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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  November 2, 2016 9:00am-12:01pm EDT

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>> and anthony weiner upended the race and gave us bill deblasio and now he's up ended this. maria: and when you run. dagen: by american, go shot. maria: that looked hot on you. stuart varney begins now. stuart: thank you very much. the trump surge revs up. and he's pulling away. embattled hillary clinton loses her cool. and the tracking poll shows he's five points ahead. in "the washington post" poll, hillary clinton's rating for honesty is way down and among independents she's in freefall. and the polls today reflect the fbi's weekend bombshell that's bad news for hillary clinton and it shows. late last night she lost her temper with a heckler. earlier tried to shore up her base and introduced by former
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miss universe who allegedly that trump verbally abused herment she barely mentioned policy or vision for america. it was attack trump all day long. there is a new development that could affect the election, two police officers ambushed and killed in iowa. trump is the law and order candidate. clearly, the temperature is rising. the market is reacting. the polls are shifting. six days to the vote. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ >> it doesn't look like there was any interaction between these officers and whoever the coward is who shot them while they sat in their cars. stuart: that was des moines police sergeant getting emotional at a news conference on the deadly ambush style
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attack on two police officers. ashley: we have police named as a suspect in the shootings. scott michael green, there he is. police say he's armed and dangerous and they have a vehicle description. it began when officers reported to a shots fired about just after 1 a.m. this morning in the des moines area. when they arrived. they found an urbandale police officer shot dead in his car. it's a small suburb northwest of doe money. as more officers streamed into the area, a second officer, des moines police officer, also found shot to death in his police car. both apparently just ambushed by that suspect right there. stuart: there you have it. all right, thanks very much. joining us now rod wheeler, former d.c. homicide investigator and fox news contributor. rod, you are not a political person. i know that. but i suspect there is a political angle to these ambush style attacks in iowa. specifically, donald trump is the law and order candidate. your comments, sir? >> well, not only is donald trump the law and order candidate, but donald trump is the only candidate in this
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election so far that has come out in support of police officers and especially, stuart, in situations like this horrific situation that we saw just hours ago which occurred in iowa in which two innocent police officers were gunned down in cold blood as a result of an ambush. now, donald trump made it clear that he's going to stand by police officers and i'll tell in the country in terms of various communities, but donald trump has acknowledged that, but he's also said he's going to stand by police officers. and we really need that right now, stuart. all across the country because as we see in iowa, some people are just taking out their aggression on law enforcement officers. stuart: do you think we should have an immediate federal investigation from the justice department? >> in terms of this investigation, you mean specifically? or do you mean just overall. stuart: no, in this particular incident. >> well, in this incident, i can tell you that the fbi has already gotten involved.
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as far as conducting or assisting the police department out there conduct this investigation, but i think overalthough, stuart, what's important here is that we start taking a closer look at some of these ambush attacks against police officers and police departments, and you know, maybe look at it as perhaps a hate crime or something like that because there's no reason for these two officers to have been gunned down. you know, very eerily similar to the situation that happened in dallas, stuart. stuart: yes, sir, rod wheeler, thank you for joining us, appreciate it. good luck. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: let's get to your money, where are we now? we're going down at the opening bell not much, but remember, we were off 100 points yesterday. the election and the markets appear to be linked at this point. is it the possibility, now the possibility of a trump victory that is scaring the market? or is it just more fed navel gazing, we'll get into that. the price of all at $46 a barrel, barely. new supply numbers at 10:30
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this morning. that cheaper oil is not a plus for the stock market. we told you, donald trump surging in the polls. latest real clear politics average has a statistical dead heat. 43.1, within the range of statistical of dead heats statistically. do you think, liz, that this trump surge that we've seen is a direct result of the scandal that owe merged over the weekend with the e-mails? liz: yes, because you saw the enthusiasm go down for hillary clinton and frank luntz has which states he needs to win. florida, pennsylvania and two of three states, nevada, colorado or north carolina. stuart: two of the last three liz: correct. stuart: i've got a poll, in just north carolina, which shows trump seven points ahead in a poll that overpolled democrats liz: that's right.
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stuart: ash, are you with me on this. ashley: absolutely. stuart: is it the fbi reopening the-- >> he already had big momentum, stu, before all of this broke with the latest fbi investigation, i think that only adds to the momentum and polls, 10, 11 some cases, 12 points has now come back to almost level wings-- which is remarkable. stuart: i think it's the l.a. times poll, trump was down 12 and now up 5 in the space of two weeks. that's a 17 point swing, in that poll liz: you asked about stock market reaction to ashley's point. vix is at brexit level. stuart: have we got the buzzer handy [buzzer] liz: volatility index. stuart: and peter navarro when it comes to markets, a lot of headlines saying it's a trump possible victory that pushed the market down a little bit yesterday.
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>> it's not the vix, okay? >> no buzzer. >> let's do the analysis here. woo we've been in a downward trend for a month and it looked like clinton looked like to be the victor. the market was saying, look, we don't want more slow growth because corporate earnings are going to be down and stock markets down. clinton victory assured a bear market. what's going on now is simply a lot of volatility, trying to figure out what scenario's going to happen. is it trump? is it clinton? is it a divided congress and white house? >> fed rate hike? >> you could have republican president and democrat? so people need to take a deep breath now, the momentum's with trump because of corruption, because of obamacare, because people are finally looking at jobs, and understanding that trump is the only hope for growth. and so, being in cash is not a bad thing right now, but
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putting your money down for trump would be a bull market bet. stuart: 20 seconds, i think that no matter who wins on november 8th, the market goes down on november the 9th. disagree with na that? i have written about this and say we will have a correction before we move forward. i tell you what, the power of trump's economic plan is so, so good, that we may be able to avoid that correction because we'll see a reaganesque move. stuart: today your guy trump, he's in florida, barn storming through the place and i think we've got a map where he's going to be, there you have it. orlando, miami, pensacola, that's where he's going to be. is there anything in the floridian economy which trump will bring out today to bring voters to him? >> let's run through the map. if you go to orlando, that's just, just west of the space coast, that's a big aerospace, military space complex, trump has a great space plan to get our space program back in the
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air, which we don't have now. pensacola, panama city, that area in the panhandle is military, trump has pledged to rebuild our navy and miami, sugar, things like that, trade, oranges, sugar, cattle, we've been killed by bad trade deals because of that. it's a diverse state and we've got a diverse message and we're going to win that state. stuart: peter come back at 9:30 when we discuss the market. we'll see you at that point. sports fans, here it is. surprise. there will be a world series game several, the cubs dominated the indians and won game six 9-3. what you're looking at is a grand slam in the third inning and blew the game wide open. he is happy. can't you tell. game seven is in cleveland, and baseball needed a series like this and by the way, it's on fox. look at the price, the stock price of apple. five straight days of losses and it's going to open just a tad lower again this morning.
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and they're caught up in the wikileaks scandal, believe it or not. leaked e-mails from an apple executive say they would be, quote, happy to help the clinton campaign. new details on the clinton e-mail investigation, reports that the justice department may be impeding the fbi's investigation. what will judge napolitano say about that? find out next. our special today is the seared ahi tuna. don't you hate that? when they don't tell you how much something costs and you have to ask? maybe that's why i always make sure to... ... "bring up the costs associated with your services." i know. transparency about costs. just one way edward jones makes sense of investing.
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>> where is facebook, that would be the opening price and report the earnings and watch it on fox business news. that could move that market, a big deal today. an explosion and a fire and gas used on the east coast. that's going to raise prices on the east coast. what you're looking at now is the wholesale price of gasoline. a buck 48 per gallon. okay? details, ashley. ashley: this is huge. this is key, one of the most
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crucial pipelines out there and it was just weeks ago they had a major spill that shut down this pipe and someone hit this with a back low, one worker killed. this does supply about a third of the gas that comes up to the east coast. is goes to 13 states and we're probably going to see in the mid atlantic, prices raised the next several days. the east coast, we do have refineries on the east coast that can offset some of this, but triple-a says watch out for higher priceses up, 3, 4, 5 cents. stuart: and new jersey up 23 cents a gallon i noticed that. enough of that. let's bring in judge andrew napolitano on all kinds of scandals. >> is it a scandal that the price of gasoline went up? [laughter] >> right, now, is it true to say that the justice department could and is trying to stifle the fbi investigation? is it true?
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>> i don't know if it's true, but i can give you some procedures. the fbi works for the justice department and it's not independent, but it always has sort of an aura of we're going to go where the evidence takes us and then we'll give you the facts. so, did the justice department stifle the initial fbi investigation of mrs. clinton, the one that ended on july 5 when director comey held that press conference. absolutely, yes, we know that because the fbi cannot walk into a grand jury, only justice department lawyers can walk into a grand jury. so, with no grand jury, no subpoena, with no subpoena, probably not search warrants, it's not a serious investigation, it's perceived as toothless. stuart: i'm going to jump in here. that first investigation early july, was the fix in. would i just be out of bounds if i said the fix was in from the top down? >> you would not be out of
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bounds in saying that, i have said that, many of us who looked at this said this for the reason i told you. the fbi investigation without working in tandem with federal prosecutors and a grand jury is essentially toothless and doomed to accomplish nothing. so, as wrong as i thought jim comey was on friday, to have revealed right before an election day the continuation of the investigation, he was profoundly wrong on july 5. he may have been trying to correct on friday what he did on july 5, but that's an improper motivation. stuart: the fbi is employing all kinds of very advanced search technologies to go through the 650,000 e-mails. they have searches for words, and duplication, and that kind of thing. so it's possible we could get some word by the weekend. >> i don't think so. stuart: no? >> i don't think so because the concept of a snapshot of a criminal investigation is profoundly against federal regulations.
