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tv   Stossel  FOX Business  November 19, 2016 2:00am-3:01am EST

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best of life occurs outside government. thr free people make things better, regardless who the president is. that's our show. see you next week. >> i have a plan. >> i plan to raise new jobs. plans are supervised experts. >> that's why i have asked vice president biden to lead a tough unprecedented over site effort. nobody messes with joe. >> lots of people messed with joe. fraud was massive. >> what is the alternative to government's plan. >> let us alone and we will
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create wealth the biggest things in life aren't planned. no design is imposed on him. >> we have noticed not much life happens without a central planner in charge. >> you have never seen a skating rink. i am going to put sharp blades on the feet they are going to zip around on the ice young and old skilled and unskilled. my only rule is go counterclockwise. any intellectual thinking about this will say somebody has to say you skate board right you skate board left you slow down. it turns out it works. people are able to go at different speeds avoid hitting each other. just image somebody like hillary clinton looking at this and saying i could plan this better. >> i have outlined a comprehensive plan. >> i am a government junkie. she likes planning and she makes
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everything better by having a government plan imposed on it. >> turn left, turn right. >> go faster. go slower. >> it didn't improve any one's skating. it made things worse. maybe because i am not a skating specialist. we need an expert. what about this woman? she once skated in the olympics. now she coaches figure skating. i will get the expert to do it. >> no holding hands. slow down. >> we gave instruction. >> somebody please take the microphone away from that guy. >> don't you need police on the skate rink? >> never. >> it works when you let people make thousands of decisions a minute. there's no way that any planner can know all of those things as fast as you and i know our own
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interests. >> it was an example of what economists called spontaneous. >> the idea without a central plan people figure things out on their own. there's spontaneous order in their nature schools of fish, a flock of birds. each bird moves on its own without constant direction from a leader. how did language happen? nobody designed the english language. it just evolved. >> language is a blemess everyl wauj has words that mean different things but sound the same. >> let's create a world language that follows the rules. >> he is the biggest example of that. >> william shatner made the movie. >> the u.s. army used it in
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ls. it was the language of their made up opposing armies. >> these intellectuals said we can make it better make a simpler language we can learn and everybody can speak to one another. there are two characteristics they were designed by someone to make sense and no one spoke them. government is forced and so what happens when government planners try to run lots of things? they really did try that in the soviet union. it didn't work. nobody tries that any more. >> why didn't it work? after all brilliant soviet mathematicians came up with formulas like these to allocate economic production. this was the brilliant rule for allocating water. the result of all of this planning. >> long lines waiting on shops for hours in the cold. >> inside. >> to show us a few unappetizing cans of fish maybe a chicken you
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would guess died of malnutrition. %ki=uim9ñaited in line for the products were lousy. east german sigh edgeses designed cars. >> this is what you get. this is a pride of the eastern block. >> it was built by expert planners and yet it was a terrible car. it spewed pollution. you had to put the oil and gas in separately and shake the car to mix them. the central planner said it was great. >>a#z smells. >> the wall went down and they had private sector competition it disappeared. people preferred toyotas and ford. communism failed utterly. but people still support central planning. a>> a new plan. >> a plan. >> but the alternative no central plan fright tens people because we know in our own lyes it took a lot of planning to set up this interview.
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i make decisions every day would i rather fly or take the train would i rather buy the big map or the whopper and so on and so on. the big difference between government plans and my plans. >> yes individuals made thousands of choices should i turn left or right, play faster or slower when improvising this song. should i aid wikipedia. >> i am into photography. >> pink floyd. >> i love to bake. >> these people volunteer to edit most consultants. >> people who don't know each other people who probably don't like each other this incredible flowering of people putting all of the knowledge of the history of the world up on the web and it has been completely undesigned unimposed f. >> for years people assumed encyclopedias were carefully inspected. >> from the ice age to the space age all of the latest information. >> wikipedia begins with a
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radical idea. >> jimmy whales founded wikipedia to get away from central planning and encyclopedia britannia editor said the people who visit wikipedia is a visitor to the public rest room. professionally edited entyke peed yaws. >> and they no longer print encyclopedias. >> that is right. i love the old entyke peed yaws a . encyclopedi encyclopedias. you hired a ph.d. in fill loss see. >> failed. >> pick peed yaw without central plan succeeded. >> you have a thousand people who were pretty pufull-time at this for nothing. >> it is something you find interesting. you will do it for free. >> you have all of these entries about bridges you want to make
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sure it is really good. >> having none at the top it sounds risky. what's to stop people from âstuff?o stop people from >> it gets converted quickly. >> it is within five minutes. >> anna nicole smith died yesterday. >> when anna nicole smith they wrote something vulgar it was reverted quickly within one minute. >> whales shows voluntary exchange works best. american medicine by contrast is dominated by central planners. 7 out of $8 are paid not by the patient but by someone else, government or an insurance company. >> they accept the rules. >> doctors and patients are not allowed to interact with skaters. spontaneously erecting their needs it is one reason they are
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so expensive and unpleasant except in a couple specialties. >> if your eyes could talk they would say life is better lasik eye surgeryc[6@ allows one to clearly without glasses. >> how amazing to be able to open my eyes and be able to see everything. >> i would roolike to improve m vision. i asked if i could get rid of reading glasses. >> we are changing the curvature of the cornea which is like the glass in front of your watch. all i am is a sophisticated carpent carpenter. i do carpentry within a half millimeter space with a laser. >> today's laser replaces the blade he used a few years ago. he said he used it like a gil giotine. >> now the machine does it?
