tv Kennedy FOX Business December 7, 2016 12:00am-1:01am EST
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colonel ralph peters, god to have you with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you, lou. lou: and we thank you for being with us tonight. joining us tomorrow, congressman mark meadows among our guests. thanks for being with us tonight. good night from new york. ♪ kennedy: tonight, if you thought the election was over and in the books, think again. the new push by rogue electors to turn this whole thing over, and how does john kasich ply into all this -- play into all this? plus, a new report that the pentagon wasted $125 billion. can we trust the government with our hard-earned cash? brian brenberg here with answers. and silicon valley claims to have a plan to stop online extremism, but should tech giants be the gatekeepers of free speech? judge andrew napolitano is taking off the kid gloves, jumping anything the ring. time to bob and weave. oh, madonna, you out of touch u crusty, codger.
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the material girl has nothing left but venom, and apparently the tire sealant she keeps injecting into her face, and that toxic combo has led to some painfully short shortsighted postelection analysis. she astutely noted, quote, it feels like women betrayed us. the percentage of women who voted for donald trump was insanely high. women hate women. women's nature is not to support other women, it's really sad. oh, where to start. how about this? it is absurd to take one genetic attribute as the sole criterion for voting preference. it's as offensive as saying i only voted for donald trump because he's white or i punch my chad for gary johnson because he has sill yak disease. someone who's whose head is so firmly implanted up her own toned buttocks, she couldn't hear the voice of reason. maybe there are enough people in
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this country who can't pay bills or borrow money or start a business, and they're so frustrated with the status quo, they had no choice but to make a drastic change. instead of employing humility, curiosity of empathy, madonna has to use her shrill vocal cords to crap all over women with this predictable misogyny. i used to marvel at her unmatched ability to be infuriating and empty all at the same time. now i just long for the days when she made the news by kissing black jesus. ♪ ♪ kennedy: now she's just another bitter, insulated old rich, white person who so resents real people she'd rather trash than understand them. basically, she's hillary clinton. [laughter] >> i didn't know what you were going to say. i love that. kennedy: oh, you do? you would, you weirdo. there was no big gender shift in
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this year's voting patterns. republican women tended to vote republican. slightly more men went for trump who would have normally voted democrat, which means people went with their guts, ideology and wallets over gender. and last i checked, that's what real equality looks like. madonna offered to do things so disgusting and untoward, i can't even repeat the act on television. she offered that if people voted for hillary clinton. and apparently, that gross offer from a wadded-up old windbag was a slight margin donald trump needed to push him over the hump. david bowie and prince are dead, and we're left with her. maybe she's right. there is no justice in the world. ♪ kennedy: i'm kennedy. ♪ ♪ kennedy: sitting down, it's magic. president-elect donald trump ran as a populist with an eclectic set of policies and blue collar
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appeal. his infrastructure plans and trade deals are are a liberal wish list, but he's tapping establishment republicans for some of his cabinet picks. is trump shuffling washington's age-old ideologies? more importantly, will it work? let me ask ben dominic, publisher of the federalist, and he's joining me now. how you doing, ben? >> i'm doing great. kennedy: let's talk about what "the wall street journal" has called a post-ideological world. and donald trump kind of being a post-modern politician, you could say. are there any positives here for idealogues who are usually underserved by elections? >> i think there are. and this is the thing we need to understand, he -- donald trump, more than anything, wants to win. he wants to succeed at things, he wants people to like things that he does. so when it comes to something like a health care plan, his replacement for obamacare, he cares mostly that people like it, that people view it as cheaper, better and works for them. conservatives, free market believers, people who have an ideological core to them can present their ideas to trump as
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being something that solves these problems for him, that gives him the solutions he needs in a lot of different respects to our economy. they just need to be prepared to make that argument based less on the ideological claims, the constitutional claims they've used in the past and more on the practical. people will like this, this will work, this will be popular, and you'll be successful because of it. kennedy: yeah. no, that's a really good point, and there are two things i see here. two things you point out, one is that gut reaction. when people feel confident about something, and he has a better sense of that than i think even bill clinton. and when people feel good, they're going to spend money, they're going to start businesses, and they're going to hire people, and that will lift the economy. hopefully, all of those things happen and he can continue to tap into that. the other thing is i'm wondering how much of this projection will last. because you have constitutionalists who really want to fit his personality into their framework, but what happens when things start to go badly as they do for every president at least at some point during an administration? >> of course donald trump is going to run into challenges as president.
