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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  November 28, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am EST

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i agree. but even then, he could have -- he could have left as a president who said, i'm going to follow the standard of george bush and be bigger than the process, he chose not to. lou: barack obama, this has to be for democrats a generational year, 2017, where they turn to new leadership in the house. >> they don't have any new leadership. i think that old leadership stayed too long. and obama was a failure for 8 years. my sense, he could pull names out of the hat to call on the next leader. lou: enough of that, let's turn to transition team. what you make of kellyanne conway's comments about mitt romney, and what you make of production inviting governor romney to dinner.
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randy. >> i will join with speaker mean spirits things about me there will be consequences. then you turn to somebody who did that, and say, the consequences, you may get to be the state department secretary. there is all you have done is open up pandora's box to say there is no penalty to being disloyal to attacking me at most personal basic level. now moment you p -- permit that you just created option to say have you a cabinet who could attack you at every turn without consequence and potential for a promotion. lou: ed? >> i'm not a romney guy. i don't buy that team of rivals, he would have been blown out early like everyone
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else, he stuck his toe in water, as former nominee of this party, a lot of us supported him, not particularly enthusiastically, on the way he had an obligation to support trump, he did not, i am against him. kellyanne is representing grassroots, many of us supporters. lou: -- >> notice what was missing, you would have you that the after having -- have thought that after having been granted that first interview, you would have seen mitt romney go to a microphone, repudiate his remarks, and apologize, and say i will be a team player. did you ever hear that? have you heard him say, i was wrong, i am willing to make
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amends, when you can't hear that. lou: my expectations of the governor are so reduced and low, i would not have had the same anticipation as you. it is tempting to construct this as donald trump, with something of a twofer. he gets to play governor romney, and play the national media, left wing in all cases, and that is sort of tickles me to think about it. >> i think one great thing about this he highlighted some out standing military leaders. the three four-star generals. lou: i am all in for mattis. >> i am too, i am being honest. lou: i don't care what the job is. >> i am happy, let petraeus and romney go in back -- back alley, whoever comes
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outstanding is secretary of state. and then let rudy take on the winner of that one. >> look at how quickly things pivot, looking at passing with fidel castro, barack obama -- >> you know, i love that president-elect trump said a communist, how many people say communist when they talk about him? >> i do. lou: a communist dictator is dead, i have to wrap it up, thank you. >> thank you. >> ed thank you. >> appreciate it. >> thank you. lou: we're coming right back, much more ahead, stay with us. >> hillary and dr. jill stein seeking a recount of their losses. >> i think that american people know this is a waste of everyone's time and money, this is a distract and a fraud. lou: we take up the left's attempted assault against our electoral system. >> governor greg abbott to ban sanctuary cities in the great state of texas.
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lou: the governor of the great
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state of texas, greg abbotts, said he will design a law banning sanctuary cities. there are now 5.9 million living in sanctuary cities across the nation. joining me now, texas governor greg abbott. it is great always to have an opportunity to talk with you. we welcome you. your order, cutting off funding to those sanctuary cities, what has been the reaction in texas? >> well, this is simple, we're a nation of laws. and time for our cities, and counties, all elected officials to follow the laws, we've seen even in texas, some other parts of america, some local officials say, they are
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not going to enforce the law. i am being clear, i don't care what jurisdiction you are in state of texas, you are going to comply with the law, i issued governor order cutting off funding from governor's office, funding on some of these jurisdiction. we have a ban on sanctuary cities in the state of texas putting teeth on this. lou: is it incredible. in 21st century we have to talk about enforcing the law. as if somehow that was a valid considering. >> you have some people in some media come out, and criticize those who want to enforce the law on the books. to see some elected official get up and say they will willfully not apply the law
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that is contrary to american principles and what we'll establish here in the state of texas. this is not just a story about kate steinle, texas has had several people killed at hntd at hands of people, going in and out of immigration system here in state of texas, here, wel toton was kill by someone who was repeatedly deported back and forth. lou: and good efficient you, i know --e good for you, i know that citizens of texas have to be grateful to you for taking this action. i want to say to you, as a attorney general you are remarkable, and a governor already remarkable. i am a fan of governor abbotts, in case i have not made it clear, one of the greatest public officials in
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the country. but i struggle, a lot of people do, to understand why there is this volition around laws, you can't pray in school, you can't pledge allegiance in some schools, you have to follow dec -- d ictus in washington, and another public places, but you have smoke pot. can you explain that to us. ofhow we've gotten this this point. >> which is pretty much definition of anarchy. when people can decide, which laws they will follow and not follow, that means that every man for himself under the legal system, that is not the way that united states was constructed that is not what we will allow to happen in texas, we're a nation of laws, people are expected to follow the laws and law enforcers.
