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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  November 4, 2016 9:00am-12:01pm EDT

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the only one who worked, he brought home the bacon and kids were disciplined. and we're an unhappy country because can't bring home the bacon. not dissing the women, but great if dad could bring a paycheck home. maria: we're live all weekend, here is stuart. stuart: we will be here, maria, that's a fact. thanks so much. could it be the economy returns as an election issue? the jobs report just in. good morning, everyone. it's not good. no matter what the spin, america is not on the road to prosperity. the numbers confirm a slow economy, just 1611,000 new jobs created. overall, this is not a robust economy. there was a big jump again in temporary employment. the market reacting to that dead flat. four days to the vote. and it's very tight. here is how close it is. if the election were today, with today's polls, trump would be president if he wins new hampshire.
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that's from "the washington post" of all places. new hampshire is where trump will be today, and that's where he and mike pence will make their final campaign appears together monday night. trump still has a little momentum. hillary clinton, bill clinton, the president, the first lady, they will all get together to wrap up their campaign monday night with a big event in pennsylvania. an angry hillary was there yesterday, always attacking trump, ignoring the mounting scandals. the president was angry, too, about the weak turnout of african-american voters in early voting. one last point, in britain, where you can bet on anything, 91% of bets this week have been on donald trump. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ all right. again, here is where the
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market's going to open. i'm going to say it's pretty much dead flat after the, i'm going to call it disappointing read on the jobs report. come in paul conway, former labor department chief of staff of george w. bush. this is a picture of the economy right before the election. how would you characterize that picture? >> underwhelming. the key point on a jobs report right before the election day, does it change the national narrative and does it change the individual narrative or reinforce it. i would say that you have an average job growth the past two years of 229,000 a month and performance at 161,000 it's much lower than what people have been told was great the past two years and going into this it's not going to change the national narrative it's a great economy or not. in individual situations around dinner tables, talking about retirement and for young folks out there trying to find a job sitting at starbucks, does it make you feel there's more opportunity on the way? and definitively i'd say no. stuart: i'm picking through the
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numbers and i see a decline of 9,000 jobs in the manufacturing sector and i'm going to say that's not-- that's the destruction of quality middle class jobs. i also see a big jump, 6400-- a big jump of temporary employment. again, that's not good, that's not enhancing middle america. that's where i'm coming from. >> no, you're absolutely correct. look on table a-9 on the report there's a distinction between part-time employment and full-time employment. the true measure of what the department is applying here is 35 hours a week, not making the distinction between those who have multiple part-time jobs or full-time jobs. full-time jobs have not returned, this is the quality of the jobs, have not returned to the level before the reception. you're getting increased bills for health care, trying to figure out how to secure your kids' future and determine whether or not you can aspire to reach opportunity and
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prosperity. it's simply not adding up in terms of the numbers and i think that people understand this and it's not performing in the economy. stuart: can you give me more on the part-time job creation and as i understand it, we're creating fewer full-time jobs, but a lot more part-time jobs, is that accurate? >> that is correct. and so, when you take a look at the numbers and you get into the details of it, before the recession, your peak period of time for this was in january of 2010 when you had about 20.1% of those who are working, working in part-time jobs or multiple part-time jobs in order to make up full-time employment. right now, that number has only dipped down to 18.2%. you want to get it down below 17%. so when you take a look at the jobs created and everyone is celebrating the top line number you have to look at what is the quality of the full-time job created and stuart, i'm telling you, they're just not there and
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when you look at the individual states that in play right now, in those labor markets and those states, many have not come back to pre-recession level for full-time jobs. stuart: all right, paul conway, with us every jobs friday. appreciate it. liz peek, fiscal times lady. she is with us this morning. what do you make of this? apply this to the election, the full-time quality, middle class jobs, disappearing. >> they're gone. stuart: i would say that would be a plus for trump, especially in states like ohio and maybe even florida? >> that's basically in his message. we've lost a lot of jobs particularly in the manufacturing sector as you point out and it's interesting, this is just yet another disappointing report. the truth is for seven, now eight years, we have expected in the third and fourth quarter to see acceleration in the economy and in good job growth, not just jobs, and in fact, once again, it's petered out. in fact, i'd argue today's
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report is the worst of all worlds, because it probably doesn't stop the fed from raising rates in december, but a further indication we cannot get into a higher growth mode. stuart: you heard what "the washington post" said about it. this confirms that the u.s. labor market is-- >> robust, sure. stuart: did not say robust, expanding, improving. >> barely. and weakly. stuart: one new job is expanding-- >> and retail, by the way, that's seasonal hiring, we are going to see that this time of year. stuart: actually retail jobs were down. a slight slippage in retail jobs. >> the temporary was, the gross number was down, but that tends to bend you towards temporary. by the way, this raises again, the issue of obamacare tilting employers towards part-time employment, right? because every time-- remember when the bill was first passed, everyone argued that that was going to stifle solid job creation because employers were going to worry about the cost. i think we've seen that. stuart: liz, stay there,
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please. four days to go, both campaigns going at it full tilt, believe me. hillary clinton will be in pennsylvania, michigan, and ohio today. donald trump starts out in the all important state of new hampshire in very important for him. he then goes on to ohio, then he's on to pennsylvania. now, new hampshire, we're saying that that is key for trump. as we said earlier, if the vote were today and the polls were as they are now, a win in new hampshire gives trump the presidency. we have got a new poll tied at one source. and another poll, from suffolk university and they're tied there at 42. you know, the polling story, liz, seems at this moment to be hillary's slide, would you say that trump's momentum is stalled? >> a week ago he really took off and the gap narrowed dramatically.
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and seems reading disparate polls that it slowed down the gain he's making, it's amazing it comes down to a state where he wasn't considered a player, 4 electoral votes. >> the one in maine is critical. one vote for a district in maine, but don't forget new hampshire is important in terms of the senate because maggie hassan and kelly ayotte are in a very close race up there. ayotte seems to be gaining now, but it's important for the presidential race and that tells you how close it is. stuart: the trump and pence close out their campaign monday night in new hampshire. >> amazing. stuart: yes, it is. how about this one for you? starbucks blames slumping sales on unpolitical uncertainty. liz, i thought it was obamacare, but they're leftist basically, starbucks liz: you wonder how do they come up with the election, uncertainty, i'm not going to buy a latte? i couldn't square that. we look at consumer spending growth since the second quarter cut in half.
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so anxiety over-- that's the big uncertainty and anxiety what are my health costs going to be in the future. people are pocketing their money according to economists we have been talking to. stuart: since the second quarter, the growth has been cut in half. ashley: you think if people are so uncertain about the political climate, they're not sleeping and what do they need in the morning? a cup of coffee! make the other argument. >> stay up watching the results. ashley: exactly. stuart: let's take a look at facebook, shall we? big name high-tech stocks, down about 6% yesterday. down to $120 per share. the problem was they predicted slower growth in the future. don't do that with a big tech company. let's see if 120 holds today and see if people thinks of it as a buying opportunity. then there's fitbit, oh, was it hammered yesterday. weak sales there and yesterday, fitbit was down 33%. let's see if it's going to go
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up or down in the opening bell. we'll deal with that. new evidence of possible voter fraud. a man in california says he found more than 80 mail-in ballots left near his mailbox, all sent to that same address, all of the ballots had different names on it. how would you explain that one? president obama campaigning for hillary in miami, goes on another rant against donald trump. you'll hear some of it next. it was quite a rant. and a reminder, you know, we really get into this. i like this and i'm happy we're doing this. we are going to work on the weekend. i'm happy, you may not be, but i'm ecstatic. we've got a special "varney & company" 9 the through 12:00. we are into this election and we're covering it, 9:00 through 12:00 saturday. 9:00 through 12:00 on sunday as well. we'll be back.
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endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. remember, medicare doesn't cover everything. the rest is up to you. call now, request your free decision guide and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long™. ♪ >> we've been doing the work and we've taken a close, much closer look at that jobs report
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and look what we found. part-time jobs up 90,000, full-time jobs down 103,000. that's what we're doing in our economy. part-time jobs, lots of them, up 90,000. you want a well-paid full-time jobs down 103,000, we missed that at the top of the report and i deeply apologize, this jobs report is much worse than thought. moving swiftly along. huge crowds in chicago to celebrate the sucubs win, 10the first time in 108 years. they did dye the rivers blue. >> the yankees, the dodgers, red sox, don't shoot me for saying that, now the cubs. they are valued at about six
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times their revenue. other baseball teams four times the revenue. now that the cubs have won, that's six times revenue and negotiate higher prices for tv rights, the picture prices, you name it. this is a huge windfall for the chicago cubs and the value of the team. >> they waited long enough. >> 108 years. >> sarcasm is a low form of wit. ashley: yes, it is. stuart: president obama was out campaigning, he's going to be out campaigning nonstop for hillary clinton and he's been ranting about donald trump. listen to this. >> you want a voice whose bragging about how being famous lets you get away with what would qualify as sexual assault? and calls women pigs and dogs and slobs. if you accept the support of klan sympathizes before you're in office, you'll accept it
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while you're in office. and this is a guy that likes tweets. i don't like how folks are imitating me. really? i mean, that's the thing that bothers you and you want to be president of the united states? come on, man. come on. nt of the united states campaigning for hillary clinton five days before the election, tammy bruce is with us. you were watching. >> i was, yeah, what you didn't see was the over 200 times mentioning himself, and this is the man. he's going around the world complaining about americans and he's pointing the finger at donald trump? the context of mr. obama and the last eight years and what's happened to the country economically, over 50% unemployment rate with young african-american men in many corners of this country, and
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bloodshed in chicago, he's ma make-- he's been campaigning for months for hillary clinton as has his wife, it's not made an impact because they've been harmed by his policies. melania trump, let's listen to her. >> technology can change our universe, like anything is possible, it's never okay when a 12-year-old boy is mobbed, bullied or attacked and when that happens on the playground and absolutely unacceptable when it's done by someone with no name hiding on the internet. stuart: she's made cyberbullying her issue and a lot of critics are saying, get your own house in order first. your response to that?