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he's going to make mistakes, make decisions that aren't going to work out for the country. i think the most important thing then is for people who believe in constitutional limits and understand the importance of limiting the power of government to be ready to make an argument against an overreach. in other words, an investment of more power in one particular agency or in the executive branch. the thing is, there's an enormous opportunity for people who believe in those types of limits because all sorts of things became cool again for our friends on the progressive side of things -- kennedy: yeah. >> the instant that donald trump became president. civil liberties, limits on government. i even heard the other day a liberal friend of mine making the argument that, you know, shouldn't states and communities be able to govern themselves the way that they want as opposed to the way donald trump wants? kennedy: yeah. what a concept. but it's not something they employed for emperor obama. >> absolutely. kennedy: and it's interesting, railing against crony capitalism, but if there were liberal industries that benefited from that government
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cherry picking, people like bernie sanders were all for it, but they have no problem criticizing the carrier deal. >> absolutely. and i think that's going to be something that conservatives, ideological people, people who believe in free markets, they need to be prepared to make those arguments when these things happen. they will happen, we know that these challenges are going to exist, but we should view them as an opportunity and one that we should prepare for as opposed to something to rue. kennedy: and i think we still owe him the benefit of focusing on the positive. okay, so for limited government people, for libertarians and even small government conservatives and republicans who are two or three of the bright spots in the cabinet picks you've seen so far? >> i think i'm really end couraged to see the fact that they put tom price at hhs, that's a solid pick there. reforming health care is going to be a significant challenge, and i think the fact he went with someone who's been an outspoken opponent -- kennedy: yeah. and who also has a plan. >> yes, absolutely. and i think, honestly, when it comes to his overall cabinet, the pick that i think is going to end up mattering a lot more than we might expect at this
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moment is going to be jeff sessions at the a.g. which is actually something of more concern to me in the sense that he's not been someone who has been a friend of civil liberties in some respects. but that's, again, something where we have to wait and see. the real issue is going to be what does it look like when the a.g. starts prosecuting some of these people who we know have gone against the law. kennedy: yep. >> it'll be interesting to see how that's handled under a trump administration. we have the general attitude of there's going to be challenges, there's going to be opportunities, we just have to be prepared to make the right argument when they come along. kennedy: brilliant. thanks for coming by. glad you're in new york. good to see you. all right, let's go meet the party panel, shall we? fox news contributor, julie roginsky joined by north korean pop culture expert michael malice and national review editor-in-chief rich lowry. welcome to the party panel for the first time, rich. >> thank you. kennedy: it's one heck of a party as the bar in the green room would let you know. trouble is brewing in theelectoe
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rogue electors get their way, we could soon be swearing in john kasich, what? a group of democratic electors called the hamilton electors, they can sing and dance, people. in colorado and washington state, they're pushing republicans to defect from trump and back kasich. they say the party convinced one gop elector to vote for kasich. they have just got 36 more to go. problem is kasich today tweeted he has no interest whatsoever in any of this. if he's going to be president, he probably wants to be elected president. so president kasich, it has quite a ring to it. >> he might be more successful getting rogue electors than he was in getting republican primary voters. so this might be the path for john kasich. i think it's time for the left just to give it up, stop the recounts, stop the attempted electoral coups and accept the fact that in january donald trump will be inaugurated president of the united states. kennedy: what do you think,
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michael? >> i thought it was supposed to be never trump, rich lowry -- [laughter] 2017 called, huh? one of the best things of the trump campaign is that he showed huge swaths of the democratic party and a lot of people in the republican party that you don't have the clout that you think you do and caused people to get disillusioned with politics as a whole which is very, very healthy. kennedy: is that good for the country though? for everyone else who's, you know, just trying to, the squirrel's trying to get a nut, does it make it too negative? >> if the states take those nuts from one person and give it to another, that's unhealthy and hurts everyone. the less people look to government for the answer, the healthier it is for everyone involved. however, these faceless electors with one exception, they're all hillary's electors. they're all coming from hillary's states so this is another chance for her to blow it and lose even more votes. this woman can't win for -- she blew the easiest election in history.