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>> it reduces complications and it's much much better. >> the innovation didn't happen like the central demander happened. it happened because laser patients and doctors deal directly with each other. because we patients pay with our own money. lace sick surgeons act like the skaters adjusting constantly to what their customers might want. the surgeons buy new equipment and try new things. >> what do i need to do? >> you have movies playing in the waiting room. >> we have entertainment and wi-fi and snacks. i was thinking of getting someone to play music in the waiting room so we have a better experience. >> typical waiting time is less than 5 minutes. >> how long do you wait to see a doctor? >> if you have a broken leg sitting in an orthopedic's office you sit there three 3?r hours. >> why do you make the extra effort? >> people leave. they have choices. >> i don't when it comes to my eyes. >> your type of as stigmatism is
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not a good candidate for the procedure. >> darn. >> for those that are lace six surgery is a wonderful thing. she will have to pay the $2,000 bill herself because insurance rarely pays for it. but insurance or government not paying has been. >> prices are not soaring in fact they are falling. if you look at cosmetic surgery which is not covered by most health insurance plans prices are not going up the way other healthcare is? why? because each person is making the decision. >> just as they do here. still some central planning is needed. we need police. a military to keep us safe. >> the spontaneous order to work you still need roof. >> don't hit other people and don't take their stuff. >> don't hit people and don't take their stuff.
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>> and keep your promises. once you have those rules we become more socially harmonious and the ben nish ryes of the art and creativity that happens in a society like that. >> coming up, how the lack of a plan makes so many things work much better.
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♪and you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame♪ ♪you can be a champion ♪be a champion ♪in the walls of the hall of fame♪ ♪be students, be teachers be politicians, be preachers♪ ♪yea, yea ♪be believers, be leaders, be astronauts, be champions♪ ♪standin in the hall of fame nflict ... ♪ that ended with peace. ♪ we've seen stories of hunger...end in abundance. ♪ we see stories of fear, despair, and poverty. ♪ but they can end with courage, hope, and love...with you. ♪ be a part of writing a story that's greater than poverty. ♪ learn how at world vision dot org.
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>> one part of life where central planners always say where government must take control is disaster relief. >> power is without through new orleans. >> central planners are quick to st say a big store requires big government. college professor jake argues that. >> we all face strong storms and you need some sort of group of people to figure out the process by which they are going to rebuild. >> after katrina fema made people's lives worse. they were awful. >> fema was also run by someone who was put there in a patron edge position who had no idea how to run the agency. >> isn't that how it happens in government? >> no. it could be run by people who know the specifics who know the expertise.