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>> she's talking about children, the schoolyard, the impact on minors. let's not mistake adults defending themselves, confronting the nature of what's happening in the political world, making everybody a snowflake, versus attacks on children by children and by other adults. this is a very distinctively dinner dynamic. so, look, there's a lot of people who don't want anybody to say anything bad about anybody else. that's not what we're talking about, we're talking about growing a spine if you're an adult and dealing with the real world. versus the nature of what's happening to children at school and on-line by anonymous individuals. all of us are using our names as we talk about and defend ourselves and move into the political arena, theoretically and the narratives and agenda. that's an adult thing to do. on the other hand, she did a very, very good job yesterday. this is about dealing with children, versus michelle obama controlling what children are eating, mrs. trump is talking about real life experiences, that the experience of children
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in the field with their peers, and how they feel about themselves growing up. stuart: the accent is not a problem, says he with a british accent. [laughter] >> let me tell you, this is the core of the american experience. i am new to new york, there's a lot of accents here, american accents that i'm new to. a lot of people here think i have an accent. that's clearly the american sensibility and i think she's fabulous. >> it's her fifth language. >> thank you very much. fifth language. >> impressive that she speaks five languages. stuart: vice-presidential candidate mike pence appearing with paul ryan in wisconsin this weekend. by the way, he will be on "varney & company," coming up at the top of the 10:00 hour. he's going to be with us. first, a pre-election surge of illegal immigration. border patrol agents say as many as a thousand illegals are caught crossing our southern border every day. we'll have more on that in a moment. this woman owns this house,
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with new cabinets from this shop, with handles designed here, made here, shipped from here, on this plane flown by this pilot, who owns stock in this company, that builds big things and provides benefits to this woman, with new cabinets. they all have insurance crafted personally for them. not just coverage, craftsmanship. not just insured. chubb insured.
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we're opening more xfinity stores closer to you. visit us today and learn how to get the most out of all your services, like xfinity x1. we'll put the power in your hands, so you can see how x1 is changing the way you experience tv with features like voice remote, making it easier and more fun than ever. there's more in store than you imagine. visit an xfinity store today and see for yourself. xfinity, the future of awesome. >> four days to the vote and border agents report a flood of
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illegals crossing the border from mexico. they're catching 800 to a thousand per night. liz, if that news got out and i don't think it will, it would be big for trump. >> yeah, and it should get out because in fact, this is one of the main issues in this campaign is immigration, illegal immigration. and let's remember, back in 2011-2012, this is one of the things that really torpedoed obama's personal approval rating, scenes on tv then of tens of thousands of people coming across the border and our border patrol standing there having no idea what to do with these people and now it's gotten worse because they aren't allowed to detain these people for anything, but a couple of days, and as the border patrol agents will tell you they are just released into the general population with a future court date they never show up for so it's really out of control, but will this be good for trump? not if it's not reported.
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it's like a free falling in a forest. it's offensive that these things are going unreported, undeclared and this is a big one. by the way, one of the interesting sources of illegal immigration right now, people coming across the border, people from cuba. why? because they're worried with cuba, that we'll change the situation in terms of people being granted immunity-- i mean, i'm sorry, amnesty immediately. stuart: i feel that the collusion of the media not covering story which are not good news for hillary clinton. i think that's one of the major stories to come out of this election. >> it is liz: these stories take work and basically people are doing #my thoughts are facts or opinion and there needs to be real journalism. stuart: it's chronic bias. chronic bias. >> it's purposeful and impactful. if people don't know about something, how can it impact their opinion? it won't. stuart: impactful is not a word. >> i think it probably isn't.
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a terrible sounding word. stuart: liven things up here with four days to go. [laughter] more part-time jobs and fewer full-time jobs. not widely reported, but we are on it. it should be an election issue and the fact of the mainstream media, it probably won't be. back in a moment. month here. you should have quit while you were ahead. 32 years at this place and i've got 9 days left before retirement. look jim, we've been planning for this for a long time. and we'll keep evolving things. so don't worry. knowing what's on your mind and acting accordingly. multiplied by 13,000 financial advisors. it's a big deal. and it's how edward jones makes sense of investing.
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>> well, how will this market open up this friday morning? we've got the jobs report. we've got the election. we've got futures pointing towards a pretty flat opening. we'll find out in two seconds. there we go, we're up and running and watch the left-hand side of the screen. an accepts of the overall market. the dow is, as expected pretty much dead flat. it is up .02%. how about the s&p 500? where is that at this moment in time? it's down .1%. the nasdaq home of the technology stocks, where is that this morning? as of now, it is down .05%. down .3%. down .4%. whoa. the price of oil is at $44 per barrel today. that's not going to go down that well on the stock market. ashley: no. stuart: how about gold? we're just around 1300. yesterday.
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1305 today. >> gopros, it's got production opens and it's opened up 15% down. that hurts. activision, a weak forecast, but wait a second, the brand new call of duty game is out today, that's the biggest entertainment product of all time. so i'm told. who is here on a friday? who will be with me on a friday morning, i ask? ashley webster, liz macdonald. scott shellady, sica and anthony scaramucci. >> and jeff sica, i'll start with you, 90,000 more part-time jobs, 103,000 fewer full-time jobs. >> yeah, that's again what makes this economy such a false indicator, with this recovery, a false indicator creating part-time jobs. what you have now with workers is workers need to have two jobs to make what they made for one job and if you look at things like the savings rate,
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all of them are collapsing. all of them are collapsing. anthony scaramucci, the state of the economy bearing in mind the numbers? >> it's a hollow recovery and the bright spot there was the u-6 number from 9.8, 9.5, and the labor rate dipped and it's a hollow thing. the top line number looks good. stuart: trump should be jumping on this, far more part-time jobs, he's got to jump on it. scott shellady, characterize it, please. >> you know i've got an agrarion going and with that comes common sense, you can't go from 10% unemployment or 4.9% which is arguably full employment and have no wage inflation. if we're putting that many people back to work you'd think the wages go up and be making something, but we're not. our gdp is some 2%.
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ring the alarm bells, something's going on, but nobody is jumping all over it. stuart: he's a cattle farmer, i'm a tree farmer, i think we fit together there. there's a minimum wage measure on the ballot in arizona, colorado, maine, washington state. are any of those states calling for $15 an hour? >> no, well, three, arizona, colorado, maine, 12 bucks, phased in over a number of years, washington state, 13.50 phased in over a number of years. stuart: i don't think that you should legislate wages period. i don't think you should do that, i think it's harmful for the economy. unless, anthony scaramucci is going to nail me on that? >> no, i think it's a problem for the youth and why you've got 60% increase of african-american unemployment in the inner cities, you can't afford to pay them. stuart: scott? >> it's a symptom, all right? why are we worrying about the symptoms, if we're winning with the economy we're not talking minimum wage. this is like arguing in the huddle.
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you don't do that if you're winning. if we're winning we're not worried about wages and legalizi legalizing marijuana, those are small things. stuart: arguing in the huddle. i'm going to steal that expressi expression. the dow is down and what is the market telling us about the election? jeff sica? >> first of all, we have an artifical rally and any disruption to this artificial r stocks down. so clinton winning and the possibility of a constitutional crisis is a major issue. trump winning and the possibility that yellen will quit, probably upon his-- before he's inaugurated is another issue to consider because keep in mind, yellen and the central bank has done a lot to keep this market up and there's-- there's no room for error, so
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this is a market that has been priced to perfection and right now we're far from perfection. stuart: so do we keep going down anthony, no matter who wins? >> it's going to continue to trade off in the interim, but i was here with you the day of the brexit, where we saw that 5% drop in the ftse. so, mr. trump's victory is going to cause a lot of uncertainty on wall street and some people will get into cash. stuart: did you hear that? mr. trump's victory. >> he's going to have an overwhelming victory on tuesday. stuart: stop the presses, do you think? >> very much so, stuart. you can see the momentum taking place and the point-- and you can dunk me next friday i'll be here, dunk me if i'm wrong, but if you look at the momentum in the polling and you can just feel the energy in places like pennsylvania. and by the way, there are no hillary signs anywhere, show me where the hillary placards are, i can't see them in pennsylvania. stuart: i've seen a lot of trump signs in upstate new jersey and-- hillary signs? >> very few.