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>> he's going to beat her among her own electorate -- >> and she's the biggest calamity we've seen since that upon monsoon hit southeast asia. kennedy: jill stein is arguably -- michael's shaking his head, don't get whiplash -- jill stein is doing her dirty work -- >> your girl crush on jill stein is so unseemly because nobody besides you loves jill stein. kennedy: no, i've been very hard on her because i think she's had an impossible task articulating what she's doing and why. >> because when -- kennedy: she can't even make her own case. >> it's probably not the best venue to appeal to american voters. i will say i don't think hillary clinton has any interest in any of this. kennedy: yeah. >> i don't know where i am in the wilbur ross stage of grieving i am -- kennedy: i think you're depressed. >> i'm beyond depressed. [laughter] kennedy: far from acceptance.
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>> i'll take kasich, i'll take pence, i'll take anybody -- >> you'll take trump, and you'll like it. >> i will take him, i will accept it, i will never like it. i'm a never trumper from day one. kennedy: would you have vote for donald trump or? >> i would never vote under any circumstance. i would have voted for hillary because i wanted her to do even more of a calamity, and she gave us a balanced budget in the '90s. >> you don't vote? >> i don't believe in voting. it's not a moral -- >> if you actually voted, would you have voted for trump. kennedy: all right. as further proof, trump's terror plan is ruffling some conservative feathers. as you know, the proposal would offer tax breaks to companies willing to stay in the u.s., threatening to slap a 5% tariff -- 35% tariff that threaten to move overseas. it's the old carrot and stick approach. some house republicans are warning that the exit tax could actually cause a trade war, and they won't back him. is this the most problematic of the new trump proposals?
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>> yes. well, we'll see what else he comes up with, but this is not a good idea. it's very unlikely to pass the house. but i think there's still a lot of house republicans, including the guy at the top, paul ryan, who really thinks that donald trump just exists there to sign congressional republican bills, and that's not the way it's going to work. he's going to have a huge amount of sway on the party. you already see it with a lot of republicans endorsing this carrier deal which they never could have to would have with done -- never would have done in a million years -- kennedy: yeah, that's true. if president obama had suggested doing the same thing, there would be quite a bit more backlash. my worry here, and i see this as the natural evolution of this conversation, is at me point we're going to see price fixing. because if you have big tariffs on companies, manufacturers, sometimes you have to go to factory overseas if you can't handle the volume or the overhead and your only other choice is to go out of business. so if you're slapped with a 35% tariff when you come back and
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try to sell this stuff, it's going to affect the bottom line, there are going to be higher prices, and i don't think price fixing is out of the realm of possibility. >> it hurts the poor people the most. like, poor people have the least opportunity to care about, you know, having a 35% increase to the price of a common day-to-day item, and the same people trump is claiming to help are the ones who are going to have their wages effectively hurt the most. i agree completely with rich. i think in many ways this is like 1981 where a lot of people in congress didn't see it coming. and when you had that reagan landslide, they're like we're going to fall in line because obviously some phenomenon's going on out there. we're going to follow the leader because we don't understand what's happening, but at least we want to get reelected. kennedy: very, very quickly, trump and goldwater or trump and reagan? >> trump won. goldwater -- kennedy: they were saying personality wise. >> goldwater had strong principles that he stuck to. i don't know what trump principles are other than making america great again, which is
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something everyone can agree with. kennedy: amen. >> i'm laughing at you, my republican establishment friend, paul ryan, all these people. i can only imagine if barack hussein obama or hillary rodham clinton had come in and said i think that we're going to impose a tariff on anybody -- i mean, republicans would go ballistic, and rightly so. and by the way, if i'm opening up a factory, i'm saying i'm opening it up in china from day one so that nobody's going to put a tariff on me in case i want to move it. you're disincentivizing people from creating jobs -- kennedy: or if you want a boost, just claim that you're thinking about moving and then get -- >> let's use the expression going ballistic and give him ideas. >> oh, mercy. that would have been a joke, except it's not. that's the sad part. kennedy: i don't like chuck schumer, i just wanted to add that. i know we weren't talking about him. how much president obama's vacations cost taxpayers.
