tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business October 21, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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but if a terrorist is computer literate he can launch a cyber attack. we are working on it, but we are still vulnerable. charles: here is lou dobbs. keep it right here on fox business. >> it has been a big week in presidential politics and today the trend continues. wikileaks agreeing with donald trump that the election is rigged. the whistle blowing website tweeted this. there is no u.s. election. there is power consolidation. rigged primary, rigged media, and rigged pied piper candidate drive consolidation. a poll find nearly after of respondents say widespread voter
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fraud may take place on election day. those polls saying they are most concerned with voter intimidation, illegal immigrants voting and people fraudulently casting ballots for people who are dead. we'll examine the issue tonight talking with noted conservative commentator patrick buchanan who says the establishment is panicking about donald trump's refusal to accept the outcome unconditionally. we'll take that with pat buchanan. also among my guests, fred barnes. truck $supporters evangelical leader pastor robert jeffress joins me. and a lot to take up. donald trump outworking hillary clinton. holding three rallies in the battleground states of north
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carolina and pennsylvania. a rally in fletcher, north carolina. another pay-to-play scandal uncovered by wikileaks. >> we just learned she tried to get $12 million from the quick of morocco for an appearance more pay-for-play. that's why i'm proposing a pack of ethics reforms to make our government honest once again. lou: trump will be holding another rally in newtown, pennsylvania. our top story tonight, the 14th, the 14th release from wikileaks. there have been 25,000 emails made public by wikileaks. this latest round, hillary clinton arranging a $12 million
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donation from the king of morocco, that money going to the clinton foundation. clinton's close aide huma abedin blasted the arrangement. she wrote, clinton created this mess and she knows it. let's look at some of the most damaging emails to date. donna brazile tipping off the clinton campaign about a question asked at a cnn presidential town hall. listen to brazile trying to explain that. it shows you mess anding the clinton campaign with the exact wording of a question asked at the march 13 cnn town ham debate. where did you get. >> as a christian woman i understand persecution. but i won't sit here and be persecuted because your information is false. lou: hillary clinton told
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banking executives she has a quote public and private position on banking reforms. clinton campaign chairman john podesta writing it's okay for illegals to vote with a driver's license. >> in the two most recent national polls donald trump has a lead, 1 points, 2 points. this is a tight race, we had some battleground states that are a little wider than that. but this really is remarkable. when you think of everything they hit donald trump with, the liberal media, the clinton cartel, the campaign, the gop establishment. i mean it's incredible his performance.
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don't you think? >> i think one of the things that is true here is that donald trump still has a chance to win the election. i don't think it's a particularly great chance, but he has won.if four times in this general election and earlier he has come back from falling behind 6, 7 points behind, and every time he has come back to be nearly tied with hillary clinton. so after the two conventions. it's harder here but it could happen. lou: you say a slim chance. to me it looks like a good chance. 2 1/2 weeks. >> you cited a couple polls. there were an awful lot of them showing him trailing by 6 or 7 points. i think we agree on one thing, the election isn't over yet. >> it's important that we point out those two polls i cited are the two most recent polls. the idea of carrying that tale
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through it all is not particularly helpful. the ivmentd b.d. poll was the most accurate poll in -- the i.b.d. poll was the most accurate in the 2012 contest. this reaction of the national media to trump saying he will wait to see the outcome before saying he would accept the outcome, this is the instance in which i see the establishment and the media elites, they are savaging him for being intelligent, for being rational and responsible to his voters, just as was al gore, just as 8 liberals have been over the course of time. what in the world could there be a more transparent by as the and effort to attack the republican nominee than this instance?
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>> i can't think of one offhand. you didn't mention much of the media's reaction and reaction to a lot of democrats to president george w. bush winning in 2000. i remember all those complaints there was hankie panky? ohio and he didn't really win. and in 2004. but this time i think trump's statement -- i'll wait until the election to decide whether i accept the results or not. if it's a clear decision i'll go along with that. but what this has done, i think he has been very clever. i think the media was waiting to declare him dead in water. the race is over. now they are just running around trying to get him to say he will accept the whatever outcome is on election day no matter what. i don't think he's going to say that. lou: the question should be framed by folks at home.