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the same with bumper stickers. and fossil watches, they're accessories, isn't that what they do, watches, accessory stuff? the stock is down, what's the story. nicole: especially same-store sales in the actual stores. they have over 600 stores around the world and they plan on closing some of these and they're moving forward with a multi-year overhaul. in other words, we need work and they're trying to add now, an overhaul where they'll have fewer products. they feel like they have too many products and they want to bring it down, close some stores. it's a 1.1 billion company and we're showing the watch because that's what fossil is best known for. jewelry, accessories and fitness tracker, but big picture, they're doing well on-line and they want to make fewer and better products and they're reorganizing, and the stock is down over 50% this year, so a tough one. stuart: i'll say, down 50% this calendar year. nicole: 52-week. stuart: i'm sorry, jumped all
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over you there. activision, the big news from them is they've got the latest version of call of duty, i think it's out today. called inif i night-- infinite far fair. it's bigger than a movie. it's a game for heaven's sake. would you buy activision at 43? >> keep in mind, it's a game that started in 1996 so the people who were 10 years old are still playing this at 30. this is a huge franchise. 20 editions, but here is what i have to say about this, and this is not to take anything away from activision, not to take anything away from the new release. they need more products. they can't count on these millennials that are unemployed sitting home playing video games every day to continue to be unemployed. we're hoping they're not unmroitd and -- not unemployed and we don't have as many playing video game. stuart: scott, the question,
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would you buy activision, call of duty, et cetera, et cetera, at 43? >> well, i like what jeff had to say. maybe if the economy stays bad you want to be long that stock because if the economy gets better that stock will go down because the kids will be going back to work with the other 8 million people working part-time since 2008. so, i think they're dangerous with one product i agree with that. number two, i missed that whole thing so i can't really get behind it and also, number three, there could be games, could be angry birds or words with friends or whatever it may be, those things are pretty fickle. stuart: i've got to fire up my virtual reality glasses and things and go play call of duty or something like that. >> there are 10 billion hours of video game playing in the united states. so, if people are wondering why there's a slowdown in productivity. i want you to imagine that. there are 10 billion hours of video game playing. stuart: my suggestion is invest in dramamine because virtual reality will make you sick.
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take a look at other one-trick pony stocks, i think we're being unkind there. gopro getting hit. and fitbit-- gopro 16% drop. fit-bit hit a 33% hit. and scott, you once proclaimed, gopro, it's just a camera. >> it is, there are nuances and it is still a camera. fitbit is cool, but what are you going to do with that? our phones are doing that. one-trick ponies and they can't branch out and that's a problem. stuart: i've got a promo to do. wall street week, 8 p.m. tonight with anthony scaramucci sitting next to me. what do you have for us tonight, real fast? >> wilbur ross and mike favor, and what is the economy going to look post-election.
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stuart: may i suggest you tell trump is going to win big? you'll get ratings. >> you know what's going to happen. you can't because you're objective. i'm not. stuart: me? i try. >> sarcastic. stuart: scott, jeff, anthony one and all, ladies and gentlemen, thank you all. four days to the election, 17-9 the. we're up 4. new hampshire becoming the key to victory for trump. headline from "the washington post." donald trump has never been closer to the presidency than he is at this moment. if he wins new hampshire, he's the president. we're on it. and we continue our report on bias in the mainstream media. a cnn debate moderator giving the clinton campaign questions ahead of time, given, i should say. what does fox moderator chris wallace think about that? well, he'll tell us next. ♪
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>> now, this story that we're about to bring you raises the issue much voter fraud. that's from california. somebody found a stack of ballots outside their house, but i want more detail on this. ashley: two stacks, blank ballots, 83 in total. all addressed to different people. 83 different names all living at the same address, apartment lip. the actual home in question belongs to an 89-year-old woman who lives alone. the person who found them, the neighbor said, wait a minute,
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this doesn't seem right so they go to the l.a.p.d. in san pedro and what does the police officers say, send them to the post office. they went to the registrar, it's a mistake. and blank ballots sent to the same address in 83 different names. stuart: it doesn't smell right. ashley: it doesn't pass the test. >> the trump campaign very much in full swing. four days to go until the actual election. donald trump stops in, look there, new hampshire, ohio and pennsylvania. that's where he is today. take a look at the electoral college vote map. new hampshire, hard to make it out, but new hampshire is the key. if everything stays as-is, the polls, that is, and he takes new hampshire, donald trump is the president of the united
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states of america. new hampshire is key. and look who is here, on the set, in new hampshire city no less. chris wallace, fox news sunday program. welcome to the program. >> glad to be in new york, nice place to visit. stuart: it's incredibly close, when you've got an electoral college like that, one state with 4 electoral college votes? that's the key? how close it is? >> i take issue with that, the fact that there are other states. everything isn't going to go just the way you predicted. stuart: i got that from "the washington post." >> i understand, but i don't think it will be decided by that. this night could be over early if hillary clinton wins florida, it's over. there's no way trump can win. on the other hand, even if he wins florida and that sets him on a path, but he still has to do a variety of things, he's got to win every state that mitt romney won and also win
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ohio and he's got to flip at least one traditionally republican-- rather, democratic state, some states it's traditionally blue he's got to flip his way. stuart: you can't call it at this point. >> oh, no, no, absolutely-- i will say though she has many more paths to 270 electoral votes than he does. he's got to do the political equivalent of drawing to inside straight. every state he's got a chance of winning and if so he will be our next president, but again, he's got-- it's got to. all of those dominoes have got to mix my metaphors have got to fall right for him. stuart: one thing that really stood out to me the past week, when hillary clinton i'm going to use a harsh word. >> oh. stuart: not that bad. she cheated. she cheated in the cnn town hall and in the debate with bernie sanders because she knew the questions in advance or at least two questions. she did not own up to it. she just went right out there
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and did it and you know, nobody is covering that. you look, you've got a skeptical look on your face. >> i think what donna bras-- brazile. i'm a fan of donna brazile and dealt with her since 1988, she's a good lady, but what she did was wrong. if you're working-- i think, it frankly raises questions about people that are really actively involved in politics, who are working for media organizations, because the temptation-- her ultimate loyal we now see was not to cnn, not to the cnn viewers, donna brazile. it was to hillary clinton and the democrats. i put it on her-- i don't know that any, here is what i'm skeptical. i don't know that anybody would have, if they'd given the question would say, i'm going to throw this woman under the bus, she gave me a question, i don't want that question asked to me in this campaign. stuart: i'm sorry, but i disagree. i think it's dishonorable to go
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into a debate, keystone, cornerstone of democracy and cheat. you object to the word cheat? i think that hillary clinton cheated. >> let me put it this way, when i did my debate. stuart: exactly. >> the presidential debate, i wanted to make certain nobody got the questions and literally we would take because you're constantly we working the questions and we'd take the old pages, unused pages, in a hotel suite in las vegas the last two days, we would rip them up, take some of them and put them in one of those plastic laundry bags in the back of the closet and then my staff would take other parts of it, so they couldn't reconstruct it, we didn't have a shredder and put it in various public, you know, here, one in the casino, one by the swimming pool. one by-- >> you did that? >> absolutely, every time i left my room i would take my book which had the newest set of questions, i'd lock it in the wall safe. so, i took it very seriously.
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again, i think, you know, have you ever watched a football game and the guy gets the ball and bounced off the ground and took it and starts running for a touchdown. i think that almost anybody would take that advantage. stuart: 20 seconds, were you nervous before you did that? >> of course. i thought i did everything in the business i still-- this was unlike anything i'd done. ten minutes into the debate, i settled in and had a good time. stuart: wait until tuesday you're part of the election coverage. >> not as much on me, it's on them this time. stuart: chris wallace, a pleasure to have you with us. thank you very much, appreciate it, sir. >> shu. stuart: check out the markets friday morning, four days until the election, where are we? down a mere 25 points, more red than green for the dow 30. how about this one? pope francis, asked about europe's my grant crisis says only take in refugees who will assimilate. very interesting. we'll try to explain it. the top of the hour, vice-presidential candidate mike pence, governor mike pence will be with us.
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four days to go. "the washington post" says if trump and pence take new hampshire, they will win the election. we'll ask him about that, be sure of that. hey gary, what'd you got here? this bad boy is a mobile trading desk so that i can take my trading platform wherever i go. you know that thinkorswim seamlessly syncs across all your devices, right? oh, so my custom studies will go with me? anywhere you want to go! the market's hot! sync your platform on any device with thinkorswim. only at td ameritrade
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>> here it comes, donald trump's campaign responding to, commenting on the jobs reportment we received earlier this morning. ash, what is he saying. ashley: let me read the highlights. this disastrous jobs report underscores the failures of the obama-clinton economy for owners and special interests and robs working families. president obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3% growth. nearly half a million people left the work force last month, a painful and massive decline. over 14 million left the work force since obama took office. stuart: i expected him to jump on it no matter what the white house says and democrats say not a good report.