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kennedy: well, there we go. hi there and welcome back. president-elect donald trump, it's so much fun to say, continuing to thumb his nose at the establishment, in this time targeting airplane maker boeing. which soandz -- sounds like boing. in a tweet this morning, he suggested canceling the two new air force ones claiming the $4 billion price tack is a -- tag is a big waste of money. >> i think it's ridiculous. i think boeing is doing a little bit of a number. we want boeing to make money, but not that much money. kennedy: apparently, not that much money from the government, $4 billion definitely too much money, but it's a drop in the bucket compared to a new report claiming the pentagon wasted $125 billion and then tried to cover it up so its budget wouldn't get cut. it's your money, folks. so is government inherently wasteful?
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let's ask brian brenberg, associate professor of business and economics and the chair of the program in business and finance at the kings college here in manhattan. welcome back. >> always good to be here. kennedy: so these are the kind of stories and the kind of numbers that turn a limited government person's stomach. >> oh, absolutely. kennedy: that's 20% of the defense budget wasted. >> just about 25% of the defense budget wasted. look, everybody -- you'd think the defense budget was based on what the army, air force, navy need to prosecute wars, to defend the country. that's not how the budget is set. congress is heavily involved, and the result is you get projects, you get funding that has very little to do with defending the country and has a lot to do with helping congressmen get reelected. kennedy: yeah. and instead of being incentivized to actually streamline, put the money where it needs to go and maybe save a little bit here and there so the money where it's really needed can be diverted to the most important programs, all the different branches are encouraged to spend as much as they can so they get more money
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next year. >> it's a classic case, you never want to say you've got money left over because if you do, somebody's going to axe it. that's part of what's going on. the department of defense doesn't want to admit there's money being wasted, on the other hand, congress has a lot of culpability here. the department of defense for years has been saying, look, let us close some of our bases. we have bases all over the country -- kennedy: yeah. all over the world. if we pull out of germany and japan, you really think they're going to get back together? >> that's exactly the point. some of these haven't been relevant since the 1960s, so let's move away from that. but congressmen say, well, if you do that, people in my district going to lose jobs, and i'm probably going to lose re-election, so let's not do this. kennedy: yeah, so it's self-preservation at our detriment. and you point out that there's one program -- not only the f-35 which is ridiculous, but tanks for the memoryings. i mean, we don't even use tanks anymore to the degree that we're building them. >> that's right. we've spent hundreds of millions of dollars over the last decade
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on new tanks, and we've had -- the army has basically come to the congress and said we don't need this anymore. our strategies have changed, tanks are not central to our strategy in a lot of parts of the world, please don't make us buy this stuff. but if you've got a tank plant in your district in ohio, you're going to want them to continue to be produced. we've got a million people working in back office jobs for the department of defense. a million people. some are uniformed, a hot lot of them are civilian. you just don't need that many people. but until congress gets serious about actually funding defense priorities, nothing's going to the change. ken e ken okay to. what would you rather see, the defense budget sort of slashed and winnowed and streamlined by $4 billion or two new air force ones? >> i would like -- this is a red herring, actually. this issue doesn't mean anything in the long term. what matters is systemic change. it's fine that donald trump wants to go after this boeing aircraft, i actually don't think
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he can do that. at the end of the day, the real change is going to congress and saying, guy, we need to fund projects that actually make sense, symptom with this crony -- stop with this crony business. but the problem with trump is he's all about keeping jobs. he's going to have a hard time going to congress and saying cut civilian personnel when he's going to indiana and saying to the carrier folks i want you to keep 1,000 people on your payroll. it's a hard conversation. kennedy: no, absolutely. maybe the less government all the way around, brian brenberg, as always, glad our tie and dress combo worked tonight. >> we planned that. kennedy: always coordinated. just for you. coming up, web giants are teaming up to smother extremism, but would they also be ill canning our -- killing our freedom of speech? freedom of speech? never fear, the judge is here. (vo) it's the holidays at verizon, and the best deals are on the best network. (both) yes! (vo) with no surprise overages, you can use your data worry free and even carry over the data you don't use. and right now get four lines
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kennedy: well, have you heard about this, free speech advocates? youtube, facebook, twitter with and microsoft reporting they plan to crank up efforts to combat online extremism, stuff like hate speech, terror recruitment videos, you know what i'm talking about. it sounds pretty good, right? proofs on the surface, but it does raise serious questions about who decides what is or or isn't extreme, and should we trust faceless multi-nationals to protect free speech over their own bottom lines. joining me now, fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. welcome back, judge.