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stuart: wait a second, they only have to find one classified e-mail on anthony weiner's laptop, only got to find one and >> that's not their position. i happen to you agree with you on that because they found 100 e-mails that had been classified as confidential, secret or top secret on mrs. clintons and they denied that that's a crime. they're obviously going to use different standards, but remember, this is a slow progress, it involves interrogating other witnesses and interaction with huma abedin's lawyers. if they find one and release it before election day. stuart: right. >> you have the fbi at its lowest point since j. edgar hoover was trying to affect who became president. do you want that? >> i didn't say that. i want to get at it before the election. >> you're going to get at it, but not before the election. she'll either be history or the
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president-elect. stuart: hillary clinton appearing with former miss universe alicia mercado, the woman who claims she was insulted by donald trump. hillary doing everything she can to shore up her base. you'll see what she said. we, we're all working this weekend. how big it is. tune in special election coverage saturday and sunday on both days, we will be working 9:00 to 12:00, special shows saturday and sunday. this is must-see viewing, is it not? we will be back. there's a denture adhesive that holds strong until evening.
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i've spent my life planting a size-six, non-slip shoe into that door. on this side, i want my customers to relax and enjoy themselves. but these days it's phones before forks. they want wifi out here. but behind that door,
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i need a private connection for my business. wifi pro from comcast business. public wifi for your customers. private wifi for your business. strong and secure. good for a door. and a network. comcast business. built for security. built for business. >> well, well, well, take a look at this. this is the new york times. they have just reported a 95% drop in profit. how much did they make? $405,000. what's happening with the stock? i don't know whether that's accurate or not, but looks like it's going to go up at opening bell. we'll check it and we'll see. hillary clinton accused donald trump of demeaning, degrading, insulting and assaulting women for 30 years and she used former miss universe alicia mercado to make her case. roll tape. >> trump was overwhelming. i was scared of him.
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he made fun of me and i didn't know how to respond. soon it became a joke. alicia mercado was a fat miss universe. it was really painful for me. he was cruel. stuart: liz, i think hillary was trying to shore up her base with alicia mercado. did it work? liz: yes, because here is why. the recent abc washington post poll, she has more than doubled the women vote. it's 19% versus 8% in early-- a few weeks ago, so she's more than doubled it to 19% women are voting for hillary clinton. so it is working in that sense. stuart: wait a second. you excuse me. did you say 19%? liz: she has basically-- there's a gender gap between clinton and trump. she's 19% greater than trump and doubled that-- >> and you think that performance last night using
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alicia mercado last minute helps with women? >> hillary clinton did what no other of the 16 g.o.p. opponents did. she got under his skin and caused him to make self-damaging responses to these accusations. stuart: but last night, that's-- isn't that separate and different? ali is that mercado said she's scared of donald trump liz: and then hillary clinton said i tell you, he's a bully. he's degrading, demeaning and insulting women and that's her strategy. stuart: she's under enormous pressure with all of these scandals, you think that bails her out liz: it helps her with anthony weiner in the wings, and polls show it you think it helps her with anthony weiner in there liz: it helps with donald trump and damaging remarks. stuart: she tried to shore up her base. >> she's firing a bb gun and she's got the howitzer of obamacare and it's not going to
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work now. stuart: and vladimir putin taking on american tech. backing a plan to take microsoft software off all government computers and he's blocking the microsoft-owned linkedin website. how dare he? i own microsoft stock, i'll have details, i promise. an amazon story today, a new survey finds that amazon is more relevant to millennials than any other american company. the opening bell is next and we'll take you there.
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>> all right. six days to the election and i'm beginning to feel that the election is beginning to play a role in the stock market. big selloff yesterday and the headline was trump likely victory. ashley: the peso was down, thinking that oh, my gosh, trump is going to win, and the
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wall is going up, we're going to pay for it liz: and the brexit vote in june, i got the buzzer on that one, hit it again [buzzer] . stuart: you used the word vix. >> vix, vix. stuart: and a trump possible victory, and we're down .1%. how about the s&p, down, and the nasdaq, trying to give you a sense of the nasdaq, down 1.2%. and the price of oil at $45 a barrel. supply numbers at 10:30. it is, what day is it? wednesday all day. who is with us, ashley webster, liz macdonald, dan, shah galani.
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there's a fed meeting, an announcement about interest rates at 2:00 this afternoon. i say if donald trump wins, oh, yes, the fed will raise rates in december. let's go around the clock, so if anybody agrees with me. anybody? how about you, dan, what say you? >> well, i think the fed's raising in december no matter what. they seem to be telegraphing regardless who wins the election. stuart: what say you, shah galani. >> no way, i say if donald trump wins no way. i think the markets will react negatively if he wins and they don't have an opportunity to raise rates. they'll be cautious and stand pat. stuart: and what do you say? >> if go slow, there's no fed rate hike. it's a bad economy we've got. stuart: i want to go around the block one more time with the same question i asked yesterday. i personally think no matter who wins next tuesday, on wednesday morning, the market goes down. ash. ashley: no, if hillary clinton wins and the republicans pick
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up the house or the senate, i think the markets will be happy thank you very much. stuart: interesting. liz liz: i think it goes down, 70% odds they'll raise rates. stuart: i'm dying know know what we'll find precisely one week from today, 9:30 wednesday morning. and facebook, the stock reports after the bell at 4:00 eastern time. i have news, instagram owned by facebook, they've launched a new shopping feature. is this some kind of shopping platform for insta ggrainstagra? liz: yes, it's going where no one else is going, you can click on a tab and kate spade and they've got 500 million users and you've got to see if you alienate them. stuart: it's a retail--
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. correct. stuart: and russia's president putin targeting microsoft? they're planning to rid all government computers of u.s. software. ashley: they believe that they believe they work with the government and putin believe it's the case and they're replacing with russian made software and they believe there will be a pushback on russia, for claims that they're interfering with the u.s. election, we've got to get microsoft out, an agent of us government. of course, microsoft says that's ridiculous. ashley: we do know that russia used a microsoft attachment to hack into ukraine's, so-- >> i do own it. okay. check the big boards. we're down 50 points now. you add that on to yesterday. we're down over 155 about in the last couple of days.
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apple stock coming off five straight days of losses. the shares right now are up 20 cents, but look at the price level. $111 a share. get back to that a moment. higher sales at etsy, that's the arts and crafts marketplace, okay? that's up 12 cents, not a big deal there. how about the gun maker, sturm ruger, it's making money. it's down 10 cents. maybe that's an election play. if you think that hillary clinton is going to win the election, you buy a gun stock. if you think that donald trump is going to win you sell the gun stock liz: and in the earnings call-- . >> we like 3.2% dividend yield. it's a good stock to own. i think it's going to have a reaction in the market no matter who wins. stuart: we're going to buy it this week and load up on it. stuart: you're telling everybody you're going to buy it. >> a great position to have. stuart: a 3% yield. >> 3.2% yield.
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stuart: higher profits at alibaba, we call them the amazon of china, going up 1 1/2%. and time warner saying their film and tv business is showing improvement. how about this, new york times profit down huge, down 95%. they only made $400,000 profit. on the new york times. the big move for the streaming service hulu, wants to make a deal with disney and 21st century fox. nicole: they're part owners of hulu. and the big news they're making a deal now for 2017 and hulu will have access to over 35 top networks, including fox news, fox sports, disney, abc, espn. just to name a few. and this brings on, obviously,
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more streaming content for hulu. they also recently made a deal with time warner for cnn, and the fourth player, comcast, not yet reached an agreement. but what is new is the price. hulu, currently around $7.99 a month. if you don't want ads, you can pay 11.99. that might shoot up according to the experts, not hulu, but $40. sling box is $20, but are you willing to pay $40 for hulu streaming service for all of these great channels? >> if i'm going to be on it i'll pay $50. >> come on, in. >> i'll pay the money. >> nicole, that was good. thank you very much indeed. >> tesla needs money and is getting it from solar city, in other words, they're getting it to the taxpayers. shah gilani is here. does the solar city purchase buying tesla, that's what they did, does that make you want to buy--
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are you going to buy tesla stocks. >> no, it's a complete waste of money. in terms of elon musk, both positions are benefitted by him doing this. if the stock goes up, it's not going to go-- tesla is not going to go up, the amount of debt they're taking on is extraordinary. actually the stock, the price of stock, paying upwards of $25 a share, the stock isn't near that at solar city. right now it's a bad deal all around. they're saying that it will -- they say they're not going to have to raise more debt and sell more shares to raise capital. that's false. make not in year, but-- >> and steven navarro, you're on the trump team. if trump wins the election it doesn't look good for tesla because they love green tax credit.
