the al smith dinner last night. hillary clinton and donald trump got nasty on occasion. he have to act as moderator. >> i'm afraid i'm coming down with a cold. which is completely understandable seen for the last two hours i've had a seat between our two candidates and it was probably the easiest place on the planet. >> if you had been moderated not lasting how would you handle that. i will give a slightly different answer. like the candidates i will take the questions i did not like last night.
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you can argue whether it's all of them up there. it may be a little bit silly. it's part of the blue. these campaigns get up. and the white tie. i can remember that it is i thought he really went under the lot -- over the line. she was pretending that she likes catholics it was mean.
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i thought clinton was rough at times and maybe a little bit over the line but much more so and it was inappropriate to the event and you could tell a lot of people in the room felt that way. under president obama. i think people are more in despair yes new jobs but they are low-wage jobs. housing is a huge issue. most people pay half of what they make in rent. it looks like another example of sin one thing in public the state of the economy. and the wikileaks have it not
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been. i was part of the point with donald trump have not been for the whole scandal about women and maybe even now for the whole issue about accepting the results of the election we would be focusing more on that. i think it was a more damaging wikileaks the keynote yesterday about hillary clinton trying to arrange a 15 even though they were saying that this is cannot look bad. when are you in gonna roll out the campaign. she ended up getting it for bill and chelsea. that is all a damaging stuff and raises questions about pay to play and frankly greed. but we don't get to that and you can say part of it is the media but part of it is also because donald trump takes the spotlight away and sometimes the best thing you can do when your opponent is in trouble is to just get out of the way.
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congratulations again for that moderating job. stuart: on your screen on the left-hand side we've been showing you time warner stock which has been halted. yes there are merger talks. in advance talks could happen this weekend. we don't know the deal's value. it could be in the range of $70 billion. they are popping. at&t could be under pressure. a lot of that from when they bought directv last year. they only had 7 billion in cash on the balance sheet. they could veer towards junk status. though how they finance this is a big issue. takeover talk. that's a very big deal. two politics. hillary clinton ask about the wikileaks e-mail and the debate tonight.
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it quickly pivots to russia. up at next. he wants to know if hillary is sure the russians didn't hack her private server. will talk much more about that but first this. >> if he went on to read the rest of the sentence i was talking about energy. i think the most important question of this evening, chris, is finally well donald trump admit and condemn that the russians are doing this and make it clear that he will not have the help of putin in this election. we've never have anything like this happen. it's a great pivot of the fact that she wants open borders. you can run an errand.
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(music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy.
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(announcer vo) you can commute. (man on radio) ...40! no flags on the play! (cheering) (announcer vo) or you can chest bump. yo commute, we got serious game. siriusxm. road happy.
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>> i think this is such an unprecedented situation. we've never have a foreign government trying to interfere in our election. we had 17 tele g agencies civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks come from the highest levels of the kremlin and they are designed to influence our election. i find that deeply disturbing. a nationally syndicated host. where he why are so fired up about that.
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the mainstream media is not covering it. the washington post is busted. telling them that we have some good on you regarding a conflict of interest. when i cannot publish it.
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we had veto proof. and an option that she apparently exercised. they were a letter bragging about how they put donald trump on his ear. why would i cover this. it's embarrassing. do you remember this one. president obama he is on 60 minutes he said this, roll tape. >> did you know about the private use of the server while she was secretary of state. the latest bombshell reveals that they did know about the private server all the way of long. it would have to say about that. and also apparently president obama used a pseudonym to use it. that he claims he knew nothing about. it's probably at the end of the day why he decided not to
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make a criminal referral of hillary clinton because if he have to do that then he would also had to make a criminal referral to barack obama because he would also have been in violation of the espionage act and you can just bring hillary down without bringing down obama that's probably why we ended up not having any kind of criminal referral. we have more for you in a moment. breaking news on time warner. advanced merger talks with at&t. >> it could happen this weekend. we don't know the prices yet. it could veer towards $70 billion. they get game of thrones. whether or not at&t stock goes down is the issue could be under pressure. the balance sheet is very underwater. you're shaking your had because that is a big blow. >> at&t wants to become an
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entertainment giant. here you have the provider of the pipe and this is something you fill the pipe with. 70billion did you say. >> it could veer towards that. it's a lot of money. it's cheap these days. two headlines on the clinton foundation new leaked e-mails in the personal payments from donors. and more paper plate allegations. $12million donation from the king of morocco. we will deal with it all. listen to what they said about the foundation at the debate. >> when you give back the money you've taken from certain countries that treat certain groups of people so horribly. when you what you give back
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the money. she takes a tremendous amount of money
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you qualify for a multi-policy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. stuart: this is becoming the stock of the day. that's a 15 year high and $90 a share. we understand there is some
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merger talk going on with at&t. that would be a big content provider and the pipe to your house provider. that is quite a get together. see if it works out this weekend. they revealed the king of morocco. they offered to pay $12 million. what was at four. when we take the global initiative they said we would have no real interest. if hillary comes we are appeared to kick in $12 million. they have to go and give a speech. internally the clinton people said this is happening just one month after we've actually launched her presidential campaign. they didn't like the optics. look, she created this mess and she knows it. it was quite the strong statement to make.