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>> good to be with you, my friend. kennedy: so what are the first amendment implications of something like this. >> okay. the first amendment is leaving me a little unsatisfied here, and i love the way you introduced the segment. why should we trust anybody, the government or a multi-national, to decide what we're going to read and what we're going to hear? but to your question, and i think everybody knows this, the first amendment only regulates the government. even though it says congress shall make no law, it's been interpreted to mean no government shall infringe upon the freedom of speech. so congress can't, the courts can't, the president can't, the states can't and local government can't. but that is only half the problem. because congress and the government can't interfere with speech, flag burning is legal because it's an expression of speech. watching the videos of anwar al-awlaki trying to caddallize people -- radicalize people is perfectly lawful speech. what happens when the entity
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that owns the medium like google or facebook decides it's going to censor speech? kennedy: yeah. >> should we tolerate that censorship? kennedy: and who's deciding what is and isn't extreme? >> correct. now, the free market, the true free market would create another medium, a medium where nothing is censored but, of course, there's the barriers to entry, the cost of entering the free market. kennedy: especially when you've got multi-billion dollar corporations like microsoft -- >> yes, yes, exactly. kennedy: facebook. >> so i'm unsatisfied and unhappy about where this will take us. i am happy that the present supreme court, even with justice scalia's seat empty, has been fiercely protective of freedom of speech. but, again, that's half the problem. that only restrains the government. what would happen if book publishers refused to publish books that had hateful or incendiary speech in them? kennedy: yeah. >> do we really want to dumb society down, or even worse, do we want some entity, some
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faceless, nameless, wealthy entity out there telling us what we're going to read, what we're going to watch, what we're going to listen to? to me, the answer to that is, no. kennedy: and i worry that people are clamoring to an answer to these lone wolf terror attacks like the kind at ohio state where the guy was online making certain statements, but nothing threatening and nothing illegal. now there are a lot of people who are saying that the government should compel these companies to act. >> because when people are afraid, they opt for safety over liberty. kennedy: yeah. >> and they have accepted the myth that the loss of freedom equals safety. it doesn't. often the government surveils us or curtails privacy or curtails freedom to give us the impression it is doing something. it doesn't keep us safer, it just makes the government bigger, fatter, stronger. kennedy: yeah. it's like that old bumper sick sticker. jesus is coming, look busy. >> there you go. [laughter] only you could summarize this argument like that.