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>> tesla is getting ahead of themselves, and just like amazon. they're making big bets on the future and weakening their balance sheet. that's what i'm more concerned about as an investor. stuart: they're down to 191 as we speak. let's look at amazon, story of the day. there's always an amazon story. amazon's brand is more relevant to millennials in america than any other company. now, what's that about? >> this is huge for amazon's future. big wakeup call to alphabet and netflix and google. what's happening, millennials like the streaming video. they like prime shopping and they like alexa. this is a big survey from profit. went across 27 industries, 15,000 u.s. consumers. you get that millennial in your house and you keep them. that's a big deal for amazon. stuart: dan, what do you say about this? millennials, they just love amazon, what do you say? >> based on my kid and what
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their shopping and viewing habits are. they're on amazon, they help me out because many' not that good on it. it provides an unbelievable variety of opportunity to shop, to stream, to do everything. so, it's definitely taken hold in their generation. stuart: you should see an apartment building in new york city. every day the doorman has to deal with a giant stock of amazon package delivered. it's extraordinary. ashley: they don't like amazon. stuart: they don't like amazon. you can tell how far amazon reaches with this liz: that's true. stuart: a sign of the times story for you, more people are using mobile devices, these things, okay, to surf the web instead of the desk top. now, this is the first time? >> first time. in that count, month of october more people loaded web pages on their, mostly on their smart phones and tablets. in fact, of those, 46 1/2% were done on the phone. 4 1/2% on tablets, that means less than 50% were done on home
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desk top computers. it's interesting, six years ago, just six years ago in 2010, only 5% of web pages were loaded on your phone, this is because these things, these smart phones have become no powerful and high speed mobile networks now where it's not waiting forever for it to load, a lot of people's lives are contained in these smart phones. stuart: go ahead. >> data charges are low now, too, for people to surf the web on their phones. stuart: look at the big tech stocks, apple is up, google is down, microsoft up, facebook up and amazon dead flat. not bad. here is a stock we don't talk about often, but i'm going to call it an economic indicator. me mersk, the shipping, the trade is down and that's not a good sign about the global economy. you're a trump guy and the big deal with trump and economics is trade.
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we've got a declining trade position. >> that's the problem with the economy. china is going down and that brings the commodities countries going down. why is china going down? they're screwing europe and america for ten years: what we need to do as a country to solve that structural problem with trade and the global economy, including china will be better 0 of if we're able to do that. shipping stocks will go back up. right now we're heading back down. stuart: okay, i want to thank everyone for taking part in the show today. dan, peter, shah galani, thank you for beinger hoo -- for being here. >> 18,000 right there at that level. another targeted police shooting. two officers dead in iowa. it was an ambush attack. the suspect identified. we are on that story for you. but a suspect, by the way, identified, but still on the
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loose. this will have political implications in the election. just six days away. donald trump is the law and order candidate and by the way, the polls are tightening.
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>> more leaks from-- mr. hillary's campaign e-mails. more bias at our competitor, cnbc. ashley. ashley: it's interesting because horowitz sends a copy
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of the piece he's written, john harwood. and podesta and how is hillary doing, what do you think about this? it gets kicked off, they send it among themselves. i won't waste your time podesta says thinking they are not getting the reaction they want. don't have a thin skin. please call me liz: you have a problem with that little piece, please call me. ashley: didn't like the wording he used. stuart: asked for approval, having written the piece, asked for approval for the chairman of the hillary clinton campaign. there he is at the debate making a fool of himself, mocking donald trump and basically ruined his network liz: has cnbc commented on this? >> no, nor has mr. harwood
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liz: that's an issue. stuart: do you think? let's move on. trump says it's not too late to change your vote if you've got buyers remorse. he said that in wisconsin, roll tape. >> wisconsin is one of several states where you can change your early ballot, if you think you've made a mistake. a lot of stuff has come out since you voted. so if you live here or in michigan, or pennsylvania, or minnesota, those four places, you can change your vote to donald trump, we'll make america great again, okay. stuart: take a quick look at the states where you can indeed change your vote. we've got in there, amongst others, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, very important states, minnesota as well. it looks, by the way, like a popular thing, popular idea. i'm going to give you a chart from google trends on the search term change early vote. will you look at that spike?
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now, it doesn't imply that people are actually doing it, but they're certainly interested in doing it after trump said that. good stuff. hillary was on the attack last night and by the way, she lost her cool. roll tape. >> i am sick and tired of the negative, dark, divisive, dangero dangerous behavior of people who support donald trump. it is time for us to say no, we are not going backwards, we are going forward into a brighter future. stuart: now, that was in response to a protester who held up a sign who said bill clinton is a rapist. it was in florida, hillary arrived over an hour late, she was angry as you saw. let's go to the polls this morning. the latest real clear politics poll average statistical dead heat. clinton 45, trump 43.
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tom beven with real clear politics is with us. i have a fairly strong swing, i called it a surge, towards donald trump. tell me, am i right? >> well, there's definitely movement to trump, the question, how big is it and whether it's going to be enough to get him where he needs to go in six days. we definitely have seen the national polls tightening. we have three tracking polls and those are sort of incorporating the event as we're moving along and all three this morning have the race tied. i mean. stuart: a tracking poll. can i get this straight, a tracking poll is the same people polled almost every day, to give an impression of their reaction to the news of the day. is that accurate? no? >> no, they're sampling new people, but it's a rolling average. they're doing 500 people surveying today and that will be part of a four-day rolling average released tomorrow. this is abc news has a tracking poll, ibd has a tracking poll and rasmussen are the three
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doing a rolling day-to-day tracking poll. stuart: and previously in the three tracking polls that you state, trump was way down and hillary was way ahead and now you're saying it's a dead heat. >> washington post poll had a lot of attention because it moved dramatically. i don't think that the electorate has moved 13 points in four days, but this happens at the end of racing, the polls come into alignment as the race gets closer and you've seen with donald trump, republicans are coming home to him in the final days of the race. stuart: and two final polls, i'm told that hillary is now really way down again in terms of honesty and trustworthiness. she's losing ground there. number two, she's lost a lot more ground with independents. are those two items correct? >> she has last ground on the
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honest and trustworthiness numbers in the last few days, favorability down. down among independents and the thing though, stuart, important for the clinton campaign, she's lost enthusiasm among her voters and among the marginal voters who are maybe not wanting to vote for hillary clinton, but decided they were going to. this latest round of news, i think, has depressed those folks and if they stay home, that could be trouble. stuart: i'm jumping ahead, headline in new york times, black turnout drops bowing ill for clinton. less enthusiasm seen with obama absent. accurate? >> that makes sense. we're seeing that in the early vote numbers in florida. below where hillary clinton wants and north carolina, another place you're seeing the same phenomena. that's a concern for the clinton campaign. it obviously makes sense that african-americans were more enthusiastically supporting the first african-american president than hillary clinton. that's a key part of her coalition she needs to come home. stuart: tom bevin as always,
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much obliged to you. a market item now, look at gold, it just hit $1300 an ounce, 1302. gold has climbed a lot recently. next, more of the leaked clinton campaign e-mails, this time showing a close relationship between apple and hillary's campaign chair. we'll have the full details for you.
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>> a new wikileak reveals apple offered help to the clinton campaign. ashley: this is an e-mail dated december 20th of last year. december 19th. there was a debate featuring hillary clinton and bab bernie sanders in the primary. this is from lisa jackson, to john podesta. she says apple happy to play a public role in getting hillary clinton elected and jackson thanks the clinton campaign for what she calls its nuanced stance in incryption sector during that debate and she said she would help law enforcement, shouldn't be helped by weakening encryption and i'm sure that's true throughout the valley.
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following the e-mails, jackson and apple and tim cook raised millions of dollars for the hillary victory fund liz: isn't she on the board of clinton foundation? lisa jackson, she is, i see it there. stuart: and google was hand in glove with the clinton campaign. ashley: should we be surprised? yes, i think we should at the scope. stuart: good old peter theil. ashley: maverick. stuart: hillary clinton lost her cool at a rally, and you'll see that and get my take, too. the latest on the iowa police officers shooting. two officers ambushed and killed and officials say there is a clear and present danger to police officers right now. wait for it. hour two coming up next.
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>> hillary clinton's campaign for the presidency is reeling.
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two weeks ago, she was a sh shoo-in winner and now she's struggling and angry and as of this morning running second in neck and neck pollsment she brought this on herself when she chose to use her own e-mail system against the rules, she used dreadful judgment and lied about it. she played fast and loose with the nation's secrets and she was caught and now we found that those secrets may have been transferred to the laptop of the disgraced sexting husband of her closest aide. and you've seen democrats planning violence at trump rallies. operatives organizing illegal voting. her foundation is part of the undoing, time after time it's been shown that foreigners gave money in return for influence at the state department. and husband bill clinton made $116 million bucks from his association with a charitable, nonprofit foundation.