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in the end she backed out. but bill and chelsea went. and i'm assuming that the king of morocco gave the 12 million. negotiating the price of her presence. they also revealed that bill clinton received extensive gifts and personal payments from the clinton foundation. sponsors. this comes from doug. he helped cofound the clinton global initiative. there is 500 examples so some of those gifts are at home. they personally got paid by three corporate sponsors. there's all kind of conflicts of interest. didn't have it puts you in the
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clintons and goldman sachs how about choice within obama care. back in 2013 in florida there were 18 insurers operating in that state. now five with the residents to choose from. however here is president obama in florida touting the virtues of obama care which we all deal with. >> so what's the problem. why is there still such a fuss part of the problem is the fact that a democratic president named barack obama passed the law.
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.. he has a sharp wit, a winning smile,
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and no chance of getting an athletic scholarship. and that is why you invest. the best returns aren't just measured in dollars. >> why is there still such a fuss. part of the problem is a democratic president named barack obama passed the law. >> that was president obama who likes obamacare, that it is working, needs a little fixing, a single-payer system. i know you are shaking her head
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about the single payer. has it created problems for your constituents in your area? >> without a doubt. i was shaking my head because the president is delusional if he thinks the concerns we have about obamacare are because it was passed by democratic president, the problems is our constituents, the men and women and kids across this country are receiving less quality healthcare than before. as you mentioned yourself a number of insurers has gone down across the country, florida, georgia, we are seeing insurers vacate the state because the exchanges don't work, billions of dollar losses, 17 of 23 have gone belly up from a financial standpoint. the quality is decreasing, the affordability is not what it should be, access to care is not what it should be. it is a bad idea not just for the economy but the quality of healthcare which is why be believe it is time to start over.
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stuart: the president, hillary clinton wants the public option which is a form of socialized healthcare. it is more government care. what would happen in your district if you got that moving in? >> we would go from bad to worse. the problem isn't that there isn't enough government involvement, the problem is there is too much. what we need is a system we call patient centered where patients and doctors make medical decisions, and other federal government, not washington dc. there is a better way to do it, we have put forward a comprehensive solution for healthcare that would put patients and families and doctors in charge of these decisions, fall the insurance challenges, save hundreds of billions of dollars, provide more choices for patients which is what we need. last thing we need is the government making more decisions. we heard recently because people are not re-upping in the exchanges the government will
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assign you an insurance company to cover your health care. this doesn't make any sense at all. stuart: if donald trump is not the president, if it is hillary clinton can you still get your plan through? >> i think so. there are men and women of goodwill on both sides but one that solve this challenge was one problem is democrats have been unwilling in the house of representatives to do anything because they don't want to offend the president. once he goes away we have a great opportunity to move in a better direction and we will. there are positive solutions we can put in place and that is the goal we have working toward positive solutions with other individuals who believe that must occur. stuart: one of the architects of the law was on maria bartiromo's show. to fix this problem with
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obamacare, and subsidies, bigger subsidies to the insurance companies, and more subsidies going to consumers. are you going to stop it? >> absolutely. the current plan for states or the federal government, what zika talks about is not just unaffordable, but unworkable from a structural standpoint. and better choices, and the premiums across the country are going up by double digits, and deductibles that have skyrocketed not just in the exchange plan, and that is obamacare. >> thanks for joining us.