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i'm going to report the one statistic, to have give me liz. part-time jobs up 90,000. full-time jobs down 103,000 liz: this is what the president should take as an insult to his legacy, he keeps talking abouts using that phraseology. in 1983, reagan the middle of the recession, right after. 26% of the work force was long-time unemployed. they were out of a job, 26%. stuart: those people who were unemployed, 26% of them with long-term unemployment liz: it's 40% long-terms unemployed. this numbers, percentage of adults who can work are at 1983 levels. ashley: we are creating and have created an economy in the united states of part-time workers who have several jobs, three, sometimes four jobs, they're not getting benefits and lower playing jobs, that's the hollowness that anthony
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scaramucci jumped on it. i'll wait to hear from president obama and bill clinton. commander-in-chief on the campaign for hillary clinton talks about the klan. and vp presidential candidate mike pence, his take on the state of obamacare and pay to play, a couple of minutes away. don't put it off 'til later. now's the time to get on a path that could be right for you... with unitedhealthcare medicare solutions. call today to learn about the kinds of coverage we offer, including aarp medicarecomplete plans insured through unitedhealthcare. these medicare advantage plans can combine parts a and b, your hospital and doctor coverage... with part d prescription drug coverage, and extra benefits...
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that's quite something, isn't it? a sitting president angrily calling his possible successor unfit and i am flying he is-- implying he's a racist. i don't think we've seen this, attacks days before the vote. why is he doing it? he desperately needs a clinton win to save his presidency. his policies at home and abroad have largely failed. obamacare is collapsing. if trump wins, then america will have passed its collective judgment. voters will be saying, mr. obama, you have failed. he does not want that. there's one area where this president has been a success and that is campaigning against republicans. you could see it yesterday. he's impassioned only when he's bashing his political opponents. bottom line, desperation. it's not pretty. a president desperate to avoid a clinton defeat, desperate to
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save his reputation, not good for civil society. four days to go, the second hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ >> it is the final countdown, that song, that's in-- ♪ the final countdown ♪ >> going to play it. the final countdown to the election, four days to go. the candidates are out across the country. no, that's not true. nobody's going out west. nobody is out west. here is what we've got though, the democrats, hillary clinton in michigan, ohio and pennsylvania. senator tim kaine will be in florida. and the republicans, donald trump in ohio, pennsylvania, and the now key state of new hampshire. governor mike pence in michigan, north carolina, and florida. and we will be speaking with governor pence in just a moment. now, check the big board, and look at money, four days to the
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election and frankly, there's not much movement on the stock market. granted we're down to 79 and we've had a jobs report suggesting there are far fewer full-time jobs available and that's taken the dow jones industrials industrial down 22 points, that's not a big loss. gopro sales down again and so is the stock, a 13% loss as we speak from gopro, the camera people basically. don't forget about facebook. it's not bouncing back. down what, 6 of% yesterday to $120 a share just off a quarter this morning. 24 cents to be precise at 120.24. we check amazon every day and see if there's a bounce there? no, there is not. in fact, amazon is now about $100 per share below where it was a month ago. there's a tech titan taken down. yes, we will get to governor pence in a moment. first though, back to my take and what i was talking about there was the president on the
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campaign trail. the democrats still very much attacking donald trump. the president says he's connecting trump with the klan. roll that tape. >> i do believe the tape froze. i think i just heard it getting going again and now are we going to run it? yes or no? the president linking donald trump to the klan. probably not, trying to rerack that thing. >> even the videotape doesn't want to hear it, rejecting it. stuart: you know what the president said. >> yes. stuart: he directly linked donald trump to the klan. now, i don't believe i've seen that kind of electioneering by any sitting president ever in america, have you? >> no, and it also insults the audience. particularly african-americans in this country. we know his entire administration at this point has been complaining about americans. the usual of racism, black
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lives matter, complaining about americans overseas, et cetera. so this is nothing new for president obama. the difference is he's now speaking to african-americans who are judging him. they like him personally, the americans like the president personally, but three quarters of the americans don't like the direction of the country. that's of course, an indictment of his policies. african-americans in particular, high unemployment, 3.7 million women moved into poverty during his time. that's sexism, that's racism. halloween weekend in chicago, 17 more people murdered just in halloween weekend. you're looking at an environment where african-americans are done showing him their support. they now will look to hillary to condemn his policies and the decline of the quality of their lives, and the fact that we all want something better regardless of our complexion, and no matter what he says and the desperation he moves, they're going to reject that, too. stuart: now, he was, as you said, he was campaigning for
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hillary clinton yesterday. the president suggested that voters are still voting for him this year by voting on his legacy. roll that tape. >> even though my name is not on the ballot, my legacy is on the ballot, what michelle has worked for and done is on the ballot and that's why we've been working to make sure this election is done so i know everybody so i need everyone who supported me to be out there and if you've already voted you've got to get your friends, neighbors and everybody to do the same. ashley: what legacy is that? i think they should be walking back from. stuart: that's what hillary-- >> that's a mistake liz: the legacy is the jobs report and the economy. yes, it's the economy. and divisiveness and half a dozen race riots on his watch.
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ashley: exactly liz: i tell you the missing voter could be the trump voter who is sick and tired of the status quo. they want their incomes back. median household income crashing to 1997 levels when bill clinton was in office. stuart: i need some comment from tammy on the jobs report. you've not an economist, not a financial person, i've got that, but you're a cultural person. >> i'm learning being here. stuart: lucky you. >> i tell you. stuart: one of the statistics that i've been harping on all morning is this and i think it reflects our culture. 9 million working age men not working. that's a big deal. 90,000 more part-time jobs, 103,000 fewer full-time jobs. that's a cultural development. it's not just economics. it's cultural. >> it's a result of the ultimate obama legacy which is obamacare, it's the destruction of the middle class-- >> you put it down to that? >> when you've got rules of
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obamacare that's going to harm a business less if you have people working fewer hours, you are telling america to become a part-time nation. so, small businesses want to survive so they can have some employees, but if you have full-time employees, it's going to cost you so much money you're either going to have to fire people or keep some people hired. this is, i think, a direct result of that. it's the destruction of the middle class that we've seen move and it's a direct link to the rules of obamacare. ashley: it's not only hours to tammy's point it's the number of employees. if you stay under 50 you don't have to meet certain requirements. therefore it's another disincentives for businesses to expand. >> obamacare was the death knell to the country. we had that with jonathan gruber admitting we have no idea what this is going to do to costs and americans want to hear that and so we said it. stuart: ash, one last time.
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donald trump called the jobs report-- >> disastrous. hold that thought. joining us now is indiana governor mike pence, donald trump's candidate, running mate i should say. welcome to the program. >> thank you, sir. stuart: may i get at it. we've heard from mr. trump, he says it's a disastrous jobs report, pretty strong stuff from your running mate, sir. >> well, it's right. it is. i just landed here in michigan and i tell you what, people across the heartland know that we can do better. we can be stronger, we can be more prosperous, but this jobs report, again today just confirms the fact that hillary clinton's plan to essentially do more of the same failed economic policy for the last seven and a half years is the wrong direction for america. donald trump has a plan to get the economy moving the way that ronald reagan got it moving in the 1980's by cutting taxes across the board, lowering business taxes and having a rollback of regulation, repealing obamacare, having smarter and tougher trade deals.
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the american people know we can be more prosperous and they know it's going to take real change and that comes when donald trump becomes president of the united states. stuart: that's your job, sir, to pound the table on growing the economy and returning to prosperity, that's what you bring to the ticket. >> stuart, i hope i bring my experience as governor of the state of indiana. we did a lot of those things when donald trump and i first talked about-- about this opportunity for my little family. he talked to me a lot about indiana because we've made some progress in indiana, but it's all been in spite of what's coming out of the washington d.c. in indiana we cut taxes, a moratorium on regulations like donald trump is planning on the first day of his administration. we've invested in education, particularly work force education, and this is what donald trump will bring to d.c. when he becomes president. the americans know that the jobs report further evidence of the failed policies of this
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administration that we have to leave in the past by electing donald trump as president. stuart: governor, according to "the washington post," no friend of your campaign, "the washington post," if the vote were today and the polls stayed the same as they are today, donald trump would be the president of the united states if he wins the state of new hampshire. i believe you're heading to new hampshire. is that your key state? [laughter] >> that's what they said, it's "the washington post," governor. >> well, i tell you he's actually ahead in new hampshire this morning and we'll be there together in a day or two and then he's off to ohio, pennsylvania, today i'm in michigan, north carolina, i'll be in miami. i tell you what, we're just, we're going to go out there and earn it. i think the reason why donald trump has inspired people across this country, republicans, independents and many democrats, is because he's taken his message directly to the american people. it's a message of a stronger america at home and abroad. a more prosperous america built on time-honored american
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principles of growth and iameri appointees to the supreme court of the united states that will uphold our constitution. that and his plan to bring ethics reform to washington d.c. i think has marshalled a movement across this country and i promise you we'll continue to carry that message to the four corners of america. stuart: governor, you're campaigning with speaker paul ryan in wisconsin? >> i am. stuart: i believe that-- this is tomorrow, saturday. is this republicans coming together? >> i think republicans across the country are coming home. i mean, this is obviously, we had a 17 primary and there were a lot of divisions in the primary after a competitive primary, but we couldn't be more grateful to have speaker paul ryan's support. governor scott walker's support and i'll be campaigning in wisconsin tomorrow. i was in arizona and the governor introduced us and spoke strongly of the trump-pence team and i really believe that republicans are
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coming home, coming home to elect donald trump as next president and reelect majorities in the house and senate and coming home to make sure that hillary clinton is never elected president of the united states. stuart: are you confident, sir, four days to go? it's really, really tight in the national polls and some of the battle ground state polls, it's really tight. you must be confident, you must be. >> well, stuart, stuart, we're encouraged, but, i promise you, i promise you donald trump and i are going to work our hearts out every single hour until the polls close on election day to earn the right to serve the american people. because you know, this country needs change. and this election really is-- it's really a choice between change and the status quo and donald trump will offer a dramatic change in washington d.c., revive our military, our military, and standing tall
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again and i will be honored to stand and serve with the man i believe will be the next president of the united states. stuart: you're wrapping up 8:00 eastern time in new hampshire, i believe, on monday night right before the vote. >> we are. stuart: i don't expect you'll get much sleep, but we wish you the best of luck, governor, we'd like to see you soon. thank you. >> thank you. >> he's very gd, great messaging, and he believes it and you can tell. he owns that message. great stuff. stuart: all right. we're running a little late. running a little low on time, but nonetheless, we will be back in a moment. 32 years at this place and now i've got 9 days left before retirement. we've been planning for this for a long time and we'll keep evolving things. so don't worry. knowing you is how edward jones
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makes sense of investing.