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why would the national liberal media want him to accept the outcome unconditionally unless they along with the establishment had conspired to create taken jot come they would want his acquiescence rather than otherwise? you can play this game all day long. what's your view? i think he was smart as the dickens. this dominated the conversation since wednesday. it served notice on the left which is already -- think already corrupted one election and that was the entire primaries of the democratic party in which they absolutely stole the election from senator bernie sanders. it serves notice along with we should point out operation project veratasse and james o'keefe. one had been in the white house
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240 times since 2009. actually going to his rallies and creating disruption, agitation and violence. he's done quite a job here, hasn't he. >> he has. and i think the result is he's confirming what an awful lot of people knew anyway. but the investigative reporting that might have disclosed it months earlier was just not there. and the media didn't do it. lou: the national liberal media were two busy advising and consulting john podesta and the democratic campaign. don't you think? you wouldn't want to interfere with their consulting work by asking for investigative journalism on the campaign that has already stolen one election and assured the nomination of hillary clinton. >> i think it's pretty clear where most people in the media stand. and i think most americans
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understand what trump was really saying. he was saying look. i'm going to make sure this election is fair. and i assume he's going to do that. we'll see what happens november 8. and what he does then. lou: an has asked for volunteers to be poll watchers and to assure things are in order. and that's going to be helpful to his cause and to the cause of his millions of supporters as well. fred barnes, you get the last word. >> if there were stefers extensive voirt fraud, it would be hard to expose. it really is. we don't know what happened in a lot of earlier elections in was a thought it was voter fraud in chicago in 1960 that elected jfk. but i never saw evidence for that it was just shot to be the case.
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lou: john f. ken difficulties father said he would spend a lot to get him elected but he wasn't going pay for a land slide. twin cyber attacks disrupting some of the biggest websites on the internet. amazon, spotify, paypal, twitter, along the sites taken down by attackers. they launched a denial of service attack. a dee nile of service atakes when a web services intentionally overwhelmed by traffic from many different sources. the department of homeland security is working to determine who was behind the attack. i'm surprised they don't know right now. they knew very early that the russians were responsible for some of the source materials used by wikileaks. isn't that extraordinary? we are not getting a straight answer yet out of the same agencies.
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multiple sources however telling fox news that this attack does not appear directed by a foreign government but perhaps by a disgruntled individual or individuals, and i say to that, i'm waiting for further sources to come forward because none of this is quite satisfying. this could be -- it could presage something much greater and it is a reason for concern for all of us. we are coming right back. we have much more on the presidential campaign, on the nominees, and donald trump has taken the stage in pennsylvania. weipennsylvania. stay with us as i said, we'll be right back. trump says obama and hillary have utterly failed the american people. >> we have a bunch of babies running our country. they are losers, they are babies. we have a president alle wants to doyles campaign.
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lou: another day and a new batch wikileaks revelations. more damaging emails further expose the clinton cartel and its corruption. we'll have all of that and a lot more straight ahead. we are coming right back. gary, gary, gary... i am proud of you, my man. making simple, smart cash back choices... with quicksilver from capital one. you're earning unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. like on that new laptop. quicksilver keeps things simple, gary. and smart, like you! and i like that. i guess i am pretty smart. don't let that go to your head, gary. what's in your wallet?
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[aand i've never seen a rocketge ship take off like this. [owner] i'm lindsey. i'm the founder of ezpz. my accountant... ...he's almost like my dad in this weird way. yeah, i'm proud of you. you actually did some of the things i asked you to do the other day (laughs). [owner] ha, ha, ha. [accountant] i've been able to say, okay...'s the challenges you're going to have. and we can get it confirmed through our quickbooks. and what steps are we going to use to beat these obstacles before they really become a problem. [announcer] get 30 days free at
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this man creates software, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this vice president, this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. they all have insurance crafted personally for them. not just coverage, craftsmanship. not just insured. chubb insured.
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lou: donald trump is holding a rally in the battleground state of the pennsylvania. according to the real clear politics average, clinton has a 6-point lead there. >> not only will we end government corruption, but we'll end economic stagnation. my plan loser our business tax from 35% to 15% and lowers taxes for everybody straight across the board. everybody as individuals. and simply guys our tax codes. we are also going to rebuild our inner cities. african-americans and hispanics living in the inner cities are suffering. the violence is unbelievable and unbearable.