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her closest aides are directly involved. donna brazile fed her questions in advance of two debates, that's cheating. under mines democracy in the most profound way and it's all coming out and the polls show the impact. trump is surging. and hillary is now showing desperation. she lost her cool with a heckler last night. the crowds are small, the enthusiasm just not there. it must be agonizing to have come so far, to have come so close yet at the last minute the campaign reels. the second hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ the breaking news story of the morning, an ambush attack on two iowa police officers. scott michael green is still on the loose. the des moines police department holding a news conference this morning.
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roll tape. >> it doesn't look like there was any interaction between these officers and whoever the coward is who shot them while they sat in their cars. stuart: it's a very difficult scene indeed. very difficult and emotional young man right there. and worthily so. former u.s. attorney general john ashcroft is with us now. sir, i maintain that there is a political element to these attacks, these ambush attacks on the police. do you agree with that, sir? >> well, i believe we have allowed or fostered, even, at the highest level of our government a disrespect for police and there has been an erosion of trust in the justice community and some of that erosion of trust is justified by disappointing conduct from the justice community from the absence of ability to prosecute
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people at the top of the social order to the lack of confidence that people at the bottom of the social order have in their ability to be protectedment when you have a situation where ordinary folks don't believe in the protection afforded by the justice community and the people at the top believe they can't be prosecuted by the justice community, there's a crisis in america, as it relates to law enforcement and justice generally. and i can't say that that's the cause of this particular shooting. we don't know what the cause is. but we've seen this erosion over time and there have been times when this administration has literally fostered a sort of-- a disrespect for much of the law enforcement community and that's chickens, unfortunately, have some home to roost. stuart: should we have soon a statement from the justice department on this iowa situation? >> well, i can't imagine that the justice department wouldn't
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be deeply concerned about members of the justice community that are being literally ambushed. this is-- doesn't appear to be a situation where police officers were conducting some sort of investigation or actually had a relationship, but this appears to be an ambush setting and this disrespect for law enforcement officials and the people who every day leave their homes and their families not knowing whether or not they will be able to return because they're willing to stand between the criminal elements of our society and law abiding citizens and in return for that they deserve our respect and our support. spo i would anticipate that the justice department should -- would at least express itself in total support for the maintenance of security for our law enforcement officials. stuart: mr. attorney general, it's been an opinion has been expressed on this program that
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the justice department is compromised and the former mayor of new york city rudy guiliani said he was embarrassed by the justice department. you're a former attorney general. would you like to comment on this? >> well, if the reports of the wall street journal during the last week signaling that the justice department has restrained the fbi and its ability to investigate and by that restraint, i mean refused to grant them the ability to have grand juries or grant them the ability to issue subpoenas, if that has happened so as to restrain otherwise curtail the thoroughness of an investigation, both into the clinton foundation and into the e-mail settings, that would be extremely disappointing and it would be literally an embarrassment to the department. it's, you know, people should not distinguish so graphically between the foundation investigation and national security.
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when you're talking about the potential of a pay for play situation that relates into national policy, national policy has an ultimate objective and the ultimate objective of national policy is national security. so to distinguish all of that, don't have to worry about that, that's just related to foreign policy, well, foreign policy is a fundamental element in national security. and it shouldn't ever be compromised based on the enrichment of any official or even in the enrichment of a charitable organization or foundation. stuart: mr. attorney general, john ashcroft, thank you very much for joining us, sir, appreciate it. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: let's get to your money. check the market. we're only down 7 points now, we were down about 50. we've come back a little, 18,000 holding at this point. facebook, where are they? $129 here, down ever so slightly. they report their numbers, profits or otherwise, after the
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bell about 4:00 eastern today. big name tech stocks, check them all the time. a mixed bag today. amazon netflix, google down. better profits at alibaba, we call them the amazon of china, they're up 2%. profit grew at office depot getting help from some cost cutting there and when that stock goes up 46 cents, that's the equivalent of 14%, that's a big rally. back to the subject of my take, hillary clinton, she appeared to lose her cool after being heckled at a rally in florida last night. watch this. >> i get sometimes a little overwhelmed by-- i think we already are great. and you know, i am sick and tired of the negative, dark, divisive, dangerous vision and behavior of people who support donald trump.
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it is time for us to say no, we are not going backwards, we're going forward into a brighter future. stuart: now, that was fairly late at night. it was after 10:00 eastern time. it was the third of the day that hillary has put on and she was sounding hoarse and very angry. tammy bruce, your reaction to that speech that she gave last night. >> it's unfortunate. the presidency is even more tiring than having three rallies during the day. you're running the free world and i think what you're seeing clearly is the pressure of the last couple of weeks. she's realizing that pretty much they've thrown everything they can at donald trump and it's also rather hypocritical in that she starts yelling about, she's tired of the danger-- the divisiveness and then she doesn't refer to the candidate, but to the candidate's supporters, who are now getting close to half of the american people if not more. stuart: it was the clinton campaign which fostered violence, promoted violence at trump rallies. talk about divisiveness.
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that was racial division prompted by the clinton campaign. >> and an actual structure to create that, but then people talk about donna brazile. the fact is less donna brazile than the candidate accepted the stolen information and she chose to cheat. the good news is that the american people hear that, they see that, they're braking for something different. as a feminist, still, i wrote a-- >> i'm going to interrupt. i'm going to interrupt. you're a feminist, the former chair of the n.o.w. chapter. >>. you're not prepared to vote for hillary clinton to have her the first female president. >> the nomination of hillary clinton is an embarrassment. the first woman president needs to be confident and her nomination is no victory for women. we've seen why. if this is resulted--
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in if the work of the feminism of the last 40 years has resulted in a corrupt crook who would be the first woman, we have failed. we deserve better. there are better women out there, we will break that ceiling, but it should not be with hillary liz: a lot of women would agree with tammy. stuart:. an update, iraqi forces have security a foothold in mosul. we are-- it's reported that they're going house to house to clear neighborhoods of isis terrorists. that's happening as of right now. there are reports that the isis leader, al-baghdadi is still in mosul and he can't get out. capturing him would be a big blow to isis. we can, but hope. the african-american turnout is
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lower, bad for hillary. karl rove is on that next. ♪ down in a blaze of glory ♪
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>> not much action in stocks this morning. we're down 7 points. oh, look at gold. if you've got some of the coins for the grandkids you're
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looking good. they're up $17 per ounce, 1300, that barrier has just been crossed. we've got a weaker dollar, that helps gold and there's some jitters about the election, of course, that, too, is helping gold. and it's on a run. look at this, it's a headline from the new york times. black turnout falls in early voting bowing ill for hillary clinton. i've got one key stat from that article. north carolina, a key swing state. african-american early voter turnout is down a whopping 16%. here is president obama talking about this during a radio interview. listen in. >> right now the latino vote is up, overall vote is up, the african-american vote right now is not as solid as it needs to be and i know that there are a lot of people in barber shops and beauty salons, in the neighborhoods who are saying to
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themselves, well, you know, we would especially love barack and especially love michelle. it was exciting and now we're not excited and so if you really care about my presidency, and what we've accomplished, and you are going to go and vote. stuart: all right, that was president obama radio interview. karl rove is with us now. i put it to you, black voters could actually lose this election for hillary, am i right? >> yeah. the new york times article i thought was revealing. new york times founded in florida, four years ago, 25% of the early ballots were cast by african-americans. this year 15%. and remember, this is a state where barack obama won out of nearly 8.4 million votes, he won by 74,000 votes. so, if you suddenly have this group that voted overwhelmingly for him, the exit polls showed he got better than 93% of the
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vote among african-americans, if suddenly they go from casting a quarter of the early ballots and 15%, unless all of those people show up on election day, this could be debilitating to the democrats. stuart: if there's a weaker black turnout in early voting and at the polls next tuesday, is it possible that's enough to swing a couple of battle ground states into the trump column? >> it is, but not a lot of them. it's-- you never win an election simply because of one thing. 13% of the turnout in 2012 was african-american, 93% for obama. so, in states that are separated by a point or two, you know, ohio, for example, black turnout in cuyahoga county was down 40% compared to the comparable period four years ago. i've been told it's catching up cuyahoga county cleveland, but
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unless you have a margin, you're not going to win as a democrat. be a state on the bubble could perfect problematic. stuart: you're really good at looking at the electoral college map and figuring out the path to victory. if you look at the popular vote, what the polls tell us and not the electoral college vote. do you have a white board that-- >> i've got a white board. stuart: let's use it. >> let's think about this. this is the real clear politics average. the two candidate ballot. clinton versus trump. last thursday she was up by 5.6. friday, 4.6 and the news broke about the e-mail investigation, still 4.6 on saturday. 4.3 on sunday. 3.1 on monday, 2.2 yesterday, and this morning, it's 1 is.7. now, i think this probably overstates the movement a little bit. it was already starting to close before friday, but it's continued to close since then
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and again, remember, at this point four years ago, the real clear politics average had romney ahead by 8/10 of a percent and losing the election by 3.9. there's movement to trump. the question, is it sufficient and how much of accelerant to change was that friday's event. stuart: it's fascinating and thank you very much for the white board and all. we appreciate that. it's clear, i understand it, i like that. karl, thank you, sir, appreciate it. >> thank you, sir. now this, the governor of alabama declaring a state of emergency after that pipeline explosion. it killed one person and injured five. officials say it could affect the supply of gasoline up and down the east coast. there could be a temporary shortage. president obama says that people are not voting for hillary clinton because they may be sexist. some in the mainstream media even blaming hillary's e-mail problems on sexism. how do they figure that one
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out? we'll try in a moment. ♪ ♪ don't you want me baby ♪ ♪ don't you want me oh ♪
10:21 am a combination of see products.. and customers.