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>> pope francis has been very vocal recently about those migrants pouring into europe. he's said something which liz suggests he's urging liz: he's saying don't take in more migrants than you can assimilate. that countries have the right to limit the capacity.
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and take in migrants to stuck in ghettos and don't assimilate to the culture. it's dangerous for those individuals. stuart: it's a reversal liz: it's a reversal in an impromptu speech. and sweden has the higher number than the rest of the eu. stuart: they bent his ear in sweden. and made the remarks and reversed his previous positions liz: he said don't close your hea heart-- >> no one would say i'm closing my heart. the politics of this is dynamite liz: he says don't let them end up in ghettos, assimilate with the revealing culture. that's what he's saying. stuart: a tough one. thanks, liz. hillary clinton and president obama attacking trump
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vigorously saying, both of them said he's got ties to the klan. you heard the president say that earlier. now, listen to what hillary said about it. roll tape. >> donald trump was endorsed by the official newspaper of the ku klux klan, they wrote their endorsement under the slogan of his campaign, make america great again. it's not just about communities of color, it's about young people. it's about any of us who don't ever want us to go back to a time when you could officially discriminate where people could be intimidated. that is not who america is and we're not going to let it ever go back to that. stuart: who said we were ever going to go back? good lord. please, come in, jesse lee patterson, bond action president. jesse lee, you heard that, linking donald trump to the
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klan saying we're going to go back to where we were many years ago. what do you make of this? >> this is a desperate attempt of of hillary clinton, barack obama, and the democratic party to emotionalize black americans. for the last 50 years, stuart, they've been able to use that word racism. whenever they wanted a vote from black americans, they go into the community, they accuse whom ever their competition is of being racist and the thing about this is that these people are hipocrits. when barack obama and hillary in denounced black lives matter, then donald trump or anyone else can denounce the kkk. these people are accusing trump of what they're doing, for example, black lives matter is an agitating evil radical mean organization, worse than the kkk. they have been chanting, what do you want? dead cops.
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when do you want it? now. we want to fry them like bacon and now they've created an environment where folks are going out ambushing and killing police officers around the country. and what does barack obama do? he invites them to the white house more than once, rather than denouncing them, when-- >> i'm sorry to interrupt you jesse lee. are you an active trump supporter? >> am i? >> yes. >> i have been stumping for donald trump from day one. when donald trump announced that he was going to close the borders, put a big, beautiful wall around the border, that, and when he says he's going to bring back jobs he's going to protect us from radical islam, that's the kind of person we need this this country. you have to realize-- >> let me interrupt again, donald trump stands for big tax cuts and for big businesses, do
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you support-- . i'm for cutting taxes, i'm for small businesses. >> there are a lot of americans, especially black americans who would love to start a small business and can't afford to because of taxes. they thought that barack obama would afford for them to do that, but that did not happen. and barack obama and hillary clinton know that. there are more and more black people who are supporting donald trump than any other republicans that i've seen in recent times. stuart: let me jump in. 30 seconds left. if the vote were held today, what proportion of those black folks who do vote, would vote for donald trump, if the election was today? >> i would personally predict, if the elections were today, anywhere between 15 to 20% of black folks would vote for donald trump without a doubt. stuart: okay. >> we had a town hall meeting and they showed up for donald, stuart.
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stuart: jesse lee peters, i'm sorry to cut it short. a big day. come again soon, thanks, sir, appreciate it. >> thank you, buddy, thanks for having me. stuart: dow industrials are dead flat and i mean absolutely dead flat. you can't get flatter than that. ashley: pancake. stuart: we'll be back.
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>> reports that the british government is preparing for the possibility of a trump win? there's a shift if ever i heard one, tammy. >> yeah, look, this is very interesting. mr. trump's foreign representative, effectively his london-based lawyer said he's had productive talks with the representatives of the u.k. foreign ministry, the ambassador from england scheduled meetings with both
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mr. trump's people and mrs. clinton's. >>. stuart: the polls suggest he better get on board. >> some of the betting are having this rush in, 91% of the bets are for mr. trump to win this and that's a key thing people look to. it's what they saw as they led to brexit. stuart: nine out of ten of all the bets placed in britain and you can bet on anything in britain. nine out of ten for trump this week. >> my uncle was a bookie and the importance is, if you get it right you win. stuart: what's the statute of limitations on being a bookie? listen to this one, more leaked e-mails from cnbc's john harwood, our competitor. he had a private meeting with hillary clinton, and words of advice, colluding with the campaign without telling the audience. that's what we're up against.
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thank god we're winning. remember, "varney & company" will be live this weekend, tomorrow, yes. sunday, yes. 9:00 to noon, three hours each day. we love this stuff. i mean, i really enjoy doing this. i don't find this to be work. fair and balanced coverage, not from the other guys, oh, no, they've got harwood. keep him! we'll be back. [laughter]. ♪ ♪ everybody he is a working for the weekend ♪ ♪ when you're close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment? if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz.
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stuart: more revelations hitting the clinton campaign including this one, dnc interim chair,
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donna brazil who at imtoo was working with cnn, gave a debate question to the campaign predebate. the woman whose question was leaked says headline hillary should be disqualified. just watch that. >> do you think she should be running in the election? >> no, i think it should be an a automatic disqualification it is completely unethical what happened. audio cut and clipped there you missed me there. but juan williams is here. not a very good introduction juan, sorry. >> anxious to hear you -- these other people toipght see the man you are the co-host -- >> that is true. what the script is telling me. >> you've got it. stuart: of a problem with hint knowing the questions before hand and not saying anything about it. iithat's really disgraceful. >> you mean that she was
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prepared and violation would have been someone in brazil providing question to the campaign. [laughter] i think that's the problem. no, no -- stuart: here's the problem you go into a debate, the world is watching. and you know the questions before hand, your opponent doesn't. but you know the questions before hand because you cheated. you -- >> you cheated. it is a cheat. the questions -- do you agree with that? >> no. you don't? >> how then -- the questions before hand. >> aggressive campaign. >> prepared. >> i think what happened down in brazil that is wrong and i've said that to you, but -- both candidates -- candidates don't prepare for debates? >> brazil swrong is wrong and hillary clinton is just fine. she accepted the question. did not commit the act, stuart she got the question. you didn't say anything it be. >> but she was prepared and i would guess bundled into her preparation if that's your point --
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i phoned that a stretch. >> that knocked whole krcht a free and open debate out of the park. her opponent sanders he did not know the questions in advance. he didn't get a chance to look good but hillary did. >> well prepared and if your point is her campaign was overaggressive and down in bra disel crossed the line i agree with you but somehow associate that with candidate being prepared you're over the line. stuart: cheating? is not -- if you get the question before hand -- >> producer what does stuart want to talk about that's cheating? >> that's not the same. preparing for a debate. stuart: if i was in a debate with with you, i know the questions before hand, you don't. well that's unfair. i cheated. >> yes, you prepared and i didn't that's not cheating. >> it is not preparation. >> fooling around with words ridiculous. >> you're trying to impugn senator clinton you don't like
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because you don't want the her to win. >> not true. what are you trying to make -- whole -- out of nothing. sm shall i spell it out for you? she knew the questions before hand. >> you're repeating yourself. ebbs that's possible. you don't know what. we know that her campaign was given a question before hand and it may have been bundled in. >> what is that how you left to conduct yourself cheat like that? >> you are. >> your purpose -- outrage os one and you know it. it is prepared. >> donald trump known the question -- >> eve been in the gym preparing that's cheating but one you don't have to prepare if you're given the questions ahead of time. >> thank you. >> unfair advantage. she was not given the questions -- debated. >> one question that was given not to her, but to her campaign. [inaudible] >> gave it to her. right. oh, please. >> i'm saying she prepared and you're stretching to say hillary
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clinton in a crime when, in fact, you don't know that but you're so anxious tour days before the campaign because your candidate is losing. >> you would valley wiped -- disgraceful -- >> i'm sure you would have called me a nasty man. >> you would have wiped the floor with with it. >> nasty, nasty man stuart. >> you're deflecting. >> you know you're wrong. >> i don't to hurt you. my point to you is when you stretch you try to damage someone's reputation in the midst of a political fray i don't think it makes varney look good. >> fresh off the vote all day long. [laughter] all right i will still watch you on the five tonight no matter what. >> you're a gentleman and a friend, thank you. >> you're wrong on both counts. [laughter] shake that hand -- folks. juan williams everyone i will watch you tonight. >> i watch varney the number one show you know. it's true that's why i watch.