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>> and jeff sessions, senator sessions to be attorney general of president-elect trump. how pleased with you. >> it will be a game changer, as you know i have been battling with attorney general, and her predecessor eric holder. we have had these fights it will be a breath of fresh air with a person who is committed to the united states constitution, and committed to the rule of law running the u.s. department of justice. lou: governor, great to talk with you, thank you for making time, we electric forward to our next -- look forward to our next opportunities. >> thank you, lou. lou: vote in our poll, do you believe the establishment is having far too great an influence on the trump transition team? what do you think? cast your vote.
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follow me on twitter, like me on facebook. on wall street, stocks pulling back a little after last week's big rally, dow down 54, s&p down 12, nasdaq down 30, volume 3.5 billion shares i am calling that moderate trading levels. >> organization said his policies, his economic policies could double u.s. economic growth, in the next 2 years. what about that. and listen to my reports 3 time a day coast-to-coasta the salem radio network. >> up next, trump transition team slamming hypocrisy for the left. >> their president, barack obama will be in was on the
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fooffice for 8 more weeks, they have to decide if they will interfere with his decisions or cry like a burc bunch of crybabies. lou: stay with us.
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lou: this recount stuff is becoming hillary and jill's excellent adventure. demanding recounts of votes in three states, they both failed not only in the election, though hillary did in all fairness in orders of magnitude better than dr. stein. some savants portrayed the two as struggling to realize they lost. that they have made themselves so much smaller than they would
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have been were it not for their pitiful shrill deand for recounts. or in hillary's case doing her leftist following a favor by participating in dr. stein's demands for recounts. campaign attorney mark alias wrote we believe we have an obligation to the 64 million americans who cast balance lots for hillary clinton to insure an accurate vote counts will be reported. here is what hillary clinton had to say during the third presidential debate last month about donald trump were he not to accept the results of the election. >> we have had free and fair elections, we have accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them, and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage
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during a general election. he is denigrating. he's talking down our democracy, and i for one am appalled. lou: appalled she should be at her own and jill stein's unprincipled behavior and their leftist zeal not to carry on their campaigns, not even to steal an election because their odds of doing so have diminished to almost zero. the true purpose of the left is to destroy our electoral system, the power and enforcement of our lawfs and adherence to our nation's interests. their object is to carry on their leftist assault on our constitutional republic to as barack obama put it, to fundamentally tranls form this nation. president obama failed, but he did great injury to million of americans and perhaps an entire generation and attacked many of our most:cherished values.
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the president-elect is waiting 52 days to begin the effort to rebuild and restore and make america great again. he has begun that effort by winning the presidency. like the vast majority of americans i believe he wins the day. tom always jefferson said i was bold in the pursuit of knowledge, never fearing to follow truth and reason to whatever results they lead and bearding every authority who stood in the way. the trump transition team asailed from all sides and blois from within as well. the president-elect will meet with romney a second time. >> we'll be see normously disappointed if he brought romney in any position of
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authority. lou: the establishment's all-out effort to influence the trump transition team. this group of jetmen and jet pilots in for an aerial display, one that will delight you. we'll be right back with much more. liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. liberty did what? yeah, with liberty mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila! voila! (sigh) i wish my insurance company had that... wait! hold it... hold it boys... there's supposed to be three of you... where's your brother? where's your brother? hey, where's charlie? charlie?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance
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lou: the white house announcing vice president biden will not attend castro's funeral. they said we know this fills cubans with powerful emotions, recalling the countless ways in which fidel castro altered the course of individual lives, families, and of the cuban people. history will record and judge the enormous impact of his singular figure on the people and world around him. the president in 2014 restored diplomatic relations with cuba after 50 years of embargoes. canadian prime minister justin trudeau called castro a remarkable leader.