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>> techno crabs with expertise easy to i a sume they would hire the right people. he was smart he went to harvard. those experts will make sure they get changed the right way. >> he worked at the department of homeland security. >> spending billions, how can you not be prepared? oo big government does really well. >> the government experts make big plans. >> it makes sense to people. big disaster. you want to have the plan from the top. >> we have lots of plans. >> we could not catch more than 6 percent. >> wal-mart was praised for its relief effort. >> why would wal-mart do it better? >> their business is to make money. they have a sophisticated weather system that allows them to track where do we need to surge before the storm. people will start buying radios,
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batteries, food, then storms come they make certain the store is open. every minute they are not open they lose money. >> we don't want to rely on capitalists as the central planner. >> the structure of capitalism is that people in terms compete. that's not the way we are going to build a community and a society in which everyone helps each other. >> at the time of katrina fema's budget was billions of dollars higher than it was 10 years before. the central planners now say they didn't have enough money. >> that is the big part of it. we have decreased the number of people who work for the weather service whose job it was to recruit tornado spotters. >> violent tornadoes let's intercept and go forward. >> so what if there were government spotters. storm chasers spontaneously just do that. >> that area could put down a tornado very soon. >> when ordinary people pitch in
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politicians often feel left out. >> question federalize everything. presidents don't want to be flatfooted they love the photo op. >> they loverde clairing disaster areas. >> bill clinton set the record for single year decorations for 157 in one year. >> good. my government is helping me. >> they are putting blue tarps on my roof. >> both new presidents increased the number of decoratilarationd. president obama averaged 140 disasters per year. the increase might make sense if there were many more disasters except. >> there aren't many more disasters. we haven't had a major earthquake in the u.s. in the last several years. we haven't hadñft a made earthe in the u.s. tornadoes are down. >> oklahoma took a big hit. >> issued a tornado were with aing. >> for three-days tornadoes tore through the state. they killed diozens of people
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many of them children at the school. thousands of homes were destroyed. >> like big vacuum cleaners without a vacuum bag came and sucked it up and spit it out. >> look around and the whole back of the house is gone. >> this is a picture of the kitchen. this was not our kitchen sink. >> oklahoma more in trouble you want the big experts to come in and fix it. >> that doesn't mean we should do it>> who is going to do it? it is not the communities. >> are they capable? >> of course they are capable. they have been doing it for 200 years. politicians said what they always say. give us more fun. >> of our citizens don't need or want a debate on funding. what they want is help. >> the president ordered fema to help. fema spent lots of money. even nbc's anchors noticed that the private recovery work was much more efficient. there's fema and then there's
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the faith based fema. >> if you wait for the government you will be in for an awful long wait. >> sam porter is one harry has been talking about. >> the logo. >> he's the leader of oklahoma baptist disaster relief. >> volunteers got bull dosers and cleared tornado debris from more than a thousand homes. >> i have been to disasters all over the world tsunamis earthquakes hurricanes any time there's a storm or any kind of destruction anywhere we are on it immediately. >> fema often takes forever. you government lovers are always talking about fixing government. it never gets fixed. the response to that should not be to throw up our hand and say fema is a copy it and doesn't do anything. >> you need a central agency to coordinate. >> you don't. you just need some americans who care. >> they brut in bob katz and
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bulldozers and went to work. >> within days the baptists gave them a new home and built up a storm shelter. the volunteers will install 120 of these for families who lost homes. >> it was a mess out here. they cleaned it up. they cleaned it up and fixed it up and got us into our home. they have done that for the whole neighborhood. >> they have asked fema for a home loan. they got no response for three weeks then they were rejected. all of a sudden we hear hammering and she looks back and grabs my shoulder i look up they are already on the roof before they said yes. they were on a roof, the roof with tarps. >> we have people come from florida, alabama,>> without asking. strangers boarded up broken windows. >> they came up and started chopping all of these woods. >> we had people driving
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through. >> it was faith daysed fema that brought relief. >> people i don't know walked up and gave us money. it was taken care of. >> it is what happens every day in communities where there is an event or tragedy. >> neighbors helping neighbors. we need the barn raised who will show up and make it happen. >> spontaneous. it is way better. >> no one organizes it? >> communities come together to help meet the needs of their neighbors. it is called being american. i don't think there is any kind of disaster that will take place that the nonprofit faith based groups cannot take care of. >> a man who said no plans no problem. he built what the planners didn't. >> people have an idea and >> people have an idea and actually follow it
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girl: you're going to need me. you're going to need us. all of us. you're going to need our help with your water... your air, your food. you're going to need our determination, our compassion. you're going to need the next generation of leaders
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to face the challenges the future will bring. and we promise we'll be there when you need us. ♪
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>> i can wear the government planners now. don't plan. spontaneous order? maybe thereat's okay for ice skating but when it comes to important projects like building roads you need government central planning. >> have a lovely day. >> but you don't. >> why are these british tollbooth workers cheerful? >> thank you very much. >> because they work for a man who built a private road. >> it's amazing. kudos to him not many people have an idea and follow it through. >> heavy rains have damaged the local highway. the government promised it would repair the road quickly. >> after three weeks they said it's going to be three months. after three months they said it's going to be a year. my wife said, you should put down some hard-core, make it a bit more safe and charge a toll fee. i said i think i could build it.