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you walk to the store with your child and you get shot. there is no education, there are no jobs, there is no safety. 3,500 people have been shot in chicago since january 1, the beginning of the year. homicides are up nearly 50% in washington, d.c., and more than 60% in baltimore. and it's getting worse. murder in the united states is up -- is up more than at any time over 45 years. the highest. you don't hear that from those dishonest people back there, the media. think of that. they are the most --
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lou: some people in the national media are criticizing campaigning against the national liberal media. they may not like the, but he does have his point, the number of people in the national media attacking him saying he would not accept the results of an election irrespective of the fraud or irrespective of the corruption of that election is mind boggling. joining us tonight, washington times columnist kelly riddell. i'll be going back to donald trump as warrants. kelly, let me start with his amazing reaction on the part of the national particularly left, but also broader than than that. the national media jumping on
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him for saying he would not accept the results until the time arrives. i have never seen a more screwball wrong headed reaction to anything by the national media as a group than this. >> it's hypocrisy at its best give what happened in 2000 and what happened in 2004. the fact that john kerry didn't concede until the next day. it's getting too much to handle and the media is getting too much to handle. people are tuning out. they are losing faith in the media. and donald trump has a point. especially with the project videos that have the operatives talking about how they are inciting violence at donald trump rallies and trying to perpetrate voter fraud. the major networks were on a blackout.
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that broke on monday before donald trump said this. and to not compute all this together is just awful. lou: to ignore the fact, there is the democratic candidate, the nominee for the democratic party on the stable with donald trump wagging their finger at him saying his supporters have been violent while she full well knew her campaign, the democratic organization had already paid for operatives to go to his rallies to agitate and incite violence which they did and shut down a rally in chicago. that's chutzpah. >> everybody on the liberal networks. you know who i mean. creaming and yelling, how could he not accept the results of the election. i realize they were not accepting the results of the debate. he had won. so we are down to just pick
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anything to go after him with. they decided a few weeks ago, you can't beat him on the issues. just beat him on the quirky things. let's try to wear people down. hough the energy and enthusiasm on the part of trump supporters versus those supporting hillary clinton. who has the edge and how big do you expect the continues to be? >> this is where you can't trust the polls. polls can't measure momentum or enthusiasm. they don't know, especially giving they are predicting a landslide for hillary clinton. how is that going to affect their voters? are they going to bother to come out for the polls? the donald trump supporters are thussistic and it -- are enthusiastic and it will be whether they come out. >> when you see the media in triple overdrive.
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the day they relax i know he will be in trouble. lou: vote in our poll tonight. do you crust the obama justice department and intelligence agencies to investigate honestly clinton corruption and wikileaks documents? we would like to hear from you on that. cast your vote on twitter at lou dobbs. follow me on twitter @loudobbs and follow me on instagram at "lou dobbs tonight." the dow down 17 points, the s & p lost a fraction. stocks higher for the week. the dow up just under 1% the nasdaq up barely 1%. at&t in talks to buy time-warner. apple also reportedly interested in time-warner and we are told
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watching the talks closely. british american tobacco making a $47 million bid for 28% of reynolds america. it would create the largest tobacco company in the entire world. we are talking $200 billion worth of deals on this october friday. quite an impressive day in mergers and acquisitions. a remind tore listen to my reports three times a day. up next, donald trump says he is very concerned about a rigged election. the mainstream liberal media says don't worry your head about that. look away. nothing to see here. voter fraud the subject of my commentary next. i'll tell you why he single citizen in this country ought to be very concerned about what is
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>> a few thoughts on a corrupt political system and rigged election. the prospects and four, if you will, concerned citizenry that wants their votes counts, not diluted. donald trump has been right on every major issue in this campaign to this point. none more so than this focus on a crooked election system. the liberal national media went crazy when trump said we need to restore integrity to our electoral process. it's extraordinary this is whereas we are today. why would anyone, why would the national mainstream media and the democratic party object to any candidates at any level,
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their insistence on free and honest elections. according now to the left-wing media that's about all of the media, they would have you believe there is no voter fraud at all in this country. but there is. we detailed many of the cases here nightly. the pew charitable trust found one in eight voter registrations in this country that are inaccurate or no longer valid. that means 24 million invalid voter registrations in and off itself. that's not fraud, that's just the opportunity for fraud. christian adams said there are four million dead voters on the voter rolls. the governor of texas greg abbott is investigating the state's largest cases of voter fraud ever. cases of political operatives filling out and returning other people's ballots without their consent.