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>> let me introduce an item about our competition. >> oh, no -- stuart: glad you did. those wic leaks e-mail releasing bias even though juan doesn't agree with me. look at this e-mails from the nbc john harwood two clinton campaign chair john podesta thanks for the chance to meet with whrc this week i did any best to lobby for first khan interview and it wasn't about hillary he warn withed the clinton campaign about ben carson, quote, watch out, ben carson could give you real trouble in a general. he also went on to include link it is to interviews with ben carson. joe is here, the hill media reporter. howard is essentially working with and for the clinton campaign. yes or no? >> before i answer that
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question, if you expect me to even remotely match what you guys just did -- [laughter] i'm like adam ann opening up for rolling five -- [inaudible] that is at the top. look let's first define who john hair wood is stuart, chief cor sphoangt for cnbc and writes for "new york times" how does that differ? they are opinion people. they're out to be pundit to give their john harwood since she's your chief washington correspondent you pick to moderate a debate. so if he's aising a campaign, as he is and we've seen multiple occasions in paper that's not my -- opinion it's fact. he needs to be reprimanded that means a suspension in some capacity. also he needs to apologize. the problem that people have of media these days even when they're caught red handed making a mistake there's no contrition so john harwood has to say this is wrong what i did and mark who
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run ares cnbc says you know what take a seat for three weeks and new york times needs to do the same thing but i will bet you -- all right that nothing will happen here. no apology from harwood, no consequences from management. >> by the way, harwood john hair wood is a major part of cnbc's election night coverage. he's on it. that's what he's going to do. stuart: now, i tack an opinion. i have an opinion. i take a position on issues just do. i label it -- i do. [inaudible] i agree. in my opinion, the audience know what is is it getting. >> an opinion guy for the hill. introduced as a hill nothing wrong with that -- [laughter] >> thank you. >> don't masquerade objective reporter when you are not. when you're actively working for the one side or the other. liz: wish i had more reportsers more journalist on all of the stories digging out stuff.
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gliewrts thank you for that liz. opinions, opinions and shows look at five which are opinion get good rate physician and people like perspective as much as reporting they can get on their phone they want overall perspective. stuart: glad you said that because we are beating our competition john harwood included. don't forget that juan williams. >> wait a minute, i was quiet but now i can't help myself. you know, i come here because i champion you. i think you do good tv. stuart: thank you. moving on. [laughter] take the compliment and i'm delighted. >> one final point just a problem will only get worse unless there are consequences you allow people, if you allow inmates to run asylum approval for management to say this is okay and then others do it because they think they can get away with it. >> you are right. >> joe, juan, both of you seriously thank you verify indeed it was very good television. [laughter] >> rolling stone -- >> this will rate boys i'm telling you. how about --
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and stuart varney will talk football there goes the rating. [laughter] the apple player richard sherman says nfl is to blame for recent decline in ratings we'll explain this. >> interesting she's never showed -- back coming forward as they say. asked about slump in ratings he said in in part, he said the league isn't fun anymore. every other league you see the players have a good time. it's a game. this isn't politics. this isn't justice. this is entertainment, and they are no longer allowing the players entertain and he went on to say look no longer allowing fliers show any personal or uniqueness or individuality. >> that is why ratings are falling. >> not allowed to celebrate in the end zone part of that -- >> it's all -- i know what's wrong with the nfl. it's all of these little tiny nitpicking rules you never know whether a catch is a real catch or a throw is a real throw. or a run is a real run.
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am i right, yes i'm right. i'll tell ya that's the problem. everybody is wrong here. [laughter] and me you know why ratings are falling, this election men watch the nfl but people are addicted to this election, and that's taig away from ratings as nothing to do all of a sudden nfl is no fun league. been that way for years. pfnlg too many commercials. >> too many nights to watch it. oversaturation i will agree with that. facebook takes away too. >> i guarantee when election is over rate physician will be going up. >> my ear in which i receive instruction in which we've got -- which planet -- the place. thanks for talking aboutman chser united, football. the actor and probably going to pronounce is incorrectly steven seagal is that right? fan of vladimir putin granted russian citizenship some backgrounds, seagal has been outspoken of russia policy and
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attended marshal events with putin no wortd yet on if he'll accept this offer of citizenship. we thought you might like to know that. complex here at home. hillary clinton on the attack four days until america votes. polls tightening. new hampshire we're told is a key to a victory by donald trump. here's the question. do voters want formore years of president obama's policies? watch this. >> i've told the president i'm ready to take the baton but he's going to have to bend over because he's a lot taller than i am. because, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned every day. using wellness to keep away illness. and believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. as a health services and innovation company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. so while the world keeps searching for healthier we're here to make healthier happen.
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♪ >> well "varney & company" starts at 9 a.m. eastern, here's what you missed last hour. fox news sunday's chris wallace in person in new york, on trump's part to victory on tuesday. look, this thing could be over early if hillary clinton wins florida. it's over. there's no way trump can win on the other hand even if he wins florida, that certainly sets him on a path, but he has to do a variety of things he's got to win every state that mitt romney won and got to win ohio, and he's got to flip at least one traditionally republican wrath or democratic state and some state that is traditionally blue got to flip it his way. >> you just can't call it at that point. >> no, absolutely -- >> i'll say, though, that she's gotten many more paths to 270
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electoral votes that has he does. n bigger issues, like our passive aggressive environment. we're not passive aggressive. hey, hey, hey, there are no bad suggestions here... no matter how lame they are. well said, ann. i've always admired how you just say what's in your head, without thinking. very brave. good point ted. you're living proof that looks aren't everything. thank you. welcome. so, fedex helped simplify our e-commerce business and this is not a passive aggressive environment. i just wanted to say, you guys are doing a great job. what's that supposed to mean? fedex. helping small business simplify e-commerce. [vo] is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the season of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event.
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>> finally it is believed that no less than five foreign intelligence agencies successfully hacked into clinton's illegal insecure
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server which contained classified information creating an ongoing security threat to the united states. think of what happen 3-d to so many people for doing so little by comparison. >> donald trump let me repeat what he said there referring to bombshell report from bret baier, the finding that 99% sure that her e-mail was attacked, hacked should say by five foreign governments that's a b deal, and that's john is here. does this mean, sir, that like russias chinese or israeli they could be reading state department e-mails. you can learn an awful 4r09 from that, with can't you? >> absolutely. and two other aspects of this as well and not just the classified e-mails. any information you get about a secretary of state, a secretary of defense add it together, piece together piece by piece over time, tells you an enormous
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amount about those people who they deal with, what their pattern and behavior are. so all of that e-mail if i were a foreign intelligence service classified or o not all of that e-mail is gold to me. number one, and number two, a point i've tried to make let me try to make it again. these services can take control of the microphones on your laptop or your cell phone and when the device is turned of a those microphones can be absorbing the conversations in the rooms around them. and transmitting them back to the foreign intenls service so that it's not just the e-mails we know that hillary and her staff were very careless about the way they used all of these devices. taking them to countries they never should have taken them to, and on and on and on. so the damage here i don't think you can say is confined to the e-mail. it may have been the foreign services were listening to hillary talk 24/7. >> okay, now the reaction to
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this news has been profound. congressman michael mccall he chairs the homeland security committee. he calls the hillary e-mail scandal an act of treason. roll that tape and we'll respond from the mr. ambassador. >> she exposed it to our enemies and now steve, our adversaries have this very sensitive information that not only jeopardizes her and national security at home. but the men and women serving overseas. this is i am any opinion treaso. >> strongly word mr. ambassador but let me bring in one other factor here. we understand that e-mails between the president, barack obama, and hillary clinton some e-mails were routed through that server. which foreign governments hacked. does that also mean that foreign intelligent services could have been listening into, reading
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e-mails from the president of the united states? >> absolutely. because they're getting whatever is coming into hillary's devices and i think it gives the lie to obama statements that he was unaware that hillary was operating outside of government channels. because so was the president. and these people were so disdainful of security requirement that we don't yet fully understand how much damage has been done and i think it's important to come back to fundamentals. it is inconceivable to me that the state department career bureaucracy allowed this to happen. it's just incon e sievable that they saw this unfold over a period of time. and didn't say -- really this is a very serious matter. so i think again we may never know the full extent of this. if she wins election, there's not going to be a prosecution here. >> extraordinary mr. ambassador thank you as always for joining us we appreciate it. melania trump well she wants to wipe out internet bullying to
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get rid of those twitter trolls. that was her speech yesterday. actor clint eastwood reacted quickly he tweeted this. thank you plan why, trmp. we look forward to having you as our first lady. clint eastwood. more varney in a moment. at old dominion, we ship everything you can imagine. and everything we ship has something in common. whether it's expedited overnight... ...or shipped around the globe,'s handled by od employees who know that delivering freight... ...means delivering promises. od. helping the world keep promises.