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>> you are not a road builder? >> i am not. >> at the local pub he had a fa asked a farmer can i build a road on your land? >> we shook hands he said build it use my land. if there's any profit at the end of it we will split it. we had another pint of beer i went home and woke up in the morning and i thought how the hell do you build a road? >> he was able to build it in 12 days. he got the money for it he and his wife went to the bank. gave a letter to say we would she sell our house. >> when the house on the line he built a house. private road means privately built. any one who pays 3 bucks can use it. thousands do. >> do you like it? >> yes. brilliant. i hope the bloat makes a million quid over it. >> saved us so much time and money. >> twef two toll operators on 24-hours a day. >> british toll roads happened to be how we got the word turnpike.
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>> we would have two guards either end of the toll road and they would have a pike. once they paid their toll fee they would turn the pike and let the people through. >> mike's road had no gates. few drivers cheat. >> three people have actually driven through and not paved. everyone is so happy. >> if only they could have thought of it. >> the government council's leaders say they did think abouç it. >> othas a council we couldn't e put in a temporary toll road. we would make anything we build conform to highway standards. >> the government standards raise the cost of fixing their own. mike built his road for less than 300,000 dollars. >> they are caught within the bureaucracy. >> you can't just do what you m6ñ"átk almost killed off mike's road with endless objection.
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>> get a guy to drill a hole and tell us the road is not impacting on what's going on down below. >> the 11th hour came up with the fact that they didn't come up with anything logical. an investigation before we built the road. >> archaeological dig to look for old kings and queens or why? >> it is just another objection. that is not a little bit like printed name. take things from the hands from consultants to prepare all of the paperwork. >> yet you still built the road for a tenth of what the government was going to pay. interviews the government opened the road more quickly. >> mike is out of the road business. he managed to break even and he learned something that everyone should know.
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>> we have gone too far in regulation. too far. >> way too far. fortunately there is one part of the world that is not dominated by regulation yet. that's the in liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. liberty did what? yeah, with liberty mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila! voila! (sigh) i wish my insurance company had that... wait! hold it... hold it boys... there's supposed to be three of you... where's your brother? where's your brother? hey, where's charlie? charlie?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance
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hmm. [cell phone beeps] hey! [police whistle blows] [horns honking] woman: hey! [bicycle bell rings] turn here. there. excuse me.
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uh. uh. [indistinct announcement on p.a. system] so, same time next week? well, of course. announcer: put away a few bucks. feel like a million bucks. for free tips to help you save, go to ♪ feed the pig
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>> 80 years ago america built the world's tallest building in 15 months. >> the empire state building, the largest, most beautiful office building in the world. >> 80 years ago they built the world's tallest building in 16 months. >> we know more about sky scrapers in the 1930's you think we could do this faster not slower. >> we can't points out peter teal. the opposite happened. >> the empire state building was built in 15 months. the world trade center took about 13 years.
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>> this construction behind me still ain't done and won't be done maybe for another decade. >> like 13 years partly because politicians pro involved. all take longer today because government rules bog things down. >> in the 30's some trains in america ran over 100 miles per hour. now even the so-called high speed train average 190 miles per hour. one reason is government safety rules insist american trains are twice as heavy as trains in other countries. while trains get slower newer businesses were able to thrive outside government control. >> the moment you stuturn on th phone you see they are sharing. >> they didn't know enough to regulate it. >> he was one of the first investors in facebook. here's how he is portrayed in the movie's social networks.
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>> we took everything and congratulations. we will start you off with a 500,000 dollar investment. >> that 500,000 got facebook off the ground. >> wrote the check an hour after they showed up so they wouldn't get it from someone else. >> silicon valley portrays him as a chubby awkward geek who wants investors to give a 30 second sales pitch. >> fast enthe seat belts with my car. >> it is not enough to evaluate one of these businesses. >> his new book covers his successes like pay pal. >> making it possible to send money to each other via the internet. >> he had growth over six months with more than÷bqi a million p using this service. it was like a crazy rocket that took off. >> profits allowed them to fund other cops that changed their lives. spotify you can listen to most any song any time.
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>> transit system comes to you. >> ride sharing with people who like to use money driving people. >> funded other popular useful web sites. >> two or three software engineers maybe 120,000 dollars. >> government planners are all over them. >> so much of awo regulatory burden on it. they use technology to help businesses comply with insurance rules. you run the business they read the rules. >> really good take they have hundreds of thousands of pages of materials. >> this start up hopes to reduce drug development cost for allowing innovators from allowing science experiences from their home computers.