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until someone else scoops your story. switch to comcast business. with high-speed internet up to 10 gigabits per second. you wouldn't pick a slow race car. then why settle for slow internet? comcast business. built for speed. built for business. >> apple stock has gone down five days in a row, a minor pause this morning, but it's still down to 111 per share. not that good. how about the gun maker, sturm ruger? it's making money and that stock is around $60 per share, that's the gun stock. i suspect if hillary wins the election that stock will go up more. if trump wins it might go down, but i've got to tell you at $61
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per share, 3.2 dividend not bad for a gun stock. prime minister suggested that people who do not vote for hillary are sexist, listen to this, roll tape. >> a reason we haven't had a woman president before. every man ask yourself are you having problems with this, how much is it we're not used to it. when a guy is ambitious and in the public arena and working hard, that's okay, but when a woman suddenly does, why is she doing that? >> well, "time" magazine also said that the reopening of the fbi investigation into the e-mail scandal, that, says time, is an attack on women, a witch hunt. here is the headline. hillary clinton's e-mail gate is an attack on women. i don't think so, tammy, what do you think? >> absolutely and president obama must know that we didn't have had a woman president because he called the clintons racist in 2008.
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and a professor of linguistics, and it's not feminism when you victimize every woman, when your argument is that we're all infants, that feminism in fact is about accountability, for men and the system and us. and that's how women will change the world, is bringing accountability back into the system and yet, now, the american feminist movement and dare i say the worldwide feminist movement has changed it into an argument everyone is against us, that we're snowflakes, that we need safe spaces that we are the problem because we can't handle our own lives. if hillary clinton is somehow a victim every single day, how can you argue that she can actually be a president? this is the problem with, it's not a feminist movement of course, it's a leftist argument and a leftist movement that has attached onto women like parasites, damaging our lives in the process. stuart: i don't think it's working. >> clearly it's not.
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i think american women recent it because every day we face accountability, every day we run our lives and our house olds and we expect the same of women we're looking to for leadership and we're not seeing it. stuart: tammy, tell it how you see it. >> i tree. stuart: facebook under 130 a share? yes, they are, 128. their earnings come out 4:00 eastern time this afternoon. that stock could move on those earnings. hillary clinton tried to shore up her base by bringing out alicia mercado, what's the pronunciation. >> it's mercado. >> the beauty queen offended by donald trump. in florida, a state that hillary clinton may be about to lose. how about that? more varney in a moment.
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the pursuit of healthier. it begins from the second we're born. because, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned every day. using wellness to keep away illness. and believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. as a health services and innovation company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. so while the world keeps searching for healthier we're here to make healthier happen.
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stuart: quite some movement in the gold today.
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look at that above 1300 dollars for ounce. we've got a lower dollar.bout te election gold goes up $16. 1300 here it is. where's the price of oil? i ask because in a moment literally couple of seconds get the latest read own how much oil we have in supply. $46 as we speak. i believe we're getting the numbers as of right now do we have them lizzy not yet? >> big surge up. 14, more than 14 million barrels. watch oil go down. stuart: go down. liz: 14.4 million. expect to build up one million -- this is way up. so what's happening now dow at opec will cut production is also leading to this loss now in oil. we're seeing oil down for four straight days. down 7 to last 89 trade aring session. >> we have a huge increase in amount of oil in storage in supply. >> 14.4 million barrels up.
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supply goes up and demand doesn't go way up you haves yourself where price of oil is falling down a buck 54 at 45 just at 45 dollars per barrel. >> look at that price action that is a five-week low right now. >> but no impact on stock market normally stocks go down. ings to dead holding steady news here is oil. way down in price. how about anthem health care had, obviously, a health insurer got a 52 week high there. that made a lot of money. up nearly $5 that's 4%, of course, obamacare is spiraling down. take a look at the other health insurers talk a bit more about obamacare with a restaurant executive who says obamacare is really hurt physician the restaurant business. we've got him on the show. we'll be back in a moment. now, hillary clinton invited trump accuser alicia on stage at a rally in florida lasting night. watch this.
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>> trump was -- overwhelming. i was scared of him. he made fun of me and i didn't know how to respond. soon, he became a joke. at least -- [inaudible] it was really painful for me. he was cruel. >> all all right backgrounds hee that was a soundbite from yesterday in florida. and that was alicia machado who she said was scared she was scared by donald trump. brought out to introduce hillary clinton at a florida rally. with us now trump surrogate former apprentice contestant. it appeared to e me that hillary clinton was trying shore up hispanic female base in florida. do you think it worked?
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>> absolutely not she's using this woman too by the way and does not exactly the most outstanding member of society she was a contestant on a reality show in which she engaged in sexual intercourse with another male participant so that doesn't bode well for her. on television record on television aired on television. >> so hillary taking quite a risk to bring her out and introduce her to the audience in florida. as someone who is attacking donald trump. that was a risk on her party, wasn't it? >> certainly, but with seven days left at the time and six what else will she do with abc poll, or rasmussen poll every poll neck and neck and l.a. times has trump up by two all of this is about a 12-point increase since last week alone. so hillary is shaking in her pantsuit. >> you arranged that line. >> i just thought of it. >> somebody write it for you? >> no i can for myself. stuart: backing right off then. your prediction that frump is on
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a role in florida and that he wins florida big time? >> absolutely all of the battleground states. pennsylvania is neck and neck showing about a one point deficit within margin of error, ohio, north carolina, florida, check, check, check . stuart: florida turned him into a winner in florida at the point. what is the big issue? >> the hillary scandal. anthony weiner gifts keep on giving. stuart: obamacare? >> i think that obamacare as you know, was signing up yesterday and seeing a lot of these people whether small business owners or people signing up themselves seeing premium skyrocket it is a disaster. >> i've got hal somewhere and i can't find it, but it is to the effect that trump is staying on message. that's why he's surge can he stay on message? you want to respond to that? >> at this point six days out. i think he realizes his eye is on the prize. he knows that this is within reach and almost touch it, feel it, i have to stay on message because white house is in mying sight. >> okay toipght bring in blaze
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the chair of the florida republican party, blaze, hillary clinton was aiming at hispanic women of florida which she brought in alicia yesterday. i've got to ask is you the same question, do you think that was an effective strategy at this time in the election cycle? >> him parading out on the state of florida was just a futile amendment to try to energize the base and it just fell flat. look, we're more than happy that she's bring out alicia and if she wants to concentrate on that that's great we'll concentrate on pay to play scandal, fbi investigations and fobs on failure of that is obamacare, and that is an argument we would happily make. >> real clear mr. mr. politics e of polls in florida that shows that there's now trump leading just one point i guess you could call that a statistical dead heat 44.45.5 but that is a
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movement towards trump. obviously your hope will continue. >> yeah, it is going to continue. what we know so far we're looking at the people who have already voted is that we in the state of florida, we are up right now in total votes we're u up about 20 thorks votes you can compare that to 2012 when the democrats were up 50,000 votes. but hillary clinton is having an extremely hard time with certain segments of her base look at the african-american vote. overall in 2012, at this point acted for about 13% of the total vote now it is only 10%. just in early voting you have brought up statistic before about 25% of the early voters were african-american mow it's half that. she's having a hard time with a campaigning in state of florida. look, she's getting desperate. i don't think she's desperate yet. but she's definitely reaching for that panic button, and if anybody needs a reset these days, it is hillary clinton.
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>> now, there are reports that a number of early voters who are hispanic is way up that hispanic registration is way up. something like almost doubling is my information. surely that would cancel out the fewer african-american early voters. say you end up with kind of a wash, dongt you? >> no. no, happy that uh-uh yo brought that up. what we're seeing is that we're seeing hispanic voters who traditionally voted on early voting and on election day and they're switching to vote by mail ballot on early voting so the important thing here isn't the people who are -- who have voted but still the people in the universe left of hispanics who still have to vote. and when you look at them, there's a lot of very low propensity voters so high voterses have already voted that number is going to flatten out over time and hillary clinton i will reiterate this again on the
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last time on your program, she's in trouble in the state of florida and she will lose the state of florida. >> and donald trump will make three appearances in florida orlando, miami, pensacola in your state today. blaze thank you very much for joining us i'm sure we'll see you again soon. >> thank you so much. >> my pleasure. stuart: money where are we? u dow industrial average is down 21 points but i've got this for you. the number of syrian refugees who came to this country, now stands at 13,200 that's this year . syrian refugees 13,200 this year. that's up more than 600% from 2015. here's my question, though. how many of those 13,210 were christians? >> 19.9 muslim half of a percent are christians. you know i look back john kerry secretary of state, announced in march it have this year that treatment by isis of christians amounted to a general genocide
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yet when we relocate to this country 99.9% of muslimss with a total of 77 christians, and .18%. >> when they take ref greece certain camps and christians are being driven out of these camps. >> correct. >> so only people that can come here are muslims even though christians are prosecuted tortured and killed. >> genocide. >> it is extreme. money onboard please down 18 points going nowhere stock markets that fur the movement is in oil and gold. show you that later. we have a include a nuclear submarine photos were classified of classified equipment. the mother of that young man will join us in a moment. >> standard is we as americans as patriots of the united states of america need to stand up against the double standard. whether it's hillary clinton or
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ore people in the administration, it needs to stop. because our rights will be continuesed to be taken away. th, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this vice president, this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. they all have insurance crafted personally for them. not just coverage, craftsmanship. not just insured. chubb insured. of many pieces in my i havlife.hma... so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours.