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and where is the obama justice department in all of this. instead of working to uphold the integrity of our electoral system it's fighting to stop texas and 0 other states that won voter i.d. laws. the problem of voter fraud is so pervasive. 14% of non-citizens are registered to vote in this country. 14% of 24 million. more than 3 million voters and that approaches obama's margin of victory in the popular vote of 2012. that's how important voter registration and voter integrity is. among that group, illegal immigrants on the voting rolls and the obama administration is pushing hard, a drive to register immigrants to vote. there is no evidence that this
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administration would make diskret investigations into the allegations. john podesta says all they an illegal immigrant needs to vote is a driver's license. and four states allow illegal immigrants to get driver's licenses. get to the poms and vote. vote for your country or lose it. that's where we are. the quotation of the evening, this one from p.j. o'rourke who said this. in our brief national history we shot four our presidents, worried five of them to death, i am peached one and hounds
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another out of office. and when all else fails we hold an election and assassinate their character. donald trump taking on hillary, the national media and the failing political establishment. >> it's a campaign about reject the cynicism and elitism of our fails little establishment doing great harm to everybody. >> my next guest says the establishment is in a panic. this diver about to come face to to face with one of the ocean's deadliest presented towards, the unbelievable close encounter in the video up next. you will feel like you are in the action, but only if you stay with us through these important messages. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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lou: donald trump on the attack, condemning the establishment at a rally in north carolina. done require's a campaign about reject the citizens and elitism of pour failed political establishment. i'm going to fight for every citizen of every background from every stretch of this nation. i'm going to fight for every child living in poverty. i'm going to fight for african-americans who have not been treated fairly.
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lou: our next guest says the establishment is in a full-blown panic over donald trump. joining me now, pat buchanan, senior advisor to three presidents, twice himself a candidate for the republican knock nation. national sinlds kateed -- national sinldnational syndicat. when you talk about the panic. the 360 degree assault by the national liberal media against donald trump base said i will tell you at the time whether he sephe -- he accepts the electio. it's the most bizarre phenomenon. it's remarkable.
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lou, i'm astonished at the hysteria. trump goes out there and says i'll tell you later within let's have a little suspense on whether i'm going to sep the results. they go into a panic like he's going to be like the british general who burned down washington because he didn't phone clinton and say congratulations. lou: a modern day al gore. >> there is a real terror at the heart of the establishment for a real reason. trump ex posed their disconnectedness to the establishment. he indicted and convicted them and aloud terns of millions of people to walk across them taking our manufacturing base and exporting it abroad. costing $6 million jobs and getting us into endless wars they cannot win. he exposed the the disconnect between the establishment and the country and the
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establishment is panicked. lou: i want to share with the audience a paragraph from our column quote, it may rule and run the country and may rig the system through mass immigration and a mammoth welfare state so middle america is never again able to he select one of its own. but that's establishment disconnected from thepeople its rules senses right tonight is unloved and even dee tested. a remarkable sentence and i think absolutely true. >> look at the facts. democratic party. bernie sanders a socialist, he won almost two dozen primaries and caucuses. got 40% of the democratic vote. ted cruz and donald trump got 40% of the republican votes.
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the huge rallies for trump are saying the american people dislike and even detest the establishment that has done this to them. they recognize who is at fault. quite frankley the re-action -- the hysterical reaction to what trump says that it's gnawing at the heart of the establishment. there is a possibility the republican and democratic establishments could be in power continually with the same old policies. lou: the fact of the matter is this. this estab d is so ossified. i'm talking about a bird with two wings. one republican and one democratic. there is no way to breed further
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further -- further innovation without tremendous margins of loss in personal liberty in terms of overregulation. it's happening and we are not responding to it as a nation. and now it's an ideological issue. the only person capable of reversing it this my opinion donald trump and his movement. >> i think basically that's all we have got left right now. the two parties in washington, d.c., are two wings of the same bird of prey. look at the two of them. what is the hope that they will change the very policies in trade and immigration and foreign policy and wars and regulations that they themselves helped to impose on a country in which they believed. you take a look at hillary clinton. i'm against the tpp now which
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she called the gold standard. we learned from wikileaks and other things. what does she believe in? i believe in common market of open borders and open trade. that's the ends of america. and that's what she believes. lou: let's see some building momentum. pat buchanan. glad to have you with us. thank you so much. pat buchanan. please roll the video. just he you though it was safe to go back in the water, excuse me, somebody didn't close the door. that's a bad idea. this new video going viral showing a great white shark giving these divers or of a closeup than they want or were expecting. the shark breaches the cage, thrashes around and scurries off back into the abyss. luckily none of the people in the cage were injured. i might mention the shark wasn't
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injured. i never cared one way or another whether the shark is injured. it's just me. up next donald trump says president obama's foreign policy is failing becausee's too predictable. >> we believe they are in mosul sow in three or four months, let's see, he goes, three or four months we'll be attacking mosul. because we want to get the leaders of isis. lou: what does it take to succeed in iraq? general jack keane weighs in on that question and many others straight ahead it is a dangerous world and getting more dangerous by the day. we are coming right back. there's a denture adhesive that holds strong until evening.