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>> until that works medical progress will be slow he says because tof the government endless obstacles. >> couldn't get a polio vaccine approved today. >> it killed millions. >> when i was born some people were afraid of going to swimming pools for fear of catching polio. >> jonas developed the first vaccine. >> the first batch gave polio to 40,000 people. >> it would be shut down for 20-years. >> they don't want to approve a drug that hurt someone. >> the popular drug afton. >> the drug is dangerous. the regulators never get blamed for lives lost for who could have been saved. >> always hard to see. we don't see the future that
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hasn't happened. >> we should be thankful there was lessen tral planning when he tried his vaccine. and the charities spontaneously backed him. >> healthier youth has been the reward of people's generosity. >> that wouldn't happen today. >> you couldn't design a new video game. >> the government like the double blind studies show they are not harmful. >> if they got their hands on video games they wouldn't have any left. >> they are deliver ry drones. >> in the u.s. such testing is forbidden without government permission. government rarely gives that they do their testing overseas with a little spontaneity left. >> the world's first delivery by a google drone.
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>> cool things. america has so many rules innovators spent less time innovating. >> most spend more time on lobbying washington wall street hollywood and defense contractors. >> they spend more time hazing regulators than about what business should be doing. >> internet entrepreneurs started innovating before the planners noticed. >> silicon valley is 1500 square miles of the most fertile ground on earth. >> a place where people said no government plan no problem. >> the two metropolitan areas furthest from washington. >> seattle and silicon valley were lucky to be as far enough as they were. >> you have a society in which people can create and invent and trade and build and grow and develop new products. it is an amazing thing.
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>> up next an amazing planned >> up next an amazing planned way to pay my story is yours. >> up next an amazing planned way to pay i am a mother... ...i'm a father, a son... ...a daughter. i am in recovery from a mental illness... ...a substance use disorder. with support from family and community, we are victorious. join the voices for recovery:
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our families, our stories, our recovery! for confidential information on mental and substance use disorders including prevention and treatment referral for you or someone you know, call 1-800-662-4357 brought to you by the u.s. department of health & human services. nate: the storks are bringing me a baby brother! narrator: storks know how to keep kids safe... both: awww! narrator: do you? jr: what? tulip: oh my gosh, you don't know. jr: i know. tulip: you don't. [laughing] tulip: oh man, you laugh when you're uncomfortable. jr: no. narrator: making sure your child is in the right seat is one of the steps to safer travel. tulip: we can do this, together! narrator: to know for sure that your child is in the right seat for their age and size... nate: remember when i was a baby, it felt like one minute ago? dad: what? narrator: visit dad: what he said.
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rad >> suppose you need some money
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to build a home or start a business. what if you invented something like. >> the world's first family robot. >> say hi. >> the makers wanted to raise 100,000 dollars so they could make more. and sell them. t to try to make the money they went to this web site. >> indi go go. they allow them to support things like the run for alzheimers, their wedding. cat ear shaped head phones. he founded the web site 7 years ago. >> we had a naive idea. anybody could fund it if they want to. >> sites now fund thousands of ideas daily. >> we cannot do this without you. >> i am writing a book. >> feature film. >> music video. >> do people get money from these pitches? yeah. kick starter says 40 percent
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gets funded. >> after the anti fracking movie saying his water caught fire because of the fracking they pested the critic's claim. >> we need your help. >> he hoped this pitch would raise 150,000 dollars. >> the response is amazing. >> he raised 200,000 dollars proving that it was faked. >> we tested your water and found no contaminants. >> the makers of the cute robot hope to raise 100,000 dollar las. people sent in more than $2 million so it goes on sale next year. >> take a picture. >> we are distributing ten's of millions of dollars each month.