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breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at ♪ >> always remember "varney & company" starts at 9 a.m. eastern here's what you missed last hour. judge andrew napolitano on clin tone mail scandal. >> this 100 e-mails that have been classified as top secret on mrs. clinton and they denied
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that that was a crime. so they're, obviously, going to use different, different standards. but remember are this is a slow process. it involves interrogating other witnesses and involved huma abidin lawyers. if they find one and release it before election day, you have the fbi at its lowest point since j. edgar hoover and became president -- >> you want that -- >> i didn't say that. >> all right. i want to get at this before the election. >> you're going to get it not until after the election.
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>> the police shooting in des moines, officers ambushed two killed. the suspects scott michael greene 46 local authorities now report he's being captured. details. >> they have that he's in custody. donald trump putting out this treat praying for the family of the two iowa police who were ambushed this morning an attack on those who keep us safe is an attack on us all. that's from donald trump. these two officers were am bshed shotted dead in their police carries. two separate is shootings less than two miles apart. now fibs i said earlier there are politics involved here. it's a terrible event. got it.
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but the political side to it because donald trump is the law and order candidate. and there he is -- first out of the box, he's the guy who gets out there and tweets for the families of the victims. we have no statement whatsoever so far from the justice department. or from the president to knowledge and this is another police ambush. >> and hillary clinton has been out there saying there is, quote, implicit bias in law enforcement so shockingly offensive to men and women who fight for our safety fever every day panel going to work sitting at your desk and murdered in your seat that's what happened to these good men out there protecting their communities. >> it is an outrage it is again. our count by the way is 14, ambushed killings of police officers this year . >> like in fatalities. five in dallas, baton rouge, i believe there are other now iowa, 14 that's outrageous. i want to bring to your
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attention, christian -- a navy sailor who is sentenced to a year in prison after he shared classified pictures a nuclear submarine. his mom says double standard for hillary clinton who is guilty of far worse than her son. the mother of that impissed navy sailor is kathleen she's with us right now. kathleen welcome to the program. >> yes, good morning. >> starts in the beginning because viewers are not all that familiar with your story. what happened take me to it? >> he never shared no evidence that he ever shared or showed anyone those photos so when my son was 22 years old in 2009, 7 years ago. he was stationed aboard a submarine in connecticut, an my son as well as many others that we found out since were taking photos there were no cell phone ban on submarines at that time. they were taking photos of the inside, selfie of each other, photos, and then unfortunately there were also two other young
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men this happened tbrught to the attention of their command. they were reduced a rank and fined $560 my son's phone found outside the military purview in a community, and the fbi became involved in the department of justice. an that happened and since that time, we've just been going through a horrendous nightmare of what i call double standard. >> sentenced to a year in jail. >> one year in federal prison. >> started his term in prison in october of this year. >> correct. weeks ago so now he's in prison and you're his mom. >> i'm his mom. >> he was guilty of taking a picture of equipment and having it on his phone. that correct? >> correct. the definition of handling misclassified information. on a device and i want to mention he has a beautiful wife supported him through this entire nightmare and a beautiful one-year-old daughter who are
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also victims of this double standard. >> now, that's what i want to bring out here. because if there's one item of classified information on anthony weiner's lap tom supplied by huma alabama about dean or hillary clinton one message classified message on that laptop, then that person is guilty -- either hillary or it's abidin who is guilty of exactly the same thing that your son did. is that accurate ?emplets that is accurate stuart and other about that important to recognize, so an e-mail is transmitted to is doesn't just appear on a lap. or photo and put it on my laptop an e-mail if it came to her this to come from someone else. so whoever that e-mail came from whoever that e-mail was transmitted to is also guilty if they did not report, that that item appeared on their laptop if they were -- under, you know, work for the government or anything like that where they have a security clearance, they were fully aware that anything transmitted to
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them was a classified document. and they should have reported that. >> thank you very much for being on the program today. i know you've been on before probably have you on again. we like to hear your story and we really are feel for you kathleen we really do. >> thank you stuart keep us in your prayers and we started a facebook page american patriots against double standards just a week old but we have over 11,000 people on it already, and we're getting stories of other young men and women from the military and particular that have been speciousing this double standard and we're going to fight for them as well. >> american patriots against double standards. amen. >> kathleen thank you very much, ma'am, appreciate it. >> former president bill clinton says he never said obamacare is crazy. [laughter] he's backtracking six days until america votes as obamacare enters what we call a death spiral. oh, please remember "varney & company" live, this weekend yes, saturday and sunday we'll have a show from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. of course, it is special coverage of the election and
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>> remember this, blent he called obamacare the craziest thing. roll tape. >> you've got this crazy system will 25 million more people have -- bill clinton saying that isn't what he said at all arguing with a heckler in florida. take a listen. >> what are you asking? what? >> say craziest thing so -- >> that is not at all what i said. no, really go read it. no really, go read it. what i said -- [applause] and don't read it over the internet.
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don't read it over the internet the who will thing. let me point out, wait, wait first, first i've campaigned hard for that law. second, i've risked losing the congress to pass universal health care. thirdly, i defended president obama in 2010 and 2012 and he went up five points in the polls after i defended what he did. >> i think he said it, though, talk about with andy obamacare is causing a recession in the industry. meanwhile here's trump economic advisor pete on the relationship between the markets and the possible trump victory. >> a lot of headlines saying, it's a trump possible victory that pushed the market down yesterday down a bit today. what say you? >> it's not the vicks -- [laughter] look, let's do the analysis here. we've been in downward trend for a moth. month for most of the that month
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clinton looked to be the victor. and so with the market to me was saying, look we don't want anymore of that slow growth because corporate earnings are going dob down stock prices is going to be down so clinton victory short of bare market. what's going on now is simply a lot of volatility figuring out what scenario will happen. trump, clinton is it a divided congress? and white house -- >> either way you could have a republican president and democrat, so people need toe just take a deep breath now. the momentum is with trump because of corruption, because of obamacare. because people are finally looking at jobs, and understanding that trump is the only hope for growth. and so -- cash is not a bad thing right now. so putting your money down for trump qowb a bull market bet. >> 20 seconds i think no matter what wins on november the 8th the market goes down on november the 9th. disagree with that?
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>> i've written about this and said we need, we will have a correction before move forward but i'll tell you what the power of trump check plan is so, so good that we may be able to avoid that correction.
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stuart: good morning everyone. six days ago. here's the state of play. trump is surging that as of this money come in "the l.a. times" poll shows him five points ahead. he was up by less than one point a few days ago. other polls show hillary's trustworthiness fighting again and among independents she has lost a whopping 14-point in september. hillary's campaign is reeling and have been hit with a delusion scandal. hillary could she and she did. they provoke violence to provoke violence to trump rallies that
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hillary could claim it deplorable as for violent. trump is undermining democracy, yet her operatives were holding illegal voting. i came to a head when she lost her for what they had clear. this morning a news event with clinical implications. two police officers ambushed and killed in iowa. i suspect is in custody. anti-flu sediment from the left has fueled anger towards law enforcement in america appeared tamil chunk is the law and order candidate. one last point. it is now possible secrets on the laptop of a man under investigation for sex with an underage girl. anthony weiner. that is certainly are. the third hour of "varney & company" is about to begin.
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driven to the police ambush and i police ambush and i appear to suspect menacing custody custody. two officers were in first and they were killed while sitting in their squad cars. moments ago donald trump treated this. praying for the families of the two iowa police who were ambushed this morning. an attack on those who keep us safe is an attack on us all. come on in, detective steve limits from the cleveland police department. he joins us by phone. sir, there is a political side to this event, terrible event in iowa. the political side is police forces have been under attack in america. 14 police officers ambushed and killed just this year. what in your mind is the politics of this? >> well, the politics of hillary clinton and barack obama have for years now have supported the black lights matter movement and
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anti-law enforcement sentiment based on false narrative start here. police officers getting killed, i have to say our hearts and prayers go out to the families and the other officers in iowa. it is just an atrocious event. if people are willing to shoot police officers, they're willing to shoot everybody and folks need to remember that. stuart: i want to reiterate the point that this calendar year, just this far in 201614 police officers have been killed in an ambush attack whether it's dallas or baton rouge are now in iowa. a very large number. i think it is a part, a subtext if you like this election. last word to you, detect it. >> is historical historical the
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attacks on police officers. the liquid and validate the anti-flu sediment out there in the united states and its not the vast majority of people out there. it's a small group that is very boisterous about it. we have anti-ambush training in the city of cleveland a couple years ago. they stopped us in a police car. they teach us how the polar weapons out and shoot through the window. that was window. that would seem to me to violence by politicians, by black lights matter and so on and so forth. we have a way to go home at the end of the day and we need to be supported by the president of the united states in 19 minutes permanent a trained to detect pressure. check the market because we just dropped below 18,000. 17999. 18,000.28. we are down.