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we are going to larry elder hanging on their in california. john podesta, it emerged this week, for illegals to vote, if you have a drivers license. you are in california. half of the new drivers licenses issued in your state are going to illegals. i smell some election fraud. do you? >> there is concern about that. after the john podesta email, you have a drivers license and a test you are a citizen, didn't seem to me he or the people with whom he communicating with, just the drivers licenses you can vote whether you are legal or not. stuart: here is how you do it. doesn't take much if you are illegal, doesn't take much. >> in one of the emails, attest
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that you are a citizen, in any case you are right about california allowing illegal aliens to get drivers licenses, a special license and not automatically eligible for the opt in voter program and that is a separate deal, supposedly separate and the secretary of state argues there are measures to ensure people who have drivers licenses, and we just started doing it, and it is not supposed to happen. >> i'm sure hillary clinton wins the state of california, >> i think you can take that to the bank. stuart: see you again soon.
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a couple news items. the big board, down 85 points, we are down 18,000, below 18-1. paypal hit a record stock earlier this morning reporting pretty good earnings and up 8%. time warner reportedly in advanced merger talks with at&t, giving a real boost to time warner and other media stocks. charlie gasparino on the phone line with me. what do you have extra for us about these merger talks? charles: i will give you some context, time warner has been in sales since the time they broke up, the cable side and the content side, from cnn, hbo is a major content provider, the interesting thing, why i think there is a good chance, we tried to make a play for them, and
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they say no, that was two years ago. jeff bewkes knows you have 2 do a deal at this point under the right circumstances, if i was a betting man i would bet this deal does happen, and another pound of flesh was control, and wasn't going to get much cash. at&t is building services, google, you can't be on the catbird seat forever.
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stuart: i got a lot of content. if at&t did get together with time warner and they are talking, that would be one of the biggest mergers of the pipe providers and content providers getting together, the biggest i can remember. charles: i agree. they deal with us, it would be more than the biggest as well. the one caveat i will tell you on this deal, trying to advance the story to advance talks, i will tell you time warner has been showing its skirt to everybody but the last two years it has been like twitter, perpetually -- it can be choosy, so if you are trading this thing be prepared for monday morning when it says deal off. stuart: don't know if you can see it but we have the other media companies, content people
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and all of them are up 8%, up big time. charles: there will be consolidation. stuart: thanks for jumping online. we appreciate it. thank you. look at this. this is a flight from new york to san francisco wednesday night during the presidential debate. look at that. the uniformity of viewing. every passenger on the flight watched the debate at 36,000 feet. pay close attention, this is from cameron paul, close attention to the bottom left corner of the screen, there was one person not interested in the debate. what was that passenger watching? real housewives. donald trump, hillary clinton and maria bartiromo all attended the house miss dinner, there were some funny moments. some of the highlights for you. >> cardinal dolan and i have some things in common.
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we both run impressive properties. his is much more impressive. that is why i have a beautifully formed hand, it is great to be here with 1000 wonderful people or as i call it, a small, intimate dinner with some friends. or as hillary calls it, her largest crowd of the season. i know hillary met my campaign manager and i got the chance to meet the people who are working so hard to get her elected. there they are. the heads of nbc, cnn, cbs, abc. there is the new york times
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right over there and the washington post. >> this is such a special event that i took a break from my rigorous schedule to be here and as you already heard, it is a treat for all of you too because usually i charge a lot. because it is a friendly dinner for such a great cause, donald, if at any time you don't like something, feel free to stand up and shout wrong while i am talking. you can run an errand. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy. anything worth pursuing hard work and a plan. at baird, we approach your wealth management strategy the same way to create a financial plan built to last from generation to generation. we'll listen. we'll talk. we'll plan. baird.
11:42 am
(announcer vo) you can sit in traffic. or you can crack up. (man on radio) but if it isn't refreshing... (announcer vo) sorry traffic, we laugh 'til it hurts. siriusxm. road happy.
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nicole: i am nicole pedallides with your foxbusiness brief, the stock market is down but we are watching media companies, time warner, halted on the floor of the stock exchange just before 11:00 resumed and they are at 15 year highs, almost $8, there have been reports in the wall street journal that they are in advanced talks with at&t, we are watching that. overall we are seeing at&t working on growing, they took over directv so we are watching this one. we see some of the media companies are celebrating on the idea of a potential deal that could come as soon as this weekend, all up arrows, don't forget 21st century fox and time
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warner had a deal that didn't happen, down arrows from the cable provider.
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stuart: recent videos, we have seen them on the show all week long, they show the planning of voter fraud and the incitement to violence at trump rallies. it is on tape and you watched it.