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>> four days to the vote, and it's very tight. here's how close it is. if the election were today with today's polls, trump, president if he wins new hampshire. that's from "the washington post" of all places. new hampshire is where trump will be today. and that's where he and mike pence will make their final campaign appearance together that's monday night it happens >> i tell you what we're going to go out there and earn it. i think the reason why donald trump has inspired people all across this country, republican, independents and many democrats is because he's taken his message directly to the american people. it's a message of a stronger america at home and abroad and more prosperous america built on time, honored, american principle of growth. >> this thing could be over
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early if hillary clinton wins florida. it's over. there's no way trump can win on the other hand even if he wins florida, and that certainly sets him on a path but he has to do a variety of things. he's got to win every state that mitt romney won, he's also got to win ohio. and he's got to flip at least one traditionally republican -- rather include state and some states is that is traditionally blue he's got to flip it his way. >> can't call it at this point. >> oh, no absolutely -- i will say, though, that she has got many more paths to 270 electoral votes than he does. he has to do the political equivalent of drawing to an inside straight got to win every state he's got a chance of winning if so he'll be our next president. >> and this former reagan campaign advisor ed rollins says trump still has a good chance of winning the election he said the momentum is going trump's way. ed rollins coming up on 9 show
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shortly. a lot of guests on our show say trump policies say reagan. we'll have a former reagan white house official if she agrees. stay right there. we can help guide your retirement savings. so wherever your retirement journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. call us or your advisor t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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>> the final jobs report came out this morning. americans not on the road to prosperity. these numbers show it. on the hundred 61,000 jobs created last month. look what we found. part-time jobs up 90,000. full-time's job down hundred and 3,000. the main street media will carry the water like it always does around this headline. four days before the election. u.s. labor market continues to strengthen this is the issue
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that they should be voting on. but they ignore the issue of restoring middle-class prosperity. is there anything more important than that. >> keeping your family safe. we want all of the above. for many years they have taken a financial beating. middle america backbone to the country has been shrinking. we haven't seen in generations. it has eaten has eaten away at our civil society. it is extremely important. what a shame. that this election has been overtaken as a long way from prosperity. it would be so good to see the economy jobs wages and growth return to center stage even though there's only four days to go. we would love to see that what me. the third hour is about to begin.
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>> were living through the greatest job theft in the history of the world. a trumpet administration will stop the jobs from leaving america as part of our plan to bring back jobs were going to lower taxes in american business from 35% to 15%. we need somebody that's going to go to work to bring our jobs back. >> you heard donald trump promising to bring the jobs back. here's what the campaign said it this morning. it came in a couple of hours ago. and here is his response. this disastrous jobs report underscores the total failures of the obama clinton economy but delivers only for donors
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and special interests. and rob's working families. the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3% growth. a frequent guest on the program. number one in covering the accuracy of that report. chapter 4.9% unemployment rate. they didn't mention the fact that manufacturing point was down 9% in an economy that can go anywhere without that manufacturing. that report was a neat little capsule of the decline of american middle class. if you lose a hundred 3,000 part-time jobs you're not helping middle american recover. this is my favorite statistic. it is tragic.
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we had added more people to the roles of food stamps than to the job growth. 11million added to the food stamp. think about it. that is devastating in this country. and that's what you get when you grow less than 2% for eight years. where to 1.5% now. we cannot sustain our economy, our government in this report if we grew double the rate like donald trump wants to do we would see job reports in the 200,000. month and month out. you add one point they create hundred thousand more a month. is distorted by not counting full-time.
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that's what we need. >> on the founder of cnn back in the day. i have. donald trump he is in the all-important state of new hampshire. that's where he's going today. they are very much a key we have a new poll one shows him that even tied 38-38. there's another paul tied right there at 42. the industry never n closer to the presidency that he is at this moment. and a predicate that story on new hampshire because if the vote were today in the polls were exactly the same as they are today all donald trump needs to win the presidency is when the four electric college
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votes. is there something about new hampshire that makes them susceptible to trumpet economics. bearing in mind the jobs report. >> is the live free or die state. they had been embodied with donald trump in his independence that drain the swamp. this is a state that is almost unique in this country in terms of how it lives and has its culture but having said that new hampshire like every other state has been hammered by the bad trade deals. when we have a trade deals for the exports. they get hurt by that. they've lost thousands of manufacturing jobs. they are part of this whole state. it's independent it's strong.
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that is what he's going on. right before the actual election day. mike pence and donald trump together there. it's more about the people and that's a great state. thank you very much for joining us as always. i'm sure we will see you again really soon. stuart: 24.5. 179 is where the tao is. individual stocks look at go pro. they have the production issues without 8% there. ten bucks a share. they blame it on political uncertainty.
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>> i think it could be right. they are saying that the growth has been cut in half since the second quarter. they don't know what the health costs are going to be. but watch this. he's seen you talk to fred smith. and fred smith said that it's going down. nonetheless the stock is up. but that is the backdrop does tarbox. chicago celebrated the first series and hundred eight years. they're getting underway. forbes reports that the value of the club went up $300 million thanks to that world series championship.
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they died at the chicago river blue. that would be the environmentalists. a big day for chicago. the chicago river is blue. they show foreign governments hacked into the private e-mail server. first here is what trumpet said about it. >> finally it is believed that no less than five foreign intelligence agencies successfully hacked and to the illegal which contains classified information. creating an ongoing security threat to the united states. if you have medicare
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classwide information creating an ongoing security threat to the united states. an equally far-reaching cover-up. she created an illegal e-mail server to garner activity. >> her private server was indeed hacked. roll it. it's not just the classified e-mails and the information you get about a secretary of state added together and until you an enormous amount about those people.
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all of that is gold to me. i want to bring in someone else that knows a thing or two about this. divulging the secrets of our nation and the highest level that person would be in prison. there would be outrage across the board. but here it's covered up. it's incredible. that's what the media would be doing to him right now they still go after these guys for a tiny fraction of what she did and betrayed her country in doing so. to hide that contact.
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so she could stay away from an above the law they do whatever they could to break an unsecured server in her basement. they were reading the e-mails of president obama. and potentially in real-time. >> to listen and see in real-time who knows what they heard and what they have. in the leverage and the leverage that that gives negotiation. you can anticipate it or get in front of it. sometimes top-secret information to her personal e-mail.
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has consequences including life and others. border agents have a flow of migrants trying to cross the border into the mexico. they are telling them there to build the wall. you better get in now or your neck to get in the future. they are saying hey if you get in now and hillary clinton went to get amnesty. get in, get in. we know these guys are under resourced.
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only one candidate believes in enforcing that border. it's cass. >> you know what i think why would we believe anything other than that. to clear the slate for her. whatever it is there to do whatever they can to say that they get a clean slate. that system is in a re- rake itself again. that type of complex or that the hillary clinton will get away with. there's a long way to go yet. >> have the same problem.
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i'm sorry but i can't calm down. >> evidence of possible voter fraud. more than 80 million ballots all of the ballots have different names on them. full story coming up. the democrats in michigan, ohio pennsylvania. new hampshire and governor mike pence in michigan, north carolina and florida. i have asthma...
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>> in the battleground state of florida an astonishing 42 percent of all registered voters have already voted. i think you have of the latest early voting numbers for us. it shows just how tight this race is. i want to go into how people were registered with the particle party for the respective parties. 985,000 democrat it's -- democrats. they have roughly 74,000 ballot lead.that is going to a g station. much like the one i am at today in tampa. as you know it is a bellwether county.
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they are leading statewide 702000. republicans who have gone to the pull they had cast their ballots. the key in all of this is the unaccepted ones. they have passed ballots they tend to swing towards a republican. back to you. you are the lucky guy who is right in the middle of it. while done. thank you very much indeed. next, a former reagan white house official. he joins us on the state of the economy following what i'm calling a dismal job's economy.
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look at this. the inaugural address in 1981. >> it's not my intention to do it -- do away with government. it is to make it work. work with us, not over us. to stand by our side not right on her back. government can and must provide opportunity not smother it. the microsoft cloud helps us
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transform business. this is the microsoft cloud.