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kennedy: well, judge, thank you for coming by. we're definitely going to keep an eye on -- >> there's no answer to it. kennedy: you're absolutely right, we still have to keep a very vigilant eye not only on government, but on these big companies that have so much control -- >> i'm happy to do that with you. kennedy: thank you, judge, i love it. >> pleasure. kennedy: the party panel returns, we now have a tally for president obama's exorbitant fancy-pants vacations, and one hideaway has a crazy
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♪ ♪ kennedy: oh, president obama's so well rested. his vacations may be relaxing, they're definitely not cheap. judicial watch obtained records showing the first family's trip to hawaii cost taxpayers $4.8 million. part of that is, of course, understandably for security, but the hotel fee itself went for over a million dollars. some estimates have total travel expenses over the last eight years at $85 million. that's $10 million a year. the party panel is back to chew it over. julie roginsky, michael malice, rich lowry. rich, i will start with you. do you think president-elect trump will pay for his own vacations to mar mar-a-lago? >> no, i don't think he will, and i think it's ridiculous we pay so much for all of this, and it's just a symptom of this imperial presidency we have that
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has this entire apparatus around it that's very expensive. kennedy: too much security, too much secret service, too much protocol, too much nonsense. >> right? kennedy: yeah. >> you want biden to be president? >> me, i do. >> well, not now -- [laughter] >> not under the circumstances, no, no. >> actually, our budget's $2 trillion s and we're arguing $85 million? kennedy: that's how you start. >> the presidential suite at trump tower isn't $50 a night, the president's not spending the night at motel 6, i don't begrudge him a penny of this -- kennedy: i don't have a hard time spending a few grand here and there, but when you bring 800 secret service agents and they spend $165,000 renting cars -- >> i don't think it's a choice. >> it's not his choice -- kennedy: sure it is! go to panama city beach, florida. that's what the first lady told people to do after the big hurricane there. >> okay, that's great. the point -- my point -- >> trying to get travel reference in. >> thank you, thank you! [laughter] >> it's only been 25 years, and
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you've been waiting that long. >> the travel office which was a nonpartisan bureaucrats who tried to do their best job, that was the first thing hillary clinton went after, these are just people who are trying to make things easier for the president, and they serve with honor and distinction -- kennedy: i don't care about honor and distinction. my neighbor, june, is honorable and very distinguished, but i'm not going to spend $85 million over ten years -- >> that's not what i heard about june. no, no, no. kennedy: well -- >> while you were visiting june, i was sitting in traffic on friday at 5 p.m., actually, i wasn't, as donald trump was going -- kennedy: you almost had the experience. >> of sitting in traffic going to new jersey, i've had that experience before, how much did that cause people for the port authority to be shut down so donald trump could go to bed minister? i don't begrudge melania and little barron from staying in new york the next six months,
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but how much is that going to cost? kennedy: i'm glad you asked, because donald trump's security bill is adding up quickly, and now nyc wants reimbursement. according to officials here in the big apple, costs half a million dollars a day just to keep the president-elect, his family and property safe. that would mean $35 million by inauguration day should the soon to be first family pack up and head to d.c.. michael? >> yes. kennedy: too much security. [laughter] >> you look at any twitter feed, the amount of people who are talking about trump should be shot, including people on cnn, appropriators -- kennedy: i don't condone that kind of -- >> so they are going to take every single precaution necessary, as well they should, and everyone knows perfectly well after bill de blasio stopped grieving for his hero, castro, he's going to have plenty of reasons to blame trump for everything that goes wrong in new york city. kennedy: too much security. too much secret service. >> you know what i hope trump does in the inaugural parade? like jimmy carter, gets out and
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walks at some point just to sort of give a rude gesture to all these people -- >> there'll be rude gestures. >> i'm not afraid. kennedy: maybe he will. it wouldn't surprise me. >> he stared down that guy -- >> you know what? there's a lot of secret service protecting him. he wouldn't have the cajones as we know from the day someone lunged at him -- >> the secret service got him out of there. kennedy: the first thing that steve mnuchin does is brings the secret service back to treasury, takes it away from homeland security. >> he'll be too busy providing tax cuts to a lot of -- kennedy: from your lips to -- her lips to your ears. >> you want your tax cuts? yes. kennedy: tax cut. cut regulations, cut spending. >> cut everything. kennedy: last five seconds, rich lowry. >> i don't know, it's a pretty good 100-day agenda, to take the secret service back where it belongs. kennedy: there you go. that was very urban. thank you very much.