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can't handle national secrets, given her use of a private email server for state department business. blurgt out that the re -- blurting out that the response time for nuclear i.c.b.m.s is four minutes during a debate. what is your reaction and are you troubled? >> i never heard of a candidate for national office or serving public official ever discuss nuclear response times. it's one of the things no one but no one talks about publicly. very few people are privy to what those response times are. i'm not privy to it. even when i was on active duty as a four-star general because i didn't have any need to know. the public does not have a need to know, and our adversaries do not have a need to know. it is disturbing. lou: mosul, donald trump has
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been very critical about the predictability of the obama administration by which i think he's referring in large measure to stating straightforwardly what the plans are to deal with isis, to deal with the enemy in iraq. is he right or is he wrong in your judgment? >> in general he's right. we talk far too much about what our intentions are and the timing of those intentions. and also sometimes after we conduct an operation, particularly a classified operation like we did with usama bin laden because we want to beat our chest a little bit. we start talking about the details of those operations which compromises what we refer to it in as our techniques, tactics and procedures, and that's the ability to be successful at the next operate without our adversary knowing
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exactly how we do things. >> on their way to engage isis and others presumably in syria, the russian fleet, the northern fleet and elements of the baltic fleet steaming through the english channel somewhat provocatively on their way to syria to make certain that the matter of ahelp owe is resolved. what do you make of it, and what is your reaction. what should be this government's? >> first of all, putin just looks for opportunities for provocation because he has a couple things he's trying to do. he's establishing himself as the most respected and feared leader in the world. secondly he wants to return russia to a world power status and be treated as such. and he knows that the best way to do some of this is to deal with the feckless europeans whenever he can.
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and also something he has been doing rather steadily with president obama for the last 3 or 4 years is humiliate and embarrass the united states at any opportunity he can find. general jack keane. donald trump says he's winning the evangelical vote, and he gives some of the credit to wikileaks. >> they revealed that there is a great hostility toward catholics. they revealed there is a great hostility toward evangelicals. the evangelicals and the catholics and people of faith, i think they will be voting for us bigley. lou: we'll be talk with pastor robert jeffress next. een a rockt ship take off like this. [owner] i'm lindsey. i'm the founder of ezpz. my accountant... ...he's almost like my dad in this weird way. yeah, i'm proud of you.
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you actually did some of the things i asked you to do the other day (laughs). [owner] ha, ha, ha. [accountant] i've been able to say, okay...'s the challenges you're going to have. and we can get it confirmed through our quickbooks. and what steps are we going to use to beat these obstacles before they really become a problem. [announcer] get 30 days free at a combination of see products.. and customers. every on-time arrival is backed by thousands of od employees, ...who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. because od employees treat customer service... our most important delivery. od. helping the world keep promises.
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lou: joining us tonight. pastor robert jeffress. pastor, great to have you with us. how energized, how extensive will the evangelical voters in this country -- how much will they be working to get out the vote and how many will be voting in this election for donald trump? >> i think more and more are getting excited every day. i mean this last week during debate we saw donald trump make
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the strongest commitment to a conservative supreme court and articulate the strongest defense of the pro-life position than any republican presidential candidate in history, more so than romney, mccain, either bushes or enron ald reagan. i think that excites evangelicals to know they will have somebody in the white house who is sympathetic with them. donald trump may not be exactly like us, but at least he likes us. he likes conservative christians and doesn't hate them like barack obama and his would-be successor hillary clinton. lou: these revelations in which the clinton campaign is effectively insulting conservative catholic christians and evangelicals. why would there be a discussion here? i would think he evangelical and
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conservative catholic would be voting for donald trump. >> these emails reveal that a future clinton administration would have the same antipathy towards conservative christians as barack obama. barack obama has declared open season on conservative christians, suing the little sisters of the poor. that war against religious liberty is only going to escalate under a clinton administration. lou: i want to return to this issue of getting out the vote and the energy and enthusiasm. that enthusiasm advantage generally trump has over hillary clinton can erode at the margin. if evangelicals do what they did in 2012. which is sniff at the very idea of voting and not go to the polls, is there going to be a
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significant organized effort to move evangelicals, conservative catholics and others to the polls? >> there is going -- on that effort right now there is a group called my faith votes. ben carson is the honorary chairman. i'm a part of it and many others are trying to urge people to go out and vote. it's important conservative christians not get distracted by the secondary issues like rigged election comments or the dinner last night. my gosh, people are saying they are not sure they are going to vote because they don't like donald trump's demeanor at a dinner? it's ridiculous. lou: you want to know how bias the liberal media is. they were talking about donald trump being booed. so was hillary clinton but the biggest booze were reserved for mayor deblasio. we thank you for being with us.
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