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in this present crisis government is not the solution to our problem government is the problem. >> ronald reagan the inaugural address 1981. the former reagan white house official. great to be with you. i say that today's jobs report was dismal. i say that it has been hollowed out. it's getting worse. i think the it's clear. they looked to whether or not
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they can hire people on a part-time basis. so they're not stuck in pain with pain with those medical insurance bills. i think it has have a devastating impact on the economy. i think the reason we have not come out of the past recession while and with great growth is because regulation had the press of the ability of employers to hire people. >> so may people in this program go back to obama care is the fundamental reason why we have so slow growth in a and a shrinking middle class. it's even blamed on the restaurant recession. eight national chains have gone under. and then again that is blamed on obama care. you don't hear this very much in the establishment media. it's not their story. >> in part because they don't understand business.
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i sit on the board of a fortune 500 company i had been on boards for the last 20 years. i have a little bit of an insight into how employers make decisions about hiring. and particularly in industries where you have low wage workers when you have to begin it to provide insurance and make it available to people in your very low margins in terms of your profits it becomes too expensive to hire people. you try to increase productivity in other ways. and who it hurts the most as young people and the less skilled. >> we've also had many guests on this program who compared the election this year to the election of 1980. a conservative coming from behind the polls are against him until the very last minute. suddenly a big win. do you feel the same way. between reg and then and donald trump today.
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>> reagan was a very different candidate. if he had been been as disciplined as he has been over the last week talk about policy and think this election would be going very differently. it's hard to know what's can happen i think it's still an uphill battle for him. i think they still favorite hillary clinton but we will find out in just a few days. >> we just showed a picture on our screen. it was you standing right next to ronald reagan way back when. i would love to know which bill he was signing that you have something to do with. i stood next to his side in a lot of occasions. i was a top ranked woman in the white house. that was at a time when there weren't many women in those spots. would you like to get back into government at that level.
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>> my experience tells me that i don't ever want to go anywhere near that appointment process again. it discouraged a lot of good people i think that's too bad. thank you very much indeed for being with us today. it's an honor to have you on the show. think you. >> the swing state polls show a very tight race. they will be in new hampshire today in ohio in pennsylvania all and pennsylvania all there on the map. there is a schedule. i just said that they are really tight need it's extremely close virtual statistic dead heat there. >> there is still a lot of voters who get to vote here.
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so probably 10% there. i read the jobs report today. i think those are things and we served on the white house today. i thing at the end of the day here. it's about how are you can have a change. it's now about her. and his worst mistakes. it is politically insensitive from time to time. then about her as opposed to him. i think that will be a real turning point.
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>> the polls show that it's really tight. that is a different story. there is a big gap. that's also in serving like places like michigan, pennsylvania and other things they are's perfect for donald trump because it's a small business guy and the worker that may very will turn on for this election. we just showed a tight race. as an absolute dead heat in new hampshire. donald trump is going there today. he's can hold his final rally on monday night with mike pence in new hampshire. that is the key state. it is for electoral votes. it's kind of a tnd setting estate. a sidebar to that is you have a senate race that the hundred and $70 million senate race.
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that's as much as a presidential campaign back in my day on both sides. it also was a dead even race. the governor race was very close there. they change and my sense is the momentum is going in. he was being badly beat there. we have a money guy on the show who raises money for donald trump. he's a republican. there would be a very significant victory. it's a big victory. you can say the same thing. that is certainly a possibility. we talked about 1980. it was a very close race. it was a very effective campaign against reagan. all the sudden the country got
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to see him and came down at the last week and he won the state victory. and i have to ask this question were you there when someone for said to ronald reagan mister president because that's the moment. i think we called him mister president for about a week before. we will see a lot of you in the next few days. >> i breaking news for you. the verdict on the bridge gate trial is in. both have been found guilty on all charges. bridget kelly she was the former deputy steve of staff. narrowing the traffic down to one lane. who was refusing to endorse the reelection campaign. another person involved in
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this. has already pleaded guilty to this. he has denied any knowledge of the plot. >> his approval rating at an all-time low in the state of new jersey right now. this trial basically everybody said he was very involved and knew what was going on. even though he was in charge the taint if you go to the margins of close. we have a lousy jobs report. we have no go on the market. twenty-three points up. we are about to show you new hampshire. trump is set to rally there at about 12 noon.
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what we see big crowds. and we are talking a lot about new hampshire and florida. but what about pennsylvania. we will break down pennsylvania. twenty electrical college votes. many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day.
11:40 am
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the winners and the losers. it was down. they'll be nine days in row. is the real winner up 10%. they have said that the two companies for their possible. they actually have the shareholder. encouraging them.
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>> the verdict on the bridge gate trial are in. they are accused of this plot to exact political retaliation. for not endorsing krista christie's reelection campaign.
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if it it was a trump presidency the idea of him as attorney general is probably fading and sibiu. >> give another breaking story here. in jordan. three u.s. service members they were heading towards jordan. it was an issue reported. two other injured service members were transported to the hospital. back to politics. we are focusing on pennsylvania i believe you are heading there later today. so is donald trump. the key state. twenty votes. it is in play. we start here with hillary clinton having an advantage. that is the side of the screen
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to look at. if we play out the scenarios and donald trump went as he must. and takes ohio and iowa. none of these are gimmicks by any means. if new hampshire turns red. i did not mean to turn your state there. you get the point. he is at 257 right now. if i could just get this there. we make it read. and now he's over-the-top. he hasn't won any of the states. michigan, wisconsin.
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it doesn't need any of them. as we look at the polling and pennsylvania it's got much closer. this was is a ten-point race not that long ago. that's about three in change. so that is what we think pennsylvania is such an important state donald trump has a number suggest they made a tossup. if it is really in play in pennsylvania this is just fascinating. even when you do the math. it's still fascinating. we will see you again tomorrow. and we are still focusing on pennsylvania. the obama's will be there on monday night. it is monday night in philadelphia. we have that first lady in the president. they are right in going forward. what do they know here.
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it's gonna be that suburban area the democrats are counting on women voters that's why you're seen so much of that resource is being put into that state. it should be blue. they should carry. they should be carrying without a problem. what has problem what has problem thedeclared that hillary clinton was can take the election. the tightening of these polls. the fact that you do see pennsylvania being a top dog. although it is just there. it is incredibly important because of the fact it has tied up. donald trump got some pretty good ammunition today. from this jobs report. most of the media are saying it's okay.
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we lost a hundred 3,000 full-time jobs that's not the way it has a lot of ammunition because you tell me. i've get plays very well in pennsylvania. that speech he gave in pennsylvania talks about the obama care premiums as well as talking about the trade issue. he could negotiate much better. it's an area that has been hit very hard. that's why it is resonated in those the democrats area and you see that the working class especially the white working class coming out and really pushing forward and supporting trump.
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one of the big stories to emerge from this election serious in my opinion is the chronic bias i have another example. we have e-mails to clinton campaign chair. thanks for the chance to meet with hillary this week. i did my best to lobby for that. i'm not sure what that means. but he also warned about ben carson. watch out much or what it means either. that is our principal competitor working hand in glove with it for the clinton campaign. when you have the bias they
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talk about the rigged system. and you had 70 in the liberal media that are being the cheerleaders we saw another thing that came out he basically handed over the story to the clinton campaign and said can you review this. and does this work. i'm not surprised in the sense that we knew this was happening. and we're seeing it definitely in the media that have been working hand in hand with the clinton campaign. selectable be there for a long time to come. i think it really gets to the point that it's upsetting to see this played out. they are clearly advocating for the presidency.
11:51 am
thank you. the victory parade is underway in chicago. the bus about to start touring the city. we have a with a lot more for you. stay right there. you didn't read your
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possible voter fraud servicing in california. >> goes out to the postbox and sees a spec of blank ballots. they were addressed in 83 different names. they take it to the lapd they said we don't want anything to do it we will send you to the post office the smells like voter fraud and no one is doing a thing about it. they went to the register's
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office and they said probably a glitch. and that was it. it's awfully suspicious. that is a little suspicious. we want to say a little bit more about our competitor. leaked e-mails show that he was working with him for in for the clinton campaign. let's step back for a minute. the journalist doing this. i think if at the gift of a vision. i don't want to sound so highfalutin about this. but the vision is acidic duty. they have to help to educate the public. if the set the standard for public discourse. if you do go hand in glove with those in power.
11:57 am
they get the truth. and the bipartisan nonpartisan way. if you are working with and for one side you should tell your audience what you have done. if you want to be a pond that's fine. you know it is an opinion. that lead up towards a brexit vote. we too many experts. we are out of time but it was a good discussion. more after this. and believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. as a health services and innovation company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. so while the world keeps searching for healthier
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11:59 am
. . stuart: i'm i'm please today -- pleased to see this. the trophies in the middle of it. they are showing themselves to the masses and rightly so. i think that's a good thing.
12:00 pm
they beat the indians and cleveland has wonderful sports teams. >> love it. stuart: my time is up. here is niel. neil: i'm watching your fineow d and i thought maybe stuart just needs a hug. stuart: get away from me. [laughter] neil: remember the hug during the commercial break. i will run down there. thank you, stuart, very, very much. they are spread across key states trying to make a deal-closer but it is close, very close particularly in battleground state that is can decide it all. connell. connell: that score card map that we are looking at is pretty


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