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♪ kennedy: oh, she sure does have the moves. handful of geritol. madonna says hillary clinton's election loss proves that women hate women, and now madonna is named billboard's 2016 woman of the year. she also said of the election, quote: it felt like someone died. i guess she's got that stupid fake accent. it felt like someone died, i
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really haven't had a good night's sleep. oh, good lord, there i am with sean penn. all right. good for you, madonna. she's only one of throngs of celebrities lamenting trump's election. there are, however, a few outliers in hollywood, kiss frontman gene simmons, mark wahlburg have said that celebrities need to stop whining about politics, so do celebrities have the right to complain, or is marky mark right? here to discuss, host of the breakfast club, charlemagne, the god. >> kennedy, my friend, what's happening? kennedy: madonna says women hate women, and that's why hillary clinton didn't get elected. that is a very mean and misogynystic thing to say. >> yeah, i mean, i think there's a little bit of truth to that, but it's kind of hard to say that when hillary clinton still got the popular vote by 2.5 million. a lot of women did come out to vote for trump, but i think women are catty in a way, and
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when you say women, you have to say a certain kind of woman. kennedy: rich old white women? >> if i'm fat and i don't got no teeth, you know what i'm saying? i see a strong woman like -- kennedy: you're from south carolina, you know real people. you don't have to talk about people in the midwest that way. >> they're fat, no teeth, they're looking at a strong woman like hillary clinton, they're real submissive to their husbands, they may feel a way about hillary. kennedy: no. i think she's a bad person, and they don't got a lot of money, and she's going to make government bigger. she said that she hates businesses, and if you want to start a business, why do you want someone like that running your life? >> i agree on all those points, but i also think we need to start focusing on why trump won. kennedy: that's absolutely right. okay, but what happens this? what about something like no madonna? i know you talk to different types of people every day, and you and i talked about politics over a year ago when trump got into the race. why not have a little bit of curiosity and empathy? why not try and figure out
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peopleho maybe were on the fence, people who didn't like either person, why did they go for someone like donald trump? maybe we have to talk about the environment in this country. >> when i ask those questions, people tell me they wanted somebody who was anti-establishment, anti-government, and, i mean, that was just enough for them. they didn't trust hillary, they didn't think she was a good person, they didn't like all the baggage they same with, and a lot of them were saying, hey, trump has no baggage. you know, stuff like that. he didn't really have any baggage as far as the government is concerned, washington. kennedy: years of policy, senator, former first lady and all that. people get annoyed by celebrities, you know, they get annoyed at at the katy perrys ad lena dunhams, are you annoyed at them and yourself because you endorsed hillary clinton? [laughter] >> people are still americans at the end of the day whether you want to call them celebrities or athletes or radio personalities, your still an american -- you're
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still an american, so you still should be involved in the political process. i tell people who i'm going to vote for just like the average, everyday joe blow -- kennedy: you came out and said, you know what? i think donald trump's going to be better for my family, what do you think your audience would have said? >> they would have wanted to know why. you know what? i take that back, they would have hated me and slandered me 100 miles per hour before i had a chance to explain why. so i probably would have explained the why first, and then said, you know what? i would have put all the reasons why i was voting for him before. kennedy: yeah, i think that's fair. i think 100% that's fair, and there are people who endorsed hillary clinton, and if they have reasons for that, i'm fine with that. but amy schumer who says people who didn't vote for hillary are uninformed -- >> clearly, we missed something. we missed what the rest of america was thinking about, what the rest of america felt like we were missing, you know? kennedy: yeah. it was a close race, and people could see that coming, but no one accepted that. not her team, i don't even think
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his team thought they were going to win, pollsters, pundits, georgeists, no one saw -- journalists, no one saw this coming. and you're absolutely right, why is this so close? >> i never thought america would get so bad that they'd vote for the executive producer of "celebrity producer." at the end of the day, he's a reality star. we've got a reality star as president. kennedy: yeah. but imagine who else could be president? >> jesus christ, you're right. kanye west. kennedy: conceively, he's got to get his head right. do you think he's nuts? what do you think's wrong with him? >> kanye canceled the rest of that tour, and he knew he was going to get finded and be liable for all of that money, so he decided to play crazy. playing crazy is the new i got hacked. [laughter] kennedy: anthony wiener. >> as soon as donald trump -- kanye got on that stage, he was like i'm pro-donald trump and have negative things to say about beyonce, he caught that backlash, hey, i'm mentally ill.