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juan williams is the cohost of the highly successful the five, one of my favorite shows. you don't think there is much to this voter fraud story, do you? you dismiss it. >> voter fraud? i thought we were talking the james o'keefe story. i think -- promoting violence is what i say. when inciting violence. there was also organizing voter fraud, you can't put them on a bus, too obviously rent a car, t them that way, that is voter fraud. >> it is not up to me. we have a negligible amount, not anything that would sway or influence the outcome of an american election. we have not had it in the past, no evidence it is going on now. people who want to create the sense of victimization of trump supporters are pushing this,
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trump is pushing it as he says the election is rigged. stuart: let me throw this at you. >> i am in the business. stuart: in and around philadelphia, in 2012. and 59,000 votes were cast, 0 for romney. and that is a degree of fraud. >> i remember the election, the president running for reelection, you have those 59 difference, almost all income, black, inner-city communities,
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were strongly, and ask black americans about obama in 12 -- >> nothing happened. >> it is not coincidence. i am telling you we had a racial dynamic and you are talking about black district in philadelphia for the first black president. this is part of the effort. we are going to find fraud where no fraud exists so we can do things that worked hard to reference patients with minority votes, that seems to me hurt the republican caucus. stuart: it is a legitimate point when you see on tape democrat operatives planning how to do fraudulent voting, multiple fraudulent voting, it is legitimate to say we could use id at voter stations. >> i'm surprised at this.
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republicans have been critical of donald trump on this point, republican governors, they are in charge of the election process, they do not like the idea, >> i don't like that the integrity of the vote is at stake. >> if you had evidence that 5%, 10% of the vote in the last election was proven to be fraudulent, we have a crisis. >> in minnesota, after a recount, and 312, he was eventually sworn in in july of 2009, and cast a critical vote
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for obamacare. later it turns out that 1099, voted in that election, putting him over the top by 300 votes illegitimately. that is profound voter fraud, a profound effect on that election. >> the democrat got more votes than the republican, because of hanging chad and corruption and political influence, by the woman who advanced secretary of state -- the he did not win the popular vote in the country. we when he won the vote. he won florida. >> the one with the most votes should win. stuart: a red herring. >> i am surprised at you. anytime you look at these james
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o'keefe videos get the whole video because we have a history that calls into question his credibility as a journalist. we were not sure i am watching the five. >> if you don't watch the five you will break my heart. >> i will watch the five. stuart: donald trump will hold a rally at noon today in fletcher, north carolina. that is the podium. he will get there shortly. you got to check time warner again, it is rallying, the talk of merger with at&t and it is up 9%. that is a new high. stay there please. presidential memorabilia, you will see it next. ant] my job ise and grow businesses. and i've never seen a rocket ship take off like this. [owner] i'm lindsey. i'm the founder of ezpz. my accountant... ...he's almost like my dad in this weird way. yeah, i'm proud of you. you actually did some of the things i asked you to do the other day (laughs). [owner] ha, ha, ha. [accountant] i've been able to say, okay...'s the challenges you're going to have.
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stuart: a 7090 thomas jefferson personal handwritten and personally signed letter, 1790 thomas jefferson, how much. >> he was secretary of state -- stuart: that is thomas jefferson. a baseball telegraph -- autographed by hillary clinton. >> we expect us to go for $2000. we sold one last auction for $3000. she is a difficult autographed. stuart: next to it a little football helmet from the new jersey generals. >> donald trump, the new jersey general -- stuart: it is a mini helmet signed by donald trump and next to it you have the hillary facebook for $2000 which how
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much is the helmet? >> we hope it goes for $3000. stuart: are you serious? >> we hope so. stuart: over 3000. that trump autograph is worth more than hillary's baseball. >> it is a unique item. the auction is at stuart: all these prizes go above that. >> no reserves, none of these items have a reserve. stuart: presidential memorabilia is hot stuff. >> presidential memorabilia is extremely hot. the other items go for hundreds of thousands of dollars. stuart: thanks for coming by. have a good one. there will be more varney after this.
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stuart: the dow has come back quite a lot. it is down about 40.
12:00 pm
this is one of the reasons why, talk about a merger between at&t and time warner. it is up 12%. that is a planes company, buying that. >> the broadcasting system, cnn. >> and warner movie studios, neil: i do not remember a time we have seen $200 billion in deals. i can never remember, the at&t talks to acquire time warner, $70 billion combination, the viacom cbs rumor, a $60 bil


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