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dr. jill stein praised him as a symbol for you the struggle for justice in the shadow of empire. are you kidding me? president-elect trump has called castro a brutal leader and has threatened to renegotiate the agreement with cuba. when i was talking about the clinton campaign attorney elias, you saw something that piqued your interest there. >> it did, lou. it's' the hypocrisy you are talking about. here is the clinton attorney marc elias saying we need to make sure there always recount in which hillary clinton and jill stein lost by a remarkable
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margin. but he's saying governor mccrory should give up when the vote count is 10,000. we aren't starting to finds out what the green is all about. the democratic party is out of money and this is an effort to raise money and that's the primary if not sole purpose of the recount. i want to turn quickly to what you are watching here in trump tower. and that is you have can see it seems, a real effort on the part of the stab to the insinuate itself into the decision-making process. are you concerned at this point? >> i think all americans are concerned because the deficit of trust in washington, d.c. is at an all-time low.
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and they have shope president-elect trump will make sure we do indeed drain the swamp. i got a text from someone who was outdoor knocking for president-elect trump. he said are they going to go with romney and by pass giuliani? i certainly hope not, i thought things were going to be different. i can tell you donald trump made outstanding picks for his cabinet. i have faith he will do the right thing. lou: i think we all do. and there is as i suggested earlier in the broadcast. this could be a play on the part of mr. trump to kind of -- well, to use tom as jefferson's words, to kinds of beard governor romney and the national liberal media at the same time. let's turn to the leadership of the house and where we are going there. ryan makes a lot of noises like
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he thinks this is the better way agenda, and not president-elect trump's agenda. am i misinterpreting the good speaker? >> i can tell you the people spoke on november 8. if anybody were to suggest that the better way agenda was driving the american agenda that wouldn't be the case. i can tell you that particular agenda, the better way as it dovetails into what president trump wants for our country. there are some common areas. i talked with steve moore about what we dock on tax reform. but we must not mistake the fact that those rust belt states actually made a defining choice to go with donald trump. we need to make sure we recognize that and work on that agenda. lou: you have got to be impressed as i was that the oecd evaluating trump's potential through his economic policies to
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stimulate growth, they are talking about doubling the rate of growth by 2018. that's impressive and god beyond i think any number of economists that could be put on a list and printed in a newspaper. that's a big deal. >> it's a huge deal. we we start to look at that. that's what matters most to the folks up in michigan, pennsylvania and ohio. if we can get the gdp growth back to 4 to 4.5% we'll make a lot of different decisions and we'll see an economy that thrives as we make america great. >> sounds good to me and i suspect just about everybody else. thanks. >> it's great to be with you. thanks, lou. lou: be sure to vote in our poll. the question is do you believe the establishment is having too great an influence on the
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transition team? what do you think? please roll the video. watch as this trio of thrill seekers fly alongside a group of alpha jets, 4,000 feet above the south of france. those are french jets. the trained pilot zipping through the sky at 160 miles per hour in formation with the french across bat i can team. this is amazing. this is the first jet pack formation flight with fighter jets. that's absolutely beautiful. well done. up next, authorities investigating whether the somali refugee who went on a stabbing rampage and crashed his car into a crowd at ohio state had been
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radicalized by the islamic state. zuhdi jasser joins me next. we live in a pick and choose world.
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lou: police shot and killed the
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somali man who attacked and injured 11 people at. jo ling: state university. the suspect, abdul razak ali artan. he plowed his vehicle into a crowd of student on campus then began attacking them with a butcher knife. he was a student at ohio state, a permanent legal residents of the united states. the f.b.i. is investigating whether he had ties with terrorists overseas. my next guest says today's attack has all the hallmarks of home imroan terror. zuhdi jasser. why do you say this has the hallmarks of homegrown terrorism? >> it's not only homegrown, but it has the hallmarks of isis terror. we see a refugee who began in somalia with his family, went to pakistan, another haven for jihadists.
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he was showing his grievance narrative in the years leading up where he complained about the west being islamophobic and not being able to pray and used the isis-inspired method and motives, to use a vehicle which happened in nice, and the isis magazine called for the use of vehicular terror and another isis magazine called for the use of machetes and stabbing soft targets on beaches and crowds and universities. this point to what we already know. we have a foreign enemy in isis and domestic insurgency being radicalized through sharia-state type ideology where we need to look at the precursors and not just wait for them to be violent. lou: all of the reports of these radical islamic training camps
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in this cub tri. what do you make of that? >> well, you know, it's not necessarily just camps, per se. but the issue is folks that are feeding into this grievance narrative that it's muslims against the west. that america is antiislam. all of these grievances with creating a state of find where they don't embrace erika and they are starting to feed into this global jihadist where you take a kid who appeared to be just a regular somali immigrant turned into a jihadist operative who went violent against the infidels and wanted to commit this heinous act. lou: there is a linedlessness to this. -- there is a mindlessness to this. he was interviewed by the ohio state newspaper.