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we are beginning to see maybe a link between the market and the election. you'd expect it was six days to go. the price of gold by the way is up 16 bucks and it is now above $1300 an ounce. keith fitts, our money guys with us this morning. he said it on this program that the market is now responding to the election. election is a factor in the market. i want to go through some scenarios. what happens in the market on november 9th to trump wins. go. >> on-site at the biggest risk is they will continue to fall off and not depend on how much risk is in the political system. no one is counting on a surprising one that the market takes off to the outside because they come to terms with that. stuart: is there a chance of that? i've not heard that very often. tell us again. >> again, you never say never no-space, but the one thing most
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people are not counting on is the possibility of higher rent. they are trying to assess is that clinton, trump, clinton term. to get all of the stuff off the table from the following morning is entirely possible they can come back in. we are delighted to hear from you. a couple of very wide stacks. it's been down five days in a row. it's a 19-cent at 111. do you see that as a buying opportunity for apple? microsoft is not apple and apple lately. i'm very concerned about this.
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it may not be enough if apple can't innovate. they are using mbas and it gives me pause. trade to facebook below $130 a share reports its earnings after the bell today, reports its profits. would you buy it now like 128 come and take a flyer on the earnings report later? >> i would have no problem taking a flyer. talking about 1.7 billion monthly users, talking about figuring out the mobile engagement metric. nevermind that has been slow. never mind is other things been overstated. that is an absolute behemoth is your long-term investors it's very hard to go wrong with that company not that it's grown. >> very interesting stuff. we'll see you again real soon. donald trump unveiled his plan to repeal and replace obamacare. he says he would convene a special session of congress to delay. roll tape.
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>> obamacare has to be replaced and we will do it very, very quickly. it is a catastrophe. the president said if you like your plan you can keep your plan. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. which may go down as one of the great political life of the century. stuart: because of evidence to show that obamacare has served one particular industry. that would be the restaurant industry. come on man and a postmark, trump economic adviser and the ceo of cjd restaurants. i've got here that 12 restaurant chains have gone bankrupt or he recently despite low gas prices, low food prices and you say it's because of obamacare. 12 chains bankrupt.
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>> recommended ) that are familiar names for people. real concern is the canary in the coal mine for the rest of the economy which tunnel junkets we need to act fast. here's why. we are down 3% as an industry in transactions. if this continues will be the worst year since 2009 which is leading to these bankruptcies. with gas prices down in food prices, people should have more disposable cash. it was kind of industry wise this happening to civic science research organization looked into in looked into in about 47-ton of people who had their premiums increase or eat in restaurants last by the national vast nation. the interesting thing was that your premiums went up, you were 3% more likely not to be going to restaurants that if your premiums have gone up. the real problem here is that it's all based on a 2% premium
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increase from 2015, 7% increase this year. this is even contemplate the 25% increase for next year. this could have a huge economic impact next year. this thing needs to be repealed and replaced with something that makes economic sense because obamacare is the craziest thing in the world does not make sense. stuart: is interested in the squeeze the middle class. clearly that have been. the class is shrinking with a lot of paycheck to paycheck people in the middle class. again, as obamacare a factor in the shrinking of the middle class? >> lake monroe from the working-class and middle-class. obamacare is returning to redistribute income.
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both these design.climate change with energy independence and regulatory regulations that looks to row the government rather the economy. what obama has been doing for the past 70 have driven down economic growth. obamacare has to that end is taken disposable in time away from people. if we don't do something about that very quickly we will have the real problem not only in the stock market but more money in donald trump is using it here or the service. later this hour, senator jeff sessions one of the first supporters coming into america can truly staggering numbers. we are holding and 18,000. we receive the latest read on
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oil from storage. we got said earlier about 45 minutes ago. there is a jump in oil in storage and not of course is that the price all the way around. back to $45. they will be against seven of the world series. a three run homer. he -- one team's curse will be broken tonight. totally different subject. hillary clinton helped in a primary debate. donna brazil said her questions. scandal at cnn. hillary cheated here we deal with that next. first, remember when brazil said this. >> where did you get it? >> is a christian woman alan sager and be persecuted.
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your donald got the question for debate, gave them today and they found out, you know what it would be? a double electric chair. it'll be firm page of "the new york times," hardly covered. stuart: i do believe this is found by this beat spurs l. let's bring in another commentator, media research center president. one thing that's not been stressed here, donna brazil said the questions about a cnn debate, said that to hillary clinton. hillary clinton cheated. she accepted those questions. she answered them knowing what they were before him. hillary clinton cheated. >> it is poised to the fact donald trump is correct. donald trump is that early
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ripening since this is a rigged election. he says this is a rigged media. we have been talking about this. the wikileaks have shown they are at least a dozen instances of reporters working with a hillary clinton campaign and here you have it with donna brazil at cnn. i know donna brazil little bit. she ride through her teeth to megyn kelly appeared megyn kelly. and then you find out the other shoe fell. it wasn't more information about this cheating. it was new information about more cheating going on. so she's done it at least twice. yes, this is a clinton campaign that is working with the news media. so you can say there is a great deal of unethical behavior going on about cars. stuart: would you hold on for a second. details on another lake with cnbc's john harwood and its close relationship to the
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clinton team. stuart: howard clinton's headquarters basically saying getting comments on the records because they wouldn't give them to me. horowitz said an e-mail to john horowitz say and we won't waste your time again being sarcastic. they actually have a problem with that piece. please give me a call. so hand in glove. asking for approval from the clinton team. i've got no investigation into the cnn and i've got no response from cnbc to what john harwood was doing and if leaks. surely we should have some reaction from the media outlets, shouldn't we? >> i remember this thing called the people's right to know. when it comes to the press, people have no right to know. by the way, let's not forget something else.
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donna brazil still is a contributor on abc. she took a leave of absence to be on the clinton campaign, but she still has a position at abc. guess who didn't comfort this initially? abc. every day. in american journalism. that's what you're an observer of good american journalism is not destroyed. it's got a terrible black mark over at following this election. am i going too far? >> the numbers are already there by the fact tour of 10 to one. the public leadership and its media, the object is media are vested in the election of hillary clinton. their integrity or shot. i don't know how cnn recovers his integrity. for those people who have been
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saying as the clinton news network, it is. i don't know how to do it. >> i was a founder of cnn on day one of that network. in those days was to call a soft chicken noodle news. but come a long way. >> let me say very emphatically that i worked with people like ed turner, and others in the early days. cnn had incredible integrity. you might disagree with you on the network but there was incredible integrity. stuart: brand, always a pleasure. see you again soon. six days to the election date race is playing the role of the markets. either way, we'll tell you all about that. the latest voting numbers turn the key state. that will be florida. we have this, too. more than 800,000 illegals crossed our border last year. critical alert said senator jeff
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sessions who is next.
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stuart: by saving florida today. the first one is in the next hour by the way. adam schapiro joins us now.
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give me the latest that you got on early voting. >> let's talk about the enthusiasm gap. donald trump is leaving florida in the polls. these reporters here who will be in the thousands. these reporters will tell you they are part of something historic. now let's look at the early voting numbers because in florida, voting by mail, republicans are leading by 74,000 ballots which have been cast by people registered with a political party. people who go to a polling station. republicans as far as turning off the boat have a 17,000-point advantage. you want to say hi to stuart, didn't you? and that we love you. i'm from new york. how can i not love donald trump? >> specifically when you look at a clinton rally, six hours before it takes a scummy don't have a linux is.
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six hours until donald trump comes here to thousands of people standing in line. stuart: six hours and then wind up like that. adam schapiro you've got yourself a story made there. thank you very much. good stuff. say hi to that lady for me. hillary clinton on the other side of the coin clearly in attack mode. pulling out the greatest hits including a former beauty queen, using the word has spread. here's the question. will it work? listen to this. the >> i am sick and tired of the negative comment dark, divisive or dangerous behavior of these people who support donald trump. the pursuit of healthier.
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the suspect is in custody. senator jeff sessions republican from alabama and advisor to donald trump joins us now. what are the politics of this ambush attack on our police officers. as the politics of it, senator? >> i don't know for sure, but i would say make heads is exactly correct. we have to stand with our law enforcement officers. they are also on the street their families., friends know they are out there a risk and we've got to make clear from the very top of this country and attacking police officers is absolutely unacceptable and we can't undermine the respect of our officers. making it look like they are doing things that are wrong. this disrespect them in places that a greater risk with no doubt about it. >> i will bring an immigration numbers.