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kennedy: it's either sex rehab or -- >> play crazy. kennedy: yeah. or the psychiatric facility. i'm crazy about you. thanks for coming back. >> thanks for having me. you having a christmas party? kennedy: i'm thinking about it. i'll shoot you a text. [laughter] i'll say i was hacked. [laughter] coming up, the british royal family -- [inaudible] topical storm is next.
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♪ ♪ kennedy: when you open up your christmas stocking and find a foot. a severed foot. [laughter] come with me, and i will spin you a dreidel of news. this is the topical storm. topic number one. christmas came early this year for a scotsman visiting australia. not only did he find kangaroos and sunshine, he also found his favorite drink in the whole world, usually confined to scotland and hazardous chemical plants. >> [bleep] hey! kennedy: i believe that's aha louis no general, and i also believe he should not be driving, but good for him. i hope he makes it back home to scotland in time for christmas. there's nothing like christmas in scotland with its stately
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castles, elegant streets and warm, noble people. that's lou dobbs and stuart varney, they have fun. topic number two. dutch people are good at two things; speed skating and beat boxing. you can now add a third to the list. they make cute mimicking babies too. watch this baby try to copy her uncle who just happens to be holland's beat boxing champion. ♪ ♪ kennedy: that's pretty much it. i love it. what did michael cain have to say about all of this? >> there are only two things i can't stand in this world, people or who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the dutch. >> what? kennedy: what?
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well said, michael. god rest his soul. topic number three. everyone is getting into the christmas spirit, even britain's royal family. or at least wax representations of them. madame tussaud's obtained permission from the royal family to dress up their likenesses in christmas jumpers to raise awareness for the charity save the children. save the children from these horrible, god forsaken sweaters. now, the corgis, they are real. they are not wax, and here's an interesting fact. did you know that queen elizabeth loves dressing them up before teaching them to kill? uh-huh? and that they absolutely love it. look at their happy little expressions. oh, my gosh, they're just thrilled. go get 'em. nah! now go kill some peasants. my impression of queen
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elizabeth. god rest her soul. [laughter] you're not supposed to see that. i'm so sorry. topic number four. if you long for the '90s when you wore your flannel and docs and monica lewinsky was just a silver-tongued cigar holder, well, you're not alone. watch this cute mom rap along with the brat as she obviously relives every word of the song and is transported to her so recordly where this and "melrose place" were always playing. [bleep] ♪ ♪ kennedy: well, at least it wasn't 2 crew. i don't think that's up to our stringent broadcast standards. topic number phi. it's that wonderful time of year when smiles are a little wider, lights shine a little brighter and you can feel the magic in
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the air slapping you in the face. that's not magic. those are tacos! one by one, jack roper's leftover taco bell selections are getting hurled at his face in slow motion because, worst case scenario, a tack taco -- taco bell supreme takes out his eye which still leaves you with less hospital bills and actually eating the taco bell. if you are curious as to what this looks like at normal speed, we have the exclusive video available just for us, and it's right here. ♪ ♪ kennedy: it's all you need. shell, meat, lettuce, cheese. i'm hungry. which, i guess, means we're done. thank you for watching the show tonight. i always love having you here. follow me on twitter and instagram @kennedynation. tomorrow on the show, i've got
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kimberly guilfoyle, dave smith, and i'll see you and raise you tom she lieu. it's going to be fantastic, just like you are. a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. ♪ chances are 'cause i wear a silly grin ♪ there are artists we'll always remember... ♪ mona lisa, mona lisa ♪ men have named you there are beautiful songs, words and memories that will always touch our hearts... ♪ it's impossible ♪ to tell the sun to leave the sky ♪ ♪ it's just impossible this is the music of your life.
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