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he said he wouldn't pray properly. yet he was ohio state, the state of ohio, where they have one of the largest concentrations of refugees. then they have the temerity, this young man and others a year ago, to attack in a terroristic manner. how do you break through that min --mindlessness? >> the vast majority of somali muslims, somali americans love this country and are here because they can have freedom and express tonight ways they can't in their mother countries. but the problem is we also need to stop the exaggerated grievances, need to stop and realize that the grievance narrative is the first steps in radicalization. we need to realize we have a muslim problem that needs a
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muslim solution. the jihadi websites, political his lamb against the west. our muslim reform movement gets crickets from the plus limit organization and they are pushing out the grievance narrative. lou: and they are doing so clearly, clearly conscious and intent on what they are saying and doing in each instance. >> absolutely. i mean, they realize that the bottom line is the militants want to create chaos, have americans become isolationists, because isis is getting squeeze in syria and iraq. and they want us out of there. here the insurgency groups wants to separate muslims out of society rather than counter the ideas that radicalize them.
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lou: veterans voicing their outrage over a university's decision to not fly the american flag. some 1,000 gathered -- 1,000 vets gathered in hampshire, massachusetts. and they brought the flag. the school reached a decision not to fly the flag after some student allegedly burned the flag to protest donald trump's victory earlier this month. the president of the college defended his action saying some student considered the flag to be a quote, powerful symbol of fear. apparently not one of them sees it as a powerful symbol of freedom. hampshire college. outrageous, despicable actually. the establishment looking to influence the trump transition team with the president-elect
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meeting general petraeus earlier today. >> he walked us around the world. showed a great grasp of a variety of challenges out there and some of the opportunities as well. very good conversation. we'll see where it goes from here. lou: stay with us, we'll be right back. my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line.
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lou: we asked you, are you surprised how quickly and how well the president-elect is making his choices for his administration. 74% of you say no. that other 26% will have to get used to a new way of doing business. joining me, congressman ryan zinke. a member of the house joint services committee. he's the you a theefer brand-new book, i want to hold it up for you because we recommend it highly, "american commander." we are delighted to have you with us. first, donald trump's election and what it means to you. >> i think his election was more about not as mandate per se about conservatism but a mandate about americanism. i think america wants to see things done.
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donald trump a billionaire related to the plumber and the single mom, the law enforcement that just want to see america move forward. they want the same thing most of us do, house, opportunity, law and order. lou: and middle class that that's growing instead of being repressed by administration after administration, republican and democrat who decide they know better than the people of this country. >> he restored the people's voice to the people's house. >> it was a pushback on the political he let. so status quo is unacceptable. i think america dug deep. he zopped corruption and he will have every opportunity to a advance the ball on the field and make this country great. lou: he said we'll win so damn much you will be sick of winning.
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we are willing to try that, mr. president-elect. he's talking about rudy giuliani for secretary of state, then the conversation evolves around to governor mitt romney, general david petraeus was there. suddenly we are seeing military leaders in a different primary position in the evaluation process. your thoughts. >> you look at what happened. we key created vacuums around the world. the world is safer when you have a strong america. i can't think of anyone better than jim mattis. he's a warrors warrior. he also understands the backbone of our service. the sergeant and the chief petty officer. and it's the front line. if we want to straighten out the military. the right rules of engagement and the right equipment to win
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decisively on any field of battle. he to do that the question has to be stronger than it is. the budget has to be bigger than it is for the military. and we have to have a new attitude on the part. our leadership. the generals as a class didn't win a victory over the course of the past 15 years against radical islam. we have been fighting for 15 years. general petraeus talked about a long war. you and i i think would say a long war isn't in the interest of this country ever. we have to come up with a new generation of leaders to make certain we don't ever get into what we have been through the course of the past 15 years. >> it starts out with a policy. what is your policy in iraq. our policy in syria. our policy with iran.oue amar
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