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>> even the head phones brought in # $3 million. >> anybody can raise money for any idea anywhere in the world. >> funding began long before the internet. it helped pay for the statue of liberty. >> the statue is french but the other half they didn't have enough money. >> they didn't have money for the base of the statue. they asked reareds for donations. >> the average contribution was $0.83. >> people raised millions. >> the wold's first smart phone security device for everyone. >> adam sager and john trout man wanted funds to make and sell the home security device. >> i have the temperature night vision. >> this is the lens. >> bad guy that sees that will notice it. >> that's exactly right. >> you can watch anything. >> i taught caught my daughter
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sleepwalking. if i didn't get an alert i wouldn't have known. >> they started to campaign ton easy go go. >> we don't have any orders yet. >> they raised the money in three hours. >> two million within one. >> the response was unbelievable. >> ladies and gentlemen, please turn so you can find a place to stow your carry on luggage. >> they were able to carry on the luggage. >> they used a fake airline announcement to promote a new south case. >> the warl's first carry on suitcase. >> the presenterjslç÷ explains that -- >> you can lock and unlock it. there's built in batteries. >> they allow them to do it straight. >> you need 50,000 dollars worth of orders before you will start thinking. >> yeah. >> you have got that. >> in two hours.
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here they are celebrating men. in the end they raised almost $2 million. what do donors get in return? just the product. >> you call them backers but they are just customs. they don't get any of the profit. >> they don't allow them to invest because only accredited investors get to do that. >> no longer do you ask money to vet invested. >> i am the co founder of organics. >> she got doqo.perks. >> they cater your parties. give you a personal chef for a week or for small investors macaroons. >> the bank said no but indy go go said yes. >> now they have any other employees selling a virtually any in america. >> the first time ordinary americans will be able to go
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on-line and invest. >> the jobs act is supposed to let ordinary people make small investments. it passed because even politicians realized central planning can detour innovation. >> the fcc is trying to decide if they will be able to regulate. >> central planners were so slow despite it they can still only offer perks. >> fortunately that is offered enough. >> it is the smartest motorcycle company ever imaged. >> people make your riding safer. >> they offered backers helmets hats, t-shirts. they hoped to raise 250,000 dollars. people donated 2 and a half million dollars. >> joint revolution. >> spontaneous way that brings people and new ideas together without central plains. >> without allowing it aside. >> leaving people free
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spontaneous. >> next, how does that happen? no conductor, no sheet music, no plan. plan. that
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wow. college already yeah! we gotta go ♪for all the truth that you made me see♪ ♪for all the truth that you made me see♪ i love you. ♪for all the joy you brought to my life♪ i love you too daddy. ♪you're the one who saw me through♪ ♪through it all and thanks...for, everything. ♪you were my strength when i was weak♪ ♪you were my hopes when i couldn't speak♪
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♪you wsome said a diploma when would only be a dream. ♪ watch me. i had resigned myself to the fact that perhaps marriage wouldn't be in my cards. i said, "watch me." ♪ >> we end tonight on a happy
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note. how to get your brain around ab tract ideas like spontaneous order. most natural to assume most everything needs a plan. how does jazz happen? the musicians often have the set plan they just listen to each other. >> your place sounds much more exciting. oo ♪ >> every time you perform it is different. >> members of her band take their cues from each other. >> you can start playing a song without saying anything then they follow. maybe i will have an idea i will indicate it to the drummer not with words but the drummer will
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come on board they will make you leave for a moment. >> duke ellington called jazz unhindered expression of complete freedom. >> she learned her music from her father. he teaches music and taught it to his daughter with the best example of spontaneous order, the family. >> i put out a musical idea. she followed me with another one. she decided on the ending. give each other latitude. >> the improve comes from the idea that you learned the language. >> jazz legend marsalis has been improvising since the 40's. >> a lot of music in jazz is based on that. >> in the 20's lady's home
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journal says jazz brings sin and it is dangerous because it will it is dangerous beca breaking al rules. we are lucky america didn't have a u.s. department of music at the time says former rolling stone editor kurt loader. >> this is a mess. you can't have this. sounds weird. we can't have those rules they are wrong. >> but because central planners lack the power they have asked, we have got jazz. america gets so many good things through unplanned, spontaneous or medical innovations, the internet, new forms of entertainment new ways to share love with friends and family. jazz critic says the reason we have jazz, the reason we have most anything worth while is because of james madison and these i am providers. they left us mostly a free
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people. >> i say mostly free because in the last 200 years america has come a long ways from no plans no problem. keep tweeting and keep communicating. now here's lou. [♪] lou: good evening, what will be the trump administration is now taking shape with an historic number of appointments. the president-elect announcing three top positions filling his administration with national security and law enforcement advisers. jeff sessions is tapped to be the country's attorney general. one of the earliest and most enthusiastic of all elected officials to endorse donald trump. congressman and house intelligence commit. >> i member mike pompeo selected to lead the central intelligence agency and retired lieutenant


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