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817,740. he had what do you make of that number, senator? >> at-bats to 1.1 million people who are here lawfully crossing our borders and become permanent residents and citizens. you have one of the largest flows in the world. and we're out the percentage of people born of foreign novels and this lawlessness has to end. this administration does not believe in it. hillary clinton is worse than barack obama. she absolutely does believe in open borders. immigration legal system and the officers and border patrol officers have both endorsed donald trump. those groups have done so because they've seen the lawlessness that is stunning
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outer borders. stuart: we had another number about the influx of searing migrants come searing migrants, steering refugees coming to the united states. 13,000 have come this calendar year, but far less than 1% are christians. what do you make of that. stuart: >> 10% or more as christians. it doesn't hear virtually everyone in here is not christian. last year we did about 1500 refugees a proposed 65,000. the president has the power to set that number. she does turn 10, 13,000 out of 65,000 per year.
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the camp at the 10,000 much less 65,000. >> they backed donald trump way back when. donald trump appears to be surging now without cheating cnet. do you think is going to win? >> yeah, i think is going to win. my experience over the years if it does tend to break. people are going to see that the failures of obama carrots my enforcement and immigration policy, bad trade policies and the idea of more taxes, more speeches and no results, top but no production has got to end.
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we need someone to stand in there, take charge and go in again. people are hurting out there. that's why people are flocking to trump. just the personal attacks. she has no plan to get the country on the right track. donald trump oil. no doubt about it in my mind. >> republican alabama as always, thanks for doing it. the house homeland security committee, congressman michael maccoll on fox news earlier that an indictment is pending scandal. roll tape. >> this investigation will continue whether she wins or not. the investigation goes forward. it looks like an indictment is pending. at that point in time under the constitution, the house of
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representatives would engage in an impeachment trial. they would go to the senate in impeachment proceedings. >> he looks like an impeachment might be pending. judge napolitano is here. >> i understood him to say if it looks like an invite at his conditional. this is the problem the last time around with james comas announcement in july. sitting in hearing evidence. the fbi doesn't indict the justice department doesn't indict a grand jury can. but let's take it as value. if mrs. clinton is selected and if she is indicted either between the election or after she's president, can she be prosecuted for a crime? answer no. they will be held in advance until after she leaves office, whether she lives that the end of four years, eight years or involuntarily. can she be impeached because
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she's been indicted. probably. there's no precedent for that. i'm not sure the american public would tolerate. if she wins, the voters wanted her to win. stuart: i think what the senator was getting up was chaos. chaos issue is the lack and not the level of chaos as winter chaos as when her husband was being pursued because a lot has changed. because the supreme court has made it clear the president has immunity from criminal prosecution while he or she has an office. that was not clear at the time her husband was in pursuit. her husband actually pleaded guilty to lying under oath before he left office. that would not happen today. stuart: i want to bring your attention something i know which
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is going to be contentious. you and i are going to agree. senate republicans led by ted cruz and richard her that are threatening to block hillary clinton if she is elected president. i'm going to give you the quote from senator cruz. they're certainly long historical precedent for supreme court precedent for a supreme court with fewer justices. wait a minute. four years of age members of the supreme court. that is a nonstarter. i would think there would be tremendous political repercussions. there's precedent for fewer than eight is technically correct. that's when the supreme court had fewer than nine members. there is no precedent for the controlling party in the congress right to take a vote on the nominee that would be
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catastrophic to politicize the supreme court. it wouldn't agree with any of her nominees. stuart: we've got a system. i can understand is how the denomination of the supreme court replacement is held up for a considerable period of time because we disagree with the late president upon this connecting supreme court business. but she cannot block it for four years. >> you can't legally. profound political consequences to that all across the board. they would not stand for that messing around. >> i do not think states like that help trump or help the republicans. i just think that type of threat of stonewalling is unacceptable to most rational people.
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>> what is going on? stuart: a strange year. >> if it is. judge kermit thank you on the server. the big word down 25 points. 18,000 holding. the price of oil and is down about 40. forty-five dollars a barrel. a lot more in supply. down goes the price. look at gold at 16 bucks an ounce. we are back above $1300 per ounce. apple is backing only just five straight days of losses. some 60 cents at 112. this book reports after the closing bell today is down this morning 128. amazon has the most popular brand american company with millennial and black friday deals have already started. despite all that, amazon is down
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today at 776. following the electoral map closely with six days to go. the electoral map will change quite rapidly. not talking policy, just attacking donald trump. dredging up all the old talking points. donald trump following the news headlines like this. >> john podesta has been caught saying we have to dump all of those e-mails. can you believe this? if he worked for me, i would fire him so fast. like the apprentice. john, you're fired there's a denture adhesive that holds strong until evening.
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>> i am nicole petallides with your foxes in this brief. that's under pressure again. the s&p 500. if your date is set for the seventh day as oil hovers around $45 a barrel. stockpiles continue to grow. you'll see some oil and energy. also communications and telecom came under pressure. also starting with the help or information company. i wonder pressure for numbers and take a look at the names of the trend existing yelp the biggest gain in five months. added unexpected result.
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>> i'm tired of the behavior of people who support donald trump.
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alicia machado who donald trump has insulted and denigrated. don't let somebody like this tell you otherwise. i spent four and a half hour sooner next to i have the stamina to do this job. i really believe america's best days are still ahead of us. don't buy into that dark pessimistic vision. trade shootout was late at night. she was hoarse, angry and clearly lost her cool with the heckler. meanwhile, donald trump is surging and gaining ground in battleground states. come on man, charles heard. how would you characterize two things you did last night. they warm up the crowd. with your action to those two
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items? >> i think it's increasing signs that they are rattled. i sent in the people i talked to around washington, democrats and clinton supporters did there is real panic out there. the idea you have the president talking about this underlying sexism, underlined the opposition to hillary clinton. the fact that she's going back to this alicia machado thing, getting to introduce her at a rally. good grief. this is not what anybody cares about. it is real desperation. [inaudible] 's >> you often do. stuart: now, there's a poll in minnesota and newest construct good -- conducted by the secretary of state. a mock election in a sample of 77,000 high school students, 200
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schools. those high schools voted for donald trump over hillary clinton. 35% trend, 33% hillary. may i remind you this is minnesota. >> it's incredible. hillary clinton spending money in spending money in a place like michigan and a poll that just came out of their showing an absolute mackinac in michigan. michigan is a democratic state. even if he doesn't win, he's forcing her to spend time in in in a place like michigan. where else are we not looking that it's actually sort of move towards the middle. if he does in michigan, the whole thing is over not only because michigan brings with it a pretty nice chunk of delegate, electorates, but also because wisconsin is in play. minnesota is in play. the voters in that region are all very similar.
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since the beginning we've been talking about pennsylvania. donald trump is a very good chance of winning pennsylvania. that is huge. stuart: guess it is. he went to pennsylvania a couple days ago and he hammered obamacare. in pennsylvania, premiums have gone up 53%. he's onto a winning subject right there. he hammered it in pennsylvania. going to go there three times today. obamacare premiums in florida of more than 20%. i just feel that there is a search, a motion towards donald trump that is really going to carry them into a career lead. but a speculation on my part. when you say? >> we've been talking about this all year the antiestablishment anger out there and of course the incredible enthusiasm that donald trump enjoys the tiller quit does not enjoy.
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i have felt from the beginning and i still feel that ultimately in this environment wins out and beats the superior ground game the democrats have. stuart: charles heard, if you're not careful, we will ask you to come beyond our show saturday morning and sunday morning because we're doing live broadcasts by the clock to noon. just be very careful. watch out. charles heard. good stuff. newly revealed apple offering to help directly the clinton campaign. that is apple. >> social initiatives from the day after a debate in which hillary clinton actually defended apple. she's writing to john podesta the clinton campaign manager saying this would be a public role in getting hillary clinton elected. she said that she appreciates
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it. clinton's nuanced turn on encryption. the leadership of apple in the debate and i'm sure that is true throughout the valley i.e. the silicon valley. following all these denouncing as i can. that is in reference to help in the quit foundation. after this they go on to raise millions. stuart: google, these leaks reveal google video director will help in the clinton campaign. giving them information. check the markets. the dallas about 18,000 barely. president obama commenting on the e-mail scandal and the fbi's new investigation. all of this next. who owns stock in this company,
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are supposed to be independent processes for making these assessments. stuart: well, that is really interesting because not one before that on 60 minutes he tells steve kroft, this is not a situation the american city with danger. that is not meddling. on the campaign trail. speeches for hillary clinton. >> out of the reach of inclusion is not an honest mistake. by the way, the clinton foundation, the private server e-mails related to that. such an honest mistake by this los angeles, new york, little rock and fbi -- proving that the foundation. >> they just don't go together. based on what we know. this election has not gotten but it's absolutely fascinating. i found it very hard to keep
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up-to-date with every single break in development because the whole thing switches in a moment. last friday, saturday morning at switched. trump is now surging. more "varney" in just a moment for you. podium so to speak.
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he doesn't speak there until 8:00 tonight. what a show, what a day, neil cavuto, it is yours. ibly20 they have the prompter set up, he is on message and focus like a laser. ibly20 a good last week. ibly20 looking at what mister trump is doing in states like florida where he has that one point lead, seems to be a growing trend in ohio where he has a two point lead and this extends beyond that in iowa where he is looking at a one point lead. north carolina. this is a state he